Saints Annual Golf Tournament - St. Stanislaus College Alumni ...

Saints Annual Golf Tournament - St. Stanislaus College Alumni ...

Saints Annual Golf Tournament - St. Stanislaus College Alumni ...


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<strong>Saints</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Golf</strong><br />

<strong>Tournament</strong><br />

Where: Glen Eagle <strong>Golf</strong> Club<br />

Address: 15731 Reg iona l Rd 50 Date: Sat. July 9, 2011<br />

Ca ledon, Ontario L7E 3H9<br />

http://w w w.gleneagle.ca Time: 7:45 A.M. shotg un start<br />

Tel: (905) 880 - 0131 Reg istrat ion beg ins at 6:30 A .M.<br />

HOL E IN ONE<br />

$10,000<br />

CASH<br />

W IN Prizes!!<br />

Your $120 Includes:<br />

“Hole in one Wins $10,000 CASH<br />

Cart | Prizes | BBQ Lunch<br />

Available L ocker Room Facilit ies w it h towels<br />

Ty pe of play Scra mble Format<br />

ONLY 144 players so 1st to Pay w ill Play

Contact Names<br />

Des Jardine (416) 982-4810<br />

email: des.jardine@td.com<br />

Bob Cheeatow (416) 281-2269<br />

email: bobcheea@sympatico.ca<br />

Phil Rodrigues (416) 264-7684<br />

email: rodriguesphillip@hotmail.com<br />

Paul Hazlewood (416) 298-1295<br />

email: hazelwood1295@rogers.com<br />

Joe Castanherio (416) 286-1956<br />

email: castan1428@rogers.com<br />

Bernard Arokium (416) 335-6858<br />

email: barokium@sympatico.ca<br />

Proper Attire and Soft Cleats are required!!<br />

Registration Form<br />

Name Phone# email:<br />

Please send registration form and cheque payable to “<strong>St</strong> <strong>St</strong>anislaus <strong>College</strong> <strong>Alumni</strong>”<br />

In Care of <strong>Golf</strong> Commit tee, 454 4 Sheppard Ave. East, Scarborough, Ontario, M1S 1V2<br />

http://www.torontosaints.com<br />


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