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第 5 卷 第 2 期<br />

古 生 物 学 文 摘 ( 网 络 版 )<br />

目<br />

录<br />

2009 年 6 月<br />

古 生 物 学<br />

综 论 ………………………(1)<br />

遗 迹 化 石 …………………(9)<br />

分 子 古 生 物 学 ……………(14)<br />

古 生 态 学 …………………(15)<br />

微 体 古 生 物 学<br />

综 论 ………………………(19)<br />

孢 粉 ………………………(21)<br />

疑 源 类 ……………………(30)<br />

牙 形 石 ……………………(32)<br />

小 壳 化 石 …………………(37)<br />

古 植 物 学<br />

综 论 ………………………(38)<br />

藻 类 ………………………(43)<br />

地 衣 植 物 与 苔 藓 植 物 ……(48)<br />

蕨 类 植 物 ( 广 义 )………(49)<br />

早 期 种 子 植 物 ……………(52)<br />

裸 子 植 物 …………………(54)<br />

被 子 植 物 …………………(56)<br />

古 无 脊 椎 动 物 学<br />

综 论 ………………………(58)<br />

原 生 动 物 …………………(62)<br />

古 杯 、 多 孔 及 腔 肠 动 物 …(70)<br />

苔 藓 动 物 …………………(78)<br />

腕 足 动 物 …………………(80)<br />

软 体 动 物 …………………(87)<br />

节 肢 动 物 …………………(98)<br />

棘 皮 动 物 …………………(110)<br />

笔 石 动 物 …………………(112)<br />

分 类 位 置 不 明 ……………(114)<br />

古 脊 椎 动 物 学<br />

综 论 ………………………(116)<br />

鱼 类 ………………………(118)<br />

两 栖 类 ……………………(123)<br />

爬 行 类 ……………………(125)<br />

鸟 类 ………………………(137)<br />

哺 乳 类 ……………………(139)<br />

古 人 类 学<br />

古 人 类 学 …………………(155)<br />

历 史 地 质 学 、 地 层 学<br />

综 论 ………………………(155)<br />

古 地 理 学 、 古 气 候 学 ……(156)<br />

前 古 生 界 …………………(157)<br />

古 生 界 ……………………(165)<br />

中 生 界 ……………………(168)<br />

新 生 界 ……………………(177)

第 5 卷 第 2 期<br />

古 生 物 学 文 摘 ( 网 络 版 )<br />

2009 年 6 月<br />

古 生 物 学<br />

综 论<br />

2009020001<br />

新 加 里 东 岛 : 一 个 很 老 的 进 化 的 源 泉 =<br />

New Caledonia: a very old Darwinian island.<br />

( 英 文 ). Grandcolas P; Murienne J; Robillard T.<br />

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal<br />

Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008,<br />

363(1508): 3309-3317<br />

New Caledonia has generally been<br />

considered a continental island, the biota of<br />

which largely dates back to Gondwanan times<br />

owing to its geological origin and the presence<br />

of phylogenetic relicts. This view is<br />

contradicted by geological evidence indicating<br />

long Palaeocene and Eocene submersions and<br />

by recent biogeographic and phylogenetic<br />

studies, with molecular or geophysical dating<br />

placing the biota no older than the Oligocene.<br />

Phylogenetic relicts do not provide conclusive<br />

information in this respect, as their presence<br />

cannot be explained by simple hypotheses but<br />

requires assumption of many ad hoc extinction<br />

events. The implication of this new scenario is<br />

that all the New Caledonian biota colonized<br />

the island since 37Ma Local richness can be<br />

explained by local radiation and adaptation<br />

after colonization but also by many dispersal<br />

events, often repeated within the same groups<br />

of organisms. Local microendemism is<br />

another remarkable feature of the biota. It<br />

seems to be related to recent speciation<br />

mediated by climate, orography, soil type and<br />

perhaps unbalanced biotic interactions created<br />

by colonization disharmonies. New Caledonia<br />

must be considered as a very old Darwinian<br />

island, a concept that offers many more<br />

fascinating opportunities of study.<br />

2009020002<br />

“ 分 支 分 类 23” 中 的 争 论 问 题 : 达 尔 文 的<br />

系 统 演 化 关 系 理 论 = Problematic issues of<br />

cladistics 23: Darwin's concept of<br />

phylogenetic relationship. ( 英 文 ). Reif W-E.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(2): 227-245<br />

Darwin discovered that, in the light of the<br />

therory of descent with modification, the<br />

interrelationships of the taxonomic groups in<br />

the Natural System become understandable as<br />

real, phylogenetic relationships (PhR) , and<br />

that all taxonomic group and the hierarchical<br />

structure of the organic diversity are real,<br />

rather than arbitrary. To make the notion of<br />

PhR understandable, he postulated a very<br />

close relationship between PhR and blood<br />

relationship among persons. As he failed to<br />

discriminate sharply between general PhR,<br />

relative PhR and absolute Phr he did not<br />

realize that systematics works only with<br />

relative PhR and that his postulate that<br />

"classifications will eventually become<br />

genealogies" could, at least in the literal sense,<br />

lnever come true.<br />

2009020003<br />

达 尔 文 的 两 难 选 择 : 第 一 个 种 与 显 生 宙 多<br />

样 性 的 假 单 源 性 原 则 = The Darwinian<br />

delemma of the first species and the principle<br />

of pseudo-monophyly of Phanerozoic<br />

diversity. ( 英 文 ). Reif W-E. Neues Jahrbuch<br />

fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(3): 371-379<br />

In his publications, Darwin avoided the<br />

discussion of the evolutionary origin of the<br />

mechanisms of life. his principle to its own<br />

unique bauplan and is hence derived from one<br />

single ancestor. This leads to the inevitable<br />

conclusion that the diversity of the<br />

Phanerozoic dates back to a single progenitor<br />

species. Hence, Darwin stated that life on<br />

Earth started with about 10 first plant and<br />

animal species, which is in accordance with<br />

the ecological laws. Most of the descendants<br />

of most of the first species died out, whereas<br />

the remaining ones underwent convergent<br />

evolution which led to the unity of type<br />

("pseudo-monophyly"), and divergent<br />

evolution which led to the enormous<br />

Phanerozoic diversity on the species and on<br />

the ecosystem level.<br />

2009020004<br />

一 种 利 用 硫 酸 从 石 灰 岩 中 提 取 大 化 石 的 新<br />

方 法 = A new method for the extraction of<br />

macrofossils from calcareous rocks using<br />

sulphuric acid. ( 英 文 ). Vodr á ž ka R.<br />

Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 187-192<br />

A new method for the extraction of<br />

calcified and/or partly pyritized macrofossils<br />

has been developed. This method is based<br />

upon the differential speeds for the dissolving<br />

of microcrystalline and macrocrystalline<br />


calcite in 38% sulphuric acid. The<br />

effectiveness of the sulphuric acid treatment is<br />

also influenced by the volume of clay minerals<br />

in the host rock. Therefore, this method is<br />

highly applicable for the extraction of<br />

macrofossils from marlstones, marly<br />

limestones, and other lithified calcareous<br />

sediments. The main advantages of this<br />

method, when compared with other chemical<br />

methods, are (1) the short treatment time, (2)<br />

the capability of dissolving the sediment on<br />

the fossil's surface, and (3) its efficiency in<br />

dissolving calcareous rocks with low porosity.<br />

This method has been successfully applied to<br />

Upper Cretaceous macrofossils from the<br />

Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. The surface of<br />

extracted macrofossils remained undamaged,<br />

exhibiting minute skeletal details; perhaps<br />

even encrusters and bioerosions.<br />

2009020005<br />

地 球 与 生 命 : 显 生 宇 生 物 多 样 性 的 起 源 =<br />

Earth and life: origins of Phanerozoic<br />

diversity. ( 英 文 ). McNamara K J. Australian<br />

Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008, 55(8): 1023-<br />

1036<br />

The major patterns in the evolution of life<br />

during the Phanerozoic are reviewed. Critical<br />

transitions in the evolution of life that reflect<br />

increases in ecological complexity are the<br />

Cambrian radiation; the Ordovician<br />

biodiversification and its subsequent<br />

diversification and transition into the Modern<br />

Marine Fauna following the Permo-Triassic<br />

mass extinction; the colonisation of land, and<br />

its subsequent diversification; and the<br />

biological colonisation of the atmosphere.<br />

This increase in ecological diversity and<br />

complexity was often accompanied by<br />

increases in morphological complexity, arising,<br />

in part, from elaboration of the developmental<br />

program. However, it was additionally fuelled<br />

by increases in diversification and disparity<br />

arising also from morphological simplification<br />

in some lineages as developmental program<br />

became reduced.<br />

2009020006<br />

全 球 显 生 宙 海 洋 多 样 性 曲 线 真 是 全 球 性 的<br />

吗 区 域 地 层 记 录 和 全 球 显 生 宙 海 洋 多 样 性<br />

的 关 系 的 实 例 研 究 = Are global Phanerozoic<br />

marine diversity curves truly global A study<br />

of the relationship between regional rock<br />

records and global Phanerozoic marine<br />

diversity. ( 英 文 ). McGowan A J; Smith A B.<br />

Paleobiology, 2008, 34(1): 80-103<br />

The consensus view that the amount of rock<br />

available for sampling does not significantly<br />

and systematically bias Phanerozoic marine<br />

diversity patterns has broken down. How<br />

changes in rock availability and sampling<br />

intensity affect our estimates of past<br />

biodiversity has been investigated with a<br />

variety of new approaches. A number of<br />

proxies for the amount of rock available for<br />

sampling have been used, but most of these<br />

proxies do not rely directly on evidence from<br />

large-scale geological maps (maps that cover<br />

small areas) and accompanying memoirs.<br />

Most previous map-based studies focused on<br />

single regions or relied on small-scale<br />

synoptic maps. We collected data from<br />

published geological maps and memoirs from<br />

western Europe, Australia, and Chile, which<br />

we combined with COSUNA data from the<br />

United States to generate the first<br />

multiregional data set for investigating<br />

whether the global Phanerozoic marine<br />

diversity record is a true global record, or is<br />

instead biased toward North America and<br />

Western Europe as has long been suspected.<br />

Both short and long-term trends in variation in<br />

the amount of outcrop display limited<br />

correlation among the regions studied. A<br />

series of diversification models obtained better<br />

matches to observed fossil diversity from the<br />

European and U.S. records than for the<br />

Chilean and Australian records, further<br />

supporting suspicions that the global<br />

Phanerozoic diversity curve is<br />

disproportionately influenced by European and<br />

U.S. fossil data. These results indicate that<br />

future research into Phanerozoic marine<br />

diversity patterns should not continue to apply<br />

global eustatic curves as a proxy for rock at<br />

outcrop, but should use regional data on rock<br />

occurrence.<br />

2009020007<br />

生 物 矿 化 的 前 夜 : 关 于 骨 骼 矿 物 学 的 控 制<br />

= Eve of biomineralization: Controls on<br />

skeletal mineralogy. ( 英 文 ). Zhuravlev A Yu;<br />

Wood R A. Geology, 2008, 36(12): 923-926<br />

Carbonate mineralogies have oscillated<br />

between aragonite and calcite seas through<br />

geological time, proposed to be due mainly to<br />

secular variation in the magnesium/calcium<br />

ratio driven by changing rates of ocean crust<br />

production. A quantitative compilation of<br />

inorganic and biominerals from the onset of<br />

biomineralization (late Ediacaran – Middle<br />

Ordovician) reveals a correspondence between<br />

seawater chemistry and the first adopted<br />


mineralogy of skeletal clades. Ediacaran –<br />

Tommotian skeletons and inorganic<br />

precipitates were composed exclusively of<br />

aragonite or high-Mg calcite, but these were<br />

replaced by low-Mg calcite mineralogies<br />

during the early Atdabanian, implying the<br />

onset of a calcite sea. This transition is<br />

empirically constrained by fluid inclusion data.<br />

Late Atbadanian – Botoman inorganic<br />

precipitates returned to aragonite, with high-<br />

Mg calcite echinoderms and solitary<br />

tabulaconids and massive aragonitic<br />

tabulaconids originating during this interval.<br />

Middle Cambrian – Ordovician inorganic<br />

precipitates were low-Mg calcite, and the<br />

Ordovician radiation in skeletal expression<br />

was due mostly to groups with low-Mg calcite<br />

mineralogies. These short-lived transitions can<br />

be most parsimoniously explained by minor<br />

oscillations of mMg:Ca around ~2 during this<br />

period, possibly combined with the<br />

progressive onset of greenhouse conditions<br />

during the mid-Late Cambrian.<br />

2009020008<br />

意 大 利 中 部 安 科 纳 蒙 特 卡 尔 沃 Trave 剖<br />

面 : 梅 辛 阶 沉 积 的 综 合 古 生 物 研 究 = The<br />

Trave section (Monte dei Corvi, Ancona,<br />

Central Italy): an integrated paleontological<br />

study of the Messinian deposits. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Iaccarino S M; Bertini A; Di Stefano A.<br />

Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(3/4): 281-306<br />

The paleontologic data (calcareous<br />

nannofossils, foraminifers, ostracods,<br />

molluscs and pollen) of the Trave section<br />

(south of Ancona. central Italy) are presented<br />

in order to describe the fossil content of the<br />

pre-evaporitic and post-evaporitc units and<br />

evaluate the paleoenvironmental evolution of<br />

the sedimentary deposits from the<br />

Tortonian/Messinian boundary to the top of<br />

the Messinian.<br />

Several calcareous plankton bio-horizons<br />

astronomically calibrated, temporally<br />

constrain the pre-evaporitic sequence between<br />

7.44 Ma (FO of Amaurolithus primus) and<br />

6.35 Ma (sinistral to dextral coiling change in<br />

Neogloboquadrina acostoensis). Resedimented<br />

evaporites mark the base of the post-evaporitic<br />

sub-unit p-ev(1) (5.6 Ma) which is overlain by<br />

the cyclic stacking pattern of p-ev(2) sub-unit.<br />

The MP1 3 zone of the Zanclean seals the<br />

section. The paleontological record of the<br />

post-evaporitic interval allows to verify that<br />

the p-ev(1)/p-ev(2) boundary defined in terms<br />

of facies is well recognizable also in terms of<br />

bioevents; in fact, a Lago Mare low diversity<br />

assemblage first occurs a few meters below<br />

the boundary, while the first Occurrence of<br />

Loxocorniculina djafarovi, continuously<br />

present till along the p-ev(2), is observed<br />

above it. A second change in the overall<br />

assemblage is recorded a few meters above the<br />

physical boundary, where the ostracod<br />

assemblage diversifies and Parathetyan<br />

dinocysts appear.<br />

The open marine conditions during the late<br />

Tortonian gradually turned into the poor<br />

oxygenated water masses of the early<br />

Messinian (deposition of organic-rich layers)<br />

tinder a prevalent humid and warm climate.<br />

The presence, in the p-ev(1) sub-unit, of<br />

small-sized foraminifers, reworked calcareous<br />

plankton, and the absence of ostracods and<br />

normal marine foraminifer assemblages<br />

suggest a diluted marine environment due to<br />

strong runoff responsible for the deposition of<br />

a great amount of clastic sediments. Towards<br />

the top of the p-ev(1) and within the P-ev(2)<br />

the environment changes. The pollen record<br />

shows well evident wetter/drier fluctuations<br />

and the benthic foraminifers, ostracods,<br />

molluscs and dinocysts testify a decreasing<br />

water depth and alternating oligo-to<br />

mesohaline waters before the Pliocene deluge.<br />

2009020009<br />

显 生 宙 化 石 贫 乏 期 的 时 间 模 式 = Temporal<br />

patterns of barren intervals in the Phanerozoic.<br />

( 英 文 ). Smith A B; McGowan A J.<br />

Paleobiology, 2008, 34(1): 155-161<br />

It has recently been argued that barren<br />

intervals of marine sedimentary rock are less<br />

common in the Cenozoic than in the Paleozoic,<br />

and that this arises as a direct consequence of<br />

widespread epeiric seas and the prevalence of<br />

dysaerobic conditions at such times. We show,<br />

using an independent and more direct measure<br />

of rock outcrop through time in western<br />

Europe, that barren marine sedimentary rocks<br />

do become less frequent toward the present,<br />

but that this is not linked to any epeiric-seas<br />

effect. The proportion of barren to<br />

fossiliferous rock outcrop correlates well with<br />

the inferred Phanerozoic marine diversity<br />

curve (although more so in the Paleozoic than<br />

in the post-Paleozoic), and shows no<br />

correlation or only a weak negative correlation<br />

with area over which the sediments have been<br />

deposited. We therefore concluded that the<br />

Phanerozoic trend in fossiliferousness most<br />

likely records the degree to which space is<br />

occupied in the shallow marine realm.<br />


2009020010<br />

细 胞 过 度 生 长 是 晚 前 寒 武 纪 大 气 氧 含 量 不<br />

断 增 加 的 结 果 = Cancer as a consequence of<br />

the rising level of oxygen in the Late<br />

Precambrian. ( 英 文 ). Saul J M; Schwartz L.<br />

Lethaia, 2007, 40(3): 211-220<br />

The origin of multicelled animal life<br />

required collagen-family molecules whose<br />

own formation depended on the availability of<br />

molecular oxygen. Cancers, by contrast, are<br />

characterized by their low use of oxygen. In<br />

discussing the relationship between the origin<br />

of multicelled life and the origin of cancer, it<br />

is useful to think in terms of tissues rather than<br />

individual cells or complete animals. When<br />

animal tissues are disturbed, their constituent<br />

cells may be partially released from the<br />

constraints of multicellularity. This permits or<br />

obliges cells to reactivate anaerobic metabolic<br />

ways used by their single-celled ancestors in<br />

the oxygen-deficient Precambrian seas.<br />

Inhibition or loss of cell respiration under such<br />

circumstances may cause reversion to<br />

glycolytic fermentation, a less efficient<br />

metabolic style that generates waste products<br />

that are retained, thereby producing excess<br />

cell-growth. Distortion of tissue architecture<br />

may ensue with impairment of cell-to-cell<br />

adhesion, thereby liberating individual cells.<br />

Cells freed from tissue constraints undergo<br />

Darwinian variation which leads to loss of<br />

differentiation and produces cell types that are<br />

incompatible with the normal functioning of<br />

tissues. These steps, which may manifest<br />

themselves as carcinogenesis, are not<br />

reversible by restoration of oxygen and in<br />

effect constitute a demergence from the<br />

metazoan state. The existence of cancer<br />

among diverse phyla and especially among<br />

domesticated animals, suggests that the risk of<br />

cancer may be an initial condition of complex<br />

multicellular life and that it remains<br />

preferentially associated with newly modified<br />

designs. If so, there would be therapeutic<br />

strategies that have not yet been adequately<br />

considered.<br />

2009020011<br />

生 物 门 的 起 源 与 癌 症 = Origin of the phyla<br />

and cancer. ( 英 文 ). Saul J M. Lethaia, 2007,<br />

40(4): 359-363<br />

Multicelled animals with specialized cells<br />

(metazoans) emerged shortly after rising<br />

oxygen levels in the seas permitted formation<br />

of collagen-family molecules. Certain unicells<br />

then formed 3-D clusters, some with disc- or<br />

ball-like shapes that happened to resemble<br />

blastulas. These became unstable beyond a<br />

certain size due to contrasting metabolic styles<br />

among their component cells. For whereas<br />

cells near their exteriors could employ oxygen<br />

respiration, cells closer to the oxygendeprived<br />

interiors were obliged to rely on<br />

anaerobic metabolism (fermentation), a<br />

process that produces waste molecules that, if<br />

retained within cells, cause disproportionate<br />

cell growth. Unstable blastula-like forms<br />

would either disintegrate or reorganize along<br />

surfaces of relative weakness in a process that<br />

may be likened to gastrulation. Initial celldifferentiation<br />

depended on the quantity and<br />

diversity of retained fermentation products<br />

and on the pumping of molecules from cell to<br />

cell by the consequent electro-chemical<br />

gradients. In subsequent contexts, oxygen<br />

deprivation, fermentation, excess cell growth,<br />

and disintegration or reorganization of tissues<br />

produce cancer.<br />

2009020012<br />

中 国 西 南 部 埃 迪 卡 拉 系 最 顶 部 一 个 新 的 丰<br />

富 的 宏 体 化 石 库 = A New Diverse<br />

Macrofossil Lagerstatte from the Uppermost<br />

Ediacaran of Southwestern China. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Tang Feng; Yin Chongyu; Liu Pengju; Gao<br />

Linzhi; Zhang Wenyan. Acta Geologica<br />

Sinica, 2008, 82(6): 1095-1103<br />

A new macrofossil Lagerstatte<br />

was<br />

discovered from the uppermost Ediacaran<br />

Jiucheng Member at Jinning and Jiangchuan<br />

of the eastern Yunnan, yielding numerous<br />

diverse well-preserved thallophyte<br />

macrofossils. These include the previouslyknown<br />

representatives of vendobionts,<br />

Vendotaenia and Tyrasotaenia, and the<br />

biggish multicellular benthos such as Chuarialike<br />

and Tawuia- like fossiis, as well as<br />

Longfengshaniaceaens with diverse holdfast<br />

structures. There are still some other<br />

problematic macrofossils with peculiar<br />

configurations as well as uncertain relatives.<br />

The distinct dominance of the giant,<br />

unbranching thallophytes occasionally with<br />

holdfast structures distinguishes this<br />

assemblage from the other Ediacaran<br />

macrofossil Lagerstattes in the Doushantuo<br />

Formation at Miaohe, Wenghui and Lantian,<br />

and the contemporary assemblage in the<br />

Shibantan Member of Dengying Formation,<br />

Yangtze Gorges area. This paper outlines the<br />

characteristics of some of the multicellular<br />

macrofossils from the Jiucheng Member at<br />

Jiangchuan. They include some macrofossils<br />

with different types of holdfast structure,<br />

larger Chuaria-like and Tawuia-like<br />


morphology and questionable affinities as well.<br />

The discovery of greater diverse macrofossil<br />

assemblages from the Jiucheng Member of<br />

eastern Yunnan has further indicated that an<br />

important diversification and evolutionary<br />

radiation of metaphytes took place in the latest<br />

Ediacaran time. This radiation of largescale,<br />

benthic metaphyte along with phytoplankton<br />

was likely important contributors to the early<br />

Cambrian explosion of metazoans.<br />

2009020013<br />

达 尔 文 未 发 表 的 笔 记 和 文 字 中 的 成 种 模 式<br />

= Darwin's model of speciation in his<br />

unpublished notebooks and texts. ( 英 文 ). Reif<br />

W E. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(1):<br />

45-78<br />

Darwin's model of speciation is by no<br />

means as chaotic a claimed in the literature.<br />

To the contrary, Darwin followedin his<br />

complex speciation model exactly the<br />

technique of breeders of plants and animals.<br />

The goal of the natural breeding process is to<br />

evolve those cohision factor that Darwin<br />

regarded as the most important: the sharing of<br />

an independent, well-developed niche, and<br />

gne-flow within a rather uniform gene-pool.<br />

The roots of most presently recognized<br />

speciation models can be found in Darwin's<br />

texts, including (i) allopatric, (ii) founder<br />

principle, (iii) clinal, (iv) stasipatric and (v)<br />

sympatric speciation.<br />

2009020014<br />

对 应 分 析 在 古 生 物 学 中 的 应 用 = The<br />

application of Correspondence Analysis in<br />

palaeontology. ( 英 文 ). Freudenthal M; Martí<br />

n-Suárez E; Gallardo J A; Daroca A G A;<br />

Minwer-Barakat R. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2009, 8(1): 1-8<br />

Correspondence analysis (CA) is frequently<br />

used in the interpretation of palaeontological<br />

data, but little is known about the minimum<br />

requirements for a result to be valid. Far from<br />

being a fundamental mathematical study of<br />

CA, this paper aims to present a tool, which<br />

may serve to evaluate results obtained in<br />

(palaeontological) praxis. We created matrices<br />

of random data, grouped by matrix size and<br />

varying percentages of zero cells. Each matrix<br />

was submitted to CA. Per matrix group the<br />

minimum, mean and maximum percentages of<br />

total inertia were calculated for the first four<br />

axes. We compared these results with several<br />

real cases in vertebrate paleontology. Valid<br />

conclusions based on CA can only be drawn<br />

on percentages that are considerably higher<br />

than the axis percentages obtained from<br />

random matrices.<br />

2009020015<br />

生 命 进 化 史 = Evolutionary history of Life.<br />

( 英 文 ). Coppens Y; Padian Kde Ricqlès A;<br />

Taquet P. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(2-<br />

3): 99-103<br />

On February 12, 1809, Charles Darwin was<br />

born in Shrewsbury in Shropshire, England.<br />

An avid young naturalist, he left in December<br />

1831 for a five-year world tour on HMS<br />

Beagle. During this voyage, Darwin collected<br />

a tremendous quantity of animals and plants,<br />

and assembled a great number of observations<br />

on the formation of volcanic islands, the<br />

construction of coral reefs, the elevation of the<br />

South American continent, and the geographic<br />

distribution of species, among other things.<br />

On his return, he threw himself into the<br />

publication of the scientific results of the<br />

voyage, became absorbed with the effects of<br />

domestication, and plunged into a study of<br />

cirriped crustaceans (barnacles), all in the<br />

service of preparing the first sketches of his<br />

celebrated theory.On November 24, 1859,<br />

Darwin published the first of six editions of<br />

his famous work entitled On the Origin of<br />

Species by means of Natural Selection, or the<br />

preservation of favored races in the struggle<br />

for life. Darwin's foundational work implied<br />

that the appearance of new forms of life was<br />

the result of a succession of variations whose<br />

only cause was the influence of external<br />

conditions. This was a resolutely new and<br />

seminal approach to the history of life,<br />

opposed as it was to all notions of finality and<br />

teleology.The year 2009 will be at the same<br />

time the bicentennial of the birth of Darwin<br />

and the 150th anniversary of the publication of<br />

The Origin of Species. So it will be a year of<br />

homage to Darwin. The French Academy of<br />

Sciences has become involved in this<br />

celebration by publishing two special issues of<br />

its Comptes Rendues – one in Biologies and<br />

the other in Palevol – dedicated to Darwinian<br />

theory and evolution, in its biological and<br />

paleobiological aspects.<br />

2009020016<br />

地 球 与 生 命 : 错 综 复 杂 的 历 史 = Earth and<br />

Life: Imbricated histories. ( 英 文 ). Gall J C.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(2-3): 105-<br />

117<br />

The Earth's history consists in recurrent<br />

flashbacks of similar events and scenarios:<br />


edistribution of continents, orogenic cycles,<br />

glaciations, marine transgressions and<br />

regressions, etc. In contrast, Life's history<br />

evolves according to a succession of stages:<br />

prokaryotic stage, eukaryotic cell stage,<br />

pluricellular organism stage, terrestrialization,<br />

development of animal societies, hominization.<br />

With each successive stage the biosphere rises<br />

to a higher level of organization and<br />

complexity. This evolution results from the<br />

natural trend of living organisms to extend<br />

their control over the entire planet while they<br />

progressively escape the constraints of the<br />

aquatic environments and climates. During the<br />

last four billion years close and complex<br />

interactions prevailed between the history of<br />

both the Earth and Life. Living organisms<br />

have a profound effect on their environment<br />

and on the processes of the Earth dynamics,<br />

while the planetary environment controls the<br />

evolution of living species. Nevertheless, from<br />

time to time, the fragile equilibrium<br />

established between Earth's and Life's<br />

dynamics breaks down and triggers mass<br />

extinctions. It is presently the case of the<br />

increasing impact of human activities on the<br />

integrity of our planet, a major challenge for<br />

humankind during the 21st century.<br />

2009020017<br />

生 命 进 化 的 生 物 地 理 意 义 = The<br />

biogeographic dimension of Life Evolution.<br />

( 英 文 ). Cecca F. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2009, 8(2-3): 119-132<br />

The role that biogeography plays in the<br />

mechanisms of biological evolution is strongly<br />

debated. Darwin’s ideas are discussed in the<br />

present paper on the basis of a short review of<br />

the role of the geographic dimension in<br />

speciation processes, and of the basic concepts<br />

and classic models of biogeography.<br />

Darwin’s model of dispersal from a “centre<br />

of origin ” was proposed when proofs of<br />

continental motion were not yet conclusive.<br />

The vicariant model, opposed to the dispersal<br />

one, is now supported by plate tectonics and<br />

ocean floor expansion. These two classic<br />

models of biogeography could correspond to<br />

cases of biogeographic convergence and<br />

divergence, which are related to<br />

palaeogeographic changes.<br />

2009020018<br />

寒 武 纪 大 爆 发 与 现 代 生 态 系 的 端 倪 = The<br />

Cambrian explosion and the emergence of<br />

modern ecosystems. ( 法 文 ). Vannier J.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(2-3): 133-<br />

154<br />

Marine ecosystems with complex trophic<br />

structure and dominated by animals started to<br />

build up in the Early Cambrian. Fossil<br />

evidence from exceptional fossil localities<br />

such as the Chengjiang Lagerstätte from South<br />

China indicate a high level of biological<br />

interactivity (e.g. prey–predator relationships)<br />

and the colonization of a wide range of<br />

pelagic and benthic niches by predators,<br />

scavengers, and detritus and suspension<br />

feeders. Swimmers are numerous, but there is<br />

no evidence for the extensive occupation of<br />

the water column by the Early Cambrian. On<br />

the contrary, animal life may have<br />

concentrated in hyperbenthic environments,<br />

close to the sea bottom. This would have been<br />

the initial step towards the colonization of the<br />

whole pelagic realm and the building-up of<br />

pelagic food chains. A chain of biotic<br />

innovations and events seems to have<br />

catalyzed both the animal diversification and<br />

the build-up of a completely new type of<br />

ecosytem, with: (1) the achievement of<br />

complex nervous systems, visual organs and<br />

motor functions; (2) the introduction of new<br />

selective pressure (e.g. predation and feedback<br />

effects); and (3) the colonization of new<br />

niches. The role of environmental factors (e.g.<br />

oxygen, water chemistry, climate) may have<br />

been important in the early stages of metazoan<br />

evolution, but was probably negligible in the<br />

ecological turnover itself that takes place in<br />

the Early Cambrian. Close resemblances<br />

between the trophic structure of present-day<br />

ecosystems and that of Cambrian ones are<br />

confirmed by fossil data and recent<br />

mathematical models. This unprecedented<br />

increase of interdependence between animal<br />

species and trophic levels probably increased<br />

the general stability of marine ecosystems, but<br />

made them for the first time in their history,<br />

highly vulnerable to environmental<br />

perturbations. This will largely influence the<br />

post-Cambrian evolution of the marine world.<br />

2009020019<br />

达 尔 文 主 义 死 亡 还 是 坚 持 : 一 位 哲 学 家<br />

的 观 点 = Death or persistence of Darwinism<br />

A philosopher's point of view. ( 法 文 ). Gayon<br />

J. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(2-3): 321-<br />

340<br />

The article examines why evolutionary<br />

biologists have been haunted by the question<br />

whether they are “Darwinian” or “non-<br />

Darwinian” ever since Darwin's Origin of<br />


species. Modern criticisms addressed to<br />

Darwinism are classified into two categories:<br />

those concerning Darwin's hypothesis of<br />

“ descent with modification ” and those<br />

addressed to the hypothesis of natural<br />

selection. In both cases, although the<br />

particular models that Darwin proposed for<br />

these two hypotheses have been significantly<br />

revised and expanded, Darwin's general<br />

framework has constrained and canalized<br />

evolutionary research, in the sense that it has<br />

settled an array of possible theoretical choices.<br />

Gould's changing attitudes regarding<br />

Darwinism is taken as a striking illustration of<br />

this interpretation.<br />

2009020020<br />

从 “ 传 统 ” 综 合 到 “ 进 化 发 育 超 综 合 ”<br />

1970-2009 对 进 化 理 论 的 贡 献 : 一 种 观 点 =<br />

Some contributions to evolutionary theory,<br />

from the “ orthodox ” Synthesis to the<br />

“Evo-devo Super synthesis” 1970–2009:<br />

A point of view.. ( 法 文 ). de Ricqlès A; Padian<br />

K. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(2-3):<br />

341-364<br />

The “ Modern Synthesis” of evolutionary<br />

biology coalesced and revitalized evolutionary<br />

theory beginning in the 1930s. It stressed the<br />

explanatory power of natural selection and<br />

gradual change to account for the processes<br />

that govern natural populations today, as well<br />

as patterns in the history of life. In the past 40<br />

years, the synthesis has been challenged on<br />

various fronts ranging from paleontology to<br />

developmental biology, systematics,<br />

biogeography, and molecular and<br />

developmental biology. Several of its central<br />

propositions have been modified and<br />

expanded as a result. How well the synthesis<br />

continues to be effective will depend on its<br />

continued ability to test its central<br />

propositions and the efficacy of its central<br />

mechanisms, particularly on the basis of new<br />

evidence from emerging fields of study.<br />

2009020021<br />

英 国 威 尔 士 盆 地 冰 期 后 赫 南 特 期 ( 晚 奥 陶<br />

世 ) 地 层 的 新 的 对 比 方 案 揭 示 出 的 沉 积 和<br />

动 物 群 事 件 = Sedimentary and faunal events<br />

revealed by a revised correlation of postglacial<br />

Hirnantian (Late Ordovician) strata in<br />

the Welsh Basin, UK. ( 英 文 ). Davies J R;<br />

Waters R A; Williams M; Wilson D;<br />

Schofield D I; Zalasiewicz J A. Geological<br />

Journal, 2009, 44(3): 322 - 340<br />

The discovery of a previously unrecognized<br />

unconformity and of new faunas in the type<br />

Llandovery area underpins a revised<br />

correlation of Hirnantian strata in mid Wales.<br />

This has revealed the sedimentary and faunal<br />

events which affected the Lower Palaeozoic<br />

Welsh Basin during the global rise in sea level<br />

that followed the end-Ordovician glacial<br />

maximum and has allowed their interpretation<br />

in the context of local and global influences.<br />

In peri-basinal shelfal settings the onset of<br />

post-glacial deepening is recorded by an<br />

unfossiliferous, transgressive shoreface<br />

sequence (Cwm Clyd Sandstone and Garth<br />

House formations) which rests unconformably<br />

on Rawtheyan rocks, deformed during an<br />

episode of pre-Hirnantian tectonism. In the<br />

deep water facies of the basin centre, this<br />

same sequence boundary is now recognized as<br />

the contact between fine-grained, resedimented<br />

mudstones and an underlying<br />

regressive sequence of turbidite sandstones<br />

and conglomerates; it is at a level lower than<br />

previously cited and calls into question the<br />

established lithostratigraphy.<br />

In younger Hirnantian strata, graptolites<br />

associated with the newly recognized<br />

Ystradwalter Member (Chwefri Formation)<br />

demonstrate that this distal shelf unit<br />

correlates with the persculptus graptolitebearing<br />

Mottled Mudstone Member of the<br />

basinal succession. Together these members<br />

record an important macrofaunal<br />

recolonization of the Welsh Basin and mark a<br />

key event in the post-glacial transgression.<br />

Further deepening saw the establishment of a<br />

stratified water column and the imposition of<br />

anoxic bottom water conditions across the<br />

basin floor.<br />

These post-glacial Hirnantian events are<br />

consistent with the re-establishment of<br />

connections between a silled Welsh Basin and<br />

the open Iapetus Ocean. However, a<br />

comparison with other areas suggests that<br />

each event records a separate deepening<br />

episode within a pulsed glacio-eustatic<br />

transgression, while also reflecting changes in<br />

post-glacial climate and patterns of oceanic<br />

circulation and associated biotic flux. British<br />

Geological Survey © NERC 2009. All rights<br />

reserved.<br />

2009020022<br />

碳 酸 盐 岩 石 结 构 中 记 录 了 后 生 动 物 种 系 分<br />

支 的 早 新 元 古 代 起 源 = Early Neoproterozoic<br />

origin of the metazoan clade recorded in<br />

carbonate rock texture. ( 英 文 ). Neuweiler F;<br />


Turner E C; Burdige D J. Geology, 2009,<br />

37(5): 475-478<br />

Early Neoproterozoic reefs (older than 779,<br />

younger than 1083 Ma) contain a carbonate<br />

rock texture, already familiar from sponge-rich<br />

Phanerozoic limestones, characterized by<br />

authigenic Ca carbonate and irregular,<br />

secondary voids containing internal sediment<br />

(poly-mud fabric). In Holocene sediment, this<br />

texture develops by calcification of degrading<br />

extra-cellular collagenous matrix (ECM) of<br />

siliceous sponges. ECM calcification of<br />

siliceous sponges is evident throughout the<br />

Phanerozoic, and the related polymud fabric is<br />

a diagnostic petrographic feature of<br />

Phanerozoic sponge-rich carbonate<br />

mudmounds. The authigenic Ca carbonate of<br />

polymuds is interpreted to result from<br />

connective tissue calcification just beneath the<br />

seafloor, that, in a kind of taphonomic race,<br />

takes place at the same time as tissue<br />

oxidation and associated void formation. It is<br />

intriguing that ECM is a fundamental<br />

character of the metazoan clade, and so the<br />

presence in Early Neoproterozoic rocks of a<br />

texture directly associated with it implies the<br />

existence of metazoan-grade organisms at that<br />

time. This observation pushes back the earliest<br />

geological evidence for animals by about 200<br />

m.y. The timing corroborates results of an<br />

integrated phylochronology and supports the<br />

concept of a biosphere that persisted through<br />

the snowball Earth interval<br />

2009020023<br />

苏 皖 北 部 新 元 古 代 宏 体 碳 质 化 石 =<br />

Neoproterozoic Millimetric-Centimetric<br />

Carbonaceous Fossils From Northern Anhui<br />

And Jiangsu, China. ( 英 文 ). 钱 迈 平 ; 姜 杨 ; 余<br />

明 刚 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2009, 48(1): 73-88<br />

相 对 于 需 用 显 微 镜 才 能 看 到 的 微 体 化 石<br />

而 言 , 宏 体 碳 质 化 石 是 肉 眼 可 见 、 个 体 大<br />

小 达 毫 米 一 厘 米 级 、 具 一 定 几 何 形 状 、 在<br />

地 层 中 呈 压 扁 状 保 存 的 独 特 生 物 碳 化 遗 留<br />

物 。 它 们 在 世 界 各 地 的 元 古 代 海 相 泥 岩 或<br />

页 岩 地 层 中 分 布 较 广 , 地 质 年 代 范 围 从 古<br />

元 古 代 到 寒 武 纪 , 尤 其 在 新 元 古 代 更 显 优<br />

势 。 宏 体 碳 质 化 石 通 常 呈 微 米 级 厚 , 大 小<br />

范 围 从 略 小 于 1 到 大 于 100mm。 的 片 状 黑<br />

一 褐 色 薄 膜 。 它 们 形 态 各 异 , 变 化 范 围 从<br />

光 滑 、 起 皱 、 扭 曲 或 具 环 纹 的 圆 形 、 椭 圆<br />

形 、 香 肠 形 到 不 规 则 的 角 形 等 个 体 。 大 多<br />

无 清 晰 稳 定 的 表 面 装 饰 或 内 部 构 造 , 难 以<br />

进 一 步 分 类 。 在 许 多 标 本 中 , 原 生 的 压 实<br />

作 用 引 起 的 折 皱 方 式 在 某 种 程 度 上 说 明 其<br />

是 具 有 柔 软 的 外 壁 包 裹 着 活 性 流 体 物 质 的<br />

海 洋 生 物 。 苏 皖 北 部 新 元 古 界 富 产 宏 体 碳<br />

质 化 石 , 它 们 主 要 分 布 于 安 徽 寿 州 、 凤<br />

阳 、 宿 州 、 灵 璧 , 江 苏 铜 山 及 山 东 苍 山 等<br />

地 , 均 保 存 于 细 腻 的 粘 土 含 量 较 高 的 页 岩<br />

或 泥 岩 中 , 化 石 保 存 完 好 程 度 与 岩 性 的 细<br />

腻 程 度 成 正 比 。 分 布 较 广 且 数 量 较 多 的 是<br />

Chuaria, 其 次 为 Tawuia, 而 表 面 具 细 密 横<br />

纹 的 宏 体 碳 质 化 石 仅 见 于 淮 南 少 数 地 点 的<br />

刘 老 碑 组 、 九 里 桥 组 , 以 及 淮 北 少 数 地 点<br />

的 史 家 组 、 金 山 寨 组 和 沟 后 组 。 它 们 曾 被<br />

分 类 命 名 多 达 52 个 形 态 属 种 。 然 而 , 后 来<br />

的 研 究 发 现 , 其 中 大 多 是 同 物 异 名 、 不 符<br />

合 国 际 命 名 规 范 及 分 类 地 位 有 问 题 者<br />

(Sunand Zhou,1986;Hofmann,1994;<br />

钱 迈 平 等 ,2000,2008;Dong et a1.,<br />

2008)。 经 清 理 甄 别 归 纳 后 , 也 许 只 有 4<br />

个 形 态 属 种 有 效 。 它 们 分 别 是 :1 )<br />

Chuaria circularis Walcott,1899, 圆 一 短<br />

椭 圆 形 及 因 埋 藏 状 况 呈 现 的 各 种 变 形 , 长<br />

宽 比 〈2。 表 面 无 稳 定 装 饰 , 呈 光 滑 或 常 在<br />

边 缘 及 其 附 近 有 环 向 或 斜 切 向 皱 纹 ;2)<br />

Tawuia dalensis Hofmann et Aitken,1979,<br />

长 椭 圆 一 香 肠 形 及 因 埋 藏 状 况 呈 现 的 各 种<br />

变 形 , 长 宽 比 ≥2。 表 面 无 稳 定 装 饰 , 呈 光<br />

滑 或 不 定 向 皱 纹 ;3)Tyrasotaenia podolica<br />

Gnilovskaya,1971, 不 分 枝 的 窄 长 带 形 ,<br />

常 扭 曲 纠 缠 ; 4 ) Sinosabellidietes<br />

huainanensis Zheng,1980, 长 椭 圆 一 带 形<br />

及 因 埋 藏 状 况 呈 现 的 各 种 变 形 , 长 宽 比 ≥<br />

2, 表 面 具 规 则 的 细 密 横 向 条 纹 或 褶 皱 , 端<br />

部 浑 圆 , 一 端 具 圆 盘 形 固 着 器 。 不 同 生 长<br />

阶 段 和 埋 藏 状 态 保 存 的 Sinosabellidites<br />

huainanensis 曾 经 被 描 述 、 命 名 为 多 达 13 个<br />

蠕 虫 类 后 生 动 物 形 态 属 种 ( 郑 文 武 ,<br />

1980; 汪 贵 翔 ,1982; 邢 裕 盛 ,1984; 邢<br />

裕 盛 等 ,1985), 但 进 一 步 的 研 究 发 现 它<br />

们 的 大 小 和 形 态 更 加 接 近 绿 藻 类 的 蠕 环 藻<br />

(Neomeris annulata), 无 论 哪 一 种 埋 藏 状<br />

态 保 存 ( 压 扁 、 折 叠 、 断 裂 或 破 碎 ) 都 呈<br />

现 其 除 了 一 薄 膜 层 外 , 未 见 有 任 何 动 物 的<br />

结 构 特 征 , 而 且 所 有 的 埋 藏 层 位 也 未 见 有<br />

动 物 扰 动 痕 迹 , 如 钻 孔 、 潜 穴 、 爬 迹 和 虫<br />

管 等 。 因 此 , 将 Sinosabellidites<br />

huainanensis 归 人 后 生 动 物 是 有 很 大 疑 问<br />

的 , 它 们 更 有 可 能 属 于 后 生 植 物 。 对 徐 淮<br />

地 区 新 元 古 代 化 石 生 物 群 的 研 究 显 示 :1)<br />

该 区 宏 体 碳 质 化 石 以 结 构 简 单 的 Chuaria,<br />

Tawuia 为 主 , 并 出 现 少 量 具 细 密 横 纹 的 类<br />

型 ;2) 表 面 具 细 密 横 纹 的 宏 体 碳 质 化 石 形<br />

态 上 更 接 近 后 生 植 物 —— 绿 藻 类 的 蠕 环 藻<br />


(Neomeris annulata), 而 不 是 蠕 虫 ;3)<br />

这 些 后 物 体 都 是 简 单 的 柔 软 薄 皮 囊 状 或 带<br />

状 体 , 未 见 有 分 枝 构 造 ;4) 生 物 群 多 样 化<br />

程 度 并 不 像 过 去 认 为 的 那 么 高 ;5) 生 物 群<br />

所 在 环 境 为 滨 海 浅 海 。 由 此 可 见 , 这 套 化<br />

石 生 物 群 虽 然 数 量 较 丰 富 , 但 种 类 却 较 单<br />

调 。 加 上 异 常 发 育 的 叠 层 石 礁 , 这 种 情 况<br />

与 华 北 古 陆 东 部 的 辽 南 地 区 新 元 古 代 化 石<br />

生 物 群 十 分 相 似 。 与 之 形 成 鲜 明 对 照 的<br />

是 , 华 南 古 陆 新 元 古 代 南 沱 冰 碛 岩 之 上<br />

的 : 衣 新 元 古 代 震 旦 系 陡 山 沱 组 的 化 石 生<br />

物 群 , 则 不 但 数 量 丰 富 而 且 种 类 明 显 多 样<br />

化 , 通 常 以 各 种 较 复 杂 的 具 分 枝 或 成 束 构<br />

造 的 宏 体 碳 质 化 石 为 特 征 , 碳 酸 盐 岩 虽 发<br />

育 但 叠 层 石 已 明 显 衰 萎 。 由 此 反 映 , 新 元<br />

古 代 冰 碛 岩 也 许 是 很 好 的 区 域 对 比 的 标 志<br />

层 , 它 的 上 下 可 能 包 含 了 因 环 境 发 生 重 大<br />

变 化 而 导 致 早 期 地 球 生 命 演 化 也 经 历 重 大<br />

转 折 的 地 质 记 录 。<br />

2009020024<br />

岛 屿 适 应 与 分 化 = Adaptation and<br />

diversification on islands. ( 英 文 ). Losos J B;<br />

Ricklefs R E. Nature, 2009, 457(7231): 830-<br />

836<br />

Charles Darwin's travels on HMS Beagle<br />

taught him that islands are an important source<br />

of evidence for evolution. Because many<br />

islands are young and have relatively few<br />

species, evolutionary adaptation and species<br />

proliferation are obvious and easy to study. In<br />

addition, the geographical isolation of many<br />

islands has allowed evolution to take its own<br />

course, free of influence from other areas,<br />

resulting in unusual faunas and floras, often<br />

unlike those found anywhere else. For these<br />

reasons, island research provides valuable<br />

insights into speciation and adaptive radiation,<br />

and into the relative importance of<br />

contingency and determinism in evolutionary<br />

diversification.<br />

2009020025<br />

微 演 化 和 宏 演 化 之 间 的 达 尔 文 之 桥 =<br />

Darwin's bridge between microevolution and<br />

macroevolution. ( 英 文 ). Reznick D N;<br />

Ricklefs R E. Nature, 2009, 457(7231): 837-<br />

842<br />

Evolutionary biologists have long sought to<br />

understand the relationship between<br />

microevolution (adaptation), which can be<br />

observed both in nature and in the laboratory,<br />

and macroevolution (speciation and the origin<br />

of the divisions of the taxonomic hierarchy<br />

above the species level, and the development<br />

of complex organs), which cannot be<br />

witnessed because it occurs over intervals that<br />

far exceed the human lifespan. The connection<br />

between these processes is also a major source<br />

of conflict between science and religious<br />

belief. Biologists often forget that Charles<br />

Darwin offered a way of resolving this issue,<br />

and his proposal is ripe for re-evaluation in the<br />

light of recent research<br />

2009020026<br />

华 南 早 寒 武 世 海 洋 缺 氧 事 件 = Early<br />

Cambrian ocean anoxia in South China. ( 英<br />

文 ). Jiang Shao-Yong; Pi Dao-Hui; HeubeckC;<br />

Frimmel H; Liu Yu-Ping. Nature, 2009,<br />

459(7248): E5-E6<br />

The cause of the most marked changes in<br />

the evolution of life, which define the firstorder<br />

stratigraphic boundary between the<br />

Precambrian and the Phanerozoic eon,<br />

remains enigmatic and a highly topical subject<br />

of debate. A global ocean anoxic event,<br />

triggered by large-scale hydrogen sulphide<br />

(H 2 S) release to surface waters, has been<br />

suggested by Wille et al. 1 , on the basis of two<br />

data sets from South China and Oman, to<br />

explain the fundamental biological changes<br />

across the Precambrian/Cambrian (PC/C)<br />

boundary. Here we report a new precise<br />

SHRIMP U – Pb zircon age of 532.3 0.7<br />

million years (Myr) ago (Fig. 1) for a volcanic<br />

ash bed in the critical unit that reflects the<br />

ocean anoxic event, the lowermost black shale<br />

sequence of the Niutitang Formation in the<br />

Guizhou Province, South China. This age is<br />

significantly younger than the precise PC/C<br />

boundary age of 542.0 0.3 Myr ago 2 ,<br />

approximately 10 Myr younger than the<br />

extinction of the Ediacaran fauna, and thus<br />

challenging the view of a major ocean anoxic<br />

event having been responsible for the major<br />

changes in the direction of evolution at the<br />

PC/C boundary.<br />

2009020027<br />

演 化 生 物 学 : 达 尔 文 如 何 认 识 化 石 =<br />

Evolutionary biology: Darwin in the fossils.<br />

( 英 文 ). Hendry A P. Nature, 2008, 451(7180):<br />

779-780<br />

Adaptation by natural selection is thought<br />

to drive evolution. Although it has been<br />

difficult to confirm this process in the fossil<br />

record, evidence has been there all along: we<br />

just haven't been looking properly.<br />


遗 迹 化 石<br />

2009020028<br />

美 国 怀 俄 明 州 大 角 羊 盆 地 古 近 系 Willwood<br />

组 基 于 粘 着 新 月 型 钻 孔 (AMB) 的 新 遗 迹<br />

属 和 遗 迹 种 Naktodemasis Bowni =<br />

Naktodemasis Bowni: New Ichnogenus and<br />

Ichnospecies for Adhesive Meniscate Burrows<br />

(AMB), and Paleoenvironmental Implications,<br />

Paleogene Willwood Formation, Bighorn<br />

basin, Wyoming. ( 英 文 ). Smith J J; Hasiotis S<br />

T; Kraus M J; Woody D T. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 267-278 7 图 版 .<br />

Adhesive meniscate burrows (AMB) are<br />

common in alluvial paleosols of the Paleogene<br />

Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin,<br />

Wyoming. AMB are sinuous, variably<br />

oriented burrows composed of a nested series<br />

of distinct, ellipsoidal packets containing thin,<br />

tightly spaced menisci subparallel to the<br />

bounding packet. Menisci are non-pelleted<br />

and texturally homogeneous with each other<br />

and the surrounding matrix. AMB were<br />

constructed most likely by burrower bugs<br />

(Hemiptera: Cydnidae), cicada nymphs<br />

(Hemiptera: Cicadae), and less likely by<br />

scarabaeid (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) or<br />

carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae), based<br />

on burrow morphology and comparison to<br />

similar structures produced by these<br />

organisms in modern soils. Extant burrowing<br />

insects excavate backfilled burrows in wellrooted<br />

A and upper B horizons of soils<br />

generally below field capacity depending on<br />

soil type. This study demonstrates that AMB<br />

are distinct morphologically from such<br />

previously described ichnofossils as<br />

Beaconites, Laminites, Scoyenia, Taenidium,<br />

and Ancorichnus. Naktodemasis bowni, a new<br />

ichnogenus and ichnospecies, represents<br />

burrows composed of nested ellipsoidal<br />

packets backfilled with thin, tightly spaced,<br />

menisci subparallel to the bounding packet.<br />

The presence of N. bowni indicate periods of<br />

subaerial exposure associated with pedogenic<br />

modification under moderately to well-drained<br />

soil conditions, or during periods of better<br />

drainage in imperfectly drained soils. N.<br />

bowni, therefore, can differentiate alluvial<br />

paleoenvironments from marine and lacustrine<br />

paleoenvironments, as well as periods of<br />

subaerial exposure of sediments deposited in<br />

aquatic settings.<br />

2009020029<br />

化 石 橡 瘿 保 存 着 古 代 多 种 营 养 的 相 互 作 用<br />

= Fossil oak galls preserve ancient<br />

multitrophic interactions. ( 英 文 ). Stone G N;<br />

van der Ham R W J M; Brewer J G.<br />

Proceedings of the Royal Society B:<br />

Biological Sciences, 2008, 275(1648): 2213-<br />

2219<br />

Trace fossils of insect feeding have<br />

contributed substantially to our understanding<br />

of the evolution of insect–plant interactions.<br />

The most complex phenotypes of herbivory<br />

are galls, whose diagnostic morphologies<br />

often allow the identification of the gall<br />

inducer. Although fossil insect-induced galls<br />

over 300Myr old are known, most are twodimensional<br />

impressions lacking adequate<br />

morphological detail either for the precise<br />

identification of the causer or for detection of<br />

the communities of specialist parasitoids and<br />

inquilines inhabiting modern plant galls. Here,<br />

we describe the first evidence for such<br />

multitrophic associations in Pleistocene fossil<br />

galls from the Eemian interglacial (130000–<br />

115000 years ago) of The Netherlands. The<br />

exceptionally well-preserved fossils can be<br />

attributed to extant species of Andricus<br />

gallwasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) galling<br />

oaks (Quercus), and provide the first fossil<br />

evidence of gall attack by herbivorous<br />

inquiline gallwasps. Furthermore,<br />

phylogenetic placement of one fossil in a<br />

lineage showing obligate host plant alternation<br />

implies the presence of a second oak species,<br />

Quercus cerris, currently unknown from<br />

Eemian fossils in northwestern Europe. This<br />

contrasts with the southern European native<br />

range of Q. cerris in the current interglacial<br />

and suggests that gallwasp invasions<br />

following human planting of Q. cerris in<br />

northern Europe may represent a return to<br />

preglacial distribution limits.<br />

2009020030<br />

阿 根 廷 门 多 萨 省 下 - 中 侏 罗 统 Bardas<br />

Blancas 组 风 暴 沉 积 埋 葬 学 和 遗 迹 学 =<br />

Taphonomy And Ichnology From Storm<br />

Deposits; In Bardas Blancas Formation<br />

(Lower-Middle Jurassic), Mendoza, Argentina.<br />

( 其 他 ). Bressan G S; Palma R M.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(3): 513-528<br />

The Bardas Blancas Formation (Toarcian-<br />

Bajocian) of the Neuquen Basin in rio<br />

Potimalal area is characterized on the basis of<br />

sedimentologic, taphonomic and ichnologic<br />

criteria. The taphonomic attributes and their<br />

relation to the lithofacies allow us to<br />

distinguish five different bioclastic deposits<br />

(BD): (1) BD1, hummocky cross-stratified<br />

shell concentrations; (2) BD2, lenticular or<br />


tabular shell concentrations in hummocky<br />

cross-stratified sandstones; (3) BD3, shell<br />

"lags"; (4) BD4, complex shell beds; (5) BD5,<br />

shell beds in massive fine-medium grained<br />

sandstones. BD3 have been interpreted as<br />

storm relaxation flows, whereas BD1-BD2 has<br />

been interpreted as proximal tempestites and<br />

BD4-BD5 as distal tempestites. Molluscs taxa<br />

recorded include bivalves, cephalopods and<br />

gastropods, in order of decreasing of his<br />

relative abundance. Pholadomya cf. abbreviata<br />

Hupe, Meleagrinella cf. echinata (Sowerby)<br />

and Neocrassina andium (Gottsche) are<br />

present in sandstone facies while, Pholadomya<br />

laevigata Hupe and Trigonin (Trigonia) sp. are<br />

abundant in mudstone facies. Ichnofauna<br />

includes Skolithos and Ophiomorpha that may<br />

be assigned to the Skolithos ichnofacies, and<br />

Thalassinoides, Palaeophycus, Planolites and<br />

Chondrites, assigned to the Cruziana<br />

ichnofacies. In the stud), area, there are three<br />

deepening upward successions averaging 26,<br />

17 and 25 in in thickness. The analysis and<br />

interpretation of sedimentologic, taphonomic<br />

and ichnologic features suggests a stormdominated<br />

shelf, in a zone comprised from<br />

shoreface and outer shelf areas.<br />

2009020031<br />

阿 根 廷 门 多 萨 省 牛 津 阶 La Manga 组 遗 迹<br />

化 石 Dactyloidites ottoi = The trace<br />

Dactyloidites ottoi (Geinitz) in the La Manga<br />

Formation, Oxfordian of Mendoza. ( 其 他 ).<br />

Lazo D G; Palma R M; Piethe R D.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(3): 627-632<br />

2009020032<br />

埃 及 晚 白 垩 世 牡 蛎 壳 上 的 大 型 钻 孔 =<br />

Macro-borings on Late Cretaceous oysters of<br />

Egypt. ( 英 文 ). El-Hedeny M M; El-Sabbagh<br />

A M. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(3):<br />

273-286<br />

The present study investigaled traces of<br />

bioerosion in parautochthonous associations<br />

of oysters from the Upper Cretaceous of Egypt.<br />

These traces occurred in great quantity in the<br />

exteriorsufaces of left valves and more<br />

abundantly than occurred in the interior<br />

surfaces, as well as in the surfaces of right<br />

valves. The recognised borings appeared as<br />

systems of chambers and tunnels that were<br />

attributed to the ichnogenera Entobia,<br />

Maeandropolydora and Gastrochaenolites. Of<br />

these, the ichnogenus Entobia represents the<br />

mostdestructive component.<br />

2009020033<br />

阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 始 新 世 中 期 一 种 切 叶 蜂<br />

遗 迹 化 石 及 对 切 叶 蜂 ( 膜 翅 目 ) 遗 迹 化 石<br />

的 综 述 = A leafcutter bee trace fossil from the<br />

middle Eocene of Patagonia, Argentina, and a<br />

review of megachilid (hymenoptera)<br />

ichnology. ( 英 文 ). Sarzetti L C; Labandeira C<br />

C; Genise J F. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4):<br />

933-941<br />

The ichnospecies Phagophytichnus<br />

pseudocircus isp. nov. is described to include<br />

trace fossils characterized by leaf-margin<br />

excisions showing eccentricity values of<br />

0.35–0.65 and more than 270 degrees of an<br />

arc, a non cuspate margin and vein stringers or<br />

necrotic flaps of tissue along the margin. A<br />

method for determining ellipse eccentricity<br />

was performed on leaf discs obtained from the<br />

nests of the modern leafcutter bee Megachile<br />

rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae),<br />

which provided objectively obtained values<br />

comparable to the trace fossil from the middle<br />

Eocene of Argentina and other world-wide<br />

ichnological records, historically and<br />

subjectively considered to be 'circular' trace<br />

fossils and attributed to leafcutter bees. The<br />

material described herein represents the first<br />

evidence for fossil Megachilidae from the<br />

Southern Hemisphere.<br />

2009020034<br />

恐 龙 足 迹 的 三 维 模 拟 与 分 析 = Threedimensional<br />

modelling and analysis of<br />

dinosaur trackways. ( 英 文 ). Bates K T;<br />

Manning P L; Vila B; Hodgetts D.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4): 999-1010<br />

Light Detection And Range (LiDAR)<br />

imaging provides a means to model the 3D<br />

geometry of fossil tracks in the field with high<br />

accuracy. This represents a considerable<br />

advance for the science of vertebrate<br />

ichnology in which traditional field methods<br />

suffer from a significant degree of abstraction<br />

and lack the resolution required to interpret<br />

tracks quantitatively. Three-dimensional<br />

LiDAR models provide additional<br />

morphometric information and allow the<br />

application of new analytical tools unique to<br />

the digital environment. The method will<br />

enable fossil track morphometrics to develop<br />

into an iterative process that combines 3D<br />

visualization and multivariate statistical<br />

methods, blending qualitative and quantitative<br />

approaches and allowing track morphologies<br />

to be compared holistically. Modelling of<br />


trackways from Fumanya (south-east Pyrenees)<br />

using LiDAR has enabled variation in linear<br />

track dimensions to be explained by the varied<br />

contribution of different modes of shear with<br />

increasing depth below the foot/sediment<br />

interface. Features in the relief of pes traces<br />

indicate that subsurface zones within their<br />

track volumes are defined by the interaction of<br />

puncture and local shear, below a surface zone<br />

of liquefaction failure now lost to erosion.<br />

This model of mechanical failure enables a<br />

preliminary review of the pedal kinematics of<br />

titanosaurid sauropod dinosaurs and suggests<br />

multiphase loading of the sediment by the<br />

titanosaurid pes. However, from inspection of<br />

these 3D surfaces alone it is not possible to<br />

differentiate between the possibility of one or<br />

two discrete phases of pedal motion preceding<br />

the toe-off event at the maximum height of the<br />

support phase. By integrating LiDAR models<br />

with analogue modelling within a 3D digital<br />

environment it will be possible to clarify such<br />

interpretations of fossil tracks and the<br />

locomotor mechanics of extinct animals.<br />

2009020035<br />

从 遗 迹 学 角 度 深 刻 认 识 现 代 古 生 物 学 =<br />

Ichnological insights into mitrate<br />

palaeobiology. ( 英 文 ). Rahman I A; Jefferies<br />

R; S ü dkamp W H; Smith R.<br />

Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 127-138<br />

Mitrates are a controversial group of extinct<br />

deuterostomes; there is little agreement over<br />

their affinities, functional morphology or even<br />

the orientation of their upper and lower<br />

surfaces. Four slabs of slate from the Lower<br />

Devonian Hunsr ü ck Slate (Bundenbach,<br />

Germany) are here described, showing trace<br />

fossils (Vadichnites transversus igen. et isp.<br />

nov.) associated with the mitrate Rhenocystis<br />

latipedunculata. These new findings clearly<br />

demonstrate that the mitrate appendage was<br />

used in locomotion and that this movement<br />

took place appendage-first. Such a functional<br />

interpretation suggests that mitrates were<br />

oriented with the flat body surface upwards in<br />

life and argues against a phylogenetic position<br />

in the echinoderm crown-group.<br />

2009020036<br />

阿 根 廷 Fuegian 安 第 斯 克 鲁 兹 迹 、 螺 旋 潜<br />

迹 和 类 沙 蚕 迹 遗 迹 相 的 新 生 代 遗 迹 化 石 =<br />

Cenozoic trace fossils of the Cruziana,<br />

Zoophycos and Nereites ichnofacies from the<br />

Fuegian Andes, Argentina. ( 其 他 ). Cabrera M<br />

I L; Olivero E B; Carmona N B.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2): 377-392<br />

The systematics, paleoenvironmental<br />

implications, and diversity of Cenozoic trace<br />

fossils from the Fuegian Andes are studied.<br />

The relatively complete Paleocene-Miocene<br />

stratigraphic column includes<br />

ichnoassemblages of the Cruziana (Leticia<br />

Formation, late Middle Eocene), Zoophycos<br />

and Nereites (Early Eocene-Early Miocene<br />

turbidite systems) ichnofacies. The last two<br />

ichnoasemblages contain the only known deep<br />

marine Cenozoic trace fossils in Argentina.<br />

The late Middle Eocene Leticia Formation<br />

represents a transgressive-regressive cycle and<br />

bears the ichnogenera Curvolithus,<br />

Diplocraterion, Gyrochorte, Rosselia,<br />

Patagonichnus, Asterosoma, Palaeophycus,<br />

Paradictyodora, Planolites, Rhizocorallium,<br />

Schaubcylindrichinus, Taenidium, and<br />

Teichichnus. Ichnogenera of the Early<br />

Eocene-Early Miocene turbidite systems<br />

include Scolicia, Chondrites, Gyrophyllites,<br />

Nereites, Phycodes, Phycosiphon,<br />

Phymatoderma, Stelloglyphus, Zoophycos,<br />

Ophiomorpha and graphoglyptids.<br />

Graphoglyptids are dominated by<br />

Paleodictyon, Helicolithus, Helminthorhaphe,<br />

Desmograpton and Megagrapton. They are<br />

recorded in thin-bedded turbidites and<br />

mudstones (lobe deposits) and assigned to the<br />

Paleodictyon ichnosubfacies (Nereites<br />

ichnofacies). Ophiomorpha rudis and O.<br />

annulata are common at the contact between<br />

thick-bedded turbidites and mudstones, with<br />

abundant plant fragments. In sandrich,<br />

proximal channel-lobe deposits, they<br />

characterize the Ophiomorpha rudis<br />

ichnosubfacies (Nereites ichnofacies). Scolicia<br />

prisca and Nereites isp. are common in rippled<br />

fine-grained sandstones interbedded with thin<br />

mudstones. Zoophycos ispp. are dominant in<br />

slope mudstones with synsedimentary<br />

slumping. The maximum ichnodiversity is<br />

recorded in the late Middle-Late Eocene;<br />

which is concomitant with a marked cooling<br />

trend. The basal Oligocene displays an abrupt<br />

drop in diversity, whereas the Early Miocene<br />

shows a moderate diversity. These data do not<br />

support the alleged control of increased<br />

Eocene ichnodiversity by global warming<br />

during the Cenozoic thermal maximum.<br />

Specialized food competition, particularly for<br />

the graphoglyptid organisms, and generalized<br />

oligotrophy seem to offer a better explanation<br />

2009020037<br />


远 源 冲 积 扇 中 的 三 叠 纪 遗 迹 动 物 群 : 来 自<br />

阿 根 廷 库 约 盆 地 Cerro Puntudo 组 的 证 据<br />

= Triassic ichnofaunas in distal alluvial fans:<br />

Evidence from the Cerro Puntudo formation,<br />

Cuyo Basin, Argentina. ( 其 他 ). Krapovickas<br />

V; Mangano M G; Mancuso A.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2): 463-472<br />

Alluvial fan deposits of the Cerro Puntudo<br />

Formation (Triassic, Cuyo Basin, San Juan<br />

province) contain a low-diversity ichnofauna.<br />

The analyzed section indicates sedimentation<br />

in the most distal portion of an alluvial fan<br />

system. Palaeophycus tubularis Hall,<br />

Palaeophycus striatus Hall, and small subhorizontal<br />

and inclined trace fossils occur in<br />

laterally extensive tuffaceous limestone,<br />

interpreted as playa-lake deposits originated<br />

by flash floods. They are attributed to the<br />

Scoyenia, ichnofacies. Massive and trough<br />

cross-stratified medium- and fine-grained<br />

sandstones, filling small channelized bodies,<br />

contains a monospecific association of sparse<br />

Skolithos isp. illustrating the Skolithos<br />

ichnofacies. Low diversity, moderate<br />

abundance, and the presence of simple<br />

dwelling structures suggest an opportunistic<br />

association. Based on cross-cutting<br />

relationships among biogenic structures and<br />

preservation of morphological details, an<br />

evolution from a soft to a relatively firm<br />

substrate is proposed. Two suites have been<br />

distinguished in connection to progressive<br />

dewatering of floodplain sediments: 1)<br />

Palaeophycus tubularis Hall and small subhorizontal<br />

and inclined trace fossils,<br />

developed in a soft substrate, and 2)<br />

Palaeophycus striatus Hall associated with<br />

small sub-horizontal and inclined trace fossils,<br />

developed in a relatively firm substrate.<br />

2009020038<br />

威 尔 士 西 南 部 Marloes 湾 灰 岩 大 卵 石 上 的<br />

现 代 生 物 钻 孔 = Recent borings in limestone<br />

cobbles from Marloes Bay, southwest Wales.<br />

( 英 文 ). Donovan S K; Fearnhead F E;<br />

Underwood C J. Lethaia, 2007, 40(3): 233-<br />

236<br />

Limestone clasts from the beach at Marloes<br />

Sands, southwest Wales, contain slender,<br />

straight to sinuous borings cross-cut by<br />

younger, clavate borings. The former were<br />

probably produced by sipunculids or<br />

polychaetes; the latter preserve shells of the<br />

boring bivalve Gastrochaena dubia (Pennant).<br />

Unusually, the calcareous linings of the<br />

clavate bivalve borings extend into many of<br />

the slender worm borings. Such linings are<br />

considered part of the hard parts of the<br />

producing bivalve, but the chance association<br />

of the two morphologies of borings has led to<br />

the lining becoming intimately associated with<br />

both of them. The modified linings of the<br />

bivalve borings have a similar morphology to<br />

the crypt of certain clavagellid bivalves,<br />

perhaps presenting an analogue for the<br />

morphology of a pre-clavagellid, boring<br />

ancestor.<br />

2009020039<br />

爱 沙 尼 亚 奥 陶 纪 变 口 苔 藓 虫 类 内 的 钻 孔 —<br />

— 同 一 造 迹 生 物 产 生 两 个 遗 迹 属 , 宿 主 形<br />

态 控 制 的 一 个 案 例 = Borings in trepostome<br />

bryozoans from the Ordovician of Estonia:<br />

two ichnogenera produced by a single maker,<br />

a case of host morphology control. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Jackson P N W; Key M M Jr. Lethaia, 2007,<br />

40(3): 237-252<br />

The evolution of borings has shown that the<br />

morphology of borings is a function of both<br />

the borer and its substrate. This study<br />

investigated the effect of bryozoan internal<br />

skeletal morphology on the dimensions and<br />

distribution of borings. One hundred and<br />

forty-three trepostome colonies from the<br />

Middle and Upper Ordovician strata of<br />

northern Estonia were examined. Of these,<br />

80% were matrix entombed, longitudinally<br />

sectioned ramose and hemispherical colonies,<br />

and 20% were matrix-free hemispherical<br />

colonies that allowed examination of the<br />

colony surfaces. Seventy-one percent of the<br />

ramose colonies were bored, whereas 88% of<br />

the hemispherical colonies were bored. On<br />

average, only 8% of colony surface areas were<br />

bored out. Borings were more randomly<br />

oriented in the hemispherical colonies. In<br />

contrast in the ramose colonies, the borings<br />

tended to more restricted to the thin-walled<br />

endozone and thus parallel to the branch axis.<br />

This is interpreted to be a function of the<br />

thick-walled exozones controlling to some<br />

extent where the borer could bore. Based on<br />

morphology, the borings in the hemispherical<br />

colonies are referred to Trypanites and those<br />

in the ramose colonies to Sanctum. Sanctum is<br />

revised to include two possible openings and<br />

to recognize that boring shapes were<br />

inherently constrained by the thick-walled<br />

exozones of the host bryozoan colonies. Both<br />

trace fossils were probably produced by a<br />

boring polychaete that used the tubes as<br />

domiciles.<br />

2009020040<br />


华 盛 顿 奥 林 匹 克 半 岛 Humptulips 组 始 新 世<br />

甲 烷 渗 析 灰 岩 中 与 callianassid 类 实 体 化 石<br />

有 关 的 甲 壳 动 物 遗 迹 化 石 Palaxius = The<br />

crustacean ichnofossil Palaxius associated<br />

with callianassid body fossils in an Eocene<br />

methane-seep limestone, Humptulips<br />

Formation, Olympic Peninsula, Washington.<br />

( 英 文 ). Peckmann J; Senowbari-Daryan B;<br />

Birgel D; Goedert J L. Lethaia, 2007, 40(3):<br />

273-280<br />

Crustacean microcoprolites are preserved<br />

along with crustacean megafossils in an<br />

Eocene limestone within the Humptulips<br />

Formation in Grays Harbor County,<br />

Washington. The limestone formed at a<br />

methane seep, as revealed by early diagenetic<br />

carbonate phases resembling those of other<br />

seep limestones, δ 13 C carbonate values as low as<br />

−27‰, and lipid biomarkers of prokaryotes<br />

involved in anaerobic oxidation of methane<br />

with δ 13 C values as low as −110 ‰ .<br />

Recognizable crustacean megafossils are<br />

chiefly isolated chelipeds, akin to those of<br />

callianassid shrimp. The microcoprolites are<br />

pierced by ten longitudinal canals with<br />

crescent-shaped outlines in cross-section,<br />

arranged in two symmetrical groups. The<br />

symmetry plan and number of canals of the<br />

microcoprolites identify the Humptulips<br />

ichnospecies as Palaxius habanensis<br />

Brönnimann & Norton. The occurrence of<br />

decapod fossils along with microcoprolites<br />

suggests that callianassid shrimp were the<br />

producers of the Palaxius, supporting earlier<br />

work that attributed this ichnogenus to<br />

callianassids.<br />

2009020041<br />

在 岩 石 与 硬 地 之 间 —— 节 肢 动 物 行 迹 和 遗<br />

迹 分 类 学 = Between a rock and a hard place:<br />

arthropod trackways and ichnotaxonomy. ( 英<br />

文 ). Minter N J; Braddy S J; Davis R B.<br />

Lethaia, 2007, 40(4): 365-375<br />

Several challenges exist in ichnotaxonomy:<br />

overcoming the perceived distinction between<br />

invertebrate and vertebrate ichnotaxonomy,<br />

standardizing terminology, rationalizing the<br />

plethora of ichnotaxa already in existence, and<br />

developing principles for diagnosing new<br />

ichnotaxa. Ichnotaxa should be based on<br />

morphology, and this morphology<br />

incorporates three key components; the<br />

behaviour expressed, the producer, and the<br />

substrate. Invertebrate and vertebrate<br />

ichnotaxa can both be accommodated within<br />

this framework, but they differ in the relative<br />

contributions of these components. The key to<br />

justifying the synonymy of existing ichnotaxa<br />

is the recognition of intergrading specimens.<br />

However, this is only the case for minor<br />

morphological variants (i.e. those representing<br />

minor differences in behaviour, such as gait<br />

parameters or stance; or minor differences in<br />

preservation, such as undertrack fallout or<br />

slight differences in substrate conditions).<br />

Intergrading specimens should not be used to<br />

justify synonymy between major<br />

morphological variants (i.e. those representing<br />

major behavioural differences, defined herein<br />

as ethological categories; or major differences<br />

in preservation, such as formation in soup, soft<br />

and firmgrounds), and such specimens should<br />

be denoted as hybrids (e.g. Cruziana ×<br />

Rusophycus). New ichnotaxa should ideally be<br />

based on observations of large samples of<br />

material, so that recurrence is demonstrable,<br />

and morphological continuums, or subset<br />

relationships, representing minor<br />

morphological variation, are identified.<br />

Ichnotaxa may only be erected on the basis of<br />

limited material if they truly represent a<br />

unique morphology. These principles have<br />

been developed with arthropod trackways in<br />

mind, but it is hoped that they will be of more<br />

general utility.<br />

2009020042<br />

阿 根 廷 西 北 部 上 三 叠 统 Ischigualasto 组 的<br />

大 型 潜 穴 = Large-diameter burrows in the<br />

Upper Triassic Ischigualasto Formation,<br />

Northwestern Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Colombi C E;<br />

Jofre C; Currie B S. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(4):<br />

795-799<br />

2009020043<br />

中 寒 武 世 遗 迹 化 石 Archaeonossa 的 模 式 标<br />

本 = The type specimens (Middle Cambrian)<br />

of the trace fossil Archaeonossa Fenton and<br />

Fenton. ( 英 文 ). Yochelson E L; Fedonkin M<br />

A. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1997,<br />

34(9): 1210–1219<br />

The original description of Archaeonossa,<br />

from beds considered Early Cambrian but now<br />

dated as early Middle Cambrian, included at<br />

least two unrelated forms of trace fossils. The<br />

ichnogenus and the type ichnospecies are<br />

redefined, a lectotype is designated, and the<br />

type material is reiilustrated, along with<br />

topotype material from Yoho National Park,<br />

British Columbia. Although this trace fossil<br />

was originally attributed to movement by a<br />

gastropod, it is concluded, on the basis of<br />


estudy, that the type occurrence should not be<br />

used as evidence of activity by Gastropoda.<br />

分 子 古 生 物 学<br />

2009020044<br />

新 西 兰 陆 生 动 物 群 的 演 化 : 分 子 证 据 的 评<br />

述 = Evolution of New Zealand's terrestrial<br />

fauna: a review of molecular evidence. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Goldberg K; Trewick S A; Paterson A M.<br />

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal<br />

Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008,<br />

363(1508): 3319-3334<br />

New Zealand biogeography has been<br />

dominated by the knowledge that its<br />

geophysical history is continental in nature.<br />

The continental crust (Zealandia) from which<br />

New Zealand is formed broke from<br />

Gondwanaland ca 80Ma, and there has existed<br />

a pervading view that the native biota is<br />

primarily a product of this long isolation.<br />

However, molecular studies of terrestrial<br />

animals and plants in New Zealand indicate<br />

that many taxa arrived since isolation of the<br />

land, and that diversification in most groups is<br />

relatively recent. This is consistent with<br />

evidence for species turnover from the fossil<br />

record, taxonomic affinity, tectonic evidence<br />

and observations of biological composition<br />

and interactions. Extinction, colonization and<br />

speciation have yielded a biota in New<br />

Zealand which is, in most respects, more like<br />

that of an oceanic archipelago than a continent.<br />

2009020045<br />

利 用 氨 基 酸 外 消 旋 对 再 生 化 石 进 行 鉴 定 =<br />

Identification of remanié fossils using amino<br />

acid racemisation. ( 英 文 ). Murray-Wallace C<br />

L; Belperio A P. Alcheringa, 1994, 18(3): 219<br />

- 227<br />

The extent of racemisation for a range of<br />

amino acids for the total acid hydrolysate and<br />

free fractions, calibrated against radiocarbon<br />

dating, indicates that the foraminifer<br />

Marginopora vertebralis, found within<br />

'modern' tidal flat sediments between<br />

Wardang Island and Goose Island, South<br />

Australia, is reworked from the underlying<br />

Late Pleistocene Glanville Formation.<br />

Analyses of amino acids in the total acid<br />

hydrolysate and free fractions in conjunction<br />

with the determination of absolute<br />

concentrations of amino acid residues in<br />

fossils, provides an elegant method for<br />

assessing the validity of amino acid<br />

racemisation dating, and in identifying<br />

reworked fossils<br />

2009020046<br />

从 复 活 的 蛋 白 质 推 断 前 寒 武 纪 生 命 的 古 温<br />

度 趋 势 = Palaeotemperature trend for<br />

Precambrian life inferred from resurrected<br />

proteins. ( 英 文 ). Gaucher E A; Govindarajan<br />

S; Ganesh O K. Nature, 2008, 451(7179):<br />

704-707<br />

Biosignatures and structures in the<br />

geological record indicate that microbial life<br />

has inhabited Earth for the past 3.5 billion<br />

years or so 1, 2 . Research in the physical<br />

sciences has been able to generate statements<br />

about the ancient environment that hosted this<br />

life 3, 4, 5, 6 . These include the chemical<br />

compositions and temperatures of the early<br />

ocean and atmosphere. Only recently have the<br />

natural sciences been able to provide<br />

experimental results describing the<br />

environments of ancient life. Our previous<br />

work with resurrected proteins indicated that<br />

ancient life lived in a hot environment 7, 8 . Here<br />

we expand the timescale of resurrected<br />

proteins to provide a palaeotemperature trend<br />

of the environments that hosted life from 3.5<br />

to 0.5 billion years ago. The thermostability of<br />

more than 25 phylogenetically dispersed<br />

ancestral elongation factors suggest that the<br />

environment supporting ancient life cooled<br />

progressively by 30 °C during that period.<br />

Here we show that our results are robust to<br />

potential statistical bias associated with the<br />

posterior distribution of inferred character<br />

states, phylogenetic ambiguity, and<br />

uncertainties in the amino-acid equilibrium<br />

frequencies used by evolutionary models. Our<br />

results are further supported by a nearly<br />

identical cooling trend for the ancient ocean as<br />

inferred from the deposition of oxygen<br />

isotopes. The convergence of results from<br />

natural and physical sciences suggest that<br />

ancient life has continually adapted to changes<br />

in environmental temperatures throughout its<br />

evolutionary history<br />

2009020047<br />

襟 鞭 毛 虫 个 体 Monosiga brevicollis 的 基 因<br />

与 后 生 动 物 起 源 = The genome of the<br />

choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis and the<br />

origin of metazoans. ( 英 文 ). King N;<br />

Westbrook M J; Young S L; Kuo A.<br />

Nature, 2008, 451(7179): 783-788<br />

Choanoflagellates are the closest known<br />

relatives of metazoans. To discover potential<br />

molecular mechanisms underlying the<br />

evolution of metazoan multicellularity, we<br />


sequenced and analysed the genome of the<br />

unicellular choanoflagellate Monosiga<br />

brevicollis. The genome contains<br />

approximately 9,200 intron-rich genes,<br />

including a number that encode cell adhesion<br />

and signalling protein domains that are<br />

otherwise restricted to metazoans. Here we<br />

show that the physical linkages among protein<br />

domains often differ between M. brevicollis<br />

and metazoans, suggesting that abundant<br />

domain shuffling followed the separation of<br />

the choanoflagellate and metazoan lineages.<br />

The completion of the M. brevicollis genome<br />

allows us to reconstruct with increasing<br />

resolution the genomic changes that<br />

accompanied the origin of metazoans.<br />

古 生 态 学<br />

2009020048<br />

海 床 上 捕 食 胜 于 竞 争 = Predation defeats<br />

competition on the seafloor. ( 英 文 ). Stanley S<br />

M. Paleobiology, 2008, 34(1): 1-21<br />

For many decades, ecology textbooks<br />

presented classical competition theory without<br />

reservation. The central principle here is that<br />

two species sharing an essential resource that<br />

is in limited supply cannot coexist for long<br />

because the competitively superior species<br />

will eliminate the other one. The implication<br />

is that ecological communities should be<br />

characterized by division of resources among<br />

species, or niche partitioning. Thus, it is<br />

understandable that many paleontologists have<br />

continued to invoke concepts of competitive<br />

exclusion and niche partitioning in their<br />

studies of ancient guilds and communities. By<br />

now, however, there is a large body of<br />

neontological literature demonstrating that<br />

interspecific competition and resource<br />

partitioning play only a minor role in many<br />

ecological communities— especially benthic<br />

marine communities, which are the primary<br />

focus of the following discussion. Predation<br />

and physical disturbance inflict so much<br />

damage on biotas of the seafloor that<br />

populations of one species seldom monopolize<br />

a potentially limiting resource, except<br />

sporadically and locally. As a result, it is<br />

uncommon for any species to drive another to<br />

extinction through competitive exclusion—or<br />

even to force another species to drastically<br />

change its exploitation of any environmental<br />

resource throughout its geographic range.<br />

Furthermore, what particular species or group<br />

of species occupies a particular microhabitat is<br />

often simply a matter of time of arrival.<br />

2009020049<br />

阿 根 廷 前 科 迪 勒 拉 石 炭 纪 和 下 二 叠 统 贝 壳<br />

层 : 时 间 变 化 和 与 显 生 宙 趋 势 的 关 系 =<br />

Carboniferous and Lower Permian shell beds<br />

in Precordillera Argentina. Temporal<br />

variations and relationships with the trends<br />

proposed for the Phanerozoic. ( 其 他 ). Sterren<br />

A F. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2): 303-320<br />

Taphonomic and biodiversity studies of<br />

Carboniferous and Permian shell beds<br />

recorded in several sections from the Rio<br />

Blanco-Paganzo and Calingasta-Uspallata<br />

basins are carried out. Two parameters of<br />

bioclastic accumulations are analyzed:<br />

taxonomic composition and thickness. The<br />

analysis of the taxonomic composition<br />

revealed that molluscan-dominated<br />

concentrations predominate in both periods,<br />

being rhynchonelliform-dominated ones more<br />

abundant during the Carboniferous than<br />

during the Early Permian. The distribution of<br />

thickness ranges exhibits a relative increase<br />

through the studied interval, reaching a<br />

maximum of 30 cm. Studied bioclastic<br />

deposits, are relatively thin and are composed<br />

of distinctive elements of the Modern Fauna;<br />

hence they could be included in a "mixed"<br />

style. On taxonomic grounds the transition<br />

between styles appeared to take place toward<br />

the ending of the Paleozoic, and might have<br />

been driven by a biotic factor related to the<br />

relatively early diversification of infaunal<br />

bivalves. The increase in thickness<br />

documented in the studied interval is the result<br />

of the sedimentary dynamics in different areas<br />

of the basins. Patterns of biodiversity among<br />

mollusks and brachiopods show significantly<br />

higher levels of richness in the Permian than<br />

in the Carboniferous, a feature that is also<br />

evident in the composition of fossiliferous<br />

concentrations. The superposition of styles<br />

herein documented suggests that the<br />

Neopaleozoic is a key interval to test the local<br />

expressions of global models.<br />

2009020050<br />

3.76 亿 年 前 泥 盆 纪 化 石 形 态 变 化 的 气 候 控<br />

制 的 记 录 = Record of climate-driven<br />

morphological changes in 376 Ma Devonian<br />

fossils. ( 英 文 ). Balter V; Renaud S; Girard C;<br />

Joachimski M M. Geology, 2008, 36(11): 907-<br />

910<br />

The Lower and Upper Kellwasser horizons<br />

represent two anoxic events that mark the<br />

mass extinction at the Frasnian-Famennian (F-<br />

F) boundary. Among other groups, conodont<br />

animals were severely affected, but the genus<br />


Palmatolepis survived with a complete<br />

turnover at the F-F boundary. Here the fine<br />

morphological variations of the genus<br />

Palmatolepis and the sea-surface temperature<br />

evolution are quantified in two F-F boundary<br />

sections using morphometrics and oxygen<br />

isotopic composition of apatite, respectively.<br />

In accordance with other F-F sections, the<br />

isotope records show two positive excursions<br />

of ~1 during the Lower and Upper Kellwasser<br />

anoxic events. The conodont shape and the<br />

oxygen isotopic composition of the genus<br />

Palmatolepis are significantly correlated<br />

within the Frasnian and Famennian Stages,<br />

suggesting a strong environmental influence<br />

on the morphology of the feeding apparatus of<br />

the conodont animal. We propose that the<br />

morphological differences are linked to<br />

changes in the trophic position of<br />

Palmatolepis: enhanced organic carbon burial,<br />

which is supported by global positive carbon<br />

isotope excursions in inorganic and organic<br />

carbon during both the Lower and Upper<br />

Kellwasser events altered the primary biomass<br />

production and thus, the subsequent nutrient<br />

supply to higher trophic levels. While the<br />

carbon and oxygen isotopic shifts are of<br />

similar amplitude during Lower and Upper<br />

Kellwasser events, the variation of the shape<br />

of Palmatolepis during the Upper Kellwasser,<br />

i.e., the F-F boundary, is more pronounced<br />

than during the Lower Kellwasser.<br />

2009020051<br />

碳 同 位 素 比 值 的 横 向 趋 势 揭 示 巴 基 斯 坦 锡<br />

瓦 利 克 中 新 世 植 被 的 梯 度 = Lateral trends in<br />

carbon isotope ratios reveal a Miocene<br />

vegetation gradient in the Siwaliks of Pakistan.<br />

( 英 文 ). Morgan ME; Behrensmeyer A K;<br />

Badgley C; Barry J C; Nelson S; Pilbeam D.<br />

Geology, 2000, 37(1): 103-106<br />

Isotopic analyses of mammalian tooth<br />

enamel from a well-defined, laterally<br />

extensive 150 k.y. interval (9.15–9.30 Ma)<br />

reveal an ecological gradient in vegetation on<br />

the late Miocene sub-Himalayan alluvial plain.<br />

Two contemporaneous river systems<br />

deposited the sediments of this interval, with a<br />

mountain-sourced system (herein, Blue-gray)<br />

to the southwest interfingering with a foothillsourced<br />

system (Buff) to the northeast. Fossil<br />

mammal teeth collected from a 32 km transect<br />

across this fluvial gradient are significantly<br />

more depleted in<br />

13 C from northeastern<br />

localities than from southwestern localities.<br />

This trend occurs in equids, giraffids, suids,<br />

sivapithecine hominoids, and anthracotheres.<br />

We propose that the Buff fluvial system<br />

provided more equably moist substrate<br />

conditions and supported more closed-canopy<br />

vegetation than the Blue-gray fluvial system.<br />

Herbivores living along the paleovegetation<br />

gradient thus acquired different carbon<br />

isotopic signatures during the period of tooth<br />

enamel formation, resulting from higher 13 C<br />

values in the forage supported by the Bluegray<br />

fluvial system compared with forage<br />

associated with the Buff system. The data also<br />

imply that many Siwalik mammalian<br />

herbivores displayed marked fidelity in<br />

juvenile home ranges and habitats.<br />

2009020052<br />

新 西 兰 旺 加 努 伊 盆 地 中 更 新 世 Waiomio 介<br />

壳 层 = The Mid Pleistocene Waiomio<br />

Shellbed (Castlecliffian, c. 550-600 ky),<br />

Wanganui Basin, New Zealand. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Stephen T. Abbott. Alcheringa, 1992, 16(2):<br />

171 - 180<br />

A new outcrop of the Waiomio Shellbed is<br />

described from the west bank of the Rangitikei<br />

River, near Porewa. The shellbed comprises<br />

cross-bedded pebbly-shell conglomerate<br />

containing a rich intertidal assemblage of<br />

estuarine (Macomona liliana, Cominella<br />

glandiformis, Austrovenus stutchburyi) and<br />

shore face (Paphies subtriangulata, Mactra<br />

discors, Spisula aequilatera, Dosinia<br />

(Phacosoma) subrosea) Mollusca. This site<br />

contains previously undescribed units, and the<br />

names Waiomio Formation (which includes<br />

the basal Waiomio Shellbed) and Reu Reu<br />

Formation are introduced. The excellent<br />

exposure demonstrates the position of the<br />

Waiomio Shellbed within a complete<br />

cyclothem, facilitating interpretation in terms<br />

of sequence stratigraphic concepts. A basal<br />

disconformity (sequence boundary) truncating<br />

a palaeosol horizon (lowstand systems tract),<br />

is overlain by the Waiomio Formation<br />

(transgressive systems tract), and is succeeded<br />

by the Reu Reu Formation, comprising an in<br />

situ shellbed (condensed section) and massive<br />

siltstone (highstand systems tract). The<br />

complete sequence is compared with its<br />

probable equivalent in the Wanganui coast<br />

section, which correlates with oxygen isotope<br />

stage 15.<br />

2009020053<br />

港 湾 沉 积 中 指 向 岸 的 暴 风 雨 事 件 的 化 石 证<br />

据 的 导 向 性 研 究 : 加 拿 大 新 斯 科 舍<br />

Chezzetcook 小 湾 = Pilot study of fossil<br />

evidence of onshore-directed storm events in<br />


estuarine sediments: Chezzetcook Inlet, Nova<br />

Scotia. ( 英 文 ). Schafer C T; Medioli F S.<br />

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2009,<br />

46(3): 193–205<br />

Sediment cores collected from the landward<br />

side of a baymouth barrier in a lower estuarine<br />

environment of Chezzetcook Inlet contain<br />

proxy “signals” of onshore-directed storms<br />

that are manifested by the sudden appearance<br />

of benthic and planktic Foraminifera species.<br />

These taxa have been eroded and transported<br />

from adjacent inner shelf open-marine<br />

environments. One relatively strong onshoredirected<br />

storm (hurricane) event appears to<br />

have caused a reduction in seawater exchange<br />

in the southeastern part of the inlet that<br />

persisted for at least several decades. In this<br />

particular barrier-protected lower estuarine<br />

depositional environment, foraminiferal<br />

storm-indicator species distributions in older<br />

sediments seem to be spatially patchy.<br />

Consequently, in this Chezzetcook<br />

depositional setting, the successful<br />

reconstruction of a complete proxy storm<br />

record will require replicate coring and highfrequency<br />

core subsampling strategies.<br />

2009020054<br />

晚 侏 罗 世 鱼 耳 石 和 软 体 动 物 共 生 的 同 位 素<br />

分 析 : 对 海 洋 上 层 水 温 测 定 的 意 义 =<br />

Isotopic analysis of coexisting Late Jurassic<br />

fish otoliths and molluscs: Implications for<br />

upper-ocean water temperature estimates. ( 英<br />

文 ). Price G D; Wilkinson D; Hart M B; Page<br />

K N. Geology, 2009, 37(3): 215-218<br />

The 18 O compositions of well-preserved<br />

Jurassic fish otoliths from Wootton Bassett,<br />

UK, provide upper-ocean paleotemperatures<br />

that are comparable with those derived from<br />

the isotopic analysis of fish tooth phosphates,<br />

providing independent scrutiny of such<br />

paleotemperatures. 18 O otolith temperatures in<br />

excess of 30 ° C also rival temperatures<br />

associated with the middle Cretaceous thermal<br />

maximum. The negative carbon isotopes of the<br />

otoliths may point to a freshwater influence<br />

and potentially migratory nature of the fish.<br />

However, given the large departures from<br />

equilibrium fractionation toward more<br />

negative carbon values reported from modern<br />

marine fish, we consider our temperature<br />

interpretations to be robust and representative<br />

of the marine depositional environment.<br />

Depleted 13 C values, we believe, suggest that<br />

the otoliths examined in this study belong to<br />

fish with high metabolic rates.<br />

2009020055<br />

珊 瑚 Acropora cervicornisdui 对 环 境 变 化<br />

的 影 响 来 自 早 至 中 全 新 世 的 证 据 = How<br />

vulnerable is Acropora cervicornis to<br />

environmental change Lessons from the early<br />

to middle Holocene. ( 英 文 ). Greer L; Jackson<br />

J E;Curran A H; Guilderson T; Teneva L.<br />

Geology, 2009, 37(3): 263-266<br />

The coral Acropora cervicornis is<br />

considered a modern environmental indicator<br />

species, vulnerable to anthropogenic stress<br />

and rapidly disappearing throughout the<br />

Caribbean. Causes for its decline have been<br />

attributed to both natural and anthropogenic<br />

factors. Physical and geochemical data are<br />

used to explore conditions under which this<br />

species thrived in early to middle Holocene<br />

reef deposits (ca. 9.4 – 5.4 ka) of the<br />

Enriquillo Valley, southwestern Dominican<br />

Republic. This study shows that A. cervicornis<br />

flourished during a 4000 yr period spanning<br />

the Holocene Thermal Maximum, and highresolution<br />

radiocarbon dating reveals<br />

continuous growth for at least 2000 yr.<br />

Holocene A. cervicornis survived large-scale<br />

climate and environmental changes that<br />

included high temperatures, variable salinity,<br />

hurricanes, and rapid sea-level rise with<br />

remarkable resilience. Our data suggest that<br />

the recent decline in A. cervicornis is<br />

anomalous and likely tied to ecosystem change<br />

beyond natural causes.<br />

2009020056<br />

加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 中 部 中 威 斯 康 辛 阶<br />

的 沉 积 和 古 生 态 : 沿 Necoslie 及 Nautley<br />

河 的 地 点 = Middle Wisconsinan sediments<br />

and paleoecology of central British Columbia:<br />

sites at Necoslie and Nautley rivers. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Plouffe A; Jetté H. Canadian Journal of Earth<br />

Sciences, 1997, 34(2): 200–208<br />

At two sites in central British Columbia,<br />

sediments with dispersed organic matter,<br />

underneath Fraser Glaciation deposits, are<br />

interpreted as nonglacial deposits of Middle<br />

Wisconsinan age (Olympia Nonglacial<br />

Interval). At Necoslie River, undated sand<br />

with dispersed organic matter, thought to be<br />

fluvial in origin, is overlain by Fraser drift. At<br />

Nautley River, similar sand contains plant<br />

detritus that has yielded<br />

14 C ages of<br />

38 230 ± 410 BP (Beta-88557) and<br />

42460 ± 670 BP (Beta-88558). Pollen<br />

assemblages of the sediments with dispersed<br />

organic matter at the Necoslie River and<br />


Nautley River sites are similar: both<br />

assemblages are dominated by herb pollen,<br />

with a lesser amount of tree pollen. The pollen<br />

assemblages are thought to reflect a tundratype<br />

vegetation. Because vegetation in the<br />

area is presently dominated by spruce and<br />

subalpine fir forest, climate during deposition<br />

probably was much cooler than today. Data<br />

presented here support the contention of other<br />

studies in western Canada that cooler climatic<br />

conditions existed for some time during the<br />

Middle Wisconsinan.<br />

2009020057<br />

加 拿 大 安 大 略 马 拉 通 附 近 早 冰 后 期 化 石 组<br />

合 的 时 代 和 古 生 态 意 义 = Age and<br />

paleoecological significance of an early<br />

postglacial fossil assemblage near Marathon,<br />

Ontario, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Bajc A F; Morgan A<br />

V; Warner B G. Canadian Journal of Earth<br />

Sciences, 1997, 34(5): 687–698<br />

Organic materials recovered from deltaic<br />

deposits confined to the Black River Valley<br />

near Marathon, Ontario, provide information<br />

on lake-level history and local ecology for the<br />

region. Radiocarbon samples provide the first<br />

age determinations (ca. 8200 BP) for the post-<br />

Minong III – IV lake phases along the<br />

northeast corner of the Lake Superior basin. A<br />

minimum of 49 Coleoptera taxa and 22<br />

vascular plant taxa indicate coniferous-forest<br />

and riparian communities. Overbank<br />

deposition along rivers flowing from the ice<br />

margin provided temporary ponds colonized<br />

by sedges and other aquatic plants and animals.<br />

Many records for both animals and plants<br />

illustrate occurrences of western and Arctic<br />

disjunct species in early Holocene time. Some<br />

"western " Coleoptera might still be present as<br />

disjuncts in the Marathon region.<br />

2009020058<br />

塔 中 隆 起 上 奥 陶 统 凯 迪 阶 良 里 塔 格 组 生 物<br />

群 及 其 古 生 态 特 征 = Biota And<br />

Palaeoecology Of The Lianglitag Formation<br />

(Katian, Upper Ordovician), Central Tarim,<br />

NW China. ( 中 文 ). 杨 海 军 ; 王 建 坡 ; 黄 智 斌 ;<br />

姚 小 刚 ; 张 园 园 ; 马 俊 业 ; 李 越 . 古 生 物 学<br />

报 , 2009, 48(1): 109-122<br />

塔 中 隆 起 区 的 良 里 塔 格 组 含 菌 藻 类 微 生<br />

物 岩 、 植 物 类 的 钙 藻 、 原 生 动 物 中 的 有 孔<br />

虫 、 后 生 动 物 中 的 海 绵 、 珊 瑚 、 苔 藓 虫 、<br />

介 形 类 、 三 叶 虫 、 腹 足 类 、 腕 足 动 物 、 棘<br />

皮 动 物 等 化 石 门 类 。 根 据 其 生 物 成 分 的 埋<br />

葬 学 特 征 , 分 为 原 地 或 近 源 成 分 占 优 势 的<br />

群 落 和 远 源 异 地 成 分 占 优 势 的 组 合 , 群 落<br />

和 组 合 的 类 型 展 布 受 水 深 、 水 动 力 、 坡 折<br />

带 地 貌 等 因 素 控 制 。<br />

微 体 古 生 物 学<br />

综 论<br />

2009020059<br />

澳 大 利 亚 南 卡 那 封 盆 地 Giralia 背 斜 底 部<br />

Gearle 粉 砂 岩 中 白 垩 世 钙 质 和 硅 质 微 体 化<br />

石 = Mid-Cretaceous calcareous and siliceous<br />

microfossils from the basal Gearle Siltstone,<br />

Giralia Anticline, Southern Carnarvon Basin.<br />

( 英 文 ). Haig D W; Watkins D K; Ellis G.<br />

Alcheringa, 1996, 20(1): 41 - 68<br />

A diverse assemblage of foraminifera,<br />

radiolaria, and calcareous nannoplankton is<br />

recorded from basal beds of the Gearle<br />

Silstone in its type area. The calcareous<br />

nannofossils place the strata within the<br />

temperate-latitude CC8a Subzone and the<br />

Southern Ocean Sollasites falklandensis<br />

Subzone; the planktonic foraminifera indicate<br />

that the beds belong to the Hedbergella<br />

planispira Zone of the Australian region. The<br />

biozones suggest an early Albian age (later<br />

than the earliest Albian). Abundant calcareous<br />

and siliceous plankton and the Marssonella<br />

Association of benthonic foraminifera indicate<br />

normal-marine depositional conditions in a<br />

water depth of about 100 m. The transition<br />

from Windalia Radiolarite to Gearle Siltstone<br />

may reflect a marine transgressive pulse that<br />

reactivated bottom-water circulation and<br />

facilitated a significant increase in the<br />

calcareous biogenic component of the<br />

sediment. Deposition of the basal Gearle<br />

Siltstone was coincident with a major increase<br />

in bathymetry in the Papuan, Laura,<br />

Carpentaria, Eromanga and Surat Basins in<br />

eastern Australia<br />

2009020060<br />

意 大 利 亚 平 宁 北 部 Vena del Gesso 地 区 梅<br />

辛 阶 蒸 发 岩 中 的 微 生 物 群 落 = Microbial<br />

communities in Messinian evaporite deposits<br />

of the Vena del Gesso (northern Apennines,<br />

Italy). ( 英 文 ). Panieri G; Lugli S; Manzi V.<br />

Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(3/4): 343-352<br />

The Vena del Gesso (Northern Apennines)<br />

is a 230 in-thick succession consisting of up to<br />

16 gypsum-shale cycles belonging to the<br />

"Lower Evaporites" formed during the<br />

Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean.<br />

The study,of the microbial communities<br />


preserved in the gypsum crystals of one<br />

complete cycle (6(th) cycle at Monte Tondo<br />

quarry) showed abundant, regularly arranged<br />

filamentous forms that resemble<br />

morphologically modern obligate<br />

phototrophes, cyanobacteria colonizing<br />

modern photic. shallow-water gypsum basins.<br />

At least four different bacterial populations<br />

have been recognized:<br />

a) filamentous type cyanobacteria with<br />

characteristic inserted funnel shaped structure<br />

resembling the modern Scytonematacean;<br />

b) Type 1 organisms consisting of filamentous<br />

structures impregnated by clay minerals<br />

containing pyrite grains in the outer sheath;<br />

c) Type 2 filaments filled by C lay minerals<br />

with dolomite in the Outer sheath;<br />

d) Type 3 filamentous organisms with a<br />

central hollow tube and an encrusted outer<br />

sheath mainly composed of calcium carbonate.<br />

These organisms were probably associated<br />

with other heterotrophic bacteria as suggested<br />

by the presence of dolomite and pyrite<br />

structures. The size and preservation suggest<br />

that most of these cyanobacteria were likely<br />

conducting oxygenic photosynthesis as<br />

presently observed in modern solar salt works.<br />

It follows that they were living in shallow<br />

water settings or settled down from the water<br />

column to the bottom of a relatively deep<br />

evaporite basin.<br />

2009020061<br />

真 核 生 物 化 石 保 存 的 实 验 证 据 : 二 氧 化 硅<br />

溶 液 中 的 洋 葱 表 皮 细 胞 = Experimental<br />

evidence for eukaryotic fossil preservation:<br />

Onion skin cells in silica solution. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Chen Xiaozheng; Wang Wei; Shang Qinghua;<br />

Lou Yue; Liu Xinchun; Cao Changqun; Wang<br />

Yue. Precambrian Research, 2009, 170(3-4):<br />

223-230<br />

Research on the origin of eukaryotes often<br />

focuses on the exceptional preservation found<br />

in silicified Precambrian fossils. Nuclei like<br />

subcellular structures in well-preserved fossil<br />

becomes confusion and arguments, which<br />

focus on whether the partial degradation of<br />

prokaryotes produces artifacts that resemble a<br />

‘ nucleus ’ , or fossilized nuclei of<br />

eukaryotes. In order to understand the<br />

mechanisms of silicification and identify the<br />

fossilized subcellular and microstructures in<br />

rocks, a series of laboratory controlled<br />

experiments were performed for simulating<br />

the silicification process. The effects of<br />

different silica solutions in eukaryote<br />

fossilization were studied in our experiments<br />

by exposing onion skin cells (epidermis) to<br />

silica solutions. Onion skin provides a good<br />

experimental model because of its well<br />

characterized cellular structures which are<br />

easily observed. The designed experiments<br />

revealed that the possibility of onion cell<br />

preserved as a “ fossil ” with nuclear<br />

structures, the first week fossilization, or<br />

mineralization as rapid as 1 week is important.<br />

And the experiment also revealed interactions<br />

between silica and the onion skin cell wall<br />

surface functional groups were weak. The<br />

preservation of nuclei in the onion skin model<br />

was due to precipitation in highly<br />

supersaturated silica solutions rather than<br />

simply the high silica concentration. When the<br />

silica gel precipitates slowly at low<br />

supersaturation states, the nuclei were not well<br />

preserved, but the rapid precipitation at high<br />

supersaturated silica conditions preserved<br />

nuclear structures. A better understanding of<br />

the processes involved in onion skin<br />

fossilization will further contribute to issues<br />

concerning the silicification of other<br />

eukaryotic materials.<br />

2009020062<br />

俄 罗 斯 奥 列 尼 奥 克 隆 起 里 菲 期 Arymas 组<br />

和 Debengda 组 微 化 石 : 时 代 和 特 征 研 究<br />

= Microfossils from the Arymas and<br />

Debengda formations, the Riphean of the<br />

Olenek Uplift: Age and presumable nature.<br />

( 英 文 ). Stanevich A M; Maksimova E N;<br />

Kornilova T A; Gladkochub D P;<br />

Mazukabzov A M; Donskaya T V.<br />

Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2009, 17(1): 20-35<br />

Studied assemblages of diverse organicwalled<br />

microfossils separated from the<br />

Arymas and Debengda formations of the<br />

Olenek Uplift include several paleobiological<br />

groups of microorganisms. Sufficiently large<br />

morphotypes of the first group are identified<br />

with remains of cyanobacteria. Morphotypes<br />

of variable spiral structure, which dwelt in<br />

association or in symbiosis with cyanobionts,<br />

are attributed to the same bacterial community.<br />

The other group includes a series of different<br />

acritarch genera whose characters suggest<br />

their affinity with green algae of the order<br />

Desmidiales. It is very likely that this group<br />

coexisted on siliciclastic shoals with large<br />

ancestral forms of the present-day brown<br />

algae. Several microfossil taxa have been<br />

known before from the Neoproterozoic<br />

deposits only. With due regard for the<br />

relatively gradual accumulation of<br />


sedimentary succession lacking large hiatuses<br />

and for the regular series of K-Ar dates<br />

characterizing three Riphean formations of the<br />

Olenek Uplift, it is possible to suggest that<br />

there was the Arymas-Debengda-Khaipakh<br />

cycle of long-lasted, almost uninterrupted<br />

sedimentation within the time span of 1250–<br />

900 Ma. It is also admissible that age ranges<br />

of some Late Precambrian microfossils are<br />

much larger than their distribution intervals<br />

postulated formerly.<br />

2009020063<br />

俄 罗 斯 莫 斯 科 西 南 部 卡 洛 夫 阶 、 牛 津 阶 和<br />

伏 尔 加 阶 钙 质 超 微 化 石 和 有 孔 虫 的 分 布 =<br />

The distribution of calcareous nannofossils<br />

and foraminifers in the Callovian, Oxfordian,<br />

and Volgian deposits in the southwest of<br />

Moscow. ( 英 文 ). Ustinova M A.<br />

Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2009, 17(2): 204-217<br />

The distribution of calcareous nannofossils<br />

and foraminifers occurring in the Callovian-<br />

Oxfordian deposits in the southwest of<br />

Moscow is studied. Nannoplankton-bearing<br />

beds and foraminiferal zones are distinguished.<br />

The Retecapsa incompta Beds correspond in<br />

range to the Ophthalmidium sagittum-<br />

Epistomina volgensis and Ophthalmidium<br />

strumosum-Lenticulina brestica foraminiferal<br />

zones as well as the lower part of Epistomina<br />

uhligi-Lenticulina russiensis Zone. The<br />

Watznaueria manivitae, Crepidolithus<br />

perforata, and Watznaueria fossacincta<br />

(lowermost part) beds span interval of the<br />

Epistomina uhligi-Lenticulina russiensis Zone.<br />

The Watznaueria fossacincta Beds are<br />

concurrent to the Lenticulina ponderosa-<br />

Flabellamina lidiae Zone of the foraminiferal<br />

scale.<br />

2009020064<br />

国 际 植 硅 体 命 名 法 规 (International Code<br />

for Phytolith Nomenclature 1.0) 的 介 绍 与<br />

讨 论 = Introduction And Discussion On<br />

International Code for Phytolith Nomenclature<br />

1.0. ( 中 文 ). 李 泉 ; 吕 厚 远 ; 王 伟 铭 . 古 生 物 学<br />

报 , 2009, 48(1): 131-138<br />

随 着 植 硅 体 分 析 的 广 泛 应 用 , 植 硅 体 命<br />

名 规 范 化 已 经 成 为 趋 势 。 文 章 对 国 际 植 硅<br />

体 命 名 法 规 中 植 硅 体 类 型 划 分 、 命 名 和 描<br />

述 的 方 法 与 术 语 进 行 介 绍 , 提 供 部 分 中 文<br />

对 应 译 名 , 并 对 该 法 规 中 存 在 的 问 题 进 行<br />

探 讨 , 以 期 引 起 国 内 学 术 界 的 重 视 , 为 我<br />

国 植 硅 体 命 名 规 范 化 提 供 参 考 。<br />

孢 粉<br />

2009020065<br />

挪 威 西 北 部 北 方 林 和 高 山 林 界 线 处 的 花 粉<br />

年 积 率 (PAR )—— 着 重 研 究 Pinus<br />

sylvestris 和 Betula pubescens 两 个 种 =<br />

Annual pollen accumulation rate (PAR) at the<br />

boreal and alpine forest-line of north-western<br />

Norway, with special emphasis on Pinus<br />

sylvestris and Betula pubescens. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Jensen C; Vorren K-D; Mørkved B. Review of<br />

Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2007, 144(3-4):<br />

337-361<br />

Pollen monitoring at the north-western<br />

fringe of the European boreal forest by means<br />

of modified Tauber traps, was carried out<br />

during the years 1996–2004 along a coastinland<br />

gradient, including two altitudinal<br />

transects inland. The relationship between<br />

annual pollen deposition and local flora and<br />

vegetation was investigated. Pinus sylvestris<br />

stands in the open coastal lowland and mixed<br />

birch-pine forest inland are reflected by a<br />

mean pollen accumulation rate (PAR) of 200–<br />

400 grains cm − 2 yr − 1 , and dense pinedominated<br />

forest inland by ≥ 2000 grains<br />

cm − 2 yr − 1 . The deposition of Betula<br />

pubescens-type pollen in the coastal birch<br />

woodland is 80–350 grains cm − 2 yr − 1 . During<br />

the same time interval, the sub-alpine birch<br />

forest inland has a PAR of 240–720 grains<br />

cm − 2 yr − 1 . This figure increases to c. 2000<br />

when the two high-productive years 1998 and<br />

1999 are included in the mean. The alpine<br />

forest-line ecotone is reflected in the pollen<br />

deposition by a decrease in Betula pubescenstype,<br />

meadow and heath herbs, and an<br />

increase in Salix and alpine herbs with altitude.<br />

This floristic change starts in the upper part of<br />

the sub-alpine belt and continues gradually<br />

into the open alpine belts. The presence of<br />

phytophagous insects in the pollen traps is<br />

found to influence the pollen record by<br />

overrepresentation of insect-dispersed herb<br />

taxa, but does not obscure the recognition of<br />

local vegetation types. PAR and percentages<br />

show the same main trends along the<br />

geographical gradients.<br />

2009020066<br />

加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 西 南 部 碳 14 同 位 素<br />

年 龄 约 1.8 万 年 前 非 冰 期 姆 迪 港 间 冰 段 的<br />

古 环 境 再 造 = Palaeoenvironmental<br />

reconstruction of the Port Moody Interstade, a<br />

nonglacial interval in southwestern British<br />

Columbia at about 18 000 14C years BP. ( 英<br />


文 ). Lian O B; Mathewes R W; Hicock S R.<br />

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,<br />

38(6): 943-952<br />

New palynological data from peaty<br />

sediments deposited during the Port Moody<br />

Interstade, at about 18 000 14 C years, indicate<br />

that the environment in the western Fraser<br />

Lowland of British Columbia consisted of<br />

subalpine forest and parkland with abundant<br />

fir and spruce that grew under a temperate and<br />

moist climate, similar to the wetter subzones<br />

of the present-day Engelmann Spruce –<br />

Subalpine Fir biogeoclimatic zone. The moist<br />

conditions interpreted for the Port Moody<br />

Interstade are consistent with recent computer<br />

modelling and earlier palynological data from<br />

unglaciated western Washington State, but<br />

appear to contradict regional Cooperative<br />

Holocene Mapping Project (COHMAP)<br />

reconstructions and some earlier<br />

palaeoenvironmental studies that support dry<br />

conditions. Strong seasonality is suggested as<br />

part of the explanation, with Pacific storms in<br />

summer following the southern margin of the<br />

last Cordilleran ice sheet, bringing abundant<br />

moisture to the study area during the growing<br />

season, but probably not in winter, when<br />

storm tracks were displaced to the south. The<br />

cold and dry anticyclonic winds postulated by<br />

COHMAP were probably also relatively weak<br />

in summer, resulting in stronger expression of<br />

moist Pacific air masses than previously<br />

thought. The timing of the Port Moody<br />

Interstade coincides with that of a short<br />

climatic fluctuation reported from several<br />

other sites in both the northern and southern<br />

hemispheres. These events, if causally related,<br />

suggest a rapidly propagated atmospheric–<br />

oceanic signal.<br />

2009020067<br />

阿 根 廷 圣 胡 安 省 Volcan 山 脉 泥 盆 纪<br />

Chigua 组 和 石 炭 纪 Maliman 组 孢 粉 , 第 二<br />

部 分 : 带 气 囊 、 假 气 囊 和 赤 道 周 壁 环 带 孢<br />

子 = Palynology of the Chigua (Devonian)<br />

and Maliman (Carboniferous) formations in<br />

the Volcan Range, San Juan Province,<br />

Argentina. Part II. Cavate, pseudosaccate and<br />

cingulizonate spores. ( 法 文 ). Amenabar C R;<br />

Di Pasquo M; Carrizo H A; Azcuy C L.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2007, 44(3): 547-564<br />

Palynological analysis of the Chigua and<br />

Maliman formations of Middle Devonian and<br />

Mississippian age respectively, is presented.<br />

They crop out in the Del Volcan Range at the<br />

Rio Blanco Basin in western Argentina. In this<br />

second part, 40 indigenous species of cavate,<br />

pseudosaccate and cingulizonate spores from<br />

both units are illustrated. The species<br />

Geminospora sp. cf. G. tuberculata var.<br />

tuberculata McGregor is recorded in the<br />

Middle Devonian of South America for the<br />

first time. The following species are also<br />

recorded in the Mississippian of South<br />

America for the first time as Crassispora<br />

invicta Playford, Densosporites asperus<br />

Braman and Hills, Densosporites gracilis<br />

Smith and Butterworth, Densosporites<br />

secundus Playford and Satterthwait,<br />

Densosporites sp. cf. D. triangularis Kosanke,<br />

Gorgonispora sp. cf. G. crassa (Winslow)<br />

Higgs et al., Lophozonotriletes dentatus<br />

Hughes and Playford, Spelaeotriletes<br />

echinatus (Hacquebard) Utting,<br />

Velamisporites perinatus (Hughes and<br />

Playford) Playford. Some possibly reworked<br />

species (scolecodonts, paleomicroplankton<br />

and spores) from the Maliman Formation are<br />

illustrated and some of them are also<br />

described<br />

2009020068<br />

俄 罗 斯 Timan 南 部 Balneologicheskaya-1<br />

参 照 钻 孔 剖 面 中 吉 维 特 期 - 弗 拉 期 孢 粉 特 征<br />

= Palynological characterization of Givetian-<br />

Frasnian deposits in the reference Borehole<br />

section 1-Balneologicheskaya (Southern<br />

Timan). ( 英 文 ). Tel’nova O P. Stratigraphy<br />

and Geological Correlation, 2008, 16(2): 143-<br />

161<br />

A succession of seven palynological<br />

assemblages characterizing the Yuzhnyi<br />

Timan, Taman, Ust-Yarega, Domanik, and<br />

Vetlosyan formations of the southern Timan is<br />

established in the Givetian-Frasnian deposits<br />

recovered by Borehole 1-Balneologicheskaya<br />

and studied in detail. Five individual zones,<br />

which are distinguished within stratigraphic<br />

range of the optivus-krestovnicovii miospore<br />

zone, can be of basic importance for a highresolution<br />

stratigraphic subdivision of the<br />

sedimentation stage under consideration.<br />

Phytostratigraphic boundary corresponding to<br />

the Frasnian Stage base in the East European<br />

platform is substantiated in palynological<br />

aspect.<br />

2009020069<br />

美 国 阿 拉 巴 马 州 和 密 西 西 比 州 古 新 世 - 始 新<br />

世 paratropical 沼 泽 和 边 缘 海 花 粉 植 物 群<br />

的 对 比 = Comparisons between Palaeocene–<br />

Eocene paratropical swamp and marginal<br />

marine pollen floras from Alabama and<br />


Mississippi, USA. ( 英 文 ). Harrington G J.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(3): 611-622<br />

Climate warming at the Palaeocene/Eocene<br />

boundary (c. 55.8 Ma) had significant<br />

permanent affects on paratropical and warmadapted<br />

vegetation types. Pollen and spore<br />

records which document vegetation turnover<br />

from the eastern US Gulf Coast have all been<br />

taken from sediments of marginal marine<br />

depositional environments. Pollen and spores<br />

(sporomorphs) are preserved excellently in<br />

these marginal marine depositional<br />

environments but these assemblages contain<br />

grains transported from many different<br />

vegetation types and over huge geographic<br />

distances. Currently it is unclear whether the<br />

turnover from important paratropical areas<br />

like the US Gulf Coast is a reflection on actual<br />

vegetation change in the local region or from<br />

source areas far away in the continental<br />

interior. Sporomorph data from 20 former<br />

swamps (lignites) from the Nanafalia,<br />

Tuscahoma and Hatchetigbee formations in<br />

Mississippi and Alabama, USA, are used to<br />

test the fidelity of the marine sporomorph<br />

record across the Palaeocene – Eocene<br />

transition. Data show that extinction is noted<br />

in the swamp record ( ≥ 7 per cent of<br />

Palaeocene taxa) and that swamps were<br />

susceptible to immigration in the Early<br />

Eocene with the first occurrences of<br />

Brosipollis spp. (Burseraceae), Dicolpopollis<br />

spp. (Palmae), Nuxpollenites psilatus<br />

(Loranthaceae) and Platycarya spp.<br />

(Juglandaceae). Swamps have higher withinsample<br />

diversity in the Eocene but higher<br />

among-sample diversity in latest<br />

Palaeocene–earliest Eocene samples, which<br />

parallels exactly diversity trends estimated<br />

from marine sporomorph assemblages. Palms<br />

also increase in abundance in the Eocene. The<br />

swamp data demonstrate that the flora<br />

growing in these ancient paratropical forests<br />

was diverse (c. 120 taxonomic groups) but<br />

incorporated an unusual admixture of plants<br />

with modern tropical affinities together with<br />

those that now live in modern temperate to<br />

subtropical North America.<br />

2009020070<br />

俄 罗 斯 加 里 宁 格 勒 地 区 Sambian 半 岛 西 部<br />

上 白 垩 统 和 古 近 纪 沉 积 的 孢 粉 特 征 , 第 一<br />

部 分 = Palynological characteristics of Upper<br />

Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits on the<br />

west of the Sambian Peninsula (Kaliningrad<br />

region), Part 1. ( 英 文 ). Aleksandrova G A;<br />

Zaporozhets N I. Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2008, 16(3): 295-316<br />

The results of studying dinocysts in the<br />

Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleogene<br />

succession of the Kaliningrad region are<br />

considered. Distinguished in the succession<br />

are seven biostratigraphic units in the rank of<br />

the Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides,<br />

Chatangiella vnigrii, Cerodinium diebelii,<br />

Alisocysta margarita, Deflandrea<br />

oebisfeldensis, Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum,<br />

and Rhombodinium perforatum beds and one<br />

Charlesdowniea clathrata angulosa Zone.<br />

2009020071<br />

阿 根 廷 布 宜 诺 斯 艾 利 斯 省 南 方 山 脉 宾 夕 法<br />

尼 亚 期 - 乌 拉 尔 世 Sauce Grande 组 的 首 次<br />

孢 粉 记 录 = The first palynological record of<br />

the Sauce Grande Formation (Pennsylvanian-<br />

Cisuralian) at the Australes range, Buenos<br />

Aires Province, Argentine. ( 其 他 ). Di Pasquo<br />

M; Martinez MA; Freije H.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(1): 69-81<br />

The first palynological assemblage<br />

recovered from a sample of the Middle<br />

Member of the Sauce Grande Formation is<br />

presented. Palynomorphs are small (among 20<br />

mu m - 50 mu m) and poorly preserved.<br />

Exines are fragmented, highly carbonized<br />

(dark gray or black in colour) and affected by<br />

framboidal pyrite. Eleven species of<br />

palynomorphs are described and illustrated:<br />

nine trilete spores (Apiculiretusispora sp.,<br />

Cyclogranisporites sp., Granulatisporites<br />

austroamericanus Archangelsky and Gamerro,<br />

Lophotriletes sp., Horriditriletes sp. cf. H.<br />

gondwanensis (Tiwari and Moiz) Foster,<br />

Horriditriletes sp. cf. H. ramosus (Balme and<br />

Hennelly) Bharadwaj and Salujha, Raistrickia<br />

sp., Lundbladispora sp., Cristatisporites sp.),<br />

one pollen grain and one acritarch. The<br />

assemblage is referred to the Late<br />

Pennsylvanian -Cisuralian based on the<br />

stratigraphic range of the species recognized<br />

that additionally are widely distributed in<br />

Gondwana (e.g., Chacoparana, Parana,<br />

Paganzo, Karroo). The dominance of spores,<br />

and the presence of framboidal pyrite and an<br />

acritarch suggest a marine littoral palaeoenvironment<br />

for the assemblage.<br />

2009020072<br />

阿 根 廷 圣 克 鲁 斯 省 下 白 垩 统 Punta del<br />

Barco 组 的 孢 粉 研 究 — 系 统 描 述 I: 单 缝<br />

孢 、 光 面 孢 和 具 环 三 缝 孢 = Palynological<br />

study of the Punta del Barco Formation,<br />


Lower Cretaceous of Santa Cruz province,<br />

Argentina. Systematic descriptions I:<br />

Monolete and smooth and cingulate trilete<br />

spores. ( 其 他 ). Llorens M. Ameghiniana, 2008,<br />

45(1): 153-166<br />

Smooth and cingulate trilete and monolete<br />

disperse spores from the Punta del Barco<br />

Formation, Lower Cretaceous of Santa Cruz<br />

Province are being described in this paper.<br />

The trilete spores belong to the genera<br />

Biretisporites, Deltoidospora, Todisporites,<br />

Cyathidites, Densoisporites, Foraminisporis,<br />

Contignisporites, Laevigatosporites and<br />

Reticulosporis. The last genus is mentioned<br />

for the first time in Argentina, and is one of<br />

the oldest known records. Some of these taxa<br />

represent vegetal groups no reported for this<br />

taphoflora, enlarging therefore its previous<br />

knowledge.<br />

2009020073<br />

阿 根 廷 里 奥 布 兰 卡 盆 地 密 西 西 比 亚 系<br />

Cortaderas 组 系 统 孢 粉 学 研 究 : 第 一 部 分<br />

= Systematic palynological study of the<br />

Cortaderas Formation, (Mississippian) Rio<br />

Blanco Basin, Argentina. Part One. ( 其 他 ).<br />

Loinaze V P. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(1): 33-<br />

57<br />

Well preserved Mississippian palynological<br />

assemblages have been obtained from the<br />

Cortaderas Formation in the Rio Blanco Basin,<br />

northwestern Argentina. The geological<br />

setting and stratigraphic provenance of the<br />

samples is provided. In this first part, fifty-two<br />

species are described from a total of seventyeight<br />

species of spores recognized. Five new<br />

species are proposed: Verrucosisporites<br />

incompositus sp. nov., Verrucosisporites<br />

perbrevis sp. nov., Anapiculatisporites<br />

exiguus sp. nov., Anapiculatisporites expolitus<br />

sp. nov. and Dibolisporites insolitus sp. nov.<br />

Previous worldwide geographic and<br />

stratigraphic records of taxa are detailed.<br />

2009020074<br />

Aquilapollenites 植 物 地 理 区 系 中 白 垩 纪 - 第<br />

三 纪 孢 粉 植 物 群 的 扰 动 和 绝 灭 =<br />

Cretaceous-Tertiary palynofloral perturbations<br />

and extinctions within the Aquilapollenites<br />

Phytogeographic Province. ( 英 文 ). Sweet A R;<br />

Braman D R. Canadian Journal of Earth<br />

Sciences, 2001, 38(2): 249-269<br />

A combination of detailed, intermediate and<br />

large scale stratigraphic perspectives is<br />

necessary to understand the driving<br />

mechanisms for floral change across the<br />

Cretaceous-Tertiary (K – T) boundary,<br />

because short-term physical and biotic events<br />

occur within longer term trends. Most<br />

Maastrichtian palynofloral extinctions have<br />

been identified within the northern<br />

circumpolar,<br />

supra-continental,<br />

Aquilapollenites Province. In mid-continental<br />

North America, the presence of a physically<br />

defined K – T boundary provides<br />

opportunities to examine contemporaneous<br />

terrestrial palynofloras over a latitudinal (also<br />

approximately paleolatitudinal) distance of<br />

3200 km. Seventy-five percent of last<br />

appearances occur before the K–T boundary<br />

at high latitudes and must have been caused<br />

by ongoing terrestrial processes. Palynofloral<br />

events directly associated with the K – T<br />

boundary include both local last appearances,<br />

and inferred extinctions, and synchronous and<br />

diachronous changes in relative abundances.<br />

Two different styles of factors are reflected in<br />

these events. The first, possibly attributable to<br />

chemical or other profound atmospheric<br />

perturbations associated with the worldwide<br />

distribution of the "fireball" layer of the K–T<br />

claystone, resulted in extinctions of<br />

angiosperm with a zoophilous pollination<br />

strategy. The second factor, possibly reflecting<br />

energy released during the deposition of<br />

ballistically transported impact debris or<br />

hackly (ejecta) layer of the boundary<br />

claystone, resulted in the selective, northwardattenuating<br />

removal of the canopy vegetation,<br />

best documented for southwestern Canada,<br />

which was succeeded by a fern-dominated<br />

vegetation in mid-continental North America.<br />

These consequences of the boundary event<br />

were mediated by independent, preexisting<br />

circumstances: climate (regional and through<br />

time), local depositional environment, and<br />

ongoing background extinctions and origins.<br />

2009020075<br />

美 国 宾 西 法 尼 亚 州 Allenport 地 区 志 留 系 剖<br />

面 的 中 型 孢 子 和 隐 孢 子 = Miospores and<br />

Cryptospores from the Silurian Section at<br />

Allenport, Pennsylvania, USA. ( 英 文 ). Beck J<br />

H; Strother P K. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(5): 857-883 6 图 版 .<br />

Non-marine and marine palynomorphs were<br />

collected from a Telychian through Gorstian<br />

rock outcrop located near Allenport,<br />

Pennsylvania, USA in the east-central part of<br />

the Appalachian Foreland Basin. Close<br />

sampling of the section revealed six distinct<br />

palynological assemblages of spores,<br />


cryptospores, acritarchs and prasinophycean<br />

algae, likely deposited in nearshore marine<br />

settings. The Silurian Period is a critical time<br />

in plant evolution as megafossils found<br />

elsewhere indicate that vascular plants<br />

(tracheophytes) originated during this interval.<br />

Palynoflorules generally show a transition<br />

from cryptospore-dominated to miosporedominated<br />

assemblages during the latter half<br />

of the Silurian. This transition is evident at<br />

Allenport, where over 30 species of miospores<br />

and cryptospores are recognized, including<br />

two new species: Vermiverruspora cottera and<br />

Rugosphaera falloambita. The sequential<br />

progression of innovations in exine structure<br />

and sculpture seen in the nonmarine<br />

palynomorphs at Allenport closely matches<br />

evolutionary patterns documented previously<br />

in the Appalachian Basin, Avalonia, and<br />

elsewhere around the world.<br />

2009020076<br />

美 国 蒙 大 拿 和 加 拿 大 西 部 跨 越 白 垩 - 第 三 纪<br />

界 线 复 合 泥 岩 和 相 邻 地 层 的 连 续 孢 粉 序 列<br />

的 变 化 = Sequential palynological changes<br />

across the composite Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-<br />

T) boundary claystone and contiguous strata,<br />

western Canada and Montana, U.S.A.. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Sweet A R; Braman D R; Lerbekmo J F.<br />

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999,<br />

36(5): 743–768<br />

The boundary claystone in the western<br />

Canada Basin is composed of three intimately<br />

associated layers with a regional distribution:<br />

a basal brownish-grey hackly claystone, a<br />

middle brownish-black satiny claystone, and<br />

an upper brown laminated shale. These layers<br />

appear to represent a graded succession in<br />

terms of grain size and depositional rate. An<br />

abrupt reduction in the relative abundance of<br />

gymnospermous pollen, representing canopy<br />

vegetation, immediately precedes the hackly<br />

layer. The hackly claystone is accepted as<br />

being originally formed of microtektites from<br />

a ballistically transported ejecta blanket<br />

deposited within minutes or hours of the<br />

bolide's impact and associated with a heat<br />

pulse. The variable miospore content of the<br />

hackly layer is considered to be from local,<br />

reproductively active understorey vegetation.<br />

The shocked-quartz-rich satiny claystone is<br />

interpreted as being formed by fine debris<br />

deposited over days, weeks, or months. Its<br />

homogeneous texture suggests a short<br />

depositional event, but must have involved<br />

enough time for a residual Cyathidites-<br />

Ulmoideipites survival flora to release<br />

miospores. Further, the presence of this flora<br />

requires the continuation of light levels<br />

required for photosynthesis and temperatures<br />

generally above freezing. A settling time of<br />

several years for very fine debris and aerosols<br />

would fit with the apparent seasonal<br />

interlayering of the organic tissue in the<br />

laminated shale. The abruptly overlying<br />

Laevigatosporites-Kurtzipites recovery flora<br />

initiates the succession leading to the return of<br />

a canopied swamp, and its presence may<br />

signal the clearing of the atmosphere of all<br />

impact-generated debris, except for postulated<br />

elevated CO 2 abundances.<br />

2009020077<br />

俄 罗 斯 加 里 宁 格 勒 地 区 桑 比 安 半 岛 西 部 上<br />

白 垩 统 和 古 新 统 孢 粉 特 征 第 二 部 分 =<br />

Palynological characteristics of Upper<br />

Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits on the<br />

west of the Sambian Peninsula (Kaliningrad<br />

region), Part 2. ( 英 文 ). Aleksandrova G N;<br />

Zaporozhets N I. Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2008, 16(5): 528-539<br />

The results of studying dinocysts in the<br />

Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleogene<br />

succession of the Kaliningrad region are<br />

considered. Distinguished in the succession<br />

are seven biostratigraphic units in the rank of<br />

the Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides,<br />

Chatangiella vnigrii, Cerodinium diebelii,<br />

Alisocysta margarita, Deflandrea<br />

oebisfeldensis, Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum,<br />

and Rhombodinium perforatum beds and one<br />

Charlesdowniea clathrata angulosa Zone. The<br />

Lyubavas Formation has not been<br />

distinguished on the west of the Sambian<br />

Peninsula. Ages of the Sambia, Alka, and<br />

Prussian formations are verified.<br />

2009020078<br />

俄 罗 斯 西 伯 利 亚 西 南 部 陆 相 渐 新 世 - 中 新 世<br />

沉 积 的 孢 粉 地 层 = Palynostratigraphy of<br />

Oligocene-Miocene continental deposits in<br />

Southwestern Siberia. ( 英 文 ). Kuzmina O B;<br />

Volkova B S. Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2008, 16(5): 540-552<br />

Data on spores, pollen, and dinoflagellate<br />

cysts studied in composite section of<br />

Oligocene-Miocene deposits in southern part<br />

of West Siberia are presented. Eleven<br />

biostratigraphic units distinguished in the<br />

section are ranked as palynozones and beds<br />

with palynological assemblages. Palynological<br />

data substantiate age of deposits and specify<br />

ranges and boundaries of palynozones. Based<br />

on dinocyst assemblages first studied in<br />


sediments of the Zhuravka and Abrosimovo<br />

horizons (upper Oligocene, lower Miocene),<br />

the Pseudokomewuia Beds are included into<br />

local stratigraphic scheme. According to<br />

results of comparative analysis, similar and<br />

distinctive features of Oligocene-Miocene<br />

dinocyst assemblages from West Siberia,<br />

China and North America are elucidated.<br />

Based on palynological data, the local<br />

stratigraphic scheme of higher resolution is<br />

suggested for subdivision of Oligocene and<br />

Miocene deposits in southern part of West<br />

Siberia (Baraba and Kulunda lithofacies<br />

regions).<br />

2009020079<br />

阿 根 廷 圣 胡 安 省 La Herradura 溪 晚 古 生 代<br />

沉 积 (Tupe 组 ) 孢 粉 = Palynology of late<br />

Palaeozoic sediments (Tupe Formation) at La<br />

Herradura Creek, San Juan province,<br />

Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Verge M. Alcheringa, 2008,<br />

32(4): 339 - 352<br />

Palynomorph assemblages recovered from<br />

the Tupe Formation at La Herradura Creek,<br />

San Juan province, Argentina, are analysed.<br />

The middle section of the sequence includes a<br />

marine fossiliferous interval belonging to the<br />

Tivertonia jachalensis-Streptorhynchus<br />

inaequiornatus (T-S) Faunal Biozone, recently<br />

ascribed an Early Permian age. The section<br />

below the marine fossiliferous unit yielded<br />

palynofloras typical of previously described<br />

'Tupense' assemblages. The palynoflora<br />

recovered from beds above the marine horizon<br />

is diverse, relatively well preserved and<br />

includes species never recorded from the Tupe<br />

Formation. This latter palynoassemblage<br />

includes species diagnostic of Early Permian<br />

palynofloras such as Converrucosisporites<br />

confluens (Archangelsky & Gamerro)<br />

Playford & Dino, Pseudoreticulatispora<br />

pseudoreticulata (Balme & Hennelly)<br />

Bharadwaj & Srivastava, Horriditriletes<br />

ramosus (Balme & Hennelly) Bharadwaj &<br />

Salujha, Anapiculatisporites tereteangulatus<br />

(Balme & Hennelly) Playford & Dino,<br />

Laevigatosporites colliensis (Balme &<br />

Hennelly) Venkatachala & Kar,<br />

Marsupipollenites triradiatus Balme &<br />

Hennelly, Protohaploxypinus sewardii (Virkki)<br />

Hart and Pakhapites fusus (Bose & Kar)<br />

Men ndez. Correlations with assemblages<br />

from western Argentina and other Gondwanan<br />

regions suggest an Early Permian age (not<br />

older than Asselian-Sakmarian) for the upper<br />

part of the sequence, supporting the age<br />

attributed to the T-S Biozone<br />

2009020080<br />

阿 根 廷 圣 克 鲁 斯 省 下 白 垩 统 阿 普 特 阶<br />

Punta del Barco 组 孢 粉 研 究 — 系 统 描 述<br />

II: 具 极 部 突 起 、 网 脊 、 三 突 具 周 壁 三 缝<br />

孢 , 及 其 古 生 态 意 义 = Palynological study<br />

of the Punta del Barco Formation, lower<br />

cretaceous (Aptian) of Santa Cruz Province,<br />

Argentina. Systematic descriptions II:<br />

Apiculate, murornate, tricrassate and perinate<br />

trilete spores. Paleoecological implications.<br />

( 其 他 ). Llorens M. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2):<br />

273-288<br />

Eighteen species of disperse trilete apiculate,<br />

murornate, tricrassate and perinate spores<br />

from the Punta del Barco Formation, in the<br />

Meseta Baquero area, Lower Cretaceous of<br />

Santa Cruz Province, are described. They<br />

belong to the genera Gleicheniidites, Clavifera,<br />

Ornamentifera,<br />

Ceratosporites,<br />

Concavissimisporites, Staplinisporites,<br />

Retitriletes and Lygodiidites. Besides, a new<br />

genus for a perisporate spore -Capsispora- is<br />

proposed, an indeterminate apiculate form and<br />

two new species of the genus Gleicheniidites,<br />

are described. Finally, some paleoecological<br />

implications are given from the study of this<br />

spores association, which are related to stress<br />

conditions by the strong volcanic activity<br />

during the sedimentary deposition of this unit.<br />

2009020081<br />

澳 大 利 亚 东 南 部 白 垩 纪 最 晚 期 沉 积 山 龙 眼<br />

型 花 粉 = Pollen of proteaceous-type from<br />

latest Cretaceous sediments, southeastern<br />

Australia. ( 英 文 ). Dettmann M E; Jarzen D M.<br />

Alcheringa, 1996, 20(2): 103 - 160<br />

Abundant and diverse proteaceous-like<br />

triaperturate pollen from Campanian-<br />

Maastrichtian sediments in the Otway Basin,<br />

southeastern Australia are systematically<br />

documented and compared with pollen of<br />

extant Proteaceae. Segregation of fossil and<br />

extant pollen types has been effected on<br />

apertural characters of which six states have<br />

been identified. Apertures are colpoid, poroid<br />

or porate. Pores of Propylipollis Martin &<br />

Harris, 1974 conform with those of<br />

subfamilies Grevillioideae and<br />

Carnarvonioideae. Colpoids of Beaupreaidites<br />

Cookson emend. Martin, 1973, poroids of<br />

Lewalanipollis gen. nov., and pores of<br />

Cranwellipollis Martin & Harris, 1974 are<br />

represented in subfamilies Proteoideae and<br />

Persoonioideae. Pores of Proteacidites<br />

Cookson ex Couper, 1953 occur in<br />


subfamilies Proteoideae and Sphalmioideae.<br />

In the Otway Basin fossil record, triporate<br />

apertures appear earlier than tricolpoids,<br />

triporoids and biporates; and diversity levels<br />

of proteaceous pollen are higher than reported<br />

from elsewhere implying the region may have<br />

been a diversification centre during<br />

Campanian and Maastrichtian times.<br />

Represented among the fossil pollen are types<br />

that conform with pollen of extant Proteaceae:<br />

Adenanthos, Beauprea, Beaupreopsis, and<br />

Stirlingia (subfamily Proteoideae); Persoonia<br />

(subfamily Persoonioideae); Carnarvonia<br />

(subfamily Carnarvonioideae); and Bleasdalia,<br />

Grevillea, Knightia, Macadamia and Telopea<br />

(subfamily Grevillioideae). The Late<br />

Cretaceous pollen record thereby implies the<br />

presence of sclerophyll and rainforest taxa in a<br />

vegetation which was composed of diverse<br />

podocarps (Dacrydium, Dacrycarpus,<br />

Lagarostrobos, Podocarpus, Microcachrys),<br />

araucarians, and a range of angiosperms<br />

(Nothofagus, Gunnera, Ilex, Ascarina,<br />

Callitriche, Trimeniaceae, Winteraceae,<br />

Ranunculaceae and possibly Epacridaceae).<br />

Thirty-one pollen species are described and<br />

referred to five genera, of which<br />

Lewalanipollis is new. New species include<br />

Lewalanipollis senectus, L. trycheros,<br />

Propylipollis areolatus, P. crotonoides,<br />

Proteacidites cooksoniae and Proteacidites<br />

variverrucatus.<br />

2009020082<br />

阿 根 廷 里 奥 布 兰 科 密 西 西 比 亚 Cortaderas<br />

组 系 统 孢 粉 研 究 , 第 二 部 分 = Systematic<br />

palynological study of the Cortaderas<br />

Formation, (Mississippian) Rio blanco Basin,<br />

Argentina. Part two. ( 英 文 ). Loinaze V P.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2): 421-441<br />

Well preserved Mississippian palynological<br />

assemblages have been obtained from the<br />

Cortaderas Formation in the Rio Blanco Basin,<br />

northwestern Argentina. In this second<br />

contribution, twenty-eight from a total of<br />

seventy-eight spore species are described. A<br />

new species of trilete spores is proposed:<br />

Densosporites scalabrinii sp. nov. Worldwide<br />

geographic and stratigraphic records of taxa<br />

are analysed. The Cortaderas Formation is<br />

dated as late Visean in age based on the<br />

presence of species of potential stratigraphic<br />

relevance, such as Reticulatisporites<br />

magnidictyus Playford and Helby,<br />

Verrucosisporites quasigobbettii Playford and<br />

Helby and Rugospora australiensis (Playford<br />

and Helby) Jones and Truswell and the<br />

absence of pollen grains. The samples<br />

collected in the uppermost level of this unit,<br />

contain some of spores typical of the Upper<br />

Carboniferous of Argentina and Brazil,<br />

although pollen grains are still absent.<br />

2009020083<br />

阿 根 廷 西 北 部 Las Conchas Creek 地 区 晚<br />

白 垩 世 萨 尔 塔 群 盆 地 Las Curtiembres 组 的<br />

孢 粉 = Palynology of the Las Curtiembres<br />

Formation (Late Cretaceous, Salta Group<br />

Basin), Las Conchas Creek area, northwestern<br />

Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Narvaez P L; Sabino I F.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2): 473-482<br />

This study provides the first palynologic<br />

record of the Las Curtiembres Formation<br />

(Late Cretaceous, Salta Group Basin) in<br />

northwestern Argentina. Two palynologically<br />

productive samples were obtained from the<br />

Morales Member in the area of the Las<br />

Conchas creek, Salta Province. Nineteen<br />

morphospecies are recorded for the Formation.<br />

The samples show poor preservation of the<br />

specimens and low diversity. The<br />

palynomorph association is characterized by<br />

the prevalence of species that belong to the<br />

Ephedraceae (6 species with 57% of total<br />

abundance), possibly suggesting semiarid<br />

conditions and a warm-dry paleoclimate at the<br />

time of deposition. Low humidity could also<br />

be inferred from the low abundance and<br />

diversity of pteridophyte species and the<br />

presence of Cheirolepidiaceae (Classopollis<br />

sp.) and Proteaceae (Peninsulapollis gilhi<br />

(Cookson) Dettmann and Jarzen). The pollen<br />

grain Peninsulapollis gilhi is a<br />

chronostratigraphic indicator of an age not<br />

older than Campanian-Maastrichtian, which<br />

would be coincident with the previous dating<br />

(77 +/- 5 Ma) of the Las Conchas Basalt<br />

effusions.<br />

2009020084<br />

阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 利 马 河 东 南 侧 晚 三 叠 世<br />

Paso Flores 组 孢 粉 记 录 = Palynological<br />

record of the Paso Flores Formation (Late<br />

Triassic) on the southeastern side of the Limay<br />

River, Patagonia, Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Zavattieri<br />

A; Meg N. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2): 483-<br />

502<br />

Well-preserved spore-pollen assemblages<br />

from the type locality of the Paso Flores<br />

Formation, in the Estancia Paso Flores area,<br />

on the southeastern side of the Limay River,<br />

northern Patagonia, Argentina, are presented<br />

in this contribution. In this area, the Paso<br />


Flores Formation is exposed along the<br />

boundary between the Rio Negro and<br />

Neuquen provinces; it consists mainly of<br />

conglomerates, sandstones and mudstones and<br />

contains remains of the Dicroidium Flora. The<br />

facies associations suggest gravelly to sandy<br />

braided river systems as the main depositional<br />

environments of the lower to middle sections<br />

of the unit outcropping in this region. The<br />

palynofloral assemblages contain 48 species<br />

of bryophytic and pteridophytic spores, 30<br />

species of gymnospermous pollen grains, and<br />

chlorophytic algal remains, most of which are<br />

illustrated herein. New forms belonging to the<br />

genera Cadargasporites, Neoraistrickia,<br />

Perotrilites,<br />

Verrucosisporites,<br />

Equisetosporites, and Stoevesipollenites are<br />

described. Anapiculatisporites dawsonensis<br />

Reiser and Williams, Biretisporites sp. and<br />

Thyinospora cicatricosa (Balme and Hennelly)<br />

Hart are also described and discussed. The<br />

miospore assemblages conform to the Ipswich<br />

phytogeographic province of the Gondwanan<br />

Triassic. Within this province, the Paso Flores<br />

assemblages are correlated compositionally<br />

and chronostratigraphically with the<br />

Craterisporites rotundus Oppel Zone of<br />

eastern Australian continental sequences. Thus,<br />

a Late Triassic (Late Carnian-Early Norian)<br />

age is established for the palynoflora of the<br />

lower section of the Paso Flores Formation.<br />

2009020085<br />

甘 肃 兴 隆 山 国 家 自 然 保 护 区 表 土 花 粉 组 合<br />

及 数 量 分 析 = Pollen Assemblages and<br />

Numerical Analysis of Surface Samples from<br />

Xinglong Mountain National Reserve, Gansu.<br />

( 中 文 ). 桑 艳 礼 ; 马 玉 贞 ; 高 尚 玉 ; 伍 婧 ; 蒙 红 卫 ;<br />

孙 爱 芝 ; 满 自 红 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(4):<br />

457-467<br />

提 要 通 过 对 兴 隆 山 国 家 自 然 保 护 区 不 同<br />

植 物 群 落 40 个 样 点 的 表 土 花 粉 组 合 特 征 、<br />

数 量 分 析 [ 分 层 聚 类 分 析 (HCA) 和 降 趋 势<br />

对 应 分 析 (DCA)], 研 究 了 花 粉 组 合 与 植<br />

物 群 落 的 关 系 。 结 果 显 示 :1) 大 部 分 森 林<br />

和 部 分 灌 丛 的 花 粉 组 合 与 植 物 群 落 之 间 对<br />

应 关 系 很 好 , 如 青 杆 林 ( 云 杉 属 组 合 )、<br />

辽 东 栎 林 ( 栎 属 - 桦 属 - 蒿 属 组 合 )、 桦 林<br />

( 桦 属 - 蒿 属 - 沙 棘 属 组 合 ) 和 沙 棘 灌 丛 ( 沙<br />

棘 属 组 合 );2) 蔷 薇 灌 丛 ( 蒿 属 - 蔷 薇 科<br />

组 合 ) 和 草 原 ( 蒿 属 - 菊 科 组 合 ) 的 花 粉 组<br />

合 基 本 上 能 反 映 群 落 特 征 ;3) 山 杨 林 、 糙<br />

皮 桦 灌 丛 和 高 山 灌 丛 草 甸 的 花 粉 组 合 与 植<br />

物 群 落 的 对 应 性 较 差 ;4) 云 杉 属 花 粉 的 长<br />

距 离 传 播 能 力 有 限 ;5) 栎 属 花 粉 仅 在 辽 东<br />

栎 林 中 含 量 较 高 ;6) 桦 属 花 粉 含 量 较 高 时<br />

(〉30%) 能 够 反 映 桦 林 的 存 在 , 含 量 较<br />

低 时 (〈10%) 可 能 当 地 无 桦 树 生 长 ;7)<br />

沙 棘 属 和 蒿 属 花 粉 具 超 代 表 性 ;8) 豆 科 、<br />

禾 本 科 和 蔷 薇 科 花 粉 具 低 代 表 性 ;9)HCA<br />

和 DCA 分 析 对 于 区 分 主 要 花 粉 类 型 和 揭 示<br />

环 境 梯 度 是 有 效 的 , 但 反 映 植 被 细 节 特 征<br />

的 能 力 有 限 。<br />

2009020086<br />

古 近 纪 山 龙 眼 花 粉 和 系 统 发 育 = Palaeogene<br />

proteaceous pollen and phylogeny. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Martin A R H. Alcheringa, 1995, 19(1): 27 -<br />

40<br />

A number of palynomorphs of Palaeocene<br />

and Eocene age and Australasian origin,<br />

commonly attributed to the family Proteaceae,<br />

is compared to modern genera and species<br />

using a combination of conventional light<br />

microscopy, phase contrast and scanning<br />

electron microscopy. A significant percentage<br />

of these appears to be closely comparable to<br />

modern Proteaceae taxa. Comparisons permit<br />

the recognition of three modern subfamilies,<br />

eight tribes and eight to ten subtribes.<br />

2009020087<br />

澳 大 利 亚 中 默 里 盆 地 Mallee 悬 崖 钻 孔 中 第<br />

三 纪 沟 鞭 藻 和 孢 粉 生 物 地 层 及 古 生 态 =<br />

Middle Tertiary dinoflagellate and<br />

spore/pollen biostratigraphy and<br />

palaeoecology of the Mallee Cliffs bore,<br />

central Murray Basin. ( 英 文 ). Martin H A.<br />

Alcheringa, 1993, 17(2): 91 - 124<br />

Spores, pollen and dinoflagellates have<br />

been recovered from all strata from the Late<br />

Eocene to the Mid Miocene in the Mallee<br />

Cliffs bore. The sequence includes the Early<br />

— Mid Miocene marine transgression.<br />

Dinoflagellates are found throughout the<br />

sequence, but they are rare in the Late Eocene,<br />

except for two horizons where conditions<br />

would have been more marine. The Early —<br />

Mid Miocene marine transgression sequence<br />

has good spore/pollen and dinoflagellate floras.<br />

Five dinoflagellate zones/acmes are<br />

recognised and these are useful for at least<br />

local correlation with the SADME MC63 bore<br />

in the western part of the Basin. When the<br />

dinoflagellate zonation is compared with the<br />

spore/pollen zonation, there are some minor<br />

discrepancies in the position of the boundaries,<br />

probably due to palaeogeographic and<br />

palaeoecologic factors. The spore/pollen<br />

zonation is similar to that of the eastern,<br />

nonmarine part of the basin, for the Late<br />


Eocene — Oligocene sequence. The Miocene<br />

marine sequence, however, differs in that<br />

Araucariaceae pollen is abundant, suggesting<br />

that araucarian forests grew in coastal and/or<br />

riverine environments.<br />

2009020088<br />

南 澳 大 利 亚 文 森 特 盆 地 一 棵 树 山 地 区 中 始<br />

新 世 孢 粉 植 物 群 = Middle Eocene<br />

palynofloras from the One Tree Hill area, St<br />

Vincent Basin, South Australia. ( 英 文 ). Alley<br />

N F; Broadbridge L M. Alcheringa, 1992,<br />

16(3): 241 - 267<br />

Palynofloras from an outlier of Tertiary<br />

sediments in the One Tree Hill area north of<br />

Adelaide are nonmarine and correlate with<br />

similar assemblages from Middle Eocene<br />

North Maslin Sands from Maslin Bay and<br />

Golden Grove. Although there are similarities<br />

with time-equivalent Lower Nothofagidites<br />

asperus Zone palynofloras in the Gippsland<br />

Basin, a number of species in the South<br />

Australian palynofloras do not extend below<br />

the Late Eocene in the Gippsland sequences.<br />

This indicates earlier appearances for these<br />

species in southcentral Australia. The<br />

sediments overlie a highly weathered bedrock<br />

palaeosurface, indicating that a phase of<br />

significant weathering occurred prior to the<br />

Middle Eocene. A number of selected taxa are<br />

illustrated and their distribution in the<br />

palynofloras is discussed. Two new species,<br />

Proteacidites mildenhallii and Proteacidites<br />

parrawirrensis, are described and one species,<br />

Rhoipites byfieldensis, is emended.<br />

2009020089<br />

阿 根 廷 Nirihuau 盆 地 古 近 纪 淡 水 藻 类 的 首<br />

次 记 录 : 系 统 描 述 和 孢 粉 相 分 析 = First<br />

record of Paleogene freshwater algae from<br />

Nirihuau Basin, Argentina. Systematic<br />

descriptions and palynofacies analysis. ( 其 他 ).<br />

Martinez M A; Ferrer N C; Asensio M A.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(4): 719-735<br />

The first record of Paleogene freshwater<br />

algae from Nirihau Basin is presented. The<br />

microflora was recovered from the Salto del<br />

Macho Formation (Middle Eocene - Early<br />

Oligocene). Palynological and palynofacial<br />

analysis were carried out in order to establish<br />

the characteristics of the depositional<br />

environment. Thirteen taxa of Chlorophyta<br />

and Charophyta belonging to Botryococcaceae<br />

(Botryococcus sp. cf. B. braunii),<br />

Hydrodictyaceae (Pediastrum sp. cf. P.<br />

boryanum), Oedogoniaceae (Oedogonium sp.<br />

cf. O. cretaceum) and Zygnemataceae (seven<br />

species of Spirogyra, Lecaniella irregularis,<br />

Schizosporis sp. cf. S. reticulatus and gen. et<br />

sp. indet.) are described and illustrated. The<br />

palynological association suggests a<br />

freshwater, mesotrophic, shallow, probably<br />

stagnant and temporary body with neutral to<br />

slightly alkaline pH, under seasonally intense<br />

evaporation and temperate climatic conditions<br />

reaching, temperatures over 20 degrees C. The<br />

palynofacies is dominated by amorphous<br />

organic matter of algal origin suggesting a<br />

reducing (at least temporarily disoxic-anoxic)<br />

environment under stagnant conditions. The<br />

low fluorescence suggests that the prevalent<br />

depositional conditions were not adecuate for<br />

kerogen preservation. The present data<br />

confirm the wider environmental variability of<br />

the Salto del Macho Formation, which varies<br />

from freshwater bodies (this contribution) to<br />

marginal-marine environments (previous<br />

record).<br />

2009020090<br />

俄 罗 斯 Ufimian 阶 和 Kazanian 阶 层 型 序 列<br />

中 晚 二 叠 世 孢 粉 组 合 及 其 与 加 拿 大 北 极 地<br />

区 罗 德 阶 和 沃 德 阶 组 合 的 对 比 = Late<br />

Permian palynomorph assemblages from<br />

Ufimian and Kazanian type sequences in<br />

Russia, and comparison with Roadian and<br />

Wordian assemblages from the Canadian<br />

Arctic. ( 英 文 ). Utting J; Esaulova N K;<br />

Silantiev V U; Makarova O V. Canadian<br />

Journal of Earth Sciences, 1997, 34(1): 1–16<br />

Tentative biostratigraphic correlations,<br />

based on marine faunas, have been made by<br />

various workers between Ufimian and<br />

Kazanian sequences in their type areas in the<br />

Volga–Urals region of Russia and Roadian<br />

and Wordian sequences in their type area in<br />

Texas, United States. Unfortunately,<br />

palynological correlation between the Russian<br />

and United States sequences is not possible,<br />

due to lack of data from the latter. However,<br />

detailed palynological data are available from<br />

rocks of Roadian and Wordian age in the<br />

Canadian Arctic Archipelago, and therefore<br />

indirect correlations are possible.<br />

Palynomorph assemblages from the Canadian<br />

Arctic and other circumpolar areas, such as<br />

the southern Barents Sea and Greenland, are<br />

different from those of the Ufimian and<br />

Kazanian Russian sequences in their type<br />

areas. This is likely to be the result of<br />

variations in the parent flora in response to<br />

significant paleoclimatic differences. For<br />

example, the climate of the Volga – Urals<br />


egion in Late Permian times was probably hot<br />

and arid, whereas that of the Canadian Arctic,<br />

Barents Sea, and Greenland was cooler and<br />

probably more humid.<br />

2009020091<br />

沿 拉 布 拉 多 海 岸 陆 地 和 海 洋 环 境 的 冰 后 期<br />

变 化 : 来 自 加 拿 大 卡 拉 特 赖 特 背 斜 91-045-<br />

005-006 岩 芯 的 孢 粉 证 据 = Postglacial<br />

changes of terrestrial and marine<br />

environments along the Labrador coast:<br />

palynological evidence from cores 91-045-005<br />

and 91-045-006, Cartwright Saddle. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Levac E; de Vernal A. Canadian Journal of<br />

Earth Sciences, 1997, 34(10): 1358–1365<br />

The palynology of cores from Cartwright<br />

Saddle led to reconstruction of sea-surface<br />

conditions on the basis of transfer functions<br />

using dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, and to<br />

correlations with vegetational history on<br />

adjacent land as derived from pollen<br />

assemblages. From deglaciation to about<br />

8000 BP, dinoflagellate cyst assemblages<br />

dominated by Algidasphaeridium minutum<br />

indicate Arctic-type sea-surface conditions,<br />

and pollen assemblages reveal tundra<br />

vegetation in southeastern Labrador.<br />

Codominance of A. minutum and<br />

Brigantedinium spp. indicate persistence of<br />

cold sea-surface conditions (August<br />

temperature < 3 °C) and extensive sea-ice<br />

cover (up to 11 months/year) until ca.<br />

6000 BP. However, the occurrence of Abies,<br />

which reached a maximum abundance at ca.<br />

7000–6000 BP, and increasing percentages<br />

of Alnus indicate northward tree migration and<br />

development of shrub tundra as a result of<br />

warmer terrestrial conditions. Around<br />

6000 BP, the significant occurrence of<br />

Peridinium faeroense and Nematosphaeropsis<br />

labyrinthus suggests the establishment of<br />

modern-like conditions in surface waters. This<br />

transition coincides with an abrupt increase in<br />

the abundance of Picea, associated with the<br />

regional development of spruce forests. The<br />

later marine record does not indicate any<br />

significant trend in sea-surface temperature,<br />

whereas decreasing abundance of arboreal<br />

pollen reflects opening of the forest cover in<br />

response to a slight cooling onshore. Thus,<br />

palynological analyses suggest complex<br />

changes in continental climate and marine<br />

hydrography along the coast of Labrador.<br />

2009020092<br />

新 近 系 谢 家 阶 层 型 剖 面 的 孢 粉 植 物 群 及 其<br />

意 义 = Palynoflora from the Stratotype<br />

Section of the Neogene Xiejian Stage and its<br />

Significance. ( 中 文 ). 王 伟 铭 ; 邓 涛 . 古 生 物 学<br />

报 , 2009, 48(1): 1-8<br />

在 中 国 新 近 系 建 阶 研 究 中 , 文 章 作 者 对<br />

中 新 统 最 下 部 的 一 个 阶 谢 家 阶 层 型 剖 面 开<br />

展 了 古 地 磁 、 孢 粉 等 方 面 的 综 合 研 究 工<br />

作 。 文 中 是 在 磁 性 地 层 学 的 时 间 标 尺 上 ,<br />

着 重 讨 论 孢 粉 植 物 群 的 变 化 规 律 。 谢 家 阶<br />

层 型 剖 面 中 发 现 的 孢 粉 组 合 特 征 , 总 体 上<br />

与 我 国 中 新 世 早 期 的 孢 粉 植 物 群 变 化 规 律<br />

相 一 致 。 但 裸 子 植 物 花 粉 , 尤 其 是 云 杉<br />

(Picea) 花 粉 的 含 量 在 两 个 含 孢 粉 丰 富 的<br />

样 品 中 , 由 下 到 上 明 显 增 加 , 反 映 出 研 究<br />

区 早 中 新 世 气 候 具 有 趋 冷 特 征 , 与 同 期 深<br />

海 氧 同 位 素 变 化 规 律 可 相 对 比 。 而 耐 旱 植<br />

物 , 尤 其 是 藜 科 (Chenopodiaceae) 和 蒺 藜<br />

科 (Zygophyllaceae) 白 刺 属 (Nitraria) 花<br />

粉 的 含 量 明 显 降 低 , 反 映 谢 家 期 后 期 孢 粉<br />

组 合 所 指 示 的 湿 度 具 有 较 明 显 的 增 加 , 推<br />

测 与 东 亚 季 风 在 新 近 纪 的 发 展 存 在 着 一 定<br />

的 耦 合 关 系 。 此 外 , 蒿 属 (Artemisia) 花<br />

粉 在 样 品 中 时 有 见 到 , 与 其 在 我 国 新 近 纪<br />

地 层 中 的 分 布 规 律 相 一 致 , 与 车 头 沟 剖 面<br />

古 地 磁 的 测 量 结 果 相 吻 合 。<br />

疑 源 类<br />

2009020093<br />

现 生 微 生 物 群 落 形 态 研 究 及 其 对 解 释 埃 迪<br />

卡 拉 生 物 群 化 石 属 性 的 启 示 = Research on<br />

morphology of modern microbial colonies and<br />

the implication for interpreting the affinities of<br />

the Ediacara Biota. ( 中 文 ). 雷 鸣 ; 张 兴 亮 . 古<br />

生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(4): 468-476<br />

通 过 对 常 见 微 生 物 种 类 进 行 纯 培 养 获<br />

得 多 种 微 生 物 菌 落 形 态 , 并 将 其 与 埃 迪 卡<br />

拉 生 物 群 化 石 形 态 进 行 对 比 研 究 , 发 现 :<br />

1) 盘 状 化 石 Aspidella 与 圆 盘 形 菌 落 的 轮 廓<br />

和 放 射 状 分 布 的 小 脊 具 有 相 似 性 ;2 )<br />

"rangeomorphs”<br />

分 支 状 化 石 与 具 有 次 级 分 支 结 构 的 菌<br />

落 具 有 某 些 相 似 性 ;3) 五 边 形 似 棘 皮 动 物<br />

化 石 Arkarua adami 与 五 边 形 菌 落 较 为 相<br />

似 ;4) 两 侧 对 称 类 化 石 Kimberella 与 圆 盘<br />

形 边 缘 具 放 射 状 脊 的 菌 落 的 表 面 形 态 非 常<br />

相 似 ;5) 盘 状 化 石 Albumares brunsae 与 圆<br />

盘 形 表 面 具 辐 射 状 脊 的 菌 落 的 轮 廓 和 表 面<br />

纹 饰 分 布 极 为 相 似 。 以 上 对 比 结 果 表 明 部<br />

分 埃 迪 卡 拉 生 物 群 化 石 与 微 生 物 菌 落 形 态<br />


具 有 一 定 的 相 似 性 。 本 研 究 为 埃 迪 卡 拉 生<br />

物 群 化 石 生 物 属 性 的 解 译 提 供 了 新 思 路 。<br />

2009020094<br />

贵 州 埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 瓮 安 生 物 群 化 石 含 量 的 统<br />

计 分 析 = Quantitative Analysis On The Fossil<br />

Abundance Of The Ediacaran Weng ' an<br />

Biota, Guizhou. ( 中 文 ). 殷 宗 军 ; 朱 茂 炎 . 古 生<br />

物 学 报 , 2008, 47(4): 477-487<br />

贵 州 瓮 安 埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 陡 山 沱 组 (635-<br />

551Ma) 上 磷 矿 段 保 存 了 大 量 精 美 的 磷 酸<br />

盐 化 微 体 球 粒 化 石 , 它 们 主 要 由 多 细 胞 藻<br />

类 、 疑 源 类 和 处 于 不 同 发 育 阶 段 的 多 种 动<br />

物 胚 胎 化 石 组 成 , 此 外 还 包 括 少 量 后 生 动<br />

物 的 幼 、 成 体 化 石 。 本 文 以 贵 州 瓮 福 磷 矿<br />

陡 山 沱 组 上 磷 矿 段 灰 白 色 球 粒 状 白 云 质 磷<br />

块 岩 为 研 究 对 象 , 在 总 结 瓮 安 生 物 群 中 不<br />

同 生 物 化 石 的 鉴 别 特 征 基 础 上 , 定 量 统 计<br />

采 自 该 层 位 的 两 组 岩 石 样 品 (WA—I 和<br />

WA-r1) 的 酸 处 理 砂 样 中 的 所 有 化 石 。 统<br />

计 结 果 表 明 , 瓮 安 陡 山 沱 组 该 磷 块 岩 中 化<br />

石 质 量 和 岩 石 中 磷 酸 盐 组 分 质 量 成 正 线 性<br />

相 关 , 两 个 样 品 中 化 石 占 全 部 磷 酸 盐 组 分<br />

的 质 量 百 分 比 均 在 10% 左 右 , 其 中 多 细 胞<br />

藻 类 和 疑 源 类 化 石 占 全 部 化 石 含 量 均 少 于<br />

10%。 这 一 结 果 客 观 地 反 映 了 瓮 安 生 物 群<br />

的 化 石 丰 度 , 证 实 了 保 存 在 瓮 安 陡 山 沱 组<br />

上 磷 矿 段 灰 色 富 氧 含 磷 埋 藏 相 中 的 瓮 安 生<br />

物 群 主 要 由 动 物 胚 胎 化 石 组 成 的 特 征 。<br />

2009020095<br />

澳 大 利 亚 Officer 盆 地 埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 疑 源 类 外<br />

壁 超 微 结 构 = Wall ultrastructure of an<br />

Ediacaran acritarch from the Officer Basin,<br />

Australia. ( 英 文 ). Willman S; Moczydłowska<br />

M. Lethaia, 2007, 40(2): 111-123<br />

Well-preserved organic-walled microfossils<br />

referred to as acritarchs occur abundantly in<br />

Ediacaran deposits in the Officer Basin in<br />

Australia. The assemblages are taxonomically<br />

diverse, change over short stratigraphical<br />

intervals and are largely facies independent<br />

across marine basins. Affinities of this<br />

informal group of fossils to modern biota are<br />

poorly recognized or unknown, with the<br />

exception of only a few taxa. Morphological<br />

studies by use of transmitted light microscopy,<br />

geochemical analyses and other lines of<br />

evidence, suggest that some Precambrian<br />

acritarchs are related to algae (including<br />

prasinophytes, chlorophytes, and perhaps also<br />

dinoflagellates). Limitations in magnification<br />

and resolution using transmitted light<br />

microscopy may be relevant when assessing<br />

relationships to modern taxa. Scanning<br />

electron microscopy reveals details of<br />

morphology, microstructure and wall surface<br />

microelements, whereas transmission electron<br />

microscopy provides high-resolution images<br />

of the cell wall ultrastructure. In the light of<br />

previous ultrastructural studies it can be<br />

concluded that the division of acritarchs into<br />

leiospheres (unornamented) and<br />

acanthomorphs (ornamented) is entirely<br />

artificial and has no phylogenetic meaning.<br />

Examination of Gyalosphaeridium pulchrum<br />

using transmission electron microscopy<br />

reveals a vesicle wall with four distinct layers.<br />

This multilayered wall ultrastructure is<br />

broadly shared by a range of morphologically<br />

diverse acritarchs as well as some extant<br />

microalgae. The chemically resistant<br />

biopolymers forming the comparatively thick<br />

cell, together with the overall morphology<br />

support the interpretation of the microfossil as<br />

being in the resting stage in the life cycle. The<br />

set of features, morphological and<br />

ultrastructural, suggests closer relationship to<br />

green algae than dinoflagellates.<br />

2009020096<br />

印 度 库 茂 恩 小 喜 马 拉 雅 新 元 古 代<br />

Gangolihat 组 微 体 化 石 及 其 地 层 和 演 化 意<br />

义 = Microfossils from the Neoproterozoic<br />

Gangolihat Formation, Kumaun Lesser<br />

Himalaya: Their stratigraphic and<br />

evolutionary significance. ( 英 文 ). Tiwari M;<br />

Pant I. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2009,<br />

35(2): 137-149<br />

A well-preserved microbial assemblage<br />

from the Gangolihat Dolomite, Kumaun<br />

Lesser Himalaya is described in the present<br />

paper. The present assemblage contains both<br />

filamentous (septate and non-septate) and<br />

coccoidal microfossils besides acritarchs and<br />

sponge spicules. The assemblage includes 23<br />

species belonging to 12 genera.<br />

Siphonophycus typicum is the most common<br />

species in the entire assemblage. The<br />

assemblage shows an abundance of filaments<br />

over coccoids and acritarchs. The assemblage<br />

includes Siphonophycus septatum,<br />

Siphonophyscus. typicum, Siphonophycus<br />

robustum, Siphonophycus capitaneum,<br />

Siphonophycus kestron and Siphonophycus<br />

punctatum, Gunflintia minuta, Gunflintia<br />

grandis, Gunflintia barghoornii,<br />

Oscillatoriopsis media, Oscillatoriopsis<br />

obtusa, Oscillatoriopsis cuboides,<br />

Oscillatoriopsis sp., Nostocomorpha,<br />


Chlorogloeaopsis contexta, Obruchevella<br />

parvissima, Sphaerophycus parvum,<br />

Myxococcoides minor, Leiosphaeridia crassa,<br />

Trachyhystrichosphaera<br />

vidalii,<br />

Trachyhystrichosphaera sp., Micrhystridium<br />

pallidum, Cymatiosphaera minuta and sponge<br />

spicules of monaxons and hexactinellid<br />

affinity. The assemblage suggests a<br />

Neoproterozoic age for Gangolihat Dolomite.<br />

2009020097<br />

湖 北 宜 昌 张 村 坪 地 区 埃 迪 卡 拉 陡 山 沱 组 微<br />

体 化 石 的 新 材 料 及 其 锆 石 SHRIMP U-Pb<br />

年 龄 = New material of microfossils from the<br />

Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in the<br />

Zhangcunping area, Yichang, Hubei Province<br />

and its zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age. ( 英 文 ). Liu<br />

Pengju; Yin Chongyu; Gao Linzhi; Tang Feng;<br />

Chen Shouming. Chinese Science<br />

Bulletin, 2009, 54(6): 1058-1064<br />

The Zhangcunping area is located at the<br />

north limb of the Huangling anticline in<br />

Yichang, Hubei Province. Here, the<br />

sedimentary succession of the Ediacaran<br />

Doushantuo Formation is similar with that in<br />

the Weng ’ an area, Guizhou Province. A<br />

large number of new microfossils (mainly<br />

acanthoacritarchs) from the Doushantuo<br />

Formation in this area are reported in this<br />

paper. The fossil assemblage shows similarity<br />

as the phosphatized biota of the Doushantuo<br />

Formation at Weng’an, Guizhou Province<br />

and the silicified biota of the Doushantuo<br />

Formation at the Yangtze Gorges, which<br />

suggests that the Zhangcunping area is a key<br />

for correlation of the Doushantuo Formation<br />

between the Weng ’ an area, Guizhou<br />

Province and the Yangtze Gorges. Besides, a<br />

new zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age (614.0±7.6<br />

Ma) is first obtained from a horizon<br />

underneath the exposed surface in the middle<br />

of the Doushantuo Formation in the<br />

Zhangcunping area. This age not only<br />

provides a new datum for subdivision of the<br />

Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, but also<br />

indicates that the age of the exposed surface in<br />

the middle of the Doushantuo Formation in<br />

the Yangtze Platform should be posterior to<br />

614.0±7.6 Ma. Due to the horizon of the<br />

Weng’an biota situated above the exposed<br />

surface, the age of the Weng’an biota should<br />

be posterior to 614.0±7.6 Ma as well.<br />

牙 形 石<br />

2009020098<br />

法 国 Montagne Noire 地 区 早 奥 陶 世 的 牙 形<br />

类 属 Teridontus (Miller, 1980) = The<br />

conodont genus Teridontus (Miller, 1980)<br />

from the Early Ordovician of Montagne Noire,<br />

France. ( 英 文 ). Serpagli E; Ferretti A; Nicoll<br />

R S; Serventi P. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(3): 612-620 5 图 版 .<br />

The conodont genus Teridontus was<br />

introduced in 1980 by Miller and was based<br />

on the Late Cambrian species Oneotodus<br />

nakamurai Nogami, 1967 from the Yencho<br />

Member of the Fengshan Fm. of northeast<br />

China. Teridontus was later reported from<br />

either the Upper Cambrian or Lower<br />

Ordovician (Landing et al., 1980; Miller, 1980;<br />

Landing and Barnes, 1981; Landing, 1983; An<br />

et al., 1983, 1985; Ni et al., 1983; Peng et al.,<br />

1983; Nowlan, 1985; Landing et al., 1986;<br />

Bagnoli et al., 1987; An, 1987; Buggisch and<br />

Repetski, 1987; Pohler and Orchard, 1990; An<br />

and Zheng, 1990; Seo and Ethington, 1993;<br />

Wang, 1993; Lehnert, 1994; Nicoll, 1994; Seo<br />

et al., 1994; Ji and Barnes, 1994; Taylor et al.,<br />

1996; Lehnert et al., 1997; Jia, 2000; Dubinina,<br />

2000; Pyle and Barnes, 2002; Zeballo et al.,<br />

2005) sediments in numerous localities around<br />

the world, but a unanimous interpretation of<br />

the composition of the Teridontus apparatus<br />

organization was far from accepted.<br />

In 2000 we were invited by J. J. Álvaro, E. P.<br />

Villas and D. Vizcaïno to join a working<br />

group on the stratigraphy of the Early<br />

Paleozoic of southern Montagne Noire<br />

(France). Our specific objective was the study<br />

of conodont faunas emerging from limestone<br />

intercalations in the Ordovician successions.<br />

Several samples from the Val d'Homs<br />

Formation collected in Sall è les-Caberd è s,<br />

from Munio Formation, collected in Combes<br />

de Barroubio (St. Jean de Minervois) and,<br />

chiefly, from the St. Chinian Formation<br />

collected in La Regagnade Valley (St. Martial),<br />

produced an amazingly rich conodont fauna<br />

attributed to the P. deltifer Zone and, more<br />

precisely, to the lower part of the P. deltifer<br />

deltifer Subzone (Álvaro et al., 2005; Serpagli<br />

et . . .<br />

2009020099<br />

马 来 西 亚 半 岛 西 北 Langkawi 岛 中 晚 奥 陶<br />

世 牙 形 类 的 生 物 地 层 学 和 古 生 物 地 理 学 =<br />

Biostratigraphy and Paleobiogeography of<br />

Middle and Late Ordovician Conodonts from<br />

the Langkawi Islands, Northwestern<br />

Peninsular Malaysia. ( 英 文 ). Agematsu S;<br />


Sashida K; Ibrahim A B. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(5): 957-973 5 图 版 .<br />

The Middle and Upper Ordovician<br />

sequence of the Langkawi Islands,<br />

northwestern peninsular Malaysia, contains 20<br />

species of conodonts belonging to 15 genera<br />

and four unidentified species, which are<br />

described and illustrated. The following four<br />

biostratigraphic zones are established for the<br />

study area: the Scolopodus striatus<br />

assemblage zone, the Periodon sp. A range<br />

zone, the Baltoniodus alobatus range zone,<br />

and the Hamarodus europaeus range zone, in<br />

ascending order. The Middle Ordovician<br />

fauna belongs to the low-latitude, warm-water<br />

Australian Province. Conodonts of the H.<br />

europaeus zone represent the HDS<br />

(Hamarodus europaeus-Dapsilodus mutatus-<br />

Scabbardella altipes) biofacies, which has<br />

been reported from the cool-water North<br />

Atlantic Faunal Region. The middle Arenigian<br />

limestones in the study area were deposited on<br />

a shallow-water shelf, whereas the late<br />

Arenigian to middle Darriwilian limestones<br />

formed in hemipelagic deeper-water<br />

conditions on an outer shelf or slope.<br />

2009020100<br />

美 国 弗 蒙 特 绿 山 地 快 东 部 覆 盖 岩 层 中 中 奥<br />

陶 世 牙 形 刺 发 现 的 大 地 构 造 和 区 域 变 质 意<br />

义 = Tectonic and regional metamorphic<br />

implications of the discovery of Middle<br />

Ordovician conodonts in cover rocks east of<br />

the Green Mountain massif, Vermont. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Ratcliffe N M; Harris A G; Walsh G J.<br />

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999,<br />

36(3): 371–382<br />

Middle Ordovician (late Arenigian - early<br />

Caradocian) conodonts were recovered from a<br />

dolostone lens in carbonaceous schist 30 m<br />

below the base of the Pinney Hollow<br />

Formation in the Eastern Cover sequence near<br />

West Bridgewater, Vermont. These are the<br />

first reported fossils from the metamorphic<br />

cover sequence rocks east of the Green<br />

Mountain, Berkshire, and Housatonic massifs<br />

of western New England. The conodonts are<br />

recrystallized, coated with graphitic matter,<br />

thermally altered to a color alteration index<br />

(CAI) of at least 5, and tectonically deformed.<br />

The faunule is nearly monospecific, consisting<br />

of abundant Periodon aculeatus Hadding and<br />

rare Protopanderodus. The preponderance of<br />

Periodon and the absence of warm, shallowwater<br />

species characteristic of the North<br />

American Midcontinent Conodont Province<br />

suggest a slope or basin depositional setting.<br />

The conodont-bearing carbonaceous schist is<br />

traceable 3 km southeast to the Plymouth area,<br />

where it had been designated the uppermost<br />

member of the Plymouth Formation,<br />

previously regarded as Early Cambrian in age.<br />

The age and structural position of the<br />

carbonaceous schist above dolostones of the<br />

Plymouth Formation but below the Pinney<br />

Hollow Formation (upper Proterozoic and<br />

Lower Cambrian) suggest that this unit may<br />

be correlative or time transgressive with the<br />

Ira Formation, which underlies the Taconic<br />

allochthons in the Vermont Valley. Such a<br />

correlation supports the concept of placing the<br />

western limit of the root zone of the Taconic<br />

allochthons beneath the Pinney Hollow<br />

Formation. An approximate absolute age<br />

assignment for the conodont-bearing rock is<br />

between 470 and 454 Ma. This suggests that<br />

dynamothermal metamorphism during the<br />

Taconian orogeny on the east flank of the<br />

Green Mountains was younger than early<br />

Caradocian, which is in accord with the<br />

middle Caradocian age of the Ira Formation<br />

west of the Green Mountain massif.<br />

2009020101<br />

加 拿 大 洛 矶 山 南 部 晚 泥 盆 世 至 早 石 炭 世 碳<br />

酸 盐 斜 坡 相 和 黑 色 页 岩 系 的 牙 形 刺 生 物 相<br />

模 式 = Extension of lithofacies and conodont<br />

biofacies models of Late Devonian to Early<br />

Carboniferous carbonate ramp and black shale<br />

systems, southern Canadian Rocky Mountains.<br />

( 英 文 ). Savoy L E; Harris A G; Mountjoy E<br />

W. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1999,<br />

36(8): 1281–1298<br />

Uppermost Devonian and Lower<br />

Mississippian strata in the Rocky Mountains<br />

of southwestern Canada and northwestern<br />

Montana record widespread oceanographic<br />

changes during middle to late Paleozoic time<br />

associated with the termination of a carbonate<br />

ramp system, the onset of a deep-water, lowoxygen<br />

event and possible marginal tectonism,<br />

and the later reestablishment of a carbonate<br />

ramp. Integrated lithofacies and conodont<br />

biofacies developed previously for these strata<br />

between the Bow Valley and the international<br />

border have been extended northward to the<br />

Athabasca region of the Alberta Rocky<br />

Mountains. During early-middle Famennian<br />

time, the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains<br />

region was the site of a westward-deepening<br />

and westward-thickening carbonate ramp<br />

system (Palliser Formation). By late<br />

Famennian time carbonate ramp deposition<br />

ended and was followed by widespread<br />


deposition of organic-rich, low-oxygen facies<br />

in shelf to basinal environments (Exshaw<br />

Formation and correlative units). The<br />

overlying Banff Formation consists of<br />

anaerobic to marginally aerobic, starved-basin<br />

to deep-ramp lithofacies succeeded by<br />

shallower water carbonates; this sequence<br />

records basinward (westward) progradation of<br />

the Banff ramp in middle to late Tournaisian<br />

time. Distinct conodont biofacies<br />

representative of shallow-ramp to deep-basin<br />

settings that were previously recognized in the<br />

southernmost Canadian Rocky Mountains and<br />

Montana have also been identified to the north<br />

between the North Saskatchewan and<br />

Athabasca valleys. Upper Palliser carbonates<br />

contain low-diversity conodont faunas of<br />

indigenous to transported palmatolepid-,<br />

polygnathid-, and apatognathid-dominated<br />

assemblages. Exshaw deposits contain<br />

indigenous and reworked palmatolepid- and<br />

bispathodid-dominated assemblages and<br />

reworked or transported polygnathids. Lower<br />

Banff biofacies include transported and<br />

indigenous assemblages of siphonodellids,<br />

polygnathids, and pseudopolygnathids<br />

representative of the deep-middle Banff ramp.<br />

Polygnathid-hindeodid biofacies of shallower<br />

middle-ramp environments occur higher in the<br />

Banff Formation in the North Saskatchewan<br />

and Athabasca valleys.<br />

2009020102<br />

日 本 Oritate 的 Neostrachanognathus<br />

Tahoensis 及 阿 曼 Neostrachanognathus 种<br />

器 官 的 重 建 = Reconstruction of an apparatus<br />

of Neostrachanognathus Tahoensis from<br />

Oritate, Japan and species of<br />

Neostrachanognathus from Oman. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Agematsu S; Orchard M J; Sashida K.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(5): 1201-1211<br />

The apparatus of an Early Triassic conodont<br />

Neostrachanognathus tahoensis Koike, 1998<br />

from Oritate, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan,<br />

and a species of Neostrachanognathus from<br />

Oman were reconstructed. On the basis of five<br />

natural assemblages from the Oritate area, the<br />

three-dimensional apparatus model of N.<br />

tahoensis is interpreted as bilaterally<br />

symmetrical and composed of 14 elements<br />

consisting of pairs of P 1 , P 2 , P 3 , S 1 , S 2 , S 3 , and<br />

S 4 elements. The P 1 and P 2 elements are<br />

coniform elements, the P 3 elements are<br />

digyrate forms, and the S elements are<br />

bipennate ramiforms. The S elements are<br />

arranged rostrally in the apparatus and the<br />

pairs of the P 1 , P 2 , and P 3 elements are<br />

subvertically arranged caudally and ventrally<br />

to the S array. One of the natural assemblages<br />

was formed by rostrocaudal collapse of the<br />

apparatus on the sea floor, whereas the other<br />

assemblages indicate that conodont animals<br />

came to rest nearly parallel with the substrate<br />

prior to burial. A collection of isolated<br />

elements from Jabal Safra, Oman, includes a<br />

second species of Neostrachanognathus with a<br />

comparable apparatus.<br />

2009020103<br />

泰 国 半 岛 南 部 Tarutao 岛 早 奥 陶 世 牙 形 刺<br />

= Early Ordovician conodonts from Tarutao<br />

Island, Southern Peninsular Thailand. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Agematsu S; Sashida K; Salyapongse S;<br />

Sardsud A. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6): 1435-<br />

1453<br />

Early Ordovician conodont faunas of the<br />

Thung Song Formation on Tarutao Island,<br />

southern peninsular Thailand, consist of 14<br />

known species belonging to 17 genera, and<br />

eight undescribed species. Utahconus<br />

tarutaoensis and Filodontus tenuis are new<br />

species. Three conodont zones: the Rossodus<br />

manitouensis Zone, the Utahconus<br />

tarutaoensis Zone and the Filodontus tenuis<br />

Zone, in ascending order, are defined in the<br />

study sections. These are coeval with the<br />

interval from the Rossodus manitouensis Zone<br />

to the Acodus deltatus-Oneotodus costatus<br />

Zone of the standard zonation in the North<br />

American Midcontinent. Based on the<br />

conodonts studied here and fossils previously<br />

reported from Tarutao Island, the Thung Song<br />

Formation is early Tremadocian to middle<br />

Arenig (Ibexian) in age. This formation is<br />

lithostratigraphically subdivided into the S1 to<br />

S5 members, and our study sections consist of<br />

the S1 to S3 members. These strata<br />

accumulated on a shelf in the Early<br />

Ordovician. The depositional environments of<br />

the limestones making up the S1 and S3<br />

members were in deeper-shelf conditions.<br />

Limestone and shale of the S2 member formed<br />

in a shallow-water, high-energy environment.<br />

2009020104<br />

安 徽 石 台 奥 陶 纪 弗 洛 期 - 大 坪 期 牙 形 刺 多 样<br />

性 的 演 变 = Conodont Diversification In The<br />

Zitai Formation ( Floian-Dapingian, Late<br />

Early-Early Mid Ordovician ) Of Shitai,<br />

Anhui Province, East China. ( 中 文 ). 吴 荣 昌 ;<br />

詹 仁 斌 ; 李 贵 鹏 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(4):<br />

444-453<br />


基 于 安 徽 石 台 栗 阳 柳 树 亭 下 、 中 奥 陶 统<br />

紫 台 组 牙 形 刺 的 系 统 研 究 , 对 该 地 区 早 奥<br />

陶 世 弗 洛 期 一 中 奥 陶 世 大 坪 期 牙 形 刺 多 样<br />

性 演 变 作 了 初 步 分 析 , 发 现 牙 形 刺 的 简 单<br />

分 异 度 在 弗 洛 晚 期 Oepikodus evae 带 达 到 峰<br />

值 , 有 17 属 20 种 。 之 后 , 牙 形 刺 分 异 度<br />

呈 下 降 趋 势 。 演 变 的 总 体 趋 势 与 湖 北 宜 昌<br />

地 区 同 期 牙 形 刺 的 研 究 结 果 一 致 , 其 峰 值<br />

出 现 的 时 间 (Oepikodus evae 带 , 相 当 于 笔<br />

石 Didymograptellus eobifidus 带 上 部 ,<br />

Corymbograptus deflexus 带 , 及<br />

Azygograptus suecicus 带 下 部 ) 与 华 南 上 扬<br />

子 区 腕 足 动 物 宏 演 化 趋 势 ( 首 次 峰 值 出 现<br />

在 Didymograptellus eobifidus 带 ) 大 体 相<br />

似 , 但 比 三 叶 虫 多 样 性 演 变 在 奥 陶 纪 的 首<br />

次 峰 值 ( 出 现 在 Exigraptus clavus 带 ) 早 ,<br />

比 扬 子 台 地 笔 石 多 样 性 演 变 的 首 次 峰 值<br />

( 在 Acrograptus filiformis 带 和<br />

Didymograptellus eobifidus 带 下 部 ) 晚 。 分<br />

析 显 示 , 该 地 区 早 、 中 奥 陶 世 牙 形 刺 多 样<br />

性 演 变 与 海 平 面 变 化 存 在 密 切 关 联 。<br />

2009020105<br />

利 用 透 射 电 镜 对 超 微 结 构 、 渗 透 性 和 牙 形<br />

石 磷 灰 石 完 整 性 的 新 观 察 = New insights<br />

into the ultrastructure, permeability, and<br />

integrity of conodont apatite determined by<br />

transmission electron microscopy. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Trotter J A; Fitzgerald J D; Kokkonen H;<br />

Barnes C R. Lethaia, 2007, 40(2): 97-110<br />

New crystalline structures have been<br />

observed in argon ion-milled conodont<br />

elements from a diverse suite of Ordovician<br />

taxa ('Cordylodus robustus', Drepanoistodus<br />

suberectus, Panderodus gracilis, Plectodina<br />

sp., Aphelognathus sp., Periodon aculeatus),<br />

using transmission electron microscopy<br />

(TEM). Electron diffraction patterns of albid<br />

tissue reveal that the component crystals are<br />

extraordinarily large, in the order of hundred(s)<br />

of microns. These large albid crystals show<br />

typical cancellate porosity, although a<br />

distinctly lamellar structure has also been<br />

observed within a large albid crystal<br />

positioned between hyaline lamellar and<br />

cancellate albid tissues. There is a distinct<br />

absence of 'interlamellar space' within all<br />

hyaline tissues examined, which are<br />

characterized by a polycrystalline matrix of<br />

micron-scale elongate crystals that are both<br />

strongly aligned and tightly bound within a<br />

broader lamellar structure. Optical opacity,<br />

caused by light scattering within large (≥ 0.5<br />

µm) pores, is also a feature of both albid and<br />

polycrystalline lamellar crown tissues.<br />

Accordingly, conodont hard tissues are<br />

differentiated by crystal size and shape, as<br />

well as inter- and intracrystalline porosity.<br />

These new observations highlight the<br />

structural complexities of conodont<br />

histologies and the need for more<br />

comprehensive investigations particularly of<br />

transitional crown tissues, which are not well<br />

defined by terms typically used in the<br />

literature. Their histological structures are<br />

interpreted to be a product of in vivo<br />

crystallization and thus provide new insights<br />

into the relative porosity, permeability, and<br />

inherent integrity of the tissues as well as their<br />

growth relationships. Accordingly, these data<br />

not only have implications for earlier<br />

histological and palaeobiological<br />

interpretations of conodont hard tissues but<br />

are also fundamental in determining their<br />

chemical integrity, which is crucial for<br />

characterizing palaeoseawater composition<br />

and palaeoenvironmental change. The<br />

potential for conodont apatite to retain<br />

primary chemical information depends on<br />

crystal size and permeability, so the large<br />

albid crystal domains are consistent with<br />

parallel geochemical studies that suggest that<br />

cancellate albid crown is more resistant to<br />

diagenetic modification.<br />

2009020106<br />

澳 大 利 亚 维 多 利 亚 Tyers-Walhalla 地 区 威<br />

尔 松 页 岩 不 同 时 代 的 下 泥 盆 统 牙 形 类 带 =<br />

Conodonts of disparate Lower Devonian<br />

zones, Wilson Creek Shale, Tyers-Walhalla<br />

area, Victoria, Australia. ( 英 文 ). Carey S P;<br />

Bolger P F. Alcheringa, 1995, 19(1): 73 - 86<br />

Thin limestone beds are a minor component<br />

of the Lower Devonian Wilson Creek Shale in<br />

the Tyers-Walhalla area of Victoria. Agediagnostic<br />

conodonts recovered are (1)<br />

Eognathodus sulcatus sulcatus, index to the<br />

sulcatus Zone (early Pragian), from the<br />

Thomson River south of Coopers Creek, and<br />

(2) Polygnathus dehiscens, index to the<br />

dehiscens Zone (early Emsian), from Jacobs<br />

Creek. The Wilson Creek Shale thus ranges<br />

from the sulcatus Zone to the dehiscens Zone,<br />

and is partly equivalent to the Coopers Creek<br />

Limestone (sulcatus Zone). Low-oxygen<br />

deposition existed in central Victoria over a<br />

considerably longer period in the Early<br />

Devonian than previously suspected.<br />

2009020107<br />


东 攀 剖 面 二 叠 纪 末 期 牙 形 石 动 物 群 : 浅 水 相<br />

与 深 水 相 的 对 比 = End-Permian conodont<br />

fauna from Dongpan section: Correlation<br />

between the deep-and shallow-water facies.<br />

( 英 文 ). Luo Genming; Lai Xulong; Feng<br />

Qinglai; Jiang Haishui; Wignall P; Zhang<br />

Kexin; Sun Yadong; Wu Jun. Science in<br />

China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(11):<br />

1611-1622<br />

This paper systematically investigated the<br />

conodonts from the uppermost Permian to the<br />

Lower Triassic at the Dongpan Section,<br />

Southern Guangxi, South China, and obtained<br />

abundant Late Permian conodonts from the<br />

syndepositional limestone lenses of beds 3 and<br />

5-2 at this section. One genus and eight<br />

species of conodont P1 element including one<br />

new species, Neogondolella dongpanensis sp.<br />

nov., have been identified. The feature of<br />

conodont fauna indicates that conodonts<br />

collected from beds 3 and 5 at the Dongpan<br />

Section belong to the Neogondolella yini<br />

conodont zone, and correspond to bed 24 at<br />

the Meishan Section. Based on these conodont<br />

data, we suggest that the Neoalbaillella<br />

optima radiolarian zone at the Dongpan<br />

Section at least extended to the upper part of<br />

the N. yini conodont zone.<br />

2009020108<br />

澳 大 利 亚 东 部 维 宪 系 的 牙 形 类 生 物 地 层 =<br />

Conodont biostratigraphy of the Visean Series<br />

in eastern Australia. ( 英 文 ). Jenkins T B H;<br />

Crane D T; Mory A J. Alcheringa, 1993, 17(3):<br />

211 - 283<br />

Conodonts from Visean limestones of the<br />

Yarrol and Tamworth Belts of Queensland<br />

and New South Wales are, in general, sparsely<br />

preserved but widespread and about equally<br />

divided between endemic and cosmopolitan<br />

species. Patrognathus conjunctus sp. nov. is<br />

the commonest conodont in the early Visean<br />

and gave rise to Montognathus semicarinatus<br />

gen. et sp. nov. and to M. carinatus gen. et sp.<br />

nov., the trio being name-bearers for three<br />

zones based on endemic elements. The fourth<br />

and highest Visean zone has the mondial<br />

Gnathodus texanus and Gnathodus bilineatus<br />

as joint nominate species, the latter being<br />

included in the zonal name to emphasise the<br />

restricted definition we adopt for G. texanus.<br />

Adetognathus also probably evolved from<br />

Patrognathus to give a lineage of three new<br />

endemic species: — A. taphrognathoides, A.<br />

cannindahensis and A. subunicornis, all<br />

predating the earliest adetognathids of the<br />

northern continents. Cavusgnathus altifrons sp.<br />

nov. is intermediate in platform morphology<br />

and time-range between late Tournaisian<br />

Clydagnathus and late Mississippian species<br />

of Cavusgnathus; Synprioniodina thompsoni<br />

sp. nov., likewise seems to be intermediate<br />

between S. pulchra and Hindeodus cristula.<br />

Other new taxa are: Mestognathus convexus,<br />

Vogelgnathus angustus, Gnathodus rugulatus<br />

and G. girtyi maxwelli. Described and<br />

illustrated but left in open nomenclature are<br />

Adetognathus sp. A, Cudotaxis sp. A,<br />

Gnathodus sp. A, and Rhachistognathus sp. J.<br />

Conodont zones and brachiopod zones give<br />

generally accordant divisions, apparent<br />

discrepancies being attributable to zonal<br />

boundaries locally lacking sufficient data<br />

control or being influenced by major facies<br />

changes. Approximate limits are indicated in<br />

the sequences of eastern Australia for the<br />

Lower (VI), Middle (V2) and Upper (V3)<br />

divisions of the Visean, account being taken<br />

of ages suggested in the recent literature on<br />

ammonoids, algae and foraminifera. No<br />

evidence is found for any major hiatus in the<br />

Visean although regional disconformities<br />

mark its base in the Hunter Valley, N.S.W.<br />

and its top in parts of the Yarrol-Rockhampton<br />

area<br />

2009020109<br />

密 西 根 盆 地 西 北 部 下 志 留 统 ( 阿 伦 尼 克<br />

阶 ) 大 化 石 和 牙 形 类 生 物 相 = Lower<br />

Silurian (Aeronian) megafaunal and conodont<br />

biofacies of the northwestern Michigan Basin.<br />

( 英 文 ). Watkins R; Kuglitsch J J. Canadian<br />

Journal of Earth Sciences, 1997, 34(6): 753–<br />

764<br />

Lower Silurian (Llandovery: Aeronian)<br />

carbonates of the Burnt Bluff Group,<br />

northwestern Michigan Basin, represent a<br />

transect along a southward-dipping ramp that<br />

extends from tidal-flat to basin environments.<br />

Benthic megafaunas include an ostracod<br />

biofacies (tidal flat), stromatoporoid – coral<br />

biofacies (very shallow subtidal), pentamerid,<br />

crinozoan, and crinozoan – stromatoporoid<br />

biofacies (deeper subtidal), and a crinozoan–<br />

sponge biofacies (distal ramp and basin). The<br />

crinozoan–sponge biofacies, which includes<br />

diverse, small crinozoan ossicles, 19 types of<br />

siliceous sponge spicules, and at least 65 other<br />

taxa, has a biota that is similar to those of<br />

Silurian continental margins. Megafaunal<br />

biofacies indicate an Early Silurian gradient<br />

going from a shoreline in the north to water<br />

depths of perhaps 60 m in the south. The<br />


Burnt Bluff Group contains conodonts of the<br />

Icriodella discreta – Icriodella deflecta zone<br />

as an onshore biofacies with Panderodus,<br />

Kockelella, Ozarkodina, Icriodella, and<br />

Oulodus, and an offshore biofacies with<br />

Panderodus, Walliserodus, and Aspelundia.<br />

2009020110<br />

加 拿 大 阿 巴 拉 契 亚 晚 奥 陶 世 牙 形 类 的 大 地<br />

构 造 和 古 地 理 意 义 = Tectonic and<br />

paleogeographic significance of Late<br />

Ordovician conodonts in the Canadian<br />

Appalachians. ( 英 文 ). Nowlan G S;<br />

McCracken A D; McLeod M J. Canadian<br />

Journal of Earth Sciences, 1997, 34(10):<br />

1521–1537<br />

Conodonts of Late Ordovician age are well<br />

represented in Laurentian parts of eastern<br />

Canada, but are rare in the Appalachian<br />

orogenic belt. They are known from the<br />

Anticosti Basin, the Matapedia Belt, and the<br />

Exploits Subzone of the Dunnage Zone. Two<br />

new discoveries are described: one from<br />

unnamed strata on Markey Brook, westcentral<br />

New Brunswick, and one from the<br />

Goss Point Formation (Avalon Zone,<br />

southwestern New Brunswick). Faunas from<br />

the Anticosti Basin are of undoubted<br />

Midcontinent Faunal Region affinity. Those<br />

from the Matapedia Belt are highly mixed<br />

both paleoecologically and provincially,<br />

containing elements of shallow- and deepwater<br />

Midcontinent affinity and elements<br />

typical of the Atlantic Faunal Region. Faunas<br />

from the Exploits Subzone and Markey Brook<br />

are also mixed, suggesting endemic faunas of<br />

Atlantic affinity with local influx of<br />

Midcontinent faunas from Laurentia. The<br />

Goss Point Formation, previously believed to<br />

belong to the Mascarene Group (a Silurian<br />

cover sequence on the Avalon Zone), also<br />

yields mixed faunas. Provincial mixing of all<br />

faunas east of the Anticosti Basin suggests<br />

that Late Ordovician faunas around Iapetus<br />

Ocean may have been more homogeneous<br />

than earlier Ordovician faunas. Therefore, the<br />

Iapetus Ocean may have been smaller or<br />

current patterns may have changed to permit<br />

trans-Iapetan migration. A strong global<br />

pattern of provincialism for Late Ordovician<br />

conodonts is recognized and a new<br />

Australasian Province is proposed. Conodonts<br />

permit identification of a previously<br />

unrecognized Ordovician volcanosedimentary<br />

succession that has economic and<br />

tectonic implications for the region.<br />

小 壳 化 石<br />

2009020111<br />

骨 骼 微 形 态 结 构 指 示 开 腔 骨 类 和 赫 尔 克 壳<br />

类 关 系 紧 密 = Skeletal microstructure<br />

indicates Chancelloriids and Halkieriids are<br />

closely related. ( 英 文 ). Porter S M.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4): 865 - 879<br />

Chancelloriids are problematic, sac-like<br />

animals whose sclerites are common in<br />

Cambrian fossil assemblages. They look like<br />

sponges, but were united with the slug-like<br />

halkieriids in the group Coeloscleritophora<br />

Bengtson and Missarzhevsky, 1981 based on a<br />

unique mode of sclerite construction. Because<br />

their body plans are so different, this proposal<br />

has never been well accepted, but detailed<br />

study of their sclerite microstructure presented<br />

here provides additional support for this<br />

grouping. Both taxa possess walls composed<br />

of a thin, probably organic, sheet overlying a<br />

single layer of aragonite fibres orientated<br />

parallel to the long axis of the sclerite. In all<br />

halkieriids and in the chancelloriid genus<br />

Archiasterella Sdzuy, 1969, bundles of these<br />

fibres form inclined projections on the upper<br />

surface of the sclerite giving it a scaly<br />

appearance. On the lower surface of the<br />

sclerite, the projections are absent. This<br />

microstructure appears to be unique to<br />

chancelloriids, halkieriids, and their relatives,<br />

siphogonuchitids and sachitids. (The sclerites<br />

of another putative halkieriid relative,<br />

Wiwaxia Walcott, 1911, are unmineralized,<br />

making direct comparisons impossible.) Thus,<br />

similarity both at the level of sclerite<br />

construction and the level of sclerite<br />

microstructure suggests that chancelloriid,<br />

halkieriid, sachitid, and siphogonuchitid<br />

sclerites are homologous. The difference in<br />

chancelloriid and halkieriid body plans can be<br />

resolved in two ways. Chancelloriids either<br />

represent a derived condition exhibiting<br />

complete loss of bilaterian characters or they<br />

represent the ancestral condition from which<br />

the bilaterally symmetric halkieriids, and the<br />

Bilateria as a whole, derived. The latter<br />

interpretation, proposed by Bengtson (2005),<br />

implies that coeloscleritophoran sclerites<br />

('coelosclerites') are a plesiomorphy of the<br />

Bilateria, lost or transformed in descendent<br />

lineages. Given that mineralized coelosclerites<br />

appear in the fossil record no earlier than c.<br />

542 Ma, this in turn implies either that the<br />

Ediacaran record of bilaterians has been<br />

misinterpreted or that coelosclerite<br />

preservability increased at the beginning of<br />

the Cambrian Period. The former is difficult to<br />


econcile with Ediacaran trace and body fossil<br />

evidence, but the latter may be possible,<br />

reflecting either independent mineralization of<br />

organic-walled sclerites in chancelloriids and<br />

halkieriids or the opening of a taphonomic<br />

window that favours coelosclerite preservation.<br />

2009020112<br />

湖 北 长 江 三 峡 地 区 早 寒 武 世 岩 家 河 组 化 石<br />

群 = Fossil Association from the Lower<br />

Cambrian Yanjiahe Formation in the Yangtze<br />

Gorges Area, Hubei, South China. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Guo Junfeng; Li Yong; Han Jian; Zhang<br />

Xingliang; Zhang Zhifei; Ou Qiang; Liu<br />

Jianni; Shu Degan; Maruyama S; Komiya.<br />

Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(6): 1124-<br />

1132<br />

Apart from previously reported Small<br />

Shelly Fossils (SSFs), a macroscopic fossil<br />

assemblage, comprising abundant algae, coneshaped<br />

tubular fossil forms, and probable<br />

impressions of a megascopic metazoan, comes<br />

from the Lower Cambrian Yanjiahe Formation<br />

in the Yangtze Gorges area of western Hubei<br />

Province, south China. The visible fossils are<br />

preserved in thinl aminated siltstone or muddy<br />

siltstone intercalated between 8-15 cm-thick<br />

carbonate deposits, probably representing<br />

sedimentary settings of a constrained local<br />

depression in the shallow water carbonate<br />

platform during the Early Cambrian<br />

Meishucunian Stage. The macroscopic fossil<br />

association provides significant fossil<br />

evidence about the evolution of life from the<br />

late Precambrian to the ' Cambrian<br />

explosion' interval.<br />

2009020113<br />

韩 国 寒 武 纪 骨 骼 微 化 石 地 层 意 义 的 初 步 研<br />

究 = Stratigraphic Implications of Skeletal<br />

Microfossils from the Cambrian of Korea: A<br />

Preliminary Report. ( 英 文 ). Lee Byungsu.<br />

Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(6): 1152-<br />

1159<br />

Diverse small shelly fossils and other<br />

associated fossils were recently recovered<br />

from the Cambrian Hanaeri section,<br />

southwestern Mungyeong, Korea. The fauna<br />

includes conoidal problematica, poriferans<br />

( sponge spicules ) , coeloscleritophorans<br />

( chancelioriids ) , brachiopods,<br />

monoplacophorans, trilobite ( )<br />

fragments, echinoderms, and conodonts. A<br />

preliminary assessment of faunal associations,<br />

stratigraphic implications, and the correlation<br />

of these skeletal fossils is given, based on<br />

occurrences of Actinotheca cf. mira (He),<br />

Microcornus sp., Torellela laevigata<br />

(Linnarsson), Torellela sp., Archiasterella<br />

quadratina Lee, Chancelloria sp., Lingulella<br />

sp., Prototreta sp., Phakelodus tenuis<br />

(Miiller), Phakelodus elongates (An),<br />

Hertzina sp., and Furnishina sp.<br />

古 植 物 学<br />

综 论<br />

2009020114<br />

智 利 中 南 部 四 个 上 三 叠 统 小 植 物 群 = Four<br />

Upper Triassic florules from central southern<br />

Chile (Cerro Ranguili, Cerro Quilvo, Cerro<br />

Gupo and Rio Quillen). ( 其 他 ). Troncoso A;<br />

Herbst R. Ameghiniana: Revista de la<br />

asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2007,<br />

44(4): 661-672<br />

Four floristic assemblages mentioned in<br />

previous literature from four localities of<br />

central southern Chile are described.<br />

Localities are: Cerro Ranguili (Estero La<br />

Higuera Formation), Cerro Quilvo (La<br />

Patagua Formation or "Estratos de Pocillas"),<br />

Cerro Gupo (without stratigraphic<br />

denomination) and Rio Quillen (probably<br />

Huimpil-Llafquentue Formation). The plant<br />

list includes: Neocalamites sp., Cladophlebis<br />

sp., Dictyophyllum (T.)<br />

T rothi Frenguelli,<br />

Dictyophyllum (Thaumatopteris) sp.,<br />

Dicroidium odontopteroides (Morris) Gothan,<br />

Dicroidium lancifolium (Morris) Gothan,<br />

Dicroidium super-bum (Shirley) Retallack,<br />

Zuberia zuberi (Szajnocha) Frenguelli,<br />

Xylopteris sp., Pterophyllum sp. a.,<br />

Pterophyllum sp. b, Pterophyllum sp. c,<br />

Anomozamites sp., Sphenobaiera schenckii<br />

(Feistmantel) Florin, Taeniopteris sp. a.,<br />

Taeniopteris sp. b, Linguifolium cf. lillieanum<br />

(Arber) Retallack, Linguifolium sp. and<br />

Heidiphyllum elongatum (Morris) Retallack.<br />

At Cerro Ranguili and Cerro Gupo there is a<br />

certain chronologic control with marine<br />

invertebrates, but in any case the florules<br />

indicate an undoubtedly Upper Triassic age.<br />

2009020115<br />

非 海 相 晚 古 生 代 地 层 和 植 物 群 研 究 新 进<br />

展 :16 届 石 炭 纪 和 二 叠 纪 国 际 会 议 的 成 果<br />

= Recent Advances on Non-Marine Late<br />

Paleozoic Strata and Floras: Outcome of the<br />

16th International Congress on the<br />

Carboniferous and Permian. ( 英 文 ). Wang Jun;<br />

Liu Lujun; Pfefferkorn H W. Episodes, 2008,<br />

31(3): 348-350<br />


2009020116<br />

阿 根 廷 中 三 叠 世 混 交 林 生 态 复 原 =<br />

Ecological reconstruction of a mixed Middle<br />

Triassic forest from Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Brea<br />

M; Artabe A; Spalletti L A. Alcheringa, 2008,<br />

32(4): 365 - 393<br />

The palaeoecology of an in situ Middle<br />

Triassic forest known as the Darwin Forest,<br />

from the Paramillo Formation of Argentina, is<br />

described based on palaeobotanical,<br />

sedimentological and spatial analyses. The<br />

palaeoforest grew on an andisol soil that<br />

developed on volcaniclastic floodplain<br />

deposits. The volcanic detritus and the<br />

rhythmic amalgamation of upper flow-regime<br />

tractional deposits overlying the andisol<br />

indicate that the forest was buried rapidly by a<br />

subaerial, cool and wet pyroclastic base surge<br />

flow. The plant community was reconstructed<br />

by quantitative mapping of the fossilized<br />

stumps integrated with taxonomic and<br />

sedimentological information. The Darwin<br />

Forest had a tree density of 427-759 per ha,<br />

with an upper stratum (20-26 m) of<br />

corystosperms and a second stratum (16-20 m)<br />

of conifers. Estimated biomass is equivalent to<br />

modern dry monsoonal forest. The<br />

understorey was composed of ferns<br />

(Cladophlebis spp.). Quantitative growth-ring<br />

analysis of Araucarioxylon protoaraucana<br />

suggests that these trees were evergreen and,<br />

together with vegetation structure and<br />

sedimentary data, indicate that the forest<br />

developed under dry, subtropical, strongly<br />

seasonal conditions<br />

2009020117<br />

阿 根 廷 丘 布 特 Taquetren 山 Canadon del<br />

Zaino 地 区 侏 罗 纪 植 物 群 时 代 的 新 证 据 =<br />

New evidence for the age of the Jurassic Flora<br />

from Canadon del Zaino, Sierra de Taquetren,<br />

Chubut. ( 英 文 ). Escapa I; Cuneo R; Cladera G.<br />

Ameghiniana: Revista de la asociacion<br />

Paleontologica Argentina, 2008, 45(3): 633-<br />

637<br />

2009020118<br />

澳 大 利 亚 新 南 威 尔 士 晚 石 炭 世 一 个 具 有 异<br />

常 内 部 构 造 的 化 石 植 物 器 官 = A fossil plant<br />

organ with unusual internal structure from the<br />

Late Carboniferous of New South Wales. ( 英<br />

文 ). Holmes W B K. Alcheringa, 1996, 20(2):<br />

69 - 72<br />

An unusual plant fossil of unknown<br />

affinities is reported from the Late<br />

Carboniferous of New South Wales.<br />

Burdekinia multiseptata gen. et sp. nov. is<br />

known from a straplike organ, externally<br />

rather featureless, but characterised by a<br />

distinctive internal structure of regular<br />

transverse sphenopsid-like partitions which<br />

form rectangular sections. These sections are<br />

filled with a lattice-work of about six parallel<br />

rows of small chambers which resembles the<br />

internal structure formed by aerenchyma cells<br />

in the leaves of the extant marsh plants in the<br />

genus Typha.<br />

2009020119<br />

中 生 代 植 物 的 生 物 多 样 性 、 解 剖 和 演 化 :<br />

前 言 = Biodiversity, anatomy and evolution<br />

of Mesozoic plants: An introduction. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Wang Yongdong; Axsmith B J.<br />

Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(3/4): 163-165<br />

2009020120<br />

下 奥 地 利 卢 兹 晚 三 叠 世 卡 尼 阶 植 物 群 : 古<br />

生 态 意 义 = The Carnian (Late Triassic) flora<br />

from Lunz in Lower Austria: Paleoecological<br />

considerations. ( 英 文 ). Pott C; Krings M;<br />

Kerp H. Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(3/4): 172-182<br />

A recently completed systematic<br />

macromorphological and cuticular analysis of<br />

compressed gymnosperm foliage from the<br />

famous Carnian (Late Triassic) flora from<br />

Lunz in Lower Austria has provided detailed<br />

circumscriptions of the individual taxa and<br />

new information as to their ordinal and<br />

generic classification. Although the fossils<br />

represent several lineages of gymnosperms,<br />

including Cycadales, Bennettitales,<br />

Ginkgoales, it appeared that certain<br />

idiocuticular and epidermal features such as<br />

sunken stomata and papillate surfaces occur<br />

widespread among the taxa. The presence of<br />

coal seams indicates that the environmental<br />

conditions in the Lunz paleoecosystem were<br />

stable for longer periods and allowed for the<br />

accumulation of larger amounts of plant<br />

material. The formation of peat generally<br />

requires special conditions, including a stable,<br />

high groundwater table, reduced oxygen<br />

supply and low pH values, which are typically<br />

found in swamps or peat bogs. Many of the<br />

idiocuticular and epidermal features recorded<br />

for the Lunz plants can be interpreted as<br />

adaptations to ecological conditions<br />

characteristic of coal-producing peat swamps,<br />

e.g., physiological drought, and thus<br />

corroborate the interpretation of the Lunz<br />

paleoecosystem as a peat-forming<br />

environment.<br />


2009020121<br />

中 国 西 北 兰 州 地 区 早 中 侏 罗 世 古 环 境 变 化<br />

的 化 石 植 物 的 证 据 = Fossil plant evidence<br />

for Early and Middle Jurassic<br />

paleoenvironmental changes in Lanzhou area,<br />

Northwest China. ( 英 文 ). Sun Bainian; Xie<br />

Sanping; Yan Defei; Cong Peiyun.<br />

Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(3/4): 215-221<br />

Estimating the paleoclimate changes<br />

through CO 2 levels has become a promising<br />

area of geological research. This paper focuses<br />

on analysis of fossil Ginkgo in continuous<br />

sedimentary series in northwestern China<br />

using plant anatomy and organic geochemistry<br />

approaches. The CO 2 variation curve during<br />

Early and Middle Jurassic is reconstructed<br />

based on the stomatal ratio method, which is<br />

consistent with the estimated results of<br />

GEOCARB III. In comparison with the carbon<br />

isotopic composition measured from the fossil<br />

leaves of Ginkgo, we suggest that the stomatabased<br />

CO 2 concentrations for the Jurassic are<br />

generally consistent with the predictions of the<br />

geochemical model, ranging from 1000 to<br />

1600 ppmv. Measurements of carbon isotope<br />

values demonstrate that the water use<br />

efficiency of the fossil Ginkgo in a “green<br />

house” world is higher than that of the living<br />

Ginkgo. Investigations of physiological<br />

responses of plants to the increasing CO 2 level<br />

at the present and in the future should help<br />

demonstrate this effect. The cause of the<br />

carbon isotopic shift at the boundary between<br />

Aalenian and Bajocian for the Yaojie Basin is<br />

unclear and therefore needs further<br />

investigation.<br />

2009020122<br />

印 度 萨 特 普 拉 盆 地 贾 巴 尔 普 尔 组 早 白 垩 世<br />

植 物 群 的 生 物 多 样 性 和 古 气 候 解 释 =<br />

Biodiversity and palaeoclimatic interpretation<br />

of Early Cretaceous flora of Jabalpur<br />

Formation, Satpura Basin, India. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Prakash N. Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(3/4): 253-<br />

263<br />

The Jabalpur Formation of Jabalpur series,<br />

named after Jabalpur city in Central India, is<br />

exposed along the Narbada River, in Satpura<br />

Basin. The series is divided into the lower<br />

Chaugan and the upper Jabalpur stages. The<br />

Jabalpur beds occur between Mahadevas and<br />

Lametas at Mahadeva Hills, exhibit highest<br />

Gondwanan strata, and embody diversified<br />

flora. These beds also extend laterally to<br />

Bairam and Belkher areas in western part of<br />

central India. The highest diversity of the<br />

floral assemblage is recorded in the central<br />

portion of the basin (Sehora and Hasnapur)<br />

whereas the lowest diversity is recorded in<br />

Morand River, Parsapani and Tilaksindoor<br />

areas. The diversity in floral assemblage<br />

indicates the dominance of conifers and<br />

pteridophytes along with cycadophytes and<br />

certain pteridosperms. The palynofloral<br />

assemblage from this formation contains<br />

pollen and spores of bryophytic, pteridophytic<br />

and gymnospermic groups. The<br />

palaeovegetational diversity, biostratigraphic<br />

correlation and phytogeographic distribution<br />

of the Jabalpur flora are discussed in<br />

comparison with various coeval floras of<br />

Indian peninsula along with contemporaneous<br />

deposits of the other Gondwanan regions. The<br />

palaeogeographic analysis suggests that the<br />

flora was thriving as mixed vegetation during<br />

Early Cretaceous under seasonally hot and dry<br />

or alternating with wet and dry condition.<br />

2009020123<br />

中 生 代 化 石 木 属 Xenoxylon 的 系 统 分 类 关<br />

系 : 分 子 生 物 学 和 古 植 物 学 综 合 探 讨 =<br />

Systematic relationships of the Mesozoic<br />

wood genus Xenoxylon: an integrative<br />

biomolecular and palaeobotanical approach.<br />

( 英 文 ). Marynowski L; Philippe M; Zaton M;<br />

Hautevelle Y. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2008, 247(2):<br />

177-189<br />

Xenoxylon is one of the very lew<br />

components of Mesozoic terrestrial biota<br />

which give clear palaeoecological signal.<br />

Unfortunately its systematic relationships are<br />

still unknown. This work analyzes the organic<br />

geochemistry of particularly well preserved<br />

samples of Xenoxylon from the Callovian of<br />

Lukow for comparison with the Bathonian of<br />

Gnaszyn. This study presents the evidence that<br />

preserved biomarkers and biomolecules are<br />

not exceptional in fossil wood, and that their<br />

composition generally supportsw the<br />

anatomical data.<br />

2009020124<br />

澳 大 利 亚 西 南 部 西 代 尔 第 三 纪 早 期 大 植 物<br />

群 = An Early Tertiary macroflora from West<br />

Dale, southwestern Australia. ( 英 文 ). Hill R S;<br />

Merrifield H E. Alcheringa, 1993, 17(4): 285 -<br />

326<br />

The Middle Eocene — Oligocene<br />

macroflora from West Dale in southwestern<br />

Australia is described. The majority of fossils<br />

are leaves, and 35 taxa are described and<br />


illustrated, including 12 new fossil species and<br />

three previously described species (two fossil,<br />

one extant). There are clear floristic<br />

similarities with Eocene — Oligocene<br />

macrofloras in eastern Australia (e.g. Agathis,<br />

Dacrycarpus, Gymnostoma, Cunoniaceae,<br />

Nothofagus, Lauraceae, Banksieaephyllum),<br />

but the West Dale flora is unique in the<br />

predominance of Myrtaceae and, to a lesser<br />

extent, Proteaceae. The West Dale macroflora<br />

offers support for the hypothesis that the<br />

Australian sclerophyll flora evolved primarily<br />

in response to low nutrient levels (especially<br />

phosphorus) and was pre-adapted to<br />

developing xeric climates. However,<br />

alternative hypotheses cannot be ruled out.<br />

2009020125<br />

阿 根 廷 火 地 岛 Sloggett 组 古 近 纪 植 物 群 =<br />

Paleogene flora of the Sloggett Formation,<br />

Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Panti C;<br />

Marenssi S A; Olivero E B. Ameghiniana:<br />

Revista de la asociacion Paleontologica<br />

Argentina, 2008, 45(4): 677-692<br />

In the southeastern corner of the Isla<br />

Grande of Tierra del Fuego, southernmost<br />

Argentina, small outcrops representing Late<br />

Eocene-Early Oligocene sedimentation in<br />

fluvial environments, are referred to the<br />

Sloggett Formation. This unit crops out along<br />

the shores of Bahia Sloggett, where it is<br />

represented by carbonaceous mudstones,<br />

sandstones and conglomerates. A new<br />

paleofloristic collection of this site, originally<br />

reported by Andersson at the beginning of the<br />

20(th), was collected and analyzed, revealing<br />

the presence of gymnosperm and angiosperm<br />

leaves. Conifers are represented by probable<br />

Podocarpaceae and the presence of<br />

Araucariaceae is confirmed by leaves with<br />

preserved anatomy. Angiosperms, although<br />

fragmentary, have been grouped in<br />

morphotypes, which are referred to the<br />

Nothofagaceae, Myrtaceae and Lauraceae.<br />

The Sloggett paleoflora is similar in<br />

composition to other contemporary floras,<br />

described from southern South America and<br />

that originated in temperate to cold-temperate<br />

and humid forest.<br />

2009020126<br />

化 石 细 胞 质 的 AFM 观 察 = An AFM<br />

Observation on Fossil Cytoplasm. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Wang Xin; Yu Junping; Fang Xiaohong. Acta<br />

Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(6): 1141-1145<br />

Fossil cytoplasm is a new research topic of<br />

interest in paleobotany. Atomic force<br />

microscope (AFM) is a new technology<br />

applied widely in physics and biology;<br />

however, it is rarely used in paleontology.<br />

Here we applied AFM for the first time to<br />

study fossil cytoplasm. The results indicate<br />

that the fossil cytoplasm is heterogeneous and<br />

full of ultrastructures, just like extant<br />

cytoplasm, and that the application of AFM,<br />

especially in combination with other<br />

techniques, can reveal the subcellular details<br />

of fossil plants with more confidence.<br />

2009020127<br />

云 南 龙 陵 上 新 世 华 山 松 木 化 石 古 植 物 化 学<br />

研 究 = Paleophytochemical Constituents from<br />

the Pliocene Fossil Wood of Pinus Armandii<br />

from Longling, Yunnan. ( 英 文 ). Zhao<br />

Youxing; Li Chengsen; Yi Tiemei; Luo<br />

Xiaodong; Zhou Jun. Acta Geologica<br />

Sinica, 2008, 82(6): 1146-1151<br />

Specimens of fossil wood preserved<br />

lignified in Pliocene brown coal and identified<br />

as Pinus armandii Francher come from an<br />

opencast coalmine at Longling in western<br />

Yunnan Province, China. Phytochemical<br />

investigation of the fossil wood isolated using<br />

liquid column chromatography seven<br />

compounds (1-7) including a new fluorene<br />

derivative named 11,11-dimethyl-11Hbenzo[b]fluorene.<br />

A further 28 volatiles were<br />

detected by gas chromatography-mass<br />

spectrometry ( GC-MS ) . Spectroscopic<br />

investigation methods, including MS and 1D<br />

and 2D-NMR techniques elucidated the<br />

structure of the seven compounds. Two types<br />

of natural products, isopimara and stilbene<br />

commonly occuring in extant and Pliocene<br />

fossil P. armandii indicate phytochemical<br />

fidelity during burial under certain<br />

circumstances in sediments. Discovery of<br />

stilbenes that can inhibit the activities of<br />

wood-destroying fungi in the Pliocene P.<br />

armandii prompts the assumption that the<br />

chemical preservation of this Pliocene fossil<br />

wood of P. armandii in brown coal might<br />

contribute to the presence of inner natural<br />

inhibitors against wood-destroying fungi.<br />

2009020128<br />

阿 根 廷 恩 特 雷 里 奥 斯 巴 拉 那 托 马 维 加 中 中<br />

新 世 巴 拉 那 组 化 石 林 : 季 节 性 混 合 森 林 的<br />

记 录 = Fossil woods from Parana Formation<br />

(Middle Miocene), Toma Vieja, Parana, Entre<br />

Rios, Argentina: record of seasonal mixed<br />

forests. ( 英 文 ). Franco M J; Brea M.<br />

Ameghiniana: Revista de la asociacion<br />


Paleontologica Argentina, 2008, 45(4): 699-<br />

717<br />

Petrified woods of Middle Miocene from<br />

Parana Formation are described and assigned<br />

to Anacardiaceae, Leguminoseae and<br />

Solanaceae. The fossil descriptions are based<br />

on three anatomically preserved stems. The<br />

presence of a combination of characters in<br />

each one allowed to distinguish these families<br />

from other dicotyledonous and to assign the<br />

material to three new morfotaxa. The most<br />

related extant genera are Astronium Jacq.,<br />

Parapiptadenia Brenan. and Solanum N. The<br />

affinities and paleogeographical relations are<br />

discussed. The fossil woods described in this<br />

contribution together with fossil material<br />

previously studied for this Formation<br />

(Entrerrioxylon victoriensis Lutz,<br />

Anadenantheroxylon villaurquisense Brea et<br />

al. and Astroniumxylon portmannii Brea et<br />

al.), suggest the existence of a<br />

paleocommunity linked seasonally dry<br />

tropical forest (SDTF), which at present are<br />

relict in localities isolated in the North of<br />

Argentina, Southeast of Bolivia and Brazil,<br />

but in the past represented a continuous<br />

extension in in South America. The presence<br />

of these woods in the Middle Miocene would<br />

indicate a climate warmer than the present for<br />

this region.<br />

2009020129<br />

运 用 饱 和 生 物 标 志 进 行 多 元 统 计 分 析 在<br />

Krepoljin 煤 田 形 成 中 植 物 脂 类 的 成 岩 作 用<br />

= The Diagenesis of Plant Lipids during the<br />

Formation of the Krepoljin Coal Basin<br />

(Serbia) ——Using Multivariate Statistical<br />

Analysis in the Saturated Biomarkers. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Devic G; Jovancicevic B. Acta Geologica<br />

Sinica, 2008, 82(6): 1168-1178<br />

The composition of the saturated<br />

hydrocarbon fraction of soluble organic matter<br />

(bitumen) from the Krepoljin brown coal<br />

basin (East Serbia) of Miocene age was<br />

investigated. The Krepoljin basin is especially<br />

interesting from a geochemical point of view.<br />

Namely, by the end of Tertiary Period, the<br />

basin was covered by powerful Mesozoic<br />

formations of great possibilities, the bedding<br />

became hermetically enclosed and protected<br />

from subsequent external influences. The<br />

nature of early diagenetic processes in the<br />

environment with abundant accumulation of<br />

organic substance is defined by the molecular<br />

content of bitumen through the connections of<br />

molecular structures to potential precursors in<br />

paleoplant phylla, as well as by the degree of<br />

their diagenetic transformations. The<br />

hierarchy of parameters based on molecules of<br />

saturated hydrocarbons was determined by<br />

applying the principal component analysis to<br />

the soluble organic matter. The most<br />

significant, most " loadings " values of<br />

component CI, are the plant types such as<br />

precursors or participants in early diagenetic<br />

transformations of steranes Cs27-algal<br />

precursor material, Cs28-moulds, Cs29-higher<br />

land and water plants; resinous from the group<br />

of higher plant gymnosperms ( G ) ; also<br />

triterpanes a and β -amirindicotyledonous<br />

angiosperms ( A ) and bacterial and/or<br />

terrestrial plants population represented by<br />

hopanes/moretanes; as well as the parameters<br />

which describe the degree of<br />

diagenetic/maturation transformation of<br />

precursor biomass, and based on next<br />

reactions: (1) shifting of methyl group,<br />

influenced by the inorganic sediment<br />

constitutents, sterane-rearranged steranes,<br />

(2) isomerization in the ring system, αα<br />

α→βββ C29 sterane as well as (3)<br />

isomerization on chiral center of the side chain<br />

sequence R→S C29 sterane S/ (S+R).<br />

Additionally, a pyrite-derived inhibitory effect<br />

on the rearrangment of C29 steranes must be<br />

taken into account, but not on triterpanes<br />

reaction. Non- appearance of statistically<br />

important correlations, before all with<br />

maturational depended parameters, and after<br />

all also with source indicators contributies to<br />

the affirmation of the newly-suggested<br />

parameter α -Phyllocladane/S27 as the real<br />

source biomarker of coal. Indicators derived<br />

from the distribution and abundance of n-<br />

alkanes and isoprenoid alkanes are of less<br />

significance in hierarchy of parameters.<br />

2009020130<br />

最 早 乔 木 的 演 化 : 泥 盆 纪 的 策 略 =<br />

Evolution of earliest trees: The Devonian<br />

strategies. ( 法 文 ). Meyer-Berthaud B;<br />

Decombeix A L. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2009, 8(2-3): 155-165<br />

The earliest axes exceeding 10 cm in<br />

diameter, and presumed to represent small<br />

trees, evolved in the Middle Devonian (about<br />

395 million years). They belong to the<br />

Cladoxylopsida, a basal group of ferns s.l.<br />

lacking leaves. These trees grow mainly<br />

vertically, the trunk producing short-lived<br />

branches at the top and adventitious roots at<br />

the base. They show a dissected<br />

vascularisation, and little if any secondary<br />


tissues. The Archaeopteridales that evolved at<br />

the end of the Middle Devonian, have leaves,<br />

abundant wood, and secondary phloem.<br />

Growth in the aerial and subterranean parts is<br />

tri-dimensional and extensive. Contrary to<br />

these two strategies that evolved several times<br />

independently during the history of terrestrial<br />

plants, that exhibited by the lycophytes<br />

became extinct at the end of the Mesozoic.<br />

These trees are characterized by a symmetrical<br />

development of the aerial and underground<br />

parts that branch dichotomously. Branch<br />

production by the trunk is relatively late.<br />

These trees show a narrow vascular system<br />

and a wide cortex.<br />

2009020131<br />

阿 根 廷 Entre 地 区 Parana 组 大 植 物 组 合 =<br />

Macrofloristic assemblage of the Parana<br />

Formation (Middle-Upper Miocene) in Entre<br />

Rios (Argentina). ( 英 文 ). Anzotegui L M;<br />

Acenolaza P G. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie<br />

u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2008,<br />

248(2): 159-170<br />

In this study, foliar impressions such as<br />

Myrciophyllum paranaesianum sp. nov.;<br />

Laurophyllum sp., and Schinus aff.<br />

terebinthifolia are described. The assignment<br />

of Laurophyllum and Myrciophyllum and the<br />

existence of xerophytic forests are discussed.<br />

2009020132<br />

亚 洲 东 北 部 和 阿 拉 斯 加 北 部 在 白 垩 纪 - 古 近<br />

纪 过 渡 时 期 植 物 群 的 发 育 = Flora<br />

development in Northeastern Asia and<br />

Northern Alaska during the Cretaceous-<br />

Paleogene transitional epoch. ( 英 文 ). Herman<br />

A B; Akhmetiev M A; Kodrul T M; Moiseeva<br />

M G; Iakovleva A I. Stratigraphy and<br />

Geological Correlation, 2009, 17(1): 79-97<br />

Study of floral succession from the<br />

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary interval in<br />

Russian Far East (Zeya-Bureya depression),<br />

Northeastern Russia (Koryak Upland), and<br />

Northern Alaska (Sagavanirktok River basin)<br />

is crucial for better understanding<br />

palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic factors,<br />

which controlled events in vegetation<br />

evolution at that time. The succession of fossil<br />

floras in the Zeya-Bureya depression includes<br />

plant assemblages of the Santonian,<br />

Campanian, early Danian, Danian, and<br />

Danian-Selandian age. The early Danian<br />

Boguchan Flora keeps continuity in<br />

composition and dominating taxa with the<br />

Campanian Late Kundur Flora. The Koryak<br />

Flora of the Amaam Lagoon area<br />

(Northeastern Russia) is dated as late<br />

Maastrichtian based on correlation of plantbearing<br />

beds with marine biostratigraphy,<br />

whereas the Early and Late Sagwon floras of<br />

Northern Alaska are dated back to the Danian-<br />

Selandian and early Paleocene based on<br />

palynological and macrofloristic data. The<br />

Early Sagwon Flora is most close to the late<br />

Maastrichtian Koryak Flora of the Amaam<br />

Lagoon area in composition and main<br />

dominants, while the Late Sagwon Flora is<br />

comparable with the Danian or Danian-()<br />

Selandian flora from the Upper Tsagayan<br />

Subformation of the Amur area. In a<br />

florogenic aspect, trans-Beringian plant<br />

migrations from northeastern Asia and<br />

southern palaeolatitudes of the Far East, which<br />

became possible due to Paleocene climate<br />

warming in Arctic, have played an important<br />

role in forming of the Paleocene floras of<br />

Northern Alaska. Floras of the Far East and<br />

high latitudes of Asia and North America<br />

show no evidence of catastrophic event at the<br />

Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. Their<br />

development was most probably controlled by<br />

climate changes, plant evolution and<br />

migration.<br />

2009020133<br />

基 于 叶 缘 分 析 法 定 量 重 建 中 国 始 新 世 植 物<br />

群 的 年 均 温 = Reconstruction Of Mean<br />

Annual Temperature In Chinese Eocene<br />

Paleofloras Based On Leaf Margin Analysis.<br />

( 中 文 ). 苏 涛 ; 星 耀 武 ; 杨 青 松 ; 周 浙 昆 . 古 生 物<br />

学 报 , 2009, 48(1): 65-72<br />

全 球 气 候 在 始 新 世 总 体 上 经 历 了 由 极 热<br />

逐 渐 转 冷 的 过 程 。 植 物 叶 片 化 石 作 为 地 质<br />

时 期 的 产 物 , 可 以 用 来 反 映 陆 地 古 气 候 的<br />

这 一 变 化 历 史 。 文 中 采 用 叶 缘 分 析 法 首 次<br />

定 量 重 建 中 国 始 新 世 6 个 植 物 群 的 古 年 均<br />

温 。 分 析 结 果 显 示 , 热 鲁 植 物 群 ( 年 均 温<br />

17.3±3.7℃)、 依 兰 植 物 群 A 段 ( 年 均<br />

温 18.2±2.9℃) 和 柳 区 植 物 群 ( 年 均 温<br />

22.7±2.3℃) 反 映 了 早 始 新 世 至 中 始 新<br />

世 早 期 气 温 较 高 。 依 兰 植 物 群 B 段 ( 年 均<br />

温 10.1±3.4℃)、 石 脑 植 物 群 ( 年 均 温<br />

10.1±3.4℃)、 抚 顺 植 物 群 ( 年 均 温<br />

5.0±1.4℃) 和 白 鹿 塬 植 物 群 ( 年 均 温<br />

9.2±3.1℃) 则 反 映 了 中 始 新 世 后 期 至<br />

晚 始 新 世 气 温 明 显 下 降 的 过 程 。 植 物 群 的<br />

古 年 均 温 推 测 值 与 植 物 群 物 种 组 合 代 表 的<br />

气 候 类 型 吻 合 。 研 究 表 明 , 始 新 世 时 期 中<br />

国 与 全 球 的 气 候 变 化 过 程 基 本 一 致 , 即 早<br />


始 新 世 至 中 始 新 世 早 期 气 温 较 高 , 中 始 新<br />

世 后 期 至 到 晚 始 新 世 气 温 明 显 降 低 。<br />

2009020134<br />

分 子 碳 同 位 素 组 分 显 示 的 晚 第 四 纪 以 来 中<br />

国 黄 土 高 原 中 部 地 区 植 被 的 演 化 =<br />

Vegetation evolution on the central Chinese<br />

Loess Plateau since late Quaternary evidenced<br />

by elemental carbon isotopic composition. ( 英<br />

文 ). Zhou Bin; Shen Chengde; Zheng Hongbo;<br />

Zhao Meixun; Sun Yanmin. Chinese Science<br />

Bulletin, 2009, 54(12): 2082-2089<br />

There are many controversial issues in loess<br />

studies such as natural vegetation types on the<br />

Chinese Loess Plateau during the historical<br />

periods and the spatial and temporal evolution<br />

of C 3 /C 4 plants. Elemental carbon isotopic<br />

composition (δ 13 C ec ) in the loess section<br />

may offer new evidence for these problems.<br />

Elemental carbon (EC) is produced by<br />

incomplete combustion of vegetation, and its<br />

carbon isotopic composition has a very small<br />

difference from that of the formal vegetation,<br />

then δ 13 C ec can be used as a record to<br />

recover the changes of vegetation. Elemental<br />

carbon was extracted by applying the<br />

oxidation method from the loess-paleosol<br />

sequence in the central Chinese Loess Plateau,<br />

and its carbon isotope composition was<br />

analyzed by the isotope mass spectrometer.<br />

The results showed that the vegetation in this<br />

region was a mixed type of C 3 and C 4 plants,<br />

dominated with C 3 plants in most of the time.<br />

Since late Quaternary, C 3 /C 4 plants may not<br />

follow a simple glacial-interglacial cycle<br />

mode on the Chinese Loess Plateau, but<br />

showing fluctuations. C 3 plants increased<br />

gradually in L4 period, and more C 3 plants<br />

occurred during S3 period, and C 4 plants<br />

increased again during L3-L2 periods, after<br />

that, C 3 plants dominated again during S1-S0<br />

periods. During periods of paleosol<br />

development, C 3 plants were abundant in S3<br />

and S1, and there were more C 4 plants in S2<br />

and S0. During periods of loess sedimentation,<br />

there were more C 3 plants in L4 and L1, and<br />

there were more C 4 plants in L3 and L2. On<br />

the orbital timescale, the vegetation variations<br />

revealed by δ 13 C ec record are consistent with<br />

the results of pollen data and also similar to<br />

the results obtained by organic carbon isotopic<br />

composition since the last glacial period.<br />

藻 类<br />

2009020135<br />

北 大 西 洋 东 部 上 新 世 - 更 新 世 沟 鞭 藻 囊 孢 和<br />

疑 源 类 事 件 的 时 代 标 定 (DSDP Hole 610A)<br />

= Age calibration of dinoflagellate cyst and<br />

acritarch events in the Pliocene-Pleistocene of<br />

the eastern North Atlantic (DSDP Hole 610A.<br />

( 英 文 ). De Schepper S; Head M J.<br />

Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(2): 137–161<br />

An independently calibrated record of<br />

dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch events is<br />

presented for the Early Pliocene through<br />

Middle Pleistocene (ca. 4.0 – 0.5 Ma) of<br />

eastern North Atlantic Deep Sea Drilling<br />

Project (DSDP) Hole 610A. A new age model<br />

is establishedfor this hole and tied to marine<br />

isotope stratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy<br />

back to 3.6 Ma. New data on the range of the<br />

calcareousnannofossil Reticulofenestra<br />

pseudoumbilicus indicate that the base of this<br />

hole is about 1.0 Myr younger than previously<br />

thought. A diverse dinoflagellate cyst and<br />

acritarch record allows the significant highest<br />

and/or lowest occurrences of 19 dinoflagellate<br />

cystand seven acritarch taxa to be recognised<br />

in Hole 610A and calibrated to the latest<br />

astronomically-tuned Neogene time scale<br />

(ATNTS2004) via our new age model.<br />

Comparing records across the North Atlantic<br />

and Mediterranean reveals near-synchronous<br />

highest occurrences of the dinoflagellate cysts<br />

Ataxiodinium confusum (2.63 – 2.65 Ma),<br />

Invertocysta lacrymosa (2.72–2.74 Ma in the<br />

eastern andcentral North Atlantic and<br />

Mediterranean) and Impagidinium solidum (ca.<br />

3.15 – 3.17 Ma), and the acritarch<br />

Leiosphaeridiarockhallensis (ca. 3.83 – 3.88<br />

Ma). Highest occurrences of the dinoflagellate<br />

cyst Batiacasphaera minuta/micropapillata<br />

(3.83 – ca. 3.7Ma) and acritarch<br />

Cymatiosphaera latisepta (2.49 – 2.63 Ma)<br />

also provide useful markers for correlation.A<br />

precise stratigraphy for Hole 610A allows us<br />

to evaluate the impact of paleoceanographic<br />

and climatic events on the dinoflagellatecyst<br />

record. Climatic and oceanographic<br />

reorganizations associated with the onset of<br />

Northern Hemisphere glaciation<br />

appearresponsible for the disappearance of<br />

many species between 2.8 and 2.6 Ma. The<br />

lowest occurrence of Impagidinium<br />

cantabrigiense (1.86 Ma) in the Olduvai<br />

Subchron is one of the few good<br />

biostratigraphicmarkers for the uppermost<br />

Gelasian in Hole 610A<br />

2009020136<br />


加 拿 大 西 北 地 区 Quartzite 湖 地 区 Hurwitz<br />

群 古 元 古 代 叠 层 石 = Paleoproterozoic<br />

stromatolites, Hurwitz Group, Quartzite Lake<br />

area, Northwest Territories, Canada. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Hofmann H J; Davidson A. Canadian Journal<br />

of Earth Sciences, 1998, 35(3): 280–289<br />

Decimetric to metric domal stromatolites<br />

with constituent ministromatolites characterize<br />

reddish,<br />

13 C-enriched dolostones in the<br />

Watterson Formation of the Quartzite Lake<br />

area west of Hudson Bay. They provide<br />

paleontologic support for a correlation with<br />

the only other known early Paleoproterozoic<br />

stromatolite occurrences in North America:<br />

the Kona Formation of Michigan, and the<br />

Nash Formation in southern Wyoming. They<br />

also are similar to stromatolites in probable<br />

coeval Jatulian carbonates in Karelia on the<br />

Baltic Shield, and possibly to stromatolites in<br />

the Hutuo Group in China.<br />

2009020137<br />

加 拿 大 西 北 地 区 斯 莱 芙 构 造 省 太 古 代 晚 期<br />

贝 克 河 成 层 火 山 叠 层 石 = Stromatolites of<br />

the late Archean Back River stratovolcano,<br />

Slave structural province, Northwest<br />

Territories, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Lambert M B.<br />

Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1998,<br />

35(3): 290–301<br />

Nine stromatolite localities in the Back<br />

River volcanic complex occur at the boundary<br />

between 2692 Ma felsic dome-flow complexes,<br />

marking the latest eruptions of this<br />

stratovolcano, and overlying turbiditic<br />

sedimentary rocks of the Beechy Lake Group,<br />

Yellowknife Supergroup. Stromatolites form<br />

lenses isolated within coarse volcanic breccia<br />

at margins of felsic dome-flow complexes,<br />

and 2 m thick bioherms that extend laterally<br />

for hundreds of metres. Thin units contain<br />

wavy laminae and open-spaced, linked<br />

mounds, which form thin encrustations on<br />

breccia blocks, or clusters of mounds with low<br />

synoptic relief. Thick successions comprise<br />

undulatory, flat laminated dolomite that<br />

contains wrinkled wavy laminae,<br />

pseudocolumnar forms, and locally elongate,<br />

low-relief mounds. These units typically<br />

contain millimetre-scale layers of fine<br />

volcanic ash at regular intervals, testifying<br />

periodic explosive eruptions during deposition<br />

of microbial mats. The stromatolites, which<br />

are identified by gross morphology and<br />

distinctive laminae, are all stratiform types.<br />

Carbonate units all occur on the seaward side<br />

of the volcanic dome-flow complexes that<br />

straddled the shoreline around the volcano.<br />

The stromatolites probably represent isolated<br />

microbial communities that may have<br />

developed around areas of fumarolic (or<br />

hydrothermal) activity associated with these<br />

domes. Stratigraphy seaward from the domes<br />

comprises carbonate-cemented dome-flanking<br />

breccia, stromatolitic and oolitic carbonate,<br />

pebbly rhyolite volcarenite, carbonaceous<br />

mudstones, banded iron formation, and<br />

turbidites. Thus the stromatolites mark a local<br />

environment where life flourished in an<br />

Archean sea that lapped onto active volcanic<br />

domes along the shallow flanks of an<br />

emergent stratovolcano.<br />

2009020138<br />

加 拿 大 北 极 地 区 Kanguk 组 康 尼 亚 克 期 晚<br />

期 角 藻 型 沟 鞭 藻 囊 胞 新 种 Odontochitina<br />

octopus = A late Coniacian ceratioid<br />

dinoflagellate cyst, Odontochitina octopus<br />

sp.nov., from the Kanguk Formation,<br />

Canadian Arctic. ( 英 文 ). N ú ñez-Betelu K;<br />

Hills L V. Canadian Journal of Earth<br />

Sciences, 1998, 35(8): 923–930<br />

Anew species of dinoflagellate cyst,<br />

Odontochitina octopus sp.nov., is described<br />

from the Upper Cretaceous Kanguk Formation<br />

of the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic<br />

Islands. The features that support the proposal<br />

of this new species also necessitate the<br />

emendation of the genus. Odontochitina<br />

octopus is a large, cornucavate, and ceratioid<br />

cyst with four finger-like terminations on the<br />

apical horns and two terminations on both the<br />

postcingular and antapical horns. These<br />

finger-like terminations are unique to this new<br />

species and are formed by the detachment of<br />

the paraplates at mid-length of each horn. All<br />

other features of O. octopus conform with the<br />

previous description of the genus. In the<br />

Family Ceratiaceae four plates form the apical<br />

horn, whereas two plates are involved in both<br />

the postcingular and antapical horns. In O.<br />

octopus the mid-length detachment of the<br />

horn-forming paraplates seems to have<br />

developed the finger-like terminations. Since<br />

the nature and amount of pores and<br />

perforations in other species of Odontochitina<br />

are variable and possibly linked to changes in<br />

the environment, the presence of the multiplefingered<br />

O. octopus in a single widespread<br />

horizon might also be indicative of short-lived<br />

unusual environmental conditions. At this<br />

horizon, which has been dated as late<br />

Coniacian by the ammonite Scaphites<br />

depressus Reeside, the palynomorph<br />


assemblage is highly dominated by marine<br />

species.<br />

2009020139<br />

钙 藻 : 国 际 化 石 藻 类 协 会 第 五 届 区 域 大 会 有<br />

关 论 文 介 绍 = Calcareous algae: Introduction<br />

to Contributions from the 5th Regional<br />

Symposium of the International Fossil Algae<br />

Association. ( 英 文 ). Nebelsick J H; Bassi D.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(1): 129-131<br />

This is an introduction to contributions to<br />

the 5th Regional Symposium held at the<br />

University of Ferrara in August, 2005. Four<br />

papers are included: 1) A paper on the<br />

dasyscladalean Triploporella praturlonii from<br />

the Lower Barremian of France by Ioan I.<br />

Bucur, Annie Arnaud-Vanneau and Hubert<br />

Arnaud; 2) A palaeoenvironmental analysis of<br />

Late Miocene coralline red algal assemblages<br />

of central Crete (Greece) by Karsten Kroeger;<br />

3) Pleistocene carbonate build-ups from the<br />

marine terrace of Cutro (southern Italy)<br />

showing biologically-induced change of<br />

substrates in the corallinene de plateou by<br />

Daniela Basso, Ronald Nalin and Francesco<br />

Massari; and 4) An account of Pleistocene<br />

species of Lithophyllum (Corallinaceae,<br />

Rhodophyta) from Sicily by Raffaella Di<br />

Geronimo.<br />

2009020140<br />

法 国 东 南 部 Vercors 南 下 巴 雷 姆 阶<br />

Triploporella praturlonii 的 评 述 = Remarks<br />

of Triploporella praturlonii Barattolo 1982<br />

from the Lower Barremian of Southern<br />

Vercors (SE France). ( 英 文 ). Bucur I I;<br />

Arnaud-Vanneau A; Arnaud H. Neues<br />

Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(1): 133-141<br />

Several specimens of Triploporella<br />

praturlonii including partially detached<br />

individuals isolated from the host rock by<br />

weathering and two logitudinal sections have<br />

been identified in the lower Barremian<br />

deposits from southern Vercors. The collected<br />

material allowed us to provide additional<br />

remarks on the morphology of this alga and on<br />

its distribution in the Tethyan area.<br />

2009020141<br />

希 腊 克 里 特 中 部 上 中 新 统 珊 瑚 红 藻 组 合 : 系<br />

统 分 类 和 古 环 境 意 义 = Upper Miocene<br />

coralline red algal associations of central<br />

Crete (Greece): taxonomy and<br />

palaeoenvironmental implications. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Kroeger K F. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(1):<br />

143-171<br />

Tortonian limestones contain a diverse<br />

coralline red algal flora with abundant<br />

Spongites albanense and Titanoderma<br />

pustulatum, varous species of Mesophyllum<br />

and Lithothamnion as well as species of<br />

Lithophyllum and Sporolithon. The<br />

associations reflect a temperature range<br />

typical for the temperate tropical realms and a<br />

variety of depth intervals. It is therefore<br />

suggested that these associations can be used<br />

as a basis for palaeoenvironmental studies in<br />

Cenozoic sediments.<br />

2009020142<br />

意 大 利 南 部 西 西 里 地 区 Lithophyllum 属 的<br />

更 新 世 种 的 总 计 = An account of Pleistocene<br />

species of Lithophyllum (Corallinaceae,<br />

Rhodophyta) from Sicily (Southern Italy). ( 英<br />

文 ). Di Geronimo R. Neues Jahrbuch fur<br />

Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(2): 183-196<br />

Only two species of Lithophyllum<br />

(Lithophyllum racemus and Lithophyllum<br />

microcarpum) were recorded from the<br />

Pleistocene of Italy. In the present work,<br />

Pleistocene Corallinales assemblages, from<br />

different outcrops of south-eastern Sicily<br />

(Italy), hve been examined allowing four<br />

Lithophyllum species to be distinguished, all<br />

of them presently living in the Mediterranean<br />

Sea. Morphological and systematic acconts<br />

are provided for each species applying<br />

features which are used for living material.<br />

Moreover, the present-day geographical<br />

distribution and ecological interpretation of<br />

these species as well as their stratigraphic<br />

distribution are reported.<br />

2009020143<br />

上 阿 尔 比 阶 琥 珀 中 海 生 硅 藻 的 异 常 保 存 =<br />

Exceptional preservation of marine diatoms in<br />

upper Albian amber. ( 英 文 ). Schmidt A R;<br />

Struwe S; Perrichot V; Breton G; Néraudeau<br />

D. Geology, 2000, 37(1): 83-86<br />

Late Albian amber from Charente-Maritime<br />

(southwestern France) contains the first known<br />

marine diatoms preserved in a fossil resin.<br />

Approximately 70 inclusions were assignable<br />

to the genera Basilicostephanus,<br />

Coscinodiscus, Hemiaulus, Melosira, Paralia,<br />

Skeletonema,<br />

Stephanopyxis,<br />

Trochosira, Aulacoseira, and to the order<br />

Rhizosoleniales. Some of them are<br />


epresented by several species. This diatom<br />

assemblage is mainly composed of colonial<br />

planktonic genera, which are typical for<br />

coastal shallow waters. The newly found<br />

amber inclusions extend the fossil record of<br />

four genera and one order from the Late<br />

Cretaceous and support certain molecular<br />

phylogenetic assumptions regarding the<br />

diversification of marine diatoms in the Early<br />

Cretaceous. The unusual introduction of<br />

diatom shells from the beach or sea by wind,<br />

spray, or high tide onto the resin flows was<br />

possible because the amber forest grew close<br />

to the seashore.<br />

2009020144<br />

波 兰 卡 洛 夫 期 沟 鞭 藻 囊 孢 的 新 检 验 =<br />

Dinoflagellate cysts from Callovian of Lukow<br />

(Poland) - a re-examination. ( 英 文 ). Gedl P.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2008, 247(2): 209-269<br />

More than 110 dinoflagellate cyst taxa have<br />

been found in the Callovian fossiliferous<br />

concretion and mudsone samples from Lukow.<br />

Their assemblages are dominated by proximal<br />

species with apical archaecopyle (Lithodinia<br />

jurassica, Senstusidinium spp.,<br />

Batiacasphaera spp., Escharisphaeridia spp.).<br />

The Lukow assemblage may be correlated<br />

with the Upper Callovian Wanaea thysanota<br />

Interval Biozone established in the British<br />

Isles. Diversity of the dinoflagellate cyst<br />

assemblage indicates optimal living conditions<br />

for dinoflagellates whereas dominance of<br />

land-derived phytoclasts and sporomorphs<br />

suggests a nearshore sedimentary setting.<br />

Presence of some endemic Boreal species,<br />

Ctenidodinium thulium and Valvaeodinium<br />

groenlandicum, points to influences from<br />

northern areas.<br />

2009020145<br />

西 澳 大 利 亚 Glengarry 盆 地 古 元 古 代<br />

Glengarry 群 叠 层 石 = Stromatolites from the<br />

Palaeoproterozoic (Orosirian) Glengarry<br />

Group, Glengarry Basin, Western Australia.<br />

( 英 文 ). Grey K. Alcheringa, 1994, 18(4): 275<br />

- 300<br />

New stromatolite taxa are described from<br />

the Glengarry Group, Glengarry Basin<br />

(formerly part of the Nabberu Basin), Western<br />

Australia, as part of ongoing biostratigraphic<br />

studies of Proterozoic sequences in Western<br />

Australia. A new group and form, Wilunella<br />

glengarrica is proposed, and two new forms,<br />

Kussoidella karalundienis and Segosia<br />

finlaysoniensis are circumscribed. In addition,<br />

three other forms, represented only by poorly<br />

preserved specimens and as yet insufficiently<br />

known for formal taxonomic designation, are<br />

briefly described. The assemblage differs from<br />

that of the overlying Earaheedy Group, and<br />

can be used to distinguish basal Glengarry<br />

Group sequences from outliers of the<br />

lithologically similar basal Earaheedy Group.<br />

The Glengarry Group taxa have not been<br />

reported outside the Glengarry Basin, and are<br />

therefore of little use at present for interregional<br />

correlation. However, the ranges of<br />

the previously described groups Kussoidella<br />

and Segosia are consistent with the probable<br />

1·8 Ga or older age of the Glengarry Group.<br />

2009020146<br />

西 澳 大 利 亚 Earaheedy 盆 地 古 元 古 代<br />

Earaheedy 群 叠 层 石 = Stromatolites from<br />

the Palaeoproterozoic Earaheedy Group,<br />

Earaheedy Basin, Western Australia. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Grey K. Alcheringa, 1994, 18(3): 187 - 218<br />

Two new stromatolites, Ephyaltes<br />

edingunnensis and Eucapsiphora leakensis,<br />

are described from the Palaeoproterozic<br />

Earaheedy Group, in the Earaheedy Basin<br />

(formerly the eastern part of the Nabberu<br />

Basin), Western Australia. In addition, new<br />

localities are reported for Asperia digitata<br />

comb. nov. (= Yelma digitata Grey 1984),<br />

Pilbaria deverella Grey 1984, and Yandilla<br />

meekatharrensis Grey 1984 from problematic<br />

successions in the adjacent Glengarry Basin<br />

(formerly the western part of the Nabberu<br />

Basin), confirming correlation of these rocks<br />

with the base of the Earaheedy Group. Four of<br />

the five groups recorded, Asperia,<br />

Eucapsiphora, Ephyaltes and Pilbaria, are<br />

known from outside the Earaheedy Basin and<br />

their stratigraphic age is consistent with the<br />

probable minimum 1.65 Ga age of the<br />

Earaheedy Group. However, none of the<br />

forms has yet been recorded from outside the<br />

Earaheedy Group<br />

2009020147<br />

澳 大 利 亚 新 南 威 尔 士 中 部 奥 陶 系 一 种 新 的<br />

藻 类 = A new Ordovician alga from central<br />

New South Wales. ( 英 文 ). Webby B D;<br />

Trotter J. Alcheringa, 1992, 16(1): 87 - 91<br />

A species of alga is described from the<br />

Upper Ordovician successions of central New<br />

South Wales. Based on silicified specimens,<br />

Goobangia pyriformis gen. et sp. nov., comes<br />

from the Billabong Limestone on the Parkes<br />

Platform and the upper part of the Regans<br />


Creek Limestone of the Molong High. It<br />

resembles the pear-shaped dasycladacean<br />

Apidium Stolley but has a circlet of from 4 to<br />

7 large pores on its upper surface and exhibits<br />

budding from one or more of these pores<br />

2009020148<br />

奥 地 利 卡 尔 阿 尔 卑 斯 北 部 晚 侏 罗 世 钙 质 绿<br />

藻 一 新 种 : Halimeda misiki = Halimeda<br />

misiki n. sp., a new calcareous green alga<br />

from the Late Jurassic of the Northern<br />

Calcaeous Alps (Austria). ( 英 文 ).<br />

Schlagintweit F; Dragastan O; Gawlick H J.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(2): 171-182<br />

New species is described from the Late<br />

Jurassic Plassen Carbonate Platform of<br />

Austria. Other occurrences are reported from<br />

the Western and Eastern Carpathians,<br />

Morocco and Sicily/Italy. Halimeda misiki is<br />

characterized especially by a microcrystalline<br />

(micritic) thallus appearence and cortical<br />

filaments distinctly inclined to the longitudinal<br />

axis. The new species was found in shallow<br />

water peri-reefal cabonates of platform margin<br />

facies and resediments in the adjacent<br />

hemipelagic basins.<br />

2009020149<br />

加 拿 大 北 极 地 区 东 部 巴 芬 岛 高 分 辨 晚 冰 期<br />

和 早 全 新 世 硅 藻 记 录 = A high-resolution<br />

late-glacial and early Holocene diatom record<br />

from Baffin Island, eastern Canadian Arctic.<br />

( 英 文 ). Wolfe A P. Canadian Journal of<br />

Earth Sciences, 1996, 33(6): 928–937<br />

An interval of late-glacial to early Holocene<br />

sedimentation, spanning the period 12.9 –<br />

8.4 ka BP ( 14 C dated by accelerator mass<br />

spectrometry), is contained within 15 cm of<br />

gyttja in a core from a small lake on<br />

southwestern Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin<br />

Island. This sediment was subsampled in<br />

continuous 2.5 mm increments for diatom<br />

analysis. Extremely low sediment<br />

accumulation rates (~1.8 cm ka −1 ) are<br />

characteristic of the initial phase of organic<br />

sedimentation, but they increase rapidly (to<br />

14.2 cm ka −1 ) after 9 ka BP. The first 0.5 cm<br />

of gyttja contained an acidophilous diatom<br />

flora resembling that of underlying mineral<br />

sediments. Thereafter, and throughout the late<br />

glacial and earliest Holocene, diatom floras<br />

were dominated by alkaliphilous and<br />

circumneutral species of Fragilaria. Around<br />

9 ka BP, shifts to acidophilous floras<br />

dominated by Brachysira brebissonii, and,<br />

later, Eunotia rhomboidea and Frustulia<br />

rhomboides vars. saxonica and crAn interval<br />

of late-glacial to early Holocene sedimentation,<br />

spanning the period 12.9 – 8.4 ka BP (14C<br />

dated by accelerator mass spectrometry), is<br />

contained within 15 cm of gyttja in a core<br />

from a small lake on southwestern<br />

Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island. This<br />

sediment was subsampled in continuous<br />

2.5 mm increments for diatom analysis.<br />

Extremely low sediment accumulation rates<br />

(~1.8 cm ka−1) are characteristic of the initial<br />

phase of organic sedimentation, but they<br />

increase rapidly (to 14.2 cm ka−1) after 9 ka<br />

BP. The first 0.5 cm of gyttja contained an<br />

acidophilous diatom flora resembling that of<br />

underlying mineral sediments. Thereafter, and<br />

throughout the late glacial and earliest<br />

Holocene, diatom floras were dominated by<br />

alkaliphilous and circumneutral species of<br />

Fragilaria. Around 9 ka BP, shifts to<br />

acidophilous floras dominated by Brachysira<br />

brebissonii, and, later, Eunotia rhomboidea<br />

and Frustulia rhomboides vars. saxonica and<br />

crassinervia, suggest a period of natural lake<br />

acidification. High diatom production<br />

accompanied the lowered lake-water pH,<br />

which reflects, respectively, the<br />

paleolimnological response to an early<br />

Holocene climatic optimum, and progressive<br />

depletion of lake alkalinity sources. There is<br />

no evidence of diatom or sediment responses<br />

attributable to the Younger Dryas oscillation,<br />

implying that deglacial reorganizations of the<br />

North Atlantic Ocean did not necessarily<br />

affect paleoclimatic conditions in the southern<br />

Cumberland Sound region assinervia, suggest<br />

a period of natural lake acidification. High<br />

diatom production accompanied the lowered<br />

lake-water pH, which reflects, respectively,<br />

the paleolimnological response to an early<br />

Holocene climatic optimum, and progressive<br />

depletion of lake alkalinity sources. There is<br />

no evidence of diatom or sediment responses<br />

attributable to the Younger Dryas oscillation,<br />

implying that deglacial reorganizations of the<br />

North Atlantic Ocean did not necessarily<br />

affect paleoclimatic conditions in the southern<br />

Cumberland Sound region.<br />

2009020150<br />

新 生 代 海 洋 浮 游 生 物 硅 藻 的 分 异 动 力 =<br />

Diversity dynamics of marine planktonic<br />

diatoms across the Cenozoic. ( 英 文 ). Rabosky<br />

D L; Sorhannus U. Nature, 2009, 457(7226):<br />

183-186<br />


Diatoms are the dominant group of<br />

phytoplankton in the modern ocean. They<br />

account for approximately 40% of oceanic<br />

primary productivity and over 50% of organic<br />

carbon burial in marine sediments 1 . Owing to<br />

their role as a biological carbon pump 2 and<br />

effects on atmospheric CO 2 levels 3, 4, 5 , there is<br />

great interest in elucidating factors that<br />

influenced the rapid rise in diatom diversity<br />

during the past 40 million years 6, 7 . Two biotic<br />

controls on diversification have been proposed<br />

to explain this diversity increase: (1)<br />

geochemical coupling between terrestrial<br />

grasslands and marine ecosystems through the<br />

global silicon cycle; and (2) competitive<br />

displacement of other phytoplankton lineages.<br />

However, these hypotheses have not been<br />

tested using sampling-standardized fossil data.<br />

Here we show that reconstructions of species<br />

diversity in marine phytoplankton reject these<br />

proposed controls and suggest a new pattern<br />

for oceanic diatom diversity across the<br />

Cenozoic. Peak species diversity in marine<br />

planktonic diatoms occurred at the Eocene–<br />

Oligocene boundary and was followed by a<br />

pronounced decline, from which diversity has<br />

not recovered. Although the roles of abiotic<br />

and biotic drivers of diversification remain<br />

unclear, major features of oceanic diatom<br />

evolution are decoupled from both grassland<br />

expansion and competition among<br />

phytoplankton groups<br />

2009020151<br />

堪 察 加 西 部 海 相 古 近 纪 硅 藻 新 资 料 = New<br />

data on diatoms from the marine Paleogene of<br />

Western Kamchatka. ( 英 文 ). Oreshkina T V.<br />

Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2009, 17(3): 331-345<br />

Diatom assemblages from the marine<br />

Paleogene of Western Kamchatka (the<br />

Kovachina, Viventek, and Kuluven formations)<br />

are studied. The shallow-water neritic<br />

assemblage from the Kovachina Formation of<br />

the Pyatibratskii Cape section is tentatively<br />

attributed to the middle Eocene, as it is<br />

lacking zonal index species. A high abundance<br />

and great taxonomic diversity are<br />

characteristic of diatoms from the upper part<br />

of the Viventek Formation in the Kovran<br />

River section. The zonal index species<br />

Cavitatus rectus identified here among the<br />

diatoms suggests that the respective<br />

assemblage is macerated from the<br />

synonymous diatom zone of the middle<br />

Oligocene (29.6−28.2 Ma). According to its<br />

taxonomic composition and structure, this<br />

assemblage is indicative of transgression<br />

environments and the presumable influence of<br />

the middle Oligocene climatic optimum. The<br />

Rocella gelida (upper part) and Thalassiosira<br />

praefraga diatom zones of the Oligocene-<br />

Miocene transition are established in the<br />

Kuluven Formation sediments of the Mt.<br />

Uvuch section in Kovachina Bay.<br />

地 衣 植 物 苔 藓 植 物<br />

2009020152<br />

澳 大 利 亚 塔 斯 马 尼 亚 西 部 早 更 新 世 沉 积 中<br />

的 苔 藓 植 物 = Mosses from Early Pleistocene<br />

sediments in western Tasmania. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Jordan G J; Dalton P J. Alcheringa, 1995,<br />

19(4): 291 - 296<br />

Macrofossils of six terrestrial and epiphytic<br />

taxa from five families of moss (Musci) occur<br />

in Early Pleistocene sediments at Regatta<br />

Point, western Tasmania. These are:<br />

Ptychomnion aciculare and Weymouthia<br />

mollis, which are clearly the same as modern<br />

southern Australian species; Echinodium<br />

hispidum and Thuidium sp., which are<br />

probably modern species; a species of<br />

Papillaria that appears to no longer occur in<br />

southeastern Australia; and one unidentified<br />

taxon. All are likely to have been species of<br />

wet forest or stream sides, and suggest that<br />

well-established rainforest occurred locally, at<br />

least in riparian areas.<br />

蕨 类 植 物 ( 广 义 )<br />

2009020153<br />

关 于 晚 古 生 代 圆 印 木 属 ( 石 松 纲 ) 的 命 名<br />

问 题 = A Nomenclatural Note On The Late<br />

Palaeozoic Genus Cyclostigma<br />

(Lycopsida). ( 英 文 ). 张 静 ; 王 祺 . 古 生 物 学<br />

报 , 2008, 47(3): 369-376<br />

文 章 讨 论 晚 古 生 代 木 本 石 松 植 物 圆 印 木<br />

属 Cyclostigma 命 名 中 存 在 的 突 出 问 题 . 包<br />

括 4 个 方 面 :1) 圆 印 木 属 的 合 格 发 表 和 作<br />

者 引 证 ;2) 圆 印 木 属 的 异 名 、 同 名 和 替 代<br />

名 ;3) 圆 印 木 属 的 保 留 ;4) 圆 印 木 属 的<br />

模 式 。 基 于 相 关 原 始 文 献 和 国 际 植 物 命 名<br />

法 规 . 文 中 澄 清 了 这 些 命 名 问 题 。Hecr 在<br />

1871 年 最 早 合 格 发 表 了 , 圆 印 木 属 . 故 该<br />

属 应 被 引 证 为 Cyclostigma Haughton ex<br />

Hcer . 1871 .( 或 Cyclostigma Hcer ,<br />

1871 ). 而 不 是 文 献 中 通 常 引 证 的<br />

Cyclostigma Haughton.1860( 或 1859)。<br />

圆 印 木 属 不 宜 归 入 具 叶 舌 的 窝 木 属<br />

Botkrodendron Lindlcy et Hutton.1833. 二<br />

者 相 关 的 生 殖 器 官 特 征 差 别 也 较 大 。 圆 印<br />


木 属 的 3 个 同 名 Cyclostigma Hochst.ex<br />

EndL . 1842 ( 夹 竹 桃 科<br />

Apocynaccac ).Cyclostigma Klotzsch ex<br />

Sccm,.1853 ( 大 戟 科 Euphorbiaceae ) 和<br />

Cyclostigma Phil . , 1870 ( 茄 科<br />

Solanaceae) 住 现 代 被 子 植 物 中 已 不 再 使<br />

用 .Cyclostigma Hochst.ex Endl. 被 提 议<br />

废 弃 , 后 两 者 为 非 法 名 称 . 这 3 者 分 别 是<br />

更 早 合 格 发 表 的 属 名 Voacang<br />

Thouars . 1806 . Croton L,.1753 和<br />

Leptoglossi Benth.,1844 的 分 类 学 异 名 。<br />

Cyclostigma Haughton ex Heer 因 住 化 石 石 松<br />

植 物 中 广 为 使 用 已 被 提 议 为 保 留 名 , 它 的<br />

模 式 种 为 基 尔 托 克 圆 印 木 C kiltorkense<br />

Haughton ex Heer. 为 晚 泥 盆 世 法 门 期 植 物<br />

群 的 重 要 组 分 或 标 志 化 石 . 具 有 十 分 重 要<br />

的 生 物 地 层 学 意 义 。 比 较 而 言 , 圆 印 木 属<br />

的 替 代 名 Jurinodendron Doweld.2001 日 后<br />

被 普 遍 接 受 的 可 能 性 极 小 。 保 留 广 泛 使 用<br />

的 圆 印 木 属 Cyclostigma 有 利 于 命 名 的 稳 定<br />

性 . 而 且 避 免 了 不 必 要 的 重 新 命 名 。 由 于<br />

圆 印 木 属 模 式 种 的 原 始 标 本 下 落 不 明 . 一<br />

份 保 存 在 爱 尔 兰 部 柏 林 三 一 学 院 地 质 博 物<br />

馆 的 标 本 TCD.6012( 采 自 模 式 产 地 ) 被<br />

选 为 新 模 式 。<br />

2009020154<br />

真 蕨 目 紫 萁 科 石 化 的 根 状 茎 : 多 样 性 和 时<br />

空 分 布 模 式 = Permineralized rhizomes of the<br />

Osmundaceae (Filicales): Diversity and<br />

tempo-spatial distribution pattern. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Tian Ning; Wang Yongdong; Jiang Zikun.<br />

Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(3/4): 183-200<br />

The family Osmundaceae is among the<br />

most primitive ferns of the Filicales, with an<br />

extensive fossil record dating back to the Late<br />

Paleozoic. Numerous fossil osmundaceous<br />

rhizomes have been documented in the<br />

geological history. However, the diversity,<br />

variation and distribution pattern of<br />

permineralized rhizomes remain poorly<br />

known. Here we intend to analyze the fossil<br />

records with regard to the diversity and<br />

distribution pattern of the osmundaceous<br />

rhizomes based on available data. To date,<br />

about 83 species ascribed to 14 genera of<br />

fossil osmundaceous rhizomes have been<br />

described worldwide, assigned to two<br />

subfamilies, namely, Thamnopteroideae and<br />

Osmundoideae. Geologically, two groups (i.e.,<br />

Thamnopteroideae and Palaeosmunda) have<br />

been reported in the Permian. All the Triassic<br />

taxa are from the southern hemisphere.<br />

Jurassic osmundaceous rhizomes are abundant<br />

and widespread throughout the world, most<br />

dominant in the southern hemisphere. During<br />

the transition of Jurassic to Cretaceous, the<br />

diversity of osmundaceous rhizomes declined<br />

rapidly. In the Cretaceous, however, the<br />

osmundaceous rhizomes from the northern<br />

hemisphere surpass those from the southern<br />

hemisphere in generic level for the first time.<br />

The Cenozoic taxa diversified in the northern<br />

hemisphere with the rise of angiosperms.<br />

Geographically, the osmundaceous fossil<br />

rhizomes have been found in both<br />

hemispheres; the major localities include Ural<br />

area of the former USSR, Tasmania of<br />

Australia, southern Argentina, Antarctica,<br />

northern India, central and western part of<br />

North America and northern China. We<br />

discuss the origin, radiation, and development<br />

of the Osmundaceae based on rhizomes, to<br />

help further understand the systematic relation<br />

and evolutionary history of the family<br />

Osmundaceae.<br />

2009020155<br />

匈 牙 利 里 阿 斯 阶 蕨 类 植 物 枝 脉 蕨 属 和 似 托<br />

第 蕨 属 的 系 统 分 类 意 义 = Taxonomic<br />

implications of Liassic ferns Cladophlebis<br />

Brongniart and Todites Seward from Hungary.<br />

( 英 文 ). Bodor E; Barback M.<br />

Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(3/4): 201-214<br />

Ferns are diverse and abundant in the<br />

Lower Liassic flora of the Mecsek Mountains<br />

in south Hungary. The morphogenus<br />

Cladophlebis Brongniart, 1849, and the genus<br />

Todites Seward, 1900, show a high diversity.<br />

In the examined material, most of the<br />

characteristics used in taxonomy vary,<br />

showing transitional forms that cast doubt on<br />

the separation of species established on the<br />

grounds of either a low number of specimens,<br />

a low number of features or uncharacteristic<br />

differences.<br />

2009020156<br />

约 旦 早 白 垩 世 一 个 新 的 蕨 类 种 ( 苹 目 ) =<br />

A new marsilealean fern species from the<br />

Early Cretaceous of Jordan. ( 英 文 ). Hua<br />

Shusheng; Taylor W D; Brenner G J; Basha S<br />

H. Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(3/4): 235-245<br />

Leaflets of Marsileaceae are described from<br />

the Albian (Early Cretaceous) strata of Jordan.<br />

The fossils are from the Jarash Formation<br />

(Kurnub Group) and are found in fluvial<br />

sediments along with water lily leaves. The<br />

small wedge-shaped leaves have dichotomous<br />

veins that anastomose and form a marginal<br />

vein. Based on comparisons to living genera,<br />


Marsileaceaephyllum mahisensis Hu, Taylor,<br />

Brenner et Basha, n. sp., is most similar to<br />

Marsilea, in particular, with terrestrial leaflet<br />

forms; yet, it is distinct from living and fossil<br />

species by its small size and the few<br />

dichotomously branched middle veins that<br />

have a monopodial course. In addition, a<br />

single similar-veined smaller leaf with a retuse<br />

apex is thought to be a juvenile leaf of the<br />

same species. This is the first megafossil<br />

evidence of the family from Africa/Arabian<br />

Peninsula<br />

2009020157<br />

南 极 亚 历 山 大 群 岛 白 垩 纪 双 叶 蕨 科 豪 斯 曼<br />

蕨 属 的 发 现 = The occurrence of the fern<br />

Hausmannia Dunker (Dipteridaceae) in the<br />

Cretaceous of Alexander Island, Antarctica.<br />

( 英 文 ). Cantrill D. Alcheringa, 1995, 19(3):<br />

243 - 254<br />

Hausmannia papilio Feruglio is a<br />

widespread component of Albian fossil floras<br />

on Alexander Island, Antarctic Peninsula.<br />

Hausmannia cannot be separated from extant<br />

Dipteris and is best regarded as a foliage form<br />

genus of the latter. Palaeoecological<br />

reconstructions suggests that Hausmannia<br />

papilio was a stream-side dweller and pioneer<br />

species.<br />

2009020158<br />

莎 草 蕨 科 Ruffordia、Mohria、Anemia 三<br />

属 和 凤 尾 蕨 科 Ceratopteris 属 的 系 统 发 育<br />

和 生 物 地 理 : 来 自 原 位 和 分 散 孢 子 的 证 据<br />

= Phylogeny and biogeography of Ruffordia,<br />

Mohria and Anemia (Schizaeaceae) and<br />

Ceratopteris (Pteridaceae): evidence from in<br />

situ and dispersed spores. ( 英 文 ). Dettmann M<br />

E; Clifford H T. Alcheringa, 1992, 16(4): 269<br />

- 314<br />

Sporangia and in situ spores of Cretaceous-<br />

Tertiary fertile macrofossils allocated to<br />

Anemia, Pelletixia, Ruffordia, Mohriopsis,<br />

Schizaeopsis, Schizaeangium, and<br />

Schizaeopteris are compared with sporangial<br />

and spore types in extant Anemia and Mohria<br />

(Schizaeaceae), and Ceratopteris<br />

(Pteridaceae). Trilete, cicatricose to<br />

canaliculate spores characteristic of extant<br />

Anemia are identified in fossil Anemia<br />

colwellensis Chandler, Anemia fremontii<br />

Knowlton forma fertilis Andrews, Pelletixia<br />

valdensis (Seward) Watson & Hill, Pelletixia<br />

amelguita Skog, and Russian specimens of<br />

Ruffordia goeppertii (Dunker) Seward;<br />

smooth-walled spores occur in Anemia<br />

poolensis Chandler. English Ruffordia<br />

goeppertii have spores that are<br />

morphologically intermediate between those<br />

of extant Anemia and Ceratopteris, but<br />

sporangial features confirm alliance with the<br />

Schizaeaceae. Sporangia are unknown from<br />

fossil Schizaeopsis americana Berry, and its<br />

spores are distinct from those of extant ferns.<br />

Distally annulate sporangia consistent with<br />

those of the Schizaeaceae occur in fossil<br />

Schizaeangium jurassicum Bohra & Sharma,<br />

Schizaeopteris mesozoica Stopes & Fuji and<br />

Mohriopsis plastica Appert, but spore<br />

morphology of these taxa awaits clarification<br />

and/or documentation. The fossil dispersed<br />

spore genus Cicatricosisporites Potoni &<br />

Gelletich (emended herein) accommodates<br />

spores consistent with those of Anemia<br />

(Anemia mexicana- and Anemia dregeanatypes)<br />

and Mohria (Mohria-type). However,<br />

spores of the latter taxon have not been<br />

positively identified as fossils.<br />

Appendicisporites Weyland & Krieger emend.<br />

Burden & Hills, Plicatella Maljavkina emend.<br />

Burden & Hills, and Nodosisporites De k<br />

(emended herein) are also diagnostic of<br />

Anemia-type spores, representing respectively<br />

the Anemia oblongifolia-, Anemia raddiana-,<br />

and Anemia phyllitidis-types. Magnastriatites<br />

Germeraad, Hopping, & Muller (emended<br />

herein) defines dispersed spores of the<br />

Ceratopteris-type. Two new genera,<br />

Ruffordiaspora and Fisciniasporites, are<br />

proposed for spores comparable to those in<br />

English Ruffordia goeppertii and Schizaeopsis<br />

americana respectively. Similarities of<br />

Mohria, Anemia, and Ruffordia are<br />

emphasized in a cladistic analysis which also<br />

indicates that Ceratopteris is more similar to<br />

these taxa than to other extant Schizaeaceae.<br />

The fossil record implies a common place<br />

(northern Gondwana-southern Laurasia) and<br />

time (Middle Jurassic) of origin of plants that<br />

shed Anemia- (A. mexicana-) and Ruffordiatype<br />

spores. Anemia spread to, and<br />

differentiated in, mid-high latitudes of<br />

Laurasia during the Late Jurassic, and by the<br />

Early Cretaceous had achieved near worldwide<br />

distribution. Thereafter, its distribution<br />

range progressively contracted to its now<br />

limited distribution in tropical America,<br />

Africa, and southern India. Plants with<br />

Ruffordia-type spores spread into both<br />

hemispheres in Late Jurassic times, and were<br />

concentrated in mid-high latitudes during the<br />

Early Cretaceous; extinction occurred by the<br />

close of the Cretaceous. Earliest traces of<br />


Ceratopteris are from the Eocene of India, and<br />

by the Oligocene the genus had pantropical<br />

distribution as it does today.<br />

2009020159<br />

印 度 比 哈 尔 拉 杰 马 哈 尔 山 Chunakhal 下 白<br />

垩 统 地 层 紫 萁 蕨 叶 = Osmundaceous fronds<br />

in Lower Cretaceous beds at Chunakhal,<br />

Rajmahal Hills, Bihar, India. ( 英 文 ). Banerji J.<br />

Alcheringa, 1992, 16(1): 1 - 13<br />

Osmundaceous remains from the<br />

intertrappean beds of the Rajmahal Formation<br />

at Chunakhal, Rajmahal Hills, Bihar, are<br />

referred to Todites Seward, Osmundopsis<br />

Harris, Phyllopteroides Medwell and<br />

Cacumen Cantrill & Webb. Osmundopsis,<br />

Cacumen and Phyllopteroides are recorded for<br />

the first time from India. Thinnfeldia<br />

chunakhalensis Sah & Sukh-Dev is transferred<br />

to Phyllopteroides laevis Cantrill & Webb.<br />

This is a significant Neocomian index species<br />

in eastern Australia and suggests a Neocomian<br />

age for this intertrappean bed at Chunakhal.<br />

2009020160<br />

将 Ashicaulis 属 与 修 订 的 Millerocaulis 属<br />

合 并 为 Millerocaulis 属 的 建 议 = Proposal to<br />

emend the genus Millerocaulis Erasmus ex<br />

Tidwell 1986 to recombine the genera<br />

Ashicaulis Tidwell 1994 and Millerocaulis<br />

Tidwell emend. Tidwell 1994. ( 英 文 ). Vera E<br />

I. Ameghiniana: Revista de la asociacion<br />

Paleontologica Argentina, 2008, 45(4): 693-<br />

698<br />

Mesozoic Osmundaceae petrified sterns are<br />

often referred to the genera Ashicaulis Tidwell<br />

1994 or Millerocaulis Erasmus ex Tidwell<br />

emend. Tidwell 1994, depending only on the<br />

presence or absence of leaf gaps in the xylem<br />

cylinder. However, this character is<br />

problematic for generic distinctions, since<br />

some specimens (as in the living<br />

Osmundaceae) present or lack these structures,<br />

depending on the place Where the plant was<br />

cut. Furthermore, different authors have<br />

identified leaf gaps in some specimens where<br />

others reported the absence of these structures.<br />

Since this generic separation often leads to<br />

incomplete comparisons between the species,<br />

it is proposed to combine Ashicaulis Tidwell<br />

1994 and Millerocaulis Erasmus ex Tidwell<br />

emend. Tidwell 1994 in Millerocaulis<br />

Erasmus ex Tidwell 1986, adding the<br />

necessary diagnostic changes.<br />

2009020161<br />

封 印 木 属 在 内 蒙 早 二 叠 世 原 地 生 成 的 泥 炭<br />

植 物 群 中 的 发 现 证 明 其 为 华 夏 植 物 群 成 煤<br />

植 物 = Confirmation of Sigillaria Brongniart<br />

as a coal-forming plant in Cathaysia:<br />

occurrence from an Early Permian<br />

autochthonous peat-forming flora in Inner<br />

Mongolia. ( 英 文 ). Wang Jun; Feng Zhuo;<br />

Zhang Yi; Wang Shijun. Geological<br />

Journal, 2009, 44(4): 480 - 493<br />

A common lycopsid genus, Sigillaria<br />

Brongniart, has been recorded most frequently<br />

in peat-forming forests in Europe and North<br />

America, but rarely in China. Although<br />

Sigillaria, in China, has been found in coal<br />

balls and used as evidence that it was a coalforming<br />

element, it has never been recorded as<br />

compression/impressions in peat-forming<br />

settings. Recent investigation of an Early<br />

Permian autochthonous peat-forming flora of<br />

the Taiyuan Formation near Wuda, Inner<br />

Mongolia, has provided evidence that<br />

Sigillaria could be a major element of peatforming<br />

vegetation in China. Sigillaria is the<br />

only arborescent lycopsid acting as a major<br />

contributor to peat/coal formation. The genus<br />

Sigillaria is another element that China has in<br />

common with the Palaeozoic low-land floras<br />

of Europe and North America, enhancing the<br />

common floral aspects between the tropical<br />

swamp vegetations of the east and west<br />

regions of the Palaeotethys Ocean.<br />

早 期 种 子 植 物<br />

2009020162<br />

回 复 Axsmith et al. (2007) 发 表 在<br />

Ameghiniana 44 : 223-230 的 文 章 “ 对 ‘ 盔<br />

形 籽 目 研 究 新 方 法 ’ 和 北 极 地 区 的 化 石 记<br />

录 的 评 论 ” = Reply to Axsmith et al. (2007)<br />

paper published in Ameghiniana 44: 223-230:<br />

"The 'new approach to corystospermales' and<br />

the Antarctic fossil record: A critique". ( 英 文 ).<br />

Artabe A E; Brea M. Ameghiniana: Revista de<br />

la asociacion Paleontologica Argentina, 2007,<br />

44(4): 739-746<br />

This contribution replies to the critique of<br />

Axsmith, Taylor and Taylor published in the<br />

previous number of Ameghiniana. In first<br />

place, it is insisted on not admitting 'as<br />

unequivocal evidence' the supposed<br />

attachment of Dicroidium odontopteroides<br />

leaf to the axis with short shoots reported by<br />

Axsmith et al. (2000) at Alfie locality,<br />

Antarctica. Furthermore, the present analysis<br />

of cupulate organs, described at same locality<br />

by Axsmith et al. (2000), suggests that<br />

Umkomasia uniramia belongs to another<br />


morphotaxon with peltasperm affinities. It is<br />

remarked that in Artabe and Brea's<br />

contribution published in Alcheringa all the<br />

characters present in Argentinean<br />

corystosperm stems were analyzed and not<br />

one record from Antarctica was ignored nor<br />

the evidence that the material provides to the<br />

understanding of the corystosperms. In<br />

addition, above mentioned Axsmith et al. 's<br />

paper, has opened the discussion regarding to<br />

the Corystospermales concept, the<br />

reconstructions used in phylogenetic<br />

approaches and the vegetative characters<br />

selected in cladistic analysis. The study of<br />

Argentinean corystosperm stems allows<br />

visualizing the biased use -in cladistics- of<br />

discriminative vegetative characters in<br />

Medullosales, Cycadales and<br />

Corystospermales. As it happens with<br />

Medullosales and Cycadales,<br />

Corystospermales should include two end<br />

members corresponding to the reconstructions<br />

proposed for Antarctica and Argentina.<br />

2009020163<br />

种 子 蕨 属 Ptilozamites 的 系 统 分 类 和 古 地<br />

理 并 兼 评 Anomozamites, Dicroidium,<br />

Pseudoctenis 和 Ctenozamites 各 属 =<br />

Taxonomical and palaeogeographic<br />

considerations on the seedfern genus<br />

Ptilozamites with some comments on<br />

Anomozamites, Dicroidium, Pseudoctenis and<br />

Ctenozamites. ( 英 文 ). Kustatscher E; Van<br />

Konijnenburg-Van Cittert J H A. Neues<br />

Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(1): 71-100<br />

A detailed study of the original material of<br />

the genus Ptilozamites was undertaken, both<br />

using macromorphology and epidermal<br />

anatomy. The 9 species present in the original<br />

collection have been reduced to three species<br />

(P. blasii, P. oldhamii, P. triangularis ).<br />

Moreover, the new combination<br />

Ptilozamites sandbergeri nov. comb. was<br />

made together with an emended diagnosis.<br />

Also some other species, sometimes attributed<br />

to Ptilozamites, are discussed and their<br />

attributions to other genera such as<br />

Dicroidium and Ctenozamites.<br />

2009020164<br />

印 度 晚 二 叠 世 繁 殖 器 官 属 Umkomasia 的 首<br />

次 报 道 及 其 生 物 地 层 学 意 义 = First report of<br />

the fertile plant genus Umkomasia from late<br />

Permian beds in India and its biostratigraphic<br />

significance. ( 英 文 ). Chandra S; Singh K J;<br />

Jha N. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4): 817 - 826<br />

The genus Umkomasia Thomas, a female<br />

fructification of Dicroidium, is reported from<br />

Late Permian beds exposed in the Behra<br />

Rivulet near the village of Karaonda in the<br />

Tatapani-Ramkola Coalfield, Chhattisgarh,<br />

India. This is the first record of this genus<br />

from the Late Permian, and from Indian<br />

Gondwana. Two species have been recognized:<br />

Umkomasia polycarpa Holmes and U.<br />

uniramia Axsmith, Taylor, Taylor and Cuneo.<br />

The find suggests that the genus Dicroidium<br />

appeared in the Late Permian before reaching<br />

its acme in the Middle–Upper Triassic.<br />

2009020165<br />

泥 盆 纪 分 散 和 原 位 Rhabdosporites langii<br />

孢 子 的 微 形 态 特 征 : 前 裸 子 植 物 演 化 亲 缘<br />

的 证 据 = Ultrastructure of dispersed and in<br />

situ specimens of the Devonian spore<br />

Rhabdosporites langii: evidence for the<br />

evolutionary relationships of progymnosperms.<br />

( 英 文 ). Wellman C H. Palaeontology, 2009,<br />

52(1): 139-167<br />

The spore Rhabdosporites (Triletes) langii<br />

(Eisenack) Richardson, 1960 is abundant and<br />

well preserved in Middle Devonian (Eifelian)<br />

'Middle Old Red Sandstone' deposits from the<br />

Orcadian Basin, Scotland. Here it occurs as<br />

dispersed individual spores and in situ in<br />

isolated sporangia. This paper reports on a<br />

detailed light microscope (LM), scanning<br />

electron microscope (SEM) and transmission<br />

electron microscope (TEM) analysis of both<br />

dispersed and in situ spores. The dispersed<br />

spores are pseudosaccate with a thick walled<br />

inner body enclosed within an outer layer that<br />

was originally attached only over the proximal<br />

face. The inner body has lamellate/laminate<br />

ultrastructure consisting of fine lamellae that<br />

are continuous around the spore and parallel<br />

stacked. Towards the outer part of the inner<br />

body these group to form thicker laminate<br />

structures that are also continuous and parallel<br />

stacked. The outer layer has spongy<br />

ultrastructure. In situ spores preserved in the<br />

isolated sporangia are identical to the<br />

dispersed forms in terms of morphology, gross<br />

structure and wall ultrastructure. The<br />

sporangium wall is two-layered. A thick<br />

coalified outer layer is cellular and represents<br />

the main sporangium wall. This layer is<br />

readily lost if oxidation is applied during<br />

processing. A thin inner layer is interpreted as<br />

a peritapetal membrane. This layer survives<br />

oxidation as a tightly adherent membranous<br />


covering of the spore mass. Ultrastructurally it<br />

consists of three layers, with the innermost<br />

layer composed of material similar to that<br />

comprising the outer layer of the spores.<br />

Based on the new LM, SEM and TEM<br />

information, consideration is given to spore<br />

wall formation. The inner body of the spores<br />

is interpreted as developing by centripetal<br />

accumulation of lamellae at the plasma<br />

membrane. The outer layer is interpreted as<br />

forming by accretion of sporopollenin units<br />

derived from a tapetum. The inner layer of the<br />

sporangium wall is considered to represent a<br />

peritapetal membrane formed from the<br />

remnants of this tapetum. The spore R. langii<br />

derives from aneurophytalean<br />

progymnosperms. In light of the new evidence<br />

on spore/sporangium characters, and<br />

hypotheses of spore wall development based<br />

on interpretation of these, the evolutionary<br />

relationships of the progymnosperms are<br />

considered in terms of their origins and<br />

relationship to the seed plants. It is concluded<br />

that there is a smooth evolutionary transition<br />

between Apiculiretusispora-type spores of<br />

certain basal euphyllophytes, Rhabdosporitestype<br />

spores of aneurophytalean<br />

progymnosperms and Geminospora-<br />

/Contagisporites-type spores of heterosporous<br />

archaeopteridalean progymnosperms.<br />

Prepollen of basal seed plants (hydrasperman,<br />

medullosan and callistophytalean<br />

pteridosperms) are easily derived from the<br />

spores of either homosporous or heterosporous<br />

progymnosperms. The proposed evolutionary<br />

transition was sequential with increasing<br />

complexity of the spore/pollen wall probably<br />

reflecting increasing sophistication of<br />

reproductive strategy. The pollen wall of<br />

crown group seed plants appears to<br />

incorporate a completely new developmental<br />

mechanism: tectum and infratectum initiation<br />

within a glycocalyx-like Microspore Surface<br />

Coat. It is unclear when this feature evolved,<br />

but it appears likely that it was not present in<br />

the most basal stem group seed plants.<br />

2009020166<br />

西 澳 大 利 亚 和 昆 士 兰 二 叠 纪 Bergiopteris<br />

属 和 舌 羊 齿 繁 殖 器 官 的 新 纪 录 = New<br />

records of Bergiopteris and glossopterid<br />

fructifications from the Permian of Western<br />

Australia and Queensland. ( 英 文 ).<br />

McLoughlin S. Alcheringa, 1995, 19(3): 175 -<br />

192<br />

Bergiopteris sp. cf. B. archangelskyi Rigby<br />

1991 foliage is identified for the first time<br />

from late Early or early Late Permian strata of<br />

the Wagina Sandstone, Perth Basin, Western<br />

Australia. The pinnate frond impressions<br />

represent the youngest examples of this<br />

Gondwanan genus yet found. Bergiopteris sp.<br />

cf. B. archangelskyi has been previously<br />

recorded from the Sakmarian Nychum<br />

Volcanics, Queensland, and comparable forms<br />

occur in the roughly coeval Nueva Lubecka<br />

Formation, Argentina. Its extended<br />

stratigraphic range suggests caution should be<br />

applied to its use as a biostratigraphic marker.<br />

Ottokaria bullatus sp. nov. and Arberia<br />

woolagaensis sp. nov., described from the<br />

Irwin River Coal Measures (Artinskian), Perth<br />

Basin, constitute the earliest Australian<br />

records of these genera and represent the first<br />

ovulate glossopterid fructifications identified<br />

from the Western Australian Permian.<br />

Reassessment of the morphology and generic<br />

relationships of Rigbya ranunculoides<br />

Melville 1983 comb. nov. supports its<br />

interpretation as a dorsiventral ovulate<br />

glossopterid fructification based on new<br />

material from Late Permian strata of the<br />

Bowen Basin, Queensland. Assessment of the<br />

stratigraphic ranges of known Gondwanan<br />

Arberia and Rigbya fructifications highlights<br />

their potential application to the recognition of<br />

Early and Late Permian strata respectively.<br />

2009020167<br />

上 二 叠 统 Bletterbach 峡 谷 Peltaspermum<br />

martinsii 的 气 孔 指 数 及 其 作 为 CO2 指 标 的<br />

可 行 性 = Stomatal indices of Peltaspermum<br />

martinsii<br />

(Pteridospermopsida,<br />

Peltaspermaceae) from the Upper Permian<br />

Bletterbach gorge and their possible<br />

applicability as CO2 proxies. ( 英 文 ). Vording<br />

B; Kerp H. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(2):<br />

245-255<br />

Stomatal parameters (stomatal density and<br />

stomatal index) of fossil cuticles have often<br />

been used as proxy indicators for the<br />

palaeoatmospheric CO2 concentration, not<br />

only for the Cenozoic, but also for the<br />

Mesozoic and Palaeozoic. Especially, the<br />

cuticles of cycads, ginkgos, conifers and<br />

pteridosperms have frequently been used.<br />

裸 子 植 物<br />

2009020168<br />

澳 大 利 亚 上 三 叠 统 喀 尼 阶 的 Bennettitalean<br />

叶 片 表 皮 被 昆 虫 卵 子 破 坏 的 化 石 = Fossil<br />

insect eggs and ovipositional damage on<br />


Bennettitalean leaf Cuticles from the Carnian<br />

(Upper Triassic) of Austria. ( 英 文 ). Pott C;<br />

Labandeira C C; Krings M; Kerp H. Journal<br />

of Paleontology, 2008, 82(4): 778-789 4 图 版 .<br />

Two types of evidence for insect<br />

ovipositional activity (i.e., actual egg chorions<br />

and ovipositional damage) occur on<br />

Nilssoniopteris (bennettitalean foliage) leaf<br />

cuticles from the Carnian of Austria and<br />

provide a rare direct insight into insect egg<br />

morphology and oviposition in the Late<br />

Triassic. The egg chorions have exclusively<br />

been found on N. haidingeri leaves, where<br />

they are attached to the outer surface of the<br />

abaxial cuticle; one specimen suggests that the<br />

eggs were arranged in circles. It is impossible<br />

at present to determine the affinities of the<br />

eggs; possible producers may be beetles,<br />

dragonflies, sawflies, or other allied basal<br />

Hymenoptera. Ovipositional damage occurs<br />

on N. angustior leaves in the form of<br />

lenticular egg impressions surrounded by a<br />

narrow, elevated margin. The impressions are<br />

visible on the ad- and abaxial cuticle, and<br />

coincide when both cuticles are superimposed,<br />

which indicates that the eggs producing these<br />

impressions were injected into the interior of<br />

the leaf. Producers of eggs that may have<br />

caused these damages are perhaps dragonflies<br />

or damselflies. The restricted occurrence of<br />

the two types of ovipositional activity<br />

suggests that some kind of host specificity<br />

existed, perhaps related to specific preferences<br />

in larval diet.<br />

2009020169<br />

伊 比 利 亚 半 岛 银 杏 属 的 首 个 大 化 石 记 录 =<br />

The first macrofossil record of Ginkgo from<br />

the Iberian Peninsula. ( 英 文 ). Hably L; Teresa<br />

M; Marron F. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(1):<br />

65-70<br />

This occurrence assigned to of Ginkgo<br />

akiantoides is also confirmed by cuticular<br />

structure of adaxial leaf side. Tsuga, Torreya,<br />

Buxus, Zelkova, Quercus, Acer, Populus are<br />

also present in the fossil plant assemblage<br />

indicating a similar character of the Late<br />

Miocene-Early Pliocene flora distributed in<br />

Europe. The fossil leaf of Ginkgo is not only<br />

first for the Iberian Peninsula, but also the<br />

most western record of the genus in the<br />

European Neogene. Based on its<br />

macromorphological traits and cuticular<br />

structure, the fossil leaf does not differ from<br />

other occurrences of G. adiantoides, and<br />

confirms the therory that only one species of<br />

Ginkgo existed in Europe during the Neogene<br />

2009020170<br />

新 西 兰 南 洋 杉 科 大 化 石 的 记 录 = The record<br />

of Araucariaceae macrofossils in New Zealand.<br />

( 英 文 ). Pole M. Alcheringa, 2008, 32(4): 405-<br />

426<br />

The Araucariaceae have a long record in<br />

New Zealand, extending back to the Jurassic<br />

at least, and Araucaria extends back to at least<br />

the Late Cretaceous. This paper reviews the<br />

macrofossil record of the family and presents<br />

new information based largely on the leaf<br />

cuticle record. Agathis, which is the only<br />

genus of the family currently growing in New<br />

Zealand, has no record before the Cenozoic.<br />

All specimens previously identified from pre-<br />

Cenozoic strata clearly belong to other taxa or<br />

do not show characteristic features of the<br />

genus. Araucariaceae macrofossils are<br />

virtually ubiquitous in the Cretaceous<br />

assemblages of New Zealand but are<br />

conspicuous by their absence or rarity in<br />

Palaeocene deposits. Their demise may be an<br />

expression of events at the Cretaceous-<br />

Palaeogene boundary<br />

2009020171<br />

中 国 中 生 代 本 内 苏 铁 目 耳 羽 叶 属 的 多 样 性<br />

变 化 和 时 空 分 布 = Diversity variation and<br />

tempo-spatial distribution of Otozamites<br />

(Bennettitales) in the Mesozoic of China. ( 英<br />

文 ). Wang Yongdong; Ni Qing; Jiang Zikun<br />

Jiang; Tian Ning. Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(3/4):<br />

222-234<br />

Otozamites is a representative fossil leaf<br />

morphogenus of the extinct Bennettitales, with<br />

an extensive distribution during the Mesozoic,<br />

especially in China. Understanding the fossil<br />

diversity variation and distribution pattern of<br />

Otozamites in China will provide information<br />

on biodiversity of bennettitalean plants as well<br />

as for reconstruction of palaeogeography and<br />

palaeoclimate conditions during the Mesozoic.<br />

So far, 46 species of this genus have been<br />

described in China, excluding unspecified<br />

species. The results show that the fossils of<br />

Otozamites are extensively recorded in the<br />

Late Triassic, and then reach their maximum<br />

development in the Early Jurassic, followed<br />

by a reduction in diversity in the Middle and<br />

Late Jurassic, and finally become extinct at<br />

the end of Early Cretaceous. Geographically,<br />

they occur in both Northern and Southern<br />

Floristic Provinces in the Mesozoic of China,<br />

with a relatively higher abundance in the<br />


Southern Floristic Province. It implies that the<br />

diversity variation and distribution of<br />

Otozamites are closely related to the change of<br />

the palaeoclimatic conditions. The warm and<br />

humid climate prevailed in the Late Triassic<br />

and Early Jurassic in South China, propitious<br />

to the development of Otozamites. After the<br />

Middle Jurassic, dry and hot climate may have<br />

caused the lower diversity level and blocked<br />

the development of Otozamites; finally at the<br />

end of the Early Cretaceous, the frequent arid<br />

climate may be a major cause for the<br />

extinction of Otozamites.<br />

2009020172<br />

澳 大 利 亚 和 新 西 兰 中 生 代 Palissya 球 果 =<br />

Palissya cones from the Mesozoic of Australia<br />

and New Zealand. ( 英 文 ). Parris K M;<br />

Drinnan A N; Cantrill D J. Alcheringa, 1995,<br />

19(2): 87 - 111<br />

Cones from the Early Cretaceous of<br />

southeastern Victoria, and Middle Jurassic of<br />

southeastern Queensland are described and<br />

illustrated. They are compared with Palissya<br />

bartrumi from the Jurassic of New Zealand<br />

and the Palissya type material, P. sphenolepis,<br />

from the Liassic of Sweden and Germany.<br />

Cones from Australia and New Zealand share<br />

the same basic structure. They are composed<br />

of stalked sporophylls arranged helically on a<br />

central axis, with paired, cup-shaped processes<br />

attached adaxially to the sporophyll blade.<br />

These processes surround indentations in the<br />

sporophyll surface that are probably the sites<br />

where seeds were once attached.<br />

Morphological differences, the number of<br />

adaxial processes per sporophyll, and<br />

geographical and chronological separation, are<br />

the basis for describing the Victorian and<br />

Queensland specimens as several new species<br />

2009020173<br />

加 拿 大 温 哥 华 岛 苹 果 湾 下 白 垩 统 松 柏 类 植<br />

物 : 似 云 杉 的 叶 化 石 新 属 种<br />

Midoriphyllum piceoides ( 松 科 ) = Lower<br />

Cretaceous conifers from Apple Bay,<br />

Vancouver Island: Picea-like leaves,<br />

Midoriphyllum piceoides gen. et sp. nov.<br />

(Pinaceae). ( 英 文 ). Stockey R A; Wiebe N J P.<br />

Canadian Journal of Botany, 2008, 86(7):<br />

649–657<br />

A diverse assemblage of fossil conifer<br />

leaves was identified in calcareous marine<br />

concretions from the Lower Cretaceous<br />

(Valanginian – Hauterivian) Apple Bay<br />

locality, Vancouver Island. Of the hundreds of<br />

isolated leaf fragments, most show affinities to<br />

Pinaceae. Leaves with closest similarities to<br />

Picea (spruce) were studied using cellulose<br />

acetate peels. Picea-like leaves vary in crosssection<br />

from rhomboidal, pentagonal,<br />

triangular, to ovoid. One fused vascular<br />

bundle with a centrally located ray and abaxial<br />

sclerenchyma is surrounded by a circular<br />

endodermis and transfusion tissue. Mesophyll<br />

is plicate containing two lateral external resin<br />

canals surrounded by a sclerenchyma sheath.<br />

Hypodermal fibres are one to three layers<br />

thick, except in areas of stomata. Leaves are<br />

amphistomatic, with sunken guard cells.<br />

Vascular bundles are identical anatomically to<br />

Picea; however, plicate mesophyll is similar<br />

to that in leaves of Pinus. Extensive<br />

sclerenchyma in the hypodermis and<br />

surrounding resin canals differs from that in<br />

most extant Picea. The major difference<br />

between these leaves and those of Picea is leaf<br />

shape. These fossil leaves probably belong to<br />

an extinct pinaceous conifer, and are described<br />

as Midoriphyllum piceoides gen. et sp. nov.<br />

Similar evidence from Cretaceous seed cones<br />

suggests that like the angiosperms, the<br />

Pinaceae were undergoing rapid mosaic<br />

evolution during the Lower Cretaceous<br />

2009020174<br />

新 西 兰 Foulden 山 中 新 世 宽 叶 的 罗 汉 松 属<br />

= Miocene broad-leaved Podocarpus from<br />

Foulden Hills, New Zealand. ( 英 文 ). Pole M.<br />

Alcheringa, 1993, 17(3): 173 - 177<br />

A new species of Podocarpaceae is<br />

described from the Miocene diatomite in the<br />

Foulden Hills, near Dunedin, New Zealand.<br />

Podocarpus travisiae sp. nov. is the first<br />

record of broad-leaved Podocarpus from New<br />

Zealand.<br />

2009020175<br />

化 石 银 杏 目 的 综 述 = An overview of fossil<br />

Ginkgoales. ( 英 文 ). Zhou Zhiyan.<br />

Palaeoworld, 2009, 18(1): 1-22<br />

Neither direct fossil evidence nor consensus<br />

exists on the origin of the Ginkgoales and<br />

their phylogenetic relationships with other<br />

seed plants. The bases for assigning most<br />

Palaeozoic leaf fossils to Ginkgoales are<br />

shaky. There are eight morphogenera<br />

considered more or less well defined and<br />

useful for classifying Mesozoic leaf and shoot<br />

compressions/impressions, and only two or<br />

three morphotaxa of anatomically preserved<br />

wood fossils have generally been used. About<br />

nine genera of ovulate organs, however, have<br />


een reported in the Mesozoic. Whole plant<br />

reconstructions suggested for a number of<br />

well-preserved ginkgoalean plants are<br />

enumerated. Their associated (or connected)<br />

organs, and their occurrences and distributions<br />

are cited in detail. There are three or four<br />

major evolutionary lineages so far recognized<br />

among Mesozoic Ginkgoales: the Ginkgo-<br />

Grenana-Nehvizdyella lineage, the Karkenia<br />

lineage, the Yimaia-Toretzia/Umaltolepis<br />

lineage and perhaps the Schmeissneria lineage.<br />

Ginkgoales may be classified into five to six<br />

families, with a number of accessory<br />

morphotaxa and unclassified taxa. The general<br />

evolutionary trend among ginkgoaleans is<br />

reduction of both vegetative and reproductive<br />

organs. The reduction trend is seen clearly in<br />

the genus Ginkgo and roughly recapitulated in<br />

the developmental sequences of the living<br />

species. A similar reduction sequence runs in<br />

parallel in other lineages of Ginkgoales.<br />

Ginkgoales flourished during Jurassic and<br />

Early Cretaceous, but a significant radiation of<br />

the group had occurred already in Late<br />

Triassic when Ginkgoales were present in<br />

high taxonomic diversity and showed<br />

considerable morphological innovation.<br />

Geographically, Ginkgoales are mainly<br />

distributed in Laurasia and probably<br />

originated there. The earliest records are from<br />

Laurasia as is the relict living fossil.<br />

Ginkgoales may have lived in various climates<br />

and diverse habitats, although most flourished<br />

in mesic and temperate climates, and the Late<br />

Cretaceous and Cenozoic ginkgos were<br />

largely confined to riparian environments.<br />

Advances in micro- and ultrastructure studies<br />

and chemical investigations on the cuticle and<br />

megaspore membrane of ginkgoalean fossils<br />

are also summarized. Further studies in these<br />

fields may provide useful information on the<br />

ecology and palaeoclimatology of Ginkgoales<br />

as well as their taxonomy.<br />

2009020176<br />

烟 叶 大 羽 羊 齿 Gigantopteris nicotianaefolia<br />

Schenk 的 时 空 分 布 和 相 关 地 层 的 对 比 =<br />

Temporal And Spatial Distribution Of<br />

Gigantopteris Nicotianaefolia Schenk And<br />

Correlation Of Related Formations. ( 中 文 ). 刘<br />

陆 军 ; 姚 兆 奇 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2009, 48(1): 31-<br />

39<br />

烟 叶 大 羽 羊 齿 Gigantopteris<br />

nicotianaefolia Schenk 是 地 质 和 古 生 物 工 作<br />

者 熟 知 的 植 物 化 石 。 由 于 Halle(1927) 曾<br />

将 单 网 羊 齿 的 种 误 归 并 于 这 一 种 内 , 致 使<br />

它 一 度 成 为 广 见 于 华 夏 古 植 物 区 二 叠 纪 陆<br />

相 地 层 的 植 物 化 石 。 后 来 的 研 究 表 明<br />

( Guand Zhi , 1974 ; 姚 兆 奇 ,1983 ;<br />

Glasspool et al.,2004), 除 了 河 南 平 顶<br />

山 的 可 疑 标 本 外 (Sze,1954), 此 种 可 作<br />

为 华 南 冷 坞 期 的 标 志 性 植 物 。 最 新 资 料 证<br />

实 ( 杨 关 秀 等 ,2006), 产 自 河 南 禹 州 和<br />

临 汝 上 石 盒 子 组 ( 云 盖 山 组 ) 的 标 本 完 全<br />

显 示 了 G.nicotianaefolia 的 特 征 , 说 明 了<br />

这 个 种 在 华 北 的 存 在 , 从 而 扩 大 了 这 种 植<br />

物 的 分 布 区 。 根 据 烟 叶 大 羽 羊 齿 的 时 空 分<br />

布 规 律 , 文 章 认 为 河 南 的 上 石 盒 子 组 完 全<br />

可 与 江 苏 龙 潭 组 和 江 西 乐 平 组 老 山 段 下 亚<br />

段 的 含 煤 层 位 对 比 , 时 代 应 属 瓜 德 鲁 普 世<br />

冷 坞 期 (Capitanian)。 文 中 较 详 细 阐 述 将<br />

河 南 上 石 盒 子 组 的 时 代 定 为 冷 坞 期 而 不 是<br />

晚 二 叠 世 早 期 ( 吴 家 坪 期 ) 的 观 点 , 并 引<br />

证 磁 性 地 层 方 面 证 据 , 支 持 这 一 结 论 。<br />

被 子 植 物<br />

2009020177<br />

阿 根 廷 上 白 垩 统 一 个 新 的 棕 榈 茎 干 化 石 =<br />

A new palm trunk from the Upper Cretaceous<br />

of Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Ottone E G.<br />

Ameghiniana: Revista de la asociacion<br />

Paleontologica Argentina, 2007, 44(4): 719-<br />

725<br />

A new morphospecies of palm trunk,<br />

Palmoxylon pichaihuensis sp. nov., is<br />

proposed on the basis of several specimens<br />

recovered from a succession of tuffs and<br />

breccias at Pichaihue, Neuquen Province,<br />

Argentina. The specimens comprise<br />

atactosteles that display densely crowded<br />

fibrovascular bundles in the peripheral zone,<br />

and less congested fibrovascular bundles,<br />

randomly scattered or arranged in irregular<br />

circles in the central zone; sclerenchyma<br />

reniform; xylem with 1-4 large metaxylem<br />

vessels and 6-12 smaller protoxylem elements<br />

in the central zone, and an f/v ratio of 1.3-2:1.<br />

The Pichaihue fossil assemblage is similar to,<br />

and probably coeval with the flora of Bajo de<br />

Santa Rosa, Rio Negro Province, reflecting a<br />

warm and relatively humid climate, at ca. 40-<br />

45 degrees S, in southern South America<br />

during the Late Cretaceous.<br />

2009020178<br />

阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 早 古 新 世 含 羞 草 亚 科 化<br />

石 木 = Fossil wood of the Mimosoideae from<br />

the early Paleocene of Patagonia, Argentina.<br />

( 英 文 ). Brea M;ZamunerA B; Matheos S D;<br />

Iglesias A. Alcheringa, 2008, 32(4): 427-441<br />


An anatomically preserved mature stem<br />

from the Salamanca Formation (early<br />

Paleocene) at Palacio de Los Loros, central<br />

Patagonia, Argentina, is described and<br />

assigned to Paracacioxylon frenguellii sp. nov.<br />

The material was preserved by siliceous<br />

permineralization and shows features of the<br />

secondary xylem typical of subfamily<br />

Mimosoideae. This species represents the<br />

oldest record of the genus and of the<br />

Leguminosae along the western border of<br />

Gondwana, and is the world's second oldest<br />

record of Leguminosae wood. The species is<br />

characterized by ring-porous to semi-ringporous<br />

vessels that are solitary, in multiples of<br />

2-4 and clustered, simple perforation plates,<br />

alternate and vestured inter-vessel pitting,<br />

homocellular 1-6 seriate rays, tyloses, crystals<br />

and diffuse apotracheal, vasicentric<br />

paratracheal and confluent axial parenchyma.<br />

Paracacioxylon frenguellii has anatomical<br />

similarities to Acacia Miller. The presence of<br />

Paracacioxylon frenguellii associated with<br />

pulvinate leaves suggests that the legumes<br />

might have been a component of mesothermal<br />

forests developed along the western margin of<br />

the Golfo San Jorge Basin during the early<br />

Paleocene<br />

2009020179<br />

中 国 东 北 部 早 期 被 子 植 物 研 究 近 期 进 展 的<br />

综 述 = A review of recent advances in the<br />

study of early angiosperms from northeastern<br />

China. ( 英 文 ). Sun Ge; Dilcher D L; Zheng<br />

Shaolin. Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(3/4): 166-171<br />

The last 10 years (1998–2007) were very<br />

productive and important in the study of early<br />

angiosperms in northeastern China. The new<br />

discoveries of the earliest well-documented<br />

records of angiosperms such as Archaefructus,<br />

as well as Hyrcantha decussata (= Sinocarpus<br />

decussatus), provided fresh knowledge for<br />

better understanding the primitive characters<br />

of the ancient angiosperms and also their<br />

aquatic (or wet) habitat and their herbaceous<br />

nature. Some new approaches such as the<br />

combination of molecular and morphological<br />

characters joined together to place<br />

Archaefructus in the angiosperm phylogenetic<br />

framework. These fossils demonstrate that we<br />

should expect more ancient angiosperms to be<br />

found in the pre-Cretaceous which will<br />

continue to add important new understanding<br />

to the nature of the origin and evolution of the<br />

angiosperms.<br />

2009020180<br />

美 国 堪 萨 斯 白 垩 纪 达 科 他 组 与 悬 铃 木 科 有<br />

亲 缘 关 系 的 中 型 化 石 = Mesofossils with<br />

platanaceous affinity from the Dakota<br />

Formation (Cretaceous) in Kansas, USA. ( 英<br />

文 ). Wang Xin. Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(3/4):<br />

246-252<br />

The Platanaceae holds a basal position in<br />

the phylogeny of eudicots and therefore is of<br />

great interest to angiosperm systematists. The<br />

fossil record of the family is found in strata<br />

ranging from the Cretaceous to Recent in<br />

America, Europe and Asia. The research on<br />

the Platanaceae in the Dakota Formation can<br />

be traced back to 19th century; however,<br />

mesofossils of reproductive organs of the<br />

Platanaceae were never reported in the<br />

Midwest of North America before. This paper<br />

reports several specimens of Friisicarpus<br />

(Platanaceae) from the Dakota Formation in<br />

Kansas, USA. It complements the existing<br />

fossil records, and provides more information<br />

on reproductive biology of the family. The<br />

comparison with similar fossils from eastern<br />

North America and Europe provides some<br />

hints on biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous.<br />

2009020181<br />

新 西 兰 中 - 晚 中 新 世 Dunedin 火 山 岩 群 假 山<br />

毛 榉 属 = Nothofagus from the Dunedin<br />

Volcanic Group (Mid — Late Miocene), New<br />

Zealand. ( 英 文 ). Pole M. Alcheringa, 1993,<br />

17(1`): 77 - 90<br />

Two species of Nothofagus macrofossils,<br />

Nothofagus novaezealandiae and N. pinnata,<br />

are redescribed from sediments of late Middle<br />

Miocene to early Late Miocene age of the<br />

Dunedin Volcanic Province, New Zealand.<br />

Examination of leaf architecture and cuticular<br />

morphology places N. novaezealandiae in the<br />

subgenus Lophozonia (producing menziesiitype<br />

pollen), and indicates it was evergreen. N.<br />

pinnata was probably also in the subgenus<br />

Lophozonia<br />

2009020182<br />

黑 龙 江 嘉 荫 晚 白 垩 世 水 生 被 子 植 物 = Late<br />

Cretaceous Aquatic Angiosperms from Jiayin,<br />

Heilongjiang, Northeast China. ( 英 文 ). Quan<br />

Cheng; Sun Ge. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008,<br />

82(6): 1133-1140<br />

Three taxa of Late Cretaceous aquatic<br />

angiosperms, Queruexia angulata (Lesq.)<br />

Krysht., Cobbania corrugata ( Lesq. )<br />

Stockey et al. and Nelumbites cf. extenuinervis<br />

Upchurch et al. from Jiayin of Heilongjiang,<br />

NE China, are described in detail. Among<br />


them, Cobbania and Nelumbites from the<br />

Upper Cretaceous in China are reported for<br />

the first time. The aquatic angiosperm<br />

assemblage of Queruexia-Cobbania-<br />

Nelumbites appears to imply a seasonal, warm<br />

and moist environment in the Jiayin area<br />

during the Santonian-Campanian time.<br />

2009020183<br />

加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 麦 卡 阿 比 始 新 世 神<br />

秘 的 花 = The Eocene mystery flower of<br />

McAbee, British Columbia. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Manchester S R; Pigg K B. Canadian Journal<br />

of Botany, 2008, 86(9): 1034–1038<br />

A distinctive, extinct type of flower and<br />

fruit is described based on coalified<br />

compression and impression fossils from the<br />

Eocene lake bed deposits of McAbee, British<br />

Columbia. Dillhoffia cachensis gen. et<br />

sp. nov. has an elongate-ellipsoidal fruit with<br />

an epigynous, completely connate funnelform<br />

calyx 1.8 – 2.9 cm in diameter, with an<br />

unlobed, orbicular margin. The fruit narrows<br />

apically into a single style divided into four<br />

slightly recurved stigmatic arms. Fruits are<br />

pedicellate, borne in globose heads. Stamens,<br />

pollen, and internal fruit morphology remain<br />

unknown, but the available details of<br />

gynoecial and perianth morphology present a<br />

suite of characters not encountered in any<br />

known extant genus, and the familial affinities<br />

remain uncertain. This is noteworthy, because<br />

many other elements of the same Eocene flora<br />

represent extant genera with clear familial<br />

assignments such as Cunninghamia, Ginkgo,<br />

Aesculus, Alnus, Betula, Dipteronia, Fagus,<br />

Trochodendron, and Ulmus.<br />

古 无 脊 椎 动 物 学<br />

综 论<br />

2009020184<br />

Rhodes( 希 腊 ) 上 新 世 - 渐 新 世 沉 积 中 钙 质<br />

微 化 石 , 介 形 类 , 和 有 孔 虫 生 物 地 层 学 及<br />

与 Vrica ( 意 大 利 ) 剖 面 的 对 比 =<br />

Calcareous nannofossil, ostracode and<br />

foraminifera biostratigraphy of Plio-<br />

Pleistocene deposits, Rhodes (Greece), with a<br />

correlation to the Vrica section (Italy). ( 英 文 ).<br />

Thomsen E; Rasmussen T L; Hastrup A.<br />

Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2001, 20(part<br />

2): 143-154<br />

The Kalithea Bay section is situated on the<br />

southeastern coast of the island of Rhodes.<br />

The section comprises a sedimentary sequence<br />

ranging from brackish water gravel and<br />

nearshore sand to deep-water clay. The<br />

brackish water and nearshore deposits are<br />

assigned to the Kritika Formation, while the<br />

deep-water deposits are assigned to the Lindos<br />

Bay clay. Calcareous nannofossil<br />

biostratigraphy shows that the age of the<br />

marine sequence is Early Pleistocene. The<br />

brackish water sediments cannot be dated with<br />

any degree of certainty. The marine deposits<br />

are rich in ostracodes and foraminifera and<br />

several species, have been recognized, which<br />

previously have been used as biostratigraphic<br />

markers in the Plio-Pleistocene deposits of<br />

Rhodes. Biostratigraphic correlation between<br />

the Kalithea Bay section and the Plio-<br />

Pleistocene boundary stratotype at Vrica,<br />

southern Italy, shows that the ostracodes and<br />

foraminifera events generally are diachronous<br />

relative to the calcareous nannofossil events.<br />

The only exception is the first occurrence of<br />

the benthic foraminifera Hyalinea balthica. As<br />

calcareous nannofossil events are thought to<br />

be virtually synchronous within the<br />

Mediterranean region, it is concluded that the<br />

diachroneity is due to a relative delay in the<br />

appearance of ostracodes and foraminifera at<br />

Kalithea, caused by differences in the<br />

palaeobathymetric settings between the two<br />

sites.<br />

2009020185<br />

热 带 美 国 新 近 纪 的 Cupuladriidae 科 II— 巴<br />

拿 马 海 峡 对 岸 现 生 Discoporella 的 系 统 学 =<br />

Neogene Cupuladriidae of Tropical America.<br />

II: Taxonomy of Recent Discoporella from<br />

opposite sides of the Isthmus of Panama. ( 英<br />

文 ). Herrera-Cubilla A; Dick M H; Sanner J;<br />

Jackson J B C. Journal of Paleontology, 2008,<br />

82(2): 279-298 15 图 版 .<br />

We used up to 30 morphological characters<br />

to discriminate and describe species of the<br />

genus Discoporella based on complete colony<br />

specimens collected from both coasts of the<br />

Isthmus of Panama. The characters included<br />

zooidal characters and colony-level characters<br />

such as colony size and basal granule density.<br />

Species were classified by a series of<br />

multivariate cluster and linear discriminant<br />

analyses until the majority of specimens were<br />

assigned to their putative species with high<br />

confidence. In the first phase of the analyses,<br />

the colonies were grouped by ocean<br />

(Caribbean versus eastern Pacific),<br />

discriminated predominantly by colony size<br />

and basal granule density, characters that<br />

might reflect ecophenotypic responses to<br />

different conditions in primary productivity<br />


and predation between the two oceans. Further<br />

analyses of these two groups separately<br />

resulted in the discrimination of seven species.<br />

Five new species from the Caribbean (D.<br />

scutella, D. peltifera, D. bocasdeltoroensis, D.<br />

terminata and D. triangula), and two from the<br />

eastern Pacific (D. marcusorum and D.<br />

cookae). Of these, D. cookae had been<br />

identified previously as D. umbellata, a<br />

species once considered cosmopolitan, with a<br />

range spanning the Caribbean and eastern<br />

Pacific coasts of America. With the exception<br />

of one genetically defined clade represented<br />

by only two specimens, the correspondence of<br />

classification between groups discriminated<br />

morphometrically by separate step-wise<br />

multivariate analyses and those detected by a<br />

previous genetic analysis, ranged from 91% to<br />

100%. In analyses of all specimens combined<br />

or separated by ocean, but using the total<br />

number of characters, 20% to 30% of the<br />

specimens could not be distinguished<br />

morphometrically from extremely similar<br />

sympatric species or cognate ("geminate")<br />

species from the opposite ocean. Diversity<br />

was higher in the Caribbean compared to the<br />

eastern Pacific, which reflects a similar pattern<br />

recently described for the genus Cupuladria<br />

from the same region.<br />

2009020186<br />

纽 芬 兰 Mistaken Point 组 合 中 一 个 多 枝 艾<br />

迪 卡 拉 纪 的 山 脉 形 动 物 群 的 生 长 和 生 态 =<br />

Growth and Ecology of a Multi-branched<br />

Ediacaran Rangeomorph from the Mistaken<br />

Point Assemblage, Newfoundland. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Bamforth E L; Narbonne G M; Anderson M<br />

M. Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(4): 763-<br />

777 6 图 版 .<br />

Pectinifrons abyssalis new genus and species<br />

is an early Ediacaran (ca. 565 Ma)<br />

rangeomorph from the Avalon Peninsula of<br />

Newfoundland. It is known from more than<br />

200 specimens from the Mistaken Point and<br />

Trepassey formations, and is typically<br />

preserved as a comb-shaped ridge on the top<br />

of mudstone beds beneath volcanic ashfall<br />

tuffs. Morphologic and taphonomic features<br />

suggest that the living organism consisted of<br />

two parallel series of soft rangeomorph fronds,<br />

alternately branching in an opposite<br />

arrangement from an elongate, tubular pedicle<br />

rod. The pedicle rod and the struts that<br />

represent the central stalks of the fronds were<br />

originally composed of resistant material that<br />

did not decompose until after lithification of<br />

the overlying ash bed. The fronds themselves<br />

were originally composed of a soft, nonresistant<br />

material that readily degraded,<br />

resulting in their extremely rare preservation<br />

as impressions on the bedding surface.<br />

Biometric analysis implies that Pectinifrons<br />

grew primarily by strut/frond addition, with<br />

later inflation of these elements. Pectinifrons<br />

is one of the first rangeomorph taxa to display<br />

evidence of possible age cohorts comparable<br />

to those observed in modern macrobenthic<br />

organisms.<br />

2009020187<br />

新 Brunswick 地 区 阿 瓦 隆 大 陆 边 缘 台 地 的<br />

动 物 群 和 寒 武 纪 的 火 山 作 用 = Faunas and<br />

Cambrian Volcanism on the Avalonian<br />

Marginal Platform, Southern New Brunswick.<br />

( 英 文 ). Landing E; Johnson S C; Geyer G.<br />

Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(5): 884-<br />

905 6 图 版 .<br />

The Cambrian inlier at Beaver Harbour,<br />

southern New Brunswick, is now confidently<br />

referred to the marginal platform of the late<br />

Proterozoic – Early Paleozoic Avalon<br />

microcontinent. The sub-trilobitic Lower<br />

Cambrian Chapel Island and Random<br />

Formations are unconformably overlain by the<br />

mafic volcanic-dominated Wade's Lane<br />

Formation (new). Late Early Cambrian<br />

trilobites and small shelly taxa in the lowest<br />

Wade's Lane demonstrate a long Random–<br />

Wade's Lane hiatus (middle Terreneuvian–<br />

early Branchian). Latest Early – middle<br />

Middle Cambrian pyroclastic volcanism<br />

produced a volcanic edifice at Beaver Harbour<br />

that is one of three known volcanic centers<br />

that extended 550 km along the northwest<br />

margin of Avalon. Middle Middle Cambrian<br />

sea-level rise, probably in the Paradoxides<br />

eteminicus Chron, mantled the extinct<br />

volcanics with gray-green mudstone and<br />

limestone of the Fossil Brook Member. Black,<br />

dysoxic mudstone of the upper Manuels River<br />

Formation (upper Middle Cambrian, P.<br />

davidis Zone) is the youngest Cambrian unit<br />

in the Beaver Harbour inlier. Lapworthella<br />

cornu (Wiman, 1903) emend., a senior<br />

synonym of the genotype L. nigra (Cobbold,<br />

1921), Hyolithellus sinuosus Cobbold, 1921,<br />

and probably Acrothyra sera Matthew, 1902a,<br />

range through the ca. 8 m.y. of the trilobitebearing<br />

upper Lower Cambrian, and H.<br />

sinuosus and A. sera persist into the middle<br />

Middle Cambrian. Lapworthella cornu and H.<br />

sinuosus replaced the tropical taxa L.<br />


schodackensis (Lochman, 1956) and H.<br />

micans Billings, 1872, in cool-water Avalon.<br />

2009020188<br />

2007 年 库 希 曼 奖 获 得 者 : 关 于 Louisette<br />

Zaninetti 的 引 用 = 2007 Cushman award<br />

winner: citation for Louisette Zaninetti. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Martini R; Pawlowski J. Journal of<br />

Foraminiferal Research, 2008, 38(1): 1-2<br />

The 2007 Joseph A. Cushman Award for<br />

"Outstanding Achievement in Foraminiferal<br />

Research" is presented to a very fine lady<br />

scientist, Louisette Zaninetti, in recognition of<br />

her lifetime contribution to foraminiferal<br />

research. Almost the entire academic career of<br />

Louisette Zaninetti is connected with Geneva.<br />

This is where she obtained a diploma in<br />

Natural Sciences in 1962 and where six years<br />

later she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the<br />

Triassic foraminifera from the Almtal<br />

(Austria), under the direction of Professor<br />

Paul Brönnimann. After a short postdoc period<br />

in Perth (Australia), she returned to Geneva<br />

and worked as Lecturer at the university. In<br />

1974, she was appointed Assistant Professor,<br />

and then in 1983, Professeur Extraordinaire in<br />

the Departments of Animal Biology and<br />

Geology and Paleontology. In 1980, however,<br />

she took a year off and worked as<br />

micropaleontological adviser for Pacific<br />

Energy and Minerals, Golden, Colorado.<br />

During this period, Louisette managed to<br />

publish her first major publication "Les<br />

Foraminifères du Trias," largely based on her<br />

Ph.D. thesis. This was a seminal work in a<br />

field that had been largely neglected and,<br />

remarkably, "not thought to exist" by some! It<br />

was published as a monograph in the Rivista<br />

Italiana di Paleontologia in 1976, and in it,<br />

not only did she recognize the stratigraphic<br />

potential of these Triassic foraminifera but<br />

also, together with colleagues, laid the<br />

foundations of a workable stratigraphic<br />

zonation. On the way, she had to resolve<br />

numerous and formidable systematic problems<br />

which previously had discouraged many from<br />

using foraminifera . . .<br />

2009020189<br />

哈 萨 克 斯 坦 中 部 Chingiz 山 脉 中 寒 武 统 至<br />

下 奥 陶 统 动 物 群 = Middle Cambrian to<br />

Lower Ordovician faunas from the Chingiz<br />

Mountain Range, central Kazakhstan.. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Tolmacheva T JU; Degtyarev K E;<br />

Samuelsson J; Holmer L E. Alcheringa, 2008,<br />

32(4): 443-463<br />

The middle Cambrian to Lower Ordovician<br />

back-arc sedimentary succession studied in the<br />

Kol'denen River and in the Zerbkyzyl<br />

Mountains of the central Chingiz Mountain<br />

Range is composed predominantly of<br />

siltstones, sandstones and volcaniclastic rocks<br />

with rare beds of micritic carbonates, black<br />

shales and cherts. Fossil assemblages<br />

including conodonts, lingulate brachiopods,<br />

arthropods, sponges and probable Tasmanites<br />

cysts were recorded both from the carbonate<br />

and chert beds showing that richly diverse<br />

marine environments existed directly adjacent<br />

to the volcanic arcs. The Kol'denen River<br />

localities contain a diverse upper Cambrian<br />

paraconodont assemblage of the open-sea<br />

affinity. The representatives of Rossodus,<br />

Cordylodus, Drepanodus and Variabiloconus,<br />

having an almost pandemic distribution and<br />

characteristic of basinal facies, dominate the<br />

Lower Ordovician conodont fauna. The<br />

Cambrian-Ordovician boundary transition is<br />

characterized by chert production that was<br />

more likely caused by a local productivity<br />

increase than by general changes in<br />

palaeooceanographic and palaeogeographical<br />

conditions.<br />

2009020190<br />

阿 根 廷 内 乌 肯 盆 地 白 垩 纪 无 脊 椎 动 物 的 古<br />

生 物 地 理 亲 缘 = Paleobiogeographic<br />

affinities of the Cretaceous invertebrates of<br />

the Neuquen Basin. ( 其 他 ). Aguirre-Urreta M<br />

B; Casadio S; Cichowolski M.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(3): 591-611<br />

Paleobiogeographic affinities of Cretaceous<br />

marine invertebrates of the Neuquen Basin are<br />

analyzed based Oil a recent systematic<br />

revision. Two different marine intervals are<br />

considered. The first one corresponds to the<br />

Berriasian-Early Barremian when the basin<br />

was connected to the Pacific Ocean through a<br />

volcanic arc. The second is restricted to the<br />

Maastrichtian, when the basin was open to the<br />

Atlantic Ocean. During the first, the nautilids<br />

are monospecific showing Andean affinities.<br />

The ammonoids are represented by six<br />

families of tethyan affinities. Twenty genera<br />

and subgenera are replaced in time through<br />

immigration events, alternating between<br />

Andean and pandemic forms. The bivalve<br />

fauna has tethyan affinities, although a<br />

significant number of taxa are endemic. The<br />

decapods show similarities with others from<br />

England and Germany. The echinoids are<br />

represented by seven genera of different<br />

paleogeographic distribution, including<br />


endemic or Andean forms and others with a<br />

nearly cosmopolitan distribution.<br />

Maastrichtian mollusk faunas show affinities<br />

with the Weddellian Province. Near the K/P<br />

boundary and during the Danian the<br />

weddellian forms were replaced by warmwaters<br />

taxa from northern Brazil, the<br />

Caribbean and northern Africa. It is proposed<br />

that during the Early Cretaceous,<br />

paleotemperatures in the Neuquen Basin were<br />

similar to those in the Tethys, but probably not<br />

so high, whereas for the Maastrichtian, a<br />

global cooling would have caused the northern<br />

expansion of Weddellian forms. Finally,<br />

around the K/P boundary, a new global<br />

warming probably enhances the replacement<br />

of these faunas by other typical from low<br />

latitudes.<br />

2009020191<br />

贵 州 新 元 古 代 到 寒 武 纪 早 期 特 异 埋 藏 后 生<br />

生 物 群 及 其 研 究 意 义 = Exceptionally-<br />

Preserved Early Metazoan Biotas Of<br />

Neoproterozoic-Cambrian In Guizhou And<br />

Their Implications : A Brief Introdution. ( 中<br />

文 ). 赵 元 龙 ; 杨 洪 ; 李 勇 ; 彭 进 ; 杨 兴 莲 ; 李 锋 军 ;<br />

伍 孟 银 ; 程 心 ; 李 丙 霞 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008,<br />

47(4): 405-418<br />

贵 州 化 石 丰 富 , 素 有 古 生 物 王 国 之 称 ,<br />

其 中 早 期 特 异 埋 藏 后 生 生 物 十 分 发 育 , 由<br />

老 至 新 有 埃 迪 卡 拉 系 的 瓮 安 生 物 群 、 江 口<br />

庙 河 生 物 群 、 寒 武 系 第 1 统 的 小 壳 动 物<br />

群 、 第 2 统 下 部 的 牛 蹄 塘 生 物 群 及 中 上 部<br />

的 杷 榔 动 物 群 、 第 3 统 底 部 的 凯 里 生 物<br />

群 。 这 些 特 异 埋 藏 生 物 群 与 云 南 寒 武 系 的<br />

澄 江 动 物 群 、 关 山 生 物 群 及 陕 南 埃 迪 卡 拉<br />

系 高 家 山 生 物 群 构 成 了 我 国 早 期 后 生 生 物<br />

的 演 化 链 , 反 映 了 从 动 物 起 源 ( 瓮 安 生 物<br />

群 )、 可 疑 多 门 类 动 物 出 现 ( 江 口 庙 河 生<br />

物 群 )、 动 物 骨 骼 化 ( 高 家 山 生 物 群 )、<br />

生 物 矿 化 质 和 量 的 变 化 或 骨 骼 动 物 爆 发 性<br />

辐 射 ( 小 壳 动 物 群 ) 及 海 绵 动 物 辐 射 ( 牛<br />

蹄 塘 生 物 群 ) 再 到 动 物 主 要 门 类 出 现 的 寒<br />

武 纪 大 爆 发 ( 澄 江 动 物 群 )、 海 洋 生 物 多<br />

样 化 及 生 态 复 杂 化 ( 凯 里 生 物 群 ) 的 演 化<br />

过 程 。<br />

2009020192<br />

澳 大 利 亚 东 部 石 炭 纪 海 相 无 脊 椎 动 物 带 的<br />

相 关 对 比 修 定 = Revised correlations for<br />

Carboniferous marine invertebrate zones of<br />

eastern Australia. ( 英 文 ). Roberts J; Jones P J;<br />

Jenkins T B N. Alcheringa, 1993, 17(4): 353 -<br />

376<br />

A review of the international significance of<br />

Carboniferous biostratigraphic units of eastern<br />

Australia, incorporating brachiopod,<br />

ammonoid, conodont and foraminiferal/algal<br />

evidence, is carried out in order that new ion<br />

microprobe ages can be used to calibrate the<br />

Australian units and to provide greater<br />

precision to the international geological<br />

timescale. The ages of brachiopod zones,<br />

which have been most used for regional<br />

correlation throughout eastern Australia, are<br />

revised using new conodont information from<br />

Jenkins et al. (1993), recent revisions of<br />

European ammonoid zones (Riley, 1990a,<br />

1991), existing foraminiferal/algal data, and<br />

new internal evidence from brachiopods.<br />

Major changes include recognition that: the<br />

Tulcumbella tenuistriata Zone straddles the<br />

Devonian-Carboniferous boundary and<br />

extends into the mid-Hastarian (Tn1b-lowest<br />

Tn2b); the Schellwienella burlingtonensis<br />

Zone is late Hastarian to earliest Molinacian<br />

(Tn2c-Tn3c) in age; the Orthotetes australis<br />

Zone early Visean (Chadian to early Arundian;<br />

V1a-V1b) rather than late Visean in age based<br />

on new data from conodonts and<br />

reinterpretation of the ammonoid evidence;<br />

the Delepinea aspinosa Zone ranges in age<br />

from Arundian to early Holkerian (V1b to<br />

V2b), though the boundary with the<br />

succeeding Rhipidomella fortimuscula Zone<br />

cannot be well defined; the fortimuscula Zone<br />

is late Holkerian to Asbian (V3b), with the top<br />

of the zone being taken within the B2b<br />

ammonoid zone; and the Marginirugus<br />

barringtonensis Zone extends throughout the<br />

remainder of the Asbian and the Brigantian, to<br />

the end of the late Visean. Gondwanan<br />

assemblages succeeding the Early<br />

Carboniferous cosmopolitan faunas cannot be<br />

readily correlated with Northern Hemisphere<br />

biozones. The Levipustula levis Zone is<br />

Namurian in age at the base.<br />

原 生 动 物<br />

2009020193<br />

中 国 云 南 西 部 腾 冲 地 块 二 叠 纪 蜓 类 =<br />

Permian fusulinids from the Tengchong Block,<br />

Western Yunnan, China. ( 英 文 ). Shi Y K; Jin<br />

X C; Huang H; Yang X N. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(1): 118-127 2 图 版 .<br />

Two Permian fusulinid faunas, including<br />

nine species belonging to six genera, from the<br />

northern Tengchong Block, Southwest China,<br />

are studied and compared with the coeval<br />

fusulinid faunas from other blocks with<br />

Gondwana-affinity and South China. In the<br />


Kongshuhe section, the fauna is dominated by<br />

Eoparafusulina in the lower part of the<br />

Dadongchang Formation and possibly<br />

suggests an age of Sakmarian, while in the<br />

Shanmutang section, the fauna from the<br />

middle of the Dadongchang Formation mainly<br />

consists of Chusenella mingguangensis n. sp.<br />

and Monodiexodina gigas n. sp., indicating a<br />

Wordian to Capitanian age. Study has also<br />

demonstrated that fusulinid faunas from the<br />

Tengchong Block shared similar features with<br />

the contemporary faunas from the Baoshan<br />

Block and Sibumasu Block in the low generic<br />

and specific diversities and the absence of the<br />

taxa commonly found in Cathaysia Tethys<br />

areas, such as the Pseudoschwagerinidae,<br />

Verbeekinidae, and Neoschwagerinidae.<br />

However, visible differences in species<br />

composition still exist between the faunas of<br />

the Tengchong Block and those of the other<br />

two blocks, revealing an apparent regional<br />

feature in the faunas of the Tengchong Block.<br />

2009020194<br />

苏 格 兰 内 陆 谷 下 灰 岩 组 中<br />

Visean/Serpukhovian 界 线 的 新 有 孔 虫 类 =<br />

New Foraminifers in the Visean/Serpukhovian<br />

Boundary Interval of the Lower Limestone<br />

Formation, Midland Valley, Scotland. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Cózar P; Somerville I D; Burgess I. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(5): 906-923 3 图 版 .<br />

The biostratigraphy of the upper part of the<br />

Mississippian Lower Limestone Formation in<br />

the Midland Valley, Scotland is revised using<br />

foraminiferal assemblages. This formation<br />

was previously assigned exclusively to the<br />

upper part of the Brigantian Substage (upper<br />

Cf6, P2 or latest Visean), whereas the<br />

succeeding Limestone Coal Formation (barren<br />

of foraminifers and conodonts) was assigned<br />

to the Pendleian Substage (lower Cf7, E1 or<br />

early Serpukhovian). The foraminifers, in<br />

particular those recorded from the Second<br />

Hosie and Top Hosie limestones and their<br />

lateral equivalents (Anvil and MacDonald<br />

limestones), are comparable to Serpukhovian<br />

assemblages from the Ukraine and Russia.<br />

Consequently, the Visean/Serpukhovian stage<br />

boundary is repositioned at the base of the<br />

Second Hosie Limestone. This assignment of<br />

the Second Hosie Limestone to the Pendleian<br />

is reinforced by the first occurrence of the<br />

ammonoid Emstites (Cravenoceras), although<br />

it occurs 1 m below the Top Hosie Limestone.<br />

Pendleian foraminiferal assemblages from<br />

northern England, its geographically closest<br />

equivalent, are similar but not well enough<br />

known for a detailed comparison. A few<br />

similarities are found between the<br />

foraminiferal assemblages from the Midland<br />

Valley and those from southwest Spain and<br />

North African basins. Faunas from the Second<br />

and Top Hosie limestones and their lateral<br />

equivalents allow us to propose an assemblage<br />

zone, valid for regional correlations within the<br />

British Isles, and the faunas can be potentially<br />

used as Serpukhovian markers for western<br />

Paleotethyan basins. Two new genera and<br />

species are described, Praeplectostaffella<br />

anvilensis n. gen. n. sp. and Praeostaffellina<br />

macdonaldensis n. gen. n. sp., and two new<br />

species, Tubispirodiscus hosiensis n. sp. and<br />

Euxinita pendleiensis n. sp.<br />

2009020195<br />

有 孔 虫 作 为 基 底 - 美 国 华 盛 顿 陆 架 上 小 型 小<br />

孔 虫 类 依 附 于 大 型 胶 结 类 的 有 孔 虫 的 实 例<br />

= Foraminifers as hard substrates: an example<br />

from the Washington(USA) continental shelf<br />

of smaller foraminifers attached to<br />

larger,agglutinate foraminifers. ( 英 文 ). Martin<br />

R. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2008,<br />

38(1): 3-10 6 图 版 .<br />

This study from the continental shelf<br />

offshore from Washington, USA, describes an<br />

occurrence of attached foraminifers using<br />

other, larger foraminifers as their hard<br />

substrate. Isolated instances of such<br />

associations have been illustrated in a few<br />

publications; however, the example<br />

documented here is of an extensive<br />

relationship between smaller attached<br />

foraminifers and their substrate species. Host<br />

foraminifers were unusually large (4 mm to 5<br />

cm) specimens of the agglutinate species<br />

Ammodiscus pacificus, Haplophragmoides<br />

canariensis, Rhabdammina linearis and<br />

Bathysiphon filiformis. The attached<br />

foraminifers were Cibicides pseudoungerianus,<br />

Tritaxis fusca and Cibicides refulgens. In<br />

addition to the attached foraminiferal tests,<br />

several attachment scars were evident, some<br />

of which can be attributed to epibiont<br />

foraminifers that became detached from the<br />

host. There are several possible reasons these<br />

smaller foraminifers colonized the larger ones<br />

in this area. Most likely, the host foraminifers<br />

provided a stable platform for feeding. In<br />

addition, if the host was living, its motility<br />

could have prevented the smaller foraminifers<br />

from being smothered in this high sediment<br />

accumulation setting. Thus, these larger<br />

foraminifers act as convenient "benthic<br />


islands" (Taylor and Wilson, 2003) for their<br />

epibionts.<br />

2009020196<br />

作 为 珊 瑚 礁 良 性 发 展 的 生 物 指 标 的 澳 大 利<br />

亚 大 堡 礁 北 部 岛 礁 底 部 的 礁 相 有 孔 虫 =<br />

Reef foraminifera as bioindicators of coral<br />

reef health: low isles reef, northern Great<br />

Barrier Reef, Australia. ( 英 文 ). Schueth J D;<br />

Frank T. Journal of Foraminiferal<br />

Research, 2008, 38(1): 11-22<br />

Declining water quality associated with<br />

changes in land use over the past century is<br />

considered a significant environmental threat<br />

to the health of coral platforms of the Great<br />

Barrier Reef, Australia, in particular for those<br />

situated in nearshore areas of the wet tropics.<br />

Of these reefs, perhaps the most well known is<br />

Low Isles Reef, which has been studied since<br />

1928. Decline in scleractinian coral cover and<br />

increased abundances of soft-bodied corals<br />

and macroalgae since the 1950’s have led<br />

researchers to speculate that the reef is being<br />

affected by increased nutrient and sediment<br />

fluxes from nearby rivers. The Foraminifera in<br />

Assessment and Monitoring (FORAM) Index<br />

(Hallock and others, 2003) is a numerical<br />

indicator of the suitability of water quality to<br />

support reef growth based on foraminiferal<br />

assemblages. To assess whether nutrification<br />

is an issue near Low Isles Reef, FORAM<br />

Index (FI) values were calculated from a suite<br />

of 50 samples collected from the reef top.<br />

Results were compared to FI values from<br />

Heron Reef, a mid-shelf platform in the<br />

southern Great Barrier Reef Province known<br />

for its lush scleractinian coral population. FI<br />

values from both reefs indicate that, overall,<br />

conditions favor coral growth. A Student’s t<br />

test indicates the FI values between the two<br />

reefs are similar. Principal components<br />

analysis shows that the FI values are not being<br />

constrained by water depth or depositional<br />

environment. Lower FI values, which indicate<br />

conditions unsuitable to marginal for coral<br />

growth, are restricted to particular locations on<br />

Low Isles Reef and can be explained in the<br />

context of local processes associated with the<br />

long-term geomorphological evolution of the<br />

reef. Results (1) do not support the notion that<br />

agricultural activities in nearby coastal<br />

catchments have adversely affected coral<br />

populations on Low Isles Reef and (2)<br />

demonstrate the applicability of the FI for<br />

regions outside of the western Atlantic and<br />

Caribbean, for which the index was originally<br />

created.<br />

2009020197<br />

巴 西 Bahia 南 部 珊 瑚 礁 中 伴 生 的 底 栖 有 孔<br />

虫 类 = Benthic foraminifera associated with<br />

the south Bahia coral reefs, Brazil. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Helisângela Acris Borges De Araújo; Altair<br />

De Jesus Machado. Journal of Foraminiferal<br />

Research, 2008, 38(1): 23-38 2 图 版 .<br />

The objective of this study was to assess<br />

foraminiferal faunas and their relationship to<br />

sediment texture and composition in the reef<br />

areas from the coastline to the 30-m isobath<br />

between the cities of Corumbau and Nova<br />

Viçosa in the extreme south of the State of<br />

Bahia. Cluster analysis of the species,<br />

identified from 38 samples of surface<br />

sediments, revealed a strong correlation with<br />

grain size. The principal relationships<br />

established between these species and the<br />

sediments were the following: (i)<br />

Amphistegina lessonii and Peneroplis<br />

carinatus were abundant in sandy carbonate<br />

sediments and (ii) Ammonia beccarii,<br />

Elphidium poeyanum, Pyrgo subsphaerica,<br />

Quinqueloculina disparilis curta and Q.<br />

lamarckiana were abundant in mixed sand and<br />

mud, whether carbonate or mixed carbonate<br />

and siliciclastic. The fluctuation in the<br />

richness index among samples indicated<br />

microenvironmental areas that were<br />

unfavorable for some foraminiferal species.<br />

Local hydrodynamic conditions result in<br />

environments with greater energy where finer<br />

sediments, together with many foraminiferal<br />

species, have been removed. In more<br />

protected areas, weaker hydrodynamic<br />

conditions permit the accumulation of fine<br />

sediments and organic matter, making the<br />

environment suitable for diverse forms of<br />

foraminifera. In general, faunal composition is<br />

typical of tropical carbonate platforms, where<br />

the reef structures provide a variety of<br />

microenvironments that account for the<br />

variations observed in the foraminiferal fauna.<br />

2009020198<br />

星 状 浮 游 有 孔 虫 属 Hastigerinoides BrÖ<br />

nnimann, 1952 的 系 统 学 厘 定 和 系 统 发 育 =<br />

Taxonomic re-evaluation and phylogeny of<br />

the stellate planktonic froaminifera genus<br />

Hastigerinoides BrÖ nnimann, 1952. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Georgescu M D; Huber B T. Journal of<br />

Foraminiferal Research, 2008, 38(1): 52-58 3<br />

图 版 .<br />

The Late Cretaceous (Coniacian-Santonian)<br />

planktonic foraminiferal genus<br />


Hastigerinoides is emended. A new species, H.<br />

atlanticus nov. sp., is proposed for the tests<br />

with one or rarely two last-formed chambers<br />

that are strongly radially elongate and distally<br />

tapering in the final whorl. Hastigerinoides<br />

consists of three phylogenetically related<br />

species: H. clavata (Brönnimann, 1952), H.<br />

atlanticus nov. sp., and H. alexanderi<br />

(Cushman, 1931). This genus evolved from<br />

Globigerinelloides escheri, a Coniacianmiddle<br />

Campanian, globular- to suglobularchambered<br />

species.<br />

2009020199<br />

土 耳 其 Taurides 中 部 晚 石 炭 世 和 早 二 叠 世<br />

的 蜓 类 的 生 物 地 层 学 、 动 物 群 组 成 和 对 比<br />

= Late Carboniferous and Early Permian<br />

fusulinoideans in the central Taurides, Turkey:<br />

biostratigraphy, faunal composition and<br />

comparison. ( 英 文 ). Kobayashi F; Altiner D.<br />

Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2008,<br />

38(1): 59-73 3 图 版 .<br />

The Upper Carboniferous and Lower<br />

Permian rock units in the Hadim area, central<br />

Taurides, Turkey, are biostratigraphically<br />

divided into eleven fusulinoidean zones in<br />

ascending order: the Protriticites variabilis,<br />

Montiparus umbonoplicatus and<br />

Schwageriniformis schwageriniformis Zones<br />

in the Kasimovian; the Jigulites aff. formosus,<br />

Daixina asiatica and Rugosofusulina sp. A<br />

Zones in the Gzhelian; the Paraschwagerina<br />

sp. and Dutkevichia complicata Zones in the<br />

Asselian; the Paraschwagerina pseudomira<br />

and Robustoschwagerina nucleolata Zones in<br />

the Sakmarian; and the Dunbarula sp. Zone<br />

of possible Artinskian age, according to the<br />

geochronologic calibration by fusulinoideans.<br />

Basal Kasimovian strata, Kasimovian-<br />

Gzhelian boundary strata and lower Asselian<br />

strata are missing, due to erosion and/or<br />

nondeposition, based on faunal analysis of 61<br />

species in 31 genera. Lithologies and fossils<br />

suggest that deposition of the studied rock<br />

units occurred under shallow, high energy,<br />

tropical coastal conditions, influenced by<br />

glacioeustatic sea level fluctuations. Early<br />

groups of schwagerinids dispersed rapidly, so<br />

that the Kasimovian faunas of the Taurides<br />

have both European and Central Asian<br />

affinities. Faunal similarity between the<br />

Hadim area and stratotype regions of the<br />

Moscow Basin and the Southern Urals<br />

declined gradually in Gzhelian time, declined<br />

more rapidly in the Asselian, and reached its<br />

low point in the Sakmarian. Many common<br />

species occur in the Hadim area and Central<br />

Asia (southern Fergana and southwest Darvas),<br />

the eastern Mediterranean Sea regions<br />

(Slovenia, Croatia, Chios Island, and other<br />

localities of Turkey), and the Carnic Alps,<br />

especially in the Sakmarian fauna containing<br />

Robustoschwagerina, Pseudoschwagerina,<br />

Paraschwagerina,<br />

Quasifusulina,<br />

Eoparafusulina and Darvasites.<br />

2009020200<br />

晚 古 生 代 冰 期 时 期 有 孔 虫 新 生 和 灭 绝 的 加<br />

速 = Accelerated rates of foraminiferal<br />

origination and extinction during the Late<br />

Paleozoic ice age. ( 英 文 ). Groves J R; Lee A.<br />

Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2008,<br />

38(1): 74-84<br />

Foraminifers experienced increased<br />

taxonomic diversity, increased rates of<br />

origination and extinction and shorter mean<br />

species durations during the Late Paleozoic<br />

ice age (LPIA) than during the immediately<br />

pre- and post-glacial intervals, a pattern<br />

opposite to that exhibited by brachiopods and<br />

other marine invertebrates. Much, but not all,<br />

of the increase in evolutionary rates can be<br />

attributed to the origin and rapid<br />

diversification of the fusulinoideans, a<br />

narrowly specialized group that was prone to<br />

high rates of extinction and speciation under<br />

the variable, cyclothemic conditions of the<br />

LPIA. Increased rates of evolution among<br />

non-fusulinoidean foraminifers during the<br />

LPIA also could be related in some way to<br />

glacioeustatically induced instability of neritic<br />

environments.<br />

2009020201<br />

特 立 尼 达 岛 caroni 湿 地 Mangal 地 区 的 有<br />

孔 虫 类 的 分 异 度 、 种 群 结 构 以 及 和 海 平 面<br />

的 关 系 = Foraminifera in the Mangal at the<br />

Caroni swamp, Trinidad: diversity, population<br />

structure and relation to sea level. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Wilson B; Miller K; Thomas A-L; Cooke N;<br />

Ramsingh R. Journal of Foraminiferal<br />

Research, 2008, 38(2): 127-136<br />

Foraminifera were collected from three<br />

transects across a microtidal creek in the<br />

Caroni Swamp, northwest Trinidad (10°35'N,<br />

61 ° 30'W). Two transects (C1A and C1B)<br />

were taken beside a skeleton jetty, the third<br />

(C2) from the opposite bank. The heights of<br />

the 75-ml samples ranged from 0.44 m above<br />

annual mean sea level (AMSL) to 0.99 m<br />

below. Only 72% of 39 samples yielded 50<br />

foraminifera, and further statistical analyses<br />

[diversity measurements, Q-mode cluster<br />


analysis, SHE Community Structure<br />

Identification (SHECSI)] were limited to these.<br />

The low abundance of foraminifera along<br />

Transect C2 might be due to erosion opposite<br />

the jetty. Cluster analysis revealed three zones.<br />

Zone I, above 0.22 m above annual mean sea<br />

level (AMSL), is co-dominated by<br />

Arenoparrella mexicana and Trochammina<br />

inflata. Species richness (S) here is 4 – 10<br />

species per sample, the information function<br />

(H’) is 0.88–1.54 and the equitability index<br />

(E) is 0.34–0.71. Zone II (~0.21 m above to<br />

~0.45 m below AMSL) is co-dominated by<br />

Ammotium salsum, Miliammina fusca and<br />

Trochammina advena. Species richness (S) in<br />

Zone II is 7–12, H’ is 1.32–1.95 and E is<br />

0.44–0.70. Zone III (below –0.49 m relative<br />

to AMSL) is dominated by Ammonia sp., with<br />

lesser amounts of T. advena. In this Zone, S =<br />

4–10, H’ = 0.36–1.03 and E = 0.20–0.40.<br />

Mean values of H’ and E are highest in Zone<br />

II. Within Zones I and II, S and H’ are both<br />

negatively correlated with altitude, showing<br />

promise as proxies for altitude within these<br />

zones. SHECSI indicated that the faunas in<br />

Zones I and III have logarithmic series<br />

population structures. However, the<br />

cumulative value of the lnE increased part<br />

way through Zone II, suggesting that this zone<br />

comprises several subzones not revealed by<br />

cluster analysis. The population in the five<br />

samples above the increase in the lnE had a<br />

logarithmic series population structure. SHE<br />

analysis reveals two further subzones below<br />

this, but the number of samples was too few<br />

for SHECSI.<br />

2009020202<br />

太 平 洋 Shatsky 山 丘 1209 站 位 一 些 古 近 纪<br />

浮 游 有 孔 虫 的 溶 解 系 数 = Dissolution<br />

susceptibility of some Paleogene planktonic<br />

foraminifera from ODP site 1209 (shatsky rise,<br />

pacific Ocean). ( 英 文 ). Petrizzo M R; Leoni G;<br />

Speijer R P; De Bernardi B; Felletti F. Journal<br />

of Foraminiferal Research, 2008, 38(4): 357-<br />

371<br />

A detailed, quantitative analysis of<br />

planktonic foraminiferal composition and shell<br />

fragmentation is presented for samples from<br />

Ocean Drilling Program Site 1209 (Leg 198,<br />

Shatsky Rise, Pacific Ocean) in a stratigraphic<br />

interval from the Paleocene/Eocene boundary,<br />

which is characterized by enhanced carbonate<br />

dissolution, to the base of the middle Eocene<br />

where no distinct dissolution layers are<br />

recorded. The aims are to evaluate whether the<br />

composition of the fossil Paleogene<br />

assemblage is representative of the original<br />

assemblage and to what extent it is influenced<br />

by carbonate dissolution. By comparing the<br />

absolute abundances of whole specimens and<br />

fragments of the three most common<br />

Paleogene genera (Morozovella, Acarinina<br />

and Subbotina), it is demonstrated that the<br />

percentage of foraminiferal fragments,<br />

identified to genus, is helpful in interpreting<br />

the paleoenvironment of fossil planktonic<br />

foraminiferal assemblages affected by marked<br />

carbonate dissolution. In addition, the absolute<br />

abundance of whole specimens and fragments<br />

of the three Paleogene genera collected at the<br />

Paleocene/Eocene boundary and in the Eocene<br />

reveal that, contrary to earlier suggestions, the<br />

spinose, asymbiotic, deep-dweller Subbotina<br />

is less resistant to dissolution than the<br />

muricate, symbiont-bearing, surface-dwellers<br />

Morozovella and Acarinina. Distinguishing<br />

between primary and taphonomic signals in<br />

Paleogene planktonic foraminiferal<br />

assemblages will be an important challenge to<br />

overcome in order to better constrain<br />

paleoecologic and paleoclimatic signals of<br />

global significance.<br />

2009020203<br />

亚 美 尼 亚 小 高 加 索 Vedi 蛇 绿 岩 系 沉 积 盖 层<br />

中 中 侏 罗 世 巴 柔 期 放 射 虫 的 发 现 =<br />

Discovery of Middle Jurassic (Bajocian)<br />

Radiolaria from the sedimentary cover of the<br />

Vedi ophiolite (Lesser Caucasus, Armenia.<br />

( 英 文 ). Danelian T; Asatryan G; Sosson M;<br />

Person A; Sahakyan L; Galoyan G. Comptes<br />

Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(6): 327-334<br />

The Vedi ophiolite, situated southeast of<br />

Yerevan (Armenia), represents part of the<br />

Neotethyan oceanic lithosphere preserved in<br />

the Lesser Caucasus. This ophiolite unit<br />

constitutes a large tectonic klippe, a result of<br />

obduction during the Upper Cretaceous<br />

(Coniacian – Santonian). Relatively wellpreserved<br />

Radiolaria extracted from<br />

radiolarites overlying ophiolitic lavas along<br />

the Vedi River consist of Middle Jurassic<br />

(Bajocian, U.A.Z. 3–4) species, typical of the<br />

Tethyan tropical bioprovince. Assemblages<br />

are dominated by Nassellaria and<br />

characterised by the presence of species<br />

Cyrtocapsa mastoidea, Hexasaturnalis<br />

hexagonus, Laxtorum () hichioense,<br />

Stichocapsa japonica and Striatojaponocapsa<br />

plicarum s.l. This microfauna provides<br />

evidence for the oldest age available so far for<br />

the sedimentary cover of the Vedi ophiolite.<br />


2009020204<br />

俄 罗 斯 库 页 岛 Naiba 参 考 剖 面 赛 诺 曼 阶 - 康<br />

尼 亚 卡 阶 下 部 放 射 虫 组 合 = Cenomanianlower<br />

Coniacian radiolarian assemblages from<br />

the Naiba reference section (Sakhalin). ( 英 文 ).<br />

Bragina L G. Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2008, 16(5): 503-514<br />

Reexamination of radiolarians from the<br />

Naiba and Bykovo formations of the Naiba<br />

reference section (West Sakhalin Mountains)<br />

is carried out. Distinguished in the section are<br />

the Cromyomma () nodosa-Amphipyndax sp.<br />

A (terminal early Cenomanian), Cuboctostylus<br />

kasinzovae-C. sakhalinensis (Middle<br />

Cenomanian), Cuboctostylus trifurcatus-<br />

Cassideus yoloensis (terminal middle-late<br />

Cenomanian), and Spongodiscus<br />

concentricus-Multastrum robustum (late<br />

Turonian to early Coniacian probably)<br />

assemblages. According to results of<br />

comparative analysis for North Pacific regions,<br />

concurrent radiolarian assemblages from the<br />

Naiba section and California contain up to<br />

40% of species in common, whereas<br />

taxonomic similarity with assemblages from<br />

Japan is insignifican in contrast.<br />

2009020205<br />

俄 罗 斯 达 尔 瓦 兹 下 二 叠 统 Bolorian 阶 标 准<br />

剖 面 的 小 型 有 孔 虫 = Smaller foraminifers<br />

from type sections of the Bolorian stage, the<br />

Lower Permian of Darvaz. ( 英 文 ). Filimonova<br />

T V. Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2008, 16(6): 599-617<br />

Smaller foraminifers from Upper<br />

Yakhtashian and Bolorian deposits of the<br />

stratotype area (Pamir, Darvaz, Tajikistan) are<br />

investigated. Four assemblages are defined.<br />

The first assemblage is from<br />

Chalaroschwagerina vulgaris-Pamirina<br />

darvasica Zone. The second assemblage<br />

found in the transitional Yakhtashian-Bolorian<br />

beds includes Globivalvulina,<br />

Palaeotextulariidae, Hemigordiidae, and<br />

Glomospira, associated with the first<br />

Pachyphloia and Langella forms.<br />

Characteristic taxa of third assemblage from<br />

the Misellina (Brevaxina) dyhrenfurthi Zone<br />

are Geinitzinidae, Globivalvulina,<br />

Palaeotextulariidae, Glomospira, and rare<br />

Pachyphloia. The forth assemblage of<br />

Hemigordiidae,<br />

Pachyphloia,<br />

Palaeotextulariidae, Geinitzinidae,<br />

Pseudoagathammina is identified in the M.<br />

(Misellina) parvicostata Zone. The<br />

assemblages were compared with concurrent<br />

analogs from China, Japan, and Russia. New<br />

species and subspecies Glomospira<br />

paleograndis sp. nov., G. darvasica sp. nov.,<br />

Agathammina darvasica sp. nov., Pachyphloia<br />

darvasica sp. nov., Nodosinelloides cubanicus<br />

elongatus subsp. nov., and Hemigordius<br />

saranensis darvasicus subsp. nov. are<br />

described<br />

2009020206<br />

俄 罗 斯 色 丹 岛 Malokuril’skaya 组 坎 潘 期 -<br />

马 斯 特 里 赫 特 期 放 射 虫 = Campanian-<br />

Maastrichtian radiolarians from the<br />

Malokuril ’ skaya Formation, the Shikotan<br />

Island. ( 英 文 ). Palechek T N; Terekhov E P;<br />

Mozherovskii A V. Stratigraphy and<br />

Geological Correlation, 2008, 16(6): 650-663<br />

The results of radiolarian analysis confirm<br />

the Campanian-Maastrichtian age of the<br />

Malokuril’skaya Formation in the Shikotan<br />

Island. The Campanian-Maastrichtian age of<br />

the formation is implied simultaneously by<br />

radiolarians and inoceramids. The studied<br />

Campanian and Campanian-Maastrichtian<br />

radiolarian assemblages include abundant<br />

specimens representing genus Prunobrachium,<br />

characteristic of which was bipolar<br />

distribution in cold-water to temperate basins.<br />

The new occurrence site of prunobrachids is<br />

established at the latitude of 43°N, the Far<br />

East of Russia<br />

2009020207<br />

挪 威 斯 匹 次 卑 尔 根 中 奥 陶 世 Proventocitum<br />

procerulum 放 射 虫 组 合 及 其 生 物 地 层 对 比<br />

= The Middle Ordovician Proventocitum<br />

procerulum radiolarian assemblage of<br />

Spitsbergen and its biostratigraphic correlation.<br />

( 英 文 ). Maletz J; Bruton D L.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(5): 1181-1200<br />

The Proventocitum procerulum radiolarian<br />

assemblage from the Valhallfonna Formation<br />

of Spitsbergen is described for the first time in<br />

some detail from material investigated in<br />

transmitted light. A number of species are<br />

recognized in the well-preserved material,<br />

showing unexpected diversity. The age of the<br />

fauna is restricted to the early Darriwilian<br />

(Da1-2), based on comparison with precisely<br />

dated radiolarian assemblages from the Cow<br />

Head and Table Head Groups of western<br />

Newfoundland. Most species, however, are<br />

left in open nomenclature until additional<br />

material is available for SEM investigation.<br />

Inanigutta magnifica n. sp. is described as new.<br />


2009020208<br />

安 第 斯 火 地 岛 早 渐 新 世 有 孔 虫 : 大 地 构 造<br />

和 古 环 境 意 义 = Early Oligocene<br />

Foraminifera from the Fuegian Andes: Their<br />

tectonic and paleoenvironmental meaning. ( 其<br />

他 ). Scarpa R; Malumian N.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2): 361-376<br />

Two early Oligocene assemblages of<br />

calcareous foraminifera from the Estancia<br />

Maria Cristina Beds, critical in the chronology<br />

and paleoecological events of the Fuegian<br />

Andes, are described. These assemblages<br />

indicate the environmental setting and the<br />

early Oligocene age of the beginning of the<br />

deepest foredeep in the Upper Cretaceous-<br />

Miocene of the Fuegian Andes and mark out<br />

the age of the Fuegian fold-thrust belt. These<br />

Beds were deposited mostly below the<br />

compensation calcite depth and bear mainly<br />

agglutinated foraminifera that testify the<br />

incursion of corrosive Antarctic waters. From<br />

restricted levels that have escaped to<br />

dissolution inland and near to the Farm, one of<br />

the assemblage was recovered, it is composed<br />

of abundant planktonic foraminifera typical of<br />

high latitude dominated by Subbotina<br />

angiporoides and Catapsydrax dissimilis,<br />

which together with "Chiloguembelina"<br />

cubensis and the nannofossil Isthmolithus<br />

recurvus, indicate an age between 30 and 34<br />

Ma (lower part: of the Zone of Subbotina<br />

angiporoides, or Antarctic Zone AP13); the<br />

co-occurring benthic foraminifera are<br />

dominated by Uvigerina subproboscidea.<br />

Another calcareous assemblage was recovered<br />

from an horizon of a section on the Atlantic<br />

coast, near Cerro Colorado; which is<br />

composed of a similar planktonic assemblage<br />

and an outer shelf benthic calcareous<br />

association strongly dominated by<br />

Globocassidulina Pseudocrassa and with<br />

abundant U. subproboscidea and Stilostomella<br />

spp. It is remarkable that at least in the midhigh<br />

latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere,<br />

"Chiloguembelina" cubensis and<br />

Chiloguembelina ototara are morphologically<br />

and chronologically differentiable species, the<br />

former one restricted to the Oligocene and the<br />

latter one mostly to the upper Eocene.<br />

2009020209<br />

海 洋 浮 游 生 物 的 扩 散 和 生 物 地 理 : 有 孔 虫<br />

Truncorotalia truncatulinoides 的 长 距 离 扩<br />

散 = Dispersal and biogeography of marine<br />

plankton: Long-distance dispersal of the<br />

foraminifer Truncorotalia truncatulinoides.<br />

( 英 文 ). Sexton P F; Norris R D.<br />

Geology, 2008, 36(11): 899-902<br />

Speciation models for marine plankton<br />

commonly assume that tectonic barriers and<br />

water mass fronts act as potent isolating<br />

mechanisms. Here we present evidence<br />

indicating that tectonic and water mass<br />

barriers to dispersal are, in some cases, very<br />

weak. We identify a transient occurrence (19<br />

k.y. duration) of the planktic foraminifer<br />

Truncorotalia truncatulinoides in the Atlantic<br />

Ocean 500 k.y. before its generally accepted<br />

first appearance anywhere outside the<br />

southwest Pacific. This finding provides<br />

strong evidence for long-distance dispersal of<br />

plankton, enabling them to opportunistically<br />

colonize normally inhospitable environments<br />

as soon as they become favorable. Our newly<br />

described appearances of T. truncatulinoides<br />

in the Atlantic are restricted to the onset of the<br />

first very severe glacial stage (marine isotope<br />

stage 100) at 2.54 Ma, ~200 k.y. after the<br />

global evolution of the species in the<br />

southwest Pacific. This ability of plankton to<br />

disperse long distances, combined with recent<br />

evidence for high gene flow throughout the<br />

extra-polar oceans, suggests that it may be<br />

very difficult, even impossible, to<br />

geographically isolate pelagic populations for<br />

extended periods of time, a key component in<br />

vicariant and allopatric speciation models.<br />

Instead, high dispersal capability favors<br />

sympatric or parapatric processes as the<br />

prevalent modes of marine speciation<br />

2009020210<br />

印 度 卡 奇 Jumara 山 中 晚 侏 罗 世 有 孔 虫 的<br />

亲 缘 关 系 和 古 生 物 地 理 意 义 = Affinities and<br />

palaeobiogeographic implications of Middle<br />

to Late Jurassic foraminifera from Jumara Hill,<br />

Kutch, India. ( 英 文 ). Talib A; Gaur K N.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2008, 247(3): 313-323<br />

The assemblage has been correlated with<br />

the Jurassic foraminiferal assemblages from<br />

different localities of the Kutch region and<br />

other areas of the country as well as from<br />

certain neighbouring regions of the world. The<br />

comparative study suggests that the Jumara<br />

and other Jurassic foraminiferal assemblages<br />

of western India exhibit a distinct Tethyan<br />

affinity and , along with the foraminiferal<br />

assemblages of Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt,<br />

Somalia and Malagasy, was occupying the<br />

Indo-East African Province of the Tethyan<br />

Realm during Middle to Upper Jurassic time.<br />

The present sudy indicates that during Middle<br />


and Late Jurassic times, the Kutch region<br />

probably had a sea connection with Rajasthan,<br />

Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt, Somalia and<br />

Malagasy when these regions were covered by<br />

a southwestern arm of the Tethys, the Indo-<br />

East African Gulf.<br />

2009020211<br />

巴 布 高 原 全 新 世 底 栖 有 孔 虫 的 两 个 新 种 =<br />

Two new species of benthic foraminifera from<br />

the Holocene of the Papuan Plateau. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Clark F E. Alcheringa, 1993, 17(4): 377 - 382<br />

Two new species of benthic foraminifera<br />

have been identified from Holocene sediments<br />

of the Papuan Plateau. Spirorutilus collinsi sp.<br />

nov. (suborder Textulariina) has a rapidly<br />

tapering, agglutinated test with depressed<br />

sutures, flattened upper chamber surfaces, and<br />

a low, broad-arched aperture. The second<br />

species, Cibicorbis aspera sp. nov. (suborder<br />

Rotaliina), differs from others of the genus in<br />

having rugae on both sides of the test, as well<br />

as rugose to serrate dorsal sutures<br />

2009020212<br />

奥 地 利 卡 尔 阿 尔 卑 斯 北 部 上 白 垩 统 一 底 栖<br />

有 孔 虫 "Nummoloculina" regularis 的 重 新<br />

评 定 = Reassessment of "Nummoloculina"<br />

regularis Philippson, 1887, a benthic<br />

foraminifer from the Upper Cretaceous of the<br />

Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Schlagintweit F. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie<br />

u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2008,<br />

248(1): 115-122<br />

"Nummoloculina" regularis has frequently<br />

been reported from many Cenomanian strata<br />

in the peri-Mediterranean realm and is<br />

commonly used as a biostratigraphic marker<br />

species. However, the species described by<br />

Philippson does not belong to the genus<br />

Nummoloculina Steinmann, 1881, and<br />

Cenomanian shollow water limestones with<br />

nummoloculinids do not exist in the Northern<br />

Calcareous Alps. Instead, the specimens<br />

illustrated and described by Phillippson<br />

exhibit features that place it in a possible<br />

relationship to Vidalina hispanica<br />

Schlumberger, 1899, a common benthic<br />

foraminifer in the Lower Gosau Subgroup.<br />

2009020213<br />

因 泥 罗 河 硅 质 碎 屑 沉 降 而 形 成 的 地 中 海 内<br />

陆 棚 东 南 边 沿 底 栖 有 孔 虫 群 落 的 变 化 =<br />

Benthic foraminifera assemblage change<br />

along the southeastern Mediterranean inner<br />

shelf due to fall-off of Nile-derived<br />

siliciclastics. ( 英 文 ). Hyams-Kaphzan O;<br />

Almogi-Labin A; Sivan D; Benjamini C.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(3): 315-344<br />

We here report on how this sedimentary<br />

transition, across a variety of rocky, sandy and<br />

silty-clayey substrates, affects th abundant,<br />

diverse benthic foraminifera that are highly<br />

sensitive to changing environmental<br />

parameters. Because of patchy distribution<br />

and seasonality, comparison of these<br />

substrates in the long-term is best done by<br />

time-averaged, dead assemblages of<br />

foraminifera. We studied the dead benthic<br />

foraminifera from 7 east-west oriented<br />

transects extending from 3 to 30 m water<br />

depth, supplemented by 8 box corer samples<br />

taken along a north-south trasect at 40m depth.<br />

There were 350 benthic forminifera species<br />

present. The abundance, diversity and<br />

composition of the assemblages change<br />

significantly, correlating with substrate, depth,<br />

and geographical position relative to the Nile<br />

littoral cell.<br />

2009020214<br />

土 耳 其 西 南 部 西 Taurides 渐 新 世 - 中 新 世<br />

有 孔 虫 记 录 ( 中 垩 虫 科 、 鳞 环 虫 科 、 货 币<br />

虫 科 ): 生 物 统 计 和 区 域 地 质 意 义 = Oligo-<br />

Miocene foraminiferal record (Miogypsinidae,<br />

Lepidocyclinidae and Nummulitidae) from the<br />

Western Taurides (SW Turkey): Biometry and<br />

implications for the regional geology. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Özcan E; Less G; Báldi-Beke M; Kollányi K;<br />

Acar F. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2009,<br />

35(6): 740-760<br />

The marine Oligo-Miocene units of western<br />

Taurides, deposited under different tectonic<br />

regimes (in Bey Dağları platform in foreland<br />

and coeval sequences in hinterland), were<br />

studied to establish a high-resolution<br />

biostratigraphic framework. Biometric study<br />

of the full spectrum of larger foraminifera in a<br />

regional scale allowed us correlating them<br />

with the shallow benthic zonation (SBZ)<br />

system introduced by [Cahuzac, B., Poignant,<br />

A., 1997. Essai de biozonation de l’Oligo-<br />

Miocène dans les bassins européens à l’aide<br />

des grands foraminifères néritiques. Bulletin<br />

de la Soci é t é gé ologique de France 168,<br />

155–169], and to determine the ages of these<br />

sites on zonal precision for the first time. In<br />

correlating these assemblages to standard<br />

shallow benthic zones, planktonic data were<br />

also used whenever possible. Taxa, classified<br />

under the genera Nummulites, Miogypsina,<br />


Miolepidocyclina, Nephrolepidina, Eulepidina,<br />

Heterostegina, Operculina and Cycloclypeus<br />

() and their assemblages, closely resemble to<br />

the fauna described from European basins.<br />

These groups characterize the SBZ 22B to 25<br />

zones referring to a time interval from early<br />

Chattian to Burdigalian. However, a main gap<br />

in late Chattian (SBZ 23) and in early part of<br />

the Aquitanian (SBZ 24) is also recorded in<br />

the platform succession. In the meantime, rare<br />

Eulepidina in the Burdigalian levels suggest a<br />

clear Indo-Pacific influence. Based on the<br />

discovery of early Chattian (SBZ 22B)<br />

deposits (previously mapped under<br />

Eocene/Miocene units), the Oligo-Miocene<br />

stratigraphy of the Bey Dağları platform is<br />

also revised. A more precise chronology for<br />

regional Miocene transgression is presented<br />

based on the miogypsinid evolutionary scale.<br />

2009020215<br />

依 据 浮 游 有 孔 虫 推 断 的 末 次 冰 期 以 来 南 中<br />

国 海 南 部 海 表 面 环 境 = Sea surface<br />

environment inferred from planktonic<br />

foraminifera in the southern South China Sea<br />

since the last glacial period. ( 英 文 ). Li Bao-<br />

Hua; Wang Xiao-Yan; Jian Zhi-Min; Pin-Xian<br />

Wang. Palaeoworld, 2009, 18(1): 23-33<br />

Detailed analyses of planktonic<br />

foraminifera at Site 17964 from the southern<br />

South China Sea (SCS) disclose that warmwater<br />

species have a higher percentage during<br />

the Holocene, while temperate-water species<br />

have a higher content for the last glacial<br />

period. Therefore, the sea surface temperature<br />

(SST) is a main factor that affects the<br />

foraminiferal assemblage at this site. A<br />

remarkable faunal variation at Site 17964 is<br />

recognized for Pulleniatina obliquiloculata<br />

over the last glacial – interglacial periods:<br />

higher P. obliquiloculata content during the<br />

glacial period and abrupt drop at the beginning<br />

of Termination I (16.5 – 15 kyr B.P.). The<br />

characteristic P. obliquiloculata variation can<br />

be correlated with other sites in the southern<br />

SCS and thus can be adopted as a stratigraphic<br />

tool in the region. A detailed analysis of<br />

Orbulina universa shell morphometrics at Site<br />

17964 shows the test size from 0.83 to<br />

1.45 mm and the shell porosity up to 36.7%,<br />

much larger than those in the Indian and<br />

Atlantic Oceans, which indicates a warmer<br />

and less saline surface water in the<br />

equatorial – tropical western Pacific. The<br />

diameter and shell porosity of O. universa<br />

increased from the last glacial to the Holocene,<br />

corresponding to the increase of SST recorded<br />

by the U k 37 alkenone index. A higher<br />

correlation coefficient (89%) between the O.<br />

universa test size and SST implies that<br />

intraspecific O. universa test size be used as<br />

an index of the sea surface temperature in the<br />

South China Sea.<br />

2009020216<br />

华 南 早 和 中 二 叠 世 蜓 类 动 物 群 不 同 亚 科 之<br />

间 的 分 异 过 程 的 差 异 = Differences between<br />

subfamilies in diversification process of the<br />

Early and Middle Permian fusulinid fauna in<br />

South China. ( 英 文 ). Shi Yu-Kun; Yang<br />

Xiang-Ning; Huang Hao. Palaeoworld, 2009,<br />

18(1): 34-40<br />

Based on the fusulinid occurrence records<br />

from a computerized database of stratigraphic<br />

distribution, statistic comparisons have been<br />

conducted to disclose the differences among<br />

six subfamilies (constituting the major part of<br />

the fusulinid fauna) in generic and specific<br />

diversities, rates of speciation and extinction,<br />

and changes in the rates and others during the<br />

diversification process of the fusulinid fauna<br />

in Early and Middle Permian in South China.<br />

Our results reveal that: (1) significant<br />

differences exist in the diversification pattern<br />

of different taxa and (2) the rates of speciation<br />

and extinction in Schwagerininae are<br />

statistically higher than those in the others.<br />

Furthermore, the high rate of speciation in<br />

Schwagerininae contributed to the higher rate<br />

of diversification of the fusulinid fauna in<br />

Early Permian, whereas the lower rate of<br />

diversification in the Middle Permian has<br />

resulted from the ubiquitous low rates of<br />

speciation in all major taxa in the fauna, such<br />

as Schwagerininae, Neoschwagerininae,<br />

Verbeekininae, Sumatrininae, and<br />

Misellininae.<br />

2009020217<br />

帕 米 尔 东 南 部 上 三 叠 统 有 孔 虫 Kaeveria<br />

fluegeli 种 = Kaeveria fluegeli (Zaninetti,<br />

Altiner, Dager et Ducret, 1982) (Foraminifera)<br />

from Upper Triassic of the South-East Pamirs.<br />

( 英 文 ). Korchagin O A. Stratigraphy and<br />

Geological Correlation, 2009, 17(1): 62-67<br />

Foraminifers representing species Kaeveria<br />

fluegeli have been found in the Zorkaradjilga<br />

Formation (Sagenites quinquepunctatus Zone)<br />

of the upper Norian (or lower Rhaetian) in the<br />

central structural-facies zone of the South-East<br />

Pamirs. Their occurrence here is an additional<br />

criterion substantiating age and correlation of<br />

host deposits and an evidence in favor of<br />


fauna migration from the southern Tethys<br />

during the respective time span not only in<br />

northwestern areas of that ocean (Northern<br />

Calcareous Alps), but also in its central part<br />

(the South-East Pamirs).<br />

2009020218<br />

伊 朗 中 部 亚 兹 德 省 哈 尔 宛 山 二 叠 纪 沉 积 剖<br />

面 和 蜓 类 化 石 = Section of Permian deposits<br />

and fusulinids in the Halvan Mountains, Yazd<br />

province, Central Iran. ( 英 文 ). Leven E Y;<br />

Gorgij M N. Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2009, 17(2): 155-172<br />

The Permian section situated northwest of<br />

Tabas in the Halvan Mountains is studied and<br />

fusulinids occurring in the section are<br />

described. The Chili, Sartakht, and Hermez<br />

formations distinguished in the section are<br />

separated by horizons of bauxitic laterite and<br />

belong to the Khan Group formerly ranked as<br />

a synonymous formation. Fusulinids occur at<br />

two levels in the section. The lower one<br />

confined to the Chili Formation yields the socalled<br />

Kalaktash fusulinid assemblage of the<br />

late Sakmarian age. The second late Asselian<br />

assemblage has been discovered in pebbles<br />

from conglomerate-breccia in the basal laterite<br />

of the Sartakht Formation. A brief<br />

characterization of fusulinids is presented and<br />

three new species are described. The new<br />

Benshiella genus is discriminated from the<br />

Rugosofusulinidae family. As Skinner and<br />

Wilde (1965, 1966) changed the original<br />

diagnosis of the Pseudofusulina genus, we<br />

suggest, regarding all species, which have<br />

been attributed to this genus but do not satisfy<br />

the new diagnosis, as representing the new<br />

Nonpseudofusulina<br />

2009020219<br />

高 纬 度 古 生 物 生 态 域 白 垩 纪 放 射 虫 的 种 多<br />

样 性 的 演 化 = Evolution of species diversity<br />

of Cretaceous radiolarians from high-latitude<br />

paleobiochores. ( 英 文 ). Vishnevskaya V S.<br />

Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2009, 17(2): 218-229<br />

Cretaceous radiolarians of the Boreal<br />

regions are considered. Their minimal<br />

diversity and low abundance are recorded in<br />

stratigraphic intervals corresponding to anoxic<br />

events. Paleogeographic and ecostratigraphic<br />

distribution trends of Cretaceous radiolarians<br />

are established for families Heliodiscidae,<br />

Prunobrachidae, Pseudoaulophacidae and<br />

some others. The most significant turnovers in<br />

evolution of radiolarians are confined to the<br />

latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous, Albian-<br />

Cenomanian, Cenomanian-Turonian, terminal<br />

Santonian-earliest Campanian transitions and<br />

to the terminal Late Cretaceous.<br />

2009020220<br />

南 美 洲 ( 厄 瓜 多 尔 和 玻 利 维 亚 ) 晚 古 生 代<br />

小 有 孔 虫 类 内 卷 虫 = Late Paleozoic small<br />

foraminifers (endothyrids) from South<br />

America (Ecuador and Bolivia). ( 英 文 ).<br />

Mamet B L. Canadian Journal of Earth<br />

Sciences, 1996, 33(3): 452–459<br />

In the Pangea, small foraminifers<br />

(endothyrids) are useful tools for studying the<br />

stratigraphy of the late Paleozoic. However,<br />

they have been largely ignored in South<br />

America. This article reports for the first time<br />

their widespread occurrence in the<br />

subcontinent and illustrates representatives of<br />

21 families encountered from the Early<br />

Pennsylvanian (Bashkirian) to the Early<br />

Permian (Artinskian). Fifty-five foraminiferal<br />

genera are recognized in three basins of<br />

Ecuador–Bolivia and enable us to establish a<br />

crude zonation. The fauna is nonendemic, all<br />

genera being previously known from Eurasia<br />

and North America. There are also a number<br />

of taxa derived from the Arctic Realm<br />

(Sverdrup Basin and Arctic Alaska). In<br />

association with the microflora of green and<br />

red algae, the microfauna suggests temperate<br />

warm conditions. This indicates that since the<br />

Middle Carboniferous, warm climatic<br />

oscillations affected the South American part<br />

of Gondwana.<br />

古 杯 、 多 孔 及 腔 肠 动 物<br />

2009020221<br />

阿 拉 斯 加 东 南 部 威 尔 士 亲 王 岛 Heceta 灰 岩<br />

中 志 留 纪 海 绵 和 伴 生 的 化 石 = Silurian<br />

sponges and some associated fossils from the<br />

Heceta limestone, prince of Wales Island,<br />

southeastern Alaska. ( 英 文 ). Rigby J K; Rohr<br />

D M; Blodgett R B; Britt B B. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(1): 91-101 5 图 版 .<br />

A small faunule of hypercalcified agelasiid<br />

demosponges has been recovered from<br />

outcrops of the Silurian Heceta Formation on<br />

Prince of Wales Island in southeastern Alaska.<br />

Included are abundant Girtyocoeliana<br />

epiporata (Rigby and Potter, 1986), of the<br />

Girtyocoeliidae Finks and Rigby, 2004;<br />

fragments of Alaskaspongiella laminosa n.<br />

gen. and sp., Polyplacospongia nodosa n. gen.<br />

and sp., and Monolaminospongia gigantia n.<br />

gen. and sp., of the Auriculospongiidae<br />

Termier and Termier, 1977, and Cladospongia<br />


alaskensis n. gen. and sp., Virgulaspongia<br />

uniforma n. gen. and sp., and Stipespongia<br />

laminata n. gen. and sp. of the<br />

Preperonidellidae Finks and Rigby, 2004.<br />

Also included are a few fossils of uncertain<br />

taxonomic placement, including Turbospongia<br />

biperforata n. gen. and sp., along with a small,<br />

chambered, tubular fragment and several<br />

porous tubular stems that may be additional<br />

poriferans. Some isolated octactine-based<br />

heteractinid spicules were also recovered from<br />

the etched residues.<br />

2009020222<br />

英 国 始 新 世 的 新 种 和 化 石 记 录 支 持 珊 瑚<br />

Acropora 属 的 早 期 分 化 = New species and<br />

records from the Eocene of England and<br />

France Support Early diversification of the<br />

Coral genus Acropora. ( 英 文 ). Wallace C C.<br />

Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 313-<br />

328 11 图 版 .<br />

Five new species of the highly successful<br />

reef-building coral genus Acropora are<br />

described from Eocene locations in England<br />

and France (Acropora britannica, A. alvarezi,<br />

A. wilsonae, A. bartonensis, and A. proteacea)<br />

and additional records are given for six fossil<br />

species (A. deformis, A. anglica, A. solanderi,<br />

A. roemeri, A. lavandulina, and A. ornata),<br />

based on re-examination of material in the<br />

collections of the Natural History Museum,<br />

London. Specimens came from the Lutetian<br />

(49.0 to 41.3 Ma) of France, Bartonian (41.4<br />

to 37.0 Ma) of England and France and<br />

Priabonian (36.0 – 34.2 Ma) of England.<br />

Included are the earliest record of a species<br />

with tabular or plate-like colonies similar to<br />

those in the modern "hyacinthus" species<br />

group (A. proteacea n. sp.) and the earliest<br />

records of simple hispidose forms (A.<br />

bartonensis n. sp. and A. roemeri), similar to<br />

those in the modern "florida" species group.<br />

The Priabonian material from southern<br />

England (A. brittanica n. sp. and A. anglica)<br />

shows the earliest occurrence of two sturdy<br />

species groups, the "humilis II" and "robusta"<br />

groups respectively, which now occur together<br />

on reef fronts throughout the modern Indo-<br />

Pacific. The new descriptions and records<br />

contribute to evidence that the genus<br />

diversified rapidly after its appearance in the<br />

fossil record. This diversification may have<br />

contributed to the rapid speciation and<br />

dispersal, observed in this genus during the<br />

Neogene, culminating in its extraordinary<br />

dominance of modern Indo-Pacific reefs.<br />

2009020223<br />

阿 拉 斯 加 东 南 Gravina 岛 和 Keku 海 峡 亚<br />

里 山 大 地 块 中 上 三 叠 统 硅 化 的 钙 化 海 绵 的<br />

首 次 发 现 = The first Upper Triassic Silicified<br />

Hypercalcified sponges from the Alexander<br />

Terrane, Gravina Island and Keku Strait,<br />

Southeast Alaska. ( 英 文 ). Senowbari-Daryan<br />

B; Caruthers A H; Stanley Jr. G D. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 344-350 2 图 版 .<br />

This paper describes the first silicified<br />

Upper Triassic (Early Norian) hypercalcified<br />

sponges known from the Alexander terrane,<br />

southeast Alaska. Sponges consist of five taxa<br />

from the Cornwallis Limestone of Keku Strait,<br />

southeast Alaska: Amblysiphonella Steinmann,<br />

Parauvanella Senowbari-Daryan and Di<br />

Stefano, Nevadathalamia cylindrica<br />

(Seilacher), N. minima n. sp., and<br />

Stellispongia (S. cf. subsphaerica Dieci,<br />

Antonacci, and Zardini). The hypercalcified<br />

sponges of the Alexander terrane as described<br />

in this paper provide paleogeographic linkage<br />

with other far-flung terranes of western North<br />

America, namely the Western Great Basin of<br />

Nevada, Stikinia of the Yukon, as well as the<br />

Antimonio terrane of northwestern Mexico. In<br />

addition, Parauvanella cf. ferdowensis is<br />

known from the Upper Triassic Nayband<br />

Formation, Iran. Finally Stellispongia cf.<br />

subsphaerica is known from the Upper<br />

Carnian Cassian Formation of the Dolomite<br />

Alps. Sponges (particularly hypercalcified<br />

inozoans, sphinctozoans, chaetetids, and<br />

sponge-like organisms) are known worldwide<br />

from many Upper Triassic reef and nonreef<br />

sites. Although Upper Triassic deposits within<br />

the Cordilleran terranes and cratonal North<br />

America do not typically contain reeflike<br />

buildups, hypercalcifying sponge-like<br />

organisms were noted as occurring as part of<br />

the intricate paleoecological structure within a<br />

biostrome along the western shoreline of<br />

Gravina Island, southeast Alaska (southern<br />

Alexander terrane). This is in contrast to Keku<br />

Strait, southeast Alaska (central Alexander<br />

terrane), where hypercalcified sponges were<br />

identified from limestone beds within nonreef<br />

deposits.<br />

2009020224<br />

奥 陶 纪 床 板 珊 瑚 Lichenaria 属 中 珊 瑚 石 的<br />

增 加 和 壁 孔 = Corallite increase and Mural<br />

Pores in Lichenaria (Tabulata, Ordovician).<br />

( 英 文 ). Elias R J; Lee D-J; Woo S-K. Journal<br />

of Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 377-390 12 图<br />

版 .<br />


Lichenaria may be a representative of the<br />

most primitive stock of tabulate corals. The<br />

degree of paleobiologic complexity<br />

discovered in L. globularis and L. grandis is<br />

therefore surprising. Six types of corallite<br />

increase are recognized. All are lateral, which<br />

is the predominant mode in tabulates. Most<br />

types, however, are unique or are comparable<br />

to those in few other Ordovician taxa. Only<br />

Type 1 (L. globularis), yielding a single offset<br />

with a simple basal mural pore, is typical of<br />

tabulates. In Type 2 (L. globularis), one parent<br />

produces two offsets simultaneously, whereas<br />

in Type 3 (L. globularis), two offsets arise<br />

from separate parents at nearly the same time<br />

and join via a connective mural pore. Types 4<br />

(L. globularis, L. grandis), 5 (L. grandis), and<br />

6 (L. globularis, L. grandis), respectively,<br />

involve one, two, and two to four corallites in<br />

addition to the parent, which join via a<br />

connective mural pore at the site of offsetting.<br />

Several features of L. globularis and L.<br />

grandis point to unexpectedly high levels of<br />

colony integration. Continuously fused<br />

common walls lacking back-to-back epithecae<br />

suggest soft tissue continuity among polyps<br />

above the corallum. Connective mural pores<br />

indicate temporary fusion of polyps.<br />

Coordinated behavior of polyps is suggested<br />

by the development of conjoined offsets from<br />

two parents during Type 3 increase, and by<br />

fusion during Types 4 to 6 increase. Attempts<br />

at certain types of increase sometimes failed to<br />

yield offsets, suggesting expendability of<br />

incipient buds, perhaps reflecting subjugation<br />

of individuals for the good of the colony. In<br />

light of this study, genera that have previously<br />

been included in Lichenariidae and<br />

Lichenariida require reassessment and their<br />

phylogenetic relationships should be<br />

reconsidered. Unfortunately, this is hindered<br />

because fundamental characters such as<br />

corallite increase and wall structure remain<br />

inadequately known in most early tabulates.<br />

2009020225<br />

阿 拉 斯 加 和 哥 伦 比 亚 兰 格 尔 和 亚 里 山 大 地<br />

块 上 三 叠 统 硅 化 的 Scleractinian 类 珊 瑚 的<br />

系 统 分 析 = Systematic analysis of Upper<br />

Triassic silicified Scleractinian Corals from<br />

Wrangellia and the Alexander Terrane, Alaska<br />

and British Columbia. ( 英 文 ). Caruthers A H;<br />

Stanley Jr.G D. Journal of Paleontology, 2008,<br />

82(3): 470-491 5 图 版 .<br />

Acid processing allowed systematic<br />

identification of 458 Upper Triassic silicified<br />

scleractinian corals (20 genera, 47 species)<br />

from the Alexander terrane (southeast Alaska)<br />

and Wrangellia (Wrangell Mountains,<br />

southern Alaska and Vancouver Island,<br />

Canada). Coral faunas, here presented, show<br />

taxonomic affinity with coeval collections<br />

from other Cordilleran terranes, specifically<br />

the Wallowa terrane (northeastern Oregon and<br />

Idaho) and Peru (South America) as well as<br />

the distant Tethys region. Genera from the<br />

Alexander terrane include: Kompsasteria<br />

Roniewicz, Gablonzeria Cuif, Cuifia<br />

Melnikova, Paracuifia Melnikova,<br />

Distichophyllia Cuif, Retiophyllia Cuif,<br />

Kuhnastraea Cuif, Margarosmilia Volz,<br />

Distichomeandra Cuif, Astraeomorpha Reuss,<br />

Pamiroseris Melnikova, Crassistella<br />

Roniewicz, Stylophyllum Frech, and<br />

Meandrostylis Frech. Genera from Wrangellia<br />

include: Gablonzeria Cuif, Distichophyllia<br />

Cuif, Retiophyllia Cuif, Kuhnastraea Cuif,<br />

Margarosmilia Volz, Distichomeandra Cuif,<br />

Astraeomorpha Reuss, Parastraeomorpha<br />

Roniewicz, Chondrocoenia Roniewicz,<br />

Pamiroseris Melnikova, Crassistella<br />

Roniewicz, Ampakabastraea Alloiteau,<br />

Recticostastraea Stanley and Whalen,<br />

Meandrostylis Frech, Anthostylis Roniewicz,<br />

and the new genus Campesteria n. gen. New<br />

species include: Gablonzeria grandiosa n. sp.,<br />

Paracuifia smithi n. sp., Paracuifia jennieae n.<br />

sp., P. anomala n. sp., Retiophyllia<br />

dendriformis n. sp., R. obtusa n. sp., and<br />

Campesteria prolixia n. sp.<br />

2009020226<br />

得 克 萨 斯 Wise 县 Graford 组<br />

Pennsylvanian 期 的 海 绵 = Pennsylvanian<br />

sponges from the Graford Formation, Wise<br />

County, Texas. ( 英 文 ). Rigby J K; McKinzie<br />

M G; Britt B B. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(3): 492-510 8 图 版 .<br />

A variety of Pennsylvanian sponges have<br />

been recovered from exposures along the<br />

shore of Lake Bridgeport and in nearby areas<br />

in Wise County, north-central Texas.<br />

Calcareous and hexactinellid sponges have<br />

locally weathered out of the Jasper Creek<br />

Shale (=upper Lake Bridgeport Shale) and the<br />

overlying Devil's Den Limestone of the<br />

Graford Formation, of Late Pennsylvanian<br />

Missourian age. The Demospongea<br />

protomonaxonids Heliospongia excavata<br />

KING, 1933, and Coelocladia spinosa Girty,<br />

1908 are represented in the studied collections<br />

by several specimens, as is the new genus and<br />

species Luterospongia texana. Agelasid<br />

ceractinomorph demosponges are represented<br />


y the fissispongiid Fissispongia<br />

jacksboroensis King, 1938, the maeandrostiid<br />

Maeandrostia kansasensis Girty, 1908, and<br />

the girtycoeliid, Girtycoelia typica King, 1933.<br />

Sponges of the Class Hexactinellida and the<br />

amphidiscophorid Family Stiodermatidae are<br />

represented by an extensive suite of specimens<br />

of the new genus and species<br />

Dermosphaeroidalis<br />

irregularis.<br />

Representatives of the hexactinellid<br />

reticulosid sponges include some unusually<br />

large specimens of the vase-shaped<br />

Endoplegma calathus Finks, 1960, of the<br />

Family Docodermatidae, and fragmental<br />

specimens of Stereodictyum orthoplectum<br />

Finks, 1960, of the Family Stereodictyidae.<br />

One unclassified root tuft fragment is also<br />

described and illustrated. Much of this diverse<br />

sponge fauna was endemic to the western<br />

embayment of Pangaea.<br />

2009020227<br />

加 拿 大 西 北 地 区 金 马 伦 岛 Bent Horn 油 田<br />

泥 盆 纪 层 孔 虫 动 物 群 = Devonian<br />

stromatoporoid fauna of the Bent Horn oilfield,<br />

Cameron Island, Northwest Territories. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Stearn C W. Canadian Journal of Earth<br />

Sciences, 1998, 35(1): 16–22<br />

The reservoir reef carbonates at the Bent<br />

Horn field have been referred to as the Blue<br />

Fiord Formation, but they are younger than<br />

the type Blue Fiord of Ellesmere Island. The<br />

top of these carbonates, from which the<br />

stromatoporoid fauna is here described, is<br />

dated by conodonts as of Eifelian age. They<br />

are the same unit that has also been called the<br />

Unnamed Formation. Fourteen taxa of<br />

stromatoporoids, none of them described here<br />

as new, are identified from cores. Five species<br />

are common to the fauna of the Unnamed<br />

Formation of surface exposures on Bathurst<br />

and Truro islands. The ranges of the three<br />

species from the fauna of the typical Blue<br />

Fiord of Emsian age are extended into this<br />

Unnamed Formation. A synthesis of the<br />

paleontological evidence suggests that the top<br />

of the reservoir is basal Eifelian age. The<br />

recognition of Pseudoactinodictyon cf.P.<br />

stearni and Simplexodictyon vermiforme at<br />

Bent Horn suggests paleogeographic<br />

connections to the Great Lakes and Yukon<br />

stromatoporoid faunas of this age.<br />

2009020228<br />

阿 尔 及 利 亚 早 石 炭 世 一 疑 问 新 种<br />

Duodecimedusina stella = Duodecimedusina<br />

stella n. sp., an Early Carboniferous<br />

(Mississippian) problematicum from Algeria.<br />

( 英 文 ). Korn D; Weyer D; Bockwinkel J;<br />

Ebbighausen V. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie<br />

u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2008,<br />

247(1): 9-13<br />

Duodecimedusina stella n. sp. is described as<br />

a problematicum of unknown systematic<br />

position from the Tournaisian (Early<br />

Carboniferous/Mississippian) Gres de Kahla<br />

superieur of Timimoun (Algeria).<br />

2009020229<br />

修 正 北 澳 大 利 亚 寒 武 纪 海 绵 属 Rankenella,<br />

Jawonya 和 Wagima 的 分 类 学 特 征 =<br />

Update on the northern Australian Cambrian<br />

sponges Rankenella, Jawonya and Wagima.<br />

( 英 文 ). Kruse P D. Alcheringa, 1996, 20(3):<br />

161 - 178<br />

New material from the Ordian to early<br />

Templetonian (early Middle Cambrian) of the<br />

Georgina Basin and Daly Basin in northern<br />

Australia allows further observations on the<br />

anthaspidellid sponge Rankenella mors and<br />

the chambered heteractinide sponge Jawonya<br />

gurumal respectively. Explanate specimens of<br />

R. mors are found to bear closely spaced,<br />

rimmed oscules, and the known range of the<br />

species is extended from the Ranken<br />

Limestone near Soudan to include the Arthur<br />

Creek Formation near Ammaroo. Jawonya<br />

gurumal from the Tindall Limestone near<br />

Claravale is better preserved than type and<br />

topotype material, and demonstrates that the<br />

genus is two-walled, and not one-walled as<br />

originally described. Furthermore, exopore<br />

architecture is much more complex than<br />

previously envisaged. The co-occurring<br />

related genus Wagima is also considered to be<br />

two-walled. Rankenella in the Ranken<br />

Limestone flourished in a low-energy, shallow<br />

subtidal marine environment subject to<br />

episodic higher-energy events that generated<br />

ooid shoals and flat-pebble conglomerates. In<br />

the Arthur Creek Formation the genus occurs<br />

in anaerobic calcimudstone deposited in a<br />

low-energy shelf area of limited circulation.<br />

Jawonya and Wagima are elements of a<br />

spongemollusc association in open shelf<br />

onkoid limestones of the Tindall Limestone.<br />

Rankenella is among the oldest known intact<br />

demosponges. Spiculation in Jawonya and<br />

Wagima suggests that the history of the<br />

heteractinide astraeospongiid-wewokellid<br />

lineage was one of Ordovician reduction or<br />

loss of original polyactines in favour of<br />

octactines, followed by polyactine<br />

reinstatement in the Carboniferous<br />


2009020230<br />

加 勒 比 地 区 印 度 洋 - 太 平 洋 造 礁 珊 瑚 属<br />

Isopora 首 例 记 录 : 荷 属 安 的 列 斯 库 拉 索 岛<br />

新 近 纪 两 新 种 = First record of the indopacific<br />

reef coral genus Isopora in the<br />

Caribbean region: two new species from the<br />

Neogene of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles.<br />

( 英 文 ). Budd A F; Wallace C C.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6): 1387-1401<br />

The coral genus Isopora, a sister group of<br />

the modern dominant Acropora until now only<br />

known from the Pliocene to Recent of the<br />

Indo-Pacific, is recorded in the Caribbean for<br />

the first time. Two new species, Isopora<br />

ginsburgi and Isopora curacaoensis, are<br />

described from the Neogene Seroe Domi<br />

Formation of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles.<br />

Study of large collections made systematically<br />

through the sequence indicates that Isopora<br />

first occurred in the Caribbean during the<br />

Mio – Pliocene, at approximately the same<br />

time as the origination of many modern<br />

Caribbean reef coral dominants including<br />

Acropora cervicornis. It last occurred in the<br />

region during the late Pliocene as part of a<br />

pulse of extinction, in which several genera<br />

that live today in the Indo-Pacific became<br />

extinct in the Caribbean. Throughout its<br />

Caribbean duration, Isopora co-occurred with<br />

the two abundant modern Caribbean species<br />

of Acropora, A. cervicornis and A. palmata.<br />

Comparisons with Neogene collections made<br />

elsewhere in the Caribbean indicate that<br />

Isopora was restricted in distribution to the<br />

southern Caribbean. Isopora species are<br />

viviparous, while Acropora are oviparous, and<br />

this difference in reproductive strategy may<br />

have played a role in the extinction of Isopora<br />

in the Caribbean. The occurrences of Isopora<br />

reported in this study are the oldest records to<br />

date of Isopora worldwide, and are important<br />

for understanding the biogeographic<br />

separation between reef coral faunas in the<br />

Caribbean and Indo-Pacific regions.<br />

2009020231<br />

美 国 佛 罗 里 达 南 部 更 新 世 Bermont 组 珊 瑚<br />

Siderastrea Radians 和 Solenastraea asp.<br />

( 刺 胞 动 物 门 , 石 珊 瑚 目 ) 的 轮 生 群 体 =<br />

Rotatory colonies of the Corals Siderastrea<br />

Radians and Solenastraea asp. (Cnidaria,<br />

Scleractinia), from the Pleistocene Bermont<br />

Formation, South Florida, USA. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Sorauf J E; Harries P J. Palaeontology, 2009,<br />

52(1): 111-126<br />

Study of corallum shape in Siderastrea and<br />

Solenastraea colonies collected from<br />

Pleistocene Bermont strata in western Palm<br />

Beach County, Florida, indicates that the<br />

corals are rotatory, formed by rolling during<br />

growth on the Pleistocene sea floor. Growth of<br />

a radial and centrifugal nature away from the<br />

corallum centre suggests that rolling was<br />

sufficiently frequent and energetic to maintain<br />

the health of individual polyps along the<br />

skeleton's entire spherical surface with no<br />

evidence of growth stoppage. Post-mortem<br />

sponge boring accompanied by that of<br />

sipunculid worms and boring by the bivalves<br />

Gastrochaena and Lithophaga during coral<br />

colony life is common. Colonization by<br />

cirripeds (barnacles) on some live colonies<br />

also occurred, but these are most commonly<br />

overgrown. Boring of rotatory coralla<br />

decreased the mass of the skeleton and<br />

probably increased the ease and frequency of<br />

rolling. Comparison with modern rotatory<br />

specimens of S. radians from Rodriguez Bank<br />

indicates that the Pleistocene corals were not<br />

greatly modified during diagenesis, given their<br />

comparable densities. Diameters of both<br />

groups of corals are utilised to calculate levels<br />

of shear velocities necessary to move them,<br />

based on hydrodynamics of rounded sediment<br />

of comparable size. The presence of these<br />

rotatory coralla, by analogy, strongly suggest<br />

that Bermont sediments in the study area<br />

accumulated on shallow shelf areas populated<br />

by numerous other free-living corals along<br />

with fewer fixed corals, accompanying a<br />

diverse molluscan assemblage, all indicative<br />

of a Thalassia (turtle-grass) community.<br />

Nearshore, wave data recorded along Florida's<br />

present-day east coast, in contrast to<br />

conditions along the west coast, indicate that<br />

sufficient wave-generated velocities are<br />

present to cause regular rotation of Siderastrea<br />

and Solenastraea, and would likely have done<br />

so during the Pleistocene.<br />

2009020232<br />

腔 肠 动 物 锥 石 类 研 究 的 主 要 发 展 方 向 : 解<br />

释 问 题 和 将 来 的 前 景 = Major developments<br />

in conulariid research: problems of<br />

interpretation and future perspectives. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Leme J D; Simoes M G; Rodrigues S C.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2): 407-420<br />

Renewed interest in conulariids has resulted<br />

in clarification of problems in the<br />

paleobiology of this group. Discoveries of<br />

skeletal structures and specimens preserved in<br />

situ, coupled with cladistic analyses, have led<br />


to a revival of Kiderlen's (1937) hypothesis<br />

that conulariids were polypoid scyphozoans or<br />

a sister taxon of this class. Until 1979,<br />

research on conulariids centered on the<br />

description of new species and on the erection<br />

of subgroups using phenetic approaches. Few<br />

papers addressed the paleobiology and<br />

phylogenetic affinities of conulariids, and<br />

none employed cladistics. In contrast, the<br />

1980's saw the publication of major papers on<br />

the paleoecology of conulariids, and during<br />

this decade the hypothesis that conulariids<br />

were benthic organisms was corroborated.<br />

Also, new ideas concerning the affinities of<br />

conulariids, including the proposal that<br />

conulariids represent an extinct phylum, were<br />

presented. During the 1990's, the problem of<br />

conulariid affinities was widely debated, with<br />

authors advocating either that conularfids<br />

represent a separate phylum or that they were<br />

cnidarians. Near the close of that decade,<br />

certain advocates of a cnidarian affinity<br />

argued that conulariids were most closely<br />

related to Cniclaria. Taphonomic evidence<br />

indicates that conulariids were benthic animals<br />

originally oriented with their aperture opening<br />

upward and that they attached to or were<br />

embedded in hard and soft substrates. To<br />

understand unresolved problems we recormnend<br />

that (1) conulariid specialists develop a<br />

standard morphological nomenclature based<br />

on rigorous definitions; and (2) studies on<br />

conulariid paleoecology be carried out using a<br />

sequence stratigraphy approach.<br />

2009020233<br />

新 疆 库 鲁 克 塔 格 地 区 中 奥 陶 统 黑 土 凹 组 的<br />

放 射 虫 新 属 种 = New Radiolarian Genera<br />

And Species Of Heituao Formation<br />

( Ordovician ) In The Kuruktag<br />

Region,Xinjiang. ( 中 文 ). 王 玉 净 ; 成 俊 峰 ; 张<br />

元 动 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(4): 393-404<br />

新 疆 库 鲁 克 塔 格 地 区 的 奥 陶 系 黑 土 凹 组<br />

黑 色 硅 质 岩 中 发 现 丰 富 的 放 射 虫 动 物 群 ,<br />

以 泡 沫 虫 类 球 形 放 射 虫 最 多 , 不 具 外 刺 和<br />

具 外 刺 的 Inaniguttidae 科 占 优 势 , 及 一 些 分<br />

类 位 置 待 定 的 特 殊 放 射 虫 族 群 。 本 文 描 述<br />

该 动 物 群 中 4 个 新 属 Quasibeothuka ,<br />

Batoballa , Protosegmentum Tetrasphaera ,<br />

10 个 新 种 (Quasibeothuka fusiforma , Q.<br />

ovata ,Q. ellipsoidala ,Q. longi f usi forma ,Q.<br />

bithornya ,Batoballa communis ,B.<br />

longiovata , Protosegmentum xinjiangensis,<br />

Tetrasphaera kuruktagensis ,Beothuka<br />

longispiniforrna)。 黑 土 凹 组 的 放 射 虫 动 物<br />

群 拟 建 立 Tetrasphnern kuruktagensis 带 , 下<br />

分 二 个 亚 带 , 下 部 的 Protosegmentum<br />

xinjiangensis 亚 带 和 上 部 的 Quasibeothuka<br />

fusiforma 亚 带 。 该 组 的 黑 色 页 岩 中 产<br />

Exigraptusclavus 带 笔 石 化 石 , 时 代 为 中 奥<br />

陶 世 大 坪 期 。 该 组 很 可 能 是 一 个 很 好 的 牛<br />

油 层 。<br />

2009020234<br />

华 南 泥 盆 系 法 门 阶 浅 海 相 四 射 珊 瑚 的 组 合<br />

序 列 = The Famennian Rugose Coral<br />

Assemblages In Near-Shore Facies From<br />

South China. ( 中 文 ). 廖 卫 华 ; 马 学 平 ; 孙 元 林 .<br />

古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(4): 419-426<br />

晚 泥 盆 世 弗 拉 期 末 F-F 的 生 物 灭 绝 事 件 ,<br />

导 致 珊 瑚 以 及 许 多 浅 海 底 栖 生 物 灭 绝 , 几<br />

乎 整 个 法 门 期 珊 瑚 群 都 处 于 残 存 阶 段 , 华<br />

南 地 区 目 前 只 在 湖 南 的 个 别 地 方 发 现 少 量<br />

的 Smithiphyllum。 直 到 法 门 期 末 珊 瑚 和 其<br />

它 一 些 造 礁 底 栖 生 物 开 始 复 苏 , 出 现 了 不<br />

少 与 典 型 泥 盆 纪 珊 瑚 存 在 很 大 差 别 的 新 分<br />

子 。 华 南 泥 盆 纪 最 晚 期 (Strunian) 的 珊 瑚<br />

可 划 分 成 上 、 下 两 个 组 合 : 上 部<br />

Cystophrentis 组 合 ; 下 部 Eocaninophyllum 组<br />

合 。 泥 盆 一 石 炭 纪 之 交 的 另 一 次 生 物 灭 绝<br />

事 件 , 使 新 生 的 泥 盆 纪 最 晚 期 的 珊 瑚 又 遭<br />

灭 绝 。<br />

2009020235<br />

扬 子 区 志 留 纪 十 字 珊 瑚 类 属 种 的 修 订 及 其<br />

新 资 料 = Revisions Of Genera And Species<br />

Of Silurian Stauriid Corals From Yangtze<br />

Region. ( 中 文 ). 唐 兰 ; 何 心 一 ; 陈 建 强 . 古 生 物<br />

学 报 , 2008, 47(4): 427-443<br />

以 萼 内 分 裂 繁 殖 为 主 的 十 字 珊 瑚 类 在 我<br />

国 扬 子 区 广 泛 分 布 于 志 留 系 兰 多 维 列 统 的<br />

香 树 园 组 、 雷 家 屯 组 、 石 牛 栏 组 及 宁 强 组<br />

等 , 层 位 稳 定 , 演 化 迅 速 , 具 有 重 要 的 地<br />

层 意 义 。 文 章 对 我 国 扬 子 区 发 表 的 志 留 纪<br />

十 字 珊 瑚 类 属 种 进 行 系 统 整 理 和 修 订 , 十<br />

字 珊 瑚 亚 科 (Stauriinae) 分 为 7 属 :<br />

Ceriaster Lindstr6m,1883,Eostauria Heet<br />

Li,1983,Massparaceriaster<br />

Tanggen.nov.,<br />

Paraceriaster Y.X.He,1980,Stauria<br />

Edwards et Haime,1850,Cystostauria He<br />

et Li,1983 和 Parastauria He et Li,1974,<br />

同 时 讨 论 7 属 的 属 征 , 并 对 一 些 种 群 进 行<br />

归 并 。 此 外 , 描 述 采 自 扬 子 区 志 留 系 兰 多<br />

维 列 统 的 十 字 珊 瑚 6 属 8 种 , 其 中 1 新<br />

属 ,3 个 新 种 , 它 们 是 :Massparaceriaster<br />

Tang gen.nov.,Eostauria stauriata<br />


Tang sp.nov.,Paraceriaster micropora<br />

Tang sp.nov. 和 Paraceriaster baishaensis<br />

Tang sp.nov.。<br />

2009020236<br />

印 度 尼 西 亚 伊 里 安 查 亚 中 部 山 脉 南 坡 古 生<br />

代 中 期 珊 瑚 类 = Middle Palaeozoic corals<br />

from the southern slope of the Central Ranges<br />

of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. ( 英 文 ). Oliver Jr W A;<br />

Pedder A E H; Weiland R J; van Ufford A Q.<br />

Alcheringa, 1995, 19(1): 1 - 15<br />

Rugose and tabulate corals of Frasnian<br />

(early Late Devonian) and pre-Frasnian<br />

Devonian and Silurian() ages from Irian Jaya<br />

(western New Guinea), Indonesia, are<br />

described and illustrated for the first time. The<br />

Frasnian corals are the most important; they<br />

occur in the uppermost part of the Modio<br />

Formation (redefined), are well-preserved and<br />

suggest a biogeographic linkage to Western<br />

Australia. The source carbonates may<br />

represent a reef environment. The pre-<br />

Frasnian corals are from stream cobbles at two<br />

localities. They indicate the presence or<br />

former presence of a more complete Middle<br />

Palaeozoic sequence than was previously<br />

known in Irian Jaya.<br />

2009020237<br />

澳 大 利 亚 昆 士 兰 北 部 Burdekin 盆 地 Mount<br />

Podge 地 区 晚 埃 姆 斯 阶 四 射 珊 瑚 = Late<br />

Emsian rugose corals of the Mount Podge area,<br />

Burdekin Basin, north Queensland. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Zhen Yongyi. Alcheringa, 1995, 19(3): 193 -<br />

234<br />

The Laroona Formation and Mount Podge<br />

Limestone are defined for the lower<br />

conglomerates and micaceous sandstones, and<br />

the upper coralline limestones exposed in the<br />

Mount Podge area, north Queensland.<br />

Acanthophyllum (Acanthophyllum)<br />

clermontense -Protomacgeea fauna from these<br />

two units (mainly from the Mount Podge<br />

Limestone) in the area is of late Emsian age,<br />

and comparable with other Emsian to early<br />

Eifelian coral faunas from Queensland and<br />

New South Wales. Fifteen species belonging<br />

to 14 genera (one genus and 7 species new)<br />

are described from the Mount Podge<br />

Limestone, including Microplasma ronense<br />

(Mansuy 1913), Lekanophyllum laroonaense<br />

sp. nov., Sanidophyllum sp., Tabulophyllum<br />

carinatum sp. nov., Carlinastraea callosa sp.<br />

nov., Australophyllum sp., Xystriphyllum cf.<br />

dunstani (Etheridge 1911), X. cf. magnum Hill<br />

1942a, Taimyrophyllum pedderi sp. nov.,<br />

Laroonaphyllum jacki gen. et sp. nov.,<br />

Acanthophyllum (Acanthophyllum)<br />

clermontense (Etheridge 1911), Disphyllum<br />

(Disphyllum) paracouvinense sp. nov.,<br />

Phillipsastrea sp. cf. maculosa Hill 1942a,<br />

Protomacgeea minor sp. nov. and<br />

Thamnophyllum sp., and one new species<br />

Gaynaphyllum runningense sp. nov. from the<br />

very top of the underlying Laroona Formation.<br />

2009020238<br />

广 西 晚 长 兴 期 放 射 虫 生 物 地 层 学 及 其 与 牙<br />

形 刺 的 关 系 = Late Changhsingian radiolarian<br />

biostratigraphy from Guangxi, South China<br />

and its correlation to conodonts. ( 英 文 ). Wu<br />

Jun; Feng Qinglai. Science in China Series D:<br />

Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(11): 1601-1610<br />

A well-preserved, abundant radiolarian<br />

fauna was obtained from three sections: the<br />

Dongpan, Liuqiao, and Paibi sections, in<br />

southern Guangxi, South China. Sixteen<br />

species belonging to Albaillella and<br />

Neoalbaillella, including seven undetermined<br />

species, are recognized. On the basis of<br />

stratigraphic distribution of these species, two<br />

radiolarian zones, the Albaillella triangularis<br />

Zone and the Albaillella yaoi Zone, are<br />

established. The correlation between<br />

radiolarian zones and conodont zones is<br />

suggested based on the discovery of<br />

coexisting conodonts. Albaillella triangularis<br />

and Albaillella yaoi zones correspond to<br />

Neogondolella postwangi and Neogondolella<br />

yini zones respectively.<br />

2009020239<br />

华 南 二 叠 纪 末 深 水 硅 质 海 绵 骨 针 灭 绝 模 式<br />

和 灭 绝 过 程 = Extinction pattern and process<br />

of siliceous sponge spicules in deep-water<br />

during the latest Permian in South China. ( 英<br />

文 ). Liu Guichun; Feng Qinglai; Gu Songzhu.<br />

Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2008, 51(11): 1623-1632<br />

Diverse and abundant siliceous sponge<br />

spicules were found in the latest Permian beds,<br />

Dongpan and Ma ’ anying sections, South<br />

China, including 52 types and 85 forms.<br />

Further investigation on these spicules allows<br />

us to understand extinction patterns and<br />

processes of deep-water sponges. These<br />

sponge spicules rapidly decreased below the<br />

Permian/Triassic boundary (PTB), and the<br />

extinction rates reach up to 88%–90% for<br />

types and 88% – 92% for forms. Their<br />

extinction pattern is a gradual one that consists<br />

of two stages: the first is characterized by a<br />


gentle and slow extinction speed and low<br />

extinction rate, and the second by sharp and<br />

fast extinction speed and high extinction rate.<br />

The morphological extinction process is<br />

involved in the disappearance first of the<br />

triaxons and tetraxons, then of the polyaxons<br />

and demas, and last of monaxons. In exterior<br />

structure extinction, the complex spicules with<br />

branches and spines became extinct more<br />

easily than did smooth spicules. After the end-<br />

Permian mass extinction, only five common<br />

and smooth forms survived: Oxeas A, Oxeas<br />

B, Strongles B, Oxy-orthpentactines and Oxyorthohexactines<br />

A.<br />

2009020240<br />

澳 大 利 亚 昆 士 兰 北 部 Burdekin 盆 地 北 缘 吉<br />

维 特 阶 四 射 珊 瑚 = Givetian rugose corals<br />

from the northern margin of the Burdekin<br />

Basin, north Queensland. ( 英 文 ). Zhen<br />

Yongyi. Alcheringa, 1994, 18(4): 301 - 343<br />

The Fanning River Group is among the best<br />

exposed marine-dominated Devonian<br />

sequences in eastern Australia. It consists of<br />

limestone, sandstone and conglomerate of<br />

shallow marine origin, which form the basal<br />

sequence of the Burdekin Basin. Sixteen<br />

species and subspecies (9 new) of rugose<br />

corals are described from outcrops of the<br />

Fanning River Group exposed in the Kirkland<br />

Downs, Boundary Creek and Lime Creek<br />

areas; these areas represent the north and<br />

northwestern margins of the Burdekin Basin<br />

during the early Givetian transgression. The<br />

coral taxa are determined as: Lythophyllum<br />

proliferum sp. nov., Endophyllum jelli sp. nov.,<br />

Iowaphyllum schlueteri (Etheridge 1898),<br />

Blysmatophyllum isisense Pedder 1970,<br />

Blysmatophyllum multigemme sp. nov.,<br />

Blysmatophyllum sp., Sanidophyllum<br />

kirklandense sp. nov., Spongophyllum<br />

(Beugniesastraea) variabilis sp. nov.,<br />

Australophyllum cyathophylloides yohi subsp.<br />

nov., Xystriphyllum dotswoodense sp. nov.,<br />

Xystriphyllum sp., Taimyrophyllum<br />

crassiseptatum sp. nov., Acanthophyllum<br />

(Acanthophyllum) sp., Amaraphyllum<br />

amoenum Pedder 1970, Argutastrea sp., and<br />

Aristophyllum planotabulatum sp. nov.<br />

2009020241<br />

澳 大 利 亚 新 南 威 尔 士 Limekilns 地 区 Jesse<br />

灰 岩 下 泥 盆 统 层 孔 虫 = Lower Devonian<br />

stromatoporoids from the Jesse Limestone of<br />

the Limekilns area, New South Wales. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Webby B D; Zhen Y Y. Alcheringa, 1993,<br />

17(4): 327 - 352<br />

An assemblage of well preserved Devonian<br />

stromatoporoids is described from the Jesse<br />

Limestone of the Limekilns area, centralwestern<br />

New South Wales. The fauna, which<br />

comes from limestone breccia deposits of the<br />

western, Diamond Creek occurrence, is<br />

interpreted as having an allochthonous origin.<br />

Eleven species of stromatoporoids are<br />

described and illustrated including<br />

representatives of Actinostroma,<br />

Gerronostroma, Schistodictyon, Amn<br />

stostroma, Pseudotrupetostroma, Salairella,<br />

Stromatopora, Atopostroma, and<br />

Habrostroma. Details of stromatoporoid<br />

microstructure of well preserved specimens of<br />

Amnestostroma and Pseudotrupetostroma are<br />

also presented for the first time. The<br />

descriptions of new species include,<br />

Gerronostroma vergens, Amnestostroma<br />

crassum, Pseudotrupetostroma jessiense and<br />

P. ripperae. Other elements of the Jesse fauna<br />

comprise occurrences of Siberian, South<br />

Chinese and Canadian affinity, which suggests<br />

probable zoogeographic links with these<br />

regions. The Jesse Limestone has been<br />

interpreted as having a mainly late Emsian age,<br />

but the described stromatoporoids seem to<br />

have been reworked from earlier Emsian<br />

horizons.<br />

2009020242<br />

Etheridge 氏 的 标 本 : 首 次 在 澳 大 利 亚 发 现<br />

的 某 些 古 杯 动 物 的 系 统 分 类 修 定 =<br />

Etheridge collection: systematic revision of<br />

some of the first archaeocyaths discovered in<br />

Australia. ( 英 文 ). Debrenne F; Zhuravlev A<br />

Yu; Gravestock D I. Alcheringa, 1993, 17(3):<br />

179 - 183<br />

The twelve specimens described by<br />

Etheridge (1890) and Tate (1892) originate<br />

from the first Australian collections of<br />

Archaeocyatha. Few of these are suitable for<br />

modern studies and most must be considered<br />

as nomina dubia. Only two taxa may be<br />

determined at species level and one at genus<br />

level. The species Coscinocyathus tatei<br />

Etheridge 1890 as restricted by Tate (1892) is<br />

a senior synonym of Veronicacyathus<br />

frondeus Debrenne 1973, and consequently<br />

becomes the type species of Veronicacyathus<br />

Debrenne 1973<br />

苔 藓 动 物<br />

2009020243<br />

二 叠 纪 末 期 大 灭 绝 后 三 叠 纪 苔 藓 虫 的 分 异<br />

度 和 分 布 = Diversity and Distribution of<br />


Triassic Bryozoans in the aftermath of the<br />

End-Permian Mass Extinction. ( 英 文 ). Powers<br />

C M; Pachut J F. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 362-371<br />

Seventy-three species of stenolaemate<br />

bryozoans are documented worldwide from<br />

the Triassic. Stage-level diversity and<br />

paleogeographical analyses reveal that the<br />

recovery of bryozoans following the end-<br />

Permian mass extinction was delayed until the<br />

Middle Triassic. Early Triassic bryozoans<br />

faunas, dominated by members of the Order<br />

Trepostomida, were depauperate and<br />

geographically restricted. Bryozoan diversity<br />

increased during the Middle Triassic and<br />

diversity peaked in the Carnian (early Late<br />

Triassic). High extinction rates throughout the<br />

Late Triassic led to the extinction of all<br />

stenolaemate orders except the Cyclostomida<br />

by the end of the Triassic. Comparisons<br />

between global carbonate rock volume,<br />

outcrop surface area, and bryozoan diversity<br />

indicate that the documented diversity pattern<br />

for bryozoans may have been related, in part,<br />

to the availability of carbonate environments<br />

during the Triassic.<br />

2009020244<br />

新 西 兰 查 塔 姆 群 岛 白 垩 纪 苔 藓 虫 =<br />

Cretaceous bryozoans from the Chatham<br />

Islands, New Zealand. ( 英 文 ). Taylor P D.<br />

Alcheringa, 1996, 20(4): 315 - 327<br />

Two bryozoan species have been found in<br />

the Kahuitara Tuff (Piripauan-Haumurian<br />

Stages; equivalent to Campanian-<br />

Maastrichtian) of Pitt Island, in the Chatham<br />

Islands, about 900 km east of the South Island<br />

of New Zealand. Cretaceous bryozoans are<br />

rare in Australasia, and the two species in this<br />

paper are the first to be formally described<br />

from New Zealand. Both species have thick<br />

dendroid colonies but whereas Ceriocava<br />

maculata sp. nov. is an unequivocal<br />

cerioporine cyclostome, the other species —<br />

Chiplonkarina campbelli sp. nov. — is more<br />

problematical and is interpreted as an aberrant<br />

'malacostegan' cheilostome. Like previously<br />

described species of Chiplonkarina, C.<br />

campbelli has interzooidal walls with a central<br />

crenulated layer, indicating the former<br />

presence of an intercalary cuticle of the type<br />

found in many cheilostomes but unknown in<br />

cyclostomes. The anomalous global<br />

biogeographical distribution of bryozoans<br />

during the Cretaceous is briefly discussed.<br />

2009020245<br />

现 生 及 化 石 杯 口 苔 藓 虫 的 繁 殖 模 式 =<br />

Modes of reproduction in recent and fossil<br />

Cupuladriid Bryozoans. ( 英 文 ). O'dea A;<br />

Jackson J; Taylor P D; Rodr í guez F.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4): 847 - 864<br />

Cupuladriid cheilostome bryozoans can<br />

make new colonies both sexually and<br />

asexually. Sexual (aclonal) colonies are<br />

derived from larvae while asexual (clonal)<br />

colonies result from the fragmentation or<br />

division of larger colonies. A number of<br />

specialised morphologies exist which either<br />

enhance or discourage clonality, and<br />

cupuladriids preserve these in their skeletons,<br />

meaning that it is possible to count the<br />

abundances of individual modes of<br />

reproduction in fossil assemblages, and thus<br />

measure the mode and tempo of evolution of<br />

life histories using fossil colonies. In this<br />

paper we categorise, illustrate and describe the<br />

various clonal and aclonal methods of<br />

propagation in cupuladriids through the<br />

Cenozoic. Sexual reproduction is the only<br />

aclonal method of propagation, while four<br />

clonal methods are described comprising: (1)<br />

mechanical fragmentation, (2)<br />

autofragmentation, (3) colonial budding and<br />

(4) peripheral fragmentation. The processes<br />

involved in each are discussed and we explain<br />

how their prevalence can be measured in the<br />

fossil record using preservable morphologies.<br />

Compiling a record of the occurrence and<br />

distribution of the various modes of<br />

propagation through time and space we<br />

discover a general trend of evolution towards<br />

more complex modes in all three cupuladriid<br />

genera, but a geologically recent extinction of<br />

some modes of propagation that has left the<br />

present-day assemblage relatively depauperate.<br />

We see striking similarities in the general<br />

timing of expansion of modes of reproduction<br />

between the two most important genera,<br />

Cupuladria and Discoporella, although it is<br />

clear that Discoporella evolved a much wider<br />

range of special morphologies either to<br />

enhance or to discourage clonality than did<br />

Cupuladria.<br />

2009020246<br />

阿 根 廷 普 雷 科 迪 耶 拉 上 奥 陶 统 Sassito 组 冷<br />

水 碳 酸 盐 中 隐 口 类 苔 藓 动 物 = Cryptostomid<br />

Bryozoans from the Sassito Formation, Upper<br />

Ordovician Cool-Water Carbonates of the<br />

Argentinean Precordillera. ( 英 文 ). Ernst A;<br />

Carrera M. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(5): 1117-<br />

1127<br />


Two new bryozoan species are described<br />

from the Upper Ordovician Sassito Formation<br />

of the Argentinean Precordillera:<br />

Moyerella spinata sp. nov. and<br />

Phylloporina sassitoensis sp. nov. The<br />

bryozoans are found in cool-water carbonates.<br />

The Silurian genus Moyerella is reported the<br />

first time in the Ordovician, showing<br />

palaeobiogeographic connections with Estonia<br />

and Siberia.<br />

2009020247<br />

澳 大 利 亚 维 多 利 亚 第 三 纪 为 Cellepora<br />

abdita 而 建 立 的 一 个 小 孔 苔 藓 虫 新 属<br />

Chasmazoon = Chasmazoon gen. nov., a new<br />

genus of ascophoran bryozoan for Cellepora<br />

abdita MacGillivray, from the Tertiary of<br />

Victoria. ( 英 文 ). Bock P E; Cook P L.<br />

Alcheringa, 1995, 19(2): 113 - 117<br />

The genus Chasmazoon is introduced for<br />

Cellepora abdita MacGillivray (1895) from<br />

the Tertiary of Victoria. Chasmazoon abditum<br />

has colonies capable of both an encrusting and<br />

free-living mode of growth, and the latter<br />

were probably anchored by basal rhizoids. The<br />

large, simple orifices and striated, peristomial<br />

ovicells of C. abditum are distinctive, and<br />

Stichoporina parvicapitata Canu & Bassler<br />

(1935), which has closely similar characters,<br />

is considered to be synonymous.<br />

2009020248<br />

地 中 海 苔 藓 动 物 Myriapora truncata——<br />

古 环 境 条 件 的 潜 在 指 示 物 = The<br />

Mediterranean bryozoan Myriapora truncata<br />

(Pallas, 1766): a potential indicator of (palaeo-)<br />

environmental conditions. ( 英 文 ). Berning B.<br />

Lethaia, 2007, 40(3): 221-232<br />

Fossil and Recent specimens of the<br />

Mediterranean bryozoan Myriapora truncata<br />

show considerable intra- and intercolonial<br />

differences in branch diameter and zooid size.<br />

Statistically significant variability occurs<br />

within colonies, between colonies within sites,<br />

and between sampled sites, while the presence<br />

of intracolonial variability clearly shows that<br />

branch diameter is largely controlled by<br />

environmental parameters. The three structural<br />

traits measured (branch diameter, zooid size<br />

and zooid depth) do not correlate, thus<br />

indicating a disconnection between the<br />

controls on overall zooid size and branch<br />

diameter. Possible environmental parameters<br />

that may have an influence on morphology are<br />

temperature, food supply or current energy.<br />

Whereas current energy has an effect on the<br />

colony branching pattern (branch spacing),<br />

there are indications that temperature may be<br />

the main, but not the only, parameter<br />

controlling zooid size, and it is suggested that<br />

food supply largely determines the branch<br />

diameter in M. truncata. However, the<br />

identification of the decisive factors and<br />

quantification of the relationships between<br />

environmental and morphological change is<br />

beyond the scope of this study. The results<br />

nevertheless show that, if the control factors<br />

of morphological variability can be<br />

ascertained in Recent M. truncata, this species<br />

may prove to be an indicator of environmental<br />

conditions and their change at different spatial<br />

and temporal scales in Cenozoic to Recent<br />

Mediterranean habitats.<br />

2009020249<br />

澳 大 利 亚 维 多 利 亚 一 个 第 三 纪 chaperiid 型<br />

苔 藓 虫 — 苔 藓 动 物 无 囊 亚 目 Catenariopsis<br />

morningtoniensis = Catenariopsis<br />

morningtoniensis Maplestone (Bryozoa,<br />

Anasca) — a Tertiary chaperiid from Victoria.<br />

( 英 文 ). Bock P E; Cook P L. Alcheringa, 1993,<br />

17(2): 153 - 157<br />

The bryozoan genus Catenariopsis was<br />

introduced for a single zooid of C.<br />

morningtoniensis Maplestone 1899, from the<br />

Tertiary of Victoria; subsequent material has<br />

been scanty and reported only once. The<br />

genus has been classified with the ascophoran<br />

family Catenicellidae and the anascan family<br />

Alysidiidae. Examination of relatively well<br />

preserved additional material from the<br />

Miocene of Victoria has shown that C.<br />

morningtoniensis may be assigned to the<br />

anascan family Chaperiidae. Catenariopsis is<br />

apparently closely related to the Recent genus<br />

Icelozoon of Antarctica and New Zealand<br />

2009020250<br />

南 澳 大 利 亚 和 维 多 利 亚 第 三 纪 和 现 代 苔 藓<br />

动 物 唇 口 目 新 属 Quadriscutella =<br />

Quadriscutella gen. nov. (Bryozoa,<br />

Cheilostomata) from the Tertiary and Recent<br />

of Victoria and South Australia. ( 英 文 ). Bock<br />

P E; Cook P L. Alcheringa, 1993, 17(2): 159 -<br />

171<br />

Quadriscutella gen. nov. is introduced for<br />

Q. papillata sp. nov., an erect, branching,<br />

nodal Recent species from South Australia,<br />

belonging to a complex of forms which is<br />

otherwise known only from Tertiary localities<br />

in Victoria and South Australia. The species<br />

complex, members of which have usually<br />

been known as 'Hippoporina burlingtoniensis',<br />


has been analysed and found to comprise five<br />

taxa: Q. papillata sp. nov., the Recent form,<br />

together with Q. burlingtoniensis (Waters)<br />

sensu stricto, Q. costata (Maplestone), Q.<br />

clavata (Maplestone), and Q. punctata sp.<br />

nov., all of which are known only as Tertiary<br />

fossils. The morphology of Quadriscutella has<br />

similarities with that of both Tropidozoum<br />

Harmer (1957) and Neoeuthryis Bretnall<br />

(1921), and the genus is therefore assigned<br />

with them to the family Euthyrisellidae<br />

Bassler.<br />

2009020251<br />

加 拿 大 东 部 安 提 克 斯 提 岛 奥 陶 纪 最 晚 期 赫<br />

南 特 阶 礁 苔 藓 虫 动 物 群 : 系 统 分 类 和 化 学<br />

地 层 = A Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) reefal<br />

bryozoan fauna from Anticosti Island, eastern<br />

Canada: taxonomy and chemostratigraphy. ( 英<br />

文 ). Ernst A; Munnecke A. Canadian Journal<br />

of Earth Sciences, 2009, 46(3): 207–229<br />

2009020252<br />

意 大 利 撒 丁 地 区 Isili 灰 岩 一 早 中 新 世 苔 藓<br />

虫 新 种 : Favosipora ichnusae = A new Early<br />

Miocene bryozoan, Favosipora ichnusae sp.<br />

nov. (Cyclostomata), from the Isili Limestone<br />

of Sardinia, Italy. ( 英 文 ). Toscano F; Taylor P<br />

D. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(3):<br />

301-308<br />

Originally described from the Recent of<br />

Australia, the genus Favosipora has not been<br />

previously recognised in the fossil record. It<br />

can be distinguished from rectangulate<br />

cyclostomes of similar overall morphology<br />

using the structure of the brood chamber,<br />

which in Favosipora is roofed by a<br />

pseudoporous exterior wall rather than the<br />

interior wall found in rectangulates such as<br />

'Lichenopora' and Disporella.<br />

2009020253<br />

已 知 最 老 的 苔 藓 虫 层 位 ( 奥 陶 纪 ) =<br />

Horizon of the oldest known bryozoans<br />

(Ordovician). ( 英 文 ). Zhang Sengui; Xia<br />

Fengsheng; Yan Huijun; Wang Zongzhe.<br />

Palaeoworld, 2009, 18(1): 67-73<br />

Among the six species of fossil bryozoans<br />

described by Xia et al. [Xia, F.S., Zhang, S.G.,<br />

Wang, Z.Z., 2007. The oldest bryozoans: new<br />

evidence from the late Tremadocian (Early<br />

Ordovician) of East Yangtze Gorges. Journal<br />

of Paleontology 81 (6), 1308–1326] from the<br />

Fenghsiang Formation of the Chenjiahe<br />

section of Yichang and the Guanzhuangping<br />

section, Liujiachang Town of Songzi, the<br />

Yangtze Gorges, Nekhorosheviella nodulifera<br />

occurs in the pristinus Conodont Subzone<br />

(lower Subzone of deltifer Conodont Zone)<br />

and the five other species are associated with<br />

the conodont Paltodus deltifer deltifer and the<br />

graptolites Acanthograptus sinensis and A.<br />

erectoramus. Based on the conodonts and<br />

graptolites, this bryofauna stratigraphically<br />

corresponds to the A. sinensis Graptolite Zone<br />

or P. deltifer Conodont Zone. The bryofauna<br />

is of Tremadocian Age (Early Ordovician) and<br />

represents the oldest bryozoans so far as<br />

known<br />

腕 足 动 物<br />

2009020254<br />

中 国 西 北 青 海 省 南 部 早 、 中 二 叠 世 的 一 个<br />

新 腕 足 动 物 群 = A new brachiopod fauna<br />

from the Early to Middle Permian of Southern<br />

Qinghai province, Northwest China. ( 英 文 ).<br />

He W H; Shi G R; Bu J J; Niu Z J. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(4): 811-822 3 图 版 .<br />

A new brachiopod fauna is described from<br />

the Early and Middle Permian of Zadoi and<br />

Zhidoi counties, southern Qinghai (Changdu<br />

block), northwest China. This fauna includes<br />

13 species in nine genera with<br />

Spinomarginifera concentrica n. sp. and<br />

Transennatia waterhousei n. sp. The Early to<br />

Middle Permian brachiopod fauna from<br />

southern Qinghai is very similar to the<br />

contemporary Cathaysian faunas of South<br />

China with which the new fauna shares 70 per<br />

cent of its species. On the other hand, the<br />

Qinghai brachiopods also demonstrate a<br />

significant link with the Permian brachiopod<br />

fauna of the Sino-Mongolian-Japanese<br />

Province in northeast China, as suggested by<br />

Marginifera septentrionalis and Attenuatella.<br />

In particular, the occurrence of the bipolar<br />

brachiopod genus Attenuatella suggests that<br />

southern Qinghai may have played an<br />

important role as a biogeographic stepping<br />

stone in the marine faunal interchanges<br />

between the northern and southern<br />

hemispheres during the Early and Middle<br />

Permian.<br />

2009020255<br />

华 南 湖 南 南 部 晚 二 叠 世 乐 平 世 吴 家 坪 最 早<br />

期 的 腕 足 类 - 它 对 前 乐 平 统 危 机 和 乐 平 统 复<br />

苏 / 辐 射 的 指 示 意 义 = Earliest<br />

Wuchiapingian (Lopingian, Late Permian)<br />

brachiopods in Southern Hunan, South China:<br />

implications for the Pre-Lopingian crisis and<br />


onset of Lopingian recovery/radiation. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Shen S Z; Zhang Y C. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(5): 924-937 4 图 版 .<br />

The uppermost 5–15 m of the Douling<br />

Formation in the southern Hunan area, South<br />

China, yields a diverse fauna comprised of<br />

ammonoids, bivalves, and brachiopods. The<br />

brachiopods reported in this paper consist of<br />

51 species in 34 genera and are dominated by<br />

the Lopingian (Late Permian) species<br />

associated with a few species persisting from<br />

the underlying Maokouan (Late Guadalupian).<br />

This fauna is of earliest Wuchiapingian in age<br />

as precisely constrained by the associated<br />

conodont Clarkina postbitteri postbitteri and<br />

the Guadalupian-type ammonoid fauna of the<br />

Roadoceras-Doulingoceras Zone in the<br />

brachiopod horizon. The discovery of the<br />

Lopingian species-dominated brachiopod<br />

fauna in the earliest Wuchiapingian in<br />

southern Hunan suggests a much less<br />

pronounced effect of the pre-Lopingian crisis<br />

(end-Guadalupian mass extinction) than the<br />

end-Changhsingian mass extinction in terms<br />

of brachiopods, a contemporaneous onset of<br />

the Lopingian recovery/radiation during the<br />

pre-Lopingian crisis period, and taxonomic<br />

selectivity of the pre-Lopingian crisis in terms<br />

of different fossil groups. New taxa are<br />

Echinauris doulingensis n. sp., Pararigbyella<br />

quadrilobata n. gen. and n. sp. and P.<br />

doulingensis n. gen. and n. sp.<br />

2009020256<br />

小 安 的 列 斯 群 岛 Carriacou 地 区 中 新 世 地<br />

层 中 以 腕 足 类 壳 为 主 的 地 层 的 发 现 =<br />

Generation of brachiopod-dominated shell<br />

beds in the Miocene rocks of Carriacou,<br />

Lesser Antilles. ( 英 文 ). Harper D A T;<br />

Pickerill R K. Geological Journal, 2008, 43(5):<br />

573 - 581<br />

Brachiopod-dominated shell concentrations<br />

occur within the turbiditic rocks of the<br />

Miocene Grand Bay Formation on the<br />

Antillean island of Carriacou. The shells,<br />

mainly Tichosina, form dispersed and loose<br />

accumulations. Exceptional conditions on the<br />

deep-water flanks of submarine volcanic<br />

edifices encouraged the recruitment of large<br />

populations of Tichosina and the subsequent<br />

entrainment of the shells in gravity-driven<br />

deposits. The shells are a rare example, in the<br />

Caribbean Basin, of transported Archaic-type<br />

shell beds constructed by a taxonomic group<br />

more typical of the Palaeozoic fauna.<br />

2009020257<br />

哈 萨 克 斯 坦 中 部 上 奥 陶 统 碳 酸 盐 护 堤 扭 月<br />

贝 类 和 三 重 贝 类 腕 足 动 物 = Strophomenid<br />

and triplesiid brachiopods from an Upper<br />

Ordovician carbonate mound in central<br />

Kazakhstan. ( 英 文 ). Nikitin T F; Popov L E.<br />

Alcheringa, 1996, 20(1): 1 - 20<br />

Ten species of strophomenid and triplesiid<br />

brachiopods are described from the Late<br />

Ordovician (late Caradoc to early Ashgill)<br />

Dulankara Regional Stage of Central<br />

Kazakhstan. They represent part of a diverse<br />

brachiopod assemblage, which was discovered<br />

in the top of a carbonate mound in the<br />

northern Betpak-Dala Desert. This brachiopod<br />

assemblage includes mostly genera not<br />

recorded previously from contemporaneous<br />

deposits in Kazakhstan, although they may be<br />

related to the long-lived lineages which<br />

appeared in the area during Llanvirn or<br />

Llandeilo. New taxa are: the plectambonitoids<br />

Bandaleta plana gen. et sp. nov., Shlyginia<br />

perplexa sp. nov., Sortanella quinquecostata<br />

gen. et sp. nov., Anoptambonites subcarinatus<br />

sp. nov., Anisopleurella ampla sp. nov.,<br />

Craspedelia roomusoksi sp. nov., and<br />

triplesioid Triplesia sortanensis sp. nov.<br />

2009020258<br />

摩 洛 哥 Dra 山 谷 Siegenian 穿 孔 贝 型 腕 足 类<br />

一 新 种 及 其 地 层 学 、 古 地 理 学 和 系 统 发 育<br />

意 义 = A new Terebratulid Brachiopod<br />

species from the Siegenian of the Dra Valley,<br />

Morocco, and its stratigraphic,<br />

palaeogeographic and phylogenetic<br />

significance. ( 英 文 ). Schemm-Gregory M.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4): 793 - 806<br />

A new terebratulid brachiopod species,<br />

Rhenorensselaeria jansenii, has been identified<br />

in the Merzâ-Akhsaï Formation of the Dra<br />

Valley, Morocco, and the Grauwacke de<br />

Montguyon of the Amorican Massif, France.<br />

It is compared with the other known species of<br />

Rhenorensselaeria from Europe, Rh. strigiceps<br />

and Rh. demerathia, as well as with Rh.<br />

macgerriglei from North America, from which<br />

it differs in being larger and having coarser<br />

costae. Its possible life habit in clusters and its<br />

fossil community are compared with those of<br />

Rh. strigiceps from the Rheinisches<br />

Schiefergebirge ('Rhenish Slate Mountains'),<br />

Germany, which it most resembles. A new<br />

phylogeny of the subfamily<br />

Rhenorensselaerinae is constructed. The close<br />

phylogenetic relationship between Rh. jansenii<br />

and Rh. strigiceps confirms close<br />

palaeobiogeographical relationships between<br />


North Africa, France and the Rheinisches<br />

Schiefergebirge as well as a wider relationship<br />

between Central Europe and Gaspé, eastern<br />

Canada, during the Early Devonian. Taxa of<br />

Rhenorensselaeria are mainly restricted to the<br />

Middle and Upper Siegenian, although rare<br />

individuals have been found in the Lower<br />

Emsian of Central Europe and North America.<br />

Because of their abundance in the Dra Valley<br />

and Rheinisches Schiefergebirge and their<br />

short life span, rhenorensselaerid taxa can be<br />

regarded as important stratigraphical markers<br />

of Middle–Late Siegenian and Early Emsian<br />

sediments in North Africa and Central Europe.<br />

2009020259<br />

腕 足 动 物 Terebratalia transversa 个 体 发 育<br />

小 生 境 转 换 : 转 动 能 力 的 丧 失 与 异 速 生 长<br />

的 关 系 = Ontogenetic niche shift in the<br />

brachiopod Terebratalia transversa:<br />

relationship between the loss of rotation<br />

ability and allometric growth. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Tomaových A; Carlson S J; Labarbera M.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6): 1471-1496<br />

Many articulated brachiopods experience<br />

marked life habit variations during ontogeny<br />

because they experience their fluid<br />

environment at successively higher Reynolds<br />

numbers, and they can change the<br />

configuration of their inhalant and exhalant<br />

flows as body size increases. We show that the<br />

extant brachiopod Terebratalia transversa<br />

undergoes a substantial ontogenetic change in<br />

reorientation governed by rotation around the<br />

pedicle. T. transversa's reorientation angle<br />

(maximum ability to rotate on the pedicle)<br />

decreases during ontogeny, from 180 degrees<br />

in juveniles to 10–20 degrees in individuals<br />

exceeding 5 mm, to complete cessation of<br />

rotation in individuals larger than 10 mm.<br />

Rotation ability is substantially reduced after<br />

T. transversa achieves the adult lophophore<br />

configuration and preferred orientation with<br />

respect to ambient water currents at a length<br />

of 2.5 – 5 mm. We hypothesize that the<br />

rotation angle of T. transversa is determined<br />

mainly by the position of ventral and dorsal<br />

points of attachment of dorsal pedicle muscles<br />

relative to the pedicle. T. transversa shows a<br />

close correlation between the ontogenetic<br />

change in reorientation angle and ontogeny of<br />

morphological traits that are related to points<br />

of attachment of dorsal pedicle muscles,<br />

although other morphological features can<br />

also limit rotation in the adult stage. The<br />

major morphological change in cardinalia<br />

shape and the observed reduction of rotation<br />

affect individuals 2.5–10 mm in length. The<br />

position of ventral insertions of dorsal pedicle<br />

muscles remains constant, but contraction of<br />

dorsal pedicle muscles is functionally<br />

handicapped because dorsal insertions shift<br />

away from the valve midline, rise above the<br />

dorsal valve floor, and become limited by a<br />

wide cardinal process early in ontogeny<br />

(10 mm). T.<br />

transversa attains smaller shell length in<br />

crevices than on exposed substrates. The<br />

proportion of small-sized individuals and<br />

population density is lower on exposed<br />

substrates than in crevices, indicating higher<br />

juvenile mortality on substrates prone to<br />

grazing and physical disturbance. The loss of<br />

reorientation ability can be a consequence of<br />

morphological changes that strengthen<br />

substrate attachment and maximize protection<br />

against biotic or physical disturbance (1) by<br />

minimizing torques around the pedicle axis<br />

and/or (2) by shifting energy investments into<br />

attachment strength at the expense of the cost<br />

involved in reorientation.<br />

2009020260<br />

神 秘 的 早 寒 武 世 salanygolina– 一 个 拥 有 肉<br />

茎 的 小 嘴 贝 型 chileate 腕 足 类 的 类 群 =<br />

The enigmatic early cambrian salanygolina–<br />

a stem group of rhynchonelliform chileate<br />

brachiopods. ( 英 文 ). Holmer L E; Stolk S P;<br />

Skovsted C B; Balthasar U; Popov L.<br />

Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 1-10<br />

New material of the enigmatic brachiopod<br />

Salanygolina obliqua Ushatinskaya from the<br />

Early Cambrian of Mongolia shows that it has<br />

a colleplax – a triangular plate – in the<br />

umbonal perforation, which is enlarged by<br />

resorption. This structure is otherwise only<br />

known from the equally enigmatic Palaeozoic<br />

orders Chileida and Dictyonellida<br />

(Rhynchonelliformea, Chileata). The colleplax<br />

in Salanygolina is here considered to be<br />

homologous with that of the chileates.<br />

Salanygolina is also provided with a ridge-like<br />

pseudodeltidium, which is another chileate<br />

feature. Other characters of Salanygolina, like<br />

the radial arrangement of adductor muscle<br />

scars and postero-medially placed internal<br />

oblique muscles are characteristic of chileates,<br />


ut also found in the paterinates. In contrast,<br />

mixoperipheral dorsal valves with low<br />

rudimentary interareas are well known in<br />

paterinates, but not yet recorded from<br />

chileates. Thus, Salanygolina shows a mosaic<br />

combination of morphologic characters,<br />

known both from the paterinates and chileates,<br />

indicating that it may represent a stem group<br />

of the rhynchonelliform chileate brachiopods.<br />

The laminar phosphatic secondary shell of<br />

Salanygolina is composed of closely packed<br />

and nearly identical hexagonal prisms,<br />

oriented with their long axis normal to the<br />

laminae in a honeycomb pattern. The prism<br />

walls appear to have originally been<br />

composed of organic membranes and might<br />

represent precursors of the organic sheaths of<br />

calcite fibers that are typical of calcitic shells<br />

with a fibrous microstructure.<br />

2009020261<br />

伊 朗 北 部 早 奥 陶 世 腕 足 类 Billengsellide 和<br />

Orthide 演 化 及 生 物 地 理 学 的 新 见 解 =<br />

Billengsellide and Orthide brachiopods: new<br />

insights into earliest Ordovician evolution and<br />

biogeography from northern Iran. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Popov L E; Pour M G; Bassett M G; Kebria-<br />

Ee M. Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 35-52<br />

The eastern Alborz Mountains of Iran<br />

comprise a significant peri-Gondwanan<br />

terrane relevant to the early evolution of late<br />

Cambrian – early Ordovician brachiopods<br />

incorporated into the emerging benthic biota<br />

of the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna. A low<br />

diversity brachiopod assemblage from the late<br />

Tremadocian unit of the Lashkarak Formation<br />

contains six new species including the<br />

polytoechioideans Polytoechia and<br />

Protambonites and the orthoideans<br />

Paralenorthis, Ranorthis, Tarfaya and<br />

Xianorthis. The fauna preserves the earliest<br />

records of Polytoechia, unknown previously<br />

outside Laurentia and the Uralian margin of<br />

Baltica, and of Paralenorthis and Ranorthis,<br />

which were widespread along Gondwanan<br />

margins and in Baltica from the Floian<br />

(Arenig), plus Xianorthis, known hitherto only<br />

from the Floian of South China. The<br />

enigmatic Tarfaya has an impunctate shell<br />

fabric and setigerous perforations along the<br />

posterior margin, indicating placement within<br />

the Orthoidea in a new Family Tarfayidae.<br />

New species of Polytoechia, Protambonites,<br />

Paralenorthis, Ranorthis, Tarfaya, Xianorthis<br />

are described.<br />

2009020262<br />

二 叠 - 三 叠 纪 过 渡 期 促 进 生 存 的 分 类 群 特<br />

征 —— 古 生 代 腕 足 动 物 群 向 中 生 代 腕 足 动<br />

物 群 的 转 换 = Taxon characteristics that<br />

promote survivorship through the Permian–<br />

Triassic interval: transition from the Paleozoic<br />

to the Mesozoic brachiopod fauna. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Leighton L R; Schneider C L.<br />

Paleobiology, 2008, 34(1): 65-79<br />

Examination of organismal characteristics<br />

which promote survivorship through both<br />

background and mass extinctions may reveal<br />

general ecological principles potentially<br />

critical to modern conservation efforts. This<br />

study explores survivorship of brachiopods, a<br />

highly diverse and abundant Paleozoic clade,<br />

through the mid-Permian to mid-Triassic<br />

interval, which includes the greatest mass<br />

extinction in the history of metazoan life. This<br />

interval of time separates two of the major<br />

Phanerozoic evolutionary faunas. In this<br />

regard, survivorship across any one extinction<br />

during the interval would not have been<br />

relevant if the survivor went extinct shortly<br />

after the extinction event; surviving<br />

background extinction is as important as<br />

surviving a mass extinction. Similarly, taxa<br />

that survived but failed to rediversify also<br />

were not major elements of the Mesozoic<br />

evolutionary fauna. Thus, the analysis aims to<br />

analyze survivorship not just across a single<br />

extinction but across the entire mid-Permian to<br />

mid-Triassic; only survivors through the entire<br />

interval can be the ancestors of the Mesozoic<br />

clades.<br />

Fewer brachiopod genera survived the<br />

interval than did brachiopod clades, suggesting<br />

that pseudoextinction or insufficient sampling<br />

could be a problem in analyzing these<br />

extinctions; thus, survivorship analysis should<br />

be conducted at the clade level. Nine<br />

characteristics were examined for generic<br />

representatives of 20 North American<br />

brachiopod clades, five of which survived<br />

both Permian extinctions and the subsequent<br />

earliest Triassic transitional interval.<br />

Characteristics include both those that operate<br />

on global scales and those that operate on the<br />

higher-resolution scales of individuals and<br />

populations.<br />

Survivors were significantly smaller and<br />

occurred less frequently than victims. Mean<br />

diversity of communities in which survivors<br />

were present was significantly greater. The<br />

finding that rare taxa belonging to highdiversity<br />

communities were more likely to<br />

survive runs counter to traditional predictions.<br />

However, these results are consistent with<br />


ecent studies suggesting that higher diversity<br />

within a trophic level may create a buffer, as<br />

surviving taxa quickly occupy the vacant<br />

niche space of the victims. As size, abundance,<br />

and community diversity are all statistically<br />

related, the small size of survivors may be an<br />

artifact of reduced biovolume per taxon in a<br />

diverse community.<br />

No significant relationship exists between<br />

global-scale processes and survivorship of<br />

brachiopods through the mid-Permian to mid-<br />

Triassic. The results suggest that ecological<br />

processes can strongly influence global<br />

extinction patterns.<br />

2009020263<br />

类 舌 形 贝 腕 足 动 物 Lingula adamsi 壳 体 中<br />

的 矿 物 相 = Mineral phase in linguloid<br />

brachiopod shell: Lingula adamsi. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Rohanizadeh R; LeGeros R Z. Lethaia, 2007,<br />

40(1): 61-68<br />

The linguloid brachiopod shell family has<br />

been the focus of several studies because of<br />

the similarity in the composition of the<br />

mineral phase of these shells to that of human<br />

bone. However, ultrastructural features of<br />

Lingula shells have not yet been fully<br />

demonstrated at high magnification using<br />

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)<br />

and Electron Diffraction. Ultrastructural<br />

characterization of the mineral phase in<br />

Lingula shells will improve our understanding<br />

of the biomineralization processes and<br />

mineral/organic interaction in more complex<br />

systems such as in bone or in other human<br />

mineralized tissues. In this study, the mineral<br />

phase of Lingula adamsi was characterized<br />

using a combination of ultrastructural and<br />

crystallographic techniques. The results<br />

showed that L. adamsi shells consist of apatite<br />

crystals of varying size, shape, and orientation<br />

in different areas of the shell. The c-axis of<br />

apatite was parallel to the shell surface and<br />

crystals were organized in different laminae.<br />

Compared to trabecular bovine bone, L.<br />

adamsi shells demonstrated a higher<br />

crystallinity and a lower amount of carbonate<br />

and organic compounds. This study therefore<br />

demonstrated how dissimilar organic matrix<br />

between L. adamsi shell and trabecular bone<br />

can modify the ultrastructural characteristics<br />

of apatite crystals in these two biomineralized<br />

tissues.<br />

2009020264<br />

中 奥 陶 世 小 嘴 贝 形 腕 足 动 物 ( 倾 脊 贝 超 科 和<br />

多 房 贝 超 科 ) 最 早 期 个 体 发 育 —— 对 腕 足 动<br />

物 系 统 发 生 的 意 义 = Earliest ontogeny of<br />

Middle Ordovician rhynchonelliform<br />

brachiopods (Clitambonitoidea and<br />

Polytoechioidea): implications for brachiopod<br />

phylogeny. ( 英 文 ). Popov L E; Egerquist E;<br />

Holmer L E. Lethaia, 2007, 40(1): 85-96<br />

New data on the earliest ontogeny of Mid-<br />

Ordovician Baltoscandian clitambonitoid<br />

(Apomatella, Neumania and Oslogonites) and<br />

polytoechioid (Antigonambonites and<br />

Raunites) brachiopods reveal significant<br />

differences in the life history of the taxa<br />

belonging to these two superfamilies. The<br />

Polytoechioidea and probably other members<br />

of the Billingsellida had planktotrophic larvae,<br />

in which the dorsal and ventral mantle lobes<br />

formed separately and without reversion. The<br />

'pedicle sheath' in Antigonambonites is<br />

secreted by a section of modified ventral<br />

mantle and thus this 'pedicle' is not<br />

homologous within the pedicle of<br />

rhynchonellate brachiopods. It is likely that<br />

polytoechioids and other members of the<br />

strophomenate clade had the same type of<br />

ontogeny and mode of attachment. In contrast,<br />

the ontogeny and mode of attachment of<br />

clitambonitoids are similar to that of recent<br />

rhynchonellates: their mantle lobes and both<br />

valves formed simultaneously, and the pedicle<br />

most likely formed from the larval pedicle<br />

lobe. Evidence for the lecithotrophic nature of<br />

clitambonitoid larva is discussed. This<br />

confirms that the Clitambonitoidea, unlike the<br />

Polytoechioidea, represents an ingroup within<br />

the Rhynchonellata.<br />

2009020265<br />

澳 大 利 亚 东 部 早 石 炭 世 Schellwienella<br />

burlingtonensis 带 的 腕 足 动 物 =<br />

Brachiopods of the Early Carboniferous<br />

Schellwienella burlingtonensis Zone in eastern<br />

Australia. ( 英 文 ). Qian Wenlong; Roberts J.<br />

Alcheringa, 1995, 19(4): 255 - 289<br />

Brachiopods of the Early Carboniferous<br />

Schellwienella burlingtonensis Zone in New<br />

South Wales are systematically described. The<br />

zone contains at least 39 species referred to 30<br />

genera and 24 families. One genus and seven<br />

species are newly established, including<br />

Schuchertella oversbyi sp. nov.,<br />

Angustispatulata campbelli gen. et sp. nov.,<br />

Plectospira simplex sp. nov., Prospira<br />

maxwelli sp. nov., Crassumbo gresfordensis<br />

sp. nov., Actinoconchus rouchelensis sp. nov.<br />

and Hamburgia hillae sp. nov. The threefold<br />

subdivision of the zone is confirmed. The<br />

Swains Gully Section in the Werrie Syncline<br />


is reinstated as the reference for the Spirifer<br />

sol and base of the Schellwienella<br />

burlingtonensis Zones. Section 39 in the<br />

Rouchel Block is selected as a reference<br />

section for the middle part of the S.<br />

burlingtonensis Zone. The upper part of the<br />

zone is best represented by the Mt Richardson<br />

Section in the Gresford Block and Section 30<br />

in the Rouchel Block. The lower part of the<br />

zone is characterised by the first appearance of<br />

the nominate species, Kitakamithyris<br />

rouchelensis and Antiquatonia spinulicosta,<br />

which persist through the higher part of the<br />

zone; the middle part (the Pustula gracilis -<br />

Megachonetes alatus Subzone) by the first<br />

appearance of Pustula gracilis, Megachonetes<br />

alatus, Syringothyris texta, Kitakamithyris<br />

uniplicata, Spirifer (Mesochorispira) cf.<br />

grimesi and Crassumbo gresfordensis sp. nov.;<br />

and the upper part (the Marginatia<br />

patersonensis Subzone) by the first<br />

appearance of M. patersonenensis,<br />

Schuchertella cf. planumbona, Orthotetes<br />

australis, Brachythyris elliptica and Asyrinxia<br />

cf. lata<br />

2009020266<br />

华 南 桂 林 晚 泥 盆 世 F-F 期 之 交 腕 足 动 物 和<br />

Girvanella 耦 合 关 系 = Coupling<br />

relationships between brachiopods and<br />

Girvanella during the Late Devonian F-F<br />

transition in Guilin, South China. ( 英 文 ). Xu<br />

Ran; Gong Yiming; Zeng Jianwei. Science in<br />

China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(11):<br />

1581-1588<br />

The abundance curves derived from area<br />

proportions of brachiopods and Girvanella in<br />

the thin sections from the Yangdi section,<br />

South China, exhibits complex relationships<br />

during the Late Devonian Frasnian-Famennian<br />

transition. The living activity of brachiopods<br />

such as grazing and borrowing did great<br />

damage to the growth of Girvanella. However,<br />

there was more to just a mere a survival<br />

competing relationship between them,<br />

Girvanella actually improved marine<br />

environments by oxygenating the dysoxic<br />

ambient sea-water through photosynthesis in<br />

the lower Kellwasser Horizon. Profited from<br />

this improvement brachiopods’ abundance<br />

increased subsequently and suppressed<br />

Girvanella again. Nonetheless, without<br />

Girvanella ’ s photosynthesis, brachiopods<br />

were wiped out by the farther anoxic<br />

environments in the upper Kellwasser Horizon.<br />

The complex relationships between<br />

Girvanella and brachiopods may be a key to<br />

unlocking the relationships between<br />

geomicrobes and metazoans in the geological<br />

overturn periods.<br />

2009020267<br />

华 南 二 叠 纪 Productida( 腕 足 类 ) 形 态 的 演 化<br />

模 式 = Evolutionary patterns of Productida<br />

(Brachiopoda) morphology during the<br />

Permian in South China. ( 英 文 ). Zhang Yang;<br />

He Weihong. Science in China Series D:<br />

Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(11): 1589-1600<br />

The evolutionary patterns of Productida<br />

(brachiopod) morphology throughout the<br />

Permian show that while the percentage<br />

proportion of Productida (brachiopod) with<br />

strongly concentric and radial ornamentation<br />

declined from the Cisuralian to the<br />

Guadalupian, and then increased towards the<br />

Changhsingian via Wuchiapingian, the<br />

percentage proportion of Productida<br />

(brachiopod) with fine concentric and radial<br />

ornamentation distinctly increased from the<br />

Cisuralian to the Guadalupian, slightly<br />

declined towards the Wuchiapingian, and then<br />

increased towards the Changhsingian. From<br />

the Cisuralian to the Changhsingian, the<br />

percentage proportion of brachiopods with<br />

spinose ornamentation shows a persistent<br />

declining trend. The shell size generally<br />

indicates a miniaturization trend at species<br />

level during the Wuchiapingian to<br />

Changhsingian (including the transitional bed).<br />

These evolutionary patterns of brachiopod<br />

ornamentation and size are possibly related to<br />

the anoxia, food shortage, sea-level fluctuation,<br />

and change of substrate in the Permian<br />

(including the Permian-Triassic transitional<br />

interval) in South China.<br />

2009020268<br />

评 述 寒 武 纪 乳 孔 贝 类 腕 足 动 物 属 Neotreta<br />

= Review of the Cambrian acrotretid<br />

brachiopod Neotreta. ( 英 文 ). Popov L E;<br />

Berg-Madsen V; Holmer L E.<br />

Alcheringa, 1994, 18(4): 345 - 357<br />

The Cambrian acrotretid brachiopod<br />

Neotreta Sobolev 1976 is reviewed and reillustrated,<br />

based on new material of the type<br />

species, N. tumida Sobolev 1976, from the<br />

lower Upper Cambrian of Siberia; Neotreta<br />

orbiculata Koneva 1990, originally described<br />

from the Middle Cambrian of Kazakhstan, has<br />

been obtained from roughly coeval beds in<br />

Shropshire, England; Neotreta pusilla Koneva<br />

1986 was unavailable for study. Two new<br />

species, N. davidi and N. karagailensis, are<br />


described from Queensland, Australia, and<br />

Kirgizia, Central Asia respectively.<br />

2009020269<br />

喜 马 拉 雅 东 部 早 二 叠 世 腕 足 动 物 =<br />

Brachiopoda from the Early Permian of the<br />

Eastern Himalaya. ( 英 文 ). Singh T; Archbold<br />

N W. Alcheringa, 1993, 17(1`): 55 - 75<br />

Early Permian brachiopods are described<br />

from the Garu Formation of the eastern<br />

Himalaya. New species are Tivertonia<br />

tatamariensis, Costatumulus sahnii, Tomiopsis<br />

siangensis and Trigonotreta orientensis. The<br />

age of the fauna is reviewed with an early<br />

Sterlitamakian (Sakmarian) age being<br />

preferred.<br />

2009020270<br />

南 澳 大 利 亚 早 寒 武 世 主 要 类 群 腕 足 动 物 :<br />

Paterimitra 属 的 钙 质 体 = The scleritome of<br />

Paterimitra: an Early Cambrian stem group<br />

brachiopod from South Australia. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Skovsted C B; Holmer L E; Larsson C M.<br />

Proceedings of the Royal Society B:<br />

Biological Sciences, 2009, 276(1662): 1651-<br />

1656<br />

Early Cambrian tommotiids are problematic<br />

fossil metazoans with external<br />

organophosphatic sclerites that have been<br />

considered to be basal members of the<br />

lophophorate stem group. Tommotiids are<br />

almost exclusively known from isolated or<br />

rarely fused individual sclerites, which made<br />

previous reconstructions of the actual<br />

organism highly conjectural. However, the<br />

recent discovery of the first articulated<br />

specimens of the tommotiid Eccentrotheca<br />

revealed a tubular sclerite arrangement<br />

(scleritome) that limited the possible life habit<br />

to sessile filter feeding and thus further<br />

supported a lophophorate affinity. Here, we<br />

report the first articulated specimens of a<br />

second tommotiid taxon, Paterimitra from the<br />

Early Cambrian of the Arrowie Basin, South<br />

Australia. Articulated specimens of<br />

Paterimitra are composed of two bilaterally<br />

symmetrical sclerite types and an unresolved<br />

number of small, asymmetrical and irregular<br />

crescent-shaped sclerites that attached to the<br />

anterior margin of the symmetrical sclerites.<br />

Together, the sclerites form an open cone in<br />

which the symmetrical sclerites are joined<br />

together and form a small posterior opening<br />

near the base of the scleritome, while the<br />

irregular crescent-shaped sclerites defined a<br />

broad anterior opening. The coniform<br />

scleritome of Paterimitra is interpreted to<br />

have attached to hard substrates via a pedicle<br />

that emerged through the small posterior<br />

opening (sometimes forming a tube) and was<br />

probably a sessile filter feeder. The scleritome<br />

of Paterimitra can be derived from the tubular<br />

scleritome of Eccentrotheca by modification<br />

of basal sclerites and reduction in tube height,<br />

and probably represents a more derived<br />

member of the brachiopod stem group with<br />

the paired symmetrical sclerites possibly<br />

homologous to brachiopod valves.<br />

2009020271<br />

化 石 和 现 代 腕 足 动 物 门 = Brachiopoda:<br />

Fossil and Recent. ( 英 文 ). Harper D A T;<br />

Long Sarah; Nielsen C. Fossils and Strata,<br />

Volume 54. Pages:336.Wiley-Blackwell<br />

Publishing Company.2009.978-1-4051-8664-3.<br />

This substantial volume showcases 35 of<br />

the presentations delivered at the 5th<br />

International Brachiopod Congress in<br />

Copenhagen. The brachiopod congresses are a<br />

focus for cutting-edge research in brachiopod<br />

palaeontology and neontology. The<br />

presentations from the Copenhagen Congress<br />

cover a wide range of material from basic<br />

morphology and taxonomy through advances<br />

in molecular phylogeny and ultrastructural<br />

studies to the biogeography and palaeoecology<br />

of the phylum. About 75% of the papers relate<br />

to fossil brachiopods and the rest to living<br />

forms The following fields are represented in<br />

the volume: Taxonomy/Morphology (25%),<br />

Ecology/Palaeoecology (35%) and<br />

Stratigraphy/Biogeography (20%), phylogeny<br />

(10%) and Biochemistry/Genetics (10%). The<br />

volume is beautifully illustrated throughout<br />

and the papers together represent an exciting<br />

snapshot of contemporary brachiopod research<br />

as it continues into the third millennium.<br />

2009020272<br />

匈 牙 利 巴 科 尼 山 脉 Band 和 Devecser 地 区<br />

巴 登 阶 微 体 腕 足 类 = Badenian (Middle<br />

Miocene) micromorphic brachiopods from<br />

band and Devecser (Bakony Mountains,<br />

Hungary). ( 英 文 ). Dulai A. Fragmenta<br />

Palaeontologica Hungarica, 2007, 24-25(): 1-<br />

13<br />

The described brachiopod assemblage<br />

comprises 3 micromorphic species belonging<br />

to two genera of Megathyrididae. Argyrotheca<br />

cordata and A. cuneata are relatively common<br />

members of the coral-bearing, diverse fauna at<br />

Band. The very limited Devecser material<br />

yielded isolated but well-preserved A. cordata<br />

and Megathiris deltruncata valves. All the<br />


three species are widespread in the Miocene of<br />

the Central Paratethys, as well as in the Recent<br />

seas.<br />

2009020273<br />

匈 牙 利 外 多 瑙 河 区 域 侏 罗 纪 腕 足 类 : 地 层 分<br />

布 和 多 样 性 变 化 = Jurassic brachiopods of<br />

the Transdanubian Range (Hungary);<br />

stratigraphical distribution and diversity<br />

changes. ( 英 文 ). Voros A; Dulai A.<br />

Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica, 2007,<br />

24-25(): 51-68<br />

Several thousands brachiopod specimens<br />

have been collected from 7 different stages.<br />

The fauna shows a great diversification in the<br />

Hettangian to Pliensbachian interval, with a<br />

diversity peak reached in the late Sinemurian.<br />

This is consistent with the global recovery<br />

precess after the end-Triassic extinction. The<br />

Early Toarcian disappearnce of the<br />

brachiopods from the TR was apparently<br />

connected to the Tethyan anoxic event.<br />

软 体 动 物<br />

2009020274<br />

Gastrochaena cuneiformis Spengler, 1783<br />

的 特 征 以 及 双 壳 纲 Gastrochaenoidea 科<br />

Gastrochaena、Rocellaria 和 Lamychaena<br />

属 的 演 化 = The identity of Gastrochaena<br />

cuneiformis Spengler,1783, and the evolution<br />

of gastrochaena, Rocellaria, and Lamychaena<br />

(Mollusca,Bivalvia,Gastrochaenoidea). ( 英 文 ).<br />

Carter J G; Mcdowell T; Namboodiri N.<br />

Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(1): 102-<br />

117 11 图 版 .<br />

The specimens of Gastrochaena<br />

cuneiformis Spengler, 1783, with Spenglerwritten<br />

labels at the Zoologisk Museum,<br />

Copenhagen, did not come from Spengler's<br />

type locality in the Nicobar Islands, and may<br />

instead be syntypes of Chemnitz's (1788)<br />

West Indies "Pholas hians". The identity of<br />

Gastrochaena cuneiformis as a senior<br />

synonym of Gastrochaena gigantea<br />

(Deshayes, 1830) is established on the basis of<br />

Spengler's original descriptions and<br />

illustrations, and by examination of specimens<br />

from the type locality. A neotype for G.<br />

cuneiformis is designated and illustrated, and<br />

its genus is revised to exclude Rocellaria<br />

Blainville, 1829, and Lamychaena Freneix in<br />

Freneix and Roman, 1979. Gastrochaena<br />

Spengler, 1783 is the most plesiomorphic of<br />

these three genera, as shown by its simple<br />

boring, short siphons, and diffuse, poorly<br />

differentiated anterior pedal muscles.<br />

Rocellaria evolved from a close common<br />

ancestor with Gastrochaena, and is<br />

characterized by a ventral shift and fusion of<br />

the posteroventral pallial sinus with the<br />

posteroventral pallial band, low, irregular<br />

posterior commarginal lamellae, and well<br />

defined anterior pedal retractor muscles<br />

generally supported by myophores.<br />

Lamychaena evolved from Rocellaria during<br />

the Oligocene, extending its ctenidia far<br />

posterior into the siphonal part of the boring,<br />

and, in some species, uniting its anterior pedal<br />

retractor and protractor muscles as they<br />

approach the byssus apparatus.<br />

2009020275<br />

加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 省 早 侏 罗 世<br />

Hettangian 期 菊 石 Sunrisites 的 三 个 新 种 =<br />

Three new species of the Hettangian (Early<br />

Jurassic) ammonite Sunrisites from British<br />

Columbia, Canada. ( 英 文 ). Longridge L M;<br />

Smith P L; Palfy J; Tipper H W. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(1): 128-139 2 图 版 .<br />

Most species of the middle and late<br />

Hettangian psiloceratid genus Sunrisites are<br />

endemic to the eastern Pacific, where they are<br />

common members of ammonoid assemblages.<br />

The Taseko Lakes map area in British<br />

Columbia yields diverse and well-preserved<br />

Sunrisites faunas which are formally described<br />

here for the first time. Three new species are<br />

recognized, S. brimblecombei, S.<br />

chilcotinensis, and S. senililevis. The new<br />

species require an extension of the<br />

morphological range of the genus to include<br />

forms that become moderately involute at<br />

large shell diameters. Signs of sexual<br />

dimorphism are apparent within all three new<br />

species of Sunrisites. This work extends the<br />

stratigraphic range of Sunrisites to include the<br />

latest Hettangian Rursicostatum Zone in North<br />

America. The distribution of Sunrisites<br />

suggests that the Hispanic Corridor, which<br />

linked the western Tethyan Ocean and the<br />

eastern Pacific, may have been open during<br />

the Hettangian. Furthermore, occurrences of<br />

the genus constrain the Hettangian position of<br />

several allochthonous terranes to the<br />

northeastern Pacific.<br />

2009020276<br />

加 利 福 尼 亚 北 部 下 白 垩 统 渗 油 碳 酸 盐 岩 中<br />

腹 足 类 Neomphalidae 科 Retiskenea 属 ()<br />

的 两 个 新 种 = Two new species of Retiskenea<br />

(Gastropoda: Neomphalidae) from Lower<br />

Cretaceous Hydrocarbon-seep carbonates of<br />


Northern California. ( 英 文 ). Campbell K A;<br />

Peterson D E; Alfaro A C. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(1): 140-153 4 图 版 .<br />

Two new Mesozoic gastropod species,<br />

provisionally attributed to the minute (height<br />

< 5 mm) coiled neomphalid genus Retiskenea,<br />

are described from three geographically<br />

isolated, Early Cretaceous, hydrocarbon seepcarbonate<br />

sites at Wilbur Springs, Rice Valley,<br />

and Cold Fork of Cottonwood Creek, northern<br />

California (USA). A fourth paleo-seep locality<br />

at Paskenta, of probable Upper Jurassic age,<br />

also yielded a single specimen of a<br />

morphologically similar microgastropod that<br />

may be a neomphalid with affinities to the<br />

Lower Cretaceous specimens described herein.<br />

The limestone lenses are 2–260 m in length,<br />

1 – 5 m in diameter, and surrounded by<br />

forearc siliciclastics of bathyal turbidites or<br />

sedimentary serpentinites in the Upper<br />

Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous (Tithonian –<br />

Albian) Great Valley Group and its<br />

equivalents. The Lower Cretaceous<br />

microgastropods are tentatively placed in<br />

Retiskenea based on similar shell characters:<br />

size, globose shape, inflated reticulate<br />

protoconch, number and distinct inflation of<br />

the body whorls, and fine, prosocline<br />

sculpture of the final body whorl. The fossils<br />

occur in carbonate microbialites that formed<br />

in seafloor sediments during archaeal<br />

anaerobic oxidation of methane in the zone of<br />

bacterial sulfate reduction, associated with<br />

H2S- and CH4-rich fluid seepage. The<br />

California Retiskenea fossils commonly are<br />

found in gregarious clusters, or closely<br />

affiliated with thin worm tubes or, in one case,<br />

a larger gastropod. These Mesozoic records<br />

increase the total known species attributable to<br />

this cold-seep endemic genus from two to four.<br />

Its spatial and temporal distribution thus may<br />

have spanned 9,000 km around the Pacific<br />

Rim from at least 133 m.y. to the present in 10<br />

subduction-related seep sites from California<br />

(possibly Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous),<br />

Washington (middle Eocene – Upper<br />

Oligocene), and modern offshore Oregon, the<br />

eastern Aleutians, and the Japan Trench. If the<br />

generic placement of these microgastropod<br />

fossils is correct, the California records are the<br />

oldest-known occurrences of Retiskenea,<br />

consistent with an estimated minimum<br />

Mesozoic origin for the ‘ hot vent ’<br />

Neomphalidae, as inferred from molecular<br />

analyses published on other living members of<br />

the family.<br />

2009020277<br />

内 华 达 New Pass 山 脉 南 部 峡 谷 Carnian 阶<br />

下 部 Desatoyense 带 层 型 地 区 发 现<br />

Ladinian 阶 上 部 的 菊 石 = Discovery of<br />

Upper Ladinian Ammonoids at the type<br />

locality of the Lower Carnian desatoyense<br />

zone (South Canyon, New Pass Range,<br />

Nevada). ( 英 文 ). Balini M. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(1): 176-182 1 图 版 .<br />

South Canyon, located in the New Pass<br />

Range in central Nevada (Fig. 1), is one of the<br />

most important localities for Upper Triassic<br />

marine invertebrates in North America. This<br />

site yields very rich ammonoid faunas, as well<br />

as cnidarians (Muller, 1936; Stanley, 1979;<br />

Roniewicz and Stanley, 1998), foraminifers<br />

(Gazdzicki and Stanley, 1983), bivalves<br />

(Waller and Stanley, 1998, 2005; Hopkin and<br />

McRoberts, 2003), and brachiopods.<br />

2009020278<br />

澳 大 利 亚 Mississippian 亚 纪 两 个 帽 贝 以 及<br />

它 们 对 Caenogastropoda 起 源 的 意 义 =<br />

Two Mississippian Caenogastropod limpets<br />

from Australia and their meaning for the<br />

ancestry of the Caenogastropoda. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Cood A; N ü tzel A; Frýda J. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(1): 183-187 3 图 版 .<br />

Two new limpets with a caenogastropodtype<br />

larval shell are described from the<br />

Mississippian (Early Carboniferous) of<br />

Australia and assigned to Australoscutula n.<br />

gen. of the family Pragoscutulidae. This<br />

family has previously been reported only from<br />

the Early Devonian of Europe (Czech<br />

Republic, Prague Basin). Therefore, it<br />

survived the Late Devonian biotic crisis. The<br />

fact that one of the earliest certain<br />

caenogastropods has a patelliform shell is<br />

noteworthy given most other Middle to Late<br />

Paleozoic caenogastropods are high-spired or<br />

fusiform. Pragosutulidae are interpreted as an<br />

early patelliform caenogastropod offshoot<br />

derived from coiled ancestors. The<br />

Pragoscutulidae are the oldest gastropod<br />

limpets with well-preserved larval shells.<br />

Their teleoconch is entirely limpet-shaped<br />

without helicoid coiling. However, the<br />

helicoid turbiniform larval shells suggests that<br />

this group evolved from an ancestor with<br />

turbiniform or even high-spired adult shell.<br />

Moreover, the multi-whorled dextral larval<br />

shells show that Pragoscutulidae are<br />

Caenogastropoda and document that early<br />


Caenogastropoda displayed considerable<br />

disparity. .<br />

2009020279<br />

北 美 太 平 洋 斜 坡 Coniacian 期 至<br />

Maastrichtian 期 的 腹 足 类 Volutidae 科<br />

Volutoderminae 亚 科 = Volutoderminae<br />

(Gastropoda: Volutidae) of Coniacian through<br />

Maastrichtian age from the North American<br />

Pacific Slope. ( 英 文 ). Saul L R; Squires R L.<br />

Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 213-<br />

237 8 图 版 .<br />

Specimens of the large, shallow-marine,<br />

volutid gastropod Volutoderma Gabb, 1877,<br />

herein recognized only from strata of Late<br />

Cretaceous (Coniacian through early<br />

Maastrichtian) age in British Columbia,<br />

Washington, California, and Baja California<br />

have commonly been identified as<br />

Volutoderma averillii (Gabb, 1864). This<br />

review of available specimens assigns them to<br />

two genera: Volutoderma and Longoconcha<br />

Stephenson, 1941. Twelve species, nine of<br />

them new, comprise three morphologic<br />

lineages of Volutoderma, i.e., 1) "Typical"<br />

includes V. querna n. sp., V. averillii (Gabb),<br />

V. blakei n. sp., V. jalama n. sp., V. perissa n.<br />

sp., and possibly Volutoderma n. sp.; 2)<br />

"Angelica" includes V. angelica n. sp., V.<br />

elderi n. sp., and V. ynezae n. sp.; and 3)<br />

"Magna" includes V. santana Packard, V.<br />

magna Packard, and perhaps V. antherena n.<br />

sp. A new species of Longoconcha, L.<br />

eumeka, is the first Pacific Slope record of this<br />

genus, which has a Gulf Coast and Tethyan<br />

Old World distribution. A smaller volutid,<br />

Retipirula Dall, 1907 is endemic to the study<br />

area and was formerly known only from its<br />

type species R. crassitesta (Gabb, 1869) of<br />

Paleocene age. Two new Retipirula are<br />

reported: R. calidula of latest Maastrichtian<br />

age and R. pinguis of Paleocene age. Only the<br />

Volutoderma lineage containing V. averillii<br />

has been found north of San Francisco.<br />

Recovery of rudist bivalves from formations<br />

yielding Volutoderma suggests that these<br />

volutes were warm-temperate to subtropical<br />

gastropods. Co-occurrences of these<br />

gastropods and rudistids may aid in placing<br />

the warm-temperate/subtropical boundary<br />

during the Late Cretaceous.<br />

2009020280<br />

墨 西 哥 东 北 晚 白 垩 世 和 古 近 纪 的 淡 水 腹 足<br />

类 = Late Cretaceous and Paleogene<br />

freshwater Gastropods from Northeastern<br />

Mexico. ( 英 文 ). Perrilliat M D C; Vega F J;<br />

Espinosa B; Naranjo-Garcia E. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 255-266 2 图 版 .<br />

Twenty-three species of Campanian,<br />

Maastrichtian, Paleocene, and Eocene<br />

freshwater gastropods from northeastern<br />

Mexico are described, including eight new<br />

species: Viviparus mcbridei, Pachychilus<br />

(Pachychiloides) lawtoni, Melanoides<br />

(Melanoides) yolandae, Melanoides<br />

(Melanoides) wollebeni, Physa cepedaensis,<br />

Mesolanistes magnus, Mesolanistes murrayi,<br />

and Gyraulus zoltani. Specimens were<br />

collected from fine-grained, green sandstone<br />

and mudstone, red mudstone, and as<br />

hematized remains in fine light-brown<br />

sandstones belonging to the following<br />

stratigraphic units of northeastern Mexico:<br />

Cerro del Pueblo (Campanian, Parras Basin),<br />

Olmos (Maastrichtian, Sabinas Basin), Las<br />

Encinas (Paleocene, Parras Basin), and<br />

Carroza (Eocene, La Popa Basin) Formations.<br />

All except two of the genera (Pyrgulifera and<br />

Mesolanistes) have recent representatives.<br />

Review of habitats of living species of the six<br />

extant genera and interpretations of sample<br />

lithologies support the inference of<br />

dominantly freshwater paleoenvironments.<br />

Only one Maastrichtian locality is interpreted<br />

confidently to have had a brackish water<br />

influence.<br />

2009020281<br />

加 拿 大 哥 伦 比 亚 省 双 壳 类 Buchiidae 科<br />

Buchia 属 的 新 种 兼 论 Buchiid 的 两 极 分 布<br />

= A new species of Buchia (Bivalvia:<br />

Buchiidae) from British Columbia, Canada,<br />

with an analysis of Buchiid bipolarity. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Grey M; Haggart J W; Smith P L. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 391-397 3 图 版 .<br />

Critical reinvestigation of the bivalve<br />

Buchia cf. blanfordiana Jeletzky, 1965 from<br />

the Upper Jurassic of western British<br />

Columbia indicates that it is morphologically<br />

distinct from B. blanfordiana Stoliczka, 1866<br />

of the Indo-Pacific region. We analyzed<br />

collections from relatively coeval sections<br />

containing multiple buchiid species from the<br />

Northern and Southern Hemispheres and used<br />

ten morphological characters to describe<br />

Buchia shell shape and size. We tested for<br />

taxonomic differences on left and right valves<br />

using a traditional morphometric approach<br />

with both linear and angular measurements<br />

and Fourier (outline) analyses. Phenetic<br />

discrimination revealed considerable overlap<br />

in the morphospace, but high classification<br />


ates between the two groups when compared<br />

with a step-wise discriminant analysis. This<br />

study supports the retention of the Indo-<br />

Pacific genera Australobuchia Zakharov, 1981<br />

and Malayomaorica Jeletzky, 1963 and<br />

confirms that Buchia (=Australobuchia)<br />

blanfordiana is restricted to the Southern<br />

Hemisphere. Consequently, we propose the<br />

new name Buchia columbiana n. sp. for<br />

material assigned to Buchia cf. blanfordiana<br />

Jeletzky, 1965. Our results have implications<br />

for bipolarity and migration of the genus<br />

Buchia, supporting previous suggestions that<br />

buchiids formerly identified as Buchia from<br />

the Southern Hemisphere should be grouped<br />

as a separate genus.<br />

2009020282<br />

早 寒 武 世 的 齿 舌 = An Early Cambrian<br />

Radula. ( 英 文 ). Butterfield N J. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(3): 543-554 11 图 版 .<br />

Microscopic teeth isolated from the early<br />

Cambrian Mahto Formation, Alberta, Canada,<br />

are identified as components of a molluscan<br />

radula, the oldest on record. Tooth-rows are<br />

polystichous and lack a medial rachidian<br />

tooth-column. Anterior-posterior differences<br />

in tooth-row morphology are interpreted as<br />

ontogenetic and correspond broadly to the<br />

diversity of isolated teeth, some of which<br />

correspond closely with those of extant<br />

aplacophoran molluscs. Associated pockmarked<br />

cuticular fragments are interpreted as<br />

having supported multiple biomineralized<br />

sclerites/spines in the manner of a modern<br />

chiton girdle. On the assumption that the<br />

cuticle and radula derive from the same<br />

species, there is a strong case for identifying<br />

this fossil as an aculiferan (aplacophoran +<br />

polyplacophora) mollusc, possibly a stemgroup<br />

chiton. Similarities between the Mahto<br />

radula and the feeding apparatus of Wiwaxia<br />

and Odontogriphus are shown to be<br />

superficial. Terminal wear on some of the<br />

Mahto teeth indicate that they were used to<br />

scrape hard-substrates.<br />

2009020283<br />

三 叠 纪 双 壳 动 物 Mysidiellidae 科 和 新 科<br />

Healeyidae 的 分 类 和 系 统 发 生 = Taxonomy<br />

and phylogeny of the Triassic bivalve<br />

Families Mysidiellidae Cox, 1964 and<br />

Healeyidae New Family. ( 英 文 ). Hautmann M.<br />

Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(3): 555-<br />

564 7 图 版 .<br />

The Mysidiellidae are morphologically<br />

isolated among Triassic bivalves but share<br />

important characters with Late Paleozoic<br />

Ambonychioidea. Apart from a great<br />

similarity in the general shape of the shell, the<br />

most primitive mysidiellid genus<br />

Promysidiella resembles ambonychioids in the<br />

presence of a duplivincular-opisthodetic<br />

ligament system. Within the Mysidiellidae,<br />

this ligament type evolved into the transitional<br />

ligament system that characterizes Late<br />

Triassic Mysidiella. The phyletic polarity<br />

indicates that this evolution probably took<br />

place by paedomorphosis. New examinations<br />

of the shell microstructure of Mysidiella<br />

demonstrate the presence of simple prismatic<br />

and possibly foliated structures in the calcitic<br />

outer shell layer, which further supports an<br />

ambonychioid affinity. Therefore, the<br />

Mysidiellidae are removed from the<br />

Mytiloidea and assigned to the<br />

Ambonychioidea. The poorly known genus<br />

Protopis, which was originally included in the<br />

Mysidiellidae, probably had a parivincular<br />

ligament system and was hence a member of<br />

the Heteroconchia. Joannina, which was<br />

previously considered a junior synonym of<br />

Protopis, is re-established. The hinge margin<br />

of Joannina carries a well developed nymph<br />

but lacks teeth. These characters as well as its<br />

modioliform shape, anterior shell lobe, and<br />

pronounced diagonal carina link Joannina<br />

with the Late Triassic genus Healeya<br />

(Modiomorphoidea). Both taxa are herein<br />

placed in the new family Healeyidae, which<br />

differs from the morphologically similar<br />

Kalenteridae in the absence of elaborated<br />

hinge teeth. Protopis, as well as the recently<br />

described genera Leidapoconcha, Waijiaoella,<br />

and Qingyaniola, are tentatively assigned to<br />

the Healeyidae.<br />

2009020284<br />

加 拿 大 Yukon 省 Royal Creek 地 区 早 泥 盆<br />

世 新 的 Porcellioidean 类 腹 足 类 = New<br />

Porcellioidean Gastropods from Early<br />

Devonian of Royal Creek area, Yukon<br />

Territory, Canada, with notes on their early<br />

phylogeny. ( 英 文 ). Frýda J; Blodgett R B;<br />

Lenz A C; Manda Š . Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(3): 595-603 3 图 版 .<br />

This paper presents a description of new<br />

gastropods belonging to the superfamily<br />

Porcellioidea (Vetigastropoda) from the richly<br />

diverse Lower Devonian gastropod fauna of<br />

the Road River Formation in the Royal Creek<br />

area, Yukon Territory. This fauna belongs to<br />


Western Canada Province of the Old World<br />

Realm. The Pragian species Porcellia<br />

(Porcellia) yukonensis n. sp. and Porcellia<br />

(Paraporcellia) sp. represent the oldest<br />

presently known members of subgenera<br />

Porcellia (Porcellia) and Porcellia<br />

(Paraporcellia). Their simple shell<br />

ornamentation fits well with an earlier<br />

described evolutionary trend in shell<br />

morphology of the Porcellinae. Late Pragian<br />

to early Emsian Perryconcha pulchra n. gen.<br />

and n. sp. is the first member of the<br />

Porcellioidea bearing a row of tremata on<br />

adult teleoconch whorls. The occurrence of<br />

this shell feature in the Porcellioidea is<br />

additional evidence that the evolution of the<br />

apertural slit was much more complicated than<br />

has been proposed in classical models of<br />

Paleozoic gastropod evolution.<br />

2009020285<br />

阿 拉 斯 加 东 南 部 和 中 西 部 志 留 纪 腹 足 类 =<br />

Silurian gastropoda from southeastern and<br />

West-Central Alaska. ( 英 文 ). Rohr D M;<br />

Blodgett R B; Frýda J. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(3): 604-611 3 图 版 .<br />

Additional Silurian (Ludlovian) gastropods<br />

are described from the Heceta Formation in<br />

the Alexander terrane on Prince of Wales<br />

Island, southeastern Alaska. Species include<br />

Spinicharybdis krizi n. sp., Spinicharybdis<br />

boucoti n. sp., Morania wagneri n. sp.,<br />

Haplospira craigi n. sp., Australonema sp.,<br />

Pachystrophia cf. gotlandica<br />

(Lindström,1884), and Medfrazyga gilmulli n.<br />

sp. An additional new Silurian species,<br />

Morania nixonforkensis n. sp., is described<br />

from the Nixon Fork subterrane of the<br />

Farewell terrane of west-central Alaska. The<br />

spine-bearing Spinicharybdis is placed into a<br />

new subfamily Spinicharybdiinae together<br />

with Hystricoceras Jahn, 1894. Joint<br />

occurrences of genera Beraunia, Coelocaulus,<br />

and Morania, as well as members of<br />

subfamily Spinicharybdiinae in the gastropod<br />

fauna from the Heceta Formation, support its<br />

close relationship with gastropod fauna of<br />

Bohemia. Additionally, the occurrence of the<br />

genus Medfrazyga suggests a faunal link<br />

between the Alexander and Farewell terranes<br />

of Alaska. Medfrazyga gilmulli n. sp. is the<br />

oldest known and the only early Paleozoic<br />

member of the family Palaeozygopleuridae.<br />

2009020286<br />

萨 拉 乌 苏 河 流 域 MGS3 地 层 段 腹 足 类 动 物<br />

化 石 及 它 们 的 气 候 环 境 意 义 = Fossil<br />

gastropods from the MGS3 stratigraphic<br />

segment in the Salawusu River Valley and<br />

their climatic and environmental implications.<br />

( 英 文 ). Li Baosheng; Chen Deniu; Zhang D D;<br />

Wen Xiaohao; Qiu Shifan; Ou Xianjiao; Du<br />

Shuhuan; Niu Dongfeng; Yang Yi; Ye<br />

Jianping; Guo Yunhai. Science in China<br />

Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(3): 339-<br />

348<br />

Contemporaneous with MIS3, the MGS3<br />

segment of the Milanggouwan stratigraphic<br />

section in the Salawusu River Valley, Mu Us<br />

Desert, China contains fossil gastropods<br />

(terrestrial and freshwater snails) in strata<br />

33LS, 35LS, 37FL and 39LS. Examination of<br />

these fossils revealed 11 species belonging to<br />

8 families and 10 genera. They can be<br />

classified as: (1) assemblage of Gyraulus and<br />

Galba mainly consisting of Gyraulus<br />

convexiusculus, Gyraulus sibiricus, Galba<br />

pervia and Galba superegra Gredler, etc. (2)<br />

assemblage of Vallonia mainly consisting of<br />

terrestrial snails, such as Vallonia patens,<br />

Pupilla muscorum and Discus paupe, etc.<br />

Based on the dating results, and the living<br />

habits, living conditions, and geographic<br />

distribution of their extant species, we suggest<br />

that: the ages of 33LS, 35LS, 37FL, and 39LS<br />

are 26000, 29000, 33000 and 38000 a,<br />

respectively, corresponding well to the<br />

interstadial period in GRIP 4, 5, 6 and 10 in<br />

terms of chronology and climatic characters;<br />

33LS, 35LS and 39LS represent very warmhumid<br />

periods, while 37FL represents a less<br />

warm-humid period; the four periods of<br />

climatic fluctuations recorded in MGS3 were<br />

related to the strong impact of the summer<br />

monsoon in East Asia in Mu Us Desert of<br />

China during the interstadial of MIS3 on a<br />

global climatic background.<br />

2009020287<br />

三 角 旋 卷 的 晚 泥 盆 世 菊 石 Wocklumeria 及<br />

其 相 关 属 的 壳 几 何 形 态 和 个 体 发 育 轨 迹 =<br />

Conch geometry and ontogenetic trajectories<br />

in the triangularly coiled Late Devonian<br />

ammonoid Wocklumeria and related genera.<br />

( 英 文 ). Ebbighausen V; Korn D. Neues<br />

Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(1): 9-41<br />

Both genera are closely related, as indicated<br />

by a number of characters regarding conch<br />

geometry, ornament, and suture line. Some of<br />

the peculiar conch characters, including adult<br />

modifications, such as pening of the umbilicus,<br />

a terminal constriction, lateral narrowing of<br />

the mature aperture, and extreme septal<br />


crowding that is paralleled by the loss of<br />

suture characters can be seen in Wocklumeria.<br />

Wocklumeria sphaeroides and Wocklumeria<br />

denckmanni are distinguished on the base of<br />

degree of triangular coiling in intermediate<br />

whorls. Wocklumeria oblivia n. sp. and<br />

Wocklumeria boulmanensis n. sp. are newly<br />

described from the Anti-Atlas of Morocco.<br />

2009020288<br />

德 国 东 部 中 新 世 Berzdorf 盆 地 的 珠 蚌 双 壳<br />

类 : 系 统 分 类 评 述 及 其 古 生 态 和 古 气 候 意 义<br />

= Unionoid bivalves from the Miocene<br />

Berzdorf Basin (eastern Germany): taxonomic<br />

remarks and implications for palaeoecology<br />

and palaeoclimatology. ( 英 文 ). Scholz H;<br />

Tietz O; Buchner J. Neues Jahrbuch fur<br />

Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(1): 43-51<br />

For the first time, unionoid bivalves from<br />

the Miocene lignite mines of eastern Germany<br />

are described. Margaritifera flabellata from<br />

the Lower Miocene of the Berzdorf Basin is<br />

represented by four specimens. They inhabited<br />

the channel of a meandering river. M.<br />

flabellata from Berzdorf is the third<br />

occurrence of this species outside the Alpine<br />

Molasse Basin. The dispersion of these<br />

bivalves in the Miocene of Central Europe is<br />

indicative of the warming during the Miocene<br />

Climatic Optimum.<br />

2009020289<br />

埃 及 西 沙 漠 区 域 Abu Roash 地 区 上 赛 诺<br />

曼 - 土 仑 阶 辐 射 蛤 科 新 的 系 统 分 类 和 生 物 地<br />

层 数 据 = New taxonomic and biostratigraphic<br />

data on the Upper Cenomanian-Turonian<br />

Radiolitidae (Bivalva: Hippuritoidea) of Abu<br />

Roash, Western Desert, Egypt. ( 英 文 ). El-<br />

Hedeny M M. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(1):<br />

79-98<br />

The Rudistae Series of Abu Roash of Egypt<br />

contains abundant radiolitid bivalves that are<br />

described herein in detail. Four species are<br />

documented for the first time in the studied<br />

area. Stratigraphically, the Rudistae Series can<br />

be subdivided into three distinct stratigraphic<br />

units.<br />

2009020290<br />

亚 洲 东 北 部 三 迭 纪 菊 石 : 多 样 性 和 演 化 阶<br />

段 = Triassic ammonoids of Northeast Asia:<br />

Diversity and evolutionary stages. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Konstantinov A G. Stratigraphy and<br />

Geological Correlation, 2008, 16(5): 490-502<br />

The history of Triassic ammonoids in the<br />

Siberian Province of the Boreal<br />

Paleobiogeographic Realm is recorded in<br />

detail in sections of Northeast Asia. In this<br />

region there are known at present 123 Triassic<br />

ammonoid genera of 41 family and 3 orders.<br />

Six stages and 14 substages are defined based<br />

on main levels of taxonomic restructuring of<br />

Triassic ammonoids, changes in their genera<br />

and families diversity, and changes in<br />

percentage of endemic and cosmopolitan taxa<br />

in assemblages. Each stage and substage is<br />

characterized by individual taxonomic<br />

composition of ammonoids, dominant groups,<br />

trends of changes in taxonomic diversity, and<br />

percentages of endemic and cosmopolitan taxa.<br />

Boundaries of ammonoid evolution stages<br />

coincide as a rule with boundaries of series<br />

and stages, whereas boundaries of<br />

evolutionary substages match those of<br />

substages. In the history of Triassic<br />

ammonoids of Northeast Asia, the periods of a<br />

rather monotonous fauna represented mainly<br />

by cosmopolitan or panboreal taxa (early<br />

Induan, early Olenekian, early Anisian, late<br />

Anisian, early Carnian, early and middle<br />

Norian) alternated with periods, typical of<br />

which were higher rates of taxa origination<br />

and endemism of ammonoids (late Induan,<br />

late Olenekian, middle Anisian, Ladinian, late<br />

Carnian). Changing degree of cosmopolitism<br />

and endemism of Triassic ammonoid faunas<br />

from Northeast Asia is shown to be connected<br />

with global eustatic sea-level fluctuations and<br />

climatic changes.<br />

2009020291<br />

南 澳 大 利 亚 中 中 新 世 腹 足 类 宝 贝 科 二 个 新<br />

的 宝 贝 类 = Two new cowries (Gastropoda:<br />

Cypraeidae) from the middle Miocene of<br />

South Australia. ( 英 文 ). Yates A M.<br />

Alcheringa, 2008, 32(4): 353-364<br />

The South Australian specimens of the<br />

cypraeids Umbilia leptorhyncha (McCoy,<br />

1877) and Lyncina (Austrocypraea) contusa<br />

(McCoy, 1877) are re-examined. Umbilia<br />

caepa sp. nov. differs from U. leptorhyncha in<br />

its smaller size, more strongly pyriform shape,<br />

weaker and less extensive apertural dentition,<br />

plate-like columellar margin of the posterior<br />

canal and more extensive basal flanges. True<br />

U. leptorhyncha is also recorded from the<br />

Cadell Formation of South Australia,<br />

demonstrating that the two species were<br />

sympatric in the Murray Basin. The specimens<br />


originally referred to Cypraea contusa var.<br />

from the Cadell Formation have had a<br />

confusing taxonomic history and they are here<br />

named as a new species Lyncina<br />

(Austrocypraea) cadella sp. nov. The new<br />

species differs from true L. (A.) contusa in its<br />

smaller size, less extensive malleations of the<br />

dorsal surface, fewer apertural teeth and a<br />

projecting internal margin of the fossula.<br />

These two new species boost a small but<br />

growing list of species that were endemic to<br />

the Murray Basin during the middle Miocene<br />

2009020292<br />

钻 木 双 壳 类 的 最 老 记 录 = Oldest record of<br />

wood-boring bivalves. ( 英 文 ). Vahldiek B-W;<br />

Schweigert G. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(3):<br />

261-271<br />

Borings occurring in fossil driftwood are<br />

described from the basal Upper Pliensbachian<br />

of the northern foreland of the Harz<br />

Mountains. They belong to the ichnotaxon<br />

Teredolites Leymerie, 1842 and represent the<br />

hitherto worldwide stratigraphically oldest<br />

record of wood-borings produced by bivalves.<br />

A possible relationship between the<br />

appearance of wood-boring bivalves and the<br />

extinction of pseudoplanktic crinoids attached<br />

to driftwood is discussed, but seems unlikely.<br />

2009020293<br />

希 腊 上 上 新 统 一 个 双 瓣 壳 的 腹 足 动 物 新 种<br />

Candinia lakoniae 及 简 评 Juliidae 科 的 地<br />

质 延 限 和 地 理 分 布 = A new bivalved<br />

gastropod, Candinia lakoniae n. sp.<br />

(Sacoglossa: Juliidae) from the Upper<br />

Pliocene of Greece (Glykovrysi, SE<br />

Peloponnese and Lardos, Rhodes), with a<br />

short survey of the geological range and<br />

geographic distribution of the family. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Schneider S; Hochleither R; Janssen R. Neues<br />

Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2008, 247(1): 79-91<br />

These fossils represent the first account for<br />

a member of the subfamily Juliinae that<br />

thrives under temperate climatic conditions.<br />

The new species stands at the end of an<br />

evolutionary lineage in Candinia, and is only<br />

the third species known in that genus. It is<br />

assumed that the family Juliidae originated<br />

from the Palaeogene Anglo-Gallian Domain<br />

and has expanded over the tropical-subtropical<br />

oceans during the Neogene. The genus<br />

Candinia is restricted to the Miocene/Pliocene<br />

Mediterranean and Paratethys areas.<br />

2009020294<br />

意 大 利 白 云 岩 区 的 安 尼 期 双 壳 类 = Anisian<br />

(Middle Triassic) bivalves from the Dolomites<br />

(Italy). ( 英 文 ). Posenato R. Neues Jahrbuch<br />

fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2008, 247(1): 93-115<br />

Anisian bivalves from the Dont Formation<br />

are here figured and described for the first<br />

time. Most of the individuals were found in<br />

the fossil-lagerstatte of Monte Pra della<br />

Vacca/Kuhwiesenkopf, a deposit containing a<br />

transported assemblage composed of abundant<br />

and well diversified terrestrial plants and<br />

marine nektonic and benthonic taxa, which<br />

accumulated in a basinal environment.<br />

Thirteen bivalve species are classified here.<br />

The most common, long ranging species are<br />

Mysidioptera cainalloi, Neomorphotis compta,<br />

Entolium discites and Neoschizodus sp.<br />

Others, such as Plagiostoma striatum and<br />

Pseudoplacunopsis fissistriata, have been<br />

found only in the plant bearing deposit, or in a<br />

fossiliferous horizon located in the upper part<br />

of the formation.<br />

2009020295<br />

对 化 石 记 录 演 化 模 式 的 评 估 及 其 层 序 分 支<br />

系 统 学 : 来 自 菊 石 Semiformiceras 属 的 一<br />

个 例 子 = Stratocladistics and evaluation of<br />

evolutionary modes in the fossil record: An<br />

example from the Ammonite Genus<br />

Semiformiceras. ( 英 文 ). Pardo J D;<br />

Huttenlocker A K; Marcot J D.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4): 767-773<br />

At least two predominating modes of<br />

evolution have been proposed for the Early<br />

Tithonian oppeliid ammonite genus<br />

Semiformiceras, including phyletic<br />

transformation of a single lineage (S.<br />

darwini – S. semiforme – S. fallauxi) and,<br />

most recently, a bifurcating or cladogenetic<br />

model of speciation. We discuss<br />

methodological obstacles in past studies that<br />

have focused on specific modes of evolution,<br />

and offer a reanalysis of the morphological<br />

data first presented by Cecca and Rouget<br />

[Palaeontology, 49, 1069 – 1080] using the<br />

stratocladistic software StrataPhy. The present<br />

analysis utilizes 11 ammonite taxa and 15<br />

characters (14 morphological and one<br />

stratigraphic) and assesses all previous<br />

phylogenetic hypotheses, including those that<br />

recruit OTUs in ancestral or 'nodal' positions,<br />

without excluding evolutionary modes. The<br />

results cast doubt on the monophyly of S.<br />

darwini, S. semiforme and S. fallauxi, but do<br />


not follow completely the direct anagenetic<br />

progression proposed by stratophenetic<br />

hypotheses. We conclude that stratocladistics<br />

is a helpful tool for elucidating the extent of<br />

anagenesis and cladogenesis in extinct<br />

lineages owing to its capacity to reconstruct<br />

phylograms in their temporal framework, and<br />

to assess the distinctness and monophyly, not<br />

just of clades but of the OTUs themselves.<br />

Ultimately, this study addresses the novel<br />

utility of computer-assisted stratocladistic<br />

analysis in assessing evolutionary modes<br />

beyond the reach of traditional cladistic-based<br />

methodologies.<br />

2009020296<br />

墨 西 哥 东 北 部 Vallecillo 晚 白 垩 世 古 章 鱼 属<br />

( 头 足 纲 : 箭 鞘 亚 纲 ) 一 新 种 及 其 在 章 鱼 目<br />

演 化 中 的 意 义 = A new Palaeoctopus<br />

(Cephalopoda: Coleoidea) from the late<br />

Cretaceous of Vallecillo, North-eastern<br />

Mexico, and implications for the evolution of<br />

Octopoda. ( 英 文 ). Fuchs D; Ifrim C;<br />

Stinnesbeck W. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(5):<br />

1129-1139<br />

Palaeoctopus pelagicus sp. nov. is<br />

described from the early Turonian Vallecillo<br />

Limestone in north-eastern Mexico. The<br />

species represents the first record of a fossil<br />

octopod from the Americas and the second<br />

species of the genus Palaeoctopus. The<br />

holotype and only known specimen preserves<br />

one half of an originally bipartite gladius<br />

vestige. Soft parts are not preserved. The<br />

gladius vestige is distinguished from P.<br />

newboldi from the Santonian Limestone of<br />

Lebanon by the arrangement of fields,<br />

striation and reinforcements. The new material<br />

supports previous ideas suggesting that the<br />

paired stylets of modern Octopoda evolved<br />

through gradual reduction of a Teudopsis-like<br />

gladius via a transitional stage similar to<br />

Palaeoctopus. The origin of Octopoda and<br />

Cirroctopoda likely dates back to a period<br />

between the Toarcian (180 Ma) and the early<br />

Turonian (93 Ma). Palaeoecological<br />

conditions in the Vallecillo ocean suggest that<br />

P. pelagicus sp. nov. inhabited the pelagic<br />

shelf. Hostile low oxygen conditions on the<br />

sea floor exclude a benthic mode of life for P.<br />

pelagicus sp. nov.<br />

2009020297<br />

华 南 广 西 西 北 部 和 贵 州 南 部 早 三 叠 世 格 里<br />

斯 巴 赫 亚 期 及 亭 纳 尔 亚 期 菊 石 动 物 群 =<br />

Griesbachian and Dienerian (Early Triassic)<br />

Ammonoid faunas from northwestern<br />

Guangxi and Southern Guizhou (South China).<br />

( 英 文 ). Brühwiler T; Brayard A; Bucher H;<br />

Kuang Guodun. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(5):<br />

1151-1180<br />

Intensive sampling of the Luolou<br />

(northwestern Guangxi) and the Daye<br />

(southern Guizhou) Formations in South<br />

China leads to the recognition of a regional<br />

Griesbachian and Dienerian ammonoid<br />

succession for this key palaeobiogeographical<br />

area. The new biostratigraphical sequence<br />

comprises the upper Griesbachian 'Ophiceras<br />

beds' and the lower Dienerian 'Proptychites<br />

candidus beds', which are separated from the<br />

uppermost Dienerian 'Clypites beds' by an<br />

unfossiliferous interval. These faunas contain<br />

some taxa with wide geographic distribution<br />

(e.g. Ambites, Pleurambites, Pleurogyronites,<br />

Proptychites candidus), thus facilitating<br />

correlation with faunal successions from other<br />

regions (i.e. British Columbia, Canadian<br />

Arctic, Himalayas and South Primorye). Two<br />

new genera (Jieshaniceras and Shangganites)<br />

and three new species (Anotoceras<br />

subtabulatus, Pleurambites radiatus and<br />

Shangganites shangganense) are described.<br />

2009020298<br />

西 北 欧 三 叠 纪 — 侏 罗 纪 双 壳 类 化 石 记 录 的<br />

质 量 = Quality of the Triassic – Jurassic<br />

Bivalve fossil record in Northwest Europe. ( 英<br />

文 ). Mander L; Twitchett R J.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6): 1213-1223<br />

The quality of the Triassic – Jurassic<br />

bivalve fossil record in northwest Europe has<br />

been measured using the Simple<br />

Completeness Metric (SCM). The SCM has<br />

been applied to the fossil record of total<br />

bivalve diversity and to the records of<br />

different ecological guilds. The Westbury and<br />

Lilstock Formations record high SCM values<br />

for most ecological groups. The 'Pre-Planorbis<br />

Beds' of the lower Lias Group, however,<br />

witness a precipitous decline in the<br />

completeness of most guilds and emigration of<br />

taxa due to localized marine anoxia is a likely<br />

cause. Neither variation in lithofacies, shell<br />

mineralogy, sedimentary rock outcrop area,<br />

nor sequence architecture can convincingly<br />

explain the observed patterns of completeness.<br />

Our SCM data reveal that the Early Jurassic<br />

fossil record of infaunal suspension-feeding<br />

bivalves is significantly poorer than that of<br />

epifaunal bivalves. Any differences in the<br />

apparent Rhaetian extinction rates between<br />

these two guilds should therefore be viewed<br />

with caution. Analyses of selectivity during<br />


the Late Triassic mass extinction based on<br />

studies of global databases appear robust in<br />

light of our SCM data. Nevertheless, future<br />

investigations of the Triassic – Jurassic<br />

benthic marine ecosystem undertaken at a<br />

finer-resolution, may need to account for the<br />

poor quality of the Early Jurassic fossil<br />

records of certain ecological guilds, such as<br />

the infaunal suspension-feeding taxa.<br />

2009020299<br />

Stephen Hislop 及 其 于 1860 年 用 拉 丁 语 描<br />

述 的 印 度 德 干 高 原 白 垩 纪 陆 相 软 体 动 物 新<br />

种 = Stephen Hislop and his 1860 Cretaceous<br />

continental molluscan new species<br />

descriptions in latin from the Deccan Plateau,<br />

India. ( 英 文 ). Hartman J H; Erickson D N;<br />

Bakken A. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6): 1225-<br />

1252<br />

In 1860, Stephen Hislop published a datarich<br />

document on the infra- and intertrappean<br />

strata of the Deccan Plateau of central India,<br />

along with numerous new taxa of continental<br />

and marine molluscs. His scholarship<br />

interestingly blended antiquated,<br />

contemporary, and ahead-of-his-time<br />

palaeontological methods. Although his work<br />

established a completely adequate foundation<br />

upon which to build future end-Cretaceous<br />

Deccan molluscan studies, effectively no<br />

substantive work ensued, with only incidental<br />

subsequent reference to his effort.<br />

2009020300<br />

黎 巴 嫩 Hâkel 和 Hâdjoula 晚 白 垩 世 ( 赛 诺<br />

曼 阶 上 部 ) 新 的 八 腕 目 头 足 类 ( 头 足 纲 :<br />

箭 鞘 亚 纲 ) = New Octopods (Cephalopoda:<br />

Coleoidea) from the late Cretaceous (Upper<br />

Cenomanian) of Hâkel and Hâdjoula, Lebanon.<br />

( 英 文 ). Fuchs D; Bracchi G; Weis R.<br />

Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 65-81<br />

Three previously unknown octopods are<br />

described from Upper Cenomanian limestones<br />

of the Hâqel and Hâdjoula localities<br />

(Lebanon). Keuppia levante gen. nov., sp.<br />

nov., Keuppia hyperbolaris gen. nov,. sp. nov.<br />

and Styletoctopus annae gen. nov, . sp. nov.<br />

are regarded as the earliest representatives of<br />

the Octopoda (= Incirrata). This assumption is<br />

mainly based on their medially isolated<br />

bipartite gladius vestige. As can be inferred<br />

from growth increments, Keuppia gen. nov.<br />

can be distinguished from the genus<br />

Palaeoctopus by blades that grow forwards<br />

along their longitudinal axis. The gladius<br />

vestige of Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov.<br />

differs from that of Keuppia levante sp. nov.<br />

in having a more heterogeneous course of<br />

growth lines. Based on a pair of widely<br />

separated stylets, which closely resemble the<br />

rods of modern octopods, Styletoctopus annae<br />

gen. nov., sp. nov. is assigned to the Recent<br />

family Octopodidae. Peculiar encrustations,<br />

which are situated in close association with<br />

the gladius vestiges of Keuppia levante sp.<br />

nov., Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov., and<br />

Styletoctopus annae sp. nov. are interpreted as<br />

basal fin cartilages. The gladius vestige<br />

morphology of Keuppia hyperbolaris sp. nov.<br />

and Keuppia levante sp. nov. opens the<br />

possibility that both the Octopda and the<br />

Cirroctopoda originated from loligosepiid<br />

vampyropods instead of teudopseid. The<br />

surprising existence of a stylet-like gladius<br />

vestige in Styletoctopus annae sp. nov.<br />

suggests that the octopod clade branched off<br />

much earlier than previously believed.<br />

Octopod apomorphies such as the<br />

development of stylets, loss of fins and cirri<br />

must have been occurred before the<br />

Cenomanian.<br />

2009020301<br />

牙 买 加 始 新 世 一 巨 型 满 月 蛤 双 壳 类 ( 软 体<br />

动 物 门 : 双 壳 纲 : 满 月 蛤 科 )- 系 统 分 类<br />

学 、 生 活 习 性 及 化 学 共 栖 = A giant Lucinid<br />

Bivalve from the Eocene of Jamaica –<br />

systematics, life habits and chemosymbiosis<br />

(Mollusca: Bivalvia: Lucinidae). ( 英 文 ).<br />

Taylor J D; Glover E A. Palaeontology, 2009,<br />

52(1): 95-109<br />

The giant bivalve Lucina megameris Dall,<br />

1901, from the late Eocene White Limestone<br />

Group of Jamaica and by far the largest<br />

known species of the family Lucinidae, is<br />

placed in a new genus Superlucina. Apart<br />

from its large size, with a shell height<br />

exceeding 310 mm, it is distinguished from<br />

other genera, such as Pseudomiltha and<br />

Eomiltha by external shell characters and the<br />

extremely long and narrow, anterior adductor<br />

muscle scar. Features preserved on internal<br />

moulds suggest that, in common with living<br />

Lucinidae, S. megameris was chemosymbiotic<br />

with sulphide – oxidizing bacteria housed in<br />

the gills. Palaeoenvironmental evidence<br />

suggests a habitat in oligotrophic, shallow<br />

waters, probably in seagrass beds, with an<br />

associated molluscan fauna including large<br />

cardiids that may have been photosymbiotic.<br />

Superlucina is considerably larger than any<br />

living lucinid that range in size from 3 to<br />


150 mm with most encompassed within 5–<br />

30 mm. From the Jurassic onwards, a few<br />

other large lucinids are known from cold seep<br />

sites, with several other records from possible<br />

shallow water seagrass beds.<br />

2009020302<br />

古 生 代 菊 石 在 时 间 和 形 态 空 间 方 面 的 形 态<br />

上 的 和 分 类 上 的 历 史 = Morphologic and<br />

taxonomic history of Paleozoic ammonoids in<br />

time and morphospace. ( 英 文 ). Saunders W B;<br />

Greenfest-Allen E; Work D M; Nikolaeva S V.<br />

Paleobiology, 2008, 34(1): 128-154<br />

Principal components analysis (PCA) of 21<br />

shell parameters (geometry, sculpture, aperture<br />

shape, and suture complexity) in 597 L.<br />

Devonian to L. Triassic ammonoid genera<br />

(spanning 166 Myr) shows that eight basic<br />

morphotypes appeared within 20 Myr of the<br />

first appearance of ammonoids. With one<br />

exception, these morphotypes persisted<br />

throughout the Paleozoic, occurring in 75% of<br />

the 5-Myr time bins used in this study.<br />

Morphotypes were not exclusive to particular<br />

lineages. Their persistence was not just a<br />

product of phylogenetic constraints or<br />

longevity, and multiple iterations of the same<br />

morphotypes occurred at different times and<br />

in different groups. Although mass extinction<br />

events severely condensed the range of<br />

morphologic variation and taxonomic<br />

diversity, the effects were short lived and most<br />

extinct morphotypes were usually iterated<br />

within 5 Myr. The most important effect of<br />

mass extinctions on ammonoid evolutionary<br />

history seems to have been their role in large<br />

scale taxonomic turnovers; they effectively<br />

eliminated previously dominant orders at the<br />

Frasnian/Famennian (F/F) (Agoniatitida), the<br />

Devonian/Mississippian (D/M) (Clymeniida),<br />

and the Permian/Triassic (P/T) (Goniatitida<br />

and Prolecanitida) extinctions. Survivors<br />

varied from two (P/T) to four (D/M) and five<br />

genera (F/F). These events generated sharp<br />

reductions in morphologic disparity at the<br />

D/M (58%) and at the P/T (59%), but there<br />

was a net increase at the F/F (38%). There was<br />

no obvious survival bias for particular<br />

morphotypes, but 64% are interpreted to have<br />

been Nautilus-like nektobenthic. The<br />

recurrence of particular combinations of<br />

morphology and their strong independence of<br />

phylogeny are strong arguments for functional<br />

constraint. Intervals between mass extinctions<br />

seem to have been relatively static in terms of<br />

morphotype numbers, in contrast to numbers<br />

of genera. Significant decreases in genus<br />

diversity (54%) and morphologic disparity<br />

(33%) commenced in the mid-Permian<br />

(Wordian/ Capitanian boundary), well before<br />

the final P/T event.<br />

2009020303<br />

Proharpoceras Chao—— 一 个 幸 免 于 二 叠<br />

纪 末 大 绝 灭 的 菊 石 新 谱 系 = Proharpoceras<br />

Chao: a new ammonoid lineage surviving the<br />

end-Permian mass extinction. ( 英 文 ). Brayard<br />

A; Bucher H; Br ü hwiler T; Galfetti T;<br />

Goudemand N; Kuang Guodun; Escarguel G;<br />

Jenks J. Lethaia, 2007, 40(2): 175-181<br />

Based on new, bed-rock controlled material<br />

from northwestern Guangxi and Oman, the<br />

Early Triassic genus Proharpoceras Chao is<br />

shown to be a representative of Otocerataceae.<br />

Character analysis excludes a direct link with<br />

the Griesbachian Otoceratidae and favours a<br />

derivation of Proharpoceras from the late<br />

Permian Anderssonoceratidae. The<br />

biostratigraphic range of Proharpoceras is<br />

restricted to the Smithian and its<br />

biogeographic distribution comprises Oman,<br />

South China, and Primorye, thus indicating an<br />

essentially low palaeolatitudinal distribution.<br />

Proharpoceras has no apparent relatives<br />

among other Early and Middle Triassic<br />

Ceratitida and is thus considered to be the last<br />

representative of Otocerataceae. This offshoot<br />

of the late Permian Anderssonoceratidae<br />

implies that an additional ammonoid lineage<br />

survived the end Permian extinction and that it<br />

dwindled away for some 2 Myr before going<br />

extinct.<br />

2009020304<br />

用 于 菊 石 壳 体 分 类 的 一 些 指 数 的 数 学 分 析<br />

= A mathematical analysis of some indices<br />

used to classify ammonite shells. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Ballantine C M. Lethaia, 2007, 40(2): 197-198<br />

2009020305<br />

晚 侏 罗 世 菊 石 缝 合 线 复 杂 性 及 其 与 外 壳 尺<br />

寸 和 形 态 的 关 系 —— 利 用 分 形 分 析 的 多 维<br />

方 法 = Sutural complexity in Late Jurassic<br />

ammonites and its relationship with<br />

phragmocone size and shape: a<br />

multidimensional approach using fractal<br />

analysis. ( 英 文 ). Pérez-Claros J A; Olóriz F;<br />

Palmqvist P. Lethaia, 2007, 40(3): 253-272<br />

The evolution of intricate septa and<br />

complex sutural patterns in cephalopod<br />

ammonoids is one of the best documented<br />

trends in the fossil record towards increased<br />

levels of complexity. Functional interpretation<br />


of septal folding is still, however, a matter of<br />

controversy. Tentative explanations have been<br />

linked to the structural reinforcement of<br />

phragmocones, mantle area increase,<br />

buoyancy control and even metabolic<br />

functions concerning respiration or cameral<br />

liquid transport. Here we use fractal analysis<br />

in order to estimate suture complexity in a<br />

large set (N = 524) of Late Jurassic ammonites,<br />

and its covariation with phragmocone size,<br />

shape and ornamentation. Sutural complexity,<br />

estimated by fractal dimension (D f ), is closely<br />

related to phragmocone whorl height and the<br />

degree of shell involution, while this trend is<br />

reversed for tubercle size. On average,<br />

specimens from epioceanic habitats display<br />

lower D f values than those inhabiting<br />

epicontinental waters. Our results reveal a<br />

complex relationship between sutural<br />

complexity and morphometric descriptors of<br />

phragmocones, indicating that septal folding<br />

was more closely related to shell geometry<br />

than to bathymetry. In addition, these results<br />

fit predictions of a recent model relating<br />

sutural complexity to energetic demands of<br />

ammonoid metabolism. However, future<br />

research should not neglect the implications of<br />

phylogenetic legacy as an important source of<br />

variability in fractal dimensions.<br />

2009020306<br />

如 何 识 别 原 位 的 头 足 类 化 石 —— 来 自 现 生<br />

Nautilus 的 实 验 证 据 = How to recognize in<br />

situ fossil cephalopods: evidence from<br />

experiments with modern Nautilus. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Wani R. Lethaia, 2007, 40(4): 305-311<br />

Field and flume experiments with modern<br />

Nautilus pompilius establish two prerequisites<br />

to recognize in situ preservation of fossil<br />

cephalopod shells (soft parts were within body<br />

chamber in situ at the time of fossilization):<br />

occurrence of the upper jaw within the body<br />

chamber and the position of jaws within the<br />

body chamber. Morphology of shells and jaws<br />

in modern and fossil nautiloids is so similar<br />

that these prerequisites can be applied for<br />

fossil nautiloids and provide implications for<br />

ammonoids. The upper jaws of Nautilus start<br />

to move at a water velocity of > 0.2 m/s, when<br />

the shells are reoriented with the aperture<br />

downstream; jaws are therefore unlikely to be<br />

secondarily deposited near the shell aperture<br />

by bottom currents. The lower jaws, moved at<br />

the velocity of > 0.1 m/s, can be deposited<br />

around the shell aperture by weak current<br />

(0.1–0.2 m/s in velocity), but never enter the<br />

inside of body chamber. Neither jaw is likely<br />

to be separately and selectively displaced from<br />

the inside of the body chamber through<br />

scavenging of the soft parts by burrowing<br />

infaunal animals. An upper jaw preserved<br />

inside the body chamber, together with a<br />

lower jaw, is thus a reliable indicator of in situ<br />

preservation; a sole lower jaw preserved<br />

around the shell aperture is likely to be<br />

secondarily deposited. Sedimentary structures<br />

inferring rapid burial events and jaw size are<br />

useful as additional evidence. Smaller jaws<br />

were more likely to be displaced from the<br />

body chamber by scavenging by infaunal<br />

animals after in situ burial, so that smaller<br />

jaws preserved within the body chamber<br />

suggest less scavenging. These findings are<br />

crucial to interpreting the taphonomic history<br />

and palaeo-ecology of fossil cephalopods.<br />

2009020307<br />

夜 里 突 然 发 生 的 事 情 —— 第 三 纪 头 足 动 物<br />

和 鲸 类 动 物 的 演 化 互 动 = Things that go<br />

bump in the night: evolutionary interactions<br />

between cephalopods and cetaceans in the<br />

tertiary. ( 英 文 ). Lindberg D R; Pyenson N D.<br />

Lethaia, 2007, 40(4): 335-343<br />

Echolocation has evolved independently in<br />

several vertebrate groups, and hypotheses<br />

about the origin of echolocation in these<br />

groups often invoke abiotic mechanisms<br />

driving morphological evolution. In bats, for<br />

example, the ecological setting associated<br />

with the origin of echolocation has been<br />

linked to global warming during the<br />

Palaeocene–Eocene; similarly, the origin of<br />

toothed whales (odontocetes) has been broadly<br />

correlated with the establishment of the<br />

circum-Antarctic current. These scenarios, and<br />

the adaptational hypotheses for the evolution<br />

of echolocation with which they are associated,<br />

neglect a consideration of possible biotic<br />

mechanisms. Here we propose that the origin<br />

of echolocation in odontocetes was initially an<br />

adaptation for nocturnal epipelagic feeding –<br />

primarily on diel migrating cephalopods. We<br />

test this hypothesis using data on the temporal,<br />

geographical, and water column distributions<br />

of odontocetes and cephalopods, and other<br />

global events from their respective tertiary<br />

histories. From this analysis, we suggest that<br />

echolocation in early odontocetes aided<br />

nocturnal feeding on cephalopods and other<br />

prey items, and that this early system was<br />

exapted for deep diving and hunting at depths<br />

below the photic zone where abundant<br />

cephalopod resources were available 24 h a<br />

day. This scenario extends to the evolution of<br />


other cephalopod feeding (teuthophagous)<br />

marine vertebrates such as pinnipeds and<br />

Mesozoic marine reptiles.<br />

2009020308<br />

化 学 共 存 的 双 壳 动 物 和 稳 定 同 位 素 指 示 四<br />

个 独 特 的 新 生 代 化 石 产 地 的 碳 氢 化 合 物 渗<br />

流 = Chemosymbiotic bivalves and stable<br />

carbon isotopes indicate hydrocarbon seepage<br />

at four unusual Cenozoic fossil localities. ( 英<br />

文 ). Kiel S; Peckmann J. Lethaia, 2007, 40(4):<br />

345-357<br />

Four unusual Cenozoic fossil localities are<br />

identified here as ancient hydrocarbon seep<br />

sites using palaeontological, petrological, and<br />

stable carbon isotope data. Late Eocene<br />

carbonate-cemented sandstone bodies in the<br />

Wagonwheel Mountains in California were<br />

previously suspected to represent ancient<br />

hydrocarbon seep sites, but the relatively high<br />

δ 13 C carbonate values (−12.2 to −5.0‰) suggest<br />

oil rather than methane seepage. The<br />

Oligocene fauna of the Elmira asphalt mine,<br />

Cuba, was previously interpreted as a mix of<br />

freshwater and marine taxa, but all species are<br />

here identified as belonging to marine groups,<br />

including the bivalve families Lucinidae and<br />

Vesicomyidae, whose extant members live<br />

largely in symbiosis with chemoautotrophic<br />

endosymbionts. A carbonate concretion from<br />

this site showed δ 13 C carbonate values as low as<br />

−32.2‰, which most likely indicates methane<br />

seepage. A previously unpublished Oligocene<br />

fossil locality in Atlantico, northern Colombia,<br />

is dominated by large solemyid, mytilid,<br />

lucinid, and vesicomyid bivalves, which most<br />

likely lived with chemotrophic endosymbionts.<br />

Seepage of biogenic methane without a<br />

significant contribution of thermogenic<br />

methane is indicated by δ 13 C carbonate values as<br />

low as −51.3 ‰ . We confirm that the<br />

Pleurophopsis-dominated sites of the Heath<br />

Shale and Lomitos Chert in northern Peru are<br />

ancient seep sites, although the previous<br />

identification of Pleurophopsis peruviana as a<br />

vesicomyid is doubtful.<br />

节 肢 动 物<br />

2009020309<br />

古 生 代 Beyrichioidean 介 形 类 的 甲 壳 中 和<br />

软 体 相 关 的 特 征 和 生 活 习 性 = Soft Body-<br />

Related Features of the Carapace and the<br />

Lifestyle of Paleozoic Beyrichioidean<br />

Ostracodes. ( 英 文 ). Olempska E. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(4): 717-736 9 图 版 .<br />

The central muscle scar field of the<br />

beyrichioidean palaeocopid ostracodes<br />

includes an adductor muscle scar composed of<br />

many polygonal scars, a long mandibular scar<br />

composed of eight individual scars, and an<br />

oval frontal muscle scar. Probably, as in the<br />

extant ostracodes, the muscle scars served as<br />

attachment points for the closing muscles as<br />

well as for the muscles and chitinous<br />

supporting structures from the appendages.<br />

The fulcral depression, on which the dorsal<br />

apex of the mandible pivots in recent<br />

ostracodes, has also been recognized in the<br />

Early Carboniferous beyrichiids and<br />

paraparchitids. The pore systems of the<br />

beyrichioideans are more advanced than<br />

assumed so far, and they include, documented<br />

for the first time, the secretory (‘exocrine’)<br />

pores and ‘marginal’ pores in Paleozoic<br />

beyrichioideans. It seems likely that the<br />

development of these pores, was related to the<br />

transition of beyrichioideans from shallow<br />

marine into unstable, possibly brackish, water<br />

paleoenvironments. The partially calcified<br />

inner lamella and the ‘ marginal ’ pore<br />

canals are apomorphies of some Early<br />

Carboniferous beyrichioideans. Internal<br />

features of the paraparchitids confirm their<br />

beyrichioidean affinity. The adductor and<br />

mandibular scars are plesiomorphic in the<br />

Beyrichiidae and Paraparchitidae. The<br />

presence of mandibular scars and fulcral<br />

depressions may indicate that these ostracodes<br />

were actively feeding bottom crawlers.<br />

2009020310<br />

关 于 两 个 白 垩 纪 非 海 相 的 介 形 类 属 的 有 效<br />

性 - 生 物 地 层 学 和 古 地 理 学 的 意 义 = On the<br />

validity of two Lower Cretaceous non-marine<br />

ostracode genera: biostratigraphic and<br />

paleogeographic implications. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Dermeval A do Carmo; Whatley R; João<br />

Villar de Queiroz Neto; Coimbra J C. Journal<br />

of Paleontology, 2008, 82(4): 790-799 1 图 版 .<br />

The taxonomic status of the Lower<br />

Cretaceous non-marine ostracode genera<br />

Hourcqia Krömmelbein and Pattersoncypris<br />

Bate is discussed. From a detailed analysis of<br />

the type species of these genera, and several<br />

other species attributed to them, it was<br />

possible to conclude that both genera are<br />

invalid. Hourcqia africana Krömmelbein, the<br />

type species of this genus, has an anteroventral<br />

beak, and it is in all other respects<br />

identical to Cypridea Bosquet, and therefore<br />

should be transferred to this genus. The<br />


subspecies originally referred to as Hourcqia<br />

africana confluens Krömmellbein and Weber,<br />

1971 is subsumed within Cypridea africana.<br />

Secondly, the genus Pattersoncypris, as the<br />

result of a study of its type species, P.<br />

micropapillosa Bate, is shown to be a junior<br />

synonym of Harbinia Tsao. Both, Hourcqia<br />

and Pattersoncypris must therefore be<br />

suppressed. Cypridea africana (Krömmelbein)<br />

occurs in Brazil, Congo, and Gabon in strata<br />

deposited during the rift stage, restricted to the<br />

late Barremian to early Aptian interval.<br />

Harbinia micropapillosa (Bate) occurs in<br />

Brazil and Liberia, but it is restricted to the<br />

gulf stage, i.e. the late Aptian to early Albian<br />

interval. Amended diagnoses for the genus<br />

Cypridea and species Cypridea africana and<br />

H. micropapillosa are given.<br />

2009020311<br />

法 国 阿 莫 里 凯 奥 陶 纪 三 叶 虫 属 Trinucleid<br />

的 个 体 发 育 - 形 态 学 探 讨 = Ontogeny of an<br />

Ordovician Trinucleid (Trilobita) from<br />

Armorica, France: a morphometric approach.<br />

( 英 文 ). Delabroye A; Cronier C. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(4): 800-810 1 图 版 .<br />

A large number of well-preserved immature<br />

exoskeletons enable the first detailed<br />

quantitative description of the ontogeny of the<br />

trinucleid Marrolithus bureaui (Oehlert, 1895)<br />

from the Lower Caradoc of the Armorican<br />

Massif (Armorica, northwest France). For the<br />

accurate description of cephalic features, a<br />

landmark-based approach was adopted in<br />

order to recognize ontogenetic instars and to<br />

establish the patterns of size increase and<br />

shape change during ontogenetic development.<br />

The quantitative analysis permitted the<br />

demonstration of a progressive shape change<br />

in agreement with ontogenetic ordination and<br />

a comparison of the timing of size and shape<br />

changes. Changes that took place during the<br />

meraspid period included, in particular, the<br />

development of a more pronounced subquadrangular<br />

cephalic outline, a compression<br />

(sag.) of the glabella and a size decrease until<br />

disappearance of the alae in late stages. This<br />

quantitative ontogenetic reconstitution of<br />

Marrolithus bureaui might be considered as a<br />

reference for the better understanding of<br />

phylogenetic affinities between other<br />

trinucleid species.<br />

2009020312<br />

阿 根 廷 Río Negro 省 古 新 统 Río Foyel 组<br />

十 足 类 Brachyura 类 Homolid 科 的 蟹 类 化<br />

石 新 种 = A new species of fossil Homolid<br />

Crab (Decapoda: Brachyura) from the Río<br />

Foyel Formation (Paleogene), R í o Negro<br />

Province, Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Crawford R S.<br />

Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(4): 835-<br />

841 2 图 版 .<br />

A PREVIOUSLY undescribed fossil<br />

specimen of deep water crab belonging to the<br />

family Homolidae de Haan, 1839 was<br />

discovered in the collection of the Museo<br />

Paleontológica de Bariloche of Río Negro<br />

Province, Argentina. The specimen is<br />

exceptional because one of the extra-lineal<br />

flanks is present. These lateral portions of the<br />

carapace are often absent in homolid crab<br />

specimens, due to disarticulation of the<br />

carapace along the lineae homolicae<br />

(Glaessner, 1969). The specimen was<br />

collected from the (middle) Oligocene Río<br />

Foyel Formation (Casadío et al., 2004), which<br />

crops out south of the town of San Carlos de<br />

Bariloche, in the foothills of the Andes<br />

Mountains (Fig. 1). Paleogene specimens of<br />

the Homolidae are exceedingly rare, due in<br />

large part to the lack of preserved rocks from<br />

deepwater environments (Feldmann et al.,<br />

1991), which they prefer in modern oceans.<br />

This specimen is of particular importance<br />

because it is not only the first reported fossil<br />

occurrence of the genus Paromola Wood-<br />

Mason, 1891 but also provides additional<br />

evidence as to the depositional environment of<br />

the Río Foyel Formation.<br />

2009020313<br />

最 老 的 柄 眼 类 三 叶 虫 Parablackwelderia<br />

Kobayashi, 1942( 寒 武 纪 Damesellinae 类 )<br />

以 及 它 在 中 国 山 东 的 发 现 = The oldest<br />

known Stalk-eyed Trilobite,<br />

Parablackwelderia Kobayashi, 1942<br />

(Damesellinae, Cambrian), and its occurrence<br />

in Shandong, China. ( 英 文 ). Peng S C; Yang<br />

X F; Hughes N C. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(4): 842-850 4 图 版 .<br />

Parablackwelderia is the oldest known stalkeyed<br />

trilobite and thrived during the middle–<br />

late Cambrian (Guzhangian Age) in eastern<br />

Gondwanaland. The elongated palpebral lobe<br />

extends outward and forward from the anterior<br />

corner of the cranidium and shows positive<br />

allometry, becoming markedly longer and<br />

relatively thinner in large specimens. The<br />

animal occurred in muddy environments and<br />

may have been a predator that burrowed for<br />

concealment. Stalked-eyes were<br />


independently derived in several trilobite<br />

clades, but whenever they appeared were<br />

restricted to small numbers of taxa and thus do<br />

not appear to have served as a key innovation<br />

that promoted extensive diversification of<br />

species bearing the structure. The stalk-eyed<br />

condition in trilobites has a striking modern<br />

analog in the hypercephaly of diopsinid flies,<br />

where it is commonly associated with mate<br />

recognition and mate selection. We document<br />

the first occurrence of Parablackwelderia in<br />

Shandong, North China and describe a new<br />

species, Parablackwelderia luensis sp. nov.<br />

2009020314<br />

新 的 始 新 世 的 碳 氢 渗 漏 的 十 足 甲 壳 类<br />

(Anomura 类 Galatheidae 科 Shinkaiinae<br />

亚 科 ) 及 其 古 生 物 学 = New Eocene<br />

hydrocarbon seep Decapod Crustacean<br />

(Anomura: Galatheidae: Shinkaiinae) and its<br />

paleobiology. ( 英 文 ). Schweitzer C E;<br />

Feldmann R M. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(5): 1021-1029 4 图 版 .<br />

A new decapod crustacean species,<br />

Shinkaia katapsyxis, is reported from the<br />

Eocene Humptulips Formation of western<br />

Washington, USA. The specimens were<br />

collected from a hydrocarbon seep deposit that<br />

has been well-documented and contains a<br />

well-described molluscan fauna. The new<br />

occurrence extends the geologic range of the<br />

genus Shinkaia Baba and Williams, 1998, and<br />

subfamily Shinkaiinae Baba and Williams,<br />

1998, into the Eocene from its only other<br />

known occurrences in hydrothermal vent<br />

environments in the Pacific Ocean. The range<br />

extension of an extant decapod genus into the<br />

Eocene is not uncommon and adds to the<br />

evidence that the Decapoda may be unusually<br />

resistant to extinctions and are distinctly<br />

conservative evolutionarily.<br />

2009020315<br />

十 足 Brachyura 类 的 Ekalakia 属 - 眼 的 保 存<br />

证 明 了 白 垩 纪 的 蟹 类 和 侏 罗 纪 的 祖 先 的 亲<br />

缘 性 = Ekalakia (Decapoda: Brachyura): the<br />

preservation of eyes links Cretaceous crabs to<br />

Jurassic ancestors. ( 英 文 ). Feldmann R M;<br />

Schweitzer C E; Wahl W R. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(5): 1030-1034<br />

Description of a new species of crab,<br />

Ekalakia exophthalmops, brings to two the<br />

number of species within this Late Cretaceous<br />

genus from the upper mid-west in North<br />

America. Discovery of eyes and orbital<br />

structures in both species permits placement of<br />

the genus within the superfamily<br />

Glaessneropsoidea Patrulius, 1959 and family<br />

Glaessneropsidae Patrulius, 1959, extending<br />

the range of those taxa from the Late Jurassic<br />

into the Late Cretaceous. The extraordinarily<br />

large eyes relative to body size suggests that<br />

the Jurassic reef-dwelling crabs were adapted<br />

for a cryptic lifestyle which preadapted them<br />

for the deep-water, dysphotic, level-bottom<br />

habitat occupied by the Cretaceous<br />

descendants.<br />

2009020316<br />

法 国 古 新 世 最 老 的 蜜 蜂 双 翅 目 Bombyliidae<br />

科 = The oldest bee fly in the French<br />

Paleocene (Diptera: Bombyliidae. ( 英 文 ). Nel<br />

A. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(7): 401-<br />

405<br />

Paleolomatia menatensis gen. and sp. n.,<br />

oldest Bombyliidae sensu stricto, is described<br />

from the Paleocene of Menat (France). The<br />

new genus, based on the wing venation, is<br />

attributed to the rather ‘derived’ subfamily<br />

Lomatiinae, strongly supporting a Late<br />

Cretaceous age for the diversification of the<br />

pollinator bee flies, in relation with the<br />

floristic changes and the angiosperm radiation<br />

that occurred at the same time<br />

2009020317<br />

南 极 中 中 新 世 异 常 保 存 的 湖 栖 的 介 形 虫 :<br />

高 纬 度 77 ° 南 古 环 境 的 意 义 =<br />

Exceptionally preserved lacustrine ostracods<br />

from the Middle Miocene of Antarctica:<br />

implications for high-latitude<br />

palaeoenvironment at 77 ° south. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Williams M; Siveter D J; Ashworth A C;<br />

Wilby PR 4. Proceedings of the Royal<br />

Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008,<br />

275(1650): 2449-2454<br />

A newly discovered Konservat-Lagerstätte<br />

from the Middle Miocene of the western<br />

Olympus Range, Dry Valleys, Antarctica,<br />

yields cypridoidean ostracods complete with<br />

preserved body and appendages. This is the<br />

first record of three-dimensionally fossilized<br />

animal soft tissues from the continent. The<br />

ostracods are preserved in goethite, secondary<br />

after pyrite, representing a novel mode of<br />

exceptional preservation. They signal a highlatitude<br />

(greater than 77°south) lake setting<br />

(Palaeolake Boreas) viable for benthic animal<br />

colonization prior to 14Myr ago. Their<br />

presence supports the notion of warmer,<br />

tundra-like environmental conditions<br />


persisting in the Dry Valleys until the Middle<br />

Miocene<br />

2009020318<br />

非 洲 坦 桑 尼 亚 古 近 纪 一 新 的 淡 水 蟹<br />

(Decapoda: Brachyura:Potamonautidae) =<br />

A new freshwater crab (Decapoda:<br />

Brachyura:Potamonautidae) from the<br />

Paleogene of Tanzania, Africa. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Feldmann R M; O'Connor P M; Stevens N J;<br />

Gottfried M D; Roberts E M; Ngasala S;<br />

rasmusson E L; Kapilima S. Neues Jahrbuch<br />

fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(1): 71-78<br />

Discovery of numerous fragmentary<br />

remains of freshwater crab in Paleogene,<br />

Probably Oligocene, sediments in Tanzania,<br />

Africa, permits the description of a new genus<br />

and species, Tanzanonautes tuerkai. The<br />

fossils represent the oldest freshwater crabs<br />

known.<br />

2009020319<br />

罗 马 尼 亚 Dobrogea 地 区 侏 罗 纪 海 绵 大 相 的<br />

十 足 目 及 其 对 Nodoprosopon 属 的 重 新 思<br />

考 = Decapods from Jurassic (Oxfordian)<br />

sponge megafacies of Dobrogea, Romania and<br />

reconsideration of Nodoprosopon Beurlen,<br />

1928. ( 英 文 ). Schweitzer C E; Feldmann R M;<br />

Lazar I. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(1):<br />

99-113<br />

Goniodromites aliquantulus new species<br />

appears to have inhabited layered sponge<br />

biostrome settings only, whereas<br />

Cycloprosopon dobrogea and Goniodromites<br />

spp. appear to have inhabited a variety of<br />

microbialite-siliceous sponge environments.<br />

The genus Nodoprosopon is severely<br />

restricted to contain only two species, and<br />

Planoprosopon new genus is erected to<br />

embrace Planoprosopon hedeni new<br />

combination. The latter species is known from<br />

Romania only in microbialite-siliceous sponge<br />

biostrome habitats. The Goniodromitinae,<br />

previously considered as a subfamily of the<br />

Prosopidae, is here raised to family status.<br />

Revision of the Prosopidae sensu lato is<br />

ongoing.<br />

2009020320<br />

中 国 中 侏 罗 世 与 Prosepididontus 属 有 关 的<br />

新 的 ‘ 蛩 蠊 科 ’ 化 石 = New 'Grylloblattida'<br />

related to the genus Prosepididontus<br />

Handlirsch, 1920 in the Middle Jurassic of<br />

China (Insecta: Geinitziidae). ( 英 文 ). Huang<br />

Diying; Nel A. Alcheringa, 2008, 32(4): 395-<br />

403<br />

On the basis of well-preserved nearly<br />

complete specimens, two new genera and<br />

species Sinosepididontus chifengensis and<br />

Megasepididontus grandis, both closely<br />

related to the Early Jurassic geinitziid genus<br />

Prosepididontus, are described. The new<br />

material was collected from the Middle<br />

Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation near the<br />

Daohugou Village, Ningcheng County, Inner<br />

Mongolia, northeast China. New body and leg<br />

structures are described for these Chinese taxa.<br />

They were previously unknown in other<br />

Geinitziidae. The new data indicate that the<br />

extinct 'Grylloblattida' contained heterogenous<br />

groups<br />

2009020321<br />

中 国 西 南 下 寒 武 统 澄 江 化 石 库 三 叶 虫<br />

Yunnanocephalus yunnanensis 的 个 体 发 育<br />

= Ontogeny of the trilobite Yunnanocephalus<br />

yunnanensis from the Chengjiang lagersttte,<br />

lower Cambrian, southwest China. ( 英 文 ). Dai<br />

Tao; Zhang Xingliang. Alcheringa, 2008,<br />

32(4): 465 - 468<br />

2009020322<br />

一 个 异 常 保 存 极 好 的 始 新 世 dolichopodid<br />

类 蝇 眼 : 功 能 和 演 化 意 义 = An<br />

exceptionally well-preserved Eocene<br />

dolichopodid fly eye: function and<br />

evolutionary significance. ( 英 文 ). Tanaka G;<br />

Parker A R; Siveter D J; Maeda H; Furutani M.<br />

Proceedings of the Royal Society B:<br />

Biological Sciences, 2009, 276(1659): 1015-<br />

1019<br />

The exceptionally preserved eyes of an<br />

Eocene dolichopodid fly contained in Baltic<br />

amber show remarkable detail, including<br />

features at micrometre and submicrometre<br />

levels. Based on this material, we establish<br />

that it is likely that the neural superposition<br />

compound eye existed as far back as 45Ma.<br />

The ommatidia have an open rhabdom with a<br />

trapezoidal arrangement of seven rhabdomeres.<br />

Such a structure is uniquely characteristic of<br />

the neural superposition compound eye of<br />

present-day flies. Optical analysis reveals that<br />

the fossil eyes had a sophisticated and<br />

efficient optical system<br />

2009020323<br />

新 西 兰 两 个 新 的 上 侏 罗 统 节 肢 动 物 = Two<br />

new Upper Jurassic arthropods from New<br />

Zealand. ( 英 文 ). Grant-Mackie J A;<br />


Buckeridge J S; Johns P M. Alcheringa, 1996,<br />

20(1): 31 - 39<br />

An orthopteran wing fragment from the<br />

Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) of New Zealand is<br />

described as Notohagla mauii n. gen. et sp.<br />

and placed near species from the Jurassic-<br />

Cretaceous of Central Asia. Closely associated<br />

stratigraphically is a moulted abdomen of an<br />

urdid isopod Urda zelandica n. sp., similar to<br />

a Lower Cretaceous form from the Antarctic<br />

Peninsula<br />

2009020324<br />

南 澳 大 利 亚 在 Chinaman Gully 海 退 (‘ 始<br />

新 世 - 渐 新 世 界 线 ’) 之 前 和 之 后 介 形 类 组<br />

合 的 古 水 深 测 量 = Palaeobathymetry of<br />

ostracod associations before and after the<br />

Chinaman Gully regression<br />

('Eocene/Oligocene boundary') in South<br />

Australia. ( 英 文 ). Majoran S.<br />

Alcheringa, 1996, 20(4): 245 - 267<br />

The Chinaman Gully Formation in South<br />

Australia is a regressive non-marine to<br />

marginal marine unit previously correlated<br />

with the 'Eocene/Oligocene boundary' type 1<br />

Sequence Boundary Ta 4.3/4.4. It is barren of<br />

ostracods. Cytherellid, krithiid, pontocypridid,<br />

paracypridid and trachyleberidid ostracods are<br />

abundant in the underlying Blanche Point<br />

Formation (BPF), whereas bairdiids,<br />

xestoleberidids, hemicytherids and<br />

loxoconchids are more abundant in the Port<br />

Willunga Formation (PWF) which overlies the<br />

Chinaman Gully Formation. A major contrast<br />

in trachyleberidid, loxoconchid and<br />

hemicytherid species composition is evident<br />

between the BPF and PWF. A bootstrap<br />

variety of correspondence analysis identified<br />

Paracypris, Kuiperiana, Krithe,<br />

Tasmanocypris, Argilloecia, Trachyleberis,<br />

Cytherella and Bythocypris as significant<br />

genera (indicating a palaeodepth of 120-200 m)<br />

in the BPF and Quadracythere,<br />

Hornibrookella,<br />

Loxoconcha,<br />

Microcytherura, bairdiids, Schizocythere,<br />

Cytheralison, Kangarina and Xestoleberis as<br />

significant genera (indicating a palaeodepth of<br />

≤ 50 m) in the PWF. The generic diversity<br />

and the adult/juvenile ratio is higher in the<br />

PWF than in the BPF, reflecting a greater<br />

number of niches in a shallower environment<br />

with higher hydrodynamic stress. The many<br />

autochthonous cytherellids in the BPF<br />

probably signify low oxygen conditions<br />

during deposition.<br />

2009020325<br />

重 新 研 究 三 叶 虫 Eoredlichia 属 的 附 属 物 构<br />

造 = Trilobite appendage structure —<br />

Eoredlichia reconsidered. ( 英 文 ). Ramskld L;<br />

Edgecombe G D. Alcheringa, 1996, 20(4):<br />

269 - 276<br />

New interpretations are available from<br />

recently published appendages of Eoredlichia<br />

intermedia (Early Cambrian Chengjiang<br />

fauna), the most primitive trilobite for which<br />

appendages are known. The basis (formerly<br />

identified as the coxa) is preserved in one<br />

appendage. An allegedly long proximal<br />

podomere in the endopod is actually<br />

subdivided into two and, at least in posterior<br />

appendages, each of these podomeres bears a<br />

strong, angular endite. The large, subquadrate<br />

basis, angular endite on the first podomere of<br />

the endopod, and attachment of the exopod<br />

along the whole length of the basis are<br />

features shared with naraoiids, for which<br />

Naraoia longicaudata Zhang & Hou is<br />

exemplar. The long line of attachment of the<br />

exopod to the basis works as a hinge joint in E.<br />

intermedia and is a feature shared by<br />

Olenoides serratus. This joint allows rotation<br />

of the basis and endopod around the hinge line,<br />

permitting extensive leg movement without<br />

forcing the large exopod fan out of position.<br />

The shape of the basis in O. serratus is<br />

reinterpreted here, and a new reconstruction of<br />

the exopod shows detailed similarity to E.<br />

intermedia. The limbs of Eoredlichia show<br />

that appendage structure in primitive trilobites<br />

is little altered from shared ancestry with<br />

naraoiids.<br />

2009020326<br />

马 达 加 斯 加 晚 白 垩 世 一 新 Spinicaudatan 属<br />

( 甲 壳 纲 :“ 介 甲 目 ”) = A new<br />

Spinicaudatan genus (Crustacea:<br />

'Conchostraca') from the late Cretaceous of<br />

Madagascar. ( 英 文 ). Stigall A L; Hartman J H.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(5): 1053-1067<br />

A new spinicaudatan genus and species,<br />

Ethmosestheria mahajangaensis gen. et sp.<br />

nov., is described from the Anembalemba<br />

Member (Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian) of<br />

the Maevarano Formation, Mahajanga Basin,<br />

Madagascar. This is the first spinicaudatan<br />

reported from the post-Triassic Mesozoic of<br />

Madagascar. The new species is assigned to<br />

the family Antronestheriidae based on the<br />

cavernous or sievelike ornamentation on the<br />

carapace. Of well-documented Mesozoic<br />

spinicaudatan genera, Ethmosestheria<br />

mahajangaensis is most closely related to<br />

Antronestheria Chen and Hudson from the<br />


Great Estuarine Group (Jurassic) of Scotland.<br />

However, relatively poor documentation of<br />

the ornamentation of most Gondwanan<br />

Mesozoic spinicaudatan species precludes<br />

detailed comparison among taxa.<br />

Ethmosestheria mahajangaensis exhibits<br />

ontogenetic trends in carapace growth: a<br />

change in carapace outline from<br />

subcircular/subelliptical to elliptical, and from<br />

very wide juvenile growth bands to narrow<br />

adult growth bands. Ornamentation style,<br />

however, does not vary with ontogeny.<br />

Ethmosestheria mahajangaensis individuals<br />

lived in temporary pools in a broad channelbelt<br />

system within a semiarid environment;<br />

preserved desiccation structures on carapaces<br />

indicate seasonal drying out of pools within<br />

the river system. Specimens of Ethmosestheria<br />

mahajangaensis are preserved with exquisite<br />

detail in debris flow deposits; these are the<br />

first spinicaudatans reported from debris flow<br />

deposits. These deposits also contain a varied<br />

vertebrate fauna, including dinosaurs,<br />

crocodyliforms, turtles, and frogs. Rapid<br />

entombment of the spinicaudatan carapaces<br />

likely promoted early fossil diagenesis leading<br />

to highly detailed preservation.<br />

2009020327<br />

晚 泥 盆 世 弗 拉 期 最 后 的 镰 虫 目 三 叶 虫 的 演<br />

化 与 绝 灭 模 式 = Patterns of evolution and<br />

extinction in the last harpetid trilobites during<br />

the late Devonian (Frasnian). ( 英 文 ).<br />

Mcnamara K J; Feist R; Ebach M.<br />

Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 11-33<br />

Late Devonian (Frasnian) harpetid trilobites<br />

have hitherto only been described from the<br />

western side of the Protethys Ocean, in what is<br />

now Europe and North Africa, as well as from<br />

Gondwana-derived northwestern Kazakhstan<br />

(Mugodjar). However, late Frasnian strata in<br />

the Canning Basin, Western Australia, that<br />

were deposited on the eastern side of this<br />

ocean, contain a rich harpetid fauna.<br />

Described herein are two new harpetids:<br />

Eskoharpes gen. nov. and Globoharpes gen.<br />

nov., within which are placed six species: E.<br />

palanasus sp. nov., E. wandjina sp. nov., E.<br />

boltoni sp. nov., E. guthae sp. nov., G.<br />

teicherti sp. nov. and G. friendi sp. nov. The<br />

ontogenetic development of E. palanasus, E.<br />

wandjina and G. teicherti are described,<br />

including the first unequivocal harpetid<br />

protaspis. Globoharpes exhibits evidence of<br />

sexual dimorphism in the development of a<br />

pronounced preglabellar boss in some<br />

specimens. This structure is thought to have<br />

functioned as a brood pouch. Such structures<br />

have previously only been described in<br />

Cambrian and Ordovician trilobites, and never<br />

before in harpetids. It is suggested that the<br />

characteristic harpetid fringe functioned as a<br />

secondary respiratory structure. The<br />

Eskoharpes lineage shows evolutionary trends<br />

that mirror changes seen in ontogenetic<br />

development of the youngest species,<br />

suggesting the operation of peramorphic<br />

processes. This is the first record of<br />

heterochrony in harpetids and the first<br />

documented example of peramorphosis in<br />

Devonian trilobites. These harpetids<br />

demonstrate a stepped pattern of extinction<br />

during the late Frasnian, probably related to<br />

the effects of the two Kellwasser biocrises that<br />

have been well documented in European<br />

Frasnian sections. Highly vaulted species of<br />

Eskoharpes and the strongly vaulted<br />

Globoharpes became extinct at the Lower<br />

Kellwasser Event. The flatter species of<br />

Eskoharpes became extinct at the base of the<br />

Upper Kellwasser Event shortly prior to the<br />

Frasnian/Famennian boundary. The extinction<br />

of these harpetids, along with<br />

contemporaneous forms from Europe, which<br />

are also discussed herein, marks the end of the<br />

trilobite order Harpetida worldwide.<br />

2009020328<br />

中 国 侏 罗 纪 的 古 蝉 科 及 古 蝉 科 ( 昆 虫 纲 :<br />

半 翅 目 : 蝉 亚 目 ) 高 级 系 统 学 = Jurassic<br />

Palaeontinidae from China and the higher<br />

systematics of Palaeontinoidea (Insecta:<br />

Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha). ( 英 文 ). Wang Bo;<br />

Zhang Haichun; Szwedo J.<br />

Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 53-64<br />

Genera of Palaeontinidae (Insecta,<br />

Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha) are reviewed<br />

based on some newly-discovered material. An<br />

updated list of palaeontinid genera is provided.<br />

The genus Palaeontinopsis Martynov is<br />

assigned to Palaeontinidae incertae sedis. A<br />

new genus and species, Ningchengia aspera<br />

gen. et sp. nov., is described based on<br />

forewings and hindwings from the Middle<br />

Jurassic of Daohugou, China. Fletcheriana<br />

colorata Wang, Zhang and Fang and F. minuta<br />

Wang, Zhang and Fang are transferred to<br />

Suljuktocossus and Ningchengia respectively,<br />

resulting in Suljuktocossus coloratus comb.<br />

nov. and Ningchengia minuta comb. nov.<br />

Papilioncossus Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007 syn.<br />

nov. is considered to be a junior synonym of<br />

Eoiocossus Wang and Zhang, 2006 and<br />

Quadraticossus Wang and Ren 2007 syn. nov.<br />


is a junior synonym of<br />

Sinopalaeocossus Hong, 1983. The genus<br />

Fletcheriana is believed to represent a<br />

transition between Dunstaniidae and<br />

Palaeontinidae. This result is consistent with<br />

the previous view that Dunstaniidae is<br />

ancestral to Palaeontinidae. Furthermore,<br />

Suljuktocossus is a transitional genus between<br />

Fletcheriana and Cretaceous palaeontinids.<br />

The fusion of veins RP and M 1 in the<br />

palaeontinid hindwings implies a change of<br />

the mechanism of flight and an improvement<br />

in flight ability. The presence of a reduced<br />

costal area and the rigid basal leading edge of<br />

the palaeontinid forewings suggest gain of lift.<br />

2009020329<br />

个 体 发 育 与 埋 葬 学 : 一 项 研 究 卤 虫<br />

Artemia salina 发 育 的 埋 葬 学 实 验 =<br />

Ontogeny and taphonomy: an experimental<br />

taphonomy study of the development of the<br />

brine shrimp Artemia salina. ( 英 文 ). Gostling<br />

N; Dong Xiping; Donoghue P.<br />

Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 169-186<br />

Although the relationship between<br />

ontogeny and phylogeny has been of longstanding<br />

interest to palaeontologists, the fossil<br />

record has provided little insight into the<br />

development of long extinct organisms. This<br />

has changed with the discovery of numerous<br />

assemblages of fossilized invertebrate<br />

embryos and larvae, but realising their<br />

evolutionary significance is hampered by a<br />

paucity of data on the relationship between<br />

ontogeny and taphonomy. We describe the<br />

results of an experimental taphonomy study of<br />

the development of the anostracan brine<br />

shrimp Artemia salina, which show that in<br />

conditions of aqueous aerobic and anaerobic<br />

autolysis and microbial decay, the<br />

developmental stages exhibit differential<br />

preservation potential. The most decay<br />

resistant developmental stage is the diapause<br />

cyst, encapulsating the gastrula, in which the<br />

gross morphology of the embryo can be<br />

maintained for 18 months or more in simple<br />

anaerobic conditions. Otherwise, the embryo<br />

shrinks within the cyst and cellular and tissue<br />

detail of breaks down as lipid droplets<br />

coalesce. Postembryonic excysted larvae<br />

decay more rapidly. The rate of decay is<br />

similar among all larval stages with the<br />

exception of the L 4 larva, which resists cuticle<br />

failure for longer than later developmental<br />

stages. The larvae decay leading to<br />

liquefaction of the muscles and viscera,<br />

leaving an intact but empty and progressively<br />

shrunken and distorted cuticle that eventually<br />

loses structural integrity and collapses. Our<br />

experimental results provide an explanatory<br />

model for the phenomenal abundance of<br />

putative diapause stage embryos, in the<br />

absence of postembryonic stages, as seen in<br />

the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation of South<br />

China and the incompleteness of fossilized<br />

developmental sequences of embryos and<br />

larvae more generally. It also cautions against<br />

the association of developmental stages in<br />

fossil deposits without additional evidence.<br />

Finally, the pattern of decay seen in larvae<br />

provides an explanation for the preservation<br />

style of Orsten-type Lagerstätten where<br />

preservation of cuticular detail can be<br />

astonishingly fine, but extends internally to<br />

muscles and viscera only rarely.<br />

2009020330<br />

阿 根 廷 中 西 部 中 生 代 cytherurid 介 形 类 分<br />

类 学 与 动 物 地 理 学 = Taxonomy and<br />

zoogeography of the Mesozoic cytherurid<br />

ostracoda from west-central Argentina. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Ballent S C; Whatley R C.<br />

Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 193-218<br />

The status of thirty four species of the<br />

cytheroidean ostracod family Cytheruridae<br />

from the Neuqu é n Basin, west-central<br />

Argentina is reviewed. These species belong<br />

to the following nine genera: Eucytherura Mü<br />

ller, ranging in this study from Pliensbachian<br />

to Valanginian and represented by fourteen<br />

species; Kangarina Coryell and Fields,<br />

Aalenian – Bajocian, with a single species;<br />

Acrocythere Neale, Hauterivian, one species;<br />

Paranotacythere Bassiouni, Berriasian, two<br />

species; Procytherura Whatley, Pliensbachian<br />

to Hauterivian, twelve species; Cytheropteron<br />

Sars, Aalenian – Bajocian, one species:<br />

Eocytheropteron Alexander, Hauterivian, one<br />

species; Paradoxorhyncha Chapman,<br />

Aalenian – Bajocian, one species; and<br />

Paracytheridea Müller, Berriasian, one species.<br />

Of the three subfamilies of the Cytheruridae,<br />

the Cytherurinae, with thirty species are by far<br />

the most numerous and abundant throughout<br />

the study. The other two subfamilies, the<br />

Cytheropterinae are represented by three<br />

species and the Paracytherideinae by a single<br />

species of the nominative genus. Several of<br />

the species are very widely distributed<br />

geographically and have, for example, also<br />

been recorded from Europe; others indicate<br />

close links with South Africa and Australia.<br />

The stratigraphical ranges of certain genera<br />


have been extended as a result of this study.<br />

For example, Kangarina has not previously<br />

been recorded below the Cretaceous. The<br />

Cytheruridae are clearly the most diverse<br />

cytheroidean ostracodes in the Mesozoic of<br />

the Neuquén Basin and are more diverse than<br />

all other groups of ostracodes combined. Four<br />

new species, Eucytherura tessae, Eucytherura<br />

yunga, Procytherura amygdala and<br />

Eocytheropteron immodicus are described.<br />

Eucytherura guillaumeae nom. nov. for<br />

Eucytherura tuberculata Brenner and Oertli<br />

and Eucytherura paranuda nom. nov. for<br />

Eucytherura nuda (Brand) are proposed.<br />

2009020331<br />

中 国 寒 武 纪 三 叶 虫 生 物 地 理 趋 议 = Notes<br />

On Cambrian Trilobite Biogeography Of<br />

China. ( 中 文 ). 周 志 毅 ; 甄 勇 毅 ; 彭 善 池 ; 朱 学<br />

剑 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(4): 385-392<br />

寒 武 纪 三 叶 虫 除 北 疆 和 藏 南 尚 无 可 靠 报<br />

道 外 , 在 中 国 各 地 均 有 广 泛 分 布 。 三 叶 虫<br />

证 据 表 明 , 除 兴 安 区 的 额 尔 古 纳 一 兴 安 地<br />

体 和 早 寒 武 世 中 天 山 一 北 山 地 体 显 示 了 与<br />

西 伯 利 亚 和 劳 伦 陆 块 在 动 物 群 方 面 的 密 切<br />

相 关 外 , 中 国 寒 武 纪 的 所 有 板 块 和 大 部 分<br />

地 体 ( 包 括 中 及 晚 寒 武 世 的 中 天 山 ~ 北 山<br />

地 体 ) 均 系 当 时 东 泛 冈 瓦 纳 的 重 要 组 成 部<br />

分 , 在 生 物 地 理 上 彼 此 密 切 关 联 。 对 这 些<br />

属 于 东 泛 冈 瓦 纳 的 中 国 区 块 的 生 物 地 理 格<br />

局 的 进 一 步 探 讨 , 主 要 侧 重 于 它 们 台 地 相<br />

浅 水 三 叶 虫 动 物 群 之 间 的 对 比 , 特 别 是 立<br />

足 于 来 自 动 物 群 纪 录 比 较 完 整 的 华 南 、 塔<br />

里 木 和 华 北 板 块 的 证 据 。 综 合 分 析 研 究 表<br />

明 这 些 板 块 和 有 关 的 地 体 在 中 及 晚 寒 武 世<br />

应 归 属 同 一 生 物 地 理 区 , 而 在 早 寒 武 世 则<br />

可 划 分 为 两 个 生 物 地 理 亚 区 : 一 个 由 华<br />

南 、 塔 里 木 板 块 和 安 南 或 印 支 地 体 组 成 ,<br />

另 一 仅 以 华 北 板 块 为 代 表 。<br />

2009020332<br />

湖 北 宜 昌 奥 陶 纪 大 湾 组 的 三 叶 虫 新 种 = A<br />

New Ordovician Trilobite Ovalocephalus<br />

Eoprimitivus Sp. Nov. From The Dawan<br />

Formation,Yichang, Western Hubei. ( 英 文 ).<br />

周 志 毅 ; 周 志 强 . 古 生 物 学 报 , 2008, 47(4):<br />

454-456<br />

本 文 记 述 湖 北 宜 昌 地 区 奥 陶 纪 大 湾 组 下<br />

部 的 一 个 三 叶 虫 新 种 Ovalocephalus<br />

eoprimitivus sp.nov., 主 要 特 征 是 头 鞍 缺<br />

失 前 颈 环 横 沟 。Ovalocephalus Koroleva 为<br />

泛 冈 瓦 纳 的 标 志 分 子 , 在 中 国 奥 陶 系 分 布<br />

极 为 广 泛 。 这 一 新 种 的 时 代 为 弗 洛 期 一 大<br />

坪 期 , 系 该 属 目 前 所 知 地 层 层 位 最 低 的 分<br />

子 。<br />

2009020333<br />

新 疆 塔 里 木 西 北 部 奥 陶 系 印 干 组 三 叶 虫 =<br />

Ordovician trilobites from the Yingan<br />

Formation of northwestern Tarim, Xinjiang,<br />

northwestern China. ( 英 文 ). Zhou Zhiyi;<br />

Webby B D; Yuan Wenwei.<br />

Alcheringa, 1995, 19(1): 47 - 72<br />

Three trilobite species, Lisogorites mistus<br />

sp. nov., Taklamakania tarimensis W. T.<br />

Zhang and Ampyxinella rotundata W. T.<br />

Zhang, are described from the Yingan<br />

Formation near Kalpin in southern Xinjiang,<br />

NW China. They occur with graptolites in an<br />

assemblage of late Caradoc age. Lisogorites is<br />

an aberrant asaphid, and is considered to be a<br />

senior synonym of Trigonoaspis and Tangyaia.<br />

Ampyxinella is regarded as referable to the<br />

subfamily Endymioninae. The raphiophorid<br />

Taklamakania has only three thoracic<br />

segments and may have been derived from<br />

Ampyxina by neoteny. The morphological and<br />

taphonomical features of the trilobites suggest<br />

that this faunule lived on a soft muddy<br />

substrate in a quiet, deeper-water, slope<br />

environment of the 'Raphiophorid Biofacies'.<br />

Palaeogeographically the Kalpin area was<br />

located on the northwestern slopes of the<br />

Tarim carbonate platform during Caradoc<br />

times. Closest zoogeographic relationships of<br />

this fauna are with South China, Kazakhstan,<br />

North China and eastern Australia.<br />

2009020334<br />

日 本 西 南 部 九 州 岛 西 北 始 新 世 / 渐 新 世 界 线<br />

附 近 浅 海 介 形 类 动 物 群 = Shallow-marine<br />

ostracode faunas around the<br />

Eocene/Oligocene boundary in the<br />

northwestern Kyushu, southwestern Japan. ( 英<br />

文 ). Yamaguchi T; Kamiya T. Lethaia, 2007,<br />

40(3): 293-303<br />

Middle Eocene–early Oligocene ostracode<br />

faunal changes in northwestern Kyushu of<br />

southwestern Japan are identified in this study.<br />

Ostracodes occur from shelf deposits of five<br />

formations: the middle Eocene Okinoshima,<br />

the upper Eocene Funazu, the uppermost<br />

Eocene–lowermost Oligocene Kishima, the<br />

lowermost Oligocene Itanoura, and the lower<br />

Oligocene Waita Formations. The middle<br />

Eocene–earliest Oligocene ostracodes were<br />

characterized by warm-water genera,<br />

indicating tropical, subtropical and Tethyan<br />

genera, whereas the late early Oligocene<br />


ostracodes do not include warm-water taxa,<br />

consisting of temperate realm genera. The<br />

middle Eocene–earliest Oligocene ostracodes<br />

do not include remarkable changes of species<br />

composition, in contract with equatorial<br />

Pacific radiolarians and West Coast USA<br />

molluscs. Ostracodes suggest that distinct<br />

climatic cooling did not occur in the<br />

southwestern Japan during the middle<br />

Eocene–earliest Oligocene.<br />

2009020335<br />

下 寒 武 统 双 瓣 节 肢 动 物 Isoxys auritus 的 解<br />

剖 和 系 统 分 类 的 亲 缘 = Anatomy and<br />

systematic affinities of the Lower Cambrian<br />

bivalved arthropod Isoxys auritus. ( 英 文 ). Shu<br />

Degan; Zhang Xianliang; Geyer G.<br />

Alcheringa, 1995, 19(4): 333 - 342<br />

Soft parts of Isoxys auritus, such as<br />

antennae, biramous limbs, eyes, mouth,<br />

stomach and adductor muscle scars, have been<br />

discovered in material from the Early<br />

Cambrian Chengjiang fossil Lagerst tte in<br />

Yunnan, South China. Isoxys auritus bears<br />

two pairs of antennae and eleven pairs of<br />

primitive biramous appendages which suggest<br />

it to be a stem-lineage crustacean<br />

2009020336<br />

中 生 代 昆 虫 单 元 Chresmodidae 科 : 新 的 古<br />

生 物 和 系 谱 分 类 资 料 , 重 点 描 述 巴 西 下 白 垩<br />

统 一 新 种 = The enigmatic Mesozoic insect<br />

taxon Chresmodidae (Polyneoptera): New<br />

palaeobiological and phylogenetic data, with<br />

the description of a new species from the<br />

Lower Cretaceous Brazil. ( 英 文 ). Delclos X;<br />

Nel A; Azar D; Bechly G; Dunlop J A; Engel<br />

M S; Heads S W. Neues Jahrbuch fur<br />

Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2008, 247(3): 353-381<br />

The morphology of the enigmatic,<br />

Mesozoic, aquatic insect family Chresmodidae<br />

is redescribed and its phylogenetic affinities<br />

among the polyneopterous orders discussed.<br />

New specimens from Spain, Lebanon, Brazil,<br />

and Germany permit a new re-description of<br />

some chresmodid body structures with<br />

concomitant implications for the phylogenetic<br />

position of the family. Chresmoda neotropica<br />

n. sp. is described from the Aptian-Albian of<br />

the Crato Formation (northeast Brazil).<br />

2009020337<br />

‘ Deprat 氏 事 件 ’ 中 的 三 叶 虫 = The<br />

trilobites of the 'affaire Deprat'. ( 英 文 ). Henry<br />

J L. Alcheringa, 1994, 18(4): 359 - 362<br />

In 1919, Jacques Deprat, a French geologist,<br />

was recognized as responsible for introducing<br />

apocryphal trilobites into the material he<br />

collected in Vietnam and South China<br />

(Yunnan). The attempt to rehabilitate his<br />

reputation at a special session of the French<br />

Geological Society is based on Durand-<br />

Delga's investigations. However, many of the<br />

arguments presented by Durand-Delga seem<br />

controversial and are discussed below.<br />

2009020338<br />

新 西 兰 北 奥 塔 哥 和 南 坎 特 伯 雷 晚 渐 新 世 至<br />

早 中 新 世 Kokoamu 绿 砂 和 Otekaike 灰 岩<br />

介 形 类 生 物 地 层 和 古 生 态 = Ostracod<br />

biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the<br />

Kokoamu Greensand and Otekaike Limestone<br />

(Late Oligocene to Early Miocene), North<br />

Otago and South Canterbury, New Zealand.<br />

( 英 文 ). Ayress M A. Alcheringa, 1993, 17(2):<br />

125 - 151<br />

An improved Mid Tertiary ostracod<br />

stratigraphy has been obtained from detailed<br />

sampling of four outcrop sections of Kokoamu<br />

Greensand and overlying Otekaike Limestone<br />

in the South Island, New Zealand. The<br />

sections include the stratotypes and reference<br />

sections for the New Zealand Duntroonian and<br />

Waitakian Stages (Late Oligocene to Early<br />

Miocene). Three key evolutionary events<br />

provide the main basis for correlation of the<br />

sections, and allow recognition of four zones.<br />

These events are, from oldest to youngest: the<br />

first appearance of Cytheralison amiesi, at<br />

about the Whaingaroan/Duntroonian Stage<br />

boundary; the last appearance of<br />

Agrenocythere semivera, together with a<br />

major faunal replacement, in the lower<br />

Duntroonian; and the first appearance of<br />

Trachyleberis jilletti sp. nov. at the<br />

Duntroonian/Waitakian Stage boundary. The<br />

lower boundary of the lowermost zone and<br />

upper boundary of the uppermost zone are not<br />

defined since they occur beyond the limits of<br />

the sequence. This correlation is consistent<br />

with that provided by foraminifera and<br />

enhances stratigraphical resolution particularly<br />

through the Duntroonian Stage. Changes in<br />

relative abundance and species composition<br />

throughout the sequence are similar in the<br />

sections studied and are considered to be<br />

controlled by facies and water depth. An outer<br />

shelf fauna in the lower part of the Kokoamu<br />

Greensand is replaced in the upper Kokoamu<br />

Greensand by a relatively shallow mid shelf<br />

fauna which persists into the Otekaike<br />

Limestone. In the upper Waitakian part of the<br />


Otekaike Limestone an inner shelf<br />

environment is indicated. Five new species are<br />

proposed: Cytheralison spinosa sp. nov.,<br />

Cytheralison parafava sp. nov., Rugocythereis<br />

reticulata sp. nov., Trachyleberis jilletti sp.<br />

nov. and Vitjasiella dulplicispina sp. nov.<br />

2009020339<br />

南 澳 大 利 亚 弗 林 德 斯 山 脉 下 寒 武 统 新 的 钝<br />

锥 虫 型 三 叶 虫 = A new conocoryphid<br />

trilobite from the Lower Cambrian of the<br />

Flinders Ranges, South Australia. ( 英 文 ). Jell<br />

P A; Jago J B; Gehling J G. Alcheringa, 1992,<br />

16(3): 189 - 200<br />

A new species of conocoryphid trilobite,<br />

Atops rupertensis, is described from the upper<br />

part of the Lower Cambrian Hawker Group of<br />

the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Atops<br />

has not been previously described from<br />

Australia. The specimens described herein<br />

represent the most detailed material yet<br />

available for the genus; a new generic<br />

diagnosis is given. It is suggested that<br />

Ivshiniellus Korobov is a synonym of Atops;<br />

the material described as Ivshiniellus<br />

briandailyi from the Heatherdale Shale near<br />

Adelaide probably belongs in Atops. It is<br />

possible that Atopina Korobov is a synonym<br />

of Pseudatops Lake.<br />

2009020340<br />

洪 都 拉 斯 太 平 洋 沿 岸 上 新 世 - 更 新 世<br />

Ocypodidae 科 Uca 属 一 个 新 的 招 潮 蟹 种 =<br />

A new fiddler crab (genus Uca, Ocypodidae,)<br />

from The Plio-Pleistocene from the Pacific<br />

Coast of Honduras. ( 其 他 ). Alonso P D.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(4): 663-676<br />

The first fossils crabs from Honduras<br />

assigned to Uca Leach, 1814 (Brachyura,<br />

Ocypodidae) taken at Cedeno (Choluteca<br />

region) on the Pacific slope around the Gulf of<br />

Fonseca are described. Although Uca are<br />

common estuarine crustaceans with similar to<br />

100 extant species across the globe, their<br />

fossil record is extremely scarce with only five<br />

described taxa. Moreover, these descriptions<br />

are based on very fragmentary fossils with<br />

poor diagnostic features. On the basis of<br />

fourteen silicified specimens, Uca (Uca)<br />

marinae sp. nov. is described here. With a<br />

large, flattened major cheliped, the new<br />

species is most likely related to the extant<br />

species Uca ornata, U. maracoani and U.<br />

insignis. Farther analysis indicates that the<br />

phylogenetic positions of both the new species<br />

as well as U. antiqua (Miocene, Northern<br />

Brazil) are relatively close to U. ornata.<br />

Biogeographic, ethologic, and ecologic<br />

interpretations imply that the last common<br />

ancestor for the extant forms, Uca ornata, U.<br />

maraconai and U. insignis, and the extinct<br />

congeners, U. marinae and U. antique, had a<br />

Pan-American distribution prior to the early<br />

Miocene and experienced at least two<br />

vicariance events. The most recent probably<br />

occurred after the closing of the trans-<br />

Panamanian seaway during the Plio-<br />

Pleistocene separating U. insignis and U.<br />

maracoani. During an earlier era, another<br />

event created a lineage stemming from an<br />

ancestor of U. ornata.<br />

2009020341<br />

内 蒙 古 中 侏 罗 世 新 等 脉 类 蜻 蜓 (Insecta:<br />

Odonata : Isophlebioptera :<br />

Campterophlebiidae) = New Isophlebioid<br />

Dragonflies from the Middle Jurassic of Inner<br />

Mongolia, China ( Insecta : Odonata :<br />

Isophlebioptera: Campterophlebiidae). ( 英<br />

文 ). Zhang Binglan; Ren Dong; Pang Hong.<br />

Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(6): 1104-<br />

1114<br />

Three new species of fossil dragonflies<br />

assigned to Sinokaratawia Nel, Huang and Lin<br />

in family Campterophlebiidae, i.e.S,<br />

daohugouica sp. nov., S. magica sp. nov. and<br />

S. gloriosa sp. nov., and new materials of<br />

male S. prokopi Nel, Huang and Lin, 2007 are<br />

described from the Middle Jurassic of<br />

Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. An<br />

emended diagnosis of genus Sinokaratawia<br />

was proposed.<br />

2009020342<br />

早 奥 陶 世 三 叶 虫 Thysanopyge 属 : 阿 根 廷<br />

西 北 部 种 和 分 布 = Thysanopyge (Trilobita,<br />

Early Ordovician): species and distribution in<br />

the northwest of Argentina. ( 其 他 ). Waisfeld<br />

B G; Vaccari N E. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(4):<br />

753-774<br />

The trilobite Thysanopyge Kayser is wellknown<br />

for the great size it attained, and the<br />

distinct spinosity of the pygidium, an<br />

infrequent feature among asaphids. It is a<br />

widespread trilobite taxon in northwestern<br />

Argentina, ranging in age from late<br />

Tremadocian to Floian. The present revision,<br />

based on material from numerous localities,<br />

proposes criteria for the identification of<br />

species groups, mainly upon different designs<br />

of the cranidial anterior area, and the marginal<br />

pygidial spines. A reinterpretation of the type<br />

species, the classical Thysanopyge argentina<br />


Kayser, is proposed, providing new features<br />

for its identification. Complete morphological<br />

information on Thysanopyge clavijoi<br />

Harrington and Leanza, otherwise known<br />

from cranidia, is supplied. Two Thysanopyge<br />

species: T. frenguelli Harrington and T.<br />

taurinus (Harrington), previously considered<br />

synonymous with T. argentina, are recognized<br />

as distinct and valid species. In addition, two<br />

new species, T. victoriensis sp. nov. and T.<br />

maderensis sp. nov., are fully described and<br />

illustrated. Two distinct morphotypes are<br />

recognized based upon different overall size<br />

ranges, proportions of exoskelentons, and<br />

pygidial design. Thysanopyge largely<br />

flourished in muddy substrates. Distribution of<br />

morphotypes and compostion and diversity of<br />

associated assemblages appear to be related to<br />

variation in oxygen levels, from welloxygenated<br />

to dysoxic bottom waters.<br />

2009020343<br />

内 蒙 古 道 虎 沟 中 侏 罗 世 Palaeontinids<br />

(Insecta, Hemiptera) 化 石 新 种 = New<br />

Fossil Palaeontinids from the Middle Jurassic<br />

of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China<br />

(Insecta, Hemiptera). ( 英 文 ). Wang Ying;<br />

Ren Dong. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2009, 83(1):<br />

33-38<br />

Two new genera and species of fossil<br />

Palaeontinidae are described from Daohugou<br />

Village, Inner Mongolia, China :<br />

Cladocossus undulatus gen. et sp. nov. and<br />

Cricocossus paradoxus gen. et sp. nov. Both<br />

new genera are described based on wellpreserved<br />

forewings. This discovery confirms<br />

the high diversity of palaeontinids during the<br />

Middle Jurassic. Both specimens have<br />

interesting modal structures which are new to<br />

Palaeontinidae : M five-branched and M3<br />

with two branches. Based on this character,<br />

wing structural characteristic is discussed.<br />

2009020344<br />

冀 北 滦 平 盆 地 上 侏 罗 统 Clam Shrimp 属<br />

Magumbonia 修 订 = Revision of the Clam<br />

Shrimp Genus Magumbonia from the Upper<br />

Jurassic of the Luanping Basin, Hebei,<br />

Northern China. ( 英 文 ). Li Gang; Shen<br />

Yanbin; Liu Yongqing; Bengtson P; Willems<br />

H; Hirano H. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2009,<br />

83(1): 46-51<br />

The diverse clam shrimp Nestoria-<br />

Keratestheria fauna is widely distributed in<br />

the Dabeigou Formation in northern Hebei<br />

and eastern Inner Mongolia of China. Its<br />

important component genus Magumbonia<br />

from the Dabeigou Formation in the Luanping<br />

Basin, northern Hebei, China, is revised on the<br />

basis of a scanning electron microscope<br />

( SEM ) examination of the type species<br />

M.jingshangensis Wang, 1984, which revealed<br />

morphological features not recognized<br />

previously. These include coarse reticulation<br />

on the umbo and prominent growth lines<br />

ornamented with densely spaced, small<br />

tubercles and fine lirae.<br />

2009020345<br />

法 国 琥 珀 中 的 始 新 世 bethylid 黄 蜂 =<br />

Eocene bethylid wasps from French amber<br />

(Hymenoptera: Bethylidae). ( 英 文 ). Perrichot<br />

V; Nel A. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(1):<br />

91-101<br />

The fossil record and geological history of<br />

wasps of the family Bethylidae is reviewed,<br />

and three new fossils are reported from Early<br />

Eocene amber of France. They all belong to<br />

the subfamily Epyrinae and are described as<br />

Rhabdepyris gallicus n. sp. - earliest known<br />

representative of this modern genus,<br />

Elektroepyris magnificus n. gen. and n. sp.,<br />

and an undetermined Epyrini. The new fossils<br />

emphasize the high diversity of the subfamily<br />

Epyrinae during the Eocene.<br />

2009020346<br />

关 于 德 国 西 南 部 中 侏 罗 世 推 测 的 有 尾 目 两<br />

栖 动 物 Boomgaardia 可 能 为 异 足 目 ! = On<br />

the true nature of the supposed urodelan<br />

amphibian Boomgaardia v. Huene, 1948 from<br />

the Middle Jurassic of SW Germany - a<br />

tanaidacean!. ( 英 文 ). Schweigert G; Etter W.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(1): 123-127<br />

Boomgaardia was originally described to be<br />

an urodelan amphibian. Subsequently this<br />

interpretation was questioned and the<br />

specimens from the Aalenian of Swabia were<br />

reinterpreted as arthropods but without a<br />

closer determination. Now we identify the<br />

material of this taxon as a tanaidacean<br />

crustacean and selected a lectotype.<br />

Boomgaardia salamandriformis v. Huene,<br />

1948 represents a junior synonym of<br />

Opsipedon gracilis Heer, 1865.<br />

2009020347<br />

法 国 Bas-Argens 盆 地 普 罗 旺 斯 大 陆 中 二 叠<br />

世 新 的 节 肢 动 物 ( 介 形 类 背 甲 目 和 昆 虫<br />

纲 : Syntonopterida) = New fossil<br />


arthropods (Notostraca and Insecta:<br />

Syntonopterida) in the Continental Middle<br />

Permian of Provence (Bas-Argens Basin,<br />

France). ( 中 文 ). Garrouste R; Nel A; Gandd G.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(1): 49-57<br />

Apart frequent and relatively common<br />

ichnites, only a few body fossils (Ostracoda)<br />

have been mentioned in the Red Continental<br />

Permian formations of Provence till these last<br />

years. During 2006 and 2007 field researches,<br />

new arthropods have been discovered in the<br />

Pradineaux Formation of the Bas-Argens.<br />

They are Triopsidae (Crustacea, Notostraca)<br />

and an insect wing (Syntonopteridae)<br />

corresponding to a new genus and species<br />

Gallolithoneura butchlii gen. et sp. n. This<br />

latter is the first insect record in the Permian<br />

of Provence and the youngest one of this<br />

enigmatic Carboniferous paleopteran family.<br />

As in the other French Permian basins (Lodè<br />

ve, Saint-Affrique), these discoveries<br />

demonstrate that the Permian Provençal<br />

paleofauna was rich and diverse. For the<br />

Upper part of the Pradineaux Formation,<br />

Capitanian (Upper Guadalupian) in age, the<br />

Triopsidae mean the presence of periodical<br />

ponds settled in a playa environment evolving<br />

under a xerophytic climate. Gallolithoneura<br />

butchlii suggests also the presence of aquatic<br />

habitats.<br />

2009020348<br />

美 洲 第 一 个 Cordulephyidae 科 蜻 蜓 : 阿 根<br />

廷 新 近 纪 昆 虫 纲 蜻 蜓 目 新 属 种 = First<br />

Cordulephyidae dragonfly in America: A new<br />

genus and species from the Paleogene of<br />

Argentina (Insecta: Odonata). ( 英 文 ).<br />

Petrulevičius J F; Nel A. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2009, 8(4): 385-388<br />

Palaeophya argentina gen. et sp. n. is the<br />

first American representative of the<br />

Cordulephyidae. The fossil belongs to<br />

Neophyinae and is closely related to the<br />

unique genus Neophya present in the Early<br />

Oligocene of England and extant in Africa.<br />

This fossil record supports the evidence of a<br />

Cretaceous age and a wide ancient distribution<br />

in Palaeogene warm regions for the<br />

Neophyinae, which acquire the status of relict<br />

in recent intertropical Africa.<br />

2009020349<br />

德 国 下 巴 伐 利 亚 布 尔 迪 加 尔 晚 期 一 新 亚 科<br />

Concavinae = A new Concavinae (Cirripedia,<br />

Chesaconcavus) from the Late Burdigalian<br />

(Miocene) of Lower Bavaria (Germany). ( 英<br />

文 ). Carriol R-P; Schneider S. Neues<br />

Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(3):<br />

A new species of Concavinae,<br />

Chesaconcavus gurlarnensis, is described<br />

from the Upper Burdigalian (Ottnangian)<br />

Upper Marine Molasse deposits of Lower<br />

Bavaria (Germany). This species is<br />

characterized by narrow scuta with truncate<br />

basiscutal angle and ridge for lateral depressor<br />

muscle extending from apex to base of lateral<br />

depressor muscle pit, and terga with short,<br />

truncate spur, and open spur furrow. It is the<br />

first Chesaconcavus found in Europe.<br />

2009020350<br />

挪 威 奥 斯 陆 地 区 中 奥 陶 统 Elnes 组 的 三 叶<br />

虫 = Trilobites of the Middle Ordovician<br />

Elnes Formation of the Oslo Region, Norway.<br />

( 英 文 ). Hansen T. Fossils and Strata Volume<br />

56. Pages:224.Wiley-Blackwell Publishing<br />

Company.2009.978-1-4051-9884-4.<br />

The highly fossiliferous upper Darriwilian<br />

to lower Sandbian Elnes Formation of Norway<br />

presents an interesting insight into the general<br />

responses and preferences of Lower<br />

Palaeozoic faunas belonging to a stable, mud<br />

dominated middle to outer shelf environment<br />

in connection with a major transgressive to<br />

regressive system tract. The rich trilobite<br />

fauna consisting of nearly 100 taxa is closely<br />

linked to the changes in the environment,<br />

being most abundant in a muddy and<br />

siliciclastic dominated environment just above<br />

storm wave base. The fauna is highly endemic<br />

for the region and the remainder of<br />

Baltoscania. This monograph presents a<br />

taxonomic description of the total trilobite<br />

fauna, including a new genus and seven<br />

hitherto unknown species. New and extensive<br />

biostratigraphical data is presented on the<br />

trilobites together with a study on the<br />

biogeographical and ecological aspects of the<br />

faunas.<br />

2009020351<br />

中 国 中 侏 罗 世 半 翅 目 Procercopidae 科 一 个<br />

值 得 注 意 的 新 属 = A remarkable new genus<br />

of Procercopidae (Hemiptera: Cercopoidea)<br />

from the Middle Jurassic of China. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Wang Bo; Zhang Haichun. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2009, 8(4): 389-394<br />

Jurocercopis grandis, a new genus and<br />

species belonging to Procercopidae<br />

(Hemiptera: Cercopoidea), is described, based<br />

on seven specimens from the Middle Jurassic<br />


of Daohugou, China. It differs distinctly from<br />

other genera as follows: body and wings<br />

obviously large; pronotum with posterior<br />

margin straight; tegmen with costal margin<br />

convex at about basal 0.4 wing length; hind<br />

basitarsomere with a row of apical small teeth.<br />

2009020352<br />

是 5 亿 年 前 的 寄 居 节 肢 动 物 吗 = Hermit<br />

arthropods 500 million years ago. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Hagadorn J W; Seilacher A. Geology, 2009,<br />

37(4): 295-298<br />

Cambrian intertidal sandstones of North<br />

America record early excursions of large<br />

animals onto tidal flats, where continuous<br />

microbial films served as preservational<br />

agents for surface tracks. Whereas<br />

biomineralized fossils are rare in such<br />

lithofacies, trace fossils from the Late<br />

Cambrian Elk Mound Group of Wisconsin<br />

illustrate how some arthropods might have<br />

managed to withstand the vicissitudes of<br />

subaerial exposure—by using foreign shells<br />

like hermit crabs. This behavior is suggested<br />

by trackways (Protichnites eremita isp. nov.),<br />

which have "tail" impressions that are<br />

obliquely segmented and always shingled to<br />

the left side. These anomalous impressions are<br />

best explained by a dextrally coiled shell<br />

intermittently touching the sediment.<br />

However, unlike in modern hermit crabs, this<br />

shell was too small to house the whole animal.<br />

It probably served only to provide a humid<br />

chamber that reduced desiccation of the<br />

animal's abdominal gills. The dorsal flexure of<br />

the tail, in connection with dextral shell<br />

coiling, resulted in left-hand shingling of the<br />

touch marks.<br />

2009020353<br />

葡 萄 牙 奥 陶 纪 巨 大 三 叶 虫 和 三 叶 虫 集 群 =<br />

Giant trilobites and trilobite clusters from the<br />

Ordovician of Portugal. ( 英 文 ). Gutié rrez-<br />

Marco J C; Sá A A; García-Bellido D C; Rá<br />

bano I; Valério M. Geology, 2009, 37(5): 443-<br />

446<br />

Large quarrying surfaces of roofing slate in<br />

the Arouca Geopark (northern Portugal),<br />

formed under oxygen-depleted conditions,<br />

have yielded a unique Ordovician fossil<br />

lagerstätte that reveals new information on the<br />

social behavior of trilobites. It provides<br />

several of the world's largest trilobite<br />

specimens (some reaching 70 cm), showing<br />

evidence of possible polar gigantism in six<br />

different species, as well as numerous<br />

examples of monotaxic and polytaxic sizesegregated<br />

autochthonous trilobite clusters,<br />

some of which contain as many as 1000<br />

specimens. These reveal a very diverse social<br />

behavior, which includes temporary refuge<br />

from predation and synchronous molting and<br />

reproduction, demonstrated for the first time in<br />

five contemporary families of three different<br />

trilobite orders from a single formation.<br />

棘 皮 动 物<br />

2009020354<br />

中 国 贵 州 凯 里 生 物 群 中 寒 武 统 底 部 短 茎 始<br />

海 百 合 类 = Basal Middle Cambrian shortstalked<br />

Eocrinoids from the Kaili Biota:<br />

Guizhou Province, China. ( 英 文 ). Zhao Y L;<br />

Parsley R L; Peng J. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 415-422 3 图 版 .<br />

Gogiid eocrinoids (Echinodermata) are the<br />

most abundant coelomate invertebrates in the<br />

Middle Cambrian (Taijiangian) Kaili Biota,<br />

Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, China.<br />

Both long- and short-stalked taxa are<br />

represented. The short-stalked Globoeocrinus<br />

globulus n. gen. and sp. has a globular theca,<br />

with well-developed sutural pores on all thecal<br />

plates in older mature specimens, short, thick<br />

stalk composed of small polygonal to rounded<br />

platelets, a large flattened attachment disc, and<br />

up to ten long, thin, helically coiled brachioles<br />

with tall, pointed cover plates. Some younger<br />

mature specimens have varying patches of<br />

non-pored plates that usually occur on the<br />

upper (probably) posterior portion of the theca.<br />

This species is over three times more abundant<br />

than the other co-occurring long-stalked<br />

gogiid Sinoeocrinus lui Zhao, Huang and<br />

Gong, 1994. Most specimens of G. globulus<br />

(ca. 80%) attach to acrotretid brachiopods,<br />

trilobite exuviae, or other skeletal remains.<br />

They are also capable of attaching directly to<br />

the seafloor.<br />

2009020355<br />

宾 西 法 尼 亚 中 部 上 奥 陶 统 Hatter 灰 岩 中 不<br />

等 海 百 合 类 新 种 Haptocrinus buttsi 的 系 统<br />

分 类 和 古 生 态 = Systematics and<br />

paleoecology of Haptocrinus buttsi, a new<br />

species of Disparid Crinoid from the Upper<br />

Ordovician Hatter limestone of Central<br />

Pennsylvania. ( 英 文 ). Brower J C. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(3): 576-584 3 图 版 .<br />

Three crinoids are known from the Upper<br />

Ordovician Hatter Limestone at Union<br />

Furnace in central Pennsylvania, i.e.,<br />

Haptocrinus buttsi n. sp., an unknown crinoid<br />


with a lichenocrinid holdfast, and an<br />

indeterminate columnal that probably belongs<br />

to a crinoid. Two crowns enable H. buttsi n. sp.<br />

to be reconstructed. The animal lived about 70<br />

cm above the seafloor and was attached to a<br />

strophomenid brachiopod with a lichenocrinid<br />

holdfast. Its endotomous arms formed an<br />

efficient filtration net that covered much of the<br />

water within its planar filtration fan. The<br />

application of filtration theory indicates that H.<br />

buttsi n. sp. could begin to feed at a<br />

comparatively low ambient current velocity<br />

and balance its energy budget. Like many<br />

other ramulate disparids, H. buttsi n. sp.<br />

mainly collected moderately small food<br />

particles. As a member of the<br />

Tornatilicrinidae, H. buttsi n. sp. is a relatively<br />

primitive disparid. Another crinoid taxon<br />

bears a longer and thinner stem and a different<br />

type of lichenocrinid holdfast cemented to the<br />

same strophomenid shell. A third species,<br />

most likely a crinoid, is represented by a<br />

single columnal. The fauna lived in a quiet<br />

water lagoonal area, which is an unusual<br />

habitat for Paleozoic crinoids.<br />

2009020356<br />

波 兰 卡 洛 夫 阶 浅 水 弓 海 百 合 类 = Evidence<br />

of shallow-water cyrtocrinids (Crinoidea)<br />

from the Callovian of Poland. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Salamon M A; Gorzelak P. Neues Jahrbuch<br />

fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(3): 257-260<br />

The paper describes the cyrtocrinid crinoid,<br />

Dolichocrinus cf. aberrans, from the early<br />

Callovian of the Zalas Quarry. This crinoid<br />

occurs with other cyrtocrinid columnas<br />

referred to Cyrtocrinina fam. et sp. indet.<br />

These findings represent the first evidence of<br />

cyrtocrinid crinoids in shallow-water deposits.<br />

2009020357<br />

海 草 丛 中 的 海 胆 —— 头 帕 海 胆 捕 食 海 百 合<br />

的 古 生 物 和 演 化 意 义 = Urchins in the<br />

meadow: paleobiological and evolutionary<br />

implications of cidaroid predation on crinoids.<br />

( 英 文 ). Baumiller T K; Mooi R; Messing C G.<br />

Paleobiology, 2008, 34(1): 22-34<br />

Deep-sea submersible observations made in<br />

the Bahamas revealed interactions between the<br />

stalked crinoid Endoxocrinus parrae and the<br />

cidaroid sea urchin Calocidaris micans. The in<br />

situ observations include occurrence of<br />

cidaroids within "meadows" of sea lilies, close<br />

proximity of cidaroids to several upended<br />

isocrinids, a cidaroid perched over the distal<br />

end of the stalk of an upended isocrinid, and<br />

disarticulated crinoid cirri and columnals<br />

directly underneath a specimen of C. micans.<br />

Guts of two C. micans collected from the<br />

crinoid meadow contain up to 70% crinoid<br />

material. Two of three large museum<br />

specimens of another cidaroid species,<br />

Histocidaris nuttingi, contain 14 – 99%<br />

crinoid material.<br />

A comparison of cidaroid gut contents with<br />

local sediment revealed significant differences:<br />

sediment-derived material consists of single<br />

crinoid ossicles often abraded and lacking soft<br />

tissue, whereas crinoid columnals, cirrals,<br />

brachials, and pinnulars found in the cidaroids<br />

are often articulated, linked by soft tissue, and<br />

unabraded. Furthermore, articulated, multielement<br />

fragments often show a mode of<br />

fracture characteristic of fresh crinoid material.<br />

Taken together, these data suggest that<br />

cidaroids prey on live isocrinids.<br />

We argue that isocrinid stalk-shedding,<br />

whose purpose has remained a puzzle, and the<br />

recently documented rapid crawling of<br />

isocrinids are used in escaping benthic<br />

predators: isocrinids sacrifice and shed the<br />

distal stalk portion when attacked by cidaroids<br />

and crawl away, reducing the chance of a<br />

subsequent encounter. If such predation<br />

occurred throughout the Mesozoic and<br />

Cenozoic (possibly since the mid-Paleozoic),<br />

several evolutionary trends among crinoids<br />

might represent strategies to escape predation<br />

by slow-moving benthic predators.<br />

2009020358<br />

墨 西 哥 Puebla 省 Tlayúa 采 石 场 早 白 垩 世<br />

阿 尔 布 期 新 的 蛇 尾 纲 棘 皮 动 物 = New<br />

Albian (Early Cretaceous) Ophiuroids From<br />

The Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla, Mexico. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Martin-Medrano L; Thuy B; García-Barrera P.<br />

Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 83-94<br />

On the basis of six articulated individuals<br />

from the middle to late Albian lithographic<br />

limestone at Tlayúa near Tepexi de Rodríguez<br />

(Puebla, Mexico), a new species of ophiuroid,<br />

Ophiactis applegatei, is described. The<br />

material adds to the rather poor record of<br />

Early Cretaceous brittlestars and represents<br />

the oldest known member of the family<br />

Ophiactidae, being based on well-preserved<br />

and articulated specimens and thus reasonably<br />

well defined morphologically. The rarity of<br />

ophiuroids, their complete preservation as<br />

well as the unnatural contortions of their arms<br />

suggest these specimens to be allochthonous,<br />

having been transported into a hostile<br />

environment where burial was rapid.<br />


2009020359<br />

奥 陶 纪 — 早 志 留 世 海 百 合 类 通 过 取 样 校 正<br />

的 宏 演 化 历 史 = A sampling-adjusted<br />

macroevolutionary history for Ordovician –<br />

Early Silurian crinoids. ( 英 文 ). Peters S E;<br />

Ausich W I. Paleobiology, 2008, 34(1): 104-<br />

116<br />

Temporal variation in sampling intensity<br />

and geologically controlled rates of fossil<br />

preservation distort macroevolutionary<br />

patterns in the fossil record. Here, we use a<br />

comprehensive, list-based compilation of<br />

taxonomically and stratigraphically vetted<br />

global crinoid genus occurrences to evaluate<br />

and correct for the effects of variable and<br />

incomplete sampling from the Ordovician<br />

through Early Silurian. After standardizing the<br />

number of occurrences or the number of<br />

biofacies used to estimate the stratigraphic<br />

ranges of genera and after adjusting rates of<br />

turnover to account for the incomplete<br />

preservation of true extinction and origination<br />

pulses, we find support for several important<br />

revisions to the macroevolutionary history of<br />

crinoids. First, in contrast to the uncorrected<br />

data, sample-standardized genus richness does<br />

not appear to increase by more than 20% after<br />

an abrupt Middle Ordovician (Harnagian)<br />

diversification. Second, the only significant<br />

short-term change in genus richness following<br />

the Harnagian increase is a 24% decline from<br />

the Rawtheyan to the Hirnantian. Third,<br />

volatility in rates of genus extinction is<br />

increased after adjusting for preservation and<br />

there remain significant peaks of extinction in<br />

the Rawtheyan, which marks the end-<br />

Ordovician extinction, and in the middle of the<br />

Early Silurian. Finally, significant increases in<br />

origination rates occur in the Early Silurian.<br />

These results reaffirm the importance of the<br />

end-Ordovician extinction for crinoids, but<br />

they also highlight the comparatively poorly<br />

sampled Early Silurian as a time of turnover<br />

among crinoids.<br />

Crinoid genus extinction rates are positively<br />

correlated with area-weighted rates of<br />

sedimentary package truncation, suggesting<br />

that extinction may have been controlled by<br />

physical environmental changes, such as the<br />

contraction of unique epicontinental sea<br />

habitats. The lack of a correlation between<br />

genus origination and sedimentary package<br />

initiation reinforces this hypothesis and<br />

suggests that other factors, such as<br />

evolutionary innovations and biotic<br />

interactions during the Ordovician radiation,<br />

may have been more important in controlling<br />

the diversification of crinoids.<br />

2009020360<br />

波 兰 中 南 部 中 侏 罗 世 的 捕 食 标 志 —— 来 自<br />

棘 皮 动 物 埋 藏 学 的 证 据 = Signs of predation<br />

in the Middle Jurassic of south-central Poland:<br />

evidence from echinoderm taphonomy. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Zato ń M; Villier L; Salamon M A.<br />

Lethaia, 2007, 40(2): 139-151<br />

Distinct faunal aggregates are described<br />

from the Middle Jurassic (uppermost<br />

Bajocian/lowermost Bathonian and Middle<br />

Bathonian) clay deposits of Częstochowa area,<br />

south-central Poland. These aggregates are<br />

composed of molluscs (scaphopods,<br />

gastropods, bivalves, ammonites and<br />

belemnites), articulate brachiopods and<br />

echinoderms (asteroids, crinoids and<br />

echinoids). A large percentage of the fossils,<br />

especially bivalves, are fragmented, but some<br />

fossils are complete. Although most of the<br />

fossils are crushed and fragmented, they are<br />

still identifiable to at least the genus level.<br />

Thorough statistical analysis of taphonomic<br />

features indicates that the preservation of<br />

asteroid marginal plates is distinct from the<br />

ossicles derived from the host clays. The high<br />

frequency of bite marks and the good state of<br />

preservation suggest that the accumulations<br />

are the products of predation activities and<br />

most probably are the effect of regurgitation.<br />

Taking into account the rich and diverse fauna,<br />

the predator was a bottom-feeding generalist.<br />

Possible predators include palaeospinacid<br />

sharks, a tooth of which was collected from<br />

the same bedding surface, but not associated<br />

with regurgitated remains. Although the bite<br />

marks on the asteroid ossicles point to sharks<br />

as potential producers of regurgitates, other<br />

vertebrates, like durophagous pycnodontiform<br />

fish, cannot be excluded.<br />

2009020361<br />

问 题 的 根 源 —— 哥 特 兰 志 留 纪 ( 文 洛 克<br />

世 ) 特 殊 的 海 百 合 附 着 构 造 的 古 生 态 = The<br />

root of the problem: palaeoecology of<br />

distinctive crinoid attachment structures from<br />

the Silurian (Wenlock) of Gotland. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Donovan S K; Harper D A T; Håkansson E.<br />

Lethaia, 2007, 40(4): 313-320<br />

The holdfast (attachment structure) is the<br />

most understudied aspect of the palaeoecology<br />

of the endoskeleton of fossil crinoids. A new<br />

collection of well-preserved holdfasts from a<br />

recently reopened quarry at Hunninge,<br />


Gotland, in Homerian (upper Wenlock) strata<br />

includes several morphologies. The most<br />

common are terminal dendritic radicular<br />

holdfasts (TDRHs) that may be derived from<br />

the cladid Ennallocrinus d'Orbigny. These<br />

have a consistent morphology of five, equally<br />

spaced, long radices that spread across the sea<br />

floor. These crinoids were gregarious, and<br />

TDRHs in a group commonly show the same<br />

radice orientations. The radices have a large<br />

axial canal compared with those of modern<br />

crinoids; each included, at least, nervous<br />

tissues. Taken together, these features suggest<br />

that, apart from attachment, these distinctive<br />

TDRHs may have served a sensory function.<br />

Other holdfasts in this assemblage also show<br />

monospecific aggregations, perhaps<br />

suggesting biochemical attraction such as that<br />

shown by certain other sessile invertebrates<br />

such as barnacles.<br />

笔 石 动 物<br />

2009020362<br />

法 国 Montagne Noire 地 区 志 留 系 底 部 的 笔<br />

石 = Lowermost Silurian Graptolites of<br />

Montagne Noire, France. ( 英 文 ). Štorch P;<br />

Feist R. Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(5):<br />

938-956 7 图 版 .<br />

Twenty-seven graptolite species are<br />

reported from the lowermost Silurian<br />

(Rhuddanian) ascensus-acuminatus and<br />

vesiculosus biozones of Montagne Noire in<br />

southwestern France. Four species are left in<br />

open nomenclature, four are new:<br />

Normalograptus crassus, Neodiplograptus<br />

lautus, Dimorphograptus compactus and<br />

Huttagraptus solidus. The joint occurrence of<br />

Akidograptus ascensus, Parakidograptus<br />

acuminatus and Cystograptus ancestralis,<br />

recorded in the Gabian-1 section, suggests<br />

correlation of the whole succession at this site<br />

with the middle part of a combined ascensusacuminatus<br />

Biozone. Revision of museum<br />

collections revealed that other elements that<br />

are characteristic of the ascensus-acuminatus<br />

Biozone assemblage in peri-Gondwanan<br />

Europe, such as Normalograptus trifilis, N.<br />

longifilis and Neodiplograptus lanceolatus,<br />

have been recovered from several other<br />

localities in Montagne Noire that are no longer<br />

accessible. The graptolite assemblage of the<br />

Gabian-2 section, with common Cystograptus<br />

vesiculosus, Dimorphograptus extenuatus, D.<br />

elongatus and Atavograptus atavus, belongs to<br />

the lower part of the vesiculosus Biozone,<br />

whilst the appearance of D. swanstoni and D.<br />

physophora in the upper part of the section<br />

represents a higher, although not the<br />

uppermost, part of the biozone. This is the<br />

first record of a diverse dimorphograptid<br />

fauna within the vesiculosus Biozone in the<br />

Gondwanan part of Europe.<br />

2009020363<br />

阿 根 廷 Cymatograptus 笔 石 属 的 近 缘 发 展<br />

及 其 与 Dichograptacea 类 群 早 期 演 化 的 相<br />

关 性 = The Proximal Development in<br />

Cymatograptus (Graptoloidea) from Argentina<br />

and Its Relevance for the Early Evolution of<br />

the Dichograptacea. ( 英 文 ). Toro B A; Maletz<br />

J. Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(5): 974-<br />

983 4 图 版 .<br />

Cymatograptus bidextro sp. nov. from the<br />

Floian "Baltograptus deflexus" Biozone of<br />

northwest Argentina represents the oldest<br />

expansograptid with an artus type proximal<br />

development and a prosicular origin of the<br />

first theca. The species bears a variably<br />

dextral or sinistral proximal development,<br />

previously known exclusively from<br />

Tremadocian members of the Anisograptidae,<br />

but not from the Dichograptidae. The<br />

proximal development types of the<br />

Dichograptacea are shown to consist of<br />

several independently changing characters and<br />

cannot be used as phylogenetically useful<br />

descriptors. Proximal developments are more<br />

variable than expected and several<br />

independent origins of an artus type proximal<br />

development can be recognized in the Lower<br />

to Middle Ordovician.<br />

2009020364<br />

奥 陶 纪 末 赫 南 特 期 大 绝 灭 事 件 过 程 中 脱 氮<br />

海 水 对 笔 石 绝 灭 和 多 样 化 的 影 响 = The<br />

influence of denitrifying seawater on<br />

graptolite extinction and diversification during<br />

the Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) mass<br />

extinction event. ( 英 文 ). Finney S C; Berry W<br />

B N; Cooper J D. Lethaia, 2007, 40(3): 281-<br />

291<br />

A continuous trench exposure within the<br />

uppermost type Vinini Formation at Vinini<br />

Creek, Roberts Mountains, Nevada, provides<br />

an unparalleled opportunity to examine the<br />

fate of graptolites, prominent Paleozoic<br />

zooplankton, during most of the Hirnantian<br />

mass extinction event. On the basis of a<br />

detailed biostratigraphic and sedimentological<br />

dataset, the relatively complete extinction<br />

record is examined in the context of ecological<br />

constraints, and it is found to reflect an<br />

ecological collapse driven by glacio-eustatic<br />


sea-level fall and associated changes in<br />

oceanic circulation. Diverse graptolite<br />

populations of the Dicranograptidae-<br />

Diplograptidae- Orthograptidae (DDO) fauna,<br />

which flourished in denitrifying waters within<br />

the oceanic oxygen-minimum zone (OMZ)<br />

during sea-level highstand, largely vanished<br />

with the loss of these conditions during glacioeustatic<br />

sea-level fall. However, populations<br />

of one clade, the normalograptids, which<br />

inhabited the oxygenated waters of the photic<br />

zone, not only survived but diversified. These<br />

survivors gave rise to rapid recolonization and<br />

diversification with re-establishment of the<br />

oxygen-minimum and denitrifying conditions<br />

during post-Hirnantian sea-level rise. This<br />

ecological model also applies globally to other<br />

well-documented coeval stratigraphic intervals,<br />

representing both oceanic and platform sea<br />

settings.<br />

2009020365<br />

下 垂 式 弯 笔 石 型 笔 石 Keblograptus bidens<br />

= The pendent sigmagraptine graptoloid<br />

Keblograptus bidens (Keble). ( 英 文 ). Riva J F.<br />

Alcheringa, 1992, 16(4): 315 - 319<br />

The pendent graptoloid Didymograptus<br />

bidens Keble is revived and assigned to the<br />

new genus Keblograptus and included in the<br />

family Sinograptidae, subfamily<br />

Sigmagraptina. This species has a short range<br />

in the Lower Ordovician (upper Chewtonian<br />

— lower Castlemainian) and may prove to be<br />

of significant biostratigraphic value.<br />

2009020366<br />

云 南 西 南 部 西 蒙 地 区 泥 盆 纪 最 早 期 笔 石 =<br />

Earliest Devonian graptolites from Ximeng,<br />

southwestern Yunnan, China. ( 英 文 ). Chen<br />

Xu; Quan Quiqi. Alcheringa, 1992, 16(3): 181<br />

- 187<br />

Earliest Devonian graptolites are described<br />

from a fossiliferous band of the Lalei<br />

Formation at Lila in Ximeng county,<br />

southwestern Yunnan, China. As known from<br />

the 12 localities globally, the species<br />

described in this paper, Monograptus<br />

uniformis Pribyl, M. aequabilis (Pribyl) and M.<br />

microdon Richter, are mainly distributed<br />

along the marginal basins around different<br />

platforms and occasionally on the platform.<br />

The occurrence of the uniformis assemblage<br />

both in Ximeng and Qinzhou, China, provides<br />

more significant evidence for defining the<br />

Silurian — Devonian boundary in China.<br />

2009020367<br />

大 洋 洲 奥 陶 纪 笔 石 序 列 = The Ordovician<br />

graptolite sequence of Australasia. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Vandenberg A H M; Cooper R A.<br />

Alcheringa, 1992, 16(1): 33 - 85<br />

The classical Ordovician graptolite<br />

succession of Victoria has long been taken as<br />

standard for the region and widely used for<br />

subdivision and correlation of Ordovician<br />

sequences around the world. We review the<br />

Victorian succession and incorporate other<br />

Australian and New Zealand graptolitic<br />

sequences into an Australasian set of zones<br />

and stages. Thirty zones are recognized and<br />

defined, of which one (Ca4, Isograptus<br />

victoriae maximodivergens) is new and two<br />

(La1, Da4) each comprise two subzones.<br />

Several zones are redefined, but the previous<br />

zone notation has been retained. Nine stages<br />

are recognized (as previously) and defined, six<br />

(Lancefieldian, Bendigonian, Chewtonian,<br />

Castlemainian, Yapeenian, Darriwilian) in the<br />

Early Ordovician and three (Gisbornian,<br />

Eastonian, Bolindian) in the Late Ordovician;<br />

reference sections for each are nominated. The<br />

Bolindian stage contains 5 zones, here<br />

designated Bol-5. The Australasian stages are<br />

correlated internationally. A census of<br />

Australasian graptolite taxa lists the currently<br />

recognized 313 species and subspecies, with<br />

references. A range chart shows the zonal<br />

distribution of all species, and reveals an<br />

average duration of 2·46 zones per species,<br />

approximately equivalent to 5 Ma. The pattern<br />

of diversity change shows maxima during the<br />

Bendigonian-Chewtonian (peaking in Be1<br />

with 55 taxa), late Castlemainian-mid<br />

Darriwilian, and late Gisbornian-early<br />

Eastonian. Species originations peak in Be1<br />

and Da3 and are high throughout much of the<br />

Late Ordovician. Extinctions peak in the Da3<br />

and are high towards the end of the<br />

Ordovician.<br />

分 类 位 置 不 明<br />

2009020368<br />

Charnia 研 究 50 年 : 埃 迪 卡 拉 叶 状 体 发 育<br />

模 式 = Charnia At 50: Developmental Models<br />

For Ediacaran Fronds. ( 英 文 ). Antcliffe J B;<br />

Brasier M D. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(1):<br />

11–26<br />

Correct interpretation of the Ediacara biota<br />

is critical to our understanding of the dramatic<br />

events at the base of the Cambrian. We review<br />

here the history of thought and examine new<br />

laser images of the holotype of Charnia<br />

masoni Ford, 1958, of the Ediacara biota, in<br />


terms of growth and development. Growth and<br />

development are argued to provide critical<br />

tools for understanding this and other<br />

enigmatic fossil groups. We show that<br />

Charnia cannot be related to the modern<br />

cnidarian group, the sea pens, with which it<br />

has for so long been compared, because they<br />

have opposite growth polarities. This is shown<br />

by our work on material collected by HMS<br />

challenger. Recent evolutionary studies also<br />

show that sea pens are a highly derived group<br />

of actively burrowing cnidarians that are<br />

likely to have evolved later than the<br />

Palaeozoic. The traditional paradigm of<br />

translating Phanerozoic animal phyla back<br />

into the Ediacaran is therefore questioned.<br />

2009020369<br />

埃 迪 卡 拉 叶 状 体 = Ediacaran fronds. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Laflamme M; Narbonne G M.<br />

Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology<br />

Palaeoecology, 2008, 258(3): 162-179<br />

Leaf-shaped Ediacaran fronds such as<br />

Charniodiscus, Charnia, Rangea and<br />

Swartpuntia are among the most widespread<br />

and readily recognized elements of the softbodied<br />

Ediacara Biota (late Neoproterozoic).<br />

Recent papers have proposed a variety of<br />

possible lifestyles for Ediacaran fronds, but<br />

functional morphological analysis supports the<br />

traditional view that Ediacaran fronds<br />

gathered nutrients from the water column<br />

through filter feeding or direct nutrient<br />

absorption, resulting in the onset of<br />

Phanerozoic-style ecological competition<br />

complete with denizens occupying distinct<br />

tiers in the water column. Within the standard<br />

Ediacaran frond morphoshape, four distinct<br />

branching architectures have been isolated:<br />

Arborea-type branching, characterized by peapod<br />

like primary branches which house<br />

several secondary branches within the<br />

protective sheath; Charnia-type branching,<br />

resulting in a zigzagging central axis due to<br />

the overlapping of alternating sigmoidal<br />

primary branches which overly an inferred<br />

internal stalk; Rangea-type branching,<br />

consisting of petaloids composed of several<br />

overlapping primary branches which are selfsimilar<br />

(fractal) over three orders of branching<br />

and attached to a straight central stalk; and<br />

Swartpuntia-type branching, consisting of<br />

petaloids with unornamented tube-like<br />

primary branches. Traditional Ediacaran<br />

taxonomy has emphasized unity of fronds as a<br />

high-level taxon, but the frond morphology<br />

most likely represents convergent evolution<br />

resulting from competition for nutrients in the<br />

water column. It is recommended that any<br />

new, higher-order classification schemes<br />

highlight the differences in branching<br />

architecture as a way of recognizing clades<br />

within the Ediacara biota.<br />

2009020370<br />

乌 克 兰 Podolia 地 区 志 留 系 最 早 的 内 共 生 的<br />

矿 化 的 管 居 蠕 虫 = The Earliest<br />

Endosymbiotic mineralized Tubeworms from<br />

the Silurian of Podolia, Ukraine. ( 英 文 ). Vinn<br />

O; Mõtus M-A. Journal of Paleontology, 2008,<br />

82(2): 409-414 3 图 版 .<br />

The earliest endosymbiotic tubeworms have<br />

been discovered within skeletons of the<br />

tabulate coral Heliolites sp. from the Silurian<br />

(Ludlow) of Podolia, Ukraine. The new<br />

tubeworm species has a maximum diameter<br />

about 1 mm, a slightly conical tube, a smooth<br />

lumen in the tube and a lamellar wall structure.<br />

The tube wall is 0.05–0.10 mm thick. The<br />

new endosymbiotic tubeworm Coralloconchus<br />

bragensis n. gen. and sp. shares zoological<br />

affinities with the tentaculitids (incertae sedis)<br />

and is assigned to the Family Cornulitidae<br />

(Tentaculita, Cornulitida).<br />

2009020371<br />

欧 洲 几 种 新 生 代 龙 介 类 的 系 统 分 类 意 义 及<br />

其 管 孔 超 微 构 造 的 化 石 化 = Taxonomic<br />

implications and fossilization of tube<br />

ultrastructure of some Cenozoic serpulids<br />

(Annelida, Polychaeta) from Europe. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Vinn O. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(1):<br />

115-128<br />

The diversity of tube ultrastructrures in<br />

Cenozoic fossil serpulids is similar to that of<br />

Recent serpulids. Diagenetically altered tubes<br />

can be easily distinguished from well<br />

preserved serpulid tubes. Fossil serpulids have<br />

taxon-specific tube ultrastructures which can<br />

help to identify the species and also link them<br />

to the extant serpulids. Tube ultrastructures of<br />

Hydoides elegans, Placostegus polymorphus,<br />

Pomatoceros sp., Protula canavarii, P.<br />

protensa, Pyrgopolon mellevillei, Serpula<br />

muricata, Serpula sp., and Spiraserpula sp.<br />

from the Cenozoic of Europe are described.<br />

2009020372<br />

中 国 和 澳 大 利 保 存 在 截 然 不 同 的 埋 葬 环 境<br />

中 的 八 臂 的 埃 迪 卡 拉 化 石 = Eight-armed<br />

Ediacara fossil preserved in contrasting<br />

taphonomic windows from China and<br />


Australia. ( 英 文 ). Zhu Maoyan; Gehling J G;<br />

Xiao Shuhai; Zhao Yuanlong; Droser M L.<br />

Geology, 2008, 36(11): 867-870<br />

We report the preservation of the eightarmed<br />

Ediacara fossil Eoandromeda<br />

octobrachiata as carbonaceous compressions<br />

in the Doushantuo black shale of south China<br />

and as casts and molds in the Rawnsley<br />

Quartzite in South Australia. The contrasting<br />

preservational styles in two taphonomic<br />

windows indicate that E. octobrachiata may<br />

have had a relatively recalcitrant organic<br />

integument, which rules out its close<br />

comparison with giant agglutinated<br />

foraminifers such as xenophyophores. Its<br />

octaradial symmetry and dextrally spiraling<br />

arms suggest that it may be a diploblasticgrade<br />

animal sharing some features with<br />

cnidarians and ctenophores, although its<br />

phylogenetic affinity remains open. It is the<br />

first and only unambiguously identified<br />

Ediacaran macrofossil that occurs in two<br />

drastically different taphonomic windows,<br />

thus bridging the conventional biological and<br />

taxonomic gaps between the Ediacara and<br />

Miaohe biotas, which collectively record the<br />

earliest known macroscopic and complex life.<br />

2009020373<br />

中 寒 武 统 布 尔 吉 斯 页 岩 Opabinia 附 肢 的 性<br />

质 和 意 义 = The nature and significance of the<br />

appendages of Opabinia from the Middle<br />

Cambrian Burgess Shale. ( 英 文 ). Zhang<br />

Xingliang; Briggs D E G. Lethaia, 2007, 40(2):<br />

161-173<br />

Opabinia regalis has long been regarded as a<br />

curious animal, with its five eyes, its long<br />

flexible anterior process, and gill lamellae<br />

carried on the outside of overlapping lateral<br />

lobes. More recently, Opabinia has been<br />

reconstructed with lobopod limbs lying<br />

adaxial but separate from the lateral lobes.<br />

This version of Opabinia represented a<br />

lobopod–arthropod transition and prompted a<br />

hypothesis for the origin of the biramous limb<br />

that involved uniting the lobopod limb with a<br />

lateral lobe. New evidence of elemental maps<br />

is consistent with previous interpretations of<br />

the triangular structures in Opabinia as lateral<br />

extensions of the gut; there is no convincing<br />

evidence for the presence of lobopod limbs.<br />

Re-examination of critical specimens reveals<br />

that the gill lamellae are not on the outside of<br />

the lateral lobes. The limbs of Opabinia<br />

resemble the phyllopodous exopod of<br />

arthropods; the posterior margin is fringed<br />

with blades. Opabinia remains on the stem of<br />

euarthropods but not as a part of a<br />

paraphyletic Lobopodia. The Lobopodia is a<br />

clade of Cambrian armoured lobopods and<br />

onychophorans. A new hypothesis for the<br />

origin of the arthropod biramous limb from an<br />

exopod like that in Opabinia is presented,<br />

which involves an endite-bearing<br />

phyllopodous limb as an intermediate stage.<br />

2009020374<br />

埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 微 生 物 集 群 = Ediacaran<br />

microbial colonies. ( 英 文 ). Grazhdankin D;<br />

Gerdes G. Lethaia, 2007, 40(3): 201-210<br />

Enigmatic discoidal fossils are common in<br />

Neoproterozoic sedimentary sequences and in<br />

the stratigraphic record pre-date the first<br />

appearance of diverse Ediacaran fossil<br />

assemblages. Termed 'medusoids', these<br />

Neoproterozoic discoidal fossils have<br />

generally been interpreted as coelenterategrade<br />

organisms implying a radially<br />

symmetrical body plan for ancestral<br />

eumetazoans. Analysis of exceptionally<br />

preserved discoidal fossils from the White Sea<br />

area, however, indicates that most of these<br />

discoidal forms represent colonial microbes.<br />

Localized pyritization, for example, reveals<br />

the presence of a conspicuous filamentous<br />

substructure in Ediacaria, whereas concentric<br />

rings, radial sectors and central structures in<br />

Cyclomedusa and Paliella compare directly<br />

with Recent microbial colonies growing in a<br />

nutritionally heterogeneous environment. At<br />

least some Ediacaran discoids can be<br />

compared with extant concentric ring-shaped<br />

microbial colonies that grow in hypersaline<br />

microbial mats. Insofar as most of the<br />

remaining record of Ediacaran discoids can be<br />

attributed to the holdfast structures of nonradiate<br />

modular organisms, there is no support<br />

from the fossil record for identifying a radiate<br />

ancestry for the Metazoa.<br />

2009020375<br />

龙 介 多 毛 类 Ditrupa 体 管 中 独 特 的 鎂 - 钙 骨<br />

骼 超 微 构 造 = Unique Mg-calcite skeletal<br />

ultrastructure in the tube of the serpulid<br />

polychaete Ditrupa. ( 英 文 ). Vinn O; Mutvei H;<br />

ten Hove H A; Kirsimae K. Neues Jahrbuch<br />

fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(1): 79-89<br />

The tube wall in Ditrupa is composed of<br />

two layers of Mg-calcite. The outer, hyaline<br />

layer has a unique type ultrastructure,<br />

unknown in other invertebrate skeletons, here<br />

termed regularlyridged prismatic structure<br />

(RRP). RRP structure exclusively<br />


characterises the genus Ditrupa and had<br />

already evolved in the Eocene D. strangulata<br />

and Miocene D. gracillima.<br />

古 脊 椎 动 物 学<br />

综 论<br />

2009020376<br />

北 太 平 洋 区 域 晚 白 垩 世 的 Coleoid 的 下 颌 =<br />

Late Cretaceous Octobrachiate Coleoid lower<br />

jaws from the North Pacific regions. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Tanabe K; Trask P; Ross R; Hikida Y. Journal<br />

of Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 398-408 8 图 版 .<br />

Eight well-preserved cephalopod jaw fossils<br />

were discovered from the Upper Cretaceous<br />

(Santonian and Campanian) deposits of<br />

Vancouver Island, Canada, and Hokkaido,<br />

Japan. They occur individually in calcareous<br />

concretions and retain their three-dimensional<br />

architecture. Seven of them consist of a<br />

widely open outer lamella and a posteriorly<br />

projected inner lamella with a pointed rostrum.<br />

Both lamellae are made of fluorapatite, which<br />

may represent diagenetically altered chitin,<br />

and lack a calcareous element. Based on these<br />

diagnostic features, the seven jaw fossils are<br />

identified as lower jaws of the Coleoidea.<br />

Comparison with the lower jaws of modern<br />

coleoids allows us to distinguish the following<br />

new genera and species among them;<br />

Nanaimoteuthis jeletzkyi of the Order<br />

Vampyromorphida, and Paleocirroteuthis<br />

haggarti and P. pacifica of the Order<br />

Cirroctopodida. The lower jaws of these new<br />

taxa are clearly distinguished by having a<br />

much less projected inner lamella from those<br />

of modern and extinct species of the<br />

Superorder Decabrachia and the Order<br />

Octopodida. The maximum lengths of their<br />

outer lamellae (35.0 – 67.1 mm) are much<br />

larger than those of most modern<br />

vampyromorph and cirroctopodid species,<br />

indicating the large body size and weight of<br />

their owners. One of the other three lower<br />

jaws examined, characterized by a posteriorly<br />

extended outer lamella, may be assigned to the<br />

Octopodida. This study clearly demonstrates<br />

that large octobrachiate coleoids existed in the<br />

Late Cretaceous North Pacific.<br />

2009020377<br />

矿 物 学 方 法 确 定 化 石 化 骨 骼 埋 藏 和 成 岩 历<br />

史 的 旋 回 性 = A mineralogical method to<br />

determine cyclicity in the taphonomic and<br />

diagenetic history of fossilized bones. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Clarke J B. Lethaia, 2004, 37(3): 281 - 284<br />

The study of authigenic minerals within the<br />

voids of a fossilized bone can reveal its<br />

diagenetic history. When the order of<br />

precipitation of minerals is plotted on an<br />

Eh/pH diagram any cyclicity in the diagenetic<br />

history is revealed. If one cycle is displayed<br />

then it can be assumed that the bone has been<br />

found in its original bed of deposition; if two<br />

cycles or more are revealed then reworking or<br />

environmental change may have taken place.<br />

This is demonstrated in a case study of two<br />

bones from the Wealden Group (Lower<br />

Cretaceous) from the Isle of Wight, UK.<br />

2009020378<br />

阿 根 廷 门 多 萨 Calmu-Co area 地 区<br />

Loncoche 组 白 垩 纪 脊 椎 动 物 = Cretaceous<br />

vertebrates from the Loncoche Formation in<br />

Calmu-Co area, Mendoza, Argentina. ( 其 他 ).<br />

Previtera E; Riga B J G. Ameghiniana, 2008,<br />

45(2): 349-359<br />

We describe new fossil vertebrates from the<br />

Loncoche Formation in the Calmu-Co area of<br />

Mendoza Province, Argentina. At this site the<br />

lower section of the formation corresponds to<br />

lacustrine and meandering fluvial<br />

environments (facies associations A and B,<br />

respectively), whereas the middle levels of the<br />

formation are assigned to marginal marine<br />

deposits (facies association C). The<br />

vertebrates were found in facies association C<br />

and include fishes (i.e., Chondrichthyes,<br />

Teleostei, Lepisosteidae and Dipnoi),<br />

Chelidae turtles (cf. Yaminuechelys, cf.<br />

Prochelidella), dinosaurs (Titanosauria) and<br />

plesiosaurs (Elasmosauridae). The remains,<br />

found in clastic and calcareous facies<br />

(mudstones and grainstones), are interpreted<br />

to reflect channel and delta c plain<br />

environments. The diverse ecology (terrestrial,<br />

fresh water, marine) and the fragmentary<br />

character of these skeletal concentrations<br />

suggest mixing of fossil remains from littoral<br />

environments and fluvial systems. Our<br />

findings indicate that the Atlantic marine<br />

ingression that covered northern Patagonia<br />

reached Calmu-Co, in the western part of the<br />

Neuquen basin. Vertebrates from Calmu-Co<br />

area are assigned to the late Campanian-early<br />

Maastrichtian on the basis of similarities with<br />

vertebrates assemblages found in other sites<br />

within Mendoza (Ranquil-Co) and northern<br />

Patagonia (Rio Negro and Chubut provinces,<br />

Allen, La Colonia and Los Alamitos<br />

formations).<br />

2009020379<br />


澳 大 利 亚 新 南 威 尔 士 西 部 奥 陶 纪 脊 椎 动 物<br />

兼 评 寒 武 纪 - 奥 陶 纪 脊 椎 动 物 分 布 模 式 = An<br />

Ordovician vertebrate from western New<br />

South Wales, with comments on Cambro-<br />

Ordovician vertebrate distribution patterns.<br />

( 英 文 ). Young G C. Alcheringa, 2009, 33(1):<br />

79-89<br />

fish plate impression from the Ordovician<br />

Rowena Formation in Mutawintji National<br />

Park is referred to an indeterminate species of<br />

the genus Arandaspis Ritchie & Gilbert-<br />

Tomlinson, 1977, genotype of the family<br />

Arandaspididae, previously known only from<br />

the Middle Ordovician Stairway Sandstone in<br />

the Amadeus Basin of central Australia. The<br />

Rowena Formation has previously been<br />

correlated with units underlying the Stairway<br />

Sandstone (Pacoota Sandstone, Horn Valley<br />

Siltstone) in the Amadeus Basin, from which a<br />

second arandaspid Porophoraspis represents<br />

the earliest occurrence in the fossil record that<br />

demonstrates two defining developmental<br />

characters of the vertebrates (neural crest,<br />

epidermal placodes). The new occurrence of<br />

Arandaspis is consistent with the Middle<br />

Ordovician (Darriwilian) age for the upper<br />

part of the Rowena Formation indicated by<br />

recent studies of trilobites. The order<br />

Arandaspidiformes, also known from the<br />

Upper Ordovician of South America<br />

(Sacabambaspis), defines a 'Gondwana<br />

Endemic Assemblage', which may have been<br />

established already by the late Cambrian.<br />

Although the first phase of vertebrate<br />

biomineralization is not yet documented from<br />

the Cambro-Ordovician of Asia, the oldest<br />

vertebrates in the early Cambrian Chengjiang<br />

fauna and diverse agnathans and gnathostomes<br />

by Early Silurian time in South China<br />

implicate this as a significant area in the<br />

evolution of the earliest vertebrates<br />

2009020380<br />

澳 大 利 亚 昆 士 兰 西 北 部 Riversleigh 地 区 原<br />

始 袋 鼠 化 石 = Primitive macropodids from<br />

Riversleigh, north-western Queensland. ( 英<br />

文 ). Cooke B N. Alcheringa, 1992, 16(3): 201<br />

- 217<br />

Three new species of macropodids,<br />

Ganawamaya acris gen. et sp. nov., G. ornata<br />

sp. nov., and G. aediculis sp. nov., are<br />

described from the Early to Mid Miocene<br />

limestone deposits of Riversleigh,<br />

northwestern Queensland. I 1 morphology is<br />

similar to that reported in undescribed species<br />

from the Kutjumarpu Local Fauna and may<br />

represent a synapomorphy for Balbarinae.<br />

Molar morphology of the species of<br />

Ganawamaya is intermediate between that of<br />

the known species of Nambaroo and those of<br />

Balbaroo. Deep penetration of the masseteric<br />

canal within the mandible, as seen in G. acris<br />

and G. aediculis and now known to occur in<br />

other Riversleigh balbarine species, is<br />

suggested as a potential macropodoid<br />

synapomorphy<br />

2009020381<br />

澳 大 利 亚 塔 斯 马 尼 亚 西 北 部 艾 达 姆 阶<br />

aglaspidid = An Idamean aglaspidid from<br />

northwestern Tasmania. ( 英 文 ). Jago J B;<br />

Baillie P W. Alcheringa, 1992, 16(1): 14<br />

2009020382<br />

最 早 的 脊 椎 动 物 和 头 骨 进 化 的 第 一 步 = The<br />

earliest vertebrates and the first steps of the<br />

evolution of the skull. ( 法 文 ). Janvier P.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(2-3): 209-<br />

219<br />

Vertebrates are one of the few metazoan<br />

taxa, which display a well-corroborated<br />

phylogenetic pattern, a good and anatomically<br />

informative fossil record, and a relatively slow<br />

ontogenetic development. They are thus a<br />

favourite taxon for illustrating evolution as a<br />

historical process, although the stem of the<br />

vertebrate tree remains poorly documented by<br />

fossils, except for some Early Cambrian forms.<br />

Therefore, the characterization of the<br />

vertebrates now rests essentially on a small<br />

number of developmental characters, mostly<br />

involved in the rise of the skull, and whose<br />

precursors may occur in other chordates. The<br />

tree of the crown-group vertebrates also shows<br />

some major morphological gaps due to early<br />

extinctions, but a number of Palaeozoic stem<br />

gnathostome taxa helps in documenting the<br />

agnathan-gnathostome evolutionary transition.<br />

However, stem cyclostomes remain elusive.<br />

鱼 类<br />

2009020383<br />

澳 大 利 亚 维 多 利 亚 下 泥 盆 统 一 新<br />

Onychodontiform 类 群 = New<br />

Onychodontiform<br />

(Osteichthyes;<br />

Sarcopterygii) from the Lower Devonian of<br />

Victoria, Australia. ( 英 文 ). Johanson Z; Long<br />

J A. Journal of Paleontology, 2007, 81(5):<br />

1031-1043 5 图 版 .<br />

The Onychodontiformes is a poorly known<br />

sarcopterygian fish group, with four genera<br />

currently described, predominantly from the<br />


Middle-Late Devonian. A new onychodont,<br />

Bukkanodus jesseni n. gen. and sp., from the<br />

Fairy Formation, Victoria, Australia, is of<br />

Early Devonian (mid-late Pragian) age,<br />

representing one of the oldest known<br />

occurrences of this group. Other Pragian<br />

onychodonts are represented by a single lower<br />

jaw from China, while older occurrences<br />

(Lochkovian) include a lower jaw also from<br />

China and isolated teeth from Nevada. The<br />

Australian material, though disarticulated,<br />

includes skull, jaw, and palatal and dental<br />

specimens. These specimens share<br />

characteristics with younger onychodont taxa,<br />

including a laterally compressed tooth whorl<br />

with main and accessory rows containing an<br />

equal number of teeth, an anteriorly arched<br />

shape of the premaxilla, a lateral rostral bone<br />

participating in the orbital margin, parietals<br />

separated in the midline by small bones, the<br />

insertion of the basisphenoid region of the<br />

braincase into a posterior area on the<br />

parasphenoid, and an ethmoidal sensory canal<br />

running along the dorsal margin of the<br />

premaxilla rather than through the bone.<br />

Bukkanodus jesseni differs from other<br />

onychodonts in the presence of a distinct<br />

vomer, coronoids with fang pairs, a restricted<br />

herringbone pattern of ribs on enamel ridges<br />

of teeth, and the presence of a cluster of large<br />

pores on certain skull and jaw bones. The<br />

course of the ethmoid sensory canal and this<br />

cluster of pores are plesiomorphic features for<br />

the Onychodontiformes, also occurring in<br />

primitive sarcopterygian taxa such as<br />

Youngolepis, Powichthys, and Kenichthys. The<br />

opening of this cluster on the internal surface<br />

of the premaxilla resembles the rostral organ<br />

of derived coelacanths.<br />

2009020384<br />

墨 西 哥 Puebla 地 区 Tlayúa 采 石 场 下 白 垩<br />

统 Albian 阶 平 版 灰 岩 中 Halecomorphi 一<br />

新 属 = A new Genus of ionoscopiform fish<br />

(Halecomorphi) from the Lower Cretaceous<br />

(Albian) lithographic limestones of the Tlayúa<br />

Quarry, Puebla, Mexico. ( 英 文 ). Jes ú s<br />

alvarado-ortega; Luis Espinosa-arrubarrena.<br />

Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(1): 163-<br />

175 5 图 版 .<br />

Quetzalichthys perrilliatae n. gen. and sp. is<br />

described based on five specimens from<br />

Lower Cretaceous (Middle-Upper Albian)<br />

limestones of the Tlayúa Quarry, near Tepexi<br />

de Rodr í guez, Puebla, Mexico. This new<br />

taxon displays the diagnostic characters of<br />

Ionoscopiformes, which consequently<br />

designate it as a new member of this order of<br />

Mesozoic fishes. Additionally, Quetzalichthys<br />

n. gen. shares several derived characters with<br />

Ionoscopus and Oshunia, including the<br />

presence of more than 15 supraneurals, solid<br />

and well-ossified monospondylous vertebrae<br />

with two lateral longitudinal oval fossae, thin<br />

scales of the amioid type, and the ventral<br />

surface of some circumorbital bones being<br />

intensely pitted. Quetzalichthys perrilliatae is<br />

characterized by three unique characters: 26<br />

abdominal centra, 21 principal dorsal fin rays,<br />

and two supraorbitals. Additionally, its<br />

unpaired fins and tail show conditions<br />

intermediate to those found in Ionoscopus and<br />

Oshunia. A cladistic analysis of<br />

Ionoscopiformes, including both taxa found in<br />

the Tlay ú a Quarry (Quetzalichthys and<br />

Teoichthys), identifies two monophyletic<br />

families within the order, Ophiopsidae<br />

(including Ophiopsis, Macrepistius,<br />

Teoichthys) and Ionoscopidae (involving<br />

Ionoscopus, Oshunia, and Quetzalichthys).<br />

2009020385<br />

摩 洛 哥 和 撒 丁 岛 法 门 期 的 Chondrichthyan<br />

的 微 小 残 积 = Famennian Chondrichthyan<br />

Microremains from Morocco and Sardinia.<br />

( 英 文 ). Derycke C; Spalletta C; Perri M C;<br />

Corradini C. Journal of Paleontology, 2008,<br />

82(5): 984-995 3 图 版 .<br />

New material from the Famennian of<br />

Morocco in the southern Maider comprises<br />

chondrichthyan teeth (Thrinacodus,<br />

Cobelodus, Denaea, Stethacanthus),<br />

actinopterygian remains (scales, teeth and<br />

hemilepidotrichium) and one acanthodian<br />

scale. The absence of crushing teeth suggests<br />

deeper water environments for the Maider<br />

Basin than the Tafilalt Basin. Vertebrate<br />

microremains from the Famennian of Sardinia,<br />

including Siamodus and Jalodus teeth, are<br />

illustrated and described. Ichthyofaunal<br />

relationships of the North Gondwanan<br />

platform during the Famennian are examined.<br />

2009020386<br />

加 利 福 尼 亚 洛 杉 机 盆 地 中 新 统 的 琵 琶 鱼 =<br />

Fossil Ceratioid Anglerfishes (Teleostei:<br />

Lophiiformes) from the Miocene of the Los<br />

Angeles Basin, California. ( 英 文 ). Carnevale<br />

G; Pietsch T W; Takeuchi G T; Huddleston R<br />

W. Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(5): 996-<br />

1008 12 图 版 .<br />


Fossil ceratioid anglerfishes are described<br />

from the Upper Miocene (upper Mohnian)<br />

deposits of the Puente Formation, Los Angeles<br />

Basin, California. The specimens were<br />

collected from the laminated turbiditic<br />

deposits of the Yorba Member in the eastern<br />

sector of the Los Angeles Basin during the<br />

construction of a new metro rail line. Five taxa<br />

(Borophryne cf. apogon; Chaenophryne aff.<br />

melanorhabdus; Leptacanthichthys cf.<br />

gracilispinis; Linophryne cf. indica;<br />

Oneirodes sp.) belonging to two families,<br />

Linophrynidae and Oneirodidae, are described<br />

based on nine metamorphosed females. A<br />

detailed osteological analysis of the fossils has<br />

revealed that they can be tentatively assigned<br />

to extant species, suggesting that little or no<br />

relevant morphological change has<br />

characterized these taxa at least since the Late<br />

Miocene. Biogeographic considerations<br />

suggest that the Late Miocene ceratioid<br />

assemblages of the Los Angeles Basin are<br />

strikingly similar to those that currently<br />

inhabit the tropical and subtropical eastern<br />

Pacific region. From a paleoenvironmental<br />

point of view, the excellent preservation of the<br />

specimens suggests a reduced turbulence and<br />

velocity of the turbidity fluxes. Finally, the<br />

comparative study of the bathymetric ranges<br />

of the ceratioid taxa recognized in the fossil<br />

assemblage described in this paper suggests<br />

that the minimum depth of the depositional<br />

environment might be estimated at<br />

approximately 1,000 m.<br />

2009020387<br />

西 班 牙 东 北 部 Alcaine 地 区 早 白 垩 世<br />

Lancetfish 牙 齿 化 石 = Lancetfish teeth<br />

(Neoteleostei, Alepisauroidei) from the Early<br />

Cretaceous of Alcaine, NE Spain. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Kriwet J. Lethaia, 2003, 36(4): 323 - 331<br />

Isolated teeth of fossil lancetfishes<br />

(Neoteleostei, Alepisauroidei) are reported<br />

from Early Cretaceous strata of the Oliete<br />

subbasin (Iberian basin) in NE Spain. These<br />

are the oldest remains attributable to<br />

alepisauriform teleosts. The fossil-bearing<br />

strata are dated as lower Barremian. The teeth<br />

were recovered from shallow marine to<br />

lagoonal sediments. They closely resemble<br />

teeth of the fossil alepisauriforms Enchodus<br />

and Cimolichthys in overall morphology. The<br />

combination of fang-like morphology,<br />

sculpture consisting of apico-basal striations,<br />

postapical barb, absence of distal cutting edge,<br />

and wide pulp cavity surrounded by a rather<br />

thin layer of dentine is interpreted as the most<br />

basal tooth pattern in alepisauriforms. These<br />

remains may be isolated, but this study<br />

emphasizes the true value of such remains for<br />

palaeobiological studies, predicting the fossils<br />

provide characters for phylogenetic analyses.<br />

2009020388<br />

意 大 利 Romagna Apennines 区 域 中 上 新 世<br />

半 深 海 鲨 类 = Bathyal sharks from the middle<br />

Pliocene of the Romagna Apennines (Italy).<br />

( 英 文 ). Marsili S; Tabanelli C. Neues<br />

Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(2): 247-255<br />

The teeth are referred to the species<br />

Scymnodon cf. ringens, Centrophorus cf.<br />

granulosus, Deania aff. calcea, and<br />

Pristiophorus sp. representing the first record<br />

of bathyal sharks for the Romagna region.<br />

These new data fill partly the stratigraphic gap<br />

that characterizes the Plio-Pleistocene deepwater<br />

elasmobranch record in the<br />

Mediterranean. Paleobiogeographic and<br />

paleoecologic implications are discussed.<br />

2009020389<br />

德 国 西 北 部 Bramsche 附 近 Osteroden 地 区<br />

中 始 新 世 耳 石 = The otoliths from the middle<br />

Eocene of Osteroden near Bramsche, northwestern<br />

Germany. ( 英 文 ). Schwarzhans W.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(3): 299-369<br />

Fish otoliths are described. A total of 82<br />

species are described, 19 as newly established<br />

and 14 in open nomenclature. This is the first<br />

record of Eocene otoliths from northern<br />

Germany and located at some distance to the<br />

north and east from the well-known Eocene<br />

otolith assemblages of Belgium, the<br />

Hampshire Basin, the Paris Basin and the<br />

Aquitaine Basin. The new taxa ,Notacanthus<br />

nolfi, Muraenesox furcatus, Chlorophthalmus<br />

eflecticauda are described.<br />

2009020390<br />

乍 得 中 新 统 上 部 一 新 Semlikiichthys: 化 石<br />

记 录 及 古 生 物 地 理 学 意 义 = A new<br />

Semlikiichthys fish (Teleostei, Perciformes)<br />

from the Upper Miocene of Chad: fossil<br />

record and palaeobiogeographical implications.<br />

( 英 文 ). Otero O; Likius A; Vignaud P; Brunet<br />

M. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4): 917-932<br />

Semlikiichthys is a fossil genus of<br />

perciform fish from the Neogene continental<br />

deposits of Africa. Until now, it was known in<br />

Mio-Pliocene sites of the Great Lake Region<br />

and of the River Nile by a single species, S.<br />


hachirhinchus. Here, we describe new<br />

Semlikiichthys material recovered from<br />

Central Africa (Upper Miocene of Toros-<br />

Menalla, western Djurab, Chad), and compare<br />

it to S. rhachirhinchus, which is the only<br />

known species of the genus, and also with<br />

Lates niloticus, which is the fish in African<br />

Neogene deposits that most closely resembles<br />

it. We attribute the Chadian material to<br />

Semlikiichthys darsao sp. nov., based on ten<br />

osteological characters of the neurocranium,<br />

the maxilla, the dentary and the first vertebra.<br />

Our comparative anatomical study also<br />

enables us to provide a revised diagnosis for<br />

the genus and to reconsider the taxonomic<br />

attribution of the fossils assigned to it.<br />

Furthermore, the fossil record of<br />

Semlikiichthys supports a connection between<br />

sub-basins of the Nilo-Sudanese region during<br />

the Miocene, and a disruption between the<br />

Great Lake and the Nile Basin on the one hand<br />

and the Chadian Basin on the other before 7<br />

Ma.<br />

2009020391<br />

对 阿 根 廷 三 叠 纪 Pseudobeaconia Bordas,<br />

1944, 和 Mendocinichthys Whitley, 1953<br />

( 辐 鳍 鱼 纲 :“ 裂 齿 鱼 目 ”) 的 系 统 分 类<br />

学 修 订 = Systematic revision of<br />

Pseudobeaconia Bordas, 1944, and<br />

Mendocinichthys Whitley, 1953<br />

(Actinopterygii: 'Perleidiformes') from the<br />

Triassic of Argentina. ( 英 文 ). L ó pez-<br />

Arbarello A; Zavattieri A M.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(5): 1025-1052<br />

The 'perleidiform'Mendocinichthys and<br />

Pseudobeaconia from the Potrerillos and Santa<br />

Clara Abajo formations (Upper Triassic;<br />

Argentina) are reviewed. Mendocinichthys has<br />

been known from a review of this species that<br />

is not based on the type material, but on<br />

referred specimens in the American Museum<br />

of Natural History. However, those specimens<br />

are found here to represent a new species of<br />

Pseudobeaconia, P. celestae sp. nov.<br />

Consequently, Mendocinichthys is restricted<br />

here to the type material and, within it, to the<br />

only specimen that clearly represents a distinct<br />

taxon and is thus designated lectotype. We<br />

further performed a cladistic analysis and<br />

propose a new family, Pseudobeaconiidae for<br />

these two South American Triassic genera,<br />

which is mainly characterized by the presence<br />

of an incomplete dorsal ridge of spine-like<br />

scales between the skull and the dorsal fin,<br />

and scales with straight posterior border, an<br />

elevated central region and marginal<br />

concentric ridges of ganoine. The cladistic<br />

analysis further indicates the existence of<br />

some lineages endemic to certain areas of<br />

Gondwana and Europe. Pseudobeaconia<br />

celestae sp. nov. represents the first record of<br />

Pseudobeaconia in the Cacheuta sub-basin of<br />

the Cuyana Basin. The genus was previously<br />

known from the Santa Clara sub-basin of the<br />

Cuyana Basin only, and the new record<br />

confirms the previous hypothesis of<br />

correlation between the sedimentary infilling<br />

of these sub-basins.<br />

2009020392<br />

西 南 太 平 洋 一 早 新 生 代 Neoselachian 类 =<br />

An early Cenozoic Neoselachian Shark fauna<br />

from the Southwest Pacific. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Mannering A A; Hiller N.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6): 1341-1365<br />

An early Cenozoic shark fauna, comprising<br />

at least 16 taxa, is described from Paleocene<br />

sedimentary rocks on the South Island of New<br />

Zealand. Although representing a remote<br />

Southern Hemisphere location, the fauna<br />

includes forms closely comparable to<br />

contemporary species from the Northern<br />

Hemisphere, in addition to the new species<br />

Chlamydoselachus keyesi and Centroselachus<br />

goordi. Comparison with closely related<br />

extant species suggests the fauna may be<br />

interpreted as a deep water one, typical of the<br />

outer continental shelf and upper slope.<br />

However, after palaeogeography,<br />

sedimentology and mineralogy of the<br />

enclosing rock, and the nature of similar<br />

faunas from elsewhere are taken into<br />

consideration, the fauna is interpreted to have<br />

occupied a mid-shelf environment.<br />

2009020393<br />

澳 大 利 亚 东 南 部 早 泥 盆 世 肺 鱼 的 演 化 =<br />

Evolution of dipnoans (lungfish) in the Early<br />

Devonian of southeastern Australia. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Campbell K S W; Barwick R E; Senden T J.<br />

Alcheringa, 2009, 33(1): 59 - 78<br />

Dipnoans (lungfish) were first described<br />

from the Lower Devonian at Taemas N.S.W.<br />

in 1906 with the discovery of a species now<br />

known as Dipnorhynchus suessmilchi<br />

(Etheridge). Subsequent descriptions were<br />

based on material from Wee Jasper in N.S.W.,<br />

Buchan in Victoria and from the Snowy<br />

Mountains region of N.S.W. A new genus,<br />

Speonesydrion Campbell & Barwick, 1984,<br />

has since been described from Wee Jasper and<br />

Taemas. No other genera have been described<br />

from southeastern Australia (the Molong-<br />


Monaro Terrane of Yolkin et al. 2000). A new<br />

genus Cathlorhynchus is described from the<br />

Currajong Limestone Member. Near the top of<br />

the sequence, a large genus described as<br />

Dipnorhynchus cathlesae by Campbell &<br />

Barwick (1999), has now been placed in a new<br />

subgenus Dipnorhynchus (Placorhynchus).<br />

Examination of overseas occurrences indicates<br />

that there was no immigration of other<br />

dipnoans into southeastern Australia in the<br />

Early Devonian, hence, we consider that the<br />

collective Dipnorhynchus-Speonesydrion<br />

lineages must have evolved locally. This<br />

evolutionary pattern provides an opportunity<br />

to discuss localized evolution within a<br />

distinctive group through the Emsian.<br />

2009020394<br />

缅 甸 中 部 Pondaung 组 首 例 鲼 鱼 牙 齿 =<br />

First myliobatiform teeth (Elasmobranchii,<br />

Neoselachii) from the Pondaung Formation<br />

(late middle Eocene) of Central Myanmar. ( 英<br />

文 ). Adnet S; Cappetta H; Beard K C;<br />

Marivaux L; Marandat B; Chaimanee Y;<br />

Jaeger J-J; Tun S T; Soe A N. Neues Jahrbuch<br />

fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2008, 247(3): 335-340<br />

Some elasmobranch teeth, belonging to the<br />

batoid genera Dasyatis and Ouledia, have<br />

been collected for the first time in three late<br />

middle Eocene localities of the Pondaung<br />

Formation, which are known for their<br />

abundant continental vertebrate remains.<br />

Considering the environmental conditons, the<br />

occurrences of these elasmobranch teeth are<br />

indicative of the proximity of the sea shore<br />

and /or deltaic systems, which would have<br />

allowed to these rays to enter fresh waters.<br />

2009020395<br />

中 国 东 北 发 现 始 新 世 胭 脂 鱼 新 种<br />

(Teleostei: Cypriniformes) 及 胭 脂 鱼 的 早<br />

期 分 支 = A new Eocene catostomid<br />

(Teleostei: Cypriniformes) from northeastern<br />

China and early divergence of Catostomidae.<br />

( 英 文 ). Liu Juan; Chang Meemann. Science in<br />

China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2009, 52(2):<br />

189-202<br />

A new Eocene catostomid genus and<br />

species, Plesiomyxocyprinus arratiae, is<br />

described from Huadian, Jilin Province,<br />

northeastern China. The materials include a<br />

nearly complete skeleton, dozens of<br />

pharyngeal bones with teeth, and a number of<br />

disarticulated bones. The new articulated<br />

specimen is large-sized and deep-bodied, with<br />

an estimated standard length of ca. 300 mm<br />

and body depth of 156 mm or about half of its<br />

standard length. The assignment of the fish to<br />

the Catostomidae is based on its falciform<br />

pharyngeal bone with one row of numerous<br />

(more than 50) compressed teeth, and the bone<br />

is much smaller than in cyprinids, especially<br />

given the size of the fish. The new fish<br />

distinguishes itself from all known<br />

catostomids (both extinct and extant) in its<br />

long anal fin with four unbranched and 17–<br />

18 branched rays, and its extremely short<br />

caudal peduncle that is only about one fourth<br />

of its depth. Plesiomyxocyprinus arratiae<br />

resembles the Eocene-Oligocene transpacificdistributed<br />

Amyzon in many general skeletal<br />

characters. However, it shows a few<br />

characters uniquely shared with the Recent<br />

catostomid Myxocyprinus asiaticus. Those<br />

include a very long dorsal fin with about 50<br />

branched fin rays, the end of dorsal fin rays<br />

being close to the caudal fin base, and anal<br />

rays stretching posteriorly beyond the base of<br />

caudal fin. It is the first fossil catostomid that<br />

shows a close relationship to the endemic<br />

Myxocyprinus now living in the Yangtze<br />

River and Minjiang River, China. The<br />

discovery of Plesiomyxocyprinus arratiae,<br />

along with two previously described possible<br />

catostomid genera Jianghanichthys and<br />

Vasnetzovia, may indicate that the divergence<br />

of the Catostomidae started much earlier, in<br />

the middle Eocene or earlier, on the western<br />

side of the Pacific than on its eastern side.<br />

2009020396<br />

华 南 早 泥 盆 世 新 的 盾 皮 鱼 纲 胴 甲 鱼 = A new<br />

antiarch (placoderm fish) from the Early<br />

Devonian of South China. ( 英 文 ). Zhang<br />

Guorui; Young G C. Alcheringa, 1992, 16(3):<br />

219 - 240<br />

A new bothriolepidoid antiarch of small<br />

size, Luquanolepis pileos gen. et sp. nov. is<br />

described from the Early Devonian of Luquan<br />

County, Yunnan Province. Only remains of<br />

the trunk armour are known. It is characterised<br />

by the long dorsal wall, with a strong posterior<br />

process formed by the posterior median dorsal<br />

and posterior dorsolateral plates, the posterior<br />

median dorsal longer and broader than the<br />

anterior median dorsal, a strongly developed<br />

posterior internal tranverse crista anteriorly<br />

placed at about the middle of the length of the<br />

dorsal trunk armour, and an independent<br />

posterior lateral plate. It is one of the few<br />

antiarchs known from the Early Devonian<br />

which has a developed brachial process and<br />


segmented pectoral fin. The small unpaired<br />

semilunar plate, subanal lamina and other<br />

features indicate bothriolepid affinities, and<br />

the separate posterior lateral suggests it is a<br />

stem taxon within the bothriolepidoids, a<br />

group to which 13 genera are assigned.<br />

Distribution of 19 characters amongst these<br />

taxa is summarised in a data matrix used in a<br />

computer-assisted cladistic analysis of the<br />

group to produce over 100 equally<br />

parsimonious trees. By eliminating poorly<br />

known taxa and characters from the analysis<br />

and inferring some missing character states 14<br />

equally parsimonious trees were produced for<br />

10 bothriolepidoid taxa. Luquanolepis is<br />

regarded as the most primitive member within<br />

the clade, consistent with the fact that it is the<br />

oldest bothriolepidoid genus so far discovered.<br />

2009020397<br />

下 莱 茵 海 湾 上 渐 新 统 近 海 滨 沉 积 中 的 耳 石<br />

= Otoliths from Upper Oligocene near shore<br />

deposits of the Lower Rhine Embayment<br />

(Northern Germany). ( 英 文 ). Schwarzhans W.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(1): 11-44<br />

New otolith finds from Locations along the<br />

western and southeastern shores of the Late<br />

Oligocene sea of the Lower Rhine<br />

Embayment are documenting a variety of<br />

coastal environments ranging from calm<br />

embayment / backreef settings to high energy<br />

shore line and marine karst infill sediments, a<br />

unique environment for fossil otolith research.<br />

A total 79 otolith based teleost species and<br />

one cephalopod statolith are being recorded<br />

from these locations, including 6 new species:<br />

Calamopteryx petermoelleri, Capros siccus,<br />

Scorpaena quaesita, Myococephalus<br />

mettmannensis, Centropomus rullus and genus<br />

aff. Opistognathus koeneni n.sp.<br />

2009020398<br />

越 南 下 泥 盆 统 Sanqiaspis 属 的 发 现 兼 盔 甲<br />

鱼 类 的 系 统 分 类 和 解 剖 = Occurrence of<br />

Sanqiaspis, Liu, 1975 (Vertebrata, Galeaspida)<br />

in the Lower Devonian of Vietnam, with<br />

remarks on the anatomy and systematics of the<br />

Sanqiaspididae. ( 英 文 ). Janvier P; Thanh T D;<br />

Phuong T H; Cl é ment G; Phong N D.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(1): 59-65<br />

A new species of the huananaspidiform<br />

galeaspid genus Sanqiaspis is reported from<br />

the Lochkovian Si Ka Formation of northern<br />

Vietnam and is somewhat older than the<br />

previously recorded occurrences of this genus,<br />

from the Pragian Posongchong Formation of<br />

southern China. This species provides new<br />

information about the anatomy of the head<br />

shield in the Sanqiaspididae and notably<br />

provides evidence of a complete endoskeletal<br />

and dermal postbranchial wall, like in<br />

osteostracans. The various types of vertebrate<br />

assemblages defined in the Lower Devonian<br />

of China are discussed, by comparison to the<br />

vertebrate faunas hitherto recorded from the<br />

Lower Devonian of Vietnam, and it is<br />

suggested that their composition is strongly<br />

influenced by environmental factors.<br />

2009020399<br />

法 国 东 南 部 Castellane 地 区 早 渐 新 世 鱼 耳<br />

石 及 对 始 新 世 - 渐 新 世 界 线 层 中 地 中 海 真 骨<br />

鱼 动 物 群 的 综 合 评 述 = Early Oligocene fish<br />

otoliths from the Castellane area (SE France)<br />

and an overview of Mediterranean teleost<br />

faunas at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. ( 英<br />

文 ). Nolf D; Girone A. Neues Jahrbuch fur<br />

Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(2): 139-157<br />

The study allowed the reconstruction of a<br />

teleost of 38 taxa of which 16 could be<br />

identified at species level. Combining the data<br />

from both Mediterranean paleoenvironments,<br />

one obtains a list of 88 taxa of which 48 could<br />

be identified to species level. This is the only<br />

available overview on the composition of the<br />

otolith-based fish fauna in the Mediterranean<br />

realm during the Early Oligocene. Finally, the<br />

results indicate the great homogeneity of the<br />

Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean faunas<br />

during the late Eocene. Notwithstanding the<br />

strong faunal turnover at the Eocene-<br />

Oligocene boundary, the new Oligocene<br />

dauna also exhibits a similar homogeneity<br />

over a large geographic area which, for this<br />

time unit, can be extended to the Paratethys.<br />

2009020400<br />

匈 牙 利 一 晚 白 垩 世 基 干 真 鳄 类<br />

Iharkutosuchus makadii 的 头 部 骨 骼 学 =<br />

Cranial osteology of Iharkutosuchus makadii,<br />

a Late Cretaceous basal eusuchian<br />

crocodyliform from Hungary. ( 英 文 ). Osi A.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(3): 279-299<br />

The detailed cranial osteology of<br />

Iharkutosuchus makadii is described herein.<br />

Comparisons with advanced neosuchians and<br />

basal eusuchians confirm tha Iharkutosuchus<br />

is a basal eusuchian, which shares several<br />

features with the Barremian Hylaeochampsa<br />

vectiana. On the basis of in situ and isolated<br />


teeth, the complete, heterodont dentition of<br />

Iharkutosuchus is reconstructed.<br />

Iharkutosuchus confirms the hypothesis that<br />

the advanced caudal migration of the<br />

secondary palate is a consequence of the<br />

structural reinforcement of the skull.<br />

2009020401<br />

德 国 巴 伐 利 亚 索 霍 芬 埃 特 陵 上 侏 罗 统 一 新<br />

的 aspidorhynchid 鱼 化 石 = A new<br />

aspidorhynchid fish (Teleostei:<br />

Aspidorhynchiformes) from the Upper<br />

Jurassic of Ettling, Solnhofen, Bavaria,<br />

Germany. ( 英 文 ). Brito P M; Ebert M.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(4): 395-402<br />

A new species of Aspidorhynchidae is<br />

described for the first time from the Late<br />

Jurassic of Ettling, some 50 km E-SE of<br />

Solnhofen, Bavaria, Germany. This new<br />

material is attributed to a new species,<br />

Aspidorhynchus sanzenbacheri, and is<br />

diagnosed by the abbreviated premaxillae, the<br />

form and disposition of teeth in the predentary,<br />

and the number of principal rays in the caudal<br />

fin.<br />

两 栖 类<br />

2009020402<br />

欧 洲 新 近 纪 晚 期 的 非 洲 鳄 类 : 关 于<br />

Bambolii Ristori 的 修 订 = African<br />

Crocodylians in the Late Neogene of Europe:<br />

A revision of Crocodylus Bambolii Ristori,<br />

1890. ( 英 文 ). Delfino M; Rook L. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 336-343 3 图 版 .<br />

Genus Crocodylus is considered to have<br />

originated in Africa during the Early Miocene<br />

but it is only in the Late Miocene that there<br />

are evidences of dispersal toward Europe,<br />

where tomistomines and the alligatoroid<br />

Diplocynodon were widespread since the<br />

Paleogene. Revision of the type material of<br />

Crocodylus bambolii Ristori, 1890, a<br />

Tortonian crocodylian from the renowned<br />

Oreopithecus localities in central Italy,<br />

excludes it from Diplocynodon. The<br />

morphology of the remains, combined with<br />

chronology and biogeography, confirms its<br />

identity as cf. Crocodylus. The validity of the<br />

species Crocodylus bambolii is however not<br />

supported by the available morphological<br />

characters so that a solid differential diagnosis<br />

cannot be realized. It is therefore here<br />

proposed to consider Crocodylus bambolii as<br />

a nomen dubium. The European Late Miocene<br />

distribution of short-snouted crocodylians sees<br />

only alligatoroids in western Europe and,<br />

curiously, only crocodylids in the Central<br />

Mediterranean area. The Tusco-Sardinian and<br />

the Apulo-Abruzzi paleobioprovinces, whose<br />

lands are nowadays part of the Italian<br />

peninsula, are apparently the only European<br />

areas inhabited by short-snouted crocodylids,<br />

which are at the same time among the last<br />

crocodylians of the continent. The isolated<br />

teeth from Fiume Santo and Scontrone, two<br />

localities of these palebioprovinces, are also<br />

not Diplocynodon-like, but further material is<br />

needed to identify their owners with<br />

confidence.<br />

2009020403<br />

俄 克 拉 何 马 里 查 德 脉 支 早 二 叠 世 裂 隙 填 充<br />

处 发 现 Seymouria 的 首 个 记 录 = First<br />

record of Seymouria (Vertebrata:<br />

Seymouriamorpha) from Early Permian<br />

fissure fills at Richards Spur, Oklahoma. ( 英<br />

文 ). Sullivan C; Reisz R R. Canadian Journal<br />

of Earth Sciences, 1999, 36(8): 1257–1266<br />

Isolated skeletal elements of the amphibian<br />

genus Seymouria were recently discovered at<br />

the Richards Spur locality near Fort Sill,<br />

Oklahoma, a prolific source of Early Permian<br />

tetrapod remains. Five of the seven described<br />

bones are of juvenile size and include three<br />

neural arches, a humerus, and a femur,<br />

whereas the other two are partial vertebrae,<br />

apparently adult. All seven are<br />

morphologically similar to equivalent skeletal<br />

elements in Seymouria specimens previously<br />

collected in Europe and North America, apart<br />

from features reflecting the early<br />

developmental stage of the juvenile bones.<br />

The femur and humerus are clearly distinct<br />

from those of other seymouriamorphs such as<br />

Ariekanerpeton and Kotlassia. The rarity of<br />

Seymouria at the Richards Spur locality<br />

implies that it was not a regular component of<br />

the fauna, and it is also associated with the<br />

less markedly terrestrial assemblage that<br />

consistently occurs at localities in the<br />

southwestern United States. However, its<br />

skeletal morphology and occurrence at<br />

terrestrial localities such as Richards Spur<br />

imply a primarily terrestrial, rather than an<br />

amphibious, mode of life. Conflicting<br />

biostratigraphic correlations imply that the<br />

exact age of the Richards Spur deposits is<br />

uncertain, and equivalence to the Arroyo<br />

Formation of Texas may be erroneous.<br />

2009020404<br />


两 栖 类 离 片 椎 类 中 褶 皱 牙 齿 的 初 步 研 究 =<br />

Folded teeth in temnospondyls — a<br />

preliminary study. ( 英 文 ). Warren A A;<br />

Davey L. Alcheringa, 1992, 16(2): 107 - 132<br />

Temnospondyl amphibians have numerous<br />

teeth which are typically internally convoluted.<br />

In this paper we look for derived features of<br />

the distribution of both cranial and mandibular<br />

teeth and also examine the extent of their<br />

convolution. We show that some features of<br />

the distribution and convolution are family<br />

linked. Overall, the degree of complexity as<br />

shown by the number of infolds and infold<br />

bends, increases with the size of the dental<br />

element. Bending of infolds appears to be<br />

more frequent within the superfamily<br />

Capitosauroidea, while among the<br />

trematosaurian group of temnospondyls<br />

bending is less pronounced, with two families,<br />

the Plagiosauridae and Rhytidosteidae,<br />

showing no bends in marginal teeth and only<br />

minimal bending in the largest rhytidosteid<br />

tusks.<br />

2009020405<br />

综 观 四 足 类 出 现 = Overview of the<br />

emergence of tetrapods. ( 法 文 ). Clément G;<br />

Letenneur C. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009,<br />

8(2-3): 221-232<br />

During the last three decades, and<br />

particularly, very recently, our knowledge of<br />

the emergence of tetrapods has dramatically<br />

increased due to discoveries of outstanding<br />

fossils, new technologies and renewed<br />

scientific interest concerning the so-called<br />

“fish-tetrapod transition”. This article is a<br />

concise overview of our current knowledge of<br />

origin, diversity, phylogeny, biogeography<br />

and environments of the early tetrapods and<br />

their close relatives, the elpistostegalian fishes.<br />

Following a short historical review, emphasis<br />

is placed on the more recent and important<br />

discoveries and hypotheses. The most relevant<br />

and complete references concerning the<br />

different topics presented here can be found in<br />

the litterature list.<br />

2009020406<br />

达 尔 文 , 两 栖 动 物 和 自 然 选 择 = Darwin,<br />

the amphibians, and the natural selection. ( 英<br />

文 ). Steyer J S. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2009, 8(2-3): 233-241<br />

A critical review of Darwin's publications<br />

shows that he did not dissert much about<br />

amphibians, in comparison with the other<br />

tetrapods. However, in “ A Naturalist's<br />

Voyage round the World”, Darwin described<br />

for the first time several amphibian species<br />

and was surprised by their peculiar way of life,<br />

terrestrial or euryhaline. These amphibian<br />

observations around the world led Darwin to<br />

discuss evolutionnary notions, like<br />

developmental heterochronies or evolving<br />

convergences, and later to illustrate his<br />

famous natural selection theory. This is<br />

confirmed, for example, by the publication of<br />

“On the Origin of Species” where Darwin<br />

ironically questioned creation theory, trying to<br />

explain the absence of amphibians on oceanic<br />

islands. Lamarck also considered amphibians<br />

as relevant material to illustrate his theory of<br />

acquired character heredity. These historical<br />

uses of lissamphibians as evolutionary models<br />

have been mostly realized before any<br />

amphibian fossil discovery, i.e. out of a<br />

palaeontological context.<br />

爬 行 类<br />

2009020407<br />

晚 侏 罗 纪 Cleveland-Lloyd 恐 龙 群 的 死 亡 是<br />

干 旱 引 起 的 = The Late Jurassic Cleveland-<br />

Lloyd dinosaur quarry as a drought-induced<br />

assemblage. ( 英 文 ). Gates T A. Palaios, 2005,<br />

20(4): 363–375<br />

A comprehensive taphonomic analysis has<br />

yielded a novel interpretation for one of the<br />

most famous dinosaur quarries in the world.<br />

The Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry<br />

(CLDQ) traditionally has been interpreted as<br />

an attritional predator trap. This scenario is<br />

based largely on a remarkable 3:1<br />

predator:prey ratio, dominated by the remains<br />

of the theropod Allosaurus fragilis. This study<br />

addresses the taphonomy of CLDQ by<br />

combining analyses of fossils and entombing<br />

sediments along with putative modern<br />

analogues.<br />

Thousands of bones have been excavated<br />

from CLDQ, representing at least 70<br />

individual dinosaurs from a minimum of nine<br />

genera. The fossils occur in a 1-m-thick finegrained<br />

calcareous mudstone interpreted as a<br />

floodplain ephemeral-pond deposit. The bones<br />

show minimal carnivore modification and<br />

surface weathering, whereas approximately<br />

1/3 of the elements studied possess predepositional<br />

fractures and evidence of<br />

abrasion. The vast majority of elements are<br />

found horizontal to subhorizontal, without a<br />

preferred long-axis orientation. The<br />

demographic profile of the CLDQ dinosaur<br />


assemblage appears to be highly skewed<br />

toward subadult individuals.<br />

Numerous lines of evidence question the<br />

traditional predator-trap hypothesis. Of the<br />

alternatives, catastrophic drought appears to<br />

be most consistent with available data.<br />

Evidence includes a large assemblage of<br />

animals in a low-energy ephemeral-pond<br />

depositional setting and geologic and biologic<br />

evidence of desiccation. Additional support<br />

comes from modern drought analogues that<br />

frequently result in mass-death assemblages of<br />

large vertebrates. Climatic interpretations<br />

during Late Jurassic times are consistent with<br />

a semiarid environment characterized by<br />

periodic drought conditions.<br />

2009020408<br />

印 度 下 侏 罗 统 基 干 蜥 脚 类 及 其 解 剖 学 和 亲<br />

缘 关 系 = Basal sauropodomorphs (dinosauria:<br />

saurischia) from the lower jurassic of India:<br />

their anatomy and relationships. ( 英 文 ). Kutty<br />

T S; Chatterjee S; Galton P M; Upchurch P.<br />

Journal of Paleontology, 2007, 81(6): 1218-<br />

1240 17 图 版 .<br />

The Upper Dharmaram Formation (Lower<br />

Jurassic, Sinemurian) of India has yielded<br />

three sauropodomorph dinosaurs, two new<br />

taxa and an indeterminate one.<br />

Lamplughsaura dharmaramensis n. gen. and<br />

sp., represented by several partial skeletons, is<br />

a heavily built quadrupedal form (body length<br />

10 m). Autapomorphies include teeth with<br />

strongly emarginated distal edge; caudal<br />

cervical neural spines bearing a vertically<br />

oriented ligamentous furrow on cranial and<br />

caudal surfaces and a transversely expanded<br />

spine table; caudal neural spines bearing a<br />

craniodorsally directed spur (proximal caudal<br />

vertebrae) or a large process (midcaudal<br />

vertebrae); caudal neural spines shorter than<br />

transverse processes so former lost first in<br />

passing along tail; and a plesiomorphy that is<br />

the nontrenchant form of manual ungual I.<br />

The Indian dinosaurs were coded for two<br />

recent datamatrices for basal<br />

sauropodomorphs. The results of this<br />

preliminary analysis indicate that<br />

Lamplughsaura is either a basal Sauropoda or,<br />

less likely, based on Templeton's test, a stem<br />

sauropodomorph. The second large form,<br />

represented by the proximal half of a femur, is<br />

a sauropodomorph that is more derived than<br />

Saturnalia (Brazil) and Thecodontosaurus<br />

(Great Britain) from the Upper Triassic. This<br />

is also true for the smaller (body length 4 m as<br />

adult) Pradhania gracilis n. gen. and sp.<br />

which lies outside of the Sauropoda +<br />

Plateosauria clade, so it is definitely a stem<br />

sauropodomorph. Pradhania is known from<br />

fragmentary material; an autapomorphy is the<br />

very prominent medial longitudinal ridge on<br />

the maxilla.<br />

2009020409<br />

加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 晚 三 叠 世 Pardonet<br />

组 鱼 龙 一 新 属 : 桥 接 三 叠 纪 - 侏 罗 纪 空 隙 =<br />

A new genus of ichthyosaur from the Late<br />

Triassic Pardonet Formation of British<br />

Columbia: bridging the Triassic Jurassic gap.<br />

( 英 文 ). Nicholls E L; Manabe M. Canadian<br />

Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(6): 983-<br />

1002<br />

Both the genus Shastasaurus and the family<br />

Shastasauridae have long been hard to define<br />

due to the fragmentary nature of the type<br />

specimens. Consequently, recent<br />

interpretations of the genus have been based<br />

almost entirely on Shastasaurus neoscapularis<br />

from the Late Triassic Pardonet Formation of<br />

British Columbia. Two new specimens of this<br />

taxon, from Pink Mountain, British Columbia,<br />

demonstrate that it does not belong in the<br />

genus Shastasaurus. This paper describes the<br />

new specimens, and refers the species to<br />

Metashastasaurus gen nov. Post-cranially, the<br />

skeleton of Metashastasaurus resembles that<br />

of shastasaurids, differing primarily only in<br />

the shape of the scapula and fibula. However,<br />

the skull has a unique combination of<br />

characters, including large diamond-shaped<br />

frontals that enter the supratemporal fenestrae,<br />

and very narrow posterior extensions of the<br />

nasals, which contact the postfrontals. It also<br />

differs from the skull of Shastasaurus in the<br />

presence of both a parietal ridge and<br />

postparietal shelf. This is a combination of<br />

derived characters previously known only in<br />

Jurassic forms. The front limb has four<br />

proximal carpals and four digits, indicating<br />

that previous reconstructions were based on<br />

incomplete material. Shastasaurus pacificus<br />

Merriam 1895, the type species of the genus<br />

Shastasaurus, must be considered a nomen<br />

dubium, making the genus Shastasaurus<br />

invalid. Until this problem is clarified, the use<br />

of the generic name Shastasaurus should be<br />

restricted to Merriam's type specimens, of<br />

which only Shastasaurus alexandrae and<br />

Shastasaurus osmonti are based on adequate<br />

material.<br />

2009020410<br />


南 非 卡 洛 下 三 叠 统 Katberg 组 新 的 原 始 前<br />

棱 蜥 类 = New basal procolophonid reptile<br />

from the Katberg formation (Lower Triassic)<br />

of the South African Karoo. ( 英 文 ). Cisneros J<br />

C. Palaeoworld, 2008, 17(2): 126-134<br />

A new procolophonid reptile,<br />

Kitchingnathus untabeni n. gen. et n. sp., is<br />

described from the uppermost strata of the<br />

Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zone of the Karoo<br />

Basin, South Africa. The new taxon co-occurs<br />

with the well-known Procolophon trigoniceps.<br />

The most distinctive feature of the new taxon<br />

is the presence of numerous small bicuspid<br />

molariforms in both the maxilla and the<br />

dentary. A phylogenetic analysis indicates that<br />

Kitchingnathus occupies a basal position<br />

among procolophonids. Character<br />

optimisation suggests that bicuspid teeth were<br />

acquired independently by the new taxon, and<br />

originated twice in procolophonid evolution.<br />

2009020411<br />

美 国 伊 利 诺 斯 州 Mazon CreekArachnida<br />

科 的 Geralinura Carbonaria 以 及 Whip<br />

Scorpions 地 区 Subchelate Pedipalps 的 起<br />

源 = Geralinura Carbonaria (Arachnida;<br />

Uropygi) from Mazon Creek, Illinois, USA,<br />

and the origin of Subchelate Pedipalps in<br />

Whip Scorpions. ( 英 文 ). Tetlie O E; Dunlop J<br />

A. Journal of Paleontology, 2008, 82(2): 299-<br />

312 6 图 版 .<br />

The whip scorpions (Arachnida: Uropygi)<br />

from the Pennsylvanian Coal Measures of<br />

Mazon Creek, Illinois, USA are restudied.<br />

Four Mazon Creek uropygid specimens have<br />

previously been described and a fifth is added<br />

here. Contrary to earlier reports, none of the<br />

specimens lack eyes and the sternum is<br />

similarly shaped in all the specimens.<br />

Consequently, the two younger names,<br />

Geralinura similis Petrunkevitch, 1913 and G.<br />

gigantea Petrunkevitch, 1913 are here treated<br />

as junior synonyms of G. carbonaria Scudder,<br />

1884. The morphology of the pedipalps is<br />

more like those of some modern amblypygids,<br />

being spiniferous and non-chelate, suggesting<br />

the subchelate palps found in all Recent whip<br />

scorpions is an apomorphy not yet<br />

incorporated into the bodyplan of G.<br />

carbonaria. Indeed, subchelate palps also<br />

seem to be absent in other species of this age.<br />

For completeness, we summarise here the six<br />

Pennsylvanian whip scorpions currently<br />

recognised — including sketch<br />

reconstructions — with comments on further<br />

differences between the Paleozoic and living<br />

taxa. Geralinura Scudder, 1884 is reserved for<br />

G. carbonaria and the British species G.<br />

britannica Pocock, 1911. Prothelyphonus Fri,<br />

1904 is reinstated for the Czech species P.<br />

bohemicus (Kuta, 1884). Parageralinura gen.<br />

nov. is proposed for the widely overlooked<br />

Dutch species P. neerlandica (Laurentiaux-<br />

Vieria and Laurentiaux, 1961) and the German<br />

species P. naufraga (Brauckmann and Koch,<br />

1983). All the Coal Measures whip scorpion<br />

genera are treated here as plesion taxa, basal<br />

to the Thelyphonidae, which can be defined as<br />

whip scorpions with a fully subchelate<br />

pedipalp, the chelae formed from large and<br />

distinct patellar and tibial apophyses.<br />

2009020412<br />

Tyrannosaurus rex 的 颅 颈 摄 食 动 力 =<br />

Craniocervical feeding dynamics of<br />

Tyrannosaurus rex. ( 英 文 ). Snively E; Russell<br />

A P. Paleobiology, 2007, 33(4): 610-638<br />

Tyrannosaurus rex and other tyrannosaurid<br />

theropods exerted high bite forces, and large<br />

muscle attachments suggest that the<br />

tyrannosaurid neck was a concomitantly<br />

powerful component of the feeding apparatus.<br />

We examine accelerative and work-generating<br />

capacity (WGC) of neck muscles in adult<br />

Tyrannosaurus rex, using a 3-D vector-based<br />

method that incorporates aspects of muscle<br />

force generation, reconstruction of muscle<br />

morphology and moment arms, and rotational<br />

inertias of the head and neck. Under<br />

conservative assumptions, radial accelerations<br />

of the head by large superficial muscles (M.<br />

transversospinalis capitis, M. complexus, and<br />

M. longissimus capitis superficialis) enabled<br />

rapid gaze shifts and imparted high tangential<br />

velocities to food sufficient for inertial feeding.<br />

High WGC by these and deeper muscles under<br />

eccentric contraction indicate high efficacy for<br />

tearing flesh, especially with the head and<br />

neck in an extended posture. Sensitivity<br />

analyses suggest that assigned density of the<br />

antorbital region has substantial effects on<br />

calculated rotational inertia, and hence on the<br />

accuracy of results. However, even with high<br />

latitude for estimation errors, the results<br />

indicate that adult T. rex could strike rapidly at<br />

prey and engage in complexly modulated<br />

inertial feeding, as seen in extant archosaurs.<br />

2009020413<br />

鳄 类 Notosuchus terrestris 的 牙 齿 形 态 : 新<br />

的 证 据 和 意 义 = Tooth morphology of<br />

Notosuchus terrestris (Notosuchia:<br />

Mesoeucrocodylia): New evidence and<br />


implications. ( 英 文 ). Lecuona A; Pol D.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(7): 407-417<br />

Notosuchia is a large and diverse group of<br />

Crocodyliforms, characterized, among other<br />

features, by a heterodont dentition. New<br />

information on the tooth anatomy of<br />

Notosuchus terrestris is presented, based on<br />

well-preserved specimens from the Late<br />

Cretaceous of Patagonia (southern Argentina).<br />

This allows a complete characterization of its<br />

dental anatomy (composed by incisiviform,<br />

caniniform, and molariform teeth) that<br />

includes autapomorphic features and derived<br />

features shared with Sphagesaurus and<br />

Mariliasuchus. This includes the extensive<br />

wear facets in molariforms, indicative of<br />

tooth–tooth occlusion and a sharp keel that<br />

bears rounded denticles. Notosuchus also<br />

shares with Mariliasuchus the presence of a<br />

tooth with a transitional morphology located<br />

at the premaxilla – maxilla contact and the<br />

absence of interalveolar septa in the entire<br />

premaxillary and maxillary dentition.<br />

2009020414<br />

阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 晚 白 垩 世 一 新 的 波 罗 鳄<br />

类 = A new baurusuchid crocodyliform<br />

(Archosauria) from the Late Cretaceous of<br />

Patagonia (Argentina). ( 英 文 ). Martinelli A G;<br />

Pais D F. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(6):<br />

371-381<br />

A new baurusuchid, Wargosuchus australis<br />

gen. et sp. nov., coming from the Bajo de La<br />

Carpa Formation, Neuqu é n Province<br />

(Argentina), is described. This new taxon is<br />

based on a fragment of snout and a portion of<br />

the cranial roof. Wargosuchus differs from<br />

other crocodyliforms by possessing a deep<br />

median groove on the frontals, a contact<br />

between nasals and frontals extremely reduced,<br />

a large depression for the olfactory bulbs,<br />

three large foramina surrounding the large,<br />

smooth perinarial depression, and a<br />

hypertrophied, conical last premaxillary tooth<br />

followed by a large paracanine fossa. The<br />

finding of Wargosuchus in Patagonia<br />

(Argentina), a taxon with a strong<br />

resemblance to Brazilian baurusuchids,<br />

reinforces the hypothesis of a similar biota<br />

between both regions by the Late Cretaceous.<br />

Wargosuchus and Cynodontosuchus represent<br />

the only Argentinian mesoeucrocodylians to<br />

be included within Baurusuchidae. This<br />

finding extends the number of crocodyliforms<br />

from the Bajo de la Carpa Formation, which,<br />

in turn, corresponds to the most taxonomically<br />

diverse one in Argentina.<br />

2009020415<br />

恐 龙 和 白 垩 纪 的 陆 地 革 命 = Dinosaurs and<br />

the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Lloyd G T; Davis K E; Pisani D; Tarver J E;<br />

Ruta M. Proceedings of the Royal Society B:<br />

Biological Sciences, 2008, 275(1650): 2483-<br />

2490<br />

The observed diversity of dinosaurs reached<br />

its highest peak during the mid- and Late<br />

Cretaceous, the 50Myr that preceded their<br />

extinction, and yet this explosion of dinosaur<br />

diversity may be explained largely by<br />

sampling bias. It has long been debated<br />

whether dinosaurs were part of the Cretaceous<br />

Terrestrial Revolution (KTR), from 125 –<br />

80Myr ago, when flowering plants,<br />

herbivorous and social insects, squamates,<br />

birds and mammals all underwent a rapid<br />

expansion. Although an apparent explosion of<br />

dinosaur diversity occurred in the mid-<br />

Cretaceous, coinciding with the emergence of<br />

new groups (e.g. neoceratopsians,<br />

ankylosaurid ankylosaurs, hadrosaurids and<br />

pachycephalosaurs), results from the first<br />

quantitative study of diversification applied to<br />

a new supertree of dinosaurs show that this<br />

apparent burst in dinosaurian diversity in the<br />

last 18 Myr of the Cretaceous is a sampling<br />

artefact. Indeed, major diversification shifts<br />

occurred largely in the first one-third of the<br />

group's history. Despite the appearance of new<br />

clades of medium to large herbivores and<br />

carnivores later in dinosaur history, these new<br />

originations do not correspond to significant<br />

diversification shifts. Instead, the overall<br />

geometry of the Cretaceous part of the<br />

dinosaur tree does not depart from the null<br />

hypothesis of an equal rates model of lineage<br />

branching. Furthermore, we conclude that<br />

dinosaurs did not experience a progressive<br />

decline at the end of the Cretaceous, nor was<br />

their evolution driven directly by the KTR.<br />

2009020416<br />

阿 根 廷 内 乌 肯 盆 地 上 白 垩 统 巨 龙 类 一 新 属<br />

种 :Pitekunsaurus macayai = Pitekunsaurus<br />

macayai gen. et sp nov., new Titanosaur<br />

(Saurischia, Sauropoda) from Upper<br />

Cretaceous Neuquen Basin, Argentina. ( 其 他 ).<br />

Filippi L S; Garrido A C. Ameghiniana, 2008,<br />

45(3): 575-590<br />

A new titanosaur is described,<br />

Pitekunsaurus macayai gen. et sp. nov., from<br />

mudstone levels asigned to Anacleto<br />


Formation (Lower - Middle Campanian),<br />

corresponding to the uppermost beds of the<br />

Neuquen Group (Upper Cretaceous of<br />

Neuquen Basin). The specimen is represented<br />

by braincase, left frontal, one tooth, four<br />

cervical vertebrae, three dorsal vertebrae, four<br />

caudal vertebrae, right ulna and scapula,<br />

proximal extreme of left femur, rib fragments<br />

and uncertain remains. Pitekunsaurus is<br />

characterized by the following<br />

autapomorphies: (1) basipterygoid processes<br />

broadly separated and parallelly projected, (2)<br />

anterior cervical vertebrae with small<br />

depressions or longitudinal grooves in the<br />

spinal sector of spinopostzygapophyseal<br />

lamina, (3) centropostzygapophyseal lamina<br />

forked proximally in anterior dorsal vertebrae,<br />

and (4) posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina<br />

with accessory lamina in anterior dorsal<br />

vertebrae. The existence of two types of<br />

articulations in the posterior caudal vertebrae,<br />

one amphicoelous and another biconvex,<br />

indicates a close relationship with<br />

Rinconsaurus caudamirus Calvo y Gonzalez<br />

Riga, suggesting that the caudal morphology<br />

of titanosaurs is much more complex and<br />

more varied than previously supposed.<br />

2009020417<br />

俄 罗 斯 外 贝 加 尔 地 区 下 白 垩 统 的<br />

choristoderan = A choristoderan reptile from<br />

the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia, Russia.<br />

( 英 文 ). Skutschas P P. Neues Jahrbuch fur<br />

Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2008, 247(1): 63-78<br />

New materials of the choristoderan reptile<br />

Khurendukhosaurus sp. are described from the<br />

Early Cretaceous Murtoi Formation,<br />

Transbaikalia. Phylogenetic analysis places<br />

Khurendukhosaurus in a one clade with the<br />

neochoristoderes,<br />

hyphalosaurids,<br />

Monjurosuchus and Lazarussuchus. The basal<br />

position of Khurendukhosaurus is not<br />

confirmed, nor is a referring of<br />

Khurendukhosaurus to the neochoristoderan<br />

family Simoedosauridae.<br />

2009020418<br />

中 国 下 侏 罗 统 禄 丰 组 鸟 臀 类 的 新 资 料 =<br />

New ornithischian dinosaur material from the<br />

Lower Jurassic Lufeng Formation of China.<br />

( 英 文 ). Irmis R B; Knoll F. Neues Jahrbuch<br />

fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2008, 247(1): 117-128<br />

Here we describe a new ornithischian<br />

specimen, FMNH CUP 2338, consisting of an<br />

articulated lower tibia and fibula, ankle, and<br />

pes from the Zhangjiawa Member of the<br />

Lufeng Formation. Preserved character-states<br />

are largely plesiomorphic for Ornithischia; our<br />

analysis indicates that the specimen represents<br />

an indeterminate basal ornithischian dinosaur.<br />

Reanalysis of the other known ornithischian<br />

specimens from the Lufeng Formation<br />

indicates that they are either not ornithischians,<br />

or are assignable to thyreophora or<br />

Ornithischia indet. The abundance of<br />

ornithischians in the Lufeng Formation is<br />

unusually low compared with other wellknown<br />

Early Jurassic ornithischian-bearing<br />

terrestrial tetrapod assemblages.<br />

2009020419<br />

阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 一 独 特 白 垩 纪 兽 脚 类 化<br />

石 及 冈 瓦 纳 dromaeosaurids 类 的 演 化 = A<br />

bizarre Cretaceous theropod dinosaur from<br />

Patagonia and the evolution of Gondwanan<br />

dromaeosaurids. ( 英 文 ). Novas F E; Pol D;<br />

Canale J I; Porfiri D J; Calvo J O.<br />

Proceedings of the Royal Society B:<br />

Biological Sciences, 2009, 276(1659): 1101-<br />

1107<br />

Fossils of a predatory dinosaur provide<br />

novel information about the evolution of<br />

unenlagiines, a poorly known group of<br />

dromaeosaurid theropods from Gondwana.<br />

The new dinosaur is the largest dromaeosaurid<br />

yet discovered in the Southern Hemisphere<br />

and depicts bizarre cranial and postcranial<br />

features. Its long and low snout bears<br />

numerous, small-sized conical teeth, a<br />

condition resembling spinosaurid theropods.<br />

Its short forearms depart from the<br />

characteristically long-armed condition of all<br />

dromaeosaurids and their close avian relatives.<br />

The new discovery amplifies the range of<br />

morphological disparity among unenlagiines,<br />

demonstrating that by the end of the<br />

Cretaceous this clade included large, shortarmed<br />

forms alongside crow-sized, longarmed,<br />

possibly flying representatives. The<br />

new dinosaur is the youngest record of<br />

dromaeosaurids from Gondwana and<br />

represents a previously unrecognized lineage<br />

of large predators in Late Cretaceous dinosaur<br />

faunas mainly dominated by abelisaurid<br />

theropods.<br />

2009020420<br />

澳 大 利 亚 昆 士 兰 东 南 部 早 始 新 世 一 新 鳄 类<br />

及 鳄 类 系 统 发 育 的 初 步 研 究 = A new<br />

crocodylian from the Early Eocene of southeastern<br />

Queensland and a preliminary<br />

investigation of the phylogenetic relationships<br />


of crocodyloids. ( 英 文 ). Salisbury S W; Willis<br />

P M A. Alcheringa, 1996, 20(3): 179 - 226<br />

Kambara implexidens sp. nov. is the second<br />

crocodylomorph from the Early Eocene<br />

(Ypresian) Tingamarra Local Fauna at Boat<br />

Mountain, near the township of Murgon,<br />

southeastern Queensland. Kambara is now the<br />

best represented genus of early Tertiary<br />

crocodylomorphs yet collected from Australia.<br />

The new species differs from Kambara<br />

murgonensis in several features, the most<br />

significant of which is possession of an<br />

interlocking dentition. Both species occur in a<br />

single stratigraphic horizon, possibly<br />

indicating two sympatric populations. The<br />

presence of adults and hatclings, coupled with<br />

the rarity of intermediately sized animals in<br />

the Murgon sample suggests the area may<br />

have been used as a nesting ground by one or<br />

both species. The new material permits a<br />

detailed reassessment of the phylogenetic<br />

relationships of Australia's Tertiary<br />

crocodylians, and provides impetus for a<br />

preliminary investigation into the relationships<br />

of many putative crocodylid stem taxa. We<br />

define Crocodyloidea and Crocodylidae as the<br />

descent community and crown group<br />

respectively of extant crocodylids (species of<br />

Crocodylus, Osteolaemus tetraspis and<br />

Tomistoma schlegelii) so as to place these taxa<br />

in a taxonomy reflecting phylogenetic<br />

relationships. Our results tentatively suggest<br />

that Mekosuchinae, as defined previously, is<br />

polyphyletic; Harpacochampsa camfieldensis<br />

is more closely related to Crocodylidae,<br />

whereas all other mekosuchines appear to<br />

represent a relic Gondwanan radiation of<br />

plesiomorphic crocodyloids, outwardly similar<br />

to several early Tertiary Northern Hemisphere<br />

forms of comparable grade such as<br />

Asiatosuchus germanicus and 'Crocodylus'<br />

affinis. Within Mekosuchinae (excluding<br />

Harpacochampsa camfieldensis), species of<br />

Kambara form a clade with Australosuchus<br />

clarkae. This clade forms an unresolved<br />

trichotomy with species of Pallimnarchus and<br />

Mekosuchini (species of Baru, Mekosuchus,<br />

Quinkana and Trilophosuchus rackhami). A<br />

previous trend in the study of crocodylomorph<br />

phylogeny has been to exclude from<br />

consideration characters thought to be<br />

associated with adaptive complexes, as this<br />

was seen to introduce unnecessary homoplasy.<br />

We challenge this assumption. Detailed<br />

investigation of the distribution of such<br />

characters among crocodylians can provide<br />

significant evolutionary information at<br />

varying taxonomic levels.<br />

2009020421<br />

澳 大 利 亚 悉 尼 盆 地 早 三 叠 世 兽 孔 类 动 物 的<br />

足 印 = Early Triassic therapsid footprints<br />

from the Sydney Basin, Australia. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Retallack G J. Alcheringa, 1996, 20(4): 301 -<br />

314<br />

A large rock slab collected in 1913 from the<br />

roof of the Bellambi Colliery in the southern<br />

Sydney Basin bears fossil tracks that are now<br />

known from recent radiometric and<br />

chemostratigraphic dating to be earliest<br />

Triassic, rather than latest Permian, in age.<br />

The tracks show two distinctive features of<br />

reptiles: scale impressions and claw marks.<br />

Both manus and pes are pentadactyl, ectaxonic,<br />

semidigitigrade and have an outer interdigital<br />

angle (digits IV-V) greater than inner<br />

interdigital angles. Digit proportions are<br />

consistent with a phalangeal formula of 23333.<br />

The fossil tracks are referred to the<br />

ichnospecies Dicynodontipus bellambiensis sp.<br />

nov. They are similar to the kinds of tracks<br />

thought to be produced by Lystrosaurus<br />

species. Given the abundance of these species<br />

in Early Triassic faunas of low diversity and<br />

the occurrence of members of the<br />

Lystrosaurus fauna in Queensland and<br />

Antarctica, chances are good that this is<br />

indeed a trackway of Lystrosaurus. If<br />

considered to be made by an animal of that<br />

type, the trackway was produced using the<br />

primitive alternate gait, rather than the<br />

mammalian amble, by an animal about 84 cm<br />

long and some 22 cm high. Preservation of<br />

bones of these creatures would not be<br />

expected given the non-calcareous nature of<br />

associated fossil soils in the Sydney Basin<br />

Triassic. Herbaceous lycopods, locally<br />

common in these and other Early Triassic<br />

strata worldwide, are among the most likely<br />

foods of these tusked, low-browsing<br />

herbivores.<br />

2009020422<br />

Maniraptoran 繁 殖 器 官 特 征 的 系 统 发 育 分<br />

析 及 其 蛋 分 类 学 意 义 = Phylogenetic<br />

analysis of reproductive traits of Maniraptoran<br />

Theropods and its implications for egg<br />

parataxonomy. ( 英 文 ). Zelenitsky D K;<br />

Therrien F. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4): 807 -<br />

816<br />

A phylogenetic analysis of reproductive and<br />

oological (egg) traits of theropod taxa allows<br />

determination of the sequence in which these<br />


traits evolved in Theropoda. Our results<br />

indicate that several avian reproductive traits,<br />

such as adults sitting on eggs, asymmetrical<br />

eggs, unornamented eggshell surface, and<br />

complex eggshell ultrastructure, were already<br />

present in non-avian maniraptorans, and could<br />

have evolved in more basal theropods. In<br />

addition, non-avian maniraptorans laid two<br />

eggs at a time and orientated their eggs<br />

subvertically or subhorizontally in their nests,<br />

features not retained by neornithine birds.<br />

Based on our cladistic analysis it is also<br />

possible to infer the phylogenetic affinity of<br />

ootaxa of unknown parentage:<br />

Protoceratopsidovum was laid by a<br />

maniraptoran more derived than oviraptorids,<br />

and Parvoolithus probably belonged to a<br />

Cretaceous bird. Finally, our analysis reveals<br />

that many of the high-level categories of egg<br />

parataxonomy (morphotypes and basic types)<br />

are unnatural groupings (i.e. nonmonophyletic).<br />

We recommend that these<br />

high-level categories be abandoned because<br />

oofamilies are sufficient to categorize egg taxa.<br />

2009020423<br />

Uberabatitan Ribeiroi: 巴 西 Minas Gerais<br />

上 白 垩 统 Mar í lia 组 一 新 雷 龙 =<br />

Uberabatitan Ribeiroi, a new Titanosaur from<br />

the Marília Formation (Bauru Group, Upper<br />

Cretaceous), Minas Gerais, Brazil. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Salgado L; Carvalho I. Palaeontology, 2008,<br />

51(4): 881 - 901<br />

A new Late Cretaceous titanosaur sauropod<br />

from the Bauru Basin of Brazil, Uberabatitan<br />

ribeiroi gen. et sp. nov., represented by at least<br />

three specimens, is described. The material<br />

comes from a level of coarse sandstone within<br />

the Serra da Galga sequence in Uberaba<br />

County, Minas Gerais State. The fossiliferous<br />

strata belong to the Marília Formation (Serra<br />

da Galga Member), Bauru Group, considered<br />

to be Maastrichtian in age. The fossils occur in<br />

the uppermost levels of the above-mentioned<br />

unit; thus, Uberabatitan ribeiroi is the<br />

youngest titanosaur to have been recorded<br />

from the Bauru Basin. The autapomorphies<br />

that support the new species are: (1) anterior<br />

and mid-cervicals with postzygodiapophyseal<br />

lamina (podl) segmented in zygapophyseal<br />

and diapophyseal laminae, of which the first<br />

extends rostrodorsally over the second; (2)<br />

mid-dorsals with a robust lateral lamina<br />

formed mainly by a diapophyseal lamina<br />

(probably homologous to the<br />

postzygodiapophyseal lamina), and, to a lesser<br />

extent, by a relic of the spinodiapophyseal<br />

lamina (spdl); (3) mid (and probably posterior)<br />

dorsals with accessory neural laminae, which<br />

are lateral to the prespinal lamina, and<br />

probably homologous to the<br />

spinoprezygapophyseal laminae (sprl); (4)<br />

mid-caudal centra with deeply excavated<br />

lateral faces; (5) pubis very thick and robust,<br />

with a very stout longitudinal crest on its<br />

external (ventral) face; and (6) proximal end<br />

of the tibia with a prominent lateral<br />

protuberance, which articulates with an<br />

equally prominent medial knob of the fibula.<br />

The titanosaurian assemblage at Uberaba<br />

includes, apart from U. ribeiroi, wellpreserved<br />

specimens assigned to species of<br />

uncertain affinities (Trigonosaurus pricei and<br />

Baurutitan britoi), as well as a few vertebrae<br />

assigned to aeolosaurines.<br />

2009020424<br />

大 不 列 颠 晚 三 叠 世 滑 翔 蜥 空 气 动 力 学 = The<br />

Aerodynamics of the British Late Triassic<br />

Kuehneosauridae. ( 英 文 ). Stein K; Palmer C;<br />

Gill P G; Benton M J. Palaeontology, 2008,<br />

51(4): 967-981<br />

The Kuehneosauridae (Late Triassic,<br />

Britain, USA) had remarkable adaptations,<br />

most notably their elongate mid-dorsal ribs<br />

that were presumably covered with a skin<br />

membrane in life. These lateral 'wings' have<br />

always been linked with some form of gliding<br />

adaptation, but quantitative studies have been<br />

limited. Here, we provide a thorough<br />

aerodynamic analysis of both genera of British<br />

kuehneosaurids based on theory and on<br />

experiments with life-sized models in a wind<br />

tunnel. Of the two genera, Kuehneosuchus,<br />

with elongate 'wings', was a glider, and<br />

Kuehneosaurus, with much shorter 'wings',<br />

was a parachutist. Kuehneosuchus most<br />

probably had highly cambered wings and no<br />

additional skin membranes on hands or feet,<br />

nor did it have a cruropatagium. Lappets on<br />

the hyoid apparatus, as seen in Draco, were<br />

probably present to enhance pitch control.<br />

Kuehneosuchus was capable of gliding at<br />

angles (θ) between 13 and 16 degrees, at<br />

speeds between 7 and 9 m/s, and was probably<br />

very manoeuvrable when airborne.<br />

Kuehneosaurus was capable of parachuting<br />

(θ > 45 degrees) at speeds between 10 and<br />

12 m/s. It is unclear whether the British<br />

kuehneosaurid material represents two genera,<br />

as assumed here, two species of one genus, or<br />

sexual dimorphs of a single species, where the<br />

gliding Kuehneosuchus was the male, which<br />

used its gliding and perhaps highly coloured<br />


'wings' to display to the parachuting<br />

Kuehneosaurus.<br />

2009020425<br />

意 大 利 Villaggio del Pescatore 上 白 垩 统<br />

Acynodon 一 新 种 = A new species of<br />

Acynodon (Crocodylia) from the Upper<br />

Cretaceous (Santonian – Campanian) of<br />

Villaggio del Pescatore, Italy. ( 英 文 ). Delfino<br />

M; Martin J E; Buffetaut E.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(5): 1091-1106<br />

The new species Acynodon adriaticus is<br />

described on the basis of remains from the<br />

Santonian – Campanian of Villaggio del<br />

Pescatore (Trieste, NE Italy). This species<br />

differs in several cranial features from<br />

Acynodon iberoccitanus, the only other<br />

Acynodon species whose cranial osteology is<br />

known in detail. The absence of maxillary and<br />

dentary caniniform teeth coupled with the<br />

presence of enlarged molariform teeth<br />

suggests that Acynodon probably fed on<br />

slowly moving hard-shelled prey. Moreover,<br />

the new materials reveal for the first time the<br />

morphology of some postcranial elements of<br />

Acynodon: in particular, medial-most<br />

paravertebral osteoderms that are<br />

characterized by two keels. A new cladistic<br />

phylogenetic analysis resolves the previously<br />

reported polytomy among the basal<br />

Globidonta: Acynodon is recognized as the<br />

most primitive globidontan. This genus may<br />

represent the geologically oldest known<br />

globidontan. The fact that Acynodon has been<br />

found only in Europe and that the outgroup of<br />

Globidonta, the Diplocynodontinae, is mainly<br />

known from Europe, suggests that<br />

globidontans may have originated in Europe<br />

and not in North America as previously<br />

supposed.<br />

2009020426<br />

巴 西 Crato 组 ( 下 白 垩 统 , 阿 普 特 阶 )<br />

一 新 azhdarchoid 类 = A new azhdarchoid<br />

pterosaur from the Crato Formation (Lower<br />

Cretaceous, Aptian) of Brazil. ( 英 文 ). Witton<br />

M P. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6): 1289-1300<br />

A partial pterosaur skull from the Nova<br />

Olinda Member of the Crato Formation<br />

(Lower Cretaceous, Aptian) represents a new<br />

edentulous pterodactyloid, Lacusovagus<br />

magnificens gen. et sp. nov. The absence of<br />

teeth and a large nasoantorbital fenestra<br />

suggest assignment to Azhdarchoidea, and the<br />

combination of a particularly short, crestless<br />

and shallow rostrum and laterally flared jaw<br />

margins distinguish it from other azhdarchoid<br />

taxa. The position of the new form within<br />

Azhdarchoidea is problematic: Lacusovagus is<br />

distinguished from Tapejaridae in its straight,<br />

as opposed to ventrally displaced, jaw tip and<br />

absence of a premaxillary crest; from<br />

thalassodromids by the absence of a<br />

premaxillary crest; and from Azhdarchidae by<br />

the short length of the rostrum and shallow<br />

posterodorsal extension of the premaxilla.<br />

Lacusovagus shares a shallow, crestless<br />

rostrum and a slender posterodorsal<br />

premaxillary extension with Jiufotang<br />

Formation azhdarchoids such as<br />

Chaoyangopterus and Jidapterus. The position<br />

of these genera within Azhdarchoidea is<br />

controversial, but the suite of plesiomorphic<br />

and derived azhdarchoid characters in each<br />

suggests a placement between Tapejaridae and<br />

Neoazhdarchia. Further research is required,<br />

however, to determine the relationships of<br />

these genera both to each other and to other<br />

azhdarchoids. The new taxon elevates the<br />

faunal similarity found between the roughly<br />

contemporaneous Jiufotang and Crato<br />

formations and continues the pattern of Crato<br />

Formation azhdarchoids being much larger<br />

than those from the Jehol Group. It also has<br />

jaws at least 67 and 55 per cent longer,<br />

respectively, than those of the largest<br />

azhdarchoids and ornithocheirids from the<br />

Crato pterosaur assemblage, making<br />

Lacusovagus the largest pterosaur known from<br />

this unit.<br />

2009020427<br />

斯 洛 文 尼 亚 三 叠 纪 一 盾 齿 龙 类 = A<br />

Cyamodontid Placodont (Reptilia:<br />

Sauropterygia) from the Triassic of Slovenia.<br />

( 英 文 ). Buffetaut E; Novak M.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6): 1301-1306<br />

An isolated dentary bone from the Triassic<br />

of Toško Čelo, near Ljubljana (Slovenia) is<br />

referred to the genus Cyamodus. It is the first<br />

record of a placodont from Slovenia. The<br />

specimen is late Ladinian or early Carnian in<br />

age, and is thus among the latest known<br />

representatives of the genus Cyamodus. The<br />

late survival of Cyamodus in the southern<br />

Alpine domain, while it disappeared from the<br />

Germanic Basin in the early Ladinian, is<br />

probably linked to the persistence of fully<br />

marine conditions in the southern part of its<br />

range, after environments had become less<br />

favourable to placodonts in the Germanic<br />

Basin with the advent of the Keuper facies.<br />


2009020428<br />

联 合 王 国 威 尔 特 郡 基 末 利 阶 ( 上 侏 罗 统 )<br />

一 新 地 蜥 类 = A new Metriorhynchid<br />

Crocodilian<br />

(Mesoeucrocodylia:<br />

Thalattosuchia) from the Kimmeridgian<br />

(Upper Jurassic) of Wiltshire, UK. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Wilkinson L E; Young M T; Benton M J.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6): 1307-1333<br />

Recent revision of the marine<br />

metriorhynchid crocodilians indicates that a<br />

partial skull previously assigned to the species<br />

Metriorhynchus superciliosus and newly<br />

discovered postcranial elements from the<br />

Kimmeridge Clay of Westbury, Wiltshire<br />

belong to a new species of metriorhynchid.<br />

This material is herein described and referred<br />

to a new species of the genus Dakosaurus,<br />

characterised by four apomorphies: the size<br />

and shape of the enlarged supratemporal<br />

fossae; relatively large teeth, and half the<br />

number in relatives; the robust and<br />

unornamented cranium; and the angle that the<br />

prefrontal makes with the long axis of the<br />

skull. In a new phylogenetic analysis,<br />

Dakosaurus carpenteri sp. nov. is the basal<br />

member of a clade containing also<br />

D. maximus and D. andiniensis: it is not so<br />

short-snouted and its teeth are not so few and<br />

large as in the other two species, but the new<br />

form illustrates the ecological transition<br />

among metriorhynchids from a piscivorous<br />

diet to high-order carnivory.<br />

2009020429<br />

俄 克 拉 荷 马 州 Richards Spur 下 二 叠 统 裂<br />

缝 填 充 中 楔 齿 龙 的 重 新 评 估 = A reevaluation<br />

of sphenacodontid synapsid<br />

material from the lower Permian fissure fills<br />

near Richards Spur, Oklahoma. ( 英 文 ). Evans<br />

D C; Maddin H C; Reisz R R.<br />

Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 219-227<br />

Early Permian terrestrial vertebrate faunal<br />

assemblages of Laurasia are dominated by<br />

large ophiacodontid, sphenacodontid, and<br />

edaphosaurid synapsids. This pattern contrasts<br />

with the fauna recovered from the Early<br />

Permian fissure fill deposits near Richards<br />

Spur, Oklahoma, where derived nontherapsid<br />

synapsids are rare. The fragmentary remains<br />

of Thrausmosaurus serratidens constitute the<br />

only published report of Sphenacodontidae<br />

from this locality. Here, we re-evaluate<br />

T. serratidens in light of new information on<br />

the faunal assemblage of this locality. We<br />

confirm that the type material of T. serratidens<br />

cannot be assigned to Sphenacodontidae and<br />

conclude that it pertains to an indeterminate<br />

varanopid. We also describe new material,<br />

including a partial maxilla, several isolated<br />

jaw fragments with teeth, an isolated<br />

precaniniform tooth and a posterior cervical<br />

vertebra that represents unequivocal<br />

sphenacodontid remains from the Richards<br />

Spur assemblage. This material is the first<br />

definitive record of a eupelycosaurian<br />

synapsid other than a varanopid from this<br />

important locality. Faunal similarities between<br />

Richards Spur and the Bromacker Quarry,<br />

Germany, may be reflective of upland<br />

terrestrial communities during the Early<br />

Permian.<br />

2009020430<br />

巴 西 Rio Grande Do Sul 中 三 叠 世 Santa<br />

Maria 组 一 新 犬 齿 兽 类 = A new<br />

Traversodontid Cynodont (Therapsida,<br />

Eucynodontia) from the Middle Triassic Santa<br />

Maria Formation of Rio Grande Do Sul,<br />

Brazil. ( 英 文 ). Reichel M; Schultz C L;<br />

Soares M B. Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 229-<br />

250<br />

Remains of a peculiar traversodontid<br />

cynodont, Protuberum cabralensis gen. et sp.<br />

nov., are described herein. The material was<br />

collected from two outcrops representing the<br />

Therapsid Cenozone (Middle Triassic) of the<br />

Santa Maria Formation, and consists of a<br />

cranium with most of its dentition preserved<br />

and an associated postcranial skeleton. The<br />

upper postcanines have two sharp cusps that<br />

are connected by a medial crest on unworn<br />

postcanines. The specimens possess several<br />

autapomorphies, including: (1) presence of<br />

thickened bone on the dorsal surface of the<br />

skull; (2) thick dorsal ribs, with remarkable<br />

processes situated on their dorsal borders that<br />

decrease in size distally; and (3) an iliac blade<br />

with a series of rugosities along its dorsal<br />

border. The lumbar ribs bear overlapping<br />

costal plates and have distally projecting rib<br />

shafts that differ from the pattern observed in<br />

Thrinaxodon, Pascualgnathus and<br />

Cynognathus.<br />

2009020431<br />

南 非 Karoo 盆 地 跨 越 二 叠 - 三 叠 系 界 线 的<br />

Lystrosaurus 种 类 组 成 = Lystrosaurus<br />

species composition across the Permo –<br />

Triassic boundary in the Karoo Basin of South<br />

Africa. ( 英 文 ). Botha J; Smith R M H.<br />

Lethaia, 2007, 40(2): 125-137<br />

Lystrosaurus is one of the few therapsid<br />

genera that survived the end-Permian mass<br />


extinction, and the only genus to have done so<br />

in abundance. This study identifies which<br />

species of Lystrosaurus have been recovered<br />

from Permian and Triassic strata to determine<br />

changes in the species composition across the<br />

Permo – Triassic (P – T) boundary in the<br />

Karoo Basin of South Africa. Data generated<br />

from museum collections and recent fieldwork<br />

were used to stratigraphically arrange a total<br />

of 189 Lystrosaurus specimens to determine<br />

which species survived the extinction event.<br />

Results reveal that L. curvatus and L.<br />

maccaigi lived together on the Karoo<br />

floodplains immediately before the extinction<br />

event. L. maccaigi did not survive into the<br />

Triassic in South Africa. L. curvatus survived,<br />

but did not flourish and soon became extinct.<br />

Two new species of Lystrosaurus, L. murrayi<br />

and L. declivis, appeared in the Early Triassic.<br />

It is possible that L. murrayi and L. declivis<br />

occupied different niches to L. maccaigi and L.<br />

curvatus, and had special adaptations that<br />

were advantageous in an Early Triassic<br />

environment. We suggest that L. maccaigi<br />

may be used as a biostratigraphic marker to<br />

indicate latest Permian strata in South Africa<br />

and that, in support of previous proposals, the<br />

genus Lystrosaurus should not be used as a<br />

sole indicator of Triassic-aged strata. Our field<br />

data also show that L. curvatus may be<br />

regarded as a biostratigraphic indicator of the<br />

P–T boundary interval.<br />

2009020432<br />

似 鱼 的 沧 龙 ——Plotosaurus( 爬 行 纲 , 有 鳞<br />

目 ) 主 轴 骨 骼 再 认 识 = A fishy mosasaur: the<br />

axial skeleton of Plotosaurus (Reptilia,<br />

Squamata) reassessed. ( 英 文 ). Lindgren J;<br />

Jagt J W M; Caldwell M W. Lethaia, 2007,<br />

40(2): 153-160<br />

The concept of convergence, that is, how<br />

unrelated animals independently evolve<br />

similar morphological traits, is a fundamental<br />

aspect of evolution. Hitherto, the Mesozoic<br />

ichthyosaurs were regarded as the sole<br />

obligate marine reptiles that achieved a fully<br />

streamlined body and a semilunate tail fluke.<br />

However, analyses of vertebral centrum<br />

morphometrics and process orientation have<br />

revealed that a subsequent clade of<br />

secondarily aquatic reptiles, the mosasaurs<br />

(here exemplified by the advanced, mid-<br />

Maastrichtian mosasaurine Plotosaurus), had<br />

developed a deep, fusiform body and a<br />

probable pursuit-predatory behaviour by the<br />

time of their sudden extinction at the<br />

Cretaceous – Paleogene boundary. Stringent<br />

physical constraints and selection pressures,<br />

imposed by the surrounding water, probably<br />

were responsible for this spectacular example<br />

of large-scale evolutionary convergence.<br />

2009020433<br />

澳 大 利 亚 昆 士 兰 下 侏 罗 统 鸟 脚 恐 龙 足 迹 =<br />

Ornithopod dinosaur tracks from the Lower<br />

Jurassic of Queensland. ( 英 文 ). Thulborn R A.<br />

Alcheringa, 1994, 18(3): 247 - 258<br />

Natural casts of seven small footprints have<br />

been identified on a single weathered block<br />

derived from the Precipice Sandstone (Lower<br />

Jurassic) of the Carnarvon Gorge,<br />

southeastern Queensland. The footprints are<br />

attributed to ornithopod dinosaurs and are<br />

referred to the ichnogenus Anomoepus. They<br />

appear to be most similar to the ichnospecies<br />

Anomoepus gracillimus, originally defined on<br />

footprints from the Lower Jurassic of the<br />

northeastern United States. This identification<br />

is consistent with the presumed age of the<br />

Precipice Sandstone, since Anomoepus or<br />

closely related ichnotaxa are common in<br />

Lower Jurassic sediments of the United States,<br />

Europe and southern Africa but have never<br />

been identified with certainty in Triassic<br />

sediments. The tracks described here were<br />

made by at least four dinosaurs, all estimated<br />

to have been about 30 cm high at the hip and<br />

less than 1·3 m in total length. In their general<br />

appearance these animals probably resembled<br />

the small plant-eating dinosaur Fabrosaurus<br />

(Lesothosaurus), from the Lower Jurassic of<br />

southern Africa. Tracks of two animals<br />

provide estimates of walking speeds between<br />

0·68 and 0·80 m/s (2·4 and 2·9 km/h). These<br />

footprints are the earliest evidence for the<br />

existence of ornithischian dinosaurs in<br />

Australia.<br />

2009020434<br />

澳 大 利 亚 中 新 世 一 个 新 的 有 角 的 龟 新 种<br />

Meiolania brevicollis = Meiolania brevicollis<br />

sp. nov. (Testudines: Meiolaniidae): a new<br />

horned turtle from the Australian Miocene.<br />

( 英 文 ). Megirian D. Alcheringa, 1992, 16(2):<br />

93 - 106<br />

A new horned turtle (Family Meiolaniidae),<br />

Meiolania brevicollis sp. nov. from the Mid<br />

Miocene Camfield Beds of northern Australia<br />

is diagnosed from cranial fragments and three<br />

cervical vertebrae. It is morphologically<br />

similar to M. platyceps from the Pleistocene of<br />

Lord Howe Island, but, in addition to more<br />

subtle features, has a flatter skull,<br />

proportionally elongated cranial 'B' horn-cores,<br />


vestigial or absent 'A' horn-cores, and<br />

probably a shorter neck. An hypothesis of<br />

systematic relationships within Meiolaniidae,<br />

using shared, derived cranial characters,<br />

supports the suggestion of Gaffney &<br />

McNamara (1990) that Meiolania is a<br />

monophyletic genus, derived with respect to<br />

'Meiolania' oweni. Further, M. brevicollis<br />

appears to be advanced with respect to M.<br />

platyceps, though the latter is known from<br />

much younger strata. The stratigraphic ranges<br />

of M. brevicollis and M. platyceps are<br />

unknown. The hypothesis that M. platyceps<br />

might have evolved from a M. brevicollis-like<br />

ancestor is not favoured because it requires a<br />

structural reversal in horn-core morphology<br />

2009020435<br />

中 国 首 次 发 现 具 胚 胎 骨 骼 的 窃 蛋 龙 卵 =<br />

Oviraptorosaurian Eggs (Dinosauria) with<br />

Embryonic Skeletons Discovered for the First<br />

Time in China. ( 英 文 ). Cheng Yennien; Ji<br />

Qiang; Wu Xiaochun; Shan Hsiyin. Acta<br />

Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(6): 1089-1094<br />

Two elongatoolithid dinosaur eggs from the<br />

Upper Cretaceous of Ganzhou, Jiangxi<br />

Province and the embryonic skeletons they<br />

bear are described. They represent the first<br />

oviraptorosaurian eggs with embryonic<br />

skeletons in China and provide the first<br />

example that an oospecies can be correlated to<br />

certain dinosaur taxon/taxa. The two eggs are<br />

the same as the pair of the eggs inside a<br />

female oviraptorosaurian pelvis from the same<br />

horizon of the same area in both macro- and<br />

micro-structures of the egg shells, and can he<br />

referred to the oospecies, Macroolithus<br />

yaotunensis Zhao, 1975. The morphology of<br />

the preserved part of the embryonic skeletons<br />

indicates that they may have been laid by an<br />

oviraptorid, Heyuannia huangi from<br />

Guangdong Province or a closely related<br />

oviraptorosaurian, which may have been lived<br />

in the Ganzhou area too in the Late<br />

Cretaceous. The embryonic skeletons of the<br />

two eggs are not in the same developing stage.<br />

In one of the eggs, the postzygapophysis of<br />

the preserved vertebrae are well ossified,<br />

indicating that it was just hatched.<br />

2009020436<br />

阿 根 廷 丘 布 特 省 盖 门 早 中 新 世<br />

Colhuehuapian 阶 大 蜥 蜴 类 = Iguanian<br />

Lizards from the Colhuehuapian (Early<br />

Miocene) of Gaiman, (Chubut Province,<br />

Argentina).. ( 英 文 ). Albino A M.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(4): 775-782<br />

The Early Miocene beds of the Sarmiento<br />

Formation at Gaiman, Chubut Province<br />

(Argentina) have provided one of the most<br />

relevant collection of Miocene squamates,<br />

including iguanians, teiids, boids, and<br />

colubrids. Fragmentary remains assigned to<br />

the extant iguanians Pristidactylus and<br />

Liolaemus are here described, representing the<br />

earliest records of these genera. Climatic and<br />

environmental changes occurred during the<br />

Neogene in Patagonian areas would have<br />

influenced differentially the squamate fauna,<br />

producing the retraction in the distribution of<br />

tupinambine teiids and boid snakes, and, in<br />

contrast, the diversification of iguanians on<br />

both sides of the Andes.<br />

2009020437<br />

巴 西 三 叠 纪 圣 玛 丽 组 恐 龙 足 印 = Dinosaur<br />

footprints from the Triassic (Santa Maria<br />

Formation) of Brazil.. ( 其 他 ). da Silva R C;<br />

Carvalho I D; Fernandes A C S.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(4): 783-790<br />

Dinosaur footprints in Jurassic and<br />

Cretaceous rocks are common in Brazil, but<br />

there are only a few records from Triassic. In<br />

Rio Grande do Sul State, tridactyl medium<br />

size footprints were found in Carnian rocks.<br />

The material proceeds from Predebon outcrop,<br />

Sao Joao do Polesine County, Rio Grande do<br />

Sul State, that corresponds to the higher<br />

portion of the Alemoa Member, Santa Maria<br />

Formation. The footprints occur in sandstone<br />

lenses. The ichnofossils were identified as<br />

dinosaur footprints indet. and as Grallator sp.<br />

The footprints should correspond to<br />

undertracks, since many superficial<br />

characteristics are absent, so that the<br />

differences between the footprints could<br />

correspond to preservational factors. On the<br />

basis of morphologic and stratigraphic criteria,<br />

the footprints can be attributed to basal<br />

dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs known for the<br />

Brazilian Triassic, such as Staurikosaurus,<br />

Saturnalia and Sacisaurus, could be the<br />

producers of these footprints. The occurrences<br />

of dinosaur footprints of the Predebon outcrop<br />

correspond to the oldest ones of Brazil, and<br />

moreover, they are compatible with the known<br />

paleofauna of Alemoa-Caturrita sequence.<br />

2009020438<br />

新 西 兰 中 新 世 爬 行 类 喙 头 蜥 和 喙 头 蜥 的 古<br />

生 物 地 理 = A sphenodontine<br />

(Rhynchocephalia) from the Miocene of New<br />

Zealand and palaeobiogeography of the<br />

tuatara (Sphenodon). ( 英 文 ). Jones M E H;<br />


Tennyson A J D; Worthy J P. Proceedings of<br />

the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2009,<br />

276(1660): 1385-1390<br />

Jaws and dentition closely resembling those<br />

of the extant tuatara (Sphenodon) are<br />

described from the Manuherikia Group (Early<br />

Miocene; 19–16 million years ago, Mya) of<br />

Central Otago, New Zealand. This material is<br />

significant in bridging a gap of nearly 70<br />

million years in the rhynchocephalian fossil<br />

record between the Late Pleistocene of New<br />

Zealand and the Late Cretaceous of Argentina.<br />

It provides the first pre-Pleistocene record of<br />

Rhynchocephalia in New Zealand, a finding<br />

consistent with the view that the ancestors of<br />

Sphenodon have been on the landmass since it<br />

separated from the rest of Gondwana 82–60<br />

Mya. However, if New Zealand was<br />

completely submerged near the Oligo-<br />

Miocene boundary (25–22 Mya), as recently<br />

suggested, an ancestral sphenodontine would<br />

need to have colonized the re-emergent<br />

landmass via ocean rafting from a currently<br />

unrecorded and now extinct Miocene<br />

population. Although an Early Miocene record<br />

does not preclude that possibility, it<br />

substantially reduces the temporal window of<br />

opportunity. Irrespective of pre-Miocene<br />

biogeographic history, this material also<br />

provides the first direct evidence that the<br />

ancestors of the tuatara, an animal often<br />

perceived as unsophisticated, survived in New<br />

Zealand despite substantial local climatic and<br />

environmental changes.<br />

2009020439<br />

内 蒙 古 宁 城 义 县 组 发 现 幼 年 翼 手 龙 类 = A<br />

Baby Pterodactyloid Pterosaur from the<br />

Yixian Formation of Ningcheng, Inner<br />

Mongolia, China. ( 英 文 ). Lü Junchang. Acta<br />

Geologica Sinica, 2009, 83(1): 1-8<br />

A new baby pterodactyloid pterosaur with<br />

soft tissue preserved, Ningchengopterus liuae<br />

gen. et sp. nov., is erected based on a nearly<br />

complete skeleton with a skull. It was<br />

characterized by the skull, slightly longer than<br />

the combined length of the dorsal and sacral<br />

vertebrae; 50 teeth ( including upper and<br />

lower jaws); short mid-cervical vertebrae;<br />

the humerus and the scapula, equal to that of<br />

the wing metacarpal in length; the ulna and<br />

the femur, equal to that of the first and third<br />

wing phalanx in length, respectively. The<br />

similar ratio of the wing phalanx 2 to wing<br />

phalanx 1 of Ningchengopterus and<br />

Eosipterus implies that Ningchengopterus<br />

may be close to the ctenochasmatid pterosaur.<br />

However, it may also imply that the<br />

isometrically growing of the first two wing<br />

phalanges exists among some pterosaurs.<br />

2009020440<br />

云 南 禄 丰 中 侏 罗 世 发 现 一 种 新 的 兽 脚 目 恐<br />

龙 = A New Theropod Dinosaur from the<br />

Middle Jurassic of Lufeng, Yunnan, China.<br />

( 英 文 ). Wu Xiaochun; Currie P J; Dong<br />

Zhiming; Pan Shigang; Wang Tao. Acta<br />

Geologica Sinica, 2009, 83(1): 9-24<br />

A new theropod dinosaur, Shidaisaurus<br />

jinae gen. et sp. nov., has been described on<br />

the basis of an incomplete skeleton. The<br />

specimen was found near the base of the<br />

Upper Lufeng Formation ( early Middle<br />

Jurassic) in Yunnan, China. It is the first<br />

theropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of<br />

Yunnan. Shidaisaurus jinae is distinguishable<br />

from other Jurassic theropods by certain<br />

features from the braincase, axis, and pelvic<br />

girdle. The absence of any pleurocoels in the<br />

axis or in any anterior dorsal vertebrae<br />

suggests that the new Lufeng theropod is<br />

relatively primitive and more plesiomorphic<br />

than most of the Middle to Late Jurassic<br />

theropods from China. Most Chinese taxa of<br />

Jurassic theropod dinosaurs have not been<br />

well described; a further detailed study will be<br />

necessary for us to determine their<br />

phylogenetic relationships with Shidaisaurus<br />

jinae.<br />

2009020441<br />

一 个 新 的 长 颈 的 ‘ 蜥 角 龙 - 拟 态 者 ’ 剑 龙<br />

和 铠 甲 恐 龙 的 演 化 = A new long-necked<br />

‘ sauropod-mimic ’ stegosaur and the<br />

evolution of the plated dinosaurs. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Nateus O; Maidment S C R; Christiansen N A.<br />

Proceedings of the Royal Society B:<br />

Biological Sciences, 2009, 276(1663): 1815-<br />

1821<br />

Stegosaurian dinosaurs have a quadrupedal<br />

stance, short forelimbs, short necks, and are<br />

generally considered to be low browsers. A<br />

new stegosaur, Miragaia longicollum gen. et<br />

sp. nov., from the Late Jurassic of Portugal,<br />

has a neck comprising at least 17 cervical<br />

vertebrae. This is eight additional cervical<br />

vertebrae when compared with the ancestral<br />

condition seen in basal ornithischians such as<br />

Scutellosaurus. Miragaia has a higher cervical<br />

count than most of the iconically long-necked<br />

sauropod dinosaurs. Long neck length has<br />

been achieved by ‘ cervicalization ’ of<br />


anterior dorsal vertebrae and probable<br />

lengthening of centra. All these anatomical<br />

features are evolutionarily convergent with<br />

those exhibited in the necks of sauropod<br />

dinosaurs. Miragaia longicollum is based<br />

upon a partial articulated skeleton, and<br />

includes the only known cranial remains from<br />

any European stegosaur. A well-resolved<br />

phylogeny supports a new clade that unites<br />

Miragaia and Dacentrurus as the sister group<br />

to Stegosaurus; this new topology challenges<br />

the common view of Dacentrurus as a basal<br />

stegosaur<br />

2009020442<br />

禽 龙 牙 齿 间 隙 演 化 = Evolution of Dentary<br />

Diastema in Iguanodontian Dinosaurs. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Kubota K; Kobayashi Y. Acta Geologica<br />

Sinica, 2009, 83(1): 39-45<br />

The dentary diastema of iguanodontians has<br />

been considered to be related to its unique jaw<br />

mechanism for herbivorous adaptation. The<br />

dentary and diastema lengths of<br />

iguanodontians were measured and compared<br />

to elucidate the evolution of iguanodontian<br />

diastema. A gap in ratios between most nonhadrosaurid<br />

iguanodontians and hadrosaurids<br />

was observed, suggesting that all nonhadrosaurid<br />

iguanodontians, expect for<br />

Ouranosaurus nigeriensis and Protohadros<br />

byrdi, lack a diastema or have a short diastema,<br />

although some other taxa have been<br />

considered to have a long diastema in previous<br />

studies. In non-hadrosaurid iguanodontians,<br />

some large-sized forms, such as Iguanodon<br />

bernissartensis, Shuangmiaosaurus gilmorei,<br />

and possibly Eolambia caroljonesa, had a<br />

short diastema through ontogeny, whereas<br />

Ouranosaurus nigeriensis and Protohadros<br />

byrdi developed a long diastema convergently.<br />

The development of a long diastema of<br />

hadrosaurine hadrosaurids may be different<br />

from that of lambeosaurine hadrosaurids.<br />

Some hadrosaurines ( Edmontosaurus<br />

annectens, Edmontosaurus regalis, and<br />

Saurolophus angustirostris ) may have<br />

developed a long diastema in the subadult<br />

stage and showed little elongation of dentary<br />

diastema through ontogeny. Lambeosaurines<br />

( Corythosaurus casuarius and<br />

Lambeosaurus lambei) tend to have a short<br />

diastema in the embryonic and subadult stages,<br />

and an elongated diastema from the subadult<br />

to adult stages.<br />

2009020443<br />

法 国 Mont-Bego 地 块 二 叠 纪 Pic des<br />

Merveilles 地 点 的 脊 椎 动 物 足 印 =<br />

Vertebrate footprints at the Pic des Merveilles<br />

from the Permian of the Mont-Bego massif<br />

(Alpes–Maritimes, France). ( 法 文 ). Barrier P;<br />

Montenat C; de Lumley H. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2009, 8(1): 67-78<br />

The Permian formations outcropping on the<br />

southern side of the Mercantour massif<br />

(Barrot dome; Mont-Bego and the Vallée des<br />

Merveilles) have not, up until now, yielded<br />

vertebrate footprints, unlike other southern<br />

French regions (Lod é vois, Provence).<br />

However, this has now changed. Discoveries<br />

have been made, first on loose blocks and then<br />

in stratigraphy (upper part of the Meraviglie or<br />

Merveilles formation), during a geological<br />

survey in the national Mercantour Park. These<br />

footprints belong to the same ichnite type,<br />

Varanopus curvidactylus Monodi, 1929.<br />

Nonetheless, this attribution needs to be<br />

confirmed by subsequent footprint discoveries.<br />

Despite unfavourable outcropping conditions<br />

and often intense tectonic deformation<br />

(fracturation, beginning of schistosity,<br />

network of quartzous vein, occasionally with<br />

epidote), the traces and the associated<br />

sedimentary features (current ripples,<br />

mudcracks, raindrop imprints, cyanobacterial<br />

mats, annelid bioturbations) allow us to<br />

correlate the depositional environment of the<br />

upper Meraviglie terrigenous formation with a<br />

deltaic lower flood plain of a lakeshore.<br />

2009020444<br />

爬 行 动 物 蜥 龙 目 的 起 源 和 演 化 =<br />

Saurischian origins and evolution. ( 法 文 ).<br />

Allain R; Läng E. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2009, 8(2-3): 243-256<br />

We propose here a short synthesis of the<br />

saurischian evolutionary history. Our<br />

knowledge of the diversity and evolution of<br />

the saurischian non-avian dinosaurs has<br />

increased during the past decade. The<br />

generalized use of cladistics has led to various<br />

phylogenetic hypotheses, some of them in<br />

agreement on the evolution of saurischians,<br />

even if some controversy remains. The<br />

saurischian evolution is closely linked to two<br />

of the five great mass extinctions, which<br />

punctuated life history, but probably also to a<br />

third, less important, extinction event at the<br />

end of the Early Jurassic.<br />

2009020445<br />


中 国 上 三 叠 统 Qianichthyosaurus zhoui 的<br />

一 保 存 较 好 的 颅 骨 及 Toretocnemidae 科 的<br />

系 统 发 育 位 置 = A well-preserved skull of<br />

Qianichthyosaurus zhoui Li, 1999 (Reptilia:<br />

Ichthyosauria) from the Upper Triassic of<br />

China and the phylogenetic position of the<br />

Toretocnemidae. ( 英 文 ). Maisch M W; Jiang<br />

Da-yong; Hao Wei-cheng; Sun Yuan-lin; sun<br />

Zuo-yu; Stohr H. Neues Jahrbuch fur<br />

Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(3): 257-266<br />

A well-preserved skull and mandible of the<br />

toretocnemid ichthyosaur Qianichthyosaurus<br />

zhoui is described from the Upper Triassic<br />

Wayao Member of the Falang Formation of<br />

Guanling County, Guizhou Province,<br />

southwestern China. It allows substantial<br />

additions to the knowledge of the cranial<br />

osteology of this taxon and the rectification of<br />

previous misinterpretations, particularly of the<br />

temporal region. Qianichthyosaurus shows<br />

numerous similarities to the mixosaurids in its<br />

cranial skeleton, particularly with regard to the<br />

temporal region, skull proportions and<br />

dentition, although it lacks some key features<br />

of the family, such as continuous supranarial<br />

and supraorbital crests or a high saggital crest<br />

on nasal, frontal and parietal. The similarities<br />

in cranial osteology, togrther with some<br />

remarkably plesiomorphic features of the<br />

postcranial skeleton, suggest, that the<br />

Toretocnemide may not be the sister-group of<br />

the Longipinnati, as previously proposed, but<br />

may be closely related to the Mixosauridae<br />

istead, developing the basically tridactylous<br />

fin pattern independently of other logipinnate<br />

ichthyosaurs.<br />

鸟 类<br />

2009020446<br />

阿 根 廷 上 中 新 统 一 巨 型 尖 咀 小 鸟 及 化 石<br />

Anhingidae 的 重 量 计 算 = A giant darter<br />

(Pelecaniformes: Anhingidae) from the Upper<br />

Miocene of Argentina and weight calculation<br />

of fossil Anhingidae. ( 英 文 ). Areta J I;<br />

Noriega J I; Agnolin F. Neues Jahrbuch fur<br />

Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2007, 243(3): 343-350<br />

Darters are fresh-water birds presently<br />

distributed in tropical regions all over the<br />

world. Fossil darters were only known from<br />

North America, Europe, and Africa, but<br />

description in the last decade of various<br />

genera and paleospecies revealed an<br />

unsuspected diversity of large-bodied taxa of<br />

Anhingidae in the Tertiary of South America.<br />

We report the finding of the largest specimen<br />

of Anhingidae known to date, for which we<br />

estimate a mass of 17.7 kg.<br />

2009020447<br />

澳 大 利 亚 昆 士 兰 始 新 世 红 岸 高 原 组 一 鸟 足<br />

化 石 = The foot of a bird from the Eocene<br />

Redbank Plains Formation of Queensland,<br />

Australia. ( 英 文 ). Vickers-Rich P; Molnar R E.<br />

Alcheringa, 1996, 20(1): 21 - 29<br />

Impressions of what appear to be pedal<br />

digits II and III of a bird have been found in<br />

the Eocene Redbank Plains Formation,<br />

Brisbane, Queensland. These represent some<br />

of the oldest Cainozoic avian fossils from<br />

Australia. The broad phalanges and the<br />

phalangeal proportions indicate that the<br />

Redbank Plains bird foot was from a ground<br />

dweller. Paired processes for the flexor<br />

tendons on the proximoventral margin of<br />

phalanx 1 digit III are absent. Relative<br />

proportions of the phalanges and number of<br />

phalanges in digits II and III are similar to<br />

those of dromornithids. These two characters<br />

shared with dromornithids suggest that the<br />

Redbank Plains bird may represent the oldest<br />

known member of that clade<br />

2009020448<br />

中 国 早 白 垩 世 鸟 类 一 新 的 基 干 世 系 及 其 在<br />

鸟 尾 演 化 中 的 意 义 = A new basal lineage of<br />

early Cretaceous birds from China and its<br />

implications on the evolution of the avian tail.<br />

( 英 文 ). Gao Chunling; Chiappe L M; Meng<br />

Qinjing; O'connor J M; Wang Xuri; Cheng<br />

Xiaodong; Liu Jinyuan. Palaeontology, 2008,<br />

51(4): 775 - 791<br />

We report on a new Early Cretaceous bird<br />

from China that sheds significant light on the<br />

evolutionary transition between primitive<br />

birds with a long bony tail and those with a<br />

short tail ending in a pygostyle. A cladistic<br />

analysis of basal birds supports the placement<br />

of the new fossil as the sister-taxon of all<br />

pygostylians. Possessing a unique hand<br />

morphology with a phalangeal formula of 2-3-<br />

3-x-x and a reduced number of caudal<br />

vertebrae lacking a pygostyle, the new<br />

specimen reveals anatomical information<br />

previously unknown and increases the<br />

taxonomic diversity of primitive, nonpygostylian<br />

birds. We infer from the specimen<br />

that during the evolution of the avian tail, a<br />

decrease in relative caudal length and number<br />

of vertebrae preceded the distal fusion of<br />

caudals into a pygostyle.<br />


2009020449<br />

谢 佩 岛 下 始 新 统 一 巨 型 Dasornis 类 的 头 骨<br />

化 石 = A skull of the giant bony-toothed bird<br />

Dasornis (Aves: Pelagornithidae) from the<br />

lower Eocene of the isle of Sheppey. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Mayr G. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(5): 1107-<br />

1116<br />

The first substantial skull of a very large<br />

Paleogene bony-toothed bird (Pelagornithidae)<br />

is described from the Lower Eocene London<br />

Clay of the Isle of Sheppey in England. The<br />

specimen is assigned to Dasornis emuinus<br />

(Bowerbank), based on a taxonomic revision<br />

of the large London Clay Pelagornithidae.<br />

Very large bony-toothed birds from the<br />

London Clay were known previously from<br />

fragmentary remains of non-comparable<br />

skeletal elements only, and Dasornis<br />

londinensis Owen, Argillornis emuinus<br />

(Bowerbank), A. longipennis Owen, and<br />

Neptuniavis miranda Harrison and Walker are<br />

considered junior synonyms of D. emuinus.<br />

The new specimen allows a definitive<br />

assignment of Dasornis to the Pelagornithidae<br />

and documents that this taxon closely<br />

resembles other bony-toothed birds in cranial<br />

morphology. It is hypothesized that giant size<br />

(i.e. a wingspan above 4 m) evolved only once<br />

within Pelagornithidae and that Dasornis<br />

emuinus is the sister taxon of the giant<br />

Neogene bony-toothed birds, which share a<br />

derived wing morphology.<br />

2009020450<br />

鼠 鸟 类 的 化 石 记 录 及 其 演 化 = The fossil<br />

record and evolution of Mousebirds (Aves:<br />

Coliiformes). ( 英 文 ). Zelenkov N V; Dyke G<br />

J. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6): 1403-1418<br />

Recent mousebirds are the smallest of the<br />

living neognathous bird orders – just two<br />

genera comprising six species. Understanding<br />

the evolutionary dynamics of this avian<br />

lineage is important because these birds<br />

occupy a critical position within Neoaves and<br />

can be used as a model for patterns of<br />

morphological diversification in other taxa.<br />

We present a review of all known fossil<br />

mousebirds (Aves: Coliiformes), which<br />

formed a diverse assemblage in the Paleogene<br />

(65 – 23.8 ma). We also present a new<br />

phylogenetic analysis including the living and<br />

fossil representatives of the order, on the basis<br />

of a larger character/taxon matrix. This<br />

analysis suggests that the Lower Eocene<br />

Eocolius is the most basal member of clade<br />

Coliiformes, while the Lower – Middle<br />

Eocene Sandcoleidae form a basal clade with<br />

respect to all other known coliiforms. We<br />

show that the Eocene taxon Chascacocolius is<br />

the sister group of the crown Coliidae, and<br />

that the Middle Eocene taxon Selmes is basal<br />

to a clade comprising Chascacocolius and<br />

Coliidae. On the basis of this phylogenetic<br />

analysis, we propose a new classification for<br />

the order Coliiformes including two new<br />

families, Chascacocoliidae and Selmeidae. For<br />

all families (clades) of mousebirds we provide<br />

descriptive osteological diagnoses and discuss<br />

a number of functional considerations related<br />

to the evolution of their hindlimbs; these<br />

considerations can be extended across all<br />

extant and fossil perching birds because we<br />

show that the hindlimb morphology of<br />

Coliiformes is strongly related to their<br />

lifestyle, as reflected in their evolutionary<br />

history.<br />

2009020451<br />

中 国 原 始 鸟 类 confuciusornithid 及 其 对 早<br />

期 鸟 类 飞 行 的 意 义 = A primitive<br />

confuciusornithid bird from China and its<br />

implications for early avian flight. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Zhang Fucheng; Zhou Zhonghe; Benton M J.<br />

Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2008, 51(5): 625-639<br />

Confuciusornithids, lived from 120 – 125<br />

million years ago, form a basal bird group and<br />

include the oldest birds with horny beaks.<br />

Here we describe Eoconfuciusornis zhengi,<br />

gen. et sp. nov. from the Early Cretaceous<br />

Dabeigou Formatio (131 Ma) in Fengning,<br />

Hebei Province, northern China. It represents<br />

a new and, more primitive than other known,<br />

member of this group and extends the lifespan<br />

of this family to 11 Ma, the longest of any<br />

known Early Cretaceous avian lineages.<br />

Furthermore, Eoconfuciusornis and its<br />

relatives present many osteological<br />

transformations, such as the size increase of<br />

the deltopectoral crest of the humerus and the<br />

keel of the sternum, apparently an adaptation<br />

toward improved flight in the evolution of the<br />

Confuciusornithidae.<br />

2009020452<br />

内 蒙 古 早 白 垩 世 发 现 华 夏 鸟 新 种 及 其 地 层<br />

学 意 义 = A New Species of Cathayornis from<br />

the Lower Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia,<br />

China and Its Stratigraphic Significance. ( 英<br />

文 ). Li Jianjun; Li Zhiheng; Zhang Yuguang;<br />

Zhou Zhonghe; Bai Zhiqiang; Zhang Lifu; Ba<br />


Tuya. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(6):<br />

1115-1123<br />

An incomplete postcranial avian skeleton is<br />

described from the Lower Cretaceous<br />

Jingchuan Formation of Otog Banner of<br />

western Inner Mongolia and referred to a new<br />

species of Cathayornis, C. chabuensis sp. nov.<br />

This is the first report of a Cathayornis from<br />

outside Liaoning Province. The new discovery<br />

indicates that Cathayornis coexisted with<br />

Otogornis genghisi, and a more detailed<br />

comparison between these two enantiornithine<br />

genera shows that Otogornis represents a<br />

more primitive genus than Cathayornis. Our<br />

analyses further indicate that Cathayornis is<br />

an arboreal bird. The discovery of a<br />

Cathayornis from this region also confirms<br />

that the avian fossil-bearing Jingchuan<br />

Formation is comparable to the Jiufotang<br />

Formation of the upper Jehol Group in<br />

western Liaoning, and should be referred to<br />

the middle-late Early Cretaceous.<br />

2009020453<br />

鸟 的 起 源 和 演 化 :35 年 的 进 展 = The origin<br />

and evolution of birds: 35 years of progress.<br />

( 法 文 ). Padiana K; de Ricqlès A. Comptes<br />

Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(2-3): 257-280<br />

Birds are dinosaurs – specifically, small<br />

feathered and flighted theropod dinosaurs that<br />

probably originated in Laurasia during the<br />

Late Jurassic over 140 million years ago. They<br />

are most closely related to other small<br />

theropods such as dromaeosaurs and<br />

troodontids, terrestrial predators that were<br />

fleet-footed hunters. The origin of birds is a<br />

classic example of two kinds of<br />

macroevolution: the phylogenetic origin of the<br />

group, and the sequential assembly of<br />

adaptations such as flight that are indelibly<br />

associated with birds. These adaptations were<br />

not assembled all at once. Rather, a great<br />

many characteristics associated with birds and<br />

flight first appeared in non-avian dinosaurs,<br />

where they were used for many purposes other<br />

than flight. These included insulation,<br />

brooding, and probably display and species<br />

recognition. Birds diversified steadily but<br />

gradually after their origin, which is identified<br />

with the origin of flight (Archaeopteryx);<br />

forelimb and other flight-associated features<br />

evolved more rapidly than features associated<br />

with the posterior skeleton. The first birds<br />

grew more slowly than extant birds do, and<br />

more like other small Mesozoic dinosaurs;<br />

like them, they probably matured sexually<br />

well before they completed their active<br />

skeletal growth. The origin of flight is not a<br />

problem of “trees down” or “ground up,”<br />

but rather an examination of the order in<br />

which diagnostic flight characters evolved,<br />

and what each stage can reveal about the<br />

functions and habits of bird outgroups at those<br />

evolutionary junctures.<br />

2009020454<br />

晚 始 新 世 雁 形 鸟 类 Romainvillia stehlini 的<br />

系 统 发 育 关 系 和 形 态 = Phylogenetic<br />

affinities and morphology of the late Eocene<br />

anseriform bird Romainvillia stehlini<br />

Lebedinsky, 1927. ( 英 文 ). Mayr G. Neues<br />

Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(3): 365-380<br />

A lectotype is designated and the previously<br />

unknown humerus described. In contrast to<br />

recent hypotheses that R. stehlini is a member<br />

of Anseranatidae, the species can be<br />

unambiguously identified as a stem group<br />

representative of the Anatidae. R. stehlini is<br />

clearly distinguished from the early Eocene<br />

anseranatid Anatalavis oxfordi Olson, 1999 in<br />

all known skeletal elements, and a<br />

phylogenetic analysis supports a clade. In<br />

combining Presbyornis-like wing bones with a<br />

duck-like coracoid and tarsometatarsus, R.<br />

stehlini represents a morphological link<br />

between the highly aberrant long-legged<br />

Presbyornithidae and crown group Anatidae.<br />

哺 乳 类<br />

2009020455<br />

南 美 北 部 晚 更 新 世 的 新 的 犬 科 化 石 组 合 :<br />

来 自 委 内 瑞 拉 Zulia 地 区 Inciarte 沥 青 坑 的<br />

犬 科 化 石 、 化 石 记 录 及 生 物 地 理 = A new<br />

fossil canid assemblage from the Late<br />

Pleistocene of northern south America: the<br />

canids of the inciarte asphalt pit (Zulia,<br />

Venezuela), fossil record and biogeography.<br />

( 英 文 ). Prevosti F J; ASCANIO D RINCÓN.<br />

Journal of Paleontology, 2007, 81(5): 1053-<br />

1065 5 图 版 .<br />

Canids invaded South American during the<br />

Pliocene (2.8 – 3.1 Ma BP) as part of the<br />

Great American Biotic Interchange, but their<br />

record on the continent is relatively poor until<br />

the Pleistocene. However, even the<br />

Pleistocene record of the group is patchy and<br />

biased, with few records for the northern part<br />

of South America. In this paper we describe a<br />

new assemblage of canids found at the Inciarte<br />

asphalt pits (Zulia, Venezuela). These remains<br />

are associated with a variety of extinct<br />

Pleistocene mammals dated between 25–27<br />


Ka BP. Canids in this assemblage include<br />

Protocyon troglodytes (Lund 1838),<br />

Protocyon sp., Canis dirus Leidy, 1858,<br />

Urocyon cf. U. cinereoargenteus (Schreber,<br />

1775), and an indeterminate canid. This is the<br />

first record of Urocyon Baird, 1758 from the<br />

Late Pleistocene in South America and<br />

constrains the timing of its dispersal to South<br />

America. The distributional record of<br />

Protocyon Giebel, 1855 and P. troglodytes is<br />

expanded 1,500 km north of previous records<br />

and constitutes the first record of these taxa in<br />

Venezuela. The presence of C. dirus at<br />

Inciarte constitutes the fourth locality for this<br />

species in South America.<br />

2009020456<br />

阿 根 廷 晚 渐 新 世 Deseadan 阶 一 个 鲜 为 人 知<br />

的 似 啮 齿 类 哺 乳 动 物 : 古 生 态 、 生 物 地 理<br />

以 及 南 美 似 啮 齿 类 有 蹄 类 动 物 的 辐 射 演 化<br />

= A poorly known Rodentlike Mammal<br />

(Pachyrukhinae,Hegetotheriidae,Notoungulata)<br />

from the Deseadan (Late Oligocene) of<br />

Argentina. paleoecology, biogeography, and<br />

radiation of the Rodentlike Ungulates in south<br />

America. ( 英 文 ). Reguero M A; Maria T D;<br />

Cerdeño E. Journal of Paleontology, 2007,<br />

81(6): 1301-1307 3 图 版 .<br />

The cranial anatomy of the Deseadan<br />

species Medistylus dorsatus (Ameghino, 1903)<br />

is described based on new and complete<br />

material from Cabeza Blanca (Chubut,<br />

Argentina). Medistylus is the largest of the<br />

Pachyrukhinae and the specimen described<br />

here is probably the best-preserved<br />

pachyrukhine skull known in the Paleogene of<br />

South America. Previously, the validity of the<br />

species and its phylogenetic affinities with<br />

Interatheriidae (Notoungulata, Typotheria)<br />

were ambiguous and not conclusive. The<br />

syntypes, now reported lost, were isolated<br />

teeth poorly described by Ameghino in 1903.<br />

This almost complete skull with teeth provides<br />

more diagnostic features in order to complete<br />

the knowledge of genus. Details about cranial<br />

and dental morphology allow the reassessment<br />

of Medistylus dorsatus and its inclusion within<br />

the subfamily Pachyrukhinae (Hegetotheriidae,<br />

Notoungulata). Its cranial and dental<br />

specializations and the apparent sympatry with<br />

its close relatives Prosotherium garzoni<br />

Ameghino, 1897 and Propachyrucos<br />

smithwoodwardi Ameghino, 1897 all imply a<br />

narrow niche partitioning among the<br />

Pachyrukhinae during the Deseadan (late<br />

Oligocene). The occurrence of three<br />

euhypsodont genera of Pachyrukhinae in the<br />

Deseadan of Patagonia reflects the major<br />

radiation of the rodentlike ungulates in the<br />

Cenozoic of South America and suggests a<br />

great paleoenvironmental difference between<br />

the late Oligocene faunas of Patagonia and<br />

those from Bolivia and Uruguay, where they<br />

did not live.<br />

2009020457<br />

袋 鼠 和 Vombatiform 前 肢 解 剖 学 的 平 行 演<br />

化 : 其 功 能 及 演 化 的 意 义 = Parallel<br />

evolution of hand anatomy in Kangaroos and<br />

Vombatiform Marsupials: functional and<br />

evolutionary implications. ( 英 文 ). Weisbecker<br />

V; Archer M. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(2):<br />

321-338<br />

The anatomy of the mammalian hand is<br />

exposed to an intriguing interplay between<br />

phylogeny and function, and provides insights<br />

on phylogenetic affinities as well as<br />

locomotory habits of extinct species. Within<br />

the marsupial order Diprotodontia, terrestrial<br />

plantigrade quadrupedalism evolved twice, in<br />

the mostly extinct vombatiforms and in extant<br />

macropodoids. To assess the influence of<br />

functional and phylogenetic signal on the<br />

manus in these two clades, manual anatomy<br />

and digital proportions in specimens of eight<br />

extinct and three extant vombatiforms were<br />

investigated and compared with extant<br />

macropodoids and extant possums. The results<br />

reveal extensive parallelisms in the carpal<br />

region of vombatiforms and macropodoids,<br />

including flattened distal metacarpal facets,<br />

reduction of the palmar process of the<br />

hamatum, reduction of mid-wrist joint curve,<br />

extensive hamatum/scaphoid contact, and<br />

absence of a lunatum. These transformations<br />

appear to be related to stabilization of the<br />

wrist for plantigrade locomotion.<br />

Vombatiforms are apomorphic in scaphoid<br />

and triquetrum anatomy and their metacarpals<br />

are much more gracile than in other<br />

Diprotodontia. Manual diversity is greater in<br />

vombatiforms than in macropodoids, as<br />

probably was locomotor diversity. Digital<br />

proportions as well as wrist anatomy divide<br />

the extinct vombatiforms into species<br />

resembling arboreal diprotodontians, whereas<br />

others group with terrestrial quadrupedal<br />

kangaroos and wombats. The latter is<br />

suggested to be owing to plantigrade<br />

locomotion and/or large size. Carpal anatomy<br />

and digital proportions suggest that a range of<br />

earlier diverging vombatiforms may have been<br />

arboreal or scansorial. As such, we propose<br />

that the ancestor of extant vombatiforms<br />


(koalas and wombats) may have been arboreal,<br />

an option that deserves consideration in the<br />

reconstruction of vombatiform evolution.<br />

2009020458<br />

澳 大 利 亚 东 北 早 上 新 世 有 袋 类 一 奇 异 新 科<br />

(Incertae sedis) 以 及 对 Bunodont 有 袋 类 的<br />

系 统 学 意 义 = A bizarre new family of<br />

Marsupialia (Incertae sedis) from the Early<br />

Pliocene of northeastern Australia:<br />

implications for the phylogeny of Bunodont<br />

Marsupials. ( 英 文 ). Beck R M D; Archer M;<br />

Godthelp H; Mackness B S; Hand S J;<br />

Muirhead J. Journal of Paleontology, 2008,<br />

82(4): 749-762 2 图 版 .<br />

We describe Numbigilga ernielundeliusi<br />

new genus and species, a highly unusual<br />

marsupial represented by a partial right<br />

mandible with p2–m4 and a left upper molar<br />

from early Pliocene deposits at Bluff Downs,<br />

Queensland, northeastern Australia.<br />

Numbigilga n. gen. is characterized by a<br />

bunodont dentition with a number of striking<br />

specializations, and we refer it to<br />

Numbigilgidae new family. This taxon shares<br />

a range of dental apomorphies with various<br />

bunodont marsupial groups from the Late<br />

Cretaceous of North America and Paleogene<br />

of Gondwana. However, many of these<br />

features are most likely highly homoplastic<br />

within marsupials, reflecting convergent<br />

adaptations to a frugivorous-omnivorous diet.<br />

Other dental characters suggest possible<br />

affinities to the Australian order<br />

Peramelemorphia (bandicoots). Alternatively,<br />

Numbigilga may be a representative of an<br />

entirely new order of Australian marsupials. In<br />

the absence of more nearly complete<br />

specimens that might clarify its relationships,<br />

we refer Numbigilga to Marsupialia incertae<br />

sedis. We consider the distributions of a<br />

number of dental characters in bunodont<br />

marsupials and argue that no North American<br />

Late Cretaceous taxa can be convincingly<br />

referred to the order Polydolopimorphia. Thus,<br />

polydolopimorphians continue to be known<br />

only from the Cenozoic of Gondwana, with no<br />

fossil evidence that their initial divergences<br />

occurred in North America.<br />

2009020459<br />

中 欧 中 新 统 的 Anchitheriomys = The beaver<br />

Anchitheriomys from the Miocene of Central<br />

Europe. ( 英 文 ). Stefen C; Mörs T. Journal of<br />

Paleontology, 2008, 82(5): 1009-1020 7 图 版 .<br />

New finds of teeth and mandibles of<br />

Anchitheriomys from the Hambach opencast<br />

lignite mine in Northwest Germany and the<br />

first detailed descriptions of other mandibles<br />

from South Germany and Switzerland allow a<br />

review of the Central European specimens of<br />

this rare beaver genus. The metric variation of<br />

cheek teeth and especially the great<br />

differences in dimensions of incisors can be<br />

much better assessed. The observed range in<br />

size can be attributed to ontogenetic changes,<br />

and all material is assigned to Anchitheriomys<br />

suevicus. Stratigraphically, this species is<br />

restricted to the early middle Miocene,<br />

European Mammalian Neogene biozones MN<br />

5–6.<br />

2009020460<br />

秦 岭 张 坪 洞 中 自 中 更 新 世 以 来 田 鼠 分 布 及<br />

其 环 境 意 义 = The microtine distribution and<br />

its environmental significance since the<br />

Middle Pleistocene in Zhangping Caves of the<br />

Qinling Mountains. ( 英 文 ). Li Yongxiang;<br />

Xue Xiangxu. Science in China Series D:<br />

Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(2): 294-299<br />

Three microtine species are recovered from<br />

the Zhangping Caves of the Qingling<br />

Mountains, namely Microtus oeconomus,<br />

Caryomys inez and Caryomys eva. They are<br />

climate-sensitive ones with different<br />

ecological habits, therefore their distribution<br />

well corresponds to environmental variations.<br />

Statistical comparison of the distribution of<br />

fossil microtines and their counterparts<br />

nowadays displays that the climate variation<br />

of the studied area and its contiguity since the<br />

middle Pleistocene are: warm and humid at<br />

493 ka ago, cool and humid at 259 ka ago—<br />

cold and humid at 205 ka ago — cool and<br />

humid at 28 ka ago, and warm and dry at<br />

present.<br />

2009020461<br />

中 新 世 中 期 至 更 新 世 非 洲 食 肉 动 物 : 新 资<br />

料 、 系 统 分 类 、 演 化 和 生 物 地 理 = African<br />

Carnivora from the Middle Miocene to the<br />

Pleistocene: New data, systematics, evolution,<br />

biogeography. ( 法 文 ). de Bonis L. Comptes<br />

Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(8): 475-486<br />

Ce volume correspond aux actes d’un sé<br />

minaire qui s’est tenu à l’université de<br />

Poitiers (France) sous l’égide de la National<br />

Science Foundation (États-Unis), dans le<br />

cadre du projet Revealing Hominids Origins<br />

Initiative, NSF Award #BCS-0321893. L’id<br />

é e est n é e, il y a quelques ann é es, en<br />


collaboration avec le regrett é Professeur<br />

Francis Clark Howell de l ’ universit é de<br />

Berkeley (États-Unis). Celui-ci nous a<br />

malheureusement quitt é s bien avant la r é<br />

alisation du séminaire et j’ai dû continuer<br />

seul la tâche que nous avions commencée en<br />

commun. Cela me donne l’occasion, cela<br />

donne l’occasion à tous les participants, de<br />

saluer l’œuvre de ce grand paléontologue qui<br />

a laiss é une trace ind é l é bile dans notre<br />

discipline. Clark, travailleur infatigable, s’é<br />

tait créé, au cours de sa carrière, un réseau de<br />

collègues qui, de façon générale, étaient vite<br />

devenus ses amis dans le domaine de la palé<br />

ontologie humaine, aussi bien que dans celui<br />

de l’étude des carnivores fossiles. Ce dernier<br />

domaine, qui lui était extrêmement cher, est<br />

celui grâce auquel nous nous sommes retrouvé<br />

s à Poitiers. Les carnivores d’Afrique furent<br />

l’un de ses sujets de prédilection et je crois<br />

qu’il aurait été heureux d’être parmi nous ;<br />

quelques jours avant sa mort, j’ai eu le privil<br />

ège d’une longue conversation téléphonique<br />

avec lui, qui montrait que son esprit n’avait<br />

rien perdu de sa vivacité.<br />

2009020462<br />

肯 尼 亚 巴 林 地 区 基 萨 拉 曼 和 切 帕 拉 瓦 中 新<br />

世 中 期 Muruyur 组 古 食 肉 动 物 和 食 肉 动 物<br />

= Creodonts and carnivores from the Middle<br />

Miocene Muruyur Formation at Kipsaraman<br />

and Cheparawa, Baringo District, Kenya. ( 法<br />

文 ). Morales J; Pickford M. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2008, 7(8): 487-497<br />

The Middle Miocene Muruyur Formation<br />

(ca 14.5 Ma), Tugen Hills, Kenya, has yielded<br />

a huge creodont and a variety of carnivores<br />

ranging in size from mongoose-sized viverrids<br />

and herpestids to lion-sized amphicyonids.<br />

The fauna partly fills what used to be a major<br />

gap in our knowledge of Neogene African<br />

carnivores, spanning the period between the<br />

better known Early Miocene assemblages of<br />

western Kenya and eastern Uganda, and the<br />

Late Miocene and Plio–Pleistocene faunas of<br />

East Africa. Present in the deposits are<br />

Megistotherium, two species of Hecubides,<br />

one species of Agnotherium, Herpestes,<br />

Vishnuictis, and one or two undetermined<br />

felids.<br />

2009020463<br />

乍 得 中 新 世 晚 期 食 肉 动 物 :Herpestidae,<br />

Viverridae 和 小 体 型 的 Felidae = Late<br />

Miocene Carnivora from Chad: Herpestidae,<br />

Viverridae and small-sized Felidae. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Peigné S; de Bonis L; Mackaye H T; Likius A;<br />

Vignaud P; Brunet M. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2008, 7(8): 499-527<br />

The small-sized feliforms (Viverridae,<br />

Herpestidae, Felidae) from the Late Miocene<br />

fossiliferous area of Toros-Menalla, Chad, are<br />

described. The Viverridae are represented by<br />

dental and postcranial remains of two species:<br />

a new, large-sized viverrid, Sahelictis korei n.<br />

gen. n. sp., which is characterized by a more<br />

trenchant dentition than in Viverra spp., and<br />

an indeterminate species similar in size to<br />

Viverra howelli. The Herpestidae are<br />

represented by a subcomplete mandible with<br />

partial dentition assigned to Herpestes sp.,<br />

similar in size to the smallest individuals of<br />

the extant Herpestes naso and H. ichneumon.<br />

Felids are known from two, possibly three<br />

small-sized species. Fragmentary dental and<br />

postcranial remains indicate the presence of<br />

one or two species of the size of the golden cat<br />

(Profelis aurata). A partial skeleton of a<br />

wildcat-sized species assigned to Felis sp. is<br />

also described; this record is by far the earliest<br />

record for the genus in Africa<br />

2009020464<br />

肯 尼 亚 中 新 世 晚 期 食 肉 动 物 “ictitheres”<br />

重 新 鉴 定 分 类 位 置 = axonomical reappraisal<br />

of “ictitheres” (Mammalia, Carnivora) from<br />

the Late Miocene of Kenya. ( 英 文 ). Semenov<br />

Y. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(8): 529-<br />

539<br />

In 2003, Werdelin has identified three<br />

hyaenid species from the Late Miocene of<br />

Kenya (Lothagam Formation), including two<br />

“ictitheres” – a newly erected Ictitherium<br />

ebu Werdelin, 2003, and Hyaenictitherium cf.<br />

parvum. The present article discusses the<br />

published evidence on the Kenyan hyaenids<br />

and explores additional cranial and postcranial<br />

characters useful for differentiation between<br />

the true ictitheres (i.e., the genera of the<br />

subfamily Ictitheriinae Trouessart, 1897) and<br />

some small members of the subfamily<br />

Hyaeninae Gray, 1869<br />

2009020465<br />

非 洲 和 欧 洲 中 新 世 食 肉 动 物 组 合 的 对 比 和<br />

亲 缘 关 系 = Comparisons and relationships of<br />

the African and European Miocene carnivoran<br />

assemblages. ( 英 文 ). Koufosa G D; de Bonis<br />


L. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(8): 541-<br />

556<br />

In the present article, the Middle and Late<br />

Miocene carnivoran faunas of Europe and<br />

Africa are compared for establishing their<br />

relationships. The Middle Miocene carnivoran<br />

assemblages from both continents are quite<br />

different at the specific and generic levels, less<br />

expressed in family composition. The<br />

comparison of the Late Miocene carnivoran<br />

assemblages indicates the following: the<br />

African carnivoran assemblage is different<br />

from the European ones both at the generic<br />

and specific level; the carnivoran faunas of<br />

Europe can be split into two geographic<br />

groups, “ western ” and “ eastern ” ; the<br />

Turolian African assemblage is more<br />

diversified at the family level; the African<br />

carnivoran assemblage differs from the<br />

European ones in the presence of herpestids,<br />

the higher abundance of mustelids and the<br />

fewer hyaenids. It is more similar to the Late<br />

Miocene carnivoran assemblages of western<br />

and central Europe than eastern Europe.<br />

2009020466<br />

埃 塞 俄 比 亚 阿 法 尔 裂 谷 中 阿 瓦 什 中 新 世 晚<br />

期 - 上 新 世 早 期 食 肉 动 物 水 獭 类 的 新 观 察 =<br />

New observations on the Late Miocene –<br />

Early Pliocene Lutrinae (Mustelidae:<br />

Carnivora, Mammalia) from the Middle<br />

Awash, Afar Rift, Ethiopia. ( 英 文 ). Haile-<br />

Selassie Y. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008,<br />

7(8): 557-569<br />

New observations on the Late Miocene and<br />

Earliest Pliocene mustelids from the Middle<br />

Awash of Ethiopia are presented. The Middle<br />

Awash study area samples the last six million<br />

years of African vertebrate evolutionary<br />

history. Its Latest Miocene (Asa Koma<br />

Member of the Adu-Asa Formation, 5.54–<br />

5.77 Ma) and Earliest Pliocene (Kuseralee and<br />

Gawto Members of the Sagantole Formation,<br />

5.2 and 4.85 Ma, respectively) deposits<br />

sample a number of large and small carnivore<br />

taxa among which mustelids are numerically<br />

abundant. Among the known Late Miocene<br />

and Early Pliocene mustelid genera, the<br />

Middle Awash Late Miocene documents the<br />

earliest Mellivora in eastern Africa and its<br />

likely first appearance in Africa, a new species<br />

of Plesiogulo, and a species of Vishnuonyx.<br />

The latter possibly represents the last<br />

appearance of this genus in Africa. Torolutra<br />

ougandensis is known from both the Late<br />

Miocene and Early Pliocene deposits of the<br />

Middle Awash. The genus Sivaonyx is<br />

represented by at least two species: S.<br />

ekecaman and S. aff. S. soriae. Most of the<br />

lutrine genera documented in the Middle<br />

Awash Late Miocene/Early Pliocene are also<br />

documented in contemporaneous sites of<br />

eastern Africa. The new observations<br />

presented here show that mustelids were more<br />

diverse in the Middle Awash Late Miocene<br />

and Early Pliocene than previously<br />

documented.<br />

2009020467<br />

乍 得 Kossom Bougoudi, Djurab 沙 漠 脊 椎<br />

动 物 化 石 产 地 : 非 洲 中 新 世 - 上 新 世 界 线 食<br />

肉 动 物 群 分 布 的 一 个 窗 口 = The fossil<br />

vertebrate locality Kossom Bougoudi, Djurab<br />

desert, Chad: A window in the distribution of<br />

the carnivoran faunas at the Mio–Pliocene<br />

boundary in Africa. ( 英 文 ). Bonis L; Peigné S;<br />

Mackaye HT; Likius A; Vignaud P; Brunet M.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(8): 571-581<br />

The fossil vertebrate bearing locality<br />

Kossom Bougoudi (KB) is situated in the<br />

Djurab desert (Chad, Africa), 600 km northeast<br />

of N’djamena. It has yielded about 1250<br />

specimens with many mammalian remains,<br />

principally artiodactyls. Its geologic age has<br />

been estimated to be about 5 Ma by<br />

biochronologic estimation and about 5.3 Ma<br />

by radiometric studies on cosmogenic nuclides<br />

of beryllium (authigenic<br />

10 B/ 9 B). The<br />

carnivoran fauna contains few specimens<br />

which belong to five different families. All the<br />

taxa were unknown in central Africa. A large<br />

lutrine is close to Sivaonyx but different from<br />

known species of the genus. Another large<br />

lutrine is similar by its size to a species<br />

described from the Middle Pliocene of<br />

Uganda. An edentulous mandible of a small<br />

machairodont cat resembles a small species of<br />

Dinofelis, while a distal humerus indicates the<br />

presence of a larger member of the same<br />

genus. A hunting hyaenid is also much like the<br />

European species. An unidentified canid<br />

reaches the size of the recent Canis aureus<br />

and an isolated calcaneum matches that of the<br />

large extant viverrid. This small fauna allows<br />

a first look at the guild of the carnivorans at<br />

the Latest Miocene – Pliocene boundary in<br />

Central Africa and is a milestone between<br />

North African, East African and South African<br />

carnivore faunas.<br />

2009020468<br />

埃 塞 俄 比 亚 中 阿 瓦 沙 峡 谷 上 新 世 Aramis 层<br />

(Sagantole 组 ) 新 的 Eucyon 类 = New<br />


Eucyon remains from the Pliocene Aramis<br />

Member (Sagantole Formation), Middle<br />

Awash Valley (Ethiopia). ( 英 文 ). García N.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(8): 583-590<br />

The Aramis Member (Sagantole formation)<br />

includes the Gàala Tuff Complex-Daam Aatu<br />

Basaltic Tuff interval which has produced a<br />

taxonomically diverse vertebrate assemblage<br />

including the primitive hominid Ardipithecus<br />

ramidus. New Eucyon remains recovered from<br />

this interval come from localities in the<br />

Aramis, Sagantole, and Kuseralee catchments.<br />

The chronology established for the GATC-<br />

DABT interval is 4.4 Ma. These recoveries<br />

represent the most abundant available Eucyon<br />

assemblage of the eastern African Pliocene.<br />

Here, Eucyon fossils from the Kapsomin and<br />

Lemudong’o Late Miocene Kenyan sites are<br />

compared with the Aramis representatives,<br />

showing comparable morphology although<br />

with smaller dimensions. E. intrepidus –<br />

E. wokari nov. sp., might constitute a single<br />

lineage, with increasing size and robusticity,<br />

and the derivation of some morphological<br />

traits mainly on the lower carnassial.<br />

E. wokari represents a new eastern species of<br />

the African Pliocene Eucyon lineage.<br />

2009020469<br />

非 洲 西 北 部 上 新 世 - 更 新 世 食 肉 动 物 : 短 评<br />

= Plio-Pleistocene Carnivora of northwestern<br />

Africa: A short review. ( 英 文 ). Geraads D.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(8): 591-599<br />

The fossil record of northwestern African<br />

carnivores is very patchy. The richest<br />

assemblage is that of the Late Pliocene of Ahl<br />

al Oughlam, with more than 20 species<br />

belonging to the main modern families. Some<br />

additions to its study are made here. The<br />

rather poor Early Pleistocene faunas are<br />

mainly marked by the arrival of a large Canis.<br />

A fauna of modern type, with example, the<br />

duo Hyaena–Crocuta, settles in the Earliest<br />

Pleistocene site of Tighenif, where some older<br />

elements linger on (Homotherium), beside<br />

some taxa of doubtful affinities, like a large<br />

Panthera, and a strange canid close to<br />

Nyctereutes, dominant at this site as well as at<br />

the slightly younger ones of Thomas and<br />

Oulad Hamida Quarries in Casablanca. All<br />

these faunas consist mostly of African taxa,<br />

together with a Palaearctic component whose<br />

importance increases towards the end of the<br />

Pleistocene.<br />

2009020470<br />

意 大 利 中 部 南 托 斯 卡 纳 蒙 特 阿 尔 詹 塔 里 奥<br />

早 上 新 世 非 洲 种 Megantereon whitei = The<br />

African species Megantereon whitei from the<br />

Early Pleistocene of Monte Argentario (South<br />

Tuscany, Central Italy). ( 英 文 ). Sardella R;<br />

Petrucci M; Rook L. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2008, 7(8): 601-606<br />

A partial skull and articulated postcranial<br />

elements of Megantereon whitei have been<br />

recorded during the 1950s from a karst deposit<br />

in the Monte Argentario area (Grosseto).<br />

These fossils recently became available for<br />

study. The bones are quite well preserved,<br />

included in a hard reddish matrix with<br />

calcareous clasts. The fossil is part of a faunal<br />

assemblage referred to the Late Villafranchian<br />

(Early Pleistocene). M. whitei from Monte<br />

Argentario is characterised by elongated upper<br />

canines, stronger than those of the Upper<br />

Valdarno (Tuscany) specimens and similar to<br />

the Pirro Nord (Apulia) fossil. The manus is<br />

robust, the first phalanges are quite long in<br />

comparison to the metacarpals. The Early<br />

Pleistocene European M. whitei represents an<br />

African element that took part in the faunal<br />

dispersal from Africa to Europe that occurred<br />

at the Plio-Pleistocene transition<br />

2009020471<br />

非 洲 绝 灭 的 丘 齿 型 水 獭 的 股 骨 = The femur<br />

of extinct bunodont otters in Africa (Carnivora,<br />

Mustelidae, Lutrinae). ( 英 文 ). Lewis M E.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(8): 607-627<br />

This study compares fossil femora<br />

attributed to extinct African bunodont lutrines<br />

with extant mustelids and ursids to reconstruct<br />

locomotor behavior. Due to the immense size<br />

differences among taxa, shape data were used<br />

to compare morphology. Based on<br />

morphological differences, the fossil femora<br />

are suggested to belong to different taxa with<br />

different locomotor abilities and habitat<br />

preferences. The Langebaanweg femur is the<br />

oldest and has a typical mustelid morphology<br />

suggesting that it was a locomotor generalist<br />

like most mustelids. The West Turkana form<br />

is more like extant nonbunodont otters, but<br />

much larger, and may have belonged to a<br />

semiaquatic taxon. The enormous Omo femur<br />

shares some features with truly aquatic taxa<br />

(e.g., Enhydra) and is the most likely to have<br />

been fully aquatic. The same may hold true for<br />

the Hadar species as it is most similar to that<br />

from the Omo. If these femora truly belong to<br />

bunodont lutrines, then they are more diverse<br />


in postcranial morphology than in dental<br />

morphology.<br />

2009020472<br />

7-1.2 百 万 年 非 洲 食 肉 动 物 群 的 生 物 地 理 关<br />

系 = Biogeographic relationships of African<br />

carnivoran faunas, 7 – 1.2 Ma. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Werdelin L. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008,<br />

7(8): 645-656<br />

This study analyses the carnivore<br />

component of African fossil faunas from three<br />

time slices: 7–5 Ma, 4–3 Ma, and 2.5–<br />

1.2 Ma, using cluster analysis and principal<br />

coordinate analysis (PCO) of<br />

presence/absence data on genera. The faunas<br />

mostly cluster by time slice, with the<br />

exception of Laetoli (Tanzania) and Ahl al<br />

Oughlam (Morocco), which differ from all<br />

other faunas. The separation during the Late<br />

Miocene of a Chado – Libyan bioprovince<br />

from the remainder of Africa is supported. No<br />

such distinctions are present in the other time<br />

slices. Taxonomic distance is not generally<br />

correlated with geographic distance, though if<br />

Langebaanweg is removed from the 7–5 Ma<br />

time slice, the correlation at that time is<br />

significant. Comparison of these<br />

paleontological results with phylogeographic<br />

studies of modern species leads to some<br />

general comments on the analytic power of the<br />

fossil record with regard to interregional<br />

migrations.<br />

2009020473<br />

巴 西 巴 伊 亚 Poço Azul 第 四 纪<br />

Megalonychidae 科 一 新 种 = A new species<br />

of Megalonychidae (Mammalia, Xenarthra)<br />

from the Quaternary of Poço Azul (Bahia,<br />

Brazil). ( 英 文 ). Cartellea C; De Iuliis G; Pujos<br />

F. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(6): 335-<br />

346<br />

The new genus and species Ahytherium<br />

aureum (Mammalia, Xenarthra,<br />

Megalonychidae) from the Quaternary of Poço<br />

Azul (Bahia, Brazil) is described. It is the first<br />

Brazilian megalonychid known from<br />

reasonably complete and well-preserved<br />

remains. Purported Brazilian megalonychids<br />

described in the past, such as Ocnopus gracilis<br />

and Xenocnus cearesis, are noted as belonging<br />

to other sloth clades, and the acceptance by<br />

past paleontologists of the existence of<br />

‘strange’ megalonychids in Brazil is shown<br />

to be erroneous. Ahytherium aureum, in fact,<br />

exhibits typical megalonychid morphology. It<br />

differs from other known members of<br />

Megalonychidae in several characters,<br />

including a markedly shortened, but high<br />

rostral region, with dorsally inflated frontals,<br />

wide zygomatic processes of the frontal,<br />

narrow, blade-like and anterolaterally oriented<br />

lacrimals, curved, slender and oval<br />

caniniforms, gracile humerus with less<br />

developed deltopectoral shelf, and relatively<br />

distal position of the greater trochanter of the<br />

femur. A second specimen from São Paolo<br />

state is tentatively assigned to the new genus<br />

and species<br />

2009020474<br />

伊 比 利 亚 半 岛 哺 乳 动 物 Hemitragus aff.<br />

cedrensis 的 出 现 : 西 班 牙 巴 伦 西 亚<br />

Bolomor 洞 穴 发 现 的 生 物 年 代 和 生 物 地 理<br />

意 义 = Presence of Hemitragus aff. cedrensis<br />

(Mammalia, Bovidae) in the Iberian Peninsula:<br />

Biochronological and biogeographical<br />

implications of its discovery at Bolomor Cave<br />

(Valencia, Spain. ( 英 文 ). Rivals F; Blasco R.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008, 7(6): 391-399<br />

The discovery of new material in Late<br />

Pleistocene levels at Bolomor Cave (Valencia,<br />

Spain) raises some questions about the<br />

presence of the most ancient record of<br />

Hemitragus cedrensis in the peninsula, and its<br />

dispersal out of Provence. The morphology<br />

and dimensions of some lower teeth confirm<br />

the identification of H. aff. cedrensis.<br />

Moreover, it presents strong similarities, both<br />

morphological and metrical, with the<br />

specimens from Caune de l’Arago and bau<br />

de l ’ Aubesier (end of OIS 7 to OIS 5e)<br />

rather than with the population from the<br />

eponymous locality. The data suggest a<br />

dispersal event out of Provence towards the<br />

Iberian Peninsula during the Eemian. This<br />

dispersal was not stopped by natural barriers<br />

such as large rivers, or mountains. The results<br />

presented here confirm the biochronological<br />

interest of the genus Hemitragus for the Late<br />

Pleistocene in Mediterranean Europe.<br />

2009020475<br />

最 大 的 化 石 啮 齿 动 物 的 不 确 定 性 = The<br />

uncertainties of the largest fossil rodent. ( 英<br />

文 ). Blanco R E. Proceedings of the Royal<br />

Society B: Biological Sciences, 2008,<br />

275(1646): 1957-1958<br />

2009020476<br />

阿 根 廷 布 宜 诺 斯 艾 利 斯 省 Arroyo Chasico<br />

组 大 地 獺 亚 科 一 新 属 = A new genus for the<br />

Megatheriinae (Xenarthra, Tardigrada,<br />


Megatheriidae) from the Arroyo Chasico<br />

Formation (Upper Miocene) of Buenos Aires<br />

Province, Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Brandoni D; De<br />

Iuliis G. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(1):<br />

53-64<br />

Three Plesiomegatherium species have<br />

been described: Pl. hansmeyeri, Pl.<br />

halmyronomum and Pl. triangulatum. This<br />

report considers the generic and specific status<br />

of Pl. halmyronomum. Analysis of the<br />

morphological features available for study<br />

indicates that "Pl." halmyronomum and Pl.<br />

hansmeyeri are not congeneric, and that<br />

Plesiomegatherium is polyphyletic. As Pl.<br />

halmyronomum is not assignable to any other<br />

known genus, it is placed in the new genus<br />

Anisodontherium.<br />

2009020477<br />

关 于 雕 齿 兽 系 统 分 类 的 新 贡 献 = New<br />

contributions to the Systematic of<br />

Glyptodontia Ameghino 1889 (Mammalia,<br />

Xenarthra, Cingulata). ( 其 他 ). Fernicola J C.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(3): 553-574<br />

An exhaustive revision of the systematic of<br />

the glyptodonts, including different<br />

classifications and phylogenetic hypothesis<br />

proprosed since the XIX century is presented<br />

herein. According to the current classification,<br />

proposed as preliminary, a cladistic analysis<br />

based on 84 craniodental characters was<br />

carried out for the following taxa:<br />

Glyptodontinae [Glyptodon], Doedicurinae<br />

[Doedicurus Propalaehoplophorinae<br />

[Propalaehoplophorus and Eucinepeltus] and<br />

Hoplophorinae (=Sclerocalyptinae)<br />

Hoplophorini (=Sclerocalyptini)<br />

[Neosderocalyptus (=Sclerocalyptus),<br />

Eosclerocalyptus and Hoplophractus]<br />

Plohophorini [Stromaphorus,<br />

Pseudoplohophorus and Plohophorus]<br />

Panochthini [Panochthus] and Lomaphorini<br />

[Urotherium]. The results of this analysis<br />

support the monophyly of the glyptodonts as<br />

well as a basal dichotomy represented by the<br />

Propalaehoplophorinae as the sister group of<br />

the remaining glyptodonts. The relationships<br />

between the taxa of this group do not support<br />

the previous monophyletic hypotheses of the<br />

Hoplophorinae (= Sclerocalyptinae) neither of<br />

their tribes Hoplophorini (= Sclerocalyptini)<br />

and Plohophorini. On the contrary, different<br />

groups not formally proposed until today are<br />

clearly supported as the derived clades<br />

(Glyptodon + Doedicurus) and (Panochthus +<br />

Neosclerocalyptus). These results, together<br />

with the preliminary character of the current<br />

classification, allow to propose a new<br />

classification for the glyptodonts. On the other<br />

hand, the combination of the phylogenetic and<br />

the stratigraphic information allows locating<br />

the first dichotomy of the glyptodonts in<br />

Colhuehuapian times (c.a. 20 Ma.). The<br />

second dichotomy, assignable to<br />

Chasicoan/Huayquerian times (c.a. 10 Ma.),<br />

allows to recognize a gap in the<br />

paleontological record of at least 10 Ma.<br />

Lastly, the inclusion of the genus<br />

Hoplophractus within Eosclerocalyptus is<br />

questioned.<br />

2009020478<br />

阿 根 廷 巴 塔 哥 尼 亚 晚 渐 新 世 Notohippidae<br />

类 Eurygenium latirostris 一 最 完 整 的 头 颅<br />

化 石 = The most complete skull of<br />

Eurygenium latirostris Ameghino, 1895<br />

(Mammalia, Notoungulata), a Notohippidae<br />

from the Deseadan (Late Oligocene) of the<br />

Patagonia, Argentina. ( 英 文 ). Marani H; Dozo<br />

M T. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(3): 619-626<br />

2009020479<br />

阿 根 廷 拉 潘 帕 省 晚 中 新 世 Cerro Azul 组 的<br />

Dasypodidae = Dasypodidae (Xenarthra,<br />

Cingulata) from the Cerro Azul formation<br />

(late Miocene) of la Pampa Province,<br />

Argentina.. ( 其 他 ). Urrutia J J; Montalvo C<br />

I;Scillato-Yane G J. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2):<br />

289-302<br />

A total of 5,185 fossil remains of<br />

dasypodids were recovered from 20 outcrops<br />

of Huayquerian age (late Miocene) of the<br />

Cerro Azul Formation in La Pampa<br />

(Argentina). Sixteen taxa were recorded, all<br />

belonging in the Subfamily Euphractinae:<br />

Chasicotatus ameghinoi Scillato-Yane,<br />

Chasicotatus sp., Doellotatus inornatus<br />

(Rovereto), Doellotatus chapadmalensis<br />

Bordas, Ringueletia simpsoni (Bordas),<br />

Chorobates villosissimus (Rovereto),<br />

Chorobates cf. C. villosissimus,<br />

Macroeuphractus morenoi (Lydekker), M.<br />

retusus Ameghino, Macroeuphractus sp.,<br />

Vetelia perforata Scillato-Yane,<br />

Macrochorobates scalabrinii (Moreno y<br />

Mercerat), Macrochorobates chapalmalensis<br />

(Ameghino), Proeuphractus limpidus<br />

Ameghino, Proeuphractus sp. and Euphractini<br />

incertae sedis. M. chapalmalensis, P, limpidus<br />

and Euphractini incertae sedis are first records<br />

from the Cerro Azul Formation. The range of<br />

M. chapalmalensis reaches down to the<br />

Huayquerian. Compositional variation of the<br />


dasypodid fauna among the surveyed outcrops<br />

are believed to be due mainly to temporal<br />

differences. The relative position of some of<br />

the localities was adjusted within a<br />

biostratigraphic frame previously proposed for<br />

the Cerro Azul Formation. The dasypodid<br />

association of the Cerro Azul Formation<br />

shows similarity with other Miocene and<br />

Pliocene faunas from central and northwestern<br />

Argentina. However, those localities<br />

where associations hinting younger ages show<br />

faunal compositions increasingly similar to<br />

those contained in Neogene formations<br />

exposed along the coast of Buenos Aires<br />

province.<br />

2009020480<br />

巴 西 晚 更 新 世 Microcavia 及 其 生 物 地 理 和<br />

古 环 境 意 义 = The hystricognath rodent<br />

Microcavia in the Late Pleistocene of Brazil<br />

(Rio Grande do Sul, South America)<br />

(Mammalia: Caviidae). Biogeographic and<br />

paleoenvironmental implications. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Ubilla M; Oliveira E V; Rinderknecht A;<br />

Pereira J. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 208, 247(1):<br />

15-22<br />

The first fossil record of the hystricognath<br />

genus Microcavia is described. The specimen<br />

studied here consists of an anterior portion of<br />

skull, left fragment of mandible and several<br />

postcranial bones. Before this record, fossil<br />

remains were restricted to the Pleistocene of<br />

the Pampean region and Uruguay. Therefore,<br />

the presence of Microcavia in south-eastern<br />

Brazil extends the eastern distribution of the<br />

genus in the late Pleistocene of South America.<br />

The ecology of living Microcavia species<br />

suggests the presence of arid to semiarid<br />

micro-environments for that locality.<br />

2009020481<br />

哺 乳 动 物 Dasypodidae 类 Stegotherium 属<br />

的 分 类 修 订 = Taxonomic revision of the<br />

genus Stegotherium Ameghino, 1887<br />

(Mammalia, Xenarthra, Dasypodidae).. ( 其 他 ).<br />

Fernicola J C; Vizcaino S F.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2): 321-332<br />

A taxonomic revision of the genus<br />

Stegotherium Ameghino is presented herein.<br />

The diagnoses of Stegotherium tessellatum<br />

Ameghino and Stegotherium variegatum<br />

Ameghino are emended, the validity of<br />

Stegotherium simplex (Ameghino) is<br />

tentatively maintained, and two new species<br />

Stegotherium caroloameghinoi and<br />

Stegotherium pascuali are erected. Exhaustive<br />

study of the fossils collected and/or studied by<br />

the Ameghino brothers has resulted in<br />

relocation of the type specimens, fossils that<br />

had been partially or completely misplaced, of<br />

Stegotherium tessellatum and Stegotherium<br />

variegatum.<br />

2009020482<br />

检 验 犬 科 ( 哺 乳 纲 , 食 肉 目 ) 脑 形 成 演 化<br />

假 说 = Testing hypotheses of the evolution of<br />

encephalization in the Canidae (Carnivora,<br />

Mammalia). ( 英 文 ). Finarelli J A.<br />

Paleobiology, 2008, 34(1): 35-45<br />

Evolutionary trends observed over large<br />

clades have the potential to mask underlying<br />

trends that occur within their constituent<br />

subclades. A recent study of encephalization<br />

in the Caniformia (Carnivora, Mammalia)<br />

found evidence for an abrupt increase in<br />

median log-encephalization quotients<br />

(logEQs), indicating higher brain volume<br />

relative to body mass, at the end-Miocene, but<br />

gradual increase in the variance of logEQs. In<br />

this study, new endocranial volume estimates<br />

for fossil taxa in the well-sampled caniform<br />

subclade Canidae are reported. Using the<br />

encephalization data for the Canidae,<br />

hypotheses of evolution in encephalization<br />

allometries were tested with respect to canid<br />

phylogeny. The Akaike Information Criterion<br />

and likelihood ratios recovered support for a<br />

preferred hypothesis of the evolution of canid<br />

encephalization, which proposed two distinct<br />

allometric relationships: (1) a plesiomorphic<br />

grade of encephalization in the subfamilies<br />

Hesperocyoninae and Borophaginae and the<br />

paraphyletic canine genus Leptocyon, and (2)<br />

an apomorphic grade in the crown radiation of<br />

Caninae. This defines a shift in to higher<br />

encephalization, but without an associated<br />

change in the variance around the allometry.<br />

Increased canid encephalization coincides<br />

with a reorganization of the brain and the<br />

observed trend may reflect the evolution of<br />

complex social behavior in this clade.<br />

2009020483<br />

Trilophodont Gomphotheres ( 哺 乳 动 物<br />

纲 , 长 鼻 目 ) 的 分 支 系 统 学 分 析 ( 特 别 关<br />

注 南 美 属 ) = A cladistic analysis among<br />

Trilophodont Gomphotheres (Mammalia,<br />

Proboscidea) with special attention to the<br />

South American genera. ( 英 文 ). Prado J;<br />

Alberdi M T. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4):<br />

903-915<br />


The trilophodont gomphothere group is a<br />

monophyletic group of genera separated from<br />

other proboscideans by one synapomorphy,<br />

the presence of trefoil-shaped wear patterns on<br />

the occlusal surfaces of their teeth. These wear<br />

patterns vary from being just a single trefoil,<br />

through double trefoils, to more complex<br />

combinations of trefoils. They are present in<br />

all of the genera studied here. Our cladistic<br />

analysis makes use of 12 genera as terminal<br />

taxa. It was performed using 43 cranial, dental<br />

and postcranial morphological characters. The<br />

polarity of characters was based on outgroup<br />

criteria using the genus Phiomia as the<br />

outgroup. All characters are considered to be<br />

unordered (34 are binary and nine are<br />

multistate). The present analysis leads us to<br />

reject the hypothesis that considered<br />

Rhynchotherium as a direct ancestor of South<br />

American gomphotheres and supports the<br />

hypothesis that Sinomastodon is the sister<br />

group of Cuvieronius and Stegomastodon.<br />

High congruence between the stratigraphical<br />

record and the phylogenetic hypothesis is<br />

observed.<br />

2009020484<br />

西 班 牙 马 德 里 Batallones-1 上 中 新 统 一 新<br />

Amphicyonine 类 = A new Amphicyonine<br />

(Carnivora: Amphicyonidae) from the Upper<br />

Miocene of Batallones-1, Madrid, Spain. ( 英<br />

文 ). Peigné S; Salesa M J; Antón M; Morales<br />

J. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4): 943-965<br />

The vertebrate community of the late<br />

Miocene locality of Batallones-1, Madrid<br />

Province, Spain, is mainly composed of<br />

mammals of the order Carnivora, which<br />

represents 98 per cent of the total number of<br />

macro-mammal fossils. Here, we describe<br />

craniodental remains of approximately 12<br />

individuals of a new, highly specialized<br />

member of the Amphicyonidae, previously<br />

assigned to Amphicyon sp. cf. A. castellanus.<br />

A phylogenetic analysis of Amphicyoninae<br />

shows that this new form, named Magericyon<br />

anceps gen. et sp. nov., is markedly distinct<br />

from all other known Amphicyoninae,<br />

specifically in its hypercarnivorous features<br />

(strongly compressed upper canines, absence<br />

of dP1/dp1 and P2/p2, single-rooted p3,<br />

absence of a metaconid on the lower molars,<br />

and reduction of M2 relative to M1).<br />

2009020485<br />

最 古 老 的 兽 头 类 ( 兽 孔 目 , 真 兽 齿 类 ) 及<br />

兽 孔 目 的 早 期 分 化 = The oldest<br />

Therocephalians (Therapsida, Eutheriodontia)<br />

and the early diversification of Therapsida.<br />

( 英 文 ). Abdala F; Rubidge B S; Heever J.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(4): 1011-1024<br />

The oldest records of mammal-like<br />

therapsids in Laurasia are from the Ocher<br />

Complex of Russia and the Xidagou<br />

Formation of China, whereas in Gondwana<br />

they are restricted to the Eodicynodon<br />

Assemblage Zone, Beaufort Group of the<br />

South African Karoo. This fauna, which is<br />

relatively depauperate when compared with<br />

younger assemblage zones from the Karoo,<br />

shows an amazing diversity of therapsids<br />

including: dinocephalians (already represented<br />

by the carnivorous anteosaurids and the<br />

herbivorous tapinocephalids), anomodonts<br />

(including dicynodonts), gorgonopsians, and<br />

therocephalians. The last group is represented<br />

by two specimens in this assemblage zone.<br />

This paper presents a full description of these<br />

therocephalians, which are assigned to the<br />

scylacosaurid species Glanosuchus macrops<br />

and Ictidosaurus angusticeps. We also discuss<br />

diversity trends of therocephalians and explore<br />

some hypotheses implicated by the diverse<br />

oldest record of therapsids, represented by five<br />

of the six major lineages of the group.<br />

2009020486<br />

阿 根 廷 早 古 新 世 哺 乳 动 物 Sudamericid 的<br />

补 充 标 本 = Additional specimens of<br />

Sudamericid (Gondwanatheria) Mammals<br />

from the early Paleocene of Argentina. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Gurovich Y. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(5):<br />

1069-1089<br />

The extinct, Cretaceous – Paleogene<br />

Gondwanatherians have previously been<br />

considered to be early xenarthrans,<br />

multituberculates and more recently<br />

Mammalia incertae sedis. However, the<br />

phylogenetic relationships of Gondwanatheria<br />

have yet to be resolved. In this paper,<br />

additional dental specimens of the<br />

gondwanatherian Sudamerica ameghinoi from<br />

the Early Paleocene Salamanca Formation of<br />

Argentina are described. These specimens<br />

provide additional information on<br />

Gondwanatheria affinities, sudamericid<br />

morphology and help support earlier<br />

hypotheses on Sudamerica dental formula and<br />

tooth categories. Sudamericid dental<br />

functional morphology and body mass<br />

estimates, based on measurements of isolated<br />

teeth, are inferred. Dental morphology such as<br />

hypsodonty, enamel microstructure and crown<br />

features do support a robust clade for<br />

Sudamericidae.<br />


2009020487<br />

英 格 兰 南 部 早 白 垩 世 巴 雷 姆 期 一<br />

spalacotheriid 类 及 其 相 关 演 化 = A<br />

Spalacolestine spalacotheriid (Mammalia,<br />

Trechnotheria) from the early Cretaceous<br />

(Barremian) of Southern England and its<br />

bearing on spalacotheriid evolution. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Sweetman S C. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6):<br />

1367-1385<br />

Bulk screening of Early Cretaceous<br />

(Barremian) Wealden Group strata of the<br />

Wessex Formation exposed on the south-west<br />

and south-east coasts of the Isle of Wight,<br />

southern England, has resulted in the recovery<br />

of fragmentary remains pertaining to a new<br />

spalacolestine spalacotheriid mammal,<br />

Yaverlestes gassoni gen. et sp. nov. These<br />

represent the first European record of the<br />

Spalacolestinae. The remains comprise a<br />

dentulous incomplete dentary and isolated<br />

upper and lower molariforms, the former<br />

representing the most substantial mammal<br />

remains yet recovered from the Wealden<br />

Group. Hitherto, six species of spalacotheriid<br />

mammal were known from the Lower<br />

Cretaceous of Europe. All are referred to the<br />

genus Spalacotherium but in the case of taxa<br />

diagnosed on the basis of isolated lower teeth<br />

and other specimens where the post-canine<br />

dentition is incompletely known, it is now<br />

evident that these referrals should be treated<br />

with caution. Furthermore, the new Wessex<br />

Formation spalacotheriid and recently<br />

described spalacotheriids from the Barremian<br />

of Japan, and the Barremian and Aptian of<br />

China exhibit combinations of characters that<br />

suggest that spalacotheriids were more diverse<br />

and that their evolution was more complex<br />

than previously recognized. The systematic<br />

position of an isolated tooth from the basal<br />

Cretaceous Lourinhã Formation of Portugal is<br />

discussed and the tooth reassigned to the<br />

Spalacotheriidae. Together with the new<br />

Wessex Formation taxon, eight species are<br />

now known from the Lower Cretaceous of<br />

Europe. The discovery of a spalacolestine in<br />

the Barremian Wessex Formation supports the<br />

concept of faunal interchange between Europe,<br />

Asia and North America during the Early<br />

Cretaceous. It also supports derivation of<br />

North American spalacotheriids from a<br />

European or Eurasian ancestor.<br />

2009020488<br />

缅 甸 上 新 世 -- 更 新 世 双 角 犀 属 ( 犀 牛 科 ) 一<br />

新 种 = A new species of Dicerorhinus<br />

(Rhinocerotidae) from the Plio-Pleistocene of<br />

Myanmar. ( 英 文 ). Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein;<br />

Takai M; Tsubamoto T; Thaung-Htike; Egi N;<br />

Maung-Maung. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6):<br />

1419-1433<br />

A skull and mandible of the new species<br />

Dicerorhinus gwebinensis sp. nov. of<br />

Rhinocerotidae (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) is<br />

described. The material is collected from the<br />

upper part of the Irrawaddy sediments (Plio-<br />

Pleistocene) in central Myanmar.<br />

D. gwebinensis sp. nov. is morphologically<br />

more similar to the extant species<br />

D. sumatrensis (Sumatran rhinoceros) than to<br />

other species of the genus but differs from<br />

D. sumatrensis in having the comparatively<br />

shorter nasal, the more concave dorsal profile<br />

of the skull, the more elevated occiput and<br />

presence of molar crista in M3/. This is the<br />

first discovery of Dicerorhinus in the upper<br />

Miocene to lower Pleistocene of the Indian<br />

subcontinent and Mainland Southeast Asia,<br />

and fills the chronological and geographical<br />

gap of this lineage in Asia. The Dicerorhinus<br />

clade probably migrated into Southeast Asia<br />

from East Asia by the Pliocene or early<br />

Pleistocene. This hypothesis is supported by<br />

the scarcity or absence of this clade in the<br />

Neogene mammalian fauna of the Indian<br />

Subcontinent.<br />

2009020489<br />

欧 洲 伊 比 利 亚 半 岛 欧 特 里 夫 阶 / 巴 雷 姆 阶 过<br />

渡 阶 段 新 的 多 瘤 齿 兽 类 = New<br />

multituberculate mammals from the<br />

Hauterivian/Barremian transition of Europe<br />

(Iberian Peninsula). ( 英 文 ). Badiola A;<br />

Canudo J I; Cuenca-Besc ó s G.<br />

Palaeontology, 2008, 51(6): 1455-1469<br />

New multituberculate mammals from the<br />

Hauterivian/Barremian transition of Europe<br />

are described. They were found in the late<br />

Hauterivian-early Barremian fossiliferous<br />

locality of La Cantalera (Josa, Teruel, Spain),<br />

one of the Early Cretaceous sites in the<br />

Aragonese branch of the Iberian Ranges, in<br />

northeastern Iberia. The fossils have been<br />

assigned to at least three taxa on the basis of<br />

nine isolated teeth: a new pinheirodontid<br />

taxon, Cantalera abadi gen. et sp. nov.; a<br />

representative of the eobaatarid Eobaatar; a<br />

taxon described as Plagiaulacidae or<br />

Eobaataridae gen. et sp. indet.; and other as<br />

Plagiaulacida indet. These fossils have<br />

increased the resolution of European Early<br />

Cretaceous multituberculate mammalian<br />

biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography: the<br />


oldest representative of Eobaatar is described<br />

here; a taxon is assigned to Plagiaulacidae, in<br />

which case it would be the first of this family<br />

in the Iberian Peninsula; and the discovery of<br />

a new late Hauterivian pinheirodontid taxon<br />

demonstrates greater biodiversity and a wider<br />

distribution for these multituberculates than<br />

was previously known. The mutituberculate<br />

fauna of La Cantalera consists of endemic taxa<br />

(Pinheirodontidae), which were restricted to<br />

what is now Western Europe, and others<br />

(Eobaataridae) which have also been<br />

described in Asia. Consistent with the Iberian<br />

record of late Barremian gobiconodontid<br />

mammals, the presence of Eobaatar in Iberia<br />

with representatives from the late Hauterivian<br />

to late Barremian, as well as in the Aptian or<br />

Albian of Mongolia, indicates that faunal<br />

exchanges between Europe and Asia could<br />

have existed for most of the Early Cretaceous,<br />

either sporadically or constantly.<br />

2009020490<br />

最 早 的 南 美 古 新 世 哺 乳 动 物 群 生 物 年 代 学<br />

关 系 = Biochronological relationships of the<br />

earliest South American Paleogene<br />

mammalian faunas. ( 英 文 ). Gelfo J N; Goin F<br />

J; Woodburne M O; De Muizon C.<br />

Palaeontology, 2009, 52(1): 251-269<br />

The oldest Cenozoic mammalian<br />

assemblages in South America have been<br />

recovered from levels of the Hansen Member<br />

of the Salamanca Formation, Punta Peligro<br />

locality in Argentina, and from the Santa Lucí<br />

a Formation in Tiupampa, Bolivia. These<br />

faunas led to the recognition of the Peligran<br />

and Tiupampan South American Land<br />

Mammal Ages (SALMAs), each alternatively<br />

regarded as the oldest Paleocene SALMA.<br />

Due to the lack of radioisotopic dates for<br />

mammals bearing levels at these localities, no<br />

agreement has been reached yet about their<br />

relative ages. In this paper, the role of<br />

mammal faunas in age inference is discussed.<br />

Analysis of the SALMAs shows that the<br />

presence of non-therian mammals in the<br />

Peligran is of little consequence to the<br />

biochronological evaluation, reflecting instead<br />

a relict Mesozoic distribution. In contrast,<br />

therian mammals are particularly important in<br />

that (1) they were Lauraisan immigrants and<br />

(2) they support direct comparisons between<br />

the Tiupampa and Punta Peligro faunas.<br />

Parsimony and cluster analysis were used to<br />

quantitatively test hypotheses concerning the<br />

relative age of the Peligran and Tiupampan<br />

SALMAs. Our results support the hypothesis<br />

that the Tiupampan SALMA (early Danian) is<br />

older than the Peligran SALMA (early<br />

Selandian). This alignment results in an<br />

interpretation of the evolutionary history of<br />

South American land mammals that is more<br />

straightforward than the alternative.<br />

2009020491<br />

应 用 于 比 较 臼 齿 形 态 学 的 拓 扑 图 —— 以 鼠<br />

科 动 物 和 仓 鼠 ( 啮 齿 目 , 鼠 总 科 ) 的 牙 齿<br />

构 型 为 例 = Topographic maps applied to<br />

comparative molar morphology: the case of<br />

murine and cricetine dental plans (Rodentia,<br />

Muroidea). ( 英 文 ). Lazzari V; Tafforeau P;<br />

Aguilar J.-P; Michaux J. Paleobiology, 2008,<br />

34(1): 46-64<br />

We developed a new method to generate<br />

topographic maps of tooth crowns from X-ray<br />

synchrotron microtomographic data. Maps are<br />

drawn after cervix-plane orientation of tooth<br />

image stacks, without the need for a<br />

geographic information system. Classical<br />

topographic maps with contour lines are<br />

complemented by slope maps and angularity<br />

maps. Cartography allows precise<br />

comparisons of cusps morphologies, and<br />

quantification of the directions of cusp axis<br />

elongation and slope. Application of this<br />

method to muroid rodents with cricetine and<br />

murine dental patterns reveals clear-cut<br />

differences in cusps morphology that are<br />

indicative of the direction of the chewing<br />

movement, in agreement with wear facet<br />

analyses. Rodents with a murine dental pattern<br />

were derived from ancestors with a cricetine<br />

pattern, and their origin is associated with<br />

important changes in cusp morphology and<br />

organization. In order to understand such<br />

evolutionary change, our investigation is<br />

applied to a sample of extant and fossil muroid<br />

rodents that are characterized by either a<br />

murine dental plan or a cricetine one, or a<br />

dental pattern intermediate between those of<br />

cricetines and murines.<br />

2009020492<br />

印 度 尼 西 亚 摩 鹿 加 哈 尔 马 赫 拉 全 新 世 袋 鼠<br />

化 石 和 其 它 哺 乳 动 物 = Fossil marsupials<br />

(Macropodidae, Peroryctidae) and other<br />

mammals of Holocene age from Halmahera,<br />

North Moluccas, Indonesia. ( 英 文 ). Flannery<br />

T; Bellwood P; White P; Moore A.<br />

Alcheringa, 1995, 19(1): 17 - 25<br />

Faunal remains from Gua (cave) Siti<br />

Nafisah, central Halmahera, reveal that until at<br />

least 1,870 ybp, Halmahera supported a non-<br />


volant mammal fauna which was<br />

predominantly of New Guinean origin. It<br />

consisted of at least three marsupial species; a<br />

wallaby of the genus Dorcopsis, a bandicoot<br />

(family Peroryctidae, genus indet.), and the<br />

Halmahera Group endemic cuscus Phalanger<br />

ornatus. Rattus morotaiensis, which is also<br />

endemic to the Halmahera Group, was also<br />

probably present. The wallaby and bandicoot<br />

(both terrestrial species) are now extinct,<br />

while the arboreal cuscus and rat survive.<br />

Faunal remains from the Uattamdi site, on the<br />

small island of Kayoa, do not include the<br />

remains of bandicoots or wallabies. The<br />

Dorcopsis wallaby survived until around<br />

1,870 years ago. It is possible that the<br />

bandicoot vanished slightly earlier. Sometime<br />

between around 3,410 and 1,870 ybp both pigs<br />

and dogs were successfully introduced. Today<br />

soricids, viverrids, cervids and several murid<br />

species, all of Asiatic origin, have established<br />

feral populations on Halmahera. The Sugar<br />

Glider (Petaurus breviceps), a marsupial<br />

which is resident on Halmahera today, is<br />

absent from the archaeological sequence, and<br />

it may be an introduction from New Guinea.<br />

2009020493<br />

澳 大 利 亚 坎 加 鲁 中 新 世 袋 鼠 烃<br />

Hadronomas puckridgi 的 颅 后 骨 骼 = The<br />

postcranial skeleton of the Miocene kangaroo,<br />

Hadronomas puckridgi Woodburne<br />

(Marsupialia, Macropodidae). ( 英 文 ). Murray<br />

P F. Alcheringa, 1995, 19(2): 119 - 170<br />

Hadronomas was a large kangaroo similar<br />

in size to Simosthenurus occidentalis. Its pes<br />

was relatively long and robust, resembling<br />

those of the sthenurines Procoptodon and<br />

Sthenurus in possessing ligamentous<br />

specialisations of the fourth proximal phalanx,<br />

anteroposterior compression of fourth<br />

proximal and median phalanges, broad, blunt<br />

'hoof-like' terminal fourth phalanx, a shallow<br />

calcaneocuboidal 'step', anteroposterior as<br />

opposed to mediolateral differentiation of the<br />

ankle joint, high, rounded profile of the<br />

astragalar trochleae and a reduced, medially<br />

situated proximal ventromedial facet of the<br />

cuboid. The upper and lower limb girdles<br />

resemble those of sthenurines in that the<br />

coracovertebral angle of the scapula is<br />

elevated and produced anteriorly in the form<br />

of a rectangular process. The innominate is<br />

anteroposteriorly broad and the ischium is<br />

flattened in cross section. The tibia possesses<br />

a sinuous shaft and an elongated, smoothly<br />

convex tibial crest that tapers gradually into<br />

the diaphysis. Hadronomas's postcranial<br />

skeleton differs from other sthenurines in<br />

retaining a large functional fifth digit and in<br />

showing no proximodistal compression of the<br />

cuboid. A character analysis of the postcranial<br />

skeleton of Hadronomas indicates that the<br />

genus represents a primitive member of the<br />

Sthenurinae, and that the Sthenurinae and the<br />

Macropodinae diverged at an early stage in<br />

macropodid evolution.<br />

2009020494<br />

Neuryurus 属 的 最 早 纪 录 = The earliest<br />

record of Neuryurus Ameghino (Mammalia,<br />

Glyptodontidae, Hoplophorinae). ( 英 文 ).<br />

Zurita A E; Soibelzon E; Scillato-Yan G J;<br />

Cenizo M. Alcheringa, 2009, 33(1): 49 - 57<br />

Among the Pleistocene Cingulata<br />

(Glyptodontidae), Neuryurus Ameghino is<br />

poorly documented; the only wellcharacterized<br />

species being N. rudis (Gervais),<br />

limited to the Ensenadan Age/Stage (earlymiddle<br />

Pleistocene) of the Pampean region in<br />

Argentina. The genus is characterized by<br />

dorsal carapace osteoderms with uniformly<br />

punctate exposed surfaces giving them a<br />

rugose, almost spongy aspect; sutures between<br />

the osteoderms are loose. Outside Argentina,<br />

Neuryurus has been recorded in western<br />

Uruguay and southern Brazil. Until now, its<br />

temporal range was restricted to the<br />

Ensenadan-Lujanian (early Pleistocene-early<br />

Holocene). In this context, we present the<br />

earliest record of the genus from the San<br />

Andr s Formation (Sanandresian Substage;<br />

late Pliocene), consisting of dorsal carapace<br />

osteoderms and caudal rings and sheath. Most<br />

of the associated fauna indicates a dry climate<br />

and the assemblage probably characterizes a<br />

cold arid event detected at around 2.5 Ma.<br />

2009020495<br />

哺 乳 类 Neuryurus 属 最 早 的 纪 录 = The<br />

earliest record of Neuryurus Ameghino<br />

(Mammalia, Glyptodontidae, Hoplophorinae).<br />

( 英 文 ). Zurita A E; Soibelzon E; Scillato-Yan<br />

G J; Cenizo M. Alcheringa, 2009, 33(1): 49 -<br />

57<br />

Among the Pleistocene Cingulata<br />

(Glyptodontidae), Neuryurus Ameghino is<br />

poorly documented; the only wellcharacterized<br />

species being N. rudis (Gervais),<br />

limited to the Ensenadan Age/Stage (earlymiddle<br />

Pleistocene) of the Pampean region in<br />

Argentina. The genus is characterized by<br />

dorsal carapace osteoderms with uniformly<br />

punctate exposed surfaces giving them a<br />


ugose, almost spongy aspect; sutures between<br />

the osteoderms are loose. Outside Argentina,<br />

Neuryurus has been recorded in western<br />

Uruguay and southern Brazil. Until now, its<br />

temporal range was restricted to the<br />

Ensenadan-Lujanian (early Pleistocene-early<br />

Holocene). In this context, we present the<br />

earliest record of the genus from the San<br />

Andr s Formation (Sanandresian Substage;<br />

late Pliocene), consisting of dorsal carapace<br />

osteoderms and caudal rings and sheath. Most<br />

of the associated fauna indicates a dry climate<br />

and the assemblage probably characterizes a<br />

cold arid event detected at around 2.5 Ma.<br />

2009020496<br />

黑 山 Pljevlja 附 近 Trlica 地 区 早 更 新 世 啮<br />

齿 类 = Early Pleistocene rodents (Rodentia,<br />

Mammalia) from Trlica near Pljevlja<br />

(Montenegro). ( 英 文 ). Bogicevic K; Nenadic<br />

D. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2008, 247(3):<br />

325-333<br />

We present in this paper the description and<br />

the analysis of five species of rodents found<br />

on this locality (Dinaromys dalmatinus,<br />

Altophatomys cf. pliocaenicus, Mimomys ex gr.<br />

reidi-pusillus, Glis sackdilligensis, Hystrix cf.<br />

refossa). The composition of rodent fauna<br />

allows us to determine the age of this locality<br />

more precisely, and according to it an Early<br />

Pleistocene age (Mimomys savini-pusillus<br />

zone) has been proposed.<br />

2009020497<br />

澳 大 利 亚 和 新 几 内 亚 进 入 有 袋 类 生 物 年 代<br />

学 的 方 法 = Approaches to marsupial<br />

biochronology in Australia and New Guinea.<br />

( 英 文 ). Megirian D. Alcheringa, 1994, 18(3):<br />

259 - 274<br />

Mammal (marsupial) palaeontology is<br />

useful for the correlation of non-marine strata<br />

of Australia and New Guinea. The<br />

geochronological framework constructed from<br />

marsupial data is based substantially in stageof-evolution<br />

biochronology, which is not<br />

subject to the formal guidance of a code, or<br />

regulation by an authority. Instead, it has<br />

evolved through an informal consensus of<br />

usage. Principles and practices of stage-ofevolution<br />

biochronology and its historical<br />

development are reviewed from an Australian<br />

perspective. Amongst more recent<br />

developments in the discipline are the<br />

establishment of the first marsupial<br />

biostratigraphy for the continent, covering the<br />

Etadunna Formation of the Lake Eyre Basin<br />

(Woodburne et al., 1993), and the introduction<br />

of novel terminology to express marsupial<br />

succession in the Carl Creek Limestone of<br />

northwestern Queensland (Archer et al., 1989).<br />

The merits of the various approaches to<br />

biochronology are examined: stage-ofevolution<br />

biochronology has provided, and<br />

will continue to contribute to, a correlation<br />

framework for a continent with a sparse<br />

mammal record not generally amenable to<br />

biostratigraphic resolution. Terminology<br />

proposed by Archer et al. (1989) is shown to<br />

be unsatisfactory.<br />

2009020498<br />

阿 根 廷 圣 克 鲁 斯 省 中 新 世 异 关 节 类<br />

Stegotherium 属 一 新 种 = a new species of<br />

Stegotherium Ameghino (Xenarthra,<br />

Dasypodidae, Stegotheriini) from the Miocene<br />

Of Santa Cruz Province (Argentina).. ( 其 他 ).<br />

Gonzalez L R; Scillato-Yante G J.<br />

Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(4): 641-648<br />

A new species of Stegotheriini (Xenarthra,<br />

Dasypodidae), Stegotherium tauberi is<br />

described here based on materials previously<br />

attributed to Stegotherium tessellatum<br />

Ameghino, as well as additional specimens<br />

discovered recently. All the specimens came<br />

from outcrops of the Santa Cruz Formation<br />

(Santacrucian Age, late early Miocene)<br />

located between the estuaries of the rivers<br />

Coyle and Gallegos (Santa Cruz Province,<br />

Argentina). The materials reassigned here<br />

represent the most complete for the tribe<br />

Stegotheriini. Moreover, Stegotherium tauberi<br />

is the southernmost Stegotheriini discovered<br />

up to now.<br />

2009020499<br />

利 用 沉 积 岩 相 学 修 订 Ethegotherium<br />

carettei 的 地 层 陆 源 区 = Revision of the<br />

stratigraphic provenance of Ethegotherium<br />

carettei (Notoungulata, Hegetotheriidae) by<br />

sedimentary petrograhy. ( 英 文 ). Lopez G;<br />

Manassero M. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u.<br />

Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(1):<br />

1-9<br />

Ethegotherium carettei was considered among<br />

the species with derived characteristics from<br />

Dividadero Largo Formation: seven thin rock<br />

sections were taken for petrographical analysis<br />

to test the hypothesis that it could come from<br />

more modern stratigraphic levels. This<br />

analysis indicates that E. carettei proceeds<br />

from Marino Formation and not from<br />

Divisadero Largo Formation, as it has been<br />

stated since the erection of this species.<br />


2009020500<br />

巴 尔 干 地 区 晚 中 新 世 Propotamochoerus 的<br />

新 标 本 = New specimens of<br />

Propotamochoerus (Suidae, Mammalia). ( 英<br />

文 ). Geraads D; Spassov N; Garevski R.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(1): 103-113<br />

We describe new remains of the small<br />

Suidae Propotamochoerus from the late<br />

Miocene of Macedonia and Bulgaria, which<br />

greatly increase the European sample. They<br />

are clearly distinct from both the Vallesian P.<br />

palaeochoerus and the Pliocene P.<br />

provincialis, but cannot be satisfactorily<br />

referred to the Asian species P. hysudricus or<br />

P. hyotherioides. It is likely that these Balkan<br />

specimens belong to a species of their own,<br />

probably distinct from the P. palaeochoerus -<br />

P. provincialis lineage.<br />

2009020501<br />

伊 比 利 亚 半 岛 更 新 世 Beremendia fissidens<br />

的 首 次 记 录 兼 评 该 种 的 生 物 地 层 , 生 物 地<br />

理 和 古 生 态 = First record of Beremendia<br />

fissidens (Mammalia, Soricidae) in the<br />

Pleistocene of the Iberian Peninsula, with a<br />

review of the biostratigraphy, biogeography<br />

and palaeoecology of the species. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Rofes J; Cuenca-Bescósa G. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2009, 8(1): 21-37<br />

This paper reports the first paleontological<br />

record of Beremendia fissidens (Mammalia,<br />

Soricidae) in the Iberian Peninsula during the<br />

second third of the Early Pleistocene. The<br />

species is exclusively present at the lowermost<br />

levels (Lower Red Unit: TE8 – 14) of the<br />

Sima del Elefante site, one of the largest<br />

stratigraphic sections of the Atapuerca cave<br />

complex (Burgos, Spain). The age of Sima del<br />

Elefante shows that this large-sized type of<br />

red-toothed venomous shrew inhabited the<br />

Sierra de Atapuerca more than 1.1 Myr ago,<br />

coexisting with an extremely rich and diverse<br />

faunal association of nearly 40 small and large<br />

mammalian species, including hominines. The<br />

presence of this species in the Atapuerca<br />

locality has important palaeoecological,<br />

palaeobiogeographical and biostratigraphic<br />

implications, which are extensively discussed<br />

here, throwing light on aspects largely left<br />

aside for this important group of red-toothed<br />

shrews, previously relegated to nothing but<br />

mere faunal lists, at least in the Iberian<br />

Peninsular context.<br />

2009020502<br />

西 班 牙 南 部 格 拉 纳 达 盆 地 中 - 上 新 世 界 限 层<br />

Muridae 科 及 其 生 物 地 层 和 系 统 发 育 意 义<br />

= Muridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the<br />

Mio-Pliocene boundary in the Granada Basin<br />

(southern Spain). Biostratigraphic and<br />

phylogenetic implications.. ( 英 文 ). Garcia-<br />

Alix A; Minwer-Barakat R; Suarez E M;<br />

Freudenthal M. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie<br />

u. Palaontologie / Abhandlungen, 2008,<br />

248(2): 183-215<br />

The record of Mio-Pliocene continental<br />

sediments is very complete in the Granada<br />

Basin, and many fossiliferous localities have<br />

yielded material of Rodentia, Lipotyphla and<br />

Lagomorpha. The most diversified and<br />

numerous are rodents, more specifically the<br />

family Muridae. Seventeen murid species,<br />

beloging to eight genera, have been identified.<br />

New data on these genera have been used to<br />

propose and corroborate some phylogenetic<br />

hypotheses. The studied localities range in age<br />

from middle Turolian to early Ruscinian, and<br />

the variation of the relative abundance of the<br />

faunas through time show a faunistic<br />

replacement between the midlle-late Turolian<br />

transition and the late Turolian-early<br />

Ruscinian.<br />

2009020503<br />

肯 尼 亚 Fort Ternan 地 区 中 中 新 世 一 新 的<br />

小 型 食 肉 动 物 = A new small carnivoran<br />

from the Middle Miocene of Fort Ternan,<br />

Kenya. ( 英 文 ). Dehghani R; Werdelin L.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(2): 233-244<br />

The complete cranium and upper dentition<br />

of a new genus and species of small feliform<br />

carnivoran is described. The external features<br />

of the auditory bulla and basicranium show<br />

that it is likely to be a member of the<br />

Viverridae, the oldest to be described from an<br />

intact skull in Africa. The new taxon difers<br />

from the previously described African small<br />

feliformians. It is most similar to Herpestides<br />

aequatorialis, but differs in details of the<br />

structure of P4. Ecologically the new form<br />

probably filled a niche similar to that of<br />

modern-day genets.<br />

2009020504<br />

德 国 Offenbach 地 区 Cyrena 层 的 哺 乳 动 物 :<br />

生 物 地 层 对 比 = Mammals from the Cyrena<br />

Beds of Offenbach (Hesse)- Biostratigraphic<br />

correlation. ( 英 文 ). Ziegler R; Storch G.<br />


Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2008, 248(3): 267-278<br />

A faunule of 30 isolated teeth jaw<br />

fragments from the Cyrena Marls of<br />

Offenbach in the Hanau Basin is presented.<br />

Though it consists of relatively few specimens,<br />

the faunule is astoundingly diverse, and<br />

includes didelphids, soricids, talpids,<br />

allomyids, sciurids, castorids, cricetids, and<br />

one tooth of a viverrid. The composition of the<br />

faunule unambiguously indicatesa post-<br />

Grande Coupure correlation. This suggests a<br />

biostratigraphic correlation to the Early/Late<br />

Oligocene transition (MP 23-25) for the<br />

Offenbach locality.<br />

2009020505<br />

哺 乳 动 物 长 鼻 目 的 起 源 和 演 化 = Origin and<br />

evolution of proboscideans. ( 法 文 ).<br />

Gheerbrant E; Tassy P. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2009, 8(2-3): 281-294<br />

Recent palaeontological research has<br />

significantly enhanced our knowledge of the<br />

evolution of proboscideans, especially the<br />

beginning of their evolutionary history. New<br />

discoveries in the Early Eocene support, in<br />

particular, a lophodont ancestral morphotype<br />

for the Proboscidea and the African origin of<br />

the order, from which the Asiatic<br />

Anthracobunidae are excluded. The primitive<br />

Eocene proboscideans remain, however,<br />

poorly known. Other important discoveries<br />

have been made on the question of the origin<br />

of the moeritheres, of the deinotheres and<br />

elephantimorphs, and on the differentiation of<br />

elephantids. Palaeontology demonstrates in<br />

the Proboscidea a remarkably rich history,<br />

unsuspected from the extant relictual diversity,<br />

and one of the most spectacular morphological<br />

evolutions in the Mammalia<br />

2009020506<br />

鲸 类 的 起 源 和 进 化 史 = Origin and<br />

evolutionary history of cetaceans. ( 法 文 ). de<br />

Muizon C. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009,<br />

8(2-3): 295-309<br />

Cetaceans are the most highly modified<br />

mammals. They originate among terrestrial<br />

ariodactyles during the Early Eocene. The<br />

oldest known cetacean is Pakicetus, a<br />

terrestrial and cursorial taxon of the Early<br />

Eocene (50 Ma), which entered the water in<br />

search for food or, possibly, to protect its skin<br />

from the sun. A few million years later,<br />

Ambulocetus is an amphibious cetacean<br />

capable of moving on land but also an agile<br />

swimmer using its hind limbs for propulsion.<br />

Ambulocetus was a formidable predator with<br />

powerful teeth. The nares of Pakicetus and<br />

Ambulocetus were anteriorly placed, at the<br />

apex of the snout. During the Late Eocene,<br />

there appeared the first strictly aquatic<br />

cetaceans, the Basilosauridae. Their hind<br />

limbs are totally atrophied and are not<br />

functional. The nares are on the dorsal face of<br />

the rostrum on the anterior third of the skull.<br />

From that time, the way toward modern<br />

cetaceans was opened; the oldest mysticetes<br />

are from the Latest Eocene and the oldest<br />

odontocetes from the Early Oligocene.<br />

2009020507<br />

西 班 牙 阿 拉 贡 阶 啮 齿 类 一 新 种 Eomyops<br />

noeliae = Eomyops noeliae sp. nov., a new<br />

Eomyidae (Mammalia, Rodentia) from the<br />

Aragonian of Spain. ( 英 文 ). Ruiz-Sánchez F J;<br />

Calatayud B L; Freudenthal M. Comptes<br />

Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(4): 375-384<br />

A new species of Eomyops, Eomyops<br />

noeliae, is described. from the locality MT-<br />

20A (Morteral section, Magro basin, eastern<br />

Spain). It is intermediate in size between the<br />

large eomiid, E. hebeiseni, and the small<br />

species of the group E. catalaunicus,<br />

E. bodvanus and E. oppligeri. The age range is<br />

Lower Aragonian. MT-20A is located<br />

between deposits that contain Megacricetodon<br />

primitivus and M. collongensis.<br />

Morphologically, E. noeliae sp. nov. is clearly<br />

different from the rest of species of the genus,<br />

due to an important reduction of the lingual<br />

anteroloph of M 1,2,3 and the labial<br />

anterolophid of M 3 . The lower incisor shows<br />

two parallel ridges along the enamel like the<br />

type species of the genus, E. catalaunicus.<br />

This character is basic for the distinction<br />

between Eomyops and the North American<br />

genus Leptodontomys.<br />

2009020508<br />

匈 牙 利 北 部 Felsotarkany-Felnemet 地 区 一<br />

新 种 Cricetodon klariankae = Cricetodon<br />

klariankae n. sp. (Cricetodontini, Rodentia)<br />

from Felsotarkany-Felnemet (Northern<br />

Hungary). ( 英 文 ). Hir J. Fragmenta<br />

Palaeontologica Hungarica, 2007, 24-25():<br />

15-24<br />

A new Cricetodon species was found in the<br />

locality Felsotarkany-Felnemet. The teeth of<br />

the species are high crowned but different<br />

from those of the genera Hispanomys and<br />

Byzantinia.<br />


古 人 类 学<br />

古 人 类 学<br />

2009020509<br />

希 腊 克 里 特 岛 Malia Minoan 皇 宫 一 些 黑 曜<br />

岩 的 起 源 研 究 = Provenance study of some<br />

obsidians from the Malia Minoan Palace<br />

(Crete). ( 法 文 ). Bellot-Gurlet L; Pelon O; Séf<br />

ériadès M L. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2008,<br />

7(7): 419-427<br />

Excavation of Malia Palace (Crete) had<br />

delivered a large collection of obsidian<br />

artefacts from Ancient Minoan II to Middle<br />

Minoan II levels. Among these artefacts, some<br />

present visual macroscopic characteristics<br />

distinct from Aegean raw materials from<br />

Melos and Gyali islands. To determine the<br />

provenance of these obsidians, non-destructive<br />

analysis by particle induced X-ray emission<br />

(PIXE) were realised from a sampling of 31<br />

artefacts. As suspected, the sources recognised<br />

are mainly Aegean, with the larger part (25<br />

artefacts) identifiable to Melos sources (Sta<br />

Nychia: 21; Demenegaki: 4) and one piece to<br />

the Gyali island. The originality lies in the<br />

identification at Malia for the Ancient Minoan<br />

II levels of five artefacts attributed to<br />

Cappadocian sources, with four pieces coming<br />

from the Göllü Dağ volcanic complex and for<br />

the first time in the Aegean area, of one<br />

obsidian artefact ascribed to the Nenezi Dağ<br />

volcano.<br />

2009020510<br />

埃 塞 俄 比 亚 下 奥 默 峡 谷 上 新 世 - 更 新 世 新 的<br />

古 人 类 研 究 = New palaeoanthropological<br />

research in the Plio-Pleistocene Omo Group,<br />

Lower Omo Valley, SNNPR (Southern<br />

Nations, Nationalities and People Regions),<br />

Ethiopia. ( 英 文 ). Boisseriea J R; Guy F;<br />

Delagnes A et al. Comptes Rendus<br />

Palevol, 2008, 7(7): 429-439<br />

Through previous works in the early 1930s<br />

by C. Arambourg and in the 1960–1970s by<br />

the International Omo Research Expedition<br />

(IORE) initiated by F. C. Howell, the Omo<br />

Group deposits of the Lower Omo Valley<br />

provided decisive data on Plio-Pleistocene<br />

environmental change and hominid evolution<br />

in eastern Africa. Y. Coppens directed the<br />

IORE French component with Arambourg,<br />

then alone from 1970 to 1976. After 30-year<br />

hiatus, the Omo Group Research Expedition<br />

reinitiated field work on Shungura Formation<br />

deposits aged between 3 Ma and 2 Ma. In<br />

2006 and 2007, renewed methods led to the<br />

collection of more than 600 vertebrate<br />

specimens with a particularly precise record of<br />

contextual data. These specimens include<br />

significant hominid remains dated to 2.5 Ma<br />

and slightly older. Changes in faunal<br />

distributions were also recorded. Additionally,<br />

the Shungura Formation archaeological record<br />

is reconsidered. These first results are<br />

indicative of future advances in the study of<br />

biodiversity evolution and its relationship with<br />

global and regional environmental changes.<br />

2009020511<br />

尼 日 尔 晚 中 新 世 人 科 化 石 = Late Miocene<br />

hominoid from Niger. ( 英 文 ). Pickford M;<br />

Coppens Y; Senut B; Morales J; Braga J.<br />

Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2009, 8(4): 413-425<br />

African Late Miocene hominoids are rare,<br />

having been reported from six localities in<br />

Kenya, Ethiopia and Chad ranging in age from<br />

10.5 to 5.5 Ma. We here report the occurrence<br />

of a hominoid in Niger associated with a<br />

vertebrate fauna which indicates an age of<br />

between 11–5 Ma. The Niger fossil locality<br />

is 940 km north of the nearest known extant<br />

hominoids, 1000 km west of the nearest<br />

recorded fossil hominoid from Chad<br />

历 史 地 质 学 、 地 层 学<br />

综 论<br />

2009020512<br />

地 中 海 地 区 对 旋 回 地 层 学 和 天 文 年 代 学 的<br />

贡 献 = Mediterranean contributions to<br />

cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Fischer A G; Hilgen F J; Garrison R E.<br />

Sedimentology, 2009, 56(1): 63 - 94<br />

In 1895, G.K. Gilbert suggested that<br />

rhythmical repetition of patterns in the<br />

sequences of strata correspond to orbital<br />

variations and could provide a chronology for<br />

Earth history. This suggestion remained a<br />

heuristic hypothesis in need of testing; in this,<br />

the Mediterranean region latterly played a<br />

crucial role. Its extended sequences of pelagic<br />

and lacustrine – paludal strata provide long<br />

time series of hierarchical rhythmic variations<br />

tied directly to biostratigraphy and to<br />

magnetic reversals. The latter provide<br />

historical control and links to astronomically<br />

calculated curves that have been extended<br />

progressively into the past. These comparisons<br />

verify the orbital origins of the major<br />

sedimentary rhythms and are serving to reduce<br />

the age uncertainties of the significant time<br />

stratigraphic levels (biostratigraphic and<br />

magnetostratigraphic zones) from an order of<br />


ca 500 kyr toward the precessional (20 kyr)<br />

level. This refinement has essentially been<br />

reached for the last 14 Myr of Earth history in<br />

the Mediterranean, and beyond in the Pacific<br />

Ocean. The cyclic structure of shallow-water<br />

platform carbonates is also hierarchical but<br />

here the identification with specific orbital<br />

cycles has been equivocal and complicated by<br />

conflicts with radiometric data. In the gapriddled<br />

shallow-water successions showing<br />

hierarchical 'sequences', the identification of<br />

some third-order, fourth-order and fifth-order<br />

'sequences' or 'parasequences' with orbital<br />

forcing is being explored but remains<br />

inferential. Beyond chronology, the orbital<br />

variations constitute an endless series of<br />

experiments: similar variations in insolation,<br />

which resulted in sedimentary patterns formed<br />

by a chain of responses extending through<br />

atmospheric and hydrospheric dynamics to<br />

geological processes and the dynamics of the<br />

biotic systems. The emerging patterns offer<br />

glimpses into the past, to reveal previously<br />

unexpected phenomena such as systematic<br />

oscillations in deep-water aeration and<br />

unexpected oscillations in composition of<br />

upper-water plankton: patterns that pose new<br />

challenges to the understanding of Earth<br />

history.<br />

2009020513<br />

前 巴 伐 利 亚 森 林 山 基 底 中 以 石 英 充 填 的 延<br />

伸 脉 = Quarz-filled extensional veins in the<br />

basement of Vorderer Bayerischer Wald. ( 德<br />

文 ). Hann H P; Rohrmuller J; Siebel W. Neues<br />

Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie /<br />

Abhandlungen, 2007, 244(2): 197-205<br />

Fault plane analysis enabled us to relate<br />

the formation of quartz veins to distinct<br />

tectonicprocesses. The orientation of the<br />

quartz veins is about 45 ° to the shear<br />

direction of a strike-slip fault system formed<br />

in the ductile to brittle field. Such an angle is<br />

typical between extensional fractures and<br />

strike-slip faults. Resulting veins were filled<br />

with silica precipitated from epithermal<br />

solutions. The lensoid quartz veins in the<br />

Bavarian Forest west of Stallwang are, like the<br />

Pfahl quartz lode, of tectonic origin.<br />

古 地 理 学 、 古 气 候 学<br />

2009020514<br />

洛 川 黄 土 剖 面 古 土 壤 S4 及 邻 近 黄 土 层 分 子<br />

化 石 和 古 植 被 记 录 = Molecular fossil and<br />

paleovegetation records of paleosol S4 and<br />

adjacent loess layers in the Luochuan loess<br />

section, NW China. ( 英 文 ). Zhang Hucai;<br />

Yang Mingsheng; Zhang Wenxiang; Lei<br />

Guoliang; Chang Fengqin; Pu Yang; Fan<br />

Hongfang. Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2008, 51(3): 321-330<br />

Using gas chromatography-mass<br />

spectrometry (GC-MS) technique, a series of<br />

biomarkers were identified, including n-<br />

alkanes, n-alkane-2-ones, isoprenoid etc. from<br />

the loess-paleosol samples collected from the<br />

S4 and adjacent L5, L4 of the Luochuan loess<br />

section, Northwestern China. Based on these<br />

data, especially n-alkanes and high-resolution<br />

magnetic susceptibility and grain size data, the<br />

paleoenvironment and paleovegetation history<br />

during S4 was reconstructed. The CPI (Carbon<br />

Predominance Index) and correlation between<br />

n-alkanes and magnetic susceptibility and<br />

grain size data demonstrated that the<br />

molecular fossils in paleosol and loess layers<br />

can reflect the vegetation condition during the<br />

loess-paleosol formation, if the allochthonous<br />

organic inputs could be excluded reasonably.<br />

The ACL (average chain length) index is<br />

correlated well with paleomagnetic<br />

susceptibility and grain size variations,<br />

displaying their good synchrony with warm<br />

and humid climate. However, it relatively<br />

lagged behind the paleomagnetic<br />

susceptibility and the grain size variations<br />

when the climate began to deteriorate. During<br />

the formation period of paleosol, the n-alkanes<br />

was dominated by C31 homologue, indicating<br />

that the primary organic input originated from<br />

herbs. Our study also demonstrated that the<br />

herbs were more flourish than wood plants in<br />

Loess Plateau, especially in the Luochuan area<br />

during the warm and humid phase, and there<br />

was no typical forest vegetation developed in<br />

the studied period.<br />

2009020515<br />

根 据 牙 形 类 确 定 三 迭 纪 海 的 古 地 理 区 域 性<br />

= Paleogeographic regionalization of Triassic<br />

seas based on conodontophorids. ( 英 文 ). Klets<br />

T V. Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2008, 16(5): 467-489<br />

Geographic differentiation of<br />

conodontophorids between northern and<br />

southern latitudes commenced in the Triassic<br />

since the early Induan. Cosmopolitan longlived<br />

genera of predominantly smooth<br />

morphotypes without sculpturing were<br />

characteristic of high-latitude basins of the<br />

Panboreal Superrealm. Since the early<br />

Olenekian until the Carnian inclusive, this<br />

superrealm consisted of the Siberian Realm<br />


that extended over Northeast Asia and the<br />

Canada-Svalbard Realm that included the<br />

Svalbard Archipelago and northern regions of<br />

Canada. Throughout the Triassic period,<br />

conodontophorids characteristic of the Tethys-<br />

Panthalassa Superrealm spanning the Tethys<br />

and low-latitude zones of the Pacific were<br />

highly endemic, very diverse in taxonomic<br />

aspect, having well-developed sculpturing and<br />

tempos of morphological transformations.<br />

Distinctions between the Early-Middle<br />

Triassic conodontophorids from northern and<br />

southern zones were not as great as afterward,<br />

and their impoverished assemblages from<br />

southern Tethyan basins were close in some<br />

respects to the Boreal ones. Their habitat<br />

basins of that time can be grouped into the<br />

Mediterranean-Pacific and India-Pakistan<br />

realms. Hence, the extent of geographic<br />

differentiation of conodontophorids was not<br />

constant and gradually grew, as their<br />

taxonomic diversity was reducing in northern<br />

basins but relatively increasing in southern<br />

ones. The Panboreal e Tethys-Panthalassa<br />

superrealms of conodontophorids, which are<br />

most clearly recognizable, are close to firstrank<br />

paleobiochores (superrealms) established<br />

earlier for ammonoids and bivalve mollusks.<br />

Main factor that controlled geographic<br />

differentiation of Triassic conodontophorids<br />

was climatic zoning. Initially lower diversity<br />

of southern Tethyan assemblages points<br />

probably to relatively cooler water regime in<br />

the peri-Gondwanan part of the Tethys. The<br />

established patterns in geographic distribution<br />

of conodontophorids characterize most likely<br />

the real trend of their differentiation and<br />

evolution, i.e., the distribution area contraction<br />

prior to complete extinction at the end of the<br />

Triassic<br />

前 古 生 界<br />

2009020516<br />

国 际 地 层 表 的 西 伯 利 亚 的 Yudomian、 文<br />

德 系 和 埃 迪 卡 拉 系 = The Yudomian of<br />

Siberia, Vendian and Ediacaran systems of the<br />

International stratigraphic scale. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Khomentovsky V V. Stratigraphy and<br />

Geological Correlation, 2008, 16(6): 581-598<br />

In Russia, the terminal Neoproterozoic<br />

formally includes the Vendian of western part<br />

of the East European platform and the<br />

concurrent Yudoma Group of Siberia. As is<br />

shown in this work, the designated<br />

subdivisions correspond in the stratotypes<br />

only to the upper, Yudomian Series of the<br />

Vendian. In the Siberian platform, the Ust-<br />

Yudoma and Aim horizons of the Yudomian<br />

are tightly interrelated. The lower of them,<br />

bearing remains of Ediacaran Fauna,<br />

represents the Ediacarian Stage, whereas the<br />

upper one containing small-shelled fossils<br />

(SSF) corresponds to the Nemakit-Daldynian<br />

Stage divided into the trisulcatus and antiqua<br />

superregional zones. In more complete<br />

sections of the platform periphery, sediments<br />

of these subdivisions conformably rest on<br />

siliciclastic succession that should be ranked<br />

as basal subdivision of the Yudomian. The<br />

succession is concurrent to the Laplandian<br />

Stage of the East European platform.<br />

According to geochronological dates obtained<br />

recently, the Yudomian Series spans interval<br />

of 600 – 540 Ma. In the East European<br />

platform, the Upper Vendian (Yudomian)<br />

begins with the Laplandian basal tillites of<br />

synonymous stage. In the west of the platform,<br />

tillites are dated at 600 Ma like the Upper<br />

Vendian base in Siberia. The next Ediacarian<br />

Stage of the East European platform is<br />

stratigraphic equivalent of the Redkino<br />

Horizon, while summary range of the Kotlin<br />

and Rovno horizons is concurrent to that of<br />

the Nemakit-Daldynian Stage. The Vendian of<br />

Russia is conformably overlain by the<br />

Tommotian Stage of the Lower Cambrian.<br />

Intense pre-Vendian events constrained<br />

distribution areas of the Lower Vendian<br />

sediments in Russia. The Lower Vendian<br />

deposits of the East European platform are<br />

most representative and well studied in the<br />

central Urals, where they are attributed to the<br />

Serebryanka Group. In Siberia, separate<br />

subdivisions representing the Lower Vendian<br />

are the Maastakh Formation of the Olenek<br />

Uplift, two lower members of the Ushakovka<br />

Formation in the Baikal region, and the<br />

Taseeva Group of the Yenisei Range.<br />

Chronological interval of the Lower Vendian<br />

corresponds to 650–600 Ma. The Marinoan<br />

Glaciation dated in Australia at 650–635 Ma<br />

is concurrent to basal part of the pre-<br />

Yudomian interval of the Vendian in Russia,<br />

whereas the Laplandian Tillite and Gaskiers<br />

Glaciation (600–580 Ma) correspond to onset<br />

of the Yudomian Epoch. The new Ediacaran<br />

System (Knoll et al., 2004) legalized in the<br />

International Neoproterozoic scale is close in<br />

range to the entire Vendian (635–544 Ma),<br />

although without basal beds (Marinoan Tillite)<br />

it deprives the terminal Neoproterozoic of its<br />

original sense. Inferiority of the system<br />

consists also in its indivisibility into stages.<br />

Hence, it is clear that the Vendian System<br />


subdivided in detail in Russia should be<br />

retained in the rank of terminal system of the<br />

Precambrian, one of the basic in general scale<br />

of the Neoproterozoic.<br />

2009020517<br />

华 南 武 夷 山 西 侧 流 纹 岩 的 年 龄 和 构 造 环 境<br />

= The age and tectonic environment of the<br />

rhyolitic rocks on the western side of Wuyi<br />

Mountain, South China. ( 英 文 ). Shu Liangshu;<br />

Deng Ping; Yu Jinhai; Wang Yanbin; Jiang<br />

Shaoyong. Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2008, 51(8): 1053-1063<br />

During the geological survey of the<br />

metamorphic rocks in Xingning-Wuhua<br />

region on the western side of Wuyi Mountain,<br />

South China, we discovered the<br />

Neoproterozoic rhyolite and rhyolitic<br />

greywacke for the first time that outcrop in the<br />

Proterozoic metamorphic rocks near Jingnan<br />

Town of Xingning County, eastern<br />

Guangdong Province. A systematic research<br />

on petrology, geochemistry and<br />

geochronology of rhyolitic rocks was<br />

conducted to understand their tectonic setting<br />

and formation age. The Jingnan rhyolite is<br />

interbedded with a coeval greywacke, with a<br />

total thickness of 60 m; both rhyolite and<br />

greywacke display a similar folding and<br />

metamorphic pattern. Meta-rhyolite consists<br />

of groundmass and phenocrystals including<br />

sanidine, orthoclase, and quartz with distinct<br />

undulose extinction; the groundmass has been<br />

re-crystallized into fine-grain feldspar, quartz<br />

and sericite aggregation. Meta-greywacke is<br />

composed of crystallinoclastic grains<br />

(sanidine, orthoclase, quartz and oligoclase)<br />

and clay groundmass. Zircon grains used for<br />

the SHRIMP U-Pb analysis are light browncolored<br />

and euhedral or sub-euhedral. Dating<br />

data suggest two age groups; eight grains of<br />

magma-type zircon with an idiomorphic form<br />

yield an age of 972±8 Ma, and the other<br />

seven weakly corroded grains of zircon with<br />

euhedral to subeuhedral shape construct an<br />

average age of 1097 ± 11 Ma, which were<br />

captured from older rocks by an uplifting<br />

magma, implying that a late Mesoproterozoic<br />

basement exists in the Nanling region. In<br />

addition, one Paleoproterozoic age, 2035±11<br />

Ma, is obtained from a rounded detrital zircon,<br />

indicating that a Paleoproterozoic thermal<br />

event took place in the South China.<br />

Geochemically, the Jingnan rhyolitic rocks are<br />

characterized by high K2O content,<br />

intermediate Al2O3 content, with the ACNK<br />

value 0.98–1.11, and belonging to high-K<br />

alkaline series. They are rich in ΣREE, Rb,<br />

Th and Ce, depleted in Ba, Sr, Eu, Ti, P and<br />

Nb-Ta, and with moderate negative Eu and Sr<br />

anomalies. These features indicate that the<br />

Jingnan volcanic rocks have an affinity of<br />

continental arc that is similar to those of acid<br />

volcanic rocks in the SE-China Coastal<br />

Region, in other words, a Neoproterozoic<br />

tectono-magma event might have taken place<br />

in the western Wuyi region, leading to an<br />

eruption of high-K calc-alkaline granitic<br />

magma.<br />

2009020518<br />

华 南 陡 山 沱 组 上 部 碳 酸 盐 结 核 的 早 期 成 岩<br />

发 育 及 其 对 烃 源 岩 评 价 的 意 义 = Early<br />

diagenetic growth of carbonate concretions in<br />

the upper Doushantuo Formation in South<br />

China and their significance for the<br />

assessment of hydrocarbon source rock. ( 英<br />

文 ). Dong Jin; Zhang Shihong; Jiang Ganqing;<br />

Zhao Qingle; Li Haiyan; Shi Xiaoying; Liu<br />

Junlai. Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2008, 51(9): 1330-1339<br />

Mineralogical and textural characteristics<br />

and organic carbon composition of the<br />

carbonate concretions from the upper<br />

Doushantuo Formation (ca. 551 Ma) in the<br />

eastern Yangtze Gorge area reveal their early<br />

diagenetic (shallow) growth in organic-rich<br />

shale. High organic carbon content (up to 10%)<br />

and abundance of framboidal pyrites in the<br />

hosting shale suggest an anoxic or euxinic<br />

depositional environment. Well-preserved<br />

cardhouse clay fabrics in the concretions<br />

suggest their formation at 0–3 m burial depth,<br />

likely associated with microbial<br />

decomposition of organic matter and<br />

anaerobic oxidation of methane. Gases<br />

through decomposition of organic matter<br />

and/or from methanogenesis created bubbles<br />

and cavities, and anaerobic methane oxidation<br />

at the sulfate reduction zone resulted in<br />

carbonate precipitation, filling in bubbles and<br />

cavities to form spherical structures of the<br />

concretions. Rock pyrolysis analyses show<br />

that the carbonate concretions have lower total<br />

organic carbon (TOC) content but higher<br />

effective carbon than those in the host rocks.<br />

This may be caused by enclosed organic<br />

matter in pores of the concretions so that<br />

organic matter was protected from further<br />

modification during deep burial and<br />

maintained high hydrocarbon generating<br />

potential even in over-matured source rock.<br />

As a microbialite sensu latu, concretions have<br />

special growth conditions and may provide<br />


important information on the microbial<br />

activities in depositional and early burial<br />

environments.<br />

2009020519<br />

华 北 地 台 中 元 古 代 页 岩 (17 亿 年 ) 中 的 砂 脉<br />

及 MISS 构 造 : 对 微 生 物 席 中 甲 烷 气 逃 逸 的<br />

指 示 意 义 = Sand veins and MISS from the<br />

Mesoproterozoic black shale (ca. 1.7 Ga) in<br />

North China: Implication for methane<br />

degassing from microbial mats. ( 英 文 ). Shi<br />

Xiaoying; Jiang Ganqing; Zhang Chuanheng;<br />

Gao Linzhi; Liu Juan. Science in China Series<br />

D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(11): 1525-1536<br />

The Mesoproterozoic Chuanlinggou<br />

Formation (ca. 1.7 Ga) consists mainly of<br />

dark-gray to black shales that are widespread<br />

in the North China Platform. Abundant<br />

centimeter-scale sand veins are present within<br />

the shale layers of this unit, particularly in the<br />

middle part. Sand veins display ptygmatic<br />

shapes, perpendicular or with a high angle to<br />

bedding planes. They penetrate the black shale<br />

layers but are often terminated by thin,<br />

lenticular sandstone beds, forming small-scale<br />

‘tepee-like’ structures. On bedding planes,<br />

sand veins are expressed as small ridges with<br />

1–3 mm positive relief. Lack of polygonal<br />

shapes and their occurrence in thinly<br />

laminated, relatively deep-water shales<br />

preclude an origin from sand-filled desiccation<br />

cracks. Instead, their close association with<br />

microbially induced sedimentary structures<br />

(MISS) such as micro-wrinkles and gas<br />

blisters, putative bacterial fossils (possibly<br />

coccoidal cyanobacteria) and framboidal<br />

pyrites, suggests that they were formed by<br />

degassing of methane from microbial mat<br />

decay. Methane gas disrupted overlying<br />

sedimentary layers, creating fractures open to<br />

seawater. Fine-grained quartz sands, which<br />

were transported into the depositional<br />

environment by strong winds, filled the<br />

fractures. Sand-filled fractures were shortened<br />

and folded during burial compaction, forming<br />

ptygmatic shapes. The presence of dispersed<br />

dolomite and siderite in these sand veins<br />

suggests authigenic carbonate precipitation<br />

from anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM).<br />

Sand veins are intensely distributed within the<br />

Chuanlinggou Formation and are spatially<br />

widespread in the North China Platform. If<br />

their methane origin is confirmed, they may<br />

have important implications for the<br />

Mesoproterozoic paleoclimate. With anoxic<br />

oceans and low seawater sulfate concentration<br />

during the Mesoproterozoic, methane release<br />

from microbial mat decay and/or microbial<br />

methanogenesis during shallow burial may<br />

have been proportionally higher than that of<br />

the modern marine environments, with<br />

resultant increase in the relative importance of<br />

methane in maintaining the Mesoproterozoic<br />

greenhouse climate.<br />

2009020520<br />

华 南 板 溪 群 五 强 溪 组 新 SHRIMP U-Pb 年<br />

龄 : 对 Cryogenian(Sturtian) 冰 期 相 关 的 裂<br />

解 作 用 和 地 层 剥 蚀 的 指 示 意 义 = New<br />

SHRIMP U-Pb age from the Wuqiangxi<br />

Formation of Banxi Group: Implications for<br />

rifting and stratigraphic erosion associated<br />

with the early Cryogenian (Sturtian) glaciation<br />

in South China. ( 英 文 ). Zhang Shihong; Jiang<br />

Ganqing; Dong Jin; Han Yigui; Wu Huaichun.<br />

Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2008, 51(11): 1537-1544<br />

In South China, the Wuqiangxi Formation<br />

of the Banxi Group and its equivalents<br />

underlie the early Cryogenian (Sturtian)<br />

glacial deposits but their thickness varies from<br />

2000 m. In the Guzhang section<br />

of western Hunan, the Wuqiangxi Formation<br />

is only 152 m thick, and an ash bed 58 m<br />

below the glacial diamictite yielded a<br />

SHRIMP U-Pb age of 809.3 ± 8.4 Ma. In<br />

contrast, 90 km south of the Guzhang section<br />

towards the basin in Zhijiang area where the<br />

Wuqiangxi Formation is ∼2200 m thick, an<br />

age of 725±10 Ma has been reported from<br />

the top of this unit, 300 m below the glacial<br />

diamictite. These ages provide new evidence<br />

for the regional stratigraphic correlation across<br />

the Nanhua basin, and suggest unusually large<br />

(>2 km) stratigraphic erosion potentially<br />

associated with the Sturtian glaciation in<br />

South China. The magnitude of erosion may<br />

imply significant uplifting and<br />

tectonotopography at the onset of the Sturtian<br />

glaciation.<br />

2009020521<br />

华 南 埃 迪 卡 拉 纪 陡 山 沱 期 盆 地 化 跃 层 不 稳<br />

定 性 和 同 位 素 变 化 = Chemocline instability<br />

and isotope variations of the Ediacaran<br />

Doushantuo basin in South China. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Jiang Ganqing; Zhang Shihong; Shi Xiaoying;<br />

Wang Xinqiang. Science in China Series D:<br />

Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(11): 1560-1569<br />

Stable isotope analyses in sections across a<br />

shelf to basinal transect of the Ediacaran<br />

Doushantuo basin show substantial isotope<br />

variabilities. In Songlin section where<br />


sediments were deposited in an intrashelf<br />

basin, δ 13C values are persistently negative<br />

(−3 ‰ to −5‰, VPDB) through the entire<br />

Doushantuo Formation, similar to those<br />

obtained from the slope section in Wuhe (−5<br />

‰ to −10‰, VPDB). Shallow water sections<br />

in Weng’an and Duoding show two broad δ<br />

13C anomalies overprinted with significant<br />

meter-scale variations, but none of the curves<br />

has similar absolute δ 13C values compared<br />

to the Yangtze Gorges areas in South China<br />

and other sections globally. Such isotope<br />

variations, if partially recording ancient<br />

seawater signature, imply spatial and temporal<br />

chemocline instability in the Doushantuo<br />

basin. In combination with available δ 13C<br />

records from other Ediacaran successions<br />

globally, the data from the Doushantuo basin<br />

are consistent, in first order, with the existence<br />

and oxidation of a large dissolved organic<br />

carbon (DOC) reservoir in Ediacaran oceans,<br />

but imply local environmental controls on<br />

Neoproterozoic isotope values and call<br />

attentions for using δ 13C anomalies as time<br />

lines in stratigraphic correlation. Electronic<br />

Supplementary Material Supplementary<br />

material is available for this article at<br />

10.1007/s11430-008-0116-2 and is accessible<br />

for authorized users.<br />

2009020522<br />

埃 塞 俄 比 亚 北 部 Tambien 群 成 冰 系 碳 酸 盐<br />

板 岩 序 列 (I): 前 “Sturtian” 冰 期 化 学<br />

地 层 学 及 区 域 对 比 = Cryogenian slatecarbonate<br />

sequences of the Tambien Group,<br />

Northern Ethiopia (I): Pre- “ Sturtian ”<br />

chemostratigraphy and regional correlations.<br />

( 英 文 ). Miller N R; Stern R J; Avigad D;<br />

Beyth M; Schilman B. Precambrian<br />

Research, 2009, 170(3-4): 129-156<br />

Ethiopia's youngest Neoproterozoic<br />

sedimentary outcrops are “ Sturtian ”<br />

diamictites that cap the Tambien Group (Tigre,<br />

N. Ethiopia), a modestly thick (1–3 km) slate<br />

and carbonate succession that records early<br />

Cryogenian evolution of the Mozambique<br />

Ocean within the southern Arabian–Nubian<br />

Shield. Tambien carbonate deposition<br />

occurred over an island arc accretion complex,<br />

during or after the waning phase of arc<br />

magmatism (Tsaliet Group; 775 – 740 Ma)<br />

and ended prior to the structural and magmatic<br />

emergence of the East African Orogen (EAO;<br />

c. ≥630–610). Closure of the Mozambique<br />

Ocean to form the EAO, sometime after the<br />

deposition of “ Sturtian ” (715 – 685 Ma)<br />

diamictite and before the onset of EAO<br />

magmatism, destroyed accommodation space<br />

capable of preserving younger Cryogenian<br />

episodes. Litho- and chemostratigraphic<br />

variations of the Tambien Group, compiled<br />

from investigations of four areas of Tigre,<br />

demonstrate that integrated δ 13 C carb and<br />

87 Sr/ 86 Sr stratigraphies are effective for<br />

regional correlation and form the basis for a<br />

composite reference section (introduced here,<br />

but evaluated in the context of evolving<br />

Cryogenian Earth systems in a companion<br />

manuscript). Sediments in the Negash<br />

synclinorium span the depositional histories of<br />

all other localities but may contain a<br />

significant unconformity, suggesting at least<br />

local structural relief differentiation during<br />

deposition of the early Tambien Group<br />

carbonate platform. Mai Kenetal synclinorium<br />

sediments may preserve this missing interval.<br />

The regional Tambien record has two<br />

consecutive positive-to-negative carbon<br />

isotope excursions, the first associated with an<br />

abrupt transition to carbonates with cap<br />

carbonate-like features (basal Assem<br />

Limestone - Mai Kenetal) and the second<br />

associated with the transition from relatively<br />

organic-rich black limestone to “Sturtian”<br />

diamictite (Negash). Sr isotope compositions<br />

rise from

from an earlier pre-“Sturtian” cooling event,<br />

perhaps related to the Kaigas glacial interval.<br />

If so, the Assem Limestone is the first and<br />

oldest cap carbonate sequence in the<br />

Arabian – Nubian Shield. The<br />

chemostratigraphic framework for the<br />

Tambien Group contributes to empirical<br />

observations that integrated C and Sr isotope<br />

stratigraphies are effective for Cryogenian<br />

(pre- “ Sturtian ” ) chemostratigraphic<br />

correlations. However, more work is required<br />

to understand how δ 13 C carb specifically<br />

relates to marine δ 13 C DIC .<br />

2009020523<br />

Chafalote 变 质 序 列 中 镁 铁 质 麻 粒 岩 和 混 合<br />

岩 的 岩 石 学 及 温 压 测 量 学 : 对<br />

Uruguayan—Sul-Rio-Grandense 地 盾 新 元<br />

古 代 P-T 变 化 的 新 见 解 = Petrology and<br />

thermobarometry of mafic granulites and<br />

migmatites from the Chafalote Metamorphic<br />

Suite: new insights into the Neoproterozoic<br />

P–T evolution of the Uruguayan—Sul-Rio-<br />

Grandense shield. ( 英 文 ). Gross A O M S;<br />

Droop G T R; Porcher C C; Fernandes L A D.<br />

Precambrian Research, 2009, 170(3-4): 157-<br />

174<br />

This paper reports a study of the<br />

metamorphic evolution of pelitic, semi-pelitic<br />

migmatites and mafic granulites of the<br />

Chafalote Metamorphic Suite (CMS),<br />

Uruguay, which represents the southernmost<br />

exposures of high-grade metamorphic rocks in<br />

the Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguain—Sul-Rio-<br />

Grandense shield, South America. This belt is<br />

one of the Brasiliano orogens that crop out<br />

along the Brazilian and Uruguayan Atlantic<br />

margin, and the CMS is one of several<br />

disconnected segments of supracrustal rock in<br />

a dominantly granitic terrain. Petrological<br />

evidence from CMS mafic granulites and<br />

semi-pelitic migmatites indicates four distinct<br />

metamorphic assemblages. The early prograde<br />

assemblage (M 1 ) is preserved only as<br />

inclusions in porphyroblasts of the peakmetamorphic<br />

(M 2 ) assemblage. Peakmetamorphism<br />

was followed by nearisothermal<br />

decompression (M 3 ), which<br />

resulted in symplectites and coronitic textures<br />

in the mafic granulites and compositional<br />

zoning of Ca in garnet (decreasing rimwards)<br />

and plagioclase (increasing rimwards) in the<br />

semi-pelitic migmatites. The retrograde<br />

metamorphic assemblage (M 4 ) is represented<br />

by hydration reaction textures replacing<br />

minerals of the M 2 and M 3 assemblages.<br />

Average P–T calculations using the program<br />

THERMOCALC and conventional<br />

thermobarometric methods yield peakmetamorphic<br />

(M 2 ) P–T conditions of 7–<br />

10 kbar and 830 – 950 ° C, neardecompressional<br />

(M 3 ) P – T conditions of<br />

4.8 – 5.5 kbar and 788 – 830 ° C and M 4<br />

retrograde P–T conditions of 3–6 kbar and<br />

600–750 °C. The calculated P–T path for<br />

the CMS rocks is ‘ clockwise ’ and<br />

incorporates a near-isothermal decompression<br />

segment followed by minor cooling,<br />

consistent with a history of crustal thickening<br />

followed by extensional collapse at ca. 650–<br />

600 Ma. The metamorphism recorded by<br />

rocks of this crustal segment may be<br />

correlated with 650 Ma metamorphism in the<br />

Coastal Terrane of the Kaoko Belt in Namibia,<br />

being the first unequivocal match between<br />

South America and Africa provided by<br />

crystalline rocks south of the Congo Craton.<br />

2009020524<br />

Serrinha 核 部 花 岗 岩 - 绿 岩 地 体 ( 巴 西 巴 伊<br />

亚 东 北 部 ) 的 地 质 演 化 : 由 U–Pb 单 体 锆<br />

石 的 地 质 年 代 学 限 定 = Geologic evolution<br />

of the Serrinha nucleus granite–greenstone<br />

terrane (NE Bahia, Brazil) constrained by U–<br />

Pb single zircon geochronology. ( 英 文 ). Rios<br />

D C; Davis D W; Conceição H; Davis W J;<br />

Rosa M L S; Dickin A P. Precambrian<br />

Research, 2009, 170(3-4): 175-201<br />

U – Pb single zircon crystallization ages<br />

were determined using TIMS and sensitive<br />

high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) on<br />

samples of granitoid rocks exposed in the<br />

Serrinha nucleus granite–greenstone terrane,<br />

in NE Brazil. Our data show that the granitoid<br />

plutons can be divided into three distinct<br />

groups. Group 1 consists of Mesoarchaean<br />

(3.2 – 2.9 Ga) gneisses and N-S elongated<br />

TTG (Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite)<br />

plutons with gneissic borders. Group 2 is<br />

represented by ca. 2.15 Ga pretectonic calcalkaline<br />

plutons that are less deformed than<br />

group 1. Group 3 is ca. 2.11–2.07 Ga, late to<br />

post-tectonic plutons (shoshonite, syenite, K-<br />

rich granite and lamprophyre). Groups 2 and 3<br />

are associated with the Transamazonian<br />

orogeny. Xenocryst ages of 3.6 Ga, the oldest<br />

zircon yet recorded within the São Francisco<br />

craton, are found in the group 3 Euclides<br />

shoshonite within the Uauá complex and in<br />

the group 2 Quijingue trondhjemite, indicating<br />

the presence of Paleoarchaean sialic basement.<br />


Group 1 gneiss-migmatitic rocks (ca. 3200 Ma)<br />

of the Uau á complex constitute the oldest<br />

known unit. Shortly afterwards, partial<br />

melting of mafic material produced a medium-<br />

K calc-alkaline melt, the younger Santa Luz<br />

complex (ca. 3100 Ma) to the south.<br />

Subsequent TTG melts intruded in different<br />

phases now exposed as N-S elongated plutons<br />

such as Ambr ó sio (3162 ± 26 Ma), Araci<br />

(3072 ± 2 Ma), Requeijão (2989 ± 11 Ma)<br />

and others, which together form a major part<br />

of the Archaean nucleus. Some of these<br />

plutons have what appear to be intrusive, but<br />

are probably remobilized, contacts with the<br />

Transamazonian Itapicuru greenstone belt.<br />

The older gneissic rocks occur as enclaves<br />

within younger Archaean plutons. Thus, serial<br />

additions of juvenile material over a period of<br />

several hundred m.y. led to the formation of a<br />

stable micro-continent by 2.9 Ga. Evidence<br />

for Neoarchaean activity is found in the<br />

inheritance pattern of only one sample, the<br />

group 2 Euclides pluton.<br />

Group 2 granitoid plutons were emplaced at<br />

2.16 – 2.13 Ga in a continental arc<br />

environment floored by Mesoarchaean crust.<br />

These plutons were subsequently deformed<br />

and intruded by late to post-tectonic group 3<br />

alkaline plutons. This period of<br />

Transamazonian orogeny can be explained as<br />

a consequence of ocean closure followed by<br />

collision and slab break-off. The only<br />

subsequent magmatism was kimberlitic,<br />

probably emplaced during the Neoproterozoic<br />

Braziliano event, which sampled older zircon<br />

from the basement.<br />

2009020525<br />

印 度 西 北 部 拉 贾 斯 坦 邦 新 元 古 代 热 液 蚀 变<br />

玄 武 岩 : 对 Aravalli 克 拉 通 前 寒 武 纪 晚 期<br />

构 造 演 化 的 指 示 意 义 = Neoproterozoic<br />

hydrothermally altered basaltic rocks from<br />

Rajasthan, northwest India: implications for<br />

late Precambrian tectonic evolution of the<br />

Aravalli Craton. ( 英 文 ). Lente B V; Ashwal L<br />

D; Pandit M K; Bowring S A; Torsvik T H.<br />

Precambrian Research, 2009, 170(3-4): 202-<br />

222<br />

The isolated volcano-sedimentary<br />

sequences of the Punagarh and Sindreth<br />

Groups occur along the western flank of the<br />

Delhi Fold Belt in northwest India, and<br />

include mafic rocks (pillow basalts and<br />

dolerite dykes) that are dominantly olivine<br />

tholeiites with minor quartz-normative and<br />

alkali basalts. Sindreth samples appear to have<br />

higher primary TiO 2 and P 2 O 5 abundances<br />

relative to those from Punagarh. Both suites of<br />

mafic rocks show variable, but profound<br />

hydrothermal alteration effects, with loss on<br />

ignition (LOI) values up to 10.3 wt.%, and<br />

extensive secondary minerals including albite,<br />

sericite, chlorite and calcite. Despite this, there<br />

is excellent preservation of magmatic textures,<br />

but there has been extensive albitization of<br />

plagioclase phenocrysts, a hallmark of<br />

hydrothermal alteration processes in oceanic<br />

crust. Supporting evidence for such<br />

hydrothermal alteration comes from<br />

correlations of LOI abundances with<br />

CaO/Na 2 O, and evidence for U mobility is<br />

apparent on diagrams of Nb/Th vs. Nb/U.<br />

Felsic volcanic rocks (rhyolite, dacite)<br />

interlayered with the Sindreth basalts yield<br />

U–Pb zircon ages (TIMS method) between<br />

761 ± 16 and 767 ± 3 Ma, which we<br />

interpret as representing the time of primary<br />

magmatic activity. We infer that the volcanosedimentary<br />

rocks of the Punagarh also<br />

formed at this time, on the basis of similarities<br />

in lithology, stratigraphy, field relations and<br />

geochemistry. Intermediate granitoid rocks<br />

yield older U – Pb ages of 800 ± 2 and<br />

873 ± 3 Ma, which we correlate with the<br />

post-Delhi Supergroup Erinpura Granites.<br />

Taken together, the features of the Punagarh<br />

and Sindreth Groups are consistent with their<br />

formation in a back-arc basin setting. Their<br />

coevality with other magmatic systems in NW<br />

India (Malani Igneous Suite), the Seychelles<br />

and Madagascar, for which a continental arc<br />

setting has also been proposed, supports the<br />

notion of an extensive convergent margin in<br />

western Rodinia at 750–770 Ma.<br />

2009020526<br />

莫 桑 比 克 东 北 部 莫 桑 比 克 带 前 寒 武 纪 地 壳<br />

的 地 质 年 代 学 及 其 对 冈 瓦 纳 大 陆 聚 合 的 指<br />

示 意 义 = Geochronology of the Precambrian<br />

crust in the Mozambique belt in NE<br />

Mozambique, and implications for Gondwana<br />

assembly. ( 英 文 ). Bingen B; Jacobs J; Viola G;<br />

Henderson I H C; Skår Ø; Boyd R; Thomas R<br />

J; Solli A; Key R M; Daudi E X F.<br />

Precambrian Research, 2009, 170(3-4): 231-<br />

255<br />

Zircon and monazite U–Pb data document<br />

the geochronology of the felsic crust in the<br />

Mozambique Belt in NE Mozambique.<br />

Immediately E of Lake Niassa and NW of the<br />

Karoo-aged Maniamba Graben, the Ponta<br />

Messuli Complex preserves Paleoproterozoic<br />


gneisses with granulite-facies metamorphism<br />

dated at 1950 ± 15 Ma, and intruded by<br />

granite at 1056 ± 11 Ma. This complex has<br />

only weak evidence for a Pan-African<br />

metamorphism. Between the Maniamba<br />

Graben and the WSW–ENE-trending Lurio<br />

(shear) Belt, the Unango and Marrupa<br />

Complexes consist mainly of felsic<br />

orthogneisses dated between 1062 ± 13 and<br />

946 ± 11 Ma, and interlayered with minor<br />

paragneisses. In these complexes, an<br />

amphibolite- to granulite-facies<br />

metamorphism is dated at 953 ± 8 Ma and a<br />

nepheline syenite pluton is dated at<br />

799 ± 8 Ma. Pan-African deformation and<br />

high-grade metamorphism are more intense<br />

and penetrative southwards, towards the Lurio<br />

Belt. Amphibolite-facies metamorphism is<br />

dated at 555 ± 11 Ma in the Marrupa<br />

Complex and amphibolite- to granulite-facies<br />

metamorphism between 569 ± 9 and<br />

527 ± 8 Ma in the Unango Complex. Postcollisional<br />

felsic plutonism, dated between<br />

549 ± 13 and 486 ± 27 Ma, is uncommon in<br />

the Marrupa Complex but common in the<br />

Unango Complex. To the south of the Lurio<br />

Belt, the Nampula Complex consists of felsic<br />

orthogneisses which gave ages ranging from<br />

1123 ± 9 to 1042 ± 9 Ma, interlayered with<br />

paragneisses. The Nampula Complex<br />

underwent amphibolite-facies metamorphism<br />

in the period between 543 ± 23 to<br />

493 ± 8 Ma, and was intruded by voluminous<br />

post-collisional granitoid plutons between<br />

511 ± 12 and 508 ± 3 Ma. In a larger<br />

context, the Ponta Messuli Complex is<br />

regarded as part of the Palaeoproterozoic,<br />

Usagaran, Congo-Tanzania Craton foreland of<br />

the Pan-African orogen. The Unango,<br />

Marrupa and Nampula Complexes were<br />

probably formed in an active margin setting<br />

during the Mesoproterozoic. The Unango and<br />

Marrupa Complexes were assembled on the<br />

margin of the Congo-Tanzania Craton during<br />

the Irumidian orogeny (ca. 1020–950 Ma),<br />

together with terranes in the Southern Irumide<br />

Belt. The distinctly older Nampula Complex<br />

was more probably linked to the Maud Belt of<br />

Antarctica, and peripheral to the Kalahari<br />

Craton during the Neoproterozoic. During the<br />

Pan-African orogeny, the Marrupa Complex<br />

was overlain by NW-directed nappes of the<br />

Cabo Delgado Nappe Complex before peak<br />

metamorphism at ca. 555 Ma. The nappes<br />

include evidence for early Pan-African<br />

orogenic events older than 610 Ma, typical for<br />

the Eastern Granulites in Tanzania. Crustal<br />

thickening at 555 ± 11 Ma is coeval with<br />

high-pressure granulite-facies metamorphism<br />

along the Lurio Belt at 557 ± 16 Ma. Crustal<br />

thickening in NE Mozambique is part of the<br />

main Pan-African, Kuunga, orogeny peaking<br />

between 570 and 530 Ma, during which the<br />

Congo-Tanzania, Kalahari, East Antarctica<br />

and India Cratons welded to form Gondwana.<br />

Voluminous post-collisional magmatism and<br />

metamorphism younger than 530 Ma in the<br />

Lurio Belt and the Nampula Complex are<br />

taken as evidence of gravitational collapse of<br />

the extensive orogenic domain south of the<br />

Lurio Belt after ca. 530 Ma. The Lurio Belt<br />

may represent a Pan-African suture zone<br />

between the Kalahari and Congo-Tanzania<br />

Craton.<br />

2009020527<br />

西 伯 利 亚 北 部 Olenek 隆 起 中 镁 铁 质 火 成 岩<br />

的 地 质 年 代 学 和 古 地 磁 学 : 对 中 元 古 代 超<br />

大 陆 和 古 地 理 学 的 指 示 意 义 =<br />

Geochronology and paleomagnetism of mafic<br />

igneous rocks in the Olenek Uplift, northern<br />

Siberia: implications for Mesoproterozoic<br />

supercontinents and paleogeography. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Wingate M T D; Pisarevsky S A; Gladkochub<br />

D P; Donskaya T V; Konstantinov K M;<br />

Mazukabzov A M; Stanevich A M.<br />

Precambrian Research, 2009, 170(3-4): 256-<br />

266<br />

We present a new, reliably dated<br />

Mesoproterozoic paleopole for Siberia, based<br />

on a combined geochronological and<br />

paleomagnetic study of mafic rocks within the<br />

Mesoproterozoic Sololi Group of the Olenek<br />

Uplift in northern Siberia. Ion microprobe<br />

(SHRIMP) U – Pb analysis yields<br />

crystallisation ages of 2036 ± 11 Ma for<br />

zircon from a basement granite and<br />

1473 ± 24 Ma for baddeleyite from a large<br />

dolerite sill within the Kyutingde Formation.<br />

The baddeleyite result indicates that the lower<br />

Sololi Group is significantly older than was<br />

suggested by previous K – Ar results.<br />

Paleomagnetic analysis of the dolerite sill and<br />

related mafic intrusive rocks yields a<br />

paleopole at 33.6°N, 253.1°E, A 95 = 10.4°.<br />

A positive baked-contact test between the<br />

Kyutingde sill and sedimentary country rocks<br />

shows that the magnetisation is primary.<br />

Comparison of this paleopole with coeval<br />

results for Laurentia provides a revised<br />

reconstruction between Siberia and Laurentia,<br />


and implies that these two continents were<br />

parts of a single Mesoproterozoic<br />

supercontinent since at least 1473 Ma. We<br />

argue that Siberia, Laurentia, and Baltica<br />

belonged to the same supercontinent between<br />

1473 Ma and mid-Neoproterozoic time.<br />

2009020528<br />

华 南 贵 州 东 北 部 新 元 古 代 镁 铁 质 岩 和 砂 岩<br />

的 地 质 年 代 学 : 同 期 岛 弧 岩 浆 作 用 和 沉 积<br />

作 用 = Geochronology of Neoproterozoic<br />

mafic rocks and sandstones from northeastern<br />

Guizhou, South China: Coeval arc magmatism<br />

and sedimentation. ( 英 文 ). Zhou Jincheng;<br />

Wang Xiaolei; Qiu Jiansheng. Precambrian<br />

Research, 2009, 170(1-2): 27-42<br />

The mafic – ultramafic rocks in the<br />

Fanjingshan Group from northeastern<br />

Guizhou have been classified as the calcalkaline<br />

series. These mafic rocks have<br />

prominent negative Nb, Ta and Ti but positive<br />

Pb anomalies and show typical geochemical<br />

signatures of arc basalts and decoupling Nd–<br />

Hf isotopic characters. SHRIMP and LA-ICP-<br />

MS U–Pb zircon datings for four samples of<br />

the mafic rocks yield U–Pb zircon ages of<br />

814 ± 15 Ma, 814 ± 6 Ma, 831 ± 6 Ma and<br />

827 ± 24 Ma with an average age of<br />

822 ± 15 Ma. The U – Pb ages of the<br />

youngest detrital zircon grains in four samples<br />

of the sandstones from the Fanjingshan Group<br />

are 873 ± 4 Ma, 874 ± 10 Ma, 870 ± 10 Ma<br />

and 869 ± 9 Ma with an average age of<br />

872 ± 3 Ma that is considered as the<br />

maximum depositional age of these<br />

sandstones. It suggests that the Fanjingshan<br />

Group, the equivalent of the Sibao and<br />

Lengjiaxi Groups occurring in the western<br />

Jiangnan orogen, is Neoproterozoic rather<br />

than Mesoproterozoic as previously<br />

considered. Combined with published age data,<br />

the U–Pb zircon dating of both mafic rocks<br />

and sandstones in the Fanjingshan Group<br />

provides new constraints on the timing of<br />

various geological events during the<br />

development of the Jiangnan orogen. It is<br />

evident that there existed coeval magmatism<br />

(878 – 822 Ma) with arc signatures and<br />

sedimentation (872–835 Ma) in the foreland<br />

basin along the southeastern margin of the<br />

Yangtze Block during the Neoproterozoic.<br />

Compared with the Grenvillian-age orogenic<br />

event, the collision between the Yangtze and<br />

Cathaysia Blocks was postponed for 355–<br />

160 Ma. Moreover, the basement strata in the<br />

Jiangnan orogen underwent thorough<br />

greenschist-facies metamorphism. The<br />

prevalent granulite-facies metamorphism in<br />

the Grenvillian orogenic belts has not been<br />

found in the metamorphosed sedimentaryigneous<br />

rocks of the basement strata exposed<br />

in the Jiangnan orogen. All these suggest that<br />

the Jiangnan orogen should not be considered<br />

as a Grenvillian-age orogenic belt. It is<br />

proposed that the Jiangnan orogen might be<br />

the product of collision between two<br />

neighboring blocks during the transition of<br />

Rodinia to Gondwana.<br />

2009020529<br />

西 伯 利 亚 克 拉 通 Akitkan 造 山 带 内 太 古 代<br />

地 壳 的 发 现 : 对 西 伯 利 亚 克 拉 通 结 构 和 历<br />

史 的 新 认 识 = Discovery of Archaean crust<br />

within the Akitkan orogenic belt of the<br />

Siberian craton: new insight into its<br />

architecture and history. ( 英 文 ). Donskaya T<br />

V; Gladkochub D P; Pisarevsky S A; Poller U;<br />

Mazukabzov A M; Bayanova T B.<br />

Precambrian Research, 2009, 170(1-2): 61-72<br />

The Akitkan orogenic belt separates the<br />

Aldan and Anabar superterranes of the<br />

Siberian craton and was previously suggested<br />

to consist exclusively of Palaeoproterozoic<br />

juvenile crust. Foliated granitoids in the<br />

Baikal basement salient within the Akitkan<br />

belt were studied geochronologically and<br />

geochemically. Thermal ionisation mass<br />

spectrometry (TIMS) analysis of six zircons of<br />

a tonalite sample yielded a discordia line with<br />

an upper concordia intercept age of<br />

2884 ± 12 Ma which is interpreted as the<br />

time of tonalite emplacement. Geochemical<br />

data of the foliated granitoids confirm their<br />

affinity to the tonalite – trondhjemite –<br />

granodiorite (TTG) series. They are<br />

characterized by high Al 2 O 3 contents (14.4–<br />

17.2 wt.%), high Sr/Y ratios (18 – 99) and<br />

show significant rare-earth element (REE)<br />

fractionation with La n /Yb n = 11 – 89. The<br />

Nd (T) values vary from −1.6 to +0.8 and Nd<br />

mean crustal residence ages range from 3.23<br />

to 3.07 Ga. Geochemical and isotopic data<br />

confirm their genesis through interaction of<br />

mantle and crustal material under high<br />

pressure near the base of thickened crust either<br />

after accretion of ancient continental crust and<br />

an oceanic plateau, or after underplating of<br />

oceanic plateau-like basaltic magmas.<br />

The Akitkan orogenic belt is a composite<br />

crustal unit of Archaean and<br />

Palaeoproterozoic age. We propose two<br />


possible scenarios of its evolution. In the first<br />

scenario Palaeoproterozoic complexes<br />

developed along the active margin of the<br />

Archaean Anabar superterrane at 2.1–2.0 Ga.<br />

Alternatively Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic<br />

components of the Akitkan belt could have a<br />

distal origin and were accreted to the Anabar<br />

superterrane. These accretional processes were<br />

followed by a major collision of the Aldan and<br />

Anabar superterranes at 1.9 Ga finalised by<br />

post-collisional granitoid magmatism at<br />

1.87–1.84 Ga.<br />

2009020530<br />

对 南 非 Kaapvaal 克 拉 通 西 缘 Transvaal 超<br />

群 晚 太 古 代 碳 循 环 的 同 位 素 限 定 = Isotopic<br />

constraints on the Late Archean carbon cycle<br />

from the Transvaal Supergroup along the<br />

western margin of the Kaapvaal Craton, South<br />

Africa. ( 英 文 ). Fischer W W; Schroeder S;<br />

Lacassie J P; Beukes N J; Goldberg T;Strauss<br />

H; Horstmann U E; Schrag D P; Knoll A H.<br />

Precambrian Research, 2009, 169(1-4): 15-27<br />

Few existing studies illuminate the<br />

operation of the carbon cycle before the rise of<br />

atmospheric oxygen circa 2400 million years<br />

ago. Stable carbon isotopic measurements of<br />

shallow stromatolitic carbonates (0‰ VPDB)<br />

and basinal carbonate minerals (−6‰) in iron<br />

formation have been used to infer a strong<br />

isotopic depth gradient in Archean ocean<br />

basins. From new diamond drill cores<br />

obtained by the Agouron Drilling Project from<br />

the Griqualand West structural basin in the<br />

Northern Cape Province, South Africa, we<br />

present δ 13 C data from carbonates and<br />

organic matter that offer fresh insights into the<br />

Late Archean carbon cycle. Three drill cores<br />

cover the development, progradation, and<br />

ultimate demise (by drowning) of the<br />

Campbellrand carbonate platform (ca. 2590–<br />

2500 Ma); one captures the platform top<br />

shallow marine and intertidal<br />

paleoenvironments, the other two run through<br />

slope and basinal sections deposited adjacent<br />

to the platform margin, increasing in water<br />

depth (likely to >1 km). Both shallow and<br />

deep-water carbonates precipitated on the<br />

seafloor consistently show δ 13 C values<br />

around −0.5 ‰ , incompatible with a strong<br />

Late Archean isotopic depth gradient. A<br />

mathematical model suggests that these<br />

isotopic data are consistent with a reduced<br />

biological pump, increased dissolved<br />

inorganic carbon in seawater due to higher<br />

atmospheric P CO2 , or both. Certain horizons do<br />

show distinct isotopic variability. Such areas<br />

are commonly shaly, and they tend to be<br />

organic and/or iron rich. Strong C-isotopic<br />

variations occur on a cm scale and most likely<br />

stem from diagenetic remineralization of<br />

organic matter. In sediment-starved areas<br />

where iron formation developed, siderite tends<br />

to be 13 C-depleted, sometimes by as much as<br />

−14‰. These observations suggest a carbon<br />

cycle in which iron respiration played a<br />

conspicuous role. Carbon isotope ratios from<br />

organic matter in shales are commonly >1‰<br />

lighter than stratigraphically contiguous<br />

carbonates, but there is no clear water depth<br />

trend in the organic carbon isotopic data.<br />

Taken as a whole, the δ 13 C of organic matter<br />

can be explained by several non-unique sets of<br />

processes, including different autotrophic<br />

mechanisms of carbon fixation, heterotrophic<br />

recycling (including fermentation and<br />

methanotrophy), and post-depositional<br />

diagenesis. The most striking feature is the<br />

occurrence of organic δ 13 C values

1.6 Ma, that is to say, the isotopic age of the<br />

uppermost of Hirnantian Stage, the point of<br />

Ordovician-Silurian boundary, should be near<br />

to, but slightly younger than 443.2±1.6 Ma.<br />

This age is identical to the Ordovician-<br />

Silurian boundary age 443.7 ± 1.5 Ma as<br />

declared by International Commission on<br />

Stratigraphy (ICS). So, this research provides<br />

some good geochronlogical data for the<br />

Hirnantian Stage and the Ordovician-Silurian<br />

boundary as well as the global correlation.<br />

2009020532<br />

选 择 牙 形 类 Idiognathodus simulator( 狭<br />

义 的 ) 作 为 全 球 格 舍 尔 阶 的 底 部 的 事 件 标<br />

志 着 = Choice of conodont Idiognathodus<br />

simulator (sensu stricto) as the event marker<br />

for the base of the global Gzhelian Stage<br />

(Upper Pennsylvanian Series, Carboniferous<br />

System). ( 英 文 ). Heckel P H; Alekseev A S;<br />

Barrick J E; Boardman D R; Goreva N V;<br />

Isakova T N. Episodes, 2008, 31(3): 319-325<br />

We propose that the level at which the<br />

conodont species Idiognathodus simulator<br />

(Ellison 1941) (sensu stricto) first appears be<br />

selected to mark the base of the Gzhelian<br />

Stage. because we believe that this is the<br />

optimal level by which this boundary can be<br />

correlated. This taxon has a short range and a<br />

wide distribution, as shown by correlation of<br />

glacial-eustatic cyclothems across the<br />

Kasimovian-Gzhelian boundary interval<br />

among Midcontinent North America and the<br />

Moscow and Donets basins of eastern Europe,<br />

based on scale of the cyclothems along with<br />

several aspects biostratigraphy. Outside of<br />

these areas, 1. simulator (sensu stricto) is<br />

known also from other parts of the U.S., and is<br />

reported from the southern Urals and southcentral<br />

China in its expected position between<br />

other widespread taxa. Its first appearance is<br />

consistent with the current ammonoid<br />

placement of the boundary (first appearance of<br />

Shumardites cuyleri), and it is also compatible<br />

with certain aspects of the distribution of<br />

Eurasian fusulinid (e.g., lectotype of<br />

Rauserites rossicus).<br />

2009020533<br />

伊 朗 萨 南 达 杰 - 锡 尔 詹 二 叠 系 Bolorian 阶 和<br />

Kubergandian 阶 = Bolorian and<br />

Kubergandian stages of the Permian in the<br />

Sanandaj-Sirjan zone of Iran. ( 英 文 ). Leven E<br />

J; Gorgij M N. Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2008, 16(5): 455-466<br />

Sections and fusulinids of the Bolorian<br />

(presumably) and Kubergandian (lower part)<br />

stages in the Sanandaj-Sirjan tectonic zone are<br />

described. Two fusulinid assemblages are<br />

distinguished in a most complete section near<br />

Sirjan. The lower one is represented by<br />

Skinnerella, Paraleeina, and relatively<br />

primitive Misellina forms, whereas Armenina,<br />

Kubergandella, and Yangchienia species<br />

appear in the upper assemblage and suggest its<br />

early Kubergandian age. Accordingly, the<br />

lower assemblage is attributed to the Bolorian<br />

Stage, although it is lacking fusulinids typical<br />

of this stage except for the primitive Misellina<br />

morphotypes. Fusulinids from the Tange-<br />

Darchaleh section near Qomsheh (Shahreza)<br />

are typical of the Kubergandian Stage. The<br />

described three new species of the genus<br />

Skinnerella are close to morphotypes known<br />

from younger (Murgabian) deposits and<br />

represent their ancestral forms most likely.<br />

2009020534<br />

沿 喜 玛 拉 雅 寒 武 纪 - 奥 陶 纪 沉 积 的 地 层 对<br />

比 : 对 珠 穆 朗 玛 峰 地 区 岩 石 的 时 代 和 性 质<br />

的 意 义 = Stratigraphic correlation of<br />

Cambrian – Ordovician deposits along the<br />

Himalaya: Implications for the age and nature<br />

of rocks in the Mount Everest region. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Myrow P M; Hughes N C; Searle M P;<br />

Fanning C M; Peng Shanchi; Parcha S K.<br />

Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2009,<br />

121(3-4): 323-332<br />

The depositional age and stratigraphic<br />

correlations of metamorphosed and variably<br />

deformed rocks of Mount Everest are poorly<br />

known because of limited recovery of<br />

diagnostic fossils. Detailed study of Cambrian<br />

and Ordovician strata from along the length of<br />

the Himalaya has produced a coherent<br />

stratigraphy that stretches from northern India<br />

to Tibet. Our work also demonstrates that the<br />

North Col Formation rocks (= Everest series),<br />

between the Qomolangma and Lhotse<br />

detachments of the South Tibetan detachment<br />

system, still locally preserve sedimentary<br />

textures and primary stratigraphy that match<br />

those within Cambrian strata ~1100 km to the<br />

west in northern India. This demonstrates a<br />

coherency of depositional systems and<br />

stratigraphic architecture for Cambrian<br />

deposits along much of the Himalaya Tethyan<br />

margin. It also allows, for the first time,<br />

identification of precise depositional ages of<br />

several units in the Everest region, in<br />

particular, the Yellow Band carbonate and<br />

directly underlying siliciclastic strata, which<br />


are both shown to be late Middle Cambrian in<br />

age. Detrital zircon data presented herein for a<br />

sample from these siliciclastic strata contain a<br />

similar age spectrum to those from Middle<br />

Cambrian strata in northern India, as well as<br />

grains as young as ca. 526 Ma, both of which<br />

support the depositional age and continuity of<br />

depositional systems along the length of the<br />

Himalaya. Highly fractured rocks of the<br />

Ordovician lower Chiatsun Group in the<br />

hanging wall of the South Tibetan detachment<br />

system in Nyalam, 75 km to the west of<br />

Everest, correlate with Ordovician strata of the<br />

Mount Qomolangma Formation on Mount<br />

Everest. Our correlations indicate that the base<br />

of the summit pyramid of Everest, the foot of<br />

the "Third Step," is composed of a 60-m-thick,<br />

white-weathering thrombolite bed. The top of<br />

this ancient microbial deposit crops out only<br />

70 m below the summit of Mount Everest.<br />

2009020535<br />

澳 大 利 亚 新 南 威 尔 士 早 二 叠 世 晚 期 空 谷 阶<br />

Wandrawandian 粉 砂 岩 的 岩 石 地 层 —— 是<br />

冰 川 作 用 的 记 录 吗 = Lithostratigraphy of<br />

the late Early Permian (Kungurian)<br />

Wandrawandian Siltstone, New South Wales:<br />

record of glaciation. ( 英 文 ). Thomas S G;<br />

Fielding C R; Frank T D. Australian Journal<br />

of Earth Sciences, 2007, 54(8): 1057-1071<br />

The late Early Permian (273-271 Ma)<br />

Wandrawandian Siltstone in the southern<br />

Sydney Basin of New South Wales represents<br />

a marine highstand that can be correlated over<br />

2000 km. A mainly fine-grained terrigenous<br />

clastic succession, the Wandrawandian<br />

Siltstone contains evidence for cold, possibly<br />

glacial conditions based on the presence of<br />

outsized clasts and glendonites, mineral<br />

pseudomorphs after ikaite, a mineral that<br />

forms in cold (0-7 degrees C) marine<br />

sediments. A lithostratigraphic and facies<br />

analysis of the unit was conducted, based on<br />

extensive coastal outcrops and continuous<br />

drillcores, Eight facies associations were<br />

identified: (i) siltstone: (ii) siltstone with<br />

minor interbedded sandstone (iii) interbedded<br />

tabular sandstone and siltstone; (iv) admixed<br />

sandstone and siltstone to medium-grained<br />

sandstone; (v) discrete, discontinuous<br />

sandstone intervals (vi) chaotic conglomerate<br />

and sandstone in large channel forms; (vii)<br />

chaotically bedded and pervasively softsediment-deformed<br />

intervals; and (viii)<br />

tuffaceous siltstone and claystone. Using<br />

lithology and ichnology, relative water depths<br />

were ascribed to each facies association.<br />

Based on these associations, the unit was<br />

divided into five informal members that reveal<br />

a history of significant relative sea-level<br />

fluctuations throughout the formation:<br />

member 1, interbedded/admixed sandstone<br />

and siltstone: member II, siltstone; member III,<br />

slumped masses of members I and II member<br />

IV, siltstone and erosionally based lensoid<br />

sandstone beds and channel bodies; and<br />

member V, interbedded/admixed sandstone<br />

and siltstone with abundant tuffs. Member I<br />

marks an initial marine transgression from<br />

shoreface to offshore depths. Member II<br />

records the maximum water depth of the shelf.<br />

Member III is interpreted to be a slump sheets<br />

plausible mechanisms for its emplacement<br />

include seismicity produced by tectonism or<br />

glocio-isostatic rebound, changes in porewater<br />

pressures due to sea-level fluctuations,<br />

or an increase in sedimentation rates,<br />

Members IV and V record minor fluctuations<br />

in depositional environments from offshore to<br />

shoreface water depths. Member IV includes<br />

regionally extensive, large channel bodies,<br />

with composite fills that are interpreted as<br />

storm-influenced mass-flow deposits. Member<br />

V includes a greater abundance of volcanic<br />

ash. Glacial controls (isostasy, eustasy) and<br />

tectonic affects may have worked in concert to<br />

produce the changes in depositional<br />

environments observed in the Wandrawandian<br />

Siltstone<br />

2009020536<br />

澳 大 利 亚 新 南 威 尔 士 南 部 沿 海 和 邻 近 维 多<br />

利 亚 地 区 泥 盆 纪 地 层 、 脊 椎 动 物 群 和 时 代<br />

控 制 = Devonian formations, vertebrate<br />

faunas and age control on the far south coast<br />

of New South Wales and adjacent Victoria.<br />

( 英 文 ). Young G C. Australian Journal of<br />

Earth Sciences, 2007, 54(7): 991-1008<br />

A diverse fossil vertebrate record in the<br />

Devonian of coastal southeastern Australia<br />

includes at least 30 genera and species<br />

representing all three major groups of extant<br />

jawed vertebrates (bony and cartilaginous<br />

fishes, and tetrapods), and both extinct groups<br />

(placoderm and acanthodian fishes). A bone<br />

recorded by W. B. Clarke in 1860 from<br />

Twofold Bay is the first published record of a<br />

Devonian vertebrate from the Southern<br />

Hemisphere. Abundant plant remains at some<br />

localities include large impressions of<br />

arborescent lycopsids, indicating one of the<br />

earliest forest environments for the Gondwana<br />

supercontinent. An early terrestrial<br />

invertebrate fauna is evidenced by fossil<br />


millipede remains. A review of the evidence<br />

for age control using paleontology and<br />

isotopic dating suggests that the lower part of<br />

the Devonian sequence (Bunga beds, Boyd<br />

Volcanic Complex) may be somewhat older<br />

(Emsian-Eifelian) than recently proposed the<br />

tetrapod trackways at Genoa River in Victoria<br />

(lower part of the Combyingbar Formation)<br />

may correlate with the lowermost Twofold<br />

Bay Formation of the Merrimbula Group,<br />

which is overlain by the marine Bellbird<br />

Creek Formation, a manifestation of the global<br />

late Frasnian marine transgression and<br />

extinction event. Abundant placoderm remains<br />

at all higher fossil fish horizons in the<br />

overlying Worange Point Formation indicate a<br />

latest Devonian rather than Carboniferous age<br />

for the upper Merrimbula Group.<br />

2009020537<br />

瑞 典 中 寒 武 世 末 期 异 常 的 相 和 古 老 的 粪 化<br />

石 = Anomalous facies and ancient faeces in<br />

the latest middle Cambrian of Sweden. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Eriksson M E; Terfelt F. Lethaia, 2007, 40(1):<br />

69-84<br />

The middle Cambrian – Furongian<br />

transitional interval was a time of significant<br />

biotic and environmental changes. Strata of<br />

this age in Scania, southern Sweden, contain<br />

two interlayered biofacies, a normal one<br />

dominated by trilobites and an anomalous one<br />

dominated by phosphatocopines (small<br />

bivalved arthropods). In places these biofacies<br />

are separated by intervals barren of fossils. In<br />

a phosphatocopine facies without trilobites in<br />

the upper Agnostus pisiformis Zone at<br />

Andrarum we recovered scattered fossil<br />

aggregates with a homogeneous composition<br />

of tightly packed and stacked<br />

phosphatocopines. These aggregates are<br />

interpreted as coprolites produced by an<br />

undetermined predator, possibly the<br />

chaetognath-like protoconodont animal or<br />

some other soft-bodied metazoan. The socalled<br />

barren intervals of Scania are not<br />

necessarily barren of fossils, but only trilobites,<br />

brachiopods, and other skeletal elements with<br />

a calcium-carbonate composition. The<br />

phosphatocopine facies with coprolites in the<br />

uppermost part of the A. pisiformis Zone<br />

correlates with the trilobite mass extinction at<br />

the top of the Marjumiid Biomere in Laurentia<br />

and immediately prior to the onset of the<br />

Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion<br />

(SPICE), inferring a global shift in the oceanic<br />

chemistry that in Scania favoured<br />

phosphatocopines over the more common,<br />

trilobite-dominated faunas.<br />

2009020538<br />

泥 盆 纪 单 种 组 合 —— 贫 氧 沉 积 环 境 生 态 的<br />

新 观 察 = Devonian monospecific<br />

assemblages: new insights into the ecology of<br />

reduced-oxygen depositional settings. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Boyer D L; Droser M L. Lethaia, 2007, 40(4):<br />

321-333<br />

Low-diversity fossil assemblages<br />

interpreted as representing dysaerobic<br />

communities are common in the Phanerozoic<br />

rock record, and those composed of a single<br />

species have particular utility for recognizing<br />

the lowest bottom-water oxygen levels. An<br />

unusually high-diversity of clades including<br />

three rhynchonelliform, two linguliform, and<br />

one bivalve species occur in monospecific<br />

assemblages within Middle and Upper<br />

Devonian black shales of New York State.<br />

These six taxa are interpreted to be adapted to<br />

extremely reduced bottom-water oxygen<br />

levels as inferred from detailed<br />

sedimentological data and their repeated<br />

monospecific occurrence; however these<br />

groups represent two distinct ecologies. Three<br />

of these taxa are restricted to sediments<br />

deposited under the lowest dysaerobic<br />

conditions, while the other three taxa, unlike<br />

other fossils characteristic of reduced-oxygen<br />

levels, also occur in and are even dominant in<br />

high-diversity assemblages. The rhynchonellid<br />

brachiopod Eumetabolotoechia multicostata is<br />

the most abundant taxon within these units<br />

and has a remarkable ecological range as<br />

dominant from the lowest dysaerobic zone to<br />

near-normal marine oxygen levels. These<br />

Devonian groups, when present in<br />

monospecific assemblages, have utility for<br />

characterizing the lowest dysaerobic zone<br />

where trace fossil assemblages, most<br />

commonly used to describe these low-oxygen<br />

depositional settings, are absent or poorly<br />

developed.<br />

中 生 界<br />

2009020539<br />

鲁 西 上 虞 辉 长 闪 长 岩 成 因 论 : 地 质 年 代 学<br />

和 地 球 化 学 证 据 = Petrogenesis of Shangyu<br />

gabbro-diorites in western Shandong:<br />

Geochronological and geochemical evidence.<br />

( 英 文 ). Yang Chenghai; Xu Wenliang; Yang<br />

Debin; Wang Wei; Wang Weide; Liu Jinmin.<br />

Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2008, 51(4): 481-492<br />


Chronology and geochemistry of the<br />

Shangyu gabbro-diorite in western Shandong<br />

were studied to understand their petrogenesis<br />

and the nature of the Mesozoic lithospheric<br />

mantle. The Shangyu intrusion is mainly<br />

composed of a suite of gabbro-diorite. Zircons<br />

from the intrusion display euhedral-subhedral<br />

in shape and have high Th/U ratios (1.23–<br />

2.87), implying their magmatic origin. LA-<br />

ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating results for two<br />

samples indicate that they were formed in the<br />

Early Cretaceous, yielding weighted mean<br />

206Pb/238U ages of 129±1Ma and 134±<br />

2Ma, respectively. Except for early cumulate<br />

such as sample QT-19, their SiO2 and MgO<br />

contents range from 50.12% to 56.37% and<br />

from 3.52% to 6.37%, respectively. Moreover,<br />

the gabbro-diorites are characterized by high<br />

Mg (0.54 – 0.63), enrichment in Na<br />

(Na2O/K2O ratios more than 1), Cr (73 ×<br />

10−6−217×10−6) and Ni (34×10−6−241×<br />

10−6), and intensive enrichments in light rare<br />

earth elements (LREEs) and large ion<br />

lithophile elements (LILEs) and depletion in<br />

high field strength elements (HFSEs). Their<br />

initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and Nd(t) values range<br />

from 0.70962 to 0.71081 and from −16.60 to<br />

−13.04, respectively. Taken together with the<br />

Early Cretaceous high-Mg diorites and the<br />

mantle xenoliths from the Tietonggou and<br />

Jinling as well as basalts from the Fangcheng<br />

and Feixian, it is suggested that the primary<br />

magma for the Shangyu gabbro-diorites<br />

should be derived from the enriched<br />

lithospheric mantle intensively modified by<br />

continental crust. The Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic<br />

compositions for the Early Cretaceous high-<br />

Mg diorites in western Shandong display a<br />

trend of spatial variations, i.e., initial<br />

87Sr/86Sr, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb<br />

ratios decreasing and Nd(t) values increasing<br />

from southeast to northwest in western<br />

Shandong, which is consistent with the<br />

tectonic model that the Yangtze Craton<br />

subducted beneath the North China Craton<br />

oriented in north-west direction in the Early<br />

Mesozoic.<br />

2009020540<br />

阿 根 廷 海 相 侏 罗 系 : 生 物 地 层 框 架 = The<br />

marine Jurassic of Argentina: a<br />

biostratigraphic framework. ( 英 文 ). Riccardi<br />

A C. Episodes, 2008, 31(3): 326-335<br />

In Argentina the best and most complete<br />

marine Jurassic succession is exposed between<br />

32 degrees and 39 degrees S, along a N-S belt<br />

roughly coincident with the border with Chile.<br />

Here all stages, except the Kimmeridgian, are<br />

represented by marine facies. Ammonites<br />

have provided a biostratigraphic framework to<br />

date and correlate lithostratigraphic units and<br />

sequences, to reconstruct the history of marine<br />

fill, and allow the development of other<br />

palaeontological and geological studies.<br />

Recent studies on the systematics and/or<br />

biostratigraphy of Andean ammonites have<br />

provided the basis for the presentation of a<br />

summary of the 45 ammonite zones of the<br />

Jurassic of west-central Argentina and to<br />

stress its significance in reconstructing the<br />

palaeogeographic evolution of that region.<br />

2009020541<br />

寻 找 侏 罗 系 的 界 线 和 对 比 : 从 底 部 到 顶 部<br />

和 从 大 陆 架 到 盆 地 — 第 四 届 IGCP 506 国<br />

际 会 议 = Searching for the boundaries and<br />

correlation of the Jurassic: from base to top<br />

and from shelf to basin-The Fourth<br />

International Symposium of IGCP 506. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Wang Yongdong. Episodes, 2008, 31(3): 312-<br />

313<br />

2009020542<br />

太 平 洋 ( 科 里 亚 克 高 地 ) 西 北 环 境 地 区 侏<br />

罗 纪 - 白 垩 纪 硅 质 - 火 山 岩 沉 积 对 比 =<br />

Correlation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous<br />

siliceous-volcanogenic sediments in<br />

northwestern surroundings of the Pacific<br />

(Koryak Upland). ( 英 文 ). Vishnevskaya V S;<br />

Filatova N I. Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2008, 16(6): 618-638<br />

In distribution areas of the Pekul’neiveem<br />

and Chirynai formations customary<br />

distinguishable in the Koryak Upland,<br />

complicated tectonostratigraphic units are<br />

composed of alternating thrust sheets of<br />

different lithologic composition and age,<br />

which are juxtaposed because of widespread<br />

thrust faulting, as is proved by the radiolarian<br />

analysis. Nineteen radiolarian assemblages of<br />

different age are first established here in the<br />

Lower Jurassic-Hauterivian succession of<br />

siliceous-volcanogenic sediments. In the<br />

Lower Jurassic interval, the lower and upper<br />

Hettangian, lower and upper Sinemurian, and<br />

Pliensbachian beds are recognized.<br />

Paleontological characterization is also<br />

presented for the Aalenian (or Toarcian-<br />

Aalenian), upper Bajocian, lower and upper<br />

Bathonian, and Callovian beds of the Middle<br />

Jurassic. Within the Upper Jurassic, the<br />

Oxfordian-early Kimmeridgian, late<br />


Kimmeridgian-early Tithonian, Tithonian, and<br />

late Tithonian-early Berriasian radiolarian<br />

assemblages are distinguished. The late<br />

Berriasian-early Valanginian, middle-late<br />

Valanginian, and Hauterivian radiolarian<br />

assemblages are first recognized or<br />

compositionally revised. Radiolarians and<br />

lithofacies data are used to correlate the<br />

tectonostratigraphic units and individualize<br />

the jasper-alkali basaltic (lower Hettangian),<br />

chert-terrigenous (Hettangian-Sinemurian),<br />

jasper-cherty (Pliensbachian-Aalenian), jasper<br />

(Bajocian-Hauterivian), jasper-basaltic (upper<br />

Bajocian-Valanginian), Fe-Ti basaltic (upper<br />

Bajocian-Bathonian), tuffitejasper-basaltic<br />

(Bathonian-Hauterivian), and terrigenousvolcanogenic<br />

(Bajocian-Valanginian)<br />

sequences. The correlation results are<br />

extrapolated into other continental areas<br />

flanking the Pacific, i.e., to the western<br />

Kamchatka, northern and northwestern coastal<br />

areas of the Sea of Okhotsk, where the<br />

analogous radiolarian assemblages are<br />

characteristic of comparable allochthonous<br />

units of terrigenous-siliceous-volcanogenic<br />

sediments<br />

2009020543<br />

阿 塞 拜 疆 北 部 Maikop 群 和 翼 足 类 层 的 地<br />

层 = Stratigraphy of the Maikop Group and<br />

Pteropoda Beds in northern Azerbaijan. ( 英<br />

文 ). Popov S V; Sychevskaya E K; Akhmet’<br />

ev M A. Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2008, 16(6): 664-677<br />

Deepwater sections of the Maikop Group<br />

(Oligocene-lower Miocene) and overlying<br />

lower-middle Miocene sediments are studied<br />

near the Perekishkyul Settlement in lower<br />

reaches of the Sumgait River, northern<br />

Azerbaijan. Several lithological reference<br />

levels and the Spiratella (Pteropoda) Beds are<br />

used to correlate preliminarily these uniform<br />

clayey sections barren of benthic fossils.<br />

Based on distribution of the organicwalled and<br />

calcareous phytoplankton, spores, pollen and<br />

ichthyofossils, the sections are first subdivided<br />

in detail and dated. Distinguished in the<br />

sections are two regional levels characterizing<br />

distortions in the basin hydrological regime<br />

during the late Oligocene (level with large<br />

Leiosphaeridia and Pterospermella) and<br />

Burdigalian (level with dominant dinocysts of<br />

the genus Batiacasphaera), and separate<br />

intervals with diverse phytoplankton and<br />

ichthyofossils. The Tarkhanian sediments are<br />

marked by first-appearing oceanic<br />

nannoplankton with Sphenolithus<br />

heteromorphus and deepwater ichthyofauna<br />

with Vinciquerria merklini. The Karaganian is<br />

established at the first occurrence level of<br />

peculiar endemics (Sardinella karaganica W.<br />

Dan. and Mugil karaganicus Swich.) among<br />

ichthyofauna<br />

2009020544<br />

西 班 牙 沿 中 白 垩 世 西 特 提 斯 边 缘 的 分 成 沙<br />

海 发 育 : 沙 漠 沉 积 和 古 气 候 意 义 = Aeolian<br />

sand sea development along the mid-<br />

Cretaceous western Tethyan margin (Spain):<br />

erg sedimentology and palaeoclimate<br />

implications. ( 英 文 ). Rodríguez-López J P;<br />

Mel é ndez N; De Boer P L; Soria A R.<br />

Sedimentology, 2008, 55(5): 1253 - 1292<br />

The existence of a mid-Cretaceous erg<br />

system along the western Tethyan margin<br />

(Iberian Basin, Spain) was recently<br />

demonstrated based on the occurrence of<br />

wind-blown desert sands in coeval shallow<br />

marine deposits. Here, the first direct evidence<br />

of this mid-Cretaceous erg in Europe is<br />

presented and the palaeoclimate and<br />

palaeoceanographic implications are discussed.<br />

The aeolian sand sea extended over an area of<br />

4600 km 2 . Compound crescentic dunes, linear<br />

draa and complex aeolian dunes, sand sheets,<br />

wet, dry and evaporitic interdunes, sabkha<br />

deposits and coeval extradune lagoonal<br />

deposits form the main architectural elements<br />

of this desert system that was located in a subtropical<br />

arid belt along the western Tethyan<br />

margin. Sub-critically climbing translatent<br />

strata, grain flow and grain fall deposits, pinstripe<br />

lamination, lee side dune wind ripples,<br />

soft-sediment deformations, vertebrate tracks,<br />

biogenic traces, tubes and wood fragments are<br />

some of the small-scale structures and<br />

components observed in the aeolian dune<br />

sandstones. At the boundary between the<br />

aeolian sand sea and the marine realm,<br />

intertonguing of aeolian deposits and marine<br />

facies occurs. Massive sandstone units were<br />

laid down by mass flow events that reworked<br />

aeolian dune sands during flooding events.<br />

The cyclic occurrence of soft sediment<br />

deformation is ascribed to intermittent (marine)<br />

flooding of aeolian dunes and associated rise<br />

in the water table. The aeolian erg system<br />

developed in an active extensional tectonic<br />

setting that favoured its preservation. Because<br />

of the close proximity of the marine realm, the<br />

water table was high and contributed to the<br />

preservation of the aeolian facies.<br />

2009020545<br />


从 海 洋 碳 酸 盐 的 研 究 看 重 庆 中 梁 山 自 晚 二<br />

叠 世 至 早 三 叠 世 海 水 中 锶 同 位 素 合 成 物 的<br />

演 化 = Evolution of strontium isotopic<br />

composition of seawater from Late Permian to<br />

Early Triassic based on study of marine<br />

carbonates, Zhongliang Mountain, Chongqing,<br />

China. ( 英 文 ). Huang Sijing; Qing Hairuo;<br />

Huang Peipei; Hu Zuowei; Wang Qingdong;<br />

Zou Mingliang; Liu Haonian. Science in<br />

China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(4):<br />

528-539<br />

Collected from a Late Permian to Early<br />

Triassic sedimentary section in the Zhongliang<br />

Mountain of Chongqing, Southwest China,<br />

sixty marine carbonate samples were<br />

measured for the 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and<br />

corresponding evolution curve was<br />

constructed. The concentrations of SiO2, CaO,<br />

MgO, Mn and Sr are used to evaluate<br />

reservation of strontium isotopic composition<br />

for original seawater and the credibility of the<br />

dissolution method for sample preparation.<br />

The results show that most of the samples<br />

(except seven samples with the Mn/Sr ratios<br />

higher than 2) contain the original<br />

geochemistry signatures of ancient seawater.<br />

Compared to the published 87Sr/86Sr ratios<br />

from the Late Permian to Early Triassic, our<br />

database reported here is the largest and the<br />

curve constructed is the most complete. The<br />

strontium isotopic curve from Late Permian to<br />

Early Triassic is consistent globally and<br />

exhibits a general trend of steady increase<br />

during this period. The minimum of 87Sr/86Sr<br />

ratios (0.707011) occurs in the Late Permian<br />

(30 m in thickness below the Permian-Triassic<br />

boundary), and the maximum (0.708281), near<br />

the Early-Middle Triassic boundary. The lack<br />

of land plants and the rapid continental<br />

weathering result in the increase of 87Sr/86Sr<br />

ratios during the interval. The Permian-<br />

Triassic boundary in Zhongliang Mountain<br />

Section has been accepted internationally. The<br />

87Sr/86Sr ratios of six samples near the<br />

boundary vary from 0.70714 to 0.70715 with<br />

an average of 0.70714, which is consistent<br />

with the value of 0.70715 (samples are from<br />

articulate brachiopod shells) from Korte et al.<br />

published in 2006 (within the error range in<br />

experiment). Accordingly, the strontium<br />

isotope composition in the Permian-Triassic<br />

boundary in this paper is of global<br />

significance. It can be confirmed that the<br />

87Sr/86Sr ratios of the seawater in the<br />

Permian-Triassic transition are in the range of<br />

0.70714–0.70715.<br />

2009020546<br />

川 东 华 蓥 山 三 叠 纪 海 洋 中 锶 同 位 素 合 成 物<br />

的 演 化 和 全 球 对 比 = Evolution and global<br />

correlation for strontium isotopic composition<br />

of marine Triassic from Huaying Mountains,<br />

eastern Sichuan, China. ( 英 文 ). Hu Zuowei;<br />

Huang Sijing; Qing Hairuo; Wang Qingdong;<br />

Wang Chunmei; Gao Xiaoyong. Science in<br />

China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(4):<br />

540-549<br />

Strontium isotope stratigraphy (SIS) has<br />

progressively become an efficient<br />

chemostratigraphic tool in the research and<br />

correlation of global geological events, such<br />

as global sea level fluctuations, orogeny, and<br />

paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes.<br />

In this paper, 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Triassic<br />

marine carbonate rock samples from Huaying<br />

Mountains, eastern Sichuan are measured, and<br />

the corresponding Sr-isotopic curve is<br />

constructed, based on the fundamental<br />

principle of strontium isotope stratigraphy,<br />

analysis of rock fabric, luminescent intensity,<br />

chemical composition and representative<br />

evaluation for the coeval seawater information.<br />

The 87Sr/86Sr ratios show a rapid rise from<br />

0.70721 near the Permian-Triassic transition<br />

to 0.70830 at the end of Early Triassic, and<br />

then they decline rapidly to 0.70787 in the<br />

early Middle Triassic. These data are<br />

generally coincident with 87Sr/86Sr ratios of<br />

coeval seawater from previous papers, and the<br />

curve is also similar to other previous curves.<br />

This indicates that the global geological<br />

events are the most important controlling<br />

factors to the strontium isotope evolution of<br />

the global seawater in the Early and Middle<br />

Triassic.<br />

2009020547<br />

波 兰 东 部 Lukow 地 区 经 典 中 侏 罗 世 产 地 的<br />

新 研 究 = New research on the classical<br />

Middle Jurassic locality at Lukow, eastern<br />

Poland. ( 英 文 ). Salamon M A; Zaton M.<br />

Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie u. Palaontologie<br />

/ Abhandlungen, 2008, 247(2): 129-131<br />

A short review of former studies on the<br />

famous Middle Jurassic locality Lukow in<br />

eastern Poland is compiled. New research<br />

activities on material from this locality result<br />

in six papers included in this volume, dealing<br />

with the assemblages of crinoids, starfishes,<br />

gastropods, dinoflagellates, and fossil wood.<br />

Additionally, also geochemical investigations<br />

are included providing data for environmental<br />

reconstructions and diagenesis.<br />


2009020548<br />

藏 东 南 特 提 斯 喜 马 拉 雅 层 序 中 钕 同 位 素 组<br />

成 = Nd isotopic compositions of the Tethyan<br />

Himalayan Sequence in southeastern Tibet.<br />

( 英 文 ). Dai Jingen; Yin An; Liu Wencan;<br />

Wang Chengshan. Science in China Series D:<br />

Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(9): 1306-1316<br />

The Himalayan orogen consists of three<br />

major lithologic units that are separated by<br />

two major north-dipping faults: the Lesser<br />

Himalayan Sequence (LHS) below the Main<br />

Central Thrust (MCT), the Greater Himalayan<br />

Crystalline Complex (GHC) above the MCT,<br />

and the Tethyan Himalayan Sequence (THS)<br />

juxtaposed by the South Tibet Detachment<br />

fault (STD) over the GHC. Due to widespread<br />

metamorphism and intense deformation,<br />

differentiating the above three lithologic units<br />

is often difficult. This problem has been<br />

overcome by the use of Sm-Nd isotopic<br />

analysis. The previous studies suggested that<br />

the LHS can be clearly distinguished from the<br />

GHC and THS by their Nd isotope<br />

compositions. However, the lack of detailed<br />

and systematic Sm-Nd isotopic studies of the<br />

THS across the Himalaya in general has made<br />

differentiation of this unit from the nearby<br />

GHC impossible, as the two appear to share<br />

overlapping Nd compositions and model ages.<br />

To address this problem, we systematically<br />

sampled and analyzed Nd isotopes of the THS<br />

in southeastern Tibet directly north of Bhutan.<br />

Our study identifies two distinctive fields in a<br />

Nd-T DM plot. The first is defined by the<br />

Nd(210 Ma) values of −3.45 to −7.34 and T<br />

DM values of 1.15 to 1.29 Ga from a Late<br />

Triassic turbidite sequence, which are broadly<br />

similar to those obtained from the Lhasa block.<br />

The second field is derived from the Early<br />

Cretaceous meta-sedimentary rocks with<br />

Nd(130 Ma) values from −15.24 to −16.61<br />

and T DM values from 1.63 to 2.00 Ga; these<br />

values are similar to those obtained from the<br />

Greater Himalayan Crystalline Complex in<br />

Bhutan directly south of our sampling traverse,<br />

which has Nd(130 Ma) values of −10.89 to<br />

−16.32 and Nd model ages (T DM) of 1.73 to<br />

2.20 Ga. From the above observations, we<br />

suggest that the Late Triassic strata of the<br />

southeast Tibetan THS were derived from the<br />

Lhasa block in the north, while the Early<br />

Cretaceous strata of the THS were derived<br />

from a source similar to the High Himalayan<br />

Crystalline Complex or Indian craton in the<br />

south. Our interpretation is consistent with the<br />

existing palaeocurrent data and provenance<br />

analysis of the Late Triassic strata in<br />

southeastern Tibet, which indicate the<br />

sediments derived from a northern source.<br />

Thus, we suggest that the Lhasa terrane and<br />

the Indian craton were close to one another in<br />

the Late Triassic and were separated by a rift<br />

valley across which a large submarine fan was<br />

transported southward and deposited on the<br />

future northern margin of the Indian continent.<br />

2009020549<br />

四 川 盆 地 上 三 叠 统 须 家 河 组 致 密 天 然 气 砂<br />

岩 储 层 的 成 岩 流 体 演 化 及 成 因 机 制 =<br />

Diagenetic fluids evolution and genetic<br />

mechanism of tight sandstone gas reservoirs in<br />

Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Sichuan<br />

Basin, China. ( 英 文 ). Zhu Rukai; Zou<br />

Caineng; Zhang Nai; Wang Xuesong; Cheng<br />

Rong; Liu Liuhong; Zhou Chuanmin; Song<br />

Lihong. Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2008, 51(9): 1340-1353<br />

The reservoirs of the Upper Triassic<br />

Xujiahe Formation in Sichuan Basin have the<br />

characteristics of low compositional maturity,<br />

low contents of cements and medium textural<br />

maturity. The general physical properties of<br />

the reservoirs are poor, with low porosity and<br />

low permeability, and there are only a few<br />

reservoirs with medium porosity and low<br />

permeability in local areas. Based on the<br />

diagenetic mineral association, a diagenetic<br />

sequence of cements is established: early<br />

calcites (or micrite siderites) → first quartz<br />

overgrowth→chlorite coatings→dissolution of<br />

feldspars and debris → chlorite linings →<br />

second quartz overgrowth (quartz widen or<br />

filled in remain intergranular pores and<br />

solution pores) → dissolution → third quartz<br />

overgrowth (quartz filled in intergranular and<br />

intragranular solution pores) → intergrowth<br />

(ferro) calcites → dolomites → ferro (calcites)<br />

dolomites→later dissolution→veins of quartz<br />

and calcites formation. Mechanical<br />

compaction is the main factor in making the<br />

reservoirs tight in the basin, followed by the<br />

second and third quartz overgrowth. In a longterm<br />

closed system, only feldspars and some<br />

lithic fragments are dissolved by diagenetic<br />

fluids, while intergranular cements such as<br />

quartz and calcit are not dissolved and thus<br />

have little influence on the porosity of the<br />

Xujiahe Formation. This is the third factor that<br />

may have kept the sandstones of Xujiahe<br />

Formation tight finally. The hydrocarbon was<br />

extensively generated from organic materials<br />

after the second quartz overgrowth, and<br />


selectively entered favorable reservoirs to<br />

form tight sandstone gas reservoirs.<br />

2009020550<br />

四 川 省 龙 门 山 彭 灌 构 造 穹 隆 体 : 新 元 古 代<br />

岩 浆 弧 盆 系 的 中 生 代 剥 蚀 作 用 = The<br />

Pengguan tectonic dome of Longmen<br />

Mountains, Sichuan Province: Mesozoic<br />

denudation of a Neoproterozoic magmatic arcbasin<br />

system. ( 英 文 ). Yan Danping; Zhou<br />

Meifu; Wei Guoqing; Gao Jianfeng; Liu<br />

Shaofeng; Xu Ping; Shi Xiaoying. Science in<br />

China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(11):<br />

1545-1559<br />

Neoproterozoic igneous and metamorphic<br />

complexes occur as tectonic domes in the<br />

Longmen Mountains of the western margin of<br />

the Yangtze Block, and are important in<br />

reconstructing the Rodinian supercontinent<br />

and constraining the timing and mechanism of<br />

tectonic denudational processes. The<br />

Pengguan dome consists of granitic intrusions<br />

and metamorphic rocks of the Huangshuihe<br />

Group and is tectonically overlain by ductilly<br />

deformed Sinian to Paleozoic strata. The<br />

plutonic intrusions consist of granites with<br />

abundant amphibolite enclaves. New LA-ICP-<br />

MS zircon U-Pb dating yielded an<br />

emplacement age of 809 ± 3 Ma and a<br />

protolith age of 844±6 Ma for the granite.<br />

The granitic rocks have geochemical<br />

signatures typical of A-type granites,<br />

indicating their formation under an<br />

extensional environment, by melting of newly<br />

formed tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite<br />

(TTG) rocks. A detachment fault,<br />

characterized by variable ductile shear<br />

deformation of S-C fabric and ESE-ward<br />

kinematics, separates the Pengguan dome<br />

from the Sinian-Paleozoic cover. 40Ar/39Ar<br />

dating of muscovite from the mylonite in the<br />

detachment fault of the dome demonstrates<br />

that ductile deformation occurred at ∼160 Ma.<br />

This study indicates the existence of a<br />

Neoproterozoic magmatic arc-basin system,<br />

which was denudated by a Jurassic middle<br />

crustal ductile channel flow along the<br />

Longmenshan thrust belt.<br />

2009020551<br />

华 南 下 三 叠 统 错 时 相 及 其 对 复 原 生 态 系 统<br />

的 意 义 = Anachronistic facies in the Lower<br />

Triassic of South China and their implications<br />

to the ecosystems during the recovery time.<br />

( 英 文 ). Zhao Xiaoming; Tong Jinnan; Yao<br />

Huazhou; Zhang Kexin; Chen Zq. Science in<br />

China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(11):<br />

1646-1657<br />

The end-Permian mass extinction not only<br />

severely distressed the Paleozoic ecosystems<br />

but also dramatically changed the sedimentary<br />

systems, resulting in a peculiar Early Triassic<br />

ecosystem and submarine environment during<br />

the recovery time following the mass<br />

extinction. The Lower Triassic is<br />

characteristic of the wide occurrence of<br />

various distinctive sediments and related<br />

sedimentary structures, such as flat-pebble<br />

conglomerates, vermicular limestone, subtidal<br />

wrinkle structures, microbialite, carbonate<br />

seafloor fans, thin-bedded limestone and zebra<br />

limestone-mudstone. These sediments were<br />

common in the Precambrian to Early<br />

Ordovician marine settings, and then they<br />

occurred only in some extreme and unusual<br />

environments with the expansion of metazoan<br />

faunas. However, the Early Triassic witnessed<br />

an “anachronistic” reappearance of some<br />

distinctive sedimentary records in normal<br />

shallow marine settings. The study of these<br />

anachronistic facies should be of great<br />

importance for the understanding of the<br />

unique ecosystem and marine environment<br />

through the great Paleozoic-Mesozoic<br />

transition. The anachronistic facies<br />

characterized by vermicular limestone have<br />

been documented in many localities in South<br />

China and occur at various horizons of the<br />

Lower Triassic. Most types of reported<br />

distinctive sediments over the world have<br />

been observed in the Lower Triassic of South<br />

China. This provides an excellent opportunity<br />

for understanding the Early Triassic<br />

environment and its coevolution with the<br />

biotic recovery. Among the anachronistic<br />

facies the vermicular limestone is the most<br />

characteristic and common distinctive<br />

sediments in the Lower Triassic of South<br />

China but has received relatively few<br />

investigations. Taking it as a case study, we<br />

will detail the variation of vermicular<br />

limestone and its stratigraphic distribution in<br />

the Three Gorges area, Hubei Province. The<br />

investigation on the vermicular limestone and<br />

other distinctive sediments from the Lower<br />

Triassic of South China further indicates that<br />

the appearance of anachronistic facies<br />

immediately following the mass extinction<br />

and the elimination from normal shallow<br />

marine facies with the radiation of Mesozoic<br />

marine faunas imply the natural response of<br />

the sedimentary systems and ecosystems to<br />

the great Paleozoic-Mesozoic transitional<br />


events and their induced harsh environments.<br />

Therefore, the ups and downs of the<br />

anachronistic facies may act as a proxy for the<br />

evolution of ecosystems independent of fossil<br />

analyses.<br />

2009020552<br />

韩 国 早 白 垩 世 构 造 作 用 和 硅 藻 类 = Early<br />

Cretaceous Tectonism and Diatoms in Korea.<br />

( 英 文 ). Chang Kihong; Park Sunok. Acta<br />

Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(6): 1179-1184<br />

The Early Cretaceous Sindong Group, a<br />

non-marine molasse, unconformably overlies<br />

the folded earliest Cretaceous Myogok<br />

Formation. The tectonism that folded the<br />

Jaseong Synthem including the Myogok and<br />

other formations is here called the Nakdong-<br />

Jaeryeonggang ( N-J ) tectonism. The<br />

Oknyeobong and Dabokni Formations are<br />

discussed to show that they belong to the<br />

Jaseong Synthem. The Dabokni Formation<br />

yielded fossil diatoms whose age has been<br />

referred as the "earliest Cretaceous" based<br />

on the geologically constrained age of the<br />

fossil-bearing deposit. The age of the N-J<br />

tectonism appears Barremian as it is between<br />

the Hauterivian Myogok Formation and the<br />

Aptian Sindong Group with the TPN<br />

( Trigonioides-Plicatounio-Nippononaia )<br />

fauna. The N-J tectonism, an orogeny, quite<br />

deformed pre-Aptian strata in Korea, but can<br />

hardly find its reported equivalent in NE<br />

China. A revised correlation table shows that<br />

the Jaseong- Sindong sequence corresponds to<br />

the Jehol Group of China. The Sindong-<br />

Hayang transition was characterized by basin<br />

migration and dextral rotation probably caused<br />

by the Tan-Lu fault system in a broad sense.<br />

2009020553<br />

吉 林 东 南 部 白 垩 纪 火 山 事 件 : 单 一 锆 石 U-<br />

Pb 年 代 证 据 = Cretaceous Volcanic Events in<br />

Southeastern Jilin Province, China :<br />

Evidence from Single Zircon U-Pb Ages. ( 英<br />

文 ). Chen Yuejun; Sun Chunlin; Sun Yuewu;<br />

Sun Wei. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(6):<br />

1194-1200<br />

Mesozoic volcanic rocks in southeastern<br />

Jilin Province are an important component of<br />

the huge Mesozoic volcanic belt in the<br />

northeastern area. Study of the age of their<br />

formation is of great significance to recognize<br />

Mesozoic volcanic rule in northeastern China.<br />

Along with the research of rare Mesozoic<br />

biota and extensive Mesozoic mineralization<br />

in western Liaoning, a number of researchers<br />

have focused on Mesozoic volcanic events.<br />

The authors studied the ages of the Cretaceous<br />

volcanic rocks in southeastern Jilin Province<br />

using single Zircon U-Pb. The result shows<br />

that the Sankeyushu Formation volcanic rocks<br />

in the Tonghua area are 119.2 Ma in age, the<br />

Yingcheng Formation in the Jiutai area 113.4<br />

±3.1 Ma, the Jinjiatun Formation in Pinggang<br />

Town of Liaoyuan City and the Wufeng<br />

volcanic rocks in the Yanji area 103.2±4.7<br />

Ma and 103.6±1 Ma, respectively. Combined<br />

with the data of recent publication on volcanic<br />

rocks ages; the Cretaceous volcanic events in<br />

southeastern Jilin Province can be tentatively<br />

subdivided into three eruption periods: 119<br />

Ma, 113 Ma and 103 Ma. The result not only<br />

provides important chronology data for<br />

subdividing Mesozoic strata in southeastern<br />

Jilin Province, establishing Mesozoic volcanic<br />

event sequence, discussing geological tectonic<br />

background, and surveying the relation<br />

between noble metals to the Cretaceous<br />

volcanic rocks, but also offers important<br />

information of Mesozoic volcanism in<br />

northeastern China.<br />

2009020554<br />

鄂 尔 多 斯 盆 地 水 中 氢 氧 同 位 素 : 白 垩 系 地<br />

下 水 盆 地 北 部 地 下 水 补 给 的 意 义 = Oxygen<br />

and Hydrogen Isotopes of Waters in the Ordos<br />

Basin, China: Implications for Recharge of<br />

Groundwater in the North of Cretaceous<br />

Groundwater Basin. ( 英 文 ). Yang Yuncheng;<br />

Shen Zhaoli; Weng Dongguang; Hou<br />

Guangcai; Zhao Zhenhong; Wang Dong; Pang<br />

Zhonghe. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2009, 83(1):<br />

103-113<br />

Hundreds of precipitation samples collected<br />

from meteorological stations in the Ordos<br />

Basin from January 1988 to December 2005<br />

were used to set up a local meteoric water line<br />

and to calculate weighted average isotopic<br />

compositions of modern precipitation. Oxygen<br />

and hydrogen isotopes, with averages of-7.8‰<br />

and -53.0‰ for δ^18O and δD, respectively,<br />

are depleted in winter and rich in spring, and<br />

gradually decrease in summer and fall,<br />

illustrating that the seasonal effect is<br />

considerable. They also show that the isotopic<br />

difference between south portion and north<br />

portion of the Ordos Basin are not obvious,<br />

and the isotope in the middle portion is<br />

normally depleted. The isotope compositions<br />

of 32 samples collected from shallow<br />

groundwater (less than a depth of 150 m)<br />

in desert plateau range from -10.6‰ to -6.0‰<br />


with an average of-8.4‰ for δ^18O and from<br />

-85‰ to -46‰ with an average of-63‰ for δ<br />

D. Most of them are identical with modern<br />

precipitation. The isotope compositions of 22<br />

middle and deep groundwaters (greater than<br />

a depth of 275 m) fall in ranges from -11.6<br />

‰ to -8.8‰ with an average of -10.2‰ for δ<br />

^18O and from -89 ‰ to -63 ‰ with an<br />

average of -76‰ for δD. The average values<br />

are significantly less than those of modern<br />

precipitation, illustrating that the middle and<br />

deep groundwaters were recharged at<br />

comparatively lower air temperatures. Primary<br />

analysis of ^14C shows that the recharge of<br />

the middle and deep groundwaters started at<br />

late Pleistocene. The isotopes of 13 lake water<br />

samples collected from eight lakes define a<br />

local evaporation trend, with a relatively flat<br />

slope of 3.77, and show that the lake waters<br />

were mainly fed by modern precipitation and<br />

shallow groundwater.<br />

2009020555<br />

埃 塞 俄 比 亚 西 北 部 高 原 蓝 尼 罗 盆 地 的 地 层<br />

和 构 造 演 化 = Stratigraphic and structural<br />

evolution of the Blue Nile Basin,<br />

Northwestern Ethiopian Plateau. ( 英 文 ). Gan<br />

N D S; Abdelsalam M G; Gera S; Gani M R.<br />

Geological Journal, 2009, 44(1): 30 - 56<br />

The Blue Nile Basin, situated in the<br />

Northwestern Ethiopian Plateau, contains<br />

1400 m thick Mesozoic sedimentary section<br />

underlain by Neoproterozoic basement rocks<br />

and overlain by Early-Late Oligocene and<br />

Quaternary volcanic rocks. This study outlines<br />

the stratigraphic and structural evolution of<br />

the Blue Nile Basin based on field and remote<br />

sensing studies along the Gorge of the Nile.<br />

The Blue Nile Basin has evolved in three main<br />

phases: (1) pre-sedimentation phase, include<br />

pre-rift peneplanation of the Neoproterozoic<br />

basement rocks, possibly during Palaeozoic<br />

time; (2) sedimentation phase from Triassic to<br />

Early Cretaceous, including: (a) Triassic-Early<br />

Jurassic fluvial sedimentation (Lower<br />

Sandstone, 300 m thick); (b) Early Jurassic<br />

marine transgression (glauconitic sandy<br />

mudstone, 30 m thick); (c) Early-Middle<br />

Jurassic deepening of the basin (Lower<br />

Limestone, 450 m thick); (d) desiccation of<br />

the basin and deposition of Early-Middle<br />

Jurassic gypsum; (e) Middle-Late Jurassic<br />

marine transgression (Upper Limestone,<br />

400 m thick); (f) Late Jurassic-Early<br />

Cretaceous basin-uplift and marine regression<br />

(alluvial/fluvial Upper Sandstone, 280 m<br />

thick); (3) the post-sedimentation phase,<br />

including Early-Late Oligocene eruption of<br />

500-2000 m thick Lower volcanic rocks,<br />

related to the Afar Mantle Plume and<br />

emplacement of 300 m thick Quaternary<br />

Upper volcanic rocks. The Mesozoic to<br />

Cenozoic units were deposited during<br />

extension attributed to Triassic-Cretaceous<br />

NE-SW-directed extension related to the<br />

Mesozoic rifting of Gondwana. The Blue Nile<br />

Basin was formed as a NW-trending rift,<br />

within which much of the Mesozoic clastic<br />

and marine sediments were deposited. This<br />

was followed by Late Miocene NW-SEdirected<br />

extension related to the Main<br />

Ethiopian Rift that formed NE-trending faults,<br />

affecting Lower volcanic rocks and the upper<br />

part of the Mesozoic section. The region was<br />

subsequently affected by Quaternary E-W and<br />

NNE-SSW-directed extensions related to<br />

oblique opening of the Main Ethiopian Rift<br />

and development of E-trending transverse<br />

faults, as well as NE-SW-directed extension in<br />

southern Afar (related to northeastward<br />

separation of the Arabian Plate from the<br />

African Plate) and E-W-directed extensions in<br />

western Afar (related to the stepping of the<br />

Red Sea axis into Afar). These Quaternary<br />

stress regimes resulted in the development of<br />

N-, ESE- and NW-trending extensional<br />

structures within the Blue Nile Basin.<br />

2009020556<br />

冀 北 - 辽 西 土 城 子 组 LA-ICP-MS 年 代 测 定<br />

= Constraints on the age of the Tuchengzi<br />

Formation by LA-ICP-MS dating in northern<br />

Hebei-western Liaoning, China. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Zhang Hong; Wei Zhongliang; Liu Xiaoming;<br />

Li Dong. Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2009, 52(4): 461-470<br />

Accurately determining the age of the<br />

Tuchengzi Formation has direct influence on<br />

confirming the boundary between the Jurassic<br />

and the Cretaceous systems in northern Hebeiwestern<br />

Liaoning, and on related geological<br />

problems in China. However, the Tuchengzi<br />

Formation mainly consists of sedimentary<br />

rocks, with a poor fossil record and especially<br />

lack of index fossils. The Tuchengzi<br />

Formation is also lack of the type of volcanic<br />

rocks that can provide an isotopic age.<br />

Therefore, the age of the Tuchengzi Formation<br />

has been uncertain. Based on our systematic<br />

dating of the tuff interbedded in the Tuchengzi<br />

Formation of Chengde and Jinlingsi-Yangshan<br />

basins in northern Hebei-western Liaoning,<br />

combined with the dating results of previous<br />


esearchers, here we suggest that the age range<br />

of the Tuchengzi Formation in northern<br />

Hebei-western Liaoning is from 147 Ma to<br />

136 Ma. It implied that the Tuchengzi<br />

Formation was mainly formed in the Early<br />

Cretaceous.<br />

2009020557<br />

粤 北 早 侏 罗 世 岩 浆 作 用 : 霞 岚 杂 岩<br />

SHRIMP 锆 石 U-Pb 年 代 测 定 = The Early<br />

Jurassic magmatism in northern Guangdong<br />

Province, southeastern China: Constraints<br />

from SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of Xialan<br />

complex. ( 英 文 ). Yu Xinqi; Di Yongjun; Wu<br />

Ganguo; Zhang Da; Zheng Yong; Dai Yanpei.<br />

Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2009, 52(4): 471-483<br />

This paper reports SHRIMP zircon U-Pb<br />

ages of 196±2 Ma for granite, and 195±1<br />

Ma for gabbro from the Xialan complex in the<br />

Meizhou area, northern Guangdong Province.<br />

These results shed new light on the calm stage<br />

of magmatic activity in southeastern China<br />

during 200–180 Ma, and revealed that the<br />

back-arc extension induced by the subduction<br />

of the western Pacific plate may have begun at<br />

195 Ma at least. Field observation on the fresh<br />

outcrops allows us to recognize some features<br />

formed by magma mixing. A part of the<br />

gabbro has a fine-grained rim of 20–30 cm at<br />

the margin, and thins gradually toward the<br />

granite; numerous dark fine-grained to<br />

microcrystalline dioritic enclaves developed in<br />

the granite. These enclaves vary in shape and<br />

size, dark minerals concentrated at the margin<br />

of enclaves, and the contact between enclaves<br />

and host rock is either obvious or obscure, or<br />

gradational. In addition, needle-shaped<br />

apatites are included in the enclaves. The REE<br />

patterns of gabbros, as well as the trace<br />

element patterns, are generally consistent with<br />

those of granitic rocks. The above characters<br />

further suggest that in the Early Jurassic the<br />

injection of basic magma had melted deep<br />

continental crust and produced acidic magma,<br />

and the Xialan complex was produced by the<br />

mixing of them.<br />

2009020558<br />

龙 门 山 断 裂 带 中 生 代 和 新 生 代 的 构 造 演 化<br />

= Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution<br />

of the Longmenshan fault belt. ( 英 文 ). Wang<br />

Erchie; Meng Qingren. Science in China<br />

Series D: Earth Sciences, 2009, 52(5): 579-<br />

592<br />

The giant earthquake (M s=8.0) in<br />

Wenchuan on May 12, 2008 was triggered by<br />

oblique convergence between the Tibetan<br />

Plateau and the South China along the<br />

Longmenshan fault belt. The Longmenshan<br />

fault belt marks an important component of<br />

the tectonic and geomorphological boundary<br />

between the eastern and western part of China<br />

and has a protracted tectonic history. It was<br />

first formed as an intracontinental transfer<br />

fault, patitioning the differential deformation<br />

between the Pacific and Tethys tectonic<br />

domains, initiated in late Paleozoic-early<br />

Mesozoic time, then served as the eastern<br />

boundary of the Tibetan Plateau to<br />

accommodate the growth of the plateau in<br />

Cenozoic. Its current geological and<br />

geomorphological frameworks are the result<br />

of superimposition of these two tectonic<br />

events. In Late Triassic, the Longmenshan<br />

underwent left-slip oblique NW-SE shortening<br />

due to the clockwise rotation of the Yangtze<br />

Block, which led to the flexural subsidence of<br />

the Sichuan foreland basin, but after that, the<br />

subsidence of the Sichuan Basin seems no<br />

longer controlled by the tectonic activity of<br />

the Longmenshan fault belt. The Meosozoic<br />

tectonic evolution of the Songpan-Ganzi fold<br />

belt differs significantly compared with that of<br />

the Yangtze Platform, featured by intensive<br />

northeast and southwest shortening and<br />

resulted in the close of the Paleo-Tethys.<br />

Aerial photos taken immediately after main<br />

shock of the giant May 12, 2008 earthquake<br />

have documented extensive rock fall and<br />

landslides that represent one of the most<br />

destructive aspects of the earthquake. Both<br />

rock avalanches and landslides delivered a<br />

huge volume of debris into the middle part of<br />

the Minjiang River, and formed many<br />

dammed lakes. Breaching of these natural<br />

dams can be catastrophic, as occurred in the<br />

Diexi area along the upstream of the Minjiang<br />

River in the year of 1933 that led to<br />

devastating floodings. The resultant flood<br />

following the breaching of these dams flowed<br />

through and out of the Longmenshan belt into<br />

the Chengdu Plain, bringing a huge volume of<br />

sediments. The oldest alluvial deposits within<br />

the Chengdu Plain are estimated to be Late<br />

Miocene (8–13 Ma). We suggest that the<br />

flooding that transported the course-grained<br />

sediments into the Chengdu Plain occurred in<br />

late Cenozoic, resulted from both the climate<br />

and the historical earthquakes similar to the<br />

May 12 earthquake. Estimated age of the<br />

sediments related to earthquakes and coeval<br />


shortening across the Chengdu Plain indicate<br />

that the eastern margin of the plateau became<br />

seismically and tectonically active in Late<br />

Miocene.<br />

2009020559<br />

蒙 古 南 部 乌 兰 努 尔 盆 地 上 白 垩 统<br />

Djadokhta 组 的 岩 石 地 层 和 沉 积 环 境 及 其<br />

古 气 候 意 义 = Lithostratigraphy and<br />

depositional environments of the Upper<br />

Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation, Ulan Nuur<br />

basin, southern Mongolia, and its<br />

paleoclimatic implication. ( 英 文 ). Hasegawa<br />

H; Tada R; Ichinnorov N; Minjin C. Journal<br />

of Asian Earth Sciences, 2009, 35(1): 13-26<br />

Non-marine Upper Cretaceous strata are<br />

widely distributed in the Gobi basin of<br />

southern Mongolia and record marked<br />

paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes.<br />

The climate in this region is considered to<br />

have changed from humid during the<br />

Cenomanian to Santonian, to semi-arid during<br />

the Campanian, and returned to humid during<br />

the early Maastrichtian. The change from<br />

humid to semi-arid climate is well recorded in<br />

the “ Djadokhta Formation ” (as former<br />

division) in the Ulan Nuur basin of the central<br />

Gobi basin. In previous studies, the Djadokhta<br />

Formation was formally regarded as being<br />

characterized by eolian deposits formed under<br />

a semi-arid climate. However, the present<br />

study revealed that this formation comprises<br />

sub-humid fluvial lithofacies in the lower part<br />

and semi-arid eolian lithofacies in the upper<br />

part. Since the Djadokhta Formation was<br />

initially defined as a succession characterized<br />

by eolian lithofacies, it is proposed here that<br />

the lower part showing fluvial lithofacies<br />

should be separated from the “ Djadokhta<br />

Formation ” and is newly named as the<br />

Alagteeg Formation. The Alagteeg Formation<br />

is characterized by alternating beds of<br />

horizontally-bedded sandstone and mudstone,<br />

indicating sandy braided river, flood-plain,<br />

and ephemeral lake environments under subhumid<br />

climate. The Djadokhta Formation<br />

(revised division) is further subdivided into<br />

two parts. The lower part is composed of<br />

large-scale cross-stratified sandstone, in situ<br />

and reworked calcretes, and thick mudstone<br />

lens, suggesting desert environments of broad<br />

sand dune fields with few inter-dune<br />

ephemeral river and pond deposits under<br />

semi-arid climate. On the other hand, the<br />

upper part comprises structureless sandstone<br />

with mature in situ calcretes, exotic pebbly<br />

sandstone and large-sized burrows. These<br />

lithofacies imply steppe environments with<br />

calcic soil development under semi-arid<br />

climate. This change from sub-humid to semiarid<br />

climate during the Campanian is recorded<br />

not only in the Ulan Nuur basin but also in<br />

other regions of southern Mongolia as well as<br />

northern China. Hence, the broad aridification<br />

in the mid-latitudes of the Asian interior<br />

during the Campanian is inferred<br />

2009020560<br />

深 海 中 大 量 红 藻 可 能 是 柴 达 木 盆 地 北 缘 侏<br />

罗 系 泥 质 烃 源 岩 的 生 物 前 身 = Benthic<br />

macro red alga: A new possible bio-precursor<br />

of Jurassic mudstone source rocks in the<br />

northern Qaidam Basin, northwestern China.<br />

( 英 文 ). Cao Jian; Bian Lizeng; Hu Kai; Liu<br />

Yuntian; Wang Liqun; Yang Shaoyong; Chen<br />

Yan; Peng Xiaoqun. Science in China Series<br />

D: Earth Sciences, 2009, 52(5): 647-654<br />

Whether benthic macroalga can be an<br />

important type of bio-precursor of source<br />

rocks is a contentious issue in source-rock<br />

studies, and has not been well understood.<br />

This paper represents a case study of Jurassic<br />

mudstone source rocks from the northern<br />

Qaidam Basin, northwestern China, in which<br />

the benthic macro red algae were recognized<br />

for the first time based on combined organic<br />

petrological and biomarker works. We found<br />

not only cystocarps in the algae, representative<br />

of rhodophyta, but also diahopanes, which are<br />

diagnostic biomarkers of such algae. Thus, as<br />

many reservoired oils in the northern Qaidam<br />

Basin contain abundant diahopanes, it may<br />

indicate that the red algae have contributed to<br />

hydrocarbon accumulation. This was<br />

confirmed by integrated geological and<br />

geochemical analyses. Hence, this study<br />

provides new evidence for macroalgagenerated<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

新 生 界<br />

2009020561<br />

评 价 土 壤 相 和 动 物 群 组 成 的 关 系 : 对 古 新<br />

世 - 始 新 世 之 交 动 物 群 演 替 的 指 示 意 义 =<br />

Evaluating the relationship between<br />

pedofacies and faunal composition:<br />

Implications for faunal turnover at the<br />

Paleocene–Eocene Boundary. ( 英 文 ). Clyde<br />

W C; Finarelli J A; Christensen K E.<br />

Palaios, 2005, 20(4): 390–399<br />

Fossil vertebrates commonly are preserved<br />

in paleosols that originally formed on the<br />

floodplains of ancient rivers. Laterally<br />


adjacent paleosols that differ in terms of their<br />

chemistry and morphology due to geological<br />

and environmental gradients on the ancient<br />

floodplain are called pedofacies. Vertebrate<br />

fossil assemblages from the Willwood<br />

Formation (Bighorn Basin, Wyoming) are<br />

investigated to determine if there is a<br />

relationship between faunal composition and<br />

pedofacies. This question is particularly<br />

important for the Willwood Formation<br />

because it records dramatic temporal changes<br />

in both faunal composition and pedofacies<br />

across the Paleocene–Eocene boundary—an<br />

interval marked by pronounced global<br />

warming. To understand the underlying causes<br />

of these temporal patterns, it is important to<br />

know the degree to which pedofacies and<br />

faunal composition are linked. Two separate<br />

analyses are conducted to investigate the<br />

relationship between pedofacies and faunal<br />

composition. Analysis 1 evaluates faunal<br />

compositions of established localities that are<br />

stratigraphically adjacent but characterized by<br />

different mean pedofacies. Results indicate<br />

that faunal compositions of these localities are<br />

not related to pedofacies but instead<br />

correspond to differences in the estimated<br />

body masses of the taxa. Results of Analysis 2,<br />

which evaluates new paleosol-specific<br />

collections from the same stratigraphic<br />

interval, indicate that different pedofacies are<br />

characterized by nearly identical faunas. The<br />

only exception is lizards, which are<br />

significantly more abundant in mature<br />

paleosols. Environmental gradients on the<br />

ancient floodplain seem to have exerted very<br />

little control on faunal composition at this<br />

spatial scale, but size sorting may have been<br />

an important taphonomic process in these<br />

Willwood collections.<br />

2009020562<br />

加 拿 大 英 属 哥 伦 比 亚 Effingham 湾 晚 全 新<br />

世 层 状 地 层 的 季 节 性 沉 积 和 硅 藻 记 录 =<br />

Seasonal sediment and diatom record from<br />

Late Holocene laminated sediments,<br />

Effingham Inlet, British Columbia, Canada.<br />

( 英 文 ). Chang A S; Patterson R T; Mcneely R.<br />

Palaios, 2003, 18(6): 477–494<br />

Laminated diatomaceous sediments from<br />

Effingham Inlet, British Columbia, are<br />

described and classified in this study.<br />

Analyses were made from ten 15-cm long<br />

sediment slabs, spanning the last 5500 years,<br />

and 52 thin sections from which 408<br />

sedimentary couplets were identified.<br />

Microfossil analysis and radiocarbon dating of<br />

the sediments reveal that the laminae are<br />

annually deposited (i.e., varves), with couplets<br />

containing a terrigenous and diatomaceous<br />

lamina pair. Terrigenous laminae, averaging<br />

0.56 mm in thickness, consist of silt, organic<br />

debris, and robust diatoms, and are deposited<br />

during the winter months. Diatomaceous<br />

laminae, with a mean thickness of 1.85 mm,<br />

can be divided into three component laminae<br />

of differing compositions that reflect changing<br />

seasonal conditions during the spring, summer,<br />

and autumn months. This seasonal succession<br />

is seen in 76% of the couplets examined,<br />

recurring year after year with variations in<br />

couplet thickness and species occurrence.<br />

Couplets lacking the succession may represent<br />

deposition during periods of low diatom<br />

production or years with low seasonality (e.g.,<br />

El Niño). Variability in couplet styles<br />

corroborates climate trends derived from<br />

pollen and Neoglacial studies. Sediments<br />

older than 4000 yr BP (calibrated radiocarbon<br />

dates) contain couplets with a distinct annual<br />

succession, and are interpreted to have been<br />

deposited during conditions that were warmer<br />

than today. Sediments deposited between<br />

2000 to 4000 yr BP also contain couplets with<br />

an annual succession, but the laminated<br />

intervals are interrupted by brief nonlaminated<br />

intervals. The sediments were likely deposited<br />

during cooler and wetter conditions than today.<br />

Sediments younger than 2000 yr BP were<br />

deposited during modern conditions. This<br />

study illustrates the effective utility of an ultra<br />

high-resolution analysis of laminated sediment<br />

records, once proxy indicators are defined,<br />

and is important for understanding post-glacial<br />

climate evolution along the coast of British<br />

Columbia and throughout the northeast Pacific<br />

Ocean during the late Holocene.<br />

2009020563<br />

近 6 万 年 来 南 非 热 带 稀 树 草 原 生 物 群 花 粉<br />

和 其 它 区 域 性 记 录 的 有 关 植 被 和 气 候 协 调<br />

性 的 解 释 = Reconciliation of vegetation and<br />

climatic interpretations of pollen profiles and<br />

other regional records from the last 60<br />

thousand years in the Savanna Biome of<br />

Southern Africa. ( 英 文 ). Scott L; Holmgren K;<br />

Partridge T C. , 2008, 257(1-2): 198-206<br />

Long environmental proxy records are very<br />

scarce in semi-dry continental areas and often<br />

those available present conflicting<br />

interpretations. However, more in-depth<br />

investigation of apparent contradictions, can<br />

address these problems. For example,<br />

comparison of the upper parts of pollen and<br />


sediment sequences from the Tswaing Crater<br />

and Wonderkrater spring (South Africa) and<br />

isotopes in a speleothem at Lobatse Cave<br />

(Botswana) from the Savanna Biome<br />

establishes a basis for understanding of longterm<br />

regional environmental processes in<br />

central Southern Africa over the last 60 ka.<br />

The different proxies for the vegetation can<br />

hypothetically be reconciled on condition that<br />

the chronologies on which they are based and<br />

environmental controls are firm. We discuss<br />

the ratio of woody elements, under-storey<br />

herb-cover and the vegetation's general C 4 /C 3<br />

status in the central savanna region, in relation<br />

to seasonal rainfall and temperature variations<br />

and long-term climate forcing.<br />

2009020564<br />

加 拿 大 北 极 地 区 穿 过 一 个 区 域 性 晚 新 生 代<br />

不 整 合 的 层 序 地 层 、 生 物 群 变 化 、<br />

87Sr/86Sr 纪 录 、 古 气 候 历 史 和 沉 积 率 变 化<br />

= Sequence stratigraphy, biotic change,<br />

87Sr/86Sr record, paleoclimatic history, and<br />

sedimentation rate change across a regional<br />

late Cenozoic unconformity in Arctic Canada.<br />

( 英 文 ). McNeil D H; Duk-Rodkin A; Dixon J;<br />

Dietrich J R; White J M; Miller KG; Issler D<br />

R. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001,<br />

38(2): 309-331<br />

Eustasy, tectonics, and climate contributed<br />

to a remarkable Miocene–Pliocene regional<br />

unconformity in the Beaufort – Mackenzie<br />

area of Arctic Canada. The unconformity<br />

extends from beneath deep basin turbidites on<br />

the continental rise, upslope across an<br />

erosional paleocontinental shelf, onto the<br />

cratonic margin as a regional paleosurface<br />

(peneplain) in the Mackenzie Delta area, and<br />

into pediment surfaces cut into the orogenic<br />

highlands of the Richardson Mountains. The<br />

unconformity was initiated by shelf exposure<br />

during latest Messinian or earliest Pliocene<br />

eustatic lowstand and was accentuated by<br />

tectonic uplift from the culmination of a major<br />

Late Miocene compressional pulse on the<br />

basin margin. Palynomorph, benthic<br />

foraminiferal, strontium isotopic,<br />

paleomagnetic, and radiometric data document<br />

the climatic and chronological events<br />

surrounding the unconformity. A widespread<br />

hardground (K-59 limestone) occurs at the<br />

unconformity and caps the Late Miocene<br />

Akpak Sequence. The hardground yields the<br />

benthic foraminifera Cibicides grossus, a<br />

regional marker in the Arctic Pliocene, and the<br />

bryozoan Adeonella sp. aff. A. polystomella,<br />

previously known from temperate North<br />

Atlantic environments. The 87 Sr/ 86 Sr data and<br />

new biostrati gra phic data indicate that the C.<br />

grossus Zone in the Beaufort – Mackenzie<br />

area may be younger than previously<br />

estimated, ranging into the earliest Pleistocene.<br />

Late Miocene regional uplift across the<br />

cratonic margin, coupled with eustatic<br />

lowstand followed by Early Pliocene tectonic<br />

quiescence and dry cool climatic conditions,<br />

combined to produce widespread erosion<br />

(pediments and peneplanation). Rapid erosion<br />

contributed to the >4 km-thick, Pliocene –<br />

Pleistocene Iperk Sequence and a 23-fold<br />

increase in sedimentation rates relative to the<br />

Early and Middle Miocene.<br />

2009020565<br />

加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 中 部 尼 查 科 高 原<br />

Ootsa 湖 - Cheslatta 河 地 区 第 四 纪 地 层 和 历<br />

史 = Quaternary stratigraphy and history of<br />

the Ootsa Lake - Cheslatta River area,<br />

Nechako Plateau, central British Columbia.<br />

( 英 文 ). Mate D J; Levson V M. Canadian<br />

Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(4): 751-<br />

765<br />

Erosion along the Nechako Reservoir and<br />

Cheslatta River Spillway has resulted in<br />

unusually well-exposed late Quaternary and<br />

Holocene stratigraphy. Surficial sediments in<br />

the study area are mostly products of Late<br />

Wisconsinan glaciation. However, evidence<br />

for pre-Late Wisconsinan sedimentation has<br />

been found along the shores of the Nechako<br />

Reservoir, including till of an older glaciation<br />

and organic-bearing, blue-grey, lacustrine<br />

sediments of probable Middle Wisconsinan<br />

age. Stratigraphic correlation of the lake<br />

sediments suggests that an extensive lake<br />

system occurred in the region during the<br />

Olympia Nonglacial Interval. Late<br />

Wisconsinan ice initially moved along major<br />

valleys, with glaciofluvial outwash deposited<br />

in front of the advancing ice. Advance-phase<br />

glaciolacustrine sediments are rare but<br />

significant, as slope failures are spatially<br />

associated with areas where they are preserved.<br />

The distribution of these sediments and<br />

associated deltaic deposits indicates that<br />

advance-phase glacial lakes occurred up to<br />

approximately 855 m asl, at least several<br />

metres above the modern reservoir level.<br />

Sediments deposited in front of the ice margin<br />

were overridden during ice advance and are<br />

best preserved in large valleys. At the glacial<br />

maximum, ice flowed northeasterly<br />

throughout the study region. Crag and tails,<br />

flutings, and drumlinoid ridges with a<br />


generally consistent northeast trend are the<br />

dominant landforms. Till is the most common<br />

Pleistocene surficial sediment, covering<br />

approximately 80% of the area; large areas of<br />

exposed bedrock are rare. Late-glacial<br />

glaciofluvial and Holocene fluvial deposits are<br />

uncommon and occur mainly along the<br />

Cheslatta River valley.<br />

Erosion along the Nechako Reservoir and<br />

Cheslatta River Spillway has resulted in<br />

unusually well-exposed late Quaternary and<br />

Holocene stratigraphy. Surficial sediments in<br />

the study area are mostly products of Late<br />

Wisconsinan glaciation. However, evidence<br />

for pre-Late Wisconsinan sedimentation has<br />

been found along the shores of the Nechako<br />

Reservoir, including till of an older glaciation<br />

and organic-bearing, blue-grey, lacustrine<br />

sediments of probable Middle Wisconsinan<br />

age. Stratigraphic correlation of the lake<br />

sediments suggests that an extensive lake<br />

system occurred in the region during the<br />

Olympia Nonglacial Interval. Late<br />

Wisconsinan ice initially moved along major<br />

valleys, with glaciofluvial outwash deposited<br />

in front of the advancing ice. Advance-phase<br />

glaciolacustrine sediments are rare but<br />

significant, as slope failures are spatially<br />

associated with areas where they are preserved.<br />

The distribution of these sediments and<br />

associated deltaic deposits indicates that<br />

advance-phase glacial lakes occurred up to<br />

approximately 855 m asl, at least several<br />

metres above the modern reservoir level.<br />

Sediments deposited in front of the ice margin<br />

were overridden during ice advance and are<br />

best preserved in large valleys. At the glacial<br />

maximum, ice flowed northeasterly<br />

throughout the study region. Crag and tails,<br />

flutings, and drumlinoid ridges with a<br />

generally consistent northeast trend are the<br />

dominant landforms. Till is the most common<br />

Pleistocene surficial sediment, covering<br />

approximately 80% of the area; large areas of<br />

exposed bedrock are rare. Late-glacial<br />

glaciofluvial and Holocene fluvial deposits are<br />

uncommon and occur mainly along the<br />

Cheslatta River valley.<br />

2009020566<br />

加 拿 大 萨 斯 喀 彻 温 萨 斯 卡 通 南 部 下 萨 斯 卡<br />

通 晚 威 斯 康 星 期 盐 陷 构 造 和 地 层 更 新 =<br />

Stratigraphy and structure of a Late<br />

Wisconsinan salt collapse in the Saskatoon<br />

Low, south of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,<br />

Canada: an update. ( 英 文 ). Christiansen E A;<br />

Sauer E K. Canadian Journal of Earth<br />

Sciences, 2001, 38(11): 1601-1613<br />

The Saskatoon Low is a collapse structure<br />

that formed as a result of dissolution of salt<br />

from the Middle Devonian Prairie Evaporite<br />

Formation. In this study, the collapse has<br />

affected the Upper Cretaceous Lea Park,<br />

Judith River, and Bearpaw formations of the<br />

Montana Group; the Early and Middle<br />

Pleistocene Mennon, Dundurn, and Warman<br />

formations of the Sutherland Group; and the<br />

Late Pleistocene Floral, Battleford, and<br />

Haultain formations of the Saskatoon Group.<br />

Locally, the collapse is about 180 m, which is<br />

about equal to the thickness of the salt. The<br />

first phase of collapse took place after<br />

deposition of the Ardkenneth Member of the<br />

Bearpaw Formation and before glaciation or<br />

during a pre-Illinoian glaciation. The second<br />

phase of collapse occurred during the<br />

Battleford glaciation (Late Wisconsinan).<br />

Prior to deposition of the Battleford Formation,<br />

the Saskatoon Low was glacially eroded,<br />

removing the Sutherland Group and the Floral<br />

Formation. After the glacial erosion, up to 110<br />

m of soft till of the Battleford Formation and<br />

up to 77 m of deltaic sand, silt, and clay of the<br />

Haultain Formation were deposited in the<br />

Saskatoon Low. Lastly, the South<br />

Saskatchewan River eroded up to about 40 m<br />

into the deltaic sediment and tills before up to<br />

about 15 m of Pike Lake Formation was<br />

deposited. The Haultain and Pike Lake<br />

formations are new stratigraphic units.<br />

2009020567<br />

对 地 中 海 渐 新 世 - 中 新 世 海 水 表 面 温 度 的 估<br />

计 : 一 种 基 于 珊 瑚 类 群 丰 富 度 的 方 法 =<br />

Estimating Mediterranean Oligocene –<br />

Miocene sea-surface temperatures: An<br />

approach based on coral taxonomic richness.<br />

( 英 文 ). Bosellini F R; Perrin C.<br />

Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology<br />

Palaeoecology, 2008, 258(1-2): 71-88<br />

During the Oligocene and Miocene,<br />

shallow-water carbonates of the<br />

Mediterranean region were rich in<br />

scleractinian corals thriving within various<br />

depositional settings, including different reef<br />

types. Their diversity patterns, although<br />

related to a complex interplay between a suite<br />

of environmental factors and<br />

palaeobiogeography, are considered to be<br />

strongly controlled by climate variability and<br />

changes in sea-surface water temperature.<br />

By using the quantitative relationship between<br />

present-day coral taxonomic richness and<br />


prevailing sea-water temperature, underlined<br />

by the so-called “energy hypothesis”, we<br />

test zooxanthellate-coral generic richness<br />

values from a selection of 102 Oligocene–<br />

Miocene localities of the Mediterranean<br />

region as a proxy for relative<br />

palaeotemperatures.<br />

For each Oligocene – Miocene stage,<br />

generic richness values per z-coral site are<br />

firstly examined, together with variations of<br />

the Mediterranean z-coral generic pool. For<br />

better testing the method and assessing its<br />

potential application, patterns of generic<br />

richness and inferred palaeotemperatures are<br />

then compared with global palaeoclimatic<br />

curves based on marine oxygen stable isotopes<br />

data or other climate proxies, such as<br />

palaeoclimatic records from European<br />

continental floras and from fossil coral linear<br />

extension rate.<br />

Results clearly show that fluctuations of coral<br />

richness-derived palaeotemperatures<br />

correspond relatively well with global changes<br />

of sea-water temperature especially for the<br />

entire Oligocene, the Chattian – Aquitanian<br />

boundary and the Late Miocene. The well<br />

known Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum,<br />

however, is not recorded, suggesting that<br />

regional factors, acting together with<br />

important palaeogeographical changes,<br />

exerted a strong control on the generic<br />

richness of Mediterranean z-coral<br />

communities.<br />

A remarkable decline of taxonomic richness<br />

is recorded after the Burdigalian, together with<br />

a gradual decrease of palaeotemperatures in<br />

the region. From the Middle Miocene onwards<br />

to the Messinian, however, an increase in the<br />

temperature range of z-coral localities is<br />

clearly visible, indicating that z-coral<br />

communities were able to thrive and adapt to a<br />

wider temperature range, as the Mediterranean<br />

was gradually migrating northwards, outside<br />

the tropical belt.<br />

The “ energy hypothesis ” , if used at<br />

global or regional scale, can be considered a<br />

promising and reliable method for estimating<br />

Cenozoic palaeotemperatures, from coral or<br />

other suitable fossil assemblages of shallowwater<br />

carbonates.<br />

2009020568<br />

德 弗 里 斯 太 阳 周 期 (~200 年 ) 对 气 候 变<br />

化 的 影 响 : 来 自 中 亚 山 脉 的 结 果 及 其 全 球<br />

关 联 = The influence of the de Vries (~200-<br />

year) solar cycle on climate variations: Results<br />

from the Central Asian Mountains and their<br />

global link. ( 英 文 ). Raspopova O M;<br />

Dergachevb V A; Esperc J; Kozyrevad O V;<br />

Frankc D; Ogurtsovb M; Kolströme T; Shao X.<br />

Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology<br />

Palaeoecology, 2008, 259(1): 6-16<br />

Long-term climatic changes related to solar<br />

forcing were examined using millenniumscale<br />

palaeoclimatic reconstructions from the<br />

Central Asian mountain region, i.e. summer<br />

temperature records for the Tien Shan<br />

mountains and precipitation records for the<br />

Tibetan Plateau. The reconstructions were<br />

based on juniper tree-ring width records, i.e.<br />

Juniperus turkestanica for the Tien Shan and<br />

Sabina przewalskii for the Tibetan Plateau.<br />

The data were processed using spectral and<br />

wavelet analysis and filtered in the frequency<br />

range related to major solar activity<br />

periodicities. The results obtained for various<br />

tree-ring chronologies indicate palaeoclimatic<br />

oscillations in the range of the de Vries ( 210-<br />

year) solar cycles through the last millennium.<br />

The quasi-200-year variations revealed in the<br />

palaeoclimatic reconstructions correlate well<br />

(R 2 = 0.58 – 0.94) with solar activity<br />

variations (Δ 14 C variations). The quasi-200-<br />

year climatic variations have also been<br />

detected in climate-linked processes in Asia,<br />

Europe, North and South America, Australia,<br />

and the Arctic and Antarctica. The results<br />

obtained point to a pronounced influence of<br />

solar activity on global climatic processes.<br />

Analysis has shown that climate response to<br />

the long-term global solar forcing has a<br />

regional character. An appreciable delay in the<br />

climate response to the solar signal can occur<br />

(up to 150 years). In addition, the sign of the<br />

climate response can differ from the solar<br />

signal sign. The climate response to long-term<br />

solar activity variations (from 10s to 1000s<br />

years) manifests itself in different climatic<br />

parameters, such as temperature, precipitation<br />

and atmospheric and oceanic circulation. The<br />

climate response to the de Vries cycle has<br />

been found to occur not only during the last<br />

millennia but also in earlier epochs, up to<br />

hundreds of millions years ago.<br />

2009020569<br />

苏 格 兰 一 高 山 湖 现 代 生 态 变 化 : 一 个 基 于<br />

枝 角 类 估 计 的 温 度 转 换 函 数 = Recent<br />

ecological change in a remote Scottish<br />

mountain loch: An evaluation of a Cladocerabased<br />

temperature transfer-function. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Kattel G R; Battarbee R W; Mackay A W;<br />

Birks H J. Palaeogeography<br />


Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2008,<br />

259(1): 51-76<br />

Recent ecological changes in a small<br />

Scottish mountain loch, Loch Coire<br />

Fionnaraich (LCFR), were inferred using<br />

Cladocera analysis and an application of a<br />

Cladocera-based temperature transfer-function<br />

approach. Modern assemblages of Cladocera<br />

from 68 mountain lakes in Scotland and<br />

Norway were used to derive the transfer<br />

function. Among 21 measured environmental<br />

variables, mean summer lake surface-water<br />

temperature (LSWT) accounted for the highest<br />

(8%) variation in a redundancy analysis of the<br />

modern data. A quantitative inference model<br />

(r 2 = 0.72, RMSEP = 1.81 ° C) for summer<br />

LSWT was developed using linear partial least<br />

squares regression and calibration. The<br />

resulting reconstructed summer LSWT at<br />

LCFR was compared with local instrumental<br />

air-temperature records over the last 20 yr and<br />

the Central England Temperature (CET) series<br />

over the last 110 yr. The reconstruction<br />

showed a broadly similar pattern to the local<br />

instrumental temperature records. However,<br />

the relationship between the longer CET series<br />

and reconstructed summer LSWT was poor<br />

suggesting that the site was relatively<br />

insensitive to temperature changes prior to the<br />

recent warming of the last few decades. Clear<br />

changes in Cladoceran species diversity and<br />

relative abundance of littoral taxa coincident<br />

with the most recent period of climate<br />

warming recorded both locally and in the CET<br />

suggest that Cladocera do respond to climate<br />

change. However, their response to<br />

temperature is complex and indirect. The<br />

underlying mechanism leading to change in<br />

Cladocera assemblages may involve changes<br />

in trophic status and habitat availability of the<br />

system. It is concluded that understanding<br />

other factors such as atmospheric pollution,<br />

controls of community dynamics of Cladocera<br />

and the overall ecological complexity of<br />

mountain lakes is required before any reliance<br />

can be placed on a Cladocera-temperature<br />

transfer-function for reconstructing climatic<br />

change.<br />

2009020570<br />

意 大 利 西 西 里 东 南 部 和 马 耳 他 渐 新 世 最 晚<br />

期 至 晚 中 新 世 早 期 富 磷 酸 盐 沉 积 物 的 地 层<br />

和 沉 积 学 = Stratigraphy and sedimentology<br />

of phosphate-rich sediments in Malta and<br />

south-eastern Sicily (latest Oligocene to early<br />

Late Miocene). ( 英 文 ). Föllmi K B; Gertsch B;<br />

Renevey J-P; De Kaenel E; Stille P.<br />

Sedimentology, 2008, 55(4): 1029 - 105<br />

The Maltese archipelago and south-eastern<br />

Sicily include an Uppermost Oligocene to<br />

Upper Miocene hemipelagic sedimentary<br />

succession representing the Malta-Hyblean<br />

plateau, which limits the eastern<br />

Mediterranean to the west. This succession<br />

hosts a unique and well-exposed series of<br />

condensed and allochthonous phosphate-rich<br />

beds, which were formed in a sedimentary<br />

regime of erosion, sediment reworking and<br />

frequent gravity-flow deposition. The<br />

combination of nannofossil biostratigraphy<br />

and 87 Sr/ 86 Sr isotope stratigraphy allows for<br />

the precise attribution of ages to the phosphate<br />

deposits and for the distinction of three<br />

periods of major phosphogenesis. The first<br />

phase occurred between 24·5 and 21 Ma and<br />

25 and 18·9 Ma (clustering of ages between<br />

25 and 22 · 5 Ma) on Malta and Sicily,<br />

respectively. The second and third phases of<br />

phosphogenesis are documented from the<br />

Maltese Islands and are dated as 17·2 to<br />

13·1 Ma and 10·9 to 9·8 Ma, respectively.<br />

The phosphate-rich beds are associated with<br />

hiatuses and phases of important condensation<br />

which, for the oldest phosphogenic period,<br />

envelop the time period of 23·2 to 22 Ma for<br />

the Fomm Ir Rhi Bay section (Malta) and<br />

from 19·1 to 16·3 Ma for the sections of<br />

Sampieri and Modica (Sicily). For the second<br />

phase of phosphogenesis on the Maltese<br />

Islands, a consistent hiatus was found which<br />

embraces the time period of approximately 17<br />

to 15 Ma. Also the third phase of<br />

phosphogenesis appears to be associated with<br />

a major hiatus, which probably envelops the<br />

time period between 12·5 and 10·9 Ma, but<br />

a better age control is needed here.<br />

The correspondence in timing of the Maltese-<br />

Sicilian phases of phosphogenesis with major<br />

phases of phosphogenesis outside the<br />

Mediterranean realm, to maxima in oceanic<br />

phosphorus-burial rates and maxima in the δ<br />

13 C benthic foraminiferal record suggests that<br />

the palaeoceanographic evolution of the<br />

eastern Mediterranean was well in phase with<br />

that of other ocean basins until at least the<br />

early Late Miocene, despite its increasing<br />

isolation due to the gradual closure of the<br />

Eurasian-Arabian Strait and progressive sealevel<br />

fall.<br />

2009020571<br />


为 温 带 的 西 南 太 平 洋 晚 中 新 世<br />

bolboformids 和 浮 游 有 孔 虫 磁 性 地 层 控 制<br />

的 年 代 = A magnetostratigraphicallyconstrained<br />

chronology for late Miocene<br />

bolboformids and planktic foraminifers in the<br />

temperate Southwest Pacific. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Crundwell M P; Nelson C S.<br />

Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(1): 1-34,<br />

High-resolution bolboformid and planktic<br />

foraminiferal distribution data from the upper<br />

Miocene section of ODP Site<br />

1123, Chatham Rise, New Zealand, have been<br />

integrated with the magnetostratigraphic<br />

record from the same site to establish a<br />

magnetobiochronology based on the<br />

geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS-95).<br />

Although the upper Miocene sequence is<br />

adversely affected by dissolution, 33<br />

bioevents are identified based on dissolution<br />

resistant taxa that are also found at DSDP Site<br />

593 – an important biostratigraphic reference<br />

section for the Neogene in the Tasman Sea. A<br />

scatter plot based on the stratigraphic<br />

positions of shared ioevents at these oceanic<br />

sites approximates a linear line of correlation.<br />

The tight grouping of the biostratigraphic data<br />

around the line of correlation and the<br />

consistency of their stratigraphic order suggest<br />

most events are synchronous or nearly so,<br />

even though the sites are more than 1400km<br />

apart and associated with different water<br />

masses. This implies that even though the<br />

biostratigraphic construct is based on only two<br />

oceanic sites, it provides a robust late Miocene<br />

biochronostratigraphic framework for the<br />

temperate Southwest Pacific. Shared<br />

bolboformid events include the appearances<br />

and disappearances of Bolboforma subfragoris<br />

s.l. (11.56-10.61 Ma), B. gruetzmacheri<br />

(10.46-10.31 Ma), B. capsula (10.20-10.13<br />

Ma), B. pentaspinosa (10.15-10.08 Ma), B.<br />

gracilireticulata s.l. (9.75-9.61 Ma), B.<br />

metzmacheri s.s. (lower occurrence interval<br />

9.54-9.34 Ma, upper occurrence interval 9.01-<br />

8.78 Ma), B. metzmacheri ornata (8.45-8.28<br />

Ma), B. praeintermedia (8.25-8.21 Ma), and<br />

abundance spikes associated with the<br />

uppermost B. subfragoris s.l. occurrence<br />

nterval BBs-1123/D (10.61 Ma) and the lower<br />

B. metzmacheri s.s. occurrence interval BBm-<br />

1123/A (9.54 Ma). Shared planktic<br />

oraminiferal events include dextral coiling<br />

excursions in Globoconella miotumida (10.92-<br />

10.82 Ma and 9.62-9.42 Ma), the regional<br />

disappearance of Globoquadrina dehiscens<br />

(8.88 Ma), and the evolutionary appearances<br />

of Globoconella conomiozea (ca. 6.87<br />

Ma),Globoconella mons (ca. 5.72 Ma),<br />

Globoconella sphericomiozea (ca. 5.53 Ma),<br />

Globoconella pliozea (ca. 5.39 Ma),<br />

Truncorotalia crassaformis (ca. 5.15 Ma), and<br />

Globoconella puncticulata (ca. 5.11 Ma).<br />

2009020572<br />

源 于 中 中 新 世 之 后 的 美 国 弗 吉 尼 亚 皮 德 蒙<br />

特 东 部 现 代 地 貌 = Post-middle Miocene<br />

origin of modern landforms in the eastern<br />

Piedmont of Virginia. ( 英 文 ). Weems R E;<br />

Edwards L E. Stratigraphy, 2007, 4(1): 35-48<br />

Diverse late middle Miocene dinoflagellate<br />

floras, obtained from two sites along the<br />

western edge of the Atlantic Coastal<br />

Plain in central Virginia, indicate that the<br />

eastern Virginia Piedmont was covered by<br />

marine waters about 12-13 Ma. This<br />

transgression extended farther westward<br />

across the Virginia Piedmont than any other<br />

transgression that has been documented.<br />

Extensive fluvial deposits that may be<br />

associated with this transgression covered<br />

earlier stream patterns in the eastern Piedmont<br />

and buried them beneath a thin (probably less<br />

than 100 foot-thick) veneer of sand and gravel.<br />

During the subsequent regression, a linear<br />

down-slope stream-drainage pattern developed.<br />

Although it has been somewhat modified by<br />

later stream captures, it still is easily<br />

recognizable. This interval of marine<br />

inundation and deposition explains why<br />

modern stream patterns in the eastern<br />

Piedmont of Virginia strongly resemble the<br />

stream patterns in the Coastal Plain and differ<br />

from the structurally adjusted trellis stream<br />

patterns typical of thewestern Piedmont, Blue<br />

Ridge, and Valley and Ridge regions. Uplift of<br />

the modern Southern AppalachianMountains<br />

began at the time of this transgression and was<br />

largely completed by the late Pliocene.<br />

2009020573<br />

矿 场 废 石 中 化 石 组 合 的 同 质 性 —— 南 非 洞<br />

穴 沉 积 上 新 世 — 更 新 世 动 物 群 分 析 =<br />

Homogeneity of fossil assemblages extracted<br />

from mine dumps: an analysis of Plio-<br />

Pleistocene fauna from South African caves.<br />

( 英 文 ). Senegas F; Paradis E; Michaux J.<br />

Lethaia, 2005, 38(4): 315 - 322<br />

Mine dumps associated with limestone cave<br />

deposits are common in dolomitic areas of<br />

southern Africa. The dumps often contain<br />

blocks of breccia, which are rich in micromammalian<br />

fossils (especially rodents, shrews<br />

and bats). Unfortunately, these fossiliferous<br />

breccia blocks are out of geological and<br />


stratigraphic context. Nevertheless, they<br />

provide a large amount of palaeontological<br />

material of great interest. In order to use this<br />

kind of material, a first approach is to test for<br />

homogeneity of the fossil assemblages<br />

extracted from the breccia blocks. Fisher's<br />

exact test can be used. Two analyses were<br />

undertaken. The first was performed on block<br />

samples taken in situ from breccia at the<br />

Drimolen hominid site. The results indicated<br />

that the samples were homogenous, as<br />

expected. The second analysis was carried out<br />

on different samples extracted from blocks of<br />

breccia collected from a dump at the Gondolin<br />

site. The results show that it is possible to<br />

group several samples in a single<br />

representative assemblage. Some blocks could<br />

be grouped together and then used to address<br />

taphonomic issues. Once these problems are<br />

solved, the data set can be used with greater<br />

confidence to address matters concerning<br />

palaeoenvironmental reconstructions<br />

associated with Plio-Pleistocene hominids.<br />

2009020574<br />

副 特 提 斯 东 部 Maeotian 阶 的 哺 乳 动 物 产<br />

地 : 磁 性 年 代 和 在 欧 洲 陆 相 年 代 表 中 的 位<br />

置 = Maeotian mammalian localities of<br />

Eastern Paratethys: Magnetochronology and<br />

position in European continental scales. ( 英<br />

文 ). Vangengeim E A; Tesakov A S.<br />

Stratigraphy and Geological<br />

Correlation, 2008, 16(4): 437-450<br />

The Maeotian of Eastern Paratethys<br />

corresponds to the interval of the<br />

magnetochronological scale from the base of<br />

the subchron C4Ar2n to upper parts of the<br />

Chron C4n (9.6–7.5 Ma). Fission-track dates<br />

of Maeotian deposits are in general agreement<br />

with paleomagnetic chronology. In the<br />

continental stratigraphic scale of Western<br />

Europe this interval corresponds to zones<br />

MN10 (save the lowermost parts), MN11, and<br />

MN12 (upper part). Taking into account age<br />

estimates of MN zones boundaries established<br />

in Western Europe, the East European<br />

mammalian localities of Ukraine and Moldova<br />

can be stratified as follows: MN10, Raspopeni,<br />

Grebeniki, Novaya Emetovka 1, lower bed of<br />

Ciobruci; MN11, Novaya Emetovka 2; MN12,<br />

Cimislia, Ciobruci upper bed, Cherevichnoe,<br />

Tudorovo, Dzedzvtakhevi, and sites in the<br />

lower Pontian deposits. The faunal criteria<br />

used to distinguish MN zones in Western<br />

Europe cannot be completely applied to sites<br />

of the Eastern Paratethys because of<br />

paleozoogeographic distinctions between<br />

West and East European provinces. Specific<br />

criteria of zone boundaries definitions should<br />

be developed for the East European province.<br />

2009020575<br />

加 拿 大 北 极 地 区 跨 越 区 域 性 晚 新 生 代 不 整<br />

合 的 层 序 地 层 、 生 物 群 变 化 、87Sr/86Sr 记<br />

录 、 古 气 候 历 史 和 沉 积 速 率 变 化 =<br />

Sequence stratigraphy, biotic change,<br />

87Sr/86Sr record, paleoclimatic history, and<br />

sedimentation rate change across a regional<br />

late Cenozoic unconformity in Arctic Canada.<br />

( 英 文 ). McNeil D H; Duk-Rodkin A; Dixon J;<br />

Dietrich J R. Canadian Journal of Earth<br />

Sciences, 2001, 38(2): 309-331<br />

Eustasy, tectonics, and climate contributed<br />

to a remarkable Miocene–Pliocene regional<br />

unconformity in the Beaufort – Mackenzie<br />

area of Arctic Canada. The unconformity<br />

extends from beneath deep basin turbidites on<br />

the continental rise, upslope across an<br />

erosional paleocontinental shelf, onto the<br />

cratonic margin as a regional paleosurface<br />

(peneplain) in the Mackenzie Delta area, and<br />

into pediment surfaces cut into the orogenic<br />

highlands of the Richardson Mountains. The<br />

unconformity was initiated by shelf exposure<br />

during latest Messinian or earliest Pliocene<br />

eustatic lowstand and was accentuated by<br />

tectonic uplift from the culmination of a major<br />

Late Miocene compressional pulse on the<br />

basin margin. Palynomorph, benthic<br />

foraminiferal, strontium isotopic,<br />

paleomagnetic, and radiometric data document<br />

the climatic and chronological events<br />

surrounding the unconformity. A widespread<br />

hardground (K-59 limestone) occurs at the<br />

unconformity and caps the Late Miocene<br />

Akpak Sequence. The hardground yields the<br />

benthic foraminifera Cibicides grossus, a<br />

regional marker in the Arctic Pliocene, and the<br />

bryozoan Adeonella sp. aff. A. polystomella,<br />

previously known from temperate North<br />

Atlantic environments. The 87 Sr/ 86 Sr data and<br />

new biostrati gra phic data indicate that the C.<br />

grossus Zone in the Beaufort – Mackenzie<br />

area may be younger than previously<br />

estimated, ranging into the earliest Pleistocene.<br />

Late Miocene regional uplift across the<br />

cratonic margin, coupled with eustatic<br />

lowstand followed by Early Pliocene tectonic<br />

quiescence and dry cool climatic conditions,<br />

combined to produce widespread erosion<br />

(pediments and peneplanation). Rapid erosion<br />

contributed to the >4 km-thick, Pliocene –<br />

Pleistocene Iperk Sequence and a 23-fold<br />


increase in sedimentation rates relative to the<br />

Early and Middle Miocene.<br />

2009020576<br />

加 拿 大 不 列 颠 哥 伦 比 亚 中 部 尼 查 科 高 原<br />

Ootsa 湖 - Cheslatta 河 地 区 第 四 纪 地 层 和 历<br />

史 = Quaternary stratigraphy and history of<br />

the Ootsa Lake - Cheslatta River area,<br />

Nechako Plateau, central British Columbia.<br />

( 英 文 ). Mate D J; Levson V M. Canadian<br />

Journal of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(4): 751-<br />

765<br />

Erosion along the Nechako Reservoir and<br />

Cheslatta River Spillway has resulted in<br />

unusually well-exposed late Quaternary and<br />

Holocene stratigraphy. Surficial sediments in<br />

the study area are mostly products of Late<br />

Wisconsinan glaciation. However, evidence<br />

for pre-Late Wisconsinan sedimentation has<br />

been found along the shores of the Nechako<br />

Reservoir, including till of an older glaciation<br />

and organic-bearing, blue-grey, lacustrine<br />

sediments of probable Middle Wisconsinan<br />

age. Stratigraphic correlation of the lake<br />

sediments suggests that an extensive lake<br />

system occurred in the region during the<br />

Olympia Nonglacial Interval. Late<br />

Wisconsinan ice initially moved along major<br />

valleys, with glaciofluvial outwash deposited<br />

in front of the advancing ice. Advance-phase<br />

glaciolacustrine sediments are rare but<br />

significant, as slope failures are spatially<br />

associated with areas where they are preserved.<br />

The distribution of these sediments and<br />

associated deltaic deposits indicates that<br />

advance-phase glacial lakes occurred up to<br />

approximately 855 m asl, at least several<br />

metres above the modern reservoir level.<br />

Sediments deposited in front of the ice margin<br />

were overridden during ice advance and are<br />

best preserved in large valleys. At the glacial<br />

maximum, ice flowed northeasterly<br />

throughout the study region. Crag and tails,<br />

flutings, and drumlinoid ridges with a<br />

generally consistent northeast trend are the<br />

dominant landforms. Till is the most common<br />

Pleistocene surficial sediment, covering<br />

approximately 80% of the area; large areas of<br />

exposed bedrock are rare. Late-glacial<br />

glaciofluvial and Holocene fluvial deposits are<br />

uncommon and occur mainly along the<br />

Cheslatta River valley.<br />

2009020577<br />

加 拿 大 纽 芬 兰 南 St. George's 湾 晚 维 斯 康 辛<br />

阶 地 层 和 年 代 学 : 重 新 评 估 = Late<br />

Wisconsinan stratigraphy and chronology of<br />

southern St. George's Bay, Newfoundland: a<br />

re-appraisal. ( 英 文 ). Bell T; Liverman D G;<br />

Batterson M J; Sheppard K. Canadian Journal<br />

of Earth Sciences, 2001, 38(5): 851-869<br />

Almost sixty years after the initial mapping<br />

of extensive Quaternary sediments along the<br />

coast of St. George's Bay, Newfoundland, a<br />

revised stratigraphic section is presented<br />

which identifies five main sediment types<br />

(diamicton, mud, sand, gravelly sand, gravel)<br />

and their stratigraphical position along 39 km<br />

of coastline from Highlands to Flat Bay. Most<br />

of the sediments overlying a basal till (St.<br />

George's River Drift) are interpreted to have<br />

been deposited in an ice-proximal to ice-distal<br />

glaciomarine environment by debris flow,<br />

underflow, current flow, or suspension settling,<br />

and capped by glaciofluvial outwash (Bay St.<br />

George Delta). For the most part, sections<br />

display a relatively simple deglacial sequence<br />

in a shallowing marine to fluvial environment.<br />

Where hummocky ridges intersect the coast,<br />

however, the sedimentary sequences are more<br />

complex and the variability in depositional<br />

style is typical of grounding line fans at a<br />

tidewater glacier margin. The occurrence of an<br />

upper diamicton or coarse gravels (Robinsons<br />

Head Drift) was generally observed only in<br />

grounding-line fan sequences and is<br />

interpreted here in the context of marginal<br />

fluctuations of a quasi-stable tidewater glacier,<br />

and not necessarily a climatically-induced<br />

readvance of a land-based ice margin<br />

(Robinsons Head readvance). Radiocarbon<br />

dates on marine shells from varied<br />

stratigraphic positions and sedimentary units<br />

suggest rapid deposition occurred in a<br />

glaciomarine environment between 14 and 13<br />

ka BP.<br />

2009020578<br />

法 国 Drôme 地 区 MN17 生 物 带 ( 上 上 新 统 )<br />

的 参 照 地 Saint-Vallier 的 埋 藏 研 究 =<br />

Taphonomy of Saint-Vallier (Drôme, France),<br />

the reference locality for the biozone MN17<br />

(Upper Pliocene). ( 英 文 ). Valli A M F.<br />

Lethaia, 2004, 37(3): 337 - 350<br />

Saint-Vallier (Dr me, France) is the<br />

biostratigraphical reference locality for the<br />

biozone MN17 (Upper Pliocene, between 2.4<br />

and 1.9 Ma). The taphonomic study presented<br />

here is based on the results of a recent 6-year<br />

campaign of renewed study. Carefully<br />

controlled excavations allow the study of the<br />

relative position of remains and their<br />

orientation inside several fossil clusters.<br />

Flowing water is the most likely agent<br />


esponsible for fossil orientation: bones of the<br />

animals were carried by water from distal to<br />

proximal areas of deposition, where they were<br />

quickly buried by sediments. Taphonomic<br />

clues suggest that the causes of mortality were<br />

attritional. The study of mortality profiles<br />

yields more ambiguous results although not<br />

necessarily in contrast with the attritional<br />

hypothesis. Such a study shows the<br />

importance of the sample size for the<br />

interpretation of the age diagrams.<br />

2009020579<br />

飓 风 低 发 区 礁 格 架 的 原 位 保 存 —— 南 加 勒<br />

比 海 库 腊 索 岛 和 博 内 尔 岛 的 更 新 统 =<br />

Preservation of in situ reef framework in<br />

regions of low hurricane frequency:<br />

Pleistocene of Curacao and Bonaire, southern<br />

Caribbean. ( 英 文 ). Meyer D; Bries J;<br />

Greenstein B; Debrot A. Lethaia, 2003, 36(3):<br />

273 - 285<br />

Luxuriant fringing reefs along the<br />

southwestern shores of the Caribbean islands<br />

of Cura ao and Bonaire (12°N), located<br />

outside the most frequent hurricane tracks, are<br />

rarely affected by major storms. Consequently,<br />

reef growth and long-term preservation are<br />

potentially optimal and distinct from reefs<br />

experiencing greater hurricane frequency.<br />

Hurricane Lenny (November 1999) took an<br />

unusual west-to-east track, bisecting the<br />

Caribbean Basin north of these islands, but<br />

generated heavy waves (∼3-6 m) that severely<br />

damaged reefs along the normally leeward<br />

shores. Massive coral colonies >100 years old<br />

were toppled, but even at the most severely<br />

damaged sites, 82-85% of colonies remained<br />

in growth position. Late Pleistocene (∼125 ka)<br />

elevated reefs in the Lower Terrace of Cura<br />

ao record even higher proportions of corals in<br />

growth position (93%), possibly reflecting a<br />

low hurricane frequency during the<br />

Pleistocene highstand. In comparison, coeval<br />

Pleistocene reefs in regions that today<br />

experience a high hurricane frequency (Great<br />

Inagua Island and San Salvador, Bahamas)<br />

have lower proportions of corals preserved in<br />

growth position (79% and 38%, respectively).<br />

These results are consistent with the<br />

hypothesis that reefs in regions experiencing<br />

very low hurricane frequency, like the<br />

southern Caribbean, are more likely to be<br />

preserved with corals in primary growth<br />

position in comparison to regions with higher<br />

hurricane frequency.<br />

2009020580<br />

从 历 史 地 质 学 角 度 看 生 物 多 样 性 —— 亚 马<br />

逊 河 下 游 Maraj ó 岛 的 研 究 实 例 =<br />

Biodiversity from a historical geology<br />

perspective: a case study from Marajó Island,<br />

lower Amazon. ( 英 文 ). Rossetti D F; De<br />

Toledo P M. Geobiology, 2006, 4(3): 215 -<br />

223<br />

Assessing patterns of abundance and<br />

distribution of Amazonian species is still an<br />

overwhelming task that requires integration of<br />

multiple disciplines. This work is based on<br />

background information gathered from<br />

previous reconstructions of the geological<br />

history of the lower Amazon drainage basin,<br />

in order to analyse biodiversity patterns within<br />

the context of landscape transformation. A<br />

highly dynamic geological scenario is<br />

depicted for this area during the Plio-<br />

Pleistocene and Holocene, which consisted of<br />

a large palaeovalley formed as a response of<br />

tectonic reactivation. This palaeovalley was<br />

filled with sediments transported by a<br />

north/northwest orientated palaeo-Tocantins<br />

River. The palaeodrainage became abandoned<br />

as the main river course was deviated to the<br />

northeast, initiating the separation of Marajó<br />

Island from mainland. Geology had a direct<br />

impact on the modern physiognomy, with<br />

open vegetation dominating in areas with<br />

Holocene sedimentation, while closed forests<br />

prevailing in older Quaternary and, probably<br />

also, Pliocene terrains. Data from fossil and<br />

modern mammalian groups indicate the<br />

connection of Marajó Island to the mainland<br />

during the Last Glacial Maximum, when open<br />

vegetation seems to have dominated. Tectonic<br />

subsidence was responsible for the<br />

maintenance of this vegetation pattern on the<br />

eastern side of the Marajó Island, keeping it as<br />

a habitat favourable for savanna adapted<br />

faunal elements. Based on this kind of<br />

information, this work attempts to highlight<br />

the importance of integrating studies<br />

combining geological and biological events as<br />

the key to understand biodiversity patterns in<br />

Amazonia. It is expected to open new lines of<br />

research dealing with the comprehension of<br />

ecology, species and genetic diversity,<br />

biogeography, evolutionary scenarios, and<br />

speciation mechanisms.<br />

2009020581<br />

在 一 千 五 百 万 年 间 从 海 平 面 到 高 海 拔 : 青<br />

藏 高 原 北 部 边 缘 阿 尔 金 山 的 抬 升 史 = From<br />

sea level to high elevation in 15 million<br />

years:Uplift history of the northern Tibetan<br />


Plateau margin in the Altun Shan. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Ritts B D; Yue Yongjun; Graham S A; Sobel<br />

E R; Abbink O A; Stockli D. American<br />

Journal of science, 2008, 308(5): 657-678<br />

Approximately 1300 m of Oligocene-<br />

Miocene clastic strata are exposed along the<br />

Miran River in the southeastern Tarim basin,<br />

where the adjacent Altun Shan form the<br />

topographic escarpment of the northern<br />

Tibetan Plateau. The sedimentary section is<br />

faulted against Proterozoic rocks of the Altun<br />

Shan in the footwall of the south-dipping,<br />

oblique reverse Northern Altyn Tagh fault.<br />

Oligocene-Lower Miocene strata consist of<br />

fine-grained rocks that record low-gradient<br />

depositional systems. Mid-Miocene and<br />

younger rocks consist of coarse conglomerate,<br />

derived from the Altun Shan and deposited by<br />

high-gradient depositional systems. The<br />

change to coarse, high-gradient depositional<br />

systems with detrital source areas coincident<br />

with the modern Miran River drainage is<br />

interpreted to mark the onset of uplift of the<br />

Altun Shan on the Northern Altyn Tagh fault<br />

and its erosional exhumation. The age of the<br />

change from pre-orogenic to synorogenic<br />

sedimentation is constrained by a foraminifera<br />

assemblage at the base of the conglomeratic<br />

section that includes Early-Middle Miocene<br />

planktonic foraminifera. This interpretation is<br />

also supported by apatite fission track and (U-<br />

Th)/He ages and thermal models that indicate<br />

rapid Miocene cooling, and hence, rapid<br />

exhumation of the Altun Shan. In addition to<br />

defining the age of the synorogenic section,<br />

the foraminifera assemblage contains<br />

planktonic taxa, indicating a connection to<br />

open marine waters, and benthic assemblages<br />

typical of brackish to near-sea level<br />

paleobathymetry. Thus, micropaleontologic<br />

evidence demonstrates that the Miran River<br />

locality, now at 1400 m elevation, was at sea<br />

level approximately 15 million years ago.<br />

Thus, in addition to constraining the age of<br />

surface uplift and exhumation of the Altun<br />

Shan, the principal mountain range of the<br />

Tibetan Plateau in this region, as 15 to 16 Ma,<br />

the foraminifera assemblage indicates that the<br />

SE Tarim basin, off the northern edge of the<br />

plateau, had an average surface uplift rate of<br />

nearly 100 m/m.y. for the past 15 million<br />

years. These results suggest that shortening in<br />

the Altun Shan and uplift of the range<br />

significantly post-dated the initiation of largescale<br />

strike-slip on the Altyn Tagh fault, and<br />

that regional surface uplift mechanisms<br />

operated in the Tarim basin, beyond the<br />

margins of the Tibetan Plateau.<br />

2009020582<br />

广 西 百 色 盆 地 石 器 层 沉 积 物 的 岩 石 磁 学 性<br />

质 和 古 地 磁 结 果 = Rock magnetic properties<br />

and palaeomagnetic results of sediments from<br />

a stone implement layer in the Bose Basin,<br />

Guangxi. ( 英 文 ). Yang Xiaoqiang; Zhu<br />

Zhaoyu; Zhang Yinan; Li Huamei; Zhou<br />

Wenjuan; Yang Jie. Science in China Series D:<br />

Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(3): 441-450<br />

Directional samples were taken to study<br />

rock magnetism and palaeomagnetic records<br />

from the Dongsheng profile, which is 5 m<br />

thick and on the northwest edge of the Bose<br />

Basin. Mineralogy and rock magnetism of<br />

typical samples indicate that coarse granular<br />

titanomagnetite, and fine-grained hematite,<br />

superparamagnetic maghemite formed by<br />

pedogenesis are in the sediment, which has<br />

undergone many transformative processes<br />

during different stages of pedogenesis.<br />

Parallel samples were taken for thermal<br />

demagnetization (TH) (0 to 680 ° C) and<br />

alternating field (AF) demagnetization (0 to<br />

80 mT) respectively. Experimental results of<br />

these two kinds of demagnetization illustrate<br />

that there are two or more magnetic<br />

components in the samples. Intensity of NRM<br />

decreases by almost 60% to 90% rapidly when<br />

the temperature ranges from 100°C to 350°<br />

C, with a steady magnetic component. It is<br />

impossible to analyze the magnetic<br />

components at high temperature because those<br />

fluctuate widely when the temperature is<br />

higher than 400 ° C. Steady magnetic<br />

components from 100°C to 350°C indicate<br />

that the remanence was mainly carried by<br />

fine-grained hematite formed by pedogenesis,<br />

reflecting a change in the geomagnetic field<br />

while the magnetite was being oxidized into<br />

hematite by chemical weathering after<br />

deposition. The formative age of the<br />

sediments cannot be obtained by magnetic<br />

methods in this profile.<br />

2009020583<br />

华 东 幔 源 捕 虏 岩 中 的 金 含 量 及 其 中 的 硫 化<br />

物 = Gold contents of both mantle-derived<br />

xenoliths and sulfides in them from eastern<br />

China. ( 英 文 ). Yue Kefen; He Ying. Science<br />

in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008,<br />

51(4): 499-508<br />

The gold contents of 59 samples of mantlederived<br />

xenoliths, along with 85 samples of<br />


sulfide assemblages in them, of Cenozoic<br />

basalt from eight districts in eastern China are<br />

analyzed. The gold contents of mantle<br />

xenoliths usually fall in the range of<br />

10−9−10−8, whereas those of the sulfide<br />

assemblages fall in the range of 10−4−10−2.<br />

This implies that the latter are several hundred<br />

thousand times higher than the former, and<br />

thus that Au in the mantle is concentrated<br />

mostly in sulfide assemblages. Gold contents<br />

of both mantle-derived xenoliths and sulfide<br />

assemblages in them are inhomogeneous<br />

spatially, but their distribution rules are<br />

similar. Except the samples from Hainan<br />

Province, either the mantle xenoliths with high<br />

gold content or sulfide assemblages of the<br />

mantle-derived xenoliths with high gold<br />

content are distributed mostly on the north and<br />

south margins of the North China platform<br />

(Hannuoba of Hebei Province and Linqu,<br />

Changle of Shandong Province),<br />

corresponding to districts with concentrated<br />

gold deposits in northwest Hebei Province and<br />

Jiaodong Peninsula of Shandong Province.<br />

This may reflect the correlativity in age,<br />

nature and composition between the<br />

continental crust and the underlying<br />

lithospheric mantle. The underlying<br />

lithospheric mantle of the North China<br />

platform is an ancient gold-rich lithospheric<br />

mantle. The gold-rich lithospheric mantle may<br />

be the material source of later activation,<br />

enrichment, transportation and mineralization<br />

of gold by auriferous CO2 mantle fluids.<br />

2009020584<br />

地 中 海 新 近 纪 地 层 : 百 年 来 的 发 展 和 演 变<br />

= Mediterranean Neogene stratigraphy:<br />

development and evolution through the<br />

centuries. ( 英 文 ). Cita M B.<br />

Sedimentology, 2009, 56(1): 43 - 62<br />

The Mediterranean area, in general, and<br />

Italy, in particular, played an important role in<br />

developing the principles of stratigraphy since<br />

the early days of geological thinking. In the<br />

middle of the 19th Century there was a rush to<br />

name all the intervals of the stratigraphic<br />

column. At that time, when invertebrate<br />

palaeontology was the principal source of<br />

information on the relative age of the rock<br />

units, dozens of stage names were created for<br />

the Neogene. Only a few of these stage names<br />

survive and are accepted worldwide as<br />

Langhian, Serravallian, Tortonian, Messinian,<br />

Zanclean and Piacenzian. In the later part of<br />

the 19th Century and in the first decades of the<br />

20th Century, a wealth of new data was made<br />

available by extensive palaeontological<br />

studies but the correlation potential of the<br />

fossil faunas was constrained poorly, and<br />

understood less, leading to the development of<br />

a 'floating' stratigraphy. The situation<br />

improved after World War II, when<br />

micropalaeontology underwent a fast<br />

development. The creation of common<br />

stratigraphic guidelines, the introduction of<br />

the 'stratotype' concept followed by the<br />

'Golden Spike' concept (global stratotype<br />

section and point), combined with the<br />

application of multiple stratigraphic<br />

methodologies (especially palaeomagnetic<br />

stratigraphy or magnetic polarity time scale,<br />

astrocyclostratigraphy or astronomical time<br />

scale) resulted in new scenarios. A turning<br />

point may be located around 1970, soon after<br />

the beginning of the Deep Sea Drilling Project,<br />

which greatly contributed to the development<br />

of a new approach to Neogene Stratigraphy.<br />

Now all the global stratotype sections and<br />

points for the Neogene stages are being<br />

defined by multiple criteria, with precise<br />

definitions in terms of magnetic polarity time<br />

scale and astronomical time scale. The<br />

Rossello composite section in Southern Sicily<br />

is the template for the Late Neogene<br />

stratigraphy, with the best time resolution<br />

provided by astronomical forcing. To<br />

complete the planned study, the same criteria<br />

have to be applied downwards and upwards.<br />

2009020585<br />

美 国 内 布 拉 斯 加 晚 第 四 纪 黄 土 的 起 源 和 古<br />

气 候 意 义 : 来 自 地 层 学 、 年 代 学 、 沉 积 学<br />

和 地 球 化 学 的 证 据 = Origin and<br />

paleoclimatic significance of late Quaternary<br />

loess in Nebraska: Evidence from stratigraphy,<br />

chronology, sedimentology, and geochemistry.<br />

( 英 文 ). Muhs D R; Bettis E A;Aleinikoff J N;<br />

McGeehin J P. Geological Society of America<br />

Bulletin, 2008, 120(11-12): 1378-1407<br />

Loess is one of the most extensive surficial<br />

geologic deposits in midcontinental North<br />

America, particularly in the central Great<br />

Plains region of Nebraska. Last-glacial-age<br />

loess (Peoria Loess) reaches its greatest known<br />

thickness in the world in this area. New<br />

stratigraphic, geochronologic, mineralogic,<br />

and geochemical data yield information about<br />

the age and provenance of Peoria Loess, as<br />

well as evaluation of recent climate models.<br />

Sixteen new radiocarbon ages and recently<br />

acquired optically stimulated luminescence<br />

ages indicate that Peoria Loess deposition in<br />

Nebraska occurred between ca. 25,000 cal yr<br />


B.P. and ca. 13,000 cal yr B.P. After ca.<br />

13,000 cal yr B.P. a period of pedogenesis<br />

began, represented by the dark, prominent<br />

Brady Soil. At some localities, further loess<br />

deposition was minimal. At other localities,<br />

sometime after ca. 11,000 cal yr B.P., there<br />

were additional episodes of loess deposition<br />

(Bignell Loess) intermittently throughout the<br />

Holocene.<br />

The spatial variability of particle size<br />

abundances in Peoria Loess shows a<br />

northwest-to-southeast fining in Nebraska,<br />

consistent with maps of previous workers that<br />

show a northwest-to-southeast thinning of<br />

loess. These observations indicate that<br />

paleowinds that deposited the loess were from<br />

the west or northwest and that the source or<br />

sources of Peoria Loess lay to the west or<br />

northwest.<br />

New mineralogical and geochemical data<br />

indicate that the most important sources of<br />

loess were likely Tertiary siltstones of the<br />

White River and Arikaree Groups, silt facies<br />

of Pliocene eolian sediments, and small<br />

contributions from Pierre Shale. It is likely<br />

that fine-grained silts were transported<br />

episodically through the Nebraska Sand Hills<br />

from Tertiary and Cretaceous bedrock sources<br />

to the north, in agreement with a model<br />

presented recently. The identification of<br />

Tertiary siltstones and silts as the primary<br />

sources of loess is consistent with isotopic<br />

data presented in a companion paper.<br />

Contributions of glaciogenic silt from the<br />

Platte and Missouri Rivers were limited to<br />

loess zones close to the valleys of those<br />

drainages. An earlier computer-based model of<br />

global dust generation during the last glacial<br />

period did not identify the Great Plains of<br />

North America as a significant source of<br />

nonglaciogenic eolian silt. However, a refined<br />

version of this model does simulate this region<br />

as a significant non-glacial dust source during<br />

the last glacial period, in good agreement with<br />

the results presented here.<br />

2009020586<br />

西 班 牙 萨 拉 戈 萨 省 Tarazona de Aragon 地<br />

区 ( 埃 布 罗 盆 地 ) 中 中 新 世 新 的 生 物 地 层<br />

和 古 生 态 资 料 = New biostratigraphic and<br />

paleoecologic data from the middle Miocene<br />

(Aragonian) from the Tarazona de Aragon<br />

area (Ebro basin) Zaragoza Province, Spain..<br />

( 其 他 ). Murelaga X; Perez-Rivares F J;<br />

Vazquez-Urbez M. Ameghiniana, 2008, 45(2):<br />

393-406<br />

In this contribution the vertebrate<br />

microfossils of two new localities (Melero-20<br />

and Melero-30) near Tarazona de Aragon<br />

village (Ebro Basin, Spain) are described. The<br />

fossil association is dominated by<br />

micromammal fossils, represented by Rodents<br />

(Sciurids, Cricetids and Glirids), Lagomorphs<br />

and Chiropters, and allows to situate Melero-<br />

20 in the local biozone E (European Mammal<br />

Neogene Zone, MN5) and Melero-30 between<br />

the local biozones F and G1 (MN6), both in<br />

the Miocene. The revision of the Tarazona de<br />

Aragon and El Buste mammal localities, at the<br />

bottom and from the bottom of the local<br />

succession, gives the following new<br />

biostratigraphic assignation: Dc-Dd (MN5)<br />

and G2 (MN6), respectively. The described<br />

remains were accumulated in ponds or<br />

shallow lakes colonized by plants, with<br />

common desiccation and pedogenetic<br />

processes. The evolution of rodent association<br />

through the local succession indicates a<br />

relative climate cooling. The vertebrate<br />

diversity decreases from base to top, which<br />

may be related to a temperature decrease<br />

through time. A similar temperature and<br />

diversity decrease has been rep cognised in the<br />

Calatayud-Teruel Basin (NE of Spain) during<br />

the same time interval. This decrease could be<br />

associated with the cooling that follow's the<br />

Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum. Even<br />

though the rodent association does not reveal<br />

changes in relative humidity, clay<br />

mineralogical analyses suggest an and<br />

environment for the Tarazona de Aragon level,<br />

the older in the succession, a humidity<br />

increase for Melero-20 and a decrease for<br />

Melero-30.<br />

2009020587<br />

浮 游 生 物 指 示 澳 大 利 亚 马 阔 里 岛 蛇 绿 岩 杂<br />

岩 体 沉 积 岩 的 年 龄 为 9Ma = Microplankton<br />

provide 9 Ma age for sediment in the<br />

Macquarie Island ophiolite complex. ( 英 文 ).<br />

Quilty P G; Crundwell M P; Wise S W.<br />

Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2008,<br />

55(8): 1119-1125<br />

Macquarie Island in the southwest Pacific<br />

Ocean (55S) is unique as an exposed location<br />

for studying oceanic crust generated by slow<br />

seafloor spreadingregions where rocks are<br />

difficult to date using radiometric methods.<br />

Bolboforms, an extinct group of poorly known<br />

microplankton, in sediment intercalated with<br />

pillow lavas yield tight constraints (9.01-8.78<br />

Ma) on the age of formation of the dominantly<br />

seafloor volcanic sequence constituting the<br />


south of the island. The occurrence of<br />

Bolboforma metzmacheri extends the known<br />

geographic range of this Late Miocene zonal<br />

marker species in the southwest Pacific. A<br />

monospecific calcareous nannoplankton flora<br />

(Reticulofenestra perplexa) accompanied by<br />

the foraminifer Neogloboquadrina<br />

pachyderma in sediment from the north part of<br />

the island indicates a slightly older age (9.5-<br />

9.3 Ma), consistent with a radiometric date<br />

(9.20.4 Ma) from nearby volcanics. The new<br />

age data indicate that the ocean floor volcanic<br />

sequence formed early in the Late Miocene,<br />

possibly along short segments of a slowspreading<br />

mid-ocean ridge. Bolboforms have<br />

potential to provide fine-scale dating in other<br />

similarly complex ridge systems that are<br />

difficult to date by other means.<br />

2009020588<br />

有 孔 虫 记 录 和 天 文 学 旋 回 : 以 意 大 利 托 斯<br />

卡 纳 梅 辛 阶 前 蒸 发 的 Gello 综 合 剖 面 为 例 =<br />

Foraminiferal record and astronomical cycles:<br />

An example from the Messinian pre-evaporitic<br />

Gello Composite Section (Tuscany, Italy). ( 英<br />

文 ). Riforgiato F; Foresi L M; Aldinucci M.<br />

Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(3/4): 265-280<br />

We report the first high resolution biomagneto<br />

and cyclostratigraphical study on<br />

Messinian pre-evaporitic marine deposits<br />

(Gello Composite Section) from the Volterra<br />

Basin (Italy). Since the investigated deposits<br />

manifest no evident lithological cyclicity,<br />

cyclostratigraphical analyses have been based<br />

on: i) abundance fluctuations of Bolivina and<br />

Bulimina among the benthic foraminifera,<br />

Globigerinoides, Orbulina and Turborotalita<br />

among the planktonics; ii) CaCO3 Content<br />

changes; and iii) Shannon-Weaver index<br />

variations relative to benthic assemblages. As<br />

a result, 1 9 precession-control led cycles have<br />

been recognized. Moreover, the recognition of<br />

the C3An. Ir, C3An. In and C3r magnetozone<br />

and some bio-chronohorizons, have allowed<br />

the tuning of the studied section with the<br />

ATNTS (Astronomical Tuned Neogene Time<br />

Scale) using the La2004 solution of the<br />

insolation curve. This multidisciplinary study<br />

strongly supports that the onset of evaporitic<br />

deposition in Tuscany and in other circum-<br />

Mediterranean type-successions, as the Abad<br />

Composite Section (Spain) and the Falconara<br />

Section (Sicily), was isochronous<br />

2009020589<br />

地 中 海 地 区 梅 辛 阶 最 晚 期 事 件 的 高 分 辨 率<br />

地 层 框 架 = A high-resolution stratigraphic<br />

framework for the latest Messinian events in<br />

the Mediterranean area. ( 英 文 ). Roveri M;<br />

Bertini A; Cosentino D. Stratigraphy, 2008,<br />

5(3/4): 323-342<br />

A high-resolution strati graphic model for<br />

the uppermost Messinian deposits of the<br />

Mediterranean basin is here proposed. The<br />

model provides new constraints for calibrating<br />

the time and space distribution of<br />

palaeoenvironmental proxies of the final phase<br />

of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC),<br />

characterized, after the main phase of massive<br />

evaporite precipitation, by the progressive and<br />

generalized establishment of brackish to<br />

freshwater aquatic environments throughout<br />

the Mediterranean basin ('Lago Mare event').<br />

The corresponding stratigraphic unit, bounded<br />

by the intra-Messinian unconformity (MES) at<br />

the base (similar to 5.6 Ma) and the M/P<br />

boundary at top (5.33 Ma) is split into two<br />

sub-units by a minor unconformity marking a<br />

sharp facies change.<br />

The lower sub-unit (p-ev(1)) is localized in<br />

deepest and/or strongly subsiding basins and<br />

is commonly characterized by 'regressive'<br />

depositional trends. It records the transition<br />

from hyper- to hypohaline conditions over a<br />

short time span characterized by an<br />

acceleration of tectonic processes in many<br />

Mediterranean geodynamic contexts.<br />

The upper sub-unit (P-ev(2)) is more basinwide<br />

distributed and records the generalized<br />

periodic activation of catastrophic flooddominated<br />

fluvio-deltaic depositional systems,<br />

indicating important modifications in the<br />

drainage areas and/or in fluvial runoff. In this<br />

sub-unit four to five precessional cycles are<br />

Usually recognized below the<br />

Miocene/Pliocene boundary, allowing basinwide<br />

correlations and suggesting to place its<br />

basal age at around 5.42 Ma.<br />

While p-ev(1) records the local and<br />

ephemeral development of Lago Mare<br />

environments with low-diverse, pioneer taxa,<br />

p-ev(2) is marked by the diffusion of<br />

conspicuous brackish to freshwater fossil<br />

assemblages of increasing diversity and<br />

complexity upwards. The change is best<br />

approximated by the boundary between the<br />

two sub-units.<br />

No clear evidence of normal marine<br />

conditions established before the Zanclean<br />

flooding have been recognized. Converging<br />

sedimentary evolution and paleontologic<br />

record suggest that the last MSC phase was<br />

characterized by a dilution of the surface<br />

waters of a large, residual Mediterranean<br />


water body with strongly reduced ocean<br />

connections. These conditions likely resulted<br />

from a positive feedback loop between<br />

processes (increase of fluvial runoff,<br />

generalized subsidence, base-level rise,<br />

enlargement of shelf areas) promoting the<br />

establishment of progressively larger, more<br />

stable intra-basinal connections and water<br />

exchanges with the Paratethyan basins, up to<br />

the final full reopening of the Atlantic<br />

gateways<br />

2009020590<br />

中 国 南 海 新 生 代 玄 武 岩 中 的 主 要 元 素 、 微<br />

量 元 素 及 锶 、 钕 、 铅 同 位 素 研 究 = Major<br />

element, trace element, and Sr, Nd and Pb<br />

isotope studies of Cenozoic basalts from the<br />

South China Sea. ( 英 文 ). Yan Quanshu; Shi<br />

Xuefa; Wang Kunshan; Bu Wenrui; Xiao<br />

Long. Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2008, 51(4): 550-566<br />

The whole rock K-Ar ages of basalts from<br />

the South China Sea basin vary from 3.8 to 7.9<br />

Ma, which suggest that intra-plate volcanism<br />

after the cessation of spreading of the South<br />

China Sea (SCS) is comparable to that in<br />

adjacent regions around the SCS, i.e.,<br />

Leiqiong Peninsula, northern margin of the<br />

SCS, Indochina block, and so on. Based on<br />

detailed petrographic studies, we selected<br />

many fresh basaltic rocks and measured their<br />

major element, trace element, and Sr-Nd-Pb<br />

isotope compositions. Geochemical<br />

characteristics of major element and trace<br />

element show that these basaltic rocks belong<br />

to alkali basalt magma series, and are similar<br />

to OIB-type basalt. The extent of partial<br />

melting of mantle rock in source region is<br />

very low, and magma may experience<br />

crystallization differentiation and cumulation<br />

during the ascent to or storing in the highlevel<br />

magma chamber. Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data<br />

of these basaltic rocks imply an<br />

inhomogeneous mantle below the South China<br />

Sea. The nature of magma origin has a two<br />

end-member mixing model, one is EM2<br />

(Enriched Mantle 2) which may be originated<br />

from mantle plume, the other is DMM<br />

(Depleted MORB Mantle). Pb isotopic<br />

characteristics show the Dupal anomaly in the<br />

South China Sea, and combined with newly<br />

found Dupal anomaly at Gakkel ridge in<br />

Arctic Ocean, this implies that Dupal anomaly<br />

is not only limited to South Hemisphere. In<br />

variation diagrams among Sr, Nd and Pb, the<br />

origin nature of mantle below the SCS is<br />

similar to those below Leiqiong peninsula,<br />

northern margin of the SCS and Indochina<br />

peninsula, and is different from those below<br />

north and northeast China. This study provides<br />

geochemical constraints on Hainan mantle<br />

plume.<br />

2009020591<br />

博 格 达 山 在 新 生 代 的 抬 升 过 程 及 其 构 造 意<br />

义 = The uplifting process of the Bogda<br />

Mountain during the Cenozoic and its tectonic<br />

implication. ( 英 文 ). Wang Zongxiu; Li Tao;<br />

Zhang Jin; Liu Yongqing; Ma Zongjin.<br />

Science in China Series D: Earth<br />

Sciences, 2008, 51(4): 579-593<br />

The Tianshan Mountains have undergone<br />

its initial orogeny, extension adjusting and reorogeny<br />

since the Late Paleozoic. The reorogeny<br />

and uplifting process of the orogeny<br />

in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic are two of most<br />

important events in the geological evolution of<br />

Euro-Asian continent, which resulted in the<br />

formation of the present range-and-basin<br />

pattern in topography of the Tianshan<br />

Mountains and its adjacent areas.<br />

Thermochronology results by the method of<br />

fission-track dating of apatite suggest three<br />

obvious uplifting stages of the Bogad<br />

Mountain Chain re-orogeny during the<br />

Cenozoic, i.e. 5.6–19 Ma, 20–30 Ma, and<br />

42–47 Ma. The strongest uplifting stage of<br />

the mountain is the second one at 20–30 Ma,<br />

when the mountain uplifted as a whole, and<br />

the beginning of re-orogeny was no less than<br />

65 Ma. Furthermore, our studies also show<br />

that the uplifting types of the mountain are<br />

variable in the different time periods,<br />

including uplifting of mountain as a whole and<br />

differential uplifting. The apparently<br />

diversified uplifting processes of the mountain<br />

chain are characterized by the migration (or<br />

transformation) of the uplifting direction of<br />

the mountain from west to east and from north<br />

to south, and the main process of mountain<br />

extending is from north to south.<br />

2009020592<br />

青 藏 高 原 北 部 晚 始 新 世 孢 粉 记 录 及 古 环 境<br />

变 化 = Late Eocene pollen records and<br />

palaeoenvironmental changes in northern<br />

Tibetan Plateau. ( 英 文 ). Miao Yunfa; Fang<br />

Xiaomin; Song Zhichen; Wu Fuli; Han<br />

Wenxia; Dai Shuang; Song Chunhui. Science<br />

in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008,<br />

51(8): 1089-1098<br />

The Eocene palaeovegetation landscape and<br />

palaeoclimate reconstructed from the pollen<br />


ecords in the Jiuquan Basin, northwest China<br />

provide some important information on the<br />

early uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the<br />

origin and evolution of the aridification in<br />

northwest China. The records show the aridsemiarid<br />

scrubs with open forest palynofloras<br />

controlled by the subtropical high existed in<br />

northwest China during the 40.2–33.4 Ma.<br />

Four pollen assemblages are found:<br />

Nitrariadites-Cheno-podipollis-Pinaceae<br />

assemblage (40.2–37.9 Ma) is followed by<br />

Chenopodipollis-Nitrariadites assemblage<br />

(37.9 – 34.6 Ma), Pinuspollenites &<br />

Abietineaepollenites-Chenopodipollis<br />

assemblage (34.6 – 33.9 Ma), and<br />

Chenopodipollis-Nitrariadites assemblage<br />

(33.9 – 33.4 Ma). The percentage of<br />

thermophilic types is in anti-correlation with<br />

that of the dry types, which means the<br />

palaeoclimate is relatively warm-wet or colddry<br />

during most of that time. Such aridity may<br />

be related to the water vapor reduction and the<br />

planetary wind system movement northward<br />

in response to the cooling caused by smallephemeral<br />

ice-sheets.<br />

2009020593<br />

用 钻 孔 岩 心 分 析 揭 示 晚 第 四 纪 沿 北 京 南 口 -<br />

孙 河 断 裂 带 发 生 的 古 地 震 = Using borehole<br />

core analysis to reveal Late Quaternary<br />

paleoearthquakes along the Nankou-Sunhe<br />

Fault, Beijing. ( 英 文 ). Zhang Shimin; Wang<br />

Dandan; Liu Xudong; Zhang Guohong; Zhao<br />

Junxiang; Luo Minghui; Ren Junjie;Wang<br />

Rui;Zhang Yingli. Science in China Series D:<br />

Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(8): 1154-1168<br />

The Nankou-Sunhe Fault is a buried active<br />

normal fault that traverses the urban area of<br />

Beijing. Its seismic risks have caused<br />

considerable concerns. This paper studies<br />

paleoearthquakes along this fault by analyzing<br />

and correlating bore-hole cores obtained from<br />

triple-tube coring, incorporating experience<br />

acquired from trenching. As a result, a model<br />

for identifying earthquake-derived colluvium<br />

by sediment-core analysis is proposed. Tripletube<br />

coring technique is useful to collect<br />

continuous undisturbed soil core near the<br />

Nankou-Sunhe Fault. By identifying faultscarp<br />

colluviums, determining cumulative<br />

displacement, and analysing stratum<br />

thickening on the hanging wall, we are able to<br />

establish a preliminary paleoearthquake<br />

sequence consisting of 13 surface-rupturing<br />

events since 60 ka. The seismic history can be<br />

divided into three periods based on different<br />

recurrence intervals. Between 60 and 40 ka,<br />

three earthquakes occurred with recurrence<br />

interval of ∼10 ka. From 40 to 25 ka, there<br />

were six earthquakes with the recurrence<br />

interval of about 2.5 ka. In the last 25 ka, four<br />

earthquakes have taken place with the<br />

recurrence interval varying considerably. The<br />

recurrence interval between the last three<br />

events is ∼5 ka. Smaller recurrence intervals<br />

correspond to stages of faster fault slip. The<br />

coseismic displacement of a single event is 0.8<br />

to 2.2 m, average 1.4 m, largely equivalent to<br />

moment magnitudes 6.7 – 7.1. This study<br />

demonstrates the feasibility of bore-hole<br />

drilling in investigating paleoearthquakes<br />

along normal faults. It also suggests that<br />

closely spaced boreholes with continuous<br />

undisturbed cores are essential for<br />

reconstructing the complete paleoearthquake<br />

sequence.<br />

2009020594<br />

安 宁 河 断 裂 带 冕 宁 段 北 段 晚 第 四 纪 强 震 引<br />

起 的 表 层 变 形 和 断 裂 作 用 = Late Quaternary<br />

surface deformation and rupture behavior of<br />

strong earthquake on the segment north of<br />

Mianning of the Anninghe fault. ( 英 文 ). Ran<br />

Yongkang; Chen Lichun; Cheng Jianwu;<br />

Gong Huiling. Science in China Series D:<br />

Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(9): 1224-1237<br />

The Anninghe fault is an important active<br />

fault along the eastern boundary of Sichuan-<br />

Yunnan active tectonic block, and the study of<br />

its surface deformation and rupture behavior<br />

during strong earthquake in the late<br />

Quaternary is of fundamental importance for<br />

understanding the future seismic risk of the<br />

fault zone or even the entire western Sichuan<br />

region. Using the methods of detailed<br />

geomorphic and geological survey, digital<br />

image analysis, total station instrument survey,<br />

excavation of combined trench and dating, we<br />

analyze the geomorphologic sequences of the<br />

offset strata at several sites where the late<br />

Quaternary deformation remnants are fairly<br />

well preserved and obtain some new results as<br />

follows: Strong earthquake events with leftlateral<br />

displacements of about 3 m occurred at<br />

the two sites of Zimakua and Yejitong at<br />

1634–1811, 1030–1050 and 280–550 a BP,<br />

respectively, and the recurrence interval is<br />

520–660 a; The youngest event in the area of<br />

Dahaizi-Ganhaizi should be the earthquake of<br />

1536, other events are at 1768–1826, 2755–<br />

4108 and 4108–6593 a BP, respectively, with<br />

a recurrence interval of 1300–1900 a. The<br />


strong earthquake activity shows a clustering<br />

character. The possibility of occurrence of a<br />

strong earthquake exists on the north segment<br />

of the Anninghe fault sometime in the future.<br />

2009020595<br />

川 南 马 边 地 区 新 生 代 抬 升 的 裂 变 径 迹 年 代<br />

测 定 = Fission track dating of the Cenozoic<br />

uplift in Mabian area, southern Sichuan<br />

Province, China. ( 英 文 ). An Yanfen; Han<br />

Zhujun; Wan Jinglin. Science in China Series<br />

D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(9): 1238-1247<br />

The apparent ages of samples are obtained<br />

from fission track dating of apatite samples<br />

collected from the fault zones in Mabian area,<br />

southern Sichuan Province. In addition,<br />

thermal history is simulated from the obtained<br />

data by applying AFTSolve Program, to<br />

acquire the thermal evolution history of the<br />

samples. The result shows that tectonically the<br />

Mabian area was relatively stable between 25<br />

and 3 Ma, compared to the inner parts and<br />

other marginal areas of the Tibetan Plateau.<br />

The studied area had little response to the<br />

rapid uplift events that occurred for several<br />

times in the Tibetan Plateau during 25–3 Ma.<br />

The latest thermal event related to the activity<br />

of the Lidian fault zone (about 8 Ma) is later<br />

than that of the Ebian fault zone (18–15 Ma)<br />

to the west, indicating to some extent that the<br />

evolution of fault activity in the Mabian area<br />

has migrated from west to east. The latest<br />

extensive tectonic uplift occurred since about<br />

3 Ma. As compared with the Xianshuihe fault<br />

zone, the Mabian area is closer to the eastern<br />

margin of the plateau, while the time of fast<br />

cooling event in this area is later than that in<br />

the southeast segment of the Xianshuihe fault<br />

zone (3.6–3.46 Ma). It appears to support the<br />

assumption of episodic uplift and stepwise<br />

outward extension of the eastern boundary of<br />

the Tibetan Plateau in late Cenozoic.<br />

2009020596<br />

鲜 水 河 - 小 江 断 裂 系 中 心 段 新 生 的 大 凉 山 断<br />

裂 带 = Newly-generated Daliangshan fault<br />

zone — Shortcutting on the central section of<br />

Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault system. ( 英 文 ).<br />

He Honglin; Yasutaka I; He Yulin; Masayoshi<br />

T; Chen Jie; Chen Changyun; Masayoshi T;<br />

Tomoo E: Shinsuke O. Science in China<br />

Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(9): 1248-<br />

1258<br />

The Daliangshan fault zone is the eastern<br />

branch in the central section of Xianshuihe-<br />

Xiaojiang fault system. It has been neglected<br />

for a long time, partly because of no<br />

destructive earthquake records along this fault<br />

zone. On the other hand, it is located on the<br />

remote and inaccessible plateau. So far it was<br />

excluded as part of the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang<br />

fault system. Based on the interpretation of<br />

aerophotographs and field investigations, we<br />

document this fault zone in detail, and give an<br />

estimation of strike-slip rate about 3 mm/a in<br />

Late Quaternary together with age dating data.<br />

The results suggest that the Daliangshan fault<br />

zone is a newly-generated fault zone resulted<br />

from shortcutting in the central section of<br />

Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault system because of<br />

the clockwise rotation of the Southeastern<br />

Tibetan Crustal Block, which is bounded by<br />

the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault system.<br />

Moreover, the shortcutting may make the<br />

Daliangshan fault zone replace the Anninghe<br />

and Zemuhe fault zones gradually, and finally,<br />

the later two fault zones will probably die out<br />

with the continuous clockwise rotation.<br />

2009020597<br />

根 据 比 利 牛 斯 山 脉 西 部 巴 斯 克 国<br />

Gorrondatxe 剖 面 的 证 据 对 早 — 中 始 新 世<br />

生 物 磁 性 年 代 学 的 再 认 识 = Reassessment of<br />

the Early – Middle Eocene<br />

biomagnetochronology based on evidence<br />

from the Gorrondatxe section (Basque<br />

Country, western Pyrenees). ( 英 文 ). Payros A;<br />

Bernaola G; Orue-etxebarria X; Dinar è s-<br />

Turell J; Tosquella J; Apellaniz E.<br />

Lethaia, 2007, 40(2): 183-195<br />

Thirteen Lower – Middle Eocene<br />

(Ypresian – Lutetian) successions, including<br />

the Gorrondatxe section in the western<br />

Pyrenees, show biomagnetostratigraphic<br />

correlation schemes that do not agree with the<br />

current standard framework. The main<br />

discrepancy concerns the position of the<br />

boundary between planktonic foraminiferal<br />

Zones P9 (=E7, approximately) and P10 (=E8,<br />

approximately), which was thought to occur<br />

within calcareous nannofossil Subzone CP12a<br />

and at the boundary between magnetic<br />

polarity Chrons C22n and C21r. However, in<br />

the differing correlation scheme the boundary<br />

between Zones P9 (=E7) and P10 (=E8)<br />

occurs close to the base of Subzone CP13a<br />

and to the boundary between Chrons C21n<br />

and C20r. An attempt at a new Ypresian–<br />

Lutetian boundary biomagnetochronology is<br />

made based on data from the Gorrondatxe<br />

section, which shows that the boundary<br />

between Zones P9 (=E7) and P10 (=E8) is 3.1<br />


Myr younger than hitherto considered.<br />

Therefore, the duration of the Early Eocene,<br />

most commonly defined according to this<br />

planktonic foraminiferal zonal boundary, has<br />

generally been underestimated over the last<br />

four decades.<br />

2009020598<br />

青 藏 高 原 新 生 代 差 异 性 隆 起 的 沉 积 记 录 和<br />

地 质 年 代 控 制 = Cenozoic sedimentary<br />

records and geochronological constraints of<br />

differential uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.<br />

( 英 文 ). Zhang Kexin; Wang Guocan; Cao Kai;<br />

Liu chao; Xiang Shuyuan; Hong Hanlie; Kou<br />

Xiaohu; Xu Yadong; Chen Fenning; Meng<br />

Yanning; Chen Ruiming. Science in China<br />

Series D: Earth Sciences, 2008, 51(11): 1658-<br />

1672<br />

Geological mapping data (1:250000) in the<br />

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its adjacent regions<br />

reveal the sediment sequences, distribution<br />

and tectonic evolution of the 92 Tertiary<br />

remnant basins. Southern Tibet and the<br />

Yecheng area in Xinjiang, located at southern<br />

and northwestern margins of the Qinghai-<br />

Tibet Plateau, respectively, were parts of the<br />

Neo-Tethys remnant sea in the Paleogene. In<br />

southern Tibet, both the subabyssal and<br />

abyssal sequences occur at the Gyangze, Saga,<br />

Guoyala, and Sangmai areas. The deep-water<br />

facies successions outcrop in the west,<br />

whereas the shallow-water facies sequences in<br />

the east, indicating the east to the west retreat<br />

of the Neo-Tethys Ocean. The retreat of the<br />

Neo-Tethys Ocean in the east was contributed<br />

to the earlier tectonic uplift of the eastern<br />

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The uplift process of<br />

the Plateau from the Late Cretaceous to<br />

Pliocene is described as follows: During the<br />

Late Cretaceous, tectonic uplift of the<br />

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau occurred in the<br />

northeastern part and the configuration of the<br />

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was characterized by<br />

rise in the northeast and depression in the west.<br />

In the Paleocene-Eocene interval, the<br />

Tengchong-Baingoin and Kuyake-Golmud<br />

areas experienced local tectonic uplifting, the<br />

West Kunlun uplift zone broadened easterly,<br />

the Qilian uplift zone broadened southerly,<br />

and the Songpan-Garz ê uplift zone shrank<br />

easterly. The Oligocene configuration of the<br />

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was characterized by<br />

mountain chains rising along its margins and<br />

sedimentary basins in the central part because<br />

of tectonic uplifts of the Gangdisê and the<br />

Himalaya blocks. Meanwhile, the Kunlun-<br />

Altyn-Qilian uplift zones have also broadened<br />

southerly and northerly. In contrast, the great<br />

uplift zones of the Gangdisê, the Himalaya,<br />

the Karakorum, and the Kunlun blocks<br />

characterize the paleogeographic contours of<br />

the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during the Miocene-<br />

Pliocene. Additionally, the<br />

thermochronological data on tectonic uplift<br />

events in southern Tibet, West Kunlun<br />

Mountains, Altyn Tagh, eastern Tibet, and<br />

western Sichuan all suggest that the most<br />

intense deformation occurred at 13-8 Ma and<br />

since 5 Ma, respectively, corresponding to two<br />

great uplift periods in Neogene. As a result,<br />

turnover of paleogeographic configuration of<br />

the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau occurred during the<br />

Neogene, experiencing a change from high<br />

contours in the east in the pre-Oligocene to<br />

high contours in the west at the end-Pliocene.<br />

The uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during<br />

the Cenozoic was episodic, and the uplifts of<br />

various blocks within the Plateau were<br />

spatially and chronologically different.<br />

2009020599<br />

基 于 地 化 参 数 为 基 础 的 Suseocka Bela<br />

Stena 地 区 ( 塞 尔 维 亚 Valjevo-Mionica 盆<br />

地 ) 新 近 纪 湖 底 沉 积 物 的 沉 积 史 =<br />

Sedimentation History of Neogene Lacustrine<br />

Sediments of Suseocka Bela Stena Based on<br />

Geochemical Parameters ( Valjevo-Mionica<br />

Basin, Serbia). ( 英 文 ). Sajnovic A; Simic V;<br />

Jovancicevic B;Cvetkovic O; Dimitrijevic R;<br />

Grubin N. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2008, 82(6):<br />

1201-1212<br />

Sediments of the western part of the<br />

Valjevo-Mionica basin ( Serbia ) were<br />

examined both geochemically and<br />

mineralogically to explain, on the basis of<br />

their sedimentologicai characteristics, the<br />

causes of changes in their qualitative and<br />

quantitative composition. A total of 62<br />

samples obtained from the drillhole at depths<br />

up to 400 m was investigated. Using<br />

correlation of the obtained data, six<br />

geochemical zones were defined, two of<br />

which being specially distinguished by their<br />

mineralogical, geochemical and<br />

sedimentological characteristics. The first one,<br />

upper zone A, consists of banded marlstones<br />

interbedded with clay and oil shales and is<br />

characterized by presence of analcite and<br />

searlesite. These minerals and very high<br />

contents of Na20 indicate sedimentation in<br />

alkaline conditions with increased salinity in<br />

arid climate. That provided pronounced water<br />

stratification, as well as higher bioproductivity<br />


in the basin and sedimentary organic matter<br />

preservation. Therefore, the zone A sediments<br />

are characterized by high organic matter<br />

contents of the type which provides good<br />

potential for production of liquid<br />

hydrocarbons. Another specific zone, zone F,<br />

contains sediments with very high MgO, K2O<br />

and Li concentrations. Their geochemical<br />

correlation, as well as almost complete<br />

absence of illite in this zone, indicates the<br />

presence of interstratified clay mineral type<br />

illite-saponite ( lithium-bearing Mgsmectite).<br />

2009020600<br />

第 四 季 湖 泊 构 造 地 貌 及 其 对 青 藏 高 原 北 部<br />

形 变 的 意 义 = Tectonic Landform of<br />

Quaternary Lakes and Its Implications for<br />

Deformation in the Northern Qinghai-Tibet<br />

Plateau. ( 英 文 ). Wang An; Wang Guocan; Li<br />

Dewei; Xie Defan; Liu Demin. Acta<br />

Geologica Sinica, 2009, 83(1): 121-129<br />

The Hohxil region in the northern Qinghai-<br />

Tibet Plateau is occupied by numerous plateau<br />

lakes, which have long been inferred as being<br />

tectonic products. However, so far little<br />

evidence has been found to support this<br />

tentative inference. Field survey and<br />

morphotectonic analysis of TM satellite<br />

images in the eastern segment of the Hohxil<br />

region revealed that Kusai Lake and Yelusu<br />

Lake are S- shaped pull-apart basins, which<br />

were dominated by left strike-slip master<br />

faults trending WNW-ESE. The pull-apart<br />

distances of the two lakes are analyzed to be<br />

〈15-20 km and 15 km respectively. Based on<br />

studies of the faulting rate, the initiation ages<br />

of the pull-apart basins are suggested to be<br />

approximately in the Early Pleistocene. The<br />

pull-apart basin tectonics is further regarded<br />

as a common mechanism for the widely<br />

distributed large lake basins in the northern<br />

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Regional distribution<br />

of these pull-apart basins and their substantial<br />

intra-block slip suggest that a sinistral shear<br />

stress, which is independent of the<br />

distinguished strike-slip faults, has been<br />

imposed on across the northern Qinghai-Tibet<br />

Plateau. Thus, the intra-block slip may be an<br />

important expression of the eastward extrusion<br />

of the Plateau crustal material in<br />

accommodating the ongoing continentcontinent<br />

convergence between India and<br />

Eurasia. The revelation of pull-apart tectonics<br />

within the Plateau hinterland provides field<br />

evidence and a possible style of deformation<br />

for the newly proposed continuous<br />

deformation by the global positioning system<br />

( GPS ) measurement across the northern<br />

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. A model, with respect<br />

to systematic tectonic landform development,<br />

for pull- apart basins is finally proposed.<br />


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