Mullins Mainsail - Vol. 9, No. 2 - Apr 2012 - Florida Society of ...

Mullins Mainsail - Vol. 9, No. 2 - Apr 2012 - Florida Society of ...

Mullins Mainsail - Vol. 9, No. 2 - Apr 2012 - Florida Society of ...


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The <strong>Mullins</strong> <strong>Mainsail</strong><br />

Newsletter <strong>of</strong> the William <strong>Mullins</strong> Colony<br />

GSMD in the State <strong>of</strong> <strong>Florida</strong><br />

Editor: Paul Pardee papardee@gmail.com<br />

<strong>Vol</strong>ume 09. <strong>No</strong>.02<br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il <strong>2012</strong><br />

New Colony Officers<br />

At our Colony meeting on February <strong>2012</strong>, members witnessed the transition <strong>of</strong><br />

the new <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the William <strong>Mullins</strong> Colony. From left to right are Vice<br />

Governor Ruth Shauger, Secretary/Historian Jessie Brabham, Captain John<br />

Pardee, Colony Governor Richard Sumner, Elder Charles Day, <strong>Society</strong> Vice<br />

Governor Kenneth Carter, and Treasurer Ron Dailey.<br />

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Hear Ye Hear Ye!<br />

The State Board <strong>of</strong> Assistance Meeting will be held on <strong>Apr</strong>il 21 st , <strong>2012</strong> at 9:00am.<br />

The address <strong>of</strong> this meeting is 3405 South <strong>Florida</strong> Ave 33803 Lakeland, <strong>Florida</strong>.<br />

If you are interested in attending this function please contact Richard Sumner at<br />

rls3874@aol.com or at 352-754-8928.<br />

Our next colony meeting is scheduled on<br />

May 05 th , <strong>2012</strong> at 11:00am. Our meeting<br />

place will be at Ocala Elk Lodge #286<br />

located on 706 NE 25 th Avenue, Ocala,<br />

<strong>Florida</strong>, 34478. Their phone number is<br />

352-732-7091. Spouses and relatives are<br />

always welcome to attend.<br />

Our guest speaker will be Bruce Mozert,<br />

a photographer who has taken some<br />

beautiful pictures at Silver Springs in<br />

Ocala.<br />

Colony Officers <strong>of</strong> <strong>2012</strong>-2014 term<br />

Colony Governor: Richard Sumner II<br />

Colony Vice Governor: Ruth Shauger<br />

Secretary: Jessie Brabham<br />

Treasurer: Ron Dailey<br />

Historian: Jessie Brabham<br />

Elder: Charles Day<br />

Counselor: Open<br />

Captain: John Pardee<br />

Directors:<br />

1# Ruth Howard<br />

2# Barbara Lonas<br />

Junior Membership: Open<br />

For lunch, the lodge will be serving: chicken cordon Bleu, fish, twice baked<br />

potatoes, tossed salad, grilled vegetables and peach cobbler for $12.50 per<br />

reservation.<br />

Meeting reservations must be made before May 01 st . If you would like to attend,<br />

please notify colony treasurer Ron Dailey at 352-871-8863. His address is 1121<br />

SW 98 th Street, Gainesville, <strong>Florida</strong>.<br />

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More Pictures from our February Meeting<br />

State Deputy Governor, Ken Carter, swears in the<br />

new <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the William <strong>Mullins</strong> Colony.<br />

State Deputy Governor<br />

Ken Carter<br />

Colony First Lady<br />

Barbara Sumner<br />

State Deputy Governor Ken Carter<br />

with new Colony Governor<br />

Richard Sumner<br />

Colony members Shirley Ferris and DorrisWarren<br />

Colony member Ruth Howard reading the<br />

Mayflower Compact<br />

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New Colony <strong>of</strong>ficers’ at the head table

Susan Lee McCoy<br />

12/7/1943 - 4/2/<strong>2012</strong><br />

Susan Lee (Baden) McCoy, (class <strong>of</strong> ’63) age 68 <strong>of</strong> Hamilton, VA died <strong>Apr</strong>il 2, <strong>2012</strong><br />

surrounded by her loving family. Born on December 7, 1943 in Washington, DC she is the<br />

daughter <strong>of</strong> Winfield and Vivian Baden. Susan was a member <strong>of</strong> the Daughters <strong>of</strong> the<br />

American Revolution and the Mayflower <strong>Society</strong>. She enjoyed spending time with her<br />

grandchildren, gardening, doing genealogy, line dancing, horseback riding, and walking.<br />

Susan and Mike had just moved back from <strong>Florida</strong> to Loudoun County and were living<br />

with their daughter in Hamilton.<br />

Susan was predeceased by her mother Vivian Baden. She is survived by her loving husband<br />

George Michael (Mike) McCoy, <strong>of</strong> Hamilton, VA; son Jeffrey Michael McCoy, <strong>of</strong><br />

Lovettsville, VA; daughters Terry Jo Crosser <strong>of</strong> Hamilton, VA; Jennifer Lee Greene <strong>of</strong><br />

Lincoln, VA; her father Winfield Baden <strong>of</strong> Palmyra, VA; three brothers Robert Baden <strong>of</strong><br />

Palmyra, VA; John Baden <strong>of</strong> Palmyra, VA; Richard Baden <strong>of</strong> Front Royal, VA; and four<br />

grandchildren Genna Crosser, Kelsey Greene, Haley Crosser, and Faith Crosser and many<br />

nieces and nephews.<br />

A graveside service will be held on <strong>Apr</strong>il 9, <strong>2012</strong>, 2:00 p.m. at Ebenezer Cemetery, 20421<br />

Airmont Road, Bloomfield, VA with Pastor Gary Smith <strong>of</strong>ficiating. The graveside service<br />

will be followed by fellowship at the Leesburg Church <strong>of</strong> the Nazarene.<br />

Memorial contributions can be sent to Leesburg Church <strong>of</strong> the Nazarene, 17667 Roxbury<br />

Hall Road Leesburg, VA 20175 or to Hamilton Elementary PTA, 54 South Kerr Street,<br />

Hamilton, VA 20158.<br />

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Colony Minutes<br />

The William <strong>Mullins</strong> Colony <strong>of</strong> the Mayflower <strong>Society</strong> met for the Winter meeting on Feb 5,<br />

<strong>2012</strong> at the Ocala Elks Lodge with 27 members and guests present. Vice-Governor Ruth<br />

Shrauger called the meeting to order at 12 noon.<br />

Chaplain Elden Luffman gave the Invocation. Captain elect John Pardee led the Pledge <strong>of</strong><br />

Allegiance to the American Flag and the Salute to the Mayflower Flag.<br />

Director Ruth Howard read the Compact.<br />

VG Ruth Shrauger welcomed members and guests. She introduced new members Ruth<br />

Schlaubach and Sonja Wheelis. Our special guest is State <strong>of</strong> Forida Deputy Governor Ken<br />

Carter <strong>of</strong> Chilton Colony. Also introduced were prospective members Julie Elbert, Nelda<br />

Wagner, Guy White and Sharon Roell. Guests Harold Doddington, Luis Rodriquez , Wayne<br />

Sawyer and Barbara Sumner . Monica Douglas was also recognized. She has been ill and it’s<br />

nice to have her back with us.<br />

Paul Pardee read the Roll Call: Alden 5, Hopkins, Howland <strong>Mullins</strong> 4, Bradford, Brewster,<br />

Chilton, Warren 3, Rogers 2, Doty 1, all others 0<br />

Chaplain Luffman gave the Blessing for a delicious buffet luncheon.<br />

Our Special Guest, <strong>Florida</strong> State Deputy Governor Kenneth Carter installed our new <strong>of</strong>ficers<br />

for <strong>2012</strong>/2014. He used the Rules and parts <strong>of</strong> the Monopoly Board Game as the Theme. The<br />

following Officers were installed:<br />

Colony Governor: Richard Sumner II<br />

Box & Rules<br />

Vice-Governor: Ruth Shrauger Playing Board<br />

Secretary: Jessie Brabham Property Cards<br />

Treasurer: Ron Dailey Monopoly Money<br />

Historian: Jessie Brabham Playing Pieces<br />

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Elder: Charles Day Community Chest<br />

Captain: John Pardee Chance Cards<br />

Counselor:<br />

Open<br />

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Directors: Ruth Howard Houses & Hotels<br />

Barbara Lonas (absent)<br />

DGG Carter acting on behalf <strong>of</strong> State Governor, Reynolds Cushing pronounced the William<br />

<strong>Mullins</strong> Colony Officers duly installed on 5 May <strong>2012</strong>. DGG Carter then presented the new<br />

Colony Governor’s Medallion to Governor Sumner. He will wear it proudly during his 3 year<br />

term and will eventually present to his successor. All the Officers gave their game pieces to<br />

Governor Sumner for safe-keeping in the Monopoly Game Box. A Certificate <strong>of</strong><br />

Appreciation was presented to DGG Carter for an interesting Installation.<br />

Colony Governor Sumner brought the meeting back to order.<br />

Secretary Brabham read the Minutes <strong>of</strong> the Fall meeting. The minutes were approved as read.<br />

She also gave the Historian report. We now have 103 members and 2 dual members. A copy<br />

<strong>of</strong> these 2 reports are attached to these Minutes.<br />

Treasurer- elect Dailey gave the Treasurers report. It will be filed for Audit. Copy is attached<br />

to these Minutes<br />

Secretary Brabham asked if anyone wanted to order a permanent Badge. They will cost<br />

$5.00.<br />

Question <strong>of</strong> Silver books was discussed. Secretary read list <strong>of</strong> various books available at the<br />

Libraries.<br />

Chaplain Luffman told about 12 th Annual Chaplain’s Ceremony being held tomorrow at<br />

Veterans’ Park here in Ocala. The Troop Ship “Dorchester” with 902 on board was<br />

torpedoed. 672 persons perished including the 4 denominational Chaplains. The Chaplains<br />

gave their life vests to others and went down with the ship. This ceremony honors these 4<br />

Chaplains. Chaplain Luffman is responsible for the creation <strong>of</strong> this ceremony 11 years ago.<br />

New Business: A letter from Samson Colony was read. It was to thank us for the startup<br />

Donation from our colony. They also thanked our members who attended their Official<br />

Chartering meeting on 26 October 2011.

Announcements: Our next meeting will be on May 5, <strong>2012</strong> here at the Elks . Webmaster<br />

manager Ron Dailey told <strong>of</strong> the new Calendar on our State website. It will list all meeting<br />

information that is given to him. The next BOA meeting will be held in Lakeland on <strong>Apr</strong>il<br />

21 st at the Avenue Hotel. Deputy Gov. General Ken Carter informed us <strong>of</strong> the State meeting<br />

that will be held in Jacksonville on <strong>No</strong>vember 16 & 17. It is our 75 th Anniversary and should<br />

be a very exciting meeting. The Assistant Governor General, Lea Filson will be our guest<br />

speaker. Ken gave us a short version <strong>of</strong> her biography. There will be some 75 Year<br />

Commemorative Coins for sale at $10.00 each. There will be a Procession <strong>of</strong> Colony Flags at<br />

the opening. Final plans will be divulged at <strong>Apr</strong>il BOA and then printed in the Summer issue<br />

<strong>of</strong> our “FL Pilgrim”.<br />

Webmaster Ron Dailey gave a short talk on the websites. He was asked to take over the<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> Website by the current webmaster Nancy Fodi. He has added a map showing location<br />

<strong>of</strong> the 16 Colonies. Then on first <strong>of</strong> the year, he was asked by General <strong>Society</strong> to take over<br />

the General <strong>Society</strong> Website. He has accepted that position.<br />

Newsletter Editor Paul Pardee informed us that the next Newsletter will be ready by 20 th <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Apr</strong>il. Please send information to him. papardee@gmail.com<br />

Doorprizes were won by Richard Sumner, Betty Overman, Ron Dailey, Julie Elbert, Sonja<br />

Wheelis, Nelda Wagner, Guy White and Elden Luffman.<br />

Secretary Brabham asked permission to put Emails and phone #’s in the new yearbook that<br />

will be published soon. After much discussion and information that this Yearbook stays<br />

within the <strong>Society</strong>, no objections were voiced.<br />

Chaplain gave the Benediction and meeting was adjourned at 2:00.<br />

Jessie Brabham, Secretary<br />

Jessie Brabham<br />

William <strong>Mullins</strong> Colony<br />

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The Pilgrim Pledge.<br />

In the name <strong>of</strong> God, Amen. I pledge myself to hold al<strong>of</strong>t the<br />

lamps <strong>of</strong> civil and religious liberty lighted by the Pilgrims at<br />

Plymouth Rock, to recall and cherish the sacrifices and<br />

struggles made by them for the common good, to study their<br />

lives, deeds, faith, courage, and character, and to draw<br />

inspiration there from, to emulate their spirit to be loyal to the<br />

Flag and institutions <strong>of</strong> the country whose founding was so<br />

greatly aided by their work and wisdom, to do everything<br />

within my power to deserve and preserve the heritage, and at<br />

all times and in all ways to pr<strong>of</strong>it by their Pilgrim example.<br />

(<strong>No</strong>te: We read this at the meetings; if you plan to attend, it would be a<br />

wise idea to print this page for yourself.)<br />

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