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are calling for violence as a way to peace,<br />

are calling for racial superiority as a route to brotherhood<br />

and sisterhood,<br />

are calling for prisons and jails as the journey to freedom and<br />

security.<br />

So maybe Larry Lonchar does, on the basis of laws of the state of Georgia<br />

and the will of the people, deserve to die.<br />

But, I come to you today, in the name of the one who created the heavens<br />

and the earth, who took the raging waters and the terrifying winds, who<br />

stood on the edge of chaos and the abyss, who walked through the valley<br />

of the shadow of death—and feared no evil—who was before the sun was<br />

in the sky by day and before the moon was in the sky by night. This God<br />

said,<br />

“Let there be light.”<br />

And there was light.<br />

Mighty mountains rose up on the flat plains.<br />

Rivers jumped into their channels.<br />

Angels began to sing on high.<br />

And this God, I’m talking about the Great God Almighty—<br />

Jehovah—<br />

Yahweh—<br />

This, our Creator and Redeemer, filled the land with love, drenched the waters<br />

with mercies, filled our bodies and spirits with the image of God.<br />

And then said, “I come on behalf of those who are undeserving.”<br />

The government may help the deserving poor, the model prisoner, the “A+”<br />

student; but the church stands with the undeserving poor.<br />

The business community may help those who have potential to achieve; but<br />

the Body of Christ bends over the Body of the Broken Ones lying in the ditch,<br />

passed out in the gutter.<br />

The greatest heresy of today is the false platitude mouthed over and over<br />

and over again in this city and often in the church:<br />

NO!<br />

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves.<br />

Hospitality to the Imprisoned ˜ 187

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