Exam topics for the oral examination - physics (1st semester)

Exam topics for the oral examination - physics (1st semester)

Exam topics for the oral examination - physics (1st semester)


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Medical Physics and Statistics I.<br />

Topics <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>physics</strong> part of <strong>the</strong> <strong>oral</strong> <strong>examination</strong>, academic year 2012 -2013,<br />

<strong>1st</strong> <strong>semester</strong><br />

Oral <strong>examination</strong> is offered to students directly after <strong>the</strong> 3rd failed attempt. Following a short<br />

preparation, two randomly selected <strong>topics</strong> (one related to <strong>the</strong> lectures, one related to <strong>the</strong><br />

laboratory practicals) is to be presented in a concise and coherent manner.<br />

Lecture <strong>topics</strong><br />

1. Physics as <strong>the</strong> background of diagnostics and <strong>the</strong>rapy (give examples)<br />

2. Defining <strong>the</strong> position of a point particle in Cartesian and polar coordinates<br />

3. The SI system<br />

4. Basic ma<strong>the</strong>matical tools to describe physiological phenomena.<br />

5. Equations describing <strong>the</strong> motion of point particles (motion in 1 dimension, periodic<br />

motion).<br />

6. Distance v time and velocity v time graphs: description and application in motion<br />

analysis.<br />

7. Graphical presentation of physical phenomena: linear, exponential and logarithmic<br />

relationships.<br />

8. Ma<strong>the</strong>matical operations with vectors (adding and subtracting vectors, multiplying a<br />

vector by a scalar, scalar and vector product of vectors) with examples in <strong>physics</strong>.<br />

9. Interpretation of <strong>the</strong> area under <strong>the</strong> graph in <strong>physics</strong> (velocity v time and pressure v<br />

volume graphs)<br />

10. Linear and circular motion of point particles.<br />

11. Newton’s laws.<br />

12. Force and torque.<br />

13. Elastic de<strong>for</strong>mation of solid objects.<br />

14. Work, energy, power.<br />

15. Oscillations: definition and types.<br />

16. Kinematics and dynamics of simple harmonic oscillations.<br />

17. Adding harmonic oscillations. Resolving a general oscillation to harmonic components.<br />

18. Damped oscillations, <strong>for</strong>ced oscillations.<br />

19. Mechanical waves: types, description.<br />

20. Reflection and refraction of sound and <strong>the</strong> interface of two media.<br />

21. Objective and subjective sound intensity.<br />

22. Doppler effect, blood flow velocity measurement based on <strong>the</strong> Doppler effect.<br />

23. Geometrical optics: light refraction, reflection, dispersion, total internal reflection.<br />

24. Optical imaging, properties of <strong>the</strong> image. Types of optical lenses, <strong>the</strong> lens equation.<br />

25. Refraction in <strong>the</strong> human eye, vision defects and <strong>the</strong>ir correction, accommodation.<br />

26. Wave nature of light: interference, diffraction, polarisation<br />

27. Temperature: concept, measurement. Temperature scales.<br />

28. Thermodynamic description of phase changes.<br />

29. Basic parameters and laws describing <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmodynamics of gases.<br />

30. Heat transfer: radiation, convection, conduction. Heat capacity. Pressure, flow velocity,<br />

cross-section in <strong>the</strong> human blood circulation system.<br />

31. Flow of ideal fluids: Bernoulli’s law.<br />

32. Flow of real (viscous) fluids. Laminar and turbulent flow.<br />

33. Non-invasive measurement of arterial pressure.<br />

34. Fick’s first law; what does <strong>the</strong> diffusion coefficient depend on

35. Fick’s second law; interpretation and medical importance.<br />

36. The definition and measurement of osmosis.<br />

37. The medical importance of osmosis.<br />

38. The basic concepts of <strong>the</strong>rmodynamics.<br />

39. The main principles of <strong>the</strong>rmodynamics and <strong>the</strong>ir validity in biological systems.<br />

40. The definition of entropy and its role in <strong>the</strong>rmodynamic equilibrium.<br />

41. Give some examples how <strong>the</strong> enthalpy and entropy changes determine <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong>rmodynamic equilibrium.<br />

42. Kirchhoff’s laws and <strong>the</strong>ir importance.<br />

43. Ohm’s law and its consequences.<br />

44. Power and work of electric current. Heat dissipation.<br />

45. Magnetic effect of electric currents.<br />

46. Interaction between resting charged particles. Electric field strength, Coulomb’s law.<br />

Potential difference (voltage).<br />

47. Work done <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> separation of electric charges. The capacitor.<br />

48. Magnetic interaction.<br />

49. Varying magnetic field and induced electric phenomena.<br />

50. Bioelectrical processes, diagnostic applications.<br />

51. Definition of signal and data.<br />

52. Main types of deterministic and non-deterministic signals.<br />

53. Digitalisation of signals, sampling <strong>the</strong>orem.<br />

54. Frequency spectrum of signals, filtering.<br />

Laboratory practical <strong>topics</strong><br />

1. Calculation and importance of body mass index. Calculation of body surface area.<br />

2. Types of measurement error, possibility <strong>for</strong> elimination.<br />

3. Calculation of mechanical work and power.<br />

4. Work done on a spring.<br />

5. Relationship between grip <strong>for</strong>ce and EMG signal during a short-term manoeuvre.<br />

6. Relationship between grip <strong>for</strong>ce and EMG signal during a fatigue manoeuvre.<br />

7. Adding oscillations. Frequency and spectrum of <strong>the</strong> beat signal.<br />

8. Properties of sound. The dB scale.<br />

9. Characteristic points of <strong>the</strong> electrocardiogram, sections of <strong>the</strong> heart cycle.<br />

10. Evaluation of <strong>the</strong> electrocardiogram (baseline smoothing, determination of <strong>the</strong> heart<br />

rate, QRS amplitude, RR variability, QT/RR ratio).<br />

11. Recording of an electrocardiogram, unipolar and bipolar leads.<br />

Szeged, 2013. 05. 30.<br />

Prof. Ferenc Bari<br />

Professor, Head of Institute

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