Dirty Light - Marko Ciciliani

Dirty Light - Marko Ciciliani

Dirty Light - Marko Ciciliani


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Fig. 1.2: Goethe’s colour wheel<br />

Colour and sound do not admit to being compared together in any way, but both can<br />

be referred to a higher formula. However, they can both be derived, each for itself,<br />

from this higher law. They are like two rivers which have their source in one and the<br />

same mountain, but consequently pursue their way under totally different conditions<br />

in two totally different regions, so that throughout the whole course of both no two<br />

points can be compared. Both are general elementary effects acting according to the<br />

general law of separation and tendency to union, of undulation and oscillation, yet<br />

acting in wholly different provinces, in different modes, on different elementary<br />

mediums, for different senses. 52<br />

1.1.11 Summary<br />

Since Antiquity there has been an unbroken stream of colour-pitch discussion. At no point,<br />

however, has there been any consensus on a particular analogy, although Aristotele’s and<br />

Newton’s colour-pitch theories had a long-lasting influence. Until Goethe’s Farbenlehre all<br />

theories resulted from observations in optics, music-theory, acoustics, but also astronomy or<br />

even alchemy. Up to that point colour-pitch analogies based on synaesthesia as spontaneous<br />

emotional reactions never played a role. Until the first half of the 18 th century the general idea<br />

of colour-pitch analogies was commonly accepted. Only after 1725 critical comments can be<br />

found that questioned the very basic compatibility of the two. The most intense discussion<br />

took place in the 18 th century in France and culminated in Castel’s research. After Castel’s<br />

death in 1757 the discussion in France rapidly faded away and moved to Germany and to a<br />

lesser extent to England.<br />

52 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1810/1951): Farbenlehre, Weimar: Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher<br />

Leopoldia, Schriften zur Naturwissenschaft, Vol.4, 271.<br />


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