Sunshine Coaster - Priscilla's Crochet
Sunshine Coaster - Priscilla's Crochet
Sunshine Coaster - Priscilla's Crochet
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<strong>Sunshine</strong> <strong>Coaster</strong><br />
Materials:<br />
Size 10 crochet cotton thread<br />
<strong>Crochet</strong> hook size 4<br />
Gauge: Rounds 1-3 = about 2" from point to point<br />
<br />
Finished size: About 4 1/2"<br />
<br />
Ch 4, join with a sl st to the first ch to form a ring.<br />
Designed by Priscilla Hewitt<br />
Copyright © 2001 Priscilla’s <strong>Crochet</strong><br />
Round 1: Ch 4 to count as the first dc and the first ch 1, (dc in<br />
the ring, ch 1) 7 times; join with a sl st to the 3rd ch of the beginning<br />
ch 4. (8 dc and 8 ch-1 sps)<br />
<br />
Round 2: Sl st into the first ch-1 sp, ch 3 to count as the first<br />
dc, work 2 more dc in the same ch-1 sp, (ch 3, 3 dc in the next<br />
ch-1 sp) 7 times, ch 1; join with a hdc to the top of the beginning<br />
ch 3 to form the last ch-3 sp. (24 dc and 8 ch-3 sps)<br />
Round 3: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 2 more dc in the<br />
same sp, (3 dc in the next ch-3 sp, ch 3, 3 dc in the same ch-3<br />
sp) 7 times, 3 dc in the same sp as the first dc, ch 1, join with a<br />
hdc to the top of the beginning ch 3 to form the last ch-3 sp.<br />
(48 dc and 8 ch-3 sps)<br />
Round 4: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 2 more dc in the<br />
same sp, ch 1, (3 dc in the next ch-3 sp, ch 3, 3 dc in the same<br />
ch-3 sp, ch 1) 7 times, 3 dc in the same sp as the first dc, ch 1,<br />
join with a hdc to the top of the beginning ch 3 to form the last<br />
ch-3 sp. (48 dc and 8 ch-3 sps and 8 ch-1 sps)<br />
Round 5: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 2 more dc in the<br />
same sp, ch 10, sl st in the 8th ch from hook to form a picot,<br />
ch 3, *(3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in the next ch-3 sp, ch 10, sl st in the<br />
8th ch from hook to form a picot, ch 3* Repeat from * to * 6<br />
times, 3 dc in the same sp as the first dc, ch 1; join with a hdc<br />
to the top of the beginning ch 3 to form the last ch-3 sp.<br />
Round 6: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 2 more dc in the<br />
same sp, ch 1, dc in the next picot, ch 3, sc in the top of the dc<br />
just worked, (dc in the same picot, ch 3, sc in the top of the dc<br />
just worked) 4 times, dc in the same picot, ch 1, skip next ch-3<br />
sp, skip next 3 dc, *5 dc in the next ch-3 sp, ch 1, dc in the next<br />
picot, ch 3, sc in the top of the dc just worked, (dc in the same<br />
picot, ch 3, sc in the top of the dc just worked) 4 times, dc in<br />
the same picot, ch 1, skip next ch-3 sp, skip next 3 dc* Repeat<br />
from * to * 6 times, 2 dc in the same sp as the first dc; join<br />
with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. Fasten off. Weave<br />
in ends.<br />
Happy <strong>Crochet</strong>ing!<br />