2010-2011 HBU Catalog - Houston Baptist University

2010-2011 HBU Catalog - Houston Baptist University

2010-2011 HBU Catalog - Houston Baptist University


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EDSP 5306 Language and Concept Development in Young Children<br />

(Offered also as EDEC 4306/5306, and EDSP 4306.)<br />

EDSP 5311 Diagnostic and Prescriptive Teaching for Exceptional Children<br />

Prerequisites: EDSP 5302 or permission of Dean<br />

Students must be computer literate. (Offered also as EDSP 4311.)<br />

EDSP 5319 Teaching Strategies in Special Education<br />

Prerequisites: EDSP 5302, 5311 or permission of Dean<br />

Students are required to be computer literate. (Offered also as EDSP 4319.)<br />

EDSP 5335 Growth, Abnormalities, Identification, and Evaluation of Early Childhood<br />

Prerequisite: EDSP 5302, 5311 or permission of Dean<br />

Students are required to be computer literate. (Offered also as EDSP 4335.)<br />

EDSP 5336 Instructional Techniques and Assistive Technology for Physically Impaired Learners<br />

Prerequisite: EDSP 5302, 5311 or permission of Dean<br />

Students must be computer literate. (Offered also as EDSP 4336.)<br />

EDSP 5351 Emergent Literacy<br />

Prerequisite: EDUC 5313 or 6302 (or teacher certification)<br />

(Offered also as EDEC 4351/5351, EDRE 4351/ 5351 , and EDSP 4351.)<br />

EDSP 6305 Individual Psychological Evaluation<br />

Prerequisite: EDUC 6304 or permission of the instructor<br />

Review of theory underlying individual ability tests. supervised practice in test administration, scoring, and<br />

interpretation. Skills in report preparation are addressed. The Wechsler scales are emphasized. (Offered also as EPSY<br />

6305 and PSYC 6305.)<br />

EDSP 6315 Practicum in Diagnosis<br />

Prerequisites: permission of the instructor<br />

Each student works under the supervision of a certified Educational Diagnostician for a total of 160 hours.<br />

EDSP 6344 Educational Appraisal of Handicapped Students<br />

Prerequisites: EDSP 5302, 5311, 5335, and 5319 or permission of the Dean<br />

This course is an introduction to appraisal techniques and instruments used to identify the presence or absence of<br />

handicapping conditions. Administration, scoring, interpretation, preparation of written reports and the development of<br />

IEPs will be taught in this course. Students must be computer literate. (Offered also as EPSY 6344.)<br />

EDSP 6345 Advanced Assessment in Special Education<br />

Prerequisites: EDSP 5302, 5311, 5319, 5335, 6305, 6344 or permission of Program Director<br />

This course addresses the explosion of information related to assessment in special education and to the diverse<br />

populations served by special education. It examines advanced assessment techniques currently used by educational<br />

diagnosticians. The course will focus on developing proficiency in the administration and interpretation of instruments<br />

such as the following: The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, the KABC, the Wechsler Achievement Test, the Bender<br />

Gestalt, the Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, the Woodcock Johnson Cognitive Battery, the UNIT, the KABC, Adaptive<br />

Behavior Scales, and the Vineland Social Maturity Scales. Students must be computer literate.<br />


EDUC 2311 Schools and Learning<br />

A study of philosophical, cultural, and psychological constructs as well as ethical principles which influence education,<br />

schooling, and learning. Observation and experience in schools is combined with intensive analyses and applications of<br />

principles from philosophy, sociology, psychology, and ethics (as they apply to education and schooling).<br />

EDUC 3324 Race, Class, and Gender<br />

Prerequisites: WRIT 3303 or 3304<br />

(Offered also as SOCI 3324.)<br />

<strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> <strong>HBU</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> www.hbu.edu/catalog Page 228

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