2010-2011 HBU Catalog - Houston Baptist University

2010-2011 HBU Catalog - Houston Baptist University

2010-2011 HBU Catalog - Houston Baptist University


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PSYC 6343 Personality Assessment<br />

Prerequisites: PSYC/EPSY 6302, PSYC/EPSY 6305, and PSYC 6310 or permission of instructor<br />

This course is an introduction to projective and objective psychological testing techniques used in the evaluation of<br />

people exhibiting mental, emotional, and/or behavioral disturbances. Report writing skills are addressed.<br />


Senior Seminar 4290, 4291, 4292, 4293, 4294, 4295, 4296, 4297, 4298, 4299, 4392, 4294<br />

The purpose of the Senior Seminar is the development of individual initiative and responsibility in addition to skills in<br />

critical thinking and independent study. The seminar is designed to equip the student with the basic tools of research<br />

and with knowledge of significant literature in the field of study. The preparation of a presentational paper is required<br />

as demonstration of analytical and interpretative ability.<br />


SOCI 1313 Principles of Sociology<br />

This survey course is a study of the nature of social relations, social institutions, social processes, and the products of<br />

these relationships. The nature of culture, communications, socialization, mobility, social control and other sociological<br />

concepts are considered.<br />

SOCI 2301 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences<br />

Prerequisites: MATH 1305, 1313 or equivalent.<br />

(Offered also as PSYC 2301.)<br />

SOCI 2311 Schools and Learning<br />

This course does not count toward a sociology major. (Offered also as EDUC 2311 and PSYC 2311).<br />

SOCI 3303 Research Methods<br />

Prerequisites: SOCI 1313, 2301<br />

This course is designed to introduce students to basic research techniques, methods and field experiences in the social<br />

and behavioral sciences. The course emphasizes how researchers collect and analyze information from the conception<br />

of a scientific question to the analysis and interpretation of data. Students will gain practical exposure to current<br />

literature, field observation techniques, interview and survey strategies. The approach of this course is designed to<br />

provide students with analytical skills and experiences with both qualitative and quantitative orientations to research.<br />

(Offered also as PSYC 3303.)<br />

SOCI 3320 Social Change<br />

Prerequisites: SOCI 1313<br />

This course critically examines the most contemporary social issues related to the practice of medicine, educational<br />

reform, and social structures such as mass media, religion, and the political process within a framework of historical<br />

change. This course is designed to develop an awareness, appreciation and critical evaluation of cultural<br />

transformations influencing the social world.<br />

SOCI 3324 Race, Class, and Gender<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

This course helps students to critically examine contemporary social issues related to the various categories of people<br />

in our society. The content of the course will address differences, similarities, functions, conflicts, and the stratification<br />

of social groups based on race, ethnicity, class, and gender. (Offered also as EDUC 3324.)<br />

SOCI 3327 Criminology<br />

Prerequisite: None<br />

This course helps students to critically examine contemporary social issues related to social norms, norm violations,<br />

and social sanctions. Specifically the content of the course will address crime and violence, juvenile delinquency, and<br />

the criminal justice system.<br />

<strong>2010</strong>-<strong>2011</strong> <strong>HBU</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> www.hbu.edu/catalog Page 303

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