A. J. Haklander, P. C. Siegmund, H. M. Kelder
A. J. Haklander, P. C. Siegmund, H. M. Kelder
A. J. Haklander, P. C. Siegmund, H. M. Kelder
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Interannual variability of the<br />
stratospheric wave driving<br />
during northern winter<br />
Alwin J. <strong>Haklander</strong> 1,2<br />
Supervisor: dr. P.C. <strong>Siegmund</strong> 2<br />
Promotor: prof. dr. H.M. <strong>Kelder</strong> 1,2<br />
1 Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)<br />
2 Royal Netherlands Meteorological Office (KNMI)<br />
Chapman Conference on RSCCC<br />
Santorini, Greece, Thu 27 Sep 2007
Intro<br />
• Why is the NH midwinter wave driving<br />
relevant<br />
• How is it quantified<br />
• Which factors determine the observed<br />
interannual variability<br />
“Fundamental causes for interannual variability poorly<br />
understood” (2006 WMO/UNEP Ozone assessment,<br />
SPARC Newsletter 29, July 2007)
Why is the NH midwinter wave<br />
driving relevant<br />
• Planetary waves mainly drive<br />
Brewer-Dobson circulation<br />
(BDC)<br />
• BDC draws ozone-rich air<br />
poleward from the Tropics<br />
• Ozone is long lived in polar<br />
night, so little loss there<br />
• Meanwhile, new ozone<br />
production in the Tropics by<br />
the adjustment towards<br />
photochemical equilibrium<br />
• Therefore, BDC causes net<br />
ozone production in NH winter<br />
(Fusco&Salby,1999)<br />
• Adiabatic compression of air<br />
in downward branch at the<br />
pole yields higher early-spring<br />
temperatures → less PSC’s
Why is the NH midwinter wave<br />
driving relevant<br />
Wave driving ~ Extratropical ozone increase<br />
(Ozone increase)<br />
(Wave driving)<br />
• Strong<br />
correlation<br />
January wave<br />
driving at 100<br />
hPa with<br />
extratropical<br />
ozone column<br />
increase<br />
(Fusco &<br />
Salby, 1999)
Why is the NH midwinter wave<br />
driving relevant<br />
Wave driving ~ Adiabatic heating at high latitudes<br />
• Strong<br />
correlation<br />
Jan-Feb wave<br />
driving at 100<br />
hPa with<br />
Feb-Mar mean<br />
T poleward of<br />
60°N at 50 hPa<br />
(Newman,<br />
2005)<br />
(Wave driving)
How is the wave driving<br />
quantified<br />
• F z = net zonal-mean upward flux of wave activity: F z<br />
(upward component Eliassen-Palm flux F)<br />
• F z is proportional to zonal-mean poleward eddy heat<br />
flux [v*T*], with<br />
v<br />
southerly wind component<br />
T<br />
temperature<br />
[] zonal mean<br />
* deviation from zonal mean<br />
• January-February average of [v*T*] over 40-80°N at<br />
100 hPa (~16 km, lower stratosphere) good measure<br />
of total midwinter wave driving in NH (Austin et al.<br />
How is the wave driving<br />
quantified<br />
• We define H 100 as the January-February<br />
average of [v*T*] over 40-80°N at 100 hPa<br />
(following, e.g., Austin et al., 2003; Newman, 2005)<br />
• ERA-40 reanalysis data for 1979-2002<br />
2.5° × 2.5° lat-lon grid<br />
6-hourly wind and temperature fields<br />
23 levels between 1000 and 1 hPa
How is the wave driving<br />
quantified<br />
• We define<br />
H 100 as the<br />
January-<br />
February<br />
average of<br />
[v*T*] over<br />
40-80°N at<br />
100 hPa
How is the wave driving<br />
quantified<br />
• H 100 ranges<br />
between 11.2 and<br />
19.2 K m/s<br />
• Zonal waves 1-3<br />
account for<br />
>90% of H 100<br />
• Zonal wave 1<br />
dominates the<br />
interannual<br />
Regression<br />
coefficients<br />
Which factors determine<br />
the observed interannual<br />
variability in H 100 <br />
– Variable planetarywave<br />
spectrum at<br />
100 hPa<br />
Perform linear regression<br />
analyses of H 100 with<br />
different wave components<br />
constituting H 100<br />
The sum of regression<br />
coefficients for all<br />
wave components is 1.
Which factors determine<br />
the observed interannual<br />
variability in H 100 <br />
s = zonal wavenumber<br />
→ Zonal-wave 1<br />
dominates the<br />
interannual<br />
variability of the<br />
total wave driving,<br />
primarily its<br />
stationary<br />
component<br />
→ Waves 1+2<br />
account for about<br />
85% of the<br />
interannual<br />
variability (r=0.88)
• Which factors determine<br />
the observed interannual<br />
variability in H 100 <br />
95%<br />
significance<br />
level<br />
[v*T*] poorly defined at lowermost<br />
levels due to extrapolation below the<br />
Earth’s surface<br />
– Variable tropospheric<br />
wave source<br />
Correlation coefficients of<br />
H 100 with [v*T*] averaged<br />
over 20-90°N not significant<br />
in the troposphere.<br />
→ Total tropospheric wave<br />
source probably not a very<br />
important factor
Which factors determine<br />
the observed interannual<br />
variability in H 100 <br />
s = zonal wavenumber<br />
→ Fig. a) Only wave<br />
1,2 components of<br />
H 100 significantly<br />
correlated with the<br />
same component of<br />
the upward wave<br />
activity flux in the<br />
troposphere<br />
→ Fig. b) Wave 4<br />
preferred mode for<br />
breaking of very<br />
long waves in<br />
upper stratosphere
Which factors determine<br />
the observed interannual<br />
variability in H 100 <br />
So far…<br />
→ Most of the interannual variability of the total wave<br />
driving at 100 hPa can be attributed to stationary<br />
wave 1, about 85% to wave 1+2 (r=0.88)<br />
→ Total heat flux at 100 hPa not significantly<br />
correlated with the total heat flux in the troposphere<br />
→ However, a significant coupling between 100 hPa<br />
and the troposphere does exist for the separate<br />
wave-1 and wave-2 components<br />
→ The variability of the total wave driving at 100 hPa<br />
cannot be significantly attributed to the separate<br />
wave-1 and wave-2 components
Which factors determine<br />
the observed interannual<br />
variability in H 100 <br />
Further focus…<br />
Wave 1+2 dominate wave driving<br />
at 100 hPa, both have separate<br />
coupling with troposphere<br />
→ Q: What does this coupling look like in the<br />
meridional plane
• Wave activity is refracted<br />
towards higher index of<br />
refraction<br />
• Stationary wave-1 correlation<br />
maximum ~ coincides with<br />
climatological wave guide
Conclusions<br />
→ Most of the interannual variability of the total wave<br />
driving at 100 hPa can be attributed to stationary<br />
wave 1, about 85% to wave 1+2 (r=0.88)<br />
→ Total heat flux at 100 hPa not significantly<br />
correlated with the total heat flux in the troposphere<br />
→ A significant coupling exists between 100 hPa and<br />
the troposphere for the separate stationary wave-1<br />
and stationary wave-2 components<br />
→ Location of tropospheric stationary-wave 1 source<br />
significantly affects its contribution to wave driving.
Way forward…<br />
→ Analyze the effect of CO 2 doubling on the wave<br />
driving with the MA-ECHAM4 GCM, by comparing a<br />
30-yr doubled CO 2 run with a 30-yr control run<br />
→ Preliminary results:<br />
Highly significant increase of the wave driving<br />
(>12%) in a doubled CO 2 climate:<br />
~25% increase in stationary wave-1 component,<br />
~100% increase in transient wave-5 component.<br />
Stronger heat flux associated with larger zonal<br />
temperature perturbations in the lower stratosphere.<br />
Presented work recently published in ACP:<br />
<strong>Haklander</strong>, A.J., P.C. <strong>Siegmund</strong> and H.M. <strong>Kelder</strong>, 2007: Interannual<br />
variability of the stratospheric wave driving during northern winter.<br />
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 2575-2584.