Feeding At End of Life - Palliative Care
Feeding At End of Life - Palliative Care
Feeding At End of Life - Palliative Care
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- Identify issues around end-<strong>of</strong>-life nutrition.<br />
- Review the ethical challenges involved.<br />
- Learn approaches to discuss options, or lack<br />
there<strong>of</strong> with families.
Nourishment, cultural meaning, family, health, love,<br />
pleasure, taste etc..
Gallagher, R. Vol 57: DÉCEMBER 2011 |<br />
Canadian Family Physician
Cochrane Review 2011 Medically assisted nutrition for<br />
palliative care in adult patients. Good,P et al
Royal College <strong>of</strong> Physicians and Bri4sh Society <strong>of</strong> Gastroenterology. Oral <br />
feeding difficul/es and dilemmas: A guide to prac/cal care, par/cularly <br />
towards the end <strong>of</strong> life. London: Royal College <strong>of</strong> Physicians, 2010.
Gallagher, R. Vol 57: DÉCEMBER 2011 |<br />
Canadian Family Physician
Royal College <strong>of</strong> Physicians 2010.