Controversial Cover Angers Roaches, Old People p.1 - The Beast

Controversial Cover Angers Roaches, Old People p.1 - The Beast

Controversial Cover Angers Roaches, Old People p.1 - The Beast


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<strong>Controversial</strong> <strong>Cover</strong> <strong>Angers</strong> <strong>Roaches</strong>, <strong>Old</strong> <strong>People</strong> <strong>p.1</strong><br />

Special<br />

Inaugural<br />

Ridicule<br />

Issue<br />

page 2-3<br />

If it’s too loud, you’re insane<br />

Polar Bear<br />

Spotted in<br />

Snowdrift<br />

page 6<br />


ACLU CLU<br />

Endorses<br />

New<br />

Handgun<br />

page 12<br />

January 26-February 9, 2005<br />

ISSUE #67<br />



Increased Freedom Exports Lead to Domestic Shortage<br />

It makes sense, really, that most of the media<br />

reaction surrounding George Bush’s inaugural<br />

address doesn’t involve debating<br />

Bush’s points, but actually figuring out what<br />

the hell he really said. This should be<br />

strange, but after four years of this guy I’m<br />

getting used to it.<br />

I’m not sure, but I think there was a time, not<br />

so long ago, when Presidents said stuff and<br />

people came away knowing what had just<br />

happened. You know, “reduce government<br />

waste” or “health care for the children” or<br />

“Saddam has massive stockpiles of Sarin<br />

gas” or some other lie, but a lie you could<br />

hold onto. Now it’s gaseous non-sequiturs<br />

like “exporting democracy.” <strong>The</strong> Bush<br />

administration is so feverishly attuned to the<br />

business mindset that they describe abstract<br />

concepts as manufactured goods. “Spreading<br />

liberty.” It’s not cream cheese, you know.<br />

<strong>The</strong> upshot is that now, after a speech prepared<br />

over three months, Bush’s dad is out<br />

there doing damage control, assuaging foreign<br />

press fears that they’ll be wearing hoods<br />

and getting peed on by Alberto Gonzalez in a<br />

few weeks. I’m still not convinced they’re<br />

wrong.<br />

<strong>The</strong> real problem isn’t that Bush’s vision is<br />

vague, or that it signals an imperialist agenda<br />

that has already been in place for years. It<br />

isn’t even that he’s completely revised his<br />

justification for war in Afghanistan and Iraq<br />

for a proudly amnesiac public, or that he’s<br />

launching his trial run at Iran. <strong>The</strong> real problem<br />

about Bush’s speech is that it simply<br />

isn’t true, and doesn’t make any sense. It’s<br />

100% manure from start to finish. Let’s have<br />

a look:<br />

Across the generations, we have proclaimed<br />

the imperative of self-government,<br />

because no one is fit to be a<br />

master, and no one deserves to be a<br />

slave. Advancing these ideals is the<br />

mission that created our nation.<br />

Not true. Half the nation rode to prosperity<br />

on the backs of slaves. Our much-abused<br />

forefathers all owned them. Clearly they didn’t<br />

have too much trouble with the concept.<br />

Neither does Bush, who is trying to bully his<br />

own party into granting illegals quasi-legal,<br />

second-class status in order to create a new<br />

underclass for cheap, cheap labor. <strong>The</strong>y said<br />

the south would rise again, and they were<br />

right.<br />

So it is the policy of the United States to seek<br />

and support the growth of democratic<br />

movements and institutions in every nation<br />

and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending<br />

tyranny in our world.<br />

Not true. Bush does not oppose tyranny.<br />

America does not oppose tyranny. Military<br />

dictatorships—those that are willing to play<br />

ball—have long been among America’s<br />

favorite business partners. We regularly<br />

attempt to overthrow democratically elected<br />

leaders who are unwilling to sell off their<br />

assets and screw over their people.<br />

If you don’t already know this stuff, you’re<br />

not alone. But your opinion still doesn’t matter.<br />

That kind of information—that is, our<br />

actual national history and not the vague<br />

assemblage of images, sound bites and anecdotes<br />

that most have been led to believe represents<br />

who we are—is a prerequisite to even<br />

forming an opinion that merits consideration.<br />

In the real world, outside the CNN studio,<br />

this habit of displacing weak foreign<br />

leaders and imposing military dictatorships<br />

has gone unabated and has continued full<br />

force under Bush, in Haiti and Venezuela, for<br />

example.<br />

Beyond that, he has been all too happy to tolerate<br />

tyranny in other countries—Pakistan,<br />

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait come to mind, not<br />

to mention most of Africa and South America—especially<br />

when his corporate friends are<br />

doing business there. <strong>The</strong> only reason he<br />

went to war in Iraq was that Hussein refused<br />

to go along, and we just couldn’t manage to<br />

assassinate the guy. Everything else is just<br />

presentation.<br />

America will not impose our own style of<br />

government on the unwilling.<br />

Oh, come on.<br />

2 <strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005<br />

<strong>The</strong> real problem about Bush’s<br />

speech is that it simply isn’t true, and<br />

doesn’t make any sense. It’s 100%<br />

manure from start to finish.<br />

““““““<br />

We felt the unity and fellowship of our<br />

nation when freedom came under attack,<br />

and our response came like a single hand<br />

over a single heart. And we can feel that<br />

same unity and pride whenever America<br />

acts for good, and the victims of disaster are<br />

given hope, and the unjust encounter justice,<br />

and the captives are set free.<br />

<strong>The</strong> “victims of disaster” bit is somewhat<br />

galling after Bush’s reluctance to cough up<br />

aid for the tsunami victims, but that “captives<br />

set free” line is just too much. In reality<br />

we’re building permanent jails in other<br />

countries for the express purpose of keeping<br />

prisoners (“detainees” in terrorspeak) in<br />

them, without counsel or visitation rights, or<br />

even charges, for the very reason that there is<br />

no evidence to support charges against them.<br />

Again: We’re throwing these people in jail<br />

forever, without charging them, without trying<br />

them, just because we can. And, truth be<br />

told, most of us don’t really seem to give a<br />

damn. Discussions about the torture issue<br />

these days seem to hinge on the question of<br />

whether torture works or not, or how it hurts<br />

us in the public relations area, with hardly a<br />

stray thought as to whether it makes us a<br />

clearly evil entity on the world scene.<br />

What kind of asshole can claim to be on a<br />

holy mission to eliminate tyranny while he’s<br />

bbyy AAllllaann UUtthhmmaann<br />

attaching electrodes to your balls? It has<br />

become painfully clear, despite executive<br />

protestations, that torture is a matter of policy<br />

in this administration. <strong>The</strong> denials only<br />

serve to placate those who are most determined<br />

not to know the truth. We have<br />

become a nation that will beat and rape you<br />

before we even know who the hell you are,<br />

and Allawi’s government in Iraq has gladly<br />

followed suit, employing many of the same<br />

people to do the job that Saddam hired.<br />

That’s Bush’s legacy.<br />

History has an ebb and flow of justice, but<br />

history also has a visible direction set by liberty<br />

and the author of liberty.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re’s more meaningful lines than this in<br />

Jabberwocky. <strong>The</strong> speech was awash in<br />

grandiose, sermonic prose, not even tipping<br />

its hat to reality. It was the best indicator yet<br />

that we are all screwed, that we’ve been<br />

conned by a man who has no idea how the<br />

world works, or just doesn’t give a damn.<br />

My point is this: the speech was an embarrassment,<br />

a ridiculous fairytale version of the<br />

world, less nuanced than “Mighty Morphin’<br />

Power Rangers.” Freedom’s on the march,<br />

and tyranny better look out ‘cause God’s on<br />

our side and we’re gonna rain some hot,<br />

flammable freedom on their tyrannical<br />

asses!<br />

<strong>The</strong> Europeans are freaking out, probably<br />

because Bush’s religiofascist rhetoric is really<br />

starting to remind them of someone they’d<br />

just as soon forget, as well as our slavishly<br />

fawning media and woefully misinformed,<br />

panicky public.<br />

And many of the biggest names in that<br />

media, especially those on TV, saw an<br />

entirely different speech, or at least<br />

they got paid enough to fake it. Here’s<br />

what some were saying while the rest<br />

of us were recovering from the ideological<br />

tea-bagging:<br />

<strong>The</strong> hideous Dick Morris, on O’Reilly, said it<br />

was the best speech: “... Since John F.<br />

Kennedy’s and one of the five or sixth greatest<br />

of all time. It was beautiful, it was poetic...<br />

and it articulated a bold new doctrine for<br />

American policy. It was a very substantive<br />

speech.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cleveland Plain Dealer called it “a thematic<br />

symphony keyed to the unalienable<br />

rights of people - the same truths this<br />

nation’s founders held to be self-evident.”<br />

Howard Fineman, not one to be outdone in<br />

Presidential cock-chugging, called the<br />

address “the biggest statement of American<br />

purpose in the world of any President I can<br />

think of. It is Woodrow Wilson on steroids.<br />

It’s big.”<br />

Wow. Wilson on steroids! Just who we need<br />

to straighten this country out.<br />

It’s hard not to be disgusted. We are an<br />

immensely ignorant people being robbed of<br />

our reputation—not to mention our money—<br />

by sociopath leaders with the aid of an obsequious,<br />

pandering press. <strong>The</strong> President<br />

announces a policy of preemptive war<br />

against, say, half the world, based on false<br />

premises and holy appointment, and our<br />

popular media acts like he dropped his pants<br />

and shat diamonds.<br />

Ready for another four years?<br />

Evil Publisher<br />

Paul Fallon<br />

(pfallon@buffalobeast.com)<br />

Just plAin eviL Syndicate<br />

Lee Langenfeld<br />

Craig Robbins<br />

STAFF<br />

Evil Editor-in-Chief<br />

Allan Uthman<br />

(aluthman@buffalobeast.com)<br />

Needs a Mint<br />

Ian Murphy<br />

(ian@buffalobeast.com)<br />

Evil Associate Editor<br />

Chris Crawford<br />

(chris@buffalobeast.com)<br />

Evil News Briefs<br />

Chris Abbey<br />

(cabbey@buffalobeast.com)<br />

Evil Cinema Critic<br />

Michael Gildea<br />

(Michael@buffalobeast.com)<br />

Doesn’t Do Much<br />

Robert Yates<br />

Evil Contributors<br />

Matt Taibbi, N. Sorrenti, Andrew Gullerstien,<br />

Ronnie Roscoe, Donnie Dobovich,<br />

Zoester Frye, Tits Biffle<br />

Evil Illustrators<br />

Jason Youngbluth , James Gielow,<br />

Stephen Notley,<br />

Evil Interns<br />

Some Devry Asshole<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />


INFO CALL PAUL 856-4355<br />

WARNING: This publication contains<br />

profanity and unpopular opinions,<br />

and may inform you. Uptight ninnies<br />

and libel lawyers are advised to put<br />

it down and back away slowly.<br />


100 South Elmwood Ave.<br />

Buffalo, NY 14202<br />

Phone: (716) 856-4355<br />

Fax: (716) 852-4034<br />

Letters to the Editors<br />

should be addressed to:<br />

sic@buffalobeast.com<br />

This Issue’s Confirmation Hearing<br />

Onomatopoeia<br />

““SShhhhhhoooooomm bb--bb--bbooww,, bb--bb--bbooww,, rraatt-ttaattaattaattaattaatt--bboooomm,,<br />

rraattaattaattaatt bboooomm!!””

Devil in a Blue Dress<br />

Nation Delighted by Media Saturation of Unattainable Affluence<br />

I’ve always thought that one of America’s<br />

best selling points was that it<br />

never had a king. If there is one thing<br />

that defines us as a people, as opposed<br />

to all other peoples, it is this fact.<br />

Every other nation in the world has a dozen<br />

or so of those embarrassing chapters from<br />

the past to live down. Not us. <strong>The</strong> moment of<br />

our conception was a rejection of the very<br />

idea of kings. All of that goes out the window<br />

whenever we have a presidential inauguration.<br />

<strong>The</strong> urge to turn the White House into<br />

Buckingham Palace (or, more to the point,<br />

Camelot) is one of the oldest and most<br />

shameful traditions of the media age, but<br />

this disgusting phenomenon always heats to<br />

whiteness during inauguration week, regardless<br />

of what party is ascending to power.<br />

What a splendiferous reception hall! Look at<br />

all the rich and tasty things on the banquet<br />

table! Why, it must be a hundred feet long!<br />

“Paula, set the stage from your perspective,”<br />

gushed serial ass-kisser Wolf Blitzer, as he<br />

threw to Paula Zahn, standing at the inauguration<br />

site, on CNN. “This is a majestic<br />

moment for the entire country!”<br />

We heard about all the majesty; from the<br />

scalloped crab, roasted Missouri quail,<br />

chestnuts and brined root vegetables at the<br />

post-inauguration congressional luncheon<br />

(“Mmm, scalloped crab sounds good,” said<br />

CNN anchor Carol Costello) to the mariachi<br />

band, Cohiba cigars and “buffet tables<br />

loaded with Tex-Mex fare” at the “Black Tie<br />

& Boots” ball the night before (“I feel very<br />

simpatico with the people of Texas,” offered<br />

shameless-hanger-on-in-a-cowboy-hat Rudy<br />

Giuliani) to the elegant inauguration lunch<br />

at Statuary Hall in the Capitol (“It’s majestic,”<br />

repeated the fixated Blitzer. “What a<br />

beautiful hall, for those of our viewers who<br />

have never been inside the U.S. Capitol...”).<br />

And so on and so on. <strong>The</strong>n there was this<br />

Washington Times description of the king<br />

stepping into the courtyard to meet his subjects<br />

at the Boogie Ball:<br />

At 9:30 p.m., Mr. Bush and his wife, first<br />

lady Laura Bush, took the stage with daughters<br />

Jenna and Barbara, and the crowd<br />


Name: Longhorn Salute<br />

Turn-ons: Football, evil, the Book of<br />

Revelations, touch-screen voting<br />

machines, occupying oil-rich nations,<br />

Seasons in the Abyss by Slayer<br />

Turn-offs: Rehnquist’s tracheotomy,<br />

the Congressional Budget Office,<br />

Norwegians, the first amendment<br />

Belle of the Ball?<br />

By now we<br />

all know the<br />

dress and<br />

have seen<br />

the photos,<br />

but what<br />

else<br />

goes<br />

behind<br />

making<br />

the<br />

first<br />

lady<br />

look<br />

how a<br />

first<br />

lady<br />

should?<br />

Satanic Presidential Hand Gesture<br />

How I became <strong>The</strong> <strong>Beast</strong> page 3<br />

Satanic Presidential Hand Gesture:<br />

Well, the fact that there’s a whole clan<br />

of people in Texas hailing Beelzebub<br />

in support of a college football team<br />

shouldn’t really come as much of a<br />

surprise at this point, nor that they<br />

should be present at the locus of global power during Bush’s coronation ceremony.<br />

What surprises me, really, is that they would display me so easily, given<br />

the number of people paid to vet their every action and word. I guess they’re<br />

really devoted to those longhorns—or possibly Satan.<br />

Future Plans: I’ll be appearing on liberal websites around the world for the next<br />

few weeks—I’m fairly certain I’ll be more widely circulated than that old “one-finger<br />

victory salute” video clip. I also hope to awaken doubt in millions of bitter<br />

secularists, spurring their interest in Biblical prophecy.<br />

How I want to be remembered: As the hand gesture that should have tipped<br />

off Christians that maybe they were betting on the wrong horse.<br />

Actual human hair<br />

Standard GOP lobotomy<br />

Convincing life like eyes<br />

Surgically enhanced smile<br />

Victoria’s Secret Service<br />

Kevlar bra<br />

Presidential corset<br />

designed by NASA<br />

Front butt #1, code<br />

named project FUPA<br />

Long sleeves hide tattoo of<br />

Chairman Mao<br />

Wrinkly hands indicate true age<br />

Source: AP<br />

went wild. Mrs. Bush wore a rose silk taffeta<br />

Carolina Herrera ensemble with a Western<br />

touch—a full skirt and bodice resembling<br />

a button-down shirt. Jenna wore<br />

black and white, and Barbara seafoam<br />

green.<br />

“It’s nice to be home,” the president told the<br />

throng. “Or as close to home as you can get<br />

in Washington.”<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, to even louder cheers, Mr. Bush said,<br />

“<strong>The</strong> best decision I ever made was asking<br />

Laura to marry me.”<br />

That Laura would be wearing a rose silk<br />

taffeta Carolina Herrera ensemble with a<br />

Western touch was known in advance. <strong>The</strong><br />

press had been briefed. And with this news,<br />

the press ran and ran. <strong>The</strong> Queen’s inauguration<br />

outfits were a story, a non-sarcastic<br />

story, in almost every paper in the country<br />

last week, to the point where Oscar de la<br />

Renta, the designer of her now-famous “ice<br />

blue” inauguration ceremony ensemble, was<br />

received by the press as though he were a visiting<br />

head of state.<br />

Katie Couric was in the receiving line. “Many<br />

of us forget what’s in the speeches, because a<br />

lot of us are focused on what the first lady is<br />

wearing,” she gushed, as she introduced de la<br />

Renta on her show. “And wait no longer, this<br />

is a gown first lady Laura Bush will wear to<br />

this evening’s inaugural balls. It’s a silvery<br />

blue number designed by Oscar de la<br />

Renta...”<br />

Introducing the designer, she said, “Hi,<br />

Oscar. May I call you Oscar?”<br />

She asked permission, ladies and gentlemen.<br />

Oscar consented.<br />

De la Renta then did his job. <strong>The</strong> playbook<br />

for celebrity suck-up is universal. Like Ange-<br />

bbyy MMaatttt TTaaiibbbbii<br />

“Paula, set the stage from<br />

your perspective,” gushed<br />

serial ass-kisser Wolf<br />

Blitzer, as he threw to Paula<br />

Zahn, standing at the inauguration<br />

site, on CNN. “This<br />

is a majestic moment for the<br />

entire country!”<br />

lo Dundee dutifully telling ESPN at the premiere<br />

of Ali that Will Smith could have been<br />

a top-flight middleweight instead of an actor,<br />

de la Renta pulled out the standard pre-fight<br />

hype: Laura had the “most extraordinary<br />

sort of blue eyes I’ve ever seen in any lady,”<br />

that blue with a little turquoise was the only<br />

possible color for such a specimen, etc., etc.<br />

But Katie just couldn’t get past the name<br />

thing.<br />

“As a designer,” she began, “I have to call you<br />

Mr. De La Renta—as a designer, Mr. De La<br />

Renta...”<br />

“No, please don’t,” said Caesar, refusing the<br />

crown.<br />

“I know, but it’s so weird for me, Oscar,” she<br />

said. <strong>The</strong>n she added: “But, as a designer, is<br />

this really one of the most coveted assignments<br />

you can think of?”<br />

Yes, it was, Oscar agreed. <strong>The</strong> rest of the<br />

press corps seconded the motion. <strong>The</strong> St.<br />

Petersburg Times raved over the “muchtouted<br />

silvery-blue tulle dress,” hyping also<br />

the other inauguration dresses designed by<br />

one Sally Jennings, who once designed a<br />

dress for Adele Graham, wife of Senator Bob<br />

Graham. <strong>The</strong> Graham dress, the Times<br />

noted, was “a white silk chiffon dress with<br />

little triangles along the hem, a subtle clue<br />

that Adele was a Tri Delta.” <strong>The</strong> Atlanta<br />

Journal-Constitution, echoing the brandidentifying<br />

sociopathy of American Psycho,<br />

noted that Laura would attack this political<br />

event by “[slipping] into custom-made Stuart<br />

Weitzman shoes: pearl gray leather D’Orsay<br />

pumps for day and silver lace pumps for<br />

night.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> New York Times, as is its wont, did not<br />

simply baldly kiss Laura’s skirts, but instead<br />

deigned to draw global conclusions from her<br />

dress. In a piece that asserted that “A More<br />

Relaxed Laura Bush Shows Complexity<br />

Under Calm,” the putatively serious journalist<br />

Todd Purdum wrote, “She sits on a red<br />

damask settee in the White House Map<br />

Room... stroking Miss Beazley, her new Scottie<br />

puppy, a tiny feminine form of Roosevelt’s<br />

beloved Fala. Her gray pinstripe<br />

pantsuit is soft and perfectly put together,<br />

and so is she.”<br />

Of course, once this is all over, all of these<br />

news organizations will go back to being<br />

ball-busting crusaders for truth. It only<br />

seems like they’re totally enjoying this little<br />

vacation of kneeling at the altar of fabulousness<br />

and throwing rose petals at a mute<br />

Texas housewife.<br />

<strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005 3

BUFFALO in Briefs<br />

I’ve Fallen and I Can’t<br />

Get Elected<br />

What an exciting time to be<br />

Mayor of Buffalo, especially<br />

with plans of merging the city into<br />

the county moving into high gear.<br />

Naturally, Tony Masiello blasted the<br />

proposed merger plan making the<br />

rounds because it eradicates his job,<br />

despite the fact he’s a member of the<br />

commission which drafted the plan.<br />

Politics is funny like that; a guy will<br />

sit around at the table for almost a<br />

decade with a smile and an approving<br />

nod then turn around and call<br />

the fellows a bunch of assholes. It’s a<br />

mayoral election year. Voters would<br />

be wise to carefully understand what<br />

the candidates think about merging<br />

the city into Erie County and ponder<br />

why a person would want to run for<br />

a job that’s supposed to go the way<br />

of the buffalo. Of course, Byron<br />

Brown and Sam Hoyt don’t want a<br />

merger, at least not before they can<br />

set up shop and enjoy two or three<br />

easy terms. So let’s get down to the<br />

essentials here: First of all, a merger<br />

will take many more years to accomplish;<br />

we’re talking about the coordination<br />

and cooperation between<br />

many layers of bitterly opposed governments<br />

and political players, none<br />

of whom want to lose their jobs: the<br />

Mayor, the Common Council, the<br />

County Executive and the legislature,<br />

the senators and representatives<br />

in Albany, the Governor, and<br />

don’t forget all the judges and<br />

lawyers once the lawsuits get under-<br />

Sky Falling<br />

Four months and counting: Red<br />

Budget, Green Budget, no budget,<br />

who knows what we’ll wind up<br />

with, the Yellow Budget? It’s a complete<br />

mess; a second vote on raising<br />

the sales tax to 9.25%, the third<br />

highest in the nation, came up two<br />

votes shy of the ten it received last<br />

month after the hastily amended<br />

not-so-Red Budget was agreed<br />

upon in a secret meeting and passed<br />

without any review just minutes<br />

before the deadline would have put<br />

the Red Budget into law. <strong>The</strong> state<br />

legislature insists on at least ten<br />

votes before it will consider allowing<br />

the county to raise the tax, but<br />

Giambra is forwarding the measure<br />

to Albany even though it won’t get<br />

voted upon. Joel says he’ll agree to a<br />

.75% increase to 9 cents on the dollar,<br />

but it would mean not sharing<br />

with the city and other county<br />

municipalities, which was a condition<br />

of raising the tax in the first<br />

place.<br />

Now poor Joel will look really bad<br />

firing thousands of county employees<br />

and he’s whining about how<br />

hard he’s working to do what’s<br />

right for the county, and it’s all the<br />

OTHER politicians who are screwing<br />

us over. From a logical standpoint,<br />

what are we supposed to do?<br />

Keep raising taxes and fees until<br />

4 <strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005<br />

Despite lagging in the polls Mayor<br />

Masiello insists “I got mad game!”<br />

way. Yeah, a merger’ gonna happen<br />

real soon, eight years and counting<br />

since the idea was unveiled.<br />

Now as for the mayoral race, that’s<br />

simple: Masiello couldn’t win a<br />

fourth term unless slightly more<br />

than half the electorate is forcibly<br />

lobotomized. A recent poll shows<br />

him losing in a landslide against<br />

every other candidate. His handlers<br />

are already looking for some<br />

unlucky local corporation, foundation<br />

or charity to park his doofus ass<br />

so he can collect a fat paycheck and<br />

shut the hell up. That leaves Sam<br />

Hoyt and Byron Brown to duke it<br />

out, two of the dimmest of dim bulbs<br />

Albany has to offer. Little do they<br />

realize the BEAST is creating our<br />

own perfect candidate using top<br />

secret former Soviet Union brainwashing<br />

technology and our robot<br />

will kick both their asses.<br />

Giambra consults his top advisor<br />

nobody can afford to live here<br />

except county employees? That<br />

would serve ‘em right, they’d all<br />

wake up one day and realize the<br />

only ones left to bleed dry are themselves.<br />

Cuts need to be made, deep<br />

cuts, across the board, painful ones,<br />

yet they must be made if Erie County’s<br />

going to turn its’ horrendous<br />

financial affairs around. And that<br />

can only start from the top down,<br />

not the bottom up. Too bad there’s<br />

nobody out there determined to<br />

right the ship and damn the personal<br />

consequences for doing what’s<br />

needed. Oh well, anyway, nothing<br />

for you to get worked up about, just<br />

be prepared to cough up more of<br />

your hard earned dollars for every<br />

bogus effort to “fix” the problem.<br />

Hometown Zeroes<br />

Two unidentified firemen<br />

found themselves not only<br />

super-embarrassed, but in seriously<br />

deep shit after destroying<br />

a $600,000 fire truck while performing<br />

a demonstration of the<br />

big ladder for a group of<br />

schoolchildren. <strong>The</strong> hush-hush<br />

accident happened way back in<br />

November outside Ladder 10<br />

on Seneca Street and resulted in<br />

only minor injuries to one firefighter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> seventeen-year-old<br />

truck toppled over like a<br />

palsied brontosaurus, and the<br />

investigation concluded that<br />

standard procedures were not<br />

followed. No shit—how hard is<br />

it to pull this off, anyway?<br />

Imagine if that happened<br />

during a real fucking<br />

fire? <strong>The</strong> two<br />

boneheads<br />

responsible<br />

have been suspendedwithout<br />

pay,<br />

pretty<br />

much a<br />

guarantee<br />

Three years after the Homicide<br />

Squad was disbanded and<br />

many, many unsolved murders<br />

later, it’s been resurrected in an<br />

effort to, well, you know, solve<br />

some homicides. It was an<br />

experiment worth trying by a<br />

cash-strapped police department,<br />

but the results are conclusive:<br />

all them murders ain’t<br />

gonna solve themselves. A 21<br />

man (and woman) squad<br />

devoted solely to solving murder<br />

cases gets to start with a<br />

backlog of 31 homicides from<br />

they’ll never be allowed to do<br />

anything again at the station<br />

besides make coffee and order<br />

pizza. <strong>The</strong> boys at Ladder 10<br />

have been duly shamed and<br />

should still be suffering daily<br />

indignities from everyone<br />

about “that time the truck up<br />

and flipped over.” When the<br />

axe inevitably falls on the Buffalo<br />

Fire Department we bet<br />

these guys will beg to be shut<br />

down and transferred immediately.<br />

Flipping over the<br />

fire truck has<br />

been hailed as a<br />

monumental<br />

fuck up<br />

Welcome Back Copper<br />

2004 alone. Hopefully the trails<br />

haven’t gone cold yet. Maybe<br />

it’s the proliferation of all the<br />

“CSI” and “Law And Order”type<br />

television shows that got<br />

to the police brass. <strong>The</strong>y’d prefer<br />

looking cool and being<br />

appreciated, not maligned in<br />

the press all day long. So the<br />

BEAST would like to personally<br />

welcome the Homicide Squad<br />

back from the dead; we hope it<br />

means that less guys are out<br />

writing parking tickets.<br />

Murder, depicted below, is considered by many to be illegal<br />

Hip Hop<br />

Huckster<br />

Proving just how desperate most<br />

Buffalo area businesses really are,<br />

third rate rap star Da’ Franchise and<br />

his entourage blew into town like a<br />

tornado and ran up a massive<br />

$350,000 bill before disappearing<br />

without a trace. Claiming Buffalo is<br />

the rap mecca he always wanted to<br />

visit, Da’ Franchise somehow convinced<br />

recording and production<br />

studios he and his posse were in<br />

town to lay down mad tracks, shoot<br />

a few videos, make a movie, and<br />

film a full blown reality television<br />

show, a grandiose vision simply<br />

(and humbly) dubbed “<strong>The</strong> $4.4 Million<br />

Project.” Who could resist such<br />

a too-good-to-be-true pitch? Not any<br />

of the local music studios (including<br />

Chameleon West), video producers,<br />

and talent agencies. <strong>The</strong> rappers also<br />

took up six rooms and two jacuzzi<br />

suites at the downtown Best Western<br />

and skipped out after running up a<br />

$15,000 tab. <strong>The</strong>y ate like kings for<br />

free, too, courtesy of an embarrassed<br />

West Seneca catering firm out almost<br />

$100,000. “<strong>The</strong>y stayed 10 or 12<br />

[days] and then fled with a tour bus<br />

full of young girls for Boston, I<br />

heard,” said Denis Tripi, manager of<br />

the Best Western.<br />

Talk about livin’ large—these guys<br />

came in and had a blast, recording<br />

beats, shooting videos with choreographed<br />

dancers, renting limos, partying<br />

all over town, nailing all our<br />

hoes, all for free. Damn, now we’re<br />

pissed too! Anyhow, the Buffalo trip<br />

proved inspiring—the Boston Herald<br />

reports that the same wankstas just<br />

pulled the same scam in Beantown,<br />

stiffing another catering firm and the<br />

Residence Inn there for thousands<br />

before taking their “project” on the<br />

road again. Maybe they’re trying to<br />

rack up a $4.4 million bill<br />

Sucks to be<br />

You<br />

One of the dumbest things anyone<br />

can ever do is leave a loaded gun at<br />

home with unattended children. It’s<br />

the first thing they tell you in Parenting<br />

101, a mistake as obvious as<br />

balancing your hairdryer on the<br />

edge of the bathtub. If you’re a<br />

Deputy District Attorney, this<br />

should never be an issue. Unfortunately,<br />

Mark Sacha did leave a<br />

loaded rifle in his closet, and the<br />

kids broke it out on a recent boring<br />

Saturday night and, of course, the<br />

fifteen-year-old accidentally shot his<br />

twelve-year-old sister in the head,<br />

killing her instantly. Two other kids<br />

were in another room. Mom and<br />

Dad were at the hospital where<br />

Grandpa was dying. Talk about a<br />

heavy load of shit. Of course, things<br />

could be worse for Sacha—doesn’t<br />

look like any charges will be filed<br />

for some reason.

Fuzzy Logic<br />

It’s been a big problem for many<br />

years in the public school system:<br />

those pesky regents exams<br />

required for graduation are just<br />

too darn tough for today’s high<br />

school kids. Finally, the Board of<br />

Regents is proposing a plan<br />

which would allow students<br />

who fail by a few points to graduate,<br />

sort of like in the Special<br />

Olympics, where “close enough”<br />

equals a gold medal. <strong>The</strong> proposition<br />

is aimed at helping struggling<br />

school systems (i.e. most of<br />

Buffalo) to boost their numbers<br />

and make teachers and administrators<br />

who can almost, but not<br />

quite, get their students to pass,<br />

look good. In Buffalo the numbers<br />

don’t lie, that is if you can<br />

get the numbers; comparative<br />

studies are hard to come by in<br />

these parts precisely because<br />

they show how pathetic our situation<br />

is. An analysis of state figures<br />

ranking a dozen school districts<br />

in the state with similar<br />

socio-economic makeup ranked Buffalo<br />

number eleven or twelve out of twelve in<br />

categories like test scores, graduation,<br />

spending per pupil, spending per teacher,<br />

etcetera. No surprises there. We think it’s a<br />

damn good idea to dumb it down, shit,<br />

with the Internet and 5000 channels of television<br />

these kids can find the answer to<br />

Many education<br />

experts speculate that<br />

low regional test<br />

scores can be<br />

improved via pointy<br />

hats<br />

anything they need if given enough time<br />

and the proper bandwidth. No wonder so<br />

many American jobs are going to sweltering<br />

foreign shitholes in India and Pakistan,<br />

they either don’t have as many mindless<br />

distractions or just deal with them a shitload<br />

better than we do.<br />

1197 Hertel Avenue<br />

continued on next page idiot<br />

<strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005 5

Wednesday January 26th - 8pm FREE!<br />

Full Treble Stereo<br />

Burn like nero<br />

<strong>The</strong> Next Syphillis<br />

Thursday January 27th - 9pm $TBA<br />

Friday January 28th<br />

8pm<br />

11pm - $5<br />

Last Daysof Radio<br />

Humphrey<br />

Saturday January 29th - 8pm $5<br />

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Thursday February 4th<br />

Emergenza<br />

Friday February 5th<br />

Emergenza<br />

47 East Mohawk Street<br />

855-3931<br />

www.mohawkplace.com<br />

6 <strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005<br />



WMDs not Found, Media <strong>Cover</strong>age Likewise<br />

<strong>The</strong> world little noted, but at some point<br />

late last year the American search for<br />

weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ended.<br />

We will, however, long remember the<br />

doomsday warnings from the Bush administration<br />

about mushroom clouds and sinister<br />

aluminum tubes; the breathless<br />

reports from TV correspondents when the<br />

invasion began, speculating on when the<br />

‘smoking gun’ would be unearthed; our<br />

own failures to deconstruct all the spin<br />

and faulty intelligence.<br />

—New York Times editorial, Jan. 13<br />

<strong>The</strong> timorous admission made by<br />

the White House last week that it had<br />

given up pretending to search for<br />

WMDs in Iraq was an occasion for<br />

much smugness and finger-pointing in<br />

most of the major dailies.<br />

Among the rest of the population,<br />

this laughably tiny news item—I’m<br />

writing this column on Jan. 13, but<br />

by the time this hits the newsstands<br />

on the 26th, it will surely, and<br />

amazingly, have been a dead story<br />

for days—was mainly fodder for<br />

two minutes of office water-cooler<br />

gloating among the anti-Bush<br />

crowd.<br />

It is unrealistic to expect anything<br />

different. In the run-up to the war,<br />

every major daily and television<br />

network in the country parroted<br />

the White House’s asinine WMD<br />

claims for months on end, all but<br />

throwing their panties on stage<br />

the instant Colin Powell showed<br />

what appeared to be a grainy aerial<br />

picture of a pick-up truck to the<br />

U.N. Security Council.<br />

“““<br />

Justice would seem to demand<br />

that a roughly equivalent amount<br />

of coverage be given to the truth,<br />

now that we know it (and we can<br />

officially call it the truth now, because even<br />

Bush admits it; previously the truth was just<br />

a gigantic, unendorsed pile of plainly obvious<br />

evidence). But that isn’t the way things<br />

work in America. We only cover things<br />

around the clock every day for four or five<br />

straight months when it’s fun.<br />

O.J. was fun. Monica Lewinsky was fun.<br />

“America’s New War” was fun—there was a<br />

war at the end of that rainbow. But “We All<br />

Totally Fucked Up” is not fun. You can’t<br />

make a whole new set of tv graphics for “We<br />

All Totally Fucked Up.” <strong>The</strong>re is no obvious<br />

location where Wolf Blitzer can do a<br />

somber, grimacing “We All Totally Fucked<br />

Up” live shot (above an “Operation We All<br />

Totally Fucked Up” bug in the corner of the<br />

screen). Hundreds of reporters cannot rush<br />

to stores to buy special khakis or rain slickers<br />

or Kevlar vests in preparation for “We<br />

All Totally Fucked Up.” <strong>The</strong>y would have to<br />

wear their own clothes and stand, not in<br />

front of burning tanks or smashed Indonesian<br />

hovels, but in front of their own apartments.<br />

That is why we will never get four months of<br />

the truth, to match four months of preposterous<br />

bullshit. <strong>The</strong> business is not designed<br />

for it. It just can’t happen.<br />

Most Americans instinctively understand<br />

this and accept it. Even those people who<br />

are consciously offended by this set of circumstances<br />

accept it. It is as natural to us as<br />

the weather.<br />

However, there are times when this phenomenon<br />

seems to go a little too far. This is<br />

one of those times.<br />

RReeggaarrddiinngg tthhee ffiirrsstt ppooiinntt,, wwhhaatt ccoouulldd<br />

bbee ffuunnnniieerr tthhaann tthhee ssiigghhtt ooff tthhee New<br />

York Times ccaalllliinngg aa ssttoorryy ““lliittttllee nnootteedd,,””<br />

wwhheenn tthhee ppaappeerr iittsseellff oonnllyy ggaavvee tthhee<br />

ssttoorryy 33..55 iinncchheess oonn Page A16!! LLiikkee<br />

aallmmoosstt aallll tthhee rreesstt ooff tthhee ppaappeerrss iinn tthhee<br />

ccoouunnttrryy,, wwhhaatt tthhee Times mmeeaanntt wwaass nnoott<br />

““lliittttllee nnootteedd,,”” bbuutt little covered..<br />

“““<br />

Countless news organizations last week took<br />

the same pathetic, transparently disingenuous<br />

position vis a vis the WMD flap that the<br />

New York Times did in the above passage.<br />

<strong>The</strong> basic media lie—the new lie, not the old<br />

lie—was a two-pronged thing. It went something<br />

like this:<br />

First, Bush admitted there were no WMDs,<br />

but so few people cared that it was “little<br />

noted” around the world. Phrases such as<br />

“quiet conclusion” (CBS News) or “quietly<br />

ended” (USA Today) or “quiet denouement”<br />

(the Virginia Pilot) reinforced this idea that<br />

the story was somehow inherently quiet and<br />

of small import.<br />

Descriptions of the story’s small stature<br />

were usually followed by a similarly quiet<br />

mea culpa. <strong>The</strong>y usually read something<br />

like this: Now that we know the truth for<br />

sure, we media organizations must try to<br />

unravel how it “could have happened”—how<br />

we failed to see through it all, or “deconstruct<br />

all the faulty spin and intelligence,” as<br />

the Times put it.<br />

Regarding the first point, what could be funnier<br />

than the sight of the New York Times<br />

calling a story “little noted,” when the paper<br />

bbyy MMaatttt TTaaiibbbbii<br />

itself only gave the story 3.5 inches on Page<br />

A16! Like almost all the rest of the papers in<br />

the country, what the Times meant was not<br />

“little noted,” but little covered. Amazingly,<br />

only two major dailies in the entire country—the<br />

Washington Post and the Dallas<br />

Morning News—even put the official end to<br />

the WMD search on the front page. <strong>The</strong> rest<br />

of the country’s news organs buried the<br />

story deep in the bowels of their news sections,<br />

far behind Prince Harry’s Nazi suit<br />

and the residual tsunami stuff. And then<br />

they have the balls to turn around and<br />

say this news was “quiet”?<br />

As for the second question—<br />

how it could have happened—I<br />

have an answer. It is an answer<br />

that will not require the convening<br />

of a special symposium at the<br />

Columbia Journalism School, the<br />

commission of a new study by the<br />

Brookings Institution, or a poll by<br />

Poynter. <strong>The</strong> answer is this: You<br />

lied!<br />

It’s really as simple as that. Everyone<br />

knew it was bullshit. I defy Bill<br />

Keller to stare me in the face and tell<br />

me he didn’t know the whole Iraq war<br />

business was a lie from the start.<br />

Whether or not there were actually<br />

WMDs in Iraq is a canard; this was<br />

essentially unknowable at the time. It<br />

was the rest of it that was obviously idiotic,<br />

yet even the pointiest heads in the<br />

business, like the folks at the Times,<br />

swallowed it with a smile.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was the idea that Saddam Hussein,<br />

a secular dictator whose chief<br />

domestic enemies were Islamic fundamentalists,<br />

was somehow a natural<br />

potential ally for bin Laden. <strong>The</strong>re was<br />

the supposition, credulously reported for<br />

months, that if Saddam “disarmed,” we<br />

would back off (we were going in anyway,<br />

everyone could see that; all of the<br />

“inspections” coverage, that whole<br />

drama, was a pathetic fraud). <strong>The</strong>re was the<br />

idea that Bush and Co. were sincerely<br />

moved to grave concern by “intelligence”<br />

about Saddam’s weapons (on the contrary,<br />

there was a veritable mountain of evidence<br />

that the Bush administration was turning<br />

over every couch pillow in Washington in<br />

search of even the flimsiest fig-leaf to stick<br />

on its WMD claims; the source of the WMD<br />

panic was clearly the White House, not Langley<br />

or any other place). <strong>The</strong>re was the idea<br />

that a preemptive invasion was not a revolutionary<br />

idea, not illegal, not an outrage. And<br />

so on.<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem wasn’t a small, isolated ethical<br />

error, like Judith Miller’s Chalabi reporting.<br />

<strong>The</strong> error here was not a mistake of fact. <strong>The</strong><br />

problem was that a central tenet of our system<br />

of news reporting dictates that lies of<br />

consensus will never be considered punishable<br />

mistakes. In other words, once everyone<br />

jumps in the water, a story acquires its<br />

own legitimacy.<br />

And now we get papers like the Times wondering<br />

aloud why they didn’t feel the ground<br />

under their feet. Answer: you jumped in the<br />

water. And you knew what you were doing.

Scores Injured as Landon<br />

Clone Rampages<br />

LOS ANGELES (DP): NBC Executives said<br />

last week that a plan to boost fallen ratings<br />

by bringing back the hit television series<br />

“Highway to Heaven” had been scrapped,<br />

after an attempt to clone beloved actor<br />

Michael Landon ended in tragedy.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Landon Clone had been doing well,”<br />

Said an NBC spokesman. “It was kept in a<br />

storage locker at MGM Studios in Culver<br />

City, and had completed the filming of two<br />

new “Highway” episodes. I can tell you that<br />

the clone was exceedingly well taken care of.<br />

It was fed whipped pumpkins thrice daily,<br />

given regular walks, and had shown no tendencies<br />

toward violence, which is what<br />

makes this situation so difficult for us all.”<br />

Sources say the Landon Clone had developed<br />

a strong bond to co-star Victor French,<br />

who played Landon’s boisterous yet good<br />

natured sidekick, Mark Gordon. When<br />

asked about their relationship, French had<br />

this to say:<br />

“<strong>The</strong> clone would curl up at my feet after<br />

filming had wrapped for the day, and coo<br />

gently. He enjoyed being stroked, and having<br />

verses from the <strong>Old</strong> Testament read<br />

aloud to him. It was like having Michael<br />

back in our lives again, except this Michael<br />

couldn’t tell time or make decisions.”<br />

According to Culver City Police, they<br />

received a frantic phone call Wednesday,<br />

from a key- grip on the MGM lot, who<br />

claimed that the Landon Clone had broken<br />

free and fled the set, and was trying to kick<br />

live birds out of the air.<br />

“I’ve never experienced anything like this in<br />

my twenty years on the force.” Said a<br />

responding officer. “When we arrived we<br />

encountered a nude Landon, screaming<br />

obscenities and turning over picnic tables<br />

full of terrified people. We tried to corral<br />

him, but he had superhuman strength; he<br />

threw us aside like rag dolls.”<br />

Apparently the Landon Clone had become<br />

enraged while shooting a “Highway to Heaven”<br />

scene where ex-police officer Mark Gordon<br />

tried to break up a fight between a<br />

street-tough and a homeless puppeteer,<br />

played by Dick Van Dyke. At the dramatic<br />

climax of the scene, Victor French (Mark<br />

Gordon) was supposed to get hit in the<br />

mouth with lightning as punishment from<br />

God for losing his cool, but the pyrotechnics<br />

misfired, and French’s beard caught fire.<br />

“This was too much for the clone’s fragile<br />

mind to comprehend.” Said French. “He<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

burst out of an emergency exit, and that’s<br />

when this whole nightmarish rampage<br />

began.”<br />

“He was snapping people’s necks like pretzel<br />

rods,” said a visibly shaken MGM Security<br />

Guard. “We tried to take him down with bear<br />

mace, but it had no effect. One of the other<br />

guards managed to get a shot off before Landon<br />

took him, but he caught the bullet in his<br />

teeth. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I<br />

never would have believed it. I hid myself<br />

underneath a van until the coast was clear. I<br />

was damn lucky to escape with my life.”<br />

Landon’s rampage ended tragically when he<br />

climbed a broadcast tower and chewed<br />

through a power line. Hundreds of terrified<br />

onlookers watched as the clone was violently<br />

electrocuted, falling to the ground in a<br />

shower of sparks.<br />

“This is a tragedy which could have been<br />

easily prevented,” said a Culver City Police<br />

spokesman. “NBC should have known better<br />

than to twist nature by resurrecting Michael<br />

Landon for its own selfish devices. It should<br />

be noted that a full investigation is underway.”<br />

“We never thought it would come to this,”<br />

admitted a tearful French. “After Michael<br />

died the first time we had been keeping a<br />

length of dental floss that he used in the<br />

hope that someday, the technology would<br />

exist that would allow us to bring him back<br />

using the DNA from his gum cells. Believe<br />

me; we’re all truly sorry for what has happened<br />

here. <strong>The</strong> idea that cloning Michael<br />

would result in a horrible science fiction<br />

man-beast had never entered our minds,<br />

and be assured, our plans for cloning Lorne<br />

Greene this fall to begin filming on ‘Bonanza<br />

3000’ have also been scrapped.”<br />

Local Hour<br />

Every Friday at 10pm on WHLD 1270 AM<br />

Coming up on<br />

the Elavation<br />

Local Hour:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Landon clone will be most<br />

remembered for killing people<br />

Feb 4.......................................................... Emile “Papa” Lattimer<br />

Feb 11............................................................. Synyer Hanesworth<br />

Feb 18..................................................................... Wendell Rivera<br />

Feb 11................................Maelstrom Percussion Ensemble<br />

Local Musicians: for booking call Brian 390-3494<br />

Music, interviews<br />

and general silliness<br />

Central Park<br />

Grill<br />

2519 Main St., Buffalo<br />

C<br />

PG<br />

“Music & Martinis”<br />

Joe Head<br />

Every Wednesday<br />

a great place to<br />

put your<br />

836-9466<br />

<strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005 7

Pizzeria<br />

3171 Main St.<br />

(Between Molly’s Pub and <strong>The</strong> Steer)<br />

8 <strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005<br />


4PM - 5AM!<br />

838-0800<br />

Pizza& Subs<br />

Get <strong>The</strong>m While <strong>The</strong>y’re Hot!<br />

tiger may be getting a little long in<br />

This the tooth baby, but this tiger will bite<br />

you. Oh yes, he will bite you baby. Ouch!<br />

Don’t be scared momma. <strong>The</strong> tooth isn’t the<br />

only thing of the tiger’s that’s getting longer.<br />

Wait, where are you going? Sometimes the<br />

tiger just gets a little crazy baby. Crazy for<br />

you! Rargh!<br />

This tiger is definitely still on the prowl.<br />

All those young cats won’t know how to treat<br />

a fine lady like yourself. Oh no, not like the<br />

tiger. On our first date we can stop by the<br />

yarn store, to buy a ball of yarn so those<br />

young cats will have something to play with<br />

while this tiger teaches you all about the jungle;<br />

the hills, valleys, foliage and wildlife.<br />

And by wildlife the tiger doesn’t mean crabs,<br />

he means his penis. <strong>The</strong> tiger just wanted to<br />

make that clear. This tiger bought a special<br />

shampoo. Rargh!<br />

This tiger is showing no signs of slowing<br />

down but you have just stopped him dead in<br />

his tracks! God Damn you are sexy! You<br />

deserve the “tiger treatment.” Ouch! Do you<br />

see these whiskers on the tiger’s face? <strong>The</strong><br />

tiger calls that the old flavor saver, so why<br />

don’t you have a seat and the tiger will purr<br />

for you. Sweet Jesus, you are Dee-vine!<br />

What’s that my baby? Oh I see; the hunter<br />

has become the hunted, predator become<br />

prey and you got the tiger in the sights of<br />

Sunday, January 16 th , after a night of drinking,<br />

drugs and “cruising for ‘tang,” <strong>Beast</strong> Art<br />

Director Ian Murphy fell victim to his own<br />

stupidity by drinking from a glass filled with<br />

his own urine.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> really funny part,” claims Murphy, “is<br />

that in my drunken stupor I thought, boy am<br />

I glad I have this full glass of water right next<br />

to me, because I can’t get up.”<br />

Reportedly, the glass had been placed there<br />

by Murphy himself two nights earlier and<br />

did in fact once contain water. <strong>The</strong> crucial<br />

detail Murphy had failed to remember during<br />

the incident was that it had been filled<br />

again not an hour earlier, when he relieved<br />

his bladder.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> really funny part,” claims Murphy,<br />

“was that as I was lying there spinning and<br />

close to a violent bout of vomiting, I had to<br />

pee so bad that I thought ‘boy, am I glad I<br />

have this empty glass to wiz into, because I<br />

can’t get up.’”<br />

“It was a little warm,” admitted Murphy,<br />

who continued to drink from the glass until<br />

morning. “Yeah, I was so drunk and my piss<br />

was so clear that I didn’t even notice until<br />

This Tiger<br />

is Still on<br />

the Prowl<br />

A <strong>Beast</strong> Reader Opinion<br />

BByy BBiillll ““TThhee TTiiggeerr”” DDoonnoovvaann<br />

your love gun. It’s cool baby, pull that trigger<br />

baby, pull it, pull it, pull it, pull it, oh, oh,<br />

wait, wait don’t go.<br />

Did the tiger mention this tiger has a gift<br />

certificate to Applebee’s? You can get what<br />

ever you want, except the surf and turf. And<br />

there might not be enough for dessert. You<br />

won’t need dessert because this tiger has<br />

something much sweeter for you; a whole<br />

night of earth shattering orgasms—the kind<br />

that will make you wonder where you are.<br />

You’ll be in tiger town.<br />

We probably shouldn’t get a lot of drinks<br />

either, because the gift certificate is only for<br />

$25. Not to worry sweet thing, the tiger has<br />

some Nyquil back at his place. <strong>The</strong> tiger<br />

cleaned up a bit; he even polished the head<br />

with a toothbrush, which is something the<br />

tiger saw in a war movie and did because he<br />

thought you would appreciate a clean bathroom.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tiger is fastidious in its cleanliness, the<br />

tiger saw that on another cable channel. <strong>The</strong><br />

tiger also saw an ad for BowFlex. In 6-8<br />

weeks the tiger had that BowFlex and that’s<br />

why the tiger has bad credit and the body of<br />

a Greek god!<br />

As if you needed to ask, this tiger is feelin’<br />

fine and frisky, fit as a fiddle, wanna spread<br />

you wide open and get down in the middle!<br />

Rargh! This tiger is still on the prowl!<br />

<strong>Beast</strong> Art Director Accidentally<br />

Drinks Own Urine<br />

the morning”<br />

stated Murphy<br />

during a briefing<br />

with his<br />

roommate the<br />

next afternoon.<br />

Murphy’s roommate,<br />

who preferred<br />

to remainunidentified,<br />

has asserted,<br />

“Please stop Murphy: Needs a mint<br />

talking about<br />

this; it’s fucking<br />

disgusting; you need help!” Murphy<br />

responded to his roommate’s disgust by<br />

saying, “Oh la-de-da, aren’t you perfect just<br />

because you never drank your own urine<br />

before. <strong>People</strong> are so fucking judgmental. I<br />

need a drink. This is bullshit; I am fucking<br />

out of here!”<br />

Murphy says he hasn’t suffered any noticeable<br />

ill effects from the urine consumption,<br />

but admits, the experience was “pretty<br />

gross,” adding, “I definitely brushed my<br />

teeth pretty hard and used extra Listerine<br />

that morning. Other than that, no big deal. I<br />

just hope my mom doesn’t read this.”

Are You Dyslexic?<br />

Gai feae in tod skeqa fjeoa dpd soewj<br />

diadodf aierokd. Aofaejf oaid jcei zpzzdo<br />

jdjeie apal dofifido zdjjzm eiam dzoz,<br />

fjeifj oadzlk voir dz;lk (adioa it eoa). Ajaei<br />

aopf-rso sfpv, gkes fpdfoe if towp?<br />

“Whaat’sae nefe, medfpeoal paaad tadofer?”<br />

sfeated eokther reprafeafaaevk.<br />

“Bdgadte yhdtc dtan uhe thst yp dhkohtgh,<br />

ytdhk th!”<br />

Yoj yji oyjyjj fjreoia ofeks; oefkdls fjroe m<br />

eofirfj saou rgkor aigj egal, cgorirg gha<br />

brogd ti groir prsr ris fage.<br />

“Wisyd pme Cuurt,” pe dowbadpe, jietion<br />

wawn o fesco f oijew peodkasoley-mdjepelwking<br />

sieklwo ncieodk apfo r ban,<br />

including cough syrup, “ejfoly pwpkere”,<br />

nsjda odlive plue.<br />

Bleps infoe skwee leverdly snetheing lslew<br />

soajr, ghsia woioe skdp—woe koesl deitne.<br />

Shuf oe wej sal eoq jdis ow oirntels,<br />

Tienksmwl ow doe rj slappegnee kof wokal<br />

soc iewsnet ao ekdojwps, hetoh jef<br />

lefksweo:<br />

@. Isiowert jijny oftevefny. Oi shert<br />

posindea, rewop ke sniver weenite os djei<br />

fh ale ow jeutr djs wo eir—her tutlek ke<br />

dooty.<br />

&. Bustresa ki guintry. Yeh fedres trews<br />

ay the Lucite, pointy seft quibly vestrution<br />

new sej Fredonia.<br />

$. Hud eri ashewi zcoz qp. Oag<br />

cnpaighu ch ri fc; wofrfarfhag ajyutf deuc<br />

hciuax axiaucgsec ghaiy ccdh iaegsae giad<br />

ieyghjkdaf iuyg fedora dhau oglingaser aid;<br />

fhawi dufa ifsa ewi fsoap!<br />

Corrections<br />

#. Bi ayugv awf fvn pdoiu. Evi xib xfghb<br />

spgt, vbsoiygh vspseuvh vspiuhbxtu, bsibhb<br />

jbsoitb bhspt jbhgp ghiuekkmc. Opfi fu<br />

ajeu fov vhuuaeh; vuh aoua jfoa oughg jn<br />

vorae auo.<br />

Aie aou vter aoer aprjge vdmanpb g bshut<br />

bnvvvvas urve auhjd v oeg goeghoe fkoe dir<br />

ewi vjeiv—wepgi aeijg vaa apgijl pa kilewojsha.<br />

Poewq ned fornication rfj 3o ak 28 sap<br />

aie adeipad, 2985-2085- fwhue aodp jfirp<br />

as.<br />

Noe akinty riwo jdiaedj kointy djfeo<br />

apdoad poaefja, jwfiw aif, efuohfa irus<br />

vndoejamd soejd. Ei afhfa ghu aopbiap<br />

bgpb, svorfosf spffufu sauhca eodal aid ae<br />

ned tiner dja proboscis fwefiffre. Inertia<br />

dhei fp hew ssiden fhe ince threase fonduptory<br />

clasmar.<br />

Dyslexia office ynam Amamami leak<br />

Sew Forresd how si ticured her<br />

In the January 13 th Issue of Artvoice, the cover headline, “Better Waking Trough<br />

[sic] Chemistry,” is misspelled. <strong>The</strong> headline should read, “No One Gives a Shit<br />

About Snapcase.” <strong>The</strong> <strong>Beast</strong> apologizes for the error.<br />

In the January 17 th issue of Alt Press, the item entitled “Top Ten most Outrageous<br />

Statements of 2004” was stolen in its entirety from the website<br />

mediamatters.org. <strong>The</strong> accompanying graphic appears to be original. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Beast</strong><br />

apologizes for the ethical violation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> secret encoded message to al Qaeda operatives hidden in the text of Matt<br />

Taibbi’s article about Time’s “Person of the Year” issue misstated the address of<br />

the target. <strong>The</strong> correct apartment number is 14. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Beast</strong> apologizes for the<br />

error, especially to the victims’ families.<br />

While Supplies Last!<br />

Pentium/Celeron Computer-from $25<br />

17’ Monitors-$25-$35<br />

(more than 100 to choose from)<br />

Ram/Sdarm/Hard Drives/Parts!<br />

Call John 332-4658, email info@6is9.org<br />

<strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005 9

10 <strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005

WANNA BET?<br />

Pats are Sure Thing BByy RRoonnnniiee RRoossccooee<br />

Hello again my faithful followers, it is I,<br />

Roscoe the magnificent, here once<br />

again to give you the best information in the<br />

sporting world. As you have come to understand<br />

by reading this column, I know more<br />

than anyone in the sports media and I have<br />

the only opinion that matters. This week we<br />

will focus on the Super Bowl, that unofficial<br />

American holiday where everyone lays a<br />

wager or two, hoping to cash in.<br />

Let me begin by explaining that I cannot<br />

possibly help those of you who decide to put<br />

your hard-earned money on a square, strictly<br />

hoping to win on some sort of chance.<br />

Obviously there is no skill required; simply<br />

put, if it is your day you win, if not you lose.<br />

If you feel the need to attempt to prognosticate<br />

the game, I also must give this warning:<br />

don’t do it. <strong>The</strong> reason<br />

is quite simple—you<br />

may think you know<br />

football and you may<br />

think you know how<br />

to bet, but you don’t.<br />

That is where I come<br />

in, you see I DO know<br />

what to do, because I<br />

do know football. I<br />

understand the game<br />

and, quite frankly, I<br />

am Roscoe and I am<br />

the best.<br />

I can only hope I have<br />

gotten through that<br />

thick skull of yours,<br />

and that you comprehend<br />

the greatness of<br />

my word. I need you,<br />

my faithful follower,<br />

to read and follow my<br />

word, because I want<br />

you to be a winner,<br />

just like me.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Super Bowl matches the reigning champion<br />

New England Patriots with the NFC<br />

champion Philadelphia Eagles. Now, it<br />

doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that<br />

the Patriots are good, and they deserve their<br />

standing as favorites in the game. My 10year-old<br />

nephew knows Tom Brady is good<br />

and that the Pats will win. But the key isn’t<br />

just figuring out who will win, it is figuring<br />

out who will win and by how many points.<br />

This is where Roscoe makes a difference.<br />

<strong>The</strong> difference between winning and losing,<br />

the difference between making or delaying<br />

that February mortgage payment—hell, who<br />

are we kidding—the difference between you<br />

staying married or getting divorced will likely<br />

depend on who you pick and where you<br />

lay down your green.<br />

Are you the same guy that knew the Bills<br />

would kill Pittsburgh the last game of the<br />

season? Did you think Peyton Manning<br />

would beat New England a couple weeks<br />

ago? Yeah, I thought that was you. Stop<br />

thinking and just read and listen. I am doing<br />

this to keep domestic violence to a minimum<br />

on Sunday night.<br />

Before we go on there are a few things I<br />

would like to discuss—first of all, this is for<br />

entertainment purposes only. I do not condone<br />

betting, wagering or gambling of any<br />

kind. I just understand there are idiots who<br />

do nothing but decide they are experts and<br />

will call a friend or a bookie and let emotion<br />

play a part and make a stupid decision. Let<br />

me first give the best tip available—don’t do<br />

it. How about putting that $50 or $100<br />

bucks towards the kid’s dentist bill or maybe<br />

giving the ‘98 Neon a must deserved oil<br />

change and some anti-freeze? Here’s a crazy<br />

thought: how about making the child support<br />

payments for once. Ok, now that we<br />

Brady is famous for his ability<br />

to throw a ball<br />

have cleared the air, let’s talk about some<br />

football!!!<br />

<strong>The</strong> early line has the New England Patriots<br />

as a six-point favorite. As soon as they finished<br />

that ass-whupping of Pittsburgh, the<br />

Pats were named favorites. I am here to tell<br />

you that the line will move higher and higher.<br />

<strong>The</strong> official Roscoe line has the Patriots<br />

favored by nine points. Now, my disciples, I<br />

am not predicting a Patriot win by nine<br />

points; I am just stating that is where the<br />

line should be. Why, almighty Roscoe, you<br />

ask, why should they be nine-point<br />

favorites? As I have stated many times<br />

before, that is why I am Roscoe and you are<br />

who you are—because I said so, that is why.<br />

Don’t ask, just listen and do as I say. Hey if<br />

you can get six, or even seven, jump on it<br />

because the public<br />

loves that little wuss<br />

Brady and his robot<br />

coach. And more<br />

important is the fact<br />

that the spread will<br />

move. Also, it should<br />

be noted, despite the<br />

notion that everyone<br />

loves and pulls for the<br />

underdog, when laying<br />

money down more<br />

people bet on the<br />

favorite. So 6 points<br />

on Monday will likely<br />

be 7.5 or maybe even<br />

8 come game day.<br />

And once the spread<br />

becomes two scores,<br />

that’s when you<br />

morons become easy<br />

targets.<br />

Remember, the<br />

Roscoe line is 9<br />

points. It may actually<br />

be higher due to the Eagles star Terrell<br />

Owens’ ankle injury. If he is unable to play<br />

that does add a point or two. But I know<br />

you, and I know once next Sunday hits, you<br />

will all get nervous about giving that extra<br />

half-point. You will begin to over-think and<br />

decide Philly isn’t that bad, they deserve<br />

more credit. Carolina kept it close last year.<br />

You will tell your buddy, “7.5 is a lot of<br />

points, and the Patriots have won 2 Super<br />

Bowls but they won by only 3 points each<br />

time; the game will be close.” Yada, yada,<br />

yada. I can hear you already. “I am sorry,<br />

Mr. Landlord, rent will be a little late this<br />

month because I thought I knew more than<br />

Roscoe.”<br />

In the end, the Patriots will prevail, they will<br />

cover the spread and Roscoe will be a winner.<br />

I know this sounds simple but quite<br />

frankly, unlike most games, it is. <strong>The</strong> Patriots<br />

have the better defense despite missing a<br />

few stars due to injury. <strong>The</strong> biggest difference<br />

comes in the coaching staff. <strong>The</strong> Pats<br />

and their star-studded staff blow away<br />

Philly’s Andy Reid and company. Reid is the<br />

most overrated coach in the league today.<br />

He choked three times in championship<br />

games before this one and if Belichick was<br />

coaching Atlanta last week, he would have<br />

lost four. Brady is just a tad better than<br />

Philly QB Donavan McNabb. McNabb has<br />

the ability to score and could make a game<br />

of it, but the likelihood is that his coach will<br />

make some blunders and hurt his team. Oh,<br />

lets not forget, if the officials have a say, the<br />

Replaytriots always get the calls. I would<br />

love to tell you something really tricky and<br />

insightful, but this one is too easy.<br />

I know you hate them since they gave us<br />

Bledsoe, but if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em.<br />

Final score, New England 27; Philadelphia<br />

15.<br />

<strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005 11




12 <strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005<br />

Inaugural Numbers<br />

$40 Million Cost of entire event<br />

$17 Million Money spent on red white and blue jell-o shots<br />

1 Creepy-voiced tracheotomized Supreme Court Justices in attendance<br />

12 Number of Loritabs Bush twins Jenna and Barbara split<br />

10,000 Number of anti-Bush protesters dismissed by<br />

televised and print media as “unimportant”<br />

9,872 Number of protesters who actually are unimportant<br />

27 Number of times Bush said “freedom” in his address<br />

34 Number of times he attempted to<br />

say “tsunami” before it was dropped<br />

93 Percentage of German<br />

war criminals that think<br />

Laura is “hot stuff”<br />

534 Number of days until Kitty<br />

Kelley will be killed in a small<br />

plane crash<br />

23% Chance that you will read<br />

this bit to the end

SSeeppaarraatteedd aatt bbiirrtthh??<br />

Barbara...<br />

... and a Boxer?<br />

<strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005 13

y Michael Gildea michael@buffalobeast.com<br />

Your Your Guide guide to what What sucks Does and what Not Suck doesn’t on on the silver Silver screen Screen<br />

Assault on Precinct 13 ✪<br />

Here we are. Three weeks into the new year and we<br />

get hit with a unnecessary remake of a cult classic. A<br />

cult classic that, under an objective viewing, wasn’t<br />

that great to begin with.<br />

If you’re unfamiliar with the plot of the original: a<br />

small band of criminals and cops in a soon-to-beclosed-down<br />

precinct are overrun by faceless gang<br />

members who stick it to the man by surrounding the<br />

building and opening fire with silenced weapons at<br />

anything that attempts to make a break for it.<br />

So now, decades later, some unneeded rationale is<br />

added to this zombie premise without the zombies.<br />

Gang members are replaced with rogue cops trying<br />

to kill a mobster (Lawrence Fishburne), sending the<br />

whole thing straight to hell.<br />

If all of these things don’t break the deal for you,<br />

Ethan Hawke is in it. <strong>The</strong> fact that he’s starring with<br />

another commanding black actor in another dirty cop<br />

movie cements my belief that Hawke is only convincing<br />

as the shitty punk ass white boy next to an ebony<br />

monolith that will play the bride to Hawke’s bridesmaid<br />

at the Oscars.<br />

Presuming he can find his way there.<br />

To be honest, I was so distracted by Ethan Hawke<br />

when watching this movie that I couldn’t really get<br />

into it, much less pay attention to it. I kept thinking of<br />

how incredibly stupid he is. I’ve accepted the fact that<br />

he doesn’t wash his hair. I can deal with the fact that<br />

he thinks he’s a really interesting director and a brilliant<br />

author who can only write about an angry and<br />

confused young artist. I’ve come to terms with that,<br />

and I’ve never been happier. But what I can’t get past<br />

is the fact that a donkeydick like Hawke managed to<br />

land a goddess like Uma Thurman, convince her to<br />

have his children, and then cheat on her.<br />

That’s like walking off a $75,000-a-year job on a<br />

whim. I mean, who the hell does that? Especially in<br />

this town.<br />

Long story short, rent the original. Or wipe your ass<br />

with your money and flush it. I don’t care.<br />

14 <strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005<br />

Are We <strong>The</strong>re Yet?<br />

Ten minutes into Are We <strong>The</strong>re Yet, three little words<br />

kept spinning around in my head like a mantra: Fuck<br />

Ice Cube. Fuck him in the ear.<br />

I understand that everything one of my adolescent<br />

heroes does cannot and in all likelihood will not be<br />

just as good as <strong>The</strong> Predator. Torque and both Barbershop<br />

movies have proven this to me and I’m okay<br />

with that.<br />

But Cube’s not even trying anymore. <strong>The</strong> PG rating is<br />

the biggest red flag here. <strong>The</strong> man who once wanted<br />

to slaughter white devils everywhere is now the<br />

organ grinder’s monkey as he entertains their spawn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> black dude who tap-danced for Lawrence Welk<br />

has more street cred than Ice Cube will after dropping<br />

this turd, and I’m pretty sure that poor son of a<br />

bitch is dead by now.<br />

Are We <strong>The</strong>re Yet is nothing more than a Home Alone<br />

rip-off with fewer redeeming qualities, if you can<br />

believe that. At least the smug little bastard in the<br />

Home Alone movies was fighting for his life. <strong>The</strong> rotten<br />

little shits that Ice Cube is babysitting, for some<br />

chick he’s trying to cornhole, are just mean for the<br />

hell of it and no other reason. <strong>The</strong>y should be castrated<br />

and left in solitary for thirty years and beaten<br />

regularly. And so should Ice Cube. <strong>The</strong> only reason I<br />

could think of him doing this movie is that he needs<br />

the money.<br />

Elektra<br />

67<br />

If you’re one of the sorry sons of bitches that saw the<br />

tragedy put onto film known as Daredevil, you know<br />

what a clunky piece of shit it was, and you are also<br />

partially responsible for this awful spin-off.<br />

You brought this on yourself, ass rod.<br />

I don’t know about you, but every time I see Jennifer<br />

Garner, I zoom in on those beady little black eyes,<br />

and once she starts talking (you know it’s going to<br />

happen anyway), she blasts away any vestigial remnants<br />

of sexual attraction that I may or may not have<br />

had for her. <strong>The</strong>n I start thinking of the Canadians on<br />

“South Park.” You know, the ones with the beady eyes<br />

and the flapping heads?<br />

<strong>The</strong> fact that she dates Ben Affleck doesn’t help matters<br />

any.<br />

Elektra doesn’t even make mention to Daredevil or<br />

the only saving grace of that film, Colin Farrell as<br />

Bullseye, who killed Jennifer Garner’s character.<br />

Between this, <strong>The</strong> Punisher, and the upcoming Fantastic<br />

Four film coming out, the comic book movie<br />

scene should finally sputter and die in 2005. Keep<br />

Spider-Man, X-Men, and Batman going. Give <strong>The</strong> Hulk<br />

and Superman one more shot. If they don’t make<br />

good, I won’t stand in the way of their deaths.<br />

But if you feel the same way I do, we have a responsibility<br />

to end the Daredevil/Elektra thing right now. If<br />

anyone ever mentions either film in a favorable manner,<br />

punch them in the head. I don’t care if you have<br />

to chase them down for six city blocks. If you don’t<br />

want to see any more shit like this, you know what<br />

you have to do.<br />

Coach Carter ✪<br />

I can sum up Coach Carter in four words: Wrong<br />

place, wrong time.<br />

You go see a movie about thugs playing basketball in<br />

downtown Buffalo and you’re asking for trouble.<br />

Nothing terrible happened, provided that not being<br />

able to hear a movie can be a good thing.<br />

No, really. I love hearing cell phones go off every thirty<br />

seconds. Have a ten-minute conversation with<br />

Tiny. I don’t mind. Go ahead; I’m sure it‘s important.<br />

Oh, your baby daddy’s on the phone? He’s going to<br />

be on “Cheaters?” Get out! When’s it on? Ask him!<br />

Please, talk to the screen. It’s really going to have an<br />

impact on the plot of the movie. I mean, it always<br />

does when you yell at a horror movie. <strong>The</strong>y can hear<br />

you and they will listen to you.<br />

Yeah, that bitch is pretty fly. I’m not a booty man<br />

myself, but yeah, that would look good with some<br />

cole slaw slapped up on that shit. I’ve never been<br />

freaky with the mayo before, but I’ll give anything a<br />

shot, you know?<br />

That shorty is spending all the child support on her<br />

new man. Let’s go fuck his shit up RIGHT NOW!<br />

White Noise<br />

I can’t decide which is worse, these dull and lifeless<br />

horror movies that work off of a lukewarm plot—the<br />

ones that pretty much sum up the whole story in it’s<br />

snoozeville trailer and try to give you your money’s<br />

worth with a donkey turd of a twist, or the sad bastards<br />

who go and see these things and convince<br />

everyone they happen to come into contact with just<br />

how great it was.<br />

Are they trying to convince us that it was good or is<br />

it themselves, in an effort to rationalize that they really<br />

didn’t just piss away more than eight dollars and<br />

the 300% markup on the popcorn they gave to the<br />

theater.<br />

Run-on sentences aside, White Noise is just another<br />

orbit in the downward spiral that is the modern<br />

American horror movie. Maybe it’s the sort of film<br />

that will be appreciated in fifteen to twenty years on<br />

cable. You know, when nothing else is on and “Yes,<br />

Dear” on UPN loses the coin toss.<br />

I’ll bet that Michael Keaton (the biggest star in this<br />

turkey) is really glad that he stopped doing those<br />

career-ruining Batman movies.

In Good Company ✪<br />

This snoozefest stars Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace,<br />

and Scarlett Johannson, and never fails to bore or<br />

annoy.<br />

Quaid’s a verteran salesman whose company gets<br />

bought out, and his boss (Grace) is half his age. But<br />

things try to get more interesting when his boss<br />

winds up banging Quaid’s daughter.<br />

If this is the kind of shit that Grace is going to quit<br />

“That 70’s Show” for, he shouldn’t turn in his bellbottoms<br />

yet. Bad haircuts and playing the quintessential<br />

dork do not a career move make. And as for Miss<br />

Johannson, what the hell is this? You were on the fast<br />

track with Lost in Translation, and this is what you follow<br />

it up with? Screw you and your It-Girl status, your<br />

glow-in-the-dark dye job, and your mannish walk.<br />

<strong>The</strong> movie’s like week-old bread that no one bothered<br />

to stick in the refrigerator, let alone rewrap. It’s<br />

like a beltsander taken to the side of your head.<br />

Watching infomercials that push pyramid schemes<br />

for three days straight. No sleep.<br />

So yeah, you can expect to hear about it from stupid<br />

people with no taste for weeks to come.<br />

Racing Stripes ✪✪<br />

Remember in Fight Club when Brad Pitt’s character<br />

was working as a projectionist and splicing single<br />

frames of porn into the kids’ movies, and Edward<br />

Norton was narrating it? <strong>The</strong> talking animal movie<br />

with the celebrity voices? Well, this is it.<br />

If you can disconnect Frankie Muniz’s, David Spade’s,<br />

and Steve Harvey’s voices from their faces in your<br />

mind, you may actually enjoy Racing Stripes. Of<br />

course, having a kid nagging you to take them to see<br />

it should be somewhere in the equation.<br />

But then, this is coming from someone who’s a sucker<br />

for animal movies and Animal Planet. Babe is one<br />

of my favorite movies and imagining Dudley Moore<br />

sloshed while recording the narration for <strong>The</strong> Adventures<br />

of Milo and Otis only adds to the film’s already<br />

abundant charm.<br />

Rounding out the cast of Racing Stripes are Dustin<br />

Hoffmann as a donkey, Joey Pants as a pelican and<br />

Snoop Dogg as—you’ll never guess—a dog! Who<br />

could have thought of that?<br />


Saturdays at the Amherst <strong>The</strong>atre<br />

3500 Main Street<br />

834-7655<br />

www.dipsontheatres.com<br />

1/29/05 – DONNIE DARKO: THE DIRECTOR’S CUT (2001/2004)<br />

See writer-director Richard Kelly’s remarkable, disturbing, and provocative vision—the first<br />

real cult film of the 21st Century—as you’ve never seen it before: with new scenes, new special<br />

effects, and new revelations. This will be your only chance to experience DONNIE on a big<br />

screen in Buffalo!<br />

2/5/05 – STREET TRASH: THE DIRECTOR’S CUT (1987)<br />

Writer-producer Roy Frumkes (THE SUBSTITUTE, DOCUMENT OF THE DEAD) will<br />

introduce this extended cut of his cult classic! Roy is the editor-in-chief of Films in Review, the<br />

country’s first film magazine, and he’ll answer questions from the audience. <strong>The</strong> Village Voice<br />

called STREET TRASH “…terrifically crunchy, dirty, and filthy as well as boasting brilliantly<br />

creative special effects.” This film is unrated; it contains sex, nudity, violence, gore, and<br />

buckets of slime! Be warned: it’s as offensive as anything John Waters ever directed!<br />

2/12/05 – EVIL DEAD 2: DEAD BY DAWN (1987)<br />

Before he directed SPIDER-MAN, Sam Raimi set the tone for contemporary horror films with<br />

this slapstick splatterfest loaded with outrageous special effects and starring Bruce Campbell!<br />

You’ve seen it on video and DVD; now see it on a big screen with a screaming audience!<br />

Unrated; contains violence and gore. “Essential viewing for horror buffs.”—Phantom of the<br />

Movies.<br />

2/19/05 – DEAD ALIVE (1992)<br />

Peter Jackson (LORD OF THE RINGS) topped Raimi in the outrageous department with this<br />

New Zealand zombie classic, one of the bloodiest, funniest horror film ever made! Unrated;<br />

contains violence, gore, and dismemberment by lawnmower! “Astonishing, vigorous,<br />

inventively gruesome comedy.”—Leonard Maltin.<br />

2/26/05 – THE EXORCIST (1973)<br />

Forget those lame sequels! Our series concludes with William Friedkin’s adaptation of William<br />

Peter Blatty’s bestseller. Linda Blair and Ellen Burstyn star in one of the scariest films ever<br />

made! Don’t see it alone. Winner of 1973 Oscars for Best Adapted Screenplay and Sound.<br />

Rated R. “<strong>The</strong> film contains brutal shocks, almost indescribable obscenities.”—Roger Ebert<br />

www.slimeguy.com<br />

Is Your Child<br />

•depressed?<br />

•restless?<br />

•easily<br />

distracted?<br />

•stupid?<br />

•whiny?<br />

•ugly?<br />

•fat?<br />

•always<br />

playing?<br />

•annoying<br />

in general?<br />

If you answered yes<br />

to any of these questions<br />

your child may have a serious<br />

medical condition. Ask your<br />

doctor about <strong>The</strong> <strong>Beast</strong>.<br />

subscription@buffalobeast.com<br />

<strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005 15



Wednesday, January 26<br />

Live music.<br />

Alternative Brews …Pro Jam, every week,<br />

Chicago Jack & <strong>The</strong> Marvelous Heptones, 8pm<br />

Broadway Joe’s …One Push Wednesdays: An<br />

evening of skate & snowboarding cinema,<br />

10pm<br />

Buffalo Icon …Darkbuster, Ball Cheese Psychotics,<br />

Clockers, Last Night Revival, 7pm<br />

Classic Roxx …Fillmore, A Thorn For Every<br />

Heart, Drawback, 7pm<br />

Club Infinity …Universal Grille, 7pm<br />

Colored Musicians Club …Art Anderson Big<br />

Band, every Wed, 8-10pm<br />

Comix Cafe …ComedySportz, all improv, hilarious,<br />

8pm, call 835-HAHA for reservations<br />

Cozumel …Open mic w/ Michael Disanto,<br />

every Wed, 10pm<br />

E.B. Green’s …Jackie Jocko, every Wed, 6-<br />

10pm<br />

Elmwood Lounge …Blankface, every Wed,<br />

10pm<br />

Evolution …Universal Grille, every Wed, 7pm<br />

Heroes (Willliamsville) …Karaoke w/ Johnny<br />

Saffire, 9, FREE<br />

McGarret’s …Buffalo’s finest local groove<br />

bands and jam music, $2 Saranacs, 11pm<br />

Merlin’s …Axis of Evil, Demetae, 10pm, free!<br />

Mohawk Place …Full Treble Stereo, Burn Like<br />

Nero, <strong>The</strong> Next Syphilis, 8pm<br />

Nietzsche’s …Miss Vickie, 9pm<br />

Tudor Lounge …Pamela Ryder’s Musicians<br />

Workshop, every Wed, 9pm<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Allen St Bar & Grill …DJ DR No aka Lazy G aka<br />

<strong>The</strong> New Dictator aka Dave G spins garage-soul<br />

punk rock & roll yo.<br />

Club Marcella …Our Showgirls hosted by Ms.<br />

Fanta-See, 1030pm<br />

Faso’s Grateful Bear …Ladies 80’s Night<br />

Frank’s ...Buffalo’s best hip hop weekly:<br />

Underground Hip Hop w/ Biz-e & MC Reginoff,<br />

special guests, 11pm, ladies FREE<br />

Jade Ultra Lounge …Service Industry Night:<br />

Happy Hour 11pm-1am, complimentary food,<br />

DJ’s spin New School Lounge, every week, no<br />

cover, all are welcome to come chill!!<br />

La Luna …E-Love & Don spin rock, brit-pop,<br />

indie, & new wave, 10pm<br />

Mulligan’s …DJ Doug every Wednesday, 10pm<br />

Off <strong>The</strong> Wall …Transmission Indie: Indie Rock<br />

Wednesdays, 10pm-2am<br />

Thursday January 27<br />

Live music.<br />

Broadway Joe’s …Local Live #303:<br />

Closer2Yesterday, Unwelcome Guests, Phantasm,<br />

10pm<br />

Colored Musicians Club …Carol McLaughlin<br />

Band, every Thurs, 8-10pm<br />

Comix Cafe …Mark Matusof, Funny lady Linda<br />

O., call 835-HAHA for reservations<br />

Groove,,,Warlock, Illmatic spin r&b, hip-hop,<br />

and reggae, 10pm<br />

Crocodile Bar …Universal Grille Band, 9pm<br />

E.B. Green’s, Hyatt Regency ... Jackie Jocko<br />

& Joe Peters, every Thurs., 7-11pm<br />

Lafayette Tap Room …<strong>The</strong> Mick Hayes Band,<br />

830pm, free<br />

McGarret’s …<strong>The</strong> finest jazz-jam-funk bands<br />

every week, $2 pints of anything! This Week:<br />

Forbidden Trio 11pm<br />

Merlin’s …Trailer Park Mafia, <strong>The</strong> Inebriates,<br />

Great Mistake, 10pm<br />

Nietzsche’s …Nigel, South of Nowhere, Hanabi,<br />

930pm<br />

Mohawk Place …Tommy Stinson, Mark Norris,<br />

9pm<br />

Royal Pheasant …<strong>The</strong> Vibe Collective w/ <strong>The</strong><br />

Waz, Crittendon, & Rozler, 10pm, free<br />

Tralf …Hot Tuna, 8pm<br />

Tudor Lounge …Jony James every Thurs, 8pm,<br />

FREE<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Blu Lounge …Freeform: Guest DJs (rock, hip<br />

hop, indie, house, drum n bass & more), 10pm<br />

Club Marcella …Ladies Night Thursdays, drag<br />

kings & queens perform @ 930 & 1130pm<br />

Continental …Retro Thursdays (upstairs),<br />

10pm<br />

Frank’s …METAL NIGHT. <strong>The</strong> only one in the<br />

city. Stoner Metal Sandy throws down the<br />

grind. 11pm<br />

Groove,,,Warlock, Illmatic spin r&b, hip-hop,<br />

and reggae, 10pm<br />

658 Lounge …Last Minute DnB: drum n bass,<br />

10pm, free<br />

New World Record …DJ Zuk, soundscapes for<br />

the mind, every week 8-10pm<br />

Opium Lounge … Depeche Mode vs.<br />

Kraftwerk: Back 2 the 80’s w/ DJ Mike Parker,<br />

vintage tunes, huge patio, 10pm<br />

Roxy’s Green Room …Bassline Thursday with<br />

Soul Disciples (jazzy grooves, classic disco,<br />

house anthems, trip hop), 10pm (21+)<br />

Third Room …DJs Chief and Chris (old school,<br />

new school, and underground hip hop), every<br />

Thurs, 10pm<br />

Friday, January 28<br />

Live music.<br />

Alternative Brews …JJ Swing Big Band, 6pm<br />

Anchor Bar …Jimmy Gomes and <strong>The</strong> Jazz<br />

Example w/ vocalist Dodo Green, every Fri,<br />

10pm<br />

Broadway Joe’s …Shaky Stage, <strong>The</strong> Ducinals,<br />

TBA, 10pm<br />

Club Infinity …Cock Robin Tsunami Benefit,<br />

doors @7pm<br />

Comix Cafe …Mark Matusof, Funny lady Linda<br />

O., call 835-HAHA for reservations<br />

Continental …Metal Show: My Lost Lenore,<br />

Where She Wept, Fireborn, Endface, South of<br />

Nowhere, 9pm<br />

E.B. Green’s, Hyatt Regency …Jackie Jocko<br />

& Joe Peters, every Fri, 6-10pm<br />

Kabob & Curry …Worldly Improvisations of<br />

Purnima, great Indian food, 6pm<br />

Kleinhans …Mark Isham<br />

Jade Ultra Lounge …Friday Happy Hour w/<br />

live jazz, funk, and soul bands every week from<br />

5-9pm<br />

Lafayette Tap Room …Ron Locurto CD<br />

Release Party w/ 3 bands, 930pm<br />

McGarret’s …Rogue Science, 11pm<br />

Merlin’s …Steam Donkeys, FREE, 7-10pm /<br />

Todd Eberwine Band, Blue Rocket Trio, 11pm<br />

Mohawk Place …Willie & <strong>The</strong> Reinhardts,<br />

730pm / 50 Amp Fuse, Last Days of Radio,<br />

Humphrey, 11pm<br />

Nietzsche’s …Blood of Jupiter, Irving Klaws,<br />

1030pm<br />

O Restaurant and Lounge … <strong>The</strong> Latin Jazz<br />

Project, 630-1030pm, FREE<br />

Pearl Street Grill …Strictly Hip, 10pm<br />

Shadow Lounge & Restaurant …Buffalo’s<br />

only piano bar & lounge featuring Lyn Cala &<br />

friends, 630-1030pm<br />

Showplace <strong>The</strong>atre …STEMM, Syxsycsycos,<br />

Confirmed Kill, Vacancy, Armed Response,<br />

630pm<br />

Soos’s Cafe …<strong>The</strong> Maniacs play the music of<br />

the Grateful Dead, 10pm<br />

Soundlab …Missing Planes, Exit Strategy,<br />

L’Dorado, 9pm<br />

Tudor Lounge …Dan Harper, <strong>The</strong> Designated<br />

Hitters, every Fri, 6pm, free / Sing t Ming<br />

Karaoke, 11pm<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Blu Lounge …Freestyle Fridays: Funk, soul,<br />

indie rock, breaks, 80’s, and anything else to<br />

get you moving, 11pm<br />

Club Marcella …DJ Doogie & Charles Masters<br />

(dance music) on the main floor; Joe the D<br />

(hip-hop, R&B) in the VIP room, 10pm<br />

Continental …Goth/Alt/Indie/DJ (upstairs),<br />

11pm<br />

Frank’s …Rewind Fridays hosted by Biz-E, with<br />

guest DJ’s spinning underground beats, 11pm<br />

Jade …JADE 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY: w/ legendary<br />

funky house duo EAST COAST BOO-<br />

GIEMEN, don’t miss the party!! @10pm<br />

O Restaurant and Lounge …DJ Skoobie, every<br />

Fri, 1130pm<br />

Off <strong>The</strong> Wall …Rotating trip-hop, hip-hop,<br />

and abstrakt DJ’s. Come chill in Buffalo’s most<br />

unique retro-cafe-bar-restaurant-chill-space.<br />

11pm<br />

16 <strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005<br />

Opium Lounge …Latin Fridays: salsa,<br />

merengue, bachata, reggaton, 10pm-4am<br />

Prespa …Foundation: Every Friday featuring<br />

deep house, downtempo, electro, & brokenbeat<br />

in a casual sophisticated lounge setting,<br />

10pm<br />

658 Lounge …Funky Fresh Fridays: Breaks all<br />

night from DJ’s citra, devious, and special<br />

guests, 11pm, 18+<br />

Sphere …Ladies Night, Ladies Free, 11pm<br />

Saturday January 29<br />

Live music.<br />

Alternative Brews …John Rochelle, 2pm /<br />

Bittersweet Rose, 9pm<br />

Broadway Joe’s …THE ENIGMA, Anal Pudding,<br />

Anger Soil, Legbas Assassin, Chloroform Coulier,<br />

Z Mann Zilla, <strong>The</strong> Worlds Largest Trio, 930pm<br />


RELIEF: Terry Sullivan, Jinxed, Molotov Cocktail,<br />

Alison Pipitone, Queen City Nights, Stay<br />

Lows, Standard of Living, La Cacahouette, 7pm<br />

Club Infinity …Shania Twin: Tribute to Shania<br />

Twain, doors @7pm<br />

Comix Cafe …Mark Matusof, Funny lady Linda<br />

O., call 835-HAHA for reservations<br />


ARY 28TH there is<br />

cause for celebration.<br />

Or, at least in<br />

our case, an excuse<br />

to go out and get<br />

wasted. JADE ULTRA<br />

LOUNGE (199 Deleware<br />

@Chippewa)<br />

celebrates its 1 Year<br />

Anniversary, and to<br />

make the party even<br />

bigger they have<br />

legendary DC funkyhouse<br />

duo the EAST COAST BOOGIEMEN, who’re known world-wide<br />

for being great DJ’s, producers, and raging partiers. You’ll want to get<br />

there by midnight for the free champagne toast ya mooch.<br />

Continental …Digital Geist, AKP, Burn Like<br />

Nero, 10pm<br />

E.B. Green’s, Hyatt Regency …Jackie Jocko<br />

& Joe Peters, every Sat, 7-11pm<br />

Elmwood Lounge …Lance Diamond Show,<br />

every Sat, 11pm-3am<br />

Lafayette Tap Room …Smokin Joe Kubeck w/<br />

Bnois King, 930pm<br />

Merlin’s …My Last Heartbreak, Hanabi, <strong>The</strong><br />

Russions, 11pm<br />

Mohawk Place …Lakeside Fall, 8pm / Whiskey<br />

Daredevils, Bloody Hollies, Ghettoways, 11pm<br />

Nietzsche’s …Tinsley Ellis Blues Band, 9pm<br />

O Restaurant and Lounge …David Kane Quartet,<br />

every Sat, 7-10pm, FREE<br />

Pokey Joe’s Club Bar …Blues Matinee hosted<br />

by Brent & the Accuratones, 2-6pm<br />

Razzberri’s …<strong>The</strong> Feast, 9pm<br />

Shadow Lounge & Restaurant …Buffalo’s<br />

only piano bar & lounge featuring Joe the Carnival<br />

Clown & friends, 700-10pm<br />

Soos’s Cafe …Moonrock plays the music of<br />

<strong>The</strong> Beatles, <strong>The</strong> Hip, Phish, Stones, and Dylan,<br />

10pm<br />

Tudor Lounge …<strong>The</strong> Clockers, <strong>The</strong> Inebriates,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Flour City Knuckleheads, Global Descent,<br />

10pm<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Allen St. Hardware Cafe …Sick & Tone Atlas:<br />

Jazz soul and hip-hop sprinklings, every week<br />

@ 11pm<br />

Blu Lounge …House music. Techno music.<br />

DJ’s Aeon & Josh Waxum, 11pm<br />

Club Marcella …Cruzin Saturdays, live house<br />

trance techno with DJ Mighty Mic, 10pm<br />

Continental …Alternative Dance CDJ<br />

(upstairs), 11pm<br />

Groove …College Night (R&B, hip hop, reggae),<br />

10pm, 18+<br />

Mulligan’s Brick Bar …DJ College, every Sat,<br />

10pm<br />

Off <strong>The</strong> Wall …Rotating trip-hop, hip-hop,<br />

and abstrakt DJ’s. Come chill in Buffalo’s most<br />

unique retro-cafe-bar-restaurant-chill-spot.<br />

11pm<br />

Prespa …Structure: house, breaks, electro, &<br />

electric beats in a lounge setting, DJ Scotty<br />

deja blu. 2 for 1 pints after 2am.<br />

Rendezvous …Jubei, Kei, & Spectre, midnight<br />

Sphere …Live to Air with Wild 101.1 DJ Noodles<br />

on the main floor, Lil Joe in the front<br />

lounge, 18+ to enter, 11pm<br />


Steppin Out Sounds (Reggae, Dancehall,<br />

Roots) w/ DJ Universal, Tony Vibes, & Mr. Woo,<br />

2 nd drink free!, 10pm<br />

Utopia …Sexy Saturdays w/ Jon Boesche, 9pm<br />

Sunday, January 30<br />

Live music.<br />

Albright Knox …Barry Harris<br />

Crocodile Bar …Strictly Hip plays the music of<br />

Tragically Hip, 9m<br />

HSBC Arena …Yanni Sucks, 8pm<br />

Merlin’s …Open mic w/ Lana & Mike Hund,<br />

every Sun, 10pm<br />

Nietzsche’s …<strong>The</strong> Allen St. Jazz Band, never a<br />

cover charge, 730pm<br />

Tudor Lounge …<strong>The</strong> Jony James Band, every<br />

Sun, 7pm, FREE<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Club Marcella …“Life’s a Drag” hosted by Miss<br />

Understood w/ DJ Frankie, every Sun, 11:30pm<br />

& 1:30am<br />

Le Metro (Elmwood) …”Sunday Skool” deep<br />

house, trip hop, chill-out soul, 11pm<br />

Rendezvous …<br />

Spot Coffee …Dharma Lab spins broken beats<br />

& downtempo, come chill, 8pm<br />

Monday, January 31<br />

Live music.<br />

Broadway Joe’s …Greenlight Booking presents<br />

Indie Night, 10pm<br />

Elmwood Lounge …Clopex plays every Monday,<br />

930pm, FREE<br />

Merlin’s …Karaoke w/ Billy-Oke, every Mon,<br />

10pm<br />

McGarret’s …Rhubarb, 10pm, FREE<br />

Nietzsche’s …Singer/Songwriter Showcase<br />

830pm / Open Mike with Michael Meldrum,<br />

1030pm<br />

Tuesday, February 1<br />

Live music.<br />

Broadway Joe’s …Open Mic Tuesday w/ Hoaxium<br />

& Stinky Ben, every Tues., 1030pm<br />

Comix Cafe …Dueling Pianos, every week, call<br />

835-HAHA<br />

Merlin’s …No Good Deed, 11pm<br />

Mohawk Place …Big D & <strong>The</strong> Kids Table, Amy<br />

Ryan & the Operatives, Mechatama, Rex Banner,<br />

6pm<br />

Ya Ya’s … Fat Tuesday EVERY Tuesday! LeeRon<br />

Zydeco & the Hot Tamales, Buffalo’s finest oyster<br />

bar, every Tues, 6-9pm<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Allen St Bar & Grill …Chilled Beats, DJs Scotty<br />

and Snackboy spin reggae, dub, downtempo,<br />

underground hip-hop and indie rock, every<br />

Tues, 10pm-3am<br />

Blu Lounge …DJ Two-Ten and DJ E-Rock spin<br />

all that is rock, 10pm, FREE<br />

Jade Ultra Lounge …College Night! 18 to<br />

enter w/ college ID, DJ’s play Top 40 tunes of<br />

all kinds, drink specials to fit your student<br />

budget!! 10pm<br />

Mulligan’s Brick Bar …DJ College, every Tues,<br />

10pm<br />

Wednesday, February 2<br />

Live music.<br />

Alternative Brews …Pro Jam, every week,<br />

Chicago Jack & <strong>The</strong> Marvelous Heptones, 8pm<br />

Broadway Joe’s …One Push Wednesdays: An<br />

evening of skate & snowboarding cinema,<br />

10pm<br />

Club Infinity …Universal Grille, 7pm<br />

Colored Musicians Club …Art Anderson Big<br />

Band, every Wed, 8-10pm<br />

Comix Cafe …ComedySportz, call 835-HAHA<br />

for reservations<br />

Friday February 4th at<br />

<strong>The</strong> Continental 10pm $5/7<br />

Anal Pudding with My Lost<br />

Lenore and Junkbutton<br />

Cozumel …Open mic w/ Michael Disanto,<br />

every Wed, 10pm<br />

Frank’s ...Buffalo’s only hip hop weekly:<br />

Underground Hip Hop w/ Biz-e & MC Reginoff,<br />

special guests, 11pm, ladies FREE<br />

E.B. Green’s …Jackie Jocko, every Wed, 6-<br />

10pm<br />

Elmwood Lounge …Blankface, every Wed,<br />

10pm<br />

Evolution …Universal Grille, every Wed, 7pm<br />

Heroes (Willliamsville) …Karaoke w/ Johnny<br />

Saffire, 9, FREE<br />

McGarret’s …Buffalo’s finest local groove<br />

bands and jam music, $2 Saranacs. 11pm<br />

Merlin’s …Brian Wheat, Tony Derosa, Peter<br />

Burakowski, 10pm<br />

Nietzsche’s …Pat Kane & Friends, 9pm<br />

Tudor Lounge …Open Mic w/ Geno McManus<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Allen St Bar & Grill …DJ DR No aka Lazy G aka<br />

<strong>The</strong> New Dictator aka Dave G spins garage-soul<br />

punk rock & roll yo.<br />

Club Marcella …Our Showgirls hosted by Ms.<br />

Fanta-See, 1030pm<br />

Faso’s Grateful Bear …Ladies 80’s Night<br />

Frank’s ...Buffalo’s best hip hop weekly:<br />

Underground Hip Hop w/ Biz-e & MC Reginoff,<br />

special guests, 11pm, ladies FREE<br />

Jade Ultra Lounge …Service Industry Night:<br />

Happy Hour 11pm-1am, Complimentary food,<br />

DJ’s spin New School Lounge, every week, no<br />

cover, all are welcome to come chill!!<br />

La Luna …E-Love & Don spin rock, brit-pop,<br />

indie, & new wave, 10pm<br />

Mulligan’s …DJ Doug every Wednesday, 10pm<br />

Off <strong>The</strong> Wall …Transmission Indie: Indie Rock<br />

Wednesdays, 10pm-2am<br />

Thursday February 3<br />

Live music.<br />

Broadway Joe’s …Early Hardcore Show: Psyopus,<br />

Sons of Azrael, Let it Die, From This Day,<br />

Thorax Collapse, 630pm<br />

Colored Musicians Club …Carol McLaughlin<br />

Band, every Thurs, 8-10pm<br />

Comix Cafe …Tim Joyce, ABC’s America’s Funniest<br />

<strong>People</strong>, Christina Knowles, call 835-HAHA<br />

for reservations<br />

Continental …Allentown Music Presents:<br />

Open Mic Night, 9pm<br />

Crocodile Bar …Universal Grille Band, 9pm<br />

E.B. Green’s, Hyatt Regency ... Jackie Jocko<br />

& Joe Peters, every Thurs., 7-11pm<br />

Lafayette Tap Room …<strong>The</strong> Mick Hayes Band,<br />

830pm, free<br />

McGarret’s …<strong>The</strong> finest jazz-jam-funk bands<br />

every week, $2 pints of anything! 11pm<br />

Merlin’s …Mark Webb, Amy Ryan & the Operatives,<br />

10pm<br />

Mohawk Place …EMERGENZA: Round 2, 8pm<br />

Nietzsche’s …Whatsie, <strong>The</strong> In Crowd, 8pm<br />

Royal Pheasant …<strong>The</strong> Vibe Collective w/ <strong>The</strong><br />

Waz, Crittendon, & Rozler, 10pm, free<br />

Tudor Lounge …Jony James every Thurs, 8pm,<br />

FREE<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Blu Lounge …Freeform: Guest DJs (rock, hip<br />

hop, indie, house, drum n bass & more), 10pm<br />

Broadway Joe’s …Psinemataque: Foreign,<br />

classic, and indie films w/ soul n jazz by Sick n<br />

Tone, 1130pm<br />

Club Marcella …Ladies Night Thursdays, drag<br />

kings & queens perform @ 930 & 1130pm<br />

Continental …Retro Thursdays (upstairs),<br />

10pm<br />

Frank’s …METAL NIGHT. <strong>The</strong> only one in the<br />

city. Stoner Metal Sandy throws down the<br />

grind. 11pm<br />

Groove,,,Warlock, Illmatic spin r&b, hip-hop,<br />

and reggae, 10pm<br />

658 Lounge …Last Minute DnB: drum n bass,<br />

10pm, free<br />

New World Record …DJ Zuk, soundscapes for<br />

the mind, every week 8-10pm<br />

Opium Lounge … Depeche Mode vs.<br />

Kraftwerk: Back 2 the 80’s w/ DJ Mike Parker,<br />

vintage tunes, huge patio, 10pm<br />

Roxy’s Green Room …Bassline Thursday with<br />

Soul Disciples (jazzy grooves, classic disco,<br />

house anthems, trip hop), 10pm (21+)<br />

Third Room …DJs Chief and Chris (old school,<br />

new school, and underground hip hop), every<br />

Thurs, 10pm<br />

Anal Pudding spreads its<br />

blend of perv-rock with<br />

two very different bands.<br />

My Lost Lenore delivers<br />

heavy metal masterpieces<br />

with a spectacular female<br />

vocalist/violinist (Lauren<br />

Clifford). Junkbutton originally<br />

rocked Fredonia before moving their gutter rock sound to Buffalo.<br />

Junkbutton also drinks a lot of Miller High Life.<br />

Friday February 4<br />

Live music.<br />

Alternative Brews …Mick Hayes Band, 6pm<br />

Anchor Bar …Jimmy Gomes and the Jazz<br />

Example, every Fri, 10pm<br />

Broadway Joe’s …<strong>The</strong> Lynch Band (featuring<br />

members of Schleigho & moe.), North Park Project,<br />

Uberfunk, Weezing Stubblers, 10pm<br />

Club Infinity …SKA IS DEAD: Streetlight Manifesto,<br />

Voodoo Glow Skulls, MU 330, Cherry<br />

Bing, 7pm<br />

Comix Cafe …Tim Joyce, ABC’s America’s Funniest<br />

<strong>People</strong>, Christina Knowles, call 835-HAHA<br />

for reservations<br />

Continental …Anal Pudding, Junk Button, My<br />

Lost Lenore, Discount Auto Parts, 9pm<br />

E.B. Green’s, Hyatt Regency …Jackie Jocko<br />

& Joe Peters, every Fri, 6-10pm<br />

Jade Ultra Lounge …Friday Happy Hour w/

Saturday February 5th<br />

at Showplace <strong>The</strong>atre 7pm<br />

<strong>The</strong> Voodoo Dollies “Sexorcist”<br />

CD Release Party<br />

<strong>The</strong> finest slut-rock outfit<br />

Western New York has to<br />

offer, <strong>The</strong> Voodoo Dollies<br />

will release their latest cd,<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Sexorcist.” <strong>The</strong> Dollies<br />

recently played in Los<br />

Angeles at the legendary<br />

Dragonfly. This is going to<br />

be one hell of a party. Joining<br />

them on this monumental occasion are: Hanabi, Roach, Pyrolixious<br />

and the critically acclaimed Fold In Half Cat.<br />

live<br />

jazz, funk, and soul bands every week from 5-<br />

9pm<br />

Kabob & Curry …Worldly Improvisations of<br />

Purnima, great Indian food, 6pm<br />

Merlin’s …Steam Donkeys, FREE, 7-10pm /<br />

Flatbed, Jimmy Siv & the Runabouts, Roadhouse<br />

Gypsies, 11pm<br />

Mohawk Place …Willie & <strong>The</strong> Reinhardts,<br />

730pm / EMERGENZA: Round 2, 8pm<br />

Nietzsche’s …LOTUS w/ special guest DJ ZUK,<br />

10pm<br />

O Restaurant and Lounge …<strong>The</strong> Latin Jazz<br />

Project, 630-1030pm<br />

Shadow Lounge & Restaurant …Buffalo’s<br />

only piano bar & lounge featuring Lyn Cala &<br />

friends, 630-1030pm<br />

Showplace <strong>The</strong>atre …Middleman, Mini Motor<br />

Punch, <strong>The</strong> Great Mistake, Floozie, La Cacahouette,<br />

7pm<br />

Soundlab …Nick Castro, <strong>The</strong> Feathers, Tracy<br />

Morrow, 9pm<br />

Tudor Lounge …Dan Harper, <strong>The</strong> Designated<br />

Hitters, every Fri, 6pm, free<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Blu Lounge …Freestyle Fridays: Funk, soul,<br />

indie rock, breaks, 80’s, and anything else to<br />

get you moving, 11pm<br />

Club Marcella …DJ Doogie & Charles Masters<br />

(dance music) on the main floor; Joe the D<br />

(hip-hop, R&B) in the VIP room, 10pm<br />

Continental …Goth/Alt/Indie/DJ (upstairs),<br />

11pm<br />

Frank’s …Rewind Fridays hosted by Biz-E, with<br />

guest DJ’s spinning underground beats, 11pm<br />

Jade …PLUSH Fridays: <strong>The</strong> finest in house<br />

music from Jubei, Ryan Lidell, and special<br />

guests. 10pm<br />

O Restaurant and Lounge …DJ Skoobie, every<br />

Fri, 1130pm<br />

Off <strong>The</strong> Wall …Rotating trip-hop, hip-hop,<br />

and abstrakt DJ’s. Come chill in Buffalo’s most<br />

unique retro-cafe-bar-restaurant-chill-space.<br />

11pm<br />

Opium Lounge …Latin Fridays: salsa,<br />

merengue, bachata, reggaton, 10pm-4am<br />

Prespa …Foundation: Every Friday featuring<br />

deep house, downtempo, electro, & brokenbeat<br />

in a casual sophisticated lounge setting,<br />

10pm<br />

Sphere …Ladies Night, Ladies Free, 11pm<br />

Saturday February 5<br />

Live music.<br />

Alternative Brews …April Mazzone, 2pm /<br />

TBA, 9pm<br />

Broadway Joe’s …<strong>The</strong> Darkling Metal Circus:<br />

Darkling, Deathrattle, more tba, 10pm<br />

Buffalo Icon …Staple, Poor Man’s Riches,<br />

Hope Dies Last, <strong>The</strong> Highway Beautiful, 6pm<br />

Club Infinity …Live country music w/ JB<br />

Aaron & Tombstone, 7pm<br />

Comix Cafe …Tim Joyce, ABC’s America’s Funniest<br />

<strong>People</strong>, Christina Knowles, call 835-HAHA<br />

for reservations<br />

Continental …Groundless, Wyld Stallyons, <strong>The</strong><br />

Mind Automatic, Ted Eddison<br />

E.B. Green’s, Hyatt Regency …Jackie Jocko<br />

& Joe Peters, every Sat, 7-11pm<br />

Elmwood Lounge …Lance Diamond Show,<br />

every Sat, 11pm-3am<br />

Lafayette Tap Room …Jim Suhler & Monkey<br />

Beat<br />

Merlin’s …Fogcutter, Vision Serpents, <strong>The</strong><br />

Astroes, 11pm<br />

Mohawk Place …EMERGENZA: Round 2, 8pm<br />

Nietzsche’s …Bob Marley Birthday Celebration<br />

w/ Neville Francis & the Riddim Posse, <strong>The</strong><br />

Dreadbeats, 10pm<br />

O Restaurant and Lounge …David Kane Quartet,<br />

every Sat, 7-10pm, FREE<br />

Royal Pheasant …<strong>The</strong> Forbidden Trio, 10pm<br />

Shadow Lounge & Restaurant …Buffalo’s<br />

only piano bar & lounge featuring Joe the Carnival<br />

Clown & friends, 700-10pm<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Allen St. Hardware Cafe …Sick & Tone Atlas:<br />

Jazz soul and hip-hop sprinklings, every week<br />

@ 11pm<br />

Blu Lounge …House music. Techno music.<br />

DJ’s Aeon & Josh Waxum, 11pm<br />

Club Marcella …”Boys Night Out”, live house<br />

trance techno with DJ Mighty Mic, 10pm<br />

Continental …Alternative Dance CDJ<br />

(upstairs), 11pm<br />

Groove …College Night (R&B, hip hop, reggae),<br />

10pm, 18+<br />

Mulligan’s Brick Bar …DJ College, every Sat,<br />

10pm<br />

Off <strong>The</strong> Wall …Rotating trip-hop, hip-hop,<br />

and abstrakt DJ’s. Come chill in Buffalo’s most<br />

unique retro-cafe-bar-restaurant-chill-space.<br />

11pm<br />

Prespa …Structure: house, breaks, electro, &<br />

electric beats in a lounge setting, DJ Scotty<br />

deja blu. 2 for 1 pints after 2am.<br />

Rendezvous …Jubei, Kei, & Spectre, midnight<br />


Steppin Out Sounds (Reggae, Dancehall,<br />

Roots) w/ DJ Universal, Tony Vibes, & Mr. Woo,<br />

2 nd drink free!, 10pm<br />

Sphere …Live to Air with Wild 101.1 DJ Noodles<br />

on the main floor, Lil Joe in the front<br />

lounge, 18+ to enter, 11pm<br />

Utopia …Sexy Saturdays w/ Jon Boesche, 9pm<br />

Sunday, February 6<br />

Live music.<br />

Broadway Joe’s …Capillary Action, Talibam!,<br />

Achilles, <strong>The</strong> Hue of Two, 730pm<br />

Crocodile Bar …Strictly Hip plays the music of<br />

Tragically Hip, 10pm<br />

Merlin’s …Open mic, every Sun, 10pm<br />

Nietzsche’s …<strong>The</strong> Allen St. Jazz Band, FREE,<br />

730pm<br />

Tudor Lounge ...<strong>The</strong> Jony James Band, every<br />

Sun, 7pm, FREE<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Broadway Joe’s …Tribute to Dave Matthews,<br />

1030pm<br />

Club Marcella …“Life’s a Drag” hosted by Miss<br />

Understood w/ DJ Frankie, every Sun, 1130pm<br />

&<br />

1:30am<br />

Le Metro (Elmwood) …”Sunday Skool” Deep<br />

House, trip-hop, funky soul, 11pm<br />

Rendezvous …<br />

Spot Coffee (Downtown …DJ Flip, Souo Station,<br />

830pm, 1030pm<br />

Monday, February 7<br />

Live music.<br />

Broadway Joe’s …Greenlight Booking presents<br />

Indie Night, 10pm<br />

Buffalo Icon …Bowling For Soup, American<br />

Hi-Fi, Riddlin Kids, MC Lars, 6pm<br />

Coffee Bean Cafe …Mountain Run, John<br />

Martz, 8pm<br />

Elmwood Lounge …Clopex plays every Monday,<br />

930pm, FREE<br />

Merlin’s …Karaoke w/ Billy-Oke, every Mon,<br />

10pm<br />

McGarret’s …Lazlo Hollyfeld plays 2 sets,<br />

every Mon, Buffalo’s hottest Mon night!, 10pm,<br />

FREE<br />

Nietzsche’s …Singer/Songwriter Showcase<br />

830pm / Open Mike with Michael Meldrum,<br />

1030pm<br />

Tuesday, February 8<br />

Live music.<br />

Broadway Joe’s …Open Mic w/ Hoaxium &<br />

Stinky Ben, every Tues, 1030pm<br />

Comix Cafe …Dueling Pianos, every week, call<br />

835-HAHA<br />

Frizzys …Rhubarb, Fat Tuesday, 10pm<br />

Nietzsche’s …Artvoice Mardis Gras Celebration:<br />

bands all day<br />

Ya Ya’s … Fat Tuesday EVERY Tuesday! LeeRon<br />

Zydeco & the Hot Tamales, Buffalo’s finest oyster<br />

bar, every Tues, 6-9pm<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Allen St Bar & Grill …Chilled Beats, Scotty<br />

and Snackboy spin, dub, downtempo, underground<br />

hip-hop, every Tues, 10pm-3am<br />

Blu Lounge …DJ Two-Ten and DJ E-Rock spin<br />

all that is rock, 10pm, FREE<br />

Club Marcella …Mardi Gras Spectacular: Bare<br />

as you Dare, Grand as you Can, <strong>The</strong> finest drag<br />

and costume performances of the year<br />

Jade Ultra Lounge …College Night! 18 to<br />

enter w/ college ID, DJ’s play Top 40 tunes of<br />

all kinds, drink specials to fit your student<br />

budget!! 10pm<br />

Mulligan’s Brick Bar …DJ Fritz, every Tues,<br />

10pm<br />

Wednesday, February 9<br />

Live music.<br />

Alternative Brews …Pro Jam, every week,<br />

Chicago Jack & <strong>The</strong> Marvelous Heptones, 8pm<br />

Broadway Joe’s …Face Down in Mexico City<br />

With an Ice Pick in the Back, Cru Jones, Faultlines,<br />

7pm / One Push Wednesdays: An evening<br />

of skate & snowboarding cinema, 10pm<br />

Buffalo Icon …18 Visions, Emery, Remembering<br />

Never, Misery Signals, Inferis, 7pm<br />

Club Infinity …Universal Grille, 7pm<br />

Colored Musicians Club …Art Anderson Big<br />

Band, every Wed, 8-10pm<br />

Cozumel …Open mic w/ Michael Disanto,<br />

every Wed, 10pm<br />

E.B. Green’s …Jackie Jocko, every Wed, 6-<br />

10pm<br />

Elmwood Lounge …Blankface, every Wed,<br />

10pm<br />

Evolution …Universal Grille, every Wed, 7pm<br />

Heroes (Willliamsville) …Karaoke w/ Johnny<br />

Saffire, 9, FREE<br />

McGarret’s …Buffalo’s finest local groove<br />

bands and jam music, $2 Saranacs. 11pm<br />

Mohawk Place …Chin Up Chin Up, 9pm<br />

Tudor Lounge …Pamela Ryder’s Musicians<br />

Workshop, every Wed, 9pm<br />

DJ’s.<br />

Allen St Bar & Grill …DJ DR No aka Lazy G aka<br />

<strong>The</strong> New Dictator aka Dave G spins garage-soul<br />

punk rock & roll yo.<br />

Club Marcella …Our Showgirls hosted by Ms.<br />

Fanta-See, 1030pm<br />

Faso’s Grateful Bear …Ladies 80’s Night<br />

Frank’s ...Buffalo’s best hip hop weekly:<br />

Underground Hip Hop w/ Biz-e & MC Reginoff,<br />

special guests, 11pm, ladies FREE<br />

Jade Ultra Lounge …Service Industry Night:<br />

Happy Hour 11pm-1am, Complimentary food,<br />

DJ’s spin New School Lounge, every week, no<br />

cover, all are welcome to come chill!!<br />

La Luna …E-Love & Don spin rock, brit-pop,<br />

indie, & new wave, 10pm<br />

Mulligan’s …DJ Doug every Wednesday, 10pm<br />

Off <strong>The</strong> Wall …Transmission Indie: Indie Rock<br />

Wednesdays, 10pm-2am<br />

Want your venue or event listed here? Want us<br />

to get rid of it? Don’t be a lazy promoter. Email<br />

marshall@buffalobeast.com and we just<br />

might take care of that for you.<br />

<strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005 17

18 <strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005<br />

Iwas a Catholic. Not just any<br />

Catholic. I went to church with<br />

my family every Sunday and on<br />

every holy day of obligation. I<br />

attended a Catholic elementary<br />

school, a Jesuit High School, and a<br />

Jesuit College. I was married in a<br />

Catholic church with a Catholic<br />

priest. I was president of my parish<br />

counsel at my Catholic church. And<br />

I am the God Father to seven children.<br />

All this, and by age 32 I had<br />

never actually read the Bible. If you<br />

had asked me when I was 32<br />

whether I had ever read the Bible, I<br />

would have given the same answer<br />

just about every Catholic I have<br />

asked gives me: “Over the years I<br />

have probably read the whole Bible,<br />

yes.” But the sad fact is that after<br />

being a Catholic for over 32 years, I<br />

had never read the book which is<br />

undoubtedly the foundation for<br />

Christianity.<br />

When my son was born, I felt I<br />

needed to increase my faith in God.<br />

And, as my three daughters were<br />

born, that desire grew. I didn’t<br />

want to be merely a good Catholic;<br />

I wanted to be a great Catholic. My<br />

parents were great Catholics for me<br />

and I wanted to be that for my children.<br />

I asked my parish priest what<br />

I could do to become a great<br />

Catholic. He suggested that I start<br />

by going to the source of our faith;<br />

the Bible. So I did. I began reading<br />

Genesis and didn’t stop until I finished<br />

Revelation. Over 1400 pages.<br />

I read every night. I read on planes.<br />

I read while waiting for meetings. I<br />

read every day. Sometimes a lot,<br />

sometimes a little, but always<br />

something. It took me over a year.<br />

At first, I didn’t take notes, I just<br />

read. I didn’t want to turn it into a<br />

“study thing;” I simply wanted to<br />

absorb the Word of God, to take it<br />

all in.<br />

Since my goal was to become a<br />

great Catholic, at first everything<br />

made sense. Everything worked. If<br />

it didn’t, I made it work. King<br />

David is an adulterer and murder?<br />

No problem. Rebecca favors her<br />

son Jacob over her son Esau and<br />

cheats Esau out of his birthright?<br />

No problem. Jacob marries his two<br />

cousins, and has 12 sons with two<br />

wives and two concubines, works<br />

for me.<br />

But at some point things began to<br />

unravel. Maybe it was when I began<br />

to appreciate that the <strong>Old</strong> Testament<br />

portrayed God as a racist. Or<br />

maybe it was when Moses claimed<br />

that God told him to commit genocide<br />

in Canaan. I didn’t immediately<br />

conclude that the Bible was an<br />

offensive insult to God, though. I<br />

simply concluded that I wasn’t<br />

bright enough or insightful enough<br />

to understand the mysteries.<br />

So I kept reading. But rather than<br />

simply read and absorb, I started<br />

the process of folding corners.<br />

Every time something didn’t make<br />

sense to me, I folded the corner of<br />

the page. I didn’t want to be slowed<br />

down by my ignorance. I planned<br />

that, after I finished the Bible once,<br />

I would go back and address the<br />

few outstanding issues. Before<br />

long, though, I was folding both<br />

corners of every page. I even started<br />

making small tears in pages, to<br />

remind myself that there were<br />

more than two issues on particular<br />

pages.<br />

By the time I reached the New Testament,<br />

I had practically doubled<br />

the thickness of the book with all of<br />

my folds. It looked like an accordion.<br />

I was relieved to get to<br />

Matthew, though. After all, Jesus<br />

came here to set the record<br />

straight. He came to tell the Jews<br />

they were on the wrong path and to<br />

provide guidance for Jew and Gentile<br />

alike. My questions would soon<br />

be answered. But that didn’t happen.<br />

My issues only grew. By the<br />

time I finished Matthew, I had<br />

given up on my corner-folding<br />

technique and pulled out a pen. By<br />

the time I finished Revelation, I<br />

had notes everywhere.<br />

It simply didn’t make sense. This<br />

was the Word of God, but it didn’t<br />

sound like that to me. So I spoke<br />

with some really smart Christians.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y told me to pray about it.<br />

Wow! Why didn’t I think of that?<br />

<strong>The</strong> only problem was that I had<br />

been praying about it, every day,<br />

five times per day. <strong>The</strong> book simply<br />

didn’t make sense! <strong>The</strong>n they told<br />

me that I must not have enough<br />

faith. I’m not listening. I’m not<br />

opening myself up to God’s Word.<br />

Let’s see; I had just dedicated<br />

almost two years of my life to reading<br />

a book most Christians haven’t<br />

even read, I’d dedicated myself to<br />

prayer at least five times per day,<br />

I’d gone to every smart Christian I<br />

know to get answers, and I didn’t<br />

have enough faith? I wasn’t listening?<br />

I wasn’t opening myself up to<br />

God’s Word?<br />

I made a new plan. I would read the<br />

book again. This time, though, I<br />

wouldn’t read it as a Christian; I<br />

would read it as a Martian. I wouldn’t<br />

read it with the belief that Jesus<br />

is the “Son of God;” I would believe<br />

that Jesus was just a man, until the<br />

text proved otherwise. This time I<br />

would read the book with only<br />

three assumptions. First, that God<br />

loves his children at least as much<br />

as I love mine. Second, that God<br />

wouldn’t favor one child over<br />

another (I wouldn’t and God is a<br />

better parent than I am). And third,<br />

that God is all-powerful and allknowing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second reading changed my<br />

life.<br />

You see, without a lifetime of Christian<br />

baggage obstructing my view, I<br />

was able to see Jesus for the first<br />

time. I didn’t see the compassionate,<br />

loving, Son of God who gave his<br />

life to take away the sins of the<br />

world. At least not in Jesus. What I<br />

saw in Jesus was arrogance, anger,<br />

abusiveness, self love, insecurity,<br />

and racism. Most of all though, I<br />

saw a man; not God.<br />

I now find it funny that authors of<br />

books like the <strong>The</strong> DaVinci Code<br />

invest all kinds of time attempting<br />

to expose major weaknesses in the<br />

Catholic Church. Typically,<br />

Catholics respond with “outrage” at<br />

the author, and sometimes disenchantment<br />

with the Catholic religion.<br />

I think it’s funny because<br />

regardless of whether the leaders of<br />

the Catholic Church are corrupt,<br />

the religion is fatally flawed by the<br />

fact that it’s centered on Jesus. To<br />

discredit the Christian religion, one<br />

need only read the book—not <strong>The</strong><br />

DaVinci Code, the Bible. <strong>The</strong><br />

Gospels in particular. <strong>The</strong> words<br />

Jesus actually spoke. If you read<br />

the Gospels as I did, as a Martian,<br />

you will see that Jesus is a man and<br />

Christianity is a fraud.<br />

Over the next few months, I’ll show<br />

you what I saw the second time I<br />

read the Bible, the book that over<br />

two billion people have accepted as<br />

the Word of God.<br />

Itza Crock is an attorney and<br />

lapsed Catholic in the Buffalo area.<br />

He is using a pseudonym because<br />

he would probably otherwise be<br />

beaten up by misguided Christians<br />

with no sense of irony.

As Divined By Your our Ethereal Guide ...Andrew Gullerstien<br />

Aquarius<br />

(Jan 20-Feb 19)<br />

Y’know Aquarius, I’ve tried being nice<br />

with you and wearing the kid gloves,<br />

because you have no self-esteem and<br />

are a genuinely sad person. Yet every<br />

time I attempt to show you some kindness,<br />

you turn around and stick it up my<br />

ass with relish. Well, the gloves are off,<br />

you manipulative little asshole, and I<br />

don’t want you to be surprised when you<br />

no longer have your shield from reality.<br />

You see Aquarius, the reason you have<br />

no self-esteem is because you are worthless.<br />

It’s just that simple. You’ve spent<br />

your entire life crying publicly and playing<br />

the “poor me” game in order to gain<br />

sympathy just to fuck your sympathizers<br />

as soon as you get a chance. You are a<br />

sad, worthless pile of organic matter and<br />

the world would be a better place if your<br />

parents had made a smarter assessment<br />

of their genetic value. Much like mixing<br />

bleach and ammonia, a combination<br />

from which only nausea and respiratory<br />

arrest come. Fuck you, Aquarius, you’re<br />

on my cosmic shit list now. Hell, even the<br />

stars can’t stay far enough away from<br />

your ick.<br />

Pisces<br />

(Feb 20-March 20)<br />

Well Pisces, no one can say that you didn’t<br />

try. I mean some guys just fantasize<br />

about being able to blow themselves, but<br />

you made it your mission. All those special<br />

workouts and years of Yoga classes<br />

you attended just so that you might be<br />

the one. Yes, the one man that could fully<br />

pleasure himself and live free of the<br />

curse of woman. Hell, your dedication to<br />

this dream alone should have won you a<br />

Nobel Prize. Of course, that would be<br />

rather useless now that you’re in traction<br />

and the doctors have given you very little<br />

hope that your neck vertebrae will<br />

ever heal. Please, Pisces, don’t let the<br />

dream die. You may one day walk again;<br />

you may one day live your dream. Unless<br />

of course you get a bed sore, those<br />

damn things will kill you. Just ask Superman.<br />

Aries<br />

(March21-April 20)<br />

Aires, for a hardcore lesbian you seemed<br />

rather interested in some dick. Not that<br />

it’s a bad thing, it’s just changes the<br />

whole dynamic that we’ve been operating<br />

under. <strong>The</strong> whole thing is just kind of<br />

weird and calls for a new set of guidelines<br />

to be established. It’s sort of like<br />

discovering a new planet and not being<br />

sure if the native species are harmless<br />

Fraggles or those damned Ewoks. Yeah,<br />

I know what you’re gonna say about the<br />

Ewoks but those fuckers were going to<br />

eat Han, Luke and Chewbacca. <strong>People</strong><br />

like to forget that part. So, like I said, it’s<br />

not a bad thing just weird and potentially<br />

cannibalistic.<br />

…Fucking Ewoks.<br />

Taurus<br />

(April 20-May 20)<br />

Taurus, let me make this quick: You’re an<br />

asshole. Just so we’re clean on this.<br />

You’re an asshole. I simply don’t want<br />

there to be any confusion on the subject,<br />

you’re an asshole and that all there is to<br />

it Taurus. But you should know this,<br />

being the asshole that you are. Not much<br />

else to say, asshole; I have to move on to<br />

more worthwhile people.<br />

Gemini<br />

(May 21 –June 20)<br />

Gemini, you know that light switch in<br />

your front hall that doesn’t seem to be<br />

connected to anything and every time<br />

you walk by you flick it about a dozen<br />

times? Well, you should stop that<br />

because there is a dude in Finland who is<br />

going to hop on a plane and kick the shit<br />

out of you. Believe me, sleep depravation<br />

can do that to you, and it takes a lot to<br />

piss of a Fin. Just because the switch<br />

doesn’t do anything for you doesn’t<br />

mean it doesn’t do anything. You might<br />

think it’s fun but that poor bastard’s<br />

house looks like a Poltergeist frat house<br />

every time you can’t control your urges.<br />

Have a heart Gemini, enough foreigners<br />

hate us without adding Finland to the list.<br />

Cancer<br />

(June 21-July 22)<br />

Cancer, the stars have told me your<br />

lucky number and said that it can change<br />

your life for the better if used properly.<br />

<strong>The</strong> number is “Zadnpf.” Apparently it<br />

exists between fourteen and fifteen and<br />

hasn’t been discovered by mathematicians<br />

as of yet. <strong>The</strong> stars also mentioned<br />

that it wouldn’t be discovered for about<br />

three hundred years. So you’re kinda<br />

fucked on this one Cancer. Have you<br />

considered investing in Cryogenics?<br />

Leo<br />

(July 23-Aug. 22)<br />

Leo, what can I say? You were right, the<br />

dumb ass was going to break his neck if<br />

he tried blowing himself. You should give<br />

him props because the paramedics told<br />

me that he actually did get it in his mouth<br />

just seconds before his neck broke.<br />

Basically, what I am saying is that I’m not<br />

really sure if I owe you the $25 because<br />

he technically was blowing himself<br />

before his spine snapped and the wording<br />

of the bet was that he would break<br />

his neck if he “tried” to blow himself. We<br />

can talk about it later. If you go to visit<br />

Pisces, just be sure to give him the “keep<br />

dreaming the dream” shit. It helps take<br />

his mind of being a cripple.<br />

Virgo<br />

(Aug 23-Sept 22)<br />

Virgo, it takes a man with gigantic balls<br />

and a heart of stone to drink another<br />

man’s chocolate milk. Did you even think<br />

about what you were doing? Perhaps<br />

you just opened the fridge and said,<br />

“Hey, there’s some delicious chocolate<br />

milk, nobody could be saving that.” I<br />

hope you enjoyed every last drop of it<br />

before you buried the evidence in the<br />

garbage can like a dead hooker. All the<br />

while the true victim lay in his bed with<br />

dreams of sailing upon calm milk chocolate<br />

seas in search of chocolate chunk<br />

islands, only to wake to the ugly sting of<br />

betrayal. One day you’ll pay for your<br />

treachery, Virgo, for the Devil will have<br />

his due.<br />

Libra<br />

(Sept 23 –Oct 22)<br />

Libra, because you are a pain in the ass,<br />

the Cosmos and I are in agreement that<br />

from now on people should refer to their<br />

hemorrhoids only as “Libra” and do<br />

away with calling them hemorrhoids.<br />

That’s all I have for you Libra; now go<br />

play on some train tracks.<br />

Scorpio<br />

(Oct 23-Nov 21)<br />

Scorpio, I know you’ve been<br />

wondering what would happen if you<br />

asked out that really hot chick at the coffee<br />

shop. Well, I conferred with the stars<br />

and have your answer. She would say<br />

“no,” and you would be emotionally<br />

crushed. <strong>The</strong>n you would start parking<br />

outside the coffee shop every night just<br />

to stare at her through the window.<br />

Shortly after that you would begin to follow<br />

her home and park near her house<br />

until you saw all the lights go out. This<br />

would continue until you became<br />

increasingly bold. I really don’t need to<br />

finish this Scorpio; just accept that asking<br />

her out is not a good idea. As for the<br />

girl at the deli? Well I have a feeling that<br />

her club foot will dance it’s way into your<br />

heart. Well, maybe it won’t dance.<br />

Sagittarius<br />

(Nov 22 – Dec 21)<br />

Sagittarius my sweet, if you’re going to<br />

walk around naked in front of your windows<br />

with the curtains open, then please<br />

have the decency to stick to a set schedule.<br />

I’ve wasted three sick days this week<br />

and it’s gotten to the point where I am<br />

losing sleep trying to lock down the pattern,<br />

but you simply refuse to cooperate.<br />

How else am I going to know when to<br />

have the camera set up or my friends<br />

over? Have some decency, Sagittarius,<br />

because I really love tits.<br />

Capricorn<br />

(Dec 22 – Jan 19)<br />

Capricorn what the hell are you bitching<br />

about? You’re the one that took the shitty<br />

job to begin with because you didn’t<br />

“feel challenged” or some bullshit along<br />

those lines. Why don’t you just be honest<br />

and say that you wanted to bring<br />

home more money than the pittance you<br />

were bringing home before. Hell, Capricorn,<br />

it’s a capitalist society and you<br />

were just doing what comes natural. You<br />

could not have possibly known what a<br />

total fucking tool your boss was. I mean,<br />

he seemed like a normal guy at the time,<br />

beyond the fact that he had the personality<br />

of an unseasoned crouton. You had<br />

no way of knowing he wore powdered<br />

wigs, and spoke in an English accent<br />

during private “pants optional” meetings.<br />

Sure he makes you mad and often<br />

treats you like shit in front of the entire<br />

staff, but you have something he doesn’t,<br />

Capricorn. You have a video of him<br />

perched naked on the conference table<br />

while shitting on the Founder’s portrait<br />

and screaming, “This is my Mission<br />

Statement!” Now Capricorn, just give it a<br />

second and it will come…Let’s see some<br />

capitalism.<br />

Tired of<br />

Textbooks?<br />

Check out our selection of<br />

graphic novels, comics, busts,<br />

statues, & toys.<br />

Seeley & Kane’s<br />

Cards & Comics<br />

2745 Delaware Ave. Kenmore, NY<br />

876-7168<br />

<strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005 19

ar•dak n [Russ, ·‡apple‰‡Í, brothel, chaos] slang (1997)<br />

Dives<br />

Green Buffalo Pub<br />

★ ★★★ ★★<br />

Cheers: This is the place for you if you have no hope<br />

of ever leaving the immediate Lancaster/Depew area.<br />

Great for depressing conversations or advice about<br />

rolling a proper joint, what to do about your<br />

knocked-up girlfriend (for the second time), or how<br />

shitty it is working in the dilapidated warehouse<br />

you're employed in. Beer is cheap, mixed drinks could<br />

be a bit cheaper but not too bad. Great "blue collar"<br />

jukebox drinking songs, "Deer hunter" video game<br />

w/rifle, trashy broads even a retarded midget could<br />

bag (with some serious beer goggles, of course.) As a<br />

bona fide chicken finger fanatic/professional critic,<br />

some of the best fingers and fresh-cut homemade<br />

French fries I've ever had in the Greater Buffalo-Niagara<br />

region and dirt cheap at that. ($5 for a basket)<br />

Jeers: Obtaining the best chicken fingers and fries<br />

has become increasingly difficult/erratic; cook is "not<br />

here" most of the time, sometimes requesting food<br />

for take out is met by a "no" from whomever<br />

answers the phone. Can feel extremely uncomfortable<br />

if you're not a 100% miserable Buffalonian, they<br />

can smell it a mile away. Prepare to be met with cold<br />

stares and not too discreet comments; violence in air<br />

is palpable, very much resembles the Mos Eisley cantina<br />

from Star Wars (I think I saw Ponda Bobba in<br />

there last week). Lots of dicks from high school you<br />

don't want to see and vice versa.<br />

Address: 165 Lake Ave, Lancaster<br />

Phone: 681-4414<br />

Pour House<br />

★ ★★ ★★<br />

Cheers: Alcohol numbs pain.<br />

Jeers: We weep for our future. This is the former Kettle’s<br />

South, the diviest of dives north of Eden, a place<br />

where you could step into the john in peace, then<br />

return to find bodies broken and bleeding and the<br />

cops taking names. Not anymore. Now it’s lit up like<br />

a library. Friend from LA, equally disappointed, called<br />

the place a “tool shed” because of its 100:1 menwomen<br />

ratio. Jukebox, which once held reliable classic<br />

rock, was playing John Mayer, so we fled.<br />

Address: 23 South Buffalo Street, Hamburg<br />

Phone: 649-9895<br />

Essex St. Pub<br />

★ ★★ ★<br />

Cheers: If you’re feeling nostalgic for the bygone<br />

days of the mid to late ‘90s, then head to the Essex.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re’s no better place to relive those heady times<br />

than this “bar the millenium forgot.” Nod your head<br />

thoughtfully to the strains of Sonic Youth’s seminal<br />

album Dirty as you stare wistfully at the autographed<br />

picture of Rita Repulsa, recalling a more innocent<br />

time, before the Power Rangers sold out. <strong>The</strong>y say<br />

you can never go home again, but you can go to the<br />

Essex, where the Rolling Rock splits are 2 for $1.75<br />

and the bartenders care enough to give you a to-go<br />

cup of ice water if they know you’re driving drunk.<br />

Jeers: <strong>The</strong> bathroom is disgusting and so cramped<br />

20 <strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005<br />

that an associate had to balance on the<br />

toilet and use the top of the wooden divider<br />

between the sink and stall in order to cut and snort<br />

his drugs. One final word regarding the bathroom:<br />

“Crowbar” must have a freakishly small penis, and I<br />

can’t thank him enough for making an already<br />

unpleasant place almost intolerable. <strong>The</strong> legend of<br />

the camera, “you can’t see it, it’s near the broken<br />

TV,” makes smoking impossible and lends an air of<br />

Orwellian paranoia that seems out of place given the<br />

general atmosphere of the bar, but right in step with<br />

the times.<br />

Address: 6 Essex St.(Rhode Island Ave)<br />

Phone: 883-2150<br />

Pyramid Lounge<br />

★ ★★ ★<br />

Cheers: Classic dive bar. Fake wood paneling and ramshackle<br />

appearance will make you feel right at<br />

home—if you live in your parents' basement. Longtime<br />

fixture among Hamburg watering holes. Goodsized<br />

bar, with decent crowd when we visited. Lack of<br />

Harleys parked outside perplexing. Friendly patrons<br />

politely pretend not to notice your inebriated slurring.<br />

Well-lit back room with decent pool table where you<br />

get the feeling you could play a friendly game of pool<br />

or have it off with the chestnut haired temptress you<br />

just met and nobody would notice one way or the<br />

other.<br />

Jeers: Place cleary ravaged by the smoking ban; the<br />

only place to light up is on the sidewalk out front,<br />

thereby exposing you to the scorn of school children.<br />

Sports memorabilia behind the bar is twice as old as<br />

anybody in the place<br />

Address: 187 Buffalo St, Hamburg<br />

Phone: 648-3646<br />

Jacobi’s<br />

★ ★ ★<br />

Cheers: Cheap Pitchers and Tuesday night Kareoke<br />

might draw a stray college kid or two in here.<br />

Kitchen closes at midnight and I suppose the wings<br />

can be deemed tolerable.<br />

Jeers: On every other night you will find every sad<br />

middle-agers from the university heights area slowly<br />

drowning their considerable pain in a haze of alcohol<br />

(and maybe something else as well). 400lb women<br />

will slowly be sliding down their bar stools as their<br />

once cool biker husbands oggle the twenty-something<br />

bartender. If you have six dollars left in your<br />

pocket and you want to spend it on beer we suggest<br />

a twelve pack of Natural Ice. <strong>The</strong> karaoke-man<br />

mocked one <strong>Beast</strong> staffer’s rendition of "Insensitive"<br />

by Jann Arden, which was not appreciated at all.<br />

Address: 384 Kenmore Ave.<br />

Phone: 835-5678<br />

Hours: 11am-til late (kitchen open until midnight)<br />

Molly’s Pub<br />

★★ ★ ★<br />

Cheers: Molly’s is what the Steer could be if assholes<br />

stopped going there. Awesome drink specials assure<br />

Things That Do & Don’t Suck<br />



key<br />

you that these guys don’t fuck around. No watereddown<br />

drinks here; even the 50-cent well drinks are<br />

mostly alcohol. More dartboards than pretty much<br />

any bar this side of the Atlantic. Karaoke combined<br />

with cheap drinks makes every Tuesday night there<br />

amusing as hell. On a recent Saturday night, we<br />

caught a friend’s band playing here and had a sloppy-great<br />

time. At least we think we did; don’t<br />

remember the end of that night. This is the bar for<br />

people going out to drink; no pussies need apply.<br />

Thanks Molly’s. Once more, we were seen puking in<br />

your parking lot. And we’ll certainly do it again..<br />

Jeers: Sometimes, they make you pay a cover. That<br />

sucks. <strong>The</strong> place has kind of a weird set-up and it’s<br />

awkward when bands play there. Oh, and there’s<br />

this creepy guy who comes by himself for karaoke<br />

Tuesdays and sings Elton John songs. Last time, he<br />

pointed to a friend during “Your Song.”.<br />

Address: 3199 Main St.<br />

Phone: 836-6559<br />

Caruso’s<br />

★★ ★★ ★<br />

Cheers: Cheap beer and drinks in general. Really competitive<br />

pool games. Friendly staff, who will actually<br />

buy back drinks when you tip them (a sacred deal that<br />

many bartenders across this great land, and especially<br />

in our fair city seem to have forgotten about). While<br />

the cracked linoleum floor, old wooden furniture, and<br />

giant Tom Selleck poster in back add to the atmosphere,<br />

it’s the people that make this bar exceptional.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y’re racially and economically diverse, and tend to<br />

be completely unlike the yahoos you find on Elmwood<br />

or Chippewa. <strong>The</strong>re are no posing hipsters or weakling<br />

Buffalo scenesters, and the more authentic type of<br />

gangster would run out any fake-ass wannabes. Simply<br />

put, This place is authentic and has character…<br />

dare we say soul.<br />

Jeers: Caruso’s is far from just about anywhere. <strong>The</strong><br />

beer selection is lousy and Jameson is unavailable.<br />

Finding songs you actually want to hear on the jukebox<br />

ranges from excessively time-consuming to plain<br />

impossible (unless you really like R&B). <strong>The</strong> crowd<br />

there is occasionally too friendly… you may find yourself<br />

trapped in an advice-strewn conversation about<br />

the meaning of love and life with a regret-filled 47year-old<br />

man. You also might end up finishing off a<br />

blunt out front with a “21”-year-old kid who just got<br />

out of the pokey, and insists he can trick out your<br />

ancient Japanese car for “like $500.” <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

women there, but most of them seem to be underage,<br />

taken, or both.<br />

Address: 829 Niagara St<br />

Phone: 648-1390<br />

Elmwood Lounge<br />

★★ ★★ ★<br />

Cheers: This place is just plain nuts on any Saturday<br />

night of the year. $3 to see Lance Diamond is an<br />

incredible bargain. Anything can happen here—you<br />

could get drunk, high, and laid or wind up out back in<br />

a pool of piss, blood and vomit. Either way, it’s exciting.<br />

Plenty of horny women as well as some weird<br />

characters like the old bald guy with a ZZ Top beard<br />

sitting at the corner of the bar nursing a glass of<br />

ridiculously cheap draft beer all night, oblivious to the<br />

madness all around. Consider the Lounge ground zero<br />

= Fahkie Factor! Do you have a chance in hell of getting laid here? ★ =<br />

Not unless you screw the homeless guy out back ★★ = If you bring an<br />

8-ball of coke and an HIV-negative certificate, you’ve got a shot ★★★<br />

= Get ready for a Ron Jeremy evening: you’re gonna get fa-a-a-ahhked<br />

= Fracas Factor! Is a fight likely to break out here? ★ = No, all the guys<br />

look like the lead singer from Weezer ★★ = Just don’t wendel anyone’s<br />

girlfriend, and you’ll be fine ★★★ = One false move, and you’ll<br />

think you’re in the cafeteria at Attica<br />

= Foam Factor! Will cheap-0 BEAST readers be able to afford the beer?<br />

★ = less than $2 per beer ★★ = $2–3 per beer ★★★ = $4–40,000<br />

for your next blackout. We’re still spellbound by Stacy<br />

the adorable bartender.<br />

Jeers: <strong>Old</strong> and sort of dingy, direct skin contact with<br />

interior surfaces not advisable. <strong>The</strong> mens’ room was<br />

put in as an afterthought; the door neither opens all<br />

the way nor fully shuts, one of those odd carpentry<br />

errors typical of area dives. Twisted old people sit<br />

around for hours pissing away their golden years and<br />

Social Security on Lotto and Quickdraw. If you don’t<br />

like a crowd, come in any night of the week and witness<br />

an ever-changing cast of misfits and characters<br />

even Quentin Tarantino couldn’t dream up. And no,<br />

Stacy won’t date you, but she’ll definitely entertain<br />

you.<br />

Address: Elmwood and West Utica<br />

Phone: 882 - 5881<br />

‘Nice’<br />

J.P. Fitzgerald’s<br />

★★★ ★★ ★★<br />

Cheers: When we were kids, this was the Village Edge<br />

restaurant, known for its soup and salad bar and its<br />

matronly staff. When we were older, it became a loud<br />

pseudo-Irish bar with a deck, a great jukebox, and a<br />

lot of great times we don’t remember. Now, years<br />

later, we wish it had a soup and salad bar again. But<br />

there we were, and old man sitting in a young man’s<br />

bar, waiting for my turn to groove. Place is packed<br />

constantly, and probably a lot of fun if you don’t mind<br />

the groping.<br />

Jeers: We mind the groping; maybe we’re getting old.<br />

Why won't the backwards baseball cap thing go the<br />

fuck away? Hanging out with two single friends was<br />

like walking a couple of Irish setters through a park<br />

while keeping them from sniffing. Spent evening staring<br />

at floor trying not to make eye contact with either<br />

the fridge-sized no-necks with something to prove or<br />

the waifish succubi who provoke them. Went home<br />

and reproposed to our wives. Made a hot cup of soup.<br />

Wept softly for a generation.<br />

Address: 4236 Clark St, Hamburg<br />

Phone: 649-4025<br />

Tralf<br />

★ ★ ★★<br />

Cheers: Upscalish sit-down concert venue with good<br />

sound system and occasionally good national and<br />

regional acts, such as the recent Paul Westerberg<br />

show. Cool bartenders. High ceilings keep the accumulating<br />

cigarette smoke well above your head and<br />

eyes. Live shows end in plenty of time for you to go<br />

do some serious drinking elsewhere.<br />

Jeers: Most of the live acts tend toward the dinosaur<br />

whitey blues genre. Drinks on the pricey side. At the<br />

more packed shows where they remove some of the<br />

tables, spilled beers turn the ancient gray all-weather<br />

carpeting into a gooey mess that will attempt to<br />

relieve you of your shoes. All those aging white people<br />

dancing poorly as if they're at some kind of beach<br />

party can be creepy. You have to ride up an extremely<br />

narrow escalator to get there.<br />

Address: 622 Main Street (2nd floor at <strong>The</strong>atre Place)<br />

Phone: 851-8725


Key (for one entree, side dish and drink per person)<br />

$ = UP TO $15.00 • $$ = $15.00 - $30.00 • $$$ = $30.00 - $50.00 • $$$$ = $50.00 - ∞<br />

Diners<br />

ZJ’s<br />

$<br />

Cheers: This is a former “Your Host” restaurant that hasn’t changed<br />

much over the years. <strong>The</strong> atmosphere has stayed the same—big<br />

tables, lots of booths, a lunch counter. <strong>The</strong> food, however, has made<br />

leaps into the future. <strong>The</strong>re’s something to be said for a restaurant<br />

that lets you look into their kitchen. Every souvlaki lover has his own<br />

idea of the best, and this is ours. Loaded with onions and feta, served<br />

with a crisp grilled pita, it gets topped with a dressing we have tried<br />

to duplicate at home with depressing results. A full menu of pies and<br />

desserts that you must save room for.<br />

Jeers: With a dozen bars within a mile radius surrounding it, one<br />

would hope ZJ’s would stay open for that 4 a.m. bar crowd. No such<br />

luck. Walls are adorned with framed prints by local artist/mogul<br />

<strong>The</strong>lma Winter. Sort of homey, until you realize they’re for sale.<br />

Address: Hamburg Village Square, 140 Pine Street<br />

Phone: 646-5950<br />

Lake Effect Diner<br />

$<br />

Cheers: We all stumbled into this ‘50s style diner, half drunk and<br />

half expecting to get hosed or attacked by dogs. That didn’t happen<br />

for a couple of reasons. <strong>The</strong> milkshakes more than make up for the<br />

trailer architecture, which echoes a cold war bomb shelter, and the<br />

waitress made us feel at home. <strong>The</strong> menu offers a great deal to<br />

choose from in appetizers, entrees and deserts. A great place to take<br />

a dame out after a picture, especially if she likes stainless steel and<br />

you’re broke. <strong>The</strong> Lake Effect Diner is a swell place to get a decent<br />

late night meal that won’t break the bank.<br />

Jeers: <strong>The</strong> damn thing is made of stainless steel. We know that<br />

shouldn’t really affect us that much, but it does! After a while, we<br />

began to reason that the building would scramble the GPS in our cell<br />

phones, and if we left in different clothes we could elude JonBenet<br />

Ramsey’s ghost. She was bound to find us again, we keep blowing her<br />

off. <strong>The</strong> booths were a little too cozy for our rotund modern asses.<br />

Not a good place to do angel dust.<br />

Address: 3165 Main St<br />

Phone: 831-0443<br />

‘Nice’<br />

Left Bank<br />

$$$$<br />

Cheers: Sometimes you need to dine in style. Plenty of atmosphere<br />

in this trendy joint. <strong>The</strong> help was courteous and efficient, with<br />

impressive knowledge of the specials. Tasty sauce reductions at every<br />

turn. Menu packed with flavor and know-how by great chefs. Large<br />

fenced patio for death-stick consumption, nice for romantic chatter<br />

and dinner under the stars—when it’s not totally fucking freezing.<br />

Right across street from Essex Pub and Craig's house. Waitresses were<br />

all hot enough to convince you to trade nuclear secrets to China.<br />

Jeers: Better get reservations about a month in advance...and<br />

make sure there's room on the ol' credit card. Bar full of rich, snobby<br />

fucks who haven’t lived an honest day in their sniveling, insignificant<br />

lives.<br />

Address: 501 Rhode Island St.<br />

Phone: 882-3509<br />

Water Valley Inn<br />

$<br />

Cheers: Prototypical of the small, homey roadside restaurants that<br />

once populated Western New York, then disappeared to make way for<br />

the "neighborhood grill" chains. Small bar in front attracts a genial,<br />

more mature, meet-the-guys-on-the-way-home crowd. <strong>The</strong> old photos<br />

and bric-a-brac tacked to walls may remind one of, say, Applebee’s,<br />

but try to remember that places like this gave THEM the idea.<br />

Too few stray from the safe and outstanding fish fries (the air is heavy<br />

with the aroma of oil, though the fried entrees are surprisingly light<br />

and crisp), but the adventurous will be rewarded with creative dishes<br />

full of flavors, and in portions one human could conceivably consume.<br />

Jeers: With Route 62, Water Valley Nursery, a homestead and Eighteen<br />

Mile Creek boxing it in on all sides, they can't expand their lot,<br />

and parking is tight even when sober. If your parking brake works<br />

and you don’t mind a short walk, you can park on the street. <strong>The</strong>re’s<br />

nothing they can do about it, but the dumpster in the parking lot<br />

takes the edge off your appetite in the summer months.<br />

Address: 6656 Gowanda State Road (Route 62), Hamburg-<br />

Phone: 649-9691<br />

Kentucky Greg’s Hickory Pit<br />

NEW!!<br />

$$<br />

Cheers: <strong>The</strong> only impression we ever had of this place before we<br />

tried it was from a former coworker who would come waddling back<br />

to work, bloated, bleary-eyed and with the pacified half-grin of the<br />

Buddha. We now know that joy. Head-sized sandwiches overflowing<br />

with spicy pork or chicken, choices of beans or greens, or whatever<br />

else should be good for you but is definitely, definitely not. Life is<br />

about quality, not longevity, so get the cheese fries- shoestring fried<br />

potatoes smothered (it’s a cliche, but this time we mean it) in real<br />

shredded cheese—not that goo other places soak your spuds in—<br />

and, in a sort of bad-ass culinary nose-thumbing, a healthy dollop of<br />

sour cream. Watching your diet? Bring a friend and share.<br />

Jeers: We guess one way of becoming a slow-burning legend is to put<br />

your business way the hell out in East Cupcake. We always drive by<br />

twice, then, somehow, end up in the parking lot of the ice cream<br />

stand next door. Waitress laughed at us when we asked for Texas toast<br />

with my sandwich, which was served on...Texas Toast. Okay, we’re<br />

idiots. We were distracted by the cheese fries.<br />

Address: 2186 George Urban Blvd, Depew<br />

Phone: 685-6599<br />

Betty’s<br />

$<br />

Cheers: Cybele’s mourners in Allentown have a new place to go with<br />

half the wait and half the attitude. Betty’s is full of familiar faces<br />

from Cybele’s and some near-identical dishes, but is an altogether<br />

brighter and more conventional affair. Jamaican jerk chicken sandwich<br />

is reportedly delicious. Plantains and salsa is tasty and unusual.<br />

Service is casual and friendly without being slovenly. This place<br />

has a really good feel to it, charming decor, a familiar clientele and<br />

staff, and a neatly tucked-away location that’s just a block from Allen<br />

St. Definitely recommended.<br />

Jeers: Dour Cybele’s regulars may experience discomfort in sunny<br />

dining room. No bar. Dinner portions not gigantic. Upon further<br />

review, the steak sandwiches are actually quite excellent. Not<br />

enough plantains per order. Coffee is high-octane, but with a hint of<br />

truck stop.<br />

Address: 370 Virginia St<br />

Phone: 362-0633<br />

<strong>The</strong> Rendevous<br />

$$<br />

Cheers: One of the most interesting and enjoyable places to have a<br />

meal in the area. <strong>The</strong> large patio is very cool. It'll make you feel like<br />

you're eating in New Orleans or somewhere in South America (yeah,<br />

right). <strong>The</strong> gumbo is a must, but watch out—it will fill you up fast.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crab cakes and jambalaya are spicy and delicious and great as<br />

an appetizer or entree. You can't go wrong with their many seafood<br />

selections, or the wide selection of poorboy sandwiches made with<br />

fresh Italian bread. Indoor dining booths still sport the carvings of<br />

an ancient people that used to inhabit the region in the first half of<br />

the last century.<br />

Jeers: Patio bar not open when we visited, causing our alcoholic<br />

selves to attempt actual conversation while waiting the few extra<br />

seconds it took to get more drinks. While outdoor seating is eclectic,<br />

it would be nice if the seats were dried before you sat down.<br />

Jukebox filled with great tunes taunts us with its inoperability.<br />

Address: 520 Niagara Street<br />

Phone:856-3309<br />

Century Grill<br />

$<br />

Cheers: Man, are we relieved. We thought we’d have to suck up to<br />

this new advertiser and lie about how great the place is, but it turns<br />

out to be legitimately great. <strong>The</strong> Century Grill is, to begin with, an<br />

awesome space—huge and old, with giant beams and brickwork (the<br />

place was actually built by freemasons). <strong>The</strong>y have a great selection<br />

of beers, including local brews—try the oatmeal stout, it’s amazing.<br />

But the real story is the top notch menu, with not one item that doesn’t<br />

sound absolutely delicious. Though the salads look good, it’s<br />

mainly carnivorous fare—the “Century Burger,” a half-pound of<br />

ground beef on a bologna steak with cheddar, Swiss, provolone &<br />

bacon, sounds like something you could go to hell for eating, but<br />

might be worth it. Great sandwiches are only $6.50 for lunch—screw<br />

the Mainplace Mall food court already. <strong>The</strong> filet mignon dinner special<br />

was fucking great, as well as the garlic mashed potatoes. <strong>The</strong> fish<br />

fry is worth the cardiovascular hit—and it’s available every day!<br />

Apparently, this place gets pretty raucous on the weekends, especially<br />

when there’s a fight on TV. A really great place to eat, especially<br />

when you’re hungry.<br />

Jeers: Jeers: Waitress brought the wrong appetizer—but, to be fair,<br />

the shrimp quesadilla was damn good anyway. Cole slaw was a little<br />

weird. We could barely move after eating all that food and drinking<br />

numerous oatmeal stouts, which would have been a decent lunch by<br />

themselves. No lunch Saturday and Sunday.<br />

Address: 320 Pearl Street<br />

Phone: 853-6322<br />

Asian<br />

Ichi Shogun<br />

NEW!!<br />

$$$<br />

Cheers: God Damn it's good. Wanna melt those panties right off<br />

your date? Sit down with eight of your chums and get ready for<br />

some crazy-ass Iron Chef-style deliciousness. <strong>Beast</strong> reviewers<br />

charmed by Morimoto look-alike chef. He actually said "sesame<br />

disco" as crazy strobe lights came on. <strong>The</strong>n the egg catching began:<br />

this guy started spinning eggs for the fried rice on the grill, tossed<br />

'em around like a Jujitsu king and then caught them on the edge of<br />

his spatula, crackin' those baby chickens onto the grill. Nice. <strong>The</strong><br />

sushi list was long and diverse, a nice counterpoint to the Hibachi<br />

meats we ordered. Get the Emperor's feast with steak and lobster if<br />

you want to be a real man.<br />

Jeers: High sitting-next-to-teens-from-Lockport factor; for a<br />

minute we thought we were at a Chucky Cheese birthday party. Fried<br />

rice debris occasionally blasted off grill into our drinks by onion<br />

volcanoes. Retarded “700 Club” rerun on TV in background.<br />

Address: 7590 Transit Road, Williamsville<br />

Phone: 631-8899<br />

New Manchurian House<br />

$$<br />

Cheers: As the Chinese buffets bloom in the South towns, it’s hard<br />

to believe this simple, unassuming restaurant has held its ground.<br />

We know people who speak of the Manchurian House like others<br />

speak of their alma maters. Located at the busy intersection of<br />

Routes 62, 75 and 391, the inside is surprisingly quiet and tastefully<br />

under-decorated. <strong>The</strong> friendly service is fast and attentive. <strong>The</strong><br />

menu holds all of your favorites (the lemon chicken is ethereal).<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have plenty of lunch specials and gourmet dinner packages.<br />

Take-out is available and speedy.<br />

Jeers: Big picture windows look out upon intersection and Wilson<br />

farms parking lot, but in the right frame of mind, you can pretend<br />

it’s a parking lot in Hong Kong. Located in a well-cared-for plaza, it<br />

is still nondescript, and you may want to blindfold your date ‘til you<br />

get inside.<br />

Address: 16 Pierce Avenue, Hamburg<br />

Phone: 648-7173<br />

Falafel Bar<br />

$<br />

Cheers: Not the most inventive name, but this place is a worthy<br />

successor to the location of the original Pano’s and Edrito’s as a<br />

cheap and tasty chow haven. In addition to pretty great falafel, this<br />

place has all the usual Mediterranean appetizers and wraps, including<br />

souvlaki and impressively non-soggy grape leaves. Finish off<br />

with some authentic baklava if you’ve got the room. We’ve been<br />

waiting for a place like this; it almost makes up for the loss of Edrito’s<br />

from the Elmwood strip.<br />

Jeers: <strong>The</strong> lady who owns this building is prone to ousting successful<br />

businesses for unknown reasons, so don’t get too attached.<br />

Asked for coffee 3 times; never got it. A little sand in the tabouleh<br />

made for one or two distressing bites, but hey, it happens.<br />

Address: 1009 Elmwood Ave<br />

Phone: 884-0444<br />

India Gate<br />

$$<br />

Cheers: Lamb Madrasi and Chicken Masala tried and approved.<br />

Service so nice, you’ll feel ashamed to be a cynic; they stayed<br />

open late just for us. $5.95 lunch buffet special might be the best<br />

lunch deal of any restaurant on Elmwood. Kick-ass Pakoras, excellent<br />

curries, about nine thousand varieties of naan. Distribution<br />

of socialist literature in the doorway hints at hidden, deeply-held<br />

passions under all that obsequious service. Unlike other Indian<br />

lunch buffets, theirs includes dessert, including a fantastic kheer<br />

(rice pudding). Pleasant atmosphere and comfy booth seating.We<br />

frequently see Sabi playing the role of good citizen, sweeping up<br />

refuse on the street outside.<br />

Jeers: Unpopular Ghandi-looking customer seen fasting here on<br />

weekends. Elmwood street traffic tends to lure too many SUVowner<br />

types in here. Somehow we think this place would be<br />

improved by a huge octagonal fishtank.<br />

Address: 1116 Elmwood Avenue<br />

Phone: 886-4000<br />

Indian Clay Oven Restaurant<br />

$$<br />

Cheers: Clay Oven has been serving authentic Indian food for some<br />

20 years. <strong>The</strong> current location is a small and well-lit with a homey<br />

atmosphere. <strong>The</strong> menu is varied and interesting. <strong>The</strong> Chicken Curry<br />

and Beef Vindaloo are delicious and spicy (or mild if you prefer). For<br />

you meatheads that think veggie food is for pussies try the Vegetable<br />

Jalaffrazi. It will knock your socks off and make you wonder why<br />

you’ve wasted so many years clogging your arteries with chunks of<br />

charred barnyard flesh. Friendly and efficient staff often throw in a<br />

little somethin-somethin extra to enhance you dining pleasure.<br />

Excellent Indian beer selection.<br />

Jeers: Cheesy Bus. Mgt. 101 menu introduction is a hilarious bit of<br />

tortured Abu English with the topper being their “flagrant” spices.<br />

Two words to stay away from “homemade cheese.” Near the door there<br />

is a non-functioning display case and counter behind which they<br />

seem to throw all their junk. No hard liquor for you serious drunks.<br />

Address: 3689 Sheridan Drive, Amherst<br />

Phone: 832-1030<br />

Mexican<br />

El Canelo<br />

NEW!!<br />

$<br />

Cheers: BEAST ALERT! <strong>The</strong> ONLY authentic Mexican place in town.<br />

Special "La Casa" dinner was so good we almost shit ourselves, and<br />

not in the bad Mexican restaurant way. Menu absolutely jam-packed<br />

with all kinds of down-home Yucatan yummies, including cheese<br />

enchiladas with actual Mexican cheeses and smothered with stewed<br />

beef tips. Salsa tasted like a kiss from a beautiful Spanish mamasita.<br />

$2 Molson bottles every night. Crazy cooks spew food orders<br />

out in about 5 minutes max. Fun to watch giant boobies and zany<br />

antics from Telemundo shows on TV in corner. Right by the Thruway.<br />

Bottles of hot sauce make Dave's Insanity seem like baby food.<br />

Jeers: Not open 24 hours. Lots of complaining trash from Kaisertown<br />

eating here. If you fear authentic experiences, go get a super<br />

mighty and hurry home before someone talks to you.<br />

Address: 431 Dingens St. (Ogden St. Exit 53), Cheektowaga<br />

Phone: 897-1195<br />

Coyote Cafe<br />

$$<br />

Cheers: When this restaurant first popped up, it was a simple<br />

eatery that made its reputation on great authentic Mexican food.<br />

In recent years, it has expanded to include a bar, which has<br />

expanded itself. After annexing the vacant building next door, the<br />

Coyote Cafe will soon be in the banquet business. For all this attention<br />

to expansion, one might expect the food to suffer. It hasn’t. A<br />

favorite is the flautas: chicken, cheese and spices rolled in tortillas,<br />

fried crisp and served with lettuce and tomato, sour cream and guacamole.<br />

If your entree gets two sides, you can double up on the<br />

house specialty, Sopa de Fideo, billed as “Mexican spaghetti.” No<br />

problemo. Lots of free chips and salsa to ensure you take half your<br />

meal home in a box. Lines out the door most evenings, so reservations<br />

will shave an hour off your wait time.<br />

Jeers: While we’re tempted to use the words “obnoxious,” “irritating,”<br />

and “insane,” we will instead refer to the hostess as “brassy,”<br />

because a lot of people like being cackled at while they eat. Decorations<br />

are getting a little bit “Chi Chi’s”, and I’m not sure why this<br />

place has a gift shop by the front door, while the bar, “Carlos’ Cantina,”<br />

languishes in the rear behind a wall.<br />

Address: 36 Main Street, Hamburg<br />

Phone: 649-1837<br />

Pizza etc.<br />

Jim’s Steakout<br />

$$<br />

Cheers: Unlike other lame-ass greasebucket joints like Mister Pizza,<br />

if the Jim’s Steakout open sign is lit- it’s open! Jim’s for the late<br />

night party crowd is like death and taxes, something you can count<br />

on. Its open until 5am, for God’s sake (and yours!). Many a night<br />

have we closed the bar and stumbled into a nearby location to be<br />

delighted by the smell of food, the look of desperate anticipation in<br />

the eyes of people holding their receipts, and of course the wellmaintained<br />

asses of late night party girls. Sure it’s packed, but where<br />

else are you gonna go?<br />

Jeers: Why isn’t Jim’s Steakout advertising in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Beast</strong>? Where is<br />

the love? And why are their ads so goddamn bad? <strong>The</strong> television<br />

commercials are even worse than their print ads; have you seen this<br />

shit? Lots of grainy, shaky and blurred footage of dilapidated hoagies,<br />

fries, neon signs and questionably hot chicks run over a track of ‘80s<br />

style break beats. Talk about low production values; they seem to<br />

have been conceived by a film student’s stool sample. This reviewer’s<br />

heart would be significantly softened by cash.<br />

Address: Wherever drunks need tacos to drive home with<br />

Phone: <strong>The</strong>re’s 4 of them; look it up or ask a local fatty<br />

Louie’s<br />

$<br />

Cheers: Louie’s delivers. It’s not pizza, and it’s not Chinese, and it<br />

delivers. That alone makes them a great boon to the homebody in<br />

search of variety. Milkshakes, curly-q fries, burgers, dogs, and<br />

sausage sandwiches delivered? Thank you. Broccoli-cheddar poppers<br />

make us happy. Sweet potato fries are more like a dessert than<br />

a side. “Healthy” selections abound, like the portabella sandwich,<br />

grilled chicken, and a tempeh burger which is really pretty good. All<br />

in all, a great place to get food you know you’ll like.<br />

Jeers: BBQ pork rib sandwich is of identical quality to those awful<br />

“McRib”-style truck stop sandwiches. Breaded deepfried zucchini<br />

sticks with Ranch dressing must be the single most unhealthy way<br />

to eat vegetables yet devised—plus they’re mushy.<br />

Address: 470 Elmwood Ave<br />

Phone: 884-0382<br />

Avenue Pizza<br />

$$<br />

Cheers: Easily memorized phone number.<br />

Jeers: Ordered pizza from this place late one night a couple of<br />

weeks ago at the office, because La Nova burned down (we hope<br />

they made a lot of money), and it was tragically undercooked and<br />

mushy. Like idiots, we ordered from them again the next night, and<br />

paid dearly: the subs were just crappy, old and smelly, but edible.<br />

<strong>The</strong> wings, on the other hand, tasted like they’d been basted in piss.<br />

Seriously, we all tried to eat them, but after a couple each we were<br />

just looking at each other like, “what’s wrong with these fucking<br />

wings?” Maybe they were rancid, maybe undercooked, or maybe the<br />

piss thing we mentioned earlier, but it was just wrong. Probably the<br />

only food ever to get thrown out at the <strong>Beast</strong> office. And they forgot<br />

our Coke. Last time we get from this hole; now if only we could<br />

forget the damn phone number. Also largely responsible for the<br />

double-parking nightmare on Elmwood and Utica. Note: this review<br />

only applies to their Elmwood location; we got a really good pie<br />

from the place on Hertel and Delaware the other day and the delivery<br />

guy was a peach.<br />

Address: 502 Elmwood Ave.<br />

Phone: 883-3355<br />

Bruno’s Market Pizzeria<br />

NEW!!<br />

$<br />

Cheers: After long-time casual favorite Giacobbi's Trattoria committed<br />

hare kiri by transforming into the eccentric Eggertsville<br />

Grille, a solid replacement turned up across the street. Bruno's has<br />

quality pizza and pasta, served in a small but clean and bright dining<br />

area. <strong>The</strong> pizza is every bit as good as the over-priced La Nova<br />

fare. Specialty choices include a killer stuffed pepper pizza. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

serve a good assortment of pasta dishes and appetizers that are<br />

primo and ample. Eggplant parmesan and stuffed peppers are two<br />

BEAST favorites.<br />

Jeers: By default a take-out joint because they don't serve alcohol.<br />

Desserts seem kind of an afterthought. <strong>The</strong>y have an ice-cream bar<br />

freezer near the door that shamelessly preys on the underdeveloped<br />

impulse control facility of children, including our publisher’s son.<br />

Address: 1274 Eggert Rd.<br />

Phone: 833-6800<br />

<strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005 21

CHEAP!<br />


You should take out a classified<br />

ad in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Beast</strong>!<br />

Allow 5 minutes to cool<br />

before serving<br />

I don’t care that it’s “your<br />

jam,” if you tell me to “Lean<br />

back” one more time, so<br />

help me, I will destroy you.<br />

Naming your plant Frodo<br />

isn’t cute; it’s sad, very sad.<br />

From talking with you, I<br />

don’t think you know what<br />

perineum actually means<br />

$ Cash Paid $<br />

For pre-1980<br />

baseball cards<br />

& sports<br />

memorabilia of<br />

any kind.<br />

I make house<br />

calls. Rick<br />

685-3797<br />

1999 VW Passat Wagon,<br />

107k 5spd, ABS, A/C,<br />

Power everything, New rear<br />

brake pads and rotors, new<br />

front upper control arms. 4<br />

snow tires $6500obo 430-<br />

7172<br />

88 Dodge Ram w/ Cap<br />

Runs great! $900/BO Josh<br />

Brown 465-8566<br />

ADULT V.H.S. AND<br />

D.V.D. FOR SALE $5.00<br />




LANCASTER, N.Y. 14086<br />

OR E-MAIL ME at<br />

jmmrz@hotmail.com<br />

Gemini PT100 Turn Table.<br />

Works perfectly! $175/BO<br />

Josh Brown 465-8566<br />

Indonesian beach front<br />

property. Capitalize on the<br />

disastrous tsunami today!<br />

832-8100<br />

Tanning Bed For Sale: 4<br />

yrs. <strong>Old</strong> Sun Quest stand-up<br />

or lay down. New bulbs.<br />

$700/bo. Tony 563-3799<br />


CALL 856-4355<br />

22 <strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005<br />

Classifieds<br />

FOR SALE<br />

ACROSS<br />

1. Business, credit, and index, e.g.<br />

6. NES video game RC _____-Am<br />

9. Mr. Five Freddy<br />

12. “Surreal Life 3” Spanish annoyance<br />

13. Holm or McClellan<br />

14. <strong>The</strong> only bar lawyers won’t drink at?<br />

15. Ookla <strong>The</strong> Mok singer/guitarist English<br />

16. Deep Fried’s psycho whaler<br />

18. Goethe’s alchemist, or Mondo’s owner<br />

20. What your wife gets of everything in the divorce, if you’re<br />

lucky<br />

21. A hand ball?<br />

24. Source of peyote<br />

26. Mary or Raggedy<br />

27. A small amount<br />

28. Sex, hyper or that thing you try doing while intoxicated, e.g.<br />

31. Kick-ass tattoo shop Madd _____<br />

33. Takes away forcefully<br />

34. “No, don’t guzzle it, ____ ____! This ain’t Jim Beam, motherfucker,<br />

it’s single malt Glenlivet!”<br />

35. Ultra-rare Pokemon (from the Game Boy “Red” & “Blue” editions)<br />

36. <strong>The</strong> one who “wears the pants” in a gay relationship, which all<br />

things considered is probably the least appropriate metaphor for<br />

this word<br />

37. Whipping it out in front of an undercover cop is one of these<br />

39. Common chat-room request of an amorous 55-Across<br />

40. Shakespearean expression of tragedy<br />

42. Consumed, and being turned into poop<br />

44. <strong>The</strong> act of having sex with a 21-Across<br />

46. Money shot, to Li’l Jon<br />

50. Numbered road (abbr.)<br />

51. Utilize<br />

52. Astral or bi<br />

53. Green Lantern Corps home planet<br />

54. “<strong>The</strong> Beauty Of <strong>The</strong> Rain” chick Williams<br />

55. <strong>People</strong> who got 35, 39, & 53-Across without looking<br />

PORN: 22 DVDs, 46 mags.<br />

$65 /BO. Pat 884-3923<br />



Fired? Evicted? Dumped?<br />

Cheated on? Feel like your<br />

hands are tied? Want to<br />

get even? We can help.<br />


Will do anything for crack.<br />

832-8100<br />


Body Piercers Wanted:<br />

Stop in at Adrenalin Rush<br />

3283 Delaware Ave, Kenmore.<br />

Must have experience.<br />

1yr. Apprenticeships<br />

avail for $1,500. 563-3799<br />

Hair Design Artist Wanted:<br />

Must have experience & following.<br />

Chair rental also<br />

avail. $200/mo. Stop in at<br />

7th Ray Salon & Spa 3283<br />

Delaware Ave, Kenmore.<br />

563-3799<br />

Nail Tech Wanted: Space<br />

for rent $150/mo. for busy<br />

salon, must have following.<br />

563-3799. 7th Ray Salon &<br />

Spa 3283 Delaware Ave,<br />

Kenmore.<br />

DOWN<br />

1. Measures medication or motorcycle power<br />

2. Band responsible for “Take On Me”<br />

3. ‘80s expression of awesomeness<br />

4. Republican solution to a military personnel problem<br />

5. “Brave New World” mood-altering drug<br />

6. Not at all happy<br />

7. Goes off verbally, in the style of a pre-brainwashed Dennis<br />

Miller<br />

8. Blamed for Lennon quitting the band<br />

9. <strong>People</strong> who think they’re powerless to change anything<br />

10. Cain’s brother<br />

11. John Candy character, or your dinner after a night at the<br />

<strong>Old</strong> Pink<br />

17. 1992 cartoon starring a green space rabbit: “Bucky<br />

______” (another one for the 55-Across crowd...)<br />

19. Crappy computer scanner brand<br />

21. British cigarettes<br />

22. Sign over Christ’s head on the crucifix<br />

23. Recently defunct Buffalo-based hardcore band<br />

25. Reusable type of computer disc<br />

27. Type of South American monkey<br />

29. AV-8 Sea Harrier jets don’t need runways because they<br />

have this<br />

30. <strong>The</strong> ability to read minds<br />

32. Comic book company who did “Grimjack” and “Nexus”<br />

(55-Across, I’m looking in your direction...)<br />

33. Land of the setting sun?<br />

35. Deficient, as in an amount or an effort<br />

38. Organization full of 55-Across<br />

39. Where the foot meets the leg<br />

40. Big, round hairdo<br />

41. Kane’s wife, in the WWE<br />

43. 30-Down’s favorite channel?<br />

45. Birth control implant<br />

47. Care to lend one to Caesar?<br />

48. Terminus<br />

49. <strong>The</strong> power through which the Tao is made manifest, but<br />

pluralized because I felt like it... You don’t like it, make your<br />

own puzzle<br />

Now hiring incompetent<br />

morons. Must have own<br />

press-on nails and weave.<br />

Apply at any area Wilson<br />

Farms<br />

Tattoo Artist Wanted:<br />

Must have experience. 1yr.<br />

Apprenticeships avail for<br />

$3,500. Stop in at Adrenalin<br />

Rush 3283 Delaware Ave,<br />

Kenmore. 563-3799 Bring<br />

your portfolio!<br />

LOST & FOUND<br />

LOST: This thing. Call 832-<br />

8100 if you have any information<br />



You know how I’m always<br />

talking about the trip I took<br />

to Zambia and how much it<br />

changed my life-well, I actually<br />

never went. I just saw<br />

something about it on the<br />

Discovery channel.<br />

Nice SWMSS, young, tall<br />

homeowner in Kenmore.<br />

Looking for live-in SWF to<br />

share expenses. Maybe<br />

more. 400-2055<br />

Solution on page 20<br />

$22..0000 aa lliinnee<br />

W ANTED<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Beast</strong> is looking<br />

for new digs. If you<br />

have a space that can<br />

accommodate around<br />

the clock hedonism<br />

and debauchery, then<br />

we’re your new tenant.<br />

Call 856-4355.<br />

Smoking & loud<br />

music a must<br />


White male 51y/o, 5’ 9”<br />

slim. Desires female company<br />

and enjoys art, music,<br />

sports & exercising. Age<br />

unimportant. Call Michael<br />

@ 895-4406<br />

885566-- 44335555 // ccllaassssiiffiieeddss@@bbuuffffaalloobbeeaasstt..ccoomm<br />



5’6” 110lb 34C Long Hair<br />

Brown eyes. 22 yrs old.<br />

In/Out . 818-7396<br />


Other girls to choose from, in<br />

or out 990-3435<br />


Guaranteed!! 5’1”, 95#, 32b-<br />

23-32, 19yo 602-9809 outcalls<br />



465-1410<br />

Free Mustache rides.<br />

Females only! Ask for <strong>The</strong><br />

Tiger. 883-7636<br />


For men. In & out. Properly<br />

licensed. $50/hour. By<br />

Samuel 881-5055<br />


SERVICE Experienced<br />

exotic dancers. Cheap rates.<br />

Phone (716) 563-5944<br />






WE ARE<br />


For questions, corrections, or clue suggestions, e-mail Zilla at zmannzilla@juno.com


To whom it may concern:<br />

I would like to present you with an idea for your newspaper.<br />

I though of a great addition you can add that you can<br />

also put on the website to get more popular. What do you<br />

think about a ‘Dear Abby’ section? You can get your customers<br />

to email to ‘Dear Abby’ any concerns they have and<br />

need some advise on, questions they may need answers to,<br />

needing advise on family or love life or to just vent. This<br />

was VERY popular in PA where I lived at before and gain<br />

alot of new customers that looked forward to ‘Dear Abby’<br />

to not only see their answers but others to see what all was<br />

written to and from Abby.<br />

If you would be interested in it, please contact me and we<br />

can go over details about it. Also, I can be contracted so I<br />

would not have to be an employee if that works better.<br />

Thank you and hope to hear from you.<br />

Denise Johnson...Ticonderoga, NY<br />

Dear Denise,<br />

Keep hoping.<br />



hey - did the beast fold? this would be horrible horrible<br />

news. i need a new issue like a junky needs a fix... –josh<br />

Dear Josh,<br />

Well, junky? You know what to do. On your knees, bitch!<br />


As a loyal reader for a long time, I would have to say that I<br />

am a little disconcerted with the fact that I can’t find a new<br />

issue of the beast anywhere. I can only assume that something<br />

serious has happened (assasination, indefinate vacation<br />

at Gitmo, etc.) I’m sure that you are receiving plenty of<br />

e-mails and calls from paranoid readers, such as myself,<br />

fearing the worst. So is this the end of the only paper worth<br />

killing trees for in this city? A response would be nice, or<br />

hell, update the website. Throw us a bone Al. We are starving<br />

out here.<br />

Jeremy Bartlett<br />

Dear Jeremy,<br />

Consider yourself boned. At least you people are paying<br />

attention. Now somebody give us some money.<br />



To the editor of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Beast</strong>:<br />

Joel Miller’s position (Dec. 22, 2004), though well meant, is<br />

misguided. Protecting the Constitution is a far more important<br />

goal than protecting children at school. This should be<br />

clear to more than just journalists fighting for their own<br />

rights under the first amendment.<br />

Unfortunately, once again, we see school administrators<br />

take the cowardly way out. <strong>The</strong> way that does the most<br />

they can do to protect their careers and their standing in the<br />

community. By censoring young minds, you lose those<br />

young minds. Instead of teaching the need to speak up<br />

against hate (crimes and speech of all kinds), you teach the<br />

dubious values of hypocrisy and self-promotion. Bright<br />

kids can smell bullshit a mile away and City Honors is full<br />

of bright kids.<br />

It takes courage to teach—courage not to bow down to<br />

power while standing for truth. Teaching children not to<br />

bow down to outside authority while seeking truth is perhaps<br />

the most important mission an educator can aspire to.<br />

This goes beyond protecting our Constitution; this gives<br />

birth to new generations capable of writing their own new<br />

constitutions. <strong>The</strong> possibility of hated-filled actions being<br />

inspired by inflammatory writings in a student-published<br />

newspaper pales in comparison to the reality of the potential<br />

that is lost when censorship is brought to bear through<br />

misapplication of power in the hands of hypocrites.<br />

Let us now bring to light the actions of these administrators.<br />

Let’s understand the valuable lesson that was tossed aside<br />

in their rush to cover their own asses. Bad writing—full of<br />

excessive emotion, overwrought ideas—is to be expected of<br />

the young person searching to find his of her voice. Bad<br />

leadership—full of cowardice and power mongering—<br />

should not be allowed to flourish in anyone’s schools.<br />

Richard Schultz<br />

Dear Richard,<br />

Why is it that the only time we get lengthy, coherent arguments<br />

from people is when we cover a controversy at a<br />

high school?<br />


On a lark, we drove from Rochester to Buffalo this Saturday<br />

night just “to hit a couple of bars.” I’ve never really been to<br />

Buffalo in all these years, just around it or through it to get<br />

somewhere else. We went to Nietzsche’s and in a nearby<br />

restaurant I picked up your paper.<br />

I find your journalistic style a refreshing departure from the<br />

standard. I agree with tears in my eyes that Meet the Family<br />

was pathetic, a collection of overused ideas and actors<br />

that, if it didn’t leave you feeling empty, you already were<br />

fax to[sic] 852-4034<br />

empty. I’m working my way through the Loathsome Americans.<br />

Ralph Waldo Emerson said something to the effect that successful<br />

art is a thing that presents to the viewer/reader<br />

something he already knows but only subconsciously until<br />

seeing/reading it in the open - in the work of art.<br />

That’s how I felt when I started reading <strong>The</strong> <strong>Beast</strong>. I actually<br />

once started to write a piece along the lines of “1 beautiful<br />

white child...”, but put it aside because I wasn’t sure<br />

where I was going or why...<br />

And, being in the media business as I am, I have to imagine<br />

it’s fairly tough selling advertising for a publication like <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Beast</strong>.<br />

I’d like to at least buy you coffee. How do I subscribe, by<br />

check, not credit card?<br />

Rich Gardner<br />

Dear Rich,<br />

It’s usually $26 for six months, but since you write for<br />

Rochester’s City Paper, we’re going to have to charge you<br />

double.<br />


“Colt 45: Everyone needs to try this at least once, even if it’s<br />

at a “ghetto” themed house party. Only available in 22 and<br />

40 oz. containers (would it be any other way?).”<br />

Never say never I guess. I garnered new found respect<br />

(why I don’t know) from a charter bus full of fellow college<br />

classmates on a trip to Chicago when I returned from a<br />

party store in Northern Indiana carrying a 6 pack of Colt 45!<br />

Not the wisest of choices I admit, but having never seen this<br />

swill in a can (I am surprised that the aluminum can could<br />

actually take the abuse and resist rusting away) I became<br />

immediately intrigued and of course had to have it. <strong>The</strong><br />

strangest thing was that everyone seemed to want one. I<br />

was getting offers left and right asking if they could trade<br />

‘up’ for the Colt 45. Against my better judgment I only<br />

traded one away and drank the rest. Needless to say it<br />

made the rest of the bus ride interesting and seemed to<br />

‘raise my status’ with my fellow binge drinkers.<br />

Just thought you might want to know…<br />

Butters<br />

sic@buffalobeast.com<br />

Butters,<br />

Come to think of it, we remember those old Billy Dee<br />

Williams commercials where he was backing into his apartment<br />

with some fine chocolate honey inside, grinning from<br />

ear to ear, always holding a sixer of Colt 45. “Works every<br />

time,” he’d say, just before closing the door. Creepy.<br />


Picked up a <strong>Beast</strong> on my bi-yearly pilgramage to the Buff to<br />

see my family. I currently live in Northern California. Oh,<br />

sure, we have our share of indy-politico rags here, but nothing<br />

nearly as edgy or funny. I must say, “Christmas in hell!”<br />

really warmed my heart and filled me with the holiday spirit.<br />

How can I get a sub to your fine publication? BTW, Tell<br />

Dr. Rotten his work is needed here.<br />

Sean Re<br />

Dear Sean,<br />

Right. <strong>The</strong> Pacific Northwest needs advice on growing bud.<br />

Next thing you know, the Afghans will be asking us for tips<br />

on opium poppy horticulture.<br />


If Ronnie were any DUMBER...he would be drafted by Bills<br />

fans to write for their dumbass newspapers! <strong>The</strong> Bills need<br />

2 things to have a GREAT Team: 1) A BIG CENTER, 2) a third<br />

RECEIVER to play in the slot! STONEHANDS Reed just isn’t<br />

making it....he’s good enough to add depth! Bledsoe is by far<br />

the BEST player on the team! If you IDIOTS don’t “GET IT”,<br />

maybe Drew will say “FUCK BUFFALO! (the asshole of the<br />

Earth)” You guys will be back in Quarterback HELL where<br />

you belong! I’d laugh my ass off if LOSSMAN were your<br />

STARTER next season! Well until he broke his legs again!<br />

Jrcad<br />

Dear Drew,<br />

We’re sorry Ronnie hurt your feelings. We know you’re<br />

getting to that age when great quarterbacks with nothing to<br />

prove decide to retire, but you’re planning on clinging to<br />

what you have left. We can’t argue; it’s what we would do<br />

if we were being paid millions, too. But please, that’s no<br />

reason to lash out at your fellow teammates. Take it easy<br />

Drew, you’re a good guy—it’s not like we expected you to<br />

win.<br />


Just got the new issue. Laughed out loud like an idiot the<br />

whole bus ride home from work. Still haven’t worked my<br />

way through the whole thing. Some bits I carry with me:<br />

Switched at Birth (my wife is still a bit speechless....but in a<br />

good way); Slappy the Tsunami; <strong>The</strong> entire “Loathsome<br />

List”, but #3 is best.<br />

Missed the “Straight Dope,” though.<br />

Great paper,<br />

Jeff<br />

PS: What was the deal with the Christine Skinner letter? It<br />

was like it was written on a meth binge.<br />

Jeff,<br />

What do you mean, “like?”<br />


Mr. Uthman,<br />

I found your magazine online through a link to your ‘50<br />

Most Loathsome <strong>People</strong>’ article. Great stuff. However, as a<br />

Canadian, I feel the need to point out a few factual errors in<br />

your otherwise insightful ‘O Buffalo’ article:<br />

1) “Liberal” is a noun, not an adjective<br />

2) Ontarians hate french; try the “Beau Fleuve” thing and<br />

we’ll sell you to Quebec for an order of poutine<br />

3) Fuck the Sabres, we want the Bills<br />

4) Not even Canadians listen to Celine Dion<br />

Sorry,<br />

Adam Louis<br />

Dear Adam,<br />

1) Words can be nouns and adjectives, silly<br />

2) OK, how about “Hortonsville?”<br />

3) You can have ‘em<br />

4) Someone’s buying that shit, and it ain’t us.<br />


... incredible, enviable job on 50 Most Loathsome <strong>People</strong> in<br />

America 2004. i could go on for a bit, but i’ll just be a sycophant<br />

& say it was more than inspiring.<br />

basically, i’ll be drinking to <strong>The</strong> Buffalo <strong>Beast</strong> & its future<br />

tonight.<br />

thanks very much,<br />

Shawn Badgley<br />

<strong>The</strong> Austin Chronicle<br />

If I’ve seen a better collection of entertaining writing that<br />

makes think and laugh...I’m not aware of it.<br />

Outstanding!!<br />

Tom Wark<br />

Hello! Found the article on Blogdex. <strong>The</strong> most<br />

incisive and brilliant thing I’ve read in memory !!! Give that<br />

author a raise, better yet, get him a national audience. Congratulations!<br />

Best regards,<br />

Thomas Griffin, Indianapolis<br />

My god, that is some of the funniest stuff I have EVER<br />

read. BRILLIANT!!!<br />

James Driscoll, Los Angeles<br />

Just stumbled on your website via a semi-improbable link<br />

at TwoBillsDrive. Read the 50 most loathsome list out loud<br />

to my wife, delighting in the scathing wordsmith(s?) at<br />

work here — funny as hell, as well as deeply disturbing.<br />

We are all, indeed, soaking in it — well done<br />

Nicholas Bakay<br />

That was awesome. Time to stop soaking in it.<br />

Thanks for the list.<br />

Susan Hyssen<br />

Hi,<br />

I just came across your site today, and I haven’t stopped<br />

laughing since then. Haven’t been so entertained in a long<br />

time. It’s sad, though, that there’s a truth and reality behind<br />

all your observations, that “evil-doers” (borrowed Bush<br />

saying) like those in power just get away with the utter<br />

nonsense they spew out every day.<br />

Anyway, keep up the amazing writing, and I’m going to let<br />

al my mates know about your site (knowing my luck they<br />

already do).<br />

Cheers from Scotland.<br />

Saleem<br />

Priceless. Beautiful, articulate, poignant. I’ll shut up now.<br />


Eric Ortman<br />

Well done!<br />

You’ve heard my soul. I’ve passed it one.<br />

Excellent piece.<br />

Mark<br />

Thank you so much for including Colin Quinn in your 50<br />

Most Loathsome Americans list. I was flipping through the<br />

channels one night and stumbled across his show on Comedy<br />

Central and I couldn’t believe someone gave this guy a<br />

show. He couldn’t go one sentence without flubbing his<br />

lines. I mean, it was just painful. I almost felt bad for the<br />

guy.<br />

I always figured they let him read the news on SNL because<br />

someone in the back was laughing at his expense.<br />

Yet another example of the greatness produced by MTV’s<br />

Remote Control.<br />

Manzanino<br />

hi. brilliant update of the list. one thing you might add -<br />

justice thomas is<br />

actually asleep for most oral arguments, according to a<br />

supreme court reporter<br />

who recently gave a talk at harvard law. she said she usually<br />

has a good view<br />

of the bottom of his chin or the top of his head.<br />

cheers,<br />

c<br />

Dear C,<br />

We thought he was into oral. Hmmm…bottom of his chin?<br />

Top of his head? Sounds like your lecturer is doing a little<br />

arguing of her own, if you know what we mean. (We mean<br />

oral sex.)<br />


wow. awesome work. but where is the rove ?<br />

Eliza Pelham Randall<br />

I’m shocked to see that Michael Moore didn’t make your<br />

list. I think Kerry could have possibly won the election if it<br />

wasn’t for Moore.<br />

Other than that, I loved your list.<br />

Bryce<br />

I know O’Reilly is not that important, and that he is probably<br />

a moron (and we should not make fun of morons). But<br />

I think that it would not be that cruel if you would have<br />

considered him for a 49th place or so.<br />

I mean, for the pathetic way he hit on that girl, and for<br />

telling her shit about his wife and her vibrator…<br />

Filipe Castro<br />

College Station, Texas<br />

Dear insatiable critics,<br />

All of these worthy candidates (and Paris Hilton, and Rush<br />

Limbaugh) were on previous lists, if it makes you feel better.<br />

Guess we just didn’t want to repeat ourselves too much.<br />

Alas, there are only 50 slots, when there could be 500.<br />

However, if you write a witty, abrasive critique of your<br />

nominees and send it to us, we promise to pawn it off as our<br />

own work next year.<br />


Pick handles? PICK HANDLES? I’m afraid not. Lester Maddox<br />

never handed out a pick handle in his disgusting puke<br />

of a life. He handed out ax handles. AX HANDLES.<br />

See, in the south, they don’t pick. <strong>The</strong>y ax. <strong>The</strong> ax people<br />

directions, they ax you if you’re a goddamned commie liberal<br />

from up north, they ax you once to get the fuck back<br />

where you belong, then they hand you by your scrotum.<br />

But they don’t pick because if they did, they’d pick another<br />

life, one not involving living in the south or being who<br />

they are. So there.<br />

Cleveland<br />

Dear Cleveland,<br />

Well, actually, it was pick handles. Is there a difference?<br />

Anyway, we must object: there are a lot of cool, interesting<br />

people in the south. <strong>The</strong>y’re in New Orleans.<br />


From your “50 Most Loathsome <strong>People</strong>” list:<br />

“You think you’re an activist because you bitch all day on<br />

the internet...”<br />

You mean like your little whine-rag?<br />

Perhaps you (whoever actually wrote this little cyber<br />

tantrum - hard to tell as it doesn’t appear to have a byline)<br />

can enumerate any substantive change you’ve ever brought<br />

to bear upon the geo-political system you despise, inasmuch<br />

as you’re so well-informed and have all this keen<br />

insight that you deingrate the brainwashed masses for lacking...<br />

Jacob Marley<br />

Dear Jacob,<br />

Awww, did we touch a nerve? Look, we’re sorry we<br />

described you so accurately, but don’t take that to mean<br />

that “you” doesn’t include us. If you think that makes us<br />

hypocrites, it won’t disturb our sleep patterns. Ps. we bitch<br />

all day in print.<br />

<strong>The</strong> BEAST, January 26-February 9, 2005 23


OR DIE!<br />

subcription@buffalobeast.com<br />


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