The Sun Shines for Spring Fest, A 'Fun-Fab' Day - Albert Wisner ...
The Sun Shines for Spring Fest, A 'Fun-Fab' Day - Albert Wisner ...
The Sun Shines for Spring Fest, A 'Fun-Fab' Day - Albert Wisner ...
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Free Music Every Saturday & <strong>Sun</strong>day<br />
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Formerly Flowick Deli • Under New Management<br />
COMING<br />
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Call, Stop by, or Fax <strong>for</strong><br />
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583 Route 94 North, Warwick • 986-8800<br />
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Ye Jolly Onion Inn<br />
For over 32 years, the Greiner<br />
family has been delighting vistors<br />
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superb service, and a com<strong>for</strong>tably<br />
elegant setting.<br />
Wed & Thurs: 5-9 • Fri & Sat: 5-10<br />
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Make Your Reservation <strong>for</strong> Mother’s <strong>Day</strong>...<br />
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Lunch:<br />
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11:30-2:30<br />
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4:30-8:30<br />
Courtyard Available <strong>for</strong> Parties Seating up to 75<br />
Pepe Freijo, Prop. • Warwick, NY • 845-986-1509<br />
By Scott Webber<br />
May 1, 1935:<br />
• Due to a decrease in traffic, 40 men were laid off by the<br />
Lehigh and Hudson Railroad Company.<br />
• Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker moved to a new apartment in<br />
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rightmyer on the corner<br />
of Linden Place and Oakland Avenue.<br />
• In a story, "Washington Through the Eyes of a Senior,"<br />
high school student Eleanor Sayer said the Lincoln<br />
Memorial made the greatest impression of the five-day<br />
class trip. <strong>The</strong> 20 seniors found the Blue, Green and Pink<br />
Rooms of the White House "not livable." On Capitol Hill,<br />
they saw Congressmen not listening to what was going on,<br />
reading magazines and talking while in the Senate they<br />
glimpsed Huey Long wearing a suit "we decided to be a<br />
cross between molasses and mustard color, and a bright red<br />
tie." At the Naval Academy at Annapolis, they saw "Buzz"<br />
Barries of all American Football Fame.<br />
May 2, 1945:<br />
• Bertha’s Diner on the corner of Oakland Avenue and First<br />
Street was offering a "Special Businessman’s Lunch" –<br />
hamburgers, with French fries and cole slaw, served daily<br />
<strong>for</strong> 35 cents.<br />
• Lt. Col. Levi H. Chase Jr., husband of the <strong>for</strong>mer Jean<br />
Strong of Warwick, has been officially credited with<br />
destroying four more enemy planes, probably destroying<br />
another and damaging still another in a recent raid on<br />
Bangkok. He received his second Silver Star Award and is<br />
now in India. While on combat duty in North Africa 1942-<br />
43, he was the ranking Ace of the American <strong>for</strong>ces there. He<br />
received his third Distinguished Flying Cross after coming<br />
back to the states in 1943.<br />
• Mr. and Mrs. Ross J. Dietrich have purchased the home of<br />
Mrs. Fred L. Smith on Howe Street. <strong>The</strong> sale was made by<br />
Charles W. Lewis of the Fuller Agency.<br />
•Word has been received by Mrs. Benjamin Smith that her<br />
son, Bennie, is now located on Okinawa Island with the<br />
Medical Detachment of the 165th Infantry, going in with<br />
the 27th Division sometime in early April. Bennie says<br />
everything is "going along smoothly."<br />
May 5, 1965<br />
• <strong>The</strong> following Warwick Valley High School students were<br />
inducted into the Honor Society: Peggy Noonan, Margaret<br />
Ann Knieriemen, Rose Marie Boggio, Larraine Nowacki,<br />
Bruce Stamski, Joy Jones, Frank Sudol, Gail Wheeler, Nancy<br />
Grohosky, Nancy Littell and Anita McElhone. To be a member<br />
a student must maintain grades of 85 percent or over and<br />
be judged on character, scholarship, leadership and service.<br />
• <strong>The</strong> Southern Winter Season is over, back are the Bill<br />
Toomeys and Doris and John Renner, after spending the<br />
winter in Acapulco. <strong>The</strong> Stan Schneiders are back after a<br />
six-week cruise.<br />
• Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Marshall of Old Ridge Road celebrated<br />
their 40th Wedding Anniversary on May 2 at home<br />
with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald<br />
Marshall, along with their daughter and her husband, Mr.<br />
and Mrs. Beverly Sisco. <strong>The</strong>y were married in 1925 in<br />
Cooks Falls, NY. She is the <strong>for</strong>mer Dorothy Marian Perry.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y have eleven grandchildren.<br />
• <strong>The</strong> new officers of the Pine Island CYO are Frank Sudol,<br />
President; Bob Bogdanski, Vice President; Brendon<br />
Filipowski, Secretary; and <strong>The</strong>resa Krasniewicz, Social<br />
Chairman.<br />
• <strong>The</strong> Rev. John C. Anderson was instituted as Rector of<br />
Christ Episcopal Church.<br />
• Randolph P. Myers of Fairview Drive retired after 46 years<br />
with the L&H RR as a diesel <strong>for</strong>eman. He began as a boilermaker<br />
apprentice on Sept. 8, 1919.<br />
April 30, 1980:<br />
• Wilfred E. Raynor, 83, President of Raynor, Inc., Realtors<br />
and Appraisers, died at St. Petersburg, Florida on April 25.<br />
From 1919 to 1950 he was with Raynor’s Markets in<br />
Greenwood Lake and Warwick, the latter is still operated by<br />
his son Wilfred L. Raynor, Jr.<br />
• Residents were protesting the proposed closings of the<br />
Pine Island School and the cafeteria at Greenwood Lake<br />
Elementary School.<br />
• Gearlin Logan was honored as Jaycee of the Year at a dinner<br />
at the Linden House in Greenwood Lake. She was honored<br />
<strong>for</strong> her contributions to the United African Methodist<br />
Episcopal Church and St. Anthony Community Hospital.<br />
Lively music and song was provided by Dick Wells and<br />
members of the Linden House Band.<br />
• John and Stella Hucko of Pine Island were feted at a surprise<br />
party by friends and relatives in honor of their 25th<br />
Wedding Anniversary on April 28 at their home. <strong>The</strong>y were<br />
married April 30, 1955 in Garfield, NJ. He is well known <strong>for</strong><br />
his firemanic and scouting activities.<br />
May 5, 1993:<br />
• Frances Sodrick, Pine Island resident, won the Senior Citizen<br />
Golden Apple Award, which she was given at the Applefest<br />
Fashion Show held April 30 at the Peach Grove Inn, the Greek<br />
Revival style Bed and Breakfast. <strong>The</strong> show was sponsored by<br />
the Doc Fry Community Center and the Warwick Valley<br />
Chamber of Commerce. <strong>The</strong> first runner-up was Helen Kelly<br />
and second runner-up was George Goodman.<br />
• Jaimie Elizabeth Leonard of Cedar Hill Drive, a 1992<br />
graduate of Warwick Valley High School, has been named<br />
by Congressman Benjamin A. Gilman <strong>for</strong> appointment to<br />
the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. <strong>The</strong> 19-year old is<br />
the daughter of Mr. Robert F. Leonard Jr. and the late Mrs.<br />
Patricia Leonard. In high school Jaimie was a member of<br />
the soccer, basketball, volleyball and softball Junior and<br />
Senior Varsity Teams, Student Senate President, National<br />
Honor Society and a member of the school news staff.<br />
• Park Avenue School students helped plant a tree at Arbor<br />
<strong>Day</strong> Services on April 28. Wielding shovels were Jennifer<br />
McManus, Joey Redner, Nicole Montois, Tom<br />
Quackenbush and Vinny Cangiano. School Principal<br />
Gerald Decatur supervised.<br />
• In the "Looking Back" column in 1943, 900 Warwick<br />
School pupils marched in a parade urging residents to purchase<br />
war bonds and stamps.<br />
For Local Massage <strong>The</strong>rapist, Using Pure<br />
Essential Oils is a Must<br />
Connie Wehmeyer, licensed Massage <strong>The</strong>rapist, clinically<br />
certified Aromatherapy Practitioner, and owner of<br />
Subtle Energies Holistic Health Center spoke at the NYS<br />
Massage Convention in Corning, NY. Wehmeyer taught a<br />
nine hour course (<strong>for</strong> continuing education units) on<br />
"Using Aromatherapy in Your Massage Practice" and<br />
"Aromatherapy First Aid."<br />
"My goal at this convention was to help other massage<br />
therapists learn how to use true aromatherapy in their<br />
practice – using the correct pure essential oils combined<br />
properly and in a proper carrier," said Wehmeyer. "Using<br />
true aromatherapy in their practice will help all massage<br />
therapists help their clients more effectively, thereby<br />
enhancing the massage profession."<br />
When asked why she felt this was important, Ms.<br />
Wehmeyer cited that the synthetic products "called" aromatherapy<br />
often cause severe allergies. Also, she continued<br />
explaining that some firms are more interested in selling<br />
the products rather than training people to be true aromatherapists.<br />
"This can potentially lead to problems <strong>for</strong> the client,"<br />
she said. "I hope and strongly feel my presentation at the<br />
convention will help massage therapists better understand<br />
this beautiful science and art so they can recognize the<br />
need <strong>for</strong> correct training when using aromatherapy in their<br />
practice."<br />
Ms. Wehmeyer has nine years and over 800 hours of<br />
aromatherapy training. She is the author of<br />
"Aromatherapy and the 5 Elements." For more in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
call Connie Wehmeyer at Subtle Energies, -469-7162.