The Sun Shines for Spring Fest, A 'Fun-Fab' Day - Albert Wisner ...

The Sun Shines for Spring Fest, A 'Fun-Fab' Day - Albert Wisner ...

The Sun Shines for Spring Fest, A 'Fun-Fab' Day - Albert Wisner ...


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Cub Scout Pack 44 Wants You!<br />

Florida Cub Scout Pack 44, operated by American<br />

Legion Post 1250, invites parents and their son to become<br />

a part of one of America’s leading values-driven organizations.<br />

Cub Scouting is a valuable resource that can help<br />

families accomplish worthy goals while building and<br />

strengthening relationships within the family.<br />

Applications to join Cub Scouts may be picked up at<br />

the Florida Public Library or at the Cub Scout Sign-up<br />

Station, to be held, in the lobby of Golden Hill Elementary<br />

School on Thurs., May 19, from 3 p.m. -5 p.m. <strong>The</strong> boys<br />

who join the Pack can look <strong>for</strong>ward to attending the May<br />

Gifts <strong>for</strong> Mother’s <strong>Day</strong><br />

Fresh & Silk Arrangements<br />

Imari Fragrance Keepers and Potpourri<br />

Garden Gift Baskets<br />

Herb or Perennial Baskets<br />

Rum<strong>for</strong>d Gardener<br />

Camilla House Iron Works<br />


Warwick’s Oldest and Finest Florist Since 1935<br />

12-16 Galloway Rd., Warwick • (845) 986-1116 • www.corwinflorist.com<br />

pack meeting at Gander Mountain <strong>for</strong> a Fishing Clinic,<br />

marching in the Memorial <strong>Day</strong> Parade, the Advancement<br />

and Welcome Picnic at Warwick Town Park in June, the<br />

Pack Fishing Derby in July and a visit to the Rhinebeck<br />

Aerodrome in August.<br />

Cub Scouting combines fun with educational activities<br />

and lifelong values. It helps parents to help their boys<br />

strengthen character by learning about ideals like honesty,<br />

bravery and respect. <strong>The</strong>se values help boys make constructive<br />

decisions throughout their lifetimes and give<br />

them the confidence they need to grow and develop.<br />

Pack 44 of Florida always welcomes new Scouts. <strong>The</strong>se boys from Den 7 are pictured with Doris Wright, Master<br />

Gardener, who ran a Junior Master Gardeners program <strong>for</strong> the boys. <strong>The</strong>y learned about good and bad bugs, composting,<br />

and about the benefits of gardening without pesticides.<br />

Volunteering <strong>for</strong> A Good Cause<br />

<strong>The</strong> following was written by a young girl who volunteers<br />

her time at Winslow <strong>The</strong>rapeutic Center in Warwick:<br />

“My name is Amber Fury. I am a volunteer at Winslow<br />

<strong>The</strong>rapeutic Center on Saturdays. I am 13 years old and I<br />

enjoy coming here. I get to work with horses all day and my<br />

favorite horse is Diamond. At Winslow, you learn about<br />

horses and new things about them. You learn some riding tips<br />

too! Working as a volunteer is fun. You get to lead, side-walk,<br />

groom and many other things. <strong>The</strong> staff, instructors, and volunteers<br />

are all very nice and if you need help, people will help<br />

you. Like I said be<strong>for</strong>e, being a volunteer is fun and rewarding.”<br />

Winslow <strong>The</strong>rapeutic Center provides <strong>The</strong>rapeutic<br />

Riding and Hippotherapy to children and adults with special<br />

needs. <strong>The</strong> Center offers a wide range of programs<br />

including those designed <strong>for</strong> people who have autism.<br />

Winslow is always in need of volunteers. For more in<strong>for</strong>mation,<br />

contact Jaime Phillips at 986-6686.<br />

Amber Fury,<br />

a volunteer<br />

at Winslow,<br />

poses with<br />

“Diamond”<br />

her favorite<br />

horse.<br />

Village of<br />

Florida<br />

By Mayor Jim<br />

Pawliczek<br />

This article is my way of communicating with<br />

you, the residents of the Village of Florida. Any<br />

opinions expressed are strictly my own.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Florida Lions Club is hosting a Mothers’<br />

<strong>Day</strong> Breakfast at the Toadstool Family Restaurant on<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>., May 8 from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. <strong>The</strong> menu consists<br />

of pancakes, eggs with toast, French toast and<br />

choice of breakfast meats. Tickets are $7 <strong>for</strong> adults<br />

and $4 <strong>for</strong> children under ten years of age. All proceeds<br />

will be used <strong>for</strong> charitable works within the<br />

community.<br />

Village residents interested in an appointment<br />

to fill a vacancy on the Zoning Board of Appeals<br />

should drop off or mail a letter and/or resume to<br />

Village Hall at P.O. Box 505, Warwick, NY 10921.<br />

One of the Village’s garbage trucks is out of<br />

service. While the truck is being fixed the following<br />

changes to garbage collections will apply.<br />

Monday garbage collections will occur on<br />

the entire east side of the Village to include all of<br />

Main Street (except the business district) and Village<br />

Park.<br />

Tuesday garbage collections will occur in the<br />

business district of Main Street, which is the same as<br />

the current schedule, and the entire west side of the<br />

Village.<br />

For Monday holidays – regular Monday collections<br />

will take place on Tuesday and regular Tuesday<br />

collections will take place on Wednesday.<br />

Lewis Woodlands<br />

continued from page1<br />

and even made the focus of festivals in the Smokey<br />

Mountains of the United States.<br />

Warwick-in-Bloom co-chair Heidi Hamilton, a Master<br />

Gardener, had her colleagues, Master gardeners Bob Savage<br />

and Bob Pioselli, help with the Tour, the History was<br />

offered by Mayor Michael Newhard, and Steve Gross, who<br />

shared his rare collection of photos and postcards of the<br />

Lewis Woodlands.<br />

Maps of the Woodlands were prepared two years ago<br />

by Roger and Susan Metzger and are still available in a box<br />

at the beginning of the trail. More "Awareness" days are<br />

planned to Warwick’s other treasures of public lands.<br />

Nature and Garden people are invited to join Warwick-in-<br />

Bloom or <strong>The</strong> Warwick Conservancy to help develop public<br />

appreciation of land and land use issues.<br />

For in<strong>for</strong>mation call 258-0405 or look <strong>for</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

at www.warwickinfo.net.<br />

Scheuermann Farm<br />

&Greenhouses<br />


Offering a wide variety of<br />

Flower & Vegetable bedding plants,<br />

hanging baskets, patio pots,<br />

nursery stock...PROVEN WINNERS<br />

Stop in and see us at 73 Little York Road, just off<br />

County Route 1, Pine Island, NY • (845) 258-4221

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