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Sermon Notes - McLean Bible Church

Sermon Notes - McLean Bible Church


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People Jesus Met, part 53 - The Thief on the Cross (How to Activate God‟s Plan of Salvation)<br />

“I can accept getting older. I can even accept getting old. But dying Man, that‟s a tough one.”<br />

Rodney Dangerfield<br />

“Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with Jesus to be crucified.” Luke 23:32<br />

“They were thieves” Matthew 27:38<br />

“And when they came to the place called „The Skull,‟ there they crucified Jesus and the criminals, one of<br />

them on Jesus‟ right and the other on His left.” Luke 23:33<br />

“And Jesus said, „Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.‟ Meanwhile, the soldiers<br />

divided up Jesus‟ clothing by casting lots.” Luke 23:34<br />

“The people stood by, looking on. But the rulers sneered at Him, saying, „He saved others; let Him save<br />

Himself if He is the Messiah of God.‟” Luke 23:35<br />

“The soldiers also mocked Him, offering Him wine vinegar and saying, „If You are the King of the Jews,<br />

save Yourself.‟” Luke 23:36, 37<br />

“And there was also a written notice above Him which read: „THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.‟”<br />

Luke 23:38<br />

“And one of the criminals who was hanging there with Him hurled insults at Him, saying, „Are You not the<br />

Messiah Save Yourself and us!‟” Luke 23:39<br />

“Now My heart is troubled. Yet what shall I say „Father, save Me from this hour‟ No! It was for this very<br />

reason (i.e., the cross) that I came.” John 12:27<br />

Jesus knew that He had a far more critical purpose to fulfill by staying on the cross – namely paying for<br />

our sin and purchasing our eternal redemption before a Holy God.<br />

“But the other thief rebuked the first one and said to him, „Do you not fear God, since you are under the<br />

same sentence of death‟” Luke 23:40<br />

“And we are being punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man (i.e., Jesus)<br />

has done nothing wrong.” Luke 23:41<br />

“Then he (thief #2) said, „Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.‟” Luke 23:42<br />

“Jesus answered him, „Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.‟” Luke 23:43<br />

The word “Paradise” only appears three times in the New Testament – each time referring to “Heaven.”<br />

“To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God.”<br />

Revelation 2:7<br />

“I know a man in Christ (i.e., Paul himself) who fourteen years ago was caught up into the third heaven.”<br />

2 Corinthians 12:2

“This man was caught up into Paradise and he heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted<br />

to tell.” 2 Corinthians 12:4<br />

In 2 Corinthians 12:4, the “third heaven” is also called “Paradise.”<br />

Luke 16 – a place of comfort and reward<br />

Revelation 21<br />

• God Himself will be there<br />

• The water of life is dispensed freely<br />

• The streets are made of gold<br />

• There is no night<br />

• Nothing impure will enter there<br />

• No longer any “curse” (Genesis 3:17)<br />

• No death or sorrow or pain or crying<br />

“. . . for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4b<br />

“Today . . .” Luke 23:43<br />

“To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 5:8<br />

The moment we as followers of Christ close our eyes in death on earth, we immediately open them in<br />

“Paradise” in the presence of the living, risen Christ!<br />

So What<br />

Just think how these spiritual truths we‟ve learned could have changed Rodney Dangerfield‟s life – if he‟d<br />

only known about them and activated them for himself.<br />

In order for what Jesus did for us on the cross to become “ours,” we must “activate” it.<br />

The plan of salvation God offers us is real – but before we can actually make it “ours,” there are certain<br />

steps we must take to “activate” it.<br />

Step #1 – He repented<br />

“Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of death And we are being punished justly,<br />

for we are getting what our deeds deserve.” Luke 23:40<br />

This is the heart of true, godly repentance: admitting our sins before God and ourselves – honestly,<br />

courageously and openly.<br />

“The rabbi stood and prayed, „God, I thank You that I am not like other men – robbers, evildoers,<br />

adulterers – or even like this tax-collector. I fast twice a week and I give a tenth of all I get.‟”<br />

Luke 18:11, 12<br />

“But the tax-collector stood at a distance. He wouldn‟t even lift his eyes up to heaven, but beat on his<br />

breast and said, „God, please be merciful to me, a sinner.‟” Luke 18:13<br />

“„I tell you the truth,‟ Jesus said, „it was the tax-collector who went home justified before God.‟” Luke 18:14

Repentance is not just for non-believers.<br />

Even after we become followers of Jesus Christ – in order to unlock God‟s mercy and forgiveness on a<br />

daily basis – we must “repent” on a daily basis.<br />

Repentance must be a “way of life” for anyone who hopes to walk close to God.<br />

Step #2 – He placed his total trust for eternity in the hands of Jesus Christ alone – plus nothing!<br />

“Then he said, „Jesus remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.‟” Luke 23:42<br />

If faith in Jesus alone wasn‟t sufficient to get him into Paradise, the thief had no “Plan B.”<br />

Step #2 in activating God‟s plan of salvation is placing our trust for our eternal destiny fully in the hands of<br />

Jesus Christ – plus nothing.<br />

“Jesus answered him, „Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.‟” Luke 23:43<br />

How to “activate” God‟s plan of salvation:<br />

#1 – True, godly repentance from the heart<br />

#2 – Absolute reliance on Jesus Christ – and what He did for us on the cross – as our exclusive plan for<br />

getting into heaven<br />

As long as there was breath in the thief‟s body, God‟ plan of salvation was still available to him God sees<br />

every one of us just like the thief on the cross.<br />

For every one of us, the only hope we have of every getting into Paradise is to get there the same way the<br />

thief on the cross did.<br />

• By truly repenting of our sin before God<br />

• By casting ourselves on Jesus Christ [and what He did for us on the cross] as our exclusive plan for<br />

getting to heaven.

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