The Legacy of Jacob - Moriel Ministries

The Legacy of Jacob - Moriel Ministries

The Legacy of Jacob - Moriel Ministries


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Elon and Hadass Moreh<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Israel<br />

It’s Chilly Here . . .<br />

It’s winter here on the Mediterranean<br />

coast.UK readers will think we are somewhat<br />

“nesh” for feeling cold when its 15 Celsius<br />

at nights, especially when it’s about 24 degrees<br />

during the day, but we laugh in summer<br />

when we see the UK Weather Service<br />

calling 27 Celsius a “heat wave”. During<br />

the winter season here it’s too cold to have<br />

the mums and todds group on the terrace,<br />

and many <strong>of</strong> the children are now attending<br />

kindergarten After a certain age here kindergarten<br />

is compulsory because it is important<br />

for children to be speaking Hebrew, and that<br />

is subsidised. However, before that age fees<br />

can be expensive and can consume all the income<br />

<strong>of</strong> one wage earner in a family group.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> our young couples need at the moment<br />

to have both husband and wife working,<br />

but cannot afford kindergarten to look after<br />

the children, so Hadass and I have agreed to<br />

take some children <strong>of</strong> families in the congregation<br />

in the afternoon to care for them<br />

so the mums can work. This is quite a commitment,<br />

but these young couples need help<br />

while they stabilise their financial situations<br />

and get established. Our first customer is a<br />

nice little chap but only speaks Portuguese<br />

at present. He is a good mimic though, and<br />

is rapidly picking up phrases in English like,<br />

“Oh Dear!” and “Gorgeous”. I can’t leave<br />

Hadass with all the care, all the time, so I<br />

have to sit with him sometimes. Consequently<br />

I can now recongise the Portuguese phrase<br />

for “Can I have a nappy change” (and notify<br />

Hadass that she is needed!) and the word for<br />

“mummy” (which he repeatedly cried out<br />

after falling over backwards and banging<br />

his head on the floor), and I am also developing<br />

a growing familiarity with “Thomas<br />

the Tank Engine” and “Bob the Builder.”<br />

I came across the national road accident<br />

statistics a few weeks ago. Way down the<br />

league Nahariya had only 500 with no fatalities.<br />

Unfortunately Hadass and I were involved<br />

in 0.5% <strong>of</strong> them. Careless motorists,<br />

either dreamboating, on mobile phones or<br />

driving too close, have rear ended us twice<br />

in 5 months when we stopped at pedestrian<br />

crossings, causing 16,000 Shekels worth <strong>of</strong><br />

damage. Thankfully it comes <strong>of</strong>f their insurance,<br />

not ours, but it does degrade the value<br />

<strong>of</strong> the car and even with a good repair does<br />

weaken it. It also makes you paranoid each<br />

time you pull up at a red light or crossing.<br />

Another two rear-enders and the insurance<br />

company will probably write the car <strong>of</strong>f,<br />

not something ideal, as the vehicle is only 4<br />

½ years old and new cars are hideously expensive<br />

here. Your prayers for protection on<br />

the roads would be appreciated as our van is<br />

somewhat indispensable.<br />

We are still carrying on serving in the believing<br />

community here. Praise the Lord, the<br />

number <strong>of</strong> people needing food assistance<br />

from the congregation has dwindled, so that<br />

has lessened our load in that area. However,<br />

now I am running a small Bible study group<br />

on a Wednesday and have agreed to teach<br />

someone else on another day as well. Please<br />

pray for these things.<br />

A Few Puzzling Phrases<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are some phrases in Scripture that<br />

at first glance seem puzzling. Sometimes<br />

it’s good to follow the rabbit trails <strong>of</strong> Scripture<br />

and search out things that interest us. I<br />

thought I would just share with you one rabbit<br />

trail I went down recently, and hope that<br />

it interests you, too.<br />

“Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our<br />

Lord, which was made <strong>of</strong> the seed <strong>of</strong><br />

David according to the flesh; And declared<br />

to be the Son <strong>of</strong> God with power,<br />

according to the spirit <strong>of</strong> holiness, by<br />

the resurrection from the dead:”<br />

“<strong>The</strong>refore let all the house <strong>of</strong> Israel<br />

know assuredly, that God hath made<br />

that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified,<br />

both Lord and Messiah.” (Acts 2:36)<br />

<strong>The</strong> first question that comes into our mind<br />

here might be: “Hasn’t Jesus always been the<br />

Son <strong>of</strong> God from eternity” And hasn’t He<br />

always been the Messiah from eternity too<br />

Why did He need to be made Messiah and<br />

declared Son <strong>of</strong> God” Yes, <strong>of</strong> course that is<br />

absolutely true. Jesus always has been God.<br />

One reason that we can have problems with<br />

a text is because sometimes we approach it<br />

thinking what it ought to say, without letting<br />

Scripture speak for itself. Not every Scripture<br />

about sonship or Messiahship is dealing<br />

with the same aspect <strong>of</strong> it and we also need<br />

to properly define the terms “Son” and “Messiah”<br />

before we rush to interpreting the text.<br />

I would say Peter is almost certainly referring<br />

here to Psalm 2. “<strong>The</strong> kings <strong>of</strong> the earth<br />

stand up and the rulers take council together<br />

against the LORD and against His Anointed<br />

(Messiah).” As for Paul, in Acts 13 is an example<br />

<strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> Paul’s sermons, albeit in somewhat<br />

compressed form, and we actually see<br />

Psalm 2 again in connection to this very concept<br />

<strong>of</strong> resurrection, ascension and Sonship:<br />

“And when they had fulfilled all that was<br />

written <strong>of</strong> him, they took him down from<br />

the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre.<br />

But God raised him from the dead: And<br />

he was seen many days <strong>of</strong> them which<br />

came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem,<br />

who are his witnesses unto the<br />

people. And we declare unto you glad<br />

tidings, how that the promise which<br />

was made unto the fathers, God hath<br />

fulfilled the same unto us their children,<br />

in that he hath raised up Jesus again;<br />

as it is also written in the second psalm,<br />

Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten<br />

thee. And as concerning that he<br />

raised him up from the dead, now no<br />

more to return to corruption, he said on<br />

this wise, I will give you the sure mercies<br />

<strong>of</strong> David.”<br />

At first glance this passage seems a strange<br />

March 2012 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 29

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