disleXicOn-live hilde d'haeyere - Hogeschool Gent
disleXicOn-live hilde d'haeyere - Hogeschool Gent
disleXicOn-live hilde d'haeyere - Hogeschool Gent
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Filmlezing<br />
10.12.2012 — 20:30<br />
Nederlands<br />
Lecture-screening<br />
19.12.2012 — 17:30<br />
English<br />
DISLEXICON-<strong>live</strong><br />
Hilde D’haeyere<br />
Kaskcinema<br />
Godshuizenlaan 4<br />
9000 <strong>Gent</strong><br />
A5_onderzoek_<strong>hilde</strong>.indd 1 26/11/12 11:47
In woord, beeld, en in persoon<br />
presenteert Hilde D’haeyere<br />
de resultaten van haar<br />
doctoraatsonderzoek naar<br />
cinematografie in slapstick<br />
komedies van de Mack Sennett<br />
Comedies studio. De filmlezing<br />
traceert de verkenningstocht<br />
van een fotograaf in een<br />
filmhistorisch veld aan de hand<br />
van zotte termen als ‘ballyhoo,’<br />
‘hokum’ en ‘fish tales’. De<br />
presentatie kadert in het<br />
onderzoeksproject ‘Stopping the<br />
Show’ dat in 2008 geïnitieerd<br />
werd aan KASK / School of Arts.<br />
Het onderzoek resulteerde eerder<br />
in het Dislexicon of Slapstick<br />
Humor, Funny Cinematography,<br />
and Very Special Effects, de<br />
stunt-lecture-performance ‘Talk<br />
Show’ met Miet Warlop, en het<br />
doctoraal proefschrift Stopping<br />
the Show, Film Photography<br />
in Mack Sennett Slapstick<br />
Comedies 1917-1933, die<br />
deze filmlezing inspireerden.<br />
Het onderzoeksproject<br />
wordt gefinancierd door het<br />
Onderzoeksfonds <strong>Hogeschool</strong><br />
<strong>Gent</strong>.<br />
www.schoolofarts.be<br />
In words, images, and in person,<br />
Hilde D’haeyere presents her<br />
research into film photography<br />
in slapstick comedy of the Mack<br />
Sennett Comedies studio. The<br />
lecture-screening traces the<br />
explorations of a photographer<br />
in a film historical field from<br />
‘ballyhoo’ to ‘hokum’ including<br />
‘fish tales’. The presentation<br />
is the keystone of the research<br />
project ‘Stopping the Show’<br />
that was initiated in 2008 at<br />
KASK / School of Arts. Research<br />
findings found their way into the<br />
Dislexicon of Slapstick Humor,<br />
Funny Cinematography, and Very<br />
Special Effects, the stunt-lectureperformance<br />
‘Talk Show’ with<br />
Miet Warlop, and the doctoral<br />
dissertation Stopping the Show,<br />
Film Photography in Mack<br />
Sennett Slapstick Comedies<br />
1917-1933, all of which inspired<br />
this lecture. The research project<br />
is financially supported by<br />
the Research Fund University<br />
College Ghent.<br />
Muzikale begeleiding/Live music<br />
Hilde Nash<br />
Dank aan/Thanks to<br />
Karel De Cock, Jasper Rigole,<br />
Elias Heuninck (Hercules-lab),<br />
Joël Rabijns.<br />
KASKcinema<br />
Godshuizenlaan 4<br />
9000 <strong>Gent</strong><br />
Gratis toegang / Free entrance<br />
9000 GENT<br />
Beeld/Image<br />
Hilde D’haeyere, Bellows, 2011<br />
A5_onderzoek_<strong>hilde</strong>.indd 2 26/11/12 11:47