Viper Pilot_ A Memoi..

Viper Pilot_ A Memoi..

Viper Pilot_ A Memoi..


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There! White painted runway markings and an enormous 30L. I’d been blown<br />

slightly right by the wind, but there it was. Cobbing the power back, I opened the<br />

speed brakes and dumped the nose. Dropping through the dust, I kept my eyes<br />

glued to the pale ribbon of concrete. As it rose up, I pulled the stick back and<br />

angled left as much as I could to favor the unsafe left gear. With about ten feet to<br />

go, the runway seemed to just reach up and grab me, as if to say, “Enough . . . just<br />

fucking land.”<br />

The fighter slammed down and I winced.<br />

But nothing collapsed, and I didn’t flip off the runway in a cloud of sparks and<br />

flame. With the throttle in IDLE, I lowered the nose immediately, thumbed the speed<br />

brakes to full open, and concentrated on staying in the middle of the concrete.<br />

Fortunately, this runway was 9,000 feet long. As I slowed to taxi speed, I realized<br />

I’d made it.<br />

“ROMAN One . . . taxi to the end. Turn right to join your flight. The FOLLOW ME<br />

will take you to parking.”<br />

I swallowed and took a deep breath. Then I saw them. A row of flashing strobe<br />

lights and the red-and-green wingtip lights of the other F-16s. They were beautiful.<br />

“ROMAN One copies. Thanks for the help.”<br />

“Ali Tower . . . no problem. And welcome down.”<br />

Relief washed through me. Slowly approaching the turnoff, I closed the speed<br />

brakes, checked my lights on, and lifted the ejection seat lever to SAFE. Turning off<br />

carefully, I flashed my landing light at the follow-me truck, and he pulled away.<br />

The visibility was horrible now, and we literally crawled along the taxiway amid the<br />

blowing tumbleweeds and trash. Imagine driving through a dark car-wash and being<br />

sprayed with sticky brown foam while garbage hits your windshield, and you might<br />

get the picture.<br />

We taxied around a maze of ruined aircraft shelters and several other twists and<br />

turns before eventually arriving at a narrow strip of concrete just east of the other<br />

runway. Easing through the dust, I saw half a dozen little glowing wands and<br />

managed a smile. These were crew chiefs waiting to “catch” the jets and get us all<br />

shut down. Someone was on the ball out there. Following the first set of wands, I<br />

stopped at the crew chief’s signal, set the parking brake, and looked back at the<br />

rest of my strays. As the last one rolled to a stop, I keyed the mike.<br />

“All ROMANs . . . check switches safe, tapes off, and secure all your<br />

classified.” Squinting down the row of dirty-gray fighters, I added, “We’re all tired<br />

so let’s not goon up anything simple.”<br />

Our tapes and mission-planning materials were all classified, so we all checked

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