Viper Pilot_ A Memoi..

Viper Pilot_ A Memoi..

Viper Pilot_ A Memoi..


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cues suddenly vanish. For an eternal half-second, I didn’t know which way was up,<br />

down, or sideways. This wasn’t good, a few hundred feet above the ground in a<br />

dusty cloud over thousands of angry enemy soldiers.<br />

Get out of the damn cloud, my brain screamed. Over-pulling and slicing back<br />

toward the earth was the only way to do it, so I tugged the throttle out of<br />

afterburner and did just that. Problem was, without a horizon, at that altitude, I was<br />

about three seconds away from becoming a permanent part of Iraq.<br />

Suddenly the dust peeled back, and I had a face full of earth. Scrub brush, tires,<br />

and even an old car chassis registered in my head as I dropped out of the clouds.<br />

Holy shit!<br />

Instantly pulling back hard on the stick, I felt the F-16 mush toward the ground.<br />

Shoving the throttle into burner, I caught sight of the road about a hundred yards<br />

off my left wing. I was more or less heading northeast, away from that mess.<br />

They saw me.<br />

Once again, everything that could shoot swung in my direction and opened up.<br />

Green tracers arced through the dark air like whipcords. Orange blobs from heavier<br />

anti-aircraft pieces floated past, and ground fire sparkled all around me. But the F-<br />

16 responded, and as I came up through the horizon, rolling away from the threat, I<br />

hit the pickle button and felt the cluster bombs kick off.<br />

Immediately snapping the jet hard over to the right, I avoided the clouds this<br />

time, pointed east, and dove back toward the relative safety of the earth. Passing a<br />

hundred feet, I twitched my tail to the left, pulled out of burner, and raced away<br />

northeast. Looking back, Highway 8 was still lit up like Times Square. In fact, so<br />

many vehicles were shooting at me that the column appeared as if it was burning.<br />

More SAM trails streaked out beneath the clouds, and I snapped back right and<br />

plugged the burner in. I did this three or four more times, until the road<br />

disappeared.<br />

Throttling back to mil power, I swallowed hard and realized that I’d been<br />

thumbing the countermeasures switch the entire time. It was empty, of course, and,<br />

glancing at the HUD, I saw that all my towed decoys had been shot away.<br />

Thank you, Raytheon.<br />

I also saw that Highway 1 was eight miles behind me and receding fast. Easing<br />

up to a hundred feet, I stared through the HUD. Off to my right, somewhere in the<br />

gloom, was the Shaykh Mazar MiG base, but they’d never fly in this crap. It did<br />

have SAMs and Triple-A though, so I angled away to keep clear.<br />

There.<br />

Straight ahead was the metallic gray-green snake of the Tigris River. Little

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