Viper Pilot_ A Memoi..

Viper Pilot_ A Memoi..

Viper Pilot_ A Memoi..


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the pilot could remain conscious. So the physiology folks, flight surgeons, and<br />

paper-pushers all had their panties in a wad over this, and the centrifuge training<br />

was supposed to acclimate a pilot to the sensations of high, sustained G forces.<br />

That means they strapped you in the seat and spun you till you passed out. Guys<br />

like me didn’t care. What’s one more risk in a profession built on them<br />

Actually, the biggest threats at LIFT were the “Holloman widows.” These gals,<br />

usually divorced from enlisted men, had been left there when their ex-husbands<br />

moved on. They were determined to do it right the second time around and marry<br />

an officer. Think of slightly older women from An Officer and a Gentleman, maybe<br />

with a kid or two, and you’ve got it. Since I couldn’t spell matrimony and had<br />

absolutely no desire for a wife and instant family, I avoided them like the plague.<br />

After a year at Vance, Holloman was paradise. Well, Alamogordo, New<br />

Mexico, is hardly a metropolis, but, unlike Enid, it did not boast of eighty Baptist<br />

churches, nor did it have blue laws, and it did have the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.<br />

Albuquerque was only a few hours away, and there was moderately good skiing in<br />

Ruidoso. It was positively cosmopolitan after Oklahoma.<br />

Following LIFT, I was sent to Advanced Survival training at Fairchild Air Force<br />

Base in Washington State. In February. Part of the course included an escape-andevasion<br />

situation, where you are plopped down on a mountaintop with only the<br />

survival equipment you’d have after an ejection. This is to say, not much.<br />

After being given a suitable head start—about an hour—you were pursued by<br />

armed soldiers whose sole excitement in life was chasing officers through the<br />

wilderness. In those days, the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries were the big<br />

enemies, so that’s who these guys simulated. They only spoke Russian or German.<br />

Their uniforms, weapons, and attitudes were authentic. I think they all studied<br />

method acting in East Berlin.<br />

I figured that trying to escape and evade in the snow, without snowshoes, while<br />

being chased by deranged sadists who intimately knew the terrain, just wasn’t going<br />

to work. It was, as we say, a nonstarter.<br />

But what else could I do but try, right So I thrashed my way down to a stream<br />

that was moving too quickly to freeze, and then, using a trick picked up from some<br />

bad western movie, I walked backward in my own boot prints to a tree. Swinging<br />

around to the side, away from my prints, I managed to pull myself up into the<br />

branches.<br />

Okay. Maybe not the best of plans but it was all I could come up with at the<br />

moment and was certainly better than trying to blindly sprint through four feet of<br />

thick snow. And it actually did work.

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