MA10207: Exercise sheet 16

MA10207: Exercise sheet 16

MA10207: Exercise sheet 16


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2013 <strong>MA10207</strong>: <strong>Exercise</strong> <strong>sheet</strong> <strong>16</strong><br />

<strong>MA10207</strong>: <strong>Exercise</strong> <strong>sheet</strong> <strong>16</strong><br />

Please hand in solutions to homework problems by Friday, 22nd March (!!!) 5:15pm.<br />

(Monotonicity & inverse functions)<br />

Warmup problems<br />

Problem T <strong>16</strong>.1. Recall what the inverse of a function is. How are the graphs of a function and its<br />

inverse function related . . . and why<br />

Problem T <strong>16</strong>.2. Let I ⊂ R be an open interval, that is, inf I, sup I ∉ I. Suppose that f : I → R is<br />

continuous and strictly increasing. Prove that f(I) ⊂ R is an open interval.<br />

Problem T <strong>16</strong>.3. Let f : D → R be a function. How do (strict) monotonicity and injectivity relate<br />

Prove your claims.<br />

Homework problems<br />

Problem H <strong>16</strong>.1. Let f : I → R be continuous and injective on an interval I.<br />

(ii) Let A ⊂ I contain two elements, A = {x 1 , x 2 }. Use injectivity to argue that the restriction<br />

f| A of f to A is strictly monotone.<br />

(iii) Let A ⊂ I contain three elements, A = {x 1 , x 2 , x 3 }. Use the IVT to prove that f| A is strictly<br />

monotone [Hint: proof by contradiction using (ii)].<br />

(iv) Let A ⊂ I contain four elements, A = {x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 }. Deduce from (iii) that f| A is strictly<br />

monotone [Hint: straight logic from (iii)].<br />

(∞) Deduce from (iv) that f is strictly monotone.<br />

Problem H <strong>16</strong>.2. An increasing function f : D → R is continuous if f(D) is an interval (Thm 4.18).<br />

(a) Fill in/elaborate any details in the proof below that you consider necessary and find any errors.<br />

(b) What does the proof actually prove<br />

(c) Can you “repair” the proof (i.e., make it prove the statement)<br />

Proof. Suppose f was not continuous at some x ∈ D, that is,<br />

∃(x n ) n∈N ⊂ D : x n → x but f(x n ) ↛ f(x).<br />

Since f(x n ) ↛ f(x), ∃ε > 0∀N ∈ N∃n ≥ N : |f(x n ) − f(x)| ≥ ε.<br />

Hence we can choose a subsequence (x nk ) k∈N of the sequence (x n ) n∈N so that<br />

∀k ∈ N : f(x nk ) ≤ f(x) − ε or ∀k ∈ N : f(x) + ε ≤ f(x nk );<br />

suppose, without loss of generality (wlog.), that ∀k ∈ N : f(x) + ε ≤ f(x nk ). Then<br />

• f(x) + ε ∈ f(D) since f(x n1 ) ≥ f(x) + ε > f(x) and f(D) is an interval;<br />

consequently, ∃δ > 0 : f(x + δ) = f(x) + ε;<br />

• ∀k ∈ N : x nk ≥ x + δ since f(x nk ) ≥ f(x) + ε = f(x + δ).<br />

As a consequence (convergence of subsequences) we obtain the desired contradiction:<br />

x = lim k→∞ x nk ≥ x + δ > x.<br />

Problem H <strong>16</strong>.3. Use the functional identity e x+y = e x e y of the exponential function<br />

exp : R → R, x ↦→ exp(x) = e x = ∑ ∞<br />

n=0 xn<br />


2013 <strong>MA10207</strong>: <strong>Exercise</strong> <strong>sheet</strong> <strong>16</strong><br />

to show that exp is strictly increasing. Conclude that ln = exp −1 : (0, ∞) → R is strictly monotone<br />

and continuous.<br />

Quiz questions<br />

Problem Q <strong>16</strong>.1. Let I be an interval and f : I → R some function (not necessarily continuous).<br />

(i) x ∈ I is a minimum of f if ∀y ∈ I : f(x) ≤ f(y).<br />

(ii) If I is compact then f has a maximum on I. [Hint]<br />

(iii) If I is compact and f continuous then f(I) is a compact interval. [Hint]<br />

(iv) If I is bounded, f continuous and f(I) is a compact interval, then I is a closed interval. [Hint]<br />

(v) If f : R → R is continuous and satisfies lim x→±∞ f(x) = 0, then f is bounded. [Hint]<br />

(vi) If f : R → R is continuous and satisfies lim x→±∞ f(x) = 0, then f has a minimum on R.<br />

Evaluate<br />

Problem Q <strong>16</strong>.2. Let I be an interval and f : I → R continuous.<br />

(i) If f is strictly monotone then f injects. [Hint]<br />

(ii) If f injects then f must be strictly monotone. [Hint]<br />

(iii) The previous statement is false, in general, if I is not an interval. [Hint]<br />

(iv) If f injects then f −1 is continuous. [Hint]<br />


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