Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar List of Ph. D theses

Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar List of Ph. D theses

Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar List of Ph. D theses

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<strong>Gujarat</strong> <strong>Ayurveda</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Jamnagar</strong><br />

<strong>List</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ph</strong>. D <strong>theses</strong><br />


Sl. Scholar Guide Title <strong>of</strong> the thesis Year<br />

No<br />

1. Pandit Rao D V V J Thaker Ayurvedopayogi Yoga Svaroopam 1982<br />

2. Shastry M S V J Thaker A critical and comparative study <strong>of</strong> Goraksha 1984<br />

Samhita<br />

3. Thaker H C V J Thaker Harita Samhita ka Anushandhanatmaka 1986<br />

Adhyayana<br />

4. Nirmal B M Gurdip Singh A comparative study <strong>of</strong> concept <strong>of</strong> 1990<br />

pathogenesis<br />

5. Chattopadhyaya M S Shastri Further study in ageing and its management 1992<br />

A<br />

w.s.r. to hematological parameters<br />

6. Dwivedi R B M S Shastri A critical and comparative study <strong>of</strong> Vahat- 1994<br />

Grantha (Skanda Samhita).<br />

7. Jain G K M S Shastri Medical science: As known to Acharya 1994<br />

Hemachandra Suri.<br />

8. Nirmal A B B M Nirmal Keshapata ke Sandarbha mein Svasthya- 1995<br />

Raksha evam Aturvikara Prashamana<br />

Sambandhita Katipaya Ayurvedeeya<br />

Siddhanton ka Prayogika Adhyayana.<br />

9. Pancholi D G M S Shastri Institutionalized care in <strong>Ayurveda</strong>: past and 1995<br />

present.<br />

10. Bhatt Arpan R R Dwivedi An experimental study on the effects <strong>of</strong> music 1995<br />

on gastric and allied secretions.<br />

11. Joshi (Mrs) U D M S Shastri A comparative and critical study on Ayurvedic 1995<br />

material in Ashatadasha Puranas w.s.r. to<br />

Garbhavakranti<br />

12. Babaria C H R R Dwivedi Study <strong>of</strong> Tvaka Rachana and Kriya in relation 1996<br />

to Tvak Vikaras w.s.r. to its importance in<br />

Prakriti<br />

13. Santosh S R R R Dwivedi Conceptual and applied study <strong>of</strong> Ahara in 2003<br />

Brihatrayee<br />

14. Rawal Suhag R R Dwivedi Tvak Soundarya ke Samrakshana evam 2004<br />

Samvardhana ka Saiddantika evam Prayogika<br />

Adhyayana<br />

15. Baghel A S R R Dwivedi A fundamental and applied study on Prakriti 2004<br />

and its influence on pr<strong>of</strong>ession and vice-versa<br />

16. Mohanty R R Dwivedi Bio transformation <strong>of</strong> Panchamahabhuta and 2006<br />

Bishnupriya<br />

its interpretation in terms <strong>of</strong> cell injury<br />

17. Vyas M K R R Dwivedi Charaka Chakrapanina Nirdishta Vividha 2006<br />

NyayataTesham Vyavaharika Upayogitam cha<br />

18. Pandya R R Dwivedi Study on the Ayurvedic concept <strong>of</strong> 2007<br />

Siddhesh B<br />

Satvavajaya Chikitsa vis-à-vis self hypnosis<br />

19. Paparinath S<br />

Mandal<br />

wsr Smriti Vardhan and Anidra<br />

R R Dwivedi Conceptual and applied study <strong>of</strong> Atura<br />

Pareeksha in Brihattrayee for the Bala Dosha<br />

Pramana and standardization <strong>of</strong> Aushadha<br />


Matra<br />

20. Tikenderjit R R Dwivedi A comprehensive study <strong>of</strong> Satakas in 2007<br />

Sarma<br />

<strong>Ayurveda</strong> and assessment <strong>of</strong> Rasa ritu<br />

relationship<br />

21. Mund<br />

R R Dwivedi Clinical study <strong>of</strong> Pitta panchaka and role <strong>of</strong> 2007<br />

Jayashankar<br />

Ghrita on their physiopathology<br />

22. Mane Santosh R R Dwivedi Evolution & Evaluation <strong>of</strong> some objective 2009<br />

S<br />

parameters for Ushna & Sheeta Gunas based<br />

on Panchabhautika theory & experiments.<br />

23. Mishra R R Dwivedi Fundamental and applied study <strong>of</strong> Snigdha & 2009<br />

Sangram R<br />

Ruksha guna w.s.r. to Rasrakatagata Sneha<br />

(Hyperlipidemia)<br />


Sl. No Scholar Guide Title <strong>of</strong> the thesis Year<br />

24. Dhyani S C Determination <strong>of</strong> taste and taste threshold <strong>of</strong> 1983<br />

drugs<br />

25. Pandya (Smt) J M Sharma Nighantuon ke Rachana ke Pariprekshya 1989<br />

T N<br />

mein Bhava-Prakasha Nighantu par Ek<br />

Adhyayana.<br />

26. Sharma P P J M Sharma A study on anti-asthmatic effect <strong>of</strong> Arka- 1992<br />

Pushpa<br />

27. Shahjahan S J M Sharma Clinical evaluation <strong>of</strong> Ayurvedic 1994<br />

pharmacological principles based on<br />

computerised Ayurvedic medicine<br />

28. Joshi V N J M Sharma Evaluation <strong>of</strong> certain indigenous drugs for 1996<br />

their pharmaco-therapeutical action in<br />

29. Rao Gundappa<br />

S<br />

30. Solanki (Ms)<br />

Varsha<br />

J M Sharma<br />

J M Sharma<br />

Vajeekarana w.s.r. to orgasmology<br />

<strong>Ph</strong>ytochemical, pharmacological and clinical<br />

evaluation <strong>of</strong> certain medicinal plants to<br />

assess their Rasayana, adaptogenic and<br />

anti-ulcer properties.<br />

<strong>Ph</strong>ytochemical, pharmacological and clinical<br />

evaluation <strong>of</strong> certain medicinal plants to<br />

assess their Rasayana, adaptogenic and<br />

anti-ulcer properties<br />

31. Varma Aruna TN Pandya A comparative pharmaco-therapeutic study<br />

<strong>of</strong> Arka Kshara & Kantakari w.s.r. to its<br />

efficacy in the management <strong>of</strong> Tamaka<br />

shvasa<br />

32. Acharya R N P P Sharma A comparative pharmco-therapeutic study <strong>of</strong><br />

Tejaraja & Bahuphali w.s.r. to their Brimhana<br />

& Vrishya karma<br />

33. Joshi P K P P Sharma A comparative pharmacognostical,<br />

phytochemical and pharmacotherapeutic<br />

study <strong>of</strong> Shveta Musali and Krishna Musali<br />

w.s.r. to Vrishya Karma<br />

34. Asha K V P P Sharma Comparative pharmacognostic and<br />

pharmacological evaluation <strong>of</strong> Langali (Gloria<br />

superba Linn) under wild and cultivated<br />

conditions<br />

35. Rao Ravi P P Sharma A pharmacoclinical study <strong>of</strong> Chandrashura(<br />

Lapidium sativum Linn. With special<br />

reference to Sandhivata(Osteo arthritis)<br />

1997<br />

1997<br />

2002<br />

2002<br />

2006<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

36. Gohil G D P P Sharma A advanced investigative study <strong>of</strong> 2007

controversial Ayurvedic drugs with particular<br />

reference to Amlavetas<br />

37. Raval Neeta T N Pandya A pharmacoclinical study <strong>of</strong> Chandrasura (<br />

Lepidium sativum Linn. W.S.R. to<br />

Sandhivata(osteoarthritis)<br />

2007<br />

Sl. No Scholar Guide Title <strong>of</strong> the thesis Year<br />

38. Jain H C LS Bhatnagar. A critical study <strong>of</strong> toxicology in <strong>Ayurveda</strong> 1982<br />

39. Sharma H S L S Bhatnagar. Standardization <strong>of</strong> Rasa-Sindoora in relation<br />

to Paka-Kala and Agni<br />

40. Zala K K H S Sharma Preparation <strong>of</strong> Parada Bhasma 1991<br />

41. Pillai K U H S Sharma A standard preparation <strong>of</strong> Hartala Bhasma 1991<br />

and its therapeutical efficacy in certain skin<br />

disorders<br />

42. Joshi (Ms) H S Sharma A study on Shila-Sindoora w.s.r. to its toxicity 1994<br />

Chetana<br />

and its clinical efficacy on eosinophilia.<br />

43. Rathor A S H S Sharma Standardization <strong>of</strong> Vaikranta Bhasma in 1995<br />

relation to its identification, experimental<br />

studies and clinical observations<br />

44. Saxena S N H C Jain Shilajatu Vinischaya 1997<br />

45. Gaur J R 2301.H C Jain A critical study on recent advances in Rasa 1997<br />

Shastra<br />

46. Pande LK<br />

Studies on some aspects <strong>of</strong> toxicology <strong>of</strong> 2000<br />

Damodar Bhattanagar Ayurvedic drug (Vatsanabha)<br />

47. Pattagiri B P K Prajapati A pharmaceutical and toxicity study <strong>of</strong> 2005<br />

Makaradhvaja prepared by Ashta-<br />

Samsakarita Parada<br />

48. Tank<br />

Zankhana G<br />

49. Jarasaniya<br />

Alpesh<br />

P K Prajapati<br />

A K Choudhury<br />

A <strong>Ph</strong>armacetico - clinical study <strong>of</strong> Vit 8 Lepa<br />

and Vit 8 oil (Modified Karpanpatru – A herbo<br />

mineral compound) in the management <strong>of</strong><br />

Shvitra (Vitiligo).<br />

A pharmaceutical study <strong>of</strong> Bharangiguda<br />

Avaleha prepared by two different processes<br />

and its efficacy on Tamaka Shwasa<br />

50. Sahu K C P K Prajapati <strong>Ph</strong>armaceutical development in <strong>Ayurveda</strong><br />

and standardization <strong>of</strong> certain formulations<br />

51. Mitra Suchi Dr. P K<br />

Prajapati<br />

52. Sarkar<br />

Prashanta<br />

53. Baragi<br />

Pramod<br />

54. Nayak<br />

Suhaskumar<br />

55. Kalsariya<br />

Bharat<br />

Dr. P K<br />

Prajapati<br />

Dr. B Pattgiri<br />

Dr. P K<br />

Prajapati<br />

Dr. P K<br />

Prajapati<br />

<strong>Ph</strong>ysico – chemical effect <strong>of</strong> Bhavana on<br />

Gandhaka Rasayana processed with two<br />

different media and its therapeutic effect on<br />

Ekakushtha (Psoriasis)<br />

Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Shodhana process & antidote –<br />

study on Vatsanabha<br />

<strong>Ph</strong>armaceutical standardization <strong>of</strong> Narikela<br />

Khanda and Narikela Khanda granules , its<br />

efficacy in Amlapitta<br />

<strong>Ph</strong>armaceutical standardization <strong>of</strong><br />

Tamrabhasma and evaluate its<br />

antihyperlipaedemic and cardio-protective<br />

activity in experimental models<br />

<strong>Ph</strong>armaceutical standardization <strong>of</strong> syrup and<br />

Ghanavati (tablet) <strong>of</strong> Jwarahara dasemani<br />

and evaluate its analgesic, anti inflammatory<br />

and antipyretic activity.<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

2008<br />

2008<br />

2009<br />

2009<br />

2009<br />



Sl. No Scholar Guide Title <strong>of</strong> the thesis Year<br />

56. Bhatt Nilesh V D Shukla Role <strong>of</strong> Vata and Satva in the 2007<br />

N<br />

aetiopathogenesis and management <strong>of</strong><br />

57. Goyal<br />

Ravikant R<br />

Klaibya Roga.<br />

H M Chandola A clinical study on the Role <strong>of</strong> Baspa<br />

Svedana with & without Agnimanthadi<br />

compound in the management <strong>of</strong> Sthaulya<br />

58. Tank Neha G V D Shukla A coparative clinical study <strong>of</strong> Jaladhara and<br />

Tailadhara in the management <strong>of</strong> Stress<br />

59. Joshi Alpesh V D Shukla Clinical effect <strong>of</strong> Nirgundi patrapinda sweda<br />

and Aswagandhadi guggulu yoga in the<br />

management <strong>of</strong> Sandhivata(Osteoarthritis)<br />

60. Dhananjay<br />

Patel<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>. H M<br />

Chandola<br />

61. Khagram Rita Pr<strong>of</strong>. V D<br />

Shukla<br />

Evaluation <strong>of</strong> the role <strong>of</strong> Manasikabhava in<br />

the aetiopathogenesis <strong>of</strong> Madhumeha<br />

(NIDDM) and its management by Polyherbal<br />

antidiabetic formulation with or without<br />

Medhya Rasayana.<br />

A clinical effect <strong>of</strong> Matra Basti and Vatari<br />

Guggulu in the management <strong>of</strong> Amavata<br />

(Rheumatoid arthritis).<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

2009<br />

2009<br />


Sl. No Scholar Guide Title <strong>of</strong> the thesis Year<br />

62. Patel A K C P Shukla Pakshaghata mein Chikitsa ka Prayogika 1983<br />

Adhyayana<br />

63. Vyas S N C P Shukla Amavata mein Ama ka Mahattva evam uski 1983<br />

Shuddha Guggulu se Chikitsa ka<br />

Adhyayana.<br />

64. Pilapitiya Upali C P Shukla A study <strong>of</strong> Amlapitta and its management 1983<br />

65. Shukla V D S K Mishra Amavata Adhyayana evam Ayurvedeeya 1983<br />

Vishishta Chikitsa<br />

66. Ali Momin Gurdip Singh A study on standardisation aspect <strong>of</strong> 1988<br />

Ayurvedic drugs commonly used in primary<br />

health care<br />

67. Bhatt P S N Gurdip Singh Further studies on the concept <strong>of</strong> Grahani and 1990<br />

its relation to Agni<br />

68. Hejamadi S Gurdip Singh Studies on the Ayurvedic management <strong>of</strong> 1990<br />

ageing (Jara).<br />

69. Baghel M S Gurdip Singh Parinama Shoola and allied disorders and 1991<br />

their management with Rasayana drugs.<br />

70. Surendran E Gurdip Singh A study on the Lakshanas mentioned in 1993<br />

<strong>Ayurveda</strong><br />

71. Joshi P D Gurdip Singh Role <strong>of</strong> Manasa (psyche) in the vitiation <strong>of</strong> 1995<br />

Agni and its management with Sattvavajaya<br />

w.s.r. to hypnotherapy<br />

72. Mehra B L Gurdip Singh Studies on Klaibya (male sexual dysfunction)<br />

and its management with Vajeekarana.<br />


73. Anand R M Gurdip Singh A survey <strong>of</strong> skin diseases and role <strong>of</strong><br />

Gandhaka Druti preparations in the<br />

management <strong>of</strong> Kunakha and Dadru<br />

74. Dwivedi (Mrs)<br />

V D<br />

Gurdip Singh<br />

Shirah-Shoola evam uski Chikitsa mein Nasya<br />

tatha Shamana Aushadhiyon ki Karmukata ka<br />

Adhyayana<br />

75. Sarda C L M S Baghel A clinical study on the management <strong>of</strong> Shvitra<br />

(vitiligo) w.s.r. to Charaka's "Yat Cha Anyat<br />

Kushthaghnam Shvitrinam eva tat Shastam<br />

Khadirodaka Samyuktam".<br />

76. Prasad<br />

Srinivas<br />

77. Sengupta<br />

Sanjukta<br />

Gurdip Singh<br />

A clinical study on the role <strong>of</strong> Svarna Bhasma<br />

& Vajeekara drugs in the management <strong>of</strong><br />

Shukra-Dushti<br />

S N Vyas A clinical study on Sandhigata-Vata<br />

(osteoarthritis) w.s.r. to its management by<br />

Shamana and Shodhana therapy<br />

78. Pandya Amrish<br />

S<br />

Gurdip Singh The role <strong>of</strong> certain Ayurvedic anorexient drugs<br />

in the management <strong>of</strong> Sthaulya (obesity)<br />

79. Thaker Anup B Gurdip Singh The role <strong>of</strong> Svarna Bhasma and Kokilaksha in<br />

the management <strong>of</strong> Ksheena-Shukra<br />

(oligozoospermia).<br />

80. Tiwari Shanti S N Vyas A comparative study on the role <strong>of</strong> Pooga and<br />

Medhya Rasayana in the management <strong>of</strong><br />

Amlapitta<br />

81. Kaur Mandeep HM<br />

Chandola<br />

Role <strong>of</strong> Shamana and Rasayana therapy in<br />

the management <strong>of</strong> Vicharchika (eczema).<br />

82. Godatwar P R Gurdip Singh A study on the Ayurvedic aspects <strong>of</strong> acquired<br />

immuno deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and its<br />

management with Ayurvedic drugs.<br />

83. Mohanta T K VD Shukla A study on Vicharchika (eczema) and its<br />

management with Virechana and Rasayana.<br />

84. Manoj A K Gurdip Singh Clinical study on AIDS and the role <strong>of</strong> certain<br />

Ayurvedic drugs in its management.<br />

85. Behera B S M S Baghel A clinical study on Tamaka Shvasa and its<br />

management with Sodhana and Shvasahara<br />

Avaleha.<br />

86. Khunt C U Gurdip Singh Studies on Kutipraveshika and Vatatapika<br />

Rasayana effects <strong>of</strong> Varahikanda in promotion<br />

<strong>of</strong> health and management <strong>of</strong> ageing<br />

87. Poojari Nagraja<br />

R<br />

88. Parida Deepak<br />

K<br />

Gurdip Singh<br />

VD Shukla<br />

A clinical study on the Role <strong>of</strong> Ashvagandha in<br />

the management <strong>of</strong> Kaphaja Shukra-Dushti.<br />

A clinical assessment <strong>of</strong> the Chikitsa-Sootra <strong>of</strong><br />

Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis) described by<br />

Chakradatta<br />

89. Dave A R V D Shukla Role <strong>of</strong> Amrutbhallatak Avaleha and Karanjadi<br />

Lepa in the management <strong>of</strong><br />

Ekakustha(Psoriasis).<br />

90. Dhiren Deka HM<br />

Chandola<br />

91. Bhuyan<br />

Gurucharan<br />

M S Baghel<br />

A clinical study on Klaibya (Male sexual<br />

dysfunctions) in Madhumeha and its<br />

management by Vajikarana<br />

A critical study on the aetiopathogenesis <strong>of</strong><br />

Uchcharaktachapa (essential hypertension)<br />

and its management with Virechana and<br />

Shamana Yoga (A hebal Compound).<br />

1996<br />

1996<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2002<br />

2002<br />

2004<br />

2004<br />

2004<br />

2005<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

2006<br />


92. Mishra<br />

Ratnaprabha<br />

S N Vyas<br />

A comparative study <strong>of</strong> Nasya with Rasnadi<br />

Taila and Shamana withDanti Pravala Yoga in<br />

the management <strong>of</strong> Vatika Shirahshoola<br />

(Tension headache)<br />

93. Girish K J M S Baghel A critical study <strong>of</strong> Oligozoospermia in<br />

Ayurvedic parlance and role <strong>of</strong> Kshiravidari<br />

(Ipomea digitata) in its management<br />

94. Kharche<br />

Somraj<br />

M S Baghel<br />

A clinical study on the role <strong>of</strong> Guduchyadi<br />

yoga as an adjuvant in the management <strong>of</strong><br />

pulmonary tuberculosis with anti koch’s<br />

treatment<br />

95. Mandal Shishir A B Thakar A clinical Etiopathological study on psoriasis<br />

with special reference to role <strong>of</strong> stress in it’s<br />

management<br />

96. Debnath<br />

Sarojkumar<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>. S N<br />

Vyas<br />

97. Prashanth G S Dr. M.S.<br />

Baghel<br />

A clinical study on the management <strong>of</strong><br />

Amavata- (Rheumatoid Arthritis) Simhanad<br />

Guggulu and Alambushadi Churna<br />

A clinical study in the management <strong>of</strong><br />

chronic renal failure with Punarnavadi<br />

compound<br />


2007<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

2007<br />

2009<br />

2009<br />

Sl. No Scholar Guide Title <strong>of</strong> the thesis Year<br />

98. Ashok Kumar M S Shastry A study on assessment <strong>of</strong> certain indigenous 1994<br />

Immunoprotective drugs in growing children.<br />

99. Rao R A M S Shastry Screening <strong>of</strong> certain indigenous drugs for 1995<br />

Immunogenecity in experimental animals<br />

and evaluation <strong>of</strong> their role in Vyadhi-<br />

Kshamattva status <strong>of</strong> children<br />

100. Patel Kalpana M S Shastry A comparative and critical study <strong>of</strong> 2000<br />

Ravanakrita Kumaratantram.<br />

101. Jaiswal MA Pandya A clinical and experimental study on 2003<br />

Pramod<br />

childhood Tamaka Shvasa.<br />

102. Dash P K IU Mistry A study in the role <strong>of</strong> Medhyabalyadi Yoga 2005<br />

for growth and development <strong>of</strong> children.<br />

103. Rajagopal S I U Mistry A critical review <strong>of</strong> Prakara Yoga and 2005<br />

pharmaco-clinical study on a combination<br />

<strong>of</strong> certain drugs there in for Vyadhi-<br />

Kshamattva and Brimhana in children.<br />

104. Bhattacharya K S Patel Clinical study on Pandu Roga WSR to Iron 2009<br />

Achyut<br />

deficiency anemia in children and its<br />

management with Drakshadi Avaleha<br />


Sl. No Scholar Guide Title <strong>of</strong> the thesis Year<br />

105. Dave O D Kulwant Singh Studies on cancer. 1991<br />

106. Upadhyay K Kulwant Singh Role <strong>of</strong> Gokshuradi Kvatha and Guggulu in 1995<br />

N<br />

Mootrashmari<br />

107. Gupta (Ms) Kulwant Singh Rakhee -Role <strong>of</strong> Nyagrodhadi Ghrita and 1999<br />

Rakhee<br />

Udumbaradi Ghana-Vati in Vrana-Ropana.<br />

108. Karunatilake Kulwant Singh A comparative study <strong>of</strong> different Kshara- 2002<br />

L P A<br />

Sootras in fistula-in-ano<br />

109. John<br />

Elizabeth P<br />

Kulwant Singh Role <strong>of</strong> Amrita-Bhallataka Paka in Gala-<br />

Arbuda (laryngo-pharyngeal cancer) w.s.r. to

its aetio-pathogenesis<br />


Sl. No Scholar Guide Title <strong>of</strong> the thesis Year<br />

110. Valera (Ms) M Kulwant Singh Clinical studies on Timira. 1991<br />

S<br />

111. Navin Kumar Kulwant Singh Clinical and experimental studies on 1998<br />

G<br />

Pratishyaya w.s.r. to allergic rhinitis.<br />

112. Vaghela D V Kulwant Singh Role <strong>of</strong> Vyoshadi & Pathyadi Taila in the 2003<br />

management <strong>of</strong> Apeenasa w.s.r. to atrophic<br />

rhinitis<br />

113. Manjusha R Kulwant Singh Role <strong>of</strong> Manahasiladi Anjana & Jeevantyadi 2004<br />

Ghrita on Linga-Nasha (cataract)<br />

114. Chauhan D B Kulwant Singh A clinical study on Adhimantha and its<br />

management with Nayamrita Lauha.<br />

2004<br />


Sl. No Scholar Guide Title <strong>of</strong> the thesis Year<br />

115. Pandya (Smt) M M S Shastry Asrigdara mein Madayantika evam Doorva 1988<br />

A<br />

Prayoga<br />

116. Mistry (Ms) I U M S Shastry A clinical study on the management <strong>of</strong> 1993<br />

Garbhini-Udavarta.<br />

117. Sonagara Dina I U Mistry The effect <strong>of</strong> certain Ayurvedic formulations 1998<br />

on Rajo-Dushti w.s.r. to Vataja Rajo-Dushti<br />

118. Das Nalini (Ms) I U Mistry A clinical study on the management <strong>of</strong> 1999<br />

Garbhini Pandu<br />

119. Gohil Kirtidevi I U Mistry A clinical study on the management <strong>of</strong> 1999<br />

climacteric stage in women w.s.r. to<br />

menopausal syndrome by using certain<br />

Ayurvedic formulations<br />

120. Shrivardhane I U Mistry Role <strong>of</strong> Garbha-Sthapaka and Garbha- 2001<br />

Dayani<br />

Vridhikara Bhava in pregnancy w.s.r. to<br />

Atibala<br />

121. Donga Shilpa B I U Mistry Experimental evaluation <strong>of</strong> the Garbha- 2007<br />

Nirodhaka (anti-fertilty) potential <strong>of</strong> Palasha<br />

seeds (Butea monosperma) and Gajara<br />

seeds (Daucas carota).<br />

122. Pandya Neha<br />

R<br />

123. Dobaria Neepa<br />

C<br />

I U Mistry<br />

M A Pandya<br />

A <strong>Ph</strong>armaco - clinical study <strong>of</strong> Madhukadi<br />

Vati and Sarivadi Vati on Asrugdar<br />

(excessive and irregular uterine bleeding).<br />

Role <strong>of</strong> Kukkutanda Twak Bhasma and<br />

Pushyanuga ghanavati in the magement<br />

<strong>of</strong> Shveta Pradara w s r to certain physiopathological<br />

conditions<br />

2007<br />


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