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News Schneider Electric The Newsletter of Schneider Electric New Zealand December 2012 Switching on: Innovative solutions for the home Innovation Environment Vision Planning IN THIS ISSUE > Collaboration key to Christchurch rebuild – B&D Doors > Lactose — Whey profitable > Contactor solutions – new on-site customisation

News<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong><br />

The Newsletter of<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong><br />

New Zealand<br />

December 2012<br />

Switching on: Innovative solutions for the home<br />

Innovation<br />

Environment<br />

Vision<br />

Planning<br />


> Collaboration key to Christchurch rebuild – B&D Doors<br />

> Lactose — Whey profitable<br />

> Contactor solutions – new on-site customisation

About <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong><br />

As the global specialist in energy management with operations in more than<br />

100 countries, <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> offers integrated solutions to make energy<br />

safe, reliable, efficient, productive, and green for its customers. The Group’s<br />

110,000+ employees achieved sales of more than ¤19.6 billion in 2010,<br />

through an active commitment to help individuals and organisations all over<br />

the world make the most of their energy.

Contents<br />

Page<br />

Cover story: Switching on: Innovative solutions for the home 4<br />

Target sustainability 6<br />

Lactose — Whey profitable 7<br />

Wired for speed 8<br />

Hybrid var compensation system lifts sawmill 10<br />

Collaboration key to rebuild 12<br />

Loaf handcrafted breads 14<br />

Beat rising energy costs 15<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Services 16<br />

Improved contractor solutions 17<br />

New products 18<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> apps and social media 19<br />

Free training opportunity with My Energy University 19<br />

System Integrator Alliance Partner Profile — Macro Automation 20<br />

Events 22<br />

Global Update 22<br />

Local Update 23<br />

A message from <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> New Zealand Country President...<br />

Ray Dunn – <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> New Zealand<br />

Country President<br />

With the end of the year approaching I extend my<br />

thanks for your support over the last 12 months<br />

as we continued our work with the Christchurch<br />

rebuild and faced several changes in the building<br />

and housing industry. In this issue we highlight<br />

several recent successes including the Bay of<br />

Plenty Sawmill, B&D Doors, Beca Tauranga,<br />

Tatua dairies and more. We also feature the latest<br />

in residential innovations from the LifeSpace<br />

business as highlighted on our cover.<br />

For more information on anything in this issue,<br />

contact our friendly Customer Care centre. I hope<br />

you enjoy some time off with family and friends<br />

over the holidays and look forward to beginning<br />

the next year fresh and enthusiastic. Have a safe<br />

and happy holiday and don’t forget to travel safe.<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012 3

Cover Story<br />

Switching on: Innovative solutions<br />

for the home<br />

Continuing the tradition of what began more than 75 years ago with PDL in<br />

New Zealand, our people take on and develop ideas from our customers and<br />

turn them into world leading products and solutions. R&D remains at the heart<br />

of our business, and our recent national round of electrical contractor forums<br />

again proved it to be one of the best things we do as business. Our LifeSpace<br />

business leads the market through the help of our customers with continued<br />

innovation in residential and commercial spaces.<br />

Bringing the future forward with Saturn’s<br />

new Horizon<br />

No matter what colour you choose, Horizon<br />

provides you with the most contemporary,<br />

modern switch design on the NZ market.<br />

Colours and styles<br />

The product is available in two new metallic<br />

finishes: Horizon Silver and Horizon Black for all<br />

wall switches, switched sockets, dimmers, fan<br />

controllers, cooker switches and communication<br />

plates. Horizon Silver and Horizon Black come<br />

with a subtle charcoal grey frame, flat squareedge<br />

design and push-buttons that perfectly<br />

match the stylish new fascia which will superbly<br />

complement any modern interior.<br />

Strato 800 Series - White<br />

Following on from the sleek profile and<br />

sophistication of the metal picture frame look<br />

offered by the Strato range, the brushed<br />

aluminium now comes with a white surround to<br />

perfectly match your tailored white mechanisms<br />

and rocker switches within. With the same finger<br />

mark resistant finish and 5mm thick wall plate,<br />

Strato white now offers another option in stylish<br />

switchgear.<br />

Strato White will be available in 2013.<br />

Please contact customer care on<br />

0800 652 999 for more information.<br />

LifeSpace<br />

LifeSpace — the link between energy and people.<br />

Taking what has been traditionally known as the PDL & Clipsal businesses in New Zealand, we are now part of the<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> LifeSpace business, leading the way with innovative solutions.<br />

In a world driven by the energy dilemma, rapid changes and increasingly complicated technology, we understand<br />

and anticipate what our different customers want: the developer — differentiation, competitiveness; the specifier —<br />

design, efficiency; the installer — speed, simplicity, reliabilty; and the end-user — ease of use, safety and comfort.<br />

4 <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012

Energy monitoring<br />

Energy monitoring is the key to successful energy<br />

management. The Ecomind <strong>Electric</strong>ity Monitor<br />

is the most recent development in wireless<br />

electricity monitors. It allows you to monitor and<br />

analyse your electricity consumption, learn how to<br />

save energy and help the environment.<br />

With the Ecomind <strong>Electric</strong>ity Monitor you can<br />

identify how much electricity is being used,<br />

enabling you to make instant changes that will<br />

help reduce your energy consumption.<br />

The Ecomind will instantly help you save money<br />

on your electricity bills by allowing you to take<br />

control of your electricity consumption.<br />

It can display your usage in dollars ($), kilowatts<br />

(kWh) and carbon tonnes (kgCO2), and track<br />

your high, lows and changes by the hour, day,<br />

week or month. For more advanced features and<br />

greater monitoring flexibility, you can download<br />

the Ecomind <strong>Electric</strong>ity Monitoring Software to<br />

track your electricity usage from your computer or<br />

digital device.<br />

Available with a battery or mains powered<br />

transmitter, the Ecomind <strong>Electric</strong>ity Monitor is easy<br />

to use and can start saving you money instantly –<br />

up to 10% on your electricity bill.<br />

Outdoor Sensors<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s new Outdoor sensor range<br />

won’t leave you in the dark. Each motion sensor<br />

unit comes complete with integrated lamps, and<br />

is available in spotlight, twinspot and floodlight<br />

configurations.<br />

Best of all, the range is packed with an impressive<br />

array of professional features, putting the range in<br />

an unbeatable class of its own.<br />

The range features a stylish new look and design,<br />

an integral override function, and a built-in sunset<br />

function to turn on the lights at dusk. Other<br />

features include a courtesy light and dimmer<br />

function as well as adjustable lamps to allow<br />

the light to be re-directed.<br />

Control it all with one simple touch;<br />

Saturn OneTouch<br />

The innovative Saturn OneTouch range utilises<br />

electronic switch and dimmer technology, to<br />

provide unique touch operation. Using touch<br />

sensitive technology one touch of the wall switch<br />

will turn the light on and an extended touch will<br />

dim your lights up or down. The LED indicator<br />

shows you which switch is in use – and falls back<br />

to a subtle glow when the light is off.<br />

Whatever your requirements are, there is a Saturn<br />

OneTouch switch or dimmer to suit. Whether you<br />

need single or multiple configurations, Saturn<br />

OneTouch is available in one to six touch-control<br />

wall plates, and one and two gang architrave<br />

versions. Control from multiple locations (up to<br />

three) throughout the home offers great flexibility<br />

due to the multi-way switching and dimming<br />

capabilities.<br />

The dimming function also has a clever memory<br />

function that enables the switch to remember<br />

the last dim setting, so when the light is switched<br />

back on, it will turn on at the previous dim level.<br />

This handy feature provides easy replication of<br />

your required lighting levels. Dimming your lights<br />

is also great for saving energy, while creating the<br />

perfect ambience in your home.<br />

Download the<br />

product flyer today!<br />

Visit<br />

and enter the<br />

keycode 47705Y<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012 5

Case Study<br />

Target Sustainability – the energy<br />

management programme<br />

The energy management objective: The Target Sustainability programme<br />

developed by the Christchurch City Council was established to support<br />

businesses to reduce waste and to be energy and water efficient.<br />

“Target<br />

Sustainability<br />

helped us to<br />

achieve our<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong><br />

<strong>Electric</strong> corporate<br />

objectives of<br />

being a world<br />

leader in energy<br />

management and<br />

environmental<br />

protection.”<br />

Brian Wright,<br />

Plant General Manager,<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong><br />

As a global specialist in energy management,<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> prides itself on leading the way in<br />

energy management, which is evident in its custom<br />

built Highbrook, Auckland, head office building which<br />

showcases multiple energy management solutions for<br />

commercial buildings and is at least 50% more energy<br />

efficient than a comparable building.<br />

The commercial office and manufacturing plant of<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> based in Christchurch joined the<br />

Target Sustainability Programme in 2010 with an aim to<br />

reduce waste sent to landfill and become more energy<br />

and water efficient.<br />

Several projects were put into place to establish change<br />

and improvements across the building.<br />

Energy Efficiency<br />

The main consumption of energy at <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong><br />

comes from electricity. Over a 6 month period,<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> has already reduced electricity use<br />

by 12%, saving 38,000 kWh at the Moncur Place site.<br />

This level of savings was achieved through several<br />

initiatives including:<br />

> Reviewing all heat pump timers to ensure settings<br />

were correct.<br />

> Replacing photocopiers, printers and fridge/freezers<br />

with modern/energy efficient models.<br />

> Adding a timer to the air compressor – ensuring it is<br />

only used as required during work hours.<br />

> Establishing a compressed air leak detection<br />

procedure and a replacement programme for end of<br />

life hand tools to be changed from compressed air to<br />

direct electric driven.<br />

> Improving the electricity metering system to allow<br />

remote monitoring of specific areas in the site.<br />

> Placing switch off stickers on light switches.<br />

Waste Reduction<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> has achieved the<br />

following waste reduction results:<br />

required due to streamlining of waste flows and<br />

reduced collection), packaging reduction, and<br />

reductions in waste disposal.)<br />

Water Efficiency<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> has reduced its water consumption<br />

by 1527m 3 per year. This corresponds to a 35%<br />

reduction in water use (based on average metered<br />

water consumption). <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> implemented<br />

the following initiatives to increase water efficiency:<br />

> Reduced water use (vehicle washing and irrigation) in<br />

line with Christchurch City Council’s 2011/2012 water<br />

restrictions .<br />

> Check the seals on the dishwasher and dish steriliser<br />

regularly.<br />

> Implement a water leak reporting procedure that is<br />

communicated to all staff.<br />

The staff induction process has also been updated to<br />

include the promotion of staff using efficient energy and<br />

water usage as well as waste reduction practices.<br />

Since joining the Target Sustainability Programme<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> has implemented a range of projects<br />

that has resulted in a reduction of waste sent to landfill<br />

and an improvement in energy and water efficiency.<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s future plans are to continue to look<br />

for ways to reduce and recycle its waste and to focus<br />

on implementing further energy and water efficiency<br />

projects. Some future projects include insulating<br />

domestic hot water pipes, implementing a BMS, and<br />

replacing mercury vapour lights with fluorescent tube<br />

fittings.<br />

It is estimated that once fully implemented the energy<br />

efficiency initiatives will save approximately 30% of total<br />

energy used on-site.<br />

For more information visit<br />

> Reduced total waste sent to landfill by<br />

32%. In total a 6 tonne reduction per year.<br />

> Reduced recycled material by 25 %.<br />

In total a 19 tonne reduction per year.<br />

> Together this was a saving of $18,000 in<br />

production and disposal costs. (Including<br />

reduced paper towel usage, reduced<br />

paper use (587kg per year), reduced<br />

printing and photocopy costs, savings<br />

in the return of a printer that is no longer<br />

leased, savings from less bin hire (not<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Christchurch staff<br />

6 <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012

Case Study<br />

Lactose – Whey profitable<br />

A new lactose-recovery facility at Morrinsville’s Tatua Dairy Company is<br />

delivering multiple benefits to the organisation. The process uses high-pressure<br />

filtration – <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s technology optimises its energy consumption<br />

and simplifies its control.<br />

Lactose is a simple sugar found in milk and<br />

a major component of whey. Traditionally<br />

considered an inconvenient by-product of milk<br />

processing (and part of the waste stream), today<br />

it is widely used for infant milk formulas and as a<br />

supplement in food and confectionery.<br />

In fact, lactose is so popular that dairy companies<br />

now find it commercially viable to recover it and<br />

on-sell it to third party manufacturers. Recovering<br />

it also minimises a dairy company’s waste stream,<br />

significantly reducing its environmental impact.<br />

Overall, a classic win-win solution.<br />

Tatua’s new lactose plant has been built on the<br />

site of the company’s previous food manufacturing<br />

facility. With the completion of a new food<br />

manufacturing facility (in 2011), the old building<br />

was demolished to make way for the lactose plant.<br />

The new building will also house a new hydrolysis<br />

plant (scheduled for completion in 2013).<br />

The principle behind lactose recovery, says the<br />

company’s projects engineer, Ben Wright, is<br />

filtration. “Effectively we force the milk through an<br />

ultra-fine membrane filter under high pressure. To<br />

achieve the right flow rate and pressure we use a<br />

range of pumps, including some very large ones.”<br />

Auckland’s GEA Process Engineering, specialists<br />

in membrane filtration technology, designed<br />

and built the plant. It is fully-automated and runs<br />

24/7. A single <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Quantum PLC<br />

oversees the process, distributing the control via<br />

multiple racks with hundreds of I/O.<br />

Hamilton’s Intelectric did the electrical installation<br />

and Auckland’s Macro Automation programmed<br />

and commissioned the control technology. It’s<br />

all orchestrated via an Ethernet network which<br />

Wright says allows for rapid communication with<br />

the SCADA system, giving operational crew more<br />

(and better) information to make decisions.<br />

Multiple <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Altivar 71 variable<br />

speed drives control the large pumps, while a<br />

range of Altistart soft starters and TeSys directon-line<br />

starters are used on others. “Apart<br />

from the energy efficiency benefits of using this<br />

technology,” says Wright, “it also helps us to meet<br />

our community responsibilities. The electrical load<br />

at start-up is significant – the last thing we want is<br />

to leave Morrinsville in the dark!”<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> legacy<br />

Tatua’s electrical foreman Peter Cook has worked<br />

for the company for some 20 years, and says<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> has an extensive track record<br />

at the site. “The legacy includes many of the early<br />

Modicon 800 series PLCs – and they’re still in<br />

use. A major advantage of using a single source<br />

supplier for the control technology is the common<br />

protocol – even though the new Quantum PLC is<br />

a vastly different beast to the earlier generation<br />

technology, they can still communicate.”<br />

Power supply<br />

The new plant significantly increased the site’s<br />

electrical load – and it will rise even further when<br />

the new hydrolysis plant comes on stream. That’s<br />

required the installation of a new 11kV transformer<br />

and <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> 11kV switchgear.<br />

The entire site has also benefitted from the<br />

introduction of a new dedicated 33kV line which<br />

will improve reliability of supply.<br />

Tatua is one of New Zealand’s oldest dairies<br />

and will celebrate its centenary in 2014. The<br />

installation of the <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> technology,<br />

says Cook, offers an element of future-proofing.<br />

“As is evident from the existing infrastructure,<br />

knowing that the equipment can easily be<br />

incorporated into any future developments offers<br />

peace of mind.”<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012 7

Case Study<br />

Wired For Speed<br />

Staff at the Tauranga branch of engineering consultancy Beca are enjoying<br />

faster data transfer and easier video-conferencing with colleagues in national<br />

and international offices – as well as with their clients – following the recent<br />

installation of an extensive Cat 6 cable network.<br />

Beca’s Tauranga team has expanded steadily<br />

over the 20 years the company has leased its<br />

Harington Street premises, eventually forcing the<br />

company to split its 150 personnel between the<br />

first and third floors. When the tenants on the<br />

second floor recently opted to move out, Beca<br />

grabbed the opportunity to bring its team closer<br />

together – and launch a major refurbishment<br />

programme.<br />

“We wanted to create a more contiguous<br />

feel,” says office services manager Sonia<br />

Tibble, “making better use of the space on<br />

the first and second floors – more open plan,<br />

more user-friendly. The old interior was very<br />

compartmentalised – dark and boxy with high<br />

corridors and very few meeting rooms.<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s Kelvin Hart and Beca’s IT support<br />

manager Bernadine Smith in the new server room.<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> provided the Cat 6 cabling, the patch<br />

panels and the wall termination units.<br />

“We also wanted to upgrade our data<br />

communications capability. Beca is a multidisciplinary<br />

consultancy, and our projects always<br />

involve shifting large, bandwidth-hungry graphic<br />

files – not only within the office, but also nationally<br />

and internationally. With the two floors stripped<br />

to a bare shell for the interior’s redesign, the<br />

opportunity to install a faster network was ideal.”<br />

The project saw the installation of sixteen<br />

kilometres of Cat 6 cabling with more than 300<br />

terminations across the two floors. <strong>Schneider</strong><br />

<strong>Electric</strong> supplied the cabling, and sales<br />

representative Kelvin Hart says Cat 6 offers<br />

greater speed and better data integrity over the<br />

more conventional Cat 5 cable.<br />

“Cat 6’s superior features stem from an internal<br />

divider that separates the eight wires in the cable<br />

into four distinct pairs. The separation eliminates<br />

attenuation and distortion, providing a purer<br />

signal. It effectively creates greater bandwidth,<br />

and that’s ideal for advanced telecommunications<br />

facilities such as video conferencing and<br />

transferring large files.”<br />

Benefits to Beca<br />

Six months after the refurbishment, Beca is<br />

enjoying multiple benefits provided by the Cat 6<br />

infrastructure. “The major change,” says Sonia,<br />

“is the dramatically-improved video conferencing<br />

capability. We have five permanent meeting<br />

rooms equipped with large TV screens – and<br />

there are nine other rooms which have been<br />

pre-wired for the screens, ready to be deployed if<br />

needed.<br />

Beca has five meeting rooms equipped with video conferencing facilities, with nine more pre-wired for immediate<br />

connection if required.<br />

8 <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012

“These screens can be linked to any of our video<br />

conferencing facilities around the country – and<br />

indeed to any of our international offices. That<br />

means staff can discuss projects face-to-face and<br />

identify issues and solutions much more quickly.<br />

It’s like everyone’s sitting in the same room, and<br />

the saving on travel costs is enormous.”<br />

Engineers, she adds, tend to use plenty of large<br />

files in their work – graphics, drawings and 3D<br />

modelling images generated by programmes<br />

such as Solidworks, Revit, CAD and PDMS.<br />

“Fly-throughs – where the viewer is taken on a<br />

flying tour through a three-dimensional rendition<br />

of a plant – are particularly data-intensive. Having<br />

multiple parties able to share them in real time is<br />

an enormous advantage.”<br />

The meeting rooms, she points out, are also<br />

much more effective spaces because a variety<br />

of peripherals can be connected to the screens<br />

through a selection of ports in a wall panel<br />

– a data projector, a lap-top, PC and even a<br />

USB stick. It’s a much more flexible place for<br />

presentations.<br />

Warranty<br />

Tauranga-based Cable Comms installed the Cat<br />

6 cabling, and terminated the data outlets and<br />

patch panels at the cabinets and its owner, Tony<br />

Drake, has been certified by <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>.<br />

Certified installers, says Tony, are able to provide<br />

a 30-year warranty on the project – a feature that<br />

offers clients peace of mind.<br />

“To ensure the infrastructure’s integrity, we<br />

check every termination with a Fluke scanner for<br />

attenuation or distortion. Scan results are sent to<br />

an independent verifier.”<br />

With this new network, says Sonia, “Beca is<br />

equipped to operate much more smoothly<br />

and efficiently, and it also offers an element of<br />

future proofing. Our IT team is already exploring<br />

additional technologies utilising the greater<br />

bandwidth capacity – and ways to do things<br />

smarter.”<br />

The wall panels – where the Cat 6 cables<br />

terminate – are part of <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s Epic<br />

Organiser range, and also contain ports for an<br />

HDMI connection. An iPod docking station is also<br />

an option.<br />

VOIP<br />

The introduction of the Cat 6 cabling has also<br />

allowed Beca to swap its telephone system for<br />

voice-over-internet-protocol (VOIP), a shift that’s<br />

cut the company’s telephone bill significantly.<br />

“Given the close integration of Beca’s national and<br />

international offices,” says Sonia, “there are plenty<br />

of long-distance calls – so VOIP has made a huge<br />

difference. Cat 6’s added bandwidth also means<br />

we can run all of these telecommunications and<br />

data transfer features simultaneously. Previously,<br />

our telephone lines were competing with our data<br />

communications – and it was always a bit of a<br />

hit-or-miss affair.”<br />

Wall panels use <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s Epic Organiser and include ports for VGA,<br />

a data projector, HDMI and a USB stick.<br />

Staff members all use with camera-equipped<br />

lap-tops, enabling them to join a video conference<br />

if they’re off-site. To simplify the connection<br />

process, the company uses Microsoft’s Link<br />

software. The same facility is also offered to<br />

clients wanting to join a video conference – and<br />

requires them to install a basic, stripped down<br />

version of MSLink on to their computers.<br />

The Cat 6 infrastructure has been complemented<br />

by numerous routers installed throughout the<br />

building, allowing staff to initiate face-to-face<br />

video calls wherever they happen to be.<br />

The make-over of the Beca office presented an ideal opportunity for the installation of<br />

the Cat 6 network.<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012 9

Case Study<br />

Hybrid var compensation system<br />

lifts sawmill<br />

When regular brownouts and user penalty charges began to plague a<br />

large Bay of Plenty sawmill, its management team knew the overloaded<br />

electrical infrastructure needed urgent help. A <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Hybrid VAR<br />

Compensation system provided the perfect solution.<br />

“Overall, the new<br />

power factor<br />

correction system<br />

has already<br />

generated<br />

thousands of<br />

dollars in savings.”<br />

Alister Davies,<br />

Site <strong>Electric</strong>al Manager,<br />

Pukepine Sawmill<br />

Pukepine Sawmill – located near Te Puke – is<br />

a proactive operation and over the past few<br />

years the company has invested in advanced,<br />

automated technology to lift productivity and<br />

boost efficiencies. It’s been an enormously<br />

successful strategy – Pukepine now processes<br />

twice as much timber in half the time.<br />

But the changes created a significant hiccup: a<br />

seriously overloaded electrical infrastructure. “The<br />

sawmill runs lots of power-hungry equipment,”<br />

says site electrical manager Alister Davies,<br />

“numerous saws, a chipper, an edger, a planer –<br />

as well as kilns and treatment facilities.<br />

“The major problem was at start-up each morning<br />

when the combined load from all the components<br />

proved too much for our system. Our switchboard<br />

is fitted with a 1200-amp circuit breaker – the<br />

combined load at start-up could be as high as<br />

3600 amps.<br />

“So we’d bring the site up to speed in a carefullyorchestrated<br />

sequence, beginning with the<br />

200kW chipper which by itself drags 900 amps<br />

from the system at start up. That was followed<br />

by the head rig (main saw), then a series of other<br />

saws, and finally the edger. With its 300kW motor,<br />

the edger is the site’s single biggest load.<br />

“Any miss-cue created overloading and power<br />

fluctuations – and the unreliability manifested in<br />

dimming lights and the repeated failure of our<br />

computer network. Of course, there was zero<br />

scope for flexibility in the way we operated the<br />

plant.”<br />

The site has a single 11kV feed and a 750kVA<br />

transformer, and with the latter becoming heavily<br />

overloaded, a serious power factor issue arose.<br />

“The site was averaging a power factor correction<br />

ratio of around 0.86, says Davies, “and we were<br />

pinged severely for it – around $2500 a month in<br />

penalties.”<br />

While the sawmill did have power factor<br />

correction technology installed, it was not only old<br />

but also undersized, and the overloading caused<br />

its capacitors to fail with regular monotony. “We<br />

would install temporary capacitors and bypass<br />

the faulty ones, but one day it all came to a fiery<br />

end when a capacitor caught fire and burnt the<br />

entire power factor correction unit to the ground.”<br />

Accusine PCS<br />

Davies knew what sort of power factor correction<br />

replacement he was looking for and approached<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>. The solution is a hybrid<br />

10 <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012

configuration comprising two parts: a 300-amp<br />

Accusine PCS harmonic filtering and reactive<br />

power compensation system, supported by a<br />

static bank of capacitors (600kVar).<br />

“We could have opted for a bigger Accusine<br />

PCS unit and eliminated the static bank entirely,”<br />

says Davies, “but for us a smaller unit with the<br />

complementary static bank was a more costeffective<br />

option. It works perfectly, with the static<br />

bank correcting for the base load and lifting the<br />

power factor correction to a certain level.<br />

“The Accusine takes over from there, catering<br />

for the more variable fluctuations. The advantage<br />

of the Accusine is its speed – it performs the<br />

correction in milliseconds. The static bank unit<br />

is too slow, but it doesn’t have to deal with the<br />

fluctuations.”<br />

The site now operates with a power factor<br />

correction ratio of 0.97 – and the penalty charges<br />

have disappeared.<br />

The most interesting part of the power factor<br />

solution, says Davies, is that the load on the<br />

transformer has been reduced. “That not only<br />

translates into better overall reliability because<br />

there’s less heat in the cables, but it’s also given<br />

us scope to expand and adapt the site to market<br />

developments.”<br />

In fact, the sawmill has subsequently installed<br />

a new kerf saw – it now represents the biggest<br />

single load at the site – which allows crews to<br />

process and optimise second-grade timber more<br />

easily. “Overall, the new power factor correction<br />

system has already generated thousands of<br />

dollars in savings.”<br />

Harmonics<br />

So far, rogue harmonics haven’t been a problem<br />

at the sawmill, but Davies is well aware that they<br />

might become an issue as new technology is<br />

introduced. “A significant advantage of having<br />

the Accusine unit installed is that it also operates<br />

as a harmonic filter. If harmonics did become a<br />

problem, we would simply activate the Accusine’s<br />

existing filter component.”<br />

He says monitoring the site’s electrical load is<br />

now simple thanks to the feedback provided by<br />

the Accusine system. “The unit’s multi-functional<br />

display provides good data, and I’m hoping to<br />

install a SCADA system at some point to generate<br />

monitoring, trending information and alarms more<br />

easily.”<br />

Project at a glance<br />

Project type:<br />

Low Voltage Power Compensation<br />

and Filtering<br />

Location:<br />

Pukepine Sawmills Ltd., Tauranga,<br />

New Zealand<br />

Applications:<br />

Hybrid VAR Compensation System<br />

Main Products<br />

> Accusine PCS<br />

> Varset power factor correction units<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012 11

Case Study<br />

Collaboration key to<br />

Christchurch rebuild<br />

Relocating a large and complex manufacturing operation to new premises<br />

requires careful planning, cool heads and effective qualified support from key<br />

infrastructure providers. With premises red-stickered after the Canterbury<br />

earthquakes, Christchurch-based B&D Doors NZ embarked on an ambitious<br />

plan to relocate its manufacturing base to alternate premises as quickly<br />

as possible to minimise the impact of forced closure on its business and<br />

customers.<br />

“It was a<br />

remarkable<br />

turnaround and<br />

it couldn’t have<br />

been achieved<br />

without <strong>Schneider</strong><br />

<strong>Electric</strong>’s<br />

expertise.”<br />

Paul Dryden,<br />

Operations Manager,<br />

B&D Doors<br />

Committed to the Canterbury region and its<br />

70 staff, B&D looked for suitable premises in<br />

Christchurch west.<br />

Relocating to the west posed additional<br />

challenges because of the limited electrical<br />

infrastructure in place to support large<br />

manufacturing operations like B&D. The<br />

company’s ability to resume manufacturing<br />

quickly hinged on its ability to power up its plant.<br />

With a fragile urban network and competing<br />

customer demands, B&D knew that network<br />

provider Orion Energy would require carefully<br />

documented power use analysis to support a<br />

request for a new high-voltage transformer to<br />

meet present and future forecast load demands.<br />

Qualified support<br />

Leaving nothing to chance, B&D approached<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s Power Services Division in<br />

Christchurch for advice on how best to prepare<br />

a case in support of its request for a high-voltage<br />

transformer.<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Sales Engineer Simon Grose<br />

says <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s Power Services Division<br />

swung into action and fast-tracked a thorough<br />

energy audit of B&D’s existing energy use across<br />

a number of energy cost centres.<br />

The raw data collected was then passed<br />

onto engineers at head office in Auckland for<br />

extrapolation, interpretation and recommendation.<br />

Simon says the data identified not only a<br />

minimum peak load transformer requirement of<br />

1MVA but also identified very poor power factor<br />

and damaging harmonics within B&D’s existing<br />

electrical design.<br />

“B&D Doors’ relocation created an opportunity to<br />

address these issues with a structured electrical<br />

design that would not only achieve considerable<br />

energy savings but would also provide valuable<br />

headroom for future manufacturing expansion.”<br />

He says to demonstrate the scope of efficiencies<br />

achievable with smart energy management<br />

solutions B&D Doors Operations Manager Paul<br />

Dryden accepted an invitation to visit <strong>Schneider</strong><br />

<strong>Electric</strong>’s head offices in Auckland to view energyefficiency<br />

at work.<br />

Structured design<br />

B&D’s Paul Dryden says the visit helped cement<br />

B&D’s decision to rely on <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong><br />

to develop an electrical blueprint for its new<br />

Christchurch facility including the design and<br />

specification for its primary switchboard and<br />

multiple downstream distribution boards.<br />

12 <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012

“We looked at a range of options but <strong>Schneider</strong><br />

<strong>Electric</strong> provided the best solution and had the<br />

in-house engineering support to deliver on a<br />

commitment to meet extremely tight lead times.<br />

We made the right call.<br />

“<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> engineers worked effectively<br />

as a team and kept us informed every step of the<br />

way. This was critical for our own planning. The<br />

team also worked closely with our switchboard<br />

builder and electrical contractor to deliver a<br />

seamless solution on time and on budget.”<br />

Paul says that within four weeks of B&D Doors<br />

taking possession of its new site in Hornby it had<br />

taken delivery of its distribution boards and a<br />

week later had power on site and was then able<br />

to begin installing and commission the plant.<br />

“It was a remarkable turnaround and it couldn’t<br />

have been achieved without <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s<br />

expertise.”<br />

He says key improvements include reducing four<br />

separate metering points at its previous facility to<br />

a single meter for its entire manufacturing facility<br />

making it vastly easier to monitor and manage<br />

energy usage.<br />

Effective partnerships<br />

Simon Grose says it was a rewarding project<br />

for both parties and pleasing to demonstrate<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s capability to assist displaced<br />

Christchurch businesses make the move to new<br />

premises easier and cost-effective.<br />

“We’re acutely aware of the challenges<br />

Christchurch manufacturers are facing and were<br />

geared up to respond quickly with power quality<br />

audits for transformer sizing to avoid costly<br />

network delays getting power to new sites.<br />

“Power audits will also identify issues around<br />

power quality and power factor correction leading<br />

to network compliance and very considerable<br />

long-term future savings. <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s<br />

expertise and leading energy management<br />

solutions also provide peace of mind knowing<br />

you’re working with a structured energy partner.”<br />

If your business is relocating or targeting<br />

greater energy efficiency or network<br />

compliance simply call our customer care<br />

team on:<br />

0800 652 999<br />

“The distribution boards are only an eighth of the<br />

size of what we used to have and this makes a<br />

huge difference in terms of assigning real estate.<br />

Would we use <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> again Yes,<br />

absolutely.<br />

B&D Doors (NZ)<br />

B&D Doors is New Zealand’s leading manufacturer of sectional and roller doors and supplier of<br />

automatic openers and other related products servicing the commercial, industrial and residential<br />

markets. The company has a workforce of 90 people and manufactures in Christchurch and<br />

Auckland. Products are marketed through the company’s nationwide dealer networks under<br />

the Garador and Dominator brands. B&D Doors is part of Australian listed company Alesco<br />

Corporation Limited (ASX code: ALS).<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012 13

Case Study<br />

Loaf Handcrafted Breads<br />

Bakery saves dough with annual electricity bill reduced by<br />

29% through better tariffs<br />

“What a fantastic<br />

result! All those<br />

savings are<br />

straight off the<br />

bottom line, and<br />

for a fast growing<br />

emerging<br />

business that is<br />

massive. I didn’t<br />

even need to<br />

switch off my<br />

ovens.<br />

I would definitely<br />

recommend<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong><br />

to anyone looking<br />

to reduce their<br />

energy bills.”<br />

Sean Armstrong,<br />

Director and Founder,<br />

Loaf Handcrafted Breads<br />

Our Client<br />

Auckland’s Loaf Handcrafted Breads was<br />

founded in 2004 on the back of Director Sean<br />

Armstrong’s vision for producing high quality<br />

artisan breads and baked goods. Today, his team<br />

at the bakery produces a range of delectable<br />

loaves, slices and sweet treats for the everyday<br />

foodie — with the same high quality standards the<br />

best chefs are used to.<br />

Objective<br />

Loaf Handcrafted Breads approached <strong>Schneider</strong><br />

<strong>Electric</strong> with the desire to reduce their electricity<br />

bills.<br />

Our Solution<br />

The answer was relatively simple – there were<br />

better tariff structures available to Loaf than the<br />

one they were on and <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> was<br />

happy to ensure they took advantage of these.<br />

Loaf’s electricity costs were being charged at<br />

a standard commercial rate for each unit of<br />

electricity regardless of the time it was consumed.<br />

Through monitoring of the site’s usage over the<br />

day and analysing the data, <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong><br />

was able to establish that Loaf would benefit<br />

significantly from moving to a more complex<br />

meter and tariff, effectively meaning they paid<br />

different rates for differing periods of the day.<br />

Benefits<br />

This new metering and tariff structure resulted in<br />

significant savings – reducing Loaf’s annual bill by<br />

around 29%.<br />

Once the new tariff structure was established<br />

as the way forward, <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> went to<br />

market on behalf of Loaf and sourced the most<br />

competitive contract, and then took care of all the<br />

switching and metering needed, leaving Loaf to<br />

do what they do best – bake.<br /><br />

14 <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012

Application<br />

Beat rising energy costs –<br />

Ecomind energy monitor<br />

With energy costs set to double in the near future, more and more people will<br />

be demanding solutions to control, monitor, and reduce energy consumption.<br />

There are many ways to improve the energy efficiency of residential homes,<br />

and energy monitoring holds the key to successful energy management.<br />

The <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Ecomind <strong>Electric</strong>ity<br />

Monitor is the most recent development in<br />

wireless electricity monitors. It allows you to<br />

monitor and analyse your residential electricity<br />

consumption, while learning how to save energy<br />

and help the environment.<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> recently conducted a field<br />

trial with the help of Dr Paul Elmes Head of<br />

Engineering and Architectural Studies at CPIT<br />

(Christchurch Polytechnic and Institute of<br />

Technology). We asked Dr Elmes to install the<br />

EM422EM-E-KBTS Ecomind Energy Monitor in<br />

his home and let us know how he and his family<br />

found this product.<br />

Q: Having installed this device, has it<br />

changed your perception of energy use<br />

A: Yes, the monitor has given us the knowledge<br />

of how we are using our energy and what it is<br />

costing us. After having the monitor installed the<br />

family were glued to it, because the display shows<br />

your usage in not only kilowatts but dollars we<br />

could instantly see that simply turning off a light<br />

saved us money.<br />

Q: What has the device done for your<br />

energy awareness<br />

A: Because the Ecomind monitor is portable<br />

we could move about the house learning what<br />

appliances consumed the most energy and<br />

where we may be wasting energy. For example,<br />

as soon as we installed the energy monitor<br />

we noticed that there was a large continuous<br />

consumption of energy, with the help of the<br />

electrician it was tracked down to a fault in our<br />

hot water heater, which we are now having<br />

repaired. Using the information from this monitor<br />

we are able to save 10% on our electricity bill.<br />

Q: How is the Ecomind Energy Monitor<br />

modifying your family behaviour to energy<br />

use<br />

A: The monitor is a fantastic tool as it helps<br />

educate you about your energy usage and puts<br />

it into simple terms you can understand; cost<br />

or usage which is real time. This data builds<br />

powerful information which you can use to make<br />

decisions about the types of products you are<br />

installing in your home. Simply installing a timer<br />

on your towel rail, or changing to energy efficient<br />

light bulbs can save energy and contribute to the<br />

efficient running of your home.<br />

Ecomind Features<br />

> Display instant electricity usage in dollars,<br />

kilowatts and carbon tonnes<br />

> Monitor hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and<br />

average data<br />

> Memory function allows you to store and<br />

analyse historical data<br />

> Battery or mains powered options<br />

> Optional free computer software for graphical<br />

display and monitoring of electricity usage.<br />

Ecomind Benefits<br />

> MONITOR your electricity consumption<br />

> REDUCE your energy use<br />

> SAVE money on your electricity bills<br />

Richard Coulter, National Power Systems Specialist <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>, left<br />

and Dr Paul Elmes, Head of Engineering & Architectural Studies CPIT, right.<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012 15

Services<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Services<br />

No 3. Drives Workshop Refurbishment & Repairs<br />

In this issue we continue our series aimed at answering the question:<br />

What can <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Services do for you<br />

The Problem:<br />

It is not always practical or economic to repair<br />

Variable Speed Drives in the field.<br />

“<strong>Schneider</strong><br />

<strong>Electric</strong> Services<br />

(NZ) have in<br />

excess of a<br />

million dollars of<br />

dedicated service<br />

components<br />

and service<br />

drives available<br />

to support our<br />

customers.”<br />

Lee Barrett, Workshop<br />

Operations Manager,<br />

Highbrook.<br />

Many drive manufacturers rely on Service<br />

agencies to support their products and perform<br />

repairs in their local workshops. While they may<br />

have access to spare parts, rarely do they have<br />

the ability to load and soak test drives.<br />

Drives will often run fine under no load, but when<br />

a load is applied the fault will appear as in the<br />

field.<br />

The Solution:<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Services technicians routinely<br />

perform complex test procedures in real-world<br />

conditions including arduous loading events and<br />

conditions.<br />

The workshop in Highbrook has 10 test bays for<br />

drives from 4 to 160kW, with variable load control<br />

over the frequency range. And larger drives up to<br />

300kW can be loaded tested to the 160kW<br />

rig limit.<br />

The fault log in each drive is downloaded and<br />

checked then the drive may be load tested as<br />

part of the diagnosis.<br />

> > The repair is made with factory spare parts.<br />

> > Drive firmware is routinely upgraded.<br />

> > Every drive gets load tested after repair.<br />

In addition the individual parameter settings are<br />

saved and restored to the repaired drive before<br />

shipment back to the customer.<br />

Loan Drives can be supplied for critical functions<br />

while yours is being assessed and repaired.<br />

The Outcome:<br />

If the drive is uneconomical to repair you will be<br />

advised and only incur an inspection charge.<br />

Drives are serviced and tested to factory<br />

specifications using factory spares.<br />

Drives are returned to the customer with<br />

parameters intact (ready to go) and a 3 month<br />

warranty on any replaced items.<br />

16 <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012

Improved contactor solutions<br />

available from 24VAC to 415VAC<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> takes motor control seriously. A change in process<br />

means <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> can now provide quality and reliability faster<br />

than ever before.<br />

The <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Offer:<br />

Ranges:<br />

LC1K/LP1K (3 and 4 pole) 6-16A (2.2-7.5kW)<br />

LC1D (3 and 4 pole) 9-150A (4-75kW)<br />

LC1F (3 pole) 115-800A (59-450kW)<br />

Voltages:<br />

LC1K<br />

LP1K<br />

LC1D<br />

LC1F<br />

24VAC, 110VAC, 240VAC, 415VAC<br />

24VDC<br />

24VAC, 48VAC, 110VAC, 240VAC, 415VAC<br />

24VDC (Standard and Low Consumption)<br />

24VAC (only up to 330A), 110VAC, 240VAC,<br />

240VAC, 415VAC<br />

24VDC<br />

Improved delivery, reduced downtime:<br />

A newly implemented programme means that<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> New Zealand can now provide<br />

customers with quicker delivery of non-common contactors.<br />

For example, before this implementation it could take 3-5<br />

weeks delivery for a 4 pole 48VAC contactor. Today, that<br />

delivery has reduced to under a week.<br />

Reduce your downtime and ensure a better continuity of<br />

service with the latest reliable, fast and effective motor<br />

control solution from <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> New Zealand.<br />

For more information please contact Customer Care on 0800 652 999<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012 17

New Products<br />

Magelis HMI go mobile!<br />

With the latest version of Vijeo Designer, users<br />

can remotely connect to a Magelis HMI using a<br />

tablet or smartphone.<br />

The user can remotely view, and control the<br />

machine from anywhere. The applications are<br />

created in Vijeo Designer and then can be<br />

downloaded from the Apple Appstore or Google<br />

Play.<br />

There are two different ways of viewing data from<br />

your machine:<br />

Numerical Data<br />

> Mirror – Similar to the current Webgate offer,<br />

the user can connect and view exactly the<br />

same screen displayed on the HMI, ideal for<br />

debugging, commissioning and maintaining the<br />

machine.<br />

> Mobile HMI – By using Vijeo Designer the user<br />

creates a separate application with screens and<br />

data to show key information, more suited to a<br />

smartphone. The app is then downloaded from<br />

the respective appstore. Mobile HMI is aimed<br />

at production, monitoring and adjusting the<br />

machine.<br />

Support for Apple and Android,<br />

operating systems<br />

Navigation<br />

Graphical Data<br />

Powerful design, trusted brand,<br />

evolution at its best<br />

New Range of IP66 Plugs & Connectors<br />

32A, 40A & 50A<br />

Tougher Plugs for a Safer Workplace<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s new 56 Series size 2 plugs have undergone a design<br />

upgrade. This new release brings the offer of “size 2”, 32A and above<br />

plugs and connectors up to date with the rest of the 56 Series<br />

range. Not only do they have the revolutionary MACTRO<br />

cord clamp and cable seal system they too have snap-shut<br />

bodies, an improved ergonomic shape, and a new bigger<br />

lock ring making them easier to use.<br />

56 Series<br />

IP66 Plugs and Connectors<br />

16A – 50A<br />

Tougher Plugs for a<br />

Safer Workplace<br />

Features and Benefits<br />

> Available in 32A, 40A and 50A options<br />

> P66 rating<br />

> MACTRO Technology – A revolutionary cord clamp<br />

and cable seal system<br />

> Small and large cable seals provided to suit a wide range of cable dimensions<br />

> Snap-Shut Bodies – Screw-less assembly using a unique latching spring, allows for speed,<br />

simplicity, strength and improved reliability<br />

> Ergonomically Superior – New wider lock-ring, improved plug<br />

shape is easier to operate and unscrew from sockets<br />

> Clean lines minimise dirt build-up.<br />

18 <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012<br />

Download the product flyer today!<br />

Visit and enter the keycode<br />


Online<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Apps &<br />

Social Media!<br />

The corporate <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> global brochure is now available as an iPad App:<br />

Creating Shared Value, 2011-2012 Strategy & Sustainability Highlights<br />

This 48-page brochure highlights our corporate strategy, includes smart grid and smart city solutions, our<br />

environmental commitment, innovation and R&D and much more.<br />

Download this FREE iPad App today!<br /><br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> New Zealand is also listed on Facebook and Twitter to provide you the latest updates<br />

on our new products and solutions offers, electrical standards updates, promotions, events, trade shows<br />

and other general <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> information.<br />

Like us on Facebook<br />

You can search: <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> New Zealand, or follow this link:<br /><strong>Schneider</strong>-<strong>Electric</strong>-New-Zealand/279272708771892sk=wall<br />

Follow us on Twitter<br />

You can search: <strong>Schneider</strong>NZ, or follow this link:!/<strong>Schneider</strong>NZ<br />

Note: To follow or like us on Facebook or Twitter, you must already have a log-in to these sites.<br />

Free training opportunity<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Energy University Courses are:<br />

> Free of charge<br />

> Flexible<br />

> Convenient<br />

Take a big step toward a smaller footprint<br />

Energy University topics are relevant to critical end markets that represent 72% of<br />

the worldwide energy consumption:<br />

Energy &<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Industry Buildings Residential<br /><br />

Data Centres<br />

& Networks<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012 19

Partner Profile<br />

Systems Integrator Alliance<br />

Dairy’s go-to guys<br />

Ross Colville — CEO,<br />

Macro Automation.<br />

Andrew Schultz —<br />

Engineering Manager,<br />

Macro Automation.<br />

In addition to the milk they process, the vast<br />

majority of independent dairy facilities established<br />

in New Zealand over the last five years have<br />

one thing in common: they’ve used the same<br />

company to design and install their automation<br />

and control infrastructure.<br />

Auckland’s Macro Automation has something<br />

of a reputation as the “go-to guys” for greenfield<br />

installations and major upgrades in the dairy<br />

industry – a legacy that’s flourished with the<br />

sector’s boom.<br />

“We are food and beverage industry specialists<br />

with a project-oriented focus,” says CEO Ross<br />

Colville, “and we like to think that combination<br />

offers something unique to an industry where<br />

automation and control systems are critical to a<br />

modern efficient production facility.”<br />

Macro Automation is also one of <strong>Schneider</strong><br />

<strong>Electric</strong>’s Alliance and Integration Partners – a<br />

relationship that has its roots in the establishment<br />

of the company 21 years ago, when many of its<br />

first dairy clients were using the early Modicon<br />

PLCs.<br />

Our growing involvement with the sector since<br />

then, says engineering manager Andrew Schultz,<br />

eventually led to it playing a significant role in the<br />

development of a formal automation and control<br />

standard* for application with the independent<br />

players in New Zealand’s dairy industry.<br />

Project oriented<br />

One of Macro Automation’s defining<br />

characteristics, says Andrew, is its projectorientation.<br />

“Typical jobs are mainstream<br />

installations or major modifications. We’re often<br />

commissioned to review defunct systems, and<br />

always adopt the same starting point: what’s the<br />

client trying to achieve, and what equipment is<br />

needed to meet that goal The answer shapes<br />

the design of the new system.”<br />

The company’s project-focus is reflected in its<br />

staff profile – the team has a process focus<br />

rather than pure automation focus. They employ<br />

both automation and process engineers.<br />

“Understanding how the process should be<br />

run and designing it accordingly,” says Andrew,<br />

“makes the automation engineers’ code-writing<br />

job a lot easier. Approaching things the other way<br />

round – with the automation engineers defining<br />

the process, is always a tough job.”<br />

With 28 full-time employees (26 are engineers)<br />

Macro Automation is one of the country’s biggest<br />

process control and automation specialists.<br />

Reflecting the diversity of New Zealand<br />

society, team members are from various ethnic<br />

backgrounds, and all have come through the<br />

New Zealand educational system.<br />

Ross says the company has a young, vibrant feel,<br />

and he likes to think the staff find it a fun place<br />

to work. “They certainly get exposed to relatively<br />

large projects with advanced technology and<br />

sophisticated processes very quickly – so it offers<br />

newcomers a great learning curve.”<br />

He also believes the company has a responsibility<br />

to nurture and advance New Zealand’s<br />

automation and control industry. “We recruit<br />

interns most years and put them through a<br />

three-month training course. They are expected<br />

to get up to speed as quickly as possible, and to<br />

support that we embed them in individual teams<br />

tackling specific projects. The formula seems to<br />

work very well.”<br />

Permanent employees are also eligible to<br />

participate in the company’s shareholding<br />

scheme.Some 65% of the company’s clients are<br />

based in New Zealand – the rest are offshore,<br />

mostly in Asia and North America.<br />

Rapid advances in technology, he adds, make<br />

the automation and control a very dynamic<br />

industry. “PLCs have become much more<br />

powerful, with far greater functionality, and the<br />

HMI is more objected-oriented – the way of doing<br />

things is changing quickly.<br />

“To take advantage of the on-going evolution<br />

you have to keep up. I believe the make-up of<br />

our team – and the way we do things – fosters<br />

innovation. Just like our clients, to succeed you<br />

need to be agile and flexible – and embrace<br />

change.”<br />

20 <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Alliance<br />

The Alliance program supports over 1800 Systems Integrators worldwide. <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> works closely<br />

with the partners, offering extensive knowledge and support, ensuring that the customer has faster access to<br />

the latest technology, solutions, expertise and knowledge base.<br />

Partnership Benefits:<br />

* “This standard, developed by a team comprising <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>, Macro Automation and Timaru-based<br />

Industrial Controls (another of <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s Alliance and Integration Partners), offers an alternative to the<br />

Independents, one that has been applied in all major dairy start-ups from 2005 – 2011”.<br />

Andrew Schultz — Engineering Manager, Macro Automation.

Events<br />

Northland — The ACB to MCB tour<br />

During September <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> staff Paul Borawski, Bruce Morrison and<br />

Thomas Wephia were given the opportunity by Glen Jenkins to present to<br />

Northland customers on a wide range of topics around distribution.<br />

During September <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> staff Paul<br />

Borawski, Bruce Morrison and Thomas Wephia<br />

were given the opportunity by Glen Jenkins to<br />

present to Northland customers on a wide range<br />

of topics around distribution.<br />

Topics included ACBs, MCCBs, MCBs, Earth<br />

leakage, discrimination, cascading, standards<br />

around domestic vs industrial, trip curves and<br />

times among others.<br />

Seminars were held in Whangarei, Kaitia and<br />

Kerikeri. A wide range of customers attended,<br />

from individual contractors, panelbuilders and<br />

corporate customers. The two hour session<br />

involved a presentation with lively discussions<br />

throughout and subsequently. Customers also<br />

had the opportunity to experiment with demo<br />

boards and other equipment available on the day.<br />

The feedback on the tour was extremely positive<br />

and highlighted the fact that contractors find this<br />

type of solution update very useful to their roles<br />

in enabling them to keep up to date on the latest<br />

developments and refresh on certain topics.<br />

Homeshows<br />

In September and October <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> attended the Home Shows<br />

in New Zealand’s four biggest cities – Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton and<br />

Christchurch.<br />

With an updated display showing latest<br />

innovations Ecomind and Saturn OneTouch as<br />

well as the established 800 Series Modena and<br />

Strato ranges, Wiser Home Control, LexCom<br />

Audio and energy management solutions<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s full residential offer was<br />

presented.<br />

With over 100,000 visitors over 15 days, the<br />

shows proved to be more popular than ever,<br />

reflecting the current boom in the residential<br />

renovation and build market.<br />

Events Calendar<br />

Rebuild and Renovate Home Show<br />

— March 22–24 2013, CBS Canterbury Arena, Christchurch — Stand 44<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012 21

Global Update<br />

Strategic partnership for a<br />

complete automation and<br />

instrumentation solution<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> has announced a partnership with KROHNE, a world-leading<br />

manufacturer and supplier of solutions in industrial process instrumentation,<br />

to provide customers with a complete solution including <strong>Schneider</strong><br />

<strong>Electric</strong>’s PlantStruxure process automation architecture and KROHNE’s<br />

instrumentation offer.<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s open system architecture<br />

and KROHNE’s customised instrumentation<br />

offer allows for easy integration of the complete<br />

solution, which enables customers to achieve<br />

increased energy efficiency, productivity, and<br />

process optimisation.<br />

“We are building this partnership on the<br />

shared values of search for simplicity, drive for<br />

innovation and Voice of the Customer oriented<br />

developments. I am confident that the partnership<br />

of <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s global expertise in energy<br />

management and process automation, coupled<br />

with KROHNE’s world class expertise and<br />

engineering capabilities on both standard and<br />

customised Instrumentation solutions, will prove<br />

to be a winning combination for our customers,”<br />

says Cyril Perducat CTO of <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong><br />

Industry Business.<br />

Michael Dubbick, co-CEO of the KROHNE Group,<br />

adds:<br />

“The collaboration agreement with <strong>Schneider</strong><br />

<strong>Electric</strong> is a strategic partnership of high<br />

importance for KROHNE worldwide.”<br />

We have already worked together on several<br />

major projects in the past. Based on this<br />

experience, we strongly believe that the combined<br />

engineering experience of our two global<br />

companies, together with the <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong><br />

PlantStruxure system for plant automation and<br />

energy management,<br />

will become a real success story.<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>’s PlantStruxure process<br />

automation architecture helps customers achieve<br />

energy and productivity improvement objectives<br />

by creating a single environment to measure<br />

energy use, process data, asset utilisation and<br />

machine performance. To achieve this, KROHNE<br />

delivers matching and integrated measurement<br />

solutions for flow, level, pressure and temperature<br />

measurements as well as analytical tasks,<br />

providing the necessary information to monitor<br />

and optimise plant processes that involve liquid,<br />

gaseous or solid mediums.<br />

About KROHNE<br />

KROHNE is a full-service provider for process measuring technology for the measurement<br />

of flow, mass flow, level, pressure and temperature as well as analytical tasks. Founded in<br />

1921 and headquartered in Duisburg, Germany, the company employs over 2,700 people all<br />

over the world and is present on all continents. KROHNE stands for innovation and maximum<br />

product quality and is one of the market leaders in industrial process measuring technology.<br />

22 <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012

Local update<br />

Wiser Home Pre-programmed pack<br />

The Wiser pre-programmed pack offers an easy to use, lighting control system<br />

for a typical New Zealand home with set functions already programmed,<br />

including an ‘All Off’ Function to maximise energy savings.<br />

Designed to be simple enough for an electrician<br />

to install, and the home owner to operate.<br />

With the Wiser pre-programmed pack the Home<br />

Owner will have the power to set their own scenes<br />

at the touch of a button!<br />

Included in the pack<br />

> 3x Saturn Double switches in Pure White<br />

> 3x Saturn single switch in Pure White<br />

> 1x Saturn 5 Key Input DLT in Pure White<br />

> 1x C-Bus 4 Channel Relay 10 Amp<br />

> 1x C-Bus Universal Dimmer 2.5 Amp with<br />

power supply<br />

> 1 x Surge Filter Domae Din Mount<br />

> 30m C-Bus cable.<br />

LOUNGE<br />


BED 2 BED 3<br />

BATH<br />


Relay Controlled Dimmed Circuits C-Bus Wired<br />

GARAGE<br />

Contact your local sales representative today to find out more about the<br />

Wiser Home Pre-programmed pack.<br />

Unitec wins 2012 Sustainable Business Trailblazer<br />

Not for Profit Award for Northern Region<br />

Unitec has been announced as the Northern Region winner of the 2012<br />

Sustainable Business Trailblazer Not for Profit Award at the NZI National<br />

Sustainable Business Network Awards 2012.<br />

With an entry covering sustainability initiatives<br />

across travel, waste, energy and building<br />

among others, Unitec has made an outstanding<br />

commitment to being sustainable.<br />

As global specialists in energy management<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> were happy to assist<br />

Unitec with this project with support and<br />

service including a <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> building<br />

management system going into one of the<br />

buildings, meters installed to help monitor and<br />

control energy use as well as assistance in<br />

developing an energy policy.<br />

Congratulations Unitec on your achievement!<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> News December 2012 23

© 2012 <strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>. As standards, specifications and designs change from time to time, always ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication.<br />

<strong>Schneider</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> (NZ) Ltd.<br />

38 Business Parade South,<br />

East Tamaki, Manukau 2013<br />

PO Box 259370, Botany, Manukau 2163<br />

Tel: +64 9 829 0490 Fax: +64 9 829 0491<br />

Customer Care: 0800 652 999<br />

Email:<br /><br />

417874 406054

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