State Representative Elizabeth 'Betsy' Ritter -

State Representative Elizabeth 'Betsy' Ritter - State Representative Elizabeth 'Betsy' Ritter -
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� � � Dear Friends, It is an honor and pleasure to represent the 38th District! With the close of the 2007 legislative session, I would like to provide you with a brief summary of some of the important work we did. Although the 2007 legislative session was a productive one, I am still looking forward to continuing my work on two persistent problems: affordable health care coverage and our ever-rising electric utility rates. We devoted considerable time and attention to both issues this session, and I anticipate doing the same when we return in February. If you have questions on this information or any suggestions for future legislation, please contact me. Your voice helps me to be a strong advocate for our district and for Southeastern Connecticut. As always, I look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at my local office hours at the Waterford Library. Enjoy the fall season! Veterans and the Military With the goal of disrupting funerals of recently killed-in-action US service men and women, certain radical groups have attempted to upset the somber occasion with their presence. This happened recently in East Lyme when Army Captain Jason Hamill was laid to rest. Fortunately, the Patriot Guard Riders Motorcycle Group and local students formed a human shield to protect family, friends and many others paying their respects to Captain Hamill. The General Assembly went further by providing an additional legal shield with a law that makes it a crime to protest within 150 feet of a military funeral. PA 07-98 Connecticut soldiers, who have served for at least 20 years in the National Guard, can now be buried in any of the state’s three veterans’ cemeteries. Due to a separate discharge document from that of their active duty/reservist counterparts, state statutes prohibited National Guard members from this burial right. PA 07-13 Recognizing the need to protect the Sub Base from future base closing, legislation adopted this year creates an Office of Military Affairs. The primary responsibilities of this new agency will include protecting Connecticut’s military assets, encouraging the relocation of military missions to Connecticut, and supporting the development of a Defense and Homeland Security industry cluster. PA 07-205 State Representative Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Ritter District Office Hours Location: Waterford Library, 1st Floor Activity Room Hours: 5:30-7:00 PM Dates: Sept. 24, Oct. 15, Nov. 13, Dec. 10, Jan. 14 Legislative Office Building, Room 4002 Hartford, CT 06106-1591 (800) 842-8267 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID HARTFORD, CT PERMIT NO. 3937 Congratulations Waterford Little League South All Stars! 2007 World Series 4th Place YOUR VOICE AT THE CAPITOL! State Representative Betsy Ritter Serving Waterford & Montville

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Dear Friends,<br />

It is an honor and pleasure to represent the 38th District!<br />

With the close of the 2007 legislative session, I would like to provide<br />

you with a brief summary of some of the important work we did. Although<br />

the 2007 legislative session was a productive one, I am still<br />

looking forward to continuing my work on two persistent problems:<br />

affordable health care coverage and our ever-rising electric utility<br />

rates. We devoted considerable time and attention to both issues this<br />

session, and I anticipate doing the same when we return in February.<br />

If you have questions on this information or any suggestions for future<br />

legislation, please contact me. Your voice helps me to be a strong<br />

advocate for our district and for Southeastern Connecticut.<br />

As always, I look forward to hearing from you and hope to see you at<br />

my local office hours at the Waterford Library. Enjoy the fall season!<br />

Veterans and the Military<br />

With the goal of disrupting funerals of recently killed-in-action US<br />

service men and women, certain radical groups have attempted<br />

to upset the somber occasion with their presence. This happened<br />

recently in East Lyme when Army Captain Jason Hamill was laid to<br />

rest. Fortunately, the Patriot Guard Riders Motorcycle Group and<br />

local students formed a human shield to protect family, friends and<br />

many others paying their respects to Captain Hamill. The General<br />

Assembly went further by providing an additional legal shield with<br />

a law that makes it a crime to protest within 150 feet of a military<br />

funeral. PA 07-98<br />

Connecticut soldiers, who have served for<br />

at least 20 years in the National Guard,<br />

can now be buried in any of the state’s<br />

three veterans’ cemeteries. Due to a separate<br />

discharge document from that of their<br />

active duty/reservist counterparts, state<br />

statutes prohibited National Guard members<br />

from this burial right. PA 07-13<br />

Recognizing the need to protect the Sub Base from future base<br />

closing, legislation adopted this year creates an Office of Military<br />

Affairs. The primary responsibilities of this new agency will include<br />

protecting Connecticut’s military assets, encouraging the relocation<br />

of military missions to Connecticut, and supporting the development<br />

of a Defense and Homeland Security industry cluster. PA 07-205<br />

<strong>State</strong> <strong>Representative</strong> <strong>Elizabeth</strong> ‘Betsy’ <strong>Ritter</strong><br />

District Office Hours<br />

Location: Waterford Library, 1st Floor Activity Room<br />

Hours: 5:30-7:00 PM<br />

Dates: Sept. 24, Oct. 15, Nov. 13, Dec. 10, Jan. 14<br />

Legislative Office Building, Room 4002<br />

Hartford, <strong>CT</strong> 06106-1591<br />

elizabeth.ritter@cga.ct.<strong>gov</strong><br />

(800) 842-8267<br />


U.S. POSTAGE<br />

PAID<br />

HARTFORD, <strong>CT</strong><br />

PERMIT NO. 3937<br />

Congratulations<br />

Waterford Little League South All Stars!<br />

2007 World Series<br />

4th Place<br />



<strong>State</strong> <strong>Representative</strong><br />

Betsy <strong>Ritter</strong><br />

Serving Waterford & Montville

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future<br />

Projects for southeastern connecticut<br />

Extending full service of Shore Line East to New London and additional<br />

capital improvements to increase<br />

parking, repair bridges, and<br />

purchase locomotive and rail cars;<br />

Purchasing 24 electric rail cars for use<br />

on the New Haven Line and Shore<br />

Line East;<br />

Allocating $1 million to match available<br />

federal funds for acquisition of land for the Route 11 Greenway;<br />

and,<br />

Budgeting $3 million per year in FY 08 and FY 09 to support the<br />

Southeastern Connecticut Tourist Transit System.<br />

enVironMent<br />

Looking to purchase a new computer or television and wondering<br />

how to get rid of the old one? PA 07-189 creates a mandatory recycling<br />

program for discarded computers or televisions that is easy,<br />

free and accessible for all residents in the state at no or minimal<br />

cost to municipalities.<br />

In order to ensure a healthy environment for our children, the legislature<br />

took a major step forward this year by requiring certain<br />

full-sized school busses to be retrofitted with new pollution reducing<br />

emissions systems, and appropriate funds to cover the costs.<br />

PA 07-4<br />

Public safety<br />

In response to a fatal traffic accident involving an unqualified bus<br />

driver, we took quick action to require that the Department of Motor<br />

Vehicles notify public transportation providers when any commercial<br />

driver’s license has been suspended. The law also requires<br />

expanded drug testing with an automatic disqualification for those<br />

with positive test results. PA 07-224<br />

More than 10,000 firearms were stolen in Connecticut during the<br />

last ten years. Many of these guns ended up on the streets of our<br />

cities. PA 07-163 requires any person who lawfully possesses an<br />

assault weapon or firearm that is lost or stolen must report the incident<br />

to the proper law enforcement agencies within seventy-two<br />

hours of when they are discovered or should have discovered the<br />

loss or theft. The bill also establishes the crime of firearm trafficking<br />

if the person knowingly and intentionally allows firearms they own<br />

or possess to be in the possession of someone who is prohibited<br />

from owning or possessing any firearm.<br />

We passed Connecticut’s version of Jessica’s Law, establishing a<br />

new crime of aggravated sexual assault of a child under age 13.<br />

This crime will carry a mandatory minimum prison term of 25 years<br />

for a first offense and 50 years for a second offense. PA 07-143<br />

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Energy reform legislation passed this year benefits consumers by<br />

offering incentives to control usage and to make suitable energy<br />

decisions by:<br />

• Offering rebates and tax exemptions to consumers who invest in<br />

energy-efficient technology as an incentive to replace old air conditioners,<br />

boilers, freezers or other appliances with new models<br />

that use the latest technology and less energy.<br />

• Establishing a sales tax exemption for automobiles that average<br />

more than 40 miles per gallon.<br />

• Encouraging Connecticut consumers to “go green” by allowing<br />

the sales tax free purchase of compressed fluorescent light bulbs<br />

(CFL’s) and energy star products.<br />

• Redirecting conservation fees currently charged on all customers’<br />

monthly electric bills back to the Connecticut Clean Energy and<br />

Conservation Fund to be used to finance programs focused on<br />

conservation and clean energy.<br />

• Allowing households or businesses the option of installing “advanced<br />

meters” to pay for power usage based on “Time of Use”<br />

pricing. PA 07-242<br />

In an effort to expand access to quality and affordable health care<br />

for children, the legislature:<br />

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energy<br />

eMinent doMain<br />

Public Act 07-141 reformed the eminent domain process by prohibiting<br />

the taking of property for economic development and tightening the<br />

process by which property can be used to improve a rundown area. PA<br />

07-207<br />

health<br />

Expanded the HUSKY program to allow access<br />

by more residents.<br />

Established a broad outreach program to identify<br />

and reach all eligible participants.<br />

Expanded HUSKY A coverage for pregnant<br />

women and required automatic enrollment of uninsured newborns.<br />

Added more funding for School-Based Health Clinics so that they<br />

can provide transportation for increased access.<br />

Increased monies for dental services. PA 07-185<br />

The legislature passed a law to ensure that all women who are victims<br />

of sexual assault receive the highest standard of care in all of<br />

Connecticut’s hospitals and emergency care facilities. PA 07-24<br />

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Increased total town aid to towns and municipalities by $8 million.<br />

Significant and unprecedented increases in Waterford and Montville’s<br />

ECS (Education Cost Sharing) funding.<br />

Added $4 million to higher education grant programs to give more<br />

Connecticut residents the opportunity to attend college.<br />

Raised support to nursing homes and nonprofit providers of group<br />

homes by 3%.<br />

Increased Medicaid reimbursements rates for hospitals, doctors,<br />

dentists and clinics.<br />

Increased funding for Head Start and special education.<br />

Allowed $30 million in tax credits for the film industry.<br />

Will reimburse towns and state agencies for one-half of the cost<br />

of required Firefighter I Certification for paid and volunteer firefighters.<br />

Allocated from the $1 billion budget surplus:<br />

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state budget highlights<br />

$250,000 for the DNA Epicenter in New London.<br />

$136 million in the ‘Rainy Day Fund’.<br />

$5 million for Operation Fuel.<br />

RepResentative Betsy RitteR (Right) discusses the impact of<br />

the Budget on southeasteRn connecticut with RepResentative<br />

elissa wRight and RepResentative ted moukawsheR.<br />

The serious problem of the unfunded liability with the Teachers’<br />

Retirement Fund was addressed with PA 07-186. The legislature authorized<br />

30-year general obligation bonds to fund an approximate<br />

$2 billion unfunded liability. In addition, appropriations of $300<br />

million from surplus funds should cover the required annual state<br />

contributions for the next two fiscal years. PA 07-186<br />

insurance<br />

Insurance companies cannot refuse to issue or renew homeowners’<br />

insurance policies simply because the homeowner has not installed<br />

expensive hurricane shutters. In addition, insurers will be required<br />

to offer sound premium discounts to homeowners who do install<br />

permanent storm shutters or impact-resistant glass to mitigate loss<br />

from hurricanes and severe storms. PA 07-77<br />

Legislation passed this year will remove some of the inefficiencies<br />

that resulted in higher insurance premiums for condominium owners.<br />

Unit owners, rather than the board of directors, can now purchase<br />

different types of insurance if they so choose to make the<br />

decision. PA 07-68

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