Category: Integrated Marketing Campaign - IAAPA

Category: Integrated Marketing Campaign - IAAPA

Category: Integrated Marketing Campaign - IAAPA

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<strong>Category</strong>: <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong>

Introduction<br />

KidZania is a 100% Mexican “edutainment” concept (education and entertainment) where children aged 2 to 16 play<br />

the roles of adults, performing more than 90 professions and jobs, in a scaled-down city that reproduces the sectors<br />

that can be found in any city: services, commerce, industry, communications and transportation, among many others.<br />

Our business partners bring great realism to the concept by sponsoring the different establishments in the city, where<br />

participative activities take place and new and unique experiences are created. Children can always find something<br />

fun to do!<br />

KidZania was founded on September the 1 st , 1999 under the name La Ciudad de los Niños, and has welcomed more<br />

than 8.5 million visitors ever since. It has more than 60 marketing partners, AAA multinational companies and local<br />

leaders. The success of the concept brought forth a company expansion process, for which it became necessary to<br />

create a name and an image that represented the concept of La Ciudad de los Niños. This is how the KidZania<br />

Nation was born, with its own history, government, national symbols, currency, culture, traditions and monuments.<br />

Thanks to the consolidation of the concept in Mexico, KidZania overcame boundaries, inaugurating its first center<br />

abroad, KidZania Tokyo in Japan in 2006, followed by KidZania Jakarta, Indonesia, in 2007. During 2009, three<br />

inaugurations took place: KidZania Lisbon in Portugal, KidZania Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and KidZania<br />

Seoul in South Korea. This year, KidZania Cuicuilco will open its doors in southern Mexico City, as well as KidZania<br />

Santiago, in Chile. The openings of KidZania cities in Kuala Lumpur, Cairo, Jeddah, Kuwait City, Mumbai and São<br />

Paulo are expected to happen during 2012.<br />


Background Information<br />

•Name of Facility: KidZania Santa Fe<br />

•Location: Centro Comercial Santa Fe Local 1, Av. Vasco de Quiroga 3800, Mexico City 05109. Mexico.<br />

•Annual Attendance: +800,000 visitors<br />

•Facility staff: Full time 267, part time 689, and 51 seasonal employees<br />

•Year founded: 1999<br />

• Notable achievements<br />

KidZania is the first center of edutainment in the world. Its concept has been successful on a national level as well as<br />

internationally, with franchises in Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, UAE, Portugal. In a not so distant future, KidZania<br />

will open in cities such as Kuala Lumpur, Cairo, Jeddah, Kuwait City, Mumbai and São Paulo. KidZania has been<br />

awarded several recognitions with a worldwide importance and ranked internationally as one of the best corporations<br />

of its kind.<br />

• Number of attractions<br />

• 1999 La Ciudad de los Niños<br />

• 2006 KidZania Monterrey / KidZania Tokyo<br />

• 2007 KidZania Jakarta<br />

• 2009 KidZania Koshien / KidZania Lisbon<br />

• 2010 KidZania Dubai / KidZania Seoul<br />

• What is your attraction’s unique selling point<br />

The first to offer activities based on the oldest game of all time: role-playing<br />


<strong>Marketing</strong> Information<br />

Primary target market: ABC+, Kids<br />

Secondary target market: Families in the suburbs and nearby cities<br />

Competitive Media Market: El Papalote Museo del Niño, La Granja de<br />

las Américas<br />

Any other relevant information: KidZania has more than 60 <strong>Marketing</strong><br />

Partners. The relation between both parties is one of a kind, since in<br />

KidZania the children not only see the brand, but play with it. For example<br />

in the Domino’s pizza establishment, children make the pizza, put it in a<br />

box and take it home, achieving a permanent and positive impression of<br />

the brand on the children.<br />


Success Measures<br />

We measured the success of the <strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong> with an<br />

Attendance Increase and Revenue growth of 9% during July 2011<br />

compared to July 2010.<br />

KidZania was greatly harmed therefore this campaign has been a<br />

great and effective way to remind people that KidZania is the best<br />

place for the kids to learn and have fun.<br />


<strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Marketing</strong> and Digital <strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong><br />

<strong>Campaign</strong> Information<br />

Concept and rationale:<br />

Generate curiosity in the children that don't know the concept of KidZania<br />

and to those who do know, remind them that KidZania is a cool place that<br />

they can identify with.<br />

Target market:<br />

We were hoping to reach our primary target which is ABC+. At the same<br />

time, we wanted to raise the interest and curiosity of people from Mexico<br />

city, offering a renovated product and image.<br />


• Objectives:<br />

Brand's positioning, to maintain a favorable attendance expectation for the season, to promote a repetition visit<br />

through attractive discounts and crossed promotions and to create synergies with marketing partners.<br />

• Execution:<br />

• With the aim to reinforce brand’s positioning and to generate brand awareness, we did a survey to know what<br />

children like best at KidZania.<br />

• A descriptive investigation was realized by qualitative approach, to know the opinion the children between 4 and 12<br />

years, of NSE A/B, C + and C that visited KidZania Santa and KidZania Monterrey during the last 2 weeks of April. In<br />

total, they were 270 children in Santa Fe and 180 children in Monterrey.<br />

• Question: Which is the first word that comes to your mind when I say KidZania<br />

• Summarizing, the 3 words more mentioned by children:<br />


<strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Marketing</strong> and Digital <strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Campaign</strong><br />



<strong>Campaign</strong> Information<br />

• The campaign was then formed after these 3 words to communicate our main value offering, which it is integral<br />

children education in a fun way, using an own image with easy implementation and based on our visitors’ experience.<br />

The campaign used different media and supports, like TV, radio spots, print, outdoors and online advertising.<br />


Print Advertisement:<br />

Magazines<br />

• There were 3<br />

different inserts in<br />

Editorial Armonía,<br />

(a Mexican<br />

publishing<br />

company) and had<br />

a discount insert of<br />

KidZania in 3<br />

magazines during<br />

August 2011<br />


CARTOON).<br />


Advertisement: Magazines<br />


Advertisement: Magazines<br />


Advertisement: Newspapers<br />

There were 4 inserts in a special Kids<br />

supplement in the most selling newspapers in<br />

Mexico (Reforma, Publimetro, El Norte, Sierra<br />

Madre) and it included an attractive admission<br />

discount KidZania.<br />


Advertisement: Newspapers<br />


Outdoor Advertisement: Billboards<br />


Outdoor Advertisement: Billboards<br />


Outdoor Advertisement: Billboards<br />


Outdoor Advertisement: Mobile Billboards<br />


Outdoor Advertisement: School Buses<br />


TV Spot<br />


TV Spot<br />


Sample radio spot<br />

Click to play<br />

Click to play<br />

•Sample of<br />

radio spotgirl<br />

version<br />

•Sample of<br />

radio spotboy<br />

version<br />


Sample radio spot<br />

Click to play<br />

Click to play<br />

•Sample of<br />

radio spot-girl<br />

version<br />

•Sample of<br />

radio spotboy<br />

version<br />

•Coca-Cola added to the campaign with 830 radio spots on the following radio stations:<br />

Digital 99.3 FM / Mix 106.5 FM / Exa 104.9 FM / Beat 100.9FM / Oye 89.7FM<br />


Promotions<br />

-Promotions<br />

-Mom’s book is a Mexican mom<br />

agenda that included in all their<br />

copies, an insert with a $30 discount<br />

for the park's admission.<br />


On-line Advertising<br />

Click to go<br />

Click to go<br />

Click to go<br />


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