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<strong>AFFIDAVIT</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>FINANCIAL</strong> <strong>SUPPORT</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>INTERNATIONAL</strong> STUDENTS<br />

Important: You must return this from along with an official bank statement from your funding source. The Bank<br />

statement must not be any older than 60 days from date sent and must have enough funds to cover your<br />

designated expenses. We recommend you request 2 original copies of each statement in case one gets lost in the<br />

mail. If you are providing more than one bank statement, you must have a letter from each sponsor.<br />

Instruction: Before filling out this form, please refer to the enclosed Estimate of Expenses and make sure that your<br />

funding equals the amount necessary to attend Washington University. For students who have to take 60 credits<br />

you have to provide financial statements in the amount of $57,180 for your first academic year. For students who<br />

were given advanced standing (meaning you have a Bachelor in Social Work and only need to take 44 credits), you<br />

have to provide financial statements in the amount of $45,932 for your first academic year.<br />

Please complete this form in full. This form must be completed before Washington University can issue your visa<br />

eligibility document: I-20 or IAP-66. All sources of support must be shown in US dollars for a nine-month<br />

academic year, plus the cost of living expenses.<br />

APPLICANT’S PERSONAL IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION (please print):<br />

Name: Last (family) First (given) Middle<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Permanent Address:<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Current Address: (if different from permanent address)<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Country of Citizenship:<br />

Date of Birth (month/day/year):<br />

Marital Status (circle one): Single Married Divorced Widowed<br />

DEPENDENT IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION<br />

Check the appropriate item:<br />

1. ____ I plan to come alone<br />

2. ____ My dependent(s) will join me later<br />

3. ____ The following dependent(s) will accompany me to the U.S. (see next page)

List the dependents for 2 & 3:<br />

Dependent’s Name Birthdate<br />

m/d/y<br />

Country of birth /<br />

Country of citizenship<br />

Relationship to<br />

you<br />

Date they will<br />

join you<br />

<strong>AFFIDAVIT</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SUPPORT</strong>:<br />

Please indicate the amount of funds available to you for the 2013-2014 academic year from:<br />

1. Personal/Family $____________<br />

2. Grants/Scholarships $____________ From Whom__________________<br />

(must provide letter of award)<br />

$____________ From Whom__________________<br />

$____________ From Whom__________________<br />

3. Sponsor $____________ (to be filled out by the sponsor and bank statement must be provided)<br />

Name: Last (family) First (given) Middle<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Address:<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Relationship to applicant:<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Signature:<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Date:<br />

_____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

4. Other source: $_________ Identify _____________<br />

(Please ask your funding agency to provide an original letter stating its support to you)<br />

5. Room and Board Sponsor* (circle one) YES or NO If yes, subtract $12,500 from total cost.*<br />

6. Add all funds $__________ Does this amount equal to necessary funds (circle one) YES or NO<br />

Amount Must Equal $57,180, or for Advanced Standing $45,932<br />

*If you have someone in the United States who will provide Room and Board for you at no charge, you can deduct $12,500<br />

from your cost of living, making $7,500 the amount you must show. A letter of support and bank statement from your sponsor<br />

must accompany this affidavit.

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