External Scholarship

External Scholarship

External Scholarship

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Outside <strong>Scholarship</strong> Opportunities<br />

Philanthropic Educational Organization International Peace <strong>Scholarship</strong><br />

Description: P.E.O. International Peace <strong>Scholarship</strong> (IPS) Fund was established in 1949 to<br />

provide scholarships for international women students to pursue graduate study in the United<br />

States and Canada.<br />

Deadline: December 15<br />

Website: http://www.peointernational.org/peo-projectsphilanthropies<br />

Navajo Nation Graduate Fellowship<br />

Description: Navajo Nation Graduate Fellowship is established to provide financial assistance in<br />

the form of grant awards to eligible Navajo students wishing to attend or attending graduate<br />

school, utilizing the Navajo Nation Graduate Trust Fund. For all full-time graduate students, the<br />

award shall be a minimum of $5,000 and up to a maximum of $10,000 for nine to twelve<br />

semester credit hours, per academic year based on points system as outlined in the ONNSFA<br />

program policy and procedures. All graduate applicants shall provide to ONNSFA official<br />

academic transcripts with conferred degree and/or type of graduate degree granted.<br />

Deadline: Varies<br />

Website: http://www.onnsfa.org/FundingTypes/GraduateFund/tabid/69/Default.aspx<br />

Point Foundation - The National LGTB <strong>Scholarship</strong> Fund<br />

Description: Point’s scholarship award covers a variety of expenses such as tuition, books,<br />

room, board and basic living expenses. Point estimates that a college education costs between<br />

$8,000 and $50,000 per year, depending on which school the scholar attends. Each person who<br />

applies for a Point scholarship is evaluated on the totality of their situation. Financial need,<br />

marginalization, academic excellence, community involvement, leadership and future goals are<br />

all key factors that are taken into consideration. It is not required that you identify within the<br />

LGBT community to apply.<br />

Deadline: Varies<br />

Website: http://www.pointfoundation.org/scholarships/scholarship.html<br />

The Women's Research & Education Institute Congressional Fellows on Women and<br />

Public Policy<br />

Description: WREI awards annual fellowships to a select number of graduate students with a<br />

proven commitment to equity for women. WREI Fellows gain practical policymaking experience

and graduate credit as they work from January to August as Congressional legislative aides in<br />

Washington, D.C. Fellows receive stipends for tuition and living expenses. Established in 1980,<br />

the WREI Fellowship program is designed to: encourage more effective participation by women<br />

in the formulation of policy options, promote activities that encourage the translation of research<br />

into policy, raise awareness that national and international issues concerning women are<br />

interdependent, foster better understanding of how policies affect women and men differently,<br />

gain greater appreciation of the fact that issues often defined as "women's issues" are really of<br />

equal importance to men. Fellows are selected on the basis of academic competence as well as<br />

their demonstrated interest in the public policy process. They are expected to be articulate,<br />

adaptable and to have strong writing skills. Only students who are currently in, or have recently<br />

completed, a graduate or professional-degree program at an accredited institution in the United<br />

States are eligible.<br />

Deadline: Varies<br />

Website: http://www.wrei.org/Fellows.htm<br />

The Finlandia Foundation National Student <strong>Scholarship</strong>s Program<br />

Description: Today’s scholarships are available for full-time undergraduate and graduate<br />

students of all academic disciplines currently enrolled in accredited post-secondary schools in<br />

the United States and Finland. Candidates must show evidence of continuing to the sophomore<br />

level or higher prior to receiving the award and must have maintained a 3.0 GPA. Some of the<br />

criteria the FFN <strong>Scholarship</strong> Committee uses in evaluating applications are: financial need,<br />

course of study, and U.S./Finnish citizenship. Students studying subjects related to Finnish<br />

culture receive special consideration.<br />

Deadline: February 1<br />

Website: http://www.finlandiafoundation.org/<strong>Scholarship</strong>s<br />

The Foundation for Community Association Research - Byron Hanke Fellowship<br />

Description: The Byron Hanke Fellowship is available to graduate students working on topics<br />

related to community associations. Community associations govern common-interest<br />

communities of any kind—condominiums, cooperatives, townhouse developments, planned unit<br />

developments, and other developments where homeowners support an association with<br />

mandatory financial assessments, and are subject to use and aesthetic restrictions. The Hanke<br />

Fellowship stipends range from $2,000-$4,000. The Foundation Executive Committee maintains<br />

the right to determine the amount of the stipend. Fellows are expected to prepare a research<br />

paper on community associations.<br />

Deadline: May 1<br />

Website: http://www.cairf.org/scholarships/hanke.aspx<br />

Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture – International <strong>Scholarship</strong> Program for<br />

Community Service<br />

Description: The purpose of the Foundation's International Community Service <strong>Scholarship</strong><br />

Program is to assist well-qualified individuals to train for careers in the rabbinate, Jewish

education, social work, and as religious functionaries (e.g. shohatim, mohalim) in Diaspora<br />

Jewish communities in need of such personnel.<br />

The scholarship is open to any individual, regardless of country of origin, who is presently<br />

receiving, or plans to undertake, training in a recognized yeshiva, teacher training seminary,<br />

school of social work, university or other educational institution. The recipient of the scholarship<br />

must commit to serve in a community of need for a minimum of two to three years. He/she<br />

should also be knowledgeable in the language and culture of that country or be prepared to learn<br />

it. Individuals planning to serve in the United States, Canada, and Israel are excluded from this<br />

program.<br />

Deadline: November 30<br />

Website: http://www.mfjc.org/support/howto.html<br />

Dr. Alma S. Adams <strong>Scholarship</strong><br />

Description: Applications are now being accepted for the Dr. Alma S. Adams <strong>Scholarship</strong> for<br />

Outreach and Health Communications to reduce tobacco use among what the American Legacy<br />

Foundation calls Priority Populations. Priority populations are those populations who are<br />

disproportionately targeted by the tobacco industry, or who often lack the tools and resources to<br />

combat smoking in their communities.<br />

The scholarship, named for founding Legacy board member, Dr. Alma S. Adams will award two<br />

$5,000 scholarships to pursue undergraduate or graduate studies at an accredited institution of<br />

higher education in the United States. The awards will be granted on a competitive basis for the<br />

following: a) a record of commitment to community service on behalf of an underserved<br />

community, preferably related to tobacco prevention and/or control and b) the best use of the<br />

visual arts, media, creative writing or other creative endeavor to convey culturally appropriate<br />

health messages aimed at raising awareness of tobacco’s harmful impact.<br />

Deadline: April 30<br />

Website: http://www.legacyforhealth.org/adams-scholarship.aspx<br />

JCCs of North America Graduate <strong>Scholarship</strong> Programs<br />

Description: The JCC Association Graduate <strong>Scholarship</strong> Program provides merit-based<br />

financial aid for students to use towards an advanced degree that will lead to or enhance<br />

professional careers in the Jewish Community Center movement.<br />

Deadline: February 1<br />

Website: http://www.jccworks.com/PageID=C194AA<br />

NASW Consuelo W. Gosnell Memorial MSW <strong>Scholarship</strong><br />

Description: The Consuelo W. Gosnell Memorial <strong>Scholarship</strong> is awarded to Master’s degree<br />

candidates in social work who have demonstrated a commitment to working with, or who have a<br />

special affinity with American Indian/Alaska Native and Hispanic/Latino populations.<br />

Candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to working with public or voluntary nonprofit<br />

agencies or with local grassroots groups in the United States are also eligible.

The Gosnell <strong>Scholarship</strong>s are awarded based on the projected annual earnings to the fund and<br />

contributions. To make a donation, click below. A panel reviews applicants and selects the award<br />

recipient. Up to 10 scholarships of up to $2,000 each will be awarded.<br />

Deadline: March<br />

Website: http://www.naswfoundation.org/gosnell.asp<br />

NASW Verne LaMarr Lyons Memorial MSW <strong>Scholarship</strong><br />

Description: The Verne LaMarr Lyons Memorial <strong>Scholarship</strong> is awarded to a Master’s degree<br />

candidate in social work who demonstrates an interest in, or has experience with, health/mental<br />

health practice and has a commitment to working in the African American community.<br />

<strong>Scholarship</strong> recipients now work in hospitals, medical clinics, and social services agencies that<br />

provide treatment and specialized services to African American patients.<br />

The Lyons <strong>Scholarship</strong> is awarded based on the projected annual earnings to the fund and<br />

contributions. One scholarship of up to $2,000 will be awarded to a MSW student who has<br />

interest and/or demonstrated ability in health/mental health practice and a commitment to<br />

working in African American communities.<br />

Deadline: March<br />

Website: http://www.naswfoundation.org/lyons.asp<br />

National Association of Junior Auxiliaries, Inc. Graduate <strong>Scholarship</strong> Program<br />

Description: The National Association of Junior Auxiliaries, Inc. was established in 1941 with<br />

the purpose of uniting members "to render charitable services which are beneficial to the general<br />

public, with particular emphasis on children, and to cooperate with other organizations<br />

performing similar services." Today the growing Association continues the focus of meeting the<br />

needs of children and youth in keeping with the NAJA slogan: "Care Today - Character<br />

Tomorrow.”<br />

Applicants must be working or planning to work directly with children and pursuing graduate<br />

level studies for one year in fields which address the special needs of children and youth.<br />

Graduate fields of study include, but are not limited to: Counseling, Psychology, Mental Health,<br />

Special Education, Speech Pathology, Exceptional Children, Remedial Skills Development,<br />

Hearing Impaired, Gifted and Talented, etc. <strong>Scholarship</strong>s are NOT awarded for graduate work in<br />

administration or general education. Applicants must also be a U.S. citizen and a permanent<br />

resident of a state with a Junior Auxiliary Chapter: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana,<br />

Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas.<br />

Deadline: February 1<br />

Website: http://www.najanet.org/view/17<br />

Institute for Humane Studies – Humane Studies Fellowship<br />

Description: Humane Studies Fellowships are awarded to graduate students and outstanding<br />

undergraduates embarking on liberty-advancing careers in ideas. The fellowships support study

in a variety of fields, including economics, philosophy, law, political science, history, and<br />

sociology.<br />

Awards range from $2,000 to $15,000 and fellowship winners may re-apply for each year of<br />

their studies. In 2011, the Institute for Humane Studies awarded more than $750,000 to 195<br />

students.<br />

The program is open to full-time and prospective graduate students, including law and MBA<br />

students. There are a limited number of fellowships open to undergraduate juniors and seniors<br />

with a demonstrated interest in pursuing a scholarly career.<br />

Deadline: December 31<br />

Website: http://www.theihs.org/humane-studies-fellowships<br />

Mustard Seed Foundation - Harvey Fellows Program<br />

Description: The Harvey Fellows Program seeks to encourage Christian graduate students to<br />

integrate their faith and vocation and pursue leadership positions in strategic fields where<br />

Christians tend to be under-represented. The Harvey Fellows Program provides financial support<br />

to Christian graduate students who possess a unique vision to impact society through their fields<br />

and who are pursuing graduate studies at premier institutions (top five) in their disciplines in the<br />

United States or abroad. Each Harvey Fellow is awarded a $16,000 annual stipend.<br />

Deadline: November 1<br />

Website: http://www.harveyfellows.org/<br />

Organization of American States (OAS) – <strong>Scholarship</strong>s for Academic Studies<br />

Description: The objective of the Organization of American States (OAS) <strong>Scholarship</strong>s and<br />

Training Programs is to assist the Member States with their domestic efforts in pursuit of integral<br />

development goals by supporting human resource development in the priority areas established<br />

by the Summits of the Americas, the Strategic Plan for Partnership for Integral Development of<br />

the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), and the OAS General Assembly.<br />

OAS Academic <strong>Scholarship</strong>s are awarded to persons to undertake undergraduate or graduate<br />

studies Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degree) and/or graduate research that lead to a degree<br />

at a university or higher learning institution in an OAS Member State, with the exception of<br />

his/her own sponsoring country. Studies must be carried out on a full-time basis, and may be<br />

pursued by on-site or by distance education or a combination of both.<br />

Deadline: April 15<br />

Website: http://www.educoas.org/portal/en/oasbecas/aboutpd.aspxculture=en&navid=282<br />

American Association of University Women – Fellowships and Grants<br />

Description: AAUW has a long and distinguished history of advancing educational and<br />

professional opportunities for women in the United States and around the globe. One of the<br />

world's largest sources of funding for graduate women, AAUW is providing more than $3.7<br />

million in funding for more than 240 fellowships and grants to outstanding women and nonprofit

organizations in the 2011-12 academic year. Due to the longstanding, generous contributions of<br />

AAUW members, a broader community of women continues to gain access to educational and<br />

economic opportunities — breaking through barriers so that all women have a fair chance.<br />

Fellowship and grant recipients perform research in a wide range of disciplines and work to<br />

improve their schools and communities. Their intellect, dedication, imagination, and effort<br />

promise to forge new paths in scholarship, improve the quality of life for all, and tackle the<br />

educational and social barriers facing women in the United States and around the globe.<br />

Deadline: Various<br />

Website: http://www.aauw.org/learn/fellows_directory/index.cfm<br />

American Association of University Women - International Fellowships<br />

Description: International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research to women<br />

who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Fellowships support graduate or postgraduate<br />

studies at accredited institutions. Recipients are selected for academic achievement and<br />

demonstrated commitment to women and girls. The overwhelming majority return to their home<br />

countries to become leaders in government, academia, community activism, the arts, and science.<br />

Deadline: December 1<br />

Website: http://www.aauw.org/learn/fellows_directory/international.cfm<br />

Armenian International Women's Association <strong>Scholarship</strong>s<br />

Description: The scholarships are awarded to full-time female students of Armenian descent<br />

attending accredited colleges or universities. Students entering their junior or senior year in<br />

college, as well as graduate students, are eligible to apply for the awards. Awards are based on<br />

financial need and merit. Due to the large number of applications, the scholarships have<br />

sometimes been divided among multiple recipients.<br />

Deadline: April<br />

Website: http://aiwainternational.org/initiatives/scholarships<br />

The World Bank - The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund<br />

Description: For students from developing countries who are currently studying in the United<br />

States or Canada, the MMMF awards grants of approximately $12,000 each; grants are not<br />

renewable. The MMMF also typically invites the recipients to Washington DC to participate in a<br />

three day Awards Program organized in their honor.<br />

Deadline: December 31<br />

Website: http://www.mmmf-grants.org/grants-us.html<br />

Pi Gamma Mu <strong>Scholarship</strong><br />

Description: Pi Gamma Mu's scholarships are intended for first or second year of graduate work<br />

in the areas of sociology, anthropology, political science, history, economics, international<br />

relations, public administration, criminal justice, law, social work, psychology, and

human/cultural geography. The program is open to members of Pi Gamma Mu who are in good<br />

standing..<br />

Deadline: January 30<br />

Website: http://www.pigammamu.org/scholarships.html<br />

Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund - Overseas Postgraduate Study and Professional<br />

Training <strong>Scholarship</strong><br />

Description: This Fund established in 1963, provides scholarships for selected candidates to<br />

pursue postgraduate studies in universities or institutions overseas. Hong Kong residents having<br />

resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than 7 years; holders of either a degree<br />

from a university in Hong Kong or recognized equivalent qualifications; in possession of<br />

practical working experience in the relevant field of study; eligible for admission to the intended<br />

course of study; available to attend an interview to be conducted in Hong Kong.<br />

Deadline: February 10<br />

Website: http://www.sfaa.gov.hk/eng/scholar/content10.htm<br />

Armenian Professional Society <strong>Scholarship</strong><br />

Description: The APS <strong>Scholarship</strong>s are open to students who have been accepted or enrolled in<br />

a graduate school in the United States. Selection is based on financial need, scholastic<br />

achievements, faculty recommendations, and involvement in the Armenian Community. An<br />

eligible candidate shall be awarded a scholarship no more than a total of two times.<br />

Deadline: Applications accepted between June 1 and August 31<br />

Website: http://www.apsla.org/APS_Website/scholarships.html<br />

Japanese American Citizens League National <strong>Scholarship</strong>s and Awards<br />

Description: The National <strong>Scholarship</strong> and Awards Program offer scholarships to students at the<br />

entering freshman, undergraduate, graduate, law, financial need and creative & performing arts.<br />

All scholarships are one-time awards.<br />

Every applicant must be an active National JACL member. JACL Membership is open to<br />

everyone of any ethnic background. All who meet eligibility criteria are welcomed and<br />

encouraged to apply. Note: applicants need to hold an Individual or Student/Youth Membership<br />

(Couple/Family membership by a parent will not meet this requirement).<br />

Deadline: April 1<br />

Website: http://www.jacl.org/edu/scholar.htm<br />

The Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program<br />

Description: The Muskie Program is open to graduate students and professionals from Armenia,<br />

Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan,<br />

Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan for one-year non-degree, one-year degree, or two-year<br />

degree study in the United States. In order to be eligible for the Muskie Program, applicants must<br />

currently reside in their country of citizenship.

Eligible fields of study for the Muskie Program are: business administration, economics,<br />

education, environmental management, international affairs, journalism and mass<br />

communication, law, library and information science, public administration, public health, and<br />

public policy.<br />

Deadline: Fall<br />

Website: http://www.irex.org/application/edmund-s-muskie-graduate-fellowship-programapplication<br />

Houtan <strong>Scholarship</strong> Foundation<br />

Description: At the present time, the Houtan Foundation offers the award of $2,500 per semester<br />

which will be given toward a graduate school education for the selected applicant. The award<br />

will be offered each fall and spring semester. In an attempt to spread the word of the abundant<br />

Iranian culture, the Houtan Foundation offers scholarship to students from all origins, Iranian<br />

and non-Iranian, who have high academic performance and proven interest in promoting Iran's<br />

great culture, heritage, language and civilization. The candidates for the award must demonstrate<br />

leadership ability and the desire to make a difference in the society, where they reside.<br />

Deadline: June 1<br />

Website: http://www.houtan.org<br />

Fulbright Program<br />

Description: The Fulbright Program was established in 1946 under legislation introduced by<br />

then Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas. The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the<br />

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State. Currently,<br />

the Fulbright Program operates in over 155 countries worldwide. In the 50 countries with a<br />

Fulbright Commission, must meet citizenship requirements as defined by the binational<br />

agreement. In countries where the program is administered by the U.S. Embassy, must be a<br />

citizen, national, or permanent resident of a country participating in the Fulbright Program.<br />

Cannot be a person holding citizenship in a partner country and U.S. citizenship/permanent<br />

residency. Must have completed undergraduate education and hold a degree equivalent to a<br />

bachelor's degree. Contact the U.S. Embassy or Fulbright Commission listed on the individual<br />

country pages for specific eligibility requirements.<br />

Deadline: Varies<br />

Website: http://fulbright.state.gov/

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