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Alcron<br />
Issue No. 24<br />
TODAY<br />
·ÉFKUCHA¤ /<br />
oyster perpetual lady-datejust pearlmaster<br />
If it were not for the technical mastery inside its case, the Rolex Lady-Datejust Pearlmaster would merely be a piece<br />
of exquisite jewellery. With the choice of luxurious materials, precious stones and enchanting dials, it is safe to say that<br />
perfect harmony exists in a watch. Durable yet gorgeous. Robust yet refined. Water resistant yet irresistible. ROLEX.COM
VáÏení hosté, milí ãtenáfii,<br />
dovolte mi, abych Vás krátce seznámil s dûním<br />
v na‰em hotelu bûhem nadcházejícího<br />
podzimního období.<br />
K prohlédnutí ãi praktickému vyzkou‰ení jsme<br />
pro Vás pfiipravili dva dal‰í novû zrekonstruované<br />
pokoje, a to v kategoriích Standard a Junior<br />
Suite. Pokoje v této podobû budou plnû<br />
k dispozici od jara pfií‰tího roku. Poãátkem<br />
ledna 2008 zaãne jejich postupná rekonstrukce,<br />
která bude probíhat tak, aby nedo‰lo k naru‰ení<br />
chodu hotelu.<br />
Dále bych rád upozornil, Ïe jsme pro Vás<br />
vytvofiili nov˘ web, na kterém mÛÏete<br />
jednodu‰e vyhledávat aktuální informace<br />
t˘kající se <strong>ve</strong>‰kerého dûní v na‰ich hotelov˘ch<br />
restauracích a baru. Web lze<br />
ãíst v ãeském ãi anglickém jazyce.<br />
Pokud hovofiíme o ‰piãkové gastronomii,<br />
v fiíjnu v hotelu pfiivítáme jednoho z nejlep‰ích<br />
‰éfkuchafiÛ svûta Alexe Atalu z Brazílie. V‰ichni<br />
budeme mít jedineãnou pfiíleÏitost okusit<br />
jeho menu s chutûmi Amazonie.<br />
Jste-li hosté nebo na‰i partnefii, vûfiím, Ïe v˘‰e<br />
u<strong>ve</strong>dené zmûny v‰ichni uvítáte a budete se<br />
v na‰em hotelu cítit co nejlépe.<br />
Závûrem Vás srdeãnû zvu na sváteãní oslavy,<br />
které budou v posledním t˘dnu tohoto roku<br />
v hotelu Alcron probíhat.<br />
Pfieji Vám pfiíjemné proÏití ãasu Vánoc<br />
a Sil<strong>ve</strong>stra, a mnoho ‰tûstí v novém roce.<br />
Michal Chour<br />
Dear guests and readers,<br />
I hope you will permit me to briefly acquaint<br />
you with e<strong>ve</strong>nts in our hotel during the<br />
upcoming fall period.<br />
We ha<strong>ve</strong> prepared two more newly renovated<br />
rooms for you to ha<strong>ve</strong> a look at and put to<br />
a practical test. These rooms are in the<br />
Standard and Junior Suite categories. Rooms<br />
in this form will be fully available from the<br />
spring of next year. Their renovation will<br />
begin at the start of January 2008. This will<br />
proceed in such a way that it will not disrupt<br />
the running of the hotel.<br />
I would also like to inform you that we ha<strong>ve</strong><br />
created a new website, which will provide<br />
you with a simple way of looking up current<br />
information concerning all e<strong>ve</strong>nts in our hotel,<br />
restaurants and bar. The website<br />
is in Czech and in English.<br />
When it comes to top-class gastronomy, we<br />
will be welcoming to the hotel in October<br />
one of the best chefs in the world – Alex<br />
Atala of Brazil. E<strong>ve</strong>ryone will thus ha<strong>ve</strong> a<br />
unique opportunity to sample his menu<br />
comprising the flavors of the Amazon.<br />
If you are one of our guests or partners, I<br />
trust that you will all welcome the<br />
aforementioned changes and that you will<br />
feel as comfortable as possible in our hotel.<br />
In conclusion, I would like to cordially invite<br />
you to the festi<strong>ve</strong> celebrations that will be<br />
taking place in the Alcron hotel during the<br />
last week of this year.<br />
I hope that you ha<strong>ve</strong> a pleasant Christmas<br />
and New Year, and I wish you the best of<br />
luck in 2008.<br />
Alcron<br />
TODAY<br />
hotelov˘ magazín / hotel magazine<br />
Vydavatel / Published by:<br />
Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel, ·tûpánská 624/40, Praha 1<br />
IâO: 63077931,,<br />
Produkãní spoleãnost / Production Company:<br />
Martin Horák s.r.o., DruÏicová 16, Praha 6<br />
Tel.: +420 257 220 310, Fax: +420 257 224 550<br />,<br />
Redaktor / Editor:<br />
Martin Horák s.r.o. – Vlaìka Vojtí‰ková<br />
·éfredaktor / Editor in Chief:<br />
Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel – Martina Tkaãová<br />
E-mail:<br />
Produkce / Production:<br />
Martin Horák s.r.o. – Lucie Îemliãková<br />
Tel.: +420 777 300 052<br />
E-mail:<br />
Pfieklad, korektury / Translation, proofreading:<br />
Skfiivánek s.r.o.,<br />
Foto / Photos: Martin Horák s.r.o. – Michaela<br />
Hnátková, Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel,<br />
CzechTourism, Michal ·etka<br />
Tisk / Printing: NAVA TISK spol. s r.o., PlzeÀ<br />
Grafické zpracování / Graphic design: Createlink<br />
Zuzana Adámková,<br />
Prodej inzerce / Ad<strong>ve</strong>rtising sales:<br />
Martin Horák s.r.o. – Ing Martin Cisarz<br />
Tel.: 777 270 575,<br />
âíslo pfiidûlené min. kultury: MK âR E 17103<br />
Periodicita: âtvrtletník<br />
Vydání: 20. 9. 2007, Praha<br />
Alcron<br />
TODAY<br />
Osobnost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–7<br />
Juraj Jakubisko a jeho AlÏbûta Bathory<br />
Celebrity<br />
Juraj Jakubisko and his Elizabeth Bathory<br />
Fenomény âeska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24–25<br />
KarlÛv most<br />
A Bohemian Phenomenon<br />
Charles Bridge<br />
La Rotonde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–9<br />
Podzimní a zimní nabídka<br />
La Rotonde<br />
Autumn and winter invitation<br />
Zprávy z Alcronu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26–27<br />
Novinky z hotelu<br />
News from the Alcron<br />
O<strong>ve</strong>rview of Past, Present and Future Activities<br />
Vína . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–12<br />
Moravská vína<br />
Wines<br />
Moravian Wines<br />
âeská tradice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28–29<br />
Pohádka s.r.o.<br />
Czech Tradition<br />
Pohádka s.r.o.<br />
ReportáÏ z hotelu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14–17<br />
Alex Atala pfii<strong>ve</strong>ze do Alcronu chutû Amazonie<br />
Our Hotel<br />
Alex Atala will bring a taste of the Amazon to the Alcron<br />
Vánoce a Sil<strong>ve</strong>tr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30–31<br />
Vánoãní a sil<strong>ve</strong>strovské oslavy v Alcronu<br />
Christmas & NYE<br />
Christmas and New Year’s E<strong>ve</strong> celebration at the Alcron<br />
Bar Be Bop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18–20<br />
Jazzové houslistky jsou vzácné<br />
Be Bop Bar<br />
Female jazz violinists are a rare breed<br />
Navigátor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32–33<br />
Zajímavé kulturní akce v Praze<br />
Cultural Highlights<br />
Concerts, Exhibitions and Museums<br />
Povídání s... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22–23<br />
George Novák<br />
Con<strong>ve</strong>rsation with...<br />
George Novák<br />
Zábava . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34<br />
Divadlo Image<br />
Entertainment<br />
Image Theatre<br />
¤ÍJEN<br />
Zvûfiinové hody, 1. – 31. 10., Restaurace La Rotonde<br />
·éfkuchafi Jifií ·tift pro vás pfiipraví kanãí ragú se ‰ípkovou omáãkou<br />
a mandlov˘mi kroketami, srnãí na smetanû s karlovarsk˘mi knedlíky<br />
a spoustu dal‰ích pochoutek z lesa.<br />
Kulináfisk˘ v˘let za moravsk˘mi víny<br />
1. – 31. 10., Restaurace Alcron<br />
Vydejte se s námi za poznáním moravsk˘ch vín.<br />
Gourmet cocktails, 1. – 31. 10., Bar Be Bop<br />
ChuÈové kombinace koktejlÛ jsou naprosto neomezené. MÛÏete<br />
ochutnat mnoho netradiãních spojení, jako napfiíklad GTR – Gin<br />
& Tonic s rÛÏov˘m sirupem, Rapsberry Sky, Ginger Jam Kiss nebo<br />
Toma Jonese.<br />
Gala<strong>ve</strong>ãefie Alexe Ataly<br />
17. a 18. 10., Restaurace La Rotonde<br />
Jeden z nejlep‰ích ‰éfkuchafiÛ svûta Alex Atala z Brazílie spoleãnû<br />
se ‰éfkuchafiem Jifiím ·tiftem pfiipraví speciální menu ze ‰esti chodÛ,<br />
které bude doprovázeno vybran˘mi brazilsk˘mi víny dováÏen˘mi<br />
firmou Cosmopolitan Brazilian Wines.<br />
âeská kuchynû, 5. – 30. 11., Restaurace La Rotonde<br />
V˘znamná ãeská kuchafika a bodrá Ïena Magdalena Dobromila<br />
Rettigová oÏije <strong>ve</strong> sv˘ch receptech pod rukama ‰éfkuchafie Jifiího<br />
·tifta.<br />
Vafiení s koÀakem, 1. – 30. 11., Restaurace Alcron<br />
Pfiijìte se pfiesvûdãit, Ïe koÀak není jenom k pití.<br />
Mellow drinks, 1. – 30. 11., Bar Be Bop<br />
Pod názvy, jako je Mudslide, Golden Dream nebo Silk Stocking,<br />
se skr˘vají koktejly doplnûné smetanou.<br />
Beaujolais Nou<strong>ve</strong>au & s˘ry, od 15. 11., Bar Be Bop<br />
Nechte se ovanout vlah˘m vûtrem Francie.<br />
Gloegg & svafiené víno, 1. – 31. 12., Bar Be Bop<br />
Na‰i zku‰ení barmani vám názornû vysvûtlí, co se pod náz<strong>ve</strong>m<br />
této akce skr˘vá.<br />
Vánoãní a sil<strong>ve</strong>strovkou nabídku hotelu Alcron naleznete na stranû<br />
30 a 31.<br />
Game specialties, October 1 – 31, La Rotonde Restaurant<br />
Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift will be preparing a wild boar ragout with<br />
rosehip sauce and almond croquettes for you as well as <strong>ve</strong>nison<br />
in cream with Carlsbad dumplings and lots of other forest delicacies.<br />
Culinary Moravian wine excursion<br />
October 1 – 31, Alcron Restaurant<br />
Come with us and get to know Moravian wines.<br />
Gourmet cocktails, October 1 – 31, Be Bop Bar<br />
There is absolutely no limit to the number of cocktail flavor<br />
combinations. You can try many uncon<strong>ve</strong>ntional mixtures such as<br />
a GTR (a Gin & Tonic with rose syrup), a Raspberry Sky, a Ginger<br />
Jam Kiss or a Tom Jones.<br />
Alex Atala’s Gala e<strong>ve</strong>ning<br />
October 17 and 18, La Rotonde Restaurant<br />
One of the best chefs in the world, Brazilian Alex Atala, together<br />
with the Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift will be preparing a special sixcourse<br />
menu for you, which will be accompanied by select Brazilian<br />
wines imported by the firm Cosmopolitan Brazilian Wines.<br />
Czech cuisine, No<strong>ve</strong>mber 5 – 30, La Rotonde Restaurant<br />
The important Czech cook and genial lady Magdalena Dobromila<br />
Rettigová will be brought back to life through her recipes in the<br />
hands of Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift.<br />
Cooking with cognac, No<strong>ve</strong>mber 1 – 30, Alcron Restaurant<br />
Come and see for yourself how cognac is not just for drinking.<br />
Mellow drinks, No<strong>ve</strong>mber 1 – 30, Be Bop Bar<br />
Cocktails supplemented with cream are concealed beneath names<br />
like Mudslide, Golden Dream or Silk Stocking.<br />
Beaujolais Nou<strong>ve</strong>au & cheese<br />
From No<strong>ve</strong>mber 15, Be Bop Bar<br />
Let yourself be fanned by a warm wind from France.<br />
Gloegg & mulled wine, December 1 – 31, Be Bop Bar<br />
Our experienced barmen will gi<strong>ve</strong> you a graphic explanation of<br />
what’s concealed behind the name of this e<strong>ve</strong>nt.<br />
The Christmas and New Year’s E<strong>ve</strong> program is listed on page 30 & 31.<br />
Juraj Jakubisko a jeho AlÏbûta Bathory<br />
Mnohá filmová díla reÏiséra Juraje Jakubiska v nejrÛznûj‰ích<br />
obmûnách a jazykov˘ch <strong>ve</strong>rzích obletûla jiÏ témûfi cel˘ svût,<br />
a dÛstojnû tak na mezinárodním poli reprezentují nejen reÏiséra<br />
samotného, ale také celou ãesko-slo<strong>ve</strong>nskou kinematografii.<br />
S úspûchem v zahraniãí se setkávají jeho star‰í snímky z let<br />
‰edesát˘ch stejnû jako Nejasná zpráva o konci svûta z roku<br />
1997, která byla <strong>ve</strong> své dobû nejnákladnûj‰ím ãesko-slo<strong>ve</strong>nsk˘m<br />
filmov˘m projektem. Tento film po své premiéfie postupnû<br />
obdrÏel bohatou kolekci rÛzn˘ch domácích i zahraniãních ocenûní.<br />
Zájem o Jakubiskovy filmy svûdãí o jejich nadãasovosti a jedineãná<br />
atmosféra filmÛ láká do kin nejen reÏisérovy vrstevníky, ale<br />
i mladou generaci filmov˘ch divákÛ.<br />
V prÛbûhu podzimu se nejen v Praze, ale také v dal‰ích evropsk˘ch<br />
mûstech koneãnû doãkáme premiéry nejnovûj‰ího díla Juraje<br />
Jakubiska, dlouho oãekávaného historického <strong>ve</strong>lkofilmu s náz<strong>ve</strong>m<br />
Bathory. Jedná se o jeho patnáct˘ celo<strong>ve</strong>ãerní film nabízející divákÛm<br />
skuteãnû <strong>ve</strong>lkolepou a monumentální podívanou, která se po<br />
produkãní stránce stala nejdraωí <strong>ve</strong> stfiední Evropû.<br />
Natáãelo se v âechách a na Slo<strong>ve</strong>nsku zhruba<br />
na tfiiceti hradech a zámcích, <strong>ve</strong> skanzenu v Pribylinû<br />
byly dokonce kvÛli vy‰‰í historické vûrohodnosti<br />
obrazu nûkteré budovy dostavûny, mnohá prostfiedí<br />
bylo nutné vytvofiit novû úplnû, jako napfiíklad<br />
celé âachtice. Toãilo se bûhem v‰ech ãtyfi roãních<br />
období, celkem 74 filmovacích dnÛ, nûkdy aÏ<br />
dvacet hodin dennû. Herci si uÏili nejen silné<br />
mrazy v lehkém obleãení, ale i tûÏké kost˘my<br />
v nesnesiteln˘ch <strong>ve</strong>drech. Ve filmu bylo pouÏito<br />
pfies pût tisíc historick˘ch kost˘mÛ, vystupuje<br />
v nûm více neÏ sto mlu<strong>ve</strong>n˘ch postav a ãtyfii tisíce<br />
komparzistÛ. Ve ‰tábu pracovalo tfii sta lidí.<br />
<strong>My</strong> jsme mûli moÏnost tvÛrci tohoto rozmûrného<br />
filmového díla poloÏit nûkolik otázek.<br />
je nejznámûj‰í osobou z území, kde jsem se narodil.<br />
Patfiila k jednomu z nejv˘znamnûj‰ích uhersk˘ch ‰lechtick˘ch<br />
rodÛ. Dostala se aÏ do Guinessovy knihy rekordÛ jako<br />
nejvût‰í vraÏednice v‰ech dob. Údajnû se koupala v krvi<br />
mlad˘ch dí<strong>ve</strong>k pro udrÏení mladosti, koupat v krvi se ale<br />
nedá. Mnozí historici povaÏují její pfiípad za nejasn˘. Podle<br />
mého názoru byla krutá povûst o hrabûnce Bathory<br />
vytvofiena umûle. <strong>My</strong>slím si, Ïe tato Ïena, která vlastnila<br />
majetek vût‰í neÏ samotn˘ král, byla dobovou obûtí<br />
politicko-mocensk˘ch intrik. Za cel˘ch ãtyfii sta let se nena‰el Ïádn˘<br />
historick˘ doklad, kter˘ by odhalil skuteãn˘ bûh vûcí a oddûlil by<br />
skuteãnost od fikce. S jistotou víme jen to, Ïe hrabûnka Bathory<br />
nebyla nikdy usvûdãena a fiádnû odsouzena. Chci oãistit jméno<br />
této neobyãejnû pÛvabné a stateãné renesanãní dámy, která se<br />
nesmazatelnû zapsala do historie.<br />
Vበfilm ale nesleduje pouze celoÏivotní osudy AlÏbûty Bathory...<br />
Pro mû bylo nejdÛleÏitûj‰í ukázat Uhersko té doby, kdy se pfiíbûh<br />
Bathory odehrál. Je to o Evropû, která uÏ kdysi byla spolu. Zaujala<br />
mû ta podobnost s dne‰ní dobou. Byl to jak˘si pfiedobraz Evropské<br />
unie, kolébka tfiinácti národÛ mluvících tfiinácti jazyky, pfiiãemÏ jako<br />
dorozumívací fieã byla pouÏívána latina. Velké Uhersko se v dobû<br />
Ïivota hrabûnky Bathory (1560 – 1614) rozprostíralo od Království<br />
ãeského pfies Moravu, ãást Polska, Rakouska a Sedmihradska aÏ<br />
ke Stfiedozemnímu mofii. V té dobû se vlekla válka s agresivními<br />
tureck˘mi dobyvateli. Nikdo zatím nenatoãil film o hrdinství na‰ich<br />
pfiedkÛ, ktefií drÏeli ba‰tu kfiesÈanství pfied Turky, museli omezit<br />
jejich rozpínavost a zahnat je zpût. Kdyby se Turci pfielili pfies<br />
Karpaty, asi by dnes Evropa vypadala jinak a moÏná by byla chud‰í.<br />
Proã jste si vybral pro filmové zpracování právû<br />
AlÏbûtu Bathory<br />
Hledal jsem téma pochopitelné a zajímavé pro<br />
celou Evropu. DÛvodem bylo, Ïe AlÏbûta Bathory<br />
Jak jste postupoval pfii v˘bûru hlavní hrdinky<br />
Zkou‰eli jsme s americk˘mi a anglick˘mi hereãkami. Angliãanka<br />
Anna Friel mûla dostatek odvahy pustit se do tohoto sloÏitého<br />
charakteru, záro<strong>ve</strong>À se AlÏbûtû Bathory podobá fyzicky.<br />
Jde o vበpatnáct˘ film. Jak se li‰í filmová práce v souãasnosti od<br />
dfiívûj‰ích dob<br />
Rozdíl je pfiedev‰ím <strong>ve</strong> svobodû. Dnes je moÏné fiíkat v‰e naplno,<br />
coÏ ale není takové umûní. V minulosti tvÛrci museli podávat pravdu<br />
v jinotajích, a to podnûcovalo jejich fantazii.<br />
Byl to ãas pln˘ mocensk˘ch sporÛ a náboÏensk˘ch konfliktÛ. To,<br />
co my dnes povaÏujeme za surové a bestiální, bylo za ãasÛ AlÏbûty<br />
Bathory kaÏdodenní realitou, nad kterou se nikdo nepozastavoval.<br />
Lidsk˘ Ïivot mûl pramalou cenu a vraÏda poddaného nebyla<br />
v rozporu se zákonem. Divák se tak mÛÏe „tû‰it“ na váleãné vfiavy<br />
náboÏensk˘ch bojÛ, podlé intriky i kruté chování uherské ‰lechty.<br />
Bathory je postavou spojující konec stfiedovûku a zaãátek renesance.<br />
Pfiíbûh o její dobû promlouvá k dne‰nímu divákovi a nalézá úzkou<br />
paralelu mezi svûtem dávno zapomenut˘ch ãasÛ a svûtem dne‰ka.<br />
Chtûl jsem, aby film probudil diskuzi a zájem mlad˘ch lidí o téma,<br />
které se nás dot˘ká. Jsou to na‰e kofieny.<br />
Co vás <strong>ve</strong>dlo k natoãení filmu v anglickém jazyce<br />
Angliãtina byla distribuãní nutností. Pokud je film natoãen˘ v ãe‰tinû<br />
a pro zahraniãní distribuce pouze otitulkovan˘, omezuje to jeho<br />
prodej zejména v anglicky mluvících teritoriích. Tak vznikla my‰lenka<br />
vytvofiit první historick˘ v˘pravn˘ film ãesko-slo<strong>ve</strong>nské produkce<br />
natoãen˘ v angliãtinû. Vût‰í atraktivnost snímku se ukazuje jiÏ nyní,<br />
po prvních prezentacích a anoncích na mezinárodních filmov˘ch<br />
festivalech. Pro potfieby národních distribucí bude film pfiedabován<br />
do ãe‰tiny, slo<strong>ve</strong>n‰tiny a maìar‰tiny. Ve filmu je více neÏ sto<br />
mlu<strong>ve</strong>n˘ch rolí, patnáct postav tvofií hlavní pfiíbûh. Angliãtina tu<br />
zastupuje latinu. Kromû ní zaznûjí i jiné jazyky – tureãtina, slo<strong>ve</strong>n‰tina,<br />
ãe‰tina, maìar‰tina.<br />
Kter˘ch filmov˘ch tvÛrcÛ minulosti si váÏíte<br />
Ze staré generace jsou to Ingmar Bergman, z italské ‰koly Federico<br />
Fellini a Michelangelo Antonioni, které jsem znal i osobnû. Dále<br />
pak také Orson Welles ãi Elia Kazan. KdyÏ byl film na v˘sluní zájmu,<br />
prorazil Milo‰ Forman. Byla to doba, kdy se zdálo, Ïe film nemá<br />
Ïádné hranice a experiment je vûãn˘.<br />
Jak vidíte filmovou souãasnost<br />
Je mnoho talentÛ napfiíã celou Evropou. KaÏd˘ stát si objevuje své<br />
tvÛrce. Musí b˘t ale dostatek prostfiedkÛ na to, aby se mohli projevit,<br />
jak potfiebují.<br />
Foto: z filmu Bathory<br />
copyright Jakub Ludvik<br />
Juraj Jakubisko se narodil 30. dubna 1938<br />
v Koj‰ovû na v˘chodním Slo<strong>ve</strong>nsku. Po absolvování<br />
stfiední umûlecké ‰koly vystudoval reÏii na<br />
praÏské FAMU. Bûhem studií téÏ pracoval jako<br />
reÏisér slavného experimentálního divadla<br />
Laterna Magika. Debutoval celo<strong>ve</strong>ãerním filmem<br />
„Kristo<strong>ve</strong> roky“, kter˘ byl ocenûn ãeskoslo<strong>ve</strong>nskou<br />
kritikou jako nejlep‰í film roku 1967. Následující<br />
JakubiskÛv film „Zbehovia a pútnici“ získal<br />
v roce 1968 ãestné uznání na XXII. Festivalu<br />
v Benátkách, a spolu s dal‰ími dvûma filmy:<br />
„Vtáãkovia, siroty a blázni“ a „Dovidenia v pekle,<br />
priatelia“ byl zaãátkem sedmdesat˘ch let komunistick˘m reÏimem uloÏen do<br />
trezoru jako pfiedmût doliãn˘ o jeho protistátní ãinnosti. Na základû tûchto<br />
filmÛ byl donucen k desetileté pauze, kdy se nemohl vûnovat hranému filmu.<br />
V roce 1983 realizoval film „Tisícroãná vãela“, kter˘ mu pfiinesl zpût mezinárodní<br />
uznání. V roce 1990 byl tento film ocenûn ãeskoslo<strong>ve</strong>nsk˘mi novináfii cenou<br />
Nejlep‰í film osmdesát˘ch let. V roce 1985 Jakubisko natoãil adaptaci pohádky<br />
bratfií GrimmÛ „Perinbaba“ v hlavní roli s Giuliettou Masinou. Hororovou komedii<br />
„Frankensteinova teta“ dokonãil v roce 1986. V roce 1989 vznikl film „Sedím<br />
na konári a je mi dobre“, v nûmÏ se tvÛrce vydává na cestu za ‰tûstím. Toto<br />
dílo ideovû navazuje na film „Vtáãkovia, siroty a blázni“, kter˘ uÏ nikdy nemûl<br />
spatfiit svûtlo svûta. Hudební film „Takmer ruÏov˘ príbeh“ (1990) nezapfie<br />
typickou Jakubiskovu imaginaci. Princip hledání svobody a ‰tûstí v Ïivotû uzavírá<br />
filmem „Lep‰ie byt’ bohat˘ a zdrav˘ ako chudobn˘ a chor˘“ (1992). JakubiskÛv<br />
tfiináct˘ celo<strong>ve</strong>ãerní film „Nejasná zpráva o konci svûta“ (1997) byl u<strong>ve</strong>den<br />
na více neÏ ‰edesáti mezinárodních filmov˘ch festivalech. V‰echny jeho filmy<br />
byly prezentovány na tuzemsk˘ch i zahraniãních festivalech a získaly více neÏ<br />
osmdesát rÛzn˘ch ocenûní. Ceny byly Juraji Jakubiskovi udûleny rovnûÏ za<br />
vizuální pfiínos v kinematografii a za v˘jimeãné v˘sledky v umûleckém filmu.<br />
Od roku 1991 k dne‰nímu dni probíhá s <strong>ve</strong>lk˘m úspûchem v USA a Kanadû<br />
série retrospektiv jeho tvorby. Od roku 1999 je Juraj Jakubisko ãlenem Evropské<br />
Filmové Akademie, a od roku 2001 docentem na mezinárodnû uznávané<br />
praÏské filmové ‰kole FAMU. V historickém kontextu celé slo<strong>ve</strong>nské kinematografie<br />
získal Juraj Jakubisko titul nejlep‰í slo<strong>ve</strong>nsk˘ reÏisér dvacátého století.<br />
Juraj Jakubisko and his Elizabeth<br />
Bathory<br />
Many of Juraj Jakubisko’s films ha<strong>ve</strong> tra<strong>ve</strong>rsed the entire world<br />
in various variations and language <strong>ve</strong>rsions. They ha<strong>ve</strong> not only<br />
distinguished the director himself on the world stage but all of<br />
Czech-Slovak cinema as well. His older films from the 1960s<br />
were successful abroad, as was his 1997 film An Ambiguous<br />
Report About the End of the World (Nejasná zpráva o konci<br />
svûta), which at the time was the most expensi<strong>ve</strong> Czech-Slovak<br />
film project e<strong>ve</strong>r. After its premiere, this film garnered a rich<br />
collection of various Czech and international awards. The<br />
continuing interest in Jakubisko’s films attests to the timelessness<br />
and unique atmosphere of his work, which not only brings the<br />
director’s contemporaries into cinemas, but also attracts a young<br />
generation of filmgoers.<br />
The first premieres of Juraj Jakubisko’s latest work will be held in<br />
Prague and in other European cities this autumn. His long-awaited<br />
historical epic entitled Bathory is his fifteenth feature film. It offers<br />
audiences a genuinely majestic and monumental spectacle, which<br />
has become the most expensi<strong>ve</strong> film production in Central Europe.<br />
The movie was shot in the Czech Republic and Slovakia at around<br />
thirty castle and chateau locations. For the sake of greater historical<br />
accuracy in the picture, special construction work was e<strong>ve</strong>n carried<br />
out on some buildings at the open-air folk museum in Pribylina.<br />
Many settings had to be completely created anew, such as the<br />
entire town of âachtice. The making of the film invol<strong>ve</strong>d a total<br />
of 74 days shooting, and filming took place in e<strong>ve</strong>ry season of the<br />
year. Sometimes shooting lasted as long as 20 hours a day. The<br />
actors not only had to endure playing their parts wearing light<br />
clothing in freezing temperatures, but also found themsel<strong>ve</strong>s<br />
wearing heavy costumes in unbearable heat. O<strong>ve</strong>r 5,000 historical<br />
costumes were used in the making of the film, which comprised<br />
more than 100 speaking parts and 4,000 extras. The movie also<br />
used a crew of 300 people.<br />
We had a chance to put a few questions to the maker of this<br />
huge film production.<br />
Why did you choose to make a film about Elizabeth Bathory<br />
I was looking for a topic that could be understandable and interesting<br />
for the whole of Europe. The reason I chose Elizabeth Bathory is<br />
because she is the most famous person from the region where I<br />
was born. She belonged to one of the most important Hungarian<br />
noble families and e<strong>ve</strong>n got listed in the Guinness Book of Records<br />
as the most prolific murderess of all time. She allegedly bathed in<br />
the blood of young girls to retain her own youthfulness. It’s not<br />
possible to bathe in blood, howe<strong>ve</strong>r. Many historians consider her<br />
case to be unclear. In my opinion, the Countess Bathory’s brutal<br />
reputation was artificially created. I personally think that this woman,<br />
who owned more property than the king himself, was a victim of<br />
her time and suffered as a result of political intrigue and a power<br />
struggle. In four hundred years, not a single historical document<br />
has been found which is able to re<strong>ve</strong>al what actually happened<br />
and can separate fact from fiction. All we know<br />
for certain is that Countess Bathory was ne<strong>ve</strong>r<br />
properly condemned or convicted. I want to<br />
clear the name of this uncommonly gracious<br />
and bra<strong>ve</strong> woman, who has left an indelible<br />
mark on history.<br />
Your film, howe<strong>ve</strong>r, doesn’t just follow the life and<br />
destiny of Elizabeth Bathory...<br />
For me, the most important thing was to show<br />
Hungary as it was during the time of Bathory.<br />
It is about a Europe that was once unified. I<br />
was interested in the similarity to the situation<br />
that exists today. It was a kind of precursor to<br />
the European Union – a cradle of thirteen<br />
nations speaking thirteen languages with Latin<br />
as the lingua franca. When Countess Bathory<br />
was ali<strong>ve</strong> (1560 – 1614), Greater Hungary<br />
extended from the Kingdom of Bohemia through<br />
Moravia, part of Poland, Austria and Transylvania<br />
all the way to the Mediterranean. It was a time<br />
of attritional war with aggressi<strong>ve</strong> Turkish invaders.<br />
Up to now, nobody has made a film about the heroism of<br />
our ancestors, who maintained a bastion of Christianity<br />
against the Turks, whose expansionism they had to stop<br />
and dri<strong>ve</strong> back. If the Turks had managed to cross the<br />
Carpathians, Europe would probably look different today<br />
and would possibly be poorer. It was a time that was full<br />
of power struggles and religious conflicts. Things that we<br />
would consider to be savage and brutal today were an<br />
e<strong>ve</strong>ryday reality in the time of Elizabeth Bathory and would<br />
not ha<strong>ve</strong> shocked anyone. Human life was <strong>ve</strong>ry cheap and<br />
murdering a serf was not against the law. People who go<br />
to the film can “look forward to” the wartime turmoil of<br />
religious conflicts that were played out according to the<br />
intrigues and callous behavior of the Hungarian nobility.<br />
Bathory is a figure who links the end of the Middle Ages<br />
to the beginning of the Renaissance. The story of her time<br />
has things to say to a modern audience and one can find<br />
a close analogy between the world of those long-forgotten times<br />
and the world we li<strong>ve</strong> in today. I wanted the film to provoke<br />
discussion and interest among young people about a topic that<br />
affects us. These are our roots.<br />
What made you shoot the film in English<br />
English was a necessity in terms of distribution. If a film is shot in<br />
Czech and only subtitled for foreign distribution, it limits its sale,<br />
particularly in English-speaking territories. So we came up with the<br />
idea of making the first Czech-Slovak-produced historical epic in<br />
English. The picture’s wider appeal is now being seen after its first<br />
premieres and presentations at international film festivals. The film<br />
will be dubbed into Czech, Slovak and Hungarian for national<br />
distribution in those countries. There are more than a hundred<br />
spoken parts in the film and the main storyline invol<strong>ve</strong>s fifteen<br />
characters. English represents Latin in the picture. There are other<br />
languages besides it in the film – Turkish, Slovak, Czech and<br />
Hungarian.<br />
How did you go about choosing the actress for the lead role<br />
We auditioned American and English actresses. The English actress<br />
Anna Friel was the one with enough courage to take on this<br />
complex character. She also physically resembles Elizabeth Bathory.<br />
This is your fifteenth film. How does working in film today differ from<br />
making films in earlier times<br />
I’d say the main difference is freedom. Nowadays, you can say<br />
absolutely e<strong>ve</strong>rything, which ne<strong>ve</strong>rtheless is not such a great art.<br />
In the past, artists had to present the truth in allegorical form and<br />
that encouraged their imagination.<br />
Which filmmakers of the past do you re<strong>ve</strong>re<br />
From the older generation, there’s Ingmar Bergman, and from the<br />
Italian school there’s Federico Fellini and Michelangelo Antonioni,<br />
whom I e<strong>ve</strong>n knew personally. After that, there’s also Orson<br />
Welles and Elia Kazan. Film was at its most interesting point when<br />
Milo‰ Forman made his breakthrough. That was a time when it<br />
appeared that film had no boundaries and experimentation was<br />
something that would last fore<strong>ve</strong>r.<br />
What do you think of contemporary film<br />
There is a lot of talent all o<strong>ve</strong>r Europe. Ne<strong>ve</strong>rtheless, there needs<br />
to be enough funding for these filmmakers to be able to express<br />
themsel<strong>ve</strong>s in the way they need to.<br />
Photo: from the movie “Bathory”<br />
copyright Jakub Ludvik<br />
Juraj Jakubisko was born April 30, 1938 in the<br />
eastern Slovakian town of Koj‰ov. After completing<br />
secondary art school, he studied directing at<br />
the Film and Television School of the Academy<br />
of the Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU). While<br />
completing his studies, he also worked as a<br />
director for Laterna Magika, the famed<br />
experimental theater. Czechoslovak critics<br />
named “Kristo<strong>ve</strong> roky” (“Crucial Years”), which<br />
was his debut feature film, as the best film of<br />
1967. Jakubisko’s next film, “Zbehovia a pútnici”<br />
(“The Deserter and the Nomads”), completed<br />
in 1968, recei<strong>ve</strong>d an honorable award at the Twenty-Second Venice Film<br />
Festival. Together with his subsequent two films – “Vtáãkovia, siroty a blázni”<br />
(“Birds, Orphans, and Fools”) and “Dovidenia v pekle, priatelia” (“See You in<br />
Hell, Friends”) – it was banned and placed in the safe by the communist<br />
regime at the start of the 1970s as proof of Jakubisko’s anti-go<strong>ve</strong>rnment<br />
activities. He was forced into a ten-year hiatus as a result, during which he<br />
could not devote himself to acted films. In 1983, he completed “Tisícroãná<br />
vãela” (“A Thousand-Year-Old Bee”), which once again brought him international<br />
recognition. This film was named as Best Film of the 1980s by Czechoslovak<br />
journalists in 1990. O<strong>ve</strong>r the course of 1985, Jakubisko directed a film adaptation<br />
of the Brothers Grimm fairytale “Perinbaba” (“The Feather Fairy”), starring<br />
Giulietta Masina in the title role. He completed his horror comedy “Frankensteinova<br />
teta” (“Frankenstein’s Aunt”) in 1986. Jakubisko’s “Sedím na konári a je mi<br />
dobre” (“Sitting on a Branch, Enjoying <strong>My</strong>self”), in which the creator sets out<br />
on journey searching for happiness, was finished in 1989. This work ideologically<br />
ties on to “Vtáãkovia, siroty a blázni”, which had been intended to ne<strong>ve</strong>r see<br />
the light of the world again. His musical film “Takmer ruÏov˘ príbeh” (“Almost<br />
a Pink Story”), from 1990, cannot deny Jakubisko’s typical imagination. The<br />
principle of searching for freedom and happiness in life is completed by his<br />
1992 film “Lep‰ie byt’ bohat˘ a zdrav˘ ako chudobn˘ a chor˘” (“It’s Better to<br />
Be Wealthy and Healthy than Poor and Ill”). Jakubisko’s thirteenth feature film,<br />
“Nejasná zpráva o konci svûta” (“An Ambiguous Report About the End of the<br />
World”), completed in 1997, was presented at more than sixty international<br />
film festivals. All of his films ha<strong>ve</strong> been screened at both domestic as well as<br />
international festivals and ha<strong>ve</strong> recei<strong>ve</strong>d a total of more than eighty various<br />
awards. Juraj Jakubisko has also recei<strong>ve</strong>d awards for the visual benefits he has<br />
brought to cinematography and his exceptional results when it comes to artistic<br />
films. A series of retrospecti<strong>ve</strong>s on his creati<strong>ve</strong> works has been enjoying success<br />
in the USA and Canada since 1991. Since 1999, Juraj Jakubisko has been a<br />
member of the European Film Academy and, as of 2001, a docent at the<br />
internationally renowned FAMU film school in Prague. Within the historical<br />
context of o<strong>ve</strong>rall Slovak cinematography, Juraj Jakubisko recei<strong>ve</strong>d the title of<br />
the Best Slovak Director of the Twentieth Century.<br />
R E C E P T<br />
– Kanãí ragú (8 porcí)<br />
Podzim a zima v restauraci<br />
La Rotonde<br />
Bûhem podzimu budou mít náv‰tûvníci hotelov˘ch restaurací<br />
Radisson SAS Alcron moÏnost zúãastnit se mnoha zajímav˘ch<br />
gastronomick˘ch akcí pofiádan˘ch na‰ím hotelem. V fiíjnu to<br />
budou zvûfiinové hody a také kulináfisk˘ v˘let za moravsk˘mi<br />
víny, zatímco v listopadu probûhne vafiení s koÀakem v restauraci<br />
Alcron, na programu bude rovnûÏ tradiãní ãeská kuchynû, v níÏ<br />
pÛjde zejména o moderní <strong>ve</strong>rze receptÛ Magdaleny Dobromily<br />
Rettigové, první dámy ãeského kulináfiského umûní 19. století.<br />
V prosinci nás bude samozfiejmû ãekat ad<strong>ve</strong>ntní menu.<br />
K listopadovému tématu ãeské kuchynû nám více prozradí Jifií<br />
·tift, ‰éfkuchafi hotelu.<br />
Stejnû jako paní Rettigová i my chceme vyuÏívat v˘hradnû suroviny,<br />
které jsou v daném období bûÏnû k dispozici. Jedná se napfiíklad<br />
o ka‰tany, d˘nû, jablka a je‰tû také dozvuky hub, a pokud jde<br />
o maso, je to pfiedev‰ím zvûfiina z ãesk˘ch lesÛ. Pro podzim jsou<br />
tradiãní také zabíjaãky, takÏe se mÛÏeme tû‰it na pestrou nabídku.<br />
NemÛÏeme vynechat ani polévky, které patfií k vrcholÛm ãeské<br />
kuchynû. Kromû toho nás ãeká také svatomartinská husa.<br />
Na jaké dobroty z u<strong>ve</strong>den˘ch surovin se konkrétnû mÛÏeme<br />
tû‰it<br />
Z polé<strong>ve</strong>k to bude kulajda s lesními houbami a kfiepelãím vajíãkem,<br />
d˘Àová polévka ãi ka‰tanová polévka s kachními játry. Ka‰tany<br />
vyuÏijeme také na pfiípravu pfiedkrmÛ, dezertÛ, nádi<strong>ve</strong>k a pfiíloh.<br />
D˘nû povafiená <strong>ve</strong> v˘varu a opeãená na másle se v˘bornû hodí<br />
jako pfiíloha ke zvûfiinû. V takzvané slané kuchyni pfiijdou ke slovu<br />
i jablka, a to napfiíklad <strong>ve</strong> smûsi s cibulkami jako nádivka pfii peãení<br />
kachny ãi zkaramelizovaná jablka s cukrem a koÀakem Grand<br />
Marnier, která jsou pfiílohou k bíl˘m kachním játrÛm, coÏ je jeden<br />
z pfiíkladu vafiení s koÀakem. Z d˘ní a jablek budeme dûlat samozfiejmû<br />
také dezerty. Pokud jde o zvûfiinu, nabídneme hostÛm v fiíjnu<br />
v restauraci La Rotonde tfieba srnãí na smetanû s karlovarsk˘m<br />
knedlíkem nebo kanãí ragú se ‰ípkovou omáãkou a mandlov˘mi<br />
kroketami, které blíÏe pfiedstavíme v receptu.<br />
Suroviny:<br />
Na kanãí ragú: kanãí krkovice, k˘ta, nebo plec – 1,4 kg,<br />
mrkev 1 ks, celer 1/3 ks, petrÏel 1 ks, cibule 2 ks, tymián,<br />
rozmar˘n, jalo<strong>ve</strong>c, cel˘ ãern˘ pepfi, bobkov˘ list, 1,5 litru<br />
zvûfiinového v˘varu z kostí, 1 láhev kvalitního ãer<strong>ve</strong>ného<br />
vína, 10 lÏic ‰ípkového pyré, 2 lÏíce jahodové marmelády,<br />
sÛl, máslo, olej, hladká mouka (1 – 2 lÏíce na jí‰ku).<br />
Na mandlové krokety: máslo, hladká mouka, mléko, sÛl, ãerstvû mlet˘<br />
pepfi, mouãné brambory uvafiené <strong>ve</strong> slupce, Ïloutky, celá <strong>ve</strong>jce, loupané<br />
nepraÏené mandle nakrájené na plátky, rozinky namoãené v tro‰e<br />
rumu nebo vody, strouhanka, ãerstv˘ tymián.<br />
Postup:<br />
Na kanãí ragú: maso nakrájíme na kostky, osolíme, opepfiíme a zprudka<br />
opeãeme v kastrole nebo na pánvi ze v‰ech stran. Opeãené maso<br />
pfiendáme do mísy a v˘pek v kastrole odvafiíme ãer<strong>ve</strong>n˘m vínem.<br />
Odvafien˘ v˘pek pfiidáme k masu. Na másle pfiipravíme tmav˘ zeleninov˘<br />
základ s ãerstv˘mi bylinkami, jalovcem, bobkov˘m listem a cel˘m ãern˘m<br />
pepfiem (svázan˘m v ubrousku), pfiidáme opeãené maso, ‰ípkové pyré<br />
a zarestujeme, zalijeme ãer<strong>ve</strong>n˘m vínem a necháme pomalu vafiit,<br />
dokud se skoro v‰echno víno neodpafií. Mírnû podlijeme zvûfiinov˘m<br />
v˘varem a pomalu za obãasného pfiilévání v˘varu uvafiíme domûkka.<br />
Maso vyjmeme ze základu a omáãku lehce zahustíme jí‰kou, dosladíme<br />
trochou jahodové marmelády a dochutíme solí a pepfiem. Pokud je<br />
tfieba, mÛÏeme pfiidat trochu citronu. Omáãku provafiíme minimálnû<br />
1 hodinu a propasírujeme pfies jemn˘ cedník. Propasírovanou omáãku<br />
necháme v mixéru vymíchat s nûkolika kostiãkami másla a nalijeme<br />
zpût na maso. Prohfiejeme a podáváme s domácími smaÏen˘mi kroketami,<br />
karlovarsk˘mi knedlíky ãi bramborov˘mi noky.<br />
Na mandlové krokety: nejpr<strong>ve</strong> na krokety pfiipravíme odpalované tûsto.<br />
V kastrole zahfiejeme mléko a rozpustíme v nûm máslo, pfii<strong>ve</strong>deme<br />
skoro do varu a za stálého míchání vsypeme hladkou mouku. SníÏíme<br />
teplotu a za stálého míchání vafieãkou ode dna hrnce pomalu tûsto<br />
vafiíme (odpalujeme), dokud se nepfiestane lepit na vafieãku. Tûsto<br />
stáhneme ze sporáku a necháme prochladnout, poté do nûj zamícháme<br />
Ïloutky. Jeden díl odpalovaného tûsta smícháme v míse se tfiemi díly<br />
brambor uvafien˘mi <strong>ve</strong> slupce, oloupan˘mi a rozmaãkan˘mi na hladké<br />
pyré, dle potfieby pfiidáme hladkou mouku a osolíme a opepfiíme podle<br />
chuti. Pfiidáme naloÏené vycezené rozinky, polovinu mandlí a lístky<br />
tymiánu. Tûsto fiádnû promícháme a pfiipravujeme z nûho stejnû <strong>ve</strong>lké<br />
váleãky, které skládáme na tác vyloÏen˘ peãicím papírem nebo<br />
potravináfiskou fólií. Takto pfiipra<strong>ve</strong>né váleãky necháme ztuhnout<br />
v mrazáku, aby se lépe obalovaly. Ztuhlé krokety obalíme stejnû jako<br />
fiízek postupnû v mouce, roz‰lehaném vajíãku a strouhance s mandlemi<br />
a smaÏíme na pánvi v oleji nebo <strong>ve</strong> fritéze do zlatova. Obalené<br />
nesmaÏené krokety mÛÏeme pfiípadnû vrátit do mrazáku a na platíãku<br />
je jednotlivû zamrazit, tak je lze uchovat pro pozdûj‰í pouÏití.<br />
Autumn and winter<br />
in the La Rotonde Restaurant<br />
Visitors to the restaurants of the Radisson SAS Alcron during<br />
the autumn will ha<strong>ve</strong> an opportunity to participate in many<br />
interesting gastronomic e<strong>ve</strong>nts organized by our hotel. There<br />
will be game specialties as well as a culinary Moravian wine<br />
excursion in October while cooking with cognac will take place<br />
at the Alcron Restaurant in No<strong>ve</strong>mber. The program will also<br />
comprise traditional Czech cuisine consisting of modern <strong>ve</strong>rsions<br />
of recipes by Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová, the first lady of<br />
the Czech culinary arts from the 19th century. Naturally there<br />
will be an ad<strong>ve</strong>nt menu to look forward to in the month of<br />
December.<br />
The hotel’s Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift re<strong>ve</strong>als more about No<strong>ve</strong>mber’s<br />
Czech cuisine theme.<br />
Just like Ms Rettigová, we also want to exclusi<strong>ve</strong>ly use ingredients<br />
that are commonly available in the gi<strong>ve</strong>n season. This would include<br />
such things as chestnuts, pumpkins and apples, for example, as<br />
well as some late mushrooms. As far as meat is concerned, it<br />
primarily invol<strong>ve</strong>s game from Czech forests. Pig-slaughtering is<br />
traditional in the autumn so we can look forward to a rich selection.<br />
We also cannot omit soups, which belong to the pinnacle of Czech<br />
cuisine. In addition to this we can also look forward to some St.<br />
Martin’s goose.<br />
What delicacies made from the ingredients mentioned can we<br />
look forward to in particular<br />
Soups will include potato soup with forest mushrooms and quail’s<br />
egg as well as pumpkin soup or chestnut soup with duck li<strong>ve</strong>rs.<br />
We shall also be using chestnuts for making starters, desserts,<br />
stuffing and side orders. Pumpkin parboiled in broth and baked<br />
with butter is really good as a side order for game. Apples can<br />
also be used in so-called savory cuisine – in a mixture with onions<br />
as stuffing for roast goose, for example, or as caramelized apples<br />
with sugar and Grand Marnier cognac, which are a side order for<br />
white duck’s li<strong>ve</strong>rs. This is an example of one of the dishes that<br />
will make an appearance in the Cooking with Cognac promotion.<br />
Naturally, we will also be making desserts from pumpkins and<br />
apples. As far as game is concerned, in October we will be offering<br />
guests of the La Rotonde Restaurant dishes such as <strong>ve</strong>nison in<br />
cream with Carlsbad dumplings or wild boar ragout with rosehip<br />
sauce and almond croquettes, which we are presenting in detail<br />
in the following recipe.<br />
R E C I P E – Wild boar ragout (8 portions)<br />
Ingredients:<br />
For wild boar ragout: neck, leg or shoulder of boar – 1.4 kg, 1 carrot,<br />
1/3 celery, 1 parsley root, 2 onions, thyme, rosemary, juniper, whole<br />
peppercorns, bay leaf, 1.5 liters of game bone stock, 1 bottle of goodquality<br />
red wine, 10 tablespoons of rosehip purée, 2 tablespoons of<br />
apple jam, salt, butter, oil, smooth floor (1 – 2 tablespoons for a roux).<br />
For almond croquettes: butter, smooth flour, milk, salt, freshly ground<br />
pepper, floury potatoes boiled in their jackets, egg yolks, whole eggs,<br />
shelled unroasted almonds chopped into slices, raisins soaked in a<br />
little bit of rum or water, breadcrumbs, fresh thyme.<br />
Cooking method:<br />
For wild boar ragout: cut the meat into cubes and season with salt<br />
and pepper. Quickly broil in a pot or pan on all sides. Mo<strong>ve</strong> the broiled<br />
meat to a bowl and boil the dripping in the pot with red wine. Add<br />
the boiled dripping to the meat. Make a dark <strong>ve</strong>getable base for the<br />
meat with fresh herbs, juniper, bay leaf and whole peppercorns<br />
(wrapped in a napkin). Add the broiled meat and rosehip purée and<br />
sauté. Pour in the red wine and cook slowly until all the wine has<br />
almost evaporated. Gently pour in the game stock and slowly boil<br />
until soft while occasionally adding more stock. Take the meat out of<br />
the base and lightly thicken the sauce with a roux. Sweeten it with a<br />
little apple jam and season with salt and pepper. Add a little lemon<br />
if necessary. Boil the sauce for at least an hour and sie<strong>ve</strong> with a<br />
strainer. Put the strained sauce into a mixer and mix with se<strong>ve</strong>ral<br />
cubes of butter, then pour it back onto the meat. Heat up and ser<strong>ve</strong><br />
with homemade fried croquettes, Carlsbad dumplings or potato gnocchi.<br />
For almond croquettes: First prepare batter for the croquettes. Heat<br />
milk in a pot and melt butter in it. Bring almost to the boil and pour<br />
in smooth flour while constantly stirring with a wooden spoon from<br />
the bottom of the pot. Reduce temperature and boil batter slowly<br />
until it stops sticking to the spoon. Take the batter off the cooker and<br />
allow to cool. Then mix in egg yolks. Mix one part of the batter in a<br />
bowl with three parts potatoes boiled in their jackets, which ha<strong>ve</strong> been<br />
peeled and mashed into a smooth purée. Add smooth flour as required.<br />
Season with salt and pepper according to taste. Add soaked raisins,<br />
half the almonds and lea<strong>ve</strong>s of thyme. Regularly mix the batter and<br />
make into equal-sized rolls. Put these on a tray laid with baking paper<br />
or cooking foil. Lea<strong>ve</strong> them like this to stiffen in a freezer so that it is<br />
easier to coat them. Gradually coat the stiffened croquettes in flour,<br />
whipped egg and breadcrumbs with almonds in the same way that<br />
you would coat a wiener schnitzel. Fry until golden in a pan of oil or<br />
a deep-fat fryer. Uncooked coated croquettes may be put back in the<br />
freezer and individually frozen on a sheet so that they can be kept<br />
for use at a later date.<br />
VÍNA<br />
WINES<br />
Moravská vína<br />
Pfiedmûtem dal‰ího pokraãování na‰eho seriálu putování za víny<br />
budou vína tuzemská. Usadíme se v kraji vínu zaslíbeném, jímÏ<br />
je jiÏní Morava. Bûhem celého mûsíce fiíjna vás budeme v restauraci<br />
Alcron s moravsk˘mi víny blíÏe seznamovat. Pro na‰e degustaãní<br />
menu jsme se snaÏili vybrat vína z vinafiství, která povaÏujeme<br />
za nejlep‰í a v souãasnosti se fiadící mezi ‰piãku na‰eho vinohradnictví.<br />
Tato vinafiství spojuje mnoho faktorÛ, jako je oblast, produkce<br />
vín nejvy‰‰í kvality, reduktivní sklizeÀ, technologická vyspûlost<br />
sklepního zázemí za pouÏití <strong>ve</strong>lmi ‰etrn˘ch v˘robních procesÛ,<br />
moderních technologií ãi klasick˘ch metod, ale vÏdy se zamûfiením<br />
na nejvy‰‰í kvalitu.<br />
Nûkolik slov o Moravské oblasti, z níÏ pfiedstavovaná vína<br />
pocházejí:<br />
JiÏní Morava je podle archeologick˘ch pramenÛ územím s nejstar‰í<br />
vinohradnickou a vinafiskou tradicí u nás, jeÏ je datována od dob<br />
¤ímanÛ. Klima je pfiechodné s pfiíklonem k vnitrozemskému.<br />
Vegetaãní období je ponûkud krat‰í neÏ v západní Evropû. Zrání<br />
hroznÛ probíhá na Moravû pomaleji, a proto obsahují vût‰í<br />
koncentraci aromatick˘ch látek. Moravské vinafiské podoblasti mají<br />
vynikající pfiedpoklady pro tvorbu bíl˘ch vín se ‰irok˘m chuÈov˘m<br />
spektrem. Moravská oblast se dûlí na ãtyfii podoblasti – Znojemskou,<br />
Mikulovskou, Slováckou a Velkopavlovickou. Nás bude nejvíce<br />
zajímat podoblast Mikulovská, ze které pochází vût‰ina námi<br />
degustovan˘ch vín a která bezesporu díky své poloze, pÛdním<br />
podmínkám a dal‰ím faktorÛm produkuje ta nejlep‰í vína vÛbec.<br />
Mikulovskou vinafiskou podoblast charakterizují vápencové elevace<br />
Pavlovsk˘ch vrchÛ. Na jejich úboãích a v ‰ir‰ím okolí jsou roz‰ífieny<br />
vápenité jíly, písky i mohutné spra‰ové návûje. Mûsto Mikulov se<br />
záhy stalo v˘znamn˘m vinafisk˘m stfiediskem díky v˘born˘m viniãním<br />
polohám jak v bezprostfiední blízkosti mûsta, tak v mnoha obcích<br />
v okolí. Stfiedobodem krajinné krásy je Pálava.<br />
Degustaãní menu:<br />
1. Pinot Blanc 2005, pozdní sbûr, vinafiství Reisten,<br />
viniãní traÈ U BoÏích muk<br />
Vinafiství Reisten se nachází v Mikulovské podoblasti, bylo zaloÏeno<br />
v 90. letech panem Radomírem Nepra‰em a naleznete ho v obci<br />
Pavlov, v malebné oblasti Pálavy, kde sídlí v barokních sklepích ze<br />
17. století. Vinafiství má v souãasné dobû 27 ha vlastních<br />
vinic a pan Nepra‰ na nich vysázel specifické odrÛdy<br />
z rÛzn˘ch vinafisk˘ch oblastí Evropy. Vína vinafiství Reisten<br />
jsou <strong>ve</strong>lmi dobfie cenûna na domácích i mezinárodních<br />
soutûÏích. Podávané víno má <strong>ve</strong>lmi jemnou kvûtnatou<br />
vÛni po luãním kvítí a plané rÛÏi, plnou, strukturovanou<br />
chuÈ s v˘raznou mineralitou a dlouhou dochutí. Je to<br />
víno s v˘jimeãnou dispozicí k dlouhému leÏení. Lze<br />
oãekávat pozitivní v˘voj terciálního buketu zráním v láhvi.<br />
Toto víno si budeme moci vychutnat spolu se salátem z kanadského<br />
humra.<br />
2. Tra<strong>ve</strong>sty 2006, Nové Vinafiství, Mikulovská podoblast<br />
Toto víno uÏ sv˘m náz<strong>ve</strong>m napovídá, Ïe se nejedná o bûÏné bílé<br />
víno. Je totiÏ smûsí dvou modr˘ch odrÛd – Frankovky a Svatovavfiineckého.<br />
Víno se vyznaãuje zlatavou barvou s vÛní kvûtin a mandlí a ovocnou<br />
chutí malin a jahod. Nové Vinafiství je mladá spoleãnost vyznávající<br />
inovativní pfiístup k pûstování révy vinné, ke sklizni hroznÛ a k jejich<br />
zpracování. Vinafiství obhospodafiuje 102 ha vinic v okolí Mikulova<br />
na jiÏní Moravû. Z Nového Vinafiství vycházejí pouze jakostní vína<br />
vyrobená z vyzrál˘ch aÏ pfiezrál˘ch hroznÛ. Popfiení obvyklého systému<br />
pfiívlastkÛ vychází z pfiesvûdãení, Ïe poloha vinice a lidsk˘ faktor pfii<br />
pûstování vinné révy a následné pfiemûnû hroznÛ na víno hraje<br />
mnohem dÛleÏitûj‰í roli neÏ samotná cukernatost hroznÛ. Krédem<br />
Nového vinafiství je ctít pfiírodu a pfii v˘robû vín vyuÏívat pouze<br />
pfiírodního obsahu cukrÛ a kyselin bez pfiidávání fiepného cukru. VÏdy<br />
tak pfied sebou máte jedineãn˘ pfiírodní produkt s harmonickou chutí<br />
i vÛní. Na vinicích se pracuje <strong>ve</strong>lmi peãlivû s dÛrazem na co nejvy‰‰í<br />
kvalitu hroznÛ. Ve vinafiství nenajdete jedin˘ pásov˘ ani ‰nekov˘<br />
dopravník a také Ïádné ãerpadlo na rmut – vyuÏívá se pouze gravitace.<br />
Tradiãní sudy nahradila lesklá u‰lechtilá ocel. Zajímavostí je, Ïe jak<br />
z bíl˘ch, tak i z modr˘ch hroznÛ se zde vyrábûjí pouze vína bílá.<br />
Novinkou mezi domácími víny je pouÏívání ‰roubov˘ch uzávûrÛ<br />
a speciálních sklenûn˘ch uzávûrÛ Vin lock z u‰lechtilého skla.<br />
ZáÏitek z vína Tra<strong>ve</strong>sty 2006 mÛÏeme umocnit díky consommé<br />
z ryb a mofisk˘ch plodÛ.<br />
3. Cuvée Velké dobré bílé 2005, Dobrá Vinice<br />
Toto vinafiství je malou spoleãností, která se specializuje na v˘robu<br />
vysoce jakostních vín. Vinafiství pouÏívá nejmodernûj‰í technologie.<br />
Vína kvasí na vlastních kvasinkách z vinice a zrají v nov˘ch dubov˘ch<br />
sudech o objemu 230 a 470 litrÛ z francouzského, slavonského<br />
a rakouského dubu. Vinice a hrozny vinafiství pûstuje v souladu<br />
s pfiírodou, o‰etfiuje je na bázi biologické, nikoliv chemické. Vína<br />
jsou po nalahvování uloÏena v pískovcov˘ch sklepích na Znojemsku.<br />
Toto unikátní víno je sceleno z odrÛd Chardonnay 40 %, Pinot<br />
gris 30 %, Pinot blanc 20 %, Sauvignon 10 %. Víno zrálo 11 mûsícÛ<br />
v nov˘ch dubov˘ch francouzsk˘ch sudech o objemu 225 l a 450 l.<br />
V‰echny odrÛdy byly sklizeny v hodnotách cukernatosti pozdního<br />
sbûru a v˘bûru z hroznÛ. Víno má barvu zlata. VÛnû je jemná,<br />
pfiesto <strong>ve</strong>lmi intenzivní a vytrvalá. Pfiipomíná zralé Ïluté ovoce<br />
a smûs exotického kofiení. ChuÈ je ‰Èavnatá a plná s lehk˘m<br />
podtónem u‰lechtilého dfieva a vanilky. Tropické ovoce a jemné<br />
nuance kofiení okouzlí kaÏdého milovníka <strong>ve</strong>lk˘ch vín. Po vyzrání<br />
víno snese hodnocení podle nejpfiísnûj‰ích kritérií a je moÏné ho<br />
<strong>sro</strong>vnat s nejlep‰ími víny stfiedoevropské produkce. Potenciál<br />
tohoto vína je odhadován na 8 a více let.<br />
Kamenáã peãen˘ na kosti, podávan˘ v ka‰tanové polévce s bramborov˘m<br />
pyré s lan˘Ïi je pokrm, kter˘ se v˘bornû hodí právû k tomuto vínu.<br />
4. Pálava, v˘bûr z hroznÛ roãník 2004<br />
Toto sladké víno, které je skuteãn˘m bonbonkem na závûr, dostalo<br />
ocenûní na mezinárodní soutûÏi Grand Prix Vinex 2006. Pálava je<br />
specifická odrÛda pro Moravu, kde byla také v 70. letech 20. století<br />
vy‰lechtûna kfiíÏením odrÛd Tramín ãer<strong>ve</strong>n˘ a Müller Thurgau.<br />
Jedná se o víno zlaté barvy s jemnou vÛní kvûtin, dlouhou a plnou<br />
chutí, <strong>ve</strong> které se snoubí medov˘ zbytkov˘ cukr s ovocn˘mi tóny<br />
‰Èavnat˘ch kyselin. Obsah zbytkového cukru je 67,9 g/l. Toto víno<br />
pochází z akciové spoleãnosti SONBERK, coÏ je moderní vinafiství<br />
vyrábûjící autentická bílá, pfiívlastková speciální vína pouze z vlastních<br />
hroznÛ vypûstovan˘ch na starobylé unikátní vinici „Sonberk“<br />
nedaleko Mikulova a Pálavy. Je doloÏeno, Ïe Sonberk byl osázen<br />
révou jiÏ <strong>ve</strong> 13. století a díky své poloze dával slavná popická vína,<br />
která roku 1520 nabyla mimofiádné povûsti a byla dodávána i na<br />
PraÏsk˘ hrad na slavnostní tabule JagelloncÛ. Vína jsou vyrábûna<br />
z ruãnû sklízen˘ch vlastních hroznÛ, ze zámûrnû omezovan˘ch<br />
sklizní pro hloubku a osobitost. Nesou v sobû charakter místa<br />
a vynikající vinohradnické pÛdy. Specifickou záleÏitostí je sklizeÀ,<br />
která je pfiísnû kontrolována a redukována, kdy se mnoÏství sklizen˘ch<br />
hroznÛ pohybuje v prÛmûru kolem 1 kg na kefi. Sklepmistr Oldfiich<br />
Drápal dosáhl se sv˘mi slámov˘mi a sladk˘mi víny v˘razn˘ch<br />
úspûchÛ. Mezi nejvût‰í patfií zlaté medaile z Vinalies Internationales<br />
v PafiíÏi 2005 a Wine and Spirit Competition 2006 v Lond˘nû.<br />
K v˘bûru z hroznÛ Pálavy vám bûhem na‰í fiíjnové akce nabídne<br />
‰éfkuchafi Jifií ·tift dezert s medovou zmrzlinou.<br />
Pa<strong>ve</strong>l Winter, sommelier<br />
Moravian Wines<br />
WINES<br />
The wines produced in this country will be the subject of the<br />
next edition of our series on wine. We will be focusing on the<br />
south Moravian region, which has conditions that are good for<br />
cultivating wine. Throughout the month of October we will be<br />
making you better acquainted with Moravian wines at the Alcron<br />
Restaurant. For our dégustation menu, we ha<strong>ve</strong> stri<strong>ve</strong>d to select<br />
wineries that we consider to be the best around at the moment<br />
and which represent the top end of our viniculture. These<br />
wineries ha<strong>ve</strong> many things in common such as the region, the<br />
fact that they produce wines of the highest quality, their reducti<strong>ve</strong><br />
har<strong>ve</strong>sting, and the technological advancement of their cellar<br />
facilities while using economical production processes, modern<br />
technologies and classical methods. Ne<strong>ve</strong>rtheless, they also<br />
focus on ensuring that e<strong>ve</strong>rything is of the highest caliber.<br />
A few words about the Moravian region where the wines come<br />
from:<br />
According to archaeological sources, south Moravia is the region<br />
with the oldest vinicultural and winemaking tradition in this country,<br />
which dates back to the time of the Romans. It has a transitional<br />
climate inclining towards continental weather conditions. The<br />
growing season is somewhat shorter than that of Western Europe.<br />
The wine sub-regions of Moravia boast excellent conditions for<br />
the production of white wines with a wide range of bouquets and<br />
spiciness. The Moravian region is divided into four sub-regions<br />
– Znojmo, Mikulov, Slovácko and Velkopavlovice. Our main focus<br />
will be on the Mikulov sub-region, where most of our dégustation<br />
wines come from and which undoubtedly produces the <strong>ve</strong>ry best<br />
wines thanks to its location, soil conditions and a number of other<br />
factors. The Mikulov winemaking sub-region is characterized by<br />
the limestone elevation of the Pavlov Hills (Pavlovské vrchy). The<br />
sides of these hills and the wider surroundings ha<strong>ve</strong> limy clays,<br />
sands and a massi<strong>ve</strong> loess bank. The town of Mikulov<br />
soon became an important winemaking center thanks<br />
to the excellent vineyard locations, both in the immediate<br />
vicinity of the town and in many of the surrounding<br />
villages. The focal point of the region’s beauty is Pálava.<br />
Dégustation menu:<br />
1. Pinot Blanc 2005, late har<strong>ve</strong>st, Reisten winery, vineyard<br />
site: U BoÏích muk<br />
The Reisten winery is located in the Reisten region. It<br />
was established in the 1990s by Radomír Nepra‰ and<br />
you can find it in the village of Pavlov in the picturesque<br />
Pálava region, where it is based in baroque cellars from<br />
the 17th century. At present, the winery has 27 ha. of<br />
it own vineyards and Mr. Nepra‰ has planted them<br />
with specific varieties from various winemaking regions<br />
of Europe. The wines of the Reisten winery ha<strong>ve</strong> done<br />
<strong>ve</strong>ry well at Czech and international competitions. The<br />
wine ser<strong>ve</strong>d has a <strong>ve</strong>ry subtle, flowery bouquet reminiscent<br />
of meadow blossoms and wild roses. It has a full-bodied<br />
textured taste with a distinct mineral quality and a long<br />
aftertaste. It is a wine that is particularly disposed<br />
towards a long recumbency. One can expect its tertiary<br />
bouquet to de<strong>ve</strong>lop positi<strong>ve</strong>ly by being matured in<br />
the bottle.<br />
We will be able to sample this wine together with a<br />
Canadian-lobster salad.<br />
WINES<br />
2. Tra<strong>ve</strong>sty 2006, Nové Vinafiství, Mikulov sub-region<br />
As its name suggests, this is no ordinary white wine. It is a blend<br />
of two blue varieties – Blaufrankisch (Frankovka) and St. Laurent<br />
(Svatovavfiinecké). The wine is distinguished by its gold color with<br />
a bouquet of flowers and almonds as well as a fruity raspberry<br />
and strawberry flavor.<br />
Nové Vinafiství (meaning “new winery”) is a young company<br />
dedicated to an innovati<strong>ve</strong> approach to cultivating vines, har<strong>ve</strong>sting<br />
grapes and processing them. The winery tends 102 ha. vineyards<br />
in the environs of Mikulov in south Moravia. Only high-quality<br />
wines made from ripe to o<strong>ve</strong>rripe grapes are produced by Nové<br />
Vinafiství. The winery’s rejection of the usual system of special<br />
wine attributes stems from the conviction that the location of the<br />
vineyards and the human factor that comes into play while cultivating<br />
vines and subsequently turning grapes into wine plays a much<br />
more important role than the actual sugar content of the grapes.<br />
Nové vinafiství’s credo is to respect nature and to only use natural<br />
sugar and acid content while producing wines, without adding<br />
beet sugar. This will always result in a unique natural product with<br />
a harmonious taste and bouquet. Work is <strong>ve</strong>ry carefully carried<br />
out at the vineyards and emphasis is placed on using grapes of<br />
the highest quality. You won’t find a single con<strong>ve</strong>yor belt or spiral<br />
con<strong>ve</strong>yer in the winery and there also aren’t any pulp pumps (only<br />
gravitation is used). Traditional barrels ha<strong>ve</strong> been replaced by<br />
resplendent high-grade steel. One interesting thing about the<br />
winery is that only white wines are produced from both white<br />
and blue grape varieties. The use of screw caps and special Vin<br />
locks made from high-quality glass is a new de<strong>ve</strong>lopment in Czech<br />
wines.<br />
We can enhance our enjoyment of Tra<strong>ve</strong>sty 2006 wine with a fish<br />
and seafood consommé.<br />
3. Cuvée Velké dobré bílé 2005, Dobrá Vinice<br />
This winery is a small company that specializes in making highquality<br />
wines. The winery makes use of the most modern technologies.<br />
The wine ferments in the vineyard’s own yeasts and matures in<br />
new oak barrels with a volume of 230 and 470 liters made from<br />
French (85%), Slavonic and Austrian oak. The winery cultivates<br />
the vineyards and the grapes in harmony with nature. It treats<br />
them on a biological, not a chemical, basis. The wine is stored<br />
after bottling in ideal sandstone cellars in Znojmo.<br />
This comprises the following varieties: Chardonnay (40%), Pinot<br />
Gris (30%), Pinot Blanc (20%), and Sauvignon (10%). The wine<br />
has been matured in new French barrels of 225 l and 450 l, for<br />
11 months. All the varieties are har<strong>ve</strong>sted with the sugar-content<br />
values of a late har<strong>ve</strong>st and a “special selection of grapes” (“v˘bûr<br />
z hroznÛ” – with at least 24 degrees of sugar). The wine has a<br />
golden color. It has a subtle bouquet, which is ne<strong>ve</strong>rtheless <strong>ve</strong>ry<br />
intense and persistent. It is reminiscent of ripe yellow fruits and a<br />
mixture of exotic spices. It has a succulent and full-bodied taste<br />
with a light undertone of fine wood and vanilla. Tropical fruit and<br />
subtle spicy nuances will enchant e<strong>ve</strong>ry lo<strong>ve</strong>r of great wines. After<br />
maturing, the wine is appraised according to the strictest criteria<br />
and it is possible to compare it with the best Central European<br />
wines. The potential of this wine is estimated to be eight or more<br />
years.<br />
A turbot baked on the bone ser<strong>ve</strong>d in chestnut soup with potato purée<br />
and truffles is a dish that goes wonderfully with this wine.<br />
4. Pálava, v˘bûr z hroznÛ (“special selection of grapes” – with at<br />
least 24 degrees of sugar), vintage: 2004<br />
This sweet wine rounds things off on a real high. It won an award<br />
at the Grand Prix Vinex international competition in 2006. Pálava<br />
is a variety specific to Moravia, where it was also bred in the 1970s<br />
by crossing the Traminer and Muller Thurgau varieties. It is a<br />
golden-colored wine with a subtle bouquet of flowers and a long<br />
and full-bodied taste in which the honey-sweet residual sugar<br />
combines with the fruity tones of spicy acids. The residual sugar<br />
content is 67.9 g/l. This wine comes from the SONBERK stock<br />
company, which is a modern winery producing authentic white<br />
wines as well as quality wines with special attributes exclusi<strong>ve</strong>ly<br />
from its own grapes cultivated at the unique ancient “Sonberk”<br />
vineyard near Mikulov and Pálava. There is documentary evidence<br />
that vines were planted at Sonberk as far back as the 13th century<br />
and thanks to its location it produced celebrated Popice wines,<br />
which acquired an extraordinary reputation in 1520 and were<br />
e<strong>ve</strong>n sent to Prague Castle for the feast table of the Jagellon<br />
monarchs. The wines are produced from the vineyard’s own handhar<strong>ve</strong>sted<br />
grapes and the har<strong>ve</strong>sts<br />
are deliberately restricted for the<br />
sake of depth and distincti<strong>ve</strong>ness.<br />
The wines ha<strong>ve</strong> the character of<br />
the location and the outstanding<br />
vineyard soil. The har<strong>ve</strong>st is a<br />
distincti<strong>ve</strong> affair, which is strictly<br />
controlled and reduced when the<br />
quantity of har<strong>ve</strong>sted grapes is at<br />
an a<strong>ve</strong>rage of around 1 kg per<br />
bush. The cellar man Oldfiich Drápal<br />
has had considerable success with<br />
his straw wines and sweet wines.<br />
His greatest successes include gold<br />
medals at the Vinalies Internationales<br />
in Paris in 2005 and the Wine and<br />
Spirit Competition 2006 in London.<br />
During our special October e<strong>ve</strong>nt,<br />
the Executi<strong>ve</strong> Chef Jifií ·tift will be<br />
offering a dessert with honey ice<br />
cream to go with this Pálava wine<br />
made from a special selection of<br />
grapes.<br />
Z HOTELU<br />
století nastfiádala vlivy kolonizátorÛ z Portugalska, Itálie<br />
a Nûmecka, absorbovala i svébytnou kulturu AfriãanÛ<br />
a v poslední dobû na ni pÛsobí napfiíklad také mohutná<br />
pfiistûhovalecká vlna z Japonska. Je tedy odkud ãerpat.<br />
Alex Atala pfii<strong>ve</strong>ze do Alcronu chutû<br />
Amazonie<br />
Brazilsk˘ ‰éfkuchafi Alex Atala, kter˘ byl v roce 2006 a 2007 dle<br />
ãasopisu Restaurant Magazine zafiazen se svou restaurací D.O.M.<br />
mezi 50 nejlep‰ích restaurací svûta, nav‰tíví Prahu v období<br />
14. – 21. fiíjna 2007. Dne 17. a 18. fiíjna nás spoleãnû se ‰éfkuchafiem<br />
hotelu Radisson SAS Alcron Jifiím ·tiftem pfiekvapí speciální<br />
gala<strong>ve</strong>ãefií v restauraci La Rotonde. Nedílnou souãástí této<br />
spoleãenské události bude ochutnávka vín<br />
dováÏen˘ch firmou Cosmopolitan Brazilian<br />
Wines.<br />
Alex Atala zaãal svou kariéru v 19 letech<br />
v Belgii. Ve Francii pracoval pro restauraci Jean<br />
Pierre Bruneau, která byla dle Michelin Guide<br />
ocenûna tfiemi hvûzdami, a pÛsobil také<br />
v prestiÏním Hotelu de la Cote d’Or. Po návratu<br />
do Sao Paula jeho kulináfiské umûní pfiilákalo<br />
zájem médií a mnoha gourmet-kritikÛ z celého<br />
svûta.<br />
Atala je ‰éfkuchafi, kter˘ se <strong>ve</strong> sv˘ch pokrmech<br />
vrací k originálním chutím Brazílie. Koncem<br />
roku 1999 otevfiel svou restauraci D.O.M. Jeho<br />
cílem je pfiená‰et do reality slogan:<br />
„z dÏungle pfiímo do restaurace D.O.M“. Zkratka<br />
D.O.M. pochází z latinského Deo Optimo<br />
Maximo, nicménû Deo bylo Atalou zamûnûno<br />
na Domus znamenající domov. Volnû pfieloÏeno,<br />
D.O.M. je domov, kde ‰éfkuchafi nabízí maximum<br />
gastronomie – aÈ jiÏ v chutích, barvách, vÛních a sloÏení. Za 8 let<br />
pÛsobení vyhrála restaurace D.O.M. fiadu rÛzn˘ch ocenûní,<br />
a potvrzuje tak, Ïe je nositelem správného jména, pfiiãemÏ se<br />
neustále zdokonaluje.<br />
Alex Atala je rovnûÏ vlastníkem farmy pfiímo v centru amazonsk˘ch<br />
de‰tn˘ch pralesÛ. Svou farmu pravidelnû nav‰tûvuje a ãerpá odtud<br />
exotické a neotfielé chutû pro své recepty. Neopomíná sledovat<br />
v‰echny regiony Brazílie, které jsou neuvûfiitelnou studnicí rÛzn˘ch<br />
chutí. Federace ‰estadvaceti brazilsk˘ch státÛ v sobû za nûkolik<br />
Atala je znám pfiedev‰ím pro své vûãné zkoumání<br />
gastronomick˘ch moÏností brazilsk˘ch ingrediencí<br />
s pomocí tradiãních základÛ a souãasn˘ch technik, které<br />
si osvojil v Belgii a Francii. âeské publikum nyní bude<br />
mít jedineãnou pfiíleÏitost ochutnat jeho pokrmy doplnûné o ta<br />
nejlep‰í vína, která Brazílie produkuje.<br />
ÚÏasn˘ mág svûtové gastronomie Alex Atala se zamyslel nad<br />
nûkolika otázkami, které jsme mu poloÏili.<br />
Co podnítilo vበzájem o gastronomii<br />
Stravování je moÏná nejvût‰ím prizmatem lidského bytí, coÏ uÏ by<br />
bylo pravdûpodobnû postaãující, nicménû stále mû fascinují moÏnosti<br />
transformovat urãit˘ produkt a recept a navíc se je‰tû tímto<br />
zpÛsobem vyjádfiit.<br />
Co vás inspiruje Jak˘m zpÛsobem<br />
pracujete<br />
Obecnû vzato, ta pravá surovina nebo<br />
technika jsou vÏdy zdrojem inspirace,<br />
ale pfiíroda sama v jejím samotném<br />
základû je to, co mû nejspí‰ vzru‰uje<br />
nejvíce.<br />
Co pro vás znamenají tradice<br />
Na‰e práce spoãívá v prolínání<br />
klasick˘ch základÛ s moderními postupy,<br />
priãemÏ vÏdy akcentujeme Brazílii<br />
jako hlavní faktor.<br />
Jak byste charakterizoval brazilskou<br />
kuchyni<br />
Stále se vyvíjíme, máme neuvûfiitelnou<br />
základnu a pfied sebou dlouhou cestu.<br />
Sao Paulo je metropole a pestrá<br />
mozaika kultur, coÏ je <strong>ve</strong>lice vhodn˘<br />
scénáfi. Vzhledem k tomu, Ïe Brazílie je zemí kontinentálních<br />
rozmûrÛ, existuje mnoho vlivÛ a obrovská zásoba v‰emoÏn˘ch<br />
surovin.<br />
MÛÏete nám pfiiblíÏit va‰i farmu v amazonském de‰tném pralese<br />
Na‰e farma v Amazonii funguje nezávisle na mé restauraci D.O.M.<br />
Zásobuje nás typick˘mi surovinami z této oblasti, jako napfiíklad<br />
tucupi, rÛzn˘mi bylinami a málo ãi ménû znám˘mi druhy ovoce<br />
a zeleniny. Brazilské suroviny systematicky vyuÏívám, fascinují mû<br />
zejména byliny a divoké plody.<br />
Jak byste popsal svou restauraci D.O.M.<br />
D.O.M. je v podstatû ãistû gastronomickou restaurací, která je<br />
<strong>ve</strong>lice uvolnûná a moderní, pokud ji <strong>sro</strong>vnáme s evropsk˘mi<br />
restauracemi.<br />
Jak˘ v˘voj obor gastronomie zaznamenává Jaké jsou zde tendence<br />
V dne‰ní dobû je vynikajícím zdrojem nov˘ch tendencí ·panûlsko,<br />
naopak Francie a Itálie pfiedstavují <strong>ve</strong>likou tradici. Jsem ale pfiesvûdãen,<br />
Ïe musíme b˘t otevfiení v‰em ostatním moÏn˘m vlivÛm z jin˘ch<br />
oblastí, pfiiãemÏ se domnívám, Ïe Nov˘ svût a Stfiední v˘chod jsou<br />
toho dokonalou ukázkou.<br />
Které kuchynû, kromû brazilské, vás oslovují<br />
Nezajímám se zcela o konkrétní národní kuchynû, naopak mû vÏdy<br />
<strong>ve</strong>lmi zajímá rÛznorodost a kombinace.<br />
Co oãekáváte od své náv‰tûvy v âechách<br />
Pojede se mnou i moje rodina. Jsem pfiesvûdãen, Ïe to pro nás<br />
bude vynikající zku‰enost. Zatím pfiíli‰ neznám ãeskou kuchyni, tak<br />
bych rád vyuÏil své náv‰tûvy k tomu, abych se o ní nûco dozvûdûl.<br />
Prozradíte, jaké je va‰e oblíbené jídlo<br />
Stále mû fascinují skvûlé suroviny, dokonal˘ plod ovoce mû vÏdy<br />
vzru‰í.<br />
Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel a Cosmopolitan Brazilian Wines Vás<br />
zvou na Gala <strong>ve</strong>ãefii pfiipra<strong>ve</strong>nou jedním z nejlep‰ích ‰éfkuchafiÛ<br />
svûta, Brazilcem Alexem Atalou.<br />
Alex Atala spoleãnû se ‰éfkuchafiem Jifiím ·tiftem pfiipraví<br />
‰esti-chodové menu, které doplní vybran˘mi brazilsk˘mi víny.<br />
17. a 18. fiíjna 2007, 19.00 hod.<br />
Restaurace La Rotonde<br />
Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel, ·tûpánská 40, Praha 1<br />
Informace a rezervace: TomበVorlíãek<br />
E-mail:,<br />
Tel.: 222 820 028, Fax: 222 820 027<br />
Cena: 3500 Kã<br />
A s jak˘mi surovinami bude Alex Atala kouzlit pfii pfiípravû menu<br />
pro gala<strong>ve</strong>ãefii v restauraci La Rotonde<br />
Tapioca – kuliãky vyrobené z kofienu manioku.<br />
Jabuticaba – ãerné kuliãky <strong>ve</strong>likosti na‰ich tfie‰ní. Typicky brazilské<br />
tropické ovoce, které roste v mnoha brazilsk˘ch státech. Zahraniãní<br />
náv‰tûvníky mate díky svému jedineãnému zpÛsobu rÛstu na kmeni<br />
stromu, v‰ech jeho vûtvích, a obãas dokonce i na kofienech.<br />
Jambo – toto <strong>ve</strong>lmi typické a populární brazilské ovoce je podobné<br />
mal˘m ãer<strong>ve</strong>n˘m jablíãkÛm. Stromy, na kter˘ch roste, najdeme<br />
v kaÏdé zahradû, parku ãi podél cest po celé Brazílii. Jí se ãerstvé<br />
nebo zpracované do dÏemÛ a marmelád.<br />
Tucupi – fermentovaná ‰Èáva z manioku, kter˘ se nejpr<strong>ve</strong> oloupe,<br />
nastrouhá a poté vymaãká. Takto vyroben˘ mo‰t se je‰tû upravuje<br />
vafiením. Jedná se o <strong>ve</strong>lmi typick˘ produkt z Amazonie.<br />
Pequí – nejznámûj‰í tropické ovoce brazilsk˘ch savan. KuchyÀská<br />
úprava vyÏaduje <strong>ve</strong>lmi speciální péãi díky ostnÛm rostoucím uvnitfi<br />
tohoto skvûlého ovoce. Nejlep‰í je od listopadu do února.<br />
Cupim a Zebu – jedná se o maso z hrbu jihoamerického hovûzího<br />
plemene Zebu. Toto maso je <strong>ve</strong>lmi prorostlé a vût‰inou se kulináfisky<br />
zpracovává pomal˘m peãením po hodnû dlouhou dobu. Maso je<br />
<strong>ve</strong>lmi pikantní, lahodné a kfiehké.<br />
Menu Alex Atala<br />
Welcome drink – Salton Espumante Ouro Brut<br />
<br />
Salát z cukety s langust˘nkami a vinaigretem z paprik<br />
Miolo Pinot Grigio Fortaleza do Seival 2006<br />
<br />
SmaÏené ústfiice s marinovanou tapiokou<br />
Salton Chardonnay Volpi 2005<br />
<br />
Grilovan˘ halibut s tucupi a tapiokou<br />
Casa Valduga Chardonnay Gran Reserva 2005<br />
<br />
Pomalu peãen˘ hrb Zebu „Cupim“ s bramborov˘m pyré<br />
ochucen˘m olejem z pequí<br />
Miolo Merlot Terroir 2004<br />
<br />
Sorbet z jabuticaby s wasabi<br />
Casa Valduga Espumante Blush Rose 2005<br />
<br />
Lan˘Ïov˘ krém z bílé ãokolády se zmrzlinou z Madagaskarské vanilky<br />
Lidio Cararro Tannat Grande Vindima 2005<br />
<br />
Káva<br />
Casa Valduga Vinho Licoroso Tinto Doce<br />
Casa Valduga Brandy 14 Anos<br />
Cachaca Salinas<br />
Alex Atala will bring a taste of the<br />
Amazon to the Alcron<br />
Brazilian chef Alex Atala, whose restaurant D.O.M. was included<br />
among the 50 best restaurants in the world in 2006 and 2007<br />
by Restaurant Magazine, will be visiting Prague from October<br />
14 – 21, 2007. On October 17 & 18, together with the Executi<strong>ve</strong><br />
Chef of the Radisson SAS Alcron hotel Jifií ·tift, he will be<br />
surprising us with a special gala e<strong>ve</strong>ning at the La Rotonde<br />
Restaurant. An integral part of this social e<strong>ve</strong>nt will also include<br />
the tasting of wines imported by the firm Cosmopolitan Brazilian<br />
Wines.<br />
Alex Atala began his career at 19 in Belgium. In France, he worked<br />
in the restaurant of Jean Pierre Bruneau, which was awarded three<br />
stars by the Michelin Guide. He also did a stint at the prestigious<br />
Hotel de la Cote d’Or. After returning to Sao Paulo, his culinary<br />
art attracted interest from the media and from many gourmet<br />
critics from all o<strong>ve</strong>r the world.<br />
Atala is a chef who returns to the original flavors of Brazil in his<br />
dishes. He opened his D.O.M. restaurant at the end of 1999. His<br />
objecti<strong>ve</strong> is to make his slogan “from the jungle straight to the<br />
D.O.M. restaurant” a reality. The abbreviation D.O.M. comes from<br />
the Latin Deo Optimo Maximo, but Atala changed the word Deo<br />
to Domus, meaning “home”. Freely translated, D.O.M. is a home<br />
where the chef proffers the maximum that gastronomy has to<br />
offer, regardless of whether it concerns flavors, colors, aromas or<br />
composition. In the eight years it has been open, D.O.M. has won<br />
a number of different awards, which demonstrates that it is aptly<br />
named and is constantly getting better.<br />
Alex Atala also owns a farm in the center of the Amazon rain<br />
forest. He regularly visits his farm and brings back exotic and<br />
innovati<strong>ve</strong> flavors for his recipes. He also doesn’t fail to keep an<br />
eye on all Brazil’s regions, which are an incredible source of various<br />
tastes and flavors. The federation of 26 Brazilian states has had<br />
many influences down through the centuries, including that of<br />
colonizers from Portugal, Italy and Germany. It has also absorbed<br />
the original culture of Africa. Most recently, it has also been<br />
influenced, for example, by a massi<strong>ve</strong> wa<strong>ve</strong> of immigration from<br />
Japan. The country certainly has a lot of things it can draw inspiration<br />
from.<br />
Atala is primarily known for his incessant examination of the<br />
gastronomic possibilities of Brazilian ingredients with the aid<br />
of traditional essentials and contemporary techniques, which<br />
he acquired in Belgium and France. The Czech public will now<br />
ha<strong>ve</strong> a unique opportunity to sample his dishes complemented<br />
by the best wines that Brazil produces.<br />
This amazing wise man of international gastronomy took the<br />
time to ponder some questions that we asked him.<br />
What sparked your interest in gastronomy<br />
Catering is possibly the greatest prism of human existence,<br />
which would probably be enough for me. Ne<strong>ve</strong>rtheless, I am<br />
constantly fascinated by the possibility of transforming a certain<br />
product and recipe and to also be able to express myself in<br />
this way.<br />
What inspires you Could you describe the way in which you<br />
work<br />
All things considered, the ingredients or the technique are<br />
always a source of inspiration, but nature itself in its own basic<br />
state is what excites me the most.<br />
What does tradition mean to you<br />
Our work consists of blending classic foundations with modern<br />
approaches whilst we always put the emphasis on Brazil as<br />
the main factor.<br />
How would you describe Brazilian cuisine<br />
We are constantly de<strong>ve</strong>loping. We ha<strong>ve</strong> an incredible foundation<br />
and a long journey ahead of us. Sao Paulo is a metropolis and<br />
a colorful mosaic of cultures, which is a <strong>ve</strong>ry con<strong>ve</strong>nient<br />
scenario. In view of the fact that Brazil is a country of continental<br />
dimensions, there are many influences and there is also a huge<br />
stockpile of possible ingredients.<br />
Could you tell us a little bit more about your farm in the Amazon<br />
rain forest<br />
Our farm in the Amazon operates independently of my D.O.M.<br />
estaurant. It supplies us with some typical ingredients from that<br />
area such as tucupi, various herbs and little-known or less wellknown<br />
fruits and <strong>ve</strong>getables. I systematically use Brazilian ingredients.<br />
In particular, I’m fascinated by the herbs and wild fruits.<br />
How would you describe your D.O.M. restaurant<br />
D.O.M. is essentially a purely gastronomical restaurant, which is<br />
<strong>ve</strong>ry informal and modern insofar as we would compare it to<br />
European restaurants.<br />
What gastronomical de<strong>ve</strong>lopments does it reflect What trends can<br />
you obser<strong>ve</strong> there<br />
Nowadays, Spain is wonderful source of new trends. On the other<br />
hand, France and Italy represent a great tradition. But I’m convinced,<br />
howe<strong>ve</strong>r, that we ha<strong>ve</strong> to be open to all other possible influences<br />
from different areas and I belie<strong>ve</strong> that the New World and the<br />
Middle East are a perfect example of this.<br />
Besides Brazilian food, what other cuisines appeal to you<br />
I’m completely not interested in a specific national cuisine. On the<br />
other hand, I am always <strong>ve</strong>ry interested in variety and combinations.<br />
What expectations do you ha<strong>ve</strong> of your visit to the Czech Republic<br />
I’m also coming with my family. I’m convinced that it will be a<br />
wonderful experience for us. I don’t know too much about Czech<br />
cuisine right now, so I would like to use my visit to learn something<br />
about it.<br />
The Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel and Cosmopolitan Brazilian Wines<br />
cordially invite you to a Gala Dinner prepared by one of the world’s<br />
best chefs, Alex Atala from Brazil. He and Jiri Stift will ser<strong>ve</strong> a 6-<br />
course menu accompanied by select Brazil wines.<br />
October 17 & 18, 2007 at 7:00 pm<br />
La Rotonde Restaurant<br />
Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel, Stepanska 40, Prague 1<br />
For information and reservations, please contact<br />
Mr. Tomas Vorlicek<br />
Email:<br />
Tel: 222 820 028, Fax: 222 820 027<br />
Price: 3500 CZK<br />
Could you tell us what your favorite food is<br />
I am always fascinated by raw ingredients. A perfect fruit always<br />
excites me.<br />
And what ingredients will Alex Atala be enchanting us with when<br />
he prepares the menu for the Gala e<strong>ve</strong>ning in the La Rotonde<br />
Restaurant<br />
Tapioca – balls made from the cassava root.<br />
Jabuticaba – black ball-shaped fruit that is the same size as our<br />
cherries. It is a typically Brazilian tropical fruit, which grows in many<br />
Brazilian states. Foreign visitors find it perplexing because of the<br />
unique way it grows on the trunk of the tree as well as on all its<br />
branches and sometimes e<strong>ve</strong>n on the roots.<br />
Jambo – this <strong>ve</strong>ry typical and popular Brazilian fruit is similar to a<br />
small red apple. You can find the trees on which it grows in e<strong>ve</strong>ry<br />
garden and park as well as along the roads throughout Brazil. It is<br />
eaten fresh or made into jams and marmalade.<br />
Tucupi – fermented juice from the cassava, which is first peeled,<br />
grated and then pressed. The must produced in this way is also<br />
treated by being boiled. It is a <strong>ve</strong>ry typical product of the Amazon.<br />
Pequí – the most well known tropical fruit of the Brazilian savannah.<br />
It requires <strong>ve</strong>ry special care in the kitchen because of the barbs<br />
growing inside this excellent fruit. It is at its best from No<strong>ve</strong>mber<br />
to February.<br />
Cupim and Zebu – this is the meat from the hump of the South<br />
American Zebu beef breed. This meat is <strong>ve</strong>ry streaky and it is<br />
mostly cooked by being slowly roasted for a <strong>ve</strong>ry long time. The<br />
meat is <strong>ve</strong>ry spicy, delicious and tender.<br />
Alex Atala’s Menu<br />
Welcome drink – Salton Espumante Ouro Brut<br />
<br />
Italian pumpkin and crayfish salad with aromatic pepper dressing<br />
Miolo Pinot Grigio Fortaleza do Seival 2006<br />
<br />
Oysters panée with marinated “tapioca”<br />
Salton Chardonnay Volpi 2005<br />
<br />
Halibut with “tucupi” and tapioca<br />
Casa Valduga Chardonnay Gran Reserva 2005<br />
<br />
Zebu hump with mashed potato perfumed<br />
with Pequi and its Consommé<br />
Miolo Merlot Terroir 2004<br />
<br />
Jabuticaba’s Sorbet with Wasabi<br />
Casa Valduga Espumante Blush Rose 2005<br />
<br />
Truffled White Chocolate Cream with Vanila Ice Cream<br />
Lidio Cararro Tannat Grande Vindima 2005<br />
<br />
Coffee<br />
Casa Valduga Vinho Licoroso Tinto Doce<br />
Casa Valduga Brandy 14 Anos<br />
Cachaca Salinas<br />
BAR BE BOP<br />
BE BOP BAR<br />
Jazzové houslistky jsou vzácné<br />
V baru Be Bop hotelu Radisson SAS Alcron pfiipravují renomovaní<br />
barmani pro své hosty bûhem podzimu atraktivní nabídku nápojÛ.<br />
Pût <strong>ve</strong>ãerÛ v kaÏdém t˘dnu, vÏdy od úter˘ do soboty, posezení<br />
v baru je‰tû více zpfiíjemÀuje Ïivá jazzová hudba. Jednou<br />
z úãinkujících je mladá, <strong>ve</strong>lmi talentovaná, ale také pracovitá<br />
a ctiÏádostivá jazzová houslistka Anna Mlinariková. Má za sebou<br />
jiÏ mnoho úspûchÛ vãetnû roãního studia na nejprestiÏnûj‰í<br />
jazzové ‰kole na svûtû v Berklee College of Music v Bostonu,<br />
kde patfiila mezi nejlep‰í studenty.<br />
Jaká je va‰e houslová cesta od poãátkÛ po dne‰ek<br />
Jsem nejmlad‰í ze tfií sester. Nepocházíme vÛbec z muzikantské<br />
rodiny, ale nበotec pochází z Maìarska, coÏ asi sehrálo <strong>ve</strong>lkou<br />
roli. KdyÏ si nás <strong>ve</strong> ‰kolce vybrali do hudební ‰koly, otec si pfiál,<br />
abychom zkusily housle. M˘m sestrám se tento nástroj tehdy pfiíli‰<br />
nezamlouval, ale já jsem se díky otci rozhodla, Ïe se na ty housle<br />
uãit chci. Rodina mû v tom od poãátku podporovala, zejména<br />
matka mi <strong>ve</strong>lmi pomáhala s pfiípravou. Zaãal mû bavit dûtsk˘<br />
orchestr, se kter˘m jsme koncertovali a v nûmÏ jsem ãasem<br />
postoupila na první housle. V té dobû jsem moc necviãila, ale<br />
zvládala jsem to. KdyÏ mi bylo ãtrnáct, chtûla jsem pÛvodnû na<br />
konzervatofi. Nemûla jsem tenkrát v plánu stát se houslistkou<br />
a koncertovat, ale chtûla jsem hru na housle vyuãovat. Nakonec<br />
jsem se místo konzervatofie rozhodla pro stfiední pedagogickou<br />
‰kolu, kde se díky hfie na dal‰í nástroje prohloubil mÛj zájem<br />
o hudbu.<br />
A pak pfii‰la JeÏkova konzervatofi<br />
Ano. Po maturitû jsem tam zaãala studovat obor housle – klasickou<br />
techniku. UÏ jsem nechtûla b˘t jen uãitelkou hudby, ale chtûla jsem<br />
hrát pro lidi. Klasická hra mû ale postupem ãasu pfiestala uspokojovat,<br />
protoÏe má <strong>ve</strong>lmi pfiísná pravidla, v‰ichni musí hrát stejnû, jako<br />
podle ‰ablony.<br />
TakÏe jste hledala nûco jiného<br />
Bûhem druhého roãníku JeÏkovy konzervatofie jsem se v hudební<br />
‰kole na Praze 6 zaãala uãit hrát na saxofon u ZdeÀka Ka‰para,<br />
ten mi ukázal cestu k jazzu. Postupnû jsem se seznamovala<br />
s jazzovou teorií, kterou jsem se ãasem nauãila, ale<br />
nedokázala jsem ji pfienést do praxe. Jazz má sice také<br />
hodnû pevná pravidla, ale kdyÏ je v‰ichni dodrÏují, mohou<br />
hrát dohromady spolu. Jsou to pravidla improvizace,<br />
formy, rytmická pravidla, improvizuje se na urãitou kostru.<br />
Taková pravidla mi vyhovují. KdyÏ se je nauãíte, mÛÏete<br />
svobodnû hrát a improvizovat. Je to taková kfiíÏovka,<br />
která pak musí vyjít. Jazz má obrovskou svobodu.<br />
A pak jste se vydala za jazzem za oceán<br />
Smyãcové oddûlení na JeÏkovû konzervatofii nefungovalo podle<br />
m˘ch pfiedstav a jazzové housle tam stejnû nikdo neuãil, tak jsem<br />
se v pátém roãníku rozhodla ‰kolu pfieru‰it a jít do Bostonu na<br />
Berklee College of Music. Vûdûla jsem, Ïe je to nejprestiÏnûj‰í<br />
jazzová ‰kola, kde mají zájem o studenty, ktefií chtûjí získané znalosti<br />
vyuÏít v praxi, ale studují tam i lidé, ktefií nechtûjí b˘t profesionálními<br />
muzikanty. Absolvovala jsem tam 2 semestry, pfiiãemÏ bûhem toho<br />
prvního jsem studovala celkem ãtyfii najednou. Jsem z této ‰koly<br />
nad‰ena, v‰echno tam funguje, pracuje se s daleko vût‰í intenzitou<br />
neÏ u nás. Systém v˘uky je <strong>ve</strong>lmi dobfie promy‰len˘ a díky tomu<br />
se mi jazzová teorie s praxí dokonale propojila. Musíte ale tvrdû<br />
pracovat, protoÏe je to <strong>ve</strong>lmi tûÏká ‰kola. Stipendium vám dají aÏ<br />
na konci semestru, aÏ kdyÏ se osvûdãíte. Poctivû jsem se pfiipravovala<br />
z hodiny na hodinu. Díky pozitivnímu pfiístupu ke studentÛm mû<br />
tato ‰kola <strong>ve</strong>lmi motivovala. Nauãila jsem se vûfiit si. AniÏ bych se<br />
musela nûjak nutit, vstávala jsem dennû v 6 hodin ráno, a neÏ jsem<br />
‰la do ‰koly, cviãila jsem, a to prÛmûrnû tak 6 hodin dennû. Aby<br />
byl vidût nûjak˘ v˘sledek. Intenzita byla taková, Ïe 3 t˘dny mezi<br />
obûma semestry, kdy jsem byla na dovolené v âechách, jsem<br />
cviãení naopak úplnû vypustila. Z cviãení pfii studiu na Berklee Ïiju<br />
dodnes. Stále, i teì po dvou letech, zji‰Èuji zku‰enosti, které jsem<br />
získala tam.<br />
Nelákala vás kariéra v Americe<br />
Dostala jsem nabídku stipendia na dal‰í semestr i nabídky na hraní<br />
v Americe, ale za ten rok na Berklee jsem stihla udûlat hodnû<br />
práce, záro<strong>ve</strong>À mû ale pfiekvapila <strong>ve</strong>lmi silná vazba na domov,<br />
chtûla jsem se uÏ vrátit, protoÏe chci Ïít v âechách. V Americe<br />
bych byla stále cizincem. První rok po návratu do âech byl tûÏk˘,<br />
protoÏe mû nikdo neznal. Dokonãila jsem poslední roãník na<br />
JeÏkovû konzervatofii, mûla jsem absol<strong>ve</strong>ntsk˘ koncert s kapelou<br />
v divadle U HasiãÛ. Tam si mû v‰iml dramaturg Spurn˘, kter˘ mû<br />
vzal do Reduty, ãímÏ mi otevfiel d<strong>ve</strong>fie na klubové scény. Díky<br />
Redutû následoval fietûzec dal‰ích koncertÛ a jazzov˘ch festivalÛ.<br />
Máte svou vlastní kapelu<br />
Ano. Hrajeme <strong>ve</strong> sloÏení housle, klavír, kontrabas a bicí. AranÏuji<br />
maìarské motivy a virtuóznûj‰í skladby z klasiky. Základ musí b˘t<br />
melodick˘. Zvolím motiv, na nûj probíhá improvizace a na konci<br />
se ten motiv vrátí. Improvizuji z hlavy.<br />
Kde vás mÛÏeme sly‰et<br />
Pravidelnû vystupuji v divadle Semafor s koncerty zvan˘mi Jazzparáda,<br />
na které zvu také hosty, napfiíklad Jifiího Stivína ãi Petra Maláska. To<br />
jsou osobnosti, kter˘ch si <strong>ve</strong>lice váÏím. Setkáváme se vÏdy aÏ v den<br />
koncertu, takÏe je to pro nás trochu adrenalin a oãekávání, co bude.<br />
Své koncerty uvádím, ale také organizuji. Nemám manaÏera, tak je<br />
to nûkdy nároãné. Pfii koncertû samotném uÏ je mi dobfie, to uÏ je<br />
jen to hezké. Umím se uvolnit, dobfie se mi hraje. KdyÏ to baví mû,<br />
dokáÏu to pfienést na publikum. UÏ vím, Ïe si mÛÏu vûfiit, Ïe to zvládnu.<br />
Ale vy máte v Semaforu i hereckou roli…<br />
KdyÏ jsem mûla v Semaforu první koncert, pfii‰el se podívat i pan<br />
Such˘. Po ãtrnácti dnech zavolal a nabídl mi malou roli <strong>ve</strong> hfie<br />
Suknû smutnou jehlou spíchnutá. Jsem zvyklá uvádût své koncerty.<br />
KdyÏ vystupuji sama za sebe, tak se nestydím. Zahrát jinou postavu<br />
je pro mû ale docela tûÏké. Mám tam krátk˘ monolog a rozhovor<br />
s panem ·tûdronûm. Hraju spisovatelku, která se pak zmûní<br />
v jazzovou houslistku. V zaãátcích hraje ‰patnû a pak rozjede<br />
improvizaci na skladbu Paganiniho.<br />
Je nûkdo va‰ím vzorem<br />
Îádn˘ vzor nemám. Pokud jde o jazzové<br />
houslisty, vût‰inou radûji ani jiné<br />
neposlouchám, aby mû neinspirovali. Chci,<br />
abych mûla svÛj vlastní styl. Ale dívám se,<br />
jak kdo pracuje. Uznávám skuteãné<br />
profesionály <strong>ve</strong> sv˘ch oborech.<br />
Vystupujete také v Alcronu. Jak se vám tu<br />
hraje<br />
Ohlednû úãinkování v Alcronu mû oslovil<br />
klavírista Vladimír Strnad, kter˘ tu hrává<br />
pravidelnû. Hraji tu ráda. Cizinci mají rádi<br />
jazz, je tu bezvadn˘ personál a skvûlá<br />
atmosféra. Je to jiné oproti bûÏnému<br />
koncertu, protoÏe sem lidé vût‰inou nechodí<br />
jen kvÛli muzice, a proto je pro mû <strong>ve</strong>lmi<br />
cenné, kdyÏ zatleskají. Zatímco v divadle,<br />
na koncertû se tleskat musí, protoÏe je to<br />
zvykem, tady je potlesk známkou toho,<br />
Ïe se lidem hudba opravdu líbí. Nûkdy<br />
také b˘vají pfiekvapeni, Ïe vidí jazzovou<br />
houslistku, protoÏe v jazzu Ïeny b˘vají<br />
vût‰inou zpûvaãkami.<br />
Jaké dal‰í hudební události vás bûhem podzimu ãekají<br />
Budu se úãastnit âesko-slo<strong>ve</strong>nského houslového summitu v Pfierovû,<br />
kde se potkám s kolegy, jazzov˘mi houslisty. Zajímavou pfiíleÏitostí<br />
a zku‰eností bude podzimní turné s první ãeskou SuperStar Anetou<br />
Langerovou. Hrají s ní profesionální muzikanti, ktefií vûdí, co chtûjí.<br />
Je to kvalitní hudba. MÛÏu hrát rÛzné styly, ale jde o kvalitu práce.<br />
Anetu uznávám. Líbí se mi, jak zpívá a jak s bratrem pojali kariéru,<br />
jak si drÏí soukromí, zpÛsob její práce, práce na sobû, její síla<br />
a lidskost, kterou mi pfiipomíná Hanu Hegerovou.<br />
Máte nûjaké plány do budoucna<br />
VÏdy, kdyÏ jsem si nûco naplánovala nebo jsem si myslela, Ïe nûco<br />
chci, pfii‰lo nûco jiného, co bylo nakonec lep‰í nebo zajímavûj‰í<br />
neÏ ten pÛvodní plán. Jednou bych moÏná chtûla pofiádat jazzové<br />
kurzy, ale kdo ví, co vlastnû bude. V souãasnosti dostávám v˘znamné<br />
hudební nabídky. Do kaÏdého koncertu dávám maximum a díky<br />
tomu to jde v‰echno dál samo. Já si teì jen pfieji, aby to tak<br />
pokraãovalo. M˘m cílem je spokojenost a dobrá práce.<br />
BE BOP BAR<br />
Female jazz violinists are a rare breed<br />
In the Be Bop bar of the Radisson SAS Alcron hotel, the<br />
establishment’s renowned barmen are preparing an attracti<strong>ve</strong><br />
drinks offer for their guests for the fall season. Sitting in the bar<br />
will be made e<strong>ve</strong>n more pleasant fi<strong>ve</strong> e<strong>ve</strong>nings of e<strong>ve</strong>ry week<br />
(always from Tuesday to Saturday) by some li<strong>ve</strong> jazz music. One<br />
of the performers is Anna Mlinariková, a young, <strong>ve</strong>ry talented,<br />
but also hardworking and ambitious, female jazz violinist. She<br />
already has many successes to her credit, including a year’s study<br />
abroad at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, where she<br />
was one of the best students.<br />
What sort of journey ha<strong>ve</strong> you made as a violinist from the beginning<br />
to the present day<br />
I’m the youngest of three sisters. We<br />
don’t come from a musical family at all,<br />
although my father’s from Hungary, which<br />
probably played a role. When they selected<br />
us for a music school at kindergarten, my<br />
father wanted us to try the violin. <strong>My</strong><br />
sisters didn’t find this instrument too<br />
appealing, but thanks to my father I decided<br />
I wanted to learn it. <strong>My</strong> family supported<br />
me in this from the <strong>ve</strong>ry beginning. <strong>My</strong><br />
mother in particular helped me a lot with<br />
training. I began enjoying myself in a<br />
children’s orchestra, which we played<br />
concerts with and o<strong>ve</strong>r time I was gradually<br />
promoted to first violin. At that time, I<br />
didn’t practice much but I was able to<br />
manage it. I originally wanted to go to a<br />
conservatory when I was fourteen. At the<br />
time I didn’t plan to become a violinist<br />
and play concerts, but I wanted to take<br />
lessons in playing the violin. E<strong>ve</strong>ntually,<br />
instead of the conservatory I decided to<br />
go to a secondary teaching college, where<br />
my interest in music deepened thanks to<br />
my playing of other instruments.<br />
And then came the JeÏek Conservatory<br />
Yes. After getting my school leaving certificate, I started studying<br />
the violin – classical technique. I no longer wanted to simply be a<br />
teacher of music, but wanted to play for people. Classical playing<br />
ceased to satisfy me after a while, because it has <strong>ve</strong>ry strict rules.<br />
E<strong>ve</strong>ryone has to play in the same way. It’s as though you are doing<br />
it according to a template.<br />
So you looked for something different<br />
During my second year at the JeÏek Conservatory, I began learning<br />
the saxophone with Zdenûk Ka‰par at the music school in Prague<br />
6. He showed me the way towards jazz. I gradually became<br />
acquainted with jazz theory, which I learned o<strong>ve</strong>r time, but could<br />
not put into practice. Although jazz also has <strong>ve</strong>ry fixed rules, when<br />
e<strong>ve</strong>ryone follows them, they can play together. These comprise<br />
the rules of improvisation, form, and rhythm – one improvises<br />
against a certain framework. These rules suit me. If you learn them,<br />
you can play freely and improvise. It’s a puzzle that has to be<br />
worked out. Jazz has a huge amount of freedom.<br />
BE BOP BAR<br />
20<br />
And then you crossed the ocean to study jazz<br />
The strings department at the JeÏek Conservatory did not work the<br />
way I imagined it would and in any case nobody taught jazz violin there.<br />
So I decided to break off my studies at the school in the fifth year and<br />
to go to the Berklee College of Music in Boston. I knew it was the<br />
most prestigious jazz school where they ha<strong>ve</strong> an interest in students<br />
who want to use of the knowledge they gain in practice but that people<br />
who don’t want to be professional musicians also study there. I completed<br />
two semesters there and altogether I studied four at once during the<br />
first one. I am enthusiastic about that school. E<strong>ve</strong>rything functions there<br />
and they work at a far greater intensity than they do here. The system<br />
of tuition is <strong>ve</strong>ry well thought-out and as a result jazz theory and practice<br />
tied in <strong>ve</strong>ry well for me. You ha<strong>ve</strong> to work <strong>ve</strong>ry hard though, because<br />
it is a <strong>ve</strong>ry tough school. They don’t gi<strong>ve</strong> you your scholarship until the<br />
end of the semester when you ha<strong>ve</strong> pro<strong>ve</strong>n your worth. I trained<br />
conscientiously from hour to hour. Thanks to the positi<strong>ve</strong> approach<br />
towards students, this school really motivated me. I learned to belie<strong>ve</strong><br />
in myself. Without having to force myself, I got up e<strong>ve</strong>ry day at six in<br />
the morning and practiced before I went to school for six hours a day<br />
on a<strong>ve</strong>rage, so that you could see some sort of progress. It was so<br />
intense that I completely ga<strong>ve</strong> up practicing for the three weeks between<br />
the two semesters when I was on vacation in the Czech Republic. I<br />
am still living off the practice I did while studying at Berklee to this day.<br />
E<strong>ve</strong>n now, after two years, I’m still finding out about the experiences<br />
that I gained there.<br />
Were you not tempted by a career in America<br />
I recei<strong>ve</strong>d an offer of a scholarship for another semester as well<br />
as an offer to play in America, but I had managed to do an awful<br />
lot of work during that year in Berklee. At the same time, the <strong>ve</strong>ry<br />
strong bond I felt to my home surprised me. I wanted to come<br />
home, because I want to li<strong>ve</strong> in the Czech Republic. In America,<br />
I would ha<strong>ve</strong> become a foreigner. The first year after returning to<br />
the Czech Republic was hard, because nobody knew me. I finished<br />
my last year at the JeÏek Conservatory and I had a graduation<br />
concert with a group at the Divadlo U HasiãÛ theatre. That’s<br />
where TomበSpurn˘ the artistic director of the Reduta Jazz Club<br />
noticed me. He offered me a gig there and that opened doors in<br />
the club scene for me. Thanks to Reduta a whole series of other<br />
concerts and jazz festivals followed.<br />
Do you ha<strong>ve</strong> your own group<br />
Yes. Our line-up consists of violin, piano, double bass and drums.<br />
I arrange Hungarian themes and virtuoso classical compositions.<br />
The basis must be melodic. I select a theme and this is improvised<br />
upon. We then return to the theme. I improvise from my head.<br />
Where can we hear you<br />
I regularly perform at the Semafor theatre in concerts called “Jazz<br />
Show” (Jazzparáda). I also invite guests to these such as Jifií Stivín<br />
or Petr Malásek. These are people I really respect. We always<br />
only meet up on the day of the concert, so it is always a little bit<br />
of an adrenalin rush for us in anticipation of what will happen. I<br />
present my concerts, but I also organize them as well. I don’t ha<strong>ve</strong><br />
a manager so it is sometimes demanding. During the concert itself<br />
I’m fine. By then it’s simply pleasant. I know how to relax and I<br />
can play well. If I’m enjoying it I can pass this on to the audience.<br />
I know that I can trust myself to handle it.<br />
But you also ha<strong>ve</strong> an acting role at the Semafor theatre…<br />
When I had my first concert at the Semafor, Jifií Such˘ also came<br />
to watch me. Fourteen days later he called me and offered me a<br />
small part in the play Suknû smutnou jehlou spíchnutá (“A Skirt<br />
Stitched Together With a Sad Needle”). I’m used to doing my<br />
own concerts. When I perform alone for myself, I don’t feel shy.<br />
But playing another character is quite hard for me. I ha<strong>ve</strong> a short<br />
monologue and a con<strong>ve</strong>rsation with Jifií ·tûdron. I play a writer<br />
who then becomes a jazz violinist. At the start she plays badly and<br />
then she launches into an improvisation on a Paganini composition.<br />
Do you ha<strong>ve</strong> any role model<br />
I don’t ha<strong>ve</strong> any role model. As far as jazz violinists are concerned,<br />
I mostly prefer not to listen to others so that they won’t influence<br />
me. I want to ha<strong>ve</strong> my own style. But I do look at who is working.<br />
I appreciate real professionals in their fields.<br />
You also perform in the Alcron. What’s it like for you to play here<br />
I was approached about performing in the Alcron by the pianist<br />
Vladimír Strnad, who plays here regularly. I like playing here. Foreigners<br />
like jazz, the staff here are wonderful and there’s a great atmosphere.<br />
It’s different compared to a normal concert, because people for the<br />
most part are not coming just for the music. Consequently, it means<br />
a lot to me when they clap. Whereas in the theatre you ha<strong>ve</strong> to<br />
clap because it’s the custom, here applause is a sign that people really<br />
like the music. Sometimes they’re also surprised to see a female jazz<br />
violinist, because in jazz women are mostly singers.<br />
What other musical e<strong>ve</strong>nts await you in the autumn<br />
I’ll be attending the Czech-Slovak violin summit in Pfierov, where I’ll<br />
be meeting with colleagues and jazz violinists. One thing that will be<br />
an interesting opportunity and experience is an autumn tour with<br />
the first Czech SuperStar Aneta Langerová. She has professional<br />
musicians playing with her who know what they want. It’s goodquality<br />
music. I can play different styles, but it’s all about the quality<br />
of the work. I appreciate Aneta. I like how she sings and how she<br />
and her brother ha<strong>ve</strong> approached her career. I appreciate how she<br />
maintains her privacy, how she works on herself and I also appreciate<br />
her strength and humanity, which reminds me of Hana Hegerová.<br />
Ha<strong>ve</strong> you any plans for the future<br />
Always, whene<strong>ve</strong>r I’<strong>ve</strong> planned something or thought that I wanted<br />
something, something else has come along that was e<strong>ve</strong>n better or<br />
more interesting than the original plan. One day, I would like to<br />
organize jazz courses, but who knows what’s around the corner. At<br />
the moment, I’m getting important musical offers. I always gi<strong>ve</strong> my<br />
all in e<strong>ve</strong>ry concert and thanks to this e<strong>ve</strong>rything takes care of itself.<br />
I only hope that it continues. <strong>My</strong> goal is contentment and good work.
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POVÍDÁNÍ S...<br />
WITH...<br />
George Novák<br />
Generální honorární konzul pro âeskou republiku v Georgii,<br />
prezident spoleãnosti George Novak Company a prÛkopník<br />
brnûnského basketbalu – to je jen letm˘ v˘ãet mnoha ãinností,<br />
které zastává ãesk˘ rodák George Novák Ïijící od roku 1968<br />
v Atlantû.<br />
Se svou firmou se v polovinû 90. let podílel jako iniciátor<br />
a koordinátor poradce projektového managementu na rekonstrukci<br />
hotelu Radisson SAS Alcron. Byl tak doslova pfii tom, kdyÏ se<br />
stará, zdevastovaná budova zaãala mûnit v souãasn˘, moderní,<br />
pûtihvûzdiãkov˘ hotel. Jsme proto <strong>ve</strong>lmi rádi, Ïe pan Novák<br />
pfiijal na‰e pozvání a popovídal si s námi o tom, jak práce na<br />
hotelu probíhaly.<br />
Jak to tedy v‰echno zaãalo<br />
V roce 1992 mû oslovil pan architekt Fechtner, také âech Ïijící<br />
v Atlantû (a mÛj dobr˘ znám˘), jestli bych se spolu s ním nechtûl<br />
podílet na rekonstrukci známého praÏského hotelu Alcron.<br />
Ta renovace byla plánovaná uÏ za komunistÛ a pÛvodnû ji mûly<br />
provádût Vojenské stavby. V první fázi bylo zapotfiebí hotel restituovat<br />
a podepsat smlouvu na restaurování a provozování se tfiemi<br />
dûdiãkami, manÏelkami architekta Krofty, zakladatele pÛvodního<br />
hotelu Alcron.<br />
To se, pfiedpokládám, podafiilo<br />
Nakonec ano, ale prÛbûh byl ponûkud komplikovan˘. Jedna z tûch<br />
restituentek Ïije v Praze, dal‰í v Monaku a tfietí v Peru. Jednání<br />
s nimi bylo sloÏité a nároãné a probíhalo v letech 1992 – 1995.<br />
Bûhem tûchto zdlouhav˘ch jednání jsme napfiíklad ztratili pfiíslib<br />
pana Konráda Hiltona, kter˘ mûl o provozování hotelu zpoãátku<br />
<strong>ve</strong>lk˘ zájem. Dlouhá jednání se <strong>ve</strong>dla také o samotn˘ název Alcron,<br />
na kter˘ si jako na intelektuální dûdictví dûlala nárok restituentka<br />
z Monaka.<br />
A kdy tedy zaãala vlastní pfiestavba hotelu<br />
PraÏská generální dodavatelská firma, Moravskoslezská Sta<strong>ve</strong>bní,<br />
zaãala hotel stavût 1. ledna 1996. Tedy vlastnû nejpr<strong>ve</strong> ãistit<br />
a bourat. Mezitím se dohodlo provozování hotelu s fietûzcem<br />
Radisson SAS.<br />
Narazili jste pfii rekonstrukci na nûjaké obtíÏe<br />
Samozfiejmû Ïe na spoustu. UÏ jenom jednání s památkáfii<br />
byla dost vyãerpávající. V hotelu je dost památkovû<br />
chránûn˘ch ãástí – napfiíklad fasáda, schodi‰tû, podlahy…<br />
S památkáfii jsme fie‰ili i rekonstrukci svítidel, pfiiãemÏ<br />
jako podklad jsme mûli tfieba jen jednu za‰lou dobovou<br />
ãernobílou fotografii a krabici od bot, <strong>ve</strong> které bylo pár<br />
stfiepÛ ze starého lustru. Za mal˘ technick˘ zázrak povaÏuji<br />
také to, Ïe se nám podafiilo do prostoru, kter˘ vÛbec<br />
nepoãítá se vzduchotechnikou, dostat potrubí rozvodÛ a strojní<br />
zafiízení. Tam se bojovalo o kaÏd˘ centimetr. Ov‰em nejvût‰í potíÏ<br />
nastala, kdyÏ firma Moravskoslezská Sta<strong>ve</strong>bní v prosinci 1996<br />
zkrachovala a sta<strong>ve</strong>bní práce se úplnû zastavily.<br />
Na jak dlouho<br />
Práce stály aÏ do ãervna 1997, kdy jsme se dohodli s hradeckou<br />
sta<strong>ve</strong>bní firmou Prima. KdyÏ jsme ale pfii‰li na sta<strong>ve</strong>ni‰tû, zjistili<br />
jsme, Ïe byla stavba pfies zimu ‰patnû zastfie‰ena a <strong>ve</strong>‰keré uÏ<br />
hotové prvky – podlahy, sádrokartony, elektroinstalace – v‰echno<br />
bylo zniãeno a muselo se to vymûnit. TakÏe hotel se de facto zaãal<br />
znovu stavût aÏ v záfií 1997. Nakonec byl dokonãen a otevfien<br />
1. 8. 1998. Od zaãátku prvních jednání tak celá rekonstrukce trvala<br />
sedm let a já obecnû fiíkám, Ïe v‰echno, co jsme v tomto hotelu<br />
postavili, se nakonec muselo dûlat dvakrát.<br />
To zní trochu jako horor.<br />
Nebylo to tak stra‰né, nûjaké komplikace se objeví vÏdycky<br />
a nakonec se nám v mnoha vûcech i dafiilo. Napfiíklad praÏsk˘<br />
magistrát stavbû od zaãátku <strong>ve</strong>lmi pfiál. Mûstem Praha 1 uÏ byl<br />
pfiedtím vystavûn betonov˘ skelet nad dne‰ním barem Be Bop,<br />
kter˘ mûl b˘t pouÏit˘ jako plánovaná pfiístavba hotelu. Nበin<strong>ve</strong>stor<br />
nakonec skelet od Prahy 1 koupil, a tím se zv˘‰ila kapacita hotelu<br />
na potfiebn˘ch 211 pokojÛ. V˘borná byla také spolupráce s panem<br />
architektem Nahálkou, jeho sta<strong>ve</strong>bním dozorem Nikolou Alivojvodicem<br />
a paní architektkou Vafiadis, která dokázala interiér hotelu navrhnout<br />
v poÏadovaném stylu art deco 30. let.<br />
Chodíte tedy dnes do hotelu Alcron rád<br />
Zcela jistû! Pfiekonání v‰ech pfiekáÏek, radost z dobfie udûlaného<br />
díla a zadostiuãinûní z práce v rodné zemi, to v‰e <strong>ve</strong> mnû zanechalo<br />
siln˘ emociální záÏitek. Mezi nûkolika sty projekty, na kter˘ch jsem<br />
<strong>ve</strong> své padesátileté praxi pracoval, je hotel Alcron zcela unikátní.<br />
UÏ jen tím, Ïe je v Praze. Doma. Navíc mnû k srdci pfiirostl<br />
i personál, kter˘ hotel tak úspû‰nû provozuje. Alcron je zkrátka<br />
hotel „s atmosférou“ tvofienou krásn˘m dobov˘m interiérem<br />
a perfektní prací zamûstnancÛ. Díky tomu v‰emu Alcron také jiÏ<br />
nûkolik let získává nejvy‰‰í pûtihvûzdiãkové vyznamenání Americké<br />
Akademie Pohostinsk˘ch SluÏeb. Alcron se pro mû stal „home<br />
away from home“ – domo<strong>ve</strong>m mimo domov – a vÏdy se tam<br />
moc tû‰ím.<br />
George Novák<br />
The Czech Republic’s Honorary Consul General in Georgia, the<br />
president of the George Novak Company and a Brno basketball<br />
pioneer – that’s just a quick rundown of some of the activities of<br />
Czech nati<strong>ve</strong> George Novák who has been living in Atlanta since<br />
1968. With his firm in the mid 1990s, he was the instigator and a<br />
consultant coordinator for the project management of the<br />
reconstruction of the Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel. He was literally<br />
present when an old devastated building began to be turned into<br />
a contemporary, modern fi<strong>ve</strong>-star hotel. So we are <strong>ve</strong>ry glad that<br />
Mr. Novák accepted our invitation to tell us how e<strong>ve</strong>rything went<br />
with the work on the hotel.<br />
How did it all start<br />
In 1992, an architect by the name of<br />
Fechtner, who was also Czech living<br />
in Atlanta (and a good acquaintance<br />
of mine), contacted me and asked if I<br />
would be interested in participating in<br />
the reconstruction of the well-known<br />
Alcron hotel in Prague. The renovation<br />
had already been planned under the<br />
communists and was originally meant<br />
to ha<strong>ve</strong> been done by Vojenské stavby.<br />
In the first stage, it was necessary to<br />
restitute the hotel and to sign a contract<br />
for its restoration and operation with<br />
three heiresses – the wi<strong>ve</strong>s of the<br />
architect Alois Krofta, the founder of<br />
the original Alcron hotel.<br />
I presume you succeeded in doing this<br />
E<strong>ve</strong>ntually, yes, but it was a rather<br />
complicated process. One of the<br />
restitution claimants li<strong>ve</strong>d in Prague,<br />
another li<strong>ve</strong>d in Monaco and the third<br />
was in Peru. Negotiations with them<br />
were complex and demanding. They<br />
took place in the years 1992 – 1995.<br />
During these protracted negotiations,<br />
for instance, we lost Conrad Hilton’s support for the project. He<br />
had been <strong>ve</strong>ry interested in running the hotel at the outset. There<br />
were also long negotiations o<strong>ve</strong>r the name of the Alcron itself, which<br />
had been the subject of intellectual inheritance claims by the restitution<br />
applicant from Monaco.<br />
And when did the actual reconstruction of the hotel start<br />
The Prague-based general supplier Moravskoslezská Sta<strong>ve</strong>bní began<br />
renovating the hotel on January 1, 1996. The first thing that had<br />
to be done was cleaning and demolishing work. In the meantime,<br />
an agreement on the running of the hotel with the Radisson SAS<br />
chain was settled.<br />
Did you run into any difficulties during the renovations<br />
Naturally there were a lot of difficulties. E<strong>ve</strong>n the dealings with<br />
preservationists were pretty exhausting. There are plenty of parts<br />
of the hotel that are protected, e.g. the facade, the stairs, the floors,<br />
etc. We e<strong>ve</strong>n had to resol<strong>ve</strong> the renovation of the light fittings with<br />
the preservationists. The only source materials we had for this was<br />
one frayed black-and-white period photograph and a shoebox<br />
containing a few fragments of an old chandelier. I also consider it a<br />
small technical miracle that we managed to get a pipe distribution<br />
system and machinery into premises that had ne<strong>ve</strong>r reckoned on<br />
air-conditioning. E<strong>ve</strong>ry centimeter had to be fought o<strong>ve</strong>r. Of course,<br />
the biggest problem arose when the Moravskoslezská Sta<strong>ve</strong>bní firm<br />
went bust in December 1996 and building work completely stopped.<br />
For how long<br />
Work came to a standstill until June 1997, when we came to an<br />
agreement with the Prima company from Hradec Králové. But<br />
then when we arri<strong>ve</strong>d on the building site, we disco<strong>ve</strong>red that the<br />
building had been improperly co<strong>ve</strong>red during the winter and all<br />
the finished components – floors, plasterboards, wiring – had been<br />
destroyed and would ha<strong>ve</strong> to be<br />
changed. So work did not<br />
effecti<strong>ve</strong>ly begin again on the hotel<br />
until September 1997. It was<br />
e<strong>ve</strong>ntually completed and opened<br />
on August 1, 1998. From the start<br />
of the first negotiations the entire<br />
reconstruction lasted se<strong>ve</strong>n years<br />
and in general I would say that<br />
e<strong>ve</strong>rything we constructed in this<br />
hotel e<strong>ve</strong>ntually ended up being<br />
done twice.<br />
It sounds like a bit of a horror story.<br />
It was not so terrible. Some<br />
complications always arise and<br />
ultimately many aspects of the<br />
project worked out <strong>ve</strong>ry well for<br />
us. For example, Prague’s municipal<br />
authorities were <strong>ve</strong>ry keen on<br />
the construction from the outset.<br />
Beforehand, Prague 1 had already<br />
built a concrete frame abo<strong>ve</strong> what<br />
is now the Be Bop bar, which was<br />
meant to ha<strong>ve</strong> been used as a<br />
planned annex of the hotel. Our<br />
in<strong>ve</strong>stor e<strong>ve</strong>ntually bought the<br />
frame from Prague 1 and thereby<br />
increased the hotel’s capacity to the required 211 rooms. We<br />
also enjoyed excellent cooperation with the architect Ivo Nahálka<br />
as well as with his quantity sur<strong>ve</strong>yor Nikola Alivojvodiç and the<br />
architect Maria Vafiadis, who managed to design the hotel's interior<br />
in the desired 1930s Art Deco style.<br />
Do you like going to the Alcron hotel today<br />
Absolutely! O<strong>ve</strong>rcoming all the obstacles, the joy of a job well<br />
done and the satisfaction of working in my homeland all ser<strong>ve</strong>d<br />
to ensure that this was a powerful experience for me. The Alcron<br />
hotel is completely unique among the hundreds of projects I’<strong>ve</strong><br />
worked on o<strong>ve</strong>r the course of fifty years, if only for the fact that<br />
it is in Prague, which is in my home country. Moreo<strong>ve</strong>r, I’<strong>ve</strong> also<br />
become fond of the staff who run the hotel so successfully. In<br />
short, the Alcron is a hotel “with an ambience”, which has been<br />
created by its beautiful period interior and the flawless work of<br />
its employees. All of this is another reason why the Alcron has<br />
been awarded the highest fi<strong>ve</strong>-star accolade of the American<br />
Academy of Hospitality Sciences for se<strong>ve</strong>ral years now. For me,<br />
the Alcron has become a “home away from home” and I always<br />
look forward to going there.<br />
v Praze, nepoãítáme-li pfiívozy a brody. Praha se díky<br />
kamennému mostu stala v˘znamnou zastávkou na evropsk˘ch<br />
obchodních cestách. Název KarlÛv most se vÏil aÏ kolem<br />
roku 1870 na základû dfiívûj‰ího podnûtu spisovatele Karla<br />
Havlíãka Borovského. Do té doby se mostu fiíkalo Kamenn˘<br />
nebo PraÏsk˘.<br />
KarlÛv most<br />
Praha je mûstem pln˘m malebn˘ch a romantick˘ch zákoutí. Jednou<br />
z památek, kterou byste pfii náv‰tûvû srdce Evropy rozhodnû<br />
nemûli vynechat, je KarlÛv most. Zatímco v minulosti se po nûm<br />
prohánûly koãáry taÏené koÀmi, tramvaje i autobusy a osobní<br />
automobily, dnes je most pû‰í zónou, kde mÛÏete potkat pouliãní<br />
malífie, hudebníky ãi obchodníky s upomínkov˘mi pfiedmûty. Tento<br />
kamenn˘ skvost Prahy oslavil letos 650 let od svého zaloÏení.<br />
KarlÛv most je nestar‰ím praÏsk˘m mostem slouÏícím svému úãelu<br />
a druh˘m nejstar‰ím dochovan˘m mostem v âeské republice. Spojuje<br />
Malou Stranu a Staré Mûsto. Klene se nejen pfies<br />
fieku Vltavu, ale také pfies ml˘nsk˘ náhon âertovku<br />
a ostrov Kampu. Je 515 metrÛ dlouh˘ a 9,5 metru<br />
‰irok˘, tvofien˘ ‰estnácti oblouky, tfiikrát zalomen˘<br />
a proti proudu vypoukl˘. Oba konce mostu jsou<br />
opatfieny stráÏními vûÏemi a branami. Na Malé<br />
Stranû to jsou malostranské mostecké vûÏe a na<br />
protûj‰ím bfiehu Staromûstská mostecká vûÏ. Na<br />
stranû Starého Mûsta si mÛÏete v Galerii u KfiiÏovníkÛ<br />
prohlédnout pozÛstatky jedné z vûÏí pÛvodního<br />
Juditina mostu, kter˘ byl roku 1342 strÏen pfii jarním<br />
tání ledÛ. KarlÛv most ho mûl nahradit.<br />
Základní kámen nového kamenného mostu poloÏil<br />
král Karel IV. 9. ãer<strong>ve</strong>nce 1357 v 5.31 hodin ráno.<br />
Podle astrologÛ byla v tento den a ãas pfiíznivá<br />
konstelace hvûzd. Jin˘ v˘klad si v‰ímá toho, Ïe datum odpovídá sledu<br />
lich˘ch ãísel od jedné do devíti a zpût, tedy 1-3-5-7-9-7-5-3-1. Most<br />
projektoval Petr Parléfi, kter˘ pfii‰el do Prahy ze ‰vábského Gmündu.<br />
Pokud jde o mostní pilífie, nezaloÏil je aÏ na skálu, protoÏe leÏela pfiíli‰<br />
hluboko. V literatufie se uvádûjí rÛzné hypotézy, jako napfiíklad zaloÏení<br />
mostních pilífiÛ na ml˘nsk˘ch kamenech poloÏen˘ch pfiímo na ‰tûrk<br />
v fieãi‰ti, zaloÏení na dfievûn˘ch ro‰tech, na nûÏ byly poloÏeny ml˘nské<br />
kameny, ãi zaloÏení pomocí vorÛ s ml˘nsk˘mi kameny, které byly<br />
potopeny v místech pilífiÛ. Stavûlo se z pískovcov˘ch kvádrÛ. Pro<br />
vût‰í pevnost mostu se do vápna údajnû pfiidávala syrová <strong>ve</strong>jce<br />
a mléko. Karel IV. stavbu osobnû kontroloval. Po smrti Petra Parléfie<br />
dílo pfievzali jeho pokraãovatelé. Most byl dokonãen v roce 1402,<br />
a aÏ do roku 1841 byl jedin˘m komunikaãním spojením pfies Vltavu<br />
Most, pÛvodnû prázdn˘, byl postupem ãasu ozdoben tfiiceti<br />
sochami a souso‰ími svûtcÛ pocházejícími pfieváÏnû<br />
z období baroka. Na místû, kde nechal Václav IV. svrhnout do fieky<br />
umuãeného generálního vikáfie Jana Nepomuckého, stojí socha tohoto<br />
svûtce, která je nejstar‰í sochou na Karlovû mostû a jako jediná je<br />
z bronzu. Je zde také v kovu vyobrazen˘ jeho pád do fieky. ¤íká se,<br />
Ïe dotknout se této kovové plastiky pfiiná‰í ‰tûstí.<br />
Jednou z povûstí, které jsou s mostem spojovány, je legenda o rytífii<br />
Bruncvíkovi. Jeho socha stojí na mostním pilífii <strong>ve</strong> vodû, mimo fiadu<br />
ostatních soch. Nûkde na mostû je pr˘ zazdûn BruncvíkÛv zázraãn˘<br />
meã, kter˘ podle legendy na jeho pfiání sám sráÏel hlavy nepfiátelÛm.<br />
AÏ jednou bude ãeské zemi nejhÛfi a na pomoc vyjede svat˘ Václav<br />
v ãele blanick˘ch rytífiÛ, tehdy pr˘ na mostû jeho kÛÀ rozkopne zem<br />
a meã se objeví, zniãí nepfiátele a bude navÏdy<br />
v âechách klid. Pfii opravû mostu po povodni<br />
z roku 1890 byl pr˘ skuteãnû obje<strong>ve</strong>n zrezivûl˘<br />
meã. Ten BruncvíkÛv to v‰ak zfiejmû nebyl. Nález<br />
ale nijak neudivuje, vÏdyÈ na mostû se bojovalo uÏ<br />
od husitsk˘ch válek.<br />
Zatímco války most samotn˘ neohrozily, <strong>ve</strong>lkou<br />
vodou byl za dobu své historie váÏnû ohroÏen<br />
vícekrát, a to jiÏ v prÛbûhu stavby. V ãer<strong>ve</strong>nci 1432<br />
zaplavila <strong>ve</strong>liká povodeÀ vût‰í ãást Starého Mûsta<br />
a bylo zbofieno pût mostních pilífiÛ. Most byl poté<br />
opravován aÏ do roku 1503, tedy cel˘ch 71 let.<br />
Pût mostních pilífiÛ bylo silnû po‰kozeno také<br />
v únoru 1784, kdy strÏené vory a ledy ucpaly oblouky<br />
mostu a voda pilífie podemlela. V záfií 1890 protrhly<br />
most klády z utrÏen˘ch vorÛ, které se o nûj zarazily a bily do jeho<br />
pilífiÛ. Celkem tfii mostní oblouky se zfiítily. Po dva roky nahrazovala<br />
zbofiené ãásti mostu dfievûná konstrukce. Pfii opravû pak byla pouÏita<br />
nová metoda. Pilífie se novû zakládaly na Ïelezn˘ch kesonech.<br />
V dal‰ích letech se postupnû pÛvodní pilífie dále zpevÀovaly men‰ími<br />
kesonov˘mi vûnci spu‰tûn˘mi kolem základÛ. Sta<strong>ve</strong>bní prÛzkum<br />
v letech 1966 – 1967 ukázal, Ïe most ohroÏují zejména trhlinky, jimiÏ<br />
vnikala do konstrukcí de‰Èová voda se solí ze zimních posypÛ vozovky.<br />
Následovala dÛmyslná generální oprava celého mostu, po níÏ byl<br />
most vyhrazen pouze pro pû‰í. Náklady na rekonstrukci ãinily asi 50<br />
milionÛ korun. Díky této in<strong>ve</strong>stici KarlÛv most vydrÏel bez viditelného<br />
po‰kození stoletou vodu, která Prahu postihla v roce 2002, a tak<br />
mÛÏeme obdivovat jeho krásu i nadále.<br />
Charles Bridge<br />
Prague is a city full of picturesque and romantic locations.<br />
One of the monuments that you should not forget to visit<br />
in the heart of Europe is the Charles Bridge. While horsedrawn<br />
carriages, trams, buses and e<strong>ve</strong>n passenger cars<br />
tra<strong>ve</strong>rsed this structure in the past, the bridge is now a<br />
pedestrian zone where you will come across street artists,<br />
musicians and traders selling sou<strong>ve</strong>nirs. This stone jewel of<br />
Prague is celebrating its 650th birthday this year.<br />
Charles Bridge is the oldest Prague bridge still in use and it is<br />
the second-oldest preser<strong>ve</strong>d bridge in the Czech Republic. It<br />
connects the Lesser Side (Malá Strana) and the Old Town<br />
(Staré Mûsto). It not only extends o<strong>ve</strong>r the Vltava Ri<strong>ve</strong>r, but<br />
also tra<strong>ve</strong>rses the âertovka millstream and Kampa Island. It is<br />
515 meters long and 9.5 meters high. It consists of 16 arches<br />
cranked three times and cambered against the current. Both<br />
ends of the bridge ha<strong>ve</strong> a watchtower and gates. The Malostranská<br />
bridge tower is on the Lesser Side and the Staromûstská bridge<br />
tower is on the opposite bank. At the Galerie U KfiiÏovníkÛ<br />
exhibition space on the Old Town side, you can see remnants<br />
of one of the towers of the original Judith Bridge, which was swept<br />
away during the spring thaw of 1342. Charles Bridge was meant<br />
to replace this original structure.<br />
The foundation stone of the new stone bridge was laid by Charles<br />
IV on 9 July 1357 at 5.31a.m. According to astrologers this date<br />
and time comprised an auspicious constellation. Another interpretation<br />
notes that the date consists of a palindromic sequence of odd<br />
digits from one to nine, i.e. 1-3-5-7-9-7-5-3-1. The bridge was<br />
designed by Peter Parléfi, who came to Prague from Schwäbisch<br />
Gmünd. As far as the bridge’s pillars are concerned, they were<br />
not laid on rock because this was too deep below the surface of<br />
the water. There are tracts that cite various hypotheses as to how<br />
this was done, such as that the bridge’s pillars were set on millstones<br />
placed directly on gra<strong>ve</strong>l in the ri<strong>ve</strong>rbed. Others suggest that they<br />
were laid on wooden grates, which had millstones placed on them<br />
or that they were laid using rafts with millstones that were sunk<br />
at the pillars’ locations. The structure was built from sandstone<br />
blocks. It is said that raw eggs and milk were added to lime to<br />
make the bridge stronger. Charles IV personally inspected the<br />
building of the bridge. After the death of Peter Parléfi, the work<br />
was taken o<strong>ve</strong>r by his successors. The bridge was completed in<br />
1402 and apart from ferries and fords it was the only connection<br />
across the Vltava Ri<strong>ve</strong>r in Prague until 1841. Thanks to its stone<br />
bridge, Prague became an important stop on European trade<br />
routes. The bridge was gi<strong>ve</strong>n the name Charles Bridge (KarlÛv<br />
Most) around 1870 on the basis of an earlier suggestion from the<br />
writer Karel Havlíãek Borovsk˘. Until that time, it had been called<br />
the Stone Bridge (Kamenn˘ Most) or Prague Bridge (PraÏsk˘ Most).<br />
The bridge was originally bare, but was gradually embellished with<br />
thirty statues and statuaries of saints, which primarily date back to<br />
the baroque era. The place where Wenceslas IV had the martyred<br />
vicar-general St. John of Nepomuk thrown into the ri<strong>ve</strong>r is now<br />
marked by a statue of the saint, which is the oldest statue on the<br />
bridge and the only one made of bronze. His fall into the ri<strong>ve</strong>r is<br />
also depicted here on a metal plaque. It is said that touching this<br />
metal carving brings good luck.<br />
One of the stories associated with the bridge is the legend of the<br />
Knight Bruncvík. His statue stands on a bridge pillar in the water<br />
among a number of other statues. It is said that Bruncvík’s miraculous<br />
sword is bricked up somewhere on the bridge. Legend has it that<br />
this weapon would chop off the heads of Bruncvík’s enemies by<br />
itself at the knight’s bidding. Apparently when the Czech Lands<br />
are most at risk, St. Wenceslas will come to their aid leading the<br />
Blaník knights. When this happens his horse will kick the ground<br />
on the bridge and the sword will appear to destroy the country’s<br />
enemies and lea<strong>ve</strong> Bohemia in peace for e<strong>ve</strong>rmore. Apparently,<br />
a rusty sword was actually found when the bridge was being<br />
repaired after floods in 1890, but this was probably not Bruncvík’s<br />
weapon. The disco<strong>ve</strong>ry was actually not really surprising as fights<br />
had taken place on the bridge since the time of the Hussite Wars.<br />
Although wars ne<strong>ve</strong>r endangered the bridge, it has been seriously<br />
threatened by floods se<strong>ve</strong>ral times throughout its history, e<strong>ve</strong>n<br />
when it was being built. In July 1432, a large portion of the Old<br />
Town was inundated and fi<strong>ve</strong> of the bridge's pillars were destroyed.<br />
The bridge was subsequently repaired and this work lasted until<br />
1503, i.e. 71 years in total. Fi<strong>ve</strong> of the bridge's pillars were also<br />
heavily damaged in 1784 when driftwood and ice clogged up the<br />
arches and the pillars were eroded by the water. In 1890, the<br />
bridge was torn by loose raft beams, which collided with it and<br />
pounded its pillars. In total, three arches collapsed. After two years,<br />
the destroyed part of the bridge was replaced by a wooden<br />
structure. A new method was used during the repairs with pillars<br />
being newly laid on iron caissons. In subsequent years, the original<br />
pillars were further fortified by smaller caisson rings set down<br />
around the foundations. A sur<strong>ve</strong>y carried out in the years 1966-<br />
1967 showed that the bridge was under threat, particularly as a<br />
result of cracks in the structure caused by rainwater and the salt<br />
that was sprinkled on the roadway during the wintertime. This<br />
resulted in a general o<strong>ve</strong>rhaul of the entire bridge, after which it<br />
became completely pedestrianized. The costs of the reconstruction<br />
came to around 50 million Czech crowns. Thanks to this in<strong>ve</strong>stment,<br />
the Charles Bridge managed to withstand the thousand-year flood<br />
that hit Prague in 2002 without suffering any visible damage, which<br />
means that we can still continue to admire its beauty today.<br />
Foto / Photo: CzechTourism<br />
A L C R O N<br />
Festival francouzského filmu letos oslaví<br />
10. narozeniny<br />
Jubilejní 10. roãník Festivalu francouzského filmu se<br />
rozjede <strong>ve</strong> dnech 22. – 28. listopadu 2007 do osmi<br />
mûst âeské republiky.<br />
Zprávy z Alcronu<br />
Rekonstrukce pokojÛ<br />
Pfiipravili jsme pro vás k prohlédnutí ãi k praktickému vyzkou‰ení<br />
dva dal‰í novû zrekonstruované pokoje, a to v kategoriích Standard<br />
a Junior Suite. Pokoje v této podobû budou plnû k dispozici od<br />
jara pfií‰tího roku. Poãátkem ledna zaãne jejich rekonstrukce, která<br />
bude probíhat takov˘m zpÛsobem, aby nedo‰lo k naru‰ení chodu<br />
hotelu.<br /><br />
Jsme rádi, Ïe vám mÛÏeme<br />
pfiedstavit nበnov˘ web,<br />
na nûmÏ budete moci<br />
jednodu‰e vyhledávat<br />
aktuální informace t˘kající<br />
se <strong>ve</strong>‰kerého dûní v na‰em<br />
hotelu, restauracích a baru.<br />
Web lze<br />
ãíst v ãeském ãi anglickém<br />
jazyce.<br />
Barmanské lekce v hotelu Radisson SAS Alcron<br />
MoÏnost nahlédnout do kuchynû ‰piãkov˘ch barmanÛ by ocenil snad<br />
kaÏd˘ milovník koktejlÛ, a proto jsme pro vás v baru Be Bop pfiipravili<br />
program, pfii nûmÏ se mÛÏete tfii vynikající koktejly nauãit míchat.<br />
Nej‰ikovnûj‰í novopeãen˘ barman nebo barmanka od nás obdrÏí<br />
dárkov˘ certifikát na nedûlní Jazz Brunch pro dvû osoby. Barmanská<br />
v˘uka bude dále zpestfiena obãerst<strong>ve</strong>ním formou koktejlové recepce<br />
a volnou konzumací nealkoholick˘ch nápojÛ, piva a vybran˘ch vín,<br />
ochutnávkou whisky, koÀaku ãi doutníkÛ, pfiípadnû doprovodn˘m<br />
programem, kter˘ tvofií barmanská show, hudební produkce a kasino.<br />
Pokud vás tato nabídka zaujala, neváhejte nás v pfiípadû dal‰ích<br />
dotazÛ kdykoli kontaktovat na telefonním ãísle +420 222 820 075<br />
ãi na e-mailové adrese:<br />
Francouzsk˘ filmov˘ svátek podporovan˘ hotelem Alcron<br />
jiÏ od roku 2002 zavítá letos na podzim do 14 kin po<br />
celé âeské<br />
republice a tradiãnû<br />
pfiedstaví nûkolik<br />
pfiedpremiér, které<br />
pfiijedou uvést<br />
francouz‰tí umûlci.<br />
V minul˘ch letech<br />
festival pfiivítal mezi<br />
sv˘mi hosty autora<br />
slavn˘ch<br />
francouzsk˘ch<br />
komedií Clauda<br />
Zidiho, reÏiséra<br />
alÏírského pÛvodu<br />
Tonyho Gatlifa<br />
nebo mladou<br />
hereckou hvûzdu<br />
Romaina Durise<br />
(na fotografii v Be Romain Duris v baru Be Bop / in the Be Bop Bar<br />
Bop baru hotelu Alcron).<br />
Leto‰ní festival zahájí pfiedpremiéra animovaného snímku Persepolis<br />
iránské tvÛrkynû Marjane Satrapiové, ovûnãeného cenou poroty<br />
z mezinárodního filmového festivalu v Cannes. Desát˘ roãník dále<br />
nabídne obno<strong>ve</strong>nou premiéru filmové klasiky Luise Buñuela<br />
Nenápadn˘ pÛvab burÏoazie. Nebude chybût V˘bûr ãeské kritiky,<br />
selekce nov˘ch filmÛ, pro které se rozhodli renomovaní novináfii<br />
partnersk˘ch médií. Novinkou 10. roãníku festivalu je soutûÏní<br />
sekce filmÛ o Cenu divákÛ, která bude udûlena na základû hlasování<br />
publika o nejlep‰í film z nedistribuovan˘ch titulÛ.<br />
Od 22. do 28. listopadu obsadí 10. Festival francouzského filmu<br />
<strong>ve</strong> Francouzském institutu v Praze a kinosály sítû Europa Cinemas:<br />
praÏská kina Svûtozor a Lucerna, brnûnsk˘ Art, budûjovické kino<br />
Kotva a kino Centrál v Hradci Králové. Festival oslaví deset let své<br />
existence také v multiplexech Palace Cinemas, kde budou u<strong>ve</strong>deny<br />
nejúspû‰nûj‰í francouzské filmy posledních let. PraÏsk˘ hotel Radisson<br />
SAS Alcron se bûhem festivalu opût stane místem setkání francouzsk˘ch<br />
umûlcÛ, ãesk˘ch filmov˘ch profesionálÛ a zastupcÛ ãesk˘ch médií.<br />
Více informací naleznete na internetov˘ch stránkách<br />
News from Alcron<br />
Renovation of rooms<br />
We ha<strong>ve</strong> prepared two more newly renovated rooms for you to<br />
ha<strong>ve</strong> a look at and put to a practical test. These rooms are in the<br />
Standard and Junior Suite categories. Rooms in this form will be<br />
fully available from the spring of next year. Their renovation will<br />
begin at the start of January. This will proceed in such a way that<br />
it will not disrupt the running of the hotel.<br />
Novû rekonstruovan˘ pokoj / Newly designed room<br /><br />
We are delighted that we can now present our new website to<br />
you, which will provide you with a simple way of looking up<br />
current information concerning all e<strong>ve</strong>nts in our hotel, restaurants<br />
and bar. The website is in Czech and in English.<br />
Bar-tending lessons at the Radisson SAS Alcron<br />
hotel<br />
E<strong>ve</strong>ry cocktail lo<strong>ve</strong>r would perhaps appreciate an opportunity<br />
to ha<strong>ve</strong> a look at the kitchen of top-class barmen. Consequently,<br />
the Be Bop bar has prepared a program for you in which<br />
you can learn how to mix three outstanding cocktails. The<br />
most skilful newly trained barman or barmaid will recei<strong>ve</strong> a<br />
gift certificate from us for a Sunday Jazz Brunch for two<br />
people. Bar-tending lessons will also be li<strong>ve</strong>ned up with<br />
refreshments in the form of a cocktail reception and the free<br />
consumption of non-alcoholic be<strong>ve</strong>rages, beers and selected<br />
wines as well as by sampling whisky, cognac or cigars. There<br />
will also be an accompanying program comprising a barman<br />
show, music productions and a casino.<br />
If this offer has caught your eye, please do not hesitate to<br />
contact us any time if you ha<strong>ve</strong> any further queries. You can<br />
get in touch with us by calling this number:<br />
+420 222 820 075 or by writing to this email address:<br /><br />
Festival of French Film celebrates tenth anni<strong>ve</strong>rsary<br />
this year<br />
The jubilee tenth anni<strong>ve</strong>rsary of the Festival of French Film will<br />
take off and visit eight cities in the Czech Republic from No<strong>ve</strong>mber<br />
22 through 28, 2007.<br />
This French film holiday, supported by the Alcron Hotel since<br />
2002, will arri<strong>ve</strong> at fourteen cinemas throughout the Czech Republic.<br />
As is traditional, French artists will be present to introduce se<strong>ve</strong>ral<br />
pre-release showings. In preceding years, the<br />
festival has welcomed guests such as Claude<br />
Zidi, the creator of numerous famous French<br />
comedies; Tony Gatlif, the well-known Algerianborn<br />
director; and the young acting star Romain<br />
Duris (shown during his visit to the Alcron Hotel’s<br />
Be Bop Bar).<br />
This year’s festival will start off with a pre-premiere<br />
showing of Persopolis, an animated film directed<br />
by Marjane Satrapi, who is Iranian of Turkish<br />
ancestry. She enjoyed great success and recei<strong>ve</strong>d<br />
an award at the Cannes International Film Festival.<br />
Other offerings of the Festival’s tenth year include<br />
the renewed premiere of Luis Buñuel’s film classic<br />
Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie (The Discreet<br />
Charm of the Bourgeoisie). The section named<br />
Czech Critics’ Choice, which includes new films<br />
selected by renowned journalists from partnering<br />
media, will not be absent. A new feature that<br />
will be introduced at this year’s tenth anni<strong>ve</strong>rsary<br />
celebration is a competition for a Viewers’ Award,<br />
which will be gi<strong>ve</strong>n out on the basis of public<br />
voting for the best picture from the undistributed films.<br />
From No<strong>ve</strong>mber 22 through 28, the Festival of French Film will<br />
occupy the screening room of the French Institute in Prague and<br />
the Europa Cinemas theatres: the Svûtozor and Lucerna in Prague,<br />
the Art in Brno, the Kotva in âeské Budûjovice, and the Centrál<br />
in Hradec Králové. The<br />
festival will also<br />
celebrate the ten years<br />
of its existence in the<br />
eight Palace Cinemas<br />
multiplexes, which will<br />
be showing the most<br />
successful French films<br />
of the past se<strong>ve</strong>ral<br />
years. O<strong>ve</strong>r the course<br />
of the festival, Prague’s<br />
Radisson SAS Alcron<br />
Hotel will once again<br />
be the meeting place<br />
of French artists, Czech<br />
film professionals, and<br />
representati<strong>ve</strong>s from<br />
Czech media.<br />
More information can<br />
be found at<br />
CZECH<br />
Pohádka s.r.o.<br />
Loutkáfiství a divadelnictví má v âechách dlouholetou tradici.<br />
Spoleãnost Pohádka s.r.o. na tuto tradici navazuje a pfiedstavuje<br />
‰iroké domácí i zahraniãní <strong>ve</strong>fiejnosti pestrou nabídku ãesk˘ch<br />
loutek a marionet od tradiãních aÏ po umûlecká díla. Jedná se<br />
o ruãnû vyrábûné loutky a marionety, které mají buì klasická<br />
vodítka s jednoduch˘m ovládáním urãená pro ‰irokou <strong>ve</strong>fiejnost,<br />
nebo profesionální vodítka urãená pro znalce a odbornou skupinu<br />
divadelníkÛ ãi sbûratele umûní.<br />
V obchÛdcích spoleãnosti Pohádka si mÛÏete vybrat z nejznámûj‰ích<br />
loutek ãesk˘ch autorÛ. âekají tu na vás pohádkové postaviãky<br />
– ka‰párek, ãarodûj, jeÏibaba i princezna a pochopitelnû i draci.<br />
A potom rÛzná zvífiátka, bytosti z ãesk˘ch povûstí a legend, ale<br />
také populární osobnosti ãesk˘ch dûjin a národních tradic, jako<br />
napfiíklad Karel IV., magistr Kelly ãi ·<strong>ve</strong>jk. NemÛÏe tu chybût ani<br />
pan Spejbl s Hurvínkem.<br />
Od roku 1997 se firma pfiestala zab˘vat v˘hradnû<br />
obchodními aktivitami, ale roz‰ífiila svou ãinnost<br />
i o spolupráci s dûtsk˘mi ústavy, ‰kolsk˘mi úfiady a jeslemi.<br />
Cel˘ projekt spoleãnosti Pohádka s.r.o. má nadále<br />
doplÀovat obchodnû-kulturní zámûr reprezentace ãeské<br />
lidové tvorby a propagace dûtské tematiky. Firma stále<br />
pracuje na jeho roz‰ifiování, aby nabídka byla co nejlep‰í<br />
a nejucelenûj‰í. Zdá se, Ïe jde o hodnotn˘ a nepochybnû<br />
úspû‰n˘ projekt.<br />
Firemní obchÛdek s hraãkami v Celetné ulici má název „U Zlatého<br />
lva“. V souãasné dobû je v tomto domû za vfielé podpory jeho<br />
majitele provozována nejen prodejna divadelních loutek, dfievûn˘ch<br />
hraãek a drobn˘ch su<strong>ve</strong>n˘rÛ zastupujících kompletní ãeskou tvorbu<br />
tuzemsk˘ch v˘robcÛ hraãek a dárkového zboÏí, ale dají se tu koupit<br />
také ‰achy s historick˘mi bitvami z ãesk˘ch i svûtov˘ch dûjin, dobové<br />
repliky a v neposlední fiadû se mÛÏeme projít mal˘m muzeem<br />
hlavolamÛ.<br /><br />
Pohádka s.r.o., Celetná 32, Praha 1<br />
Tel.: 224 239 469<br /><br />
PR ãlánek<br />
Postav dfievûn˘ch hercÛ se tu najde je‰tû daleko více, ale obchÛdek<br />
nabízí kromû nich také <strong>ve</strong>lice pestrou ‰kálu dfievûn˘ch hraãek.<br />
Najdete tu sta<strong>ve</strong>bnice, tradiãní ãeské mechanické a pohybové<br />
hraãky, dfievûná houpadla a koníky, repliky dfievûn˘ch zbraní,<br />
dfievûné domeãky s nábytkem, dfievûné panáãky, dfievûné náfiadí,<br />
dfievûné modely aut, lodí a letadel, balony, létající ptáky, hlavolamy,<br />
dfievûné puzzle, pí‰Èalky a dal‰í hraãky, které rozvíjejí dûtskou<br />
zruãnost, bystrost i fantazii a napomáhají v˘uce jemné a hrubé<br />
motoriky.<br />
Jak vidíte, cílem spoleãnosti Pohádka s.r.o. je maximálnû vyhovût<br />
pestrostí nabídky, pfiedev‰ím ãeské hraãkáfiské produkce. Od roku<br />
1995 tato obchodní hraãkáfiská firma roz‰ífiila nabídku ãesk˘ch<br />
hraãek a dûtského zboÏí o kompletní domácí tvorbu <strong>ve</strong>lk˘ch<br />
hraãkáfisk˘ch podnikÛ, drobn˘ch manufaktur, hraãkáfisk˘ch firem<br />
a umûlcÛ tvofiících pro dûti. Projekt „âeské tvorby“ má obchodnûfilozofick˘<br />
zámûr ‰iroce propagovat lidovou i umûleckou divadelní<br />
a filmovou tvorbu. V˘robky ãeské produkce by tak mûly zv˘‰it<br />
kulturní úro<strong>ve</strong>À samotného centra Prahy, ale i vûhlas hlavního<br />
mûsta âech jako v˘znamného centra národní i celoevropské kultury.<br />
Na takto koncipovaném projektu zaãala spoleãnost Pohádka s.r.o.<br />
spolupracovat se spisovateli, malífii a filmov˘mi tvÛrci pro dûti.<br />
As you can see, Pohádka s.r.o.’s goal is to accommodate the<br />
di<strong>ve</strong>rsity of the products on offer, particularly in terms of Czech<br />
toy production. Since 1995, this commercial toy firm has extended<br />
its range of Czech toys and children’s goods to include the complete<br />
domestic production of large-scale toy-making enterprises, smallscale<br />
manufacturers, toy-making firms and artists making products<br />
for children. The “Czech Arts” (“âeské tvorby”) project has the<br />
commercial and philosophical objecti<strong>ve</strong> of widely promoting folk<br />
production as well as artistic, theatrical and film works. Czechmade<br />
products should therefore raise the cultural le<strong>ve</strong>l of the<br />
center of Prague itself, but also enhance the renown of the capital<br />
city of the Czech Lands as an important center of national and<br />
pan-European culture. Within the conceptual framework of this<br />
project, Pohádka s.r.o. began cooperating with writers, painters<br />
and filmmakers for children.<br />
Pohádka s.r.o.<br />
Puppeteering and the dramatic arts ha<strong>ve</strong> a longstanding tradition<br />
in the Czech Lands. The company Pohádka s.r.o. (“Fairytale,<br />
Ltd.”) is continuing this tradition. It offers the general public and<br />
foreign visitors a wide range of Czech puppets and marionettes,<br />
ranging from traditional figures to works of art. These are<br />
handmade puppets and marionettes that either ha<strong>ve</strong> classical<br />
guide rods and strings, which are easily manipulated and intended<br />
for the general public, or they are figures with guide rods and<br />
strings intended for experts and groups of theatre professionals<br />
or art collectors.<br />
At Pohádka stores, you can choose from the most famous puppets<br />
created by Czech artists, including fairytale characters such as<br />
Punchinello, a wizard, a witch, a princess and of course dragons<br />
as well. In addition, you can get various animals, creatures from<br />
Czech myths and legends, and popular<br />
characters from Czech history and national<br />
traditions such as Charles IV, Magister Kelly<br />
and The Good Soldier ·<strong>ve</strong>jk. It goes without<br />
saying that you can also get Spejbl and<br />
Hurvínek puppets.<br />
The firm has ceased to pursue exclusi<strong>ve</strong>ly commercial operations<br />
since 1997 and has extended its activity to include cooperation<br />
with children’s institutions, educational authorities and day nurseries.<br />
The entire undertaking of Pohádka s.r.o. is to continuously<br />
complement the commercial and cultural objecti<strong>ve</strong> of representing<br />
Czech folk production and promoting children’s themes. The firm<br />
is constantly working on its expansion so that the range of goods<br />
and services it offers is both comprehensi<strong>ve</strong> and as good as it can<br />
be. It appears to be a valuable and undoubtedly successful project.<br />
The company’s toyshop on Celetná Street is called “The Golden<br />
Lion” (“U Zlatého lva”). At present, with the fer<strong>ve</strong>nt support of<br />
its owner, this outlet does not just sell theatre puppets, wooden<br />
toys and small sou<strong>ve</strong>nirs representing the total Czech output of<br />
local gift and toy products, but also proffers chess <strong>ve</strong>rsions of<br />
historical battles from Czech and world history as well as period<br />
replicas. Last but not least, visitors can also peruse a small museum<br />
of puzzles.<br /><br />
Pohádka s.r.o., Celetná 32, Praha 1<br />
Tel.: 224 239 469<br /><br />
PR article<br />
You can find lots more wooden characters<br />
but in addition to these each shop also<br />
proffers a wide range of wooden toys. This<br />
is a place where you can come across building<br />
sets, traditional Czech mechanical toys and<br />
locomoti<strong>ve</strong> toys, wooden rockers and ponies,<br />
replicas of wooden weapons, wooden dolls’<br />
houses with furniture, wooden figures, wooden<br />
tools, wooden models of cars, boats and<br />
airplanes, balloons, puzzles, wooden jigsaws,<br />
whistles and other toys, which de<strong>ve</strong>lop a<br />
child’s dexterity, intelligence and imagination<br />
and also promote the de<strong>ve</strong>lopment of fine<br />
and gross motor skills.<br />
VÁNOCE<br />
Vánoãní a Sil<strong>ve</strong>strovské oslavy<br />
v hotelu Alcron<br />
Praha je krásné a v˘jimeãné mûsto v jakoukoli roãní dobu.<br />
V ãase vánoãních svátkÛ, pod snûhov˘m popra‰kem, v‰ak na<br />
Vás d˘chne tajemné pohádkové kouzlo, aÈ uÏ obdivujete majestátní<br />
praÏsk˘ Hrad, starobyl˘ KarlÛv most ãi se touláte kfiivolak˘mi<br />
uliãkami Starého mûsta.<br />
Tisíce svût˘lek v ulicích, stánky s tradiãními ãesk˘mi v˘robky,<br />
vonící skofiicí a svafien˘m vínem, obchody, útulné hospÛdky<br />
a restaurace slavnostnû vyzdobené, Ïivé betlémy, vánoãní koncerty<br />
v kostelích a historick˘ch palácích dokreslují neopakovatelnou<br />
atmosféru vánoãních svátkÛ. Po zimní procházce je na ãase<br />
relaxovat a vychutnat si svátky <strong>ve</strong> spoleãnosti Va‰ich nejbliωích<br />
v hotelu Radisson SAS Alcron.<br />
Vyberte si z na‰í vánoãní a sil<strong>ve</strong>strovské nabídky!<br />
Veselé Vánoce a ‰Èastn˘ Nov˘ rok!<br />
·tûdro<strong>ve</strong>ãerní <strong>ve</strong>ãefie<br />
24. prosince, 2007, restaurace La Rotonde,<br />
otevfieno od 19.00 do 22.30 hod.<br />
V ‰iroké nabídce bufetu nebudou chybût tradiãní ãeské vánoãní<br />
pokrmy vãetnû smaÏeného kapra a bramborového salátu, peãená<br />
kachna s knedlíky a ãer<strong>ve</strong>n˘m zelím, ale i mnoho dal‰ích vánoãních<br />
specialit mezinárodní kuchynû. Pfiíjemnou atmosféru pfii dobrém<br />
jídle doplní sváteãní Ïivá hudba.<br />
EUR 49,- na osobu. Dûti do 12 let obdrÏí 50% slevu.<br />
Cena zahrnuje bufet, uvítací drink, kávu nebo ãaj.<br />
Ostatní nápoje mohou b˘t objednány à la carte.<br />
Vánoãní Brunch<br />
25. prosince 2007, restaurace La Rotonde,<br />
otevfieno od 12 do 15 hod.<br />
Vánoãní bufetová nabídka, punã, Ïivá hudba, Santa Klaus s dárky<br />
pro dûti, dûtsk˘ koutek, dûtsk˘ bufet.<br />
EUR 49,- na osobu. Dûti do 12 let obdrÏí 50% slevu.<br />
Cena zahrnuje bufet, sklenici sektu, nealkoholické nápoje, víno dle<br />
denní nabídky, pivo, kávu nebo ãaj.<br />
Ostatní nápoje mohou b˘t objednány à la carte.<br />
Sil<strong>ve</strong>strovsk˘ <strong>ve</strong>ãer – Tanec pod hvûzdami<br />
Sál Crystal Ballroom, otevfieno od 19.30 do 1.00 hod.<br />
Restaurace La Rotonde, otevfieno od 19.30 do 1.00 hod.<br />
Be Bop Bar, otevfieno od 19.00 hod.<br />
Slavnostní <strong>ve</strong>ãer s Ïivou hudbou a tancem v elegantním<br />
sále Crystal Ballroom. Hlavním programem <strong>ve</strong>ãera je show,<br />
kde Vám budou pfiedsta<strong>ve</strong>ny rÛzné taneãní styly. Hosté<br />
jsou rovnûÏ zváni k tanci a ten nejlep‰í pár vyhrává cenu!<br />
Sil<strong>ve</strong>str slaví cel˘ hotel, proto budete moci zavítat také do<br />
baru Be Bop, kde Vám k poslechu bude hrát Ïivá jazzová hudba,<br />
anebo zkusit ‰tûstí v kasinu, které bude pfiipra<strong>ve</strong>no restauraci La<br />
Rotonde. Hosté mohou vydraÏit v aukci víkend v nûkterém z hotelÛ<br />
Radisson SAS ãi dal‰í zajímavou cenu.<br />
EUR 170,- na osobu.<br />
Cena zahrnuje <strong>ve</strong>ãefii formou bufetu, uvítací drink, novoroãní pfiípitek,<br />
vybrané alkoholické nápoje a koktejly, ‰irokou nabídku vín, pivo<br />
a nealkoholické nápoje, vãetnû kupónu pro kasino. Ostatní nápoje<br />
a ‰ampaÀské mohou b˘t objednány a la carte. Restaurace Alcron<br />
bude otevfiena pro slavnostní <strong>ve</strong>ãefii formou à la carte.<br />
Novoroãní Brunch<br />
1. ledna 2008, restaurace La Rotonde,<br />
otevfieno od 11 do 15.30 hod.<br />
EUR 49,- na osobu. Dûti do 12 let obdrÏí 50% slevu.<br />
Cena zahrnuje bufetovou nabídku, sklenici sektu, nealkoholické nápoje,<br />
víno dle denní nabídky, pivo, kávu<br />
nebo ãaj. Ostatní nápoje mohou<br />
b˘t objednány à la carte.<br />
Pro rezervace nebo informace<br />
o u<strong>ve</strong>den˘ch nabídkách nás<br />
kontaktujte na tel.: 222 820 000<br />
nebo e-mailu:<br /><br />
Vánoce a Sil<strong>ve</strong>str<br />
exkluzivnû<br />
v restauraci Alcron<br />
V pfiípadû, Ïe si pfiejete<br />
exkluzivnû rezervovat restauraci<br />
Alcron (pro max. 20 osob),<br />
kontaktujte nás na tel.:<br />
222 820 028 ãi e-mailem na<br /><br />
Pro rezervace pokojÛ prosím nav‰tivte<br /> nebo<br />
volejte +420 222 820 046-48.<br />
Christmas & NYE Celebration<br />
at the Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel<br />
A beautiful and exciting city anytime of the year, Prague becomes<br />
an enchanting fairy tale come true when visited by winter’s<br />
gentle snows. From the majestic Prague Castle, to Charles Bridge<br />
to Old Town Square, down quaint and historic streets, you will<br />
be entranced by Prague’s Yuletide magic…<br />
Towering trees festi<strong>ve</strong>ly decorated and aglow with a multitude<br />
of lights; charming markets offering traditional handcrafted gifts,<br />
tempting food and drink; shops, pubs and restaurants bedecked<br />
and bejeweled for the holiday season; li<strong>ve</strong> Nativity Scenes;<br />
Christmas concerts performed in churches and palaces – it’s<br />
truly a winter wonderland just waiting for you to experience!<br />
When you’<strong>ve</strong> seen and done it all, it’s time to relax in the cozy<br />
atmosphere of the Alcron Hotel and enjoy one of our Gala<br />
Holiday Dinner Parties.<br />
Wishing you Happy Holidays in Prague!<br />
Christmas E<strong>ve</strong> Gala Dinner<br />
December 24, 2007, La Rotonde Restaurant,<br />
open 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm<br />
The buffet features traditional Czech holiday favorites such as fried<br />
carp and potato salad and roast duck with dumplings and red<br />
cabbage, as well as a wide selection of international specialties –<br />
all accompanied by holiday music.<br />
EUR 49,- per person. Children under 12 years of age are half price.<br />
Includes Buffet, Welcome drink and coffee or tea.<br />
All other be<strong>ve</strong>rages can be ordered à la carte.<br />
Christmas Day Brunch<br />
December 25, 2007, La Rotonde Restaurant,<br />
open from 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm<br />
Christmas Buffet, Punch Corner, Li<strong>ve</strong> music, Santa Claus with<br />
presents for Kids, Children’s Corner Buffet.<br />
EUR 49 per person. Children under 12 years of age are half price.<br />
Includes Buffet, 1 glass of sparkling wine, nonalcoholic drinks, house<br />
wine, beer and coffee or tea.<br />
All other be<strong>ve</strong>rages can be ordered à la carte.<br />
New Year’s E<strong>ve</strong> Dancing Under the Stars<br />
Crystal Ballroom, open from 7:30 pm to 1:00 am<br />
La Rotonde Restaurant, open from 7:30 pm to 1:00 am<br />
Be Bop Bar, open from 7:00 pm<br />
A Festi<strong>ve</strong> E<strong>ve</strong>ning of Dance with music provided by a li<strong>ve</strong> band<br />
playing all types of dance music in the elegant Crystal Ballroom.<br />
The highlight of the night is a li<strong>ve</strong> show presenting different dance<br />
styles. Guests are invited to join in the dancing – and the best<br />
dancing couple will win a prize! There will also be se<strong>ve</strong>ral other<br />
entertainment activities available for guests, including li<strong>ve</strong> jazz music<br />
in the Be Bop Bar and a Casino in the La Rotonde Restaurant.<br />
Plus, guests can win a weekend in a Radisson SAS Hotel or other<br />
surprises at an auction!<br />
EUR 170,- per person.<br />
Includes Buffet dinner, Welcome Cocktail, New Year’s toast, selected<br />
spirits and cocktails, wide selection of wine, beer and nonalcoholic<br />
drinks, as well as “Lucky Casino Chips” for Casino games. Other<br />
be<strong>ve</strong>rages and Champagne can be ordered a la carte.<br />
The Alcron Restaurant will be open for à la carte dining.<br />
New Year’s Day Brunch<br />
January 1, 2008,<br />
La Rotonde Restaurant,<br />
open from 11:00 am to 3:30 pm<br />
EUR 49,- per person. Children under 12 years of age are half price.<br />
Includes Buffet, 1 glass of sparkling wine, nonalcoholic drinks, house<br />
wine, beer and coffee or tea.<br />
All other be<strong>ve</strong>rages can be ordered à la carte.<br />
For reservations for the abo<strong>ve</strong> holiday parties please contact us<br />
at +420 222 820 000<br />
or at<br />
Exclusi<strong>ve</strong> Christmas and NYE<br />
in the Alcron Restaurant<br />
Should you be interested in exclusi<strong>ve</strong> Christmas and NYE dinner in<br />
the Alcron Restaurant (up to 20 people),<br />
please contact us at<br />
Tel: +420 222 820 028, Email:<br />
For room reservations, please visit:<br />
For direct phone reservations please call us at<br />
+420 222 820 046-48.<br />
mít moÏnost zhlédnout tuto kultovní a záro<strong>ve</strong>À kontro<strong>ve</strong>rzní<br />
skupinu poprvé Ïivû. Lube je pop rockovou formací<br />
zamûfienou na národní a military tematiku, coÏ rovnûÏ<br />
pfiispûlo k jejich úspûchu. Prosincov˘ koncert v Kongresovém<br />
centru je jedineãnou pfiíleÏitostí vidût jejich Ïivé vystoupení<br />
a poslechnout si, Ïe mají skuteãnû, co fiíci.<br />
Kulturní události<br />
SHOW<br />
Mamma mia!<br />
10. 10. – 18. 10. 2007, Praha, Sazka Arena<br />
Celosvûtovû znám˘ muzikál inspirovan˘ jedineãn˘mi skladbami ‰védské<br />
skupiny ABBA bude mít v rámci mezinárodního turné svoji ãeskou<br />
premiéru. Jeho dûj nás pfienese na mal˘ fieck˘ ostrov, kam v pfied<strong>ve</strong>ãer<br />
své svatby, v touze poznat svého pravého otce pfiivádí nevûsta tfii<br />
muÏe, ktefií se pfied dvaceti lety mihli Ïivotem její matky.<br />
Apassionata<br />
7. 12. 2007 od 19.30 hodin, Praha, Sazka Arena<br />
Jezdecká show s témûfi 40 hfiebci, dvûma osly a souãasn˘mi nejlep‰ími<br />
jezdci bere diváky na <strong>ve</strong>lkolepou a dojímavou v˘pravu. Turné „âtyfii<br />
roãní období“, je vûnováno koni jako odrazu krajiny, která je spojena<br />
s roãními obdobími. V‰e je doplnûno krásn˘m hlasem islandské<br />
operetní pûvkynû Arndis Halla, vynikajícími taneãníky, nádhern˘mi<br />
kost˘my a zvlá‰tními efekty.<br />
Gwen Stefani<br />
20. 10. 2007 od 20 hodin, Praha, Sazka Arena<br />
Jedna z nejúspû‰nûj‰ích americk˘ch popov˘ch zpûvaãek souãasnosti<br />
dorazí do Prahy v rámci svého úspû‰ného turné. V‰ichni fanou‰ci se<br />
mohou tû‰it na Ïi<strong>ve</strong>lnou show této Ïeny, která je také módní návrháfikou.<br />
Apocalyptica<br />
5. 11. 2007 od 20 hodin Praha, Kongresové centrum<br />
Fenomenální finské violoncellové uskupení, které je známé pfiedev‰ím<br />
interpretací pÛvodnû heavy metalov˘ch skladeb, se po vydání<br />
retrospektivního alba Amplified – A Decade Of Rein<strong>ve</strong>nting The<br />
Cello v minulém roce poprvé Ïivû pfiedstavilo v nové formû v rámci<br />
finálového televizního pfienosu Eurovision Song Contest v Helsinkách.<br />
Lube<br />
10. 12. 2007 od 20 hodin Praha, Kongresové centrum<br />
JiÏ od prvních koncertÛ v roce 1987 byla kariéra tohoto ruského<br />
hudebního fenoménu <strong>ve</strong>lmi úspû‰ná. V âeské republice budeme<br />
Joe Cocker<br />
12. 12. 2007 od 20 hodin, Praha, Sazka Arena<br />
Joe Cocker, jedna z nejvût‰ích legend populární hudby a jeden z mála<br />
Ïijících umûlcÛ, ktefií se mohou py‰nit úãastí na legendárním Woodstocku,<br />
se vrací do âeské republiky pfiedstavit své nové album. Na jedné<br />
stranû nejstabilnûj‰í, nejosobitûj‰í a kultovní hlas Ïijící legendy záfiící<br />
uÏ více neÏ ãtyfiicet let, na stranû druhé producent a muzikant, kter˘<br />
dokáÏe v‰echny tyto své pfiednosti vkusnû spojovat.<br />
Festival souãasného umûní Praha – Tina B. 2007<br />
12. 9. – 20. 10. 2007<br />
Jedná se prestiÏní umûleck˘ projekt na pokraãování, kter˘ usiluje<br />
o propojení tvÛrãí energie kulturní scény <strong>ve</strong> stfiední a v˘chodní Evropû<br />
s nov˘mi a nastupujícími talenty a trendy z celého svûta. Souãasné<br />
umûní i <strong>ve</strong>fiejnost za<strong>ve</strong>de na v˘jimeãnû zajímavá místa v Praze. Program<br />
kombinuje experimentální a novátorské umûlecké Ïánry, napfiíklad<br />
digitální a zvukové instalace, s tradiãními formami, jako jsou <strong>ve</strong>lké<br />
umûlecké objekty, fotografie a performance. Podrobnûj‰í informace<br />
naleznete na webov˘ch stránkách<br />
V¯STAVY<br />
Souãasné zimbabwské sochafiství<br />
29. 6. 2007 – 31. 12. 2007, Praha, VeletrÏní palác, ochoz mezaninu<br />
Od poloviny 20. století se rozvíjí zajímav˘ fenomén zimbabwského<br />
kamenného sochafiství. Plastiky vznikající v Tengenenge, Harare<br />
a v dal‰ích oblastech v dílnách pod ‰ir˘m nebem si vydobyly proslulost<br />
po celém svûtû. Národní galerie pfiedstavuje soubor plastik, <strong>ve</strong> kterém<br />
jsou zastoupeny v‰echny tfii generace zimbabwsk˘ch sochafiÛ.<br />
Prahou po stopách Antonína Dvofiáka<br />
25. 4. 2007 – 30. 3. 2008<br />
Muzeum Antonína Dvofiáka<br />
V˘stava pfiipomíná tváfi Prahy 2. poloviny 19. století, zejména místa<br />
spojená s pobytem i ãetn˘mi aktivitami skladatele. Prezentovány jsou<br />
lokality a budovy, v nichÏ se odehrával DvofiákÛv osobní i umûleck˘<br />
Ïivot od jeho pfiíchodu do Prahy aÏ do úmrtí v roce 1904. Náv‰tûvník<br />
následuje Dvofiáka v jeho rÛzn˘ch bydli‰tích, „vstupuje“ do budov,<br />
<strong>ve</strong> kter˘ch se odehrával tehdej‰í hudební Ïivot, prohlíÏí si instituce,<br />
s nimiÏ byl skladatel v kontaktu. Procházku Prahou 19. století umoÏÀují<br />
dobové fotografie, grafiky, drobné pfiedmûty ze skladatelova majetku<br />
i ukázka rukopisu skladby vûnované Praze – PraÏské valãíky.<br />
Cultural E<strong>ve</strong>nts<br />
SHOW<br />
Mamma Mia!<br />
October 10 – October 18, 2007<br />
Prague, Sazka Arena<br />
The world renowned musical inspired by the unique songs of the<br />
group ABBA will ha<strong>ve</strong> its Czech premiere as part of an international<br />
tour. Its story takes us to a small Greek island where, on the e<strong>ve</strong><br />
of her wedding, a bride invites three men who were invol<strong>ve</strong>d in<br />
her mother’s life twenty years ago to her nuptials in the hope of<br />
finding out who her real father is.<br />
Apassionata<br />
December 7, 2007 from 7.30pm<br />
Prague, Sazka Arena<br />
An equestrian show with almost 40 stallions, two donkeys and<br />
the best riders around will take viewers on a spectacular and<br />
poignant journey. The “Four Seasons” tour, which is being performed<br />
in many European cities, is devoted to the horse as an image of<br />
the landscape that is associated with the seasons of the year: a<br />
horse co<strong>ve</strong>red in dew and as frolicsome as the spring, as passionate<br />
as a summer night, as untamable as the autumn and as full of<br />
poetry as a winter landscape. E<strong>ve</strong>rything is complemented by the<br />
beautiful voice of the Icelandic operetta singer Arndis Halla as well<br />
as by some outstanding dancers, wonderful costumes and special<br />
effects such as a water fountain and snowflakes, which create a<br />
characteristic atmosphere for e<strong>ve</strong>ry scene and season.<br />
Gwen Stefani<br />
October 20, 2007 from 8pm<br />
Prague, Sazka Arena<br />
One of the most successful contemporary American pop singers<br />
comes to Prague as part of her triumphant world tour. All her<br />
fans can look forward to a show with no holds barred from a lady<br />
who is also a fashion designer.<br />
Apocalyptica<br />
No<strong>ve</strong>mber 5, 2007 from 8pm<br />
Prague, Congress Centre – Forum Hall<br />
After the release of their retrospecti<strong>ve</strong> album Amplified<br />
– A Decade Of Rein<strong>ve</strong>nting The Cello, the phenomenal Finnish<br />
cello group, who are known primarily for their interpretations of<br />
heavy metal songs, performed li<strong>ve</strong> for the first time in a new format<br />
last year as part of the television broadcast of the final of the<br />
Eurovision Song Contest in Helsinki. Their performance was<br />
watched by around 100 million viewers.<br />
Lube<br />
December 10, 2007 from 8pm<br />
Prague, Congress Centre<br />
Since their first concerts as far back as 1987, the career of this Russian<br />
musical phenomenon has been <strong>ve</strong>ry successful. In the Czech Republic,<br />
we will ha<strong>ve</strong> an opportunity to see this contro<strong>ve</strong>rsial cult group li<strong>ve</strong><br />
for the first time. Lube are a pop-rock combo focused on national<br />
and military themes, which has also contributed to their success.<br />
December’s concert is a unique opportunity to see their li<strong>ve</strong><br />
performance and to listen to what they actually ha<strong>ve</strong> to say.<br />
Joe Cocker<br />
December 12, 2007 from 8pm<br />
Prague, Sazka Arena<br />
Joe Cocker, one of the greatest legends of popular music and one<br />
of the few living artists who can say he took part in the legendary<br />
Woodstock concert, is returning to the Czech Republic to promote<br />
his new album. On the one hand, Cocker has the steadiest, most<br />
distincti<strong>ve</strong> cult voice of a living legend which has sparkled for more<br />
than forty years. On the other hand he is a producer and musician,<br />
who is able to tastefully combine all of these assets.<br />
Prague Contemporary Art Festival – Tina B. 2007<br />
September 12 – October 20, 2007<br />
This is an ongoing prestigious art project, which stri<strong>ve</strong>s to combine<br />
the creati<strong>ve</strong> energy of the cultural scene in Central and Eastern<br />
Europe with emerging talents and trends from around the world.<br />
It takes contemporary art and the public to interesting places in<br />
Prague outside the framework of con<strong>ve</strong>ntional galleries specializing<br />
in contemporary art. The somewhat marginally percei<strong>ve</strong>d nature<br />
of contemporary art thereby becomes the center of attention for<br />
the wider public. The program combines experimental and innovati<strong>ve</strong><br />
artistic genres such as digital and sound installations with traditional<br />
forms like large objets d’art, photographs and performances. The<br />
festival program includes a number of public educational and social<br />
e<strong>ve</strong>nts. You can find more detailed information at<br />
Contemporary Zimbabwean Sculpture<br />
June 29, 2007 – December 31, 2007<br />
Prague, VeletrÏní Palace, Mezzanine Gallery<br />
The interesting phenomenon of Zimbabwean stone sculpture has<br />
been evolving since the middle of the 20th century. Sculptures<br />
originating in Tengenenge, Harare and in outdoor workshops in<br />
other areas ha<strong>ve</strong> gained renown all o<strong>ve</strong>r the world. They ha<strong>ve</strong><br />
captivated European art lo<strong>ve</strong>rs with the manner in which they<br />
combine modern artistic expression with African culture, traditions<br />
and religious concepts. Although they stem from folklore traditions,<br />
they are no longer just ritual objects. On the contrary, the sculptors<br />
emphasize their artistic and decorati<strong>ve</strong> aspects. The National<br />
Gallery is presenting a collection of sculptures in which all three<br />
generations of Zimbabwean sculptors are represented.<br />
Dvofiák’s Prague<br />
April 25, 2007 – March 30, 2008<br />
Antonín Dvofiák Museum<br />
This exhibition recalls the Prague of the second half of the 19th<br />
century, particularly the places associated with the life and numerous<br />
activities of the composer Antonín Dvofiák. The localities and<br />
buildings in which Dvofiák’s artistic and personal life was played<br />
out will be presented, from his arrival in Prague up to his death<br />
in 1904. Visitors can follow Dvofiák in his various residences and<br />
they can “enter” the buildings that housed the musical life of that<br />
era. They can also check out the institutions that the composer<br />
was in contact with. One can take a walk through the Prague of<br />
the 19th century thanks to period photography and sometimes<br />
e<strong>ve</strong>n graphic artworks and minor items from the composer’s<br />
property as well as a sample of the manuscript of a piece devoted<br />
to Prague – the Prague Waltzes (PraÏské valãíky).<br />
ZÁBAVA<br />
IMAGE theatre<br />
Divadlo IMAGE<br />
Nejen PraÏané, ale také náv‰tûvníci na‰eho hlavního mûsta dobfie<br />
znají divadlo IMAGE, které se za dobu své více neÏ patnáctileté<br />
existence stalo v˘znamnou souãástí praÏské kulturní scény<br />
a kromû toho dodalo lesku i mnoha prestiÏním divadelním<br />
událostem po celém svûtû.<br />
Svojí tvorbou divadlo IMAGE posunulo v˘voj Ïánru na ‰piãkovou<br />
úro<strong>ve</strong>À a od ãerného divadla dospûlo k souãasnému divadlu<br />
syntetickému, koncentrovanému a chytré a kvalitní zábavû. Soubor<br />
si vypracoval vlastní styl, ten je tvofien z prvkÛ moderního tance,<br />
pantomimy a ne<strong>ve</strong>rbálního divadla, vyuÏívá zvuky, originálnû<br />
vytvofienou hudbu a zajímavé kost˘my a neváhá pfii sv˘ch vystoupeních<br />
kontaktovat publikum. Spolupráce s rÛzn˘mi v˘tvarníky pfiiná‰í<br />
kaÏdému pfiedsta<strong>ve</strong>ní jin˘ v˘tvarn˘<br />
koncept, a tím i divácky atraktivní vizuální<br />
pestrost. PouÏívání mystifikace, precizní<br />
pro<strong>ve</strong>dení ãernodivadelních trikÛ, hravost<br />
autorÛ, pfiesvûdãivé v˘kony hercÛ<br />
i taneãníkÛ a touha bavit sebe i diváka,<br />
to v‰e slouÏí k naplnûní cíle divadla<br />
– hrát pro Ïivé publikum Ïivoucí divadlo.<br />
Dramaturgie divadla IMAGE nabízí<br />
divákÛm na v˘bûr obvykle ze ãtyfi aÏ<br />
pûti rÛzn˘ch inscenací. Repertoár je<br />
samozfiejmû pravidelnû obmûÀován.<br />
Témûfi 6 000 odehran˘ch pfiedsta<strong>ve</strong>ní<br />
na domácí scénû a nûkolik set v zahraniãí<br />
bûhem patnácti let jistû není jedin˘m<br />
mûfiítkem úspûchu divadla IMAGE. Jeho herci hrají ze v‰ech sil<br />
a z celého srdce pro publikum, kterému také pozornû naslouchají,<br />
aby ho mohli pokaÏdé pfiekvapit, rozesmát a potû‰it. Díky tomu<br />
se do divadla IMAGE diváci stále rádi vracejí.<br /><br />
IMAGE THEATRE, PafiíÏská 4, 110 00 Praha 1<br />
Tel.: +420 222 314 448, +420 222 329 191<br />
Fax: +420 224 811 167<br />
Divadlo se nachází v centru Prahy u Staromûstského námûstí.<br />
It’s is not just Prague residents, but also visitors to<br />
our capital city who are familiar with the IMAGE<br />
theatre, which has become an important part of the<br />
Prague cultural scene in its fifteen years of existence.<br />
In addition to this, it has also added sparkle to many<br />
prestigious theatre e<strong>ve</strong>nts all o<strong>ve</strong>r the world.<br />
With its productions, the IMAGE theatre has pushed the de<strong>ve</strong>lopment<br />
of the genre to a top-class le<strong>ve</strong>l. From specializing in black-light<br />
shows, it has since matured into a contemporary synthetic and<br />
intensi<strong>ve</strong> theatre providing intelligent, high-quality entertainment.<br />
The ensemble has formulated its own style, which has been created<br />
from elements of modern dance, pantomime and non-<strong>ve</strong>rbal<br />
theatre. It makes use of sounds, original music and attracti<strong>ve</strong><br />
costumes. It also doesn’t hesitate to interact with audiences during<br />
its performances. Cooperation with various artists ensures that<br />
each production has a different creati<strong>ve</strong> concept, which ensures<br />
spectators are also treated to attracti<strong>ve</strong> forms of visual di<strong>ve</strong>rsity.<br />
The theatre’s goal of providing li<strong>ve</strong>ly drama for li<strong>ve</strong> audiences is<br />
achie<strong>ve</strong>d through the use of misleading information, the precise<br />
execution of black-light effects, the playfulness of the authors, the<br />
convincing performances of the actors and dancers, and the<br />
ensemble members’ desire to entertain<br />
both themsel<strong>ve</strong>s and the viewer.<br />
The IMAGE theatre’s artistic direction<br />
usually offers audiences a choice of four<br />
to fi<strong>ve</strong> different productions, and naturally<br />
the repertoire is changed on a regular<br />
basis. Nearly 6000 performances on the<br />
Czech scene and se<strong>ve</strong>ral hundred<br />
performances abroad in the course of<br />
fifteen years are certainly not the only<br />
benchmark of the success of the IMAGE<br />
theatre. Its actors pull out all the stops<br />
and perform wholeheartedly for their<br />
audiences. They also listen carefully to<br />
their public to ensure that they are always<br />
able to surprise and delight them as well as to make them laugh.<br />
This is the reason why people keep going back to the IMAGE theatre.<br /><br />
IMAGE THEATRE, PafiíÏská 4, 110 00 Praha 1<br />
Tel.: +420 222 314 448, +420 222 329 191<br />
Fax: +420 224 811 167<br />
Theatre is located in the center of Prague near Old Town Square.<br />
PR ãlánek / PR article<br />
Jazz up your Sunday with Jifií ·tift<br />
The freshest fish and seafood<br />
Selection of roasted meats and fowl<br />
Fresh and healthy bioproducts<br />
A li<strong>ve</strong> cooking station<br />
Extensi<strong>ve</strong> Sushi and salad bars<br />
Mouthwatering desserts<br />
Li<strong>ve</strong> Jazz music<br />
A children’s room with babysitter<br />
All you can eat for just 999 CZK, plus a<br />
complimentary glass of sparkling wine,<br />
house wine or beer, a nonalcoholic drink,<br />
coffee or tea.<br />
Radisson SAS Alcron Hotel<br />
·tûpánská 40, Praha 1<br />
Tel.: +420 222 820 000<br />
Fax: +420 222 820 120<br />