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<strong>THIRD</strong> <strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>JOB</strong> <strong>MOBILITY</strong> <strong>DAY</strong><br />

Brussels<br />

13 November 2012<br />


Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion<br />

Third European Job Mobility Day – 13 November 2012<br />

Third European Job Mobility Day<br />

Brussels 13 November 2012<br />

Now in its third year, the European Job Mobility Day brings together policy makers,<br />

academics and practitioners to participate in discussions on key issues relating to<br />

labour mobility.<br />

The conference will include presentation of the findings of the third Mobility in Europe<br />

report which will be published by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the<br />

end of the year.<br />

The programme for the day will include an overview of the main features of the labour<br />

market in the different EU Member States and the developments over the recent past<br />

which set the context for mobility, with a focus on the impact of the on-going<br />

economic crisis on job opportunities around Europe, on the nature of the jobs being<br />

lost and created and on the sections of the work force that have been most affected.<br />

An entire session will be devoted to young people as the most exposed group to the<br />

crisis and low rate of new job creation. Presentations will include an analysis of the<br />

prevailing situation in different parts of Europe (including the very first investigation of<br />

the results of the Labour Force Survey ad hoc module on the entry of young people<br />

into the labour market) and case studies of selected countries with very different<br />

experiences of youth unemployment – those which have seen a dramatic increase and<br />

those which have managed to keep it in check – focusing on the policies adopted to<br />

help young people make the transition from education and training into work.<br />

Interpretation will be available in English, French and German.<br />

Venue<br />

Marriott Hotel – Brussels<br />

Rue Auguste Orts 3-7<br />

(See practical information sheet for directions)<br />

Conference organisation<br />

Loredana Sementini<br />

Gisèle Uwayezu<br />

Tel +32 (0)2 736.1479<br />

GSM + 32 (0)471 402966<br />

email: eventsecretariat@applica.be<br />

Conference Programme 2

Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion<br />

Third European Job Mobility Day – 13 November 2012<br />

Conference programme<br />


20h00<br />

La Manufacture<br />

Rue Notre Dame du Sommeil 12 – 1000 Brussels<br />


08.00-09.00 Registration & distribution of badges<br />

Morning session – Chair: Wallis Goelen, Head of Unit Employment<br />

Services, Mobility; DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European<br />

Commission<br />

09.00-09.20 Conference welcome & 'Mobility in Europe 2012'<br />

Gregorio de Castro, DG Employment, Social Affairs and<br />

Inclusion, European Commission<br />

09.20-09.50<br />

09.20-09.40<br />

09.40-09.50<br />

Labour market mobility & transitions in the EU<br />

What is the impact of the recession on job opportunities around<br />

Europe Which groups of workers have been most affected by the<br />

on-going crisis What types of jobs have been lost and what is the<br />

nature of the new jobs being created What is the impact on men<br />

and women of different ages and with different skill and education<br />

levels<br />

Recent evidence<br />

Andy Fuller, European Job Mobility Laboratory<br />

Implications for EURES Network<br />

Antonis Kafouros, EURES Manager Cyprus<br />

09.50-10.10 Open floor<br />

10.10-10.30 Youth Transitions<br />

What are the differences across Europe in the ease or difficulty of<br />

young people making the transition from education and training<br />

into work How do young people typically search for jobs How<br />

long does it usually take them to find work What kind of jobs do<br />

they move into and how long do they last How much easier is it<br />

for those with higher levels of education to find work What has<br />

been the effect of the on-going crisis on the transition<br />

Recent evidence<br />

Terry Ward, European Job Mobility Laboratory<br />

Conference Programme 3

Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion<br />

Third European Job Mobility Day – 13 November 2012<br />

10.30-10.45 Open floor<br />

10.45-11.15 Coffee break<br />

11.15-12.30 Panel discussion – Policies to support youth<br />

transitions<br />

Moderator: Terry Ward, European Job Mobility Laboratory<br />

A focus on the policies adopted in each of the countries in<br />

response to the problems of young people entering the labour<br />

market and on the support provided to help them find a job. How<br />

far do policies differ across Europe What are the most effective<br />

ones What new policies have been introduced to tackle the high<br />

and rising level of youth unemployment<br />

Key findings of case studies in ‘Mobility in Europe 2012’<br />

Nirina Rabemiafara, European Job Mobility Laboratory<br />

Discussants (EURES Managers): Niels Højensgård (Denmark),<br />

Franz Piesche-Blumtritt (Germany), Katerina Flaka (Greece),<br />

András Kalmár (Hungary), Kevin Quinn (Ireland), María José<br />

Arias Fernández (Spain)<br />

12.30-12.45 Update on Youth Policies<br />

Brigitte Degen, Entrepreneurship & Microcredit facility,<br />

DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European<br />

Commission<br />

12.45-13.00<br />

13.00–14.15<br />

Open floor<br />

Lunch<br />

Afternoon session – Chair: Gregorio De Castro, Employment Services,<br />

Mobility; DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission<br />

14.15-15.00 Your First EURES Job – Supporting labour market<br />

mobility of young people in Europe<br />

Video (3.25’)<br />

Update on projects<br />

Alice Santos, Employment Services, Mobility; DG Employment,<br />

Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission<br />

The German experience<br />

Franz Piesche-Blumtritt, EURES Manager Germany<br />

15.00–15.20 Open floor<br />

Conference Programme 4

Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion<br />

Third European Job Mobility Day – 13 November 2012<br />

15.20-15.40 The EURES Reform – State of Play<br />

Doede Ackers, Deputy Head of Unit Employment Services,<br />

Mobility; DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European<br />

Commission<br />

15.40-16.10 Open floor<br />

16.10-16.20 Conclusions and close of conference<br />

Wallis Goelen, Head of Unit Employment Services, Mobility; DG<br />

Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission<br />

16.20-16.40 “Goodbye” coffee<br />

Conference Programme 5

Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion<br />

Third European Job Mobility Day – 13 November 2012<br />

The European Job Mobility Laboratory (EJML) is a network of<br />

academics and labour market practitioners established to support the<br />

Commission’s work on mobility issues by providing research capability,<br />

raising awareness and encouraging discussion on labour market policies.<br />

More information on the EJML can be found here:<br />

http://www.mobilitypartnership.eu/<br />

The EJML is run by:<br />


The work of the EJML is supported by the European Union’s Programme for<br />

Employment and Social Solidarity – Progress (2007-2013).<br />

This programme is managed by the Directorate-General for Employment,<br />

Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission.<br />

For more information see:<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsplangId=en&catId=327<br />

Conference Programme 6

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