cс 2004 by Derek Brendan Gottlieb. All rights reserved.

cс 2004 by Derek Brendan Gottlieb. All rights reserved.

cс 2004 by Derek Brendan Gottlieb. All rights reserved.


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c○ <strong>2004</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>Derek</strong> <strong>Brendan</strong> <strong>Gottlieb</strong>. <strong>All</strong> <strong>rights</strong> <strong>reserved</strong>.



BY<br />


B.S., University of Rochester, 1999<br />

THESIS<br />

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements<br />

for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering<br />

in the Graduate College of the<br />

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, <strong>2004</strong><br />

Urbana, Illinois

To my wife, for putting up with life with a grad student.<br />



This thesis did not appear overnight, but was the result of many years of hard work and video<br />

games. Without the love and support of my parents, I wouldn’t be where I am today, so they have<br />

to take a lot of credit for what I’ve become. I would also like to thank my wife for her support<br />

through the sometimes joyous, sometimes frustrating life that is graduate school. My research<br />

would not be what it is without the insightful input of my adviser, Professor Nicholas Carter. I am<br />

also indebted to my fellow Amalgam team members, past and present: Jeff Cook, Richard Kujoth,<br />

Lee Baugh, Chi-Wei Wang, Brian Greskamp, Josh Walstrom, and Steve Ferrera. With their help<br />

and good humor, I’ve managed to remain mostly sane throughout this process. I must also thank<br />

Chris Grier and Dan Fay, without whom I would have spent much longer writing benchmarks.<br />

This thesis work was supported <strong>by</strong> the Office of Naval Research under Award No. N00014-01-<br />

1-0824.<br />



LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

viii<br />

ix<br />

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1<br />

1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1<br />

1.2 Clustered Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2<br />

1.3 Contributions of this Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3<br />

1.4 Thesis Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4<br />

CHAPTER 2 RELATED WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

2.1 Wire Delay Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5<br />

2.2 Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />

2.2.1 Chip multiprocessors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />

2.2.2 Clustered processor architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

2.2.3 Gridded processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

2.3 On-Chip Network Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

CHAPTER 3 AMALGAM ARCHITECTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14<br />

3.1 Cluster Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14<br />

3.1.1 Programmable clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

3.1.2 Reconfigurable cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17<br />

3.2 Communication and Synchronization Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18<br />

3.2.1 Shared-memory communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18<br />

3.2.2 Register-based communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

3.3 Cluster Barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21<br />

CHAPTER 4 ON-CHIP NETWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

4.1 Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24<br />

4.2 Crossbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25<br />

4.3 Hierarchical Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26<br />

CHAPTER 5 MEMORY SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28<br />

5.1 Baseline Memory Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28<br />

5.2 Local Data Caches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />


5.3 Coherence Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30<br />

5.3.1 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31<br />

5.3.2 Types of coherence messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

CHAPTER 6 EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35<br />

6.1 Simulation Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35<br />

6.1.1 Programmable cluster modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37<br />

6.1.2 Network modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38<br /> Network description language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38<br /> Network simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40<br />

6.2 Network Latency Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41<br />

6.3 Area Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44<br />

6.4 Latency Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45<br />

6.5 Benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47<br />

6.5.1 Image dithering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47<br />

6.5.2 DNA sequence matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47<br />

6.5.3 GNU radio FIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48<br />

6.5.4 Mergesort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49<br />

6.5.5 MPEG encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49<br />

6.5.6 Rijndael encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50<br />

6.5.7 Traveling salesman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50<br />

CHAPTER 7 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52<br />

7.1 Increasing Impact of Wire Delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52<br />

7.2 Scaling Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54<br />

7.2.1 Full-chip latency scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55<br />

7.2.2 Core-only latency scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56<br />

7.3 Effects of Local Data Caches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60<br />

7.3.1 Area impact of local caches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62<br />

7.4 Effects of Intercluster Register Writes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63<br />

CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67<br />

APPENDIX A AMALSIM CONFIGURATION OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70<br />

A.1 Cluster Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71<br />

A.1.1 Programmable (-proc clust:) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71<br />

A.1.2 Reconfigurable (-rec clust:) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71<br />

A.2 Branch Predictor (-bpred:) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72<br />

A.3 Memory Options (-memory:) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72<br />

A.4 Cache Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73<br />

A.5 Logging Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74<br />

A.6 General Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75<br />


APPENDIX B NETWORK DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76<br />

B.1 Network Description File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76<br />

B.2 Configuring Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77<br />

B.3 Expressions and Variable Scoping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80<br />

B.4 Formal Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80<br />

APPENDIX C AMALSIM COMMAND REFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83<br />

C.1 Basic Simulator Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83<br />

C.2 Print Simulator State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85<br />

C.3 Modify Simulator State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89<br />

C.4 Stream Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89<br />

APPENDIX D AMALGAM ISA (AMISA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91<br />

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96<br />



3.1 The Amalgam Clustered Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

3.2 Programmable Cluster Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16<br />

3.3 Reconfigurable Cluster Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17<br />

3.4 Idealized Shared Memory vs. Register Forwarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

3.5 Cluster Barrier Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22<br />

4.1 Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24<br />

4.2 Crossbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25<br />

4.3 Hierarchical Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27<br />

5.1 Illinois Protocol State Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30<br />

5.2 Coherence Directory Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

6.1 Amalsim System Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37<br />

6.2 NDL Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39<br />

7.1 Wire Delay in Future Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53<br />

7.2 Cache Access Time in Future Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54<br />

7.3 Full-Chip Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55<br />

7.4 Individual Benchmark Performance on Full-Chip Configuration (Bus) . . . . . . . 56<br />

7.5 Performance When Scaling the Architecture Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57<br />

7.6 Individual Benchmark Performance on Core-Only Configuration (Bus) . . . . . . . 58<br />

7.7 Multicluster Speedup on Core-Only Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58<br />

7.8 Multicluster Speedup on Core-Only Configurations for Technology Endpoints . . . 59<br />

7.9 Multicluster Speedup on Core-Only Configurations with Stack Tweaks . . . . . . . 60<br />

7.10 Local Data Cache Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61<br />

7.11 Best Cache Configuration Comparison (Crossbar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62<br />

7.12 Fractional Chip Area for Different Local Cache Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63<br />

7.13 Benefits of Intercluster Register Communication (Pipelined Crossbar) . . . . . . . 64<br />

7.14 Benefits of Intercluster Register Communication (Bus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65<br />



5.1 Coherence Message Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33<br />

6.1 Projected Fabrication Technology Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42<br />

6.2 Calculated Technology Parameters and Projected Wire Delays . . . . . . . . . . . 44<br />

6.3 Projected Cache Memory Latencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45<br />

6.4 Projected System Latencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46<br />

A.1 Programmable Cluster Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71<br />

A.2 Reconfigurable Cluster Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72<br />

A.3 Branch Predictor Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72<br />

A.4 Memory Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73<br />

A.5 Cache Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73<br />

A.6 Coherence Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74<br />

A.7 Logging Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74<br />

A.8 General Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75<br />

D.1 ** AMISA ** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91<br />


CHAPTER 1<br />


As the semiconductor industry develops deep submicron technology that will permit billions of<br />

transistors on a single die, computer architects face increasing pressure to maintain the rate of<br />

improvement in microprocessor performance witnessed in the past few decades.<br />

Historically,<br />

these advances in performance have been driven largely <strong>by</strong> geometric rates of improvement<br />

in fabrication technologies, which allow chips to operate at higher clock frequencies.<br />

These<br />

technology improvements also provide larger transistor budgets that allow architects to include<br />

new performance-enhancing techniques such as out-of-order execution and branch prediction.<br />

However, maintaining this rate of improvement in deep submicron technologies is becoming<br />

inscreasingly difficult, due to the poor scaling on global on-chip wires.<br />

Architects have proposed clustered architectures as a possible solution to the wire delay<br />

problem. This thesis examines the performance of one such clustered architecture, Amalgam,<br />

as fabrication technology scales from feature sizes of 180 nm down to 22 nm, and studies the<br />

performance impact of several design options over this range.<br />

1.1 Motivation<br />

High-performance processor designers face several obstacles to maintaining the historic rate of<br />

performance improvement witnessed in the past few decades.<br />

In particular, the poor scaling<br />

characteristics of on-chip wires impose limitations on future performance improvements.<br />

As<br />


transistor processes improve, wire delays fail to scale as well as transistors as a result of the<br />

increased resistance caused <strong>by</strong> shrinking wire cross sections.<br />

With the anticipated increases<br />

in clock rate as fabrication technologies improve, these wire delays lead to significant global<br />

communication latencies, which place severe performance restrictions on architectures that rely<br />

on centralized control logic and register files [1, 2].<br />

1.2 Clustered Architectures<br />

Clustered processors are a class of distributed processor architecture that has been proposed as a<br />

potential solution to the wire delay problem [3]. These architectures lie somewhere in the spectrum<br />

between traditional multiprocessor systems and hardware-scheduled superscalar processors. Like<br />

chip multiprocessors (CMPs), clustered microprocessors divide their execution units into several<br />

independent processing cores (known as clusters) that communicate with each other and the<br />

memory system via an on-chip network. Each cluster is composed of a set of functional units, a<br />

register file, and a network interface. By dividing the execution resources in this manner, designers<br />

base the clock speed of a clustered processor on the critical path through a single cluster, not the<br />

propogation delay across the on-chip network. Operations (such as memory references or intercluster<br />

communication) that require communication across the network see its delay as one or<br />

more cycles of additional latency. This latency is visible to the compiler, allowing it to be taken<br />

into account during scheduling.<br />

These architectures also include low latency communication,<br />

which allows direct communication between clusters instead of relying solely on much slower<br />

shared memory communication. Clustered processors also include low latency synchronization<br />

mechanisms that allow fine-grain parallelism to be exploited as effectively as coarse-grained. The<br />

combination of these architectural techniques should allow clustered processors to scale well in<br />

future technologies, despite the wire delay problem.<br />

This thesis examines one such clustered architecture, Amalgam, over the major technology<br />

nodes from 180 nm to 22 nm.<br />

During this process, we pay particular attention to the<br />


system’s ability to handle increasing wire delays when faced with rapidly increasing clock rates.<br />

Additionally, we study the role of various design options in overall performance, including<br />

instruction issue policy and presence and size of local data caches within the clusters. By studying<br />

these aspects of clustered processors, we gauge their effectiveness in dealing with the wire delay<br />

problem, the limitations of cache memories, and the relative importance of network and memory<br />

hierarchy design.<br />

1.3 Contributions of this Thesis<br />

The contributions of this thesis are threefold:<br />

1. A cache coherence protocol was developed for a clustered processor with an arbitrary onchip<br />

network to explore the benefit of introducing local data caches into the programmable<br />

clusters. This protocol is loosely based on the Illinois protocol [4], but includes extensions<br />

to improve its performance on networks that prohibit the snoopy optimizations typically<br />

associated with bus-based systems.<br />

2. A set of experiments were conducted to perform a thorough examination of the effects of<br />

technology scaling on the performance of clustered processors, paying particular attention<br />

to memory system and communication latencies. Execution time improves <strong>by</strong> more than<br />

a factor of three over the technology range examined, due in part to aggressive clock rate<br />

improvements. These clock rate improvements also contribute to the widening processormemory<br />

performance gap that largely dominates the performance of these systems. As a<br />

result, the performance of the memory hierarchy overshadows many of the issues in on-chip<br />

network design. Using a complex crossbar network yields a performance improvement of a<br />

few percent over the simpler bus network for the applications tested.<br />

3. Our study demonstrated that the traditional cache hierarchy does not effectively mitigate<br />

increasing memory latencies. Introducing additional levels into the cache hierarchy yields<br />


a performance gain, which tends to increase as memory latencies increase. However, this<br />

performance gain does not increase as quickly as the memory gap is widening. To improve<br />

this situation, designers must explore alternatives such as small software-managed memories<br />

that can achieve lower latencies while maintaining high hit rates.<br />

1.4 Thesis Organization<br />

The remainder of this thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2 summarizes prior efforts to examine<br />

the effects of technology scaling on performance and potential solutions to the problems facing<br />

traditional architectures. Chapter 3 reviews the key details of the Amalgam architecture. Chapter<br />

4 examines the tradeoffs associated with the network topologies examined for Amalgam. Chapter<br />

5 discusses Amalgam’s memory system, paying particular attention to the details related to local<br />

data caches and the coherence protocol required to keep them synchronized. Chapter 6 explains<br />

the methodology behind the empirical phase of this thesis, and Chapter 7 discusses the results of<br />

experiments designed to evaluate the effects of technology scaling on the performance of clustered<br />

processors and the effectiveness of local data caches in mitigating some of these effects. Chapter 8<br />

presents some conclusions of this work. At the end of this thesis are four appendices that provide<br />

further details about the functionality of our simulator and present the formal instruction set used<br />

<strong>by</strong> Amalgam’s programmable clusters. Simulator functionality is presented in the form of the<br />

supported configuration options, the network description language developed to integrate various<br />

network models into the Amalgam simulator, and a command-line reference detailing the various<br />

options available to interact with the simulator.<br />


CHAPTER 2<br />


Work related to our research can be divided into a few categories.<br />

The first category is the<br />

examination of the future of wire delays and its impact on high-performance computer architecture.<br />

Research in this category estimates the performance of different architectural paradigms over the<br />

next several technology generations and identifies architectural bottlenecks. This work motivates<br />

the remaining categories, the first of which focuses on alternative architectures. As several studies<br />

show, conventional superscalar architectures face numerous performance limitations as global<br />

communication becomes increasingly expensive. This has lead to a variety of projects that have<br />

divided the chip into smaller processing elements. The third category is the design of on-chip<br />

networks that address the communication needs of clustered processors.<br />

2.1 Wire Delay Studies<br />

To better understand the magnitude of the wire delay problem, studies have examined the behavior<br />

and performance of wires in future technologies [2]. These studies found that local wires that<br />

shorten in length as technology scales exhibit favorable scaling behavior with delays that closely<br />

follow or slowly grow relative to gate delays. As a result, architectural components that are simply<br />

scaled down to a new technology perform similarly to the original implementation and the number<br />

of gates that can communicate within a cycle remains roughly constant. On the other hand, global<br />

wires do not scale in length since they provide paths to communicate global signals across the<br />


chip. At best, the delay of these wires will remain constant, resulting in a steady increase relative<br />

to gate delays. The end result of this work is that architects must explore the impact of increasing<br />

wire delays on existing architectures and explore alternatives that provide better performance<br />

opportunities when faced with these limitations.<br />

Previous work has examined the impact of increasing wire delays on the performance<br />

of conventional superscalar architectures [1].<br />

Using models for wire and microarchitectural<br />

component delay, the study performed a series of architectural simulations of an aggressive out-oforder<br />

microarchitecture scaled over a 15-year range of technologies. The simulations included<br />

different clock scaling strategies as well as two different microarchitectural scaling strategies,<br />

which are differentiated <strong>by</strong> how they achieve the desired clock rates. The first strategy kept the<br />

capacity of microarchitectural structures constant and relied on deeper pipelines to handle the<br />

increasing delays associated with these structures. The second strategy attempted to limit the<br />

depth of the pipeline <strong>by</strong> reducing the capacity of microarchitectural structures to limit their delays.<br />

Even with optimistic estimates for wire scaling, superscalar processor performance improvements<br />

are limited to no better than 12.5% per year, which is in stark contrast to the rate of 50-60% per<br />

year witnessed over the past decade.<br />

On this basis, other studies have examined the design space of future chip multiprocessors or<br />

CMPs [5]. This study compares the performance and area trade-offs for CMPs to determine the<br />

ideal architectural makeup that maximizes server application throughput in future technologies.<br />

In particular, they weigh the tradeoffs of in-order and out-of-order processing cores, the number<br />

of these cores, and the capacity of the on-chip caches given finite off-chip bandwidth. These<br />

studies suggest that while future CMP designs will continue to offer improvements in overall<br />

throughput with increasing transistor budgets, the diminishing returns associated with conventional<br />

superscalars on general-purpose applications remains an issue.<br />

Furthermore, the number of<br />

cores that may effectively be utilized on future CMPs will largely be determined <strong>by</strong> the off-chip<br />

bandwidth. This suggests that something more effective than the traditional cache hierarchy is<br />

required to offset the increasing processor-memory performance gap.<br />


Other studies have examined the effects of increasing wire delays on gridded architectures<br />

[6]. These architectures divide available chip area into a grid of identical, programmable tiles<br />

to provide better scalability than conventional architectures. By exposing physical resources as<br />

explicit architectural entities, programmers can maximize performance <strong>by</strong> mapping applications<br />

to these tiles around increasing wire delays. The specifics of gridded architectures are discussed in<br />

further detail in Section 2.2.3. Comparing a relatively idealized gridded processor against idealized<br />

superscalar and VLIW processor models, the gridded processor dominates, with an average IPC<br />

more than twice that simulated on the ideal superscalar core. These studies support the assertions<br />

that gridded processors allow for better scalability, enabling the continued scaling of clock rate and<br />

instruction throughput.<br />

2.2 Architectures<br />

Several architectures have been proposed to continue the historic rates of increase for processor<br />

performance in light of the increasing pressures of wire delay and design complexity. <strong>All</strong> of<br />

these approaches rely on some form of modular design with a number of somewhat independent<br />

processing elements that rely on fast local communication with reduced reliance on global signals.<br />

These different architectures are presented here, from the fairly conventional chip multiprocessors<br />

to clustered architectures to far-reaching gridded processors.<br />

2.2.1 Chip multiprocessors<br />

Researchers have explored several potential solutions to the hurdles faced <strong>by</strong> the architecture<br />

community.<br />

Chip multiprocessors, or CMPs, integrate multiple processors and their primary<br />

caches onto a single chip together with a shared secondary cache. CMPs offer implementation<br />

and performance advantages over conventional wide-issue superscalar designs.<br />

Traditionally,<br />

applications for CMPs must be explicitly parallelized into independent threads with proper<br />

synchronization operations inserted as appropriate.<br />

The parallelization of an application may<br />


e performed either <strong>by</strong> the programmer or the compiler. In the programmer-centric paradigm,<br />

the source code specifies the independent threads of execution and explicitly controls their<br />

synchronization and communication. Alternatively, uniprocessor applications are compiled using<br />

an automatic parallelizing compiler that analyzes the code and extracts existing parallelism in order<br />

to generate independent threads.<br />

Speculative CMPs, such as Hydra [7], are a further extension of this work that aim to eliminate<br />

the need for recompilation of sequential code <strong>by</strong> speculatively running multiple threads in parallel.<br />

In these systems, potentially independent threads of execution are identified in a sequential binary.<br />

Each thread is then speculatively executed on a separate processor in a CMP. Since these systems<br />

are able to execute code in parallel that a compiler is not able to identify statically, it is possible<br />

for these systems to obtain higher levels of parallelism than a parallelizing compiler-based CMP.<br />

However, this may also result in large amounts of useless work, depending on the accuracy of<br />

the speculation. Furthermore, a compiler may more effectively exploit the identifiable parallelism<br />

within an application, since it may perform substantially more analysis than a run-time system.<br />

Performing this analysis in the compiler allows parallelization over a wider program scope since<br />

it is not confined <strong>by</strong> the limitations of a hardware structure and does not lead to the overhead of a<br />

software run-time system.<br />

Krishnan and Torrellas’s work uses speculation in the same manner as Hydra, but differs in<br />

several ways from other speculative CMP research [8]. Their architecture includes hardware for<br />

memory disambiguation that does not rely on snoopy-based cache coherence protocols to detect<br />

interthread memory dependence violations. Instead, their scheme uses a centralized table located<br />

near the L2 cache that is similar in nature to those used for directory-based cache coherence. As<br />

a result, systems based on their approach are not limited to using low bandwidth bus networks for<br />

on-chip communication. This work is also distinguished <strong>by</strong> the inclusion of a relatively simple<br />

hardware mechanism that enables the communication of thread live-out register values between<br />

on-chip processors. In order to implement this efficiently, this approach is limited to the broadcast<br />

of a single register value over a dedicated bus, but performs well given the nature of parallelization<br />


and communication in this system.<br />

2.2.2 Clustered processor architectures<br />

Clustered processor architectures, such as the M-Machine [3] and Multiscalar [9], divide a<br />

processor’s functional resources into independent clusters, much like the cores in a CMP, that<br />

communicate with each other and the memory system via an on-chip network. The clock rates<br />

of these designs are based on the wire delay within a single cluster, with multicycle global<br />

communication delays across the on-chip network exposed to the compiler. Clustered processors<br />

provide some nonmemory communication path between processing elements, which distinguished<br />

them from CMPs that rely solely on shared memory.<br />

Architectures such as M-Machine and<br />

Amalgam support a distributed register file paradigm, where the processor’s register file is divided<br />

evenly amongst the clusters. Operations that execute on a given cluster may only read their inputs<br />

from that cluster’s register file, but may write their results into any of the registers on the chip via<br />

the on-chip network. Previous work has shown that this additional register-based communication<br />

mechanism yields significantly better performance than a similar architecture that communicates<br />

only through shared memory [10]. As network and memory latencies increase relative to processor<br />

clock frequencies, this benefit should increase dramatically.<br />

In addition to the description used in this work, clustered processors have taken other forms that<br />

differ primarily in their approach to parallelization. The most traditional approach is the clustered<br />

superscalar that utilizes a single instruction stream [11–14]. Commercial implementations include<br />

the Alpha 21264 [15], MIPS R10000 [16], and IBM Power4 [17]. While this scheme has some<br />

clock rate advantages over traditional superscalar implementations, it still suffers from numerous<br />

scaling problems.<br />

These systems have centralized issue logic that determines the assignment<br />

of instructions to specific clusters at runtime, thus maintaining the traditional, single threaded<br />

uniprocessor execution model. This centralized issue logic is likely to become a performance<br />

bottleneck as clock rates increase, leading to a conflict between decreasing the instruction window<br />

to meet clock rate goals and increasing the number of clusters to exploit additional parallelism.<br />


Cluster assignment is further complicated <strong>by</strong> the uniprocessor execution model. To reduce<br />

register file access time, the register file is replicated in each cluster requiring hardware <strong>by</strong>passing<br />

between the clusters in addition to the <strong>by</strong>pass between functional units in a single cluster. Since<br />

this hardware <strong>by</strong>pass must connect all of the clusters in the system, it will involve a multicycle<br />

communication delay, due to the long wires involved. In order to achieve optimal performance, the<br />

issue logic must assign dependent operations to the same cluster in order to avoid the additional<br />

latency of intercluster register <strong>by</strong>passing. Furthermore, replicating the register file in this manner<br />

requires an increasing number of register ports proportional to the number of clusters and number<br />

of writes a cluster may commit per cycle. This results in a substantial increase in area consumed<br />

<strong>by</strong> the register file, which may be avoided if a cluster can only read from a portion of the register<br />

file.<br />

Alternatively, parallelization of the application may be performed <strong>by</strong> the programmer and<br />

compiler, breaking execution into multiple threads that are assigned to specific clusters. In this<br />

paradigm, the clusters are free to execute their instruction streams independent of the other clusters<br />

except when they reach an explicit synchronization operation. This allows clusters to continue to<br />

make forward progress in the event that a single cluster is held up <strong>by</strong> a cache miss. This approach<br />

also avoids many of the drawbacks associated with clustered processors that rely on centralized<br />

issue logic to perform cluster assignment. Issue logic may be kept small, since it is only operating<br />

on a subset of the total program, and is responsible for a small number of functional units instead<br />

of a large number of clusters consisting of multiple functional units. Register files are also more<br />

effective, since they only reflect local state instead of processor-wide state, allowing the compiler<br />

the flexibility to pass around only the values that are required for the computation, and to take<br />

global wire delays into account when scheduling these intercluster register writes.<br />

2.2.3 Gridded processors<br />

Gridded processors, such as RAW [18], are comprised of a set of replicated tiles arranged in<br />

a grid.<br />

In RAW, each tile contains a small RISC processor, some configurable logic, and a<br />


lock of instruction and data memory and maintains an independent program counter. To enable<br />

communication between these tiles, a programmable switch is associated with each tile, connecting<br />

the tiles in a configurable, wide-channel point-to-point interconnect.<br />

By supporting complete<br />

software control over these resources, RAW translates low-level physical entities such as gates,<br />

wire delays, and pins into higher level architectural concepts such as tiles, network hops, and I/O<br />

ports. In this manner, the compiler has full knowledge of the physical limitations of the underlying<br />

hardware and can exploit parallelism in a way that best utilizes the available hardware and avoids<br />

costly global communition.<br />

The polymorphous TRIPS architecture takes a slightly different approach [19].<br />

A TRIPS<br />

processor is composed of an array of memory tiles and a small number of polymorphous cores,<br />

which are composed of a grid of nodes containing an ALU, reservation station, and routing<br />

hardware. While nodes are directly connected to only their nearest neighbors, the routing network<br />

supports the forwarding of results to any ALU within the array.<br />

This network also provides<br />

access to the banked supporting resources including the register file, instruction and L1 data<br />

caches. In addition to the static architectural structures, TRIPS includes a variety of configurable<br />

or polymorphous resources to support multiple execution strategies, such as speculative execution<br />

and multithreading. Reservation stations indices may be used to designate parallel threads. Each<br />

core also includes a highly configurable block sequencing control logic that determines when a<br />

block of instructions has completed execution, when it should be deallocated from frame space,<br />

and which new block should replace it. This logic may be configured differently depending on<br />

the nature of the application. The flexibility of the memory tiles allows them to behave as a<br />

NUCA L2 cache, scratchpad memory, synchronization buffers for multithreaded applications, or<br />

stream register files. Using these resources, TRIPS achieves high performance when exploiting<br />

instruction-, thread-, and data-level parallelism.<br />


2.3 On-Chip Network Studies<br />

Clustered microarchitectures rely heavily on a low-latency intercluster interconnection network to<br />

achieve high performance. The on-chip networks for these architectures are also likely to have<br />

noticeably different requirements and characteristics than those used for traditional multiprocessor<br />

systems. As a result, the study of effective networks is critical for these systems. As illustrated <strong>by</strong><br />

the Alpha 21264, implementing an efficient, contention-free interconnect for a simple two-cluster<br />

architecture is possible <strong>by</strong> directly connecting each functional unit output to a register file write<br />

port in the other cluster. Unfortunately, this fully connected network does not scale well as the<br />

number of clusters increases, leading to excessive cost and complexity. Traditional multiprocessor<br />

systems have frequently resorted to a simple shared bus for interprocessor communication, which<br />

substantially reduces the complexity of the interconnect at the expense of substantially higher<br />

contention.<br />

Other studies have sought to explore the design trade-offs between interconnect<br />

complexity and communication latency for clustered architectures relying on centralized issue<br />

logic.<br />

Parcerisa et al.<br />

explore a variety of interconnection schemes for four and eight cluster<br />

processors ranging from simple bus per cluster interconnects to several types of point-to-point<br />

interconnects [20]. Point-to-point interconnects for the four cluster processors are limited to a<br />

basic ring topology, but the eight cluster processors also examine the more complex mesh and torus<br />

topologies. Additionally, their study examines the impact of using a topology-aware instruction<br />

steering scheme that minimizes communication distances for point-to-point interconnects, which<br />

potentially reduces communication latency significantly when compared to a scheme that does<br />

not take this into account. The increased connectivity provided <strong>by</strong> mesh and torus topologies<br />

yields substantial performance gains for the system studied. Furthermore, it is possible to design<br />

a partially asynchronous interconnect with low hardware requirements that achieves performance<br />

close to an equivalent idealized interconnect.<br />

Aggarwal and Franklin’s work explores alternative interconnects and cluster instruction<br />


distribution algorithms that support better scalability than existing approaches [21]. This study<br />

presents hierarchical interconnects as an alternative that provides scalable performance as the<br />

number of on-chip clusters increases. Crossbar interconnects provide full connectivity between<br />

all clusters at the expense of gradually increasing latency with the number of clusters, due<br />

to the increasing physical distance between clusters.<br />

Ring interconnects only rely on short<br />

wires, since they provide communication between neighboring clusters, but the maximum latency<br />

between distant clusters increases dramatically with the number of clusters. On the other hand,<br />

hierarchical interconnects can provide low latency communication between a small number of<br />

clusters <strong>by</strong> connecting groups of four with a crossbar, and scales well to higher numbers of clusters<br />

<strong>by</strong> providing scalable interconnects between these small groups such as with a ring network<br />

connecting these small crossbar networks.<br />

Dividing clusters in this manner also provides the<br />

additional benefit of reducing the complexity of instruction distribution as it may also be spread out<br />

over the different levels of the hierarchy. As a result, their approach provides substantially better<br />

scalability than existing approaches while achieving better performance due to simpler hardware.<br />

This chapter presented research related to our work. Studies have shown that wire delays do<br />

not scale well relative to transistors, which has a negative impact on conventional architectures<br />

that rely on large, centralized structures.<br />

Distributed architectures, such as CMPs, clustered<br />

processors, and gridded processors, show promise in meeting future performance goals given<br />

global communication constraints. Studies have also examined the communication requirements<br />

of clustered processors and alternative on-chip interconnects that address these needs.<br />


CHAPTER 3<br />


Amalgam, as illustrated in Figure 3.1, is a clustered processor that supports implementation at<br />

high clock rates, providing higher performance and better scaling characteristics than conventional<br />

uniprocessor designs. Each cluster contains either a simple programmable processor core or a<br />

block of reconfigurable logic.<br />

These clusters communicate with each other and the memory<br />

system via an on-chip network, exposing all global communication to the compiler. By doing so,<br />

architects limit the impact of wire delays <strong>by</strong> relying on cluster locality when possible and carefully<br />

scheduling operations that require global communication.<br />

In addition to the implementation<br />

advantages, clustered processor designs provide an attractive fabric for heterogeneous computing<br />

systems because the distributed register file abstraction provides a convenient mechanism for<br />

integrating different types of computational resources. To exploit the advantages of such a system,<br />

the architecture must also provide efficient communication and synchronization mechanisms to<br />

effectively utilize an application’s inherent parallelism.<br />

To expand on this general description, the remainder of this chapter elaborates on Amalgam’s<br />

cluster types and the methods they use to coordinate during computation.<br />

3.1 Cluster Types<br />

Amalgam supports programmable and reconfigurable clusters. This mix of processing resources<br />

allows Amalgam to execute each component of an algorithm on the most appropriate resource.<br />


Off-Chip Memory<br />

Cache<br />

Bank Bank Bank Bank<br />

(multi-banked)<br />

Network<br />

PCluster<br />

PCluster PCluster PCluster<br />

RCluster<br />

RCluster RCluster RCluster<br />

Figure 3.1 The Amalgam Clustered Processor<br />

The following sections present the architectural details for each type of cluster.<br />

3.1.1 Programmable clusters<br />

Each programmable cluster (Figure 3.2) consists of a dual-issue, in-order 32-bit processor, a 32-<br />

entry, 32-bit register file, a network interface, and an instruction cache. To minimize complexity,<br />

the programmable cluster uses a simple not-taken branch prediction scheme.<br />

Programmable<br />

clusters execute independent instruction streams consisting of a MIPS-like instruction set that is<br />

loosely based on the DLX ISA presented in [22]. The Amalgam ISA (Appendix D) contains three<br />

key extensions to the DLX ISA that support clustered architectures, based on the instruction set<br />

used on the M-Machine [3]: a barrier instruction to reduce synchronization overhead, specification<br />

of both a destination cluster and a destination register for the result of most instructions, and an<br />

EMPTY instruction that prepares registers to receive results from other clusters.<br />

To further explore cluster design options, we have compared Amalgam’s baseline in-order<br />


Network<br />

Network<br />

Interface<br />

Register File<br />

ALU<br />

ALU<br />

I-cache<br />

D-cache<br />

Figure 3.2 Programmable Cluster Detail<br />

programmable cluster against a few alternatives that include additional functionality. The first<br />

extension compared against the baseline introduces support for out-of-order execution.<br />

This<br />

alternative core uses register renaming, a 128-entry reorder buffer, and a 64-entry temporary<br />

register file to supplement the 32-entry architectural register file. It also employs a more accurate<br />

branch prediction scheme involving a 256-entry table of 2-bit saturating counters and a branch<br />

target buffer with 128 sets and 8-way associativity. The out-of-order core does not support any<br />

form of dynamic memory disambiguation. The second extension that was compared against the<br />

baseline was the inclusion of an additional level of data cache in the clusters. These data caches<br />

added to the alternative programmable clusters use a variant of the Illinois protocol [4] to maintain<br />

coherence between the local caches. This protocol is discussed in further detail in Section 5.3.<br />

Cache-coherence messages travel over the on-chip network and are therefore affected <strong>by</strong> changes<br />

in the network delay and topology.<br />


Network Interface<br />

Register<br />

Bank 0<br />

Segment 3<br />

Segment 0<br />

Register<br />

Bank 1<br />

ACU<br />

Register<br />

Bank 3<br />

Segment 2<br />

Segment 1<br />

Register<br />

Bank 2<br />

Figure 3.3 Reconfigurable Cluster Detail<br />

3.1.2 Reconfigurable cluster<br />

Conceptually, a reconfigurable cluster consists of a simple row-based field-programmable gate<br />

array (FPGA) with a register file that supports Amalgam’s register-based communication mechanisms.<br />

A more detailed discussion of the Amalgam’s reconfigurable cluster and its design may be<br />

found in [23]. Each cluster contains a 32-entry, 32-bit register file, a 32 x 32 array of 4-input logic<br />

blocks, a network interface, and an array control unit (ACU). The register file is divided into four<br />

equally sized banks and interleaved with the reconfigurable array, which is also divided into four<br />

equally sized segments as depicted in Figure 3.3.<br />

This approach eliminates the complex logic required to generate register indices in reconfigurable<br />

logic while providing substantial bandwidth between the array and register file. Each<br />

register in a bank continuously drives its output on a vertical wire that can be read <strong>by</strong> any logic<br />

block in the corresponding bit column of the segment below the bank <strong>by</strong> appropriately configuring<br />


the block’s input multiplexors. Similarly, the input to each register bit is taken from a vertical wire<br />

that can be driven <strong>by</strong> any logic block in the corresponding column of the segment above the bank.<br />

This organization makes the entire contents of the register file available to the array on every cycle,<br />

significantly increasing the number of computations that can be carried out in parallel.<br />

3.2 Communication and Synchronization Mechanisms<br />

When compared to a modern microprocessor, the simple architecture of a programmable cluster<br />

is relatively uninteresting. A similar comparison may be drawn between a modern FPGA and a<br />

single reconfigurable cluster. However, when several programmable and reconfigurable clusters<br />

are combined with efficient communication and synchronization mechanisms, these relatively<br />

simple processing resources can coordinate to provide impressive performance on a variety of<br />

applications. The following sections will discuss traditional shared memory communication, lowlatency<br />

register-based communication and its advantages over shared-memory, and the hardwarebased<br />

cluster barrier operation that provides efficient synchronization between programmable<br />

clusters.<br />

3.2.1 Shared-memory communication<br />

In Amalgam, programmable clusters may communicate via the memory hierarchy using the<br />

shared-memory techniques employed in more traditional multiprocessor systems. To communicate<br />

data between clusters, a producing cluster writes its result to a shared portion of memory. Once<br />

it has been written, other clusters may use this data <strong>by</strong> reading from that location in memory. To<br />

do this reliably, shared-memory systems rely on a locking mechanism where the producing cluster<br />

grabs the lock, guaranteeing exclusive access to a region of memory, writes its data, and then<br />

releases the lock. When other clusters check this lock, the release of the lock indicates that the<br />

data is available, allowing them to proceed with their computation using this data.<br />

An idealized example of this form of communication is illustrated in Figure 3.4, where cluster<br />


Cache<br />

Cache<br />

3 cycles 5 cycles<br />

1-2 cycles<br />

Px<br />

Py<br />

Px<br />

Py<br />

Figure 3.4 Idealized Shared Memory vs. Register Forwarding<br />

Px is producing a value consumed <strong>by</strong> cluster Py. Assuming a two-cycle network delay and onecycle<br />

hit in the main cache, transferring data via shared memory requires a minimum of eight<br />

cycles. When Px finishes computing a data word, it sends a write message to the main cache via<br />

the on-chip network, requiring a minimum of three cycles: two cycles to traverse the network and<br />

one cycle to write the data into the cache. Once Py knows the data is available, it sends a request to<br />

the main cache that then returns the data via the on-chip network, resulting in a total latency of at<br />

least five cycles. Unfortunately, even this is a very optimistic estimate since we have not addressed<br />

how Py knows the data is available. As mentioned previously, this would likely involve some<br />

form of locking mechanism that would require several additional memory accesses and network<br />

traversals.<br />

As a result, the relatively long latency of shared-memory-based communication limits the<br />

frequency of intercluster synchronization and data sharing, thus limiting the performance of<br />

applications requiring fine-grained computation.<br />

3.2.2 Register-based communication<br />

When more frequent communication is required, Amalgam supports a low-latency communication<br />

scheme using intercluster register writes.<br />

Part of the Amalgam specification requires that all<br />

clusters must provide data storage that other clusters may access <strong>by</strong> way of intercluster register<br />

writes. In the case of a programmable cluster, this is implemented as a traditional register file, but<br />


may be implemented in any manner appropriate for the internal organization of nonprogrammable<br />

clusters as long as this interface abstraction is maintained. While each cluster may only read from<br />

its local registers, it may write to any register in the chip <strong>by</strong> specifying the destination cluster and<br />

register and passing this information along with the desired data to the network interface controller.<br />

The network interface then generates an appropriate packet that is routed to the destination cluster<br />

via the on-chip network. Once received, the destination cluster writes this data into its local register<br />

file.<br />

Register scoreboarding is used to indicate when an instruction may issue based on the<br />

availability of its input operands. In this scheme, a central scoreboard tracks register availability<br />

<strong>by</strong> associating a valid bit with each register in the processor.<br />

When an instruction issues, it<br />

clears the valid bit associated with its destination register. When the instruction completes the<br />

writeback stage, it writes its result to the appropriate destination register and sets the valid bit in<br />

the scoreboard. Dependent operations may only issue once the valid bits are set for each of their<br />

input operands. This mechanism is easily extended to support clustered architectures <strong>by</strong> properly<br />

handling intercluster register writes. When an instruction targets a remote cluster’s register, the<br />

issuing cluster is unable to clear the valid bit in the remote cluster’s scoreboard. Therefore, the<br />

Amalgam ISA includes an EMPTY instruction, which clears the valid bit for the specified register.<br />

When a cluster expects to receive an intercluster register write, it must first execute an EMPTY<br />

instruction, there<strong>by</strong> stalling the issue of any dependent operations until the data arrives via the onchip<br />

network. When an intercluster register write arrives at a cluster, the receiving cluster writes<br />

the data into the appropriate register and sets the valid bit in the scoreboard, allowing dependent<br />

operations to proceed.<br />

Previous studies have shown that register-based communication mechanisms improve parallel<br />

application performance over systems that rely solely on shared-memory mechanisms [10, 24].<br />

This is largely due to the difference in latency between the two approaches. This disparity may<br />

be clearly seen in the example presented in Figure 3.4. As discussed previously, shared-memory<br />

systems would require a minimum of eight cycles to communicate a single result from between<br />


clusters Px and Py due to multiple network and cache accesses. This estimate is overly optimistic,<br />

because it ignores lock overhead and any additional memory or network delays. On the other<br />

hand, forwarding the result directly from the Px to Py using an intercluster register write only<br />

requires a single traversal of the network and incurs no memory delays. As a result, register-based<br />

mechanisms are substantially faster than shared-memory mechanisms when employed effectively.<br />

Register-based communication includes a critical limitation not present in shared-memory<br />

mechanisms. The small size of a register file places stringent constraints on the quantity of data<br />

that can be shared at any one time. As a result, it is best suited for sharing small amounts of data<br />

that form the critical path of a computation. However, this limitation may potentially be reduced<br />

<strong>by</strong> implementing the register file as a series of register queues instead of traditional registers. In<br />

this scheme, EMPTY operations would simply increment the queue until it no longer holds valid<br />

data. While this would increase the complexity of the register file, a queue structure would make<br />

application mapping easier and increase the data that may be transferred between synchronizations<br />

operations.<br />

The combination of shared memory and register-based communication mechanisms provides<br />

Amalgam with the flexibility to handle applications with varying levels of parallelism. Applications<br />

with coarse-grained parallelism map onto Amalgam as they would onto a conventional CMP,<br />

relying on shared memory for communication. Applications that allow for fine-grained parallelism<br />

may treat Amalgam’s clusters as loosely coupled functional units, relying more heavily on registerbased<br />

communication.<br />

3.3 Cluster Barriers<br />

In addition to providing efficient communication mechanisms, clustered processors must provide<br />

low-overhead, low-latency mechanisms for synchronizing computation between clusters.<br />

In<br />

Amalgam, this is achieved using a hardware implemented cluster barrier, which serves as a<br />

mechanism for synchronizing all of the programmable clusters in Amalgam.<br />

When a cluster<br />


Cluster<br />

Cluster Cluster Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster Cluster Cluster<br />

1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1<br />

Figure 3.5 Cluster Barrier Register<br />

executes a CBAR instruction, it stalls the issue process until all programmable clusters in the<br />

system have also reached the barrier. Cluster barriers are implemented using a global condition<br />

register with a bit representing each programmable cluster, as depicted in Figure 3.5. Since this<br />

register is accessed via global wires, barrier latency is affected <strong>by</strong> the increasing wire delays<br />

associated with technology scaling. Initially, all of the bits in the register are unset, indicating<br />

that no programmable cluster is waiting on a cluster barrier. The execution of a CBAR instruction<br />

sets the bit in the register associated with the executing cluster. This is illustrated <strong>by</strong> the shaded<br />

clusters in the figure, while the unshaded clusters are still actively computing. When all bits in the<br />

register are set, all programmable clusters have reached the barrier, which clears the register and<br />

allows execution to proceed normally. Using this implementation, a cluster barrier may only be<br />

used to synchronize all of the programmable clusters within the system. When synchronizing a<br />

subset of the programmable clusters, or synchronizing with reconfigurable clusters, a combination<br />

of register scoreboarding and intercluster register writes may be used.<br />

This chapter has discussed the core functional elements of an Amalgam processor and how they<br />

interact. The following chapters detail the system components that are the primary focus of this<br />

thesis. Chapter 4 discusses the on-chip network, focusing on the different topologies examined<br />

including Amalgam’s hierarchical network. Chapter 5 describes the base memory system and<br />

details the hardware-managed coherence protocol created to support local data caches within the<br />

programmable clusters.<br />


CHAPTER 4<br />


The growing communication latencies caused <strong>by</strong> the poor scaling characteristics of global wires<br />

are an increasing concern in deep submicron technologies. While clustered architectures seek to<br />

deal with this issue <strong>by</strong> limiting single cycle wiring delay to local communication and explicitly<br />

exposing the multicycle delay of global communication to the compiler, careful network design<br />

remains important to help minimize the effects of these increasing delays. To this end, this study<br />

examined a variety of network topologies for use in a clustered processor such as Amalgam.<br />

In addition to latency, architects must consider the other characteristics of network topologies<br />

including their hardware complexity, scalability as the number of attached devices increase, and<br />

performance behavior as transistors shrink. These characteristics combine to control how well<br />

a given topology handles increasing communication latency and the corresponding increase in<br />

network contention as network resources become busy for greater lengths of time for the same<br />

operation. The performance of clustered processors is closely tied to this behavior as intercluster<br />

register communication places different demands on the on-chip network than traditional CMPs,<br />

which are limited to shared-memory communication.<br />

To address these issues, the following<br />

sections describe the basic characteristics of bus and crossbar topologies along with a proposed<br />

hierarchical topology, and attempts to predict their effectiveness in a clustered architecture.<br />


Bank<br />

Bank<br />

Bank<br />

Bank<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Figure 4.1 Bus<br />

4.1 Bus<br />

Bus networks (Figure 4.1) connect all of the clusters and cache banks with a single set of shared<br />

wires. Communication on a bus is broken into discrete transactions with a specific sender and<br />

receiver. In order to initiate a transaction, the sender must first gain control of the bus and become<br />

the bus master. Once the sender has control of the bus, it broadcasts its message to the receiver.<br />

Once the receiver has received the message, the bus becomes free for another device to become the<br />

bus master.<br />

The bus has a few advantages over more complex networks, due to its inherent simplicity.<br />

Buses are easy to design and have a consistent interface that is independent of the number of<br />

devices on the bus. Buses represent the bare minimum in hardware required, resulting from the<br />

fact that all devices on the bus share a single set of wires for all communication and only require<br />

an additional network interface to connect another device to the network. While this minimizes the<br />

complexity of the network, it also results in a constant or O(1) bandwidth regardless of the number<br />

of devices that are attached to the network. Realistically, bus performance worsens as the number<br />

of devices increases, because total wire length must increase leading to higher latency. This is<br />

a distinct disadvantage of bus networks, since total network communication would be expected<br />

to increase with the number of devices on the network.<br />

This is particularly true of clustered<br />

processors, due to the large amount of local communication between neighboring clusters via<br />


Bank<br />

Bank<br />

Bank<br />

Bank<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Cluster<br />

Figure 4.2 Crossbar<br />

intercluster register writes.<br />

4.2 Crossbar<br />

Crossbar networks provide substantially more communication bandwidth than bus networks <strong>by</strong><br />

connecting the processing nodes to a grid of crossed wires.<br />

Figure 4.2 depicts a somewhat<br />

simplified example of a crossbar network, where each cluster may drive an associated horizontal<br />

wire that connects to a series of switches. These switches in turn can connect the clusters to the<br />

vertical wires associated with the cache banks. These switches operate independently allowing<br />

multiple transactions per cycle, as long as the there is no contention between the transactions. In<br />

other words, as long as each cluster wants to communicate with a different cache bank there will<br />

be no contention. If two or more clusters need to access the same memory, however, one will be<br />

blocked until the switch reconfigures itself. For example, cluster 0 may communicate with bank 1<br />

during the same cycle as cluster 4 communicates with bank 0, but not at the same time as cluster<br />

7 communicates with bank 1. This is in direct contrast with a bus-based network, which is limited<br />


to a single transaction per cycle.<br />

As a result, crossbar networks have clear advantages over the simpler bus-based networks,<br />

especially for high-performance designs with substantial communication requirements. For such<br />

systems, crossbars provide bandwidth on the order of O(n), where n is the number of connected<br />

devices (clusters or cache banks), and support any permutation of inputs to outputs. However, the<br />

advantages of crossbar networks come at the cost of increased hardware growth, on the order of<br />

O(n 2 ) for n processing elements.<br />

This study examines two variants of the crossbar network that are differentiated <strong>by</strong> how they<br />

scale beyond single cycle latency. In the unpipelined crossbar model, the path between a source<br />

and destination remains busy for the entire latency of a communication across the network. Since<br />

this limits the performance in high clock rate designs, we also study a more complex pipelined<br />

crossbar that can accept a new message for each destination on each cycle. In addition to improving<br />

the performance of communication bursts between two points, this also would also improve the<br />

performance of communication bursts from a single source to multiple destinations.<br />

4.3 Hierarchical Networks<br />

It is anticipated that a single crossbar may be insufficient to meet the performance goals of future<br />

clustered processors.<br />

To exploit potential locality in intercluster communication, hierarchical<br />

networks have been proposed as a simple approach to provide lower-latency communication<br />

between neighboring clusters [21]. This topology augments the global, chip-wide network with<br />

smaller local networks that may achieve lower latencies than the global network <strong>by</strong> constraining<br />

their overall length.<br />

This study briefly examines a two-level hierarchy consisting of a global<br />

network and a pair of local networks that provide communication between the clusters in half<br />

of the chip. This is illustrated in Figure 4.3, where the clusters in the one half may communicate<br />

with each other over the low latency, local network, but fall back to the global network when<br />

they communicate with memory or clusters in the other half of the chip. Splitting the chip into<br />


Bank0 Bank1 Bank2 Bank3<br />

Global<br />

(2 cycle)<br />

Local<br />

(1 cycle)<br />

C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7<br />

Figure 4.3 Hierarchical Network<br />

halves is motivated <strong>by</strong> the current signal delay estimates for an Amalgam implemented in 130-nm<br />

technology. These estimates imply that a cross-chip signal will require a full two clock cycles<br />

while a signal travelling only half-way across the chip will still fit within a single cycle.<br />

This approach may be further extended to an arbitrary number of levels, depending on<br />

the expected communication needs of the targetted application domain.<br />

In an eight-clustered<br />

Amalgam, a designer could potentially include an additional level of hierarchy that would provide<br />

even lower-latency communication between adjacent cluster pairs over that already provided <strong>by</strong><br />

the half-chip local networks.<br />

Introducing a nonuniform interconnection pattern increases the<br />

importance of designing and compiling applications around the topology to achieve maximum<br />

performance. Scheduling threads that communicate frequently onto clusters that are connected<br />

via a low latency local network, and threads that communicate rarely onto separate halves of<br />

the chip will yield noticeably better performance for communication-intensive applications than<br />

a scheduling algorithm that ignores locality.<br />


CHAPTER 5<br />


The previous chapter discussed the importance of on-chip network design due to increasing<br />

communication delays. Aggressive clock rates and technology scaling will also lead to increased<br />

cache and memory access times, which suggests that the design of the memory system is<br />

as important to the overall performance of the system as the design of the on-chip network.<br />

Conventional cache structures require multicycle access times in 130-nm technology for capacities<br />

as small as 4 kB. This situation will only worsen as memory latencies continue to increase relative<br />

to the logic in a single pipeline stage.<br />

This chapter examines Amalgam’s baseline memory<br />

hierarchy, as well as the introduction of local data caches into each programmable cluster and<br />

the protocol implemented to maintain coherence among them.<br />

5.1 Baseline Memory Hierarchy<br />

Amalgam’s baseline memory hierarchy consists of an off-chip memory supplemented <strong>by</strong> a shared<br />

on-chip data cache.<br />

The shared on-chip data cache is divided into four banks to support up<br />

to four memory references per cycle, which matches the maximum number of references that<br />

may be generated per cycle in an Amalgam processor consisting of four programmable and four<br />

reconfigurable clusters.<br />

Our studies have shown that this is not a limiting factor in an eight<br />

programmable cluster system, as there is little performance gain from increasing to eight cache<br />

banks, with at most a 6% performance improvement for one benchmark. However, programmers<br />


that do not carefully design their data structures and memory access patterns around the memory<br />

system may suffer from significant cache aliasing, since Amalgam uses four-way associativity.<br />

Increasing this to eight-way associativity results in a substantial performance increase for two of<br />

our benchmarks, one gaining greater than a twofold improvement and the other running nearly<br />

six times as fast. Both benchmark implementations suffer from aliasing between the different<br />

cluster stack addresses, and minor changes to function calls largely eliminates this disparity. Unless<br />

otherwise specified, the results presented do not use these modified versions.<br />

Memory addresses are interleaved across the banks on a word-<strong>by</strong>-word basis, so bank 0<br />

contains all words whose addresses end in 0 (mod 4), bank 1 contains the words whose addresses<br />

end in 1 (mod 4), and so on. To simplify data cache write-backs, the data cache banks are required<br />

to contain the same set of cache lines, so a cache line is never present in some of the banks and<br />

invalid in others. In addition, each programmable cluster contains a private instruction cache that<br />

interfaces directly to off-chip memory, <strong>by</strong>passing the on-chip network and shared data cache.<br />

5.2 Local Data Caches<br />

As mentioned in Section 3.1.1, designers typically introduce additional levels to the cache<br />

hierarchy in order to enhance the performance of the memory system. To explore this design<br />

option, we looked at extending the programmable cluster architecture to include a small data cache<br />

in order to weigh the performance benefits against the increased complexity. To simplify software<br />

complexity and provide better performance, this modified Amalgam implements a hardwaremanaged,<br />

directory-based coherence protocol in the cache controllers throughout the system,<br />

which is discussed further in Section 5.3.<br />

Cache-coherence messages travel over the on-chip<br />

network, and are therefore affected <strong>by</strong> changes in network delay and topology. To fully explore the<br />

capacity/latency tradeoff, this study examines local data cache sizes ranging from 1 kB to 64 kB,<br />

including the increased access latency of these larger caches.<br />


BR + BW<br />

BW<br />

PR<br />

Invalid<br />

PR/~S<br />

Exclusive<br />

PW/~S<br />

PW/S<br />

BR<br />

Key<br />

PR - processor read<br />

PR/S<br />

BW<br />

PW<br />

PW - processor write<br />

BR - observed bus read<br />

PW<br />

BW<br />

BW - observed bus write<br />

S/~S - shared/NOT shared<br />

Shared<br />

Modified<br />

BR<br />

PR + BR<br />

PR + PW<br />

Figure 5.1 Illinois Protocol State Diagram<br />

5.3 Coherence Protocol<br />

Amalgam implements a directory-based coherence protocol loosely based on the Illinois protocol<br />

[4]. Originally developed for bus-based multiprocessor systems, the Illinois protocol represents the<br />

status of a cache block using four states: Modified (M), Exclusive (E), Shared (S), or Invalid (I).<br />

Figure 5.1 illustrates the basic state diagram for this protocol. In this protocol, all cache lines start<br />

in the Invalid state. When a processor initially requests access to an Invalid block, the processor<br />

obtains an Exclusive copy. If the processor writes to this block, it transitions to the Modified state.<br />

If another processor requests this block, the first processor writes back the block if it has been<br />

Modified, and then both processors have Shared copies of the block.<br />

In a traditional bus-based system, it is possible to exploit certain “snoopy” optimizations to<br />

improve the performance of this protocol. Since memory requests are visible to all processors<br />

on the bus, explicit coherence messages are not required to update the status of local copies for<br />

several state transitions. As a result, it is possible for a processor to respond to memory requests<br />

from other processors for blocks in its local cache, thus avoiding expensive memory delays. Since<br />


us networks are not expected to scale well, Amalgam focuses more heavily on crossbar networks<br />

which eliminate this possible optimization. While it remains viable in a bus-based Amalgam,<br />

“snoopy” optimizations are not currently implemented for those systems.<br />

5.3.1 Implementation<br />

To implement the aforementioned protocol, the main cache controller must be extended to maintain<br />

a central coherence directory. This directory tracks the status of all cache lines in the system as<br />

illustrated in Figure 5.2. A directory entry for a cache block consists of the address of the first word<br />

in the cache block and an associated status vector where each bit in this status vector represents a<br />

programmable cluster. The cache controller uses this status vector to determine the current state of<br />

the associated block. If no bits are set, no local copies of the block exist, as illustrated <strong>by</strong> address<br />

0x10f0 in the figure. If one bit is set, the programmable cluster corresponding to the bit currently<br />

has Exclusive access to that block, as illustrated <strong>by</strong> address 0x00f0. If multiple bits are set, the<br />

block is shared among the specified clusters, as illustrated <strong>by</strong> addresses 0x0a00 and 0x20a0.<br />

Since the line length for the local caches may be shorter than the lines in the main cache, the<br />

directory maintains a separate status vector for each subblock of the main cache line that may be<br />

locally cached.<br />

In addition to the information stored in the main cache controller, the controllers in each<br />

programmable cluster maintain similar status information for locally cached blocks. To determine<br />

whether a cluster has Exclusive or Shared access to a locally cached block, a bit is associated with<br />

each local block that is set when the cluster has exclusive access, as illustrated <strong>by</strong> address 0x00f0.<br />

The remaining addresses 0x0a0 and 0x20a0 are both shared between multiple clusters, and<br />

hence have this bit unset in the clusters. The cluster uses a conventional dirty bit to differentiate<br />

between Exclusive and Modified blocks.<br />

Since network messages may not be visible to all clusters in the system, the main cache<br />

controller must inform clusters of status changes to locally cached blocks.<br />

In particular, this<br />

involves Exclusive → Shared and Valid → Invalid transitions. Local cache controllers are designed<br />


Address<br />

0x00f0<br />

0x0a00<br />

0x10f0<br />

0x20a0<br />

Main Cache<br />

Status Vector<br />

10000000<br />

00001111<br />

00000000<br />

11110001<br />

Cluster 0<br />

Cluster 1<br />

Cluster 2<br />

Cluster 3<br />

0x00f0<br />

0x20a0<br />

1<br />

0<br />

0x20a0<br />

0<br />

0x20a0<br />

0<br />

0x20a0<br />

0<br />

Cluster 4<br />

Cluster 5<br />

Cluster 6<br />

Cluster 7<br />

0x0a00<br />

0<br />

0x0a00<br />

0<br />

0x0a00<br />

0<br />

0x0a00<br />

0x20a0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Figure 5.2 Coherence Directory Example<br />

to maintain more accurate status information for local lines, since it is possible to distinguish<br />

between Exclusive and Modified blocks at this level.<br />

5.3.2 Types of coherence messages<br />

To communicate coherence information across Amalgam’s on-chip network, network messages<br />

include information about the status of data being transmitted.<br />

Table 5.1 lists the coherence<br />

message types supported <strong>by</strong> Amalgam, along with the event that causes a cluster to send each<br />

type and the cluster’s response to receiving each type. A few key message types are required to<br />

implement an Illinois-like protocol, including READ, WRITE, SHARED, and INVALIDATE. These<br />

messages allow a cluster to read data into its local cache, write back any modifications it has made<br />

to shared memory, transition from an exclusive to a shared copy, and evict blocks. While this set of<br />

message types is largely sufficient to implement our protocol, the inclusion of additional message<br />

types and transitions may allow for substantially improved performance.<br />

To this end, these message types are supplemented with additional types that provide further<br />

insight into a block’s status and how the message is to be handled. In this scheme, the ordinary<br />

READ is supplemented <strong>by</strong> the READ X type which is used to request exclusive access to a block,<br />


Table 5.1 Coherence Message Types<br />

Message Type Cluster Initiates Cluster Receives<br />

READ Load address not in cache Block marked S<br />

READ X Store address that is I or S Block marked E<br />

Store completes<br />

WRITE Receives SHARED NA<br />

message for a M block<br />


message for M block<br />

ACK Receives INVALIDATE* NA<br />

message for a E block<br />

FLUSH Cluster evicts an E/S block NA<br />

SHARED NA Block marked S<br />

INVALIDATE NA Block marked I<br />

No reply<br />

INVALIDATE X NA Block marked I<br />

Send WRITEBACK if M<br />

Send ACK if E<br />

INVALIDATE G NA <strong>All</strong> blocks in global line marked I<br />

Send WRITEBACK if M<br />

Send ACK if E<br />

thus ensuring that the cluster may immediately write to that location once it obtains a copy. When<br />

a cluster recieves a SHARED message for a block it has modified, it sends a WRITE messages with<br />

the modified data, updating the main cache and retaining a local copy. This is distinguished from<br />

WRITEBACK messages that send modified data back to the main cache for a block that is no longer<br />

locally cached. FLUSH messages informs the main cache controller that a programmable cluster<br />

has evicted an unmodified block and no longer has a copy.<br />

Our protocol includes three different invalidate messages that are distinguished <strong>by</strong> the expected<br />

response. An INVALIDATE message is only sent to clusters that have a Shared copy of a block,<br />

and requires no reply message from the cluster. Exclusive/Modified blocks are removed using an<br />

INVALIDATE X message. If the block has been modified, the cluster returns the data with a series<br />

of WRITEBACK messages and invalidates its local copy. If the block is unmodified, the cluster may<br />

send a single ACK message indicating it no longer has a copy. When the main cache replaces a<br />


global cache line, it sends a single INVALIDATE G message to each cluster that has copies of any<br />

subblocks of that line. The cluster’s cache controller is then responsible for evicting all locally<br />

cached subblocks of the specified global line.<br />

Some of these additional message types are necessary because coherence messages are not<br />

atomic, and are not visible to all the other clusters in the system. In the “snoopy” implementation<br />

of the Illinois protocol, READ X messages are not required because a cluster may simply write<br />

to a location and broadcast the result to the rest of the system. In Amalgam, this message type<br />

is necessary because a cluster must have Exclusive access to a block before writing to it. Thus<br />

when a cluster attempts to store a result to a Shared block, it must first request Exclusive access<br />

via a READ X message and may only complete the store once it has received Exclusive access.<br />

Other message types, such as INVALIDATE G and ACK, have been included in order to reduce<br />

the number of network messages required to communicate certain status changes. If the main<br />

cache must evict a cache line, it can simply transmit a single INVALIDATE G message to each<br />

cluster that has access to any of the subblocks of that line, as opposed to sending an INVALIDATE<br />

message for each locally cached subblock for each cluster. Similarly, ACK messages reduce the<br />

number of messages required to write back an unmodified local line when a cluster receives an<br />

INVALIDATE* message.<br />


CHAPTER 6<br />


This chapter describes the methodology behind the empirical phase of this thesis work.<br />

To<br />

this end, the chapter begins <strong>by</strong> describing the simulator framework used to examine clustered<br />

programmable-reconfigurable architectures, paying particular attention to the areas related to this<br />

study. Next, it presents the models used for estimating network latency over the range of process<br />

technologies of interest. This is followed <strong>by</strong> a brief discussion of area estimation for the clusters<br />

and cache memories, and the basic latency models used for these components. Finally, this chapter<br />

ends <strong>by</strong> describing the applications in Amalgam’s current benchmark suite.<br />

6.1 Simulation Framework<br />

Microarchitectural timing simulations are performed using amalsim, a cycle-accurate simulator<br />

for clustered programmable-reconfigurable processors. Amalsim runs as a command-line shell that<br />

allows users to interact with an application as it is running <strong>by</strong> typing commands. Among other<br />

things, amalsim supports commands for setting simulator breakpoints, printing debug information,<br />

and stepping through the execution of an application. Supported commands are discussed in further<br />

detail in Appendix C.<br />

To facilitate the exploration of a variety of design tradeoffs in clustered processor design,<br />

amalsim allows the user to define a wide range of clustered architectures through a configuration<br />

file interface, which is described in Appendix A. Users can define the number of programmable<br />


and reconfigurable clusters, the number of ALUs in each programmable cluster, and the memory<br />

hierarchy.<br />

In addition, the simulator supports a network description language that allows the<br />

modeling of virtually any conceivable network topology and latency. This language is discussed<br />

in greater detail in Section This high level of configurability makes it possible to evaluate<br />

a wide range of design trade-offs without modifying the simulator.<br />

For this study, several parameters are varied including the number of clusters, the issue policy<br />

of the programmable clusters, the network topology and latency, and cache parameters. <strong>All</strong> other<br />

configuration options are kept constant. Clusters are modeled as dual-issue in-order processors<br />

with five-stage pipelines. The memory system used for these experiments has 256 kB of on-chip,<br />

shared data cache (four banks of 64 kB each). Each cluster’s instruction cache is 4 kB in size. To<br />

understand how local data cache design affects overall performance and network design, clusters<br />

are simulated without local caches and with local caches varying from 4 kB/cluster to 64 kB/cluster.<br />

<strong>All</strong> of the caches studied (shared data, local data, and instruction) are four-way set-associative.<br />

Amalsim was designed around a set of components: the programmable cluster, the reconfigurable<br />

cluster, the on-chip network, the register file, the branch predictor, the cache, and the<br />

main memory system. After parsing the configuration file, the simulator builds up a hierarchical<br />

structure representing the entire system as illustrated in Figure 6.1. Each component of the system<br />

has a set of pointers to its immediate children in the hierarchy and a pointer to its immediate<br />

parent. This approach allows any component to communicate with any other part of the simulator,<br />

although this is carefully controlled to meet expected hardware constraints. At the beginning of<br />

each cycle, the simulator clocks the top-level structure, which recursively clocks all components<br />

beneath it in the hierarchy until all components have been stepped.<br />

To better understand the results presented later, it is useful to have a good understanding for<br />

how some aspects of this hierarchy are modeled and how the various components communicate. To<br />

that end, the following subsections will briefly touch on how different components of the system<br />

are modeled, focusing on the programmable cluster and the on-chip network.<br />


Top-Level<br />

Amalgam<br />

Memory<br />

Shared<br />

Data Cache<br />

Banks<br />

Reconfigurable<br />

Clusters<br />

On-chip<br />

Network<br />

Programmable<br />

Clusters<br />

Reconfigurable<br />

Array<br />

ACU<br />

Register File<br />

Branch Predictor<br />

Instruction Cache<br />

Data Cache<br />

Register File<br />

Figure 6.1 Amalsim System Hierarchy<br />

6.1.1 Programmable cluster modeling<br />

As mentioned previously, Amalgam’s programmable clusters are dual-issue in-order processors<br />

with five-stage pipelines that execute the MIPS-like instruction set detailed in Appendix D.<br />

Simulation of an in-order programmable cluster relies on a central scoreboard and two register<br />

files: architectural and temporary. The architectural register file contains the correct architectural<br />

state of the processor and is only written during the final writeback stage of the pipeline or when<br />

processing incoming network messages. The contents of the temporary register file reflect more<br />

transient values and serve as the basis for pipeline <strong>by</strong>passing. When instructions issue, their source<br />

operands are read from the temporary register file, which holds values that have been generated<br />

in the execution stage, but have not yet been written back to the architectural register file. As<br />

opposed to maintaining a simple valid bit, the central scoreboard maintains valid times, indicating<br />

when a source value will be available via <strong>by</strong>passing. Out-of-order execution is handled in a similar<br />

manner, but relies on register renaming, a larger physical register file, and a reorder buffer. When<br />

instructions complete, they write their results back into the architectural register file. We maintain<br />

two separate register files in order to differentiate between in-flight data that may potentially be<br />

squashed <strong>by</strong> a mispredict and architecturally correct data. In the event of an exception, data from<br />

the architectural register file may be used to correctly resume computation.<br />

Branch prediction is kept relatively simple for both in-order and out-of-order programmable<br />


clusters, limiting the clock rate and area impact of prediction structures. For all in-order cores<br />

modelled, the simulator uses a simple not-taken prediction scheme. Out-of-order cores require<br />

more advanced techniques in order to obtain reasonable performance benefit from out-of-order<br />

execution, and so a table of 2-bit saturating counters is used combined with a small branch target<br />

buffer.<br />

6.1.2 Network modeling<br />

On-chip networks are described in a textual description developed for Amalgam known as the<br />

Network Description Language, or NDL. This format describes the network as a set of nodes,<br />

where each node is defined <strong>by</strong> its input and output ports and the transfer of messages between<br />

these input and output ports is determined <strong>by</strong> the node’s mode. Arbitrarily complex networks may<br />

be constructed <strong>by</strong> tying the output ports of nodes together with the input ports of other nodes.<br />

Clusters and cache banks are connected to the network <strong>by</strong> associating the input or output ports of<br />

a node with the desired component. Once these connections have been defined, a component may<br />

send a message via the network <strong>by</strong> placing the message on the input port of the node associated<br />

with it, where it is promptly transferred between nodes in the network until it arrives at a node that<br />

connects to the input port of the destination. The following subsections detail how this simulation<br />

is actually performed as well as describing the features of the NDL.<br /> Network description language<br />

The NDL is intended to efficiently describe the topology of the Amalgam on-chip network. The<br />

simulator was initially designed to model a specific network topology with a hard-coded latency.<br />

While simple to model, this approach only supported systems that meet the constraints of the<br />

predefined model and required substantial effort and recompilation of the simulator in order to<br />

study additional topologies. To deal with these limitations, a more generic network simulation<br />

infrastructure was developed that relies on the NDL to express the network topology in a textual<br />

format that is parsed <strong>by</strong> the simulator at run-time. This section briefly discusses the key features<br />


node_cfg {<br />

idx 0;<br />

latency 2;<br />

mode XBAR;<br />

in P 0, P 1;<br />

out N 1, P 0, P 1;<br />

}<br />

node_cfg {<br />

idx 1;<br />

latency 3;<br />

mode BUS;<br />

in N 0;<br />

out B 0, B 1;<br />

}<br />

P0<br />

B0<br />

N0<br />

N1<br />

P1<br />

B1<br />

Figure 6.2 NDL Example<br />

of the NDL, describes how it is simulated, and provides a few brief examples.<br />

The node cfg block serves as the basic element of a network description. Each node cfg<br />

block contains a node index, latency, mode, and input and output connections. The node index<br />

uniquely identifies a given node, and is referenced when specifying internode connections. The<br />

latency is simply the time required to traverse the node in clock cycles. Latency modeling varies<br />

depending on the mode specification, which currently includes a bus, a crossbar, and a pipelined<br />

crossbar. Node inputs and outputs are specified as a comma delimited list of supported unit types<br />

including generic clusters (C), programmable clusters (P), reconfigurable clusters (R), cache banks<br />

(B), and other network nodes (N). A unit type combined with the appropriate index is used to<br />

designate a particular functional element connected to the network. In addition, the NDL grammar<br />

supports a variety of additional constructs such as for loops, if statements, and expressions that<br />

may be used to efficiently describe more complex interconnection networks. Appendix B provides<br />

a more in-depth examination of the language, including the complete formal specification.<br />

Figure 6.2 illustrates the simulator’s interpretation of the short example NDL code on the left.<br />

The first node cfg block describes network node 0, which is depicted <strong>by</strong> the upper circle in this<br />

figure. This node may receive messages from programmable clusters 0 and 1, represented <strong>by</strong> the<br />

upper rectangles, and may transfer messages to programmable clusters 0 and 1 as well as network<br />

node 1, represented <strong>by</strong> the lower circle. The second node cfg block describes network node 1,<br />


which may receive messages from node 0 and transfer them to cache banks 0 or 1, represented <strong>by</strong><br />

the lower rectangles.<br /> Network simulation<br />

After parsing the network description, the simulator generates an internal representation of<br />

the described interconnect that facilitates simulation of arbitrary topologies.<br />

This internal<br />

representation relies upon individual network elements, or nodes, as the core building block for<br />

any desired topology. As specified in the node cfg block, a network node has an associated<br />

latency, a mode of operation, and a collection of input and output ports. These ports are connected<br />

to other network nodes, clusters, or cache banks. This port information is later used to develop the<br />

routing information for the network that includes the shortest paths from each network input to all<br />

reachable outputs.<br />

After the complete internal representation has been created to reflect all nodes in the network<br />

description, the simulator developes a routing table for each node consisting of a list of final<br />

destinations that may be reached from this node, the cost of the shortest known route to each<br />

final destination, and the next hop for that route. This table is constructed using Djikstra’s forward<br />

search as described in [25]. In this approach, the simulator fills in directly connected neighbors<br />

as it initially builds up the network. Using this information, the simulator develops a complete<br />

routing table for every node that includes all possible destinations for this node along with the<br />

optimal route to each using an iterative process. At present, the cost function relies solely on the<br />

latency for all routes examined, but may be easily extended if additional routing constraints are<br />

desired.<br />

Actual network simulation occurs in two distinct phases. At the beginning of every cycle,<br />

the simulator iterates over all of the nodes, attempting to route all available operations from each<br />

node’s input ports to its output ports. Once this has been completed, the simulator proceeds to<br />

re-evaluate all of the nodes, attempting to transfer any operations residing on the output ports of<br />

a node to the input ports of subsequent units. A simple round-robin scheme maintains fairness <strong>by</strong><br />


otating routing priority among the various inputs.<br />

While this succinctly describes the modeling for most network nodes, the simulator handles<br />

pipelined crossbar nodes in a slightly different manner. From the discussion of network topologies<br />

in Section 4, pipelined crossbars allow the sending of additional messages every cycle, dividing the<br />

total latency across multiple pipeline stages. To describe this in a concise manner, NDL includes<br />

support for the pipelined crossbar mode. For nodes operating in this mode, the simulator constructs<br />

a series of n subnodes, where n equals the overall latency of the node. The simulator associates<br />

two indices with these subnodes: a major node index that matches that specified in the node cfg<br />

block, and a minor node index that designates the subnode within the series. The first subnode<br />

uses the input connections specified for the overall node, while the last subnode uses the output<br />

connections. Internode connections are automatically created between the subnodes and contain<br />

buffer space equal to the number of final output connections. A single copy of the routing table is<br />

maintained for the overall node being modeled, since routing between subnodes is trivial.<br />

6.2 Network Latency Modeling<br />

To estimate network latencies for future technologies, approximate wire delays for global on-chip<br />

wires are calculated using the future technology parameters projected in the 2001 International<br />

Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors [26].<br />

calculations presented here are listed in Table 6.1.<br />

Values from this roadmap relevant to the<br />

The wire delays estimated in the manner<br />

presented here serves as the approximate latency for the on-chip network. For the purposes of<br />

this study, two different metrics are used to estimate the wire length of the on-chip network: the<br />

scaled Amalgam core, and the SIA estimate for a full chip.<br />

Area estimates for a single programmable cluster serve as the basis for the estimate of a<br />

complete Amalgam core. These estimates are discussed in more detail in Section 6.3. Using<br />

the side of a square programmable cluster as our basis, we estimate the longest global wire length<br />

as the edge-to-edge distance for eight programmable clusters arranged in a single row. This wire<br />


Table 6.1 Projected Fabrication Technology Parameters<br />

Gate Dielectric Metal ρ Wire Width Aspect Clock Rate<br />

Length (nm) Constant κ (µΩ-cm) (nm) Ratio (GHz)<br />

130 3.0 2.2 335 2.0 1.684<br />

90 2.6 2.2 230 2.1 3.99<br />

65 2.3 2.2 145 2.2 6.739<br />

45 2.1 2.2 102.5 2.3 11.511<br />

32 1.9 2.2 70 2.4 19.348<br />

22 1.8 2.2 50 2.5 28.751<br />

length is then used to estimate wire delay in Amalgam’s on-chip network. This wire length is<br />

also compared against a similar estimate using four cache banks to verify that the programmable<br />

clusters dominate the chip area.<br />

To predict how networks will scale for full size chips, networks traversing the side of a 140-<br />

mm 2 chip are also studied.<br />

The 140-mm 2 chip is the expected chip size for mass-produced<br />

processors across all process generations [26]. While Amalgam clearly does not consume the<br />

same area regardless of process technology, designers will undoubtedly find uses for the additional<br />

transistors, resulting in a relatively consistent chip area across future generations. Since designers<br />

will be facing the wire delays present in full size chips, the impact of these delays on network<br />

topologies is equally important.<br />

Since the delay of a wire is directly proportional to the product of its resistance and capacitance,<br />

models are employed for these parameters across all of the technology generations studied. Wire<br />

resistance per unit length (mΩ/µm) is obtained using the equation R =<br />

ρ , where wire resistivity<br />

W ∗T<br />

is denoted <strong>by</strong> ρ, wire width <strong>by</strong> W, and wire thickness <strong>by</strong> T. Computing capacitance per unit length<br />

(fF/µm) is more complex. Top-level global wires are modeled as a set of parallel lines on one<br />

plate using the equations presented in [27] (reproduced here as Equations (6.1) and (6.2)). Using<br />

this model, capacitance is decomposed into two components: the coupling capacitance between<br />

neighboring wires and the capacitance between the wire and the underlying plane. The flux to an<br />

adjacent wire, C couple , is calculated using Equation (6.1).<br />


C couple = ɛ ox (1.144 T S ( H<br />

H + 2.059S )0.0944<br />

W<br />

+0.7428(<br />

W + 1.592S )1.144<br />

(6.1)<br />

W<br />

+1.158(<br />

W + 1.874S )0.1612<br />

H<br />

·(<br />

H + 0.9801S )1.179<br />

The area and fringe flux to the underlying plane, C af , is calculated using Equation (6.2).<br />

C af = ɛ ox ( W H + 2.217( S<br />

S + 0.702H )3.193<br />

S<br />

+1.171(<br />

S + 1.510H )0.7642<br />

T<br />

·(<br />

T + 4.532H )0.1204 )<br />

(6.2)<br />

In the preceding equations, wire width is denoted <strong>by</strong> W, wire thickness <strong>by</strong> T, interwire spacing<br />

<strong>by</strong> S and dielectric thickness <strong>by</strong> H. Wire spacing is assumed to be equal to wire width, which<br />

is estimated to be half the projected pitch for global wires.<br />

Using the above relations, total<br />

capacitance is calculated using C total = C af + 2C couple .<br />

Table 6.2 lists the projected wire parameters from 130-nm to 22-nm technologies.<br />

The<br />

estimated resistance per unit length (R wire ) and capacitance per unit length (C wire ) are shown for<br />

top-level metal layers, as on-chip networks are assumed to be implemented in high-level metal.<br />

R wire increases dramatically across the technology parameters.<br />

This occurs despite projected<br />

increases in wire aspect ratios that attempt to reduce the increase in R wire at the expense of<br />

an increased coupling capacitance (C couple ).<br />

The increase in C couple is mitigated <strong>by</strong> material<br />

improvements that reduce the dielectric constants of the insulators between wires. Despite the<br />

advances in fabrication materials, the intrinsic delay of a wire continues to increase with each<br />

process generation. This is consistent with the results of other studies [1, 2, 28].<br />


Table 6.2 Calculated Technology Parameters and Projected Wire Delays<br />

Gate R wire C wire 140 mm 2<br />

Length (nm) (mΩ/µm) (fF/µm) Delay (cycles)<br />

130 98 0.737 1.49<br />

90 198 0.690 2.15<br />

65 475 0.567 3.9<br />

45 910 0.517 5.9<br />

32 1870 0.462 8.5<br />

22 3520 0.440 13.8<br />

The estimated values for R wire and C wire form the core of the wire delay model used in this<br />

study. The basic delay model for a wire of length L is D wire = 0.38R wire C wire L 2 . To avoid this<br />

quadratic dependence of delay on wire length, repeaters are inserted periodically along a wire. For<br />

each process, optimal repeater size and number is determined in order to minimize overall wire<br />

delay. Assuming optimal repeater placement, this reduces the delay’s dependence on wire length<br />

from quadratic to linear. Overall wire delay is then determined using Equation (6.3).<br />

D wire = 0.38R wire C wire<br />

L 2<br />

M + (M − 1)t repeater (6.3)<br />

The number of segments is denoted <strong>by</strong> M and delay of a repeater <strong>by</strong> t repeater . This delay is then<br />

multiplied <strong>by</strong> the projected SIA clock frequency to determine the number of cycles required for<br />

a signal to traverse the wire in that technology. This wire delay estimate is used for the network<br />

latency in the technology being examined.<br />

6.3 Area Estimation<br />

To examine the effect of scaling the Amalgam core for each process technology, information<br />

provided in [29] is used to estimate the size of a programmable cluster in each of the fabrication<br />

technologies and cluster configurations we studied.<br />

For the purpose of these estimates, each<br />

programmable cluster includes two 32-bit arithmetic-logic units (ALUs), two 32-bit integer<br />


Table 6.3 Projected Cache Memory Latencies<br />

Gate 256 kB 1 kB 2 kB 4 kB 8 kB 16 kB 32 kB 64 kB<br />

Length Main (cycles) (cycles) (cycles) (cycles) (cycles) (cycles) (cycles)<br />

(nm) (cycles)<br />

180 1.2 0.85 0.87 0.91 0.96 0.99 1.1 1.2<br />

130 2.0 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.9<br />

90 3.3 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.9 3.2<br />

65 4.0 2.8 2.8 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.5 4.0<br />

45 4.8 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.8 4.2 5.0<br />

32 5.7 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.5 5.0 6.0<br />

22 5.8 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.6 5.0 6.1<br />

multiplier units, 32-entry, 32-bit integer register file, 4-kB instruction cache, one 64-bit floating<br />

point unit (FPU), 16-entry, 64-bit floating point register file, and the appropriate amount of data<br />

cache. While Amalgam does not currently support floating point execution, a high-performance<br />

clustered processor design would realistically include hardware support for floating point data.<br />

Cacti [30] is used to generate area estimates for the shared data cache to verify our assumption that<br />

the size of the clusters determined the length of the on-chip network.<br />

6.4 Latency Models<br />

In addition to the latency model used for the on-chip network, this study uses Cacti [30] to<br />

accurately model the latencies of all on-chip memories including the main shared data cache,<br />

instruction caches, and local data caches. Table 6.3 presents these latencies for all technologies<br />

and cache sizes examined.<br />

Rough estimates have also been made to account for increasing pipeline depth and the<br />

performance disparity between logic and DRAM processes.<br />

To obtain the clock frequencies<br />

predicted in the SIA roadmap, designers must aggressively pipeline all aspects of the datapath.<br />

To model this, we have calculated the total number of FO4 delays for our pipeline using a simple<br />

five-stage pipeline implemented in 180 nm. This FO4 delay forms the basis for estimating the<br />


Table 6.4 Projected System Latencies<br />

Gate Pipeline Memory Start Delay Word Delay<br />

Length (nm) Depth (cycles) (cycles) (cycles)<br />

180 5 156 52 26<br />

130 9 300 100 50<br />

90 14 582 194 97<br />

65 17 798 266 133<br />

45 20 1110 370 185<br />

32 24 1524 508 254<br />

22 25 1848 616 308<br />

pipeline depth required to meet SIA clock rate goals in each process, given the improvements in<br />

transistor performance from moving to each process. Since designers spend significant effort on<br />

ALU performance, the <strong>by</strong>pass latency for operations is expected to increase at a slower but similar<br />

rate.<br />

The baseline memory latency is based on the CAS latency of PC133 SDRAM. The time to<br />

communicate with the memory system is approximated as CASlatency + 50%overhead. Using<br />

this latency, the time to load a line of data into the cache is estimated to be two transits across the<br />

memory bus to send the address followed <strong>by</strong> one transit per word in the line, with a line length of<br />

four words. This cache line latency serves as the memory latency for the 180-nm technology node.<br />

To predict the memory latency for future technologies, this latency is mutliplied <strong>by</strong> an expected<br />

performance increase of roughly 7% per year. Using this information and the timeline presented<br />

in the SIA roadmap, memory latencies may be approximated for each major technology node. The<br />

time to load a cache line based on these memory latencies along with pipeline depths are depicted<br />

in Table 6.4.<br />

The past several sections presented the major aspects of our experimental methodology<br />

including our overall simulation framework and the technological basis for our latency estimates.<br />

To complete this discussion, it is necessary to describe the benchmarking tools used to evaluate<br />

our architecture. The following section presents the set of applications that compose the Amalgam<br />

benchmark suite used in our studies.<br />


6.5 Benchmarks<br />

The Amalgam benchmark set includes seven applications selected from benchmarks previously<br />

used to evaluate multiprocessor systems or reconfigurable architectures: Image dithering, DNA<br />

sequence matching, GNU Radio FIR, Mergesort, MPEG encoding, Rijndael encryption, and the<br />

Traveling Salesman problem. To map these application to Amalgam, a programmer writes handparallelized<br />

C code that explicitly specifies the execution flow for each programmable cluster in the<br />

system, which is then compiled down to an Amalgam binary using our compilation tool flow [31].<br />

Hardware barriers are specified <strong>by</strong> the programmer using an Amalgam-specific pragma. Intercluster<br />

register writes are handled using variable names of the form cx iy where x specifies the<br />

destination cluster index and y specifies the destination register. The next seven sections summarize<br />

the benchmarks.<br />

6.5.1 Image dithering<br />

Image dithering maps an N × N pixel image to a reduced color palette. The version implemented<br />

for Amalgam uses Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion [32] to convert a 128 x 128 pixel image from<br />

8-bit red-green-blue (RGB) palette to a six-color RGB palette, resulting in a reduction from 256 3<br />

colors to 6 3 . This is performed <strong>by</strong> dividing the original color <strong>by</strong> 51 (255/5) and propagating the<br />

remainder as error to some of the adjacent pixels.<br />

6.5.2 DNA sequence matching<br />

DNA sequence matching computes the relative similarity between a 128-base input DNA sequence<br />

and a target 128-base sequence in a genetic database. When comparing genetic sequences [33], the<br />

edit distance has been shown to be a convenient way to quantify the similarity of two sequences.<br />

This edit distance is defined as the minimum cost of converting one sequence to another through<br />

character deletions, character insertions, and the substitution of one character for another. To<br />

compute the edit distance between two strings, a well-known dynamic programming algorithm is<br />


employed [34], which develops an m × n table of distances using Equation (6.4), where m and<br />

n are the length of the source and target sequences, respectively. Each element in the table is<br />

calculated <strong>by</strong> determining the set of minimum cost operations required to transform the source<br />

sequence into the target sequence up to that point in each sequence. In other words, element d i,j<br />

represents the edit distance between the first i characters of the source sequence and the first j<br />

characters of the target sequences. The total edit distance is simply d m,n in this table and requires<br />

O(mn) time to compute using a straightforward sequential implementation. However, there is a<br />

certain amount of parallelism present in the recurrence for d i,j , since each element only depends<br />

on adjacent distances (d i−1,j , d i,j−1 , and d i−1,j−1 ), which we exploit for improved performance.<br />

d 0,0 = 0<br />

d i,0 = d i−1,0 + deletion cost<br />

d 0,j = d 0,j−1 + insertion cost (6.4)<br />

⎧<br />

⎫<br />

d i−1,j + deletion cost<br />

⎪⎨ d i,j−1 + insertion cost<br />

⎪⎬<br />

d i,j = min<br />

d i−1,j−1 + substitution cost<br />

⎪⎩ d i−1,j−1 (source i == target j )<br />

⎪⎭<br />

6.5.3 GNU radio FIR<br />

FIR is an implementation of an intermediate frequency filter used in an FM radio example in GNU<br />

Radio [35], employing a 50-tap, causal FIR filter. It is parallelized in a pipelined manner, where<br />

each cluster does a fraction of the total calculations and then sends the results to the next cluster to<br />

process.<br />


6.5.4 Mergesort<br />

Mergesort implements a recursive mergesort algorithm to sort a list of 1000 integers. Similar to<br />

Quicksort, the Mergesort algorithm is based on a divide-and-conquer strategy wherein the list is<br />

divided into two halves, each half is sorted independently, and the two sorted halves are merged<br />

to a sorted sequence. Amalgam exploits the parallelism of this algorithm <strong>by</strong> passing the original<br />

divisions off to other programmable clusters and then performing the final merge on the originating<br />

cluster. While the sublists may be operated on entirely in parallel, the sequential nature of the final<br />

merge limits the potential benefits of parallel execution.<br />

6.5.5 MPEG encoding<br />

MPEG is an implementation of an MPEG1 I-frame encoder [36], that takes a series of 256 × 256<br />

24-bit RGB-formatted BMP files corresponding to a series of video frames and generates an intraframe-only<br />

MPEG1 compliant file. Each BMP frame is opened sequentially and organized into<br />

16 × 16 pixel blocks, which are converted into 4:2:0 YUV color space. The resultant data is<br />

organized into macroblocks consisting of six 8 × 8 blocks, referred to as Y0, Y1, U, V, Y2, and<br />

Y3. An 8 × 8 forward DCT (FDCT) is performed on each block, and resulting coefficients are<br />

quantized to zero out many of the high-frequency DCT coefficients. At this point, the data is<br />

organized into slices that consist of rows containing 16 macroblocks. The 8 × 8 blocks within a<br />

slice are encoded into a bitstream using a form of Huffman coding, all slices are merged to form<br />

an encoded frame, and the next frame is processed until all frames have been completed.<br />

The color space conversion is parallelized at the 16 × 16 pixel block level. Likewise, the DCT<br />

and quantization are parallelized at the macroblock level. The Huffman coding stage, however, is<br />

parallelized at the slice level because slices are the smallest objects in the MPEG bitstream that are<br />

<strong>by</strong>te aligned. Attempting to parallelize the Huffman coding stage at the macroblock level requires<br />

substantial shift and mask operations, which would hinder performance.<br />


6.5.6 Rijndael encryption<br />

The current Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Rijndael, is an iterated block cipher encryption<br />

algorithm that supports variable block and key lengths [37]. The number of iterations depends<br />

on the current block and key sizes. Each iteration performs a set of round transformations that<br />

are composed of four distinct transformations. These transformations treat each data word as a<br />

row in an array, with each <strong>by</strong>te being an independent element. The first transformation, <strong>by</strong>te<br />

substitution, is a nonlinear <strong>by</strong>te substitution where each <strong>by</strong>te is used to index into a look-up table<br />

referred to as the S-box. The <strong>by</strong>te in the S-box at the indexed location replaces the current <strong>by</strong>te.<br />

The second transformation, shift row, performs a cyclic shift of the <strong>by</strong>tes in each row, with each<br />

row using a different offset. The third transformation, mix column, considers the columns as<br />

polynomials over Galois Field GF (2 8 ) and are multiplied modulo x 4 + 1 with a fixed polynomial<br />

c(x) = ‘03 ′ x 3 + ‘01 ′ x 2 + ‘01 ′ x + ‘02 ′ . During the final round, this step is skipped. The fourth<br />

transformation, round key addition, applies a round key using a simple bitwise XOR to the output<br />

of the mix column operation. The round key for each round is derived from the cipher key using<br />

a key schedule and is typically generated before executing the cipher as it is independent of the<br />

block to encrypt.<br />

The current Amalgam implementation uses a 128-bit block size, requiring 10 iterations of the<br />

round transformation over a sequence of 512 blocks.<br />

6.5.7 Traveling salesman<br />

The traveling salesman problem involves finding the tour of a list of cities that minimizes the total<br />

distance traveled. A tour starts at a city, visits each other city exactly once, and returns to the<br />

first city. The Branch-and-Cut [38] algorithm has been implemented for Amalgam, and assumes a<br />

symmetric, Euclidean traveling salesman problem.<br />

The Branch-and-Cut algorithm divides the problem into n search trees, with n being the number<br />

of points in the dataset. A recursive, depth-first-search is run on each of these trees that seeks to<br />


identify a valid, minimum distance tour of all cities. Upon each recursion, the distance travelled<br />

so far is compared to the current shortest path and either aborts this search path if it is determined<br />

to be longer, or continues down this path if not. Aborting a long subpath at this point improves<br />

efficiency <strong>by</strong> eliminating subtrees that can not produce a shorter path than the current path. When<br />

a search reaches a leaf node, it has successfully found a shorter path, and updates the current<br />

record. This implementation is parallelized <strong>by</strong> dividing up the lowest-level search trees among the<br />

programmable clusters.<br />

This chapter described the experimental methodology used in this study.<br />

To thoroughly<br />

examine the scalability of clustered architectures and the associated performance tradeoffs, we<br />

have developed a flexible simulation infrastructure and estimated the critical system latencies<br />

required for this work. The applications used to evalute the system were also discussed. The<br />

following chapter presents the results of our study.<br />


CHAPTER 7<br />


This chapter presents the results from the scaling studies of Amalgam’s on-chip network and<br />

memory systems. The discussion begins with an analysis of the scaling characteristics of wire<br />

delay, focusing on its impact on global communication and cache access time. This motivates<br />

the remainder of the chapter, which presents the scaling behavior of Amalgam, the effects of<br />

introducing local data caches into the programmable clusters, and the effects of intercluster register<br />

writes.<br />

7.1 Increasing Impact of Wire Delays<br />

While transistor performance is expected to continue improving in the near future, wire delays are<br />

not expected to improve as quickly and may potentially worsen as wire cross sections continue to<br />

shrink. Using advanced dielectrics, the number of transistors that may be reached within a single<br />

cycle will remain relatively constant, but chip transistor budgets will continue to increase leading to<br />

multi-cycle, cross-chip communication latencies. Figure 7.1 illustrates this effect under optimistic<br />

circumstances, assuming aggressive process advances and optimal repeater placement. The core<br />

trendline depicts the scaling behavior of global wires communicating between a fixed number of<br />

transistors, in this case depicting the area of an Amalgam processor with 8 programmable clusters<br />

and 256 kB of shared data cache. While the communication delay in nanoseconds is decreasing,<br />

technology improvements are unable to keep up with rapidly increasing clock frequencies, as<br />


Wire Delay (ns)<br />

2<br />

1.8<br />

1.6<br />

1.4<br />

1.2<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142<br />

122 102 82<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

62<br />

42<br />

22<br />

core<br />

full<br />

Wire Delay (cycles)<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142<br />

122 102 82<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

62<br />

42<br />

22<br />

core<br />

full<br />

(a) Wire Delay in ns<br />

(b) Wire Delay in cycles<br />

Figure 7.1 Wire Delay in Future Technologies<br />

demonstrated <strong>by</strong> the slowly rising wire delay in cycles. The full trendline depicts the global wire<br />

delay between the chip boundaries of a 140-mm 2 die. As expected, the number of cycles required<br />

to propagate a signal from edge to edge of a chip will increase substantially over the next several<br />

generations. This suggests that greater design emphasis needs to be placed on exploiting spatial<br />

locality in the future, avoiding global communication wherever possible.<br />

Figure 7.1 also illustrates that an eight clustered Amalgam will require a die size greater than<br />

140 mm 2 when implemented in either 180-nm or 130-nm processes. The 140-mm 2 die only serves<br />

as a guideline for average implementations in each technology, and aggressive, high-performance<br />

processors are expected to consume up to a 280-mm 2 die.<br />

While the nontrivial latency of global communication must be addressed in future designs,<br />

traditional cache memories have the potential to limit performance even further when faced with<br />

increasing wire delays, aggressive clock rates, and the widening processor-memory performance<br />

gap. As illustrated in Figure 7.2, increasing cache latencies will hinder their ability to mitigate<br />

the impact of the ever-widening processor-memory performance gap. While the absolute cache<br />

access time will decrease with technology (Figure 7.2(a)), chip clock rates are expected to increase<br />

dramatically due to very deeply pipelined designs. Caches as small as 1 kB will have access times<br />


Access Time (ns)<br />

2<br />

1.8<br />

1.6<br />

1.4<br />

1.2<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

0 32 64 96 128<br />

Cache Size (kB)<br />

180nm<br />

130nm<br />

90nm<br />

65nm<br />

45nm<br />

32nm<br />

22nm<br />

Access Time (cycles)<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

0 32 64 96 128<br />

Cache Size (kB)<br />

180nm<br />

130nm<br />

90nm<br />

65nm<br />

45nm<br />

32nm<br />

22nm<br />

(a) Access Time in ns<br />

(b) Access Time in cycles<br />

Figure 7.2 Cache Access Time in Future Technologies<br />

of four cycles or more, which is likely to be a performance limitation in future systems. This<br />

suggests that designers must closely examine the role of traditional cache memory hierarchies in<br />

future designs and explore potential alternatives such as small software-managed memories.<br />

7.2 Scaling Results<br />

Benchmark simulations estimate execution times for a range of Amalgam implementations with<br />

varying local data cache sizes and network topologies. These simulations provide insight into<br />

how network and memory latencies impact the performance of future clustered processors. The<br />

graphs presented in the upcoming sections rely on execution time as the performance metric,<br />

which is computed <strong>by</strong> dividing the number of cycles required to execute each benchmark on<br />

a given configuration <strong>by</strong> the SIA Roadmap’s predicted clock rate for the fabrication process<br />

used in the configuration. Using this metric, several results are presented to illustrate various<br />

scaling characteristics of clustered processors.<br />

To explore the overall behavior of the system,<br />

total performance results are presented, in which the execution time of applications on an eightcluster<br />

processor of various configurations is normalized against the performance on an eight-<br />


1<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.9<br />

Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180nm 8PC Bus)<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

Network Topology<br />

Bus<br />

Crossbar<br />

Pipelined Crossbar<br />

Unit Crossbar<br />

Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180nm 8PC Bus)<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

Network Topology<br />

Bus<br />

Crossbar<br />

Pipelined Crossbar<br />

0.1<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142 122 102 82 62<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

42<br />

22<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142 122 102 82 62<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

42<br />

22<br />

(a) In-Order Processor Cores<br />

(b) Out-of-Order Processor Cores<br />

Figure 7.3 Full-Chip Summary<br />

cluster processor implemented in a 180-nm process. These results are supplemented with plots<br />

that directly illustrate the performance gains from parallelism <strong>by</strong> comparing varying numbers of<br />

programmable clusters against a single programmable cluster. To further clarify the benefits gained<br />

from parallelism, relative speedups are also presented for 180-nm and 22-nm technology nodes.<br />

7.2.1 Full-chip latency scaling<br />

Figure 7.3 shows the average runtime for our benchmarks in different network topologies as a<br />

function of the fabrication process used, holding the chip size constant at 140 mm 2 and assuming<br />

no local data caches. Somewhat surprisingly, configurations that use the bus-based interconnect<br />

network perform only slightly worse than the crossbar-based network when using in-order cores<br />

(Figure 7.3(a)). To fully assess the importance of the on-chip network, this figure also includes<br />

the performance results for a system with a single cycle crossbar, referred to as a Unit Crossbar<br />

in this figure. In current technologies, this topology performs better than systems with realistic<br />

communication delays. However, the performance benefit is negligible in future processes, due<br />

largely to the more dominant memory latency.<br />

Figure 7.3(b) shows a somewhat different story for out-of-order cores, where the flexibility<br />


1<br />

0.9<br />

Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180-nm 8PC Bus)<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

dither<br />

dna<br />

fir<br />

msort<br />

mpeg<br />

rijndael<br />

tsp<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142<br />

122 102 82<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

62<br />

42<br />

22<br />

Figure 7.4 Individual Benchmark Performance on Full-Chip Configuration (Bus)<br />

of out-of-order execution largely mitigates any differences in latency between the topologies. It<br />

is interesting to note that even a simple bus-based interconnect can achieve performance on par<br />

with a pipelined crossbar, but this may be partially accounted for <strong>by</strong> our simple out-of-order core.<br />

Since our model provides no dynamic memory disambiguation, all memory references are forced<br />

to execute sequentially, which reduces the benefit one would expect to see from pipelining the<br />

interconnect.<br />

Figure 7.4 shows the impact of process scaling on the performance of each of our benchmarks.<br />

While all of the benchmarks display similar overall performance curves, sensitivity to communication<br />

and memory delays varies between benchmarks, which results in some variance in the<br />

performance gains from technology scaling.<br />

7.2.2 Core-only latency scaling<br />

As fabrication technologies improve, the amount of chip area required to implement a given<br />

clustered processor will shrink significantly, mitigating some of the impact of network latency on<br />


1<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.9<br />

Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180nm 8PC Bus)<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

Network Topology<br />

Bus<br />

Crossbar<br />

Pipelined Crossbar<br />

Unit Crossbar<br />

Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180nm 8PC Bus)<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

Network Topology<br />

Bus<br />

Crossbar<br />

Pipelined Crossbar<br />

0.1<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142 122 102 82 62<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

42<br />

22<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142 122 102 82 62<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

42<br />

22<br />

(a) In-Order Processor Cores<br />

(b) Out-of-Order Processor Cores<br />

Figure 7.5 Performance When Scaling the Architecture Core<br />

overall performance. Figure 7.5 presents the average performance of our benchmarks as a function<br />

of interconnect topology and fabrication process if we hold the architecture constant and scale the<br />

size of the chip to match the estimated area required <strong>by</strong> the processor. The curves shown in this<br />

figure are very similar to those shown in Figure 7.3, indicating that the increase in the latency of<br />

the on-chip memories dominates the change in network latency for these configurations, which do<br />

not include local data caches in each cluster. In particular, the latency of the instruction caches in<br />

each cluster becomes as high as four cycles in the 22-nm technology, arguing that more aggressive<br />

instruction fetch mechanisms are required to maintain past performance trends.<br />

Figure 7.6 shows the impact of process scaling on the performance of each of our benchmarks<br />

as the core is scaled. Again, these curves are very similar to the ones shown for full-chip scaling,<br />

arguing that memory latency is more important than network latencies for these configurations.<br />

The performance of clustered processors derives from two factors:<br />

speedup from the<br />

parallelization of applications across the clusters, and clock rate improvements as fabrication<br />

technology improves. To understand the relative impact of these factors, Figure 7.7 shows the<br />

relative execution time of our benchmarks for configurations with a pipelined crossbar interconnect<br />

as a function of the number of clusters used and the fabrication technology.<br />


1<br />

0.9<br />

Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180nm 8PC Bus)<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

dither<br />

dna<br />

fir<br />

msort<br />

mpeg<br />

rijndael<br />

tsp<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142<br />

122<br />

102<br />

82<br />

62<br />

42<br />

22<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

Figure 7.6 Individual Benchmark Performance on Core-Only Configuration (Bus)<br />

1<br />

1<br />

Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180nm 1PC Pipelined Crossbar)<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

180nm<br />

130nm<br />

90nm<br />

65nm<br />

45nm<br />

32nm<br />

22nm<br />

Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180nm 1PC Pipelined Crossbar)<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

180nm<br />

130nm<br />

90nm<br />

65nm<br />

45nm<br />

32nm<br />

22nm<br />

0<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Number of Clusters<br />

0<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Number of Clusters<br />

(a) In-Order Processor Cores<br />

(b) Out-of-Order Processor Cores<br />

Figure 7.7 Multicluster Speedup on Core-Only Configurations<br />

For systems fabricated in the 180-nm process, the eight-cluster configuration achieves a<br />

speedup of approximately 3x over the one-cluster system, but the parallel speedup declines<br />

significantly in the more advanced fabrication processes, as would be expected due to the increased<br />

network latency.<br />

In 22 nm, the average speedup for an eight-cluster configuration drops to<br />


6<br />

6<br />

Speedup vs. 1PC<br />

(180nm, In-order, Pipelined Crossbar)<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

dither<br />

dna<br />

fir<br />

msort<br />

mpeg<br />

rijndael<br />

tsp<br />

Speedup vs. 1PC<br />

(22nm, In-order, Pipelined Crossbar)<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

dither<br />

dna<br />

fir<br />

msort<br />

mpeg<br />

rijndael<br />

tsp<br />

0<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Number of Clusters<br />

0<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Number of Clusters<br />

(a) 180 nm<br />

(b) 22 nm<br />

Figure 7.8 Multicluster Speedup on Core-Only Configurations for Technology Endpoints<br />

1.7x over the single cluster system. While all of the configurations see significant performance<br />

improvement as the number of clusters increases from one to four, the performance difference<br />

between the four-cluster and eight-cluster configurations becomes very small and actually shifts<br />

to a performance loss in the out-of-order core, indicating that additional mechanisms to reduce<br />

the performance impact of network and memory latency will be required as we approach these<br />

fabrication technologies.<br />

To further examine the nature of individual benchmarks, Figure 7.8 depicts the multicluster<br />

speedup over a single cluster for the 180-nm and 22-nm technology nodes using a pipelined<br />

crossbar interconnect and in-order cores. At the 180-nm node, most benchmarks demonstrate<br />

fairly linear speedups as the number of clusters is increased, indicating that the underlying system<br />

is able to effectively exploit the available parallelism within an application. Some benchmarks,<br />

such as MPEG1 and DNA, see reduced speedups when moving from four to eight cluster<br />

implementations. Unfortunately, TSP and Mergesort suffer from significant cache line aliasing<br />

in their stack address space, and experience a performance drop when moving from four to eight<br />

cluster implementations. As discussed previously in Section 5.1, this problem may be eliminated<br />

<strong>by</strong> making changes to the function calls within an application to alter their stack allocation.<br />


7<br />

6<br />

Speedup vs. 1PC<br />

(180nm, In-order, Pipelined Crossbar)<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

dither<br />

dna<br />

fir<br />

msort<br />

mpeg<br />

rijndael<br />

tsp<br />

Speedup vs. 1PC<br />

(22nm, In-order, Pipelined Crossbar)<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

dither<br />

dna<br />

fir<br />

msort<br />

mpeg<br />

rijndael<br />

tsp<br />

0<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Number of Clusters<br />

0<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Number of Clusters<br />

(a) 180 nm<br />

(b) 22 nm<br />

Figure 7.9 Multicluster Speedup on Core-Only Configurations with Stack Tweaks<br />

Figure 7.9 depicts the result of fixing stack allocation for TSP and Mergesort. As we can see,<br />

this increases our average parallel speedup for an eight-cluster system over a single cluster system<br />

from 3x to 4x in 180 nm, and from 1.7x to 2.4x in 22 nm.<br />

7.3 Effects of Local Data Caches<br />

To reduce the impact of memory and network latency on performance, we examined the addition<br />

of a variety of local data caches to each programmable cluster, which required implementing a<br />

MESI directory-based, cache-coherence protocol over the on-chip network to keep the local caches<br />

consistent. Figure 7.10 shows the average performance of our benchmark suite on an eight-cluster<br />

system as a function of the local cache size, network architecture, and fabrication process.<br />

As would be expected, adding even a small local data cache to each cluster significantly<br />

improves performance in near term technologies. As cache size increases, however, performance<br />

remains relatively constant, particularly for the more advanced fabrication processes.<br />

This<br />

somewhat-unexpected result is due to the increase in cache access time as local cache capacity<br />

increases, which cancels out or even dominates the increased hit rate of the local cache.<br />

As<br />


Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180nm Bus)<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

180 130 90 65 45 32 22<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

Local Data<br />

Cache Size<br />

none<br />

1k<br />

2k<br />

4k<br />

8k<br />

16k<br />

32k<br />

64k<br />

Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180nm Bus)<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

180 130 90 65 45 32 22<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

Local Data<br />

Cache Size<br />

none<br />

1k<br />

2k<br />

4k<br />

8k<br />

16k<br />

32k<br />

64k<br />

(a) Bus<br />

(b) Crossbar<br />

Figure 7.10 Local Data Cache Performance<br />

memory latencies increase, local caches become less effective due to increasing access times.<br />

By 22 nm, little benefit if any is obtained from the additional complexity of local data caches.<br />

Another point of interest is the relatively minor performance difference between a bus and a<br />

crossbar network. Introducing an appropriately sized local data cache into each cluster largely<br />

mitigates the differences between topologies.<br />

In almost all cases, the 8-kB local cache configuration gives the best performance, arguing that<br />

local cache access time is at least as important as hit rate for these architectures. This makes a<br />

strong argument in favor of optimizations that allow smaller local memories to capture significant<br />

portions of a program’s data traffic. The inclusion of small, software-controlled memories would<br />

likely improve future performance substantially <strong>by</strong> reducing access times while maintaining high<br />

hit rates.<br />

To illustrate the best performance possible with local, hardware-managed caches, Figure 7.11<br />

compares the best cache configuration in each technology against a system without local caches.<br />

Clearly, local caches provide very limited benefit as access times increase. Hit rates do not change<br />

substantially as technology shrinks.<br />

It should be noted that clusters have independent stack address spaces, and that these addresses<br />


1<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.9<br />

Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180nm, no local caches)<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

no local caches<br />

local caches<br />

Relative Execution Time<br />

(vs. 180nm, no local caches)<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

no local caches<br />

local caches<br />

0.1<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142<br />

122 102 82<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

62<br />

42<br />

22<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142<br />

122 102 82<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

62<br />

42<br />

22<br />

(a) In-Order Processor Cores<br />

(b) Out-of-Order Processor Cores<br />

Figure 7.11 Best Cache Configuration Comparison (Crossbar)<br />

have been skewed in an attempt to avoid any cache line aliasing in the main cache. Since clusters<br />

are frequently executing identical code, they tend to allocate objects to the stack in the same<br />

manner. As a result, it is important to carefully assign the size and starting addresses for cluster<br />

stack space to avoid constant aliasing between the clusters.<br />

7.3.1 Area impact of local caches<br />

Figure 7.12 depicts the distribution of relative total chip area consumed <strong>by</strong> each major system<br />

component for the range of local data cache sizes being examined. In the system without local<br />

data caches, chip area is divided fairly evenly between programmable cluster resources and the<br />

256 kB of global shared cache. As local data cache sizes increase, we see that the clusters with 64<br />

kB of local data cache account for approximately 75% of the chip, with the local data caches alone<br />

consuming close to half.<br />


Percentage Chip Area<br />

100%<br />

90%<br />

80%<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

Cluster<br />

Local<br />

Global<br />

0%<br />

None 4kB 8kB 16kB 32kB 64kB<br />

Local Data Cache Capacity<br />

Figure 7.12 Fractional Chip Area for Different Local Cache Sizes<br />

7.4 Effects of Intercluster Register Writes<br />

As mentioned previously, studies have shown that register-based communication mechanisms have<br />

the potential to yield significant performance advantages over systems that rely solely on sharedmemory<br />

mechanisms [10, 24]. Two of the applications in the Amalgam benchmark suite have<br />

been implemented using register-based communication to provide a comparison against sharedmemory<br />

implementations in Amalgam.<br />

FIR utilizes register communication in the traditional<br />

sense, passing temporary results from producing to consuming cluster, thus reducing the amount of<br />

data communicated through shared memory. DNA takes a different approach, passing information<br />

about the availability of segments of the output array to the consuming clusters to replace<br />

traditional lock operations.<br />

Figure 7.13 illustrates the percent speedup from these register-based implementations for<br />

pipelined crossbar-based processors with two, four, and eight clusters over the technology range<br />

studied. FIR achieves speedup as high as 19% in a four-clustered Amalgam, yet exhibits gradually<br />

reduced improvements as technology advances.<br />

DNA achieves speedup as high as 9%, but<br />


0.26<br />

0.1<br />

Speedup from Register Communication<br />

0.24<br />

0.22<br />

0.2<br />

0.18<br />

0.16<br />

0.14<br />

0.12<br />

0.1<br />

0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.04<br />

0.02<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142<br />

122 102 82<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

62<br />

42<br />

Number of<br />

Clusters<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />

22<br />

Speedup from Register Communication<br />

0.09<br />

0.08<br />

0.07<br />

0.06<br />

0.05<br />

0.04<br />

0.03<br />

0.02<br />

0.01<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142<br />

122 102 82<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

62<br />

42<br />

Number of<br />

Clusters<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />

22<br />

(a) FIR<br />

(b) DNA<br />

Figure 7.13 Benefits of Intercluster Register Communication (Pipelined Crossbar)<br />

demonstrates more interesting behavior over the studied technologies. The performance gains<br />

from intercluster communication initially degrade with technology, but improve after 90 nm and<br />

stabilize thereafter. This can be attributed to the relative change in access latency between different<br />

microarchitectural components. The shared cache banks have a two-cycle access latency in both<br />

180-nm and 130-nm feature sizes, but this latency doubles during the shrink to 90 nm. This results<br />

in a sudden rise in the performance gain from register communication. This latency continues to<br />

rise as clock rates improve, but does not see as sharp a rate of increase as at this point, which results<br />

in somewhat more stable behavior.<br />

Figure 7.14 illustrates a similar experiment as that depicted in Figure 7.13, but for systems<br />

that use a bus-based interconnect. On average, the relative performance gains from forwarding are<br />

better than with the pipelined crossbar interconnect, with as much as a 24% speedup for FIR. Since<br />

bus interconnects suffer from higher contention, the reduced number of network messages required<br />

when using register communication explains this trend. Interestingly, this results in a gradual<br />

increase in speedup for FIR on the eight-clustered Amalgam. This effect also keeps the fourclustered<br />

speedup higher than the two-clustered speedup on FIR. Unfortunately, both benchmarks<br />

demonstrate reduced benefit for the eight-cluster systems, only achieving speedups in the range of<br />


0.26<br />

0.1<br />

Speedup from Register Communication<br />

0.24<br />

0.22<br />

0.2<br />

0.18<br />

0.16<br />

0.14<br />

0.12<br />

0.1<br />

0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.04<br />

0.02<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142<br />

122 102 82<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

62<br />

42<br />

Number of<br />

Clusters<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />

22<br />

Speedup from Register Communication<br />

0.09<br />

0.08<br />

0.07<br />

0.06<br />

0.05<br />

0.04<br />

0.03<br />

0.02<br />

0.01<br />

0<br />

162<br />

142<br />

122 102 82<br />

Gate Length (nm)<br />

62<br />

42<br />

Number of<br />

Clusters<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />

22<br />

(a) FIR<br />

(b) DNA<br />

Figure 7.14 Benefits of Intercluster Register Communication (Bus)<br />

1-7%.<br />

These limitations may be attributed to two key factors: increasing synchronization overhead<br />

and communication latency. As the number of clusters increases, the size of the core increases <strong>by</strong> a<br />

similar factor, resulting in longer global wires with longer latencies. This global wire delay directly<br />

correlates to the latency of the CBAR operation and the on-chip network. Furthermore, as the<br />

number of clusters increases, the time individual clusters spend waiting at a CBAR may increase<br />

substantially if the load between clusters is not balanced. For example, the time spent waiting at<br />

barriers varies substantially between different clusters in our FIR implementation, indicating that<br />

forward progress is typically limited <strong>by</strong> a single cluster. This cluster spends roughly 5% of the total<br />

execution time waiting at barrier instructions, which is due to the latency of the hardware barrier.<br />

In 180 nm, the remaining clusters in an eight-clustered Amalgam spend 66% of their time waiting<br />

at barriers. By 22 nm, these clusters remain idle at barriers 84% of the time.<br />

To address some of these issues, clustered architectures must support low-latency, localized<br />

synchronization and communication networks. As discussed in Section 4.3, hierarchical networks<br />

have been proposed to provide fast communication between neighboring clusters. We have studied<br />

a simple two-level hierarchy that provides communications within one half of the chip at a<br />


lower latency than the chip-wide networks. This topology provided negligible speedup for our<br />

benchmark suite for several reasons. First, the benchmarks were not implemented to rely solely<br />

on fast local communication, so performance was limited <strong>by</strong> register writes that used the global<br />

network. Exploiting locality in an application may be difficult given an arbitrary interconnect<br />

pattern. Including more local connectivity, such as with a ring network or gridded architecture,<br />

may simplify this process. Second, this hierarchical network fails to address the synchronization<br />

problem. Attempting to parallelize applications in a way that balances the execution time between<br />

all clusters is a difficult task, especially given the importance and complexity of predicting cache<br />

behavior. If the system only supports a single global synchronization construct, such as Amalgam’s<br />

CBAR operation, it is possible to imagine a scenario where a single cluster’s irregular memory<br />

access pattern may lead to large numbers of cache misses, there<strong>by</strong> holding up computation for<br />

the entire system. Depending on the nature of the application, it is also possible there are several<br />

independent threads with only a small subset requiring synchronization. As such, providing finegrained<br />

synchronization in addition to processor-wide synchronization would be desirable.<br />

This chapter presented the results of our scaling studies for Amalgam’s on-chip network and<br />

memory systems.<br />

As technology improves, wire delay’s effect on global communication and<br />

increasing cache access latencies becomes more important to processor performance.<br />

While<br />

network implementation is important, performance differences may largely be eliminated using<br />

out-of-order execution. More importantly, memory delays dominate system performance, and<br />

cache memories are unable to mitigate this effect in future technologies. Clustered processors have<br />

the potential to reduce dependence on memory <strong>by</strong> replacing shared memory-based communication<br />

with register-based communication, but more work is required to improve their effectiveness and<br />

applicability to a wider range of programs.<br />


CHAPTER 8<br />


This thesis studied the performance of Amalgam as fabrication technology scales from feature<br />

sizes of 180 nm down to 22 nm.<br />

Amalgam divides the processor’s functional resources into<br />

independent clusters and exposes global communication delays to the compiler to improve<br />

instruction scheduling. Amalgam supports efficient, low-latency mechanisms for communication<br />

and synchronization between these clusters.<br />

Through the combination of these techniques,<br />

Amalgam maintains a consistent rate of performance improvement over the technologies studied.<br />

Clock rates are expected to increase <strong>by</strong> close to a factor of forty from 180 nm to 22 nm, due in<br />

part to improved transistor performance. The remainder of these clock rate advances derive from<br />

aggressive deep pipelining, with a reduction in FO4 delays from 14.81 to 3.16 per pipeline stage<br />

[39]. Deep pipelining results in multicycle latencies for every architectural component, including<br />

key structures such as caches, register files, and functional units. Global interconnects experience<br />

latencies as high as 14 cycles for a relatively conservative 140-mm 2 die, and are as high as twenty<br />

cycles for high-performance processors, which are expected to consume up to a 280-mm 2 die. The<br />

time required to load a cache line from memory also rises to nearly two thousand cycles, with<br />

six-cycle access times for a banked 256-kB on-chip cache. High latencies limit the performance<br />

gains from clock rate advances. As a result, execution times improve <strong>by</strong> slightly more than a factor<br />

of three over this technology range, roughly an order of magnitude smaller than the improvement<br />

in clock rate.<br />

The performance of clustered processors derives from more than clock rate improvements<br />


alone. Clustered processors also obtain speedup from parallelizing applications across the clusters.<br />

By spreading computation over multiple clusters, an eight-cluster Amalgam achieves a 4x speedup<br />

over a one-cluster system implemented in 180-nm technology. As would be expected, parallel<br />

speedup declines in the more advanced fabrication processes, due to increasing communication<br />

latencies. In 22 nm, speedup drops to 2.4x for an eight-cluster configuration over a single cluster<br />

system.<br />

In addition to exploring the scaling characteristics of Amalgam, this study examined the<br />

role of various design options in the performance of Amalgam, including network topology,<br />

instruction issue policy, and presence and size of local data caches within the clusters. None<br />

of these options impacts performance as significantly as fabrication advances, but a combination<br />

of these options can result in a worthwhile performance boosts over a baseline Amalgam. While<br />

network implementation remains important, the performance differences between a simple bus and<br />

a more complex crossbar are largely eliminated <strong>by</strong> using out-of-order execution. Many of these<br />

effects are actually overshadowed <strong>by</strong> the more dominant effects of increasing memory delays.<br />

Unfortunately, cache memories are unable to mitigate the effects of increasing memory latency in<br />

future technologies, due to prohibitive increases in access latency for even small caches.<br />

Clustered processors can reduce the dependence of applications on memory <strong>by</strong> replacing<br />

costly shared memory-based communication with low-latency register writes.<br />

Register-based<br />

communication reduces cache pressure <strong>by</strong> moving temporary data directly from producer to<br />

consumer, allowing more useful data to be kept in the cache.<br />

Unfortunately, it is difficult to<br />

efficiently utilize intercluster register transfers in general applications.<br />

Since the register file<br />

is substantially smaller than shared memory, only limited amounts of data can be transferred<br />

between clusters using registers. Limited storage space increases the amount of synchronization<br />

needed, which further limits performance gains. We demonstrated speedups as high as 10-20%<br />

for applications that replace some shared memory communication with intercluster register writes.<br />

These speedups are reduced <strong>by</strong> increasing network latencies or increasing the number of clusters.<br />

To improve this behavior, we must look into networks that provide higher levels of connectivity<br />


and mechanisms that support the synchronization of smaller groups of clusters in addition to chipwide<br />

synchronization. Mapping applications to effectively utilize these resources is also important,<br />

since computation that relies on global communication limits potential performance gains.<br />

The work in this thesis provides motivation for future exploration. In particular, we will be<br />

investigating architectural techniques that effectively deal with the widening processor-memory<br />

performance gap. The first direction is to introduce small, software-managed memories into the<br />

clusters.<br />

These memories are designed to operate at higher clock rates than cache memories<br />

may achieve, but careful program analysis should allow similar hit rates for applications with<br />

regular memory access patterns.<br />

Since register communication has tremendous potential, the<br />

second direction is to design a system that increases the amount of data that may be transferred<br />

between clusters while reducing synchronization overhead. One possible option is to replace the<br />

conventional SRAM array-based register file with a set of hardware queues. In this system, data<br />

is loaded into the queue as it arrives, and reads to that register access the element at the head of<br />

the queue. When the programmable cluster is ready for the next data value, it executes an EMPTY<br />

operation as before, which increments the queue until it no longer holds valid data.<br />

In conclusion, this thesis demonstrated the ability of clustered architectures to provide scalable<br />

performance in future fabrication processes. The widening processor-memory gap is an issue of<br />

great importance in future high-performance systems, and must be addressed to provide greater<br />

performance in the future. Since cache memories are unlikely to remain effective in dealing with<br />

this problem, alternatives such as small, software-managed memories and efficient intercluster<br />

communication should be explored.<br />




This appendix describes the range of configuration options that are used to control amalsim. These<br />

options are stored in a text .cfg file that is passed to the simulator using the create command<br />

(described in Appendix C) at the amalsim prompt. Default values are built into the simulator for<br />

every option, but may be overridden <strong>by</strong> the options included in the .cfg file. To simulate an<br />

Amalgam with eight programmable clusters executing a binary dna.x with a network specified<br />

in proc8.ndf, the following configuration options are used:<br />

-num_pclust 8<br />

-codefile dna.x<br />

-nconfig proc8.ndf<br />

Upon loading this .cfg file, the simulator creates an Amalgam with eight programmable clusters,<br />

parses the binary executable for the starting PCs for each cluster, and parses and builds a model for<br />

the network specified in proc8.ndf.<br />


A.1 Cluster Options<br />

A.1.1<br />

Programmable (-proc clust:)<br />

Table A.1 shows the available configuration options for the programmable clusters within amalsim<br />

as well as their default values.<br />

Table A.1 Programmable Cluster Options<br />

Option Description Default<br />

out of order Model ooo core if present FALSE<br />

pipeline depth Depth of the pipeline 3<br />

num alus Number of ALUs 2<br />

num arch registers Number of architectural registers 32<br />

num phys registers Number of physical registers 32<br />

rob size Reorder buffer size 0<br />

retire num ops Number of ops we can retire in one cycle 2<br />

decode buffer size Decode buffer size 2<br />

net buffer size Network buffer size 10<br />

ex stage EX Stage 0<br />

<strong>by</strong>pass stage Bypass Stage 1<br />

br stage BR Stage 1<br />

mem size Local Memory Size 0<br />

read delay Local Memory Read Delay 1<br />

write delay Local Memory Write Delay 1<br />

base address Local Memory Base Address 0<br />

A.1.2<br />

Reconfigurable (-rec clust:)<br />

Table A.2 shows the available configuration options for the reconfigurable clusters within amalsim<br />

as well as their default values.<br />


Table A.2 Reconfigurable Cluster Options<br />

Option Description Default<br />

num registers Number of registers 32<br />

net buffer size Network buffer size 10<br />

rc latency RC cycle latency (in Amalgam cycles) 1<br />

A.2 Branch Predictor (-bpred:)<br />

Table A.3 shows the available configuration options for the programmable cluster’s branch<br />

predictor within amalsim as well as their default values.<br />

Table A.3 Branch Predictor Options<br />

Option Description Default<br />

type Type of predictor nottaken<br />

bimod size Size of bimodal table 0<br />

l1size Size of level 1 table 0<br />

l2size Size of level 2 table 0<br />

shift width Shift width 0<br />

xor XOR 0<br />

btb sets Number of BTB sets 0<br />

btb assoc Associativity of the BTB 0<br />

Supported predictor types: NotTaken (nottaken), Taken (taken), Bimodal (bimodal),<br />

Two-level (two level).<br />

A.3 Memory Options (-memory:)<br />

Table A.4 shows the available configuration options for the off-chip memory within amalsim as<br />

well as their default values.<br />


Table A.4 Memory Options<br />

Option Description Default<br />

memorySize Memory Size 8388608<br />

readStartDelay Read Start Delay 5<br />

readWordDelay Read Word Delay 5<br />

wrtStartDelay Write Start Delay 5<br />

wrtWordDelay Write Word Delay 5<br />

base address Base Address 0<br />

A.4 Cache Options<br />

Table A.5 shows the available configuration options for the different cache memories within<br />

amalsim as well as their default values. <strong>All</strong> cache options are preceeded <strong>by</strong> -cache: for the globally<br />

shared data cache, -icache: for the instruction cache located on each processor cluster, or -dcache:<br />

for the local data cache located on each processor cluster.<br />

Table A.5 Cache Options<br />

Option Description Default (Cache) Default (ICache) Default (DCache)<br />

bank size Bank Size 16384 4096 4096<br />

bank assoc Bank Associativity 4 4 4<br />

bank linelen Bank Line Length 32 32 32<br />

num banks Number of Banks 4 1 0<br />

buffer size Network buffer size 10 NA NA<br />

hit latency Hit Latency 1 1 1<br />

miss latency Miss Latency 1 1 1<br />

fetch width Fetch Width NA 4 NA<br />

Table A.6 shows the available configuration options for logging cache coherence events and<br />

constraining the address space that may be cached locally. There are two options available to<br />

control logging of coherence messages (when local dcaches are active). These are preceeded <strong>by</strong><br />

-coherence:. If no logfile is specified, this option is disabled. At the moment, messages are printed<br />

that are received and sent <strong>by</strong> both the main cache and the local dcaches, and both contribute to the<br />

count of number of messages (for comparison to the log limit).<br />


Table A.6 Coherence Options<br />

Option Description Default<br />

logfile Filename to dump output to NA<br />

log limit Limit on the number of messages to be printed MAXINT<br />

uncacheable start Beginning of uncacheable region -1<br />

uncacheable end End of uncacheable region -1<br />

A.5 Logging Options<br />

Table A.7 shows the configuration options for logging other aspects of the system, including branch<br />

history, instruction traces, and RS logging. RS was originally used to refer to the reservation<br />

stations within the programmable clusters, but now refers to the structures in the simulator used to<br />

maintain the list of live instructions associated with a particular cluster. These are preceeded <strong>by</strong><br />

-rs:. If no logfile is specified, this option is disabled. At the moment, messages are printed when<br />

new ops are issued and when ops are retired. Both contribute to the count of number of messages<br />

(for comparison to the log limit).<br />

Table A.7 Logging Options<br />

Option Description Default<br />

logfile Filename to dump output to NA<br />

log limit Limit on the number of messages to be printed MAXINT<br />

Furthermore, you can log branch history using -br: followed <strong>by</strong> logcluster where cluster is the<br />

programmable cluster you wish to track. The message limit is set using log limit.<br />

Instruction traces may be generated using -trace: followed <strong>by</strong> logfile to set the filename, or<br />

log limit to limit the number of instructions to be logged.<br />

At the moment, instruction traces<br />

are only supported for simple configurations (i.e., in-order Pclusters without local data caches).<br />

Instructions are added to the trace once they are committed to architectural state (hence the exact<br />

cycle a result is available is actually slightly earlier, but should not significantly affect observed<br />

behavior).<br />


Basic path profiling may be enabled using -path: followed <strong>by</strong> logfile to set the filename. By<br />

default, paths are limited to intraprocedural, but you may enable interprocedural profiling including<br />

the -path:interproc option. Paths are currently broken <strong>by</strong> backwards (i.e., loop) branches, so the<br />

common path through a nested loop (i.e., beginning of outer loop, through the inner loop, followed<br />

<strong>by</strong> the remainder of the outer loop) is not yet supported.<br />

A.6 General Options<br />

Table A.8 shows the available configuration options for other aspects of amalsim as well as their<br />

default values.<br />

Table A.8 General Options<br />

Option Description Default<br />

-codefile filename Use the assembly code in filename NA<br />

-nconfig filename Configure the network using the<br />

specifications in filename<br />

NA<br />

-ckpt:file Checkpoint file prefix ckpt default<br />

-rconfig:index filename Configure the reconfig index using the<br />

specifications in filename<br />

NA<br />

-fconfig:index filename Configure the reconfig index’s fsm<br />

using the specifications in filename NA<br />

-num pclust Number of processor clusters 1<br />

-num rclust Number of reconfigurable clusters 0<br />

-flush timeout Timeout for flush command 50<br />

-cbar latency Minimum latency of a CBAR instruction 1<br />




The Network Description Language, or NDL, is a language for describing the topology of the<br />

Amalgam on-chip network. Originally, the network was coded in C with a specific predefined<br />

topology. While simple to implement, this approach only worked as long as the system being<br />

modeled met the constraints for the predefined topology. As a result, this approach did not provide<br />

a convenient way to examine alternative topologies. To deal with these limitations, we developed<br />

the NDL to express network topologies in a textual format that is parsed <strong>by</strong> the simulator at runtime.<br />

B.1 Network Description File<br />

Each network topology resides in a separate text file called the Network Description File (NDF),<br />

which has the extension .ndf. The NDF contains the description of a single network topology<br />

in NDL, but the NDL is designed so that a single NDF will work for a variety of Amalgam<br />

system configurations. The following section discusses the means of configuring a network node,<br />

including the connections between it and other nodes as well as Amalgam system components.<br />


B.2 Configuring Nodes<br />

A NODE CFG block configures a single major network node and consists of exactly four statements<br />

that specify the index of the node being configured, its latency, its mode of operation, and its inputs<br />

and outputs. For example,<br />

node_cfg {<br />

idx 0;<br />

latency 3;<br />

mode BUS;<br />

in P 0, P 1, R 0, R 1;<br />

out N 1, B 0, B 1;<br />

}<br />

Put into words, node 0 has a latency of three cycles and should be modeled as a bus network.<br />

Its inputs connect to programmable clusters 0 and 1 and reconfigurable clusters 0 and 1 while its<br />

outputs connect to node 1 and cache banks 0 and 1.<br />

The following is a list of parameters that are specified in a NODE CFG block.<br />

For each<br />

parameter, we provide a brief description, an explanation of the available options, and restrictions<br />

imposed <strong>by</strong> the simulator.<br />

idx ;<br />

The node index. Used to uniquely identify the node. Node indexes must start at 0,<br />

be contiguous, and have no duplicates. Nodes actually have two coordinates denoted<br />

as major.minor, but the minor coordinate is only used internally for nonunit latency<br />

nodes and may not be referenced directly in the configuration file.<br />


latency ;<br />

The latency for this node. Node latency must be 1 or greater.<br />

mode ;<br />

The operating mode of this node. Used to determine how the node is modeled. The<br />

simulator currently supports three different operating modes:<br />

• XBAR<br />

Behaves like an unpipelined crossbar. If the node has a latency greater than 1,<br />

incoming ops will occupy the in port for the duration of this latency, and then be<br />

transferred to the out port at the end of that period.<br />


Behaves like a pipelined crossbar. If the node has a latency greater than 1,<br />

the node will be modeled as several nodes hooked together linearly. So in the<br />

previous example configuration nodes 0.0, 0.1 and 0.2 are created to simulate<br />

a three-cycle latency. Internal node connections will be equal to the number of<br />

final out connections and are currently modeled as one large buffer.<br />

• BUS<br />

Behaves like a traditional bus. This is modeled using the same general code as an<br />

unpipelined crossbar, but we only allow one in port to be occupied at any time<br />

(i.e., we still have in ports connected to each unit, but only one can contain an op<br />

during a particular cycle).<br />

in ;<br />

The inputs to this node. Used to specify which units feed into this node. <br />

is a list of valid units separated <strong>by</strong> commas. Valid units may be generic clusters,<br />


programmable clusters, reconfigurable clusters, data cache banks, or other major<br />

network nodes and are expressed in the form of . Unit<br />

types are expressed as C (generic cluster), P (programmable cluster), R (reconfigurable<br />

cluster), B (data cache bank), and N (network node). Unit indexes may take the form<br />

of any expression supported <strong>by</strong> the language.<br />

Generic cluster refers to either a programmable cluster or a reconfigurable cluster and<br />

is differentiated when the number and type of clusters is known.<br />

The numbering<br />

scheme for generic cluster indexes is consistent with the rest of the simulator such<br />

that indexes in the range (0, P - 1) are programmable clusters and indexes in the range<br />

(P, N - 1) are reconfigurable clusters, where P is the number of programmable clusters<br />

and N is the total number of clusters. The addition of the generic cluster specification<br />

allows the use of a single network configuration on an assortment of different system<br />

configurations (ie 8P, 4P x 4R, etc), but special attention should be paid to how the<br />

network configuration will interact with a given system configuration. For example,<br />

the following input statement will generate very different networks depending on the<br />

number of clusters:<br />

in C 0, C 1, C 2, C 3;<br />

For a 2P x 2R system, this will be equivalent to:<br />

in P 0, P 1, R 0, R 1;<br />

But for a 4P x 4R system, it will be equivalent to:<br />

in P 0, P 1, P 2, P 3;<br />

out ;<br />

The outputs of this node. Used to specify which units are fed <strong>by</strong> this node. <br />

is the same as that described above.<br />


B.3 Expressions and Variable Scoping<br />

<strong>All</strong> variables in NDL are 32-bit signed integers and have global scope. There are no variable<br />

declarations in NDL. Rather, a variable becomes available after its first assignment. NDL supports<br />

expressions involving variables, integer constants, and most of C’s binary and unary operators,<br />

which have the usual semantics and precedence rules. See the formal grammar in Section B.4 for<br />

more details.<br />

B.4 Formal Grammar<br />

This section presents the NDL grammar. <strong>All</strong> nonterminals are represented in the form ,<br />

and all terminals are represented in typewriter style. Regular expressions are rendered in plain<br />

text.<br />

:= <br />

:= <br />

| <br />

:= <br />

| <br />

| <br />

| <br />

:= for ( ; ; ) <br />

:= while ( ) <br />

:= if ( ) <br />

| if ( ) else <br />

| if ( ) else <br />


:= { }<br />

:= { }<br />

:= { }<br />

:= NODE CFG <br />

:= <br />

| <br />

:= ;<br />

| ;<br />

| ;<br />

| ;<br />

:= IDX <br />

:= LATENCY <br />

:= IN <br />

:= OUT <br />

:= <br />

| <br />

| <br />

| ++<br />

| --<br />

| <br />

| <br />

| ( )<br />


:= + | - | * | / | % | > | && | ‖ | == | != |<br />

> | < | >= | >= |



This appendix describes the range of commands that are used to control the simulator via the<br />

amalsim prompt.<br />

C.1 Basic Simulator Control<br />

• help command – Prints the usage information for the specified command. If command is<br />

omitted, lists all available commands.<br />

• step n – Step the design n times. If n is omitted, the design is stepped once. May be<br />

interrupted <strong>by</strong> the user with Ctrl-C.<br />

• run cycle – Steps the design until a breakpoint is reached, a HALT instruction is executed,<br />

the simulator has reached cycle if cycle is specified, or the user interrupts execution with<br />

Ctrl-C.<br />

• runlevel new runlevel – Sets the runlevel for the simulator (conditional execution of halts<br />

and flushes).<br />

Initially set at 0 (so any halts/flushes with a higher runlevel specified are<br />

ignored). If new runlevel is omitted, displays the current runlevel.<br />

• exit – Exit the simulator.<br />

• source file – Opens a file with commands and executes them.<br />


• create cfg file – Create an Amalgam processor instance using the options in cfg file. If no<br />

file is specified, uses default.cfg.<br />

• cdf cdf file fsm file – Creates a dummy reconfigurable cluster and tries to configure it using<br />

the specified cdf and fdf files. Should allow for a convenient way to check cdf/fdf syntax.<br />

• destroy – Frees all memory associated with the current processor being simulated.<br />

• watch startAddr/label numwords/endAddr – Set a watchpoint on a memory location or<br />

locations. The start address may be expressed in either base 10, hex (when preceeded <strong>by</strong> 0x),<br />

or as a label. The second argument may be expressed as either an end address (when specified<br />

in hex with 0x) or as a number of words (when specified in base 10). If numwords/endAddr<br />

is omitted, sets a watchpoint only at startAddr/label. If a label is used, it is only associated<br />

with the first address and not the whole range.<br />

• watch off startAddr/label numwords/endAddr – Delete watchpoint on a memory location<br />

or locations. The start address may be expressed in either base 10, hex (when preceeded<br />

<strong>by</strong> 0x), or as a label. The second argument may be expressed as either an end address<br />

(when specified in hex with 0x) or as a number of words (when specified in base 10). If<br />

numwords/endAddr is omitted, deletes only the watchpoint at startAddr.<br />

• regpt cluster register – Set a watchpoint on cluster’s register.<br />

• regpt off cluster register – Delete a watchpoint on cluster’s register.<br />

• break location/label – Set breakpoint on a location/label.<br />

• break list – Lists all defined breakpoints.<br />

• break off location/label – Delete breakpoint on a location/label.<br />

• fsm on cluster – Prints the current state, tasks that were executed in the last cycle and counter<br />

values for the specified rec cluster’s fsm every cycle.<br />


• fsm off cluster – Stop printing fsm information every cycle for rec cluster.<br />

• regress rdf file outfile – Starts regression on current amal. If no rdf file specified, uses<br />

default.rdf. If no outfile is specified, regression info is written to stdout.<br />

• ckpt – Creates a checkpoint. Filename consists of the ckpt file prefix with “-num.ckpt”<br />

appended where num is which checkpoint this is (starts at 1, or the number from the last<br />

restore, and auto-increments). See option -ckpt in Appendix A for details on how to set<br />

the file prefix and its default value.<br />

• ckptr ckpt file/ckpt num – Restore from a checkpoint. Can either specify a filename or<br />

simply a checkpoint number an Amalgam processor instance already exists.<br />

• coherence log log file – Enables/disables coherence logging.<br />

log file is only used for<br />

enabling when no logfile is specified in the cfg file.<br />

• trace on/off – Enables/disables instruction trace logging. By default, traces are enabled if a<br />

logfile is specified in the cfg file.<br />

• stall threshold num cycles – Sets the stall detection threshold to num cycles. If num cycles<br />

is omitted, displays current threshold.<br />

C.2 Print Simulator State<br />

• pipe cluster pipeline – Prints the contents of the programmable cluster’s specified pipeline.<br />

• dbop start pc num of ops – Prints the num of ops instructions starting with start pc. If<br />

num of ops is omitted, prints only the instruction at start pc.<br />

• pc cluster – Prints the proc cluster’s PC.<br />

• next pc cluster – Prints the PC of the next op to be dispatched (first decode buffer entry) or<br />

current PC if the decode buffer is empty.<br />


• bpred cluster – Print contents of cluster’s branch predictor.<br />

• btb cluster – Print contents of cluster’s BTB.<br />

• rat cluster – Print contents of cluster’s RAT.<br />

• freelist cluster – Print contents of cluster’s freelist.<br />

• rob cluster – Print contents of cluster’s ROB.<br />

• stat cluster – Prints various status information associated with a cluster.<br />

• stack cluster numwords – Print the stack for a cluster.<br />

• live cluster – Print the live instruction list for the specified unit (cluster/bank). If you request<br />

a cluster number higher than the number of pclusts and rclusts in the system (i.e., num pclust<br />

+ num rclust), displays the live instruction list for the cache (i.e., when using coherence).<br />

• rs cluster – Has been replaced <strong>by</strong> the live command (in an attempt to alleviate any<br />

comparison to Reservation Stations).<br />

• db cluster – Prints the contents of the proc cluster’s decode buffer.<br />

• nb cluster – Prints the contents of the cluster’s network buffer.<br />

• rc acu ctl cluster – Prints PCU control bits for the clusters’s RA.<br />

• rc lb cluster row col – Prints information and status of the LB in the cluster’s RA.<br />

• rc segment cluster segment – Prints the present LB outputs in the cluster’s RA.<br />

• rc lb wires cluster row col connection – Prints the local wire connections around the<br />

LB(row,col) in the cluster’s RA.<br />


Connections:<br />

– ALL: ALL local connections<br />

– BC: Broadcast connections if they exist<br />

– LBout: Connections between LB output and Hwires/Vwires/WCH<br />

– VH: Connections between Vwires and Hwires(row+1)<br />

• rc reg wires cluster register – Prints active WCH writing to the register and active RCH<br />

reading from the register.<br />

• rc wire cluster arguments – Prints the resource that is driving the wire and the resource(s)<br />

that are reading from the wire. Valid arguments:<br />

– VWIRE col index<br />

– HWIRE row index<br />

– RCH seg col index<br />

– WCH seg col index<br />

• net print out ports – Prints the state of the network. If print out ports is non-zero, node out<br />

ports are printed in addition to in ports. If print out ports is omitted or 0, node out ports are<br />

excluded from the output.<br />

• node idx idx internal print out ports – Prints the state of node idx.idx internal in the<br />

network. If print out ports is non-zero, node out ports are printed in addition to in ports.<br />

If print out ports is omitted or 0, node out ports are excluded from the output.<br />

• netstat – Prints various network statistics.<br />

• net rt – Prints the routing tables for all major network nodes.<br />

• node rt idx – Prints the routing table for node idx in the network.<br />


• net conn – Prints the connections lists for the units connected to the network.<br />

• reg cluster – Prints the contents of cluster’s regfile.<br />

• lmem cluster startAddr numwords/endAddr – Prints the contents of the programmable<br />

cluster’s local memory over the specified address range. The start address may be expressed<br />

in either base 10 or hex (when preceeded <strong>by</strong> 0x). The second argument may be expressed<br />

as either an end address (when specified in hex with 0x) or as a number of words (when<br />

specified in base 10).<br />

If numwords/endAddr is omitted, displays only the contents of<br />

M[startAddr].<br />

• mem startAddr numwords/endAddr – Prints the contents of memory over the specified<br />

address range. The start address may be expressed in either base 10 or hex (when preceeded<br />

<strong>by</strong> 0x). The second argument may be expressed as either an end address (when specified in<br />

hex with 0x) or as a number of words (when specified in base 10). If numwords/endAddr is<br />

omitted, displays only the contents of M[startAddr].<br />

• memstat – Prints the number of loads, stores, etc that the data cache has handled so far.<br />

• cache firstset numsets – Prints the contents of the specified sets (from firstset to firstset +<br />

numsets) within the cache (tags, valid bits, and last access times). If numsets is omitted,<br />

prints only firstset.<br />

• is in cache address – See if address is in the main cache, and if so, print location and other<br />

relevant info.<br />

• cache nb bank – Prints the contents of the bank’s network buffers. If bank is omitted, prints<br />

contents of network buffers for all banks.<br />

• cache wait bank – Prints the contents of the bank’s waiting on list. If bank is omitted, prints<br />

waiting on lists for all banks.<br />


• dcache cluster firstset numsets – Prints the contents of the specified sets (from firstset to<br />

firstset + numsets) within proc cluster’s dcache. If numsets is omitted, prints only firstset.<br />

• is in dcache cluster address – See if address is in the programmable cluster’s dcache, and<br />

if so, print location and other relevant info.<br />

• icache cluster firstset numsets – Prints the contents of the specified sets (from firstset to<br />

firstset + numsets) within proc cluster’s icache. If numsets is omitted, prints only firstset.<br />

• is in icache cluster address – See if address is in the programmable cluster’s icache, and if<br />

so, print location and other relevant info.<br />

C.3 Modify Simulator State<br />

• ldreg cluster reg value – Loads cluster’s reg with value. (R[cluster.reg] ←− value). Sets the<br />

valid entry for reg to the current cycle. Only works on programmable clusters.<br />

• ldpc cluster pc – Loads the programmable cluster’s PC with pc. (PC[cluster] ←− pc).<br />

• ldmem address value – Loads the memory word located at address with value. (M[address]<br />

←− value).<br />

C.4 Stream Utilities<br />

Streams provide terminal interfaces to the simulator including stdin, stdout and stderr.<br />

• stream fd start stop show cycles – Display the contents of stream fd. show cycles is 0=no<br />

1=yes. Optionally specify start and stop “cycle added” limits.<br />

• stream dump file fd filename – Dump contents of stream fd into file filename. Only works<br />

for stdin/stdout/stderr.<br />


• stream inject fd string – Inject string into stream fd.<br />

• stream inject file fd filename – Inject file filename’s contents into stream fd. Only works<br />

for stdin/stdout/stderr.<br />




Table D.1 shows the initial Amalgam ISA, which is a subset of DLX, as defined in [22]. To start,<br />

we support the bulk of the arithmetic and logical instructions, excepting the instructions to set<br />

conditionals. Also, the MULT and DIV instructions are integer-based as opposed to floating<br />

point. U instructions imply unsigned arithmetic.<br />

Conventions<br />

cx.ry: Register Y on Cluster X<br />

ry: Register Y on the executing cluster<br />

#i: A constant (generally 8-bit)<br />

Table D.1 ** AMISA **<br />

Op Arguments Definition<br />

ADD (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 + r2<br />

ADDI (cx.)rd, r1, #i (cx.)rd ← r1 + #i<br />

ADDU (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 + r2<br />

ADDUI (cx.)rd, r1, #i (cx.)rd ← r1 + #i<br />

AND (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 & r2<br />

ANDI (cx.)rd, r1, #i (cx.)rd ← r1 & 0x00.#i<br />

BEQZ r1, #i if (r1 = 0) then PC ← (PC branch + 4) + #i<br />

BNEZ r1, #i if (r1 ≠ 0) then PC ← (PC branch + 4) + #i<br />

CBAR NA halt instruction issue until all clusters execute CBAR<br />

CMOV (cx.)rd, r1, r2 if (r2 ≠ 0) then (cx.)rd ← r1<br />

DIV (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 / r2 (int)<br />


Table D.1 ** AMISA Continued **<br />

Op Arguments Definition<br />

DIVU (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 / r2 (int)<br />

EMPTY rd invalidate rd<br />

EXTB (cx.)rd, r1, r2 extract <strong>by</strong>te - See below<br />

EXTBI (cx.)rd, r1, #i extract <strong>by</strong>te - See below<br />

EXTS (cx.)rd, r1, r2 extract short - See below<br />

EXTSI (cx.)rd, r1, #i extract short - See below<br />

FLUSH #i if lower four bits of i are less than or equal to current runlevel<br />

upper four bits of i determine what is flushed (defined in opcode.h)<br />

HALT #i if i is less than or equal to current runlevel<br />

halts the simulator and returns to user control<br />

INSB (cx.)rd, r1, r2 insert <strong>by</strong>te - See below<br />

INSBI (cx.)rd, r1, #i insert <strong>by</strong>te - See below<br />

INSS (cx.)rd, r1, r2 insert short - See below<br />

INSSI (cx.)rd, r1, #i insert short - See below<br />

J #i PC ← (PC branch + 4) + #i<br />

JAL #i r31 ← (PC branch + 4)<br />

PC ← (PC branch + 4) + #i<br />

JALR r2 r31 ← (PC branch + 4)<br />

PC ← r2<br />

JR r2 PC ← r2<br />

LHI (cx.)rd, #i (cx.)rd ← #i.0x00<br />

LW (cx.)rd, r1, #i (cx.)rd ← M[r1 + #i]<br />

MASKB (cx.)rd, r1, r2 mask <strong>by</strong>te - See below<br />

MASKBI (cx.)rd, r1, #i mask <strong>by</strong>te - See below<br />

MASKS (cx.)rd, r1, r2 mask short - See below<br />

MASKSI (cx.)rd, r1, #i mask short - See below<br />

MULT (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 * r2<br />

MULTU (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 * r2<br />

NEG (cx.)rd, r1 (cx.)rd ← −r1<br />

OR (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 | r2<br />

ORI (cx.)rd, r1, #i (cx.)rd ← r1 | #i<br />

RET r2 PC ← r2<br />

SEQ (cx.)rd, r1, r2 if (r1 = r2) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SEQI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 = #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SEQUI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 = #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SGE (cx.)rd, r1, r2 if (r1 ≥ r2) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SGEI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 ≥ #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SGEU (cx.)rd, r1, r2 if (r1 ≥ r2) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SGEUI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 ≥ #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SGT (cx.)rd, r1, r2 if (r1 > r2) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />


Table D.1 ** AMISA Continued **<br />

Op Arguments Definition<br />

SGTI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 > #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SGTU (cx.)rd, r1, r2 if (r1 > r2) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SGTUI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 > #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SLE (cx.)rd, r1, r2 if (r1 ≤ r2) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SLEI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 ≤ #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SLEU (cx.)rd, r1, r2 if (r1 ≤ r2) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SLEUI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 ≤ #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SLL (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 ≪ r2<br />

SLLI (cx.)rd, r1, #i (cx.)rd ← r1 ≪ #i<br />

SLT (cx.)rd, r1, r2 if (r1 < r2) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SLTI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 < #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SLTU (cx.)rd, r1, r2 if (r1 < r2) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SLTUI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 < #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SNE (cx.)rd, r1, r2 if (r1 ≠ r2) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SNEI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 ≠ #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SNEUI (cx.)rd, r1, #i if (r1 ≠ #i) then (cx.)rd ← 1 else (cx.)rd ← 0<br />

SRA (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 ≫ r2 (A)<br />

SRAI (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 ≫ r2 (A)<br />

SRL (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 ≫ r2 (L)<br />

SRLI (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 ≫ r2 (L)<br />

SUB (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 − r2<br />

SUBI (cx.)rd, r1, #i (cx.)rd ← r1 − #i<br />

SUBU (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 − r2<br />

SUBUI (cx.)rd, r1, #i (cx.)rd ← r1 − #i<br />

SW rd, r1, #i M[r1 + #i] ← rd<br />

TNS (cx.)rd, r1, #i (cx.)rd ← M[r1 + #i] and M[r1 + #i] ← 1<br />

XOR (cx.)rd, r1, r2 (cx.)rd ← r1 ⊕ r2<br />

XORI (cx.)rd, r1, #i (cx.)rd ← r1 ⊕ #i<br />


The following instruction descriptions have not been included in the above table due to their<br />

complexity. We have included examples here to further clarify their functionality.<br />

EXTB (cx.)rd, r1, r2 – Extract <strong>by</strong>te. Use bits 0 and 1 of r2 to determine which <strong>by</strong>te of r1 to<br />

place into rd. Immediate version performs selection using the immediate operand.<br />

Example: extb rd, r1, r2<br />

r1 = 0xb3b2b1b0<br />

r2 = 0x00000003<br />

--> rd = 0x000000b0<br />

EXTS (cx.)rd, r1, r2 – Extract short. Use bit 1 of r2 to determine which short of r1 to place<br />

into rd. Immediate version performs selection using the immediate operand.<br />

Example: exts rd, r1, r2<br />

r1 = 0xb3b2b1b0<br />

r2 = 0x00000002<br />

--> rd = 0x0000b1b0<br />

INSB (cx.)rd, r1, r2 – Insert <strong>by</strong>te. Use bits 0 and 1 of r2 to determine which <strong>by</strong>te of rd to place<br />

r1 into. Immediate version performs selection using the immediate operand.<br />

Example: insb rd, r1, r2<br />

r1 = 0x000000ff<br />

r2 = 0x00000002<br />

--> rd = 0x0000ff00<br />

INSS (cx.)rd, r1, r2 – Insert short. Use bit 1 of r2 to determine which short of rd to place r1<br />

into. Immediate version performs selection using the immediate operand.<br />

Example: inss rd, r1, r2<br />

r1 = 0x0000b1b0<br />


2 = 0x00000000<br />

--> rd = 0xb1b00000<br />

MASKB (cx.)rd, r1, r2 – Mask <strong>by</strong>te. Use bits 0 and 1 of r2 to determine which <strong>by</strong>te of r1<br />

to mask out and place result into rd. Immediate version performs selection using the immediate<br />

operand.<br />

Example: maskb rd, r1, r2<br />

r1 = 0xb3b2b1b0<br />

r2 = 0x00000001<br />

--> rd = 0xb300b1b0<br />

MASKS (cx.)rd, r1, r2 – Mask short. Use bit 1 of r2 to determine which short of r1 to mask<br />

out and place result into rd. Immediate version performs selection using the immediate operand.<br />

Example: masks rd, r1, r2<br />

r1 = 0xb3b2b1b0<br />

r2 = 0x00000002<br />

--> rd = 0xb3b20000<br />



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