2. Brownian motion, colloidal suspensions
2. Brownian motion, colloidal suspensions
2. Brownian motion, colloidal suspensions
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1<br />
1. Diffusion equation<br />
At the simplest level the movement of a particle in a liquid is<br />
described by a Markovian random walk. The particle’s<br />
displacement distribution (PDD)—probability density of a jump,<br />
∆r during time interval τ:<br />
P( ∆r<br />
, τ)<br />
⎡2π<br />
⎤<br />
=<br />
⎢<br />
w( τ)<br />
⎣ 3 ⎥<br />
⎦<br />
−3 / 2<br />
⎡<br />
exp⎢−<br />
⎢⎣<br />
2<br />
3∆r<br />
⎤<br />
⎥<br />
w( τ)<br />
⎥⎦<br />
Mean squared displacement,<br />
w( τ)<br />
=<br />
∆r<br />
2<br />
( τ)<br />
=<br />
6Dτ<br />
P(∆r,τ) derives from the diffusion equation<br />
∂<br />
∂t<br />
P 2<br />
= D∇<br />
P<br />
with the initial condition P(∆r,0)=δ(∆r)<br />
D is the diffusion coefficient
2<br />
Displacement in time interval τ;<br />
∆<br />
τ<br />
r ( τ)<br />
= ∫ v(t)dt<br />
, leads to [BP];<br />
0<br />
∆r<br />
2<br />
( τ)<br />
=<br />
=<br />
2<br />
τ<br />
∫<br />
0<br />
∞<br />
2τ<br />
dt( τ − t) v(0)v(t)<br />
∫<br />
0<br />
dt<br />
v(0)v(t)<br />
(B.1)<br />
(since τ can be arbitrarily large)<br />
and<br />
1<br />
D = Z(t)dt with Z(<br />
τ ) = v(0)v( τ)<br />
3<br />
∫ ∞<br />
0<br />
(B.2)<br />
the velocity auto-correlation function.
3<br />
<strong>2.</strong> Langevin equation<br />
Force on particle is a delta correlated random force, R(t), and<br />
friction, -ζv;<br />
dv<br />
M<br />
dt<br />
=<br />
−ςv<br />
+<br />
R(t)<br />
R(t)<br />
= 0<br />
R(0)<br />
R(t)<br />
v(0)<br />
.R(t)<br />
=<br />
=<br />
6kTζδ(t)<br />
0<br />
B.3<br />
Formal solution;<br />
t<br />
⎡ ⎛ ζ ⎞ ⎤<br />
⎡ ⎛ ζ ⎞ ⎤<br />
v(t)<br />
= v(0)exp⎢−<br />
⎜ ⎟t⎥<br />
+ ∫ dt' R(t')exp⎢−<br />
⎜ ⎟(t<br />
− t' ) ⎥<br />
⎣ ⎝ M ⎠ ⎦<br />
⎣ ⎝ M ⎠ ⎦<br />
0<br />
∴<br />
Z( τ)<br />
=<br />
v<br />
2<br />
(0)<br />
⎡ ⎛ ζ ⎞ ⎤<br />
exp⎢−<br />
⎜ ⎟τ⎥<br />
⎣ ⎝ M ⎠ ⎦<br />
=<br />
3kT ⎡ ⎛ ζ ⎞ ⎤<br />
exp⎢−<br />
⎜ ⎟τ<br />
M<br />
⎥ ⎣ ⎝ M ⎠ ⎦<br />
(B.4)<br />
And<br />
D<br />
∞<br />
kT ⎡ ⎛ ζ ⎞ ⎤<br />
= ∫ dt exp⎢−<br />
⎜ ⎟t<br />
M<br />
⎥<br />
⎣ ⎝ M ⎠ ⎦<br />
0<br />
=<br />
kT<br />
ζ<br />
4<br />
The last result<br />
D = kT is the Einstein relation<br />
ζ<br />
From B.1 and B4;<br />
∆r 2 ( τ)<br />
⎧ ⎡ ⎛ ζ ⎞ ⎤⎫<br />
= 6Dτ−<br />
6D(M / ζ)<br />
⎨1<br />
− exp<br />
⎢<br />
− ⎜ ⎟τ<br />
⎥⎬<br />
⎩ ⎣ ⎝ M ⎠ ⎦⎭<br />
One recovers the following limits<br />
(i) ballistic<br />
∆ r<br />
2<br />
( τ<br />
><br />
(M / ζ))<br />
= 6Dτ−<br />
6MkT<br />
ζ<br />
2<br />
= 6Dτ−<br />
cons tan t<br />
What does all this mean<br />
1. Brackets, ........ , imply ensemble average, OR if all particles<br />
are statistically equivalent, average over initial times “0”.<br />
This expresses ergodicity.<br />
<strong>2.</strong> Impulsive thermal force in L.E. is inconsistent with steady<br />
<strong>motion</strong>. So only the asymptotic results are correct.<br />
3. The above applies only freely diffusing particles.
5<br />
Some numbers<br />
Particle of radius a=50nm, M=10 -19 kg. in water’<br />
Persistence time τ l = M/ζ = M/(6πηa) ≈ 10 -9 s.<br />
3kT<br />
2M<br />
2<br />
1 1 6<br />
RMS thermal velocity; v RMS = v = ≈ 10<br />
− −<br />
ms ≈ 10 radii,<br />
But, distance moved is v RMS x τ l ≈ 10 -10 m ≈ 10 -3 radii.<br />
Thus, the particle gets nowhere due to viscous friction.<br />
Consequences<br />
1. Motion strongly overdamped; use low Reynolds number<br />
hydrodynamics<br />
<strong>2.</strong> For τ>>τ=M/ζ particles have lost inertia (individually), but<br />
not memory of instantaneous momenta.<br />
3. More useful time scale; time to diffuse RMS distance of one<br />
radius;<br />
τ b = a 2 /(6D)<br />
4. Above all, Einstein’s reasoning; thermal <strong>motion</strong> of liquid<br />
molecules, and the attendant hydrodynamic flows in the<br />
liquid, must be transmitted to (visible) particles in the<br />
liquid.<br />
Q. What if the particle concentration is increased so that<br />
packing constraints become significant
6<br />
A local spontaneous, thermally activated, momentum fluctuation<br />
dissipates by sound and viscous flow, respectively propagating<br />
longitudinal and diffusing transverse momentum currents.<br />
In the limit, τ>>τ=M/ζ, sound propagates instantaneously. This<br />
subjects particles to delta correlated thermal force as per L.E.<br />
Momentum diffusion (simple dimensional argument); after time<br />
t a given particle’s initial velocity, v(0), is shared (equally)<br />
among ρV(t) particles in volume V(t). So, at time t all particles,<br />
including the given particle, have increased their velocity by 1/(<br />
ρV(t)). V(t) increases by diffusion; V(t)~t 3/2 . Thus, memory of<br />
a particle’s instantaneous velocity decays as t -3/2 , and<br />
Z( τ )<br />
=<br />
hτ<br />
−3/<br />
2<br />
is the form that characterizes fully developed viscous flow—<br />
diffusing vorticity.
Statistically averaged velocity field around a central disc from<br />
MD (large arrows) compared with that for the hydrodynamic<br />
model (small arrows). From B.J. Alder and T.E. Wainwright,<br />
Phys. Rev. A 1, 18 (1970).<br />