JPG-4098 Urn Catalog 2007 for PDF - Halo International Corporation

JPG-4098 Urn Catalog 2007 for PDF - Halo International Corporation

JPG-4098 Urn Catalog 2007 for PDF - Halo International Corporation


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HALO <strong>International</strong> Corp. is a prime O.E.M. importer,<br />

manufacturer, assembler and distributor of memorial urns<br />

Memorial <strong>Urn</strong>s<br />


Unparalleled Selection • Quality Materials • Meticulous Craftsmanship

$8.75 USA<br />



BRASS<br />

Adult and Youth ..............................1<br />

Brass Remembrance Sets..................11<br />


Lost Wax ......................................16<br />

Vases ............................................18<br />

with Sterling Silver Plaques..............22<br />

Cubes............................................24<br />

Cubes with Dignity Panel ................34<br />

with Pedestal Feet ..........................35<br />

Patina ..........................................37<br />

Antique Finish................................38<br />

FORMED BRONZE ..............................39<br />

SHEET BRONZE ................................43<br />


Italian porcelain ............................48<br />

Hand Thrown..................................51<br />

Bio-degradable ..............................54<br />

CLOISONNE ......................................55<br />

COMPANION ....................................63<br />

GENUINE STONE................................67<br />

NATURAL RIVER SLATE ......................70<br />

HARDWOOD......................................71<br />


Bronze ..........................................76<br />

Lost Wax Bronze ............................78<br />

Hardwood ......................................79<br />

Brass Sets......................................80<br />

Genuine Stone................................82<br />

Cloisonne ......................................83<br />


CULTURED MARBLE ..........................85<br />


24-karat Gold Plated ......................92<br />

Polished ........................................94<br />

Polished with Sterling Silver Plaques....100<br />


Satin with Gold Appliques ..............102<br />

Satin with Military Appliques..........103<br />

Satin with Silver & Bronze Appliques ..104<br />

Satin with Sterling Silver Plaques ....108<br />

STONE ...........(See Genuine Stone on 67)<br />

CHILDREN’S URNS ..........................109<br />


Bronze Dignity Panels....................114<br />

2-inch Colored Embossed................115<br />

Jeweled Crucifix............................116<br />

Hand Painted Plaques ....................117<br />

Bronze Applique ..........................117<br />

4” Pewter Emblems on Enamel ........117<br />

URN VAULTS ..................................118<br />


Brass<br />


4<br />

Brass<br />

Savoy 35-1014 Athena 35-1016 Athena II 35-1017<br />

Empire 35-19020 and Empire II 35-19034<br />

Elegante 35-19022 and Elegante II 35-19036<br />

All brass urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most<br />

urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere<br />

in the United States and Canada.<br />

Duchy 35-19021 and Duchy II 35-19035<br />

Esprit 35-19023 and Esprit II 35-19037

Mother of Pearl 35-19024 and Mother of Pearl II 35-19038 Garland 35-19025 and Garland II 35-19039<br />

Aztec 35-19026 and Aztec II 35-19040<br />

Arrezo 35-19028 and Arrezo II 35-19042<br />

Lefleur 35-19027 and Lefleur II 35-19041<br />

Mercury 35-19029 and Mercury II 35-19043<br />


6<br />

Brass<br />

All brass urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere<br />

in the United States and Canada.<br />

Patina 35-19031 and Patina II 35-19045<br />

Alpine 35-19030 and Alpine II 35-19044<br />

Biarritz 35-19032 and Biarritz II 35-19046<br />

Moderne 35-19033 and Moderne II 35-19047 Spartan 35-19049 and Spartan II 35-19048

Trojan 35-19050 and Trojan II 35-19053 Star 35-19051 and Star II 35-19054<br />

Solitude 35-19052 and Solitude II 35-19055 Venus I 35-19057 and Venus II 35-19073<br />

Embassy 35-19058 and Embassy II 35-19074 Calais 35-19059 and Calais II 35-19075<br />


8<br />

Brass<br />

All brass urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere<br />

in the United States and Canada.<br />

Sapphire 35-19061 and Sapphire II 35-19077<br />

Primrose 35-19063 and Primrose II 35-19079<br />

Spring 35-19060 and Spring II 35-19076<br />

Dream 35-19062 and Dream II 35-19078<br />

Consort 35-19064 and Consort II 35-19080

Aristocrat 35-19065 and Aristocrat II 35-19081 Patrician 35-19066 and Patrician II 35-19082<br />

Castle 35-19067 and Castle II 35-19083<br />

Zeus 35-19069 and Zeus II 35-19085<br />

Diamond 35-19068 and Diamond II 35-19084<br />

Carthage 35-19070 and Carthage II 35-19086<br />


10<br />

Brass<br />

All brass urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere<br />

in the United States and Canada.<br />

Arcadia 35-19090 and Arcadia II 35-19105<br />

Centaur 35-19071 and Centaur II 35-19087<br />

Valencia 35-19072 and Valencia II 35-19088 Heather 35-19089 and Heather II 35-19104<br />

Old Glory 35-19091 and Old Glory II 35-19106

Sierra 35-19092 and Sierra II 35-19107 Marquis 35-19093 and Marquis II 35-19108<br />

Antiqua 35-19094 and<br />

Antiqua II 35-19109<br />

Tricolore 35-19097 and Tricolore II 35-19112<br />

Heirloom 35-19095 and<br />

Heirloom II 35-19110<br />

Marbella 35-19096 and<br />

Marbella II 35-19111<br />

Eaton 35-19098 and Eaton II 35-19113<br />


12<br />

Brass<br />

Belmont 35-19099 and Belmont II 35-19114<br />

Dover 35-19101 and<br />

Dover II 35-19116<br />

Valley Forge 35-19126 and Valley Forge II 35-19125<br />

Imperial 35-19102 and<br />

Imperial II 35-19117<br />

All brass urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere<br />

in the United States and Canada.<br />

Grenada 35-19100 and Grenada II 35-19115<br />

Bella 35-19103 and<br />

Bella II 35-19118<br />

Apollo 35-19127 and Apollo II 35-19128

Brass Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong>s<br />


14<br />

Brass Remembrance<br />


Top L to R: Esprit II 35-19037<br />

Mother of Pearl II 35-19038, Garland II 35-19039<br />

Bottom L to R: Duchy II 35-19035<br />

Empire II 35-19034, Elegante II 35-19036<br />


Top L to R: Trojan II 35-19053<br />

Solitude II 35-19055, Star II 35-19054<br />

Bottom L to R: Biarritz II 35-19046<br />

Moderne II 35-19047, Spartan II 35-19048<br />

All remembrance urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in<br />

the United States and Canada.<br />


Top L to R: Arrezo II 35-19042<br />

Alpine II 35-19044, Patina II 35-19045<br />

Bottom L to R: Aztec II 35-19040<br />

Lefleur II 35-19041, Mercury II 35-19043<br />


Top L to R: Calais II 35-19075<br />

Saphire II 35-19077, Primrose II 35-19079<br />

Bottom L to R: Venus II 35-19073<br />

Spring II 35-19076, Dream II 35-19078


Top L to R: Diamond II 35-19084<br />

Embassy II 35-19074, Patrician II 35-19082<br />

Bottom L to R: Centaur II 35-19087<br />

Carthage II 35-19086, Consort II 35-19080<br />


Top L to R: Heirloom II 35-19110<br />

Marbella II 35-19111, Tricolore II 35-19112<br />

Bottom L to R: Eaton II 35-19113<br />

Belmont II 35-19114, Granada II 35-19115<br />


Top L to R: Heather II 35-19104<br />

Arcadia II 35-19105, Marquis II 35-19108<br />

Bottom L to R: Dover II 35-19116<br />

Antiqua II 35-19109, Sierra II 35-19107<br />


Top L to R: Bella II 35-19118<br />

Valencia II 35-19088, Imperial II 35-19117<br />

Bottom L to R: Zeus II 35-19085<br />

Aristocrat II 35-19081, Castle 35-19083<br />


Brass Remembrance<br />

16<br />

Mother of Pearl Peara 35-19119<br />

Mother of Pearl Mela 35-19120<br />

Mother Of Pearl Cirque 35-19121<br />

All remembrance urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in<br />

the United States and Canada.

Bronze<br />


18<br />

C A S T B R O N Z E<br />

Lost Wax<br />

Cat 35-3063<br />

All cast bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in the<br />

United States and Canada.<br />

Frog 35-3066 Tortoise 35-3067<br />

Swan 35-3064<br />

Fish 35-3065<br />

American Eagle 35-3068

Garden Vessel 35-3464 Garden Vessel - Patina 35-3465 Sitting Squirrel 35-3070<br />

Wheat & Roses 35-3468 Wheat & Roses - Patina 35-3469 Dolphins 35-3555<br />

Guardian Angel 35-4193 Column 35-5000<br />

All cast bronze urns come with<br />

velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as<br />

ordered to anywhere in the United<br />

States and Canada.<br />


20<br />

C A S T B R O N Z E<br />

Vases<br />

Rose Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong> Vase 35-495 and Eternity 35-784<br />

All cast bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in the<br />

United States and Canada.<br />

Luce 35-725<br />

Wave I 35-740<br />

Wave II 35-741 Wave III 35-742<br />

Wave IV 35-743

Awakening II 35-849 Awakening I 35-865 Sparta I 35-1000<br />

Sparta II 35-1001 Argento I 35-1002 Argento II 35-1003<br />

Aegean 35-1004 Adriatico 35-1005 Siena 35-1006<br />


22<br />

C A S T B R O N Z E<br />

Vases<br />

Nova I 35-1007<br />

All cast bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Orion II 35-1010 Midnight 35-1011<br />

Orion I 35-1008<br />

Nova II 35-1009<br />

Twilight 35-1012


Veteran’s Point of Purchase Display 35-722<br />


Left column top to bottom:<br />

Coast Guard 35-716, Army 35-717, Navy 35-718,<br />

Right column top to bottom:<br />

Great Seal of America 35-719, Marine 35-720,<br />

Air Force 35-721<br />

All cast bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />


Coast Guard 35-723, Army 35-724,<br />

Navy 35-727, Great Seal of America 35-728,<br />

Marine 35-729, Air Force 35-730<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in the<br />

United States and Canada.<br />


B R O N Z E<br />

Sterling Silver Plaques<br />

24<br />

Hatteras 35-956<br />

Lone Pine 35-958<br />

Madonna 35-957<br />

The Desert 35-959

The Way Home 35-960<br />

Madonna of the Streets 35-999<br />

Holy Family 35-998<br />

All bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in<br />

the United States and Canada.<br />


26<br />

B R O N Z E<br />

Cubes<br />

The Spirit 35-800<br />

All bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Napa 35-805 Coastal Lighthouse 35-806<br />

The Gift 35-801<br />

Cliffside Lighthouse 35-804<br />

High Cards 35-807

Tree of Life 35-808<br />

American Eagle 35-817<br />

Scroll - Horizontal 35-833H<br />

The Kitchen 35-809<br />

Evergreens 35-818<br />

Wall Street 35-813<br />

Old Glory 35-819<br />

Scroll - Vertical 35-833 Fisherman 35-843<br />


28<br />

B R O N Z E<br />

Cubes<br />

The Hunter 35-844<br />

All bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Madonna 35-847 Lotus Flower 35-848<br />

Peace Dove with Laurel 35-845<br />

Pieta 35-846<br />

Rose & Sunflower 35-850

Cherub 35-851<br />

Cross and Rose 35-854<br />

Look from the Window 35-852<br />

Angel in Flight 35-855<br />

Celtic Cross 35-853<br />

Sunset 35-856<br />

Gold Plated Cross 35-857 Wreath with Bow 35-858 Shade Tree 35-861<br />


30<br />

B R O N Z E<br />

Cubes<br />

The Farm 35-862<br />

All bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Downhill 35-866 Statue of Liberty 35-867<br />

Musica 35-863<br />

Nautica 35-864<br />

Three-Bud Stem Rose 35-868

Spinnaker 35-869<br />

Rose Cluster 35-872<br />

Tee Time 35-870<br />

Three Stalk Wheat 35-873<br />

Knotted Celtic Cross 35-871<br />

Olympia 35-874<br />

Corner Sunflower 35-875 Milano Cross 35-877 Star of David 35-884<br />


32<br />

B R O N Z E<br />

Cubes<br />


Front: Army 35-883, Great Seal of America 35-878, Navy 35-882<br />

Back: Marines 35-881, Air Force 35-880, Coast Guard 35-879<br />

All bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in the<br />

United States and Canada.<br />

Bold Wreath 35-887 Guardian Angel 35-888<br />

Crucifix 35-885<br />

Doves in Flight 35-886<br />

Twisted Wheat 35-889

Masonic 35-890<br />

Rugged Cross 35-893<br />

Petite Rose 35-891<br />

Slimline Cross 35-894<br />

Cross in Silhouette 35-892<br />

Risen Christ 35-895<br />

Contemporary Cross 35-896 Stem Rose 35-897 Atlantic Cross 35-898<br />


34<br />

B R O N Z E<br />

Cubes<br />

Praying Hands 35-899<br />

All bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Fireman’s Cross 35-903 Motorcycle 35-904<br />

Guitar 35-901<br />

Policeman’s Cross 35-902<br />

Lady of Justice 35-905

The Market 35-906<br />

Clicker 35-963<br />

Contemporary Tree 35-961<br />

Faith 35-964<br />

Fore 35-962<br />

Touchdown 35-965<br />

Michelangelo’s Pieta 35-832<br />

Parthenon (Marble Base & Top<br />

surrounding Bronze Cube)<br />

35-1852<br />

Jeweled Crucifix 35-798<br />


36<br />

B R O N Z E C U B E W I T H<br />

Dignity Panel<br />

Dignity with Cross 35-762 Dignity with Rose 35-763<br />

Dignity with Dove 35-764<br />

Dignity with Air Force 35-765 Dignity with Coast Guard 35-766<br />

Dignity with Army 35-767<br />

Dignity with Navy 35-768 Dignity with Great Seal 35-769<br />

Dignity with Marine 35-770

Eagle 35-817, shown horizontal<br />

with optional pedestal feet 80-291<br />

Fisherman 35-843, shown with<br />

optional pedestal feet 80-291 & nameplate 80-234<br />

Musica 35-863, shown with<br />

optional pedestal feet 80-291 & nameplate 80-234<br />

B R O N Z E<br />

Pedestal Feet<br />

Cliffside Lighthouse 35-804 shown with<br />

optional pedestal feet 80-291 & nameplate 80-234<br />

All bronze horizontal urns can be enhanced with the<br />

purchase of optional pedestal feet, 80-291,<br />

<strong>for</strong> AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE.<br />

Optional cast bronze nameplate, 80-234,<br />

is also available <strong>for</strong> AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE.<br />

The Crossing 35-985,<br />

shown with optional pedestal feet 80-291<br />


38<br />

B R O N Z E<br />

Pedestal Feet<br />

Lighthouse Landscape 35-986,<br />

shown with optional pedestal feet 80-291<br />

All bronze horizontal urns can be enhanced with<br />

the purchase of optional pedestal feet,<br />

80-291, <strong>for</strong> an additional charge. Optional cast<br />

bronze nameplate, 80-234, is also available <strong>for</strong><br />

additional charge.<br />

Butterfly 35-987, shown horizontal<br />

with optional pedestal feet 80-291<br />

Mademoiselle 35-988,<br />

shown with optional pedestal feet 80-291<br />

Last Supper 35-997,<br />

shown with optional pedestal feet 80-291

Plain Patina (not shown)<br />

35-361<br />

Marble Crown of Thorns 35-359<br />

Marble Praying Hands 35-377<br />

Marble Coastal Lighthouse 35-382<br />

Marble Stem Rose 35-362<br />

Marble Cross 35-378<br />

C A S T B R O N Z E<br />

Patina<br />

Marble Sunset 35-363<br />

Marble Contemporary Tree 35-379<br />

Marble Cliffside Lighthouse 35-383 Marble Madonna 35-384<br />


40<br />

C A S T B R O N Z E W I T H<br />

Antique Finish<br />

Pieta 35-301<br />

Fisherman 35-304<br />

Seashore 35-302 Forest 35-303<br />

Golfer 35-305 Praying Hands 35-306<br />

Hooked 35-307 Blind 35-308 Rose 35-309<br />

www.halointlcorp.com<br />

Plain Antique (not shown)<br />


Formed Bronze<br />


42<br />

Formed Bronze<br />

Victory Navy 35-4044<br />

All <strong>for</strong>med bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Victory plain 35-4020<br />

Victory Coast Guard 35-4021<br />

Victory Army 35-4023 Victory Marine Corp 35-4025 Victory Air Force 35-4027

Victory I 35-4022 Victory II 35-4024 Victory III 35-4026<br />

Victory IV 35-4028 Heritage Cross 35-4036 Heritage Air Force 35-4037<br />

Heritage Army 35-4038 Heritage Navy 35-4039 Heritage Coast Guard 35-4040<br />


44<br />

Formed Bronze<br />

Heritage Marine 35-4041<br />

All <strong>for</strong>med bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Heritage Rose 35-4046 Heritage Praying Hands 35-4047<br />

Heritage with Great Seal 35-4042<br />

Heritage Spirit 35-4045

Sheet Bronze<br />


46<br />

Sheet Bronze<br />


Front from left: Coast Guard 35-4005, Air Force 35-4004, Marine Corp 35-4003<br />

Back from left: Army 35-4001, Great Seal of America 35-4013, Navy 35-4002<br />

All sheet bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Terra 35-983 Luna 35-984<br />

Yukon II 35-981<br />

Yukon I 35-982<br />

Simplicity 35-4000

Silver Cross in Silhouette 35-4048<br />

Silver Shell 35-4007 Silver Praying Hands 35-4008<br />

Silver Petite Rose 35-4009 Silver Doves 35-4010 Silver Guardian Angel 35-4011<br />

Coast Guard 35-4012<br />

Bronze Masonic 35-4014<br />

Crucifix 35-4016<br />


48<br />

Sheet Bronze<br />

Army 35-4015, shown with optional nameplate 80-234<br />

All sheet bronze urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Navy 35-4019<br />

Great Seal 35-4051<br />

Marines 35-4017<br />

Air Force 35-4018

Ceramic / Porcelain<br />


50<br />

I T A L I A N P O R C E L A I N<br />

Hand Painted in Italy<br />

The Garden 35-332<br />

15th and 16th century reproductions by L'Antica Deruta, SNC.<br />

Truly unusual and very, very special. All porcelain urns come with velour<br />

urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in the<br />

United States and Canada.<br />

Michelangelo II 35-335<br />

Fiori 35-333<br />

Michelangelo I 35-334<br />

Michelangelo III 35-336 Apothecary 35-337

Antico 35-339<br />

Volta 35-346<br />

I T A L I A N P O R C E L A I N<br />

Hand Painted in Italy<br />

D’Oro 35-338<br />

All porcelain urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Dolce 35-347 Le Fleur 35-348<br />

Harvest 35-352<br />


All porcelain urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

52<br />

I T A L I A N P O R C E L A I N<br />

Hand Painted in Italy<br />

Trianon 35-354<br />

Atlantis 35-353<br />

Mythos 35-355<br />

Eden 35-356 Splendor 35-357 Gateway 35-358

Sand Flower 35-311<br />

Verde 35-312<br />

P O R C E L A I N<br />

Hand Thrown<br />

Rialto 35-310<br />

All porcelain urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Azure 35-313 Golfer 35-314 Tivoli I 35-315<br />


Lava 35-316<br />

All porcelain urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

54<br />

P O R C E L A I N<br />

Hand Thrown<br />

Tivoli III 35-319 Ecru 35-321<br />

Celeste 35-317<br />

Tivoli II 35-318<br />

Huntington 35-322, shown with<br />

optional nameplate 80-197

Fairlawn 35-324, shown with<br />

optional nameplate 80-197<br />

Hudson 35-325, shown with<br />

optional nameplate 80-197<br />

P O R C E L A I N<br />

Hand Thrown<br />

Ravenna 35-323, shown with optional nameplate 80-197<br />

All porcelain urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Optional cast bronze nameplate, 80-197, is also available<br />

<strong>for</strong> additional charge.<br />

Carolina Lighthouse 35-326 Northern Lighthouse 35-327 Praying Hands 35-328<br />


56<br />


Hand Thrown<br />


Spirit I 35-380<br />

All porcelain urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in the<br />

United States and Canada.<br />

Spirit II 35-381

Cloisonne<br />


All cloisonne urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

58<br />

G R E A T W A L L S E R I E S<br />

Cloisonne<br />

Great Wall Green<br />

A (adult): 35-21230, R (remembrance): 35-21233, Y (youth): 35-21235<br />

Great Wall Butterflies<br />

A: 35-21270, R: 35-21273,<br />

Y: 35-21275<br />

Great Wall Black<br />

A: 35-21280, R: 35-21283,<br />

Y: 35-21285<br />

Great Wall Blue/Green<br />

A: 35-21250, R: 35-21253,<br />

Y: 35-21255<br />

Great Wall Pink<br />

A: 35-21260, R: 35-21263,<br />

Y: 35-21265<br />

Cloisonne <strong>Urn</strong>s come in<br />

your choice of size:<br />

Adult (A), Youth (Y)<br />

and Remembrance (R).

China Blue<br />

A: 35-21320, R: 35-21323,<br />

Y: 35-21325<br />

China Blue/Green<br />

A: 35-21350, R: 35-21353,<br />

Y: 35-21355<br />

China Pink<br />

A: 35-21360, R: 35-21363,<br />

Y: 35-21365<br />

C H I N A S E R I E S<br />

Cloisonne<br />

China Red<br />

A (adult): 35-21310, R (remembrance): 35-21313 Y (youth): 35-21315<br />

All cloisonne urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

China Butterflies<br />

A: 35-21370, R: 35-21373,<br />

Y: 35-21375<br />

China Black<br />

A: 35-21380, R: 35-21383<br />

Y: 35-21385<br />


C H I N A S E R I E S<br />

Cloisonne<br />

China Multi Color<br />

A: 35-21390 R: 35-21393<br />

All cloisonne urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

60<br />

China Light Blue<br />

A: 35-213120<br />

R: 35-213123<br />

China Red, White and Blue<br />

A: 35-213100<br />

R: 35-213103<br />

China Green and Pink<br />

A: 35-213110<br />

R: 35-213113<br />

China Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong>s<br />

Front from left: Red, White and Blue 35-213103, Multi Color 35-21393<br />

Back from left: Green and Pink 35-213113, Light Blue 35-213123

Hong Kong Green<br />

A: 35-21530, R: 35-21533,<br />

Y: 35-21535<br />

Hong Kong White<br />

A: 35-21540, R: 35-21543,<br />

Y: 35-21545<br />

Hong Kong Blue/Green<br />

A: 35-21550, R: 35-21553,<br />

Y: 35-21555<br />

H O N G K O N G S E R I E S<br />

Cloisonne<br />

Hong Kong Red<br />

A (adult): 35-21510, R (remembrance): 35-21513, Y (youth): 35-21515<br />

All cloisonne urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Hong Kong Pink<br />

A: 35-21560, R: 35-21563.<br />

Y: 35-21565<br />

Hong Kong Black<br />

A: 35-21580, R: 35-21583<br />

Y: 35-21585<br />


P A L A C E S E R I E S<br />

Cloisonne<br />

All cloisonne urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

62<br />

Palace Green<br />

A (adult): 35-21430, R (remembrance): 35-21433, Y (youth): 35-21435<br />

Palace Pink<br />

A: 35-21460, R: 35-21463,<br />

Y: 35-21465<br />

Palace Butterfly<br />

A: 35-21470, R: 35-21473,<br />

Y: 35-21475<br />

Palace White<br />

A: 35-21440, R: 35-21443,<br />

Y: 35-21445<br />

Palace Blue/Green<br />

A: 35-21450, R: 35-21453,<br />

Y: 35-21455<br />

Palace Black<br />

A: 35-21480, R: 35-21483,<br />

Y: 35-21485

Palace Patriotic<br />

A: 35-21400, R: 35-21403<br />

(not shown)<br />

All cloisonne urns come with<br />

velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as<br />

ordered to anywhere in the United<br />

States and Canada.<br />

Palace Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong>s: 3 1/2”<br />

Front from left: Blue/Green 35-21453, Green 35-21433<br />

Back from left: Butterfly 35-21473, Pink 35-21563,<br />

White 35-21443, Black 35-21483<br />

Palace Youth <strong>Urn</strong>s: 5”<br />

Front from left: Blue/Green 35-21455, Green 35-21435<br />

Back from left: Butterfly 35-21475, Pink 35-21565,<br />

White 35-21445, Black 35-21485<br />


64<br />

E M P E R O R S E R I E S<br />

Cloisonne<br />

Emperor Red with Cross<br />

A (adult): 35-21710, R (remembrance): 35-21713<br />

All cloisonne urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere<br />

in the United States and Canada.<br />

Emperor Blue with Doves<br />

A: 35-21720, R: 35-21723<br />

Emperor Green with Rose<br />

A: 35-21730, R: 35-21733<br />

Emperor Blue/Green with Hands<br />

A: 35-21750, R: 35-21753

Companion<br />


Any two appliques can be put on the Infinity Cube, the<br />

Oakwood Companion, or Treasure II Companion to<br />

create a truly personalized companion unit.<br />

All companion urns come with cloth presentation<br />

covers/urn bags. Most urns shipped same day as<br />

ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

66<br />

Companion<br />

Tudor 35-607<br />

Infinity 35-609<br />

Treasure II 35-606<br />

Laurel 35-608<br />

Eagle 35-610

Wreath 35-613<br />

Oakwood 35-620<br />

Washington with Last Supper 35-624<br />

Washington 35-615<br />

Oakwood with Wreath 35-632<br />

Washington with Praying Hands 35-625<br />


68<br />

Companion<br />

Twin Crosses 35-636<br />

Double Praying Hands 35-637 True Love 35-638<br />

Monte Carlo 35-734<br />

Washington with Twin Silhouette Crosses 35-626<br />

Forum 35-1853

Genuine Stone<br />


70<br />

Genuine Stone<br />


Top L to R: Grey/White Marble 35-206<br />

Black 35-215<br />

Onyx (Green) 35-203<br />

Bottom L to R: Teak Stonewood 35-209<br />

Creme Travertine 35-212<br />

Grey/White Marble 35-206<br />

Teak Stonewood 35-207 (adult),<br />

35-208 (youth), 35-209 (remembrance)<br />

Onyx 35-201 (adult),<br />

35-202 (youth), 35-203 (remembrance)<br />

Grey/White Marble 35-204 (adult),<br />

35-205 (youth), 35-206 (remembrance)<br />

Creme Travertine 35-210 (adult),<br />

35-211 (youth), 35-212 (remembrance)

Black Marble 35-213 (adult),<br />

35-214 (youth), 35-215 (remembrance)<br />

Grecian Travertine 35-219 (adult),<br />

35-220 (youth), 35-221 (remembrance)<br />

White Onyx 35-216 (adult),<br />

35-217 (youth), 35-218 (remembrance)<br />

Pedestal Stonewood 35-222 (adult),<br />

35-223 (youth), 35-224 (remembrance)<br />


72<br />

Natural River Slate<br />

Bronze Cross 35-350<br />

All natural river slate urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in the<br />

United States and Canada.<br />

Plain 35-349<br />

Bronze Praying Hands 35-351

Hardwood<br />


74<br />

All hardwood urns come with<br />

velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as<br />

ordered to anywhere in the United<br />

States and Canada.<br />

S O L I D H A R D W O O D<br />

<strong>Urn</strong>s<br />

Ambassador 35-604<br />

Forester II 35-600<br />

Majestic 35-601 Treasure 35-602<br />

Oakley 35-605 Sherwood I 35-611 Sherwood II 35-612

Elise II 35-702<br />

Elise III 35-703<br />

B U R L E D V E N E E R H A R D W O O D<br />

<strong>Urn</strong>s<br />

Elise I 35-701<br />

All hardwood urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Elise IV 35-704 Elise V 35-705 Rose Intarsi 35-731<br />


76<br />

B U R L E D V E N E E R H A R D W O O D<br />

<strong>Urn</strong>s<br />

Capri I (Lacquer) 35-630 Capri II (Matte) 35-635<br />

Amalfi 35-732 Briarwood 35-733 Genoa 35-735<br />

Sorrento 35-736 Pisa 35-737<br />

Butterfly 35-738

Keepsake / Remembrance<br />


All remembrance urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the US and Canada.<br />

78<br />

K E E P S A K E<br />

Bronze Remembrance<br />


Front: Verona I 35-497 (Silver/Gold)<br />

Back: Verona III 35-499 (Hammered), Verona II 35-498 (2-tone Bronze)<br />

Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong> Display 35-559<br />

Apple & Leaf 35-545<br />

Honor 35-550<br />

Forever <strong>Urn</strong> Pendant 35-500<br />

Vista Glass Display Dome with<br />

Walnut Base 35-501,<br />

shown with Regency I 35-553<br />

available at an additional charge

Terra I 35-570<br />

Luna I 35-571<br />

Rose Vase 35-495<br />

Front row from left: Grecian I 35-551, Classic I 35-552<br />

Back row from left: Regency I 35-553, Royal I 35-554<br />

Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong> Display 35-559<br />

All remembrance urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the US and Canada.<br />

Front from left: Grecian II 35-555, Classic II 35-556<br />

Back from left: Regency II 35-557, Royal II 35-558<br />

Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong> Display 35-559<br />


80<br />

K E E P S A K E / R E M E M B R A N C E<br />

Lost Wax Bronze<br />

Pelican 35-502 Stack of Books 35-503<br />

Lighthouse 35-504<br />

Dolphins 35-505 Conch Shell 35-506 Frog 35-507<br />

Turtle 35-508<br />

Kneeling Angel with<br />

Crossed Arms 35-492<br />

Angel with<br />

Praying Hands 35-493

Front: Amphora II 35-562<br />

Back: Biscay II 35-564<br />

Anazazi II 35-566<br />

Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong> Display 35-559<br />

Italian Wood Veneer Guitar 35-567<br />

K E E P S A K E / R E M E M B R A N C E<br />

Hardwood<br />

Italian Wood Veneer Carnegie 35-494<br />

All remembrance urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in the<br />

United States and Canada.<br />

Italian Wood Veneer Violin 35-568 Italian Wood Veneer Ragtime 35-569 Italian Wood Veneer Concerto 35-572<br />


82<br />

K E E P S A K E / R E M E M B R A N C E<br />

Brass Sets<br />


Top L to R: Esprit II 35-19037<br />

Mother of Pearl II 35-19038, Garland II 35-19039<br />

Bottom L to R: Duchy II 35-19035<br />

Empire II 35-19034, Elegante II 35-19036<br />


Top L to R: Trojan II 35-19053<br />

Solitude II 35-19055, Star II 35-19054<br />

Bottom L to R: Biarritz II 35-19046<br />

Moderne II 35-19047, Spartan II 35-19048<br />

All remembrance urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in<br />

the United States and Canada.<br />


Top L to R: Arrezo II 35-19042<br />

Alpine II 35-19044, Patina II 35-19045<br />

Bottom L to R: Aztec II 35-19040<br />

Lefleur II 35-19041, Mercury II 35-19043<br />


Top L to R: Calais II 35-19075<br />

Saphire II 35-19077, Primrose II 35-19079<br />

Bottom L to R: Venus II 35-19073<br />

Spring II 35-19076, Dream II 35-19078


Top L to R: Diamond II 35-19084<br />

Embassy II 35-19074, Patrician II 35-19082<br />

Bottom L to R: Centaur II 35-19087<br />

Carthage II 35-19086, Consort II 35-19080<br />


Top L to R: Heirloom II 35-19110<br />

Marbella II 35-19111, Tricolore II 35-19112<br />

Bottom L to R: Eaton II 35-19113<br />

Belmont II 35-19114, Granada II 35-19115<br />


Top L to R: Heather II 35-19104<br />

Arcadia II 35-19105, Marquis II 35-19108<br />

Bottom L to R: Dover II 35-19116<br />

Antiqua II 35-19109, Sierra II 35-19107<br />


Top L to R: Bella II 35-19118<br />

Valencia II 35-19088, Imperial II 35-19117<br />

Bottom L to R: Zeus II 35-19085<br />

Aristocrat II 35-19081, Castle 35-19083<br />


All remembrance urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in<br />

the United States and Canada.<br />

84<br />

B R A S S A N D S T O N E<br />

Remembrance Sets<br />


Top L to R: Grey/White Marble 35-206<br />

Black 35-215, Onyx (Green) 35-203<br />

Bottom L to R: Stonewood Teak 35-209<br />

Creme Travertine 35-212, Grey/White Marble 35-206<br />

Mother Of Pearl Peara 35-19119<br />

Mother Of Pearl Mela 35-19120<br />

Mother Of Pearl Cirque 35-19121

China Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong>s<br />

Front left: 35-213103 Front right: 35-21393<br />

Back from left: 35-213113, 35-213123<br />

Palace Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong>s: 3 1/2”<br />

Front row L to R: 35-21453, 35-21433<br />

Back from left: 35-21473, 35-21563, 35-21443, 35-21483<br />

C L O I S O N N E<br />

Remembrance Sets<br />

Hong Kong Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong>s<br />

Front left: 35-21553 Front right: 35-21533<br />

Back from left: 35-21563, 35-21513, 35-21543,<br />

35-21583<br />

Great Wall Remembrance <strong>Urn</strong>s: 3 1/2”<br />

Front row L to R: 35-21253, 35-21233<br />

Back from left: 35-21273, 35-21263, 35-21283<br />

Patriotic 35-21403 Cross 35-21713 Birds 35-21723 Rose 35-21733<br />

Praying Hands<br />

35-21753<br />


86<br />

F L O R E N T I N E H A N D C R A F T E D<br />

Leather<br />

Vecchia I 35-340<br />

All leather urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Memoria I 35-343 Memoria II 35-344<br />

Vecchia II 35-341<br />

Vecchia III 35-342<br />

Memoria III 35-345

Marble<br />


88<br />

Cultured Marble<br />

Angel-Mourning 35-1850<br />

All marble urns come with nameplate unattached. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Freedom III 35-1703<br />

Freedom II 35-1802<br />

Freedom I 35-1901<br />

Greco VI 35-2306 Greco IV 35-2404 Greco V 35-2445

Greco III 35-2503 Greco I 35-2601 Greco II 35-2802<br />

Serenity IV 35-3404<br />

Serenity II 35-3882<br />

Windsor V 35-4335<br />

Serenity III 35-3503<br />

Windsor VI 35-4006<br />

Serenity I 35-3601<br />

Windsor IV 35-4104<br />

Windsor III 35-4503 Windsor II 35-4802<br />


Cultured Marble<br />

All marble urns come with nameplate unattached. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

90<br />

The Pieta 35-1851<br />

Windsor I 35-4901<br />

Novarro IV 35-7104<br />

Novarro V 35-7305<br />

Novarro III 35-7403 Novarro II 35-7502 Navarro VI 35-7806

Novarro I 35-7901 Regal II 35-8102<br />

Regal IV 35-8004, shown with<br />

optional Praying Hands 80-201 Regal V 35-8335<br />

Regal I 35-8401<br />

Regal IV 35-8004,<br />

shown with optional Cross 80-202<br />

Regal V 35-8335, shown with<br />

optional Praying Hands 35-201<br />

Regal VI 35-8446, shown with<br />

optional Wreath with Bow 80-112 Regal III 35-8503<br />

Regal III 35-8503, shown with<br />

optional Praying Hands 80-108 York IV 35-9444<br />

York V 35-9555<br />


92<br />

Cultured Marble<br />

York II 35-9802<br />

York III 35-9663<br />

York I 35-9901 Centurian I 35-10101 Centurian II 35-10402<br />

Centurian III 35-10503<br />

York V 35-9555, shown with<br />

optional Sunset 80-275<br />

Centurian III 35-10503, shown with<br />

optional American Eagle 80-120 Centurian IV 35-10604

Stainless Steel<br />


All gold plated stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns<br />

shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

94<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

24-karat Gold Plated<br />

Reflection Vertical 35-941<br />

Reflection Horizontal 35-942<br />

Motorcycle 35-943<br />

TV Clicker 35-944 Napa 35-946 Piano 35-947

Mountain Lake 35-949<br />

Praying Hands 35-951<br />

Spirit 35-952<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

24-karat Gold Plated<br />

Lone Pine 35-948<br />

All gold plated stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns<br />

shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />


96<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Polished<br />

The Gift 35-799<br />

All stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Bronze Crucifix 35-802<br />

Bronze Corpus Crucifix 35-803<br />

Reflection 35-820 Bronze Twisted Wheat 35-821 Bronze Stem Rose 35-822

Atlantic Cross 35-824<br />

Pewter Statue of Liberty 35-825<br />

Pewter Slimline Cross 35-826 Pewter Praying Hands 35-828<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Polished<br />

Bronze 3-Bud Stem Rose 35-823<br />

All stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Pewter Sea Shell 35-829<br />


Bronze Wreath 35-842<br />

All stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

98<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Polished<br />

Pewter Cross Silhouette 35-830<br />

Bronze Cross & Rose 35-831<br />

Bronze Doves in Flight 35-840 Pewter Guardian Angel 35-841 Knotted Celtic Cross 35-859

Celtic Cross 35-876<br />

Bronze Spinnaker 35-900<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Polished<br />

Pewter Petite Rose 35-860<br />

All stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Bronze Guitar 35-907 Bronze Wall Street 35-908 Bronze Hunter 35-909<br />



Front: Army 35-835, Great Seal of America 35-834, Navy 35-836,<br />

Back: Marines 35-837, Air Force 35-838, Coast Guard 35-839<br />

All stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

100<br />

Bronze Tractor 35-912<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Polished<br />

Bronze Cross in Silhouette 35-910<br />

Bronze Downhill Skier 35-911<br />

Tree of Life 35-913 Bronze Coast Lighthouse 35-914

Bronze Nautica 35-915<br />

Bronze Spirit 35-916<br />

Bronze Tropics 35-1015<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Polished<br />

Bronze Golfer 35-785<br />

All stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />


S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Polished with Sterling Silver Plaques<br />

102<br />

Madonna 35-933<br />

All stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

The Crossing 35-936 Lone Pine 35-937<br />

Hatteras Lighthouse 35-934<br />

Farfalle 35-935<br />

Mountain Lake 35-938

Mademoiselle 35-940<br />

Landscape Lighthouse 35-953<br />

The Desert 35-954 Mountain Peak 35-955<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Polished with Sterling Silver Plaques<br />

The Way Home 35-939<br />

All stainless steel urns come with<br />

velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as<br />

ordered to anywhere in the United<br />

States and Canada.<br />


S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Satin with Gold Plated Appliques<br />

104<br />

Gold Cliffside Lighthouse 35-971<br />

Gold Cross & Rose 35-974<br />

Gold Old Glory 35-977<br />

Gold Cluster Rose 35-972 Gold Coastal Lighhouse 35-973<br />

Gold Doves in Flight 35-975<br />

Gold Praying Hands 35-978<br />

Gold Eagle 35-976<br />

Gold Slim Line Cross 35-979

Green Enamel Army 35-992<br />

Blue Enamel Air Force 35-993<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Satin with Military Appliques<br />

Blue Enamel Navy 35-991<br />

All stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Red Enamel Marine 35-994 Blue Enamel Coast Guard 35-995 Great Seal of America 35-996<br />


106<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Satin with Silver and Bronze<br />

All stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Silver Statue of Liberty 35-814<br />

Silver The Gift 35-810<br />

Silver Slim Cross 35-815<br />

Gold Wreath 35-980<br />

Bronze Pieta 35-811<br />

Bronze 3-Bud Stem Rose 35-816

Bronze Spinnaker 35-827 Bronze Nautica 35-917 Silver Knotted Celtic Cross 35-918<br />

Bronze American Eagle 35-919 Bronze Musica 35-921 Silver Guitar 35-922<br />

Silver Coastal Lighthouse 35-923 Silver Tee Time 35-924 Silver Monogram 35-925<br />


108<br />

S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Satin with Silver and Bronze<br />

All stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped<br />

same day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Silver Tree of Life 35-929<br />

Silver American Eagle 35-926<br />

Silver Spinnaker 35-930<br />

Silver Wreath with Bow 35-927<br />

Silver Wall Street 35-928<br />

Silver Shade Tree 35-931

Silver Nautica 35-932 Bronze Tee Time 35-950 Silver Final Lap 35-966<br />

Silver Christian 35-967 Fore 35-968 Silver Star of David 35-969<br />

Reflection II 35-970<br />


S T A I N L E S S S T E E L<br />

Satin with Sterling Silver Plaques<br />

110<br />

Rocky Shore Lighthouse 35-989<br />

All stainless steel urns come with velour urn bag covers.<br />

Most urns shipped same day as ordered to anywhere in the<br />

United States and Canada.<br />

Liberty Bell 35-990

Children's <strong>Urn</strong>s<br />




Children’s <strong>Urn</strong>s<br />

All children’s urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

112<br />

Paradise III 35-369 shown with 80-291 optional pedestal feet<br />

Innocence I 35-364<br />

Paradise I 35-367<br />

The Guardian 35-330<br />

Bouquet 35-331<br />

Innocence II 35-365 Innocence 35-366<br />

Paradise IV 35-370<br />

Paradise V 35-371

Paradise VI 35-372<br />

Paradise VII 35-373<br />

Plain Walnut 35-514<br />

Triumph 35-4029<br />

Children’s <strong>Urn</strong>s<br />

Kneeling Angel with Crossed Arms<br />

35-492<br />

All children’s urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Walnut with Teddy Bear 35-515<br />

Teddy Triumph 35-4032<br />

Angel with<br />

Praying Hands 35-493<br />

Walnut with Praying Hands 35-516<br />


114<br />

Children’s <strong>Urn</strong>s<br />

Angelica IV 35-5904<br />

All children’s urns come with velour urn bag covers. Most urns shipped same<br />

day as ordered to anywhere in the United States and Canada.<br />

Patina with Bronze Rose 35-4035 Patina with Cross 35-4043<br />

Angelica II 35-5202<br />

Angelica III 35-5303<br />

Patina with Bronze Dove 35-4033<br />

Patina w/Bronze Praying Hands 35-4034<br />

Plain Patina 35-4050<br />

Angelica I 35-5901,<br />

nameplate included

New Appliques<br />


116<br />

Bronze Dignity Panels<br />

Dignity Army 80-442<br />

Not shown: Dignity Praying Hands 80-451<br />

Dignity Marine Corp 80-445<br />

Dignity Coast Guard 80-446<br />

Dignity Navy 80-443<br />

Dignity Air Force 80-444<br />

Dignity Great Seal 80-447<br />

Dignity Rose 80-448 Dignity Doves 80-449 Dignity Cross 80-450

VFW/Sunburst 90-699S<br />

VFW/Roman 90-699R<br />

Frat. Order of Eagles/Sunburst 90-704S<br />

American Legion/Roman 90-705R<br />

2 - I N C H C O L O R E D E M B O S S E D<br />

Civic Organization Appliques<br />

Appliques sold with your choice of applique background. Please indicate<br />

your preference by inserting an S (Sunburst) or R (Roman) at the end of<br />

the product number.<br />

Fire Department and Police appliques are shown without background but<br />

are available with either Sunburst or Roman.<br />

Loyal Order of Moose/Sunburst 90-703S<br />

Frat. Order of Eagles/Roman 90-704R<br />

Loyal Order of Moose/Roman 90-703R<br />

American Legion/Sunburst 90-705S<br />


118<br />

S I L V E R A N D G O L D<br />

Jeweled Crucifix<br />

Gold and Blue Crucifix 80-383<br />

Gold and Green Crucifix 80-382<br />

Silver and Blue Crucifix 80-380 Silver, Red and Magenta Crucifix 80-381

B R O N Z E<br />

Applique<br />

Wide Companion Wreath 80-455<br />

4 ” P E W T E R<br />

Emblems on<br />

Enamel<br />

Fire Department 80-452<br />

Police 80-453<br />

H A N D P A I N T E D<br />

Sterling Silver Plaques<br />

Holy Family 80-370<br />

H A N D P A I N T E D<br />

Plaques<br />

The Last Supper 80-440<br />

Madonna of the Streets 80-371<br />


120<br />

<strong>Urn</strong> Vaults<br />

Apollo Vault 35-6000<br />

Vanguard Vault 35-6102

Yes, we engrave!<br />

HALO’s on-site engraving makes it<br />

fast and easy to personalize any<br />

memorial urn with a decorative<br />

nameplate (we do not engrave on the<br />

urn itself). Whether you choose a<br />

flat, designer nameplate <strong>for</strong> direct<br />

application, or the chain nameplate<br />

to enhance a vase urn, you can<br />

depend on our precision engraving<br />

and accuracy to produce a quality<br />

product.<br />

HALO offers a selection of fonts,<br />

including Block, Roman, Script, and<br />

Italic styles.<br />

HALO engraving plates can<br />

accommodate 3-4 lines, please<br />

inquire about your specific choice.<br />

For any questions regarding<br />

HALO’s engraving services,<br />

contact your HALO<br />

representative.<br />



Notice and Warning:<br />

The images and all other material<br />

depicted herein are the sole and<br />

exclusive property of <strong>Halo</strong><br />

<strong>International</strong> Corp. They are<br />

protected by the laws of the<br />

United States of america,<br />

Treaties and Agreements with<br />

other Nations and <strong>International</strong><br />

Law. Any and all attempts to<br />

reproduce, copy, duplicate, distribute,<br />

or alter any and all of<br />

anything contained herein, or to<br />

produce any tangible good replicated<br />

from the contents hereof<br />

<strong>for</strong> sale or distribution in any<br />

manner whatsoever and whether<br />

<strong>for</strong> gain or otherwise, is strictly<br />

prohibited. All future use of<br />

everything and anything<br />

contained herein is reserved to<br />

the exclusive discretion of <strong>Halo</strong><br />

<strong>International</strong> Corp. Any and all<br />

violations hereof shall be<br />

prosecuted to the fullest extent<br />

of the law. All rights are reserved<br />

to <strong>Halo</strong> <strong>International</strong> Corp.

Notice and Warning:<br />

The images and all other material depicted herein are the sole and exclusive property of <strong>Halo</strong> <strong>International</strong><br />

Corp. They are protected by the laws of the United States of america, Treaties and Agreements with other<br />

Nations and <strong>International</strong> Law. Any and all attempts to reproduce, copy, duplicate, distribute, or alter any<br />

and all of anything contained herein, or to produce any tangible good replicated from the contents hereof<br />

<strong>for</strong> sale or distribution in any manner whatsoever and whether <strong>for</strong> gain or otherwise, is strictly prohibited.<br />

All future use of everything and anything contained herein is reserved to the exclusive discretion of <strong>Halo</strong><br />

<strong>International</strong> Corp. Any and all violations hereof shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. All<br />

rights are reserved to <strong>Halo</strong> <strong>International</strong> Corp.

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