Music Since 1945 - David Friddle

Music Since 1945 - David Friddle

Music Since 1945 - David Friddle


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Introduction to <strong>Music</strong>

Review<br />

•<br />

Béla Bartók<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Charles Ives<br />

George Gershwin<br />

William Grant Still<br />

Aaron Copland<br />

Alberto Ginastera

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong>al Styles since <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Many societal changes since WWII

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong>al Styles since <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Many societal changes since WWII<br />

•<br />

Instant communication has altered the<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Characteristics of <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Since</strong> <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Many societal changes since WWII<br />

•<br />

Instant communication has altered the<br />

world<br />

•<br />

Constant demand for novelty

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Characteristics of <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Since</strong> <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Increased use of the 12-tone system

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Characteristics of <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Since</strong> <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Increased use of the 12-tone system<br />

•<br />

Serialism—12-tone techniques extended

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Characteristics of <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Since</strong> <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Increased use of the 12-tone system<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Serialism—12-tone techniques extended<br />

Chance music that includes the random

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Characteristics of <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Since</strong> <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Increased use of the 12-tone system<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Serialism—12-tone techniques extended<br />

Chance music that includes the random<br />

Minimalist music with tonality, pulse,<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Characteristics of <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Since</strong> <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Increased use of the 12-tone system<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Serialism—12-tone techniques extended<br />

Chance music that includes the random<br />

Minimalist music with tonality, pulse,<br />

repetition<br />

•<br />

Deliberate quotations of earlier music in work

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Characteristics of <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Since</strong> <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Return to tonality by some composers

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Characteristics of <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Since</strong> <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Return to tonality by some composers<br />

•<br />

Electronic music

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Characteristics of <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Since</strong> <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Return to tonality by some composers<br />

•<br />

Electronic music<br />

•<br />

“Liberation of sound”

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Characteristics of <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Since</strong> <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Return to tonality by some composers<br />

•<br />

Electronic music<br />

•<br />

“Liberation of sound”<br />

•<br />

Mixed media

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Characteristics of <strong>Music</strong> <strong>Since</strong> <strong>1945</strong><br />

•<br />

Return to tonality by some composers<br />

•<br />

Electronic music<br />

•<br />

“Liberation of sound”<br />

•<br />

Mixed media<br />

•<br />

New concepts of rhythm & form

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Increased Use of the 12-Tone System<br />

•<br />

After WWII, Europeans explored 12-tone

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Increased Use of the 12-Tone System<br />

•<br />

After WWII, Europeans explored 12-tone<br />

•<br />

Nazis banned music by Schoenberg & Jews

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Increased Use of the 12-Tone System<br />

•<br />

After WWII, Europeans explored 12-tone<br />

•<br />

•<br />

European composers heard 12-tone as<br />

Nazis banned music by Schoenberg & Jews<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Increased Use of the 12-Tone System<br />

•<br />

After WWII, Europeans explored 12-tone<br />

•<br />

•<br />

European composers heard 12-tone as<br />

Nazis banned music by Schoenberg & Jews<br />

“new”<br />

•<br />

12-tone viewed as technique—not a style

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Increased Use of the 12-Tone System<br />

•<br />

After WWII, Europeans explored 12-tone<br />

•<br />

•<br />

European composers heard 12-tone as<br />

Nazis banned music by Schoenberg & Jews<br />

“new”<br />

•<br />

12-tone viewed as technique—not a style<br />

•<br />

Pointillist approach w/ atomized melodies

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Increased Use of the 12-Tone System<br />

•<br />

After WWII, Europeans explored 12-tone<br />

•<br />

•<br />

European composers heard 12-tone as<br />

Nazis banned music by Schoenberg & Jews<br />

“new”<br />

•<br />

12-tone viewed as technique—not a style<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Pointillist approach w/ atomized melodies<br />

Webern’s music & style became popular

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Extensions of the 12-Tone System: Serialism<br />

•<br />

The system was used to organize rhythm,<br />

dynamics, and tone color

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Extensions of the 12-Tone System: Serialism<br />

•<br />

The system was used to organize rhythm,<br />

dynamics, and tone color<br />

•<br />

Tone row ordered relationships of pitches

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Extensions of the 12-Tone System: Serialism<br />

•<br />

The system was used to organize rhythm,<br />

dynamics, and tone color<br />

•<br />

Tone row ordered relationships of pitches<br />

•<br />

Serialism ordered other musical elements

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Extensions of the 12-Tone System: Serialism<br />

•<br />

The system was used to organize rhythm,<br />

dynamics, and tone color<br />

•<br />

Tone row ordered relationships of pitches<br />

•<br />

Serialism ordered other musical elements<br />

•<br />

Result was a totally controlled, organized<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Extensions of the 12-Tone System: Serialism<br />

•<br />

The system was used to organize rhythm,<br />

dynamics, and tone color<br />

•<br />

Tone row ordered relationships of pitches<br />

•<br />

Serialism ordered other musical elements<br />

•<br />

Result was a totally controlled, organized<br />

music<br />

•<br />

Relationships often very difficult to<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Chance <strong>Music</strong><br />

•<br />

Opposite of Serialism

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Chance <strong>Music</strong><br />

•<br />

Opposite of Serialism<br />

•<br />

Composers choose pitches, tone colors, and<br />

rhythms by random methods

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Chance <strong>Music</strong><br />

•<br />

Opposite of Serialism<br />

•<br />

Composers choose pitches, tone colors, and<br />

rhythms by random methods<br />

•<br />

John Cage: 4’33”, Imaginary Landscape

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Chance <strong>Music</strong><br />

•<br />

Opposite of Serialism<br />

•<br />

Composers choose pitches, tone colors, and<br />

rhythms by random methods<br />

•<br />

John Cage: 4’33”, Imaginary Landscape<br />

•<br />

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Piano Piece No. 11

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Minimalist <strong>Music</strong><br />

• Characteristics

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Minimalist <strong>Music</strong><br />

• Characteristics<br />

•<br />

Steady pulse, clear tonality, repetition of<br />

short melodic fragments

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Minimalist <strong>Music</strong><br />

• Characteristics<br />

•<br />

Steady pulse, clear tonality, repetition of<br />

short melodic fragments<br />

•<br />

Dynamics, texture, & harmony constant<br />

over time

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Minimalist <strong>Music</strong><br />

• Characteristics<br />

•<br />

Steady pulse, clear tonality, repetition of<br />

short melodic fragments<br />

•<br />

Dynamics, texture, & harmony constant<br />

over time<br />

•<br />

Emphasis on simple forms, clarity,<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong>al Quotation<br />

•<br />

Represents conscious break with serialism

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong>al Quotation<br />

•<br />

Represents conscious break with serialism<br />

•<br />

Improves communication w/ audience

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong>al Quotation<br />

•<br />

Represents conscious break with serialism<br />

•<br />

Improves communication w/ audience<br />

•<br />

Quoted material conveys symbolic<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong>al Quotation<br />

•<br />

Represents conscious break with serialism<br />

•<br />

Improves communication w/ audience<br />

•<br />

Quoted material conveys symbolic<br />

meaning<br />

•<br />

Frequently juxtaposes quoted material with<br />

others, creating an Charles Ives-esque sound

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Return to Tonality<br />

•<br />

Parallels quotation in implying other styles

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Electronic <strong>Music</strong><br />

•<br />

Uses technological advances for new music

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Electronic <strong>Music</strong><br />

•<br />

Uses technological advances for new music<br />

•<br />

Recording tape, synthesizers, computers

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Electronic <strong>Music</strong><br />

•<br />

Uses technological advances for new music<br />

•<br />

Recording tape, synthesizers, computers<br />

•<br />

Allows composers to skip the middle step of<br />

performers to convey their ideas to an<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Electronic <strong>Music</strong><br />

•<br />

Uses technological advances for new music<br />

•<br />

Recording tape, synthesizers, computers<br />

•<br />

Allows composers to skip the middle step of<br />

performers to convey their ideas to an<br />

audience<br />

•<br />

Provides unlimited palette of sounds/tone<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Liberation of Sound<br />

•<br />

Use of wider variety of sounds than ever

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Liberation of Sound<br />

•<br />

Use of wider variety of sounds than ever<br />

•<br />

Some sounds were previously considered<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Liberation of Sound<br />

•<br />

Use of wider variety of sounds than ever<br />

•<br />

Some sounds were previously considered<br />

noises<br />

•<br />

Novel & unusual performance techniques are<br />

required (screaming, tapping instrument, …)

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Liberation of Sound<br />

•<br />

Use of wider variety of sounds than ever<br />

•<br />

Some sounds were previously considered<br />

noises<br />

•<br />

Novel & unusual performance techniques are<br />

required (screaming, tapping instrument, …)<br />

•<br />

Use of microtones, clusters, any new sound

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Mixed media<br />

•<br />

Visual art often combined w/ music for effect

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Mixed media<br />

•<br />

Visual art often combined w/ music for effect<br />

•<br />

Often intended to relax concert atmosphere

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Mixed media<br />

•<br />

Visual art often combined w/ music for effect<br />

•<br />

Often intended to relax concert atmosphere<br />

Rhythm and Form

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Mixed media<br />

•<br />

Visual art often combined w/ music for effect<br />

•<br />

Often intended to relax concert atmosphere<br />

Rhythm and Form<br />

•<br />

Some new compositions ignore rhythmic<br />

notation & specify sound in seconds/minutes

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Mixed media<br />

•<br />

Visual art often combined w/ music for effect<br />

•<br />

Often intended to relax concert atmosphere<br />

Rhythm and Form<br />

•<br />

Some new compositions ignore rhythmic<br />

notation & specify sound in seconds/minutes<br />

•<br />

Traditional forms giving way to new ideas

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

Mixed media<br />

•<br />

Visual art often combined w/ music for effect<br />

•<br />

Often intended to relax concert atmosphere<br />

Rhythm and Form<br />

•<br />

Some new compositions ignore rhythmic<br />

notation & specify sound in seconds/minutes<br />

•<br />

Traditional forms giving way to new ideas<br />

•<br />

Some music “unfolds” without obvious<br />

form devices

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Sonatas and Interludes for<br />

Prepared Piano “Sonata II”<br />

by John Cage (1912–1992)

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Sonatas and Interludes for<br />

Prepared Piano “Sonata II”<br />

by John Cage (1912–1992)<br />

Prepared piano is grand<br />

piano w/ objects inserted<br />

between some strings

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Sonatas and Interludes for<br />

Prepared Piano “Sonata II”<br />

by John Cage (1912–1992)<br />

Prepared piano is grand<br />

piano w/ objects inserted<br />

between some strings<br />

Percussive sounds on some<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Sonatas and Interludes for<br />

Prepared Piano “Sonata II”<br />

by John Cage (1912–1992)<br />

Prepared piano is grand<br />

piano w/ objects inserted<br />

between some strings<br />

Percussive sounds on some<br />

notes<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong>

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Poème électronique<br />

by Edgard Varèse (1883–1965)

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Poème électronique<br />

by Edgard Varèse (1883–1965)<br />

Created using recording tape,<br />

wide variety of raw sounds<br />

electronically processed

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Poème électronique<br />

by Edgard Varèse (1883–1965)<br />

Created using recording tape,<br />

wide variety of raw sounds<br />

electronically processed<br />

Electronic and electronically<br />

processed sounds

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Poème électronique<br />

by Edgard Varèse (1883–1965)<br />

Created using recording tape,<br />

wide variety of raw sounds<br />

electronically processed<br />

Electronic and electronically<br />

processed sounds<br />

Some tone-like sounds, some<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Poème électronique<br />

by Edgard Varèse (1883–1965)<br />

Created using recording tape,<br />

wide variety of raw sounds<br />

electronically processed<br />

Electronic and electronically<br />

processed sounds<br />

Some tone-like sounds, some<br />

noise-like<br />

Early electronic composition

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Poème électronique<br />

by Edgard Varèse (1883–1965)<br />

Created using recording tape,<br />

wide variety of raw sounds<br />

electronically processed<br />

Electronic and electronically<br />

processed sounds<br />

Some tone-like sounds, some<br />

noise-like<br />

Early electronic composition

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Concerto Grosso 1985<br />

by Ellen Taaffe Zwilich (b. 1939)

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Concerto Grosso 1985<br />

by Ellen Taaffe Zwilich (b. 1939)<br />

Quotation music, each of its five<br />

movements uses material from<br />

first movement of Handel piece

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Concerto Grosso 1985<br />

by Ellen Taaffe Zwilich (b. 1939)<br />

Quotation music, each of its five<br />

movements uses material from<br />

first movement of Handel piece<br />

Use of quoted material

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Concerto Grosso 1985<br />

by Ellen Taaffe Zwilich (b. 1939)<br />

Quotation music, each of its five<br />

movements uses material from<br />

first movement of Handel piece<br />

Use of quoted material<br />

Basso continuo, as in Baroque

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Concerto Grosso 1985<br />

by Ellen Taaffe Zwilich (b. 1939)<br />

Quotation music, each of its five<br />

movements uses material from<br />

first movement of Handel piece<br />

Use of quoted material<br />

Basso continuo, as in Baroque<br />

Terraced dynamics to imply<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong>

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Short Ride in a Fast Machine<br />

by John Adams

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Short Ride in a Fast Machine<br />

by John Adams<br />

Rapid tempo

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Short Ride in a Fast Machine<br />

by John Adams<br />

Rapid tempo<br />

Rhythmic drive

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Short Ride in a Fast Machine<br />

by John Adams<br />

Rapid tempo<br />

Rhythmic drive<br />

Powerful, colorful sonorities

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong>

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Shard (1977)<br />

by Elliott Carter

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Shard (1977)<br />

by Elliott Carter<br />

Jazzlike offbeat accents

20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Shard (1977)<br />

by Elliott Carter<br />

Jazzlike offbeat accents<br />

Dyads—two tones sounding<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong><br />

<strong>Music</strong> since <strong>1945</strong>: Five Representative Pieces<br />

Shard (1977)<br />

by Elliott Carter<br />

Jazzlike offbeat accents<br />

Dyads—two tones sounding<br />

simultaneously<br />


20th-Century <strong>Music</strong>

Looking Ahead<br />

• Jazz<br />

•<br />

<strong>Music</strong> For Stage and Screen<br />

• Rock

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