Framework management - AmannGirrbach AG
Framework management - AmannGirrbach AG
Framework management - AmannGirrbach AG
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<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon | Metal<br />
the better way to<br />
„Ever since<br />
I’ve been using<br />
Ceramill, my<br />
creativity in<br />
terms of zircon<br />
dental prostheses<br />
has no limits<br />
anymore. “<br />
Name: Serge Grynfas | Location: Paris,<br />
France | Profession: Prothesiste Dentaire<br />
(Dental Technician), Master-Diplom<br />
Labor: Laboratoire Dentaire Serge<br />
Grynfas | Info: Serge Grynfas is a mastergratuated<br />
and long experienced dental<br />
technician with an own laboratory in<br />
Paris. He is specialized in esthetics, prothetic<br />
on implants and new technologies.<br />
Grynfas collaborated and collaborates<br />
with several international companies for<br />
the development and the promotion of<br />
technics and products.<br />
<strong>AmannGirrbach</strong> <strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
F | 1
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Method – Product – Know-how<br />
Zircon<br />
Production of high-precision zircon frameworks<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> Management Zircon is a method for the simple, safe,<br />
cost-optimised and high-precision production of zircon dental<br />
prostheses in your own laboratory and with personal trademark of<br />
the technician.<br />
+<br />
The advantages of <strong>Framework</strong> Management<br />
+ Cost and time-optimised framework production<br />
_ Low investment costs, rapid payout<br />
_ The whole added value remains in your own<br />
laboratory<br />
_ Repeated milling operations are avoided due to<br />
the possibility of monitoring during the whole<br />
production process<br />
+ Error avoidance and quality assurance<br />
_ Controllable fitting due to variably adjustable<br />
enlargement factor allows for the implementation<br />
of complex and intricate restorations<br />
(range of indications not limited)<br />
_ Autodidactic error identification and error<br />
reduction at any point of the production process<br />
+ Convenience<br />
_ Well-known procedure and easy handling<br />
_ Individual design of final results possible<br />
_ Minimum training<br />
_ No cost-intensive additional know-how<br />
required (PC)<br />
F | 2
Zircon<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
From modelling to the finished high-precision zirconium-oxide<br />
framework and the application using the Ceramill system<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
4<br />
Starting situation- model in the<br />
articulator Artex ® CR<br />
Isolation of the stump with<br />
Ceramill Sep<br />
Gradual application of the cap up to<br />
1 mm above the preparation marking<br />
with Ceramill Gel<br />
Intermediate polymerisation of the<br />
cap with Ceramill UV<br />
5<br />
6<br />
7<br />
8<br />
Closing the occlusion area with<br />
Ceramill Gel<br />
Intermediate polymerisation of the<br />
cap with Ceramill UV<br />
Intermediate polymerisation of the<br />
cap with Ceramill UV<br />
Modelling the edge of the cap with<br />
Ceramill Gel<br />
9<br />
10<br />
11<br />
12<br />
Final polymerisation with<br />
Ceramill UV<br />
Removal of the cap<br />
Checking the wall thickness of the<br />
cap by means of sensor<br />
Modelling the anatomically reduced<br />
shape with Ceramill Gel in the articulator<br />
and subsequent polymerisation<br />
13<br />
14<br />
15<br />
16<br />
Positioning the cap on the holding<br />
plate and marking the connectors<br />
Milling out the holding plate to create<br />
space for fixing the caps<br />
Levelling the connectors of the<br />
holding plate<br />
Shape Putty to a small wall on the<br />
positioning aid<br />
F | 4
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon<br />
49<br />
50<br />
51<br />
52<br />
Drying the remaining liquid on the<br />
inner side of the cap with pulp<br />
Placing the caps from the occlusion<br />
onto the sintering beads<br />
Opening the Ceramill Therm furnace<br />
Positioning the sintering bowl in the<br />
firing chamber of the furnace<br />
53<br />
54<br />
55<br />
56<br />
Closing the furnace<br />
Starting the firing program<br />
Firing program completed<br />
Removing the sintering bowl from<br />
the furnace after cooling off<br />
57<br />
58<br />
59<br />
60<br />
Sintered caps on the sintering bed<br />
Painting the stump with<br />
Ceramill Marker<br />
1. fitting check, placing the cap onto<br />
the stump<br />
Imperfections in the cap<br />
61<br />
62<br />
63<br />
64<br />
Grinding the imperfections with<br />
water-cooled turbine<br />
Finishing of the cap, grinding the<br />
edge of the cap with water-cooled<br />
turbine<br />
Checking the wall thickness of the<br />
cap with a sensor<br />
Cap on the model in the articulator<br />
Artex ® CR<br />
F | 7
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Metal<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Method – Product – Know-how<br />
Metal<br />
Production of high-precision metal frameworks<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> Management Metal is a method for producing high-precision<br />
metal frameworks – form modelling to the finished cap.<br />
Coordinated materials in combination with out know-how transfer<br />
offer you a production technique allowing for the time-optimised<br />
production of perfectly-fitting metal restorations.<br />
+<br />
The advantages of <strong>Framework</strong> Management<br />
+ Reliable<br />
_ The coordination of material and metering unit<br />
guarantees reproducible results and automated<br />
processes<br />
_ Constant rate of expansion for precise fitting<br />
due to adjustable cooling of the components<br />
+ Flexible<br />
_ Can be used for a wide range of indications<br />
such as inlays, crowns, bridges, model casting,<br />
press ceramics or telescopic crown technology<br />
+ Simple<br />
_ Outstanding material properties with respect to<br />
melting quality, modelling and polishability of<br />
the alloys by controlling the expansion of the<br />
investments<br />
_ Easy programming without previous experience<br />
_ Metering at the touch of a button<br />
F | 8
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Metal<br />
method<br />
Systems and products<br />
Starting situation: model in the<br />
articulator Artex ® CR. The stumps<br />
are removed, isolated and the<br />
wax cap produced.<br />
F | 29<br />
<br />
_Duo-option, i. e. two different<br />
handpieces are ready for use<br />
at the same time<br />
_Simple, easy and safe tool<br />
change during operation<br />
_Tools are ready for use and<br />
heated up quickly<br />
The anatomically reduced shape<br />
is modelled in the articulator,<br />
using the modelling unit Smartwax<br />
Duo.<br />
After having fixed the caps, the<br />
investment Giroinvest Super is<br />
metered with the Smartbox Invest<br />
and mixed with the Smartmix.<br />
F | 30<br />
_Precise, reproducible results due<br />
to automated metering and constant<br />
cooling of the components<br />
_Saves time and material<br />
_Metering at the touch of a button<br />
due to easy programming of the<br />
50 user-defined program<br />
storage locations<br />
The caps are subsequently invested;<br />
the completely hardened<br />
mold is preheated and casted with<br />
the Girobond Soft alloy.<br />
After having removed the casted<br />
caps, the sprues are removed and<br />
linished.<br />
F | 32<br />
F | 37<br />
<br />
_Universal investment suitable for<br />
a wide range of indications due<br />
to stepless expansion from 1.2 to<br />
4.0 vol %<br />
_Phosphate-bonded precision<br />
investment material for model<br />
casting<br />
F | 34<br />
F | 35<br />
F | 36<br />
After fitting on and finishing of<br />
the caps, they are controlled in<br />
the articulator Artex ® CR.<br />
_3 Alloys for the whole spectrum<br />
of crown and bridge works as well<br />
as removable dental prostheses<br />
Know-how<br />
Digital manual<br />
A manual describing every individual step of the method in detail. Available online for registered customers soon.<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> Management consulting<br />
Our product specialists train your whole laboratory personnel and guarantee quick success in implementing the method.<br />
Courses for the <strong>Framework</strong> Management method K | 4<br />
F | 9
Metal<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
From modelling to the finished high-precision metal framework and the application<br />
using the Smartbox Invest as well as the <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong> investments and alloys<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
4<br />
Starting situation – model in the<br />
articulator Artex ® CR<br />
Isolation of the stump with<br />
Giroform ® Die Link Lube<br />
Immersing the stump into a wax bath<br />
Trimming of the immersed cap above<br />
the preparation marking by means of<br />
modelling instrument<br />
5<br />
6<br />
7<br />
8<br />
Completing the edge with cervical<br />
wax by means of the modelling unit<br />
Smartwax Duo<br />
Removing the superfluous edges by<br />
means of modelling instrument<br />
Checking the wall thickness of the<br />
cap by means of wax sensor<br />
Modelling the anatomically reduced<br />
shape in the articulator<br />
9<br />
10<br />
11<br />
12<br />
Fixing the sprue from the palatine<br />
to the cap<br />
Fixing the cap together with the<br />
sprue on the mold plate<br />
Weighing the investment Giroinvest<br />
Super with the Smartbox Invest<br />
Mixing the investment Giroinvest<br />
Super with the Smartmix<br />
13<br />
14<br />
15<br />
16<br />
Filling the investment into the mold<br />
Removing the casting ring and the<br />
mold plate after the investment has<br />
completely hardened<br />
Placing the mold with the tongs into<br />
the preheating furnace<br />
Selecting and starting a preheating<br />
program of the furnace<br />
F | 10
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Metal<br />
17<br />
18<br />
19<br />
20<br />
Removing the preheated mold from<br />
the furnace by means of the tongs<br />
Placing the mold and the crucible<br />
with the Girobond Soft alloy into the<br />
casting centrifuge and casting<br />
Removing the casted mold from the<br />
casting centrifuge<br />
Removing the mold by means of a<br />
hammer, at first cooling off the mold<br />
with some water, if necessary<br />
21<br />
22<br />
23<br />
24<br />
Sandblasting the removed objects<br />
Cutting the removed objects by<br />
means of a cutting wheel<br />
Rough linishing of the sprues with a<br />
rough grinding tool<br />
Checking the wall thickness of the<br />
cap by means of sensor<br />
25<br />
26<br />
27<br />
28<br />
Suffusing the stump with a contact<br />
paste such as Ceramill Marker or an<br />
occlusion spray<br />
1. fitting check, placing the cap onto<br />
the stump<br />
Removing the imperfections in the<br />
cap by means of a fine milling cutter<br />
2. fitting check of the caps on the<br />
stumps<br />
29<br />
30<br />
31<br />
32<br />
Checking the occlusions in the<br />
articulator and grinding the imperfect<br />
areas<br />
Finishing of the cap edge and the<br />
whole cap<br />
Sandblasting the finished cap<br />
Cap on the model in the articulator<br />
Artex ® CR<br />
F | 11
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon | Metal<br />
F | 13
Zircon<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Whatever the casting requirement in dental technology, there<br />
is now a complete system with perfectly coordinated components.<br />
Zirconium oxide is a high-performance material at the disposal<br />
of the dental laboratory for the production of ceramic<br />
crowns, bridges and retainers. It is notable for extremely<br />
high bio-compatibility, optimal visual quality and impressive<br />
resistance to bending stresses.<br />
Until now, these advantages were only available to high-end<br />
dental laboratories.<br />
The new Ceramill System makes it possible for all dental<br />
technicians to achieve this added value in-house. The most<br />
recent innovation from the <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong> company makes<br />
use of the very latest copy milling techniques, so that you<br />
can produce your own zirconium oxide retainers.<br />
In your own laboratory, within a small space, to the<br />
highest precision standards – with low investment and<br />
extremely low costs per unit.<br />
F | 14
Zircon<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Ceramill System-components<br />
Light-hardening modelling synthetics for crowns and<br />
intermediate bridge elements<br />
_ Cap modelling: Ceramill Gel (green) is of free-flowing<br />
consistency for simple dosage and application<br />
_ Intermediate bridge elements: Ceramill Pontic (blue) has a<br />
malleable consistency for rapid, individual shaping<br />
_ Low shrinkage for high precision and faster work<br />
+<br />
Polymerisation lamp with motion sensor for rapid, reliable<br />
hardening of modelling synthetics<br />
_ Proximity on/off switch for convenient use and freedom<br />
from glare<br />
_ Wavelength carefully matched to synthetic material for reliable<br />
polymerisation<br />
_ Audible signal at end of controlled polymerising time<br />
means that polymerisation can be accurately reproduced<br />
+<br />
High-precision, light-action parallel milling tool for<br />
high-performance ceramics<br />
_ Rustles milling tool for post-machining of hardened<br />
ceramics, with a patented double-joint milling arm<br />
_ Can be connected via an adapter to any normally<br />
available laboratory turbine<br />
_ Detachable splash guard for efficient results without<br />
risk of contamination<br />
+<br />
F | 18
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon<br />
Ceramill System-components<br />
High-precision, long-life sensing and milling<br />
tools for cost-effective machining of Ceramill blanks<br />
_ Efficient, economically viable processing of Ceramill blanks,<br />
with long working life and optimal milling geometry<br />
_ Available in 1.2 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm sizes, and additional<br />
special patterns<br />
_ Material removal and dust removal are optimally controlled<br />
due to the tool geometry tailored to the material<br />
_ Extensive assortment of milling cutters for the <strong>management</strong><br />
of a wide range of indications<br />
+<br />
Item no. Description Geometry sketch Area of application<br />
760801<br />
760701<br />
760831<br />
760731<br />
760821<br />
760721<br />
760811<br />
760711<br />
760809<br />
760709<br />
760851<br />
760751<br />
760840<br />
760740<br />
760891<br />
760791<br />
760892<br />
760792<br />
760861<br />
760761<br />
760871<br />
760771<br />
760881<br />
760781<br />
760830<br />
760730<br />
760820<br />
760720<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto T4<br />
Roto T4<br />
Ceramill Roto T4<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto F4<br />
Roto F4 T4<br />
Ceramill Roto F4<br />
Ceramill Roto T4<br />
Ceramill Roto F4<br />
Ceramill Roto T4<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto T3<br />
Roto T3 F4 T4<br />
Ceramill Roto T3<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto F3<br />
Roto F4<br />
Ceramill Roto F3 T3 F4<br />
Ceramill Roto F3<br />
Ceramill Roto T3<br />
Ceramill Roto F3<br />
Ceramill Roto T2 T3<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto T2<br />
Roto F3 T2 T3<br />
Ceramill Roto F3<br />
F2 T2<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto F2 Roto F3 F2<br />
Ceramill Roto T2<br />
Ceramill Roto F2<br />
Ceramill Roto T2<br />
Ceramill Roto T1,2 F2 T2<br />
Ceramill Roto T1,2<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto T Roto 1.2<br />
F2<br />
Ceramill Roto F1,2 T1,2 F2<br />
Ceramill Roto F1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto T1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto F 1.2<br />
Ceramill Roto F1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto T0,9 T1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto T0,9 F1,2 T1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto T0,9 F1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto T0,9 F1,2<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto T Roto 0.9T0,9<br />
Ceramill Roto T0,9<br />
Ceramill Roto T0,9<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto F Roto 0.9T0,6<br />
T0,9<br />
Ceramill Roto T0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto T0,9<br />
Ceramill Roto F0,6 T0,6 T0,9<br />
Ceramill Roto F0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto T0,6<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto T Roto 0.6<br />
F0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto CT2 T0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto CT2 F0,6 T0,6<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto F Roto 0.6<br />
CF2 CT2 F0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto CF2 F0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto CT2<br />
Ceramill Roto CF2<br />
Ceramill Roto CT2<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto CT Roto 2CF2<br />
CT2<br />
Ceramill Roto CF2<br />
Ceramill Ceramill Roto CF Roto 2CF2<br />
Ceramill Roto KT2,5<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill KT Roto 2.5 KT2,5 KF2,5<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill KF Roto 2.5 KF2,5<br />
KT2,5<br />
KT2,5<br />
Ceramill Roto KT2,5<br />
1.8<br />
Ceramill Roto KF2,5<br />
KF2,5<br />
Ceramill Roto KT KF2,5<br />
1.8<br />
Ceramill Roto KT 1.8<br />
Ceramill Roto KF<br />
KT<br />
KT ST2<br />
1.8<br />
1.8<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill KF Roto 1.8KT 1.8<br />
KF 1.8<br />
Ceramill Roto ST2 KF SF2 KT2,5 1.8<br />
Ceramill Roto KF 1.8<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill ST Roto 2 SF2<br />
ST2<br />
ST2 KF2,5<br />
Ceramill Roto ST2 ST1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill SF Roto 2<br />
SF2<br />
SF2<br />
Ceramill Roto<br />
ST1,2 SF2 SF1,2 KT 1.8<br />
SF1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill<br />
ST Roto<br />
1.2ST1,2<br />
KF 1.8<br />
Ceramill Roto ST0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill SF Roto 1.2SF1,2<br />
ST2<br />
Ceramill Roto ST0,6 SF1,2 SF0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto SF2<br />
Ceramill<br />
Ceramill Roto<br />
Roto SF0,6<br />
ST0,6<br />
ST0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill ST Roto 0.6 UT2 ST0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto SF0,6<br />
SF0,6 ST1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill SF Roto 0.6 UT2 SF0,6 UF2<br />
Ceramill Roto SF1,2<br />
Ceramill<br />
Ceramill<br />
Roto<br />
Roto UT2<br />
UT2 UF2<br />
UT2<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill UT Roto 3 UT3<br />
Ceramill Roto UF2<br />
UF2 ST0,6<br />
UF2<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill UF Roto 3 UT3 UF3<br />
Ceramill Roto SF0,6<br />
Ceramill<br />
Ceramill Roto<br />
Roto UF3<br />
UT3<br />
UT3<br />
Ceramill Roto UT3<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill<br />
Ceramill UT Roto<br />
Roto 2UT2<br />
UF3<br />
UF3<br />
Ceramill Roto UF3<br />
Ceramill Roto Ceramill UF Roto 2UF2<br />
Ceramill Roto KT2,5<br />
Tools with face Ceramill radius Roto KT2,5 for rapid, rough removal of material (“roughing”).<br />
Ceramill Roto KF2,5 KT2,5<br />
Ceramill Roto KF2,5<br />
Ceramill Roto KT2,5<br />
Ceramill Roto KF2,5<br />
Ceramill Roto KT2,5<br />
1.8<br />
Standard tools Ceramill (face Roto radius) KF2,5 KT2,5 1.8 for removing material to create the framework<br />
shape Ceramill and machine Roto KT KF2,5<br />
1.8 the rough outline.<br />
Ceramill Roto KF2,5 1.8<br />
Ceramill Roto KT 1.8<br />
Ceramill Roto ST2 KF 1.8<br />
Ceramill Roto ST2 KT 1.8<br />
Standard tools Ceramill (face Roto radius) KF KT 1.8 for the machining of areas for which the<br />
Ceramill Roto SF2 ST2<br />
Ceramill Roto SF2 KF 1.8<br />
diameter of Ceramill the T/F3 Roto tools ST2 KF 1.8 is too large and too the diameter of the T/F1.2<br />
Ceramill Roto SF2<br />
tools is too small, Ceramill e.g. Roto deep ST1,2 ST2 front teeth crowns.<br />
Ceramill Roto ST1,2 SF2 ST2<br />
Ceramill Roto SF1,2 ST1,2 SF2<br />
Standard tools Ceramill (face Roto radius) SF1,2 SF2 for finishing of details, e.g. incisal/occlusal<br />
Ceramill Roto ST1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto SF1,2<br />
areas and crown Ceramill edges. Roto ST0,6 ST1,2 Most of the crown and bridge works can be<br />
Ceramill Roto ST0,6 SF1,2 ST1,2<br />
rendered by means Ceramill of Roto this tool.<br />
SF0,6 ST0,6 SF1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto SF0,6 SF1,2<br />
Ceramill Roto ST0,6<br />
Tool with face Ceramill Roto SF0,6<br />
Ceramill radius Roto for UT2 ST0,6 intricate geometries such as e.g. incisal areas in<br />
Ceramill Roto UT2 SF0,6 ST0,6<br />
case of long front teeth UT2<br />
crowns. Can also be used as oversize or undersize<br />
tool in combination Ceramill Roto UF2 SF0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto UF2 SF0,6<br />
Ceramill Roto UT2 with the 1.2 or 0.6 tools.<br />
Ceramill Roto UF2<br />
Ceramill Roto UT2<br />
UT3<br />
Ceramill Roto<br />
Thin tool with face UT2<br />
radius UT3 UF2 for particularly intricate geometries, e.g.<br />
Ceramill Roto UF3 UT3<br />
UF2<br />
incisal surfaces Ceramill<br />
Ceramill of Roto<br />
Roto long UF3<br />
UF2 front teeth crowns, inlays, adhesive bridges,<br />
Ceramill Roto UT3<br />
veneers and Ceramill Roto UF3<br />
Ceramill the like. Roto UT3<br />
Ceramill Roto UF3 UT3<br />
Ceramill Roto UF3<br />
2° -tapered Ceramill tool for Roto machining UF3 conical surfaces, e.g. conical crowns and<br />
other conical support elements.<br />
Ball tool for processing undercuts without having to turn/tilt the work<br />
piece.<br />
Fine ball tool for machining tubes and undercuts, without having to<br />
turn/tilt the work piece.<br />
Wools without face radius (shank-type tools) are employed for special<br />
applications, e.g. implant techniques, bar construction and the like.<br />
Shank-type tools with a medium diameter for milling special geometries,<br />
e.g. for implant techniques.<br />
Thin shank-type milling cutter for particularly intricate geometries.<br />
Conical tools with a diameter of 3 mm for machining sharp-edged undercuts<br />
and sharp edges in fine bores.<br />
Conical tools with a diameter of 2 mm for machining sharp-edged<br />
undercuts and sharp edges in fine bores.<br />
Ceramill Roto UT3<br />
Ceramill Roto UF3<br />
F | 19
Zircon<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Ceramill System-components<br />
Zircon does not equal zircon – Quality assurance and<br />
testing of zirconium oxide blanks at <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong><br />
For several years now, zirconium oxide has been remarkably<br />
popular as a new material in prosthetic dentistry, and has been<br />
acclaimed not only by health professionals and technicians,<br />
but also by patients.<br />
Zirconium oxide can be processed in pre-sintered condition,<br />
which gives more and more users the opportunity to manufacture<br />
cost-efficient and precise dental frame works with manual<br />
copy milling machines in their own laboratories. However, zirconium<br />
oxide blanks of consistent quality are a prerequisite<br />
that largely affects the final result.<br />
Even when the material on the market is referred to as being<br />
“the same”, this does not mean that all available zirconium oxide<br />
materials are identical. The manufacturing process is of crucial<br />
importance, especially as far as mechanical and optical properties<br />
are concerned.<br />
The manufacturing process determines the quality – which is the<br />
decisive factor for us to opt for in-house production of Ceramill<br />
blanks. We thereby maintain quality assurance during all procedures<br />
as well as consistently high material standards.<br />
Quality assurance and testing of zirconium<br />
oxide blanks at <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong><br />
Already during the manufacturing process, Ceramill zirconium<br />
oxide blanks are subjected to stringent testing according to<br />
standardised parameters. As a result of continuous quality<br />
assurance before, during and after production, <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong><br />
permanently maintains its high quality standards of in-house<br />
production. Initially, the powdered raw material is therefore<br />
meticulously examined and the following properties are analysed:<br />
_Green density<br />
_White density<br />
_Final density<br />
_Bending strength<br />
_Vickers hardness<br />
_Enlargement factor (sintering shrinkage)<br />
_Porosity<br />
_Visual examination<br />
Bending strength [MPa]<br />
1400<br />
1200<br />
1000<br />
800<br />
600<br />
400<br />
200<br />
0<br />
Glass ceramics<br />
Empress Empress 2 InCeram<br />
Alumina<br />
infiltration<br />
ceramics<br />
InCeram<br />
Zirconia<br />
oxide ceramics<br />
Lava Frames Ceramill ZI<br />
Blanks<br />
Digizon<br />
Y-TZP A HIP<br />
This constitutes the basis for optimum adjustment and control<br />
of manufacturing processes. Green density, white density<br />
and the enlargement factor are subsequently also repeatedly<br />
adjusted during the running production of each blank batch.<br />
F | 20
Zircon<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Ceramill System-components<br />
Fully-automated, high-performance furnace for<br />
the final sintering of non-distorting frameworks<br />
The new Ceramill Therm<br />
offers the user not only a new<br />
and more compact design but<br />
also a high-temperature furnace<br />
with extended features.<br />
The milled Ceramill zirconiumoxide<br />
frameworks are densesintered<br />
with the Ceramill<br />
Therm and thus obtain their<br />
final density and the resulting<br />
excellent material properties.<br />
For sintering, the objects are<br />
placed onto sintering beads,<br />
which ensures a frictionless<br />
sintering process and thus<br />
distortion-free frameworks.<br />
The Ceramill Therm offers<br />
maximum process reliability<br />
due to constant temperature<br />
control, even temperature<br />
distribution in the firing<br />
chamber and notification in<br />
case of termination of the<br />
sintering programme due to<br />
e.g. power failure. As a result<br />
of this, the user is able to<br />
safely control if the final<br />
density and thus strength of<br />
the frameworks has been<br />
achieved.<br />
The user has 4 sintering<br />
programme locations at his<br />
disposal; one of them can be<br />
individually programmed.<br />
Available from June 2008<br />
_ Maximum process reliability due to constant temperature control, even temperature<br />
distribution in the firing chamber and notification in case of termination of the sintering<br />
programme<br />
_Maximum process reliability due to optimally coordinated, fully-automated sintering<br />
programmes for different restoration sizes<br />
_ 4 sintering programme locations; one of them individually programmable by the user<br />
_ 2 stackable sintering bowls for maximum utilisation of the furnace<br />
_ Minimum required space and installation time (supply required)<br />
+<br />
For maximum utilisation of the<br />
furnace, the Ceramill Therm<br />
exhibits a large firing chamber,<br />
in which 2 sintering bowls can<br />
be stacked on each other and<br />
thus the double amount of<br />
frameworks can be sintered in<br />
one cycle.<br />
F | 22
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon<br />
Ceramill System-components<br />
Perfect esthetics<br />
Easy, safe and time-saving processing up to the perfectly shaped tooth.<br />
Anterior bridge on the model with the corresponding<br />
synthetic model in the holding frame<br />
© Norbert Asmus, <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong> <strong>AG</strong><br />
Anchored dentures, with snap-fastener, coated<br />
© Laboratoire Dentaire Serge Grynfas<br />
Veneered anterior single crowns made<br />
of zircon-oxide<br />
© Laboratoire Dentaire Peter Biekert<br />
12-sectioned bridge<br />
© Falko Noak, <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong> <strong>AG</strong><br />
Maryland bridge<br />
© Norbert Asmus, <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong> <strong>AG</strong><br />
10-sectioned bridge<br />
© Laboratoire Dentaire Serge Grynfas<br />
Abutment<br />
© Laboratoire Dentaire Serge Grynfas<br />
Front teeth single cap<br />
© Laboratoire Dentaire Serge Grynfas<br />
Implant-supported bar construction<br />
© Laboratoire Dentaire Serge Grynfas<br />
Dividing bridge<br />
© Laboratoire Dentaire Serge Grynfas<br />
Dividing bridge<br />
© Laboratoire Dentaire Serge Grynfas<br />
F | 23
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zirkon | Metall<br />
casting simplicity<br />
F | 25
Metal<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
casting simplicity<br />
For all types of casting works, dental technology has a complete system<br />
with perfectly coordinated components at its disposal.<br />
For all types of casting works, dental technology has a complete<br />
system with perfectly coordinated components at its<br />
disposal. In the casting technology, the final results depend<br />
to a substantial extent on the used materials as well as the<br />
processing methods. To obtain optimal and reproducible<br />
results, a system with perfectly coordinated individual components<br />
suggests itself.<br />
With the Giroinvest investments, the Smartbox Invest as<br />
well as the CoCr-alloys for crown, bridge and model casting<br />
works, dental technology has such a system at its disposal.<br />
A complete system suitable for all indications, delivering<br />
exact and high-quality results at any time.<br />
More quality and fewer mistakes, less time consumption,<br />
less material consumption, less dust and waste.<br />
F | 26
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Metal<br />
casting simplicity<br />
The coordination of material and mixing unit guarantees reproducible results<br />
and automates processes.<br />
Smartwax Duo<br />
Smartbox Invest<br />
Girobond NBS<br />
Noflame Plus<br />
Girobond CBS<br />
Giroinvest Super<br />
Girocrom FH+Giroinvest Speed<br />
+<br />
THE Benefits at a glance<br />
+ Smartbox Invest<br />
_Precise, automatic measuring of investment, liquid and distilled water<br />
_Reproducible results with maximum precision – whatever the time of year<br />
+ Girobond CBS<br />
_Low hardness of 185 HV10 ensures quick and easy processing<br />
+ Girobond NBS<br />
_Optimum metal-ceramic bond<br />
_Outstanding corrosion resistance<br />
+ Girocrom FH<br />
_Optimum malleability for fracture-proof appliances<br />
+ Giroinvest Super<br />
_Universal, low-cost and easy to use<br />
+ Giroinvest Speed<br />
_Delivers smooth casting surfaces and ensures excellent fit<br />
F | 27
Metal<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
casting simplicity<br />
The “electric Bunsen burner” in the form of<br />
compact induction heating replaces the open flame<br />
Within seconds, the modelling<br />
instrument is heated up in<br />
the coil opening at very low<br />
power consumption.<br />
To be used at any place<br />
where an electric socket is<br />
available.<br />
_ Mobile and immediately operational, no gas required<br />
_ Handling as usual, no adjustment required<br />
_ Eliminates the risks of getting burned or causing fire<br />
_ No heat emission into the environment; does not consume oxygen<br />
_ Clean, i.e. no soot particles on instrument and/or material<br />
_ Saves 75 % of energy expenses; saves the environment<br />
_ Ideal conditions, to be used even at the dental office<br />
+<br />
Within seconds, the modelling<br />
instrument is heated in the coil<br />
opening<br />
Replaceable protective caps keep<br />
the coil opening clean<br />
F | 28
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Metal<br />
casting simplicity<br />
Efficient modeling station for working with two handpieces<br />
This unit is suitable for all<br />
kinds of modeling and wax-up<br />
work and is unbeatable in<br />
combination with the Waxjet<br />
when making full dentures.<br />
For each handpiece, 3 different<br />
temperatures within the<br />
range of 50-220°/122-428 F<br />
can be programmed and<br />
simply switched over. This<br />
improves the soft and above<br />
all stress-free treatment of<br />
the various types of waxes.<br />
In doing so, the excellent<br />
thermal conductivity of the<br />
instrument alloy used for the<br />
probes (more than 20 times<br />
the thermal conductivity of<br />
stainless steel) plays an<br />
important role as well.<br />
_ Duo-option, i.e. two different handpieces are ready for use<br />
at the same time<br />
_ 3 individually programmable temperatures for each handpiece<br />
_ Simple and safe exchange mechanism of the modeling tips<br />
_ Fast operational and heated instruments<br />
_ Anti-twist cables that are insensitive to heat<br />
_ Gold plated copper tips for better heat conductivity<br />
+<br />
Change of probes without the<br />
risk of burns – snap on, snap off<br />
Simple adjustment of individual<br />
working temperature<br />
F | 29
Metal<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
casting simplicity<br />
Optimal precision, processing reliability, ease of use –<br />
it‘s never been easier to mix the investment material perfectly.<br />
The material cannot<br />
be affected by moisture<br />
Closed system<br />
Economical large containers<br />
for less waste<br />
4 kg capacity for<br />
investment material<br />
Constant expansion control<br />
for precise fit<br />
Component temperature<br />
adjustable between 16 – 25°<br />
No dust exposure<br />
External exhaust<br />
can be connected<br />
Simple programming without<br />
Any previous experience<br />
50 user-defined programs<br />
Measuring at the<br />
touch of a button<br />
Multi-function button<br />
Maximum precision through<br />
accurate coordination<br />
of all components<br />
Automatic measuring of<br />
investment material, liquid, water<br />
All sizes of mixing beaker<br />
easy to use<br />
Adjustable beaker height<br />
F | 30
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Metal<br />
One press of the button is all that is needed to<br />
start the automatic measuring of all three components<br />
Opening of the fluid container and<br />
filling of the investment compound<br />
liquid. The integrated level indicator<br />
ensures that fluids are available.<br />
The ability to fill large containers<br />
makes it unnecessary to slit open<br />
invest-ment bags<br />
+ Process reliability<br />
_Automatic measuring of all components<br />
_Constant in processing time, consistency and expansion parameters<br />
+ Quality<br />
_Reproducible results at any time of the year<br />
_Precise results with proven measuring technology<br />
+ Control / Use<br />
_Simple programming, operation at the touch of a button<br />
_Complete system easy to use<br />
+ Economical<br />
_Time saving due to manual processing steps no longer necessary<br />
_Use of more cost-efficient large containers<br />
+ Flexibility<br />
_Measuring the precise amount of investment material required<br />
_Simple adjustment for all mixing beaker sizes<br />
+ Environmentally friendly<br />
_Less waste through large containers<br />
_Reduction in the amount of fine dust<br />
+<br />
The multifunction head ensures<br />
optimal user convenience in program<br />
selection<br />
F | 31
Metal<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
casting simplicity<br />
A precise and controllable universal investment with<br />
a wide scope of expansion (1.2 to 4.0 percent by volume)<br />
Unique:<br />
Giroinvest Super is an investment<br />
suitable for a wide<br />
range of applications. It can<br />
be used for crown and bridge<br />
works, high-gold-bearing,<br />
precious metal and nonprecious<br />
metal alloys. Not<br />
only the work becomes noticeably<br />
easier and more<br />
efficient during the use of<br />
this investment; storage is<br />
considerably facilitated as well.<br />
By changing the mixing ratio<br />
of water and liquid, the<br />
expansion range can be variably<br />
adjusted from 1.2 to 4.0<br />
vol %. The precise adjustability<br />
in the lower and upper<br />
expansion area makes this<br />
investment perfectly suitable<br />
for press ceramics as well as<br />
non-precious metal alloys.<br />
Giroinvest Super can be easily<br />
removed due to its finegrained,<br />
clean and smooth<br />
surface.<br />
_ For precious alloys<br />
_ For non-precious alloys<br />
_ For press ceramic<br />
_ For inlays, crowns, and bridges<br />
_ For conventional heating and shock-heat method<br />
_ Also suitable for ringless systems<br />
_ Extremely wide scope of expansion<br />
_ Neat and smooth casting surfaces<br />
_ Flexible and priceworthy use<br />
_ Reproducible casting results<br />
+<br />
Setting expansion in %<br />
3,0<br />
2,5<br />
2,0<br />
1,5<br />
1,0<br />
0,5<br />
0,0<br />
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100<br />
Liquid concentration in %<br />
Smooth surface<br />
Ceramic inlays pressed with<br />
Giroinvest Super<br />
F | 32
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Metal<br />
casting simplicity<br />
Alloys<br />
All alloys at one sight<br />
CoCr-alloy NiCrMo-alloy CoCr-alloy Titanium alloy<br />
Bonding alloys<br />
Model casting alloys<br />
Product name Girobond NBS Girobond CBS Girocrom FH Girotan L<br />
Description<br />
The proven classical alloy:<br />
carbon-free CoCrMo bonding<br />
alloy<br />
Modern NiCrMo bonding alloy<br />
for crown and bridge work<br />
The ideal CoCr model casting<br />
alloy<br />
Modern Ti6Al7Nb-alloy with<br />
unique chemical and physical<br />
properties<br />
Features<br />
Technical/physical data<br />
_ Excellent laser welding _ low hardness (185 HV10)<br />
behavior, no risk of crack _ high strength<br />
development since carbonfree<br />
properties<br />
_ good melting and casting<br />
_ High homogeneity within _ carbon-free, thus perfectly<br />
the batches and good reproducibility<br />
thanks to the opti-<br />
suitable for laser welding<br />
mized production process<br />
_ Suitable for casting with any<br />
standard method<br />
_ Dense surface, good polishability,<br />
rich shine<br />
_ extra-hard quality, fractureresistant<br />
clasps<br />
_ suitable for modelling<br />
delicate frameworks<br />
_ easy to model and polish<br />
(fine-grained structure)<br />
_ carbon-free, thus perfectly<br />
suitable for laser welding<br />
_ wider spectrum of indications<br />
than pure titanium<br />
_ for crown and bridge works<br />
_ also for clasp dentures and<br />
suprastructures<br />
_ easy to machine and weld<br />
_ maximum biocompatibility<br />
_ low thermal conductivity<br />
and density<br />
Proof stress Rp 0,2 % [MPa] > 600 > 350 710 750<br />
Tensile strengtht Rm [MPa] > 840 > 580 920 850<br />
Modulus of elasticity E [GPa] 210 170 + – 20 225 110<br />
Elongation at rupture A [%] > 10 > 25 > 5 > 8<br />
Vickers hardness HV10 310 + – 10 185 + – 10 350 325<br />
Melting rangel Solidus [°C] 1350 1270 1346 1650<br />
Melting rangel Liquidus [°C) 1422 1356 1388<br />
Density [g/cm 3 ] 8,6 8,2 8,2 4,52<br />
CTE 25-500 °C [x 10 -6 K -1 ] 14,1 13,8 10,1<br />
Chemical composition in % by mass<br />
Co 62,4 Ni 63,5 Co 59 Ti 87<br />
Cr 25,5 Cr 24 Cr 32 AI 6<br />
Mo 5,1 Mo 10 Mo 6 Nb 7<br />
W 5,2 Si 1,3<br />
Si 1,1 Si 1,5<br />
Other < 1 % Nb, Fe, N Nb, Mn Mn, N, Nb, W<br />
All <strong>AmannGirrbach</strong> alloys are CE-certified and free of nickel, beryllium, gallium and carbon.<br />
Packs<br />
50 g Try-me package 781601 781641 721251<br />
1000 g Laboratory pack 781600 781640 721250<br />
764321<br />
(50 x 20 g Ingots)<br />
764341<br />
(25 x 40 g Ingots)<br />
F | 33
Metal<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
casting simplicity<br />
The safe bonding alloy with optimized<br />
mechanical values.<br />
Girobond ® NBS is a trailblazing<br />
bonding alloy for the<br />
crown and bridge technique.<br />
The specific composition of<br />
this CoCrMo alloy, with fine<br />
admixtures but no carbon<br />
content, provides optimum<br />
properties for outstanding<br />
results.<br />
Hardness HV10<br />
Comparison of hardness between<br />
Girobond ® NBS and conventional<br />
non-percious bonding alloys<br />
Girobond ® NBS metal framework with<br />
porcelain facing<br />
Dental lab Müssle, Pforzheim/<br />
Germany<br />
340<br />
330<br />
320<br />
310<br />
Girobond ®<br />
NB<br />
Alloy<br />
A<br />
Alloy<br />
B<br />
Comparison of the tensile bond<br />
strength of metals and ceramics<br />
Requirement in accordance<br />
with ISO 9693<br />
50<br />
40<br />
30<br />
20<br />
10<br />
0<br />
According to<br />
ISO 9693<br />
Girobond ®<br />
NBS<br />
Crack initiation firmness (MPa)<br />
_ CrMo bonding alloy for the crown and bridge technique, free of nickel and beryllium<br />
_ Excellent laser welding behavior, no risk of crack development since carbon-free<br />
_ Also suitable as universal alloy for model-casting clasp dentures, wide-span telescopic<br />
cases, and delicate suprastructures<br />
_ High homogeneity within the batches and good reproducibility thanks to the optimized<br />
production process<br />
_ Suitable for casting with any standard method<br />
_ Good controllability of the melting and casting process<br />
_ Easy milling (310 HV10)<br />
_ Dense surface, good polishability, rich shine<br />
_ Completely unproblematic and safe facing with conventional facing porcelains which suit<br />
the coefficient of thermal expansion of Girobond®NBS 14.1 x 10 -6 K -1 (25-500°C)<br />
+<br />
Fine-grained struc ture of the niobium-dispersed<br />
CoC-Mo bonding alloy<br />
Girobond ® NBS (magnification 100:1)<br />
Coarse-grained structure of a conventional<br />
CoCrMo bonding alloy (magnification<br />
100:1)<br />
F | 34
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Metal<br />
casting simplicity<br />
Modern NiCrMo bonding alloy for crown and bridge work<br />
Carbon-free, type 3 NiCrMo<br />
bonding alloy for crowns and<br />
bridges. Due to the dispersion<br />
with Niobium, Girobond ® CBS<br />
is easy to polish.<br />
Biocompatible thanks to the<br />
high Mo content. According<br />
certificates are available.<br />
(<br />
Comparison of the metal<br />
to porcelain compound<br />
Requirement in accordance<br />
with ISO 9693<br />
50<br />
Girobond ® CBS metal framework<br />
with porcelain facing<br />
Dental lab Müssle, Pforzheim/Germany<br />
40<br />
30<br />
20<br />
10<br />
0<br />
According to<br />
ISO 9693<br />
Girobond ®<br />
CBS<br />
Crack initiation firmness (MPa)<br />
_ Carbon-free NiCrMo-bonding alloy for crown and bridge works (type 3)<br />
_ Good compatibility and reliability just like NBS, but softer (HV10 185) and thus<br />
easier to process<br />
_ Safe, easily workable, cost-effective material<br />
_ Optimised production process ensures high homogeneity<br />
_ Easy to cast by any method<br />
_ Carbon-free and thus no risk of crack formation; perfectly suitable for laser welding<br />
_ Due to a TCE value of 13.8 x 10 -6 K -1 (25—500°C), bonding of veneering ceramics is safe<br />
and trouble-free<br />
_ Corrosion resistance has been proven by the Centre of Dentistry, Oral Medicine<br />
and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Tubingen (Germany)<br />
_ No overheating of the melt due to melt reflection<br />
+<br />
Melting behavior of Girobond ® NBS<br />
Begin of the melting;<br />
the casting cubes melt<br />
into each other<br />
The molten metal starts<br />
to burst; However, some<br />
shadows are still visible<br />
The surface of the molten<br />
metal shines; The metal<br />
is completely molten -<br />
Casting has to be effected<br />
immediately<br />
F | 35
Metal<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
casting simplicity<br />
The ideal denture base alloy for the complete<br />
range of removable dental restorations.<br />
Extra-hard, suitable for laser<br />
welding and easy to model –<br />
these are the requirements<br />
on a superior model casting<br />
alloy. With Girocrom ® FH,<br />
these requirements have<br />
become reality – a carbon-free<br />
alloy with excellent mechanical<br />
properties.<br />
Laser welding offers dental<br />
technicians the advantages<br />
of modern joining technology<br />
and, at the same time, means<br />
maximum biological compatibility<br />
to the patient. Due to<br />
their carbon content, conventional<br />
alloys precipitate carbides<br />
during laser welding.<br />
These, in turn, have a qualityreducing<br />
effect on the welding<br />
seams and involve cracks<br />
and fractures.<br />
Cracks caused by carbide precipitation<br />
in a CrCoMo alloy containing<br />
carbon<br />
Laser weld without any cracks in a<br />
carbon-free CrCoMo alloy<br />
_ Extra-hard denture base alloy<br />
_ Improved stability<br />
_ Suitable for all kinds of removable restorations, e.g. metal denture bases, combined fixedremovable<br />
restorations, telescopic cases, dentures with slide attachments or clasps<br />
_ Easily activated clasps at model casting dentures, with minimized fracture risk<br />
_ Carbon-free and, thus, ideal for laser welding<br />
_ Easy processing and polishing; relatively low Vickers hardness HV10 of 350<br />
_ Excellent biocompatibility and corrosion resistance<br />
+<br />
Proof stress Proof stress rp 0,2% (MPa) - different cocr-alloys for partical denture<br />
750<br />
Carbon free<br />
Containing carbon<br />
700<br />
650<br />
710<br />
< 0,02<br />
688<br />
< 0,02<br />
701<br />
< 0,2<br />
720<br />
< 0,8<br />
679<br />
< 1,0<br />
600<br />
550<br />
500<br />
Girocrom<br />
Fh<br />
610<br />
< 0,05<br />
competitor<br />
a b<br />
competitor<br />
c D<br />
580<br />
< 0,04<br />
competitor<br />
E F<br />
Girosolder out of CoCr,<br />
3.6 g as solder rods<br />
Recommended for soldering<br />
of CoCrMo alloys<br />
F | 36
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Metal<br />
Mandibular model casting denture<br />
with clasps, Dental Lab Müssle,<br />
Pforzheim/Germany<br />
Maxillary model casting denture<br />
with clasps, Dental Lab Müssle,<br />
Pforzheim/Germany<br />
Mandibular model casting denture<br />
with clasps, Dental Lab Müssle,<br />
Pforzheim/Germany<br />
The ideal investment for Girocrom ®<br />
restorations<br />
Giroinvest Speed is a phosphate-bonded precision investment for the<br />
model casting technique.<br />
_ Phosphate-bonded precision investment for model<br />
casting<br />
_ Can be heated up either with the shock-heat method or<br />
conventional heating with delay<br />
_ 30 minutes setting time using the shock-heat method; the<br />
mold is subsequently placed into the preheated furnace<br />
heated up to a maximum temperature of 1050 °C; ready<br />
for casting after 60 min<br />
_ Casting without casting ring possible<br />
_ Smooth casing surfaces and excellent fit due to the shockheat<br />
method<br />
_ Expansion is regulated by adjusting the liquid concentration<br />
+<br />
Giroinvest Speed: smooth castings, dense structures, homogeneous surfaces<br />
F | 37
Metal<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
casting simplicity<br />
Universal use thanks to modular components<br />
for surveying, blockout, milling<br />
Stable precision milling device<br />
on solid vertical column with<br />
ball thread and playless,<br />
smooth, double-jointed arm.<br />
Milling head with micrometer<br />
screw for accurate adjustment<br />
of vertical drillings. The base<br />
part comprises an integrated<br />
control for micromotor, magnetic<br />
table, light connections, and<br />
blockout. If the micromotor is<br />
exchanged with a marker, the<br />
af350 even performs parallelometer<br />
functions (surveying,<br />
blockout, setting of pins or<br />
attachments).<br />
LED-twin lamp<br />
Shadow-free illumination<br />
Patented<br />
articulated<br />
arm lock<br />
Clamps 2 joints<br />
with one screw<br />
Memory function<br />
Reversion of the<br />
articulated arm<br />
Spring power adjustment<br />
For the adjustment of<br />
the vertical movability<br />
Handpiece<br />
Allows for a<br />
rotational speed of<br />
up to 35,000 rpm<br />
Micromotor<br />
Mills, smoothes and<br />
polishes wax and metal<br />
Cost-effective version of<br />
a fully professional device<br />
Model table MT3<br />
Can be fixed in every<br />
inclination position at the<br />
touch of a button due to<br />
patented fixing mechanism<br />
Blockout Upgrade Kit AF350<br />
adjustable (for the current<br />
version, see Fig.)<br />
Marker<br />
_Universal use thanks to modular components for<br />
surveying, blockout, milling<br />
_ Suitable for circular, interlock, groove shoulder pin milling<br />
_Waxing, milling and polishing work at tapered and<br />
telescopic crowns<br />
_Can be easily upgraded to a parallelometer<br />
+<br />
Blockout Set<br />
Adapter cord, adjustable<br />
F | 38
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zirkon Zircon | Metall<br />
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
ordering information<br />
F F | | 39 39
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon | Metal<br />
Technical Data<br />
Dimensions: 145 x 300 x 30 mm<br />
+ swan neck (app. 800 mm)<br />
Weight: 2.6 kg<br />
Ceramill UV<br />
Polymerisation lamp with motion sensor for rapid, reliable hardening<br />
of modelling synthetics<br />
_ Proximity on/off switch for convenient use and freedom from glare<br />
_ Wavelength carefully matched to synthetic material for reliable<br />
polymerisation<br />
_ Audible signal at end of controlled polymerising time means that<br />
polymerisation can be accurately reproduced<br />
178200 Ceramill UV<br />
F | 18<br />
!<br />
@<br />
#<br />
$<br />
%<br />
^<br />
&<br />
*<br />
(<br />
BL<br />
BM<br />
BN<br />
BO<br />
BP<br />
BQ<br />
BR<br />
BS<br />
BT<br />
BU<br />
CL<br />
CM<br />
CN<br />
CO<br />
CP<br />
CQ<br />
CR<br />
CS<br />
CT<br />
Ceramill Roto<br />
760801 ! T 4 mm<br />
760701 @ F 4 mm<br />
760831 # T 3 mm H<br />
760731 $ F 3 mm H2x<br />
760821 % T 2 mm H<br />
760721 ^ F 2 mm H2x<br />
760811 & T 1,2 mm H<br />
760711 * F 1,2 mm H<br />
760809 ( T 0,9 mm<br />
760709 BL F 0,9 mm<br />
760851 BM T 0,6 mm<br />
760751 BN F 0,6 mm<br />
760840 BO CT 2 mm<br />
760740 BP CF 2 mm<br />
760891 BQ KT 2,5 mm<br />
760791 BR KF 2,5 mm<br />
760892 BS KT 1,8 mm<br />
760792 BT KF 1,8 mm<br />
760861 BU ST2 mm<br />
760761 CL SF 2 mm<br />
760871 CM ST 1,2 mm<br />
760771 CN SF 1,2 mm<br />
760881 CO ST 0,6 mm<br />
760781 CP SF 0,6 mm<br />
760830 CQ UT 3 mm<br />
760730 CR UF 3 mm<br />
760820 CS UT 2 mm<br />
760720 CT UF 2 mm<br />
F | 19<br />
Holding Plates<br />
!<br />
$<br />
@<br />
#<br />
Plastic plates for the fast clamping of plastic models ensure secure<br />
positioning in the milling unit.<br />
760919 ! Holding Plate, 31/51 - holding plates for synthetic<br />
modelling (for use with Ceramill ZI 31/51) Pack of 50 H<br />
760941 @ Holding Plates, 71/77 - holding plate for synthetic<br />
modelling (for use with Ceramill ZI 77) Pack of 5 H<br />
760942 # Frame (multiple use) with integrated positioning<br />
guide for holding plate 77 pcks. à 1 pcs H<br />
760971 $ Positioning aid, 31/51<br />
Ceramill ZI – YTZP<br />
F | 20<br />
760116 ! Ceramill ZI 31 zirconium-oxide blanks,<br />
40 x 20 x 16 mm, pack of 6 H 2x<br />
!<br />
@<br />
#<br />
$<br />
760143 @ Ceramill ZI 51L zirconium-oxide blanks,<br />
65 x 30 x 20 mm, pack of 3 H 2x<br />
760184 # Ceramill ZI 71L zirconium-oxide blank<br />
dental arch shape, h = 20 mm, pack of 1<br />
760181 Ceramill ZI 77L zirconium-oxide blank,<br />
98 x 20 mm, pack of 1<br />
760183 ceramill ZI 77XL zirconium-oxide blank,<br />
98 x 25 mm, pack of 1<br />
760185 $ Frame for blank ZI 71 (multiple use),<br />
pack of 1<br />
Ceramill Marker - Excellent adhesion<br />
during processing with a water-cooled<br />
laboratory turbine. Marks imperfections<br />
without depositing anything<br />
Ceramill Marker<br />
Blue, oil-based contact paste for fitting zirconium oxide crowns<br />
(e.g. Ceramill ZI).<br />
760021 Ceramill Marker H<br />
583150 Paste brush<br />
F | 41
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon | Metal<br />
Ceramill Color<br />
Five dilutable waterbased dye solutions for safe handling and individual<br />
colouring of the blanks.<br />
760411 Ceramill Color - complete set H H<br />
5 dye solutions, 100 ml, each + cans + tweezers<br />
Dry solutions, size 100 ml<br />
760421 Ceramill Color LL1<br />
760431 Ceramill Color LL2<br />
760441 Ceramill Color LL3<br />
760451 Ceramill Color LL4<br />
760461 Ceramill Color LL5<br />
Ceramill Therm<br />
available from June 2008 on<br />
F | 22<br />
!<br />
#<br />
178350 Ceramill Therm<br />
Delivery specification: Ceramill Therm sintering furnace; Sintering shell,<br />
100 x 80 x 15 mm; Sintering pearls, 200 g, dia. 1 mm<br />
Accessories:<br />
Technical Data<br />
Dimensions: 535 x 435 x 655 mm<br />
Furnace chamber volume: 1 l<br />
Electrical supply rating: 115/230V, 50/60Hz<br />
Max. power consumption: 3.2 kW<br />
@<br />
178360 ! Stackable sintering bowl, 1 pcs<br />
Stackable only in Ceramill Therm (178350)<br />
178361 @ Gripper for Sintering shell, stackable<br />
178311 # Sintering pearls 200 g, Ø 1 mm<br />
178310 Sintering shell, 100 x 80 x 15 mm<br />
Ceramill Aqua<br />
177500 Ceramill Aqua<br />
Delivery specification: Basic unit with model table MT3; trap dish<br />
Accessories:<br />
Technical Data<br />
Dimensions: 300 x 320 x 450 mm<br />
Weight: 8,8 kg<br />
177520 Worklight<br />
177511 Adapter NSK Presto Aqua<br />
132300 NSK Presto Aqua<br />
Technical data:<br />
Dimensions: Ø 415 x 465<br />
Weight: 8.5 kg<br />
Power supply: 230 V/115V, 50/60 Hz<br />
1.1 kW<br />
Airflow/vacuum:<br />
40 l/s /2400 mbar<br />
Suction bag size: 12 l<br />
Suction hose dia. 32<br />
AS400 micro dust extraction<br />
Mobile single-place extraction with two-step filter system, an optional<br />
with additional microfilter as third step (AS400micro, also suitable<br />
for sandblasting cabins). Powerful, quiet „Turbo-Flo“ unit (patented).<br />
_ High suction power at low noise development (46 dB[A])<br />
_ Filter system for very fine dusts > 0.5 μm, efficiency 99 %<br />
114960 AS400micro (incl. three-step microfilter)<br />
114953 Bags, 10 pcs.<br />
114961 Power controller for AS400 micro<br />
Technical Data<br />
Dimension: 300 x 140 x 30/630<br />
Weight: 3 kg<br />
Mains supply 230 VAC/50 Hz/5 W<br />
Luminance/angle 13,9 lm/75°-85°<br />
Worklight<br />
Twin worklight with two lamps on LED basis, mounted on a solid, curved<br />
foot, ideal for Ceramill. To be used at each workplace or with each unit<br />
operated, ready within no time. High optical power and long burning<br />
time.<br />
_ Bright cold light with 30 Lumen and a color temperature of 7,000 K<br />
_ Flexible lamp necks for spot illumination of the workpiece.<br />
177520 Worklight<br />
F | 42
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon | Metal<br />
Noflame ® Plus<br />
F | 28<br />
116250 230V (115V = 116250V115)<br />
Delivery volume: basic unit with power cable, 2 protective covers, instructions<br />
for use<br />
116210 Protective caps/10 pcs.<br />
Technical Data<br />
Dimension:<br />
195 x 85 x 83<br />
Weight: 600 g<br />
Mains supply:<br />
230 V/50 Hz/130 W<br />
Smartwax Duo<br />
F | 29<br />
116270 Smartwax Duo, basic unit, 230V (115V = 116270V115)<br />
Packaging list: control unit with mains adaptor, handpiece with cord (116280),<br />
probe small incl. handle (116281), cotton role holder<br />
116280 Handpiece with cord<br />
Technical Data<br />
D/W/H: 130 x 150 x 50 mm<br />
Electrical specifications of mains adaptor: 110 - 230V 50/60 Hz<br />
Temperature range: 50 - 220 °C / 122 - 428 °F – switchable<br />
Accessories:<br />
! @ # $ % ^<br />
116281 ! Probe small incl. handle<br />
116282 @ Probe large incl. handle<br />
116283 # Needle incl. handle<br />
116284 $ Beaver tail incl. handle<br />
116285 % Knife incl. handle<br />
116286 ^ Spoon incl. handle<br />
116229 Dental rolls, 100 pcs.<br />
Waxjet (pat. pend. ZTM Jonas)<br />
Intelligent solution for application of wax. The continuous wax supply<br />
via the unique feeding mechanism of the Waxjet allows the dental<br />
technician to quickly apply a big amount of wax. The fluidized wax<br />
gets through the concave probe to the tip and the quantity of the wax<br />
can be determined individually by the technician - depending on, how<br />
quickly the wax wire is put forward with the help of the driving pulley.<br />
_ No annoying wax taking up<br />
_ For quick superficial fusing and application of wax<br />
The Waxjet in action – e.g. during filling<br />
of the gingivobuccal fold. Rapidly<br />
ready for use – one touch is enough.<br />
116287 Waxjet incl. handle<br />
116289 Waxjet + handpiece with cord<br />
641060 Waxjet wire pink / 6,0 / 280 g<br />
F | 43
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon | Metal<br />
Smartbox Invest<br />
F | 30<br />
117200 Smartbox Invest<br />
Delivery volume: basic unit incl. investment container, 2 tanks for liquid and<br />
water, power cord<br />
Accessories:<br />
117201 Rising socket for beaker<br />
117202 Desiccant bag, 5 pcs.<br />
781685 Giroinvest Super, 2 x 4 kg<br />
724090 Giroinvest Super Liquid 1 l<br />
Technical Data<br />
Dimension: 525 x 300 x 620 mm<br />
Weight: 25 kg<br />
Electrical fuse: T2A<br />
Power rating: 100 W<br />
Mains supply: 230 V/50 Hz-115 V/60 Hz<br />
Amount dispensed max. 1000 g Powder<br />
Capacity liquid: 1 l<br />
Capacity powder: ca. 4 kg<br />
Giroinvest Super<br />
F | 32<br />
781670 Giroinvest Super Powder 40 x 150 g-bag = 6 kg<br />
781680 Giroinvest Super Powder 50 x 100 g-bag = 5 kg<br />
781685 Giroinvest Super, 2 x 4 kg<br />
724090 Giroinvest Super Liquid 1 l<br />
781679 Measuring cup 100 ml<br />
521410 Expander Casting Ring Liner 50 mm x 1 mm<br />
Technical and physical data<br />
Mixing ratio: 100 : 25<br />
Mixing time: 105 s<br />
Working time: 5 min<br />
Initial setting: 9-11 min<br />
Setting time: 25 min<br />
Compression strenght after 2 h: 4-8 MPa<br />
„Speed“ temperature: 850° C<br />
Preheat temperature: max. 1050° C<br />
Overall expansion: max. 4 Vol.-%<br />
F | 44
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon | Metal<br />
Girobond ® NBS<br />
Packaging:<br />
781610 Girobond NBS 1.000 g<br />
781611 Girobond NBS 50 g<br />
F | 34<br />
Girobond ® CBS<br />
F | 35<br />
781690 Girobond CBS 1.000 g<br />
781691 Girobond CBS 50 g<br />
Girosolder<br />
781630 Girosolder, 3,6 g<br />
781560 Soldering Paste 25 g tin<br />
Girocrom ® FH<br />
F | 36<br />
721250 Girocrom FH, 1.000 g - Laboratory pack<br />
721251 Girocrom FH, 50 g - Trial<br />
F | 45
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon | Metal<br />
Giroinvest Speed<br />
F | 37<br />
724070 Giroinvest Speed Powder 20 kg<br />
724072 Giroinvest Speed Powder 100 x 200 g bag = 20 kg<br />
724081 Giroinvest Liquid 1 l<br />
Girocrom ® Double S<br />
Addition cross-linking 1:1 duplication silicone. Girocrom ® Double S<br />
convinces through its high quality and up-to-date processing<br />
properties.<br />
_ Cost-effective, as the duplication is quickly ready for casting<br />
(9-12 min setting time)<br />
_ Top quality, recognisable by the extremely high tear growth<br />
resistance<br />
_ Good flow properties of the silicone due to its low viscosity<br />
_ Safe demolding due to its medium hardness (Shore hardness 22)<br />
_ Plasters and investments flow evenly without rolling in<br />
724037 2kg (2 x 1 kg A/B)<br />
Neosil flask<br />
Three-piece synthetic flask for the duplication of model casting<br />
master models, consisting of cylinder with bolt, dish and frame.<br />
_ High-precision duplication due to intelligent frame design<br />
_ Non-distorting duplication for a precise investment model<br />
5524010 Size 1 small, blue<br />
524020 Size 2 medium, green<br />
524030 Size 3 large, red<br />
Silicone sleeve<br />
Flexible silicone molds in three sizes analogously to the Neosil flasks<br />
for casting the investment model. The circular groove of the frame<br />
adapts the circular notch of the sleeve waterproof.<br />
_ The flexible mold wall follows the expansion path<br />
without resistance<br />
_ Interlocking system for error-free workflow<br />
524070 Size 1 small<br />
524080 Size 2 medium<br />
524090 Size 3 large<br />
542100 Neocrep, 20 m x 9 cm<br />
F | 46
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon | Metal<br />
Blockout<br />
Heatable blockout blades 0° to 6°, with parallelly guided plug-in<br />
contact for handpiece connection. To be inserted into the chuck of<br />
the marker (Ø 3 mm). Connection to any controllable voltage source<br />
providing 24 V (e.g. 171161).<br />
177990 Blockout and 5 inserts 0° – 6°<br />
Optional accessory:<br />
177991 Adapter cord AP100/Diacut/Blockout<br />
177992 Adapter cord AF300/APF400<br />
177993 Adapter cord l AF350/APF450<br />
177806 Adapter cord for surveyor AF 350<br />
177994 Adapter cord AF350 adjustable<br />
177980 Blockout insert 0° Ø 1,3 mm<br />
177981 Blockout insert 0° Ø 2 mm<br />
177982 Blockout insert 2° conic<br />
177983 Blockout insert 4° conic<br />
177984 Blockout insert 6° conic<br />
177960 Blockout-set AP100 inlcuding adapter cord AP100<br />
Starterkit for Milling Technique<br />
Comprises, besides oil and training material, all tools required for surveying,<br />
scraping, setting, transferring and milling tasks (all items may<br />
be ordered separately as well).<br />
873001 Starterkit for Milling Technique, 12 parts (as pictured)<br />
consisting of:<br />
177653 Training cylinder (Typ 1), MS-Milling-Training cylinder<br />
177654 Milling example Typ 2, MS-Drill-Training cylinder<br />
177655 Training cylinder holder MT2/3 for FM Typ 1+2<br />
177810 Transfer Support Piston-Ø 2,35 mm<br />
177820 Transfer Support Piston-Ø 3,0 mm<br />
177870 Mine red 12-part<br />
177880 Mine blue 12-part<br />
177860 Carbon marker holder<br />
177656 Milling oil 5 x 50 ml<br />
177830 Undercut gauge 0,25 mm, Piston-Ø 3 mm<br />
177840 Undercut gauge 0,50 mm, Piston-Ø 3 mm<br />
177850 Undercut gauge 0,75 mm, Piston-Ø 3 mm<br />
171930 Plaster plate<br />
also:<br />
873002 Milling set 12-part<br />
! @<br />
#<br />
Model Table MT2/MT3/splitex<br />
MT2: inclinable table, from 0° to 90°, both final positions are under<br />
forced guidance, fixed with manual clamp lever. Plinth plate may be<br />
magnetized.<br />
MT3: inclination 0° to 41°, manual/electromagnetic fixation by<br />
degrees, 0/2/4/6° also mechanical (sleeve/ring); electromagnetic<br />
positioning.<br />
Splitex: like MT3, however, with Splitex magnetic plate to accept the<br />
model.<br />
177360 # MT2 Model Platform / 0° - 90°<br />
177350 @ MT3 Model table / 0° - 14°<br />
216291 ! MT3 Model table/Splitex<br />
F | 47
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon | Metal<br />
Milling Device AF350<br />
F | 38<br />
177605<br />
Delivery volume: basic unit with vertical lift, milling arm with W&H motor<br />
spindle, model table MT3, twin LED lamp, cover<br />
Optional accessory:<br />
177998 Blockout-Upgrade-Kit AF350, adjustable, 3 parts<br />
(for current version (see image))<br />
Delivery volume: Blockout-Set 177990, Marking stick 17800,<br />
Adapter sleeve AF350 adjustable 177994<br />
177995 Blockout Upgrade-Kit AF350, 4 parts<br />
(for previous version)<br />
Delivery volume: Blockout-Set 177990, Adapter cord 177993,<br />
Marker 177800, Adapter cord for Marker AF350 177806<br />
177800 Marker<br />
177661 W&H Collet 3 mm<br />
Technical Data<br />
Dimension: 340 x 250 x 450<br />
Weight: 15 kg<br />
Mains supply: 100/115/230 V, 50/60 Hz<br />
Motor speed: 1.000 – 35.000 min-1<br />
Torque: max. 7,5 Ncm<br />
Blockout Parallelometer AP100<br />
177700 AP100 (without model table)<br />
Delivery volume: basic unit with jointed arm P (177131) and marker (177800)<br />
Optional accessory:<br />
177360 Model table MT2<br />
177350 Model table MT3<br />
216291 Model table MT3 „Splitex“<br />
177960 Blockout-Set (P. 4 | 3)<br />
177991 Adapter cord AP100/Diacut (for Blockout)<br />
177450 Halogen Lamp<br />
177071 Milling Head<br />
Technical Data<br />
Dimension: 210 x 180 x 400<br />
Weight: 7 kg<br />
Mains supply: 230 V/50 Hz/40 W<br />
Exit voltage: 15-30 V/7 W<br />
Milling Head<br />
Vertically movable reception for motor spindle, Ø 33 mm. To be used<br />
at the jointed arm. Micrometer screw (lift 25 mm) to determine drilling<br />
depth as well as spring power adjustment to limit the vertical<br />
movability. As upgrade for AP100.<br />
177071<br />
Adapters to the fit (Ø 33 mm-hole)<br />
177063 Adapter KaVo K5<br />
177050 Adapter KaVo K9<br />
177051 Adapter KaVo K10<br />
177052 Adapter KaVo K11<br />
177053 Adapter NSK Ultimate 400<br />
177066 Adapter NSK Ultimate 500 CM<br />
177067 Adapter NSK Ultimate 500 TM<br />
177054 Adapter NSK Volvere EP<br />
177055 Adapter Schick C2 Profi<br />
177062 Adapter Schick C3<br />
177056 Adapter Schick CN<br />
177057 Adapter W&H Elco S<br />
177058 Adapter W&H Elco 2<br />
177061 Adapter W&H Perfecta<br />
177065 Adapter Presto-Aqua/DeguDent F1/F2/F3<br />
177060 Adapter custom-made product<br />
F | 48
<strong>Framework</strong> <strong>management</strong><br />
Zircon | Metal<br />
Girotan ® L<br />
Titanium alloy (Ti6Al7Nb) is a chemically inert material that has<br />
been used as implant material for medical indications in men since<br />
more than 20 years already. Same degree of biocompatibility, same<br />
low heat conductivity, and as light-weight as pure titanium. However,<br />
Girotan L exceeds the strength of pure titanium by factor 3.<br />
_ Easy to work, polishable like gold<br />
_ Suitable for any indication since light-weight and highly stable<br />
_ Radiopaque, chemically neutral, low heat conductivity<br />
_ Minimum material costs, maximum benefit for the trade<br />
Girotan L (Ti6AI7Nb-alloy):<br />
764321 Ø 26 x 8,4 mm, 50 x 20 g-Ingots<br />
764331 Ø 26 x 12,6 mm, 34 x 30 g-Ingots<br />
764341 Ø 29 x 13,5 mm, 25 x 40 g-Ingots<br />
721141 Girotan-Laser welding wire 0,35 x 2 m<br />
721120 Titanium welding wire 0,5 x 2 m<br />
721121 Titanium welding wire 0,25 x 2 m<br />
Technical and physical data<br />
Pure titanium and titanium alloy may only be melted with the electric arc method<br />
under high vacuum and with argon gas protection (Ticast/Symbiocast).<br />
Light weight, high stability, low heat<br />
conductivity, good laser welding behavior.<br />
These excellent features distinguish<br />
Girotan L.<br />
The bond strength between Girotan L/<br />
Digitan and the facing porcelain corresponds,<br />
according to the Schwickerath<br />
test, to the values of precious metals,<br />
no matter if cast or milled. Creation-like<br />
esthetics.<br />
Girotan L<br />
Melting range<br />
1.650° C<br />
Tensile strength Rm [MPa] 850<br />
Proofstress Rp 0,2 % [MPa] 750<br />
Modulus of elasticity E [GPa] 110<br />
Elongation at rupture A [%] > 8<br />
Vickers hardness HV 10 325<br />
Density [g/cm3] 4,52<br />
WAK [25-500° C] 10,1 x 10 -6 K -1<br />
Alloy color<br />
silver<br />
Oxid color<br />
grey<br />
SEM picture (magnification 650:1) showing<br />
a marginal area without alpha-case<br />
layer (University Dental Clinic Tuebingen/<br />
Germany, Prof. Juergen Geis-Gerstorfer/<br />
Prof. Wolfgang Lindemann)<br />
Giroinvest T<br />
Magnesium zirconium investments for titanium casting. The special<br />
MgO-ZrO 2<br />
combination prevents reactions between the molten metal<br />
and the investment as well as the formation of an alpha-case layer<br />
and reliably controls the expansion, thus ensuring excellent fitting<br />
precision.<br />
_ Well-coordinated expansion control for crown<br />
and bridge work/CoCr cases<br />
_ Homogeneous mixture with distilled water<br />
_ Perfect fit without further processing<br />
_ Easy polishing, high surface density due to cold casting<br />
764050 Giroinvest TC Powder 25 x 200 g bag = 5,0 kg<br />
764060 Giroinvest TM Powder 20 x 180 g bag = 3,6 kg<br />
764070 Giroinvest TD Powder 10 x 700 g bag = 7,0 kg<br />
F | 49