Thomas Campbell, Lord Ullin's Daughter

Thomas Campbell, Lord Ullin's Daughter

Thomas Campbell, Lord Ullin's Daughter


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<strong>Lord</strong> Ullin’s <strong>Daughter</strong><br />


Fill in the gaps in the texts by using the words provided.<br />

In More Detail<br />

<strong>Lord</strong> Ullin’s <strong>Daughter</strong> is a literary<br />

ballad, that is to say it is part of the<br />

couple<br />

forgive<br />

body of ballads that were not of the graphic<br />

Isle of Mull<br />

oral tradition, but which were (1)<br />

killed<br />

down in the 18th and 19th centuries.<br />

lamenting<br />

Its author is known to be <strong>Thomas</strong><br />

<strong>Campbell</strong> and it was inspired by a trip<br />

loch<br />

love<br />

<strong>Campbell</strong> made to the (2) in quatrains<br />

1795. The ballad was then revised and repetition<br />

sink<br />

finally published in 1809.<br />

storm<br />

Its tragic story tells of a young (3)<br />

three<br />

who are running away to marry in the<br />

Highlands. The girl’s father, <strong>Lord</strong> Ullin,<br />

trimeter<br />

written<br />

has been in pursuit of them for<br />

(4) days. The couple are sure that,<br />

if they are caught, the young chieftan will be<br />

(5) by the <strong>Lord</strong> and his men. Despite the<br />

terrible weather, the young couple ask a boatman<br />

to take them across the (6) . The boatman<br />

agrees to go, against his better judgement.<br />

As the boat leaves the shore in a terrible (7) ,<br />

<strong>Lord</strong> Ullin arrives, only to see the boat<br />

his daughter and her lover die by drowning.<br />

<strong>Lord</strong> Ullin calls out that he will<br />

them<br />

and<br />

if they return to shore but it is already too late.<br />

The poem has many typical aspects of the<br />

traditional ballad. It is in<br />

alternating lines of tetrameter and<br />

with<br />

and<br />

an abab rhyme scheme. It is regular and musical,<br />

the musicality being reinforced by (12) .<br />

Its language makes use of both narration and<br />

dialogue, it is simple,<br />

and dramatic and<br />

makes frequent use of exclamations to add to its<br />

drama. The story, which deals with the theme of<br />

(14)<br />

(13)<br />

(10)<br />

and death, has a very tragic ending in which<br />

we see the repentant father<br />

of his beloved daughter.<br />

(15)<br />

(9)<br />

(11)<br />

(8)<br />

the loss<br />

Section 3 In More Detail Learning about Poetry (ballad)<br />

<strong>Thomas</strong> <strong>Campbell</strong>, <strong>Lord</strong> Ullin’s <strong>Daughter</strong> 6

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