Rhodamine User Manual.pdf

Rhodamine User Manual.pdf

Rhodamine User Manual.pdf


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<strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT Sensor<br />

Instruction Sheet<br />

00722789<br />

Safety Precautions<br />

Please read this entire instruction sheet before operating this sensor. Pay particular attention<br />

to all danger and caution statements. Failure to do so could result in serious injury to the<br />

operator or damage to the sensor.<br />

Do not use or install this sensor in any manner other than that which is specified in this<br />

instruction sheet.<br />

Use of Hazard Information<br />

If multiple hazards exist, this instruction sheet will use the signal word (Danger, Caution, Note)<br />

corresponding to the greatest hazard.<br />

DANGER<br />

Indicates a potentially or imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could<br />

result in death or serious injury.<br />


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that may result in minor or moderate injury<br />

or instrument damage.<br />

Note: Information that requires special emphasis.<br />

Precautionary Labels<br />

Read all labels and tags attached to the instrument. Personal injury or damage to the<br />

instrument could occur if not observed.<br />

This symbol, if noted on the instrument, references the instruction sheet for operational<br />

and/or safety information.<br />

Introduction<br />

The <strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT sensor is available as an option on the<br />

DS5, DS5X, or MS5. The sensor is an in-situ optical<br />

fluorometer that determines rhodamine concentration in a<br />

given water sample. The sample is irradiated using green<br />

(550 nm) light. The <strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT sensor absorbs the green<br />

light energy and fluoresces or emits red (590–715 nm) light.<br />

The sensor directly measures the amount of red light emitted by the rhodamine in the water<br />

sample. The multiprobe can either display the rhodamine signal as a scaled voltage from<br />

0–5 V or as a concentration from 0–1000 ppb.<br />


<strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT Sensor<br />

Maintenance<br />

Important Note: Do not use organic solvent solutions such as acetone or methanol with<br />

the <strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT sensor. These solvents will damage the plastic housing cap.<br />

The <strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT sensor requires periodic maintenance to remove contaminants such<br />

as oil, biological growth, dirt, etc. Sensor maintenance should be conducted after every<br />

deployment cycle, adjusting the deployment cycle length to account for the degree of<br />

fouling that occurs in the area. Maintenance should also be done before and<br />

after calibration.<br />

1. Flush the entire instrument with clean fresh water. Use soapy water and a soft brush<br />

to clean the outside surfaces of the instrument.<br />

2. Soak the entire instrument in freshwater for at least 30 minutes.<br />

3. Visually inspect the optical windows. Use optical tissue or a cotton swab with soapy<br />

water to clean the optical windows. Rinse with freshwater.<br />

Parameter Setup<br />

Important Note: The <strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT sensor has been characterized at the factory to<br />

display linear behavior between the gain zones. DO NOT change the values stored in the<br />

Sensor Setup tab. This may result in non-linear readings.<br />

The <strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT sensor functions using one of three gain settings:<br />

• X1 gain provides a range of 0 to 1000 ppb<br />

• X10 gain provides a range of 0 to 100 ppb<br />

• X100 gain provides a range of 0 to 10 ppb<br />

The factory-default will automatically switch the gain as needed. If necessary, the gain<br />

settings may be fixed to one of the three gain settings described above.<br />

1. Connect the sensor to a PC.<br />

Note: If a Hydrolab Surveyor is used to display the voltage in the X10 or X100 fixed gain settings or<br />

if the user changes the gain settings, then the Surveyor may require a RESET:HISTORY reset in<br />

order to display the proper resolution.<br />

2. Start Hydras 3LT. Wait for Hydras 3LT to establish communications with the sensor.<br />

Click the OPERATE SONDE button.<br />


<strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT Sensor<br />

3. Click the Parameter Setup tab and select <strong>Rhodamine</strong> ppb.<br />

4. To enable auto gain, enter zero. To enable a fixed gain, enter 1 for X1, 10 for X10, or<br />

100 for X100. In most cases, it is recommended to leave the sensor in auto gain mode<br />

for maximum dynamic range.<br />

5. Click the SAVE SETTINGS button.<br />

<strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT Sensor Calibration<br />

<strong>Rhodamine</strong> concentration is associated with an output voltage. This output voltage from<br />

the sensor may be displayed directly or scaled to reflect a user-defined concentration<br />

in ppb.<br />

There are two standard methods for calibrating the <strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT sensor. Each method<br />

requires a 2-point calibration. The first point must be 0 ppb. The second point should be a<br />

non-zero value which is at least three times larger than the zero sample but within the<br />

linear range of the sensor. It is recommended that the non-zero sample represents an<br />

average or approximately 50% of the range of concentration the user expects to monitor.<br />

A Solid Standard is recommended for defining repeated non-zero samples.<br />

Method 1<br />

Use this method when a known calibration standard is applied to the sensor.<br />

1. Connect the sensor to a PC.<br />

2. Start Hydras 3LT. Wait for Hydras 3LT to establish communications with the sensor.<br />

Click the OPERATE SONDE button.<br />


<strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT Sensor<br />

3. Click the Calibration tab and select <strong>Rhodamine</strong> ppb.<br />

4. Place the sensor into a 0 ppb baseline solution. Enter zero in the<br />

<strong>Rhodamine</strong> ppb field.<br />

5. Press CALIBRATE. "Calibrate Successful!" screen will be displayed.<br />

6. Place the sensor into a known ppb solution or use the Solid Standard. Enter the<br />

rhodamine value in the <strong>Rhodamine</strong> ppb field.<br />

7. Press CALIBRATE. A "Calibrate Successful!" screen will be displayed.<br />

Method 2<br />

Note: Voltage values for zero and non-zero ppb rhodamine samples are similar between different<br />

sensors, but not identical. When using Method 2, every sensor will have a unique voltage value for a<br />

given concentration.<br />

Use this method when you have voltage values for both a "zero" and "non-zero" ppb<br />

rhodamine sample. Typically, both zero and non-zero samples are measured using the<br />

sensor to get voltages and then the same samples are measured using a calibrated<br />

laboratory fluorometer to get "true" values for the rhodamine concentration.<br />

1. Connect the sensor to a PC.<br />

2. Start Hydras 3LT. Wait for Hydras 3LT to establish communications with the sensor.<br />

Click the OPERATE SONDE button.<br />


<strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT Sensor<br />

3. Click the Calibration tab and select <strong>Rhodamine</strong> Volts.<br />

4. Enter zero into the <strong>Rhodamine</strong> ppb field.<br />

5. Enter the corresponding voltage into the Voltage field.<br />

6. Press CALIBRATE. A "Calibrate Successful!" screen will be displayed.<br />

7. Enter the non-zero value into the <strong>Rhodamine</strong> ppb field.<br />

8. Enter the corresponding voltage into the Voltage field.<br />

9. Press CALIBRATE. A "Calibrate Successful!" screen will be displayed.<br />

Calibration Performance Check<br />

The optional Solid Standard can be used as a calibration performance check. The Solid<br />

Standard can establish a correlation between a know concentration found from laboratory<br />

measurement of a sample whose signal output voltage from the <strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT sensor is<br />

also known. The Solid Standard can also be used to check the sensor stability periodically.<br />

The Solid Standard is a solid fluorescent device placed over the optical head. A flat head<br />

screwdriver is used to adjust the magnitude of the fluorescent response from 0 to<br />

approximately 1000 ppb. The Solid Standard can be used to establish a correlation<br />

between a known concentration and the fluorometer output voltage. It can also be used to<br />

check the sensors stability and/or check for the effects of bio-fouling.<br />


<strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT Sensor<br />

Using the Solid Standard<br />

Note: Solid Standards give unique responses for a given sensor. A given setting on a Solid Standard<br />

should only be used for the sensor on which it was calibrated.<br />

1. Make sure the optical surface of the sensor is clean and dry.<br />

2. Immerse the sensor into a known <strong>Rhodamine</strong> WT dye solution. Note the sensor<br />

output voltage.<br />

3. Clean and dry off the sensor. Place the Solid Standard on the optical end of the sensor.<br />

4. Rotate until the Solid Standard is properly aligned with the indexing mark on the sensor.<br />

A "clicking" noise will be heard when aligned properly.<br />

5. Adjust the Solid Standard to produce the same output voltage from the sensor as in step<br />

two. Use the provided screwdriver to adjust the screw located on the side of the cube.<br />

Adjust the screw clockwise to increase the signal, and counter-clockwise to decrease<br />

the signal.<br />

6. For future use, this Solid Standard can be used as a verification device for this sensor.<br />

Specifications<br />

Specifications are subject to change without notice.<br />

Minimum Detection Limit<br />

Dynamic Range<br />

0.1 ppb<br />

Low sensitivity: 0–1000 ppb; Medium Sensitivity: 0–100 ppb; High Sensitivity: 0–10 ppb<br />

Linearity 0.99 R 2<br />

Resolution<br />

Range<br />

Accuracy 1<br />

Resolution<br />

Warranty<br />

0.01 ppb<br />

0–1000 ppb<br />

± 3% of reading or ± 0.1 ppb, whichever is greater<br />

0.01 ppb<br />

The sensor is covered by a one-year warranty.<br />

1 The following exceptions are taken to the specified accuracy under IEC 1000-4-3:1996: Vertically-oriented radiated<br />

interference of 10V/m between 20 and 600 MHz has been observed to cause measurement shifts up to 5V (with<br />

corresponding shifts in the analyte reading) when the Sonde with this sensor was exposed to the stated field.<br />

Horizontally-oriented radiation interferences of 10V/m between 50 and 150 MHz and between 450 and 600 MHz has been<br />

observed to cause measurement shifts up to 140 mV (with corresponding shifts in the analyte reading) when the Sonde with<br />

this sensor was exposed to the stated field. Radiated interference testing was performed in air. Normal operation of the Sonde<br />

under water is expected to decrease the impact of the radiation interference.<br />

Accessories<br />

Description<br />

Cat. No.<br />

Solid Standard 007205<br />

Dye-<strong>Rhodamine</strong>, 8 oz. 21.33% ± 2.5% (w/w) 007273<br />

© Hach Company, 2004-2005. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. ce/dk 08 February 2005 Edition 3

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