Yageo Corporation and Subsidiaries

Yageo Corporation and Subsidiaries

Yageo Corporation and Subsidiaries


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<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Subsidiaries</strong><br />

Consolidated Financial Statements for the<br />

Years Ended December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007 <strong>and</strong><br />

Independent Auditors’ Report<br />

- 1 -


The Board of Directors <strong>and</strong> Stockholders<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong><br />

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (the<br />

“<strong>Corporation</strong>”) <strong>and</strong> subsidiaries as of December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, <strong>and</strong> the related consolidated<br />

statements of income, changes in stockholders’ equity <strong>and</strong> cash flows for the years then ended, all<br />

expressed in New Taiwan dollars. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility<br />

of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these<br />

consolidated financial statements based on our audits. However, we did not audit the financial<br />

statements of Phycomp Holding B.V. (Phycomp) <strong>and</strong> Ferroxcube International Holding B.V.<br />

(Ferroxcube) as of <strong>and</strong> for the years ended December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007 (together, the<br />

“consolidated subsidiaries”). The total assets of these consolidated subsidiaries were 15.42%<br />

(NT$7,147,422 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> 15.09% (NT$7,559,921 thous<strong>and</strong>) of the related consolidated totals<br />

as of December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively, <strong>and</strong> the total revenues of these consolidated<br />

subsidiaries were 24.29% (NT$4,951,114 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> 22.73% (NT$5,063,164 thous<strong>and</strong>), of the<br />

related consolidated totals in 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively. The financial statements of the<br />

consolidated subsidiaries as of <strong>and</strong> for the years ended December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007 were audited<br />

by other auditors, whose reports have been furnished to us, <strong>and</strong> our opinion, insofar as it relates to<br />

the amounts included for these consolidated subsidiaries, is based solely on the reports of the other<br />

auditors.<br />

We conducted our audits in accordance with the Rules Governing the Audit of Financial Statements<br />

by Certified Public Accountants <strong>and</strong> auditing st<strong>and</strong>ards generally accepted in the Republic of China.<br />

Those rules <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards require that we plan <strong>and</strong> perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance<br />

about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes<br />

examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts <strong>and</strong> disclosures in the financial<br />

statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used <strong>and</strong> significant<br />

estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall consolidated financial statement<br />

presentation. We believe that our audits <strong>and</strong> the reports of the other auditors provide a reasonable<br />

basis for our opinion.<br />

In our opinion, based on our audits <strong>and</strong> the reports of the other auditors, the consolidated financial<br />

statements referred to in the first paragraph present fairly, in all material respects, the financial<br />

position of <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> subsidiaries as of December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, <strong>and</strong> the results<br />

of their operations <strong>and</strong> their cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with Guidelines<br />

Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers, requirements of Business<br />

Accounting Law <strong>and</strong> Guidelines Governing Business Accounting relevant to financial accounting<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards, <strong>and</strong> accounting principles generally accepted in the Republic of China.<br />

- 2 -

As disclosed in Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements, on January 1, 2006, the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> subsidiaries adopted the newly released Statements of Financial Accounting<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ards No. 34, “Accounting for Financial Instruments,” <strong>and</strong> No. 36, “Disclosure <strong>and</strong><br />

Presentation of Financial Instruments” <strong>and</strong> newly revised No. 5, “Long-term Investments in Equity<br />

Securities” <strong>and</strong> No. 25, “Business Combinations - Accounting Treatment under Purchase Method.”<br />

Since January 1, 2006, amortization of goodwill ceased but will be tested for impairment regularly.<br />

Our audits also comprehended the translation of the 2007 New Taiwan dollars amounts into U.S.<br />

dollar amounts <strong>and</strong>, in our opinion, this translation has been made in conformity with the basis<br />

stated in Note 4. Such U.S. dollar amounts are presented solely for the convenience of readers.<br />

April 16, 2008<br />

Notice to Readers<br />

The accompanying financial statements are intended only to present the financial position, results<br />

of operations <strong>and</strong> cash flows in accordance with accounting principles <strong>and</strong> practices generally<br />

accepted in the Republic of China <strong>and</strong> not those of any other jurisdictions. The st<strong>and</strong>ards,<br />

procedures <strong>and</strong> practices to audit such financial statements are those generally accepted <strong>and</strong><br />

applied in the Republic of China.<br />

For the convenience of readers, the auditors’ report <strong>and</strong> the accompanying financial statements<br />

have been translated into English from the original Chinese version prepared <strong>and</strong> used in the<br />

Republic of China. If there is any conflict between the English version <strong>and</strong> the original Chinese<br />

version or any difference in the interpretation of the two versions, the Chinese-language auditors’<br />

report <strong>and</strong> financial statements shall prevail.<br />

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DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars, Except Number of Shares <strong>and</strong> Par Value)<br />

New Taiwan Dollars<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

(Note 4) New Taiwan Dollars<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007 2006 2007 2007<br />

ASSETS Amount % Amount % Amount LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY Amount % Amount % Amount<br />


Cash <strong>and</strong> cash equivalents (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 5) $ 1,801,071 4 $ 8,191,567 16 $ 252,491 Short-term loans (Notes 18 <strong>and</strong> 31) $ 3,951,373 9 $ 3,570,742 7 $ 110,062<br />

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 6) 3,176 - 12,233 - 376 Commercial paper issued, net (Note 19) 827,962 2 904,730 2 27,887<br />

Available-for-sale financial assets (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 7) 278,613 1 2,012,787 4 62,041 Notes payable 79,318 - 41,851 - 1,290<br />

Hedging derivative financial assets (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 35) 290 - 647 - 20 Accounts payable 3,078,795 7 3,579,525 7 110,333<br />

Notes receivable (Note 2) 135,664 - 209,070 - 6,444 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes payable to related parties (Note 29) 243,223 - 146,294 - 4,509<br />

Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful receivables of Other payables 275,326 1 130,057 - 4,009<br />

NT$84,333 thous<strong>and</strong> in 2006 <strong>and</strong> NT$82,803 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$2,552 Income tax payable (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 26) 97,553 - 172,841 1 5,328<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>) in 2007 (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 8) 5,432,463 12 6,069,492 12 187,082 Accrued expenses 1,506,112 3 1,286,961 3 39,668<br />

Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties, net of allowance Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (Notes 2<br />

for doubtful receivables of NT$985 thous<strong>and</strong> in 2006 (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 29) 238,401 - 99,785 - 3,076 <strong>and</strong> 6) 10,207 - 3,633 - 112<br />

Income tax refund receivable (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 26) 22,673 - 28,438 - 877 Hedging derivative financial liabilities (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 35) 9,281 - 2,038 - 63<br />

Other financial assets (Notes 9, 31 <strong>and</strong> 33) 931,757 2 237,820 1 7,330 Current portion of long-term liabilities (Notes 2, 20, 21 <strong>and</strong> 31) 1,104,196 2 129,516 - 3,992<br />

Inventories, net (Notes 2, 10 <strong>and</strong> 33) 4,468,051 10 3,790,758 8 116,844 Other current liabilities (Note 30) 78,813 - 201,347 1 6,206<br />

Deferred income tax assets (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 26) 185,292 - 184,741 - 5,694<br />

Other current assets (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 28) 464,365 1 314,598 1 9,697 Total current liabilities 11,262,159 24 10,169,535 21 313,459<br />

Total current assets 13,961,816 30 21,151,936 42 651,972 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES<br />

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (Notes 2<br />

LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS (Notes 2, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 <strong>and</strong> 31) <strong>and</strong> 21) - - 606,625 1 18,698<br />

Investments accounted for using equity method 2,363,027 5 3,019,867 6 93,082 Bonds payable (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 21) 84,587 - 4,446,144 9 137,045<br />

Real estate 167,273 - - - - Long-term bank loans (Notes 20 <strong>and</strong> 31) 5,016,255 11 1,471,951 3 45,370<br />

Other long-term investments 58,531 - - - -<br />

Financial assets measured at holding cost 1,038,878 2 320,009 1 9,864 Total long-term liabilities 5,100,842 11 6,524,720 13 201,113<br />

Available-for-sale financial assets 749,845 2 1,274,256 2 39,277<br />

Bonds measured at amortized cost 50,000 - 50,000 - 1,541 OTHER LIABILITIES<br />

Accrued pension costs (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 28) 310,639 1 334,295 1 10,304<br />

Total long-term investments 4,427,554 9 4,664,132 9 143,764 Deposit received (Note 29) 159,113 - 129,264 - 3,984<br />

Other liabilities (Note 30) 8,279 - 150,325 - 4,634<br />

PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (Notes 2, 15, 31 <strong>and</strong> 33)<br />

Cost Total other liabilities 478,031 1 613,884 1 18,922<br />

L<strong>and</strong> 822,011 2 814,424 2 25,103<br />

Buildings 6,131,296 13 7,177,975 14 221,249 Total liabilities 16,841,032 36 17,308,139 35 533,494<br />

Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 17,248,519 37 19,494,675 39 600,890<br />

Miscellaneous equipment 1,553,700 4 1,722,826 3 53,103 STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY OWNED BY THE PARENT COMPANY<br />

Total cost 25,755,526 56 29,209,900 58 900,345 Capital stock - NT$10 par value<br />

Less - accumulated depreciation 9,673,686 21 11,561,009 23 356,348 Authorized - 4,000,000 thous<strong>and</strong> shares<br />

accumulated impairment 303,977 1 282,582 - 8,710 Issued - 2,423,025 thous<strong>and</strong> shares in 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2,438,221 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

15,777,863 34 17,366,309 35 535,287 shares in 2007 24,230,255 52 24,382,213 49 751,540<br />

Construction in progress <strong>and</strong> advances for acquisition of equipment 1,684,376 4 1,073,751 2 33,096 Capital stock - unregistered 13,820 - - - -<br />

Capital surplus:<br />

Net property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment 17,462,239 38 18,440,060 37 568,383 Paid-in capital in excess of par value 1,077,267 3 1,110,727 2 34,236<br />

Paid-in capital from conversion of convertible bonds 3,972 - 24,762 - 763<br />

INTANGIBLE ASSETS Equity in capital surplus reported by equity-method investees 501,643 1 519,112 1 16,001<br />

Deferred pension costs (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 28) 3,857 - 2,541 - 78 Stock options - - 2,749,975 6 84,763<br />

Goodwill (Note 2) 2,678,387 6 2,937,412 6 90,541 Total capital surplus 1,582,882 4 4,404,576 9 135,763<br />

L<strong>and</strong> use rights 93,157 - 96,761 - 2,983 Retained earnings<br />

Legal reserve 30,058 - 227,592 - 7,015<br />

Total intangible assets 2,775,401 6 3,036,714 6 93,602 Special reserve 270,519 1 - - -<br />

Unappropriated earnings 1,975,340 4 2,029,473 4 62,555<br />

OTHER ASSETS Total retained earnings 2,275,917 5 2,257,065 4 69,570<br />

Loans receivable from related parties (Note 29) 46,456 - 25,444 - 784 Others:<br />

Properties leased to others, net (Notes 2, 15, 16 <strong>and</strong> 31) 4,342,672 10 161,743 1 4,985 Cumulative translation adjustments 286,103 - 1,587,004 3 48,917<br />

Idle assets (Notes 2, 15 <strong>and</strong> 30) 576,461 1 452,092 1 13,935 Net loss not recognized as pension cost (52,079 ) - (42,087 ) - (1,297 )<br />

Refundable deposits 97,092 - 58,612 - 1,807 Unrealized gain or loss on financial instrument 323,193 1 (642,339 ) (1 ) (19,799 )<br />

Deferred income tax assets (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 26) 2,017,177 4 1,649,359 3 50,839 Total others 557,217 1 902,578 2 27,821<br />

Pledged assets (Notes 17, 26 <strong>and</strong> 31) 198,744 1 89,091 - 2,746 Treasury stock - 2,193 thous<strong>and</strong> shares (28,101 ) - - - -<br />

Miscellaneous 431,447 1 383,164 1 11,810<br />

Total stockholders’ equity owned by the parent company 28,631,990 62 31,946,432 64 984,694<br />

Total other assets 7,710,049 17 2,819,505 6 86,906<br />

MINORITY INTEREST 864,037 2 857,776 1 26,439<br />

Total stockholders’ equity 29,496,027 64 32,804,208 65 1,011,133<br />

TOTAL $ 46,337,059 100 $ 50,112,347 100 $ 1,544,627 TOTAL $ 46,337,059 100 $ 50,112,347 100 $ 1,544,627<br />

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.<br />

(With Deloitte & Touche audit report dated April 16, 2008)<br />

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YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars, Except Earnings Per Share)<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Amount % Amount % Amount<br />

GROSS SALES $ 20,790,682 102 $ 22,831,846 102 $ 703,753<br />

LESS: SALES RETURNS 177,302 1 230,291 1 7,099<br />

SALES ALLOWANCES 227,101 1 321,876 1 9,921<br />

NET SALES (Note 29) 20,386,279 100 22,279,679 100 686,733<br />

COST OF SALES (Note 29) 14,391,156 71 16,312,946 73 502,819<br />

GROSS PROFIT 5,995,123 29 5,966,733 27 183,914<br />


Sales <strong>and</strong> marketing 1,648,204 8 1,607,663 7 49,553<br />

General <strong>and</strong> administrative 1,130,570 5 1,208,210 6 37,241<br />

Research <strong>and</strong> development 322,150 2 366,492 2 11,297<br />

3,100,924 15 3,182,365 15 98,091<br />

OPERATING INCOME 2,894,199 14 2,784,368 12 85,823<br />


Gain on disposal of properties, plant <strong>and</strong><br />

equipment <strong>and</strong> properties leased to others<br />

(Note 16) - - 730,584 3 22,519<br />

Interest (Note 29) 102,601 1 278,304 1 8,578<br />

Rental (Note 29) 194,429 1 44,178 - 1,362<br />

Financial asset revaluation gain 3,176 - 9,109 - 281<br />

Foreign exchange gains, net 2,595 - 2,944 - 91<br />

Investment income, net 600,695 3 - - -<br />

Gain on insurance recoveries (Note 33) 6,750 - - - -<br />

Other income 90,455 - 92,624 1 2,855<br />

Total nonoperating income <strong>and</strong> gains 1,000,701 5 1,157,743 5 35,686<br />


Interest 407,073 2 395,636 2 12,195<br />

Reorganization cost, net (Note 30) - - 355,897 2 10,970<br />

Impairment <strong>and</strong> liquidation loss on financial<br />

assets measured at holding cost <strong>and</strong> other<br />

long-term investments 218,042 1 201,994 1 6,226<br />

Impairment loss on idle assets (Notes 15 <strong>and</strong><br />

30) 205,988 1 159,504 1 4,916<br />

Losses on work stoppages (Note 33) 56,598 - 113,125 1 3,487<br />

Compensation expenses 104,212 1 112,233 - 3,460<br />

Investment losses, net - - 91,010 - 2,805<br />

(Continued)<br />

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YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars, Except Earnings Per Share)<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Amount % Amount % Amount<br />

Financial liability valuation loss 10,207 - 90,260 - 2,782<br />

Inventory losses 215,265 1 71,153 - 2,193<br />

Loss on disposal of property, plant <strong>and</strong><br />

equipment 140,199 1 - - -<br />

Other expenses (Note 29) 254,441 1 214,795 1 6,621<br />

Total nonoperating expenses <strong>and</strong> losses 1,612,025 8 1,805,607 8 55,655<br />


EXPENSE 2,282,875 11 2,136,504 9 65,854<br />

INCOME TAX EXPENSE (Notes 2 <strong>and</strong> 26) 204,672 1 725,313 3 22,356<br />

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME $ 2,078,203 10 $ 1,411,191 6 $ 43,498<br />


Parent company’s stockholders $ 1,978,100 10 $ 1,320,849 6 $ 40,713<br />

Minority interest 100,103 - 90,342 - 2,785<br />

$ 2,078,203 10 $ 1,411,191 6 $ 43,498<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Income Income Income<br />

Before Before Before<br />

Income Income Income<br />

Tax Net Tax Net Tax Net<br />

Expense Income Expense Income Expense Income<br />


Basic $ 0.90 $ 0.82 $ 0.84 $ 0.54 $ 0.03 $ 0.02<br />

Diluted $ 0.90 $ 0.82 $ 0.84 $ 0.54 $ 0.03 $ 0.02<br />

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.<br />

(With Deloitte & Touche audit report dated April 16, 2008)<br />

(Concluded)<br />

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YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of New Taiwan Dollars, Except Issue Price <strong>and</strong> Dividend Per Share)<br />

Capital Surplus (Notes 2, 21, 22 <strong>and</strong> 24) Unrealized<br />

Equity in Cumulative Net Loss Not Gain or Loss<br />

Capital Stock Issued Unregistered Premium from Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Translation Recognized as on Financial<br />

(Notes 21, 22 <strong>and</strong> 23) Capital Stock Paid-in Capital Conversion of Reported by (Notes 2, 22, 24 <strong>and</strong> 26) Adjustments Pension Cost Instrument Treasury Stock Total<br />

Shares (Notes 21 in Excess of Convertible Equity-method Stock Unappropriated (Notes 2 (Notes 2, 22 (Notes 2, 22 (Notes 2 Minority Stockholders'<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s) Amount <strong>and</strong> 23) Par Value Bonds Investees Options Legal Reserve Special Reserve Earnings <strong>and</strong> 22) <strong>and</strong> 28) <strong>and</strong> 35) <strong>and</strong> 24) Interest Equity<br />

BALANCE, JANUARY 1, 2006 2,406,469 $ 24,064,694 $ - $ 1,037,080 $ - $ 458,433 $ - $ - $ - $ 300,577 $ (489,068 ) $ - $ (39,509 ) $ - $ 740,238 $ 26,072,445<br />

Effect of adopting the newly released SFAS No. 34 - - - - - - - - - - - - 47,753 - - 47,753<br />

Appropriation of 2005 earnings<br />

Legal reserve - - - - - - - 30,058 - (30,058 ) - - - - - -<br />

Special reserve - - - - - - - - 270,519 (270,519 ) - - - - - -<br />

Increase in minority interest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23,696 23,696<br />

Consolidated net income for the year ended December 31, 2006 - - - - - - - - - 1,978,100 - - - - 100,103 2,078,203<br />

Purchase of treasury stock - common stock 2,193 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

shares - - - - - - - - - - - - - (28,101 ) - (28,101 )<br />

Exercise of compensation stock options - - 1,408 507 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,915<br />

Conversion of foreign convertible bonds into common stock - - 12,412 - 3,972 - - - - - - - - - - 16,384<br />

Changes in unrealized gain or loss on available-for-sale financial<br />

assets - - - - - - - - - - - - 249,448 - - 249,448<br />

Changes in unrealized gain or loss on cash flow hedging - - - - - - - - - - - - (8,950 ) - - (8,950 )<br />

Net loss not recognized as pension cost - - - - - - - - - - - (46,037 ) - - - (46,037 )<br />

Effect of changes in percentages of ownership of investees - - - - - 41,213 - - - (2,760 ) (10,407 ) - (42,904 ) - - (14,858 )<br />

Equity in the changes in capital surplus reported by<br />

equity-method investees - - - - - 1,997 - - - - - - - - - 1,997<br />

Equity in the changes of unrealized gain or loss on<br />

available-for-sale financial assets reported by equity-method<br />

investees - - - - - - - - - - - - 117,355 - - 117,355<br />

Equity in net loss not recognized as pension cost reported by<br />

equity-method investees - - - - - - - - - - - (6,042 ) - - - (6,042 )<br />

Issue of new stocks to acquire other company's shares - $12.40<br />

per share 16,556 165,561 - 39,680 - - - - - - - - - - - 205,241<br />

Changes in translation adjustments - - - - - - - - - - 785,578 - - - - 785,578<br />

BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 2006 2,423,025 24,230,255 13,820 1,077,267 3,972 501,643 - 30,058 270,519 1,975,340 286,103 (52,079 ) 323,193 (28,101 ) 864,037 29,496,027<br />

Unregistered capital stock transferred to capital stock 1,382 13,820 (13,820 ) - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Decrease in minority interest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (96,603 ) (96,603 )<br />

Appropriation of earnings of prior year<br />

Legal reserve - - - - - - - 197,534 - (197,534 ) - - - - - -<br />

Special reserve (reversal) - - - - - - - - (270,519 ) 270,519 - - - - - -<br />

Bonus to employees - - - - - - - - - (102,416 ) - - - - - (102,416 )<br />

Remuneration to directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors - - - - - - - - - (40,966 ) - - - - - (40,966 )<br />

Cash dividend - NT$0.5 per share - - - - - - - - - (1,211,186 ) - - - - - (1,211,186 )<br />

Consolidated net income for the year ended December 31, 2007 - - - - - - - - - 1,320,849 - - - - 90,342 1,411,191<br />

Cancellation of treasury stock - 2,193 thous<strong>and</strong> common shares (2,193 ) (21,930 ) - (975 ) - - - - - (5,196 ) - - - 28,101 - -<br />

Exercise of compensatory stock options 9,565 95,651 - 34,435 - - - - - - - - - - - 130,086<br />

Conversion of foreign unsecured convertible bonds into common<br />

stock 6,442 64,417 - - 20,790 - - - - - - - - - - 85,207<br />

Equity component of hybrid financial instrument - - - - - - 2,749,975 - - - - - - - - 2,749,975<br />

Changes in unrealized gain or loss on available-for-sale financial<br />

assets - - - - - - - - - - - - (936,630 ) - - (936,630 )<br />

Changes in unrealized gain or loss on cash flow hedging - - - - - - - - - - - - 7,562 - - 7,562<br />

Changes in net loss not recognized as pension cost - - - - - - - - - - - 8,075 - - - 8,075<br />

Effect of changes in percentages of ownership of investees - - - - - (1,817 ) - - - (534 ) (575 ) - 1,547 - - (1,379 )<br />

Equity in the changes in capital surplus reported by<br />

equity-method investees - - - - - 40,259 - - - - - - - - - 40,259<br />

Equity in the changes of unrealized gain or loss on financial<br />

instrument reported by equity-method investees - - - - - - - - - - - - (38,011 ) - - (38,011 )<br />

Equity in the changes in retained earnings reported by<br />

equity-method investees - - - - - - - - - (376 ) - - - - - (376 )<br />

Equity in the offset of deficit against paid-in capital reported by<br />

equity-method investees - - - - - (20,973 ) - - - 20,973 - - - - - -<br />

Equity in the changes in net loss not recognized as pension cost<br />

reported by equity-method investees - - - - - - - - - - - 1,917 - - - 1,917<br />

Changes in translation adjustments - - - - - - - - - - 1,301,476 - - - - 1,301,476<br />

BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 2007 2,438,221 $ 24,382,213 $ - $ 1,110,727 $ 24,762 $ 519,112 $2,749,975 $ 227,592 $ - $ 2,029,473 $ 1,587,004 $ (42,087 ) $ (642,339 ) $ - $ 857,776 $ 32,804,208<br />

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.<br />

(With Deloitte & Touche audit report dated April 16, 2008)<br />

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YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of U.S. Dollars, Except Dividend Per Share)<br />

Capital Surplus (Notes 2, 21, 22 <strong>and</strong> 24) Unrealized<br />

Equity in Cumulative Net Loss Not Gain or Loss<br />

Capital Stock Issued Unregistered Premium from Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Translation Recognized as on Financial<br />

(Notes 21, 22 <strong>and</strong> 23) Capital Stock Paid-in Capital Conversion of Reported by (Notes 2, 22, 24 <strong>and</strong> 26) Adjustments Pension Cost Instrument Treasury Stock Total<br />

Shares (Notes 21 in Excess of Convertible Equity-method Stock Unappropriated (Notes 2 (Notes 2, 22 (Notes 2, 22 (Notes 2 Minority Stockholders'<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s) Amount <strong>and</strong> 23) Par Value Bonds Investees Options Legal Reserve Special Reserve Earnings <strong>and</strong> 22) <strong>and</strong> 28) <strong>and</strong> 35) <strong>and</strong> 24) Interest Equity<br />

BALANCE, JANUARY 1, 2007 2,423,025 $ 743,350 $ 424 $ 33,049 $ 122 $ 15,390 $ - $ 922 $ 8,299 $ 60,601 $ 8,777 $ (1,597 ) $ 9,915 $ (862 ) $26,507 $ 904,897<br />

Translation adjustment (Note 4) - 3,506 2 156 - 72 - 4 39 286 42 (8 ) 47 (4 ) 125 4,267<br />

Unregistered capital stock transferred to capital stock 1,382 426 (426 ) - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Decrease in minority interest - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (2,978 ) (2,978 )<br />

Appropriation of earnings of prior year<br />

Legal reserve - - - - - - - 6,089 - (6,089 ) - - - - - -<br />

Special reserve (reversal) - - - - - - - - (8,338 ) 8,338 - - - - - -<br />

Bonus to employees - - - - - - - - - (3,157 ) - - - - - (3,157 )<br />

Remuneration to directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors - - - - - - - - - (1,263 ) - - - - - (1,263 )<br />

Cash dividend - NT$0.5 per share - - - - - - - - - (37,333 ) - - - - - (37,333 )<br />

Consolidated net income for the year ended December 31, 2007 - - - - - - - - - 40,713 - - - - 2,785 43,498<br />

Cancellation of treasury stock - 2,193 thous<strong>and</strong> common shares (2,193 ) (676 ) - (30 ) - - - - - (160 ) - - - 866 - -<br />

Exercise of compensatory stock options 9,565 2,948 - 1,061 - - - - - - - - - - - 4,009<br />

Conversion of foreign unsecured convertible bonds into common<br />

stock 6,442 1,986 - - 641 - - - - - - - - - - 2,627<br />

Equity component of hybrid financial instrument - - - - - - 84,763 - - - - - - - - 84,763<br />

Changes in unrealized gain or loss on available-for-sale financial<br />

assets - - - - - - - - - - - - (28,870 ) - - (28,870 )<br />

Changes in unrealized gain or loss on cash flow hedging - - - - - - - - - - - - 233 - - 233<br />

Changes in net loss not recognized as pension cost - - - - - - - - - - - 249 - - - 249<br />

Effect of changes in percentages of ownership of investees - - - - - (56 ) - - - (16 ) (18 ) - 48 - - (42 )<br />

Equity in the changes in capital surplus reported by<br />

equity-method investees - - - - - 1,241 - - - - - - - - - 1,241<br />

Equity in the changes of unrealized gain or loss on financial<br />

instrument reported by equity-method investees - - - - - - - - - - - - (1,172 ) - - (1,172 )<br />

Equity in the changes in retained earnings reported by<br />

equity-method investees - - - - - - - - - (11 ) - - - - - (11 )<br />

Equity in the offset of deficit against paid-in capital reported by<br />

equity-method investees - - - - - (646 ) - - - 646 - - - - - -<br />

Equity in the changes in net loss not recognized as pension cost<br />

reported by equity-method investees - - - - - - - - - - - 59 - - - 59<br />

Changes in translation adjustments - - - - - - - - - - 40,116 - - - - 40,116<br />

BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 2007 2,438,221 $ 751,540 $ - $ 34,236 $ 763 $ 16,001 $ 84,763 $ 7,015 $ - $ 62,555 $ 48,917 $ (1,297 ) $ (19,799 ) $ - $26,439 $1,011,133<br />

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.<br />

(With Deloitte & Touche audit report dated April 16, 2008)<br />

- 8 -



YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars)<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />


Consolidated net income $ 2,078,203 $ 1,411,191 $ 43,498<br />

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash<br />

provided by operating activities:<br />

Net gain on disposal of investments (375,714 ) (11,549 ) (356 )<br />

Depreciation <strong>and</strong> amortization 2,572,194 2,841,954 87,598<br />

Net loss (gain) on disposal of property, plant <strong>and</strong><br />

equipment <strong>and</strong> properties leased to others 140,199 (730,584 ) (22,519 )<br />

Losses on work stoppages 56,598 113,125 3,487<br />

Financial instrument revaluation loss, net 7,031 81,151 2,501<br />

Provision (reversal of allowance) for decline in<br />

value of inventories 99,596 (104,917 ) (3,234 )<br />

Equity in net loss (income) of investees, net (162,442 ) 112,513 3,468<br />

Cash dividends from equity method investees 38,963 59,861 1,845<br />

Impairment loss on idle assets 205,988 159,504 4,916<br />

Reorganization cost - 355,897 10,970<br />

Amortization of discounts on available-for-sale<br />

debt securites - (1,063 ) (33 )<br />

Interest expense for bonds payable - 195,805 6,035<br />

Deferred income taxes 49,776 368,369 11,355<br />

Gain on insurance recoveries (6,750 ) - -<br />

Impairment <strong>and</strong> liquidation loss on financial assets<br />

measured at holding cost <strong>and</strong> other long-term<br />

investments 218,042 201,994 6,226<br />

Net changes in operating assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities:<br />

Financial assets at fair value through profit or<br />

loss 6,480 9,989 308<br />

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit<br />

or loss (5,349 ) - -<br />

Notes receivable 96,601 (73,406 ) (2,262 )<br />

Accounts receivable (479,056 ) (637,029 ) (19,635 )<br />

Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from related<br />

parties (115,379 ) 138,616 4,273<br />

Inventories (411,117 ) 782,210 24,110<br />

Insurance recoveries receivable - 602,550 18,573<br />

Income tax refund receivable 4,409 (5,765 ) (178 )<br />

Imprest bank account (186,396 ) 206,800 6,374<br />

Other receivables 123,637 (176,541 ) (5,442 )<br />

Other current assets (136,482 ) 149,767 4,616<br />

Notes payable 5,727 (37,467 ) (1,155 )<br />

Accounts payable 692,922 500,730 15,434<br />

Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes payable to related parties 249,832 (96,929 ) (2,988 )<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 9 -



YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars)<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Income tax payable 64,854 75,288 2,321<br />

Accrued expenses 389,669 (219,151 ) (6,755 )<br />

Other payables 171,719 (145,269 ) (4,478 )<br />

Other current liabilities (55,357 ) 6,991 216<br />

Accrued pension costs 47,320 33,047 1,019<br />

Net cash provided by operating activities 5,385,718 6,167,682 190,108<br />


Proceeds from disposal of financial assets measured<br />

at holding cost <strong>and</strong> other financial assets 677,317 542,836 16,732<br />

Proceeds from disposal of other long-term<br />

investments 14,990 52,719 1,625<br />

Proceeds from disposal of long-term investments<br />

accounted for using equity method 285,578 59,778 1,842<br />

Proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries 29,844 - -<br />

Proceeds from disposal of available-for-sale financial<br />

assets 428,709 253,900 7,826<br />

Acquisition of long-term investments accounted for<br />

using equity method (171,494 ) (808,468 ) (24,920 )<br />

Acquisition of other long-term investments - (523 ) (16 )<br />

Acquisition of available-for-sale financial assets (608,509 ) (3,477,089 ) (107,175 )<br />

Acquisition of bonds measured at amortized cost (50,000 ) - -<br />

Acquisition of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment (2,285,610 ) (3,049,220 ) (93,987 )<br />

Proceeds from disposal of property, plant <strong>and</strong><br />

equipment <strong>and</strong> properties leased to others 7,426 4,981,575 153,549<br />

Proceeds from disposal of investments in real estate - 192,058 5,920<br />

Decrease (increase) in pledged time deposits (34,934 ) 111,003 3,421<br />

Decrease (increase) in refundable deposits (4,163 ) 38,480 1,186<br />

Increase in other assets (124,205 ) (276,317 ) (8,517 )<br />

Decrease (increase) in loans receivable from related<br />

parties (518 ) 21,012 648<br />

Proceeds from acquisition of subsidiaries (32,435 ) (29,875 ) (921 )<br />

Net cash used in investing activities (1,868,004 ) (1,388,131 ) (42,787 )<br />


Net increase (decrease) in short-term loans 477,123 (380,631 ) (11,732 )<br />

Net increase (decrease) in commercial paper (20,613 ) 76,768 2,366<br />

Increase in long-term bank loans 4,337,364 1,200,000 36,988<br />

Issuance of unsecured zero-coupon foreign<br />

convertible bonds - 7,510,723 231,505<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 10 -



YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars)<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Decrease in long-term bank loans (8,412,313 ) (5,137,636 ) (158,358 )<br />

Repayment of unsecured domestic bonds (1,300,000 ) (600,000 ) (18,494 )<br />

Increase (decrease) in deposits received 30,344 (29,849 ) (920 )<br />

Increase (decrease) in other liabilities 1,764 (1,076 ) (33 )<br />

Proceeds from acquisition of treasury stock (28,101 ) - -<br />

Proceeds from exercise of stock options by<br />

employees 1,915 130,086 4,009<br />

Remuneration paid to directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors - (41,292 ) (1,273 )<br />

Bonus paid to employees - (109,656 ) (3,380 )<br />

Dividends paid for common stock - (1,235,634 ) (38,086 )<br />

Net cash provided by (used in) financing<br />

activities (4,912,517 ) 1,381,803 42,592<br />


CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (91,940 ) 229,142 7,063<br />


SUBSIDIARIES (60,533 ) - -<br />


CASH EQUIVALENTS (1,547,276 ) 6,390,496 196,976<br />


OF YEAR 3,348,347 1,801,071 55,515<br />

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF YEAR $ 1,801,071 $ 8,191,567 $ 252,491<br />



Interest paid $ 448,724 $ 278,523 $ 8,585<br />

Less - amounts capitalized 37,295 38,743 1,194<br />

Net interest paid $ 411,429 $ 239,780 $ 7,391<br />

Income tax paid $ 71,941 $ 257,939 $ 7,951<br />

Cash received from disposal of long-term<br />

investments accounted for using equity method<br />

Proceeds from disposal of long-term investments<br />

accounted for using equity method $ 345,356 $ - $ -<br />

Decrease (increase) in other financial assets - other<br />

receivables (59,778 ) 59,778 1,843<br />

Cash received $ 285,578 $ 59,778 $ 1,843<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 11 -



YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars)<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />



Current portion of long-term liabilities $ 1,104,196 $ 129,516 $ 3,992<br />

Long-term investments accounted for using equity<br />

method transferred to financial assets measured at<br />

holding cost $ 39,208 $ 63,116 $ 1,945<br />

Bonus to employees (included in other current<br />

liabilities) $ - $ 5,816 $ 179<br />

Pledged assets - listed domestic common stock<br />

transferred to available-for-sale financial assets $ 258,920 $ - $ -<br />

Conversion of unsecured foreign convertible bonds<br />

into common stock of the <strong>Corporation</strong><br />

Capital stock $ - $ 64,417 $ 1,986<br />

Unregistered capital stock 12,412 - -<br />

Capital surplus - premium from conversion of<br />

convertible bonds 3,972 20,790 641<br />

$ 16,384 $ 85,207 $ 2,627<br />

The Group acquired 84.9% equity interest in Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. (“Chipcera”) in 2006 with the fair<br />

value of its assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities were summarized as follows:<br />

New Taiwan<br />

Dollars<br />

Cash $ 7,595<br />

Inventories 51,599<br />

Accounts receivable 64,712<br />

Property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment 132,968<br />

Other net assets 3,322<br />

Accounts payable (32,565 )<br />

Short <strong>and</strong> long-term liabilities (34,516 )<br />

193,115<br />

Percentage of ownership acquired 84.9%<br />

163,955<br />

Goodwill 88,244<br />

Total proceeds form acquisition of Chipcera 252,199<br />

Less: Issue of new common shares by the <strong>Corporation</strong> for equity<br />

interest acquisition 205,241<br />

Cash paid by the Group for the acquisition of Chipcera $ 46,958<br />

- 12 -

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.<br />

(With Deloitte & Touche audit report dated April 16, 2008)<br />

(Concluded)<br />

- 13 -



YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars, Except Exchange Rate <strong>and</strong> Unless Stated Otherwise)<br />


<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (the “<strong>Corporation</strong>”) was incorporated in 1987 in the Republic of China (ROC). The<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong>’s shares are traded on the Taiwan Stock Exchange.<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong> manufactures <strong>and</strong> sells passive components.<br />

manufacture passive components.<br />

It also produces <strong>and</strong> sells equipment used to<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> the consolidated subsidiaries had 9,054 <strong>and</strong> 8,916 employees as of December 31, 2006<br />

<strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively.<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong>’s subsidiaries were as follows:<br />

a. <strong>Subsidiaries</strong> that manufacture <strong>and</strong> market passive components - Ferroxcube Taiwan, Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd., Ferroxcube Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou)<br />

Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited, Compostar Technology Co., Ltd., Compostar Technology<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd., Compostar Technology (Shanghai)<br />

Co., Ltd., Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd., Dongguan Chang An Wusha Chipcera, Dongguan Chen An<br />

Trading Co., Ltd., Ko-E Corp., Ko-E (H.K.) Limited, Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Europe GmbH (eliminated after being merged into Vitrohm Holding GmbH in 2006), Vitrohm<br />

Portuguesa LDA, Paracatu Gestao E Investimentos (liquidated in 2006), Phycomp Holding B.V.,<br />

Ferroxcube International Holding B.V., <strong>Yageo</strong> Korea, <strong>Yageo</strong> Japan, <strong>Yageo</strong> America <strong>Corporation</strong>, <strong>Yageo</strong><br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) PTE. LTD. (formerly Phycomp Singapore PTE. LTD.), Phycomp Malaysia<br />

SDN. BHD. <strong>and</strong> Steller, Inc.<br />

b. Investment holding subsidiaries - <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited, Ko-E Holding (Cayman Isl<strong>and</strong>s),<br />

Ltd., Chipcera Holding B.V., Vitrohm Holding GmbH, Kuo Shin Investment Limited, Kuo Chung<br />

Development Limited, Kuo Ding Venture Capital Limited, Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd., Hsu Tai<br />

International (H.K.), Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> (H.K.) Limited, Ferroxcube<br />

Technology (H.K.) Limited, Compostar (H.K.) Limited, Rancher International Limited (B.V.I.)<br />

(eliminated after being merged into <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited in 2006), Luminary International<br />

Limited (B.V.I.) (eliminated after being merged into <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited in 2006) <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Limited (liquidated <strong>and</strong> eliminated in October of 2007).<br />

The organization chart of the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> the consolidated subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group”) as of<br />

December 31, 2007 is shown as Table 13.<br />

- 14 -


Basis of Presentation<br />

The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the Guidelines Governing<br />

the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers, Business Accounting Law, Guidelines Governing<br />

Business Accounting <strong>and</strong> accounting principles generally accepted in the ROC. In preparing financial<br />

statements in conformity with these guidelines <strong>and</strong> principles, the Group is required to make certain<br />

estimates <strong>and</strong> assumptions that could affect the amounts of allowance for decline in market value of<br />

inventories, allowance for doubtful accounts, depreciation, amortization <strong>and</strong> impairment of tangible assets,<br />

impairment of intangible assets <strong>and</strong> pension expenses. Actual results could differ from these estimates<br />

because of the uncertainty of circumstances.<br />

For the convenience of readers, the accompanying financial statements have been translated into English<br />

from the original Chinese version prepared <strong>and</strong> used in the ROC. If there is any conflict between the<br />

English version <strong>and</strong> the original Chinese version or any difference in the interpretation of the two versions,<br />

the Chinese-language financial statements shall prevail.<br />

The Group’s significant accounting policies are summarized as follows:<br />

Current/Noncurrent Assets <strong>and</strong> Liabilities<br />

Unrestricted cash <strong>and</strong> cash equivalents, assets held for trading <strong>and</strong> other assets to be converted to cash, used<br />

up or consumed within twelve months are classified as current. Liabilities generated from trading <strong>and</strong><br />

those to be redeemed, paid or settled within twelve months are classified as current. All other assets <strong>and</strong><br />

liabilities are classified as noncurrent.<br />

Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements<br />

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> its direct <strong>and</strong> indirect<br />

subsidiaries.<br />

Significant transactions between the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> the consolidated subsidiaries are eliminated. When a<br />

subsidiary was acquired, the difference, if any, between the acquisition cost of the investment <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Group’s proportionate equity in the fair value of the subsidiary’s net assets was recognized as goodwill <strong>and</strong><br />

was previously amortized over 20 years.<br />

Effective January 1, 2006, amortization of goodwill ceased but will be tested for impairment at least on an<br />

annual basis. If an event occurs or circumstances change that more likely than not goodwill is impaired, an<br />

impairment test is implemented.<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> its subsidiaries incorporated in the ROC (hereinafter collectively referred to as<br />

“Taiwan Entities”) maintain their accounts <strong>and</strong> prepare their financial statements in New Taiwan dollars.<br />

The accounts of consolidated foreign subsidiaries are maintained <strong>and</strong> their separate financial statements are<br />

prepared using their respective functional currencies. Those financial statements are translated into New<br />

Taiwan dollars, for consolidation purposes, at the following foreign exchange rates: (a) assets <strong>and</strong><br />

liabilities - prevailing exchange rates on the balance sheet dates, (b) stockholders’ equity - historical rates,<br />

<strong>and</strong> (c) profit <strong>and</strong> loss accounts - weighted average rates of the year.<br />

- 15 -

The consolidated financial statements as of <strong>and</strong> for the year ended December 31, 2006 include the accounts<br />

of following entites:<br />

a. The <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> its subsidiaries-Ferroxcube Taiwan, Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.,<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd., Ferroxcube Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Guo Chuang<br />

Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd, <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited,<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd., Compostar Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Compostar Technology<br />

(Su Zhou) Co., Ltd., Compostar Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Compostar Technology (Cayman),<br />

Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe GmbH, Vitrohm Portuguesa LDA, Paracatu Gestao E Investimentos, Phycomp<br />

Holding B.V., Ferroxcube International Holding B.V., <strong>Yageo</strong> Korea, <strong>Yageo</strong> Japan, <strong>Yageo</strong> America<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong>, <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) PTE. LTD., Phycomp Malaysia SDN. BHD., Steller, Inc.,<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited, Vitrohm Holding GmbH, Kuo Shin Investment Limited, Kuo<br />

Chung Development Limited, Kuo Ding Venture Capital Limited, Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd.,<br />

Hsu Tai International (H.K.), Rancher International Limited (B.V.I.), Luminary International Limited<br />

(B.V.I.) <strong>and</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Limited.<br />

b. The consolidated financial statements included the accounts of Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd.<br />

(“Chipcera”) <strong>and</strong> its subsidiaries since July 1, 2006 because of the equity interest of Chipcera owned by<br />

the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> subsidiaries was more than 50% of its outst<strong>and</strong>ing common stock on July 1, 2006.<br />

c. During 2006, Ko-E Holding, Ltd. (Cayman Isl<strong>and</strong>s) was incorporated by <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda)<br />

Limited. As a result of this incorporation, <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited became a 90% equity<br />

owner of Ko-E Holding, Ltd. <strong>and</strong> the accounts of financial statements of Ko-E Holding, Ltd. <strong>and</strong> its<br />

subsidiaries, including Ko-E Corp., Ko-E (H.K.) Limited, Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., were<br />

consolidated into the <strong>Corporation</strong>'s consolidated financial statements.<br />

d. <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited was a 100% equity owner of Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan)<br />

Co., Ltd. To gain the Group's competitive position of passive components in the marketplace, the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> is proactively seeking opportunities with other players in the same market for collaboration.<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited subsequently disposed 65% ownership of Guo Chuang Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd. to Laser Tek Taiwan Co., Ltd. As a result of this disposal, <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding<br />

(Bermuda) Limited's percentage of ownership in Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. was<br />

reduced to 35% <strong>and</strong> lost its controls over Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. as a majority<br />

shareholder. Beginning in October of 2006, the accounts of the financial statements of Guo Chuang<br />

Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. would not be consolidated into the consolidated financial statements<br />

of the <strong>Corporation</strong> but due to the Group still has significant influence over Guo Chuang Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. was accounted for as an<br />

equity-method investment in the <strong>Corporation</strong>'s consolidated financial statements.<br />

Please refer to the following descriptions for the changes of the consolidated entities except for above<br />

mentioned a, b <strong>and</strong> c in connection with the aforementioned accounts of <strong>Corporation</strong>'s consolidated<br />

financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2007:<br />

a. <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Ltd., 100% owned by the <strong>Corporation</strong>, transferred its investments of <strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Electronics (China) Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd <strong>and</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd. to incorporate <strong>Yageo</strong> (H.K.) Limited in 2007 <strong>and</strong> have <strong>Yageo</strong> (H.K.) Limited<br />

directly hold the investments of the aforementioned companies. The <strong>Corporation</strong> consolidated the<br />

accounts of <strong>Yageo</strong> (H.K) Limited into 2007 consolidated financial statements.<br />

b. Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd, 100% owned by the <strong>Corporation</strong>, transferred its investments of<br />

Ferroxcube Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. to incorporate Ferroxcube Technology (H.K.) Limited in<br />

2007 <strong>and</strong> have Ferroxcube Technology (H.K.) Limited directly hold the investments of Ferroxcube<br />

Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,. The <strong>Corporation</strong> consolidated the accounts of Ferroxcube Technology<br />

(H.K.) Limited into 2007 consolidated financial statements.<br />

- 16 -

c. Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd.’s, 100% owned by Compostar Technology Co., Ltd., transferred<br />

its investments of Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. to incorporate Compostar (H.K.) Limited<br />

in 2007 <strong>and</strong> have Compostar (H.K.) Limited directly hold the investments of Compostar Technology<br />

(Su Zhou) Co. The <strong>Corporation</strong> consolidated the accounts of Compostar (H.K.) Limited into 2007<br />

consolidated financial statements.<br />

To simplify structure, the Group adjusted its organization in 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007 as follows:<br />

a. Rancher International Limited (B.V.I.) <strong>and</strong> Luminary International Limited (B.V.I.) were merged into<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited in 2006, with <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited as the survivor<br />

entity.<br />

b. <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe GmbH was merged into Vitrohm Holding GmbH in 2006, with Vitrohm Holding GmbH<br />

as the survivor entity.<br />

c. Paracatu was liquidated in 2006.<br />

d. <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Limited went in to liquidation since March of 2007. As a result, the<br />

Group lost its controls <strong>and</strong> significant influence over <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Limited. Beginning<br />

in March of 2007, the accounts of the financial statements of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Limited<br />

would not be consolidated into the consolidated financial statements of the <strong>Corporation</strong>. <strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Holding International Limited was liquidated <strong>and</strong> eliminated in October of 2007.<br />

Cash Equivalents<br />

Commercial paper with maturities of up to three months from the date of purchase are classified as cash<br />

equivalents.<br />

Financial Instruments at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss<br />

Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss are financial assets/liabilities held for trading.<br />

These financial assets/liabilities are initially recognized at fair value subsequently, measured at fair value<br />

<strong>and</strong> the changes in fair value are charged to current income. A regular way purchase or sale of financial<br />

assets is accounted for based on the trade date accounting.<br />

Derivatives that do not meet the criteria for hedge accounting are classified as financial assets/liabilities at<br />

fair value through profit or loss.<br />

For derivatives with no active market, its fair value is estimated using valuation techniques incorporating<br />

estimates <strong>and</strong> assumptions that are consistent with prevailing market conditions. When the fair value is<br />

positive, the derivative is recognized as a financial asset. When the fair value is negative, the derivative is<br />

recognized as a financial liability.<br />

Available-for-sale Financial Assets<br />

Available-for-sale financial assets are initially recognized at fair value. The changes in fair value from<br />

subsequent remeasurement are reported as a separate component of stockholders’ equity. The<br />

corresponding accumulated gains or losses are recognized in earnings when the financial asset is<br />

derecognized from the balance sheet. Debt securities are carried at amortized cost under the effective<br />

interest method. The recognized interest is included in current income. A regular way purchase or sale of<br />

financial assets is accounted for based on the trade date accounting.<br />

- 17 -

Cash dividends are recognized as investment income upon resolution of the shareholders of an investee but<br />

are accounted for as reductions to the original cost of investment if such dividends are declared on the<br />

earnings of the investees attributable to periods prior to the purchase of the investments. Stock dividends<br />

are recorded as an increase in the number of shares held <strong>and</strong> do not affect investment income. The cost per<br />

share is recalculated based on the new number of shares.<br />

If there is objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired, a loss is recognized. If, in a subsequent<br />

period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases, for equity securities, the previously recognized<br />

impairment loss can be reversed to the extent of the decrease <strong>and</strong> recorded as an adjustment to shareholders’<br />

equity; for debt securities, the amount of the decrease is recognized in earnings, provided that the decrease<br />

is clearly attributable to an event which occurred after the impairment loss was recognized.<br />

Inventories<br />

Inventories are stated at the lower of aggregate weighted-average cost or market (net realizable value or<br />

replacement cost). These are also evaluated for any loss on slow-moving items.<br />

Investments Accounted for Using Equity Method<br />

The following investments in shares of stock are accounted for by the equity method if: (a) the combined<br />

equity of the Group is at least 20% of the investees’ outst<strong>and</strong>ing common shares, or (b) the Group have a<br />

combined equity of less than 20% of their outst<strong>and</strong>ing shares but exercises significant influence over the<br />

investee’s financial <strong>and</strong> operating policy decisions. Under the equity method, the Group’s investment is<br />

stated at cost on the acquisition date <strong>and</strong> subsequently adjusted for the proportionate share of the Group in<br />

the net income or net loss of the investees. Any cash dividends received from the investees are accounted<br />

for as a reduction of the carrying value of the investments.<br />

The differences between the acquisition cost of the investments <strong>and</strong> the Group’s equity in the fair value of<br />

the investees’ net assets when the investments are acquired or when the equity method is first adopted, are<br />

amortized over 5 to 20 years. Effective January 1, 2006, pursuant to the revised Statement of Financial<br />

Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards No. 5 “Long-term Investments in Equity Securities” (“SFAS No. 5”), the cost of<br />

acquisition is subjected to initial analysis; the investment cost in excess of the fair value of identifiable net<br />

assets is accounted for as goodwill, ceased to be amortized but instead tested for impairment on an annual<br />

basis. An impairment test is also required when there is evidence indicating that goodwill is more likely<br />

than not impaired due to an event or a change in economic environment. Effective January 1, 2006, the<br />

unamortized balance of the investment cost in excess of the equity in the investee’s fair value of identifiable<br />

net assets ceased to be amortized but instead subject to the same accounting treatment as that for goodwill.<br />

If an investee issues additional shares <strong>and</strong> the Group subscribes for these shares at a rate not equal to its<br />

current equity in the investee, the increase in the Group’s equity in the investee’s net assets is credited to a<br />

capital surplus account. Any decrease in the Group’s equity in the investee’s net assets is debited to the<br />

balance of the capital surplus account arising from similar transactions. If the capital surplus account is<br />

not enough for debiting purposes, any remaining decrease is debited to unappropriated retained earnings.<br />

On the balance sheet date, investments are subjected to an impairment test. If there is objective evidence<br />

indicating that an impairment is occurred, the impairment loss shall be charged to current income.<br />

Stock dividends received are recorded only as an increase in the number of shares held <strong>and</strong> not as<br />

investment income. The investment carrying value per share is recalculated on the basis of the increased<br />

number of shares. Costs of investments sold are determined using the weighted-moving-average method.<br />

If the Group loses its significant influence over an equity-method investee with no quoted market price, the<br />

carrying value of the investment will be reclassified into financial assets measured at holding cost.<br />

- 18 -

Real Estate<br />

The real estate are carried at the lower of recoverable or carrying value.<br />

Upon sale or other disposal of the real estate, the related costs, accumulated depreciation <strong>and</strong> accumulated<br />

impairment are removed from the accounts, <strong>and</strong> any gain or loss is accounted as nonoperating income or<br />

loss.<br />

Financial Assets Measured at Holding Cost<br />

Investments in equity investments without quoted market prices in an active market <strong>and</strong> reliably-measured<br />

fair value, including investments in unlisted stocks <strong>and</strong> emerging stocks are carried at cost upon initial<br />

recognition. If there is objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired, an impairment loss should be<br />

recognized. A subsequent reversal of such impairment is prohibited.<br />

The accounting treatment for cash <strong>and</strong> stock dividends arising from financial assets measured at holding<br />

cost is the same as cash <strong>and</strong> stock dividends arising from available-for-sale financial assets.<br />

Bond Measured at Amortized Cost<br />

Bonds with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market are measured at<br />

amortized cost. Bonds should be measured at original cost plus transaction cost on initial recognition.<br />

Gains or losses are recognized when de-recognition, impairment loss or amortization occurs. Purchase or<br />

sale of bonds under customary transactions is recognized <strong>and</strong> derecognized using trade date accounting.<br />

An impairment loss should be recognized if there is objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired. If<br />

later on an indication suggest that the impairment may no longer exist or may have diminished, the<br />

impairment loss can be reversed to the extend that would otherwise result had no impairment loss been<br />

recognized for the assets in prior years.<br />

Other Long-term Investments<br />

Investments in foreign funds with no objective fair value are measured at cost upon initial recognition. If<br />

there is objective evidence that the foreign fund is impaired, an impairment loss should be recognized. A<br />

subsequent reversal of such impairment is prohibited.<br />

Property, Plant <strong>and</strong> Equipment <strong>and</strong> Properties Leased to Others<br />

These assets are carried at cost, net of accumulated depreciation <strong>and</strong> accumulated impairment loss. Major<br />

improvements or renewals are capitalized, while maintenance <strong>and</strong> repairs are charged to current expense.<br />

Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method over service lives initially estimated as follows:<br />

buildings, 3 to 55 years; <strong>and</strong> machinery <strong>and</strong> miscellaneous equipment, 1 to 15 years. Properties still in use<br />

beyond their originally estimated service life are depreciated over their newly estimated service lives.<br />

An impairment loss should be recognized whenever the carrying amount of properties leased to others<br />

exceeds their recoverable amount, <strong>and</strong> this impairment loss should be charged to current income. An<br />

impairment loss recognized in prior years could be reversed if there is a recovery in the estimates used to<br />

determine recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognized. However, an impairment<br />

loss is reversed only to the extent that it does not increase the carrying amount of an asset above the<br />

carrying amount that would have been determined for the asset (net of depreciation) had no impairment loss<br />

been recognized in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss should be recognized in the income<br />

statement for assets carried at cost <strong>and</strong> treated as a revaluation increase for assets carried at the revalued<br />

amount.<br />

- 19 -

Upon sale or other disposal of assets, the related cost, accumulated depreciation <strong>and</strong> accumulated<br />

impairment are removed from the accounts, <strong>and</strong> any gain or loss is accounted as nonoperating income or<br />

loss.<br />

Idle Assets<br />

These assets are stated at the lower of recoverable amount or carrying value.<br />

Assets Impairment<br />

The Group determine the cash-generating unit to which tangible <strong>and</strong> intangible asset belong in accordance<br />

with Statement of Financial Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards No. 35, “Accounting for Asset Impairment,” before the<br />

impairment test is done. An impairment loss should be recognized whenever the aggregate carrying<br />

amount of specific cash-generating units exceeds their recoverable amount, <strong>and</strong> this impairment loss should<br />

be charged to current income. For the reduction of the carrying amounts of the assets of cash-generating<br />

units, the impairment loss should be allocated in the following order:<br />

a. Unidentifiable intangible assets (goodwill) should be allocated to the cash-generating unit if any; <strong>and</strong><br />

b. The identifiable intangible <strong>and</strong> tangible assets of the unit should be allocated pro rata based on the<br />

carrying amount of each asset in the unit.<br />

An impairment loss recognized in prior years may be reversed if there is a recovery in the estimates used to<br />

determine the recoverable amount since the last impairment loss was recognized. However, an impairment<br />

loss is reversed only to the extent that it does not increase the carrying amount of an asset above the<br />

carrying amount that would have been determined for the asset (net of depreciation) had no impairment loss<br />

been recognized in prior years. Reversal of a previously recognized impairment loss on goodwill is<br />

prohibited.<br />

The estimated loss on fixed assets arising from accidents is recognized as assets impairment.<br />

major improvements or renewals are capitalized.<br />

Subsequent<br />

Foreign Convertible Bonds<br />

Foreign convertible bonds issued prior to December 31, 2005 are carried at their issue price. The<br />

premium, which is the difference between the specified redemption price <strong>and</strong> the face value, is accrued from<br />

the bond issuance date to the contracted redemption date using the effective interest rate method. Direct<br />

<strong>and</strong> necessary convertible bond issue cost is classified as a deferred charge (included in other assets - other).<br />

This cost is amortized as bond issue expense from the bond issuance date to the contracted redemption date<br />

(included in nonoperating expenses <strong>and</strong> losses - others).<br />

The book value approach is used to account for bond conversion by bondholders. Under this method,<br />

convertible bonds <strong>and</strong> related accounts are transferred to capital <strong>and</strong> capital surplus without recording gain<br />

or loss. Also, the unamortized bond issue costs are debited to capital surplus.<br />

Effective January 1, 2006, issuances of foreign convertible bonds are required to be separately accounted for<br />

as equity <strong>and</strong> liability components. The value of the equity component (shown as capital surplus - stock<br />

options) is the residual amount of the original bond carrying amount less the value allocated to the liability<br />

component. The host contract attributable to the liability component is carried at amortized cost. The<br />

derivative instrument attributable to the liability component is recognized at fair value <strong>and</strong> accounted for as<br />

financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (included in long-term liabilities) <strong>and</strong> subsequently<br />

measured at fair value. When the bondholders exercise their conversion options, the equity <strong>and</strong> liability<br />

components are transferred to capital stock <strong>and</strong> capital surplus without recording gain or loss.<br />

- 20 -

Pension Costs<br />

The Group recognizes its pension cost in accordance with the statement of Financial Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards<br />

No. 18 “Accounting for Pension”. The gain or loss generated from plan curtailments or settlements is<br />

recorded as part of net pension cost as they occur.<br />

Income Tax<br />

Deferred tax assets are recognized for the tax effects of deductible temporary difference, unused operating<br />

loss carryforwards, unused income tax credits, <strong>and</strong> deferred tax liabilities are recognized for the tax effects<br />

of taxable temporary differences. A valuation allowance is recognized for deferred income tax assets when<br />

it is more than 50% probable that these assets will not be realized. Deferred tax assets or liabilities are<br />

classified as current or noncurrent on the basis of the classification of the related assets or liabilities for<br />

financial reporting. A deferred tax liability or asset that cannot be related to an asset or liability for<br />

financial reporting, including deferred tax assets related to net loss carryforwards, is classified on the basis<br />

of the expected realization date of the temporary difference.<br />

The Group uses the flow-through method to recognize income tax credits for certain purchases of eligible<br />

equipment, research <strong>and</strong> development expenditures, personnel training expenditures <strong>and</strong> investments in<br />

shares of stock.<br />

Adjustments to prior years’ tax liabilities are added to or deducted from the current year’s income tax<br />

expense.<br />

Income taxes of 10% on undistributed earnings generated starting January 1, 1998 are recorded as expenses<br />

in the year the stockholders approve the retention of the earnings.<br />

Revenue Recognition, Account Receivable <strong>and</strong> Allowance for Doubtful Accounts<br />

Sales are recognized when titles to products <strong>and</strong> risks of ownerships are transferred to customers, primarily<br />

upon shipment.<br />

Sales are measured at fair value based on the price, including commercial discount <strong>and</strong> quantity discount,<br />

negotiated with the buyer. However, for frequent sales transactions, selling price is considered a<br />

short-term account receivable discounted at an imputed rate when the variance between the fair value <strong>and</strong><br />

the amount due from the buyer is small.<br />

The allowances are provided on the basis of a review of the collectibility of individual receivables. The<br />

Group periodically evaluates the collectibility of receivables in consideration of client’s receivable aging<br />

analysis credit worthiness <strong>and</strong> economic environment.<br />

Treasury Stock<br />

If the <strong>Corporation</strong> buys back issued stocks, the reacquisition cost will be debited to the account “treasury<br />

stock.”<br />

Upon disposal of the treasury stock, if disposal price is higher than carrying value, the difference will be<br />

recorded as capital surplus - trading of treasury stock. Otherwise, the difference is debited to capital<br />

surplus - trading of treasury stock. If capital surplus is not enough for debiting purposes, the difference is<br />

debited to unappropriated retained earnings.<br />

Compensatory Stock Option Plan<br />

If the Group decides that the grant date or amendment date of the compensatory stock option plan is after<br />

January 1, 2004, it will adopt the intrinsic value method to recognize its compensation cost, which will be<br />

recognized as expense under the plan.<br />

- 21 -

Foreign-currency Transactions<br />

Foreign currency transactions (except derivative transactions) are recorded in New Taiwan dollars at the<br />

rates of exchange in effect when the transactions occur. Upon settlement of foreign-currency assets <strong>and</strong><br />

liabilities at prevailing rates, differences between the transaction rates <strong>and</strong> settlement rates are credited or<br />

charged to current income. Period-end balances of foreign-currency assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities are restated at the<br />

prevailing exchange rates, <strong>and</strong> the resulting differences are credited or charged to current income.<br />

On the balance sheet date, nonmonetary foreign-currency-dominated assets or liabilities measured at fair<br />

value, such as equity instruments, are restated at the prevailing exchange rates, <strong>and</strong> the resulting differences<br />

are accounted for as follows:<br />

a. Assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities at fair value through adjustments to stockholders’ equity- as adjustments to<br />

stockholders’ equity.<br />

b. Assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - as credits or charges to current income.<br />

c. Assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities measured at holding cost - stated at historical rates of transaction date.<br />

d. Foreign-currency long-term investments accounted for using the equity method are recorded according<br />

to the results of its translated financial statements. The exchange difference is reported as cumulative<br />

translation adjustments under stockholders’ equity.<br />

Hedging Derivative Financial Instruments<br />

Hedging derivative financial instruments are stated at fair value. The changes of fair value of these<br />

instruments are either charged to current income or stockholders’ equity, depending on the hedged items.<br />

Cash Flow Hedge Accounting<br />

Derivatives that meet all criteria for hedge accounting are recognized as the offsetting effects on profit or<br />

loss of changes in fair value of hedging instruments <strong>and</strong> hedged items.<br />

The gain or loss of hedging instruments is reported in stockholders’ equity until the hedged forecast<br />

transaction affects net income or loss. If the hedged forecast transaction is recognized as assets or<br />

liabilities, the gain or loss is charged to current income in the year that the recognized assets or liabilities<br />

affect net income or loss. If the hedge of forecast transaction would result in the recognition of<br />

non-financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities, the gain or loss is recognized as an adjustment to the initial cost or<br />

carrying value of those assets or liabilities. If recognized adjustments to stockholder’s equity result in<br />

irreversible losses, these losses should be immediately charged to current income.<br />


a. On January 1, 2006, the Group adopted the newly released Statements of Financial Accounting<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ards No. 34 “Accounting for Financial Instruments” (“SFAS No. 34”) <strong>and</strong> No. 36 “Disclosure <strong>and</strong><br />

Presentation for Financial Instruments” (“SFAS No. 36”) <strong>and</strong> related revisions of previously released<br />

SFASs.<br />

- 22 -

The Group reclassified its financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities upon initial adoption of the newly released<br />

SFASs. The cumulative effect of changes in accounting principle should be recognized in the current<br />

period for adjustments to the carrying values of the financial assets or liabilities at fair value through<br />

profit or loss. Because the carrying values of those financial assets <strong>and</strong> financial liabilities were the<br />

same as their fair values, no cumulative effect was recognized. Available-for-sale financial<br />

instruments measured at fair value were recognized as adjustments to stockholders’ equity. The<br />

adjustment is NT$47,753 thous<strong>and</strong> in credit balance.<br />

b. On January 1, 2006, the Group adopted the newly released Statements of Financial Accounting<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ards No. 5, “Long-term Investments in Equity Securities,” <strong>and</strong> No. 25, “Business Combinations -<br />

Accounting Treatments under Purchase Method.” These revisions stated that the difference between<br />

the cost of long-term equity investments <strong>and</strong> the amount underlying equity in net assets of an investee is<br />

subject to analysis. If the difference is goodwill, it should be tested for impairment periodically<br />

instead of being amortized.<br />


The financial statements are stated in New Taiwan dollars. The translations of the 2007 New Taiwan dollar<br />

amounts into U.S. dollar amounts are included solely for the convenience of the readers using the rate of<br />

NT$32.443 to US$1.00 quoted by Reuters at the end of December 2007. This translation should not be<br />

construed as representations that the New Taiwan dollar amounts have been, could have been, or could in<br />

the future be, converted into U.S. dollars at this or any other exchange rate.<br />


U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Cash<br />

Cash on h<strong>and</strong> $ 3,258 $ 2,921 $ 90<br />

Checking <strong>and</strong> dem<strong>and</strong> deposits 990,395 1,239,087 38,193<br />

Time deposits - yield rate 1.20%-5.27% in 2006 <strong>and</strong><br />

2.61%-5.44% in 2007 622,489 5,190,765 159,996<br />

Cash equivalents<br />

Short-term notes <strong>and</strong> bills - yield rate 1.56% to 1.72% in<br />

2006 <strong>and</strong> 1.90%-2.00% in 2007 184,929 1,758,794 54,212<br />

$ 1,801,071 $ 8,191,567 $ 252,491<br />

- 23 -



Financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are forward exchange contracts <strong>and</strong> foreign<br />

currency option contracts. The Group is exposed to fair value risk <strong>and</strong> cash flow risk due to currency<br />

fluctuation. To manage these risks, the Group entered into forward exchange <strong>and</strong> foreign currency option<br />

contracts. However, since certain financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities are not qualified for hedge accounting or<br />

the hedging relationship qualified for hedge accounting is ended up, those financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities are<br />

categorized as trading financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities. The fair values are estimated using valuation<br />

techniques <strong>and</strong> the changes in fair values are charged to current income. The Group didn’t enter into<br />

foreign currency option contracts for the year ended December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> there was no open foreign<br />

currency option contract as of December 31, 2007. The open forward exchange contracts as of December<br />

31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007 are summarized as follows:<br />

As of December 31, 2006<br />

Contract Carrying Value/<br />

Currency Maturity Amount Fair Value<br />

NT$ US$<br />

(Note 4)<br />

Financial assets - current<br />

Sale of forward exchange EUR to NTD March 30, 2007 EUR 1,000 $ 221 $ 7<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD January 10, 2007 US$ 3,000 1,361 42<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD February 27, 2007 US$ 2,000 174 5<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD February 27, 2007 US$ 1,000 97 3<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD January 3, 2007 US$ 1,000 399 12<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD January 18, 2007 US$ 1,000 95 3<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD January 29, 2007 US$ 1,000 17 1<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD January 31, 2007 US$ 1,500 131 4<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD February 16, 2007 US$ 500 12 -<br />

Sale of forward exchange EUR to PLN January 31, 2007 EUR 400 56 2<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to PLN January 31, 2007 US$ 600 530 16<br />

Sale of forward exchange EUR to PLN February 28, 2007 EUR 400 62 2<br />

Purchase of forward exchange EUR to USD January 23, 2007 EUR 455 21 -<br />

$ 3,176 $ 97<br />

Financial liabilities - current<br />

Sale of forward exchange EUR to NTD February 27, 2007 EUR 1,500 $ 363 $ 11<br />

Sale of forward exchange EUR to NTD January 31, 2007 EUR 1,000 606 19<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD January 31, 2007 US$ 5,000 96 3<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD January 5, 2007 US$ 760 8 -<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD January 19, 2007 US$ 1,000 50 2<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD January 26, 2007 US$ 1,500 69 2<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD February 12, 2007 US$ 1,000 244 7<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to PLN March 2, 2007 US$ 600 101 3<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to RMB January 22, 2007 US$ 800 19 1<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD May 30, 2007 JPY 57,000 256 8<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD March 1, 2007 JPY 53,000 15 -<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD February 27, 2007 JPY 170,000 1,261 39<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD March 30, 2007 JPY 440,000 3,179 98<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD February 27, 2007 JPY 36,000 176 5<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD February 27, 2007 JPY 16,000 80 2<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD February 27, 2007 JPY 43,800 229 7<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD January 31, 2007 JPY 81,500 479 15<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD April 26, 2007 JPY 230,000 1,227 38<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD May 30, 2007 JPY 107,000 615 19<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD January 31, 2007 JPY 22,000 121 4<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD January 5, 2007 JPY 159,000 820 25<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD January 5, 2007 JPY 7,232 25 1<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD January 29, 2007 JPY 73,500 120 4<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD February 5, 2007 JPY 8,543 31 1<br />

Purchase of forward exchange EUR to NTD January 29, 2007 EUR 300 17 1<br />

$ 10,207 $ 315<br />

- 24 -

As of December 31, 2007<br />

Contract Carrying Value/<br />

Currency Maturity Amount Fair Value<br />

NT$ US$<br />

(Note 4)<br />

Financial assets - current<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD January 7, 2008 JPY 186,020 $ 454 $ 14<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD January 31, 2008 JPY 200,000 651 20<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD January 31, 2008 JPY 145,070 1,051 32<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD January 31, 2008 JPY 18,308 133 4<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD February 5, 2008 JPY 104,120 228 7<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD February 25, 2008 JPY 42,500 36 1<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD March 31, 2008 JPY 200,000 38 1<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD April 2, 2008 JPY 186,236 1,508 47<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD April 2, 2008 JPY 42,940 348 11<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD May 2, 2008 JPY 104,120 521 16<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD May 2, 2008 JPY 98,688 494 15<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD May 2, 2008 JPY 10,918 55 2<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD January 22, 2008 US$ 1,000 2 -<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD February 25, 2008 US$ 1,000 132 4<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD March 26, 2008 US$ 1,000 146 5<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD March 31, 2008 US$ 500 27 -<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to PLN January 30, 2008 US$ 500 1,240 38<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to PLN February 29, 2008 US$ 500 1,230 38<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to PLN March 31, 2008 US$ 500 1,213 37<br />

Sale of forward exchange EUR to PLN January 30, 2008 EUR 500 921 28<br />

Sale of forward exchange EUR to PLN February 29, 2008 EUR 500 908 28<br />

Sale of forward exchange EUR to PLN March 31, 2008 EUR 500 897 28<br />

$ 12,233 $ 376<br />

Financial liabilities - current<br />

Sale of forward exchange EUR to NTD January 30, 2008 EUR 800 $ 1,071 $ 33<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD January 7, 2008 JPY 116,609 532 16<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD February 29, 2008 JPY 200,000 324 10<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD April 18, 2008 JPY 9,096 47 1<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD June 2, 2008 JPY 107,012 497 15<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD June 2, 2008 JPY 104,120 484 15<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to RMB January 30, 2008 JPY 50,000 280 9<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to RMB February 29, 2008 JPY 50,000 148 5<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD January 15, 2008 US$ 50 10 -<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD February 29, 2008 US$ 1,000 240 8<br />

$ 3,633 $ 112<br />

Gain or loss on trading financial instruments were loss of NT$44,416 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> gain of NT$38,284<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> (US$1,180 thous<strong>and</strong>) for the years ended December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively.<br />

- 25 -


U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Foreign bond - U.S. Government Agency Bonds $ - $ 1,642,630 $ 50,631<br />

Domestic common stock with quoted market price<br />

TA-I Technology Co., Ltd. 749,845 709,961 21,884<br />

Tait Marketing & Distribution Co., Ltd. 235,937 148,842 4,588<br />

Far Eastern Air Transport Corp. 42,676 - -<br />

1,028,458 858,803 26,472<br />

Foreign common stock with quoted market price<br />

SHS KOA Corp. - 564,295 17,393<br />

Foreign funds - 221,315 6,822<br />

1,028,458 3,287,043 101,318<br />

Less: Shown as current assets<br />

U.S. Government Agency Bonds - 1,642,630 50,631<br />

Foreign funds - 221,315 6,822<br />

Tait Marketing & Distribution Co., Ltd. 235,937 148,842 4,588<br />

Far Eastern Air Transport Corp. 42,676 - -<br />

278,613 2,012,787 62,041<br />

$ 749,845 $ 1,274,256 $ 39,277<br />

In 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong> purchased 10-year <strong>and</strong> 20-year U.S. Government Agency Bonds at discounted<br />

price of US$24,920 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> US$24,911 thous<strong>and</strong>, respectively. The par value of both bonds was<br />

US$25,000 thous<strong>and</strong>; maturity dates were February 13, 2017 <strong>and</strong> June 7, 2027, respectively; interest rates<br />

were 5.75% <strong>and</strong> 6.00%, respectively.<br />


In the situation of default on the accounts receivable <strong>and</strong> financial insolvency at the Ya Hsin Industrial Co.,<br />

Ltd. <strong>and</strong> its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Ya Hsin Group”), the amount that the Group due from Ya Hsin<br />

Group was amounted to NT$9,407 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$290 thous<strong>and</strong>) as of December 31, 2007. The<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> is currently running a negotiation process to actively pursue a method to collect the receivables<br />

from the Ya Hsin Group, <strong>and</strong> will take necessary legal actions to secure Ya Hsin Group’s indebtedness. In<br />

addition, the Group controls the delivery of inventories to the Ya Hsin Group. The Group assessed the<br />

collectibility of Ya Hsin’s accounts receivable <strong>and</strong> determined the collectibility is uncertain. The Group<br />

had recognized 100% provision for those accounts receivable as of December 31, 2007.<br />

- 26 -


U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

a. Other receivables $ 118,468 $ 160,068 $ 4,934<br />

b. Interest receivables 2,589 77,752 2,396<br />

c. Insurance recoveries receivables 602,550 - -<br />

d. Imprest bank account 206,800 - -<br />

e. Pledged time deposit 1,350 - -<br />

$ 931,757 $ 237,820 $ 7,330<br />

a. The majority is VAT refund receivables <strong>and</strong> proceeds receivable form disposal of securities.<br />

b. The majority is interest receivables from time deposits <strong>and</strong> U.S. Government Agency Bond.<br />

c. Please refer to Note 33.<br />

d. The balance of imprest bank account in use of payment of the principle <strong>and</strong> interest of the domestic<br />

unsecured bonds issued by the <strong>Corporation</strong> in 2001.<br />

e. The collateral for hiring foreign laborers.<br />


U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Finished goods $ 3,224,850 $ 3,043,786 $ 93,820<br />

Raw materials 830,036 563,070 17,356<br />

Work in process 666,850 393,154 12,118<br />

Supplies 134,950 83,354 2,569<br />

Goods in transit 30,214 21,326 657<br />

4,886,900 4,104,690 126,520<br />

Less allowance for losses 418,849 313,932 9,676<br />

$ 4,468,051 $ 3,790,758 $ 116,844<br />

- 27 -


New Taiwan Dollars<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

2006 2007 (Note 4)<br />

% of % of 2007<br />

Carrying Owner- Carrying Owner- Carrying<br />

Value ship Value ship Value<br />

Equity method (with quoted market prices):<br />

Global Testing <strong>Corporation</strong> Limited (GTCL) $ 1,111,881 19.2 $ 928,006 19.2 $ 28,604<br />

Teapo Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> 417,634 10.1 774,931 21.0 23,886<br />

Chilisin Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> 414,036 18.4 625,492 22.2 19,280<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp. 126,836 7.0 452,277 15.3 13,941<br />

Equity method (with no quoted market prices):<br />

Strong Components Co., Ltd. 111,660 31.4 109,475 31.4 3,374<br />

Belkin International 32,760 46.0 54,311 46.0 1,674<br />

Greater China Disributors Ltd. (B.V.I.) 66,335 26.7 45,810 27.2 1,412<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 15,460 35.0 29,565 35.0 911<br />

Fubon Venture Capital Corp. 66,425 20.0 - - -<br />

$ 2,363,027 $ 3,019,867 $ 93,082<br />

The investments in Global Testing <strong>Corporation</strong> Limited <strong>and</strong> Ralec Electronic Corp. in 2007 <strong>and</strong> the<br />

investments in Global Testing <strong>Corporation</strong> Limited, Teapo Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong>, Chilisin Electronics<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Ralec Electronic Corp. in 2006 were accounted for by the equity method since the Group<br />

had significant influence over them.<br />

Fubon Venture Capital Corp. went into liquidation in June of 2007. The Group lost significant influence<br />

over it <strong>and</strong> the carrying value of the investment was reclassified into financial assets measured at holding<br />

cost. Other statement is shown in Note 12.<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited was a 100% equity owner of Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd., <strong>and</strong> the accounts of financial statements of Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. were<br />

consolidated into the consolidated financial statements of the <strong>Corporation</strong>. To gain the Group's<br />

competitive position of passive components in the marketplace, the Group is proactively seeking<br />

opportunities with other players in the same market for collaboration. In October 2006, Yagelo Holding<br />

(Bermuda) Limited subsequently disposed 65% ownership of Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.<br />

to Laser Tek Taiwan Co., Ltd. As a result of this disposal, <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited's percentage<br />

of ownership in Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. was reduced to 35% <strong>and</strong> lost its controls<br />

over Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. as a majority shareholder. Beginning in October of<br />

2006, the accounts of the financial statements of Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. will not be<br />

consolidated into the consolidated financial statements of the <strong>Corporation</strong> but due to the Group still has<br />

significant influence over Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Guo Chuang Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd. was accounted for as an equity-method investment in the <strong>Corporation</strong>'s consolidated<br />

financial statements.<br />

In addition, an equity-method investee, Teapo Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> (“Teapo”) merged with Luxon<br />

Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> (“Luxon”) on October 31, 2005, with Teapo as the survivor entity. Teapo <strong>and</strong><br />

Luxon were doing business in the same field. Teapo issued 175,581 thous<strong>and</strong> common shares to acquire<br />

Luxon’s 295,855 outst<strong>and</strong>ing shares. The Group’s percentage of ownership in Teapo thus declined from<br />

18.9% to 10.0% as of December 31, 2005. In 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, the Group acquired additional 430 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> 38,414 thous<strong>and</strong> shares of Teapo, respectively, <strong>and</strong> therefore, as of December 31, 2007, the Group’s<br />

percentage of ownership in Teapo increased to 21.0%.<br />

- 28 -

In addition, an equity-method investee, Global Testing <strong>Corporation</strong> (“GTC”), established Global Testing<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> Private Limited (“GTCPL”) in Singapore upon the shareholders’ approval in their special<br />

meeting in August 2004 for purposes of trading GTCPL’s stock on the Singapore Exchange Limited<br />

(“SGX”), GTC’s shareholders swapped their GTC’s shares for GTCPL’s stock at a 5:1 ratio, with “5”<br />

referring to GTCPL. In March of 2005, Global Testing <strong>Corporation</strong> Private Limited changed its name to<br />

Global Testing <strong>Corporation</strong> Limited (“GTCL”). In April of 2005, the Group had completed the stock swap.<br />

The Group originally held 47,680 thous<strong>and</strong> shares of GTC before the stock swap <strong>and</strong> 238,397 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

shares of GTCL after the swap. GTCL’s shares had been traded on the Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX)<br />

since August 24, 2005. As of December 31, 2007, the Group held 201,427 thous<strong>and</strong> shares after selling<br />

36,970 thous<strong>and</strong> shares. In 2006, GTCL increased cash capital by issuing 175,000 thous<strong>and</strong> shares. The<br />

Group didn’t subscribe the new shares <strong>and</strong> therefore, the Group’s percentage of ownership in GTCL<br />

declined to 19.2%.<br />

The carrying values of the equity method investments <strong>and</strong> the equity in their net income or net loss were<br />

based on audited financial statements.<br />

The market values of shares with quoted market prices of equity-method investments as of December 31,<br />

2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007 were NT$1,964,231 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$2,188,303 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$67,451 thous<strong>and</strong>),<br />

respectively.<br />


New Taiwan Dollars<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

2006 2007 (Note 4)<br />

% of % of 2007<br />

Carrying Owner- Carrying Owner- Carrying<br />

Value ship Value ship Value<br />

Financial assets measured at holding cost - stock<br />

with no quoted market prices:<br />

Luminous Town Electric Co., Ltd. $ 134,583 15.8 $ 134,583 15.8 $ 4,148<br />

Parawin Venture Capital Corp. 76,628 10.0 76,628 10.0 2,362<br />

Fubon Venture Capital Corp. - - 40,000 20.0 1,233<br />

King Power International Co., Ltd. 39,208 16.6 33,622 16.6 1,036<br />

Taiwan High Speed Rail Corp. 212,333 0.4 22,694 0.4 700<br />

Taiwan Fixed Network Co, Ltd. 317,139 0.6 - - -<br />

Grace T.H.W. Group 142,042 1.8 - - -<br />

WK Technology Fund Corp. 37,986 2.9 - - -<br />

Apex Venture Capital Corp. 36,088 9.4 - - -<br />

FAT Venture Capital Corp 30,389 12.0 - - -<br />

Others 12,482 - 12,482 - 385<br />

1,038,878 320,009 9,864<br />

Other long-term investments-foreign funds 58,531 - -<br />

$ 1,097,409 $ 320,009 $ 9,864<br />

The equity securities <strong>and</strong> foreign funds with no quoted market prices <strong>and</strong> with fair values that could not be<br />

reliably measured, including stocks traded on emerging stock, are measured at holding cost.<br />

To focus on the passive components business, the Group actively sold its assets that are not relevant to the<br />

core business. On the basis of some objective evidence obtained, the Group recognized impairment loss<br />

amounted to NT$218,042 thous<strong>and</strong> on financial assets measured at holding cost <strong>and</strong> other long-term<br />

investments in 2006. Meanwhile, the Group actively explored other opportunities to dispose those<br />

investments. In 2007, the Group entirely sold the common stocks of FAT Venture Capital Corp., WK<br />

Technology Fund Corp., Apex Venture Corp., Capital Grace T.H.W. Group <strong>and</strong> foreign funds to Primasia<br />

ant Bridge No.1 Greater China Secondary Fund, L.P.. The lump sum price <strong>and</strong> net loss on the disposal<br />

were NT$271,431 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$8,366 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> NT$26,684 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$822 thous<strong>and</strong>),<br />

respectively.<br />

- 29 -

The Group participated in the public tender offer of Taiwan Fixed Network Co., Ltd. <strong>and</strong> entirely sold the<br />

common stocks (38,210 thous<strong>and</strong> shares) held by the Group in NT$8.30 (in dollars) per share with a net loss<br />

of NT$952 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$29 thous<strong>and</strong>).<br />

On the basis of financial statements <strong>and</strong> other objective evidence obtained, the <strong>Corporation</strong> recognized an<br />

impairment loss of NT$189,639 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$5,845 thous<strong>and</strong>) on the investment in Taiwan High Speed<br />

Rail Corp., included in nonoperating expenses <strong>and</strong> losses - impairment <strong>and</strong> liquidation loss on financial<br />

assets measured at holding cost <strong>and</strong> other long-term investments. Fubon Venture Capital Corp. went into<br />

liquidation in June of 2007. Prior to the liquidation, the carrying value of this investment was NT$63,116<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> (US$1,945 thous<strong>and</strong>). In the liquidation process in 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong> received cash<br />

dividends of NT$10,761 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$332 thous<strong>and</strong>) as a deduction of the carrying value. In addition, on<br />

the basis of certain information provided by Fubon Venture Capital Corp., the <strong>Corporation</strong> expected <strong>and</strong><br />

recognized the loss generated from the liquidation is about NT$12,355 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$381 thous<strong>and</strong>),<br />

included in nonoperating expenses <strong>and</strong> losses - impairment <strong>and</strong> liquidation loss on financial assets measured<br />

at holding cost <strong>and</strong> other long-term investments.<br />

In June of 2006, King Power International Co., Ltd. ("King Power"), one of the Group's investees, increased<br />

its capital by issuing additional common stocks. Because the Group did not participate any additional<br />

common stock purchase from this transaction, the Group's ownership in King Power is now decreased from<br />

18.0% to 16.6%. Furthermore, the Group is no longer taking seats on the board of directors for King<br />

Power. Subsequent to an evaluation process, the Group determined that investment in King Power should<br />

be reclassified as financial assets measured at holding cost as the Group does not have any significant<br />

influence over King Power's operation. In 2007, King Power distributed cash dividends of 2006, the<br />

Group received NT$5,586 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$172 thous<strong>and</strong>) as a deduction to investment cost.<br />


U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Cost $ 201,005 $ - $ -<br />

Less - accumulated depreciation 9,515 - -<br />

- accumulated impairment 24,217 - -<br />

$ 167,273 $ - $ -<br />

In July of 2007, the subsidiary - Kuo Chung Development Limited signed a real estate transaction contract<br />

with Mrs. Yu-Chin Li to sell the real estate located on Road Songqin for NT$200,000 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$6,165<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>), Kuo Chung Development Limited completed the real estate transfer in October of 2007, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

proceeds was fully collected prior to November 31, 2007. The gain on sale was NT$25,147 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

(US$775 thous<strong>and</strong>), which represents the selling price less its carrying value <strong>and</strong> relevant expenditure,<br />

classified as nonoperating expenses <strong>and</strong> losses - investment losses (net).<br />

- 30 -


In November of 2006, Kuo Shin Investment Limited purchased a subordinated bonds issued at par with an<br />

aggregate value of NT$50,000 thous<strong>and</strong>. The subordinated bonds was issued by Ta Chong Bank with no<br />

maturity due date. The terms further states that Ta Chong Bank can exercise its right of redemption at the<br />

Bond's principal amount with interest payable since November 2016. The interest payable is calculated<br />

based on an interest rate set at 5.5% per annum in a period of ten years after the Bond's issuance. After ten<br />

years from the date of issuance, if Ta Chong Bank does not redeem the bonds, the coupon interest rate will<br />

raise to 6.5% per annum. If Ta Chong Bank is unable to make profits within a year as stated in the Bank's<br />

financial report <strong>and</strong> is unable to issue dividends associated with the Bank's common stocks, Ta Chong Bank<br />

can be exempted from paying interest payments as stated in the Bond's agreement. As a result of this, any<br />

interest payments not received by Kuo Shin Investment Limited were not accounted for by Kuo Shin<br />

Investment Limited.<br />


Accumulated depreciation <strong>and</strong> accumulated impairment consisted of:<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Accumulated depreciation<br />

Buildings $ 1,491,129 $ 1,698,296 $ 52,347<br />

Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 7,178,281 8,696,665 268,060<br />

Miscellaneous equipment 1,004,276 1,166,048 35,941<br />

$ 9,673,686 $ 11,561,009 $ 356,348<br />

Accumulated impairment<br />

Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment $ 302,891 $ 281,496 $ 8,677<br />

Miscellaneous equipment 1,086 1,086 33<br />

$ 303,977 $ 282,582 $ 8,710<br />

Depreciation expenses for property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment, properties leased to others <strong>and</strong> idle assets were<br />

NT$2,340,526 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$2,630,479 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$81,080 thous<strong>and</strong>) for the years ended December<br />

31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively. Of the depreciation expenses for the years ended December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong><br />

2007, NT$49,764 <strong>and</strong> NT$97,838 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$3,016 thous<strong>and</strong>) was included in nonoperating expenses<br />

<strong>and</strong> losses - loss on work stoppages.<br />

The interest expenses before interest rate capitalization were NT$444,368 thous<strong>and</strong> in 2006 <strong>and</strong><br />

NT$434,379 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$13,389 thous<strong>and</strong>) in 2007. In 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, cost of properties included<br />

capitalized interest of NT$37,295 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$38,743 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$1,194 thous<strong>and</strong>), respectively,<br />

<strong>and</strong> capitalization rates ranged from 2.40% to 6.26% <strong>and</strong> 1.68% to 6.48%, respectively.<br />

- 31 -

The <strong>Corporation</strong> incurred loss in connection with a fire damage in the capacitor line factory in village of<br />

Dashe, Kaohsiung County, on September 25, 2006. The <strong>Corporation</strong> investigated the damage status <strong>and</strong><br />

invited experts to appraise the indemnity. The loss of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment destruction due to the<br />

fire damage was amounted to NT$456,165 thous<strong>and</strong>. Of this amount, NT$148,370 thous<strong>and</strong> was<br />

identified <strong>and</strong> recognized as the carrying value of the fully-destroyed fixed assets. Both the cost <strong>and</strong> the<br />

accumulated depreciation of the fully-destroyed fixed assets were removed from the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s account<br />

balances of property, plant, <strong>and</strong> equipment in 2006. The amount of loss recognized in connection with the<br />

partially-damaged fixed assets was estimated on the basis of expected repair <strong>and</strong> maintenance expenditure.<br />

This amount was estimated to be NT$307,795 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> recognized as accumulated impairment on the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong>’s account balances of property, plant, <strong>and</strong> equipment. In 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong><br />

disposed a portion of partially-damaged fixed assets <strong>and</strong> thus deducted the corresponding accumulated<br />

impairment of NT$3,818 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$124,443 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$3,836 thous<strong>and</strong>), respectively, from its<br />

account balances of property, plant, <strong>and</strong> equipment. As of December 31, 2007, the balance of accumulated<br />

impairment of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment was NT$179,534 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$5,534 thous<strong>and</strong>). Other<br />

summary is shown in Note 33.<br />

European ferrite segment recognized accumulated impairment of NT$103,048 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$3,176<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>) on machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment in 2007 due to a reorganization plan. Other summary is shown in<br />

Note 30.<br />

The Group estimated the recoverable amounts of idle assets, <strong>and</strong> based on the estimates, impairment loss of<br />

NT$205,988 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$159,504 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$4,916 thous<strong>and</strong>) were recognized in 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007,<br />

respectively, included in nonoperating expenses <strong>and</strong> losses - impairment loss on idle assets. Other<br />

summary is shown in Note 30.<br />


U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

L<strong>and</strong> $ 3,654,444 $ 29,140 $ 898<br />

Buildings 1,122,979 164,520 5,071<br />

Less - accumulated depreciation 179,499 31,917 984<br />

accumulated impairment 255,252 - -<br />

688,228 132,603 4,087<br />

$ 4,342,672 $ 161,743 $ 4,985<br />

To focus on the passive components business, the <strong>Corporation</strong> actively sold its assets that were not relevant<br />

to the core business in 2007:<br />

a. In February of 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong> signed a real estate contract with Sinyi Realty Inc. to sell the l<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> building located on Sin-Yi Rd. to Sinyi Realty Inc. for NT$4,995,000 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$153,962<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>). The <strong>Corporation</strong> completed the real estate transfer in May of 2007 <strong>and</strong> the proceeds was<br />

fully collected as of December 31, 2007. The gain on sale was NT$666,363 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$20,540<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>), which represents the selling price less its carrying value <strong>and</strong> relevant expenditure, classified<br />

as nonoperating income <strong>and</strong> gains - gain on disposal of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment <strong>and</strong> properties<br />

leased to others. The related repayment of bank loans which were secured by foregoing properties was<br />

disclosed in Note 20.<br />

- 32 -

. In August of 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong> signed a real estate contract with Da-Lin Asset <strong>Corporation</strong> to sell<br />

the l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> building located on Tianmu for NT$120,000 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$3,699 thous<strong>and</strong>). The<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> completed the real estate transfer in September of 2007 <strong>and</strong> the proceeds was fully<br />

collected as of December 31, 2007. The gain on sale was NT$81,350 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$2,507 thous<strong>and</strong>),<br />

which represents the selling price less its carrying value <strong>and</strong> relevant expenditure, classified as<br />

nonoperating income <strong>and</strong> gains - gain on disposal of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment <strong>and</strong> properties<br />

leased to others.<br />


U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Pledged time deposit $ 196,544 $ 89,091 $ 2,746<br />

Imprest bank account 2,200 - -<br />

$ 198,744 $ 89,091 $ 2,746<br />

On August 15, 2006, the <strong>Corporation</strong> furnished the court a time deposit of NT$141,300 thous<strong>and</strong> (recorded<br />

as pledged time deposit as of December 31, 2006) as collateral for petition of provisional attachments of<br />

properties of Advanced Connectek, Inc. <strong>and</strong> other joint defendants in an amount up to NT$423,943<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> in connection with the torts <strong>and</strong> infringement of the trade secrecy involved by Advanced<br />

Connectek, Inc. <strong>and</strong> other joint defendants. After the defendants provided a time deposit of NT$423,943<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> as bailment, the court canceled the provisional attachments. On September 5, 2006, the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> filed a civil lawsuit against Advanced Connectek, Inc. claiming for compensation of damages<br />

in the amount of NT$423,943 thous<strong>and</strong> due to its torts <strong>and</strong> infringement of the trade secrecy of the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong>. Furthermore, the <strong>Corporation</strong> reported to the Fair Trade Commission of Advanced<br />

Connectek, Inc.’s conduct of unfair competition. On April 24, 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong> came to a settlement<br />

agreement with Advanced Connectek, Inc. <strong>and</strong> other joint defendants. Afterwards, the <strong>Corporation</strong><br />

withdrew the lawsuit immediately <strong>and</strong> withdrew said pledged time deposit from the court..<br />

On November 1, 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong> furnished the court a time deposit of NT$33,400 thous<strong>and</strong> (recorded<br />

as pledged time deposit as of December 31, 2007), as collateral for petition of provisional attachment of<br />

properties of Cai-Bao Jiang, the chairman of Ta-I Technology Co., Ltd., in an amount up to NT$100,000<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> in connection with the libel <strong>and</strong> torts committed by Cai-Bao Jiang, while Taipei District Court<br />

awarded the provisional attachment. The <strong>Corporation</strong> filed lawsuits of libel in criminal <strong>and</strong> torts in civil<br />

against Cai-Bao Jiang which are proceeded by Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office <strong>and</strong> Taiwan High Court<br />

Civil Division respectively.<br />

The rest of pledged assets are pledged as collateral for credit guarantees.<br />

- 33 -


U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Unsecured loans. Interest bearing - from 1.83% to 5.92% in<br />

2006 <strong>and</strong> 1.46% to 5.62% in 2007 $ 3,911,414 $ 3,318,765 $ 102,296<br />

Letters of credit. Interest bearing - from 1.38% to 4.46% in<br />

2006 <strong>and</strong> 1.47% to 1.69% in 2007 33,391 250,927 7,734<br />

Zero-interest government loans 6,568 1,050 32<br />

$ 3,951,373 $ 3,570,742 $ 110,062<br />


Commercial paper with one-year maturities were issued at discount rates from 1.86% to 2.05% as of<br />

December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> from 2.40% to 2.64% as of December 31, 2007.<br />

As of December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, the carrying values of the commercial paper issued were net of<br />

unamortized discounts of NT$2,038 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$770 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$24 thous<strong>and</strong>), respectively.<br />


U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Bank loans $ 5,520,451 $ 1,601,467 $ 49,362<br />

Less - current portion 504,196 129,516 3,992<br />

$ 5,016,255 $ 1,471,951 $ 45,370<br />

To meet its working capital <strong>and</strong> capital expenditure requirements, the Group obtained loans from several<br />

banks. The terms of related loans are summarized as follows:<br />

a. On January 22, 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong> signed an NT$4,500,000 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$138,705 thous<strong>and</strong>)<br />

syndicated loan agreement with Hua Nan Bank <strong>and</strong> ten other financial institutions. The terms <strong>and</strong> the<br />

amount drawn down as of December 31, 2007 are summarized as follows:<br />

Credit Lines Drawn Amount Credit Period Interest Rate Repayment Agreement<br />

NT$ 4,500,000 NT$ 400,000 Five years after<br />

(US$ 12,329 ) the date of<br />

contract<br />

Fixed rate based on a Eight quarterly<br />

specific average rate decreases in credit<br />

of notes transacted lines starting from<br />

in Taiwan<br />

three <strong>and</strong> a fourth<br />

years after the first<br />

drawdown date<br />

- 34 -

In accordance with the loan agreement, the <strong>Corporation</strong> should collateralize the building, machinery <strong>and</strong><br />

equipment of a factory located in the Nan-Zi Branch <strong>and</strong> a capacitor-line factory in village of Dashe,<br />

Kaohsiung County. However, since the capacitor-line factory in village of Dashe, Kaohsiung County<br />

suffered a fire loss in September of 2006, the collateral appraisal process can not begin. The<br />

syndicated banks agreed the <strong>Corporation</strong> to secure the loan by the real estate held by its subsidiaries <strong>and</strong><br />

the common stocks held by the Group in exchange for the capacitor-line factory in village of Dashe,<br />

Kaohsiung County. When the capacitor-line is reconstructed <strong>and</strong> operation goes back to normal, the<br />

banks will take the appraisal process <strong>and</strong> registration to the mortgage. The <strong>Corporation</strong> will maintain<br />

the Group’s semiannual <strong>and</strong> annual current, debt <strong>and</strong> interest coverage ratios at percentages specified in<br />

the agreement.<br />

b. In December of 2005, the <strong>Corporation</strong> signed an NT$2,160,000 thous<strong>and</strong> syndicated loan agreement<br />

with SCSB <strong>and</strong> four other financial institutions. The terms were summarized as follows:<br />

Credit Lines Credit Period Interest Rate Repayment Agreement<br />

NT$ 2,160,000 Five years after<br />

the first<br />

drawdown date<br />

Fixed rate based on a specific<br />

average rate of notes<br />

transacted in Taiwan<br />

Six semiannual decreases in<br />

credit lines starting from two<br />

<strong>and</strong> a half years after the first<br />

drawdown date<br />

As of December 31, 2006, NT$2,160,000 thous<strong>and</strong> loan had been totally drawn by the <strong>Corporation</strong>.<br />

As of December 31, 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong> didn’t draw the credit line. Because the credit line still<br />

exists, the <strong>Corporation</strong> secured the loan by the main office building <strong>and</strong> a factory of the <strong>Corporation</strong><br />

located in Hsin Tien in Taipei County, the coating factory located in Ying Ge in Taipei County <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>,<br />

building, machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment in the Kaohsiung I <strong>and</strong> II factories (“Kaohsiung factories”). The<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> will maintain the Group’s semiannual <strong>and</strong> annual current, debt <strong>and</strong> interest coverage ratios<br />

at percentages specified in the agreement.<br />

c. On August 7, 2006, the <strong>Corporation</strong> signed an NT$3,500,000 thous<strong>and</strong> syndicated loan agreement with<br />

Hsinchu International Bank (“HiBank”) <strong>and</strong> the Entie Commercial Bank. This loan was secured by an<br />

office building located in the Shin-Yi District in Taipei City.<br />

The amount drawn down as of December 31, 2006 was NT$2,395,600 thous<strong>and</strong>. The <strong>Corporation</strong><br />

signed a real estate transaction contract with Sinyi Realty Inc. in February of 2007 to sell the collateral<br />

to Sinyi Realty Inc. The <strong>Corporation</strong> repaid the drawn principle of NT$2,337,200 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

(US$72,040 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> interest of NT$9,888 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$305 thous<strong>and</strong>) through the syndicated<br />

bank of Sinyi Realty Inc. on April 12, 2007 <strong>and</strong> voluntarily terminated the credit line with Hsinchu<br />

International Bank <strong>and</strong> EnTie Commercial Bank.<br />

d. On November 16, 2004, an NT$2,500,000 thous<strong>and</strong> syndicated loan agreement was signed with Chiao<br />

Tung Bank (CTB) <strong>and</strong> nine other financial institutions. Interest on the loan is at a fixed rate based on a<br />

specific average rate of notes transacted in Taiwan. The loan is repayable in lump sum in four years<br />

after the first drawdown date. Chiao Tung Bank merged with International Commercial Bank of China<br />

in August of 2006 <strong>and</strong> was renamed as Mega International Commercial Bank. The Mega International<br />

Commercial Bank endorsed the original contract on the credit line of NT$2,500,000 thous<strong>and</strong>.<br />

However, the <strong>Corporation</strong> had totally repaid the drawn amount voluntarily in September of 2006 <strong>and</strong><br />

canceled this credit line in December of 2006. The liens on stocks which the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> its<br />

subsidiaries pledged for the loan were all lifted in March of 2007.<br />

e. The loan agreement with TCB amounting to NT$2,965,000 thous<strong>and</strong>, took effect in January of 2004.<br />

Credit period of this credit line is from January of 2004 to January of 2019. Interest is at a floating rate<br />

based on the index rate of TCB’s time deposit.<br />

- 35 -

The agreement on the NT$2,965,000 thous<strong>and</strong> loan was a revision of an agreement on a NT$3,500,000<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> loan obtained in 2001. The NT$3,500,000 thous<strong>and</strong> loan is secured by an office building<br />

located in the Shin-Yi District in Taipei City. However, the <strong>Corporation</strong> had totally repaid the drawn<br />

amount voluntarily <strong>and</strong> canceled this credit line in August of 2006.<br />

f. On December 31, 2002, an NT$7,000,000 thous<strong>and</strong> syndicated loan agreement was signed with CTB<br />

<strong>and</strong> seven other financial institutions. This loan was secured by certain l<strong>and</strong>, building, machinery <strong>and</strong><br />

equipment in the Kaohsiung III factory <strong>and</strong> the Nan-Zi branch <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> building held by<br />

subsidiaries. The syndicated loan originally had two credit lines - NT$3,700,000 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

NT$3,300,000 thous<strong>and</strong>. The credit line of NT$3,300,000 thous<strong>and</strong> was canceled in October of 2004.<br />

Interest rate on the credit line of NT$3,700,000 thous<strong>and</strong> is at a floating rate based on the rate of the<br />

Chunghwa post office’s two-year time deposit. However, the <strong>Corporation</strong> had totally repaid the drawn<br />

amount voluntarily <strong>and</strong> canceled this credit line in July of 2006.<br />

g. On May 20, 2003, an NT$400,000 thous<strong>and</strong> loan agreement was signed with CTB. This loan was<br />

secured by certain machinery in the Kaohsiung III factory <strong>and</strong> the Nan-Zi branch. The proceeds of this<br />

loan were for the purchases of automated machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment. Interest on the loan is at a<br />

floating rate based on the rate of the Chunghwa post office’s two-year time deposit. However, the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> had totally repaid the drawn amount voluntarily <strong>and</strong> canceled this credit line in August of<br />

2006.<br />

h. In March of 2006, <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd., obtained a three-year credit line of<br />

RMB100,000 thous<strong>and</strong> (or equivalent U.S. dollars) from China Construction Bank to buy fixed assets.<br />

The principal of this loan is repayable at maturity. The drawdown amount was US$9,000 thous<strong>and</strong>.<br />

As of December 31, 2007, <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. had repaid US$3,000 thous<strong>and</strong> of the<br />

loan <strong>and</strong> the balance of drawn amount is US$6,000 thous<strong>and</strong> (NT$194,658 thous<strong>and</strong>). Interest rate is<br />

at a floating rate based on one-year LIBOR.<br />

i. On June 23, 2004, Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. signed the NT$1,400,000 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> US$12,000<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> loan agreements with China Trust Bank <strong>and</strong> 12 other financial institutions. The terms <strong>and</strong><br />

drawdown amounts as of December 31,2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007 are summarized as follows:<br />

Credit Lines<br />

December 31,<br />

2006<br />

Drawn Amount<br />

December 31,<br />

2007 Credit Period Interest Rate Repayment Agreement<br />

1) NT$ 900,000 NT$ 417,319 NT$ 41,511 Five years after<br />

the first<br />

drawdown<br />

date<br />

2) US$ 12,000<br />

thous<strong>and</strong><br />

or equivalent<br />

NT dollars<br />

243,946<br />

(US$ 5,187 )<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

NT$ 74,873<br />

thous<strong>and</strong><br />

160,896 Five years after<br />

the first<br />

drawdown<br />

date<br />

3) NT$ 500,000 - - Three years after<br />

the contract<br />

signing date<br />

NT$ 661,265 NT$ 202,407<br />

(US$ 6,239 )<br />

Floating rate based<br />

on a specific<br />

average rate of<br />

notes transacted<br />

in Taiwan<br />

Floating rate based<br />

on the LIBOR<br />

Floating rate based<br />

on a average rate<br />

of bank<br />

Ten semiannual<br />

installments starting six<br />

months after the first<br />

drawdown date<br />

Nine semiannual<br />

installments starting<br />

from one year after the<br />

first drawdown date<br />

Drawdown amounts<br />

repayable on each<br />

maturity. However,<br />

the <strong>Corporation</strong> can<br />

circularly draw on <strong>and</strong><br />

repay all unpaid<br />

drawndown amounts on<br />

June 23, 2007.<br />

- 36 -

The agreements on the above loans included the following terms:<br />

1) Securing the loan with certain l<strong>and</strong>, building, machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment owned by Compostar;<br />

2) Maintaining Compostar’s current, debt, interest coverage ratios <strong>and</strong> tangible equity, as shown in<br />

semiannual st<strong>and</strong>alone financial statements <strong>and</strong> annual consolidated financial statements, at<br />

percentages specified in the agreements;<br />

Under the above loan contracts, the amount repayable by December 31, 2008 is NT$41,511 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

(US$1,279 thous<strong>and</strong>) for the NT$900,000 credit line <strong>and</strong> NT$85,705 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$2,642 thous<strong>and</strong>) for<br />

the US$12,000 thous<strong>and</strong> credit line, included in the current portion of long-term liabilities.<br />

j. On February 15, 2007, Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. signed the NT$900,000 thous<strong>and</strong> loan<br />

agreements with Ta Chong Bank <strong>and</strong> 7 other financial institutions. The terms <strong>and</strong> drawdown amounts<br />

are summarized as follows:<br />

Credit Lines Drawn Amount Credit Period Interest Rate Repayment Agreement<br />

1) NT$ 600,000<br />

or equivalent<br />

US$18,000<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>/<br />

JPY2,130,000<br />

thous<strong>and</strong><br />

NT$<br />

600,000 Five years after<br />

the first<br />

drawdown<br />

date<br />

Fixed rate based on<br />

a specific average<br />

rate of notes<br />

transacted in<br />

Taiwan<br />

Five semiannual<br />

installments starting<br />

three years after the<br />

first drawdown date<br />

2) NT$ 300,000 200,000 Five years after<br />

the first<br />

drawdown<br />

date with<br />

decreasing<br />

credit line<br />

NT$ 800,000<br />

(US$ 24,658 )<br />

Fixed rate based on<br />

a specific average<br />

rate<br />

Drawdown amounts<br />

repayable on each<br />

maturity<br />

k. In May of 2006, Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. signed an NT$4,400 thous<strong>and</strong> loan agreement with<br />

Taiwan Business Bank (“TBB”) for the purpose of research <strong>and</strong> development expenditure. Interest<br />

rate on the loan is at a fixed rate of 1% per annum. The loan is repayable in five seasonal installments<br />

starting from October of 2006. As of December 31, 2006, the drawn amount was NT$3,520 thous<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. had totally repaid the drawn amount in October of 2007.<br />

l. Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. signed the total amount of NT$11,502 thous<strong>and</strong> loan agreement with<br />

TBB in November of 2004 <strong>and</strong> TCB in January of 2005. The drawn amount is NT$6,702 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> NT$4,402 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$136 thous<strong>and</strong>) as of December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007. Interest rate on the<br />

loan is at a fixed rate of 8.78% per annum. Under the loan contract, the amount repayable by<br />

December 31, 2008 is NT$1,193 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$37 thous<strong>and</strong>) for TBB <strong>and</strong> NT$1,107 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$34<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>) for TCB, included in the current portion of long-term liabilities.<br />

m. <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe GmbH (eliminated after being merged into Vitrohm Holding GmbH in 2006) obtained a<br />

loan of EUR9,800 thous<strong>and</strong> from the IKB Deutsche Industriebank based in Germany. As of December<br />

31, 2005, the loan balances were EUR3,050 thous<strong>and</strong>. <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe GmbH sold the collateral assets<br />

at the end of 2005 <strong>and</strong> the drawndown amount of EUR3,050 thous<strong>and</strong> was fully repaid in January of<br />

2006.<br />

- 37 -

n. On August 20, 2003, Phycomp Electronics (Su Zhou), Ltd. obtained a five-year loan of RMB250<br />

million from the Industrial <strong>and</strong> Commercial Bank of China to buy fixed assets, with annual floating<br />

interest rate based on one-year LIBOR. The loan was originally guaranteed by <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics<br />

(China), but after the liquidation of Phycomp Electronics (Su Zhou), Ltd. upon its merger with <strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Electronics (China), the loan was incepted by <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) accordingly. However, <strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Electronics (China) had totally repaid the drawn amount voluntarily <strong>and</strong> canceled this credit line in<br />

October of 2006.<br />

21. BONDS<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

The fourth unsecured zero coupon foreign convertible<br />

bonds $ - $ 4,446,144 $ 137,045<br />

The third unsecured zero coupon foreign convertible bonds 84,587 - -<br />

5-year unsecured domestic bonds 600,000 - -<br />

684,587 4,446,144 137,045<br />

Less: Current portion 600,000 - -<br />

$ 84,587 $ 4,446,144 $ 137,045<br />

a. On June 11, 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong> issued seven-year unsecured zero-coupon foreign convertible bonds<br />

which were subscribed by the affiliates of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s strategic investor, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts<br />

& Co., with aggregate face value of US$230,000 thous<strong>and</strong>. The bondholders may convert the bonds<br />

into common stocks at the fixed exchange rate of NT$33.01 (in dollars) to US$1 (in dollars), <strong>and</strong> the<br />

conversion price is NT$16.15 (in dollars) from July 12, 2007 to June 1, 2014, except during a closed<br />

period. Upon any dilutive events or any other capital restructure events which will cause the<br />

outst<strong>and</strong>ing shares of the <strong>Corporation</strong> to change, including issuing new shares, recapitalization of<br />

retained earnings <strong>and</strong> similar transactions affecting the common shares, the conversion price shall be<br />

adjusted downward in accordance with the indenture. The conversion price is prohibited to adjusted<br />

upward. If the average of the trading prices in a 14 consecutive trading days period (none of which<br />

shall fall within a closed period) immediately prior to any anniversary date of the issuance of the bonds<br />

(a “reset date”) is less than the adjusted conversion price after adjustments of all previous resets on such<br />

date, the adjusted conversion price shall be adjusted to the reset trading price. At any time after the<br />

issuance of the bonds, if the <strong>Corporation</strong> distributes any cash dividends, the conversion price shall be<br />

adjusted as of the relevant dividend record date in accordance with the indenture. Because the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> distributed cash dividends of earnings in 2006, the conversion price was adjusted<br />

downward to NT$15.70 (in dollars) on July 22, 2007. Prior to the fourth anniversary of the issue date,<br />

when the closing price of the shares for each trading day during 14 consecutive trading days period is at<br />

least 145% of the adjusted conversion price, <strong>and</strong> subsequent to the fifth to the seventh years, the closing<br />

price of the shares for each trading day during 14 consecutive trading days period is at least 120%,<br />

130% <strong>and</strong> 140% of the adjusted conversion price, the <strong>Corporation</strong> can redeem the bonds from the<br />

bondholders by the amount specified in contract terms <strong>and</strong> conditions. The <strong>Corporation</strong> should<br />

redeem all the bonds at face value at maturity on June 11, 2014.<br />

- 38 -

The <strong>Corporation</strong> separates the conversion option embedded in the convertible bonds from the liability<br />

components in accordance with Statements of Financial Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards No. 36, “Disclosure <strong>and</strong><br />

Presentation of Financial Instruments,” to present the liability <strong>and</strong> equity components. The equity<br />

component is assigned to NT$2,749,975 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$84,763 thous<strong>and</strong>), which represents the bond<br />

initial carrying value less the fair value of the liability component, net of the allocated bond issue costs.,<br />

classified as capital surplus - stock options. The liability component is comprised of the host debt<br />

instrument <strong>and</strong> the price-reset derivative financial instrument. The host debt instrument was initially<br />

recognized at NT$4,326,375 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$133,353 thous<strong>and</strong>), which represents its fair value on June<br />

11, 2007 (issue date), net of the allocated bond issue costs. The effective interest rate is 8.06%. From<br />

the bond issue date to December 31, 2007, the bond discount amortized to interest expenses was<br />

NT$195,805 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$6,035 thous<strong>and</strong>), included in non-operating expenses <strong>and</strong> losses - interest<br />

expense. The foreign exchange gain due to exchange rate fluctuation was NT$76,036 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

(US$2,343 thous<strong>and</strong>), included in nonoperating expenses <strong>and</strong> losses - foreign exchange loss (net). The<br />

price-reset derivative financial instrument was initially recognized at NT$509,789 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$15,713<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>), which represents its fair value on the issue date. As of December 31, 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong><br />

recognized a financial liability valuation loss of NT$96,836 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$2,985 thous<strong>and</strong>) based on the<br />

valuation, included in nonoperating expense <strong>and</strong> losses - financial liability valuation loss. As of<br />

December 31, 2007, the fair value of price-reset derivative financial instrument was NT$606,625<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> (US$18,698 thous<strong>and</strong>), classified as long-term liabilities - financial liabilities at fair value<br />

through profit or loss.<br />

b. On December 30, 2003, the <strong>Corporation</strong> issued five-year unsecured zero coupon foreign convertible<br />

bonds with aggregate face value of US$150,000 thous<strong>and</strong>. The bondholders may convert them into<br />

capital stock at the fixed exchange rate of NT$34.028 (in dollars) to US$1 (in dollars), <strong>and</strong> the<br />

conversion price is NT$17.135 (in dollars) from January 30, 2004 to December 20, 2008. However,<br />

on June 30, 2005 <strong>and</strong> June 30, 2006, the conversion price was reset down to NT$15.55 (in dollars) <strong>and</strong><br />

NT$13.708 (in dollars) based on the issue terms, respectively. Other bond redemption terms are as<br />

follows: (a) bondholders may request the <strong>Corporation</strong> to redeem the bonds on December 30, 2005 at<br />

99% of face value (included in the current portion of long-term liabilities since December 30, 2004 to<br />

December 30, 2005); (b) the closing price of the shares for 20 consecutive trading days between June 30,<br />

2004 <strong>and</strong> December 30, 2008 is at least 120% of the conversion price; or (c) at least 90% of the<br />

principal amount of the convertible bonds has already been converted, redeemed or purchased <strong>and</strong><br />

canceled. The <strong>Corporation</strong> should redeem all the bonds at 97.53% of face value at maturity on<br />

December 30, 2008.<br />

As of December 31, 2004, convertible bonds with aggregate face value of US$10,485 thous<strong>and</strong> had<br />

been converted into 208,220 thous<strong>and</strong> common shares of the <strong>Corporation</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the capital surplus -<br />

premium from conversion of convertible bonds was NT$135,260 thous<strong>and</strong>. Under a resolution<br />

approved at the stockholders’ meeting on June 20, 2005, the capital surplus generated from premium<br />

from conversion of convertible bonds would be used to offset deficit. No bond was converted in 2005.<br />

On December 30, 2005, the <strong>Corporation</strong> redeemed the bonds with aggregate face value of US$136,420<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> at the bondholders’ request <strong>and</strong> bond redemption terms. In the year ended December 31,<br />

2006, the convertible bonds with aggregate face value of US$500 thous<strong>and</strong> were converted into capital<br />

stock of NT$12,412 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> capital surplus - paid-in capital from conversion of convertible bonds<br />

of NT$3,972 thous<strong>and</strong>. The stock issuance date was January 17, 2007. As of July 31, 2007, the foreign<br />

convertible bonds with aggregate face value of US$2,595 thous<strong>and</strong> had been converted into NT$64,417<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> (US$1,986 thous<strong>and</strong>) of capital stock <strong>and</strong> NT$20,790 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$641 thous<strong>and</strong>) of capital<br />

surplus - paid-in capital from conversion of convertible bonds.<br />

- 39 -

c. Five-year unsecured domestic bonds with an aggregate face value of NT$2,000,000 thous<strong>and</strong> were<br />

issued in 2001. Those bonds with aggregate values of NT$1,400,000 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$600,000<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> were transacted in December of 2001 <strong>and</strong> January of 2002, respectively. Interest on these<br />

bonds is 3.4% per annum. Under the related contract, the <strong>Corporation</strong> should repay those bonds with<br />

aggregate value of NT$1,400,000 thous<strong>and</strong> in December of 2006 <strong>and</strong> NT$600,000 thous<strong>and</strong> in January<br />

of 2007. In December of 2004, the <strong>Corporation</strong> repaid NT$100,000 thous<strong>and</strong> of the bonds with<br />

aggregate value of NT$1,400,000 thous<strong>and</strong> matured in December of 2006. The remainder with<br />

aggregate value of NT$1,300,000 thous<strong>and</strong> matured in December of 2006 <strong>and</strong> NT$600,000 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

(US$18,494 thous<strong>and</strong>) matured in January of 2007 are repaid in December of 2006 <strong>and</strong> in January of<br />

2007, respectively.<br />


On August 3, 2001, the <strong>Corporation</strong> issued 40,000 thous<strong>and</strong> global depositary receipts (GDRs) representing<br />

200,000 thous<strong>and</strong> new common shares, with net proceeds of NT$4,573,292 thous<strong>and</strong>. As of December 31,<br />

2007, there were 19,612 thous<strong>and</strong> units of GDRs outst<strong>and</strong>ing.<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong> acquired 25,047 thous<strong>and</strong> shares of Chipcera’s outst<strong>and</strong>ing shares by issuing 16,556<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s common shares at NT$12.40 (in dollars) per share on July 1, 2006 (stock<br />

issuance date). Thus, the <strong>Corporation</strong> recognized the issue price in excess of par value of NT$39,734<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>, net of the issue cost of NT$54 thous<strong>and</strong>, as capital surplus - paid-in capital in excess of par value<br />

of NT$39,680 thous<strong>and</strong>.<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong>’s Articles of Incorporation provide that prior years’ deficit should be deducted from annual<br />

net income. From the remainder, 10% should be appropriated as legal reserve. Under a resolution<br />

approved at the stockholders’ meeting, the rest of the total unappropriated earnings may be reserved for<br />

business operations or allocated as follows:<br />

a. At least 2% as employees’ bonus;<br />

b. Up to 2% as remuneration of directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors; <strong>and</strong><br />

c. The remainder as dividends.<br />

These appropriations <strong>and</strong> other distribution of earnings are approved by the stockholders in the following<br />

year <strong>and</strong> given effect to in the financial statements of that year.<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong>’s dividend policy takes into account the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s current <strong>and</strong> future competitiveness<br />

in the domestic <strong>and</strong> foreign markets, the investment environment <strong>and</strong> cash requirements. The policy<br />

provides that above 80% of any earnings distribution could be in the form of shares of stock if the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> needs to undertake a major expansion project; otherwise, earnings distribution may be in cash.<br />

- 40 -

The stockholders had approved the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s appropriations <strong>and</strong> other distribution for earnings of 2005<br />

<strong>and</strong> 2006 on June 14, 2006 <strong>and</strong> June 13, 2007, respectively. It is summarized as follows:<br />

Appropriation<br />

Earnings Per Share<br />

New Taiwan Dollars<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

New Taiwan<br />

Dollars<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

2005 2006 2006 2005 2006 2006<br />

Legal reserve $ 30,058 $ 197,534 $ 6,089 $ - $ - $ -<br />

Provision (reversal) of special<br />

reserve 270,519 (270,519 ) (8,338 ) - - -<br />

Cash dividends - 1,211,186 37,333 - 0.5 0.02<br />

Remuneration to directors <strong>and</strong><br />

supervisors - cash - 40,966 1,263 - - -<br />

Bonus to employees - cash - 102,416 3,157 - - -<br />

There was no appropriation for bonus to employees <strong>and</strong> remuneration to directors <strong>and</strong> supervisors of<br />

earnings of 2005. If the appropriation for bonus to employees <strong>and</strong> remuneration to directors <strong>and</strong><br />

supervisors of earnings of 2006 were recorded as expenses in 2006, the basic <strong>and</strong> diluted earnings per share<br />

of 2006 would be decreased from NT$0.82 (in dollars) to NT$0.76 (in dollars).<br />

As of April 16, 2007, the date of the accompanying independent auditors’ report, the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s<br />

appropriations for earnings of 2007 had not yet been approved by the board of directors. Information on<br />

earnings appropriation can be accessed online through the Market Observation Post System on the Web site<br />

of the Taiwan Stock Exchange <strong>Corporation</strong>.<br />

A special capital reserve equivalent to the net debit balance of the other components of shareholders’ equity<br />

(for example, unrealized loss on financial instrument, cumulative translation adjustments <strong>and</strong> net loss not<br />

recognized as pension cost), shall be made from unappropriated earnings pursuant to existing regulations.<br />

Any special capital reserve appropriated may be reserved to the extent that the net debit balance reserves.<br />

Under relevant regulations, all components of capital surplus, except capital surplus from equity-method<br />

investees, may be used to offset deficit. However, only paid-in capital from the issue of stock in excess of<br />

par value <strong>and</strong> donated surplus may be capitalized (distributed as stock dividends). Equity in the changes in<br />

capital surplus reported by equity-method investees should not be used in any way.<br />

The Company Law provides that legal reserve should be appropriated until the reserve equals the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong>’s paid-in capital. This reserve may only be used to offset a deficit. When the balance of the<br />

reserve exceeds 50% of the paid-in capital, 50% may be distributed as stock dividends.<br />

Under the Integrated Income Tax System, which took effect on January 1, 1998, ROC resident stockholders<br />

are allowed a tax credit for their proportionate share of income tax paid by the <strong>Corporation</strong> on earnings<br />

generated since January 1, 1998. An imputation credit account is maintained by the <strong>Corporation</strong> to<br />

monitor income taxes paid <strong>and</strong> the tax credit allocated to each stockholder.<br />

- 41 -


Upon the approval by the board of directors on August 18, 2003, the <strong>Corporation</strong> adopted a stock option<br />

plan (the “Plan A”) to grant employees 150,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units of stock options. Each option represented<br />

one share of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s common stock. The Plan was approved by the Securities <strong>and</strong> Futures<br />

Bureau, Ministry of Finance, R.O.C. On September 15, 2003 <strong>and</strong> March 31, 2004, stock options<br />

consisting of 100,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units <strong>and</strong> 50,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units, respectively, had been issued, with exercise<br />

prices of NT$13.8 (in dollars) <strong>and</strong> NT$17.9 (in dollars), respectively. However, the exercise prices of<br />

stock options had been revised to NT$13.6 (in dollars) <strong>and</strong> NT$17.5 (in dollars) in 2005, respectively. The<br />

term of these options is six years. Half of these options may be exercised after two years from the grant<br />

date or the options may all be exercised after three years from the issuance date. If the number of the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong>’s common shares changes, the exercise price will be revised in terms of the Plan A.<br />

Upon the approval by the board of directors on November 30, 2007, the <strong>Corporation</strong> adopted a stock option<br />

plan (the “Plan B”) to grant employees 100,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units of stock options. Each option represented<br />

one share of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s common stock. The Plan was approved by the Securities <strong>and</strong> Futures<br />

Bureau, Ministry of Finance, ROC. On December 20, 2007, stock options consisting of 100,000 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

units had been issued entirely, with exercise prices of NT$10.25 (in dollars). The term of these options is<br />

ten years. 10%, 20%, 40% <strong>and</strong> 70% of these options may be exercised after two years, three years, four<br />

years <strong>and</strong> five years from issuance date, respectively, the options may all be exercised after six years from<br />

the issuance date. If the number of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s common shares changes, the exercise price will be<br />

revised in terms of the Plan B.<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong>’s stock options in 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007 were as follows:<br />

2006 2007<br />

Weighted-average<br />

Weighted-average<br />

Thous<strong>and</strong> Exercise Price Thous<strong>and</strong> Exercise Price<br />

Stock Option Unit (in Dollars) Unit (in Dollars)<br />

Outst<strong>and</strong>ing units - beginning of year 150,000 NT$14.90 133,597 NT$15.06<br />

Granted units - - 100,000 NT$10.25<br />

Exercised units (141 ) NT$13.60 (9,565 ) NT$13.60<br />

Eliminated units - - - -<br />

Forfeited units (16,262 ) NT$13.60 (3,402 ) NT$14.17<br />

Outst<strong>and</strong>ing units - end of year 133,597 NT$15.06 220,630 NT$12.96<br />

Exercisable units, end of year 108,597 120,630<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong> calculated the fair value of the 50,000 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> 100,000 thous<strong>and</strong> units of the stock<br />

options granted in 2004 <strong>and</strong> 2007 using the Black-Scholes model. The fair value <strong>and</strong> related assumptions<br />

were as follows:<br />

50,000 Thous<strong>and</strong> Units of<br />

Stock Options Granted in 2004<br />

100,000 Thous<strong>and</strong> Units of<br />

Stock Options Granted in 2007<br />

Fair value: NT$286,000 thous<strong>and</strong> NT$319,000 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

Exercise price:<br />

NT$17.9 (in dollars) per share<br />

prior to amendment<br />

NT$10.25 (in dollars) per share<br />

prior to amendment<br />

Risk-free rate: 2.01% 2.48%<br />

Weighted average remaining life (in 4.25 years 7.30 years<br />

years):<br />

Expected volatility of the<br />

51.66% 48.60%<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong>’s stock price:<br />

Expected dividend yield: 5.15% 4.87%<br />

- 42 -

Stock options outst<strong>and</strong>ing as of December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007 are summarized as follows:<br />

Exercisable Stock<br />

Outst<strong>and</strong>ing Stock Options as of Options as of<br />

December 31, 2006 December 31, 2006<br />

Anticipated Weighted-<br />

Weighted-<br />

Weighted- average average<br />

average Exercise Exercise<br />

Thous<strong>and</strong> Existence Price Thous<strong>and</strong> Price<br />

Exercise Price Units Years (in Dollars) Units (in Dollars)<br />

NT$13.60 (in dollars) <strong>and</strong> NT$17.50<br />

(in dollars) 133,597 1.19 years NT$15.06 108,597 $14.50<br />

Exercisable Stock<br />

Outst<strong>and</strong>ing Stock Options as of Options as of<br />

December 31, 2007 December 31, 2007<br />

Anticipated Weighted-<br />

Weighted-<br />

Weighted- average average<br />

average Exercise Exercise<br />

Thous<strong>and</strong> Existence Price Thous<strong>and</strong> Price<br />

Exercise Price Units Years (in Dollars) Units (in Dollars)<br />

NT$13.60 (in dollars), NT$17.50<br />

(in dollars) <strong>and</strong> NT$10.25 (in dollars) 220,630 3.42 years NT$12.96 120,630 $15.20<br />

There was no compensation cost based on the intrinsic value method in 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007. Had the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> used the fair value method, the pro forma consolidated net income attribute to parent<br />

company’s stockholders <strong>and</strong> basic <strong>and</strong> diluted earnings per share (EPS) would have been as follows:<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars, Except Per Share Information)<br />

2006 2007<br />

New Taiwan New Taiwan U.S.<br />

Dollars Dollars Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

Consolidated net income attribute to parent Actual $ 1,978,100 $ 1,320,849 $ 40,713<br />

company’s stockholders Pro forma 1,912,999 1,309,747 40,371<br />

Earnings per share - basic (in dollar) Actual 0.82 0.54 0.02<br />

Pro forma 0.79 0.54 0.02<br />

Earnings per share - diluted (in dollar) Actual 0.82 0.54 0.02<br />

Pro forma 0.79 0.54 0.02<br />

- 43 -


(In Thous<strong>and</strong> of Shares)<br />

Reason for Purchase<br />

Beginning<br />

of Year Increase Decrease<br />

End of<br />

Year<br />

2006<br />

To maintain the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s credit <strong>and</strong> stockholders’<br />

equity 2,193 - 2,193 -<br />

2007<br />

To maintain the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s credit <strong>and</strong> stockholders’<br />

equity - 2,193 - 2,193<br />

Under the Securities <strong>and</strong> Exchange Law, the <strong>Corporation</strong> should not buy back more than 10% of its issued<br />

stock. In addition, the <strong>Corporation</strong> may not spend more than the sum of the balances of the retained<br />

earnings, additional paid-in capital from the issue of stock in excess of par value <strong>and</strong> realized capital surplus<br />

to repurchase its issued stock.<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong> may not pledge or hypothecate any treasury stock.<br />

exercise any stockholders’ rights on the treasury stock.<br />

In addition, the <strong>Corporation</strong> may not<br />

In 2006, the <strong>Corporation</strong> repurchased 2,193 thous<strong>and</strong> shares of common stocks amounted to NT$28,101<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> subsequently in February of 2007, the treasury stocks were cancelled <strong>and</strong> completed the<br />

change in capital structure by filing a registration. After the capital stocks of NT$21,930 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

(US$676 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> capital surplus - paid-in capital in excess of par value of NT$975 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$30<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>) were proportionately written off, the remaining cost of the original repurchase price of<br />

NT$28,101 thous<strong>and</strong> was determined to be NT$5,196 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$160 thous<strong>and</strong>) as a write-off to<br />

retained earnings - unappropriated earnings.<br />

- 44 -


The data used in calculating earnings per share were as follows:<br />

Year ended December 31, 2006<br />

Weighted- Per Share<br />

average (in Dollars)<br />

Income Number of Income<br />

Income Outst<strong>and</strong>ing Before<br />

Before Shares Income Net<br />

Income Tax Net Income (Thous<strong>and</strong>s) Tax Income<br />

New Taiwan dollars<br />

Basic<br />

Consolidated net income<br />

attribute to parent company’s<br />

stockholders $ 2,182,772 $ 1,978,100 2,414,501 $ 0.90 $ 0.82<br />

Diluted effect of common stock<br />

equivalent<br />

Zero coupon foreign convertible<br />

bonds - - 7,590<br />

Diluted $ 2,182,772 $ 1,978,100 2,422,091 $ 0.90 $ 0.82<br />

Year ended December 31, 2007<br />

New Taiwan dollars<br />

Basic<br />

Consolidated net income<br />

attribute to parent company’s<br />

stockholders $ 2,046,162 $ 1,320,849 2,430,367 $ 0.84 $ 0.54<br />

Diluted effect of common stock<br />

equivalent<br />

Stock option - - 289<br />

Diluted $ 2,046,162 $ 1,320,849 2,430,656 $ 0.84 $ 0.54<br />

U.S. dollars (Note 4)<br />

Basic $ 63,069 $ 40,713 2,430,367 $ 0.03 $ 0.02<br />

Diluted $ 63,069 $ 40,713 2,430,656 $ 0.03 $ 0.02<br />

The outst<strong>and</strong>ing stock options as of December 31 2006 <strong>and</strong> zero coupon foreign convertible bonds as of<br />

December31, 2007 are potential common stocks. However, due to the anti-dilutive effect of these stock<br />

options or foreign convertible bonds, they were not included in the calculation of the diluted earnings per<br />

share for the years ended December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively.<br />

26. INCOME TAX<br />

The Income Basic Tax Act in ROC took effective as of January 1, 2006. According to this Act, the amount<br />

of income taxes shall be the greater of a pre-determined income taxes under the Income Tax Law (the Law)<br />

or a multiplied amount using a income tax rate prescribed by the Executive Yuan (10%) on the sum of the<br />

taxable income <strong>and</strong> income tax benefits allowable under the Law. The <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> subsidiaries<br />

incorporated in ROC have adopted the effect of this new Act in the current year’s income tax expenses.<br />

- 45 -

a. Income tax expense consisted of the following:<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Income tax expense - current $ 106,032 $ 307,578 $ 9,480<br />

Income tax expense - deferred 56,063 355,108 10,946<br />

Adjustment of prior years’ income tax 42,577 62,627 1,930<br />

Income tax expense $ 204,672 $ 725,313 $ 22,356<br />

b. Current <strong>and</strong> noncurrent net deferred taxes assets (liabilities) comprise the following:<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Deferred tax assets (liabilities) - current<br />

Investment tax credits $ 43,238 $ 169,890 $ 5,236<br />

Deferred income 33,782 52,596 1,621<br />

Unrealized foreign exchange gain (19,638 ) (50,374 ) (1,553 )<br />

Loss carryforward 56,180 32,009 987<br />

Allowance for losses on inventories 51,102 25,702 792<br />

Unrealized compensation expenses 7,622 8,192 253<br />

Valuation loss on financial instrument, net 1,896 179 6<br />

Allowance for doubtful accounts 7,342 119 4<br />

Unrealized reconstructive expenses for fire damage 5,446 - -<br />

Others 13,305 10,655 328<br />

200,275 248,968 7,674<br />

Less - allowance for valuation 14,983 64,227 1,980<br />

$ 185,292 $ 184,741 $ 5,694<br />

Deferred tax assets - noncurrent<br />

Impairment loss on assets $ 1,074,373 $ 931,721 $ 28,719<br />

Loss carryforward 428,406 596,891 18,398<br />

Investment tax credits 449,327 348,676 10,748<br />

Difference in book <strong>and</strong> tax depreciation <strong>and</strong><br />

amortization 28,302 75,764 2,335<br />

Losses on investments 385,453 67,645 2,085<br />

Accrued pension costs 24,042 27,675 853<br />

Deferred income 19,014 24,799 764<br />

Loss on disposal of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment 23,569 - -<br />

Others 8,314 2,108 65<br />

2,440,800 2,075,279 63,967<br />

Less - allowance for valuation 423,623 425,920 13,128<br />

$ 2,017,177 $ 1,649,359 $ 50,839<br />

- 46 -

As of December 31, 2007, the tax effect of unused investment tax credits <strong>and</strong> unused operating loss<br />

carryforward were as follows:<br />

Tax Effect of<br />

Unused Investment<br />

Tax Credits<br />

New U.S.<br />

Regulatory Basis of Investment Taiwan Dollars Expiry<br />

Entity Tax Credits Item Dollars (Note 4) Year<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong> Statute for Upgrading Industries Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment $ 64,278 $ 1,981 2008<br />

Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 22,251 686 2009<br />

Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 61,261 1,888 2010<br />

Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 23,255 717 2011<br />

R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 20,872 643 2008<br />

R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 66,890 2,062 2009<br />

R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 50,539 1,558 2010<br />

R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 38,804 1,196 2011<br />

Chipcera Technology Statute for Upgrading Industries Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 948 29 2008<br />

Co., Ltd. Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 472 15 2010<br />

Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 844 26 2011<br />

R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 168 5 2010<br />

R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 457 14 2011<br />

Compostar Technology Statute for Upgrading Industries Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 77,939 2,402 2008<br />

Co., Ltd. Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 9,701 299 2009<br />

Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 15,896 490 2010<br />

Machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment 42,055 1,296 2011<br />

R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 5,853 181 2008<br />

R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 9,439 291 2009<br />

R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 6,574 203 2010<br />

R&D <strong>and</strong> personnel training 70 2 2011<br />

$ 518,566 $ 15,984<br />

Entity<br />

Year of Loss<br />

Tax Effect of Unused<br />

Operating Loss<br />

Carryforward<br />

New<br />

Taiwan<br />

Dollars<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

Expiry Year<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong> 2007 $ 190,118 $ 5,860 2012<br />

Steller Inc. 2003 3,212 99 2023<br />

2004 1,395 43 2024<br />

2005 2,693 83 2025<br />

2006 1,006 31 2026<br />

Ferroxcube Taiwan Ltd. 2003 20,833 642 2008<br />

2004 4,868 150 2009<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> America 2001 41,819 1,289 2021<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> 2002 89,088 2,746 2022<br />

2003 52,428 1,616 2023<br />

2004 37,537 1,157 2024<br />

2006 5,449 168 2026<br />

Compostar Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. 2003 1,806 55 2008<br />

2004 2,228 69 2009<br />

2005 3,465 107 2010<br />

2006 2,948 91 2011<br />

2007 2,110 65 2012<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 47 -

Entity<br />

Year of Loss<br />

Tax Effect of Unused<br />

Operating Loss<br />

Carryforward<br />

New<br />

Taiwan<br />

Dollars<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

(Note 4)<br />

Expiry Year<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. 2003 $ 806 $ 25 2008<br />

2004 2,313 71 2009<br />

2005 2,975 92 2010<br />

2006 2,082 64 2011<br />

$ 471,179 $ 14,523<br />

(Concluded)<br />

The unused loss carryforward of Ferroxcube International Holding B.V. (Spain factory) amounted to<br />

NT$157,721 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$4,862 thous<strong>and</strong>), included in deferred income tax assets - noncurrent. And,<br />

their expiry year are 15 years starting from the year of loss.<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong>’s income tax returns through 2003 had been examined <strong>and</strong> cleared by the tax authorities.<br />

As of April 16, 2008, the date of the accompanying independent auditors’ report, income tax returns of the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> through 2004 <strong>and</strong> 2005 had not been examined <strong>and</strong> cleared. However, in 2007, during the<br />

examination of the National Tax Administration of Northern Taiwan Province, the tax authorities had<br />

decided <strong>and</strong> notified the <strong>Corporation</strong> an increase of NT$190,000 thous<strong>and</strong> to gross profit of 2004 <strong>and</strong> a<br />

decrease of NT$10,000 thous<strong>and</strong> to interest expense of 2005. Based on the conservative principle, the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> recorded the tax effect of NT$50,000 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$1,541 thous<strong>and</strong>) in 2007. The<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> plan to offset the tax effect by using the loss carryforwards of NT$18,774 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$579<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> investment tax credits of NT$15,613 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$481 thous<strong>and</strong>), the remainder of<br />

NT$15,613 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$481 thous<strong>and</strong>) has been recorded as income tax payable as of December 31,<br />

2007.<br />

Phycomp Taiwan, Ltd. was merged into the <strong>Corporation</strong> on May 31, 2003. The incomes tax returns of<br />

Phycomp Taiwan, Ltd. have been examined through 2002. Kaohsiung National Tax administration has<br />

examined the income tax returns of 2001 <strong>and</strong> 2002, <strong>and</strong> adjusted the calculation of tax-exempt income <strong>and</strong><br />

creditable amount of investment tax credits. The amount of income tax adjustments <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s<br />

actions were shown as follows:<br />

a. The income tax return of 2001 has been examined in 2004: The adjusted tax effect of tax-exempt<br />

income <strong>and</strong> credits for investment taxes were NT$39,536 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$8,874 thous<strong>and</strong>,<br />

respectively. The adjustment for investment tax credits was booked in 2004. However, because the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong> was unwilling to accept the results of the examination in connection with the tax-exempt<br />

income, in turn, a petition for review <strong>and</strong> administration was appealed according to the appropriate law<br />

proceedings in Taiwan. A guarantee deposit was recorded in an amount of NT$24,206 thous<strong>and</strong>,<br />

included in the account of pledged assets - pledged time deposit. The administration appeal was<br />

dismissed by Kaohsiung Administrative High Court on January 25, 2007. The <strong>Corporation</strong> undertook<br />

an administrative litigation procedure according to the law proceedings on March 20, 2007. In March<br />

of 2008, the <strong>Corporation</strong> plans to take a negotiation process with the Kaohsiung National Tax<br />

administration. As of April 16, 2008, the date of the accompanying independent auditors’ report, such<br />

negotiation is still going on. The adjustment in the tax effect of NT$39,536 thous<strong>and</strong> has been<br />

recorded in 2006, included in income tax payable.<br />

- 48 -

. The income tax returns of 2002 has been examined in 2005: The result of the examination increased<br />

the income tax expense by NT$11,667 thous<strong>and</strong>. The major adjustment was the calculation of<br />

tax-exempt income. The <strong>Corporation</strong> was unwilling to accept the content of examination, petitioning<br />

for review according to law. As a result of this review, Kaohsiung National Tax administration<br />

reexamined the tax returns on December 4, 2006. The increase of income tax expense dropped from<br />

NT$11,667 thous<strong>and</strong> to NT$10,161 thous<strong>and</strong>. The <strong>Corporation</strong> was also unwilling to accept the result<br />

of the reexamination, petitioning for administrative appeal on January 2, 2007. However, the<br />

administrative appeal has been dismissed by Kaohsiung Administrative High Court on March 21, 2007.<br />

The <strong>Corporation</strong> undertook an administrative litigation procedure according to the law proceedings on<br />

May 16, 2007. In March of 2008, the <strong>Corporation</strong> plans to take a negotiation process with the<br />

Kaohsiung National Tax administration. As of April 16, 2008, the date of the accompanying<br />

independent auditors’ report, such negotiation is still going on. The tax effect of the adjustment of<br />

NT$10,161 thous<strong>and</strong> has been recorded in 2006, included in income tax payable.<br />

As of April 16, 2008, the date of the accompanying independent auditors’ report, income tax returns of<br />

Phycomp Taiwan, Ltd. for the period January 1, 2003 to May 31, 2003 had not been cleared by the tax<br />

authority. The <strong>Corporation</strong> assessed the possible tax effect of tax-exempt income based on the adjustments<br />

made by Kaohsiung National Tax administration for the years of 2001 <strong>and</strong> 2002. The tax effect of period<br />

from January 1, 2003 to May 31, 2003 was an increase of NT$9,747 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$300 thous<strong>and</strong>), which<br />

has been recorded in 2007, included in income tax payable as of December 31, 2007.<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd.’s income tax returns of 2004 <strong>and</strong> 2005 have been examined by the tax<br />

authorities. The R&D investment tax credits were all rejected by the authorities <strong>and</strong> Compostar<br />

Technology Co., Ltd.’s actions were as follows:<br />

a. The income tax return of 2004: The authorities rejected R&D investment tax credits of NT$11,672<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>. Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. was unwilling to accept the examination <strong>and</strong> petitioned for<br />

review. In 2007, this review concluded to reduced the adjustment to NT$6,024 thous<strong>and</strong>. Compostar<br />

Technology Co., Ltd. has adjusted the deferred tax assets based on the foregoing review.<br />

b. The income tax return of 2005: The authorities rejected R&D investment tax credits of NT$9,379.<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. was unwilling to accept the examination <strong>and</strong> petitioned for review.<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. recognized 100% valuation allowance for the deferred tax assets<br />

resulted from this investment credits.<br />

The balances of the imputation credit account were NT$674,116 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$251,739 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

(US$7,759 thous<strong>and</strong>) as of December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively.<br />

The actual <strong>and</strong> expected imputed credit rate for earnings distribution were 34.50% for 2006 <strong>and</strong> 13.93% for<br />

2007, respectively. Since the imputed credit allocated to the shareholders is based on the balance as of the<br />

date of the earnings distribution, the expected imputed credit rate may differ from the actual imputed credit<br />

rate. The <strong>Corporation</strong> may adjust the rate because of potential differences in conformity with the Income<br />

Tax Act.<br />

As of December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, there were no unappropriated retained earnings generated before<br />

January 1, 1998.<br />

- 49 -


2006<br />

New Taiwan Dollars<br />

Cost of Operating<br />

Good Sold Expense Total<br />

Personnel expense $ 2,619,875 $ 1,388,725 $ 4,008,600<br />

Depreciation $ 2,038,097 $ 201,941 $ 2,240,038<br />

Amortization $ 91,195 $ 111,377 $ 202,572<br />

2007<br />

U.S.<br />

New Taiwan Dollars<br />

Dollars<br />

Cost of Operating (Note 4)<br />

Good Sold Expense Total 2007<br />

Personnel expense $ 2,722,097 $ 1,486,564 $ 4,208,661 $ 129,725<br />

Depreciation $ 2,316,917 $ 180,586 $ 2,497,503 $ 76,981<br />

Amortization $ 117,896 $ 90,104 $ 208,000 $ 6,411<br />

28. PENSION PLAN<br />

The Labor Pension Act (the “Act”) in ROC took effect on July 1, 2005. Employees of the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

subsidiaries incorporated in ROC subject to the Labor St<strong>and</strong>ards Law (the “Law”) before the enforcement of<br />

the Act were allowed to choose to remain subject to the pension mechanism under the Law or to be subject<br />

to the pension mechanism under the Act, with their service years accumulated before the enforcement of this<br />

Act to be retained. Those hired on or after July 1, 2005 automatically become subject to the Act.<br />

The Act provides for a defined contribution plan featuring a portable pension. Since July 1, 2005, the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong>, subsidiaries - Ferroxcube Taiwan Ltd., Compostar Technology Co., Ltd., Chipcera Technology<br />

Co., Ltd. <strong>and</strong> Ko-E Corp. (established in July of 2006) have made monthly contributions at 6% of monthly<br />

salaries <strong>and</strong> wages to the pension fund. The pension costs recognized by the foregoing entities in 2006 <strong>and</strong><br />

2007 were NT$66,823 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$69,650 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$2,147 thous<strong>and</strong>).<br />

Under the Law, the <strong>Corporation</strong>, subsidiaries - Ferroxcube Taiwan Ltd., Compostar Technology Co., Ltd.<br />

<strong>and</strong> Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. have defined benefit plans. The benefits under the plan are based on<br />

length of service <strong>and</strong> average basic pay of the final six months of employment. The <strong>Corporation</strong>,<br />

subsidiaries - Ferroxcube Taiwan Ltd., Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. <strong>and</strong> Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd.<br />

make monthly contributions, to a pension fund. The fund is administered by the employees’ pension fund<br />

committee <strong>and</strong> deposited in the committee’s name in the Bank of Taiwan (the Central Trust of China has<br />

been merged into the Bank of Taiwan in 2007).<br />

- 50 -

a. The components of net pension costs under the defined benefit plan were as follows:<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Service cost $ 15,689 $ 18,907 $ 583<br />

Interest cost 11,186 10,484 323<br />

Expected return on plan assets (4,918 ) (4,982 ) (154 )<br />

Amortization of unrecognized net transition obligation <strong>and</strong><br />

unrecognized net actuarial losses 527 7,843 242<br />

$ 22,484 $ 32,252 $ 994<br />

b. The reconciliation of the funded status of the defined benefit plan, the vested obligation, the actuarial<br />

assumptions used in determining net periodic pension costs <strong>and</strong> the changes in pension funds were as<br />

follows:<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Benefit obligation<br />

Vested $ 33,115 $ 18,870 $ 582<br />

Non-vested 334,503 352,104 10,853<br />

Accumulated benefit obligation 367,618 370,974 11,435<br />

Additional benefits based on future salaries 105,823 98,577 3,038<br />

Projected benefit obligation 473,441 469,551 14,473<br />

Fair value of plan assets (200,695 ) (200,922 ) (6,193 )<br />

Funded status 272,746 268,629 8,280<br />

Unrecognized net:<br />

Transitional obligation (5,807 ) (5,069 ) (156 )<br />

Actuarial losses (145,602 ) (130,645 ) (4,027 )<br />

Accrued pension cost liabilities 50,487 40,541 1,249<br />

Other current assets - prepaid pension cost - 1,290 40<br />

Accrued pension cost $ 171,824 $ 174,746 $ 5,386<br />

Vested obligation $ 40,313 $ 24,091 $ 743<br />

The actuarial assumptions used in determining net periodic pension costs for the years presented were<br />

as follows:<br />

2006 2007<br />

Discount rate 2.25-3.50% 2.75%<br />

Future salary increase rate 2.00-3.00% 2.00-3.00%<br />

Expected rate of return on plan assets 2.50% 3.00%<br />

- 51 -

The changes in pension funds were:<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Contributions $ 10,475 $ 17,372 $ 535<br />

Payment of benefits $ 4,697 $ 19,080 $ 588<br />

The Vitrohm Holding GmbH (<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe GmbH), <strong>Yageo</strong> Korea <strong>and</strong> a portion of eligible employees of<br />

Ferroxcube <strong>and</strong> Ferroxcube Taiwan, Ltd. have defined benefit plans. As of December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007,<br />

the pension liabilities amounted to NT$138,815 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$159,549 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$4,918 thous<strong>and</strong>),<br />

shown as accrued pension costs.<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd., Ferroxcube Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited, Phycomp<br />

Holding B.V., Ferroxcube International Holding B.V. (except for the portion of eligible employees of<br />

Ferroxcube as described above), Vitrohm Portuguesa LDA, <strong>Yageo</strong> Japan, <strong>Yageo</strong> America <strong>Corporation</strong>,<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) PTE. LTD., Phycomp Malaysia SDN. BHD., Steller Inc., Compostar<br />

Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd., Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd., Compostar Technology<br />

(Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Ko-E (H.K.) Limited, Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. have defined<br />

contribution plans <strong>and</strong> make contribution on a fixed rate of salaries. <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Limited,<br />

Ko Shin Investment Limited, Kuo Chung Development Limited, Kuo Ding Venture Capital Limited,<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd., Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd., Hsu Tai International (H.K.),<br />

Ko-E Holding (Cayman Isl<strong>and</strong>s), Ltd., Chipcera Holding B.V., Chang An Wusha Chipcera, Chen An<br />

Trading Co., Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> (H.K.) Limited, Ferroxcube Technology (H.K.) Limited <strong>and</strong> Compostar (H.K.)<br />

Limited do not have pension plan.<br />


The Group has transactions with related parties in the normal course of business. The relationships are<br />

summarized as follows:<br />

Related Party<br />

Chilisin Electronics Corp.<br />

Chilisin International Ltd.<br />

Teapo Electronics Corp.<br />

Teapo Holding (Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

Teapo Electronics (H.K.)<br />

Teapo Electronics (Su Zhou)<br />

Teapo Electronics (Dongguan)<br />

King Power International Co., Ltd.<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp.<br />

Hwa Jung International Electronics Co., Ltd.<br />

Juridieal Person, <strong>Yageo</strong> Foundation<br />

Hua Jung Components Co., Ltd.<br />

Hua Jung Components (Shanghai)<br />

Relationship with the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Subsidiaries</strong><br />

Equity-method investee<br />

Subsidiary of Chilisin Electronics Corp.<br />

Equity-method investee<br />

Subsidiary of Teapo Electronics Corp.<br />

Subsidiary of Teapo Electronics Corp.<br />

Subsidiary of Teapo Holding (Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

Subsidiary of Teapo Holding (Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

Equity-method investee of Kuo Shin Investment Limited<br />

prior to the end of 2006<br />

An equity-method investee of Kuo Shin Investment Limited<br />

<strong>and</strong> Kuo Chung Development Limited since June of 2006<br />

Equity-method investee of Hua Jung Components Co., Ltd.<br />

Prior to November 2007, this nonprofit organization was one<br />

of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s related party due to its funds donated<br />

by the <strong>Corporation</strong> exceeds one third of its total Fund<br />

Its general manager is the chairman of Compostar<br />

Technology Co., Ltd.<br />

Subsidiary of Hua Jung Components Co., Ltd.<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 52 -

Related Party<br />

Relationship with the <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Subsidiaries</strong><br />

Strong Components Co., Ltd.<br />

Equity-method investee of Compostar Technology Co., Ltd.<br />

Luminous Town Electric Co., Ltd.<br />

The Chairman of the Board of Directors at Luminous Town<br />

Electric Co., Ltd. is the same person at Compostar<br />

Technology Co., Ltd.<br />

Belkin International<br />

Equity-method investee of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda)<br />

Limited<br />

Horstrong Limited<br />

Subsidiary of Belkin International<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Prior to October of 2006, the accounts of the financial<br />

statements of Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd. were consolidated into the consolidated financial<br />

statements of the <strong>Corporation</strong>, <strong>and</strong> significant transactions<br />

between Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Group are eliminated. Beginning in October of<br />

2006, because the Group's percentage of ownership in Guo<br />

Chuang Electronics Co., Ltd. is reduced to 35% <strong>and</strong> lost<br />

its control over Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd. as a majority shareholder, the entity is accounted for<br />

using equity-method of accounting <strong>and</strong> the accounts of<br />

this entity is no longer consolidated into the consolidated<br />

financial statements of the <strong>Corporation</strong>.<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Limited Prior to March of 2007, the accounts of the financial<br />

statements of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Limited were<br />

consolidated into the consolidated financial statements of<br />

the <strong>Corporation</strong>, <strong>and</strong> significant transactions between<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Limited <strong>and</strong> the Group are<br />

eliminated. Beginning in March of 2007, because <strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Holding International Limited went into liquidation, the<br />

entity is accounted for as financial assets measured at<br />

holding cost, <strong>and</strong> the accounts of this entity is no longer<br />

consolidated into the consolidated financial statements of<br />

the <strong>Corporation</strong>. <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Limited<br />

was liquidated <strong>and</strong> eliminated in October of 2007.<br />

(Concluded)<br />

The transactions with the foregoing related parties are summarized as follows:<br />

For the year<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Amount % Amount % Amount<br />

Sales<br />

Chilisin International Ltd. $ 39,621 - $ 37,189 - $ 1,146<br />

Strong Components Co., Ltd. 7,690 - 23,071 - 711<br />

Hua Jung Components Co., Ltd. 34,623 - 22,017 - 679<br />

Hua Jung Components (Shanghai) 1,211 - 6,457 - 199<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp. 487 - 856 - 26<br />

Chilisin Electronics Corp. 204 - 287 - 9<br />

King Power International Co., Ltd. 288,693 2 - - -<br />

$ 372,529 2 $ 89,877 - $ 2,770<br />

- 53 -

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Amount % Amount % Amount<br />

Purchases<br />

Belkin International $ 59,062 1 $ 245,762 2 $ 7,575<br />

Teapo Electronics (Su Zhou) 42,586 - 83,180 1 2,564<br />

Teapo Electronics (H.K.) 52,655 1 74,405 - 2,293<br />

Chilisin Electronics Corp. 32,820 - 23,238 - 717<br />

Horstrong Limited - - 16,522 - 509<br />

Teapo Electronics Corp. 18,888 - 12,780 - 394<br />

Chilisin International Ltd. 2,960 - 5,454 - 168<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp. 946 - 2,618 - 81<br />

Hua Jung Components Co., Ltd. 2,154 - 41 - 1<br />

Strong Components Co., Ltd. 1,302 - - - -<br />

King Power International Co., Ltd. 178,982 1 - - -<br />

$ 392,355 3 $ 464,000 3 $ 14,302<br />

Interest income<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd. $ 518 1 $ 2,610 1 $ 80<br />

Donation fees (shown as nonoperating<br />

expenses - others)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Foundation $ 26,810 11 $ - - $ -<br />

Rental revenue<br />

Teapo Electronics (Dongguan) $ 6,617 3 $ 7,575 17 $ 233<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd. 699 - 3,980 9 123<br />

Teapo Electronics Corp. 1,584 1 2,358 5 73<br />

Hua Jung Components Co., Ltd. 516 - 215 1 7<br />

Luminous Town Electric Co., Ltd. 61 - 23 - -<br />

Strong Components Co., Ltd. 861 1 - - -<br />

$ 10,338 5 $ 14,151 32 $ 436<br />

Rental expenses (shown as manufacturing<br />

<strong>and</strong> marketing expenses)<br />

Hua Jung International Electronics Co., Ltd $ 1,331 - $ 290 - $ 9<br />

Hua Jung Components Co., Ltd. 239 - 270 - 8<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd 1,066 - 91 - 3<br />

$ 2,636 - $ 651 - $ 20<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 54 -

As of December 31<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Amount % Amount % Amount<br />

Receivables from related parties<br />

Notes receivable<br />

Strong Components Co., Ltd. $ 1,385 1 $ 1,428 1 $ 44<br />

King Power International Co., Ltd. 117,319 49 - - -<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp. 206 - - - -<br />

Accounts receivable<br />

Chilisin International Ltd. 20,133 8 17,054 17 526<br />

Strong Components Co., Ltd. 4,737 2 8,836 9 272<br />

Hua Jung Components Co., Ltd. 21,225 9 7,397 7 228<br />

Teapo Electronics (Dongguan) - - 4,647 5 143<br />

Hua Jung Components (Shanghai) 2,208 1 3,160 3 98<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp. 504 - 498 1 15<br />

King Power International Co., Ltd. 12,991 5 - - -<br />

Other - - 87 - 3<br />

Payment on behalf of others<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan)<br />

Co., Ltd. 58,678 25 56,678 57 1,747<br />

Allowance for doubtful accounts (985 ) - - - -<br />

$ 238,401 100 $ 99,785 100 $ 3,076<br />

Loans receivables from related parties<br />

(including interest receivable of at the end of<br />

year)<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd. $ 46,456 100 $ 25,444 100 $ 784<br />

Loans receivables from related parties - highest<br />

balance<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd. $ 83,524 $ 48,860 $ 1,506<br />

Payables to related parties<br />

Accounts payable<br />

Belkin International $ 35,053 14 $ 47,241 32 $ 1,456<br />

Teapo Electronics (Su Zhou) 16,048 7 47,197 32 1,455<br />

Teapo Electronics (H.K.) 23,213 10 32,629 23 1,006<br />

Chilisin Electronics Corp. 16,431 7 15,640 11 482<br />

Chilisin International Ltd. - - 1,565 1 48<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp. 910 - 1,548 1 48<br />

Horstrong Limited - - 367 11 11<br />

Hua Jung Components Co., Ltd. - - 35 - 1<br />

Teapo Electronics Corp. 8,890 4 33 - 1<br />

King Power International Co., Ltd. 129,623 53 - - -<br />

Strong Components Co., Ltd. 1 - - - -<br />

Other 38 - 39 - 1<br />

- 55 -

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Amount % Amount % Amount<br />

Donation payable<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Fundation $ 13,016 5 $ - - $ -<br />

$ 243,223 100 $ 146,294 100 $ 4,509<br />

Loans payable to related parties - highest<br />

balance<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Limited $ - $ 242,501 $ 7,475<br />

Deposits received<br />

Teapo Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. - rent to<br />

Teapo Electronics (Dongguan) $ 100,000 63 $ 100,000 77 $ 3,082<br />

The payment terms for the related receivables from (payables to) the affiliates were based on related<br />

contracts. The annual interest rate for the financing provided to Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd. was 6.12%. Other related-party transactions were conducted under normal terms.<br />


To enhance the competitiveness of the production <strong>and</strong> selling costs of the ferrite segment <strong>and</strong> improve its<br />

operation, the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s management approved a reorganization plan of this segment, the plan includes:<br />

a) to reduce production of the Spanish ferrite factory <strong>and</strong> transfer part of equipment to the Dongguan factory<br />

<strong>and</strong> Pol<strong>and</strong> factory to boost production, <strong>and</strong> b) to dedicate in developing the product series with higher<br />

margins. To implement this plan, major changes included manpower rationalization <strong>and</strong> the<br />

revomal/disposal of tangible assets, for which estimated the total cost amounted to NT$355,897 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

(US$10,970 thous<strong>and</strong>), of this amount, the layoff payments accrued for the Spanish factory <strong>and</strong> the<br />

impairment loss on assets were NT$252,849 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$7,794 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> NT$103,048 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

(US$3,176 thous<strong>and</strong>), respectively, which were fully accrued in 2007 <strong>and</strong> was included in nonoperating<br />

expenses <strong>and</strong> losses - reorganization loss. Based on the expected payment schedule of layoff payment,<br />

NT$109,727 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$3,382 thous<strong>and</strong>) was classified as current liability <strong>and</strong> NT$143,122 (US$4,412<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>) was classified as other liability - others.<br />

Certain l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> buildings in Europe became idle <strong>and</strong> were reclassified into other assets - idle assets, stated<br />

at the lower of recoverable amount or carrying value, thus recognized impairment loss of NT$205,988<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$159,504 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$4,916 thous<strong>and</strong>) in 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively, included in<br />

nonoperating expenses or losses - impairment loss on idle assets.<br />

The Group periodically evaluates the assets, including goodwill of the cash-generating unit <strong>and</strong> tests the<br />

assets for impairment. There was no impairment loss recognized for the years ended December 31, 2006<br />

<strong>and</strong> 2007.<br />

- 56 -


As of December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, the following assets of the Group had been pledged as collateral for<br />

bank loans or for meeting the requirements to hire foreign laborers <strong>and</strong> as credit guarantees:<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2006<br />

Properties, net $ 3,226,012 $ 5,426,330 $ 167,257<br />

Long-term investments 971,197 368,503 11,358<br />

Pledged assets 198,744 89,091 2,746<br />

Properties leased to others, net 4,199,403 45,803 1,412<br />

Other financial assets - imprest bank account for payment<br />

of the principle <strong>and</strong> interest of unsecured domestic bonds 206,800 - -<br />

Other financial assets - pledged time deposit 1,350 - -<br />

$ 8,803,506 $ 5,929,727 $ 182,773<br />

The common stocks of Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. <strong>and</strong> Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. had been<br />

pledged as collaterals for long-term bank loans. As of December 31, 2007, the numbers of pledged stocks<br />

were 140,301 thous<strong>and</strong> shares <strong>and</strong> 30,833 thous<strong>and</strong> shares for Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. <strong>and</strong><br />

Chipcera Technology, Ltd., respectively. The carrying value of those investments prior to elimination were<br />

NT$1,805,545 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$55,653 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> NT$262,030 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$8,077 thous<strong>and</strong>) for<br />

Compostar Technology, Ltd. <strong>and</strong> Chipcera Technology, Ltd., respectively.<br />


The commitments <strong>and</strong> contingent liabilities as of December 31, 2007 were as follows:<br />

a. Contracts for purchase of machinery <strong>and</strong> equipment, buildings <strong>and</strong> computer hardware <strong>and</strong> software for<br />

about NT$809,995 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$24,967 thous<strong>and</strong>).<br />

b. Unused letters of credit amounting to about NT$165,851 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$5,112 thous<strong>and</strong>).<br />

c. Commitment to purchase materials for about NT$59,047 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$1,820 thous<strong>and</strong>).<br />

- 57 -


The <strong>Corporation</strong> incurred loss in connection with a fire damage in the capacitor line factory in village of<br />

Dashe, Kaoshiung County, on September 25, 2006. The <strong>Corporation</strong> investigated the damage status <strong>and</strong><br />

invited experts to appraise the indemnity. Total amount of loss was estimated to be NT$564,971 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

for the damage of its building, machinery <strong>and</strong> inventories. The damage status <strong>and</strong> corresponding loss were<br />

as follows: a) NT$148,370 thous<strong>and</strong> to the fully-destroyed property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment. The cost <strong>and</strong><br />

accumulated depreciation related to these fully-destroyed property, plant, <strong>and</strong> equipment of NT$228,645<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$80,275 thous<strong>and</strong> were eliminated from the account balances; (b) impairment loss of<br />

NT$307,795 thous<strong>and</strong> related to partially-damaged property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment was recorded as<br />

accumulated impairment; <strong>and</strong> (c) NT$108,806 thous<strong>and</strong> related to inventories were written off. Based on<br />

the relevant insurance coverage, the <strong>Corporation</strong> reached an agreement to the insurance recoveries with the<br />

insurance company in January of 2007. The final insurance proceeds were settled at NT$602,550 thous<strong>and</strong>.<br />

The insurance proceeds deducted by the aforementioned loss of NT$564,971 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> future related<br />

repair <strong>and</strong> maintenance expenditure of NT$30,829 thous<strong>and</strong> were recognized as a gain of NT$6,750<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> in the nonoperating income for the year of 2006. The depreciation <strong>and</strong> amortization expenses of<br />

the capacitor line factory amounted to NT$56,598 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$113,125 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$3,487 thous<strong>and</strong>)<br />

for the period which the business was interrupted <strong>and</strong> restored <strong>and</strong> were recorded in the account of<br />

nonoperating expenses <strong>and</strong> loss - loss on work stoppages for the years ended December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007,<br />

respectively. The <strong>Corporation</strong> is now reconstructing this capacitor line factory, plan to product capacitor<br />

since June of 2008.<br />

The insurance recoveries receivable of NT$602,550 thous<strong>and</strong> recorded as of December 31, 2006 has been<br />

received on February 15, 2007.<br />


Upon the approval by the board of directors on February 21, 2008, for the purpose of maintain the<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong>’s credit <strong>and</strong> stockholders’ equity, the <strong>Corporation</strong> expected to purchase treasury stocks of<br />

243,822 thous<strong>and</strong> shares, which were accounted for 9.99% of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s outst<strong>and</strong>ing shares, with the<br />

purchase price range from NT$6.31 (in dollars) to NT$14.42 (in dollars) per share. As of April 16, 2008,<br />

the <strong>Corporation</strong> had purchased 143,144 thous<strong>and</strong> shares of treasury stocks, which were accounted for 5.87%<br />

of the <strong>Corporation</strong>’s outst<strong>and</strong>ing shares. The total proceeds for acquisition of those treasury stocks<br />

amounted to NT$1,424,844 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$43,918 thous<strong>and</strong>).<br />

- 58 -


a. The information of fair values of derivative <strong>and</strong> nonderivative financial instruments as of December 31,<br />

2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007 are summarized as follows:<br />

Nonderivative financial instruments<br />

U.S. Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Carrying Fair Carrying Fair Fair<br />

Value Value Value Value Value<br />

Assets<br />

Cash <strong>and</strong> cash equivalents $ 1,801,071 $ 1,801,071 $ 8,191,567 $ 8,191,567 $ 252,491<br />

Available for sale financial assets - current 278,613 278,613 2,012,787 2,012,787 62,041<br />

Notes receivable 135,664 135,664 209,070 209,070 6,444<br />

Accounts receivable, net 5,432,463 5,432,463 6,069,492 6,069,492 187,082<br />

Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from related<br />

parties 238,401 238,401 99,785 99,785 3,076<br />

Income tax refund receivable 22,673 22,673 28,483 28,483 877<br />

Other financial assets 931,757 931,757 237,820 237,820 7,330<br />

Investments accounted for using equity<br />

method 2,363,027 2,284,793 3,019,867 2,453,157 75,614<br />

Available-for-sale financial assets -<br />

noncurrent 749,845 749,845 1,274,256 1,274,256 39,277<br />

Financial assets measured at holding cost -<br />

noncurrent 1,038,878 1,133,685 320,009 313,506 9,663<br />

Bonds measured at amortized cost 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,541<br />

Other long-term investments 58,531 108,414 - - -<br />

Loans receivables from relates parties 46,456 46,456 25,444 25,444 784<br />

Refundable deposits 97,092 97,092 58,612 58,612 1,807<br />

Pledged assets 198,744 198,744 89,091 89,091 2,746<br />

Liabilities<br />

Short-term loans 3,951,373 3,951,373 3,570,742 3,570,742 110,062<br />

Commercial paper issued, net 827,962 827,962 904,730 904,730 27,887<br />

Notes payable 79,318 79,318 41,851 41,851 1,290<br />

Accounts payable 3,078,795 3,078,795 3,579,525 3,579,525 110,333<br />

Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes payable to related<br />

parties 243,223 243,223 146,294 146,294 4,509<br />

Others payables 275,326 275,326 130,057 130,057 4,009<br />

Income tax payable 97,553 97,553 172,841 172,841 5,328<br />

Accrued expenses 1,506,112 1,506,112 1,286,961 1,286,961 39,668<br />

Current portion of long-term liabilities 1,104,196 1,104,196 129,516 129,516 3,992<br />

Long-term bank loans 5,016,255 5,016,255 1,471,951 1,471,951 45,370<br />

Bonds payable 84,587 84,587 4,446,144 4,446,144 137,045<br />

Deposits received 159,113 159,113 129,264 129,264 3,984<br />

Derivative financial instruments<br />

Domestic<br />

Financial assets at fair value through profit<br />

or loss - forward exchange 351 351 4,854 4,854 149<br />

Financial liabilities at fair value through<br />

profit or loss - forward exchange 9,118 9,118 1,800 1,800 55<br />

Hedging derivative financial liabilities 1,326 1,326 2,038 2,038 63<br />

Foreign<br />

Financial assets at fair value through profit<br />

or loss - forward exchange 2,825 2,825 7,379 7,379 227<br />

Hedging derivative financial assets 290 290 647 647 20<br />

Financial liabilities at fair value through<br />

profit or loss - forward exchange 1,089 1,089 1,833 1,833 57<br />

Hedging derivative financial liabilities 7,955 7,955 - - -<br />

Financial liabilities at fair value through<br />

profit or loss - price reset value of the<br />

unsecured foreign convertible bonds - - 606,625 606,625 18,698<br />

- 59 -

Effective January 1, 2006, the Group adopted the Statements of Financial Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards No. 34<br />

“Accounting for Financial Instruments.” The cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles<br />

arising from the adoption of new SFAS was described in Note 3.<br />

b. The methods <strong>and</strong> assumptions used in estimating fair values are as follows:<br />

1) The fair values of the following short-term instruments approximate their carrying amounts because<br />

of their short maturities: Cash <strong>and</strong> cash equivalents, notes receivable <strong>and</strong> payable, accounts<br />

receivable <strong>and</strong> payable, accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivable from <strong>and</strong> payable to related parties, income<br />

tax refund receivable, other financial assets, pledged assets, short-term loans, commercial paper<br />

issued, other payables, income tax payable, accrued expenses <strong>and</strong> current portion of long-term<br />

loans.<br />

2) The fair values of available-for-sale financial assets, domestic <strong>and</strong> foreign listed common stocks are<br />

based on their quoted market prices, the fair value of US Government Agency Bonds are based on<br />

the valuation report provided by the underwriter of those bonds.<br />

3) The fair values of available-for-sale financial assets - foreign funds are based on the net assets value<br />

provided by issuers.<br />

4) The fair values of current portion of bonds are estimated at the agreed redemption price.<br />

5) The fair values of investments accounted for using equity method are based on their quoted market<br />

prices; or, if quoted market prices are not available, on the Group’s equity in the investees’ net<br />

assets or carrying amounts.<br />

6) The fair values of financial assets measured at holding cost <strong>and</strong> other long-term investments are<br />

based on the Group’s equity in the investees’ net assets or carrying amounts.<br />

7) The fair value of bonds measured at amortized cost are based on the fair value provided by issuers.<br />

8) The fair values of refundable deposits, deposits received, loans receivable from <strong>and</strong> payable to<br />

related parties approximate their carrying amounts because there are no definite receipt or payment<br />

terms.<br />

9) The fair values of the long-term bank loans are estimated using discounted cash flow analysis based<br />

on current interest rates for borrowings with similar maturities. If the interest rate is close to<br />

interest rate of long-term bank loans, the fair value is based on carrying amounts of loans.<br />

10) The fair values of the bonds payable are estimated using discounted cash flow analysis based on<br />

current interest rates for borrowings with similar maturities. If the interest rate is close to discount<br />

rate of bonds, the fair value is based on carrying amounts of bonds payable.<br />

11) The fair value of derivatives which have quoted market prices in active markets are based on their<br />

quoted market prices, or, if quoted market prices are not available, are determined using the<br />

valuation techniques. The estimations <strong>and</strong> assumptions incorporated in the valuation techniques<br />

by the Group are the same as those incorporated in participants in the market, which can be<br />

obtained by the Group.<br />

- 60 -

c. The fair values of financial assets <strong>and</strong> financial liabilities based on quoted market prices in active<br />

markets or determined using valuation techniques, are as follows:<br />

Assets<br />

Amount Based on Quoted<br />

Amount Determined Using<br />

Market Prices<br />

Valuation Techniques<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4) New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007 2006 2007 2007<br />

Financial assets at fair value through<br />

profit or loss $ - $ - $ - $ 3,176 $ 12,233 $ 376<br />

Available-for-sale financial assets 1,028,458 3,287,043 101,318 - - -<br />

Hedging derivative financial assets - - - 290 647 20<br />

Long-term investments accounted for<br />

using equity method 1,964,231 2,188,303 67,451 320,562 264,854 8,163<br />

Liabilities<br />

Financial liabilities at fair value through<br />

profit or loss - current - - - 10,207 3,633 112<br />

Hedging derivative financial liabilities - - - 9,281 2,038 63<br />

Financial liabilities at fair value through<br />

profit or loss - noncurrent - - - - 606,625 18,698<br />

d. Net valuation loss recognized for the changes in fair value estimated using valuation techniques were<br />

NT$7,031 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$81,151 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$2,501 thous<strong>and</strong>) for the years ended December 31,<br />

2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively.<br />

e. As of December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, the financial assets exposed to fair value interest rate risks were<br />

NT$1,005,312 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$8,681,280 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$267,585 thous<strong>and</strong>), respectively, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

financial liabilities exposed to fair value interest rate risks were NT$7,549,557 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

NT$4,879,874 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$150,414 thous<strong>and</strong>), respectively. The financial assets exposed to cash<br />

flow interest rate risks were NT$1,199,395 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$1,289,087 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$39,734<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>), <strong>and</strong> the financial liabilities exposed to cash flow interest rate risks were NT$3,350,229<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> NT$1,197,065 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$36,897 thous<strong>and</strong>), respectively.<br />

f. The Group recognized an unrealized gain of NT$506,863 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> an unrealized loss of<br />

NT$924,777 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$28,505 thous<strong>and</strong>) in stockholders’ equity for the changes in fair value of<br />

available-for-sale financial assets for the years ended December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively.<br />

NT$11,853 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$365 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> NT$257,415 were deducted from the component of<br />

stockholders’ equity <strong>and</strong> transferred to current gain on disposal of investments (included in investment<br />

income or loss, net) for selling available-for-sale financial assets.<br />

g. Information about financial risks<br />

1) Market risk<br />

a) Foreign exchange risk: The foreign exchange rate fluctuations would result in the Group’s<br />

foreign-currency-dominated assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities <strong>and</strong> open forward exchange contracts exposed<br />

to fair value risk <strong>and</strong> cash flow risk.<br />

b) Price risk: The fluctuations in market price would result in changes in fair values of<br />

available-for-sale financial assets held by the Group.<br />

- 61 -

2) Credit risk<br />

Credit risk represents the potential loss that would be incurred by the Group if counter-parties<br />

breached contracts. The largest credit risk of financial instruments held by the Group is the same<br />

as their carrying amounts.<br />

3) Liquidity risk<br />

The Group had sufficient working capital to meet the cash needs upon settlement of contracts are<br />

publicly-traded. Therefore, no material liquidity risk was anticipated.<br />

The Group’s available-of-sale financial instruments are publicly-traded in an active market <strong>and</strong><br />

ready to be sold approximately in their fair values on the market, no material liquidity risk was<br />

anticipated. Financial assets measured at holding cost <strong>and</strong> bonds measured at amortized cost have<br />

significant liquidity risks in that these investments do not have quoted market prices in an active<br />

market, therefore, it could have material liquidity risk. The outst<strong>and</strong>ing forward exchange<br />

contracts (included financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities at fair value through profit or loss <strong>and</strong> hedging<br />

derivative financial assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities) as of December 31, 2007 were anticipated to generate cash<br />

inflows of JPY1,975,757 thous<strong>and</strong>, NT$183,804 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> PLN9,529 thous<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> cash<br />

outflows of NT$538,658 thous<strong>and</strong>, EUR2,300 thous<strong>and</strong>, RMB6,642 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> US$6,050<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>. No material cash flow risk is anticipated since the exchange rates of forward exchange<br />

contracts have been determined.<br />

h. Cash flow hedge<br />

1) Material price hedge<br />

Palladium <strong>and</strong> silver, necessary materials to manufacture passive components may result in risks of<br />

cash flow as fluctuations of market prices <strong>and</strong> result in changes in cash outflows of future<br />

purchases. The <strong>Corporation</strong> estimated that risk of market price fluctuations is significant <strong>and</strong><br />

therefore, the <strong>Corporation</strong> entered the hedged transaction through forward purchase contracts. The<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong>’s hedging strategy was to enter forward purchase contracts according to the forecast of<br />

quantity of dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> purchase amount of the production department <strong>and</strong> purchase department.<br />

The gain or loss on financial instrument due to these hedged transactions were net gain of NT$3,553<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> net loss of NT$65 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$2 thous<strong>and</strong>) for the years ended December 31, 2006<br />

<strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively. This amount was wholly adjusted to cost of inventories - raw materials for<br />

the years ended December 31, 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007, respectively. The <strong>Corporation</strong> expected cash<br />

outflows of palladium future purchases since January of 2008, <strong>and</strong> the adjustment of open contracts<br />

to stockholders’ equity - unrealized loss of financial instrument (included in hedging derivative<br />

financial assets or liabilities) of NT$1,391 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$43 thous<strong>and</strong>) will be wholly adjusted to<br />

cost of inventories - raw materials in 2008. The <strong>Corporation</strong> did not have any open forward<br />

purchase contracts in silver as of December 31, 2007. The <strong>Corporation</strong> did not have any open<br />

forward purchase contracts in palladium <strong>and</strong> silver as of December 31, 2006.<br />

2) Foreign-currency sales hedge<br />

The foreign-currency sales of the <strong>Corporation</strong> may result in risks of cash flow as the fluctuation of<br />

exchange rates can result in changes in cash inflows. The <strong>Corporation</strong> estimated that the risk of<br />

foreign-currency exchange is significant <strong>and</strong> therefore, the <strong>Corporation</strong> entered a hedged transaction<br />

through forward exchange contracts. Our hedging strategy was to enter forward exchange<br />

contracts according to the forecast of foreign-currency sales from our sales department.<br />

- 62 -

The total loss on settled forward exchange contracts was NT$842 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> wholly charged<br />

against sales for the year ended December 31, 2006. The fair value of the open forward exchange<br />

contracts as of December 31, 2006 was NT$5,414 thous<strong>and</strong>, included in hedging derivative<br />

financial assets or liabilities <strong>and</strong> unrealized loss on financial instrument. In 2007, net losses of<br />

NT$22,243 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$686 thous<strong>and</strong>) generated by those transactions was charged against sales.<br />

Because the hedging relationship qualified for hedging accounting was ended up as of March 31,<br />

2007, the remainder of open forward exchange contracts had been transferred to financial assets or<br />

liabilities at fair value through profit or loss <strong>and</strong> subsequently, measured at fair value <strong>and</strong> the<br />

changes in fair value were charged to current income. There was no open forward exchange<br />

contract as of December 31, 2007.<br />

Open forward exchange contracts as of December 31, 2006 were as follows:<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars)<br />

Contract Contract<br />

Carrying<br />

Value/<br />

Fair<br />

Type of Transaction Currency Due Date Amount Value<br />

NT$<br />

Hedging derivative financing assets - current<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD June 14, 2007 US$ 30,000 $ 290<br />

Hedging derivative financing liabilities - current<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD May 8, 2007 US$ 6,000 $ 2,202<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD May 8, 2007 US$ 4,000 1,667<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD May 18, 2007 US$ 3,000 1,104<br />

Sale of forward exchange USD to NTD May 29, 2007 US$ 2,000 731<br />

3) Foreign-currency material <strong>and</strong> machinery purchase hedge<br />

a) The <strong>Corporation</strong><br />

$ 5,704<br />

The foreign-currency purchases of material <strong>and</strong> machinery may result in risks of cash flow as<br />

fluctuations of exchange rate can result in changes in cash outflows. The <strong>Corporation</strong><br />

estimated the risk to be significant <strong>and</strong> therefore, the <strong>Corporation</strong> entered the hedged transaction<br />

through forward exchange contracts. The hedging strategy was to enter forward exchange<br />

contracts according to forecast imported material <strong>and</strong> machinery of the purchase department.<br />

All of the foregoing forward exchange contracts were outst<strong>and</strong>ing as of December 31, 2006.<br />

The fair value was NT$3,449 thous<strong>and</strong> which was included in hedging derivative financial<br />

liabilities <strong>and</strong> unrealized loss on financial instrument.<br />

The net losses on the related forward exchange contracts were wholly charged to cost of<br />

inventories of NT$598 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$18 thous<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> cost of machinery of NT$918 thous<strong>and</strong><br />

(US$28 thous<strong>and</strong>) for the year ended December 31, 2007. Because the hedging relationship<br />

qualified for hedge accounting was ended up in March of 2007, the remainder of open forward<br />

exchange contracts had been transferred to financial assets or liabilities at fair value through<br />

profit or loss <strong>and</strong> subsequently, measured at fair value <strong>and</strong> the changes in fair value were<br />

charged to current income.<br />

- 63 -

Open forward exchange contracts as of December 31, 2006 were as follows:<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars)<br />

Contract Carrying Value/<br />

Type of Transaction Currency Contract Due Date Amount Fair Value<br />

NT$ US$<br />

(Note 4)<br />

Hedging derivative financing liabilities -<br />

current<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD September 14, 2007 JPY300,000 $ 719 $ 22<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD September 14, 2007 JPY100,000 240 7<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD September 14, 2007 JPY100,000 240 7<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to NTD August 31, 2007 JPY500,000 2,250 70<br />

b) Compostar Technology Co., Ltd.<br />

$ 3,449 $ 106<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. imported foreign equipment for manufacturing passive<br />

components. It may result in risks of cash flow as fluctuations of exchange rate can result in<br />

changes in cash outflows of future purchases. Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. estimated the<br />

risk to be significant <strong>and</strong> therefore, entered the hedge transaction through forward purchase<br />

contracts at the end of 2006. The hedge strategy was to enter forward purchase contracts<br />

according to a firm purchase commitment in 2007.<br />

As of December 31, 2006, this forward exchange contract remained unsettled, <strong>and</strong> the fair value<br />

of NT$128 thous<strong>and</strong> was shown as unrealized loss on financial instrument. In the year ended<br />

December 31, 2007, the firm commitment to purchase equipment brought to outflows of foreign<br />

currency <strong>and</strong> the forward exchange contracts had generated a gain of NT$264 thous<strong>and</strong> (US$8<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>) (included unrealized loss of NT$128 thous<strong>and</strong> shown as unrealized loss on financial<br />

instrument as of December 31, 2006), which had been adjusted to the cost of equipment.<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. didn’t enter into other forward exchange contracts which were<br />

qualified for cash flow hedge accounting for the year ended December 31, 2007.<br />

The open forward exchange contract as of December 31, 2006 was as follows:<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of Dollars)<br />

Contract Contract<br />

Carrying<br />

Value/<br />

Fair<br />

Type of Transaction Currency Due Date Amount Value<br />

NT$<br />

Hedging derivative financing liabilities<br />

Purchase of forward exchange JPY to TWD April 27, 2007 JPY 85,000 $ 128<br />


Following are the additional disclosures required by the Securities <strong>and</strong> Futures Bureau for significant<br />

transactions <strong>and</strong> investees:<br />

a. Financing provided: Table 1 (attached)<br />

b. Endorsement/guarantee provided: Table 2 (attached)<br />

c. Marketable securities held: Table 3 (attached)<br />

- 64 -

d. Marketable securities acquired <strong>and</strong> disposed of at costs or prices of at least NT$100 million or 20% of<br />

the capital stock: Table 4 (attached)<br />

e. Acquisition of individual real estates at costs of at least NT$100 million or 20% of the paid-in capital:<br />

None<br />

f. Disposal of individual real estates at prices of at least NT$100 million or 20% of the capital stock:<br />

Table 5 (attached)<br />

g. Total purchase from or sale to related parties amounting to at least NT$100 million or 20% of the capital<br />

stock: Table 6 (attached)<br />

h. Receivables from related parties amounting to at least NT$100 million or 20% of the capital stock:<br />

Table 7 (attached)<br />

i. Names, locations, <strong>and</strong> related information of investees on which the <strong>Corporation</strong> exercises significant<br />

influence: Table 8 (attached)<br />

j. Investment in Mainl<strong>and</strong> China<br />

1) Investee company name, the description of the primary business activity <strong>and</strong> products, issued<br />

capital, nature of the relationship, capital inflow or outflow, ownership interest, gain or loss on<br />

investment, amounts received on investment, <strong>and</strong> the limitation on investment: Table 9 (attached)<br />

2) Significant direct or indirect transactions with the investee company, prices, payment terms, loans,<br />

guarantee <strong>and</strong> unrealized gain or loss:<br />

a) Purchase, purchase percentage <strong>and</strong> related ending balance, percentage of accounts payable:<br />

Table 6 (attached)<br />

b) Sales, sales percentage <strong>and</strong> related ending balance, percentage of accounts receivable: Table 6<br />

(attached)<br />

c) The amount of property transactions <strong>and</strong> related transaction’s gain or loss: Eliminated in the<br />

consolidated statements<br />

d) Providing collaterals or endorsements, the ending balance <strong>and</strong> purpose: Table 2 (attached)<br />

e) Financing to others, related information including highest balance, ending balance, interval of<br />

interest rate <strong>and</strong> total current interest: Table 1 (attached)<br />

f) Significant transactions effect to net income or financial situations. For example, professional<br />

services provided or received: None<br />

k. Intercompany relationships <strong>and</strong> significant transactions: Table 10 (attached)<br />

- 65 -


a. Industry information<br />

In order to allocate resources <strong>and</strong> fulfill performance evaluation reasonably, since 2006, the department<br />

in Group engaged in passive components reported industrial financial information separately by product<br />

groups. Therefore, the Group are divided into the following business segments:<br />

1) Resistors business segment<br />

2) Capacitors business segment<br />

3) Ferrite business segment<br />

4) Other electronic components <strong>and</strong> investment business segment<br />

The industry financial information: Table 11 (attached)<br />

b. Geographic information: Table 12 (attached)<br />

c. Export sales:<br />

U.S.<br />

Dollars<br />

New Taiwan Dollars (Note 4)<br />

Areas 2006 2007 2007<br />

Asia $ 3,192,458 $ 2,228,627 $ 68,693<br />

Europe 735,187 738,131 22,752<br />

America 600,602 505,549 15,583<br />

d. Important information of customers<br />

$ 4,528,247 $ 3,472,307 $ 107,028<br />

Customers accounting for at least 10% of the Group’s total sales:<br />

None<br />

- 66 -

TABLE 1<br />



YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007<br />

(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

No. Financing Name Counter-party Financial Statement Account<br />

Financing Limit<br />

for Each<br />

Borrowing<br />

Company<br />

Maximum<br />

Balance for the<br />

Year<br />

Ending Balance Interest Rate<br />

Financing<br />

Reasons<br />

Collateral<br />

Allowance for<br />

Bad Debt Item Value<br />

Transaction Amount<br />

Total Maximum<br />

Amount of<br />

Financing<br />

Allowed for<br />

Financier<br />

0 <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Kuo Chung Development Limited Receivable from affiliates $ 12,778,573 $ 140,685 $ - 1.77%-1.78% For revolving fund $ - - $ - $ - $ 12,778,573<br />

Kuo Shin Investment Limited Receivable from affiliates 12,778,573 100,000 - 1.77%-1.78% For revolving fund - - - - 12,778,573<br />

1 <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Hsu Tai International (H.K.) Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 11,453 US$ 11,444 - For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 15,200 - - For revolving fund - - - Sale 462,061 US$ 694,797<br />

(Note)<br />

Purchase 1,911,334<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 3,000 US$ 3,000 4.5% For revolving fund - - - Sale US$ 3,300 US$ 694,797<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 20,000 US$ 20,000 4.5% For revolving fund - - - Sale US$ 75,993 US$ 694,797<br />

Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

Purchase US$ 13,971<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 9,000 - - For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

Ferroxcube Technology (Hong Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 6,500 - - For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

Kong) Limited<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Korea Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 290 US$ 235 4.5% For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 356 US$ 312 4.5% For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> America Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 5,681 US$ 5,681 4.5% For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

(Note)<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 5,294 US$ 5,009 4.5% For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

(Note)<br />

GCD Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 34 US$ - - For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

Vitrohm Holding Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 11,551 US$ 10,081 1.25% For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

(Note)<br />

Steller Inc. Receivable from affiliates US$ 694,797 US$ 650 US$ 650 4.5% For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

Phycomp Holding B.V.<br />

Ferroxcube International Holding<br />

B.V.<br />

Loans to subsidiaries<br />

considered as a component<br />

of investment<br />

Loans to subsidiaries<br />

considered as a component<br />

of investment<br />

(Note)<br />

US$ 694,797 US$ 289,266 US$ 286,804<br />

(Note)<br />

US$ 694,797 US$ 74,856 US$ 73,185<br />

(Note)<br />

0%-4.5% For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

0%-4.5% For revolving fund - - - - US$ 694,797<br />

2 Kuo Ding Venture Capital Kuo Chung Development Limited Receivable from affiliates 77,960 60,790 - 1.24% For revolving fund - - - - 77,960<br />

Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Receivable from affiliates 77,960 80,800 - 2.21%-2.22% For revolving fund - - - - 77,960<br />

3 <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Receivable from affiliates US$ 8,516 US$ 7,408 - - For revolving fund - - - - US$ 8,516<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Receivable from affiliates US$ 8,516 US$ 7,400 - - For revolving fund - - - - US$ 8,516<br />

4 Kuo Shin Investment Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Receivable from affiliates 633,674 379,100 - 1.24%-2.27% For revolving fund - - - - 633,674<br />

Kuo Chung Development Limited Receivable from affiliates 633,674 134,752 - 1.24%-1.77% For revolving fund - - - - 633,674<br />

5 Kuo Chung Development Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Receivable from affiliates 740,759 900,400 - 1.24%-2.22% For revolving fund - - - - 740,759<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 67 -

No. Financing Name Counter-party Financial Statement Account<br />

Financing Limit<br />

for Each<br />

Borrowing<br />

Company<br />

Maximum<br />

Balance for the<br />

Year<br />

Ending Balance Interest Rate<br />

Financing<br />

Reasons<br />

Allowance for<br />

Bad Debt<br />

Collateral<br />

Transaction<br />

Amount<br />

Total Maximum<br />

Amount of Financing<br />

Allowed for<br />

Financier<br />

6 <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Guo Chuang Electronics Receivable from affiliates RMB 475,813 RMB 11,000 RMB 5,000 6.12% For revolving fund - - - Purchase RMB 18 RMB 475,813<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

7 Compstar Technology Co., Ltd. Compstar Technology (Cayman) Receivable from affiliates 620,400 US$ 1,732 US$ 1,732 2% For revolving fund - - - Sale $ 448,850 1,034,000<br />

Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

8 Compostar Technology Compostar Technology Receivable from affiliates 620,400 RMB 12,400 - 2%-5% For revolving fund - - - - 1,034,000<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.<br />

(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Receivable from affiliates 620,400 RMB 7,500 - 2% For revolving fund - - - - 1,034,000<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

9 Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Ferroxcube Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.<br />

Receivable from affiliates RMB 165,343 US$ 4,300 US$ 4,300<br />

(Note)<br />

- For revolving fund $ - - $ - $ - RMB 165,343<br />

No.<br />

10 Chipcera Holding B.V. Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. Receivable from affiliates US$ (37 ) US$ 32 US$ 30<br />

(Note)<br />

- For revolving fund - - - - US$ (37 )<br />

11 <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Suzhou) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

Receivable from affiliates RMB 40,994 RMB 10,000 RMB 4,000<br />

(Note)<br />

- For revolving fund - - - - RMB 40,994<br />

12 Compostar Technology (Cayman)<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology<br />

(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.<br />

Receivable from affiliates $ 620,400 RMB 12,400 RMB 12,400<br />

(Note)<br />

2%-5% For revolving fund - - - - $ 1,034,000<br />

Note: Eliminated<br />

(Concluded)<br />

- 68 -

TABLE 2<br />



YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007<br />

(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

No.<br />

Endorsement/Guarantee<br />

Provider<br />

Name<br />

Counter-party<br />

Nature of<br />

Relationship<br />

Limits on Each<br />

Counter-party’s<br />

Endorsement/<br />

Guarantee Amounts<br />

Maximum<br />

Balance for the Year<br />

Ending Balance<br />

Value of Collaterals<br />

Property, Plant, or<br />

Equipment<br />

Ratio of Accumulated<br />

Amount of Collateral<br />

to Net Equity of the<br />

Latest Financial<br />

Statement<br />

Maximum<br />

Collateral/Guarantee<br />

Amounts Allowable<br />

0 <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

(for <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda)<br />

Ltd. to guarantee the loans of<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co.,<br />

Ltd., <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.,<br />

Ferroxcube Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.)<br />

Subsidiary $ 31,946,432 $ 332,760<br />

( US$ 10,000 )<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Subsidiary 31,946,432 865,842<br />

( US$25,000 <strong>and</strong><br />

EUR750)<br />

$ 324,430<br />

( US$ 10,000 )<br />

846,856<br />

( US$25,000 <strong>and</strong><br />

EUR750)<br />

$ - 1.02 $ 47,919,648<br />

- 2.65 47,919,648<br />

Kuo Shin Investment Limited Subsidiary 31,946,432 300,000 - - - 47,919,648<br />

Kuo Chung Development Limited Subsidiary 31,946,432 200,000 - - - 47,919,648<br />

13 <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan)<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

Affiliate US$ 157,365 US$ 21,129<br />

(RMB 160,000 )<br />

- - - US$ 157,365<br />

7 Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. Compostar Technology (Cayman)<br />

Ltd.<br />

Subsidiary 620,400 54,440<br />

( US$ 1,500 <strong>and</strong><br />

EUR100)<br />

- - - 1,360,435<br />

- 69 -

TABLE 3<br />



DECEMBER 31, 2007<br />

(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

Investor Securities Type <strong>and</strong> Issuer Relationship with the Investor<br />

Financial Statement<br />

Account<br />

Shares/Units<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

December 31, 2007<br />

Percentage of<br />

Carrying Value<br />

Ownership<br />

Market Value or<br />

Net Asset Value<br />

Note<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Stocks<br />

Teapo Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

47,923 $ 520,408 13.2 $ 303,350<br />

using equity method<br />

Kuo Shin Investment Limited Subsidiary Investments accounted for 243,200 1,559,715 100.0 1,559,715 (Note)<br />

using equity method<br />

Kuo Ding Venture Capital Limited Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

18,500 195,885 100.0 195,885 (Note)<br />

using equity method<br />

GTCL Equity-method investee Investments accounted for 162,023 739,856 15.4 621,855<br />

using equity method<br />

Chilisin Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

19,969 315,478 14.0 367,438<br />

using equity method<br />

Fubon Venture Capital Corp.<br />

Member of the board of directors Financial assets measured<br />

4,000 40,000 20.0 40,000<br />

at holding cost<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

90,000 22,541,293 100.0 22,541,293 (Note)<br />

using equity method<br />

Ferroxcube Taiwan Ltd. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

372 15,669 100.0 15,669 (Note)<br />

using equity method<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

141,648 1,825,695 68.5 1,863,662 Pledged 136,238<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> shares<br />

(Note)<br />

Phycomp Holding B.V. Subsidiary Other liabilities - others 747 (5,409,103 ) 100.0 (5,495,262 ) (Note)<br />

Ferroxcube International Holding B.V. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

39 315,808 100.0 271,313 (Note)<br />

using equity method<br />

Phycomp Malaysia Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

8,628 1,287 100.0 1,287 (Note)<br />

using equity method<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> America Subsidiary Other liabilities - others 1 (158,873 ) 100.0 (158,873 ) (Note)<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

25,047 215,559 69.0 141,731 Pledged 25,047<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> shares<br />

(Note)<br />

Ralec Electronic <strong>Corporation</strong> Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

4,925 299,812 8.3 189,613<br />

using equity method<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

1,000 734,419 100.0 734,419 (Note)<br />

using equity method<br />

Taiwan High Speed Rail Corp. - Financial assets measured<br />

21,233 22,694 0.4 22,694<br />

at holding cost<br />

Linko International Golf & Country Club - Financial assets measured<br />

- 482 0.1 635<br />

at holding cost<br />

TA-I Technology Co., Ltd. - Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

5,593 282,215 3.2 130,879<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 70 -

Investor Securities Type <strong>and</strong> Issuer Relationship with the Investor<br />

Financial Statement<br />

Account<br />

Shares/Units<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

December 31, 2007<br />

Percentage of<br />

Carrying Value<br />

Ownership<br />

Market Value or<br />

Net Asset Value<br />

Note<br />

Limited company<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Kuo Chung Development Limited Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Bonds<br />

US Government Agency Bonds - Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

Kuo Shin Investment Stocks<br />

Limited Tait Marketing & Distribution Co., Ltd. - Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

TA-I Technology Co., Ltd. - Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp. Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Chilisin Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

GTCL Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

King Power International Co., Ltd. - Financial assets measured<br />

at holding cost<br />

Parawin Venture Capital Corp. Member of the board of directors Financial assets measured<br />

at holding cost<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Teapo Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Jih Sun Securities Investment Trust Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

- Financial assets measured<br />

at holding cost<br />

Bonds<br />

Ta Chong subordinated debt - Bonds measured at<br />

amortized cost<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Stocks<br />

Ltd. GCD Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Steller Inc. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

SHS KOA Corp. - Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

- $ 10,398 100.0 $ 10,398 (Note)<br />

- 1,851,900 100.0 1,851,900 (Note)<br />

- 1,640,576 - 1,642,630<br />

20,114 177,001 12.2 148,842<br />

12,352 594,117 7.0 289,037 Pledged 7,874<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> shares<br />

2,090 75,870 3.5 80,479<br />

3,502 95,612 2.5 64,435<br />

28,063 128,148 2.7 107,709<br />

2,761 33,622 16.6 43,293<br />

10,000 76,628 10.0 77,120<br />

4,063 49,578 2.0 53,452 Pledged 4,063<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> shares<br />

(Note)<br />

14,579 130,249 4.0 92,285<br />

5,786 47,029 15.9 32,636 Pledged 5,786<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> shares<br />

(Note)<br />

1,560 12,000 4.0 26,411<br />

- 50,000 - 50,000<br />

3,438 US$ 1,412 27.2 US$ 1,978<br />

1,000 US$ 1,225 100.0 US$ 1,225 (Note)<br />

1,030,499 US$ 226,495 100.0 US$ 226,495 (Note)<br />

888 US$ 9,018 2.0 US$ 7,182<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 71 -

Investor Securities Type <strong>and</strong> Issuer Relationship with the Investor<br />

Financial Statement<br />

Account<br />

Shares/Units<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

December 31, 2007<br />

Percentage of<br />

Carrying Value<br />

Ownership<br />

Market Value or<br />

Net Asset Value<br />

Note<br />

Limited company<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

- $ - $ -<br />

using equity method<br />

Vitrohm Holding Subsidiary Other liabilities - others - US$ (1,735 ) 100.0 US$ (1,735 ) (Note)<br />

Hsu Tai International (H.K.) Subsidiary Other liabilities - others - US$ (2,907 ) 100.0 US$ (2,907 ) (Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Korea Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

- US$ 483 100.0 US$ 483 (Note)<br />

using equity method<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan Subsidiary Other liabilities - others - US$ (214 ) 100.0 US$ (214 ) (Note)<br />

Ko-E Holding (Cayman Isl<strong>and</strong>s), Ltd. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

- US$ 7,155 90.0 US$ 7,155 (Note)<br />

using equity method<br />

Belkin International Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

- US$ 1,674 46.0 US$ 1,900<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited company<br />

Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

using equity method<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Kuo Ding Venture Capital Stocks<br />

Limited GTCL Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Chilisin Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Kuo Chung Development Stocks<br />

Limited GTCL Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

TA-I Technology Co., Ltd. - Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp. Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Teapo Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Chilisin Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

- HK$1,201,053 100.0 HK$1,201,053 (Note)<br />

- HK$ 514,719 100.0 HK$ 514,719 (Note)<br />

- HK$ 7,108 35.0 HK$ 7,108<br />

- HK$ 43,778 100.0 HK$ 43,778 (Note)<br />

8,716 39,799 0.8 33,452<br />

1,806 42,348 1.3 33,233<br />

2,625 8,844 0.3 10,075<br />

9,580 291,833 5.5 224,173 Pledged 7,874<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> shares<br />

2,110 76,595 3.5 81,249<br />

13,835 124,274 3.8 87,576<br />

6,280 172,054 4.4 115,554<br />

Ferroxcube Holding Stocks<br />

(Samoa) Ltd.<br />

Ferroxcube Technology (Hong Kong)<br />

Limited<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

146,209 US$ 17,945 100.0 US$ 17,945 (Note)<br />

Ferroxcube Technology<br />

(Hong Kong) Limited<br />

Limited company<br />

Ferroxcube Electronics (Dongguan) Ltd. Subsidiary<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

- HK$ 139,983 100.0 HK$ 139,983 (Note)<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 72 -

Investor Securities Type <strong>and</strong> Issuer Relationship with the Investor<br />

Financial Statement<br />

Account<br />

Shares/Units<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

December 31, 2007<br />

Percentage of<br />

Carrying Value<br />

Ownership<br />

Market Value or<br />

Net Asset Value<br />

Note<br />

Compostar Technology Stocks<br />

Co., Ltd. Luminous Town Electric Co., Ltd. The same chairman of board of<br />

directors<br />

Financial assets measured<br />

at holding cost<br />

Strong Capacitor Company Equity-method investee Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman) Ltd. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

TA-I Technology Co., Ltd. - Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

12,207 $ 134,583 15.8 $ 103,353<br />

6,530 109,475 31.4 109,475<br />

47,000 369,970 100.0 369,970 (Note)<br />

2,815 107,215 1.6 65,872<br />

Fund<br />

Pacific Royal Fund - Global Opportunity<br />

Income Fund<br />

- Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

353 117,315 - 43,167<br />

Compostar Technology Limited company<br />

(Cayman) Ltd. Compostar Technology (Shanghai) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

Subsidiary Other liabilities - others - US$ (1,687 ) 100.0 US$ (1,687 ) (Note)<br />

Subsidiary Other liabilities - others - US$ (1,152 ) 100.0 US$ (1,152 ) (Note)<br />

Stocks<br />

Compostar (Hong Kong) Limited Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

10,991 US$ 5,016 100.0 US$ 5,016 (Note)<br />

Compostar (Hong Kong) Stocks<br />

Limited<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou), Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

- HK$ 39,123 100.0 HK$ 39,123 (Note)<br />

Ko-E Holding (Cayman Stocks<br />

Isl<strong>and</strong>s) Ltd. Ko-E Corp. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Limited company<br />

Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Ko-E (H.K.) Limited Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

4,500 US$ 2,373 100.0 US$ 2,373 (Note)<br />

- US$ 1,251 100.0 US$ 1,251 (Note)<br />

- US$ 1,837 100.0 US$ 1,837 (Note)<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Stocks<br />

Ltd. Chipcera Holding B.V. Subsidiary Other liabilities - others 800 (1,202 ) 100.0 (1,202 ) (Note)<br />

Chipcera Holding B.V. Limited company<br />

Dongguan Chang An Wusha Chipcera Subsidiary Other liabilities - others - US$ (115 ) 100.0 US$ (115 ) (Note)<br />

Dongguan Chen An Trading Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

- US$ 48 100.0 US$ 48 (Note)<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 73 -

Investor Securities Type <strong>and</strong> Issuer Relationship with the Investor<br />

Financial Statement<br />

Account<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Funds<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

Bank of China International Money<br />

Market Fund<br />

- Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

Credit Suisse Money Market Fund - Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

Phycomp Holding B.V. Stocks<br />

SHS KOA Corp. - Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

Hsu Tai International Stocks<br />

(H.K.) SHS KOA Corp. - Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets<br />

Shares/Units<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

December 31, 2007<br />

Percentage of<br />

Carrying Value<br />

Ownership<br />

Market Value or<br />

Net Asset Value<br />

20,001 RMB 20,000 - RMB 20,039<br />

20,000 RMB 20,000 - RMB 20,069<br />

391 EUR 2,404 0.9 EUR 2,151<br />

872 HK$ 69,483 2.0 HK$ 54,980<br />

Note<br />

Note: Eliminated<br />

(Concluded)<br />

- 74 -

TABLE 4<br />



YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007<br />

(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

Company Name<br />

Securities Type <strong>and</strong> Name<br />

Financial Statement<br />

Account<br />

Counter-party<br />

Beginning Balance Acquisition Disposal Adjustment Ending Balance<br />

Nature of<br />

Relationship Shares/Units<br />

Shares/Units<br />

Shares/Units<br />

Gain (Loss) on Shares/Units<br />

Shares/Units<br />

Amount<br />

Amount<br />

Amount Carrying Value Amount<br />

Amount<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

Disposal (Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Stocks<br />

TA-I Technology Co., Ltd.<br />

Kuo Shin Investment Limited<br />

Taiwan Fixed Network Co., Ltd.<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp.<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Ltd.<br />

Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets - noncurrent<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Financial assets measured at<br />

holding cost - noncurrent<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Financial assets measured at<br />

holding cost - noncurrent<br />

- - 3,353 $ 124,984<br />

(Note 2)<br />

1,936 $ 174,223 300 $ 15,262 $ 16,992 $ (1,730 ) $ 604<br />

(Note 3)<br />

$ - 5,593 $ 282,215<br />

(Note 2)<br />

Subsidiary Increase in 183,200 1,380,255 60,000 600,000 - - - - - (420,540 ) 243,200 1,559,715<br />

capital<br />

(Note 1)<br />

(Note 7)<br />

- - 17,500 145,250 - - 17,500 144,814 145,250 (436 ) - - - -<br />

- - - - 4,925 299,010 - - - - - 802<br />

(Note 1)<br />

Subsidiary Liquidation 1,000 277,573 - - 1,000 277,501 277,605 (9,064 )<br />

- 32<br />

(Note 4)<br />

(Note 1)<br />

4,925 299,812<br />

- -<br />

Limited company<br />

Kuo Chung Development Limited<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Increase in<br />

capital<br />

- 341,872 - 1,600,000 - - - - - (89,972 )<br />

(Note 1)<br />

- 1,851,900<br />

(Note 7)<br />

Bonds<br />

US Government Agency Bonds<br />

Kuo Shin Investment Limited Stocks<br />

TA-I Technology Co., Ltd.<br />

Teapo Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong><br />

Taiwan Fixed Network Co., Ltd.<br />

Fund<br />

NITC Bond Fund<br />

NITC Taiwan Bond Fund<br />

Mega Diamond Bond Fund<br />

Prudential Financial Bond Fund<br />

Hua Nan Kirin Fund<br />

PCA Well Pool Bond Fund<br />

Taishin Lucky Bond Fund<br />

Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets - current<br />

Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets - noncurrent<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Financial assets measured at<br />

holding cost - noncurrent<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

- - - - - 1,640,576 - - - - - - - 1,640,576<br />

(Note 2)<br />

- - 7,875 225,246<br />

(Note 2)<br />

3,143 368,871 - - - - 1,334<br />

(Note 3)<br />

- 12,352 594,117<br />

(Note 2)<br />

- - - - 14,579 129,692 - - - - - 557 14,579 130,249<br />

(Note 1)<br />

- - 13,703 113,731 - - 13,703 113,390 113,731 (341 ) - - - -<br />

- - - - 1,695 280,000 1,695 280,494 280,000 494 - - - -<br />

- - - - 17,632 250,000 17,632 250,198 250,000 198 - - - -<br />

- - - - 25,866 299,350 25,866 299,794 299,350 444 - - - -<br />

- - - - 13,896 204,400 13,896 204,603 204,400 203 - - - -<br />

- - - - 20,433 228,000 20,433 228,239 228,000 239 - - - -<br />

- - - - 16,185 204,500 16,185 204,760 204,500 260 - - - -<br />

- - - - 15,729 162,800 15,729 163,004 162,800 204 - - - -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Stocks<br />

Ltd. Grace T.H.W. Group Financial assets measured at<br />

holding cost - noncurrent<br />

SHS KOA Corp.<br />

Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets - noncurrent<br />

- - 3,833 US$ 4,358 - - 3,833 US$ 3,964 US$ 4,358 US$ (394 ) - - - -<br />

- - - - 888 US$ 9,018 - - - - - - 888 US$ 9,018<br />

(Note 2)<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 75 -

Company Name<br />

Securities Type <strong>and</strong> Name<br />

Financial Statement<br />

Account<br />

Counter-party<br />

Beginning Balance Acquisition Disposal Adjustment Ending Balance<br />

Nature of<br />

Relationship Shares/Units<br />

Shares/Units<br />

Shares/Units<br />

Gain (Loss) on Shares/Units<br />

Shares/Units<br />

Amount<br />

Amount<br />

Amount Carrying Value Amount<br />

Amount<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

Disposal (Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

Limited company<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

- Increase in<br />

capital<br />

- $ - 1,030,499 US$ 216,948 - $ - $ - $ - - US$ 9,547<br />

(Note 1)<br />

Subsidiary - - US$ 125,578 - - - US$ 144,359 US$ 144,359 - - US$ 18,781<br />

(Note 1)<br />

Subsidiary - - US$ 58,350 - - - US$ 66,527 US$ 66,527 - - US$ 8,177<br />

(Note 1)<br />

Subsidiary - - US$ 5,370 - - - US$ 5,230 US$ 5,230 - - US$ (140 )<br />

(Note 6)<br />

1,030,499 US$ 226,495<br />

(Note 7)<br />

- -<br />

- -<br />

- -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited Limited company<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Increase in<br />

capital<br />

Increase in<br />

capital<br />

Increase in<br />

capital<br />

- - - HK$ 1,120,223 - - - - - HK$ 80,830<br />

(Note 1)<br />

- - - HK$ 516,250 - - - - - HK$ (1,531 )<br />

(Note 1)<br />

- - - HK$ 40,582 - - - - - HK$ 3,196<br />

(Note 1)<br />

- HK$ 1,201,053<br />

(Note 7)<br />

- HK$ 514,719<br />

(Note 7)<br />

- HK$ 43,778<br />

(Note 7)<br />

Kuo Chung Development Stocks<br />

Limited Teapo Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Chilisin Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

- - - - 13,835 123,739 - - - - - 535<br />

(Note 1)<br />

- - - - 6,218 169,149 - - - - 62 2,905<br />

(Note 3) (Note 1)<br />

13,835 124,274<br />

6,280 172,054<br />

Fund<br />

ING Taiwan Income Fund<br />

NITC Taiwan Bond Fund<br />

Dresdner Bond Dam Fund<br />

Prudential Financial Bond Fund<br />

JF (Taiwan) Bond Fund<br />

NITC Bond Fund<br />

Mega Diamond Bond Fund<br />

Hua Nan Kirin Fund<br />

PCA Well Pool Bond Fund<br />

Capital Income Fund<br />

Taishin Lucky Bond Fund<br />

Yuanta Wan Tai Bond Fund<br />

Polaris De-Li Fund<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

- - - - 13,742 219,000 13,742 219,216 219,000 216 - - - -<br />

- - - - 34,185 485,000 34,185 485,506 485,000 506 - - - -<br />

- - - - 75,694 884,000 75,694 885,009 884,000 1,009 - - - -<br />

- - - - 34,724 511,000 34,724 511,556 511,000 556 - - - -<br />

- - - - 19,288 295,400 19,288 296,046 295,400 646 - - - -<br />

- - - - 1,786 295,000 1,786 295,632 295,000 632 - - - -<br />

- - - - 51,281 594,200 51,281 595,092 594,200 892 - - - -<br />

- - - - 26,437 295,000 26,437 295,312 295,000 312 - - - -<br />

- - - - 26,221 331,500 26,221 331,908 331,500 408 - - - -<br />

- - - - 16,434 245,900 16,434 246,243 245,900 343 - - - -<br />

- - - - 28,888 299,000 28,888 299,376 299,000 376 - - - -<br />

- - - - 34,376 486,300 34,376 486,785 486,300 485 - - - -<br />

- - - - 19,561 299,000 19,561 299,209 299,000 209 - - - -<br />

Kuo Ding Venture Capital Fund<br />

Limited NITC Bond Fund Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

- - - - 719 118,781 719 119,016 118,781 235 - - - -<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 76 -

Company Name<br />

Securities Type <strong>and</strong> Name<br />

Financial Statement<br />

Account<br />

Counter-party<br />

Beginning Balance Acquisition Disposal Adjustment Ending Balance<br />

Nature of<br />

Relationship Shares/Units<br />

Shares/Units<br />

Shares/Units<br />

Gain (Loss) on Shares/Units<br />

Shares/Units<br />

Amount<br />

Amount<br />

Amount Carrying Value Amount<br />

Amount<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

Disposal (Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

(Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

NITC Taiwan Bond Fund<br />

PCA Well Pool Bond Fund<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

- - - $ - 16,498 $ 234,102 16,498 $ 234,349 $ 234,102 $ 247 - $ - - $ -<br />

- - - - 14,599 184,702 14,599 184,912 184,702 210 - - - -<br />

Compostar Technology Fund<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

Pacific Royal Fund-Global Opportunity<br />

Income Fund<br />

Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets - current<br />

- - - - 594 197,565 241 52,979 80,250 (27,271 ) - - 353 117,315<br />

(Note 2)<br />

Limited company<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman) Ltd.<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Increase in<br />

capital<br />

47,000 233,889 - 123,844 - - - - - 12,237<br />

(Note 1)<br />

47,000 369,970<br />

(Note 7)<br />

Compostar Technology Limited company<br />

(Cayman) Ltd. Compostar (Hong Kong) Limited Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Increase in<br />

capital<br />

- - 10,991 US$ 5,036 - - - - - US$ (20 )<br />

(Note 1)<br />

10,991 US$ 5,016<br />

(Note 7)<br />

Compostar (Hong Kong) Limited company<br />

Limited<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Increase in<br />

capital<br />

- - - HK$ 39,080 - - - - - HK$ 43<br />

(Note 1)<br />

- HK$ 39,123<br />

(Note 7)<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Stocks<br />

Ltd.<br />

Ferroxcube Technology (Hong Kong)<br />

Limited<br />

Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Increase in<br />

capital<br />

- - 146,209 US$ 17,953 - - - - - US$ (8 )<br />

(Note 1)<br />

146,209 US$ 17,945<br />

(Note 7)<br />

Limited company<br />

Ferroxcube Electronics (Dongguan) Ltd. Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Ferroxcube Technology Limited company<br />

(Hong Kong) Limited Ferroxcube Electronics (Dongguan) Ltd. Investments accounted for<br />

using equity method<br />

Subsidiary - - US$ 17,499 - - - US$ 17,953 US$ 17,953 - - US$ 454<br />

(Note 1)<br />

Subsidiary - - - - HK$ 140,044 - - - - - HK$ (61 )<br />

(Note 1)<br />

- -<br />

- HK$ 139,983<br />

(Note 7)<br />

Ko-E Corp. Fund<br />

Dresdner Bond Dam Fund<br />

Phycomp Holding BV Stocks<br />

SHS KOA Corp.<br />

Hsu Tai International (H.K.) Stocks<br />

SHS KOA Corp.<br />

Financial assets at fair value<br />

through profit or loss -<br />

current<br />

Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets - noncurrent<br />

Available-for-sale financial<br />

assets - noncurrent<br />

- - - - 17,915 209,000 17,915 209,549 209,000 549 - - - -<br />

- - - - 391 EUR 2,404 - - - - - - 391 EUR 2,404<br />

(Note 2)<br />

- - - - 872 HK$ 69,483 - - - - - - 872 HK$ 69,483<br />

(Note 2)<br />

Note 1: Equity in net gain or loss of investees <strong>and</strong> other equity-method adjustment.<br />

Note 2: Represent original carrying value before market price adjustment.<br />

Note 3: Represent stock dividends.<br />

Note 4: Represent difference between selling price <strong>and</strong> carrying value of NT$(104) thous<strong>and</strong>, add reversal of prior year adjustment of stockholders’ equity of NT$(8,960) thous<strong>and</strong> in debit balance.<br />

Note 5: Represent investment income <strong>and</strong> other adjustment by equity method of US$23,676 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> cash dividends of US$(4,895) thous<strong>and</strong> from investee.<br />

Note 6: Represent investment income <strong>and</strong> other adjustment by equity method US$635 thous<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> cash dividends of US$(775) thous<strong>and</strong> from investee.<br />

Note7: Eliminated<br />

(Concluded)<br />

- 77 -

TABLE 5<br />



YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007<br />

(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong><br />

Name<br />

Date of<br />

Transaction<br />

Occurred<br />

Year of<br />

Acquirement<br />

Book Value<br />

Transaction<br />

Amount<br />

Condition<br />

Gain on Disposal<br />

Opposite<br />

Company<br />

Relation Object Direction of Price Other<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> L<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> building located 2007.5.30 Since 1999 $ 4,153,713 $ 4,995,000 Collected $ 666,363 Sinyi Realty Inc. - Finance According to appraisal -<br />

on Road Sinyi, Taipei<br />

report <strong>and</strong> negotiation<br />

L<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> building located in 2007.9.17 Since 1988 33,892 120,000 Collected 81,350 Talin Assets<br />

- Finance According to negotiation -<br />

Tianmu, Taipei<br />

Limited<br />

Kuo Chung<br />

Development<br />

Limited<br />

L<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> building located<br />

on Road Songqin, Taipei<br />

2007.10.15 Since 1999 166,911 200,000 Collected 25,147 Mrs. Yu-Chin Li - Finance According to negotiation -<br />

- 78 -

TABLE 6<br />



YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007<br />

(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

Company Name Related Party Nature of Relationship<br />

Purchase/<br />

Sale<br />

Amount<br />

Transaction Details<br />

% to<br />

Total<br />

Notes/Accounts (Payable) or<br />

Abnormal Transaction<br />

Receivable<br />

% to<br />

Payment Terms Unit Price Payment Terms Ending Balance<br />

Total<br />

Note<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Subsidiary Sale $ 1,911,334 17 T/T 90 days $ - - $ 368,955 13<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

Purchase 462,061 8 T/T 90 days - - (78,144 ) 3<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronic (China) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding Sale 183,809 2 T/T 90 days - - 237,546 8<br />

(Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited<br />

Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding Sale 2,109,556 19 Offset account T/T 90 days - - 558,154 20<br />

(Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT Subsidiary Sale 1,332,625 12 Offset account T/T 45 days - - 211,956 7<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

Ko-E Corp.<br />

Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding Sale 941,671 9 T/T 60 days - - 212,837 7<br />

(Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Sale 474,454 4 T/T 60 days - - 215,493 8<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

Purchase 1,701,935 30 T/T 60 days - - (542,177 ) 23<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

Ko-E (H.K.) Limited<br />

Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding Sale 224,387 2 T/T 60 days - - 84,825 3<br />

(Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) Subsidiary Sale 373,160 3 T/T 90 days - - 209,583 7<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

Belkin International<br />

An equity-method investee of Purchase 132,898 2 T/T 30 days - - (18,213 ) 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda)<br />

Ltd.<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Sale 103,247<br />

(Note)<br />

1 T/T 90 days 57,682<br />

(Note)<br />

2<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary Sale US$ 75,993<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited Subsidiary Sale US$ 3,300<br />

(Note)<br />

81 T/T 90 days - - US$ 47,124<br />

(Note)<br />

4 T/T 90 days - - US$ 20<br />

(Note)<br />

95<br />

-<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Affiliate Sale 2,109,556<br />

(Note)<br />

100 Offset account T/T 90 days - - - -<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. Affiliate Sale RMB 162,193<br />

(Note)<br />

Ferroxcube Pol<strong>and</strong> Ltd. Affiliate Purchase RMB 30,492<br />

(Note)<br />

99 T/T 60 days - - RMB 27,733<br />

(Note)<br />

62 T/T 60 days - - RMB (3,246 )<br />

(Note)<br />

96<br />

15<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding Sale RMB 307,356 19 T/T 90 days - - RMB 102,383 16<br />

(Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Parent company Sale RMB 106,264 7 T/T 90 days - - RMB 24,818 4<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT Affiliate Sale RMB 94,003 6 T/T 90 days - - RMB 23,425 4<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., An equity-method investee of Sale RMB 58,844 4 T/T 60 days - - RMB 20,737 3<br />

Ltd.<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited<br />

Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding<br />

(Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

Sale RMB 187,663<br />

(Note)<br />

12 T/T 65 days - - RMB 102,292<br />

(Note)<br />

16<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 79 -

Company Name Related Party Nature of Relationship<br />

Notes/Accounts (Payable) or<br />

Transaction Details<br />

Abnormal Transaction<br />

Receivable<br />

Purchase/<br />

% to<br />

Purchase/<br />

Amount<br />

Payment Terms Unit Price Payment Terms Ending Balance<br />

Sale<br />

Total<br />

Sale<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., Affiliate Sale RMB 38,230 2 T/T 90 days - - RMB 22,606 4<br />

Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) Affiliate Sale RMB 24,092 1 T/T 90 days - - RMB 21,468 3<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

Note<br />

Amount<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Ko-E (H.K.) Limited<br />

Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding Sale RMB 173,110 16 T/T 60 days - - RMB 52,602 14<br />

(Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding Sale RMB 41,015 4 T/T 90 days - - RMB 24,284 7<br />

(Bermuda) Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

(Note)<br />

Belkin International Affiliate Purchase RMB 26,133 3 T/T 90 days - - RMB (6,535 ) 2<br />

Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Guo Chung Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

An equity-method investee of<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited<br />

Purchase RMB 85,864 31 T/T 60 days - - RMB (25,425 ) 19<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. Compostar Technology (Cayman) Ltd. Subsidiary Sale $ 448,850<br />

(Note)<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman) Ltd. Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., Subsidiary Sale US$ 9,653<br />

(Note)<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology (Dongguan) Co., Subsidiary Sale US$ 4,096<br />

Ltd.<br />

(Note)<br />

Purchase US$ 5,460<br />

(Note)<br />

15 T/T 180 days $ - - $ 46,611<br />

(Note)<br />

45 T/T 180 days - - US$ 6,765<br />

(Note)<br />

19 T/T 180 days - - US$ 2,641<br />

(Note)<br />

25 T/T 180 days - - US$ (281)<br />

(Note)<br />

5<br />

55<br />

21<br />

8<br />

Note: Eliminated<br />

(Concluded)<br />

- 80 -

TABLE 7<br />



DECEMBER 31, 2007<br />

(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

Company Name Related Party Nature of Relationship Ending Balance Turnover Rate<br />

Amount<br />

Overdue<br />

Action Taken<br />

Amounts Received in<br />

Subsequent Period<br />

Allowance for Bad<br />

Debts<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. $ 558,154 (Note 3) 4.33 $ - - $ 558,154 $ -<br />

Ko-E Corp. Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 212,837 (Note 3) 3.24 - - 202,688 -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Subsidiary 368,955 (Note 3) 7.93 - - 153,875 -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT Subsidiary 211,956 (Note 3) 6.65 - - 211,956 -<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. Subsidiary 215,493 (Note 3) 3.07 - - 215,493 -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) Subsidiary 209,583 (Note 3) 3.56 - - 114,775 -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. 237,546 (Note 3) 1.96 - - 139,204 -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary US$ 47,124 (Note 3) 1.66 - - US$ 27,673 -<br />

US$ 20,000 (Note 3) - (Note 1) - - - -<br />

Hsu Tai International (H.K.) Subsidiary US$ 11,444 (Note 3) - (Note 1) - - US$ 540 -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited Subsidiary US$ 3,000 (Note 3) - (Note 1) - - - -<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Subsidiary US$ 5,009 (Note 3) - (Note 1) - - - -<br />

Phycomp Holding B.V. Subsidiary US$ 286,804 (Notes 2 - (Note 1) - - US$ 1,097 -<br />

<strong>and</strong> 3)<br />

Ferroxcube International Holding B.V. Subsidiary US$ 73,185 (Notes 2 - (Note 1) - - US$ 1,846 -<br />

<strong>and</strong> 3)<br />

Vitrohm Holding Subsidiary US$ 10,081 (Note 3) - (Note 1) - - US$ 99 -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> America Subsidiary US$ 5,681 (Note 3) - (Note 1) - - - -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. RMB 102,383 (Note 3) 3.36 - - RMB 13,345 -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Parent company RMB 24,818 (Note 3) 4.00 - - RMB 12,349 -<br />

Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. RMB 102,292 (Note 3) 2.58 - - RMB 82,501 -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT Affiliate RMB 23,425 (Note 3) 6.21 - - RMB 4,505 -<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. Affiliate RMB 22,606 (Note 3) 2.37 - - RMB 3,094 -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Ko-E (H.K.) Limited Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. RMB 52,602 (Note 3) 3.88 - - RMB 49,954 -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary of <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. RMB 24,284 (Note 3) 3.08 - - RMB 16,200 -<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> Parent company 542,177 (Note 3) 3.49 - - 538,587 -<br />

Compostar Technology (Caymen)., Ltd. Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. Subsidiary US$ 6,765 (Note 3) 1.60 - - US$ 701 -<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Ferroxcube Electronics (Dongguan) Ltd. Subsidiary US$ 4,300 (Note 3) - (Note 1) - - - -<br />

Ferroxcube H.K. Ltd. Affiliate RMB 27,733 (Note 3) 8.56 - - RMB 27,733 -<br />

Note 1: Flexible payment term based on borrower’s financial condition.<br />

Note 2: Foreign-currency loans to long-term investee.<br />

Note 3: Eliminated.<br />

- 81 -

TABLE 8<br />



YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007<br />

(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

Investment Amount Balance as of December 31, 2007<br />

Investor Company Investee Company Location Main Businesses <strong>and</strong> Products December 31, December 31, Shares Percentage of<br />

Carrying Value<br />

2007 2006 (Thous<strong>and</strong>s) Ownership<br />

Net Income<br />

(Loss) of the<br />

Investee<br />

Investment<br />

Gain (Loss)<br />

Note<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Bermuda Investment US$ 382,770 US$ 382,770 90,000 100.0 $ 22,541,293 $ 1,176,876 $ 1,176,876 Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Ltd. Bermuda Investment - US$ 48,825 - - - 429 32 Subsidiary (Note 1)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Teapo Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Taipei Capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 1,044,203 958,939 47,923 13.2 520,408 (126,532 ) (14,828 ) Equity-method investee<br />

Kuo Shin Investment Limited Taipei Investment 2,529,881 1,929,881 243,200 100.0 1,559,715 24,238 24,238 Subsidiary<br />

(Note3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Kuo Ding Venture Capital Limited Taipei Venture capital 185,000 185,000 18,500 100.0 195,885 (6,302 ) (6,311 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

GTCL Singapore Investment 390,078 390,078 162,023 15.4 739,856 (929,901 ) (143,491 ) Equity-method investee<br />

Fubon Venture Capital Corp. Taipei Venture capital 40,000 40,000 4,000 20.0 40,000 (16,556 ) (3,311 ) Equity-method investee (Note 2)<br />

Chilisin Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Hsinchu Inductance manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 319,184 319,184 19,969 14.0 315,478 254,734 34,001 Equity-method investee<br />

Kuo Chung Development Ltd. Taipei Investment 1,727,288 127,288 - 100.0 1,851,900 39,580 39,580 Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Ferroxcube Taiwan Ltd. Hsinchu Ferrite core manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 16,175 16,175 372 100.0 15,669 4,429 4,414 Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. Kaohsiung Electronic component manufacture <strong>and</strong> 1,441,867 1,411,992 141,648 68.5 1,825,695 307,417 203,001 Subsidiary<br />

marketing<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. Kaohsiung Capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 205,910 205,910 25,047 69.0 215,559 (12,905 ) (9,311 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp. Kaohsiung Resistor manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 299,010 - 4,925 8.3 299,812 226,927 2,814 Equity-method investee<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. West Samoa Investment US$ 23,513 US$ 21,928 1,000 100.0 734,419 (15,705 ) (15,705 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Phycomp Holding B.V. Netherl<strong>and</strong>s Holding company US$ 142,572 US$ 142,572 747 100.0 (5,409,103 ) (133,582 ) (148,899 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Ferroxcube International Holding B.V. Netherl<strong>and</strong>s Holding company US$ 70,155 US$ 70,155 39 100.0 315,808 (473,361 ) (473,361 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Phycomp Malaysia Malaysia Electronic component manufacture <strong>and</strong> MYR$ 759 MYR$ 759 8,628 100.0 1,287<br />

(102 ) (102 ) Subsidiary<br />

marketing<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) Singapore Electronic component manufacture <strong>and</strong> SG$ 780 SG$ 780 - 100.0 10,398 (3,674 ) (3,674 ) Subsidiary (formerly Phycomp<br />

marketing<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3) Singapore)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> America America Electronic component manufacture <strong>and</strong> US$ 2,347 US$ 196 1 100.0 (158,873 ) (40,140 ) (40,140 ) Subsidiary<br />

marketing<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Kuo Shin Investment Limited Chilisin Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Hsinchu Inductance manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 76,988 76,988 3,502 2.5 95,612 254,734 5,967 Equity-method investee<br />

Teapo Electronic <strong>Corporation</strong> Taipei Capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 129,692 - 14,579 4.0 130,249 (126,532 ) (3,440 ) Equity-method investee<br />

GTCL Singapore Investment 96,943 96,943 28,063 2.7 128,148 (929,901 ) (24,853 ) Equity-method investee<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp. Kaohsiung Resistor manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 62,907 62,907 2,090 3.5 75,870 226,927 11,450 Equity-method investee<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. Kaohsiung Capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 46,289 46,289 5,786 15.9 47,029 (12,905 ) (1,743 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. Kaohsiung Electronic component manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing<br />

42,631 42,631 4,063 2.0 49,578<br />

(Note 3)<br />

307,417 5,732<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Subsidiary<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda) Ltd. Vitrohm Holding Germany Investment EUR$ 15,849 EUR 15,849 - 100.0 US$ (1,735 ) US$ 3,391 US$ 3,391 Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited Hong Kong Investment HK$ 1,030,499 - 1,030,499 100.0 US$ 226,495 US$ 3,234 US$ 3,234 Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

GCD B.V.I. Investment US$ 3,551 US$ 3,502 3,438 27.2 US$ 1,412 US$ 744 US$ 199 Equity-method investee of subsidiary<br />

Hsu Tai International (H.K.) Hong Kong Investment US$ 2,400 US$ 2,400 - 100.0 US$ (2,907 )<br />

(Note 3)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Korea Korea Resistor marketing US$ 236 US$ 236 - 100.0 US$ 483<br />

(Note 3)<br />

US$ 88 US$ 88<br />

(Note 3)<br />

US$ 222 US$ 222<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Subsidiary<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 82 -

Investor Company Investee Company Location Main Businesses <strong>and</strong> Products<br />

Investment Amount Balance as of December 31, 2007 Net Income<br />

Investment<br />

(Loss) of the<br />

December 31, December 31, Shares Percentage of<br />

Gain (Loss)<br />

Note Investee<br />

2007 2006 (Thous<strong>and</strong>s) Ownership<br />

Note<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan Japan Resistor marketing US$ 339 US$ 339 - 100.0 US$ (214 ) US$ (63 ) US$ (63 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Ko-E Holding (Cayman Isl<strong>and</strong>s), Ltd. Cayman Isl<strong>and</strong>s Holding company US$ 4,500 US$ 4,500 - 90.0 US$ 7,155 US$ 2,386 US$ 2,147 Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Belkin International Samoa Investment US$ 920 US$ 920 - 46.0 US$ 1,674 US$ 1,158 US$ 589 Equity-method investee<br />

Steller Inc. U.S.A. Electronic component manufacture <strong>and</strong> US$ 8,882 - 1,000 100.0 US$ 1,225 US$ 110 US$ 110 Subsidiary<br />

marking<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. China Passive Component manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

- US$ 33,931 - - $ - RMB 30,974 US$ 5,787 Subsidiary<br />

marketing<br />

(Note 3)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. China Passive Component manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

- US$ 81,000 - - - RMB 192,717 US$ 18,287 Subsidiary<br />

marketing<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., China Passive Component manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

- US$ 598 - - - RMB 5,953 US$ 230 Equity-method investee of subsidiary<br />

Ltd.<br />

marketing<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. China Passive Component manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

- US$ 5,000 - - - RMB 4,836 US$ 412 Subsidiary<br />

marketing<br />

(Note 3)<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited. Hong Kong Passive Component marketing HK$ 8,000 HK$ 8,000 - 100.0 - $ - $ - Subsidiary<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> (Hong Kong) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. China Passive Component manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. China Passive Component manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics (Dongguan) Co., China Passive Component manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

Ltd.<br />

marketing<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. China Passive Component manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing<br />

HK$ 1,120,223 $ - - 100.0 HK$ 1,201,053<br />

(Note 3)<br />

RMB 192,717 HK$ 40,752<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Subsidiary<br />

US$ 516,250 - - 100.0 HK$ 514,719 RMB 30,974 HK$ (17,606 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

HK$ 6,458 - - 35.0 HK$ 7,108 RMB 5,953 HK$ 345 Equity-method investee of subsidiary<br />

HK$ 40,582 - - 100.0 HK$ 43,778<br />

(Note 3)<br />

RMB 4,836 HK$ 1,739<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Kuo Ding Venture Capital GTCL Singapore Investment $ 29,020 29,020 8,716 0.8 $ 39,799 $ (929,901 ) $ (7,719 ) Equity-method investee<br />

Limited Chilisin Electronic <strong>Corporation</strong> Hsinchu Inductance manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 33,739 33,739 1,806 1.3 42,348 254,734 3,075 Equity-method investee<br />

Kuo Chung Development Limited GTCL Singapore Investment 6,345 6,345 2,625 0.3 8,844 (929,901 ) (2,325 ) Equity-method investee<br />

Ralec Electronic Corp. Kaohsiung Resistor manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 63,483 63,483 2,110 3.5 76,595 226,927 11,566 Equity-method investee<br />

Teapo Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Taipei Capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 123,739 - 13,835 3.8 124,274 (126,532 ) (3,258 ) Equity-method investee<br />

Chilisin Electronics <strong>Corporation</strong> Hsinchu Inductance manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing 169,149 - 6,280 4.4 172,054 254,734 6,307 Equity-method investee<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa) Ltd. Ferroxcube Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. China Ferrite manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing - US$ 18,628 - - - US$ (478 ) US$ (357 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Ferroxcube Technology (Hong Kong) Limited Hong Kong Investment HK$ 146,209 - 146,209 100.0 US$ 17,945<br />

(Note 3)<br />

US$ (121 ) US$ (121 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Ferroxcube Technology (Hong<br />

Kong) Limited<br />

Ferroxcube Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. China Ferrite manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing HK$ 140,044 - - 100.0 HK$ 139,983<br />

(Note 3)<br />

HK$ (3,730 ) HK$ (946 )<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. Strong Components Co., Ltd. Kaohsiung Electronic component <strong>and</strong> capacitor<br />

184,146 184,146 6,530 31.4 109,475 (23,356) (7,338 ) Equity-method investee of subsidiary<br />

manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman) Ltd. Cayman Isl<strong>and</strong>s Marketing of passive component 626,361 502,517 47,000 100.0 369,970<br />

(Note 3)<br />

15,567 15,567<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Subsidiary<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman)<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. China Resistor, capacitor <strong>and</strong> related electronic<br />

production storehouse <strong>and</strong> marketing<br />

Compostar Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. China Resistor <strong>and</strong> capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. China Resistor <strong>and</strong> capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing<br />

Compostar Technology (Hong Kong) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

US$ 500 US$ 500 - 100.0 US$ (1,687 ) US$ (164 ) US$ (164 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

US$ 1,502 US$ 1,502 - 100.0 US$ (1,152 ) US$ 430 US$ 430 Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Note 3)<br />

- US$ 1,400 - - - RMB 8,759 US$ 1,278 Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

HK$ (991 ) HK$ (991 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Hong Kong Investment US$ 5,036 - 10,991 100.0 US$ 5,016<br />

(Note 3)<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 83 -

Investment Amount Balance as of December 31, 2007<br />

Investor Company Investee Company Location Main Businesses <strong>and</strong> Products December 31, December 31, Shares Percentage of<br />

2007 2006 (Thous<strong>and</strong>s) Ownership<br />

Carrying Value<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., China Resistor <strong>and</strong> capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong> HK$ 39,080 - - 100.0 US$ 39,123<br />

Ltd.<br />

marketing<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Compostar Technology (Hong<br />

Kong) Co., Ltd.<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. Chipcera Holding B.V. B.V.I. Investment 8,931 8,931 800 100.0 (1,202 )<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Ko-E Holding (Cayman Isl<strong>and</strong>s), Ko-E Corp. Taipei Electronic components marketing US$ 1,393 US$ 1,393 4,500 100.0 US$ 2,373<br />

Ltd.<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. China Electronic components marketing US$ 1,000 US$ 1,000 - 100.0 US$ 1,251<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Ko-E (H.K.) Limited Hong Kong Electronic components marketing US$ 1 US$ 1 - 100.0 US$ 1,837<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Chipcera Holding B.V. Dongguan Chang An Wusha Chipcera China Capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing - - - 100.0 US$ (115 )<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Dongguan Chen An Trading Co., Ltd. China Capacitor manufacture <strong>and</strong> marketing US$ 63 US$ 63 - 100.0 US$ 48<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Net Income<br />

(Loss) of the<br />

Investee<br />

Investment<br />

Gain (Loss)<br />

RMB 8,759 HK$ (991 )<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Subsidiary<br />

(6,595 ) (6,595 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

US$ 963 US$ 958 Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

US$ 167 US$ 167 Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

US$ 1,588 US$ 1,588 Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

US$ (185 ) US$ (185 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

US$ (8 ) US$ (8 ) Subsidiary<br />

(Note 3)<br />

Note<br />

Note 1: <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding International Ltd. was liquidated <strong>and</strong> eliminated in October of 2007.<br />

Note 2: Fubon Venture Capital Corp. went into liquidation in June of 2007. The <strong>Corporation</strong> lost significant influence over the entity <strong>and</strong> reclassified the carrying value into financial assets measured at holding cost.<br />

Note 3: Eliminated.<br />

(Concluded)<br />

- 84 -

TABLE 9<br />



YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007<br />

(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

Investee<br />

Company Name<br />

Main Businesses <strong>and</strong><br />

Products<br />

Total Amount of<br />

Paid-in Capital<br />

Investment Type<br />

(e.g., Direct or Indirect)<br />

Accumulated<br />

Outflow of<br />

Investment from<br />

Taiwan as of<br />

January 1, 2007<br />

Outflow<br />

Investment Flows<br />

Inflow<br />

Accumulated<br />

Outflow of<br />

Investment from<br />

Taiwan as of<br />

December 31,<br />

2007<br />

% Ownership of<br />

Direct or<br />

Indirect<br />

Investment<br />

Investment Gain<br />

(Loss)<br />

Carrying Value<br />

as of<br />

December 31,<br />

2007<br />

Accumulated<br />

Inward<br />

Remittance of<br />

Earnings as of<br />

December 31,<br />

2007<br />

Accumulated<br />

Investment in<br />

Mainl<strong>and</strong> China<br />

as of<br />

December 31,<br />

2007<br />

Investment<br />

Amounts<br />

Authorized by<br />

Investment<br />

Commission,<br />

MOEA<br />

Upper Limit on Investment<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.<br />

Manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing of passive<br />

components<br />

US$ 33,931 Indirect: Through a company<br />

($ 1,100,823 ) registered in a third region<br />

US$ 33,931 $ - $ - US$ 33,931<br />

($ 1,100,823 )<br />

($ 1,100,823 )<br />

100% US$ 3,530<br />

( $ 114,524 )<br />

(Note)<br />

HK$ 514,719<br />

( $ 2,140,922 )<br />

(Note)<br />

$ - US$ 33,931 US$ 37,790<br />

($ 1,100,823 )<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics<br />

(China) Co., Ltd.<br />

Manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing of passive<br />

components<br />

US$ 81,000 Indirect: Through a company<br />

($ 2,627,883 ) registered in a third region<br />

US$ 81,000<br />

($ 2,627,883 )<br />

- - US$ 81,000<br />

($ 2,627,883 )<br />

100% US$ 23,511<br />

($ 762,767 )<br />

(Note)<br />

HK$ 1,201,053 US$ 7,751 US$ 81,000 US$ 118,000<br />

($ 4,995,660 ) ( $ 251,466 ) ($ 2,627,883 )<br />

(Note)<br />

Ferroxcube Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.<br />

Manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing of Ferrite<br />

US$ 19,213 Indirect: Through a company<br />

($ 623,327 ) registered in a third region<br />

US$ 18,628 US$ 585<br />

($ 604,348 ) ( $ 18,979 )<br />

- US$ 19,213<br />

($ 623,327 )<br />

100% US$ (478 )<br />

($ (15,508 )<br />

(Note)<br />

HK$ 139,983<br />

($ 582,245 )<br />

(Note)<br />

- US$ 19,213 US$ 26,600 $ 7,889,286<br />

($ 623,327 )<br />

Guo Chuang Electronics<br />

(Dongguan) Co., Ltd.<br />

Manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing of passive<br />

components<br />

US$ 1,709 Indirect: Through a company<br />

($ 55,445 ) registered in a third region<br />

US$ 789<br />

($ 25,598 )<br />

- - US$ 789<br />

($ 25,598 )<br />

35% US$ 274 HK$ 7,108<br />

($ 8,889 ) ($ 29,565 )<br />

- US$ 789 US$ 2,926<br />

($ 25,598 )<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su<br />

Zhou) Co., Ltd.<br />

Manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing of passive<br />

components<br />

US$ 5,000 Indirect: Through a company<br />

($ 162,215 ) registered in a third region<br />

US$ 5,000<br />

($ 162,215 )<br />

- - US$ 5,000<br />

($ 162,215 )<br />

100% US$ 636<br />

($ 20,634 )<br />

(Note)<br />

HK$ 43,778<br />

($ 182,090 )<br />

(Note)<br />

- US$ 5,000 US$ 5,000<br />

($ 162,215 )<br />

Ko-E Technology<br />

(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.<br />

Manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing of<br />

Electronic<br />

components<br />

US$ 1,000 Indirect: Through a company<br />

($ 32,443 ) registered in a third region<br />

US$ 900<br />

($ 29,199 )<br />

- - US$ 900<br />

($ 29,199 )<br />

90% US$ 150<br />

($ 4,866 )<br />

(Note)<br />

US$ 1,251<br />

($ 40,586 )<br />

(Note)<br />

- US$ 900 US$ 3,150<br />

($ 29,199 )<br />

Guo Ray Electronics Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

Manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing of passive<br />

components<br />

US$ 1,000 Indirect: Through a company<br />

($ 32,443 ) registered in a third region<br />

US$ 230<br />

($ 7,462 )<br />

- - US$ 230<br />

($ 7,462 )<br />

46% US$ 276 US$ 2,173<br />

($ 8,954 ) ($ 70,499 )<br />

- US$ 230 US$ 736<br />

($ 7,462 )<br />

Chen-Xin Electronic<br />

(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.<br />

Manufacture <strong>and</strong><br />

marketing of passive<br />

components<br />

HK$ 1,000 Indirect: Through a company<br />

($ 4,159 ) registered in a third region<br />

- US$ 79<br />

( $ 2,563 )<br />

- US$ 79<br />

($ 2,563 )<br />

46% US$ 228 US$ 1,078<br />

($ 7,397 ) ($ 34,974 )<br />

- US$ 79 US$ 79<br />

($ 2,563 )<br />

Chen-Xin Electronic<br />

(Chiao-Tao) Co., Ltd.<br />

Manufacture passive<br />

components<br />

HK$ 130 Indirect: Through a company<br />

($ 4,218 ) registered in a third region<br />

- HK$ 59<br />

($ 1,914 )<br />

- HK$ 59<br />

($ 1,914 )<br />

46% US$ 61 US$ 248<br />

($ 1,979 ) ($ 8,046 )<br />

- US$ 59 US$ 59<br />

($ 1,914 )<br />

Note: Eliminated.<br />

- 85 -


TABLE 10<br />


YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In New Taiwan Dollars, Unless Stated Otherwise; All Amounts in Thous<strong>and</strong>s)<br />

2006<br />

No. Company Name Related Party<br />

Nature of<br />

Relationship<br />

(Note)<br />

Transaction Details<br />

Financial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms<br />

% to<br />

Total Sales or<br />

Assets<br />

0 <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Ltd. 1 Sales $ 1,941,407 T/T 90 days 10<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 215,649 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1 Sales 42,523 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 7,547 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1 Sales 1,652,492 Offset account T/T 90 days 8<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 415,427 Offset account T/T 90 days 1<br />

Ko-E Corp. 1 Sales 370,943 T/T 60 days 2<br />

Ko-E Corp. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 367,374 T/T 60 days 1<br />

Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 1 Sales 29,582 T/T 60 days -<br />

Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 29,161 T/T 60 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT 1 Sales 1,358,792 Offset account T/T 60 days 7<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 189,091 Offset account T/T 60 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan 1 Sales 1,810 Offset account T/T 90 days -<br />

Steller, Inc. 1 Sales 6,201 T/T 150 days -<br />

Steller, Inc. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 1,991 T/T 150 days -<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Sales 368,767 T/T 90 days 2<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 183,193 T/T 90 days -<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Rental revenue 4,229 T/T 30 days -<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Consulting revenue 9,600 Receipt in advance by seasons -<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Sales 33,817 T/T 90 days -<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 28,523 T/T 90 days -<br />

Kuo Chung Development 1 Interest income 426 - -<br />

Kuo Shin Investment Limited 1 Interest income 82 - -<br />

Ko-E Corp. 1 Rental revenue 936 T/T 30 days -<br />

Kuo Chung Development Limited 1 Other receivable 14,235 T/T 90 days -<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 86 -

No. Company Name Related Party<br />

Nature of<br />

Relationship<br />

(Note)<br />

Transaction Details<br />

Financial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms<br />

% to<br />

Total Sales or<br />

Assets<br />

1 <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Ltd. Ferroxcube International Holding B.V. 3 Loans to subsidiaries considered as a component of $ 2,138,232 - 5<br />

investment<br />

Phycomp Holding B.V. 3 Loans to subsidiaries considered as a component of<br />

8,444,646 - 18<br />

investment<br />

Hsu Tai International (H.K.) 1 Receivable from affiliates 109,588 - -<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd. 3 Receivable from affiliates 172,563 - -<br />

Vitrohm Holding 1 Receivable from affiliates 337,206 - 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> America 3 Receivable from affiliates 175,399 - -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Receivable from affiliates 495,459 - 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 1,443,514 T/T 90 days 3<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1 Sales <strong>and</strong> commission income 1,941,407 T/T 90 days 10<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Sales 350,578 T/T 90 days 2<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 168,695 T/T 90 days -<br />

2 <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Sales 13,108 Offset account T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 3 Sales 1,652,492 Offset account T/T 90 days 8<br />

3 <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Ltd. 2 Sales 370,788 T/T 90 days 2<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Ltd. 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 118,024 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 3 Sales 875,144 T/T 90 days 4<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 336,627 T/T 90 days 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT 3 Sales 190,025 T/T 90 days 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 28,674 T/T 90 days -<br />

Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 3 Sales 154,436 T/T 65 days 1<br />

Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 179,940 T/T 65 days -<br />

4 <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT 3 Sales 40,547 T/T 90 days -<br />

5 <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 3 Sales 13,108 Offset account T/T 90 days -<br />

Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 3 Sales 161,627 T/T 60 days 1<br />

Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 152,999 T/T 60 days -<br />

6 Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Sales 857,532 T/T 90 days 4<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 433,969 T/T 90 days 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Rental revenue 3,537 T/T 30 days -<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. 1 Sales 367,679 T/T 180 days 2<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 73,520 T/T 180 days -<br />

7 Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd. Ferroxcube H.K., Ltd. 3 Sales 657,096 T/T 30 days 3<br />

Ferroxcube Electronics (Dongguan) Co., 1<br />

140,163 - -<br />

Receivable from affiliates<br />

Ltd.<br />

8 <strong>Yageo</strong> International <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Receivable from affiliates 241,210 - 1<br />

9 <strong>Yageo</strong> America <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 3,253 T/T 30 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Commission revenue 56,860 T/T 30 days -<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 87 -

No. Company Name Related Party<br />

Nature of<br />

Relationship<br />

(Note)<br />

Transaction Details<br />

Financial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms<br />

% to<br />

Total Sales or<br />

Assets<br />

10 <strong>Yageo</strong> Korea <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Commission revenue $ 12,727 T/T 30 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 2,733 T/T 30 days -<br />

11 <strong>Yageo</strong> Japan <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Commission revenue 3,504 Offset account T/T 30 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 1,369 Offset account T/T 30 days -<br />

12 Ferroxcube International Holding B.V. Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd. 3 Sales 179,872 T/T 60 days 1<br />

13 Ferroxcube Taiwan, Ltd. Ferroxcube H.K., Ltd. 3 Commission revenue 31,388 T/T 60 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Interest income 2 - -<br />

14 Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. Compostar Technology (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

1 Sales 137,066 T/T 180 days 1<br />

1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 212,004 T/T 180 days 1<br />

1<br />

Sales<br />

145,313 T/T 180 days 1<br />

1<br />

Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties<br />

172,498 T/T 180 days -<br />

15 Compostar Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. 2 Sales 191,730 T/T 180 days 1<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 25,816 T/T 180 days -<br />

16 Kuo Shin Investment Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Receivable from affiliates 22,531 - -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Interest income 895 - -<br />

Kuo Chung Development Limited 3 Receivable from affiliates 134,292 - -<br />

17 Kuo Ding Venture Capital Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Interest income 182 - -<br />

Kuo Chung Development Limited 3 Receivable from affiliates 60,790 - -<br />

18 Kuo Chung Development Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Receivable from affiliates 2,002 - -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Interest income 289 - -<br />

19 Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Sales 3,752 T/T 120 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 9,657 T/T 120 days -<br />

20 Ko-E Corp. <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 1,998 T/T 60 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Sales expenses 1,998 T/T 60 days -<br />

21 Hsu Tai International (H.K.) <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Other receivable 19,608 - -<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 88 -

2007<br />

No. Company Name Related Party<br />

Nature of<br />

Relationship<br />

(Note 1)<br />

Transaction Details<br />

Financial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms<br />

% to<br />

Total Sales or<br />

Assets<br />

0 <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Ltd. 1 Sales $ 1,911,334 T/T 90 days 9<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 368,955 T/T 90 days 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1 Sales 29,780 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 6,368 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1 Sales 2,109,556 Offset account T/T 90 days 9<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 558,154 Offset account T/T 90 days 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT 1 Sales 1,332,625 Offset account T/T 45 days 6<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 211,956 Offset account T/T 45 days -<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Sales 474,454 T/T 60 days 2<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 215,493 T/T 60 days -<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Rental revenue 2,958 T/T 30 days -<br />

Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Consulting revenue 9,600 Receipt in advance by seasons -<br />

Steller, Inc. 1 Sales 5,931 T/T 150 days -<br />

Steller, Inc. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 2,445 T/T 150 days -<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Sales 103,247 T/T 90 days -<br />

Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 57,682 T/T 90 days -<br />

Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 1 Sales 224,387 T/T 60 days 1<br />

Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 84,825 T/T 60 days -<br />

Ko-E Corp. 1 Sales 941,671 T/T 60 days 4<br />

Ko-E Corp. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 212,837 T/T 60 days -<br />

Ko-E Corp. 1 Service revenue 2,859 T/T 60 days -<br />

Ko-E Corp. 1 Rental revenue 2,808 T/T 30 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> America 1 Sales 32,793 Offset account T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> America 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 12,950 Offset account T/T 90 days -<br />

Kuo Chung Development Ltd. 1 Interest income 73 - -<br />

Kuo Shin Investment Limited 1 Interest income 61 - -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) 1 Sales 373,160 T/T 90 days 2<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 209,583 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1 Sales 183,809 T/T 90 days 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 237,546 T/T 90 days -<br />

1 <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Ltd. Ferroxcube International Holding B.V. 3 Loans to subsidiaries considered as a component of<br />

2,380,811 - 5<br />

investment <strong>and</strong> interest receivable<br />

Phycomp Holding B.V. 3 Loans to subsidiaries considered as a component of<br />

9,306,870 - 19<br />

investment <strong>and</strong> interest receivable<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd. 3 Receivable from affiliates <strong>and</strong> accrued interest 170,025 - -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> America 3 Receivable from affiliates <strong>and</strong> accrued interest 192,611 - -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 1,528,844 T/T 90 days 3<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1 Receivable from affiliates <strong>and</strong> accrued interest 650,563 - 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 1 Sales 2,496,203 T/T 90 days 11<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Sales 462,061 T/T 90 days 2<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 78,144 T/T 90 days -<br />

Vithrohm Holding B.V. 1 Receivable from affiliates <strong>and</strong> accrued interest 331,781 - 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1 Receivable from affiliates <strong>and</strong> accrued interest 97,913 - -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1 Sales 108,398 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 649 T/T 90 days -<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 89 -

No. Company Name Related Party<br />

Nature of<br />

Relationship<br />

(Note 1)<br />

Transaction Details<br />

Financial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms<br />

% to<br />

Total Sales or<br />

Assets<br />

Hsu Tai International (H.K.) 1 Receivable from affiliates <strong>and</strong> accrued interest $ 371,278 - 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Korea 1 Receivable from affiliates <strong>and</strong> accrued interest 7,982 - -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Japan 1 Receivable from affiliates <strong>and</strong> accrued interest 10,591 - -<br />

Steller, Inc. 1 Receivable from affiliates <strong>and</strong> accrued interest 22,043 - -<br />

2 <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Sales 45,271 Offset account T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 3 Sales 2,109,556 Offset account T/T 90 days 9<br />

3 <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Ltd. 2 Sales 458,922 T/T 90 days 2<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Holding (Bermuda), Ltd. 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 110,237 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 3 Sales 1,327,378 T/T 90 days 6<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 454,765 T/T 90 days 1<br />

Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 3 Sales 810,460 T/T 65 days 4<br />

Ko-E Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 454,361 T/T 65 days 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT 3 Sales 405,971 T/T 90 days 2<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 104,049 T/T 90 days -<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 3 Sales 165,104 T/T 90 days 1<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 100,411 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) 3 Sales 104,046 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 95,357 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Sales 24,330 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 26,953 T/T 90 days -<br />

4 <strong>Yageo</strong> Components (Su Zhou) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> Europe KFT 3 Sales 44,306 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 3 Receivable from affiliates 17,767 - -<br />

5 <strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> USA (H.K.) Limited 3 Sales 45,271 Offset account T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 3 Sales 177,131 T/T 90 days 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 107,865 T/T 90 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> (South Asia) 3 Sales 30,127 T/T 90 days -<br />

Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 3 Sales 747,610 T/T 60 days 3<br />

Ko-E (H.K.) Limited 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 233,648 T/T 60 days -<br />

6 Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd. Ferroxcube H.K., Ltd. 3 Sales 700,463 T/T 60 days 3<br />

Ferroxcube H.K., Ltd. 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 123,184 T/T 60 days -<br />

Ferroxcube Electronics (Dongguan) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

1 Receivable from affiliates 139,505 - -<br />

7 Ferroxcube Taiwan, Ltd. Ferroxcube H.K., Ltd. 3 Commission revenue 21,958 T/T 60 days -<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd. 3 Research revenue 18,801 T/T 90 days -<br />

8 Ferroxcube Pol<strong>and</strong> Ltd. Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd. 3 Sales 131,686 T/T 60 days 1<br />

Ferroxcube Holding (Samoa), Ltd. 3 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 14,418 T/T 60 days -<br />

(Continued)<br />

- 90 -

No. Company Name Related Party<br />

Nature of<br />

Relationship<br />

(Note 1)<br />

Transaction Details<br />

Financial Statement Account Amount Payment Terms<br />

% to<br />

Total Sales or<br />

Assets<br />

9 Compostar Technology Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Sales $ 1,701,935 T/T 90 days 8<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 542,177 T/T 90 days 1<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Rental revenue 4,716 T/T 30 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Professional service expense 2,880 T/T 30 days -<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. 1 Sales 448,850 T/T 180 days 2<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 46,611 T/T 180 days -<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. 1 Receivable from affiliates <strong>and</strong> accrued interest 56,490 - -<br />

10 Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. Compostar Technology (Dongguan) Co., 1 Sales 134,545 T/T 180 days 1<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology (Dongguan) Co., 1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 85,682 T/T 180 days -<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co.,<br />

1 Sales 317,080 T/T 180 days 1<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology (Su Zhou) Co.,<br />

1 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 219,477 T/T 180 days -<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 1 Receivable from affiliates <strong>and</strong> accrued interest 58,173 - -<br />

11 Compostar Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. 2 Sales 179,349 T/T 180 days 1<br />

Compostar Technology (Cayman), Ltd. 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 9,116 T/T 180 days -<br />

12 Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Sales 75,279 T/T 120 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 32,854 T/T 120 days -<br />

13 <strong>Yageo</strong> America <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Commission revenue 72,499 T/T 30 days -<br />

14 <strong>Yageo</strong> Korea <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Commission revenue 39,112 T/T 30 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 3,233 T/T 30 days -<br />

15 <strong>Yageo</strong> Japan <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Commission revenue 2,019 Offset account T/T 30 days -<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Accounts <strong>and</strong> notes receivables from related parties 5,401 Offset account T/T 30 days -<br />

16 Kuo Shin Investment Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Interest income 2,660 - -<br />

17 Kuo Chung Development Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Interest income 6,144 - -<br />

18 Kuo Din Venture Capital Limited <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Interest income 546 - -<br />

19 Hsu Tai International (H.K.) <strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 2 Other receivable 9,804 - -<br />

20 Chipcera Holding B.V. Chipcera Technology Co., Ltd. 2 Receivable from affiliates 973 - -<br />

Note: Nature of relationship:<br />

1. The <strong>Corporation</strong> to subsidiaries.<br />

2. <strong>Subsidiaries</strong> to the <strong>Corporation</strong>.<br />

3. <strong>Subsidiaries</strong> to subsidiaries. (Concluded)<br />

- 91 -

TABLE 11<br />



YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of New Taiwan Dollars <strong>and</strong> U.S. Dollars)<br />

New Taiwan Dollars U.S. Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Other Other Other<br />

Electronic Electronic Electronic<br />

Components Components Components<br />

<strong>and</strong> Adjustment <strong>and</strong> Adjustment <strong>and</strong> Adjustment<br />

Resistor Capacitor Ferrite Investment <strong>and</strong> Resistor Capacitor Ferrite Investment <strong>and</strong> Resistor Capacitor Ferrite Investment <strong>and</strong><br />

Segment Segment Segment Segment Elimination Total Segment Segment Segment Segment Elimination Total Segment Segment Segment Segment Elimination Total<br />

Revenues generated from customers<br />

excluding the Group (2) $ 7,137,654 $ 9,805,298 $ 2,484,429 $ 1,402,533 $ - $ 20,829,914 $ 7,494,694 $ 10,649,138 $ 2,606,305 $ 2,327,526 $ - $ 23,077,663 $ 231,011 $ 328,242 $ 80,335 $ 71,742 $ - $ 711,330<br />

Revenues generated from the Group 2,359,943 6,472,527 674,599 790,140 (10,297,209 ) - 4,091,112 10,642,318 879,151 685,528 (16,298,109 ) - 126,102 328,031 27,098 21,130 (502,361 ) -<br />

Total revenues $ 9,497,597 $ 16,277,825 $ 3,159,028 $ 2,192,673 $ (10,297,209 ) $ 20,829,914 $ 11,585,806 $ 21,291,456 $ 3,485,456 $ 3,013,054 $ (16,298,109 ) $ 23,077,663 $ 357,113 $ 656,273 $ 107,433 $ 92,872 $ (502,361 ) $ 711,330<br />

Segment operating income (loss) (3) $ 2,528,232 $ 1,023,347 $ 37,562 $ 284,321 $ - $ 3,873,462 $ 2,510,508 $ 1,001,670 $ (371,098 ) $ 795,079 $ - $ 3,936,159 $ 77,382 $ 30,875 $ (11,439 ) $ 24,507 $ - $ 121,325<br />

Equity in net gain (loss) of investee<br />

company 162,442 (112,513 ) (3,468 )<br />

Interest expense (407,073 ) (395,636 ) (12,195 )<br />

General revenue (2) 394,624 381,262 11,752<br />

General expense (4) (1,740,580 ) (1,672,768 ) (51,560 )<br />

Income before income tax $ 2,282,875 $ 2,136,504 $ 65,854<br />

Identifiable assets (5) $ 9,368,208 $ 12,097,747 $ 3,323,696 $ 6,793,563 $ 31,583,214 $ 9,897,371 $ 11,721,423 $ 3,261,944 $ 4,370,924 $ 29,251,662 $ 305,069 $ 361,293 $ 100,544 $ 134,726 $ 901,632<br />

Long-term equity investments 2,363,027 3,019,867 93,082<br />

Assets not identifiable to a specified<br />

segment (5) 12,390,818 17,840,818 549,913<br />

Total assets $ 46,337,059 $ 50,112,347 $ 1,544,627<br />

Depreciation expense $ 605,527 $ 1,376,748 $ 310,310 $ 47,941 $ - $ 2,340,526 $ 650,861 $ 1,581,482 $ 335,849 $ 62,287 $ - $ 2,630,479 $ 20,062 $ 48,746 $ 10,352 $ 1,920 $ - $ 81,080<br />

Capital expenditure $ 1,205,540 $ 937,590 $ 141,941 $ 539 $ - $ 2,285,610 $ 983,077 $ 1,840,316 $ 207,387 $ 18,440 $ - $ 3,049,220 $ 30,302 $ 56,725 $ 6,392 $ 568 $ - $ 93,987<br />

Note 1:<br />

Note 2:<br />

Note 3:<br />

Note 4:<br />

Note 5:<br />

The Group is distinguished into segments of Resistor, Capacitor, Ferrite, other electronic components <strong>and</strong> investment.<br />

Represents revenues <strong>and</strong> other income among segments, excluding non-segment-related revenues.<br />

Represents the balance of revenue minus costs <strong>and</strong> operating expenses. Costs <strong>and</strong> operating expenses represents costs <strong>and</strong> expenses that are related to revenue of segments.<br />

Represents general <strong>and</strong> administrative expenses <strong>and</strong> non-attributed expenses.<br />

Represents enterprise assets used by the industry segment, excluding:<br />

a. Assets not for operation by the specific industry segment.<br />

b. Advances or loans to another industry segment.<br />

c. Long-term stock investments under equity method.<br />

- 92 -

TABLE 12<br />



YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND 2007<br />

(In Thous<strong>and</strong>s of New Taiwan Dollars <strong>and</strong> U.S. Dollars)<br />

New Taiwan Dollars U.S. Dollars (Note 4)<br />

2006 2007 2007<br />

Adjustment Adjustment Adjustment<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

Domestic Europe Asia Others Eliminations Combined Domestic Europe Asia Others Eliminations Combined Domestic Europe Asia Others Eliminations Combined<br />

Revenues generated from customers<br />

excluding the Group $ 7,466,059 $ 5,479,019 $ 7,733,614 $ 151,222 $ - $ 20,829,914 $ 6,602,996 $ 5,579,384 $ 10,483,511 $ 411,772 $ - $ 23,077,663 $ 203,526 $ 171,975 $ 323,137 $ 12,692 $ - $ 711,330<br />

Revenues generated from the Group 7,125,603 4,385 3,167,221 - (10,297,209 ) - 9,977,153 141,489 5,720,895 458,572 (16,298,109 ) - 307,529 4,361 176,336 14,135 (502,361 ) -<br />

Total revenues $ 14,591,662 $ 5,483,404 $ 10,900,835 $ 151,222 $ (10,297,209 ) $ 20,829,914 $ 16,580,149 $ 5,720,873 $ 16,204,406 $ 870,344 $ (16,298,109 ) $ 23,077,663 $ 511,055 $ 176,336 $ 499,473 $ 26,827 $ (502,361 ) $ 711,330<br />

Segment operating income (loss) $ 1,115,969 $ 526,140 $ 2,203,881 $ 27,472 $ - $ 3,873,462 $ 1,025,629 $ 119,789 $ 2,847,663 $ (56,922 ) $ - $ 3,936,159 $ 31,613 $ 3,692 $ 87,774 $ (1,754 ) $ - $ 121,325<br />

Equity in net gain (loss) of investee<br />

companies 162,442 (112,513 ) (3,468 )<br />

Interest expense (407,073 ) (395,636 ) (12,195 )<br />

General revenue 394,624 381,262 11,752<br />

General expense (1,740,580 ) (1,672,768 ) (41,560 )<br />

Income before income tax $ 2,282,875 $ 2,136,504 $ 65,854<br />

Identifiable assets $ 17,463,426 $ 5,757,857 $ 8,361,931 $ - $ 31,583,214 $ 13,321,488 $ 5,958,854 $ 9,917,996 $ 53,324 $ 29,251,662 $ 410,612 $ 183,671 $ 305,705 $ 1,644 $ 901,632<br />

Long-term equity investments 2,363,027 3,019,867 93,082<br />

Assets not identifiable to a specified<br />

geographic location 12,390,818 17,840,818 549,913<br />

Total assets $ 46,337,059 $ 50,112,347 $ 1,544,627<br />

- 93 -

TABLE 13<br />



DECEMBER 31, 2007<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong><br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> America<br />

<strong>Corporation</strong><br />

69%<br />

Ferroxcube<br />

Holding<br />

(Samoa), Ltd.<br />

Kuo Shin<br />

Investment<br />

Limited<br />

Kuo Chung<br />

Development<br />

Limited<br />

Kuo Ding<br />

Venture<br />

Capital<br />

Limited<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Holding<br />

(Bermuda),<br />

Ltd.<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong><br />

<strong>Corporation</strong><br />

(South Asia)<br />

Phycomp<br />

Malaysia<br />

SDN. BHD.<br />

Ferroxcube<br />

Taiwan, Ltd.<br />

Phycomp<br />

Ferroxcube<br />

100%<br />

2%<br />

68.5%<br />

Ferroxcube<br />

Technology<br />

(Hong Kong)<br />

Limited<br />

Compostar<br />

Technology<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

90%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

Chipcera<br />

Technology<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

15.9%<br />

100%<br />

Ferroxcube<br />

Electronics<br />

(Dongguan)<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

100%<br />

Compostar<br />

Technology<br />

(Cayman),<br />

Ltd.<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> USA<br />

(H.K.)<br />

Limited<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Japan<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong> Korea<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong><br />

(Hong Kong)<br />

Limited<br />

Vitrohm<br />

Holding<br />

GmbH<br />

100%<br />

Vitrohm<br />

Portuguesa<br />

Ko-E<br />

Holding<br />

(Cayman<br />

Isl<strong>and</strong>s) Ltd.<br />

Hsu Tai<br />

International<br />

(H.K.)<br />

Steller Inc.<br />

100%<br />

Chipcera<br />

Holding<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

100% 100%<br />

100%<br />

Compostar<br />

Technology<br />

(Shanghai)<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

100%<br />

Compostar<br />

Technology<br />

(Dongguan)<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

100%<br />

Compostar<br />

(Hong Kong)<br />

Limited<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Electronics<br />

(Dongguan)<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

100%<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Electronics<br />

(China) Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

100%<br />

<strong>Yageo</strong><br />

Components<br />

(Su Zhou)<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

Ko-E Corp.<br />

100% 100% 100%<br />

Ko-E (H.K.)<br />

Limited<br />

Ko-E<br />

Technology<br />

(Shenzhen)<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

Dongguan<br />

Chang An<br />

Wusha Chipcera<br />

Dongguan<br />

Chen An<br />

Trading Co.,<br />

Ltd.<br />

Compostar<br />

Technology<br />

(Su Zhou)<br />

Co., Ltd.<br />

- 94 -

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