6:00 pm - Rooks County Free Fair
6:00 pm - Rooks County Free Fair
6:00 pm - Rooks County Free Fair
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Across<br />
1 - Spring bacl< (6)<br />
5 - Work of creativity (3)<br />
7 - Noble gas (5)<br />
8 - Forgive (7)<br />
9 - Arms and legs (5)<br />
10 -!Forms of payment (8)<br />
12 - !Farmer (6)<br />
14 - Tall structures (6)<br />
17 - Moan (8)<br />
18 - Connective tissue (5)<br />
20 - Robbers a1 sea (7)<br />
21 - Unpleasant giants (5)<br />
22 - Male offspring (3)<br />
Down<br />
2 - Space shuttle (7)<br />
3 - Educational irnstJittJtioos(8)<br />
4 - Hero (4)<br />
5 - Excite (7)<br />
6 - Thin papers (7)<br />
7 - Dares (anaq) (5)<br />
11 - Bodily (8)<br />
12 - Chats (7)<br />
13 - Belief (7)<br />
15 - Clothing (7)<br />
16 - Great successes (5)<br />
19 - Thin cable (4)<br />
23 - Chooses (6)
AND<br />
MAp OF ROOKS COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. 3 DIVISION 8 - RABBITS •••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
42<br />
Superintendents: Randy Hrabe, Diane Hrabe<br />
OFFICERS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.<br />
4<br />
DIVISION 9 - DOG SHOW ••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
.43<br />
E NTERING, J UDGING, an d R ELEASE S CHEDULE..................... 5 S·<br />
upenntendents:<br />
P<br />
atn<br />
. S<br />
tout,<br />
M<br />
ari Jo<br />
S<br />
tout,<br />
J<br />
enna Mil<br />
I<br />
er<br />
PARADE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.<br />
7 D 10 F C G .4<br />
IVISION - IELD ROPS AND RASSES ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5<br />
FREE RANCH RODEO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.••••••••••••••••••.<br />
7 Superintendents:<br />
FREE HAMBURGER FEED •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.<br />
7<br />
Darrel Hrabe, Brian Pelton,<br />
Bernard Carsten<br />
DIVISION 11 - HORTICULTURE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
.48<br />
CARNIVAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.<br />
8<br />
Superintendents: Steve Cook, Kenton Miller<br />
ARMBAND & COUPON INFORMATlON ...........................• 8<br />
DIVISION 12 - FLORICULTURE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••<br />
S2<br />
MOTORCYCLE RACING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.<br />
9 Superintendents: Pattie Chesney, Janet Kollman<br />
CAR R>\CES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
;.................... 9 DIVISION 13 - FOODS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
53<br />
Superintendents: Genette Keas, Linda Stamper,<br />
FREE BINGO ••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••<br />
••••••.10<br />
Rita Hrabe, Stacey Keas, Jody Becker,<br />
YOUTH PET PARADE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••<br />
••••. ·I0<br />
Nikki Keas<br />
SUPER COW/CALF SHoW •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• ll DIVISION 14 - TEXTILES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
59<br />
OLD- TIMERS' LIVESTOCK JUDGING CONTEST ••••••••••••••••••••• .12 Superintendents: Linda Mcl.aughlin, Judy Schroeder.<br />
Janice Miller<br />
Poppin' Penelope 12<br />
DIVISION 15 - CLOTHING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
62<br />
Aaron Tippin 13 Superintendent: Theresa Kriley<br />
The Calhouns 12 DIVISION 16 - HOBBIES AND CRAFTS ••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••.•• 65<br />
AFTERNOONS AT THE FAIR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
.14 Superintendents: Raina Hrabe, Pat Wendling, Junia Hale<br />
4-H LIVESTOCK SALE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
15 DIVISION 17 - WOODWORKING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
67<br />
Superintendent: Roger Hale<br />
DEMOLITION DERBY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
15<br />
DIVISION 18 - FINE ARTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
68<br />
2011 AWARDS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />
.16 Superintendent: Diane Hrabe<br />
4-H AND FCCLAAwARDS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Fair</strong>grounds Map<br />
Stockton,<br />
KS<br />
Area 23 -<br />
Miller Field<br />
6 7<br />
N ...• c: 12<br />
2<br />
11 1c=J<br />
18<br />
15<br />
Building Codes<br />
Building I - Grandstand - Ostmeyer Stadium<br />
Building 2 - McCaslin Hall (Commercial Exhibits)<br />
Building 3 - Dairy Exhibits<br />
Building 4 - Cattle Exhibits (4-H)<br />
Building 5 - Hog Exhibits and Bucket Calves<br />
Building 6 - McCombs Stable (4-H Horse Barn)<br />
Building 7 - Horse Barn (Open Class)<br />
Building 8 - North and South Restrooms<br />
Building 9 - Cattle Exhibits<br />
Building 10 - Poultry and Rabbit Exhibits<br />
Building 11 - North Hog Exhibits<br />
Building 12 - Stockton National Bank Pavilion<br />
Building 13 - Goat Exhibits<br />
Building 14 - Horse Stable (Open Class)<br />
Building 15 - Harding Hall (4-H Exhibits)<br />
Building 16 - Ticket Office<br />
Building 17 - Sutor-Blauer Show Arena<br />
Building 18 - Exhibit Building (Open Class)<br />
Building 19 - Sheep Exhibits<br />
Building 20 - Horse Show Arena<br />
Building 21 - <strong>Free</strong> Stage<br />
Building 22 - Showers and Rest Rooms<br />
2012 OFFICERS<br />
Royce Muir.................................................................................<br />
President<br />
Dean Hrabe<br />
Vice-President<br />
Leonard Bristow<br />
Tom Benoit. ..... 1<br />
Second Vice-President<br />
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Treasurer<br />
Ruthie Muir................................................................................<br />
Secretary<br />
Wesley Hunt<br />
Bernard Carsten<br />
Steve Cook<br />
R.AlanDix<br />
Joe Becker<br />
Township Board of Directors<br />
Cindy Eichman<br />
Randy Hrabe<br />
Jessica Iwanski, D.v.M.<br />
Doug Keas<br />
Dan Kriley<br />
Jerry Miller<br />
Kenton Miller<br />
Kelly Muir<br />
Shawn Roy<br />
Jason Ochampaugh<br />
Brian Pelton<br />
David Pieper<br />
Steve Riffel<br />
Henry Sander<br />
John Steeples<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Commissioners<br />
Ted Lambert<br />
Larry Poore<br />
John Ruder<br />
www.rookscountyfreefair.com<br />
• The Open Class Building will be closed at 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. on Monday. As soon as exhibits are<br />
organized, the building will reopen.<br />
• Release time of Open Class Building Exhibits is 4:<strong>00</strong> - 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Saturday.<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.l11 Dog Agility<br />
Enter<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon Horses (4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter & weigh) Sheep (4-H and Open Class)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter) Goats (4-H and Open Class)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon Domestic AI1S (FCE)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.m.-noon (enter & weigh) Market Hogs (4-H and Open Class)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter & weigh) Pen of2 Swine (4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter) Breeding Swine (4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter & weigh) Market Beef(4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter & weigh) Pen of2 Beef(4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter) Breeding Beef(4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter) Dairy Cattle (4-H and Open Class)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-5:<strong>00</strong> p.I11........................................................•........................................ Dogs (Open Class)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-5:<strong>00</strong> p.I11 All other exhibits. except as stated<br />
Judging<br />
8:30 a.l11 Foods (4-H). followed by food sale<br />
9:<strong>00</strong> a.l11 Arts and Crafts (4-H)<br />
9:<strong>00</strong> a.l11 Knitting, Crocheting. Stitchery (4-H)<br />
2:30 p.l11 Domestic AI1s (FCE)<br />
3:<strong>00</strong> p.l11 Cats, followed by Hand Pets (4-H)<br />
4:<strong>00</strong> p.l11 Dog Show (4-H)<br />
6:30 p.l11 Dog Show (Open Class)<br />
Enter<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.m.vnoon (enter & weigh) Market Hogs (4-H and Open Class)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter & weigh) Pen of2 Swine (4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter) Breeding Swine (4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter & weigh) Market Beef (4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter & weigh) Pen of2 Beef(4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.I11.-noon (enter) Breeding Beef(4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.m.-noon (enter) Dairy Cattle (4-H and Open Class)<br />
Judging<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.m Champion Market Wheat Show<br />
8 :<strong>00</strong> a.m Grasses<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.m Horses (4-H)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.l11 AII Other Exhibits in 4-H and Open Class Buildings<br />
9:<strong>00</strong> a.m FCCLA Exhibits<br />
9:<strong>00</strong> a.m FCE Food Exhibits<br />
9:<strong>00</strong> a.l11 Scouts<br />
5:<strong>00</strong> p.m .Market Sheep (4-H followed by Open Class)<br />
5:<strong>00</strong> p.m Breeding Sheep (4-H followed by Open Class)<br />
5:<strong>00</strong> p.m., following Sheep Show Goats (4-H and Open Class)<br />
Enter<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.m.-2:<strong>00</strong> p.m. (enter) Beef, All Breeds (Open Class)<br />
Noon-2:<strong>00</strong> p.m Market Steers (Open Class)<br />
5:30 p.m Pet Parade<br />
Judging<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.m Swine (4-H followed by Open Class)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.m., following Swine Pen of2 Swine (4-H)<br />
1:30 p.m Rabbits (4-H and Open Class)<br />
1:30 p.m Poultry (4-H and Open Class)<br />
1:30-5:<strong>00</strong> p.m Photography Judging Contest (4-H)<br />
I:30-5:<strong>00</strong> p.m<br />
Life Skills Judging Contest (4-H)<br />
1:30-5:<strong>00</strong> p.m Horticulture Judging Contest (4-H)<br />
Release<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> p.m Sheep (Open Class)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> p.m Goats (4-H and Open Class)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> p.m Horses (4-H)<br />
Enter<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.m.-l 0:<strong>00</strong> a.m Horses (Open Class)<br />
Judging<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.m Bucket Calves (4-H)<br />
8:30 a.m BeefShowmanship (4-H)<br />
9:<strong>00</strong> a.m Breeding Beef (4-H)<br />
9:30 a.m Market Steers (4-H)<br />
10:<strong>00</strong> a.m Market Steers (Open Class)<br />
11:30 a.m Dairy Cattle (4-H and Open Class)<br />
11:45 a.m Pen of 2 Steers<br />
I:<strong>00</strong> p.m Beef, All Breeds Show (Open Class)<br />
5:30 p.m Grand Champion Fitting and Showing Contest<br />
Release<br />
Noon<br />
Market Hogs (Open Class)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> p.m Dairy Cattle (4-H and Open Class)<br />
Judging<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> a.m Horses (Open Class)<br />
9:30 a.m il-H, FFA, and Old-Timers' Livestock Judging Contest<br />
Release<br />
1:<strong>00</strong> p.m Beef (Open Class)<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> p.m Market Steers (Open Class)<br />
Sale<br />
9:30 a.m .4-H Livestock Sale<br />
Release<br />
1:<strong>00</strong> p.m Livestock Exhibits<br />
4:<strong>00</strong>-5:<strong>00</strong> p.m All Other Exhibits<br />
4:<strong>00</strong>-5:<strong>00</strong> p.m Premiurn Checks Available<br />
(please pick up checks at Information Booth in the Open Class Building)<br />
www.rookscountyfreefair.com<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Parade<br />
4:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
(2 Hours Prior to the Sunday Barbecue)<br />
Registration<br />
forms can be picked up at the following:<br />
Central Veterinary Services<br />
Stockton Recreational Fitness Center<br />
or by sending an e-mail to Ashley.noel@doane.edu.<br />
For further information<br />
Ashley Bedient<br />
Shannon Mongeau<br />
contact:<br />
(785) 346-6237<br />
(785) 425-6422<br />
Registration forms are due one (1) week prior to the fair.<br />
They can either be mailed to:<br />
Ashley Bedient<br />
303 Gracie St.<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
or e-mailed to the above e-mail address.<br />
Sunday, Aug. 12<br />
<strong>Free</strong> Ranch Rodeo<br />
7:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
Horse Arena<br />
<strong>Free</strong> Hamburger Feed<br />
6:<strong>00</strong>-8:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
co-sponsored by<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Farm Bureau Association<br />
Plainville Livestock, LLC<br />
Doerfler's Harley-Davidson<br />
I-<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
---------- --- -- ...•<br />
•<br />
Armbands:<br />
$25.<strong>00</strong> each<br />
(good from 6:<strong>00</strong>-10:<strong>00</strong> p.m. only)<br />
arnlva<br />
Advance Coupons:<br />
$20.<strong>00</strong><br />
(1 coupon<br />
per armband)<br />
i.. _<br />
- ---<br />
6:<strong>00</strong> p.m.- close each night<br />
all weel< at the<br />
Rocks <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong>!<br />
Lewellen Amusements<br />
Andover, Ks<br />
cle Racing<br />
Over 1<strong>00</strong> Years of<br />
Motorcycle Racing<br />
at the<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
- a motorcycle racing<br />
venue since 1906 -<br />
Admission:<br />
Adults: $8.<strong>00</strong><br />
6-12 Years: $4.<strong>00</strong><br />
5 & Under: <strong>Free</strong><br />
(<strong>Free</strong> admission for<br />
Practice Laps and<br />
Heat Races)<br />
Cycle Zone Racing<br />
Monday & Tuesday<br />
August 13,14<br />
- Racing on the Historic Half-mile -<br />
- Professional & Amateur, Vintage & Modern -<br />
Owners<br />
Frank and Lori<br />
Hardman<br />
143 Pueblo Dr.<br />
Rogers, AR 72756<br />
(479) 866-9692<br />
fhar1957@aol.com<br />
Practice<br />
Laps:<br />
11:<strong>00</strong> a.m.<br />
Heat Races:<br />
1:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
Gates Open:<br />
5:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
Features:<br />
7:30 p.m.<br />
Trophy Sponsor: Prowler Chassis<br />
Stockton Knights of Columbus<br />
presents<br />
Wednesday<br />
2:<strong>00</strong> - 4:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
SNB Canopy - Under the Pavilion<br />
Prizes Awarded - including a free concert pass!<br />
Come one and all to join the fun!<br />
The PetParadeconsistsofchildrenwhohavean<br />
animal or pet they wish to bring to the <strong>Fair</strong>.<br />
Any Youth<br />
Youth Pet Parade*<br />
Sutor-Blauer Arena<br />
VVednesday, August 15<br />
5:30 p.m.<br />
Participants may show a bucket calf, dog, cat,<br />
lamb, or any small pet the youngster may have<br />
(no large animals, please).<br />
Awards<br />
The Pet Parade will be a non-competitive<br />
10<br />
event, and all exhibitors will receive a<br />
participation ribbon.<br />
Entry<br />
The exhibitor is asked to be at the show arena<br />
by 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday with his animal.<br />
-Bring your lawn chairs!<br />
'The purpose of the event is to give youths an opportunity<br />
to participate in the <strong>Fair</strong> as well as a chance<br />
to show off their pets.
Super<br />
Cow I Calf Show<br />
Friday<br />
August 17<br />
9:<strong>00</strong> a.m. - 6:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
Sponsored by<br />
DonandSandyBeno~<br />
209 N. Oak / Damar, KS 67632<br />
(785)839-4424<br />
R& KFeeders<br />
Royceand Kelly Muir<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
Osborne Livestock Commission Co.<br />
Zach Sumpter<br />
6<strong>00</strong> W. Adams / Osborne, KS 67473<br />
(785) 346-2351<br />
I. Open to any Kansas commercial beef producer.<br />
(Registered animals not eligible for this show.)<br />
2. All animals must be exhibited in pasture condition.<br />
Absolutely no fitting will be allowed. The "Livestock<br />
Health Requirements" outlined in this book also apply<br />
to the Super Cow/Calf Show entrants. Absolutely no<br />
bull calves allowed.<br />
3. One cow/calf pair entry per contestant.<br />
4. An entry will consist of one cow and her natural calf.<br />
5. Age of cow and birth date of calf must be known.<br />
6. All cows and calves will be weighed upon arrival at the<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong>. Thesr animals will be housed<br />
and shown in the Show Arena.<br />
7. All pairs must be unloaded and processed by 9:<strong>00</strong> a.m,<br />
on Friday, Aug. 17. Judging will begin at 1:<strong>00</strong> p.m., and<br />
animals will be released at 6:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
8. Animals will be judged on type, structure, muscling,<br />
natural fleshing, soundness of udder, eyes, feet, legs.<br />
The calf at side will be evaluated on the same criteria.<br />
Presented<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />
Midway<br />
Sponsors<br />
by<br />
<strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
(contd.)<br />
Coop Association<br />
and<br />
Feed Mill<br />
Osborne,KS 67473<br />
Chairman: Anna Luna<br />
24854 A Rd.<br />
Natoma, KS 67651<br />
9. Cow weight and the calf's projected 205-day adjusted<br />
weight will be given to the evaluators at the time of<br />
judging.<br />
10. A two-judge system will be used. Each judge will score<br />
each cow and calf independently, and the total score<br />
of both judges wi 11be used to rank the pairs in each<br />
division.<br />
II. ENTRY DEADLINE IS AUG. 10. Entries should be<br />
submitted to Kelly Muir on the form at the bottom of the<br />
page.<br />
12. If entries are sufficient, the classes will also be divided<br />
by age of dam.<br />
13. Total payout will be determined by the number of<br />
entries.<br />
Grand Champion Pair $5<strong>00</strong><br />
Reserve Grand Champion Pair $275<br />
Third Place Overall.. $2<strong>00</strong><br />
Fourth Place Overall... $175<br />
Fifth Place Overall $125<br />
Sixth Place Overall... $1<strong>00</strong><br />
Seventh Place Overall. $75<br />
Eighth Place Overall... $50<br />
Mail entry forms to/for more information contact: Kelly Muir/Box 505, Stockton, KS 67669/ (785) 425-7189 / rcff@ruraltel.net<br />
Name<br />
Address<br />
City<br />
Phone<br />
_<br />
____________________________________________ State Zip _<br />
The <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> Old-Timers'<br />
LivestockJudging Contestshould providefun<br />
for some of the (older)judgers in the area.<br />
This contest is being sponsored by the <strong>Rooks</strong><br />
<strong>County</strong><strong>Free</strong><strong>Fair</strong>,the <strong>Rooks</strong><strong>County</strong>4-H Council,<br />
andthe Palco,Plainville,and StocktonFFA<br />
chapters.<br />
Rules of the Contest<br />
1. Date of Contest: Friday, August 19,<br />
2012.<br />
2. Registration from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.<br />
3. Classes to be judged will consist of eight<br />
classes of the following: Beef, Swine, and<br />
Sheep.<br />
4. All participants will be required to judge<br />
with designated group.<br />
5. Age Categories (age figured as of time of<br />
contest):<br />
Division I 18 years through 29 years of<br />
age.<br />
Division II 30 years of age and over.<br />
Awards<br />
First place in each division: Prize sponsored by the ROOKS COUNTY FREE FAIR<br />
5tugust 14 - 16<br />
An entertaining<br />
Stiltwalking/stage<br />
addition to any fair!<br />
magic show and balloon artistry.<br />
Country Music Hitmaker/Producer,<br />
Singer & Songwriter<br />
Afternoons<br />
at the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
.- ..<br />
.---<br />
...--<br />
•<br />
••<br />
••<br />
Since 1979-4im and Chris Calhoun have beegju forming fo(~ ents all acr~~ •••<br />
J • . ~<br />
Nortli America and the U'ited ·ngdo~!"··· •...". '-~- .<br />
," .~.."."." R.M.A.F En ear 2<strong>00</strong>4 •<br />
../'I~ducted into the Nebr. Coun ..a:•.•..,..a_ Hall of Fame 2<strong>00</strong>7<br />
2<strong>00</strong>7 Nebr. Country Musi1FouI •.~.•. q" .•on Song Writer of th~"¥ear<br />
I<br />
I •<br />
2<strong>00</strong>8 NE Govern of ExcellenGI~ ·<br />
I<br />
II<br />
Sunday. August 12<br />
4:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Parade<br />
6:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - <strong>Free</strong> Hamburger Feed<br />
(Sponsored by:<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Farm Bureau,<br />
Plainville Livestock, LLC,<br />
Doerfler's Harley-Davidson)<br />
7:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - <strong>Free</strong> Ranch Rodeo<br />
Afternoons<br />
Monday. August 13<br />
5:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Gates Open for Motorcycle Races<br />
6:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Carnival<br />
7:30 <strong>pm</strong> - Motorcycle Feature Races<br />
Tuesday. August 14<br />
2:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Poppin' Penelope<br />
5:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Gates Open for Motorcycle Races<br />
6:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Carnival<br />
7:30 <strong>pm</strong> - Motorcycle Feature Races<br />
at the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Wednesday cont.. August 15<br />
5:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Gates Open for Stock Car Races<br />
5:30 <strong>pm</strong> - Pet Parade<br />
6:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Carnival<br />
7:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Stock Car Races<br />
Thursday. August 16<br />
2:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Poppin' Penelope<br />
5:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Gates Open for Motorcycle Races<br />
5:30 <strong>pm</strong> - Round Robin<br />
6:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Carnival<br />
7:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Stock Car Races<br />
Friday. August 17<br />
9:30 am - Old Timers' Livestock Judging<br />
Contest<br />
1:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - SuperCow/Calf Show<br />
6:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Carnival<br />
8:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Aaron Tippan<br />
Wednesday. August 15<br />
2:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Poppin' Penelope<br />
2:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - 4:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Bingo<br />
4:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Watermelon Feed<br />
Saturday. August 18<br />
9:30 am - Livestock Sale<br />
6:<strong>00</strong> <strong>pm</strong> - Carnival<br />
6:30 <strong>pm</strong> - Demolition Derby<br />
4-H Livestock Sale<br />
Saturday<br />
August 18<br />
Buyers' Barbecue<br />
after the sale<br />
Sale starts promptly at<br />
9:30 a.m.<br />
Come fill your freezer!<br />
(785) 425-7189<br />
Demolition<br />
Derby<br />
& Y2-Ton, 2-Wheel-Drive Derby<br />
"The Smash-Up of the Year"<br />
at the<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Stockton, KS<br />
Admission<br />
Adults:<br />
6-12 Years:<br />
5&Under:<br />
Saturday Night, August 18<br />
6:30 p.m.<br />
No spectators or entries until 3:<strong>00</strong><br />
$10.<strong>00</strong><br />
$6.<strong>00</strong><br />
<strong>Free</strong><br />
NO entries after 6:<strong>00</strong><br />
Independent<br />
Officials and Judging<br />
Rules available at <strong>Fair</strong> Office<br />
For more information call (785) 737-3212<br />
http://www.skyways.org/towns/plainville/rescue.html<br />
$2,5<strong>00</strong>.<strong>00</strong> Purse<br />
(we pay heat money)<br />
Co-sponsored<br />
by the Plainville Rescue Squad, Inc.<br />
2012 AWARDS<br />
2012 AWARDS<br />
Trophies, plaques, and various awards will be sponsored for the following exhibits by the<br />
sponsor named.<br />
Sweepstakes Awards<br />
Champion Woodworking................<br />
Mike and Lavinia Haines<br />
Champion Clothing<br />
Heritage Insurance Group, Inc.<br />
Champion Crocheting<br />
Darrell and Joy Sutor<br />
Champion Knitting<br />
Ruthie Muir<br />
Champion Poultry<br />
In Memory of David Vane Maddy<br />
Champion Rabbit<br />
Gerald Klaus<br />
Champion Pigeon and Dove<br />
In Memory of David Vane Maddy<br />
Champion Wheat<br />
Farmers National Bank<br />
Champion Gardening<br />
Jim and Cindy Eichman<br />
Champion Canning<br />
Webster's Supermarket<br />
Champion Cake : In Memory of Jake and Agnes Hrabe<br />
Champion Best Pie Turnbull Advertising, Bull and Wilma Turnbull<br />
Champion Quilt In Memory of Dorothy Carsten<br />
Champion Floriculture<br />
In Memory of Christine Peterson<br />
Champion Photography<br />
Stockton Pharmacy<br />
Champion Craft<br />
Farmers National Bank<br />
Champion Needlework<br />
In Memory of Kay Chesney<br />
Champion Fine Arts<br />
Palco Art Club<br />
Champion Milo<br />
Doug Keas Family<br />
Champion Bread<br />
.In Memory of Loretta Niblock<br />
Champion Ear of Com<br />
.In Memory of Vernon McLaughlin<br />
Champion Meat Goat<br />
Cody Pieper<br />
Overall Halter Horse Cannicheal True-Value Hardware - Plainville<br />
Jack Benny High Point Horse and Rider<br />
Rod and Jorja Campbell<br />
Senior High Point Horse and Rider<br />
Frank and Allene Smith<br />
Junior High Point Horse and Rider.<br />
Bob and Darlene Jones<br />
Leon and Margaret Plante<br />
Youth High Point Horse and Rider<br />
Leo and Janet Kollman<br />
Special Prizes<br />
Grand Champion Hereford Female<br />
.In Memory of Clarence Hazen<br />
Grand Champion Hereford Bull<br />
.In Memory of Clarence Hazen<br />
Supreme Champion Bull<br />
ICG Aeolian Energy, LLC<br />
Supreme Reserve Bull<br />
Central Veterinary Service<br />
Supreme Champion Female<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Supreme Reserve Female<br />
Farmers Union Elevator, B & D Feeds, ADM Feeds<br />
Grand Champion Prospect Heifer<br />
American AgCredit, Greg Beougher<br />
Grand Champion Prospect Steer<br />
American AgCredit, Greg Beougher<br />
Inspirational Award for a Youth Entered<br />
in a Horse Riding Class<br />
.In Memory of Leo and Barbara Hammerschmidt<br />
Jack Benny Inspirational Award<br />
.In Memory of Dorothy Hance<br />
Top High Point Dog<br />
Kenny and Betty Hrabe<br />
Overall Exhibit in Poultry Barn<br />
.In Memory of Ted Hrabe<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Wheat Award <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Commissioners -<br />
Ted Lambert, Larry Poore, and John Ruder<br />
Best Use of Color in a Quilt Design Crossroads ~ilters Guild<br />
Champion Bread Basket Exhibit<br />
Champion <strong>County</strong> Cookie Jar<br />
Champion Youth Bread Exhibit<br />
Champion Youth Cookie Exhibit<br />
Champion Youth Cake Exhibit<br />
ji!J'-itJint-1<br />
In Memory of Clara Barbara Miller<br />
Don Hamit Land & Auction Co.<br />
Kenton and Dixie Miller<br />
Pampered Chef - Anne Williams<br />
Champion Youth Clothing Exhibit<br />
Champion Youth 1 Fine Arts Exhibit..<br />
Champion Youth 2 Fine Arts Exhibit<br />
Champion Youth 3 Fine Arts Exhibit<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Farm Bureau<br />
Del and Rita Sander<br />
Kelli Wright<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Henson<br />
Special Prizes Sponsored by Wilton Enterprises<br />
•<br />
Champion Decorated Cake Wilton Cake Decorating Video<br />
Reserve Champion Decorated Cake Set of 3 Cake Decorating Books<br />
First Place in Each Lot<br />
Current Wilton Yearbook of Cake Decorating<br />
Old Timers' Livestock Judging Contest<br />
First-place winners in Junior and Senior divisions receive a <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> belt buckle,<br />
sponsored by the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong>.<br />
Junior Division Showmanship<br />
Beef:<br />
Stockton FFAAlumni<br />
Horses:<br />
Swine:<br />
Sheep:<br />
Dog:<br />
Shane and Beth Austin<br />
C.K. Swine<br />
Top NotchDesign<br />
American Family Insurance-Downer Hull, Agent<br />
Cat:<br />
Cook Farms-Steve and Pat Cook, and Farm Bureau Financial Services-Pat Cook, Agent<br />
Goat:<br />
MTB Construction<br />
Intermediate Division Showmanship<br />
Beef:<br />
In Memory of Don and Reba Dix<br />
Horses: A.D. Kelly, DVM<br />
Swine: Farmers Union Mercantile & Shipping Association of Stockton<br />
Sheep: Bernard Carsten<br />
Dog:<br />
Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Cat: Cook Farms-Steve and Pat Cook, and Farm Bureau Financial Services-Pat Cook, Agent<br />
Goat:<br />
Prairie Ag and Auto<br />
Senior Division Showmanship<br />
Beef:<br />
Hrabe Farms Club Calves<br />
Horses: Kelly Muir and Family<br />
Swine: Larry and Lana Odle<br />
Sheep: Peterson Haying<br />
Dog:<br />
Central Veterinary Services<br />
Cat:<br />
Poore Farms Labradors, LLC<br />
Goat:<br />
Tom and Donna Benoit<br />
Grand Champion Fitting and Showing<br />
Junior Division: McLaughlin Farms<br />
Senior Division: Prime Time Enterprise<br />
Best of Show Awards and Sweepstakes<br />
Horses: Ted and Freda Lambert<br />
Poultry: B & D Feeds - Bonnie Swayne, Moorman Feeds<br />
Rabbit: Randy and Diane Hrabe<br />
Goat:<br />
End of the Line Hobby Shop<br />
Dog:<br />
Heritage Insurance Group<br />
Sub-Novice Dog: Ostmeyers<br />
Cat:<br />
Heritage Insurance Group<br />
Crops: High Plains Seed Inc., LLC<br />
Awards<br />
Grand Champion Bucket Calf: Dix Farms - In Memory of Ralph Dix<br />
Grand Champion Breeding Beef: First State Bank of Plainville<br />
Grand Champion Market Steer:<br />
Grand Champion<br />
Grand Champion<br />
Grand Champion<br />
Market Hog:<br />
Market Lamb:<br />
Meat Goat:<br />
2012 AWARDS<br />
Mike and Deb Smith and Family-Liberty<br />
In Memory<br />
Leonard<br />
Kathy Dix<br />
Livestock Ultra-Sound Scanning<br />
Pen of Two: Central Veterinary Services<br />
Herdsmanship<br />
Beef:<br />
Swine:<br />
Sheep and Goat:<br />
Horses:<br />
of Erie Muir<br />
and Toni Bristow<br />
Club Award<br />
David and Dana Pieper and Family<br />
Tom Benoit and Family<br />
Black & Gold Feeds, LLC<br />
Bar D Ranch<br />
Champion Exhibits - 4-H Sweepstakes<br />
Foods: Webster's Food Pride<br />
Cookies:<br />
Clothing:<br />
Crafts:<br />
Fiber Arts:<br />
Lee and Teresa Niblock<br />
Sigma Phi ESA<br />
Lindee Lou's<br />
John and Susan Griebel<br />
Entomology: Andy & Chelsey Peterson<br />
Horticulture: Farmers National Bank<br />
Photography: Stockton Pharmacy<br />
Woodworking: Heartland Building Center<br />
Ranch<br />
Rocketry: Andrea Dix<br />
Geology: Lawson Products, Inc.-Henry Sander, Sales Representative<br />
Decorated Cake: Bert Niblock<br />
Electricity:<br />
Griebel Farms<br />
FCE Awards - Sweepstakes<br />
Champion<br />
Champion<br />
Cake Exhibit:<br />
Yeast Bread Exhibit:<br />
Bigge's Country Kitchen<br />
Hobart FCE<br />
Champion Food Exhibit: Bigge's Farms<br />
Champion Domestic Arts Exhibit (top 2): What's New FCE and Modem Mrs. FCE<br />
Horticulture Judging Contest Medals<br />
Senior Division: Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Intermediate Division: Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Junior Division:<br />
Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Life Skills Judging Contest Medals<br />
Senior Division: Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Intermediate Division: Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Junior Division:<br />
Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Photography Judging Contest Medals<br />
Senior Division: Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Intermediate Division: Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Junior Division:<br />
Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Livestock Judging Contest Trophies and Medals<br />
Senior Division: Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Intermediate Division: Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Junior Division:<br />
Doug and Kori Bigge<br />
Public Style Revue<br />
Awards: 183Lanes, Baxter's Hardware & Electric, Carmi cheal, Inc. True Value, End of the Line Hobbies, Farm Bureau<br />
Ribbons:<br />
Financial Services, Heritage Insurance Group, Inc., Hobart FCE, J-Mart, Jake's Service, Lindee Lou's, Mr.<br />
K's, Pineapple Post, Pizza Hut, Prockish Products & Designs, Trimmerz, Wal-Mart, Webster's Supermarket,<br />
What's New FCE<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
2012 GRASS SHOW CO-SPONSORS: <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Conservation District and<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
2012 Wheat Show Sponsors<br />
I F<br />
Midwest Community Bank of Plainville<br />
S & W Supply Co., Inc.<br />
Stamper Farms<br />
Turnbull Oil, Inc.<br />
Baxter's Hardware & Electric<br />
Farmers Union Elevator<br />
Hance Cattle Co., In memory of Harry Hance<br />
John and Darlene Hance<br />
STOCKTON (contd.)<br />
Marvin Jackson<br />
Jake's Service<br />
R-K Feeders<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Farm Bureau<br />
Stockton National Bank<br />
Farmers Union Elevator<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Tony McReynolds<br />
Farmers Credit Union<br />
Farmers Lumber Co<br />
First National Bank<br />
Kensington Lockers<br />
Ted and Freda Lambert<br />
Mapes & Miller<br />
Midland Marketing<br />
Rangeland Cooperative<br />
Solomon Rapids Seed<br />
Hays<br />
Hill City<br />
Palco<br />
Kensington<br />
Palco<br />
StocktonINortonlPhillipsburg/Quinter<br />
NatomaIPlainville/ToulonIYocemento/Zurich<br />
Phillipsburg/Logan/Gretna<br />
Beloit<br />
The <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> 4-H Livestock Project Members recognize and thank the following businesses and<br />
individuals for their support of the 2011 <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> Livestock Sale.<br />
Farm Implement, RGN Co., Krob Trenching, Midway Coop, Midwest Community Bank of Plainville,<br />
Bonnie Swayne and Dealers, B&D Feeds, Farmers Coop, Steve's Electric and Roustabout, USD 271,<br />
Tim Tankersley, ReifWelding, Farmers Bank of Osborne, First Choice Meats, JC Land and Cattle,<br />
Central Veterinary Servi9ce, Plainville Livestock, TK Farms, Griffin Farms, J-Mart, Taylor Fuel, <strong>Rooks</strong><br />
<strong>County</strong> Health Center, Bellerive Farms, Farmers National Bank, Liberty Ranch, Lindee Lou's,<br />
McLaughlin Farms, Kaye Shaffer, Stockton-Woodston Coop, Hamit Land & Auction, Baughman Air<br />
Service, Stockton National Bank, Crawford, McClellan Farms, Midwest Community Bank of Palco,<br />
Keith & Cheryl Hall, Bonnie Swayne, F&M Bank of Hill City, Kenton Miller, Heritage Insurance<br />
Group, Jake's Service, B & L Cattle, Larry Poore, True Value, James Lieker, Scott Shunn, Jeff Turnbull,<br />
Randy Riffel, Farm Bureau Financial Service, Pat Cook, Jim Eichman, Bar D Ranch, Dan,s Dirt Work,<br />
Stockton Sentinel, Fred Ratliff, Jay Fowler, Ochampaugh Farms, Berkley Association Crop Insurance,<br />
Farm Bureau Association of <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong>, Leonard Bristow, Keith Chesney, Steve Riffel, Brandon<br />
Hamel, Kaiser Ag Service, The Hair Co., HJ Colburn, Dave's Recycling, Willie Rogers, Will Stout,<br />
Carrico Implement, Mark Reif, Kevin Morgan, Eldon Kriley, The Animal Hospital, Unrein Drug, St.<br />
Joseph's Damar, Stockyard Cafe, Gary's Engine, Black and Gold Feed, LLC., Scott Kortan, Webster's,<br />
Jason Lindsey, Leo Kollman, Jack Kollman, Bach Oil, Peterson Hay, Mike Burkholder, JR Fencing,<br />
Turnbull Oil, Ashrock Angus, LF Dix Farms, Brian and Karen Pelton, Charles Reif, Jenny Hopkins,<br />
Dale Niblock, Hill City Livestock, Roy Trucking, Stock-Wood Gelbvieh, Leonard 1. Dix, Attorney at<br />
Law, Shirley6 Muir, Tom Benoit, American AgCredit, USD 269, Towns Hereford, Rock'n R Angus,<br />
Riffel Farms, USD 270, Matt Keas, and Keas Farm Trucking<br />
Find a schedule of events, entry forms,<br />
rules, judging schedule, maps, links to<br />
, area attractions, local weather, 4-H information<br />
and MORE !<br />
<strong>Fair</strong> Specials<br />
at your<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />
and<br />
Area Merchants!<br />
RULE 1<br />
Section 1<br />
The <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> reserves to the Board the final<br />
and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations and<br />
arbitrate, settle, and determine all matters, questions, and differences<br />
in regard to or otherwise arising out of, connected<br />
with, or incident to the <strong>Fair</strong>.<br />
Section 2<br />
The management reserves the right to amend and add to<br />
these rules as they, in their judgment, may deem applicable.<br />
In the event of conflict of general or special rules, the latter<br />
will govern.<br />
Section 3<br />
Any person who violates any of the following or special<br />
rules will forfeit all premiums and privileges and be subject<br />
to such penalty as the Board may order.<br />
Governing the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Stockton, Kansas<br />
August 13 - 18, 2012<br />
Section 6<br />
All livestock entries will be entered according to the following schedule:<br />
Sheep<br />
Market Lambs<br />
Dairy Goats<br />
Dairy Cattle<br />
Market Hogs<br />
Beef, All Breeds<br />
Market Steers<br />
Horses<br />
Section 4<br />
The following rules and regulations will apply to each and<br />
every department of the <strong>Fair</strong>, and exhibitors and concessionaires<br />
are requested to familiarize themselves with the rules.<br />
Section 5<br />
All livestock entries are to be filed with the <strong>Fair</strong> Office by<br />
August 6, 2012. Mail entries to:<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Box 505<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
All other entries must be filed with the <strong>Fair</strong> Clerk by 5:<strong>00</strong><br />
p.m. on entry day, Monday, August 13. All exhibits are to<br />
be in place by 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. the same day, except for certain<br />
livestock entries. The management reserves the right to reject<br />
any entries offered.<br />
Monday, August 13 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to noon)<br />
Monday, August 13 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to noon)<br />
Monday, August 13 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to noon)<br />
Tuesday, August 14 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to noon)<br />
.Tuesday, August 14 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to noon)<br />
Wednesday, August 15 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to 2:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
Wednesday, August 15 (noon to 2:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
Thursday, August 16 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to 10:<strong>00</strong> a.m.)<br />
All livestock entries must remain in place until their scheduled release date and time:<br />
Dairy Goats<br />
Sheep<br />
Market Hogs<br />
Dairy Cattle<br />
Beef, All Breeds<br />
Market Steers<br />
Horses<br />
Wednesday, August 15 (8:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
Wednesday, August 15 (8:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
Thursday, August 16 (noon)<br />
Thursday, August 16 (8:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
Friday, August 17 (1 :<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
.Friday, August 17 (8:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
Saturday, August 18 (1 :<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
All other entries will be released from 4:<strong>00</strong> to 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
Saturday, August 18.Failure to comply with this requirement<br />
will bar said exhibitor from participation in premiums which<br />
may have been awarded by the judge in any department of<br />
the <strong>Fair</strong>.<br />
Section 7<br />
No entry fee will be charged on any animal or article entered<br />
for exhibition, and no money will be taken from any premium<br />
winners. All entry blanks must remain in the office of the<br />
Entry Clerk.<br />
Section 8<br />
All property of any character entered for competition, display,<br />
or for any purpose, or being anywhere in the fairgrounds,<br />
shall be subject to the control of the <strong>Fair</strong> Board.<br />
Section 9<br />
In no case shall the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> or its officers<br />
be held responsible for any loss, damage, accident, injury, or<br />
death from any cause of people or animals or cars or machinery,<br />
diseases included of any character, while they or their<br />
property are on the fairgrounds at any time or place.<br />
Section 10<br />
Exhibitors will be required to keep their places and stalls in a<br />
clean condition by removing therefrom any filth and litter from<br />
in front and behind said pens and placing them conveniently<br />
for the litter force of the management to clean up. Alleys and<br />
pens should be cleaned by 10:<strong>00</strong> a.m. each day and kept in<br />
that condition throughout the day as warranted.<br />
Section 11<br />
If the property owners or others interested in the property<br />
desire protection against damage from injury, against fire, or<br />
from other cause, they must make their own arrangements<br />
and pay for such insurance.<br />
Section 12<br />
If it be ascertained that exhibitor or his employees have, in<br />
an ungentlemanly manner, taken exception to the judgment<br />
rulings of the awarding committee, judge, superintendent,<br />
or any official of the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong>, the Board can<br />
expel exhibitor and employees so offending from competing<br />
for a premium or exhibiting on the grounds of the management<br />
until he has made proper apology and has been reinstated by<br />
the majority of the Board of Directors.<br />
Section 13<br />
If it is ascertained that an exhibitor has made or caused to be<br />
made any false statement in regard to any animal or article,<br />
or if any exhibitor attempts to interfere with the judges in<br />
the performance of their duties, he shall be excluded from<br />
competition on the grounds of the association.<br />
Section 14<br />
The Superintendent shall exclude livestock from competing<br />
should there be any unnecessary or embarrassing delay<br />
on the part of the exhibitor in bringing the animals into the<br />
show ring. Failure to do so will subject him to the forfeiture<br />
of his privileges.<br />
Section 15<br />
Exhibitors shall show their animals at such time and places<br />
as may be required by the Superintendent, and refusal to<br />
do so will result in the forfeiture of any and all claims for<br />
awards.<br />
Section 16<br />
Special care will be taken that no animal having a communicable<br />
disease of any nature enter the grounds at any time<br />
during the <strong>Fair</strong>, and the <strong>Fair</strong> Board will refuse unloading<br />
privileges to any stock having diseases.<br />
Section 17<br />
Nothing shall be sold or given away or otherwise disposed of<br />
by exhibitors which may in any way conflict with, or which<br />
is the subject matter of, any privileges or concessions granted<br />
or sold by the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> Board.<br />
Section 18<br />
No visual or audio recording will be permitted on the<br />
fairgrounds without prior approval or consent of the <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Board.<br />
Section 1<br />
No claims for injury to any person or property shall be asserted<br />
nor suit instituted or maintained against the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />
<strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong>, its officers, or their agents by or on behalf of any<br />
person, firm, or corporation, or their agents, representatives,<br />
servants or employees having licenses or privileges to exhibit<br />
on said fairgrounds or occupying space therein. The <strong>Rooks</strong><br />
<strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> shall not in any manner be responsible<br />
therefore, and in case it be subject to any expense or liability, all<br />
persons causing same are liable therefore and shall indemnify<br />
the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> at Stockton, Kansas.<br />
Section 1<br />
The management reserves the right to remove from the<br />
grounds any exhibit, animal, concession, or show that may be<br />
falsely entered or may have any sign, banner, or advertising<br />
matter of any kind which may be deemed objectionable by<br />
them without assigning a reason therefor, and if necessary,<br />
return any money already paid for space or stall, which shall<br />
exonerate them from any claim whatsoever on the part of the<br />
exhibitor or purchasers.<br />
Section 1<br />
The Board authorizes the letting of only such privileges or<br />
concessions as are necessary to supply the wants ofthe people<br />
or that may add to their comfort, convenience or pleasure,<br />
but under no circumstances will a privilege of questionable<br />
nature or of a demoralizing tendency be let or in any manner<br />
tolerated where the business is conducted in any other than a<br />
legitimate and trade-like manner. The sale of alcoholic liquors<br />
and games of chance are strictly prohibited. No fireworks of<br />
any kind are allowed on the premises.<br />
Section 2<br />
Parties desiring to purchase privileges should make application<br />
to:<br />
Section 3<br />
R.Alan Dix<br />
96122 Rd.<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
Concession space can be contracted for prior to opening of<br />
<strong>Fair</strong>. Contract must be signed and full payment received before<br />
grounds can be occupied. Any spot not occupied by 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
Monday, August 13, will be declared forfeited.<br />
Section 4<br />
All space allotted must be improved and decorated by the<br />
purchasers at their own expense.<br />
Section 5<br />
All lights and power shall be paid by the concessionaires and<br />
commercial exhibitors. The association reserves the right to<br />
place a meter on any and all lines where, in its judgment, it<br />
is to its advantage to do so and where the current consumed<br />
totals more than the minimum. Each concessionaire and commercial<br />
exhibitor must pay for installing his own light.<br />
Section 6<br />
The Board and Superintendent of Privileges will use every<br />
precaution to guard against extortion of any form practiced<br />
upon patrons of the <strong>Fair</strong>. A violation ofthis rule by any concessionaire<br />
will cause the forfeiture of contract money paid,<br />
or expulsion, or both, from the grounds as the management<br />
or superintendent may direct.<br />
Section 7<br />
If it be ascertained that exhibitor or his employees have, in<br />
an ungentlemanly manner, taken exception to the judgment<br />
rulings of the awarding committee, judge, superintendent,<br />
or any official of the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong>, the Board can<br />
expel exhibitor and employees so offending from competing<br />
for a premium or exhibiting on the grounds of the management<br />
until he has made proper apology and has been reinstated by<br />
the majority of the Board of Directors.<br />
RULES<br />
Section 1 - Access to Concessions<br />
Any official representative of the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
shall have access to the premises of any exhibitor or conces·<br />
sionaire at any and all times.<br />
Section 2 - Care of Concessions<br />
All buildings and grounds space are to be kept neat and clean.<br />
The concessionaire is to deposit all refuse and rubbish in the<br />
dumpsters provided by the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> and is to<br />
conduct his premises in a quiet and orderly manner.<br />
Section 3 - The Buildings and Stands<br />
All booths, tents, or enclosures must meet the approval of<br />
the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> management.<br />
Section 4 - Price Signs<br />
A sign shall be posted at the front entrance of each stand or<br />
enclosure showing the price charged for lunches, meals, or<br />
drinks, said sign to meet the approval of the management<br />
and to be at all times in view of the customers.<br />
Section 5-Advertising<br />
The tacking, posting, orplacing of advertising outside the space<br />
contracted for will not be permitted. Neither will soliciting<br />
be allowed outside the booth or enclosure of any privilege.<br />
The using of gongs, bells, or other noisy instruments for the<br />
purpose of attracting attention will not be tolerated.<br />
Section 1<br />
Under no circumstances will a display of a questionable<br />
nature or of a demoralizing nature be allowed.<br />
Section 2<br />
Parties desiring to rent commercial display area should<br />
contact:<br />
R.Alan Dix<br />
96122 Rd.<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
Section 3<br />
Commercial display area should be contracted for prior to<br />
opening of the <strong>Fair</strong>. Rental fee will be paid in full before<br />
the space is occupied. Any area not occupied by 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
Monday, August 13, will be declared forfeited.<br />
Section 4<br />
All space must be decorated and improved by the purchasers<br />
at their own expense.<br />
Section S<br />
The Board and the Supervisor of Commercial Displays will<br />
use every precaution to guard against extortion of any form<br />
practiced upon patrons at the <strong>Fair</strong>. A violation of this rule by<br />
any commercial exhibitor will cause the forfeiture of contract<br />
money paid, or expulsion, or both, from the grounds as the<br />
management or supervisor may direct.<br />
RULE 7<br />
Section 1<br />
No person shall be permitted to distribute matter upon the<br />
grounds, except from their places ofbusiness or exhibit space.<br />
The tacking or posting of any advertising bills, etc., other than<br />
within the space occupied by the exhibits is strictly forbidden.<br />
The distribution of hand bills, fliers, and heralds will not,<br />
under any circumstances, be permitted except as granted by<br />
the Secretary or other <strong>Fair</strong> officials. Anyone violating this<br />
rule is liable to fine or expulsion from the grounds.<br />
Section 1<br />
Awards will be made by single judge system. The decision<br />
of the judges will be final, and no appeal will be considered<br />
except in case of protests.<br />
Section 2<br />
The judges in all departments will be appointed by the President<br />
and approved by the Board of Directors.<br />
Section 3<br />
All premiums awarded under the rules and regulations of this<br />
Premium Listwill be paid in full, according to the rules, but in<br />
no case shall a premium be awarded on any article unworthy<br />
of same. No entrance fee will be charged, and no money will<br />
be deducted from the premium winners.<br />
Section 4<br />
Where there is no competition in a class, it shall be discretionary<br />
with the judges whether or not the exhibitors shall<br />
receive first, second, or third premium, but in any event,<br />
premium money shall be given to correspond with premium<br />
awarded.<br />
Section S<br />
No premium will be awarded in any department except as<br />
definitely stated in the Premium List or advertised before the<br />
<strong>Fair</strong> in the Stockton Sentinel.<br />
Section 6<br />
All taxi cabs and wholesalers' trucks will be required to<br />
purchase a permit from the <strong>Fair</strong> Board to enter the fairgrounds.<br />
LIST<br />
(special rules in addition to the general rules<br />
governing all exhibits)<br />
The following rules will be strictly enforced by the superintendent<br />
of his department:<br />
I. All exhibition animals must be owned by exhibitor or<br />
member of his immediate family.<br />
2. In animal classes, duplicate entries will be received; that<br />
is, an owner may try for a certain award with 2 or more<br />
suitable animals.<br />
3. In animal classes, inclusive entries will be received; that<br />
is, an owner may compete for prizes as singles and again<br />
as component parts of groups. No exhibitor may exhibit<br />
more than 2 breeds of any class livestock and poultry.<br />
4. First premium exhibits in the various classes are in line<br />
to compete in their respective classes for Sweepstakes<br />
or Champion.<br />
5. All livestock exhibits are to remain in place until date<br />
and time designated in each division. All other exhibits<br />
are to remain in place until 4:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Saturday, August<br />
18.<br />
6. In addition to cash prizes, ribbons will be given the win -<br />
ner in each class: purple for Champion; blue for First<br />
Premium; red for Second Premium; white for Third<br />
Premium.<br />
7. All entries, other than designated livestock entries, must<br />
be in place by 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Monday, August 13. Exhibits<br />
displayed that are not catalogued in Premium Book will<br />
be judged and receive ribbon, but no cash prizes will be<br />
awarded.<br />
I. When judging livestock, stress will be placed on the<br />
following topics: type, size, quality, symmetry, vigor,<br />
constitution, general character of the various breeds,<br />
show conditions, action in horses, and fleshing qualities<br />
in beef cattle, horses, and sheep.<br />
2. All animals will be shown at halter except swine and<br />
brought out to the section of the grounds upon which<br />
the judging is being done. Do not ask the judge to place<br />
ribbons upon the animals in the pens except where there<br />
is no competition. Suitable show pens will be provided<br />
for the swine classes.<br />
3. Management reserves the right to make any changes in<br />
this Premium List by publishing changes in the Stockton<br />
Sentinel.<br />
4. All livestock entries are to be made by August 6,<br />
2012.<br />
Champion Meat Goat<br />
Reserve Champion Meat Goat<br />
Champion Market Hog<br />
Reserve Champion Market Hog<br />
Champion Market Steer<br />
Reserve Champion Market Steer<br />
Champion Market Lamb<br />
Reserve Champion Market Lamb<br />
Swine, Sheep, Beef, Meat Goats<br />
Members intending to sell animals during the sale must turn<br />
in a "Sale Intentions Form" to their 4-H community leader.<br />
The leader must turn in the forms to the <strong>Fair</strong> Office by Thursday<br />
at 3:<strong>00</strong> p.m. No changes will be made after this time.<br />
4-H and FFA members are limited to one of the following:<br />
2 Market Hogs, or 1 Market Lamb and 1<br />
Market Goat, or<br />
2 Market Lambs, or 1 Market Hog and 1<br />
Market Goat, or<br />
2 Market Goats, or 1 Market Steer and 1<br />
Market Lamb, Hog,<br />
1 Market Lamb and 1 or Goat<br />
Market Hog<br />
All animals sold in the sale must have been exhibited. No<br />
Market Hogs weighing under 230 Ibs. or over 3<strong>00</strong> Ibs. will be<br />
sold through the premium auction. No Market Steer weighing<br />
less than 1,<strong>00</strong>0 Ibs. will be sold. No Market Lamb that<br />
weighs less than 1<strong>00</strong> Ibs. or more than 150 Ibs. will sell. No<br />
Market Goat under 60 Ibs. will be sold. A fee of $25.<strong>00</strong> will<br />
be withheld for each Market Steer, Hog, Lamb, and Goat that<br />
is sold through the 4-HIFFA Livestock Sale. Beef, Sheep,<br />
and Swine checkoff fees will also be charged. Checkoff<br />
fees will be assessed at the rate of $1.<strong>00</strong> for Beef, $ .65 for<br />
Swine, and $ .25 for Sheep. All animals going through the<br />
sale will be penned and will not be removed until settlement<br />
is made with the sale committee. Under no circumstances<br />
may private treaty sale of an animal occur after the animal<br />
has gone through the ring and has been penned according to<br />
its intended destination.<br />
An unlimited number of extra sheep, swine, and goats may<br />
be sold at the floor bid. Hogs weighing under 230 Ibs. will be<br />
allowed to sell as extras as long as a bid is received from the<br />
buyer. Beef extras will sell at auction following the premium<br />
sale. The price of all extra steers will be capped at the highest<br />
resale of all steers resold during the premium auction.<br />
Buy-back of any animal at the floor price is permissible and<br />
can be done by designating this to the sale committee at the<br />
time sale intentions are turned in. These animals shall be<br />
returned to the 4-H'er's designated fair pen and shall remain<br />
there until checkout time. Private treaty resale arrangements<br />
of these buy-back animals is permissible at any time prior to<br />
or following the sale. Pen-of-2 hogs may be sold by private<br />
treaty or may be sold as extras at the floor bid. Pen-of-2<br />
steers may be sold by private treaty or may be auctioned as<br />
Tuberculosis Requirements<br />
All cattle admitted for exhibition must meet I of the follow-<br />
ing classifications:<br />
extras at the very end of the sale. The price cap on pen-of-2<br />
steers will be the price of the highest resale of all steers sold<br />
at resale during the auction.<br />
I. A 4-H animal sold at public auction or privately, whether<br />
for immediate or future delivery, cannot, from the time of<br />
such sale, be shown by the seller or buyer in any Kansas<br />
4-H show. This policy also applies to those animals which<br />
have gone through a premium auction whether or not<br />
ownership has changed. This rule applies to Breeding<br />
Sheep sold through a premium auction as a Market Lamb<br />
the previous year.<br />
2. Any 4-H animal may be used for the Livestock Judging<br />
Contest at the discretion of the Livestock Superinten -<br />
dents.<br />
1. All tests must have been conducted in a state-approved<br />
laboratory.<br />
2. Animals with active lesions of ringworm, multiple warts<br />
visible without close examination, or infested with<br />
mange, as determined by officials of the Official <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Veterinarian, will not be permitted to exhibit.<br />
3. Health papers will be copied and kept on file.<br />
4. Commingling livestock increases the risk of disease<br />
transmission. Every possible risk cannot be controlled.<br />
Neither the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> nor any officer,<br />
person, or organization shall be held responsible for any<br />
disease that may be transmitted.<br />
CATTLE<br />
Brucellosis Requirements<br />
All cattle admitted for exhibition must meet 1 of the following<br />
classifications:<br />
1. Originate in and constitute a part ofa certified brucellosisfree<br />
herd. Herd certification number must be entered on<br />
the health certificate.<br />
2. Originate from a USDA brucellosis-free classified state.<br />
No test required. .<br />
3. Official calfhood vaccinated animals ofbeefbreeds under<br />
18 months of age and dairy breeds under 18 months of<br />
age may show without a brucellosis test. Vaccination<br />
tattoo symbol must appear on the health certificate.<br />
4. Kansas dairy cattle from herds that have 4 consecutive<br />
current negative milk ring tests need not be tested for<br />
brucellosis.<br />
5. Cattle not qualifying under 1, 2, 3, or 4 must indicate<br />
a negative blood test for brucellosis in a state-federal<br />
laboratory in all animals over 6 months of age within<br />
30 days of the show date.<br />
6. Out-of-state cattle must comply with Uniform Methods<br />
and Rules for interstate movement requirements accord -<br />
ing to classification of their state. Prior Kansas permit<br />
required from B states. Test eligible age is 18 months.<br />
7. Health certificates required for heifer calves under 6<br />
months.<br />
8. Health papers will be copied and kept on file at the <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Office.<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
25<br />
1. Originate in and constitute a part of a TB-accredited<br />
herd. The TB-accredited herd number must appear on<br />
the health certificate.<br />
2. Originate from a USDA classified TB-free state. Kansas<br />
is a TB modified accredited free state, but no TB test is<br />
required for this show.<br />
3. Cattle not qualifying under 1 or 2 must be tested nega -<br />
tive to TB within 90 days of the show, except steers and<br />
calves under 6 months of age.<br />
SWINE<br />
Out-of-state swine must comply with uniform methods and<br />
rules for interstate movement.<br />
SHEEP<br />
1. All sheep must be free of any signs of "sore mouth,"<br />
active fungal infection (ringworm), including club lamb<br />
fungus, and other contagious disease. All sheep must be<br />
identified with an official USDA premise ID tag. If an<br />
exhibitor's animal qualifies for a premise ID tag and is<br />
not tagged by fair time, that animal will not be able to<br />
participate in the 4-H Show or Livestock Sale. Sheep<br />
must be inspected by the Official <strong>Fair</strong> Veterinarian prior<br />
to unloading. Healthy lambs hauled with lambs having<br />
fungal infection may not unload.<br />
2. All sheep (Breeding and Market lambs) must be slick<br />
shorn (.2 inch) prior to unloading.<br />
GQATS<br />
All goats must be accompanied by an official health certificate<br />
and identified with an official USDA premise ID tag<br />
or registration tattoo. All exhibitors, please leave official<br />
health certificates in the Goat Superintendent's office. The<br />
certificates will be examined by the personnel of the Animal<br />
Health Department.<br />
Brucellosis Requirements<br />
I. Goats originating within the State of Kansas do not need<br />
to be tested for brucellosis.<br />
2. Goats originating out of the State of Kansas must meet<br />
1 of the following reauirements:
a. Goats must originate in and constitute a part of a<br />
certified brucellosis-free goat herd. Herd certification<br />
number must be entered on the health certificate.<br />
2. Goats originating out of the State of Kansas must meet<br />
1 of the following requirements:<br />
a. Goats must originate in and constitute a part of a<br />
TB-accredited goat herd. Herd accreditation number<br />
must be entered on the health certificate.<br />
NOTES:<br />
www.rookscountyfreefair.com<br />
Superintendents: Janet Languein, Jennifer Kysar, Gayla Peterson, Kyliegh Stice, Jami Choitz<br />
All horse entries must be made on or before August 6, 2012.<br />
Indicate number of stalls needed.<br />
Check-in: Thursday, August 16 (8:<strong>00</strong> to 10:<strong>00</strong> a.m.)<br />
Judging: Friday, August 17 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m.)<br />
Release: Saturday,August 18 (1:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
1. All animals must be sound to receive a prize.<br />
2. All exhibitors should become acquainted with the fol -<br />
lowing rules and regulations: Rule 1, Sections 5, 6, 11,<br />
and 16, published in the <strong>Fair</strong> Premium Book.<br />
3. Superintendent will announce lots in advance of showing<br />
but will not be responsible for their being shown.<br />
4. All animals must be in good health or will not be accepted<br />
and will have to be removed from the fairgrounds. A<br />
copy of health papers must besigned by a licensed vet<br />
and accompany entry. Horses cannot unload without<br />
health papers.<br />
5. When entries of any recognized breed of horses have<br />
pre-entered, separate judging classes will be set up for<br />
them according to the following recognized breeds:<br />
Class A - Appaloosa Class E - Grade<br />
Class B - Paint/Pinto Class F - Pony, under 14<br />
Class C - Quarter Horse<br />
hands<br />
Class D - Other recognized Class G - Burro Mule<br />
breeds<br />
Class H - Draft Horse<br />
6. Horses must have registration papers to be shown in<br />
recognized breed classes. Exhibitor must send a copy<br />
with entry.<br />
7. Breed must be stated on entry form. If horses are not<br />
registered, write "Grade."<br />
8. 4-H rules will apply.<br />
9. Absolutely no straw or sawdust as bedding. Sand will<br />
be provided. Wood chips may be used. STALLS MUST BE<br />
10. Stalls will be assigned by the superintendent.<br />
11. When in question, the decision of the judge will be<br />
final.<br />
12. In case of a tie on Youth, Junior, or Senior Overall High<br />
Point Horse and Rider, the tie will be ridden off. The<br />
pattern will be predetermined by the superintendents.<br />
13. No horses will be turned loose to run (exercise) in the<br />
arena. The arena is to be used for horses and riders.<br />
14. No alcoholic beverages in or around the arena.<br />
15. No dogs at any time.<br />
Halter points will not count toward High Point award.<br />
CLASS (specifyA, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)<br />
Lot 1 - Stick horse stampede, ages 1-7 (ribbon only)<br />
Lot 2 - Stallion, gelding<br />
Lot 3 - Mare, filly<br />
RIDING<br />
1. Youth lots will be for ages up to 12 years; Junior lots will<br />
be ages 13 to 18; Senior lots will be 19 to 49; Jack Benny<br />
lots will be 50 and over (all ages as of <strong>Fair</strong> time).<br />
2. Riders may only enter each lot in the riding class once.<br />
CLASS J<br />
Lot 4 - Showmanship, youth<br />
Lot 5 - Showmanship, junior<br />
Lot 6 - Showmanship, senior<br />
Lot 7 - Showmanship, Jack Benny<br />
Lot 8 - Leadline, ages 1-8 (ribbon only)<br />
Lot 9 - Hunt seat, youth<br />
Lot 10 -Hunt seat, junior<br />
Lot 11 - Hunt seat, senior<br />
Lot 12 - Hunt seat, Jack Benny<br />
Lot 13 - Pony, shown in harness<br />
Lot 14 - Horse, shown in harness<br />
Lot 15- Draft, shown in harness<br />
Lot 16 - Walk/trot, youth<br />
Lot 17 - Walk/trot, junior<br />
Lot 18 - Walk/trot, senior<br />
Lot 19 - Walk/trot, Jack Benny<br />
Lot 20 - Western pleasure, youth<br />
Lot 21 - Western pleasure, junior<br />
Lot 22 - Western pleasure, senior<br />
Lot 23 - Western pleasure, Jack Benny<br />
Lot 24 - Horsemanship, youth<br />
Lot 25 - Horsemanship, junior<br />
Lot 26 - Horsemanship, senior<br />
Lot 27 - Horsemanship, Jack Benny<br />
Lot 28 - Trail, youth<br />
Lot 29 - Trail, junior<br />
Lot 30 - Trail, senior<br />
Lot 31 - Trail, Jack Benny<br />
Lot 32 - Lead back race, youth<br />
Lot 33 - Lead back race, junior<br />
Lot 34 - Lead back race, senior<br />
Lot 35 - Lead back race, Jack Benny<br />
Lot 36 - Barrel race, youth<br />
Lot 37 - Barrel race, junior<br />
Lot 38 - Barrel race, senior<br />
Lot 39 - Barrel race, Jack Benny<br />
Lot 40 - Flag race, youth<br />
Lot 41 - Flag race, junior<br />
Lot 42 - Flag race, senior<br />
Lot 43 - Flag race, Jack Benny<br />
AWARDS (each lot will place accordingly)<br />
First place: $25.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place: $20.<strong>00</strong> and Red<br />
Third place: $15.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Fourth place:<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Yellow Ribbon<br />
Fifth place:<br />
$5.<strong>00</strong> and Green Ribbon<br />
Champion Breed:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Reserve Champion Breed:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Overall Halter Horse:<br />
Sweepstakes<br />
Reserve Overall Halter Horse:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Youth High Point Horse and Rider: Sweepstakes<br />
(same horse and rider to qualify)<br />
Junior High Point Horse and Rider: Sweepstakes<br />
(same horse and rider to qualify)<br />
Senior High Point Horse and Rider: Sweepstakes<br />
(same horse and rider to qualify)<br />
Jack Benny High Point Horse and Rider: Sweepstakes<br />
(same horse and rider to qualify)<br />
Inspiration Youth Award (to be selected from Class J)<br />
Jack Benny Inspirational<br />
Award<br />
P.O.801428<br />
LOGAN,IS 61646<br />
o<br />
Oil Producers 185/689-1456<br />
_<br />
_ 4-Wheel computer alignment system<br />
_ and computer wheel balancer<br />
Hill City livestock<br />
PO. Box21·Hili City, KS 67642<br />
(785)421-3441<br />
Lance Kinderknecht<br />
Mobile: (785 )432-0537<br />
_<br />
28<br />
& SCOOTER<br />
SALES<br />
11120 S. Cedar - South Highway 183<br />
Stnr.ktnn KS R7RRQ _ PH' (7R'i' .:1'i-RR1R<br />
Superintendents: Dean Hrabe, David Pieper<br />
Enter:<br />
Judging:<br />
Release:<br />
Wednesday, August 15 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to 2:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
Thursday, August 16 (1 :<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
Friday, August 17 (1:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
Enter: Wednesday, August 15 (weigh in from noon to<br />
2:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
Judging: Thursday, August 16 (10:<strong>00</strong> a.m., following 4-H<br />
Market Steers)<br />
Release: Friday, August 17 (8:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
I. The recognized beef breeds will be as follows:<br />
Class A - Hereford and Classes H, I, J, K - All<br />
Polled Hereford<br />
Other Registered<br />
Class B - Angus Breeds (class deter-<br />
Class C - Gelbvieh mined at entry time)<br />
Class D - Charolais Class L - Commercial<br />
Class E - Simmental Breeds (breeds will<br />
Class F - Limousin show together)<br />
Class G - Salers<br />
2. Entries are due August 9, 2012. Mail to:<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Box 505<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
Entries must include name and registration<br />
each animal entered.<br />
number of<br />
3. A copy of health papers must be signed by a licensed<br />
vet and accompany entry.<br />
4. No entry fee is required.<br />
5. Cattle will be bedded on sand.<br />
6. Awards<br />
First place:<br />
$15.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place:<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place:<br />
$5.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Reserve Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Grand Champion:<br />
$15.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
Reserve Grand Champion: $10.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
Grand Champion Hereford Female: Trophy<br />
Grand Champion Hereford Bull: Trophy<br />
Supreme Champion Female: $5<strong>00</strong>.<strong>00</strong><br />
Supreme Reserve Female: $250.<strong>00</strong><br />
Supreme Champion Bull: $5<strong>00</strong>.<strong>00</strong><br />
Supreme Reserve Bull: $250.<strong>00</strong><br />
BREED<br />
Exhibitors must have the original registration certificate on<br />
each animal available for inspection at the show. Class L does<br />
not need to be registered.<br />
CLASS (SPECIFY A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L)<br />
Lot 1 - Junior heifer calves, calved March 1, 2012 and<br />
after<br />
Lot 2 - Junior heifer calves, calved between Jan. I, 2012<br />
and Feb. 29, 2012<br />
Lot 3 - Junior Heifer Calf Champion (Lots 1 and 2)<br />
Lot 4 - Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion<br />
Lot 5 - Late senior heifer calves, calved between Nov. 1<br />
and Dec. 31, 20ll<br />
Lot 6 - Early senior heifer calves, calved between Sept.<br />
1 and Oct. 31, 2011<br />
Lot 7 - Senior Heifer Calf Champion (Lots 5 and 6)<br />
Lot 8 - Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion<br />
Lot 9 - Late summer yearling heifers, calved between<br />
July 1 and Aug. 31,2011<br />
Lot 10 - Early summer yearling heifers, calved between<br />
May I and June 30, 2011<br />
Lot 11 - Intermediate Champion (Lots 9 and 10)<br />
Lot 12 - Reserve Intermediate Champion<br />
Lot 13 - April junior yearling heifers, calved between<br />
April 1 and April 30, 2011<br />
Lot 14 - March junior yearling heifers, calved between<br />
March 1 and March 31, 2011<br />
Lot 15 - Early junior yearling heifers, calved between Jan.<br />
1 and Feb. 29, 20ll<br />
Lot 16 - Late senior yearling female, calved between Nov.<br />
1 and Dec. 31,2010<br />
Lot 17 - Early senior yearling female, calved between<br />
Sept. 1 and Oct. 31, 2010<br />
Lot 18 - Cow/calf<br />
Lot 19 - Champion Yearling Heifer<br />
Lot 20 - Reserve Champion Yearling Heifer<br />
Lot 21 - Grand Champion Female<br />
Lot 22 - Reserve Grand Champion Female<br />
Lot 30 - Junior bull calves, calved March I, 2012 and after<br />
Lot 31 - Junior bull calves, calved between Jan. 1, 2012<br />
and Feb. 29, 2012<br />
Lot 32 - Junior Bull Calf Champion (Lots 30 and 31)<br />
Lot 33 - Reserve Junior Bull Calf Champion<br />
Lot 34 - Late senior bull calves, calved between Nov. 1 and<br />
Dec. 31, 20ll<br />
Lot 35 - Early senior bull calves, calved between Sept. I<br />
and Oct. 31, 20ll<br />
Lot 36 - Senior Bull Calf Champion (Lots 34 and 35)<br />
Lot 37 - Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion<br />
Lot 38 - Late summer yearling bulls, calved between July<br />
1 and Aug. 31, 20 II<br />
Lot 39 - Early summer yearling bulls, calved between May<br />
1 and June 30, 20ll<br />
Lot 40 - Intermediate Champion Bull (Lots 38 and 39)<br />
Lot 41 - Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull<br />
Lot 42 - April junior yearling bulls, calved between April<br />
1 and April 30,2011<br />
DIVISION 2 -<br />
BEEF<br />
Lot 43 - March junior yearling bulls, calved between<br />
March 1 and March 31, 2011<br />
Lot 44 - Early junior yearling bulls, calved between Jan.<br />
1 and Feb. 28,2011<br />
Lot 45 - Junior Champion Bull (Lots 42, 43, and 44)<br />
Lot 46 - Reserve Junior Champion Bull<br />
Lot 47 - Senior yearling bulls, calved between Sept. 1 and<br />
Dec. 31, 2010<br />
Lot 48 - Summer senior yearling bulls, calved between<br />
May I and Aug. 31,2010<br />
Lot 49 - 2-year-old bulls, calved between Jan. 1 and April<br />
30,2010<br />
Lot 50 - All bulls over 2 years old<br />
Lot 52 - Senior Champion Bull (Lots 47, 48, and 49)<br />
Lot 53 - Reserve Senior Champion Bull<br />
Lot 54 - Grand Champion Bull<br />
Lot 55 - Reserve Grand Champion Bull (Champions and<br />
Reserve Champions competing)<br />
Lot 60 - Get-of-sire (4 animals by 1 sire, shown in the<br />
above lots, both sexes represented, no ownership<br />
requirement)<br />
Lot 61 - Junior get-of-sire (3 animals by 1 sire, both sexes<br />
represented, shown in Lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10,<br />
and 30, 31, 34, 35, 38, and 39)<br />
Lot 62 - Breeder 6 head (the exhibitor must be the breeder<br />
and first owner of the animal exhibited in individual<br />
classes; the breeder and first owner<br />
must have the same member code)<br />
Lot 63 - Prospect heifer (all breeds), calved after Jan. 1,<br />
2012<br />
Lot 64 - Prospect steer (all breeds), calved after Jan. 1,<br />
2012<br />
MARKET<br />
1. Read "General Rules and Regulations" at the beginning<br />
of the Open Class section of the <strong>Fair</strong> Book.<br />
2. The top five blue-ribbon steers from the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />
4-H show will automatically be entered. All other Open<br />
"""""""""""""""<br />
Kensington Lockers, Inc.<br />
Custom slaughtering Monday & Wednesday -<br />
contact Wayne Beckman<br />
Complete processing<br />
Class steers need to enter on an Open Class Livestock<br />
Entry Form.<br />
3. No heifers to be entered in the Market Steer class.<br />
4. The show will follow the 4-H show, which begins at 8:<strong>00</strong><br />
a.m. Thursday. Release Friday at 8:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
5. At the discretion of the Superintendents, Market Steers<br />
may be divided into 2 or more equal lots according to<br />
weight. Final division will be made after all entries are<br />
weighed and entered.<br />
6. Animals must be born after Jan. 1 of the previous year.<br />
CLASSM<br />
Lot 1 - Market steer<br />
AWARDS<br />
Grand Champion:<br />
Reserve Grand Champion:<br />
Third place:<br />
Fourth place:<br />
Fifth place:<br />
Grand Champion Prospect Heifer:<br />
Reserve Champion Prospect Heifer:<br />
Grand Champion Prospect Steer:<br />
Reserve Champion Prospect Steer:<br />
Headquarters<br />
(785) 885-4881<br />
4-H,ei!m<br />
"From the Pen to the Pan"<br />
Home-grown beef and pork for sale<br />
Good Luck to All the<br />
Several homemade specialties<br />
A special thanks<br />
Retail meat case<br />
to all our past customers!<br />
Phone: 476-2834 Highway 36 III .A1'JIAJJA "JLI.•..=<br />
////////////////////////////// ·tli4itMJ /T~ W~<br />
30<br />
r!BJ<br />
~~;e~<br />
Codell, KS<br />
Progressive, Total Performance<br />
Registered Limousin<br />
Purebred, Black, and Red Polled Limousin<br />
Registered Red Angus, Limflex<br />
"The Carcass Breed"<br />
Feel free to stop by and visit us<br />
at the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Fair</strong>!<br />
Mike Smith<br />
(785) 885-4882<br />
$1<strong>00</strong>.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$75.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$60.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$40.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$30.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$150.<strong>00</strong><br />
$1<strong>00</strong>.<strong>00</strong><br />
$150.<strong>00</strong><br />
$1<strong>00</strong>.<strong>00</strong><br />
Roger Comeau<br />
(785) 434-4686<br />
ROCK'N<br />
BIG,STOUT,<br />
Registered<br />
b<br />
Black & Red Angus<br />
Ron & Raina<br />
Plainville,<br />
Hrabe<br />
KS<br />
(785) 623-8054<br />
Annual Rangeland Bull Sale<br />
Second Monday in March<br />
www.rocknrangus.com<br />
Large & Small Animals<br />
Craig Iwanski, DVM.<br />
Jessica Iwanski, DVM.<br />
Shannon Mongeau, D.v.M.<br />
Kristina Blackford, D.V.M.<br />
Dentistry<br />
Radiology<br />
Boarding<br />
~- Grooming<br />
Ultrasound<br />
Science Diet Food Purina Equine Feed<br />
Large Animal<br />
Haul-In Facility<br />
Plainville<br />
Livestock, LLC<br />
24-Hour Emergency Service Sale Barn: (785) 688.4080<br />
406 MainStreet<br />
Stockton,KS 67669 Ph: (785) 425-51<strong>00</strong> 907 NW Third St. •Plainville, KS 67663<br />
DIVISION 2 -<br />
BEEF<br />
The<br />
ANIMAL<br />
710 S.Washington<br />
Plainville, KS 67663<br />
Phone: (785) 434-7222<br />
Small Animal & Large Animal<br />
Complete Medical Care<br />
Grooming, t30arding<br />
Diagnostic Laboratory<br />
Herd Health Consultation<br />
~ ~@Ii'(ct]®----,<br />
Palco, KS 67657<br />
Bulls and replacement females developed<br />
to meet your straight and crossbreeding needs<br />
Welcome to Visit Anytime<br />
Therean and Mary<br />
(785) 737-4045<br />
3Y4 miles south of Palco<br />
Hrabe Farms I<br />
Club Calves<br />
hrabefarms@ruraltel.net<br />
Dean, Marcia, Courtney<br />
Gene and Rita Hrabe<br />
& Cody Hrabe<br />
154516 Rd.<br />
STOCKTON ,KS 67669<br />
(785)425-6022<br />
Mobile:(785)432-0895<br />
Good luck<br />
to all exhibitors<br />
at the <strong>Fair</strong>!<br />
EAT BEEF<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> KLA<br />
Kansas Livestock association<br />
Balanced Performance<br />
Don Hamit Land & Auction Co.<br />
Donald L. Hamit-Broker/Auctioneer-104 N. Walnut, Stockton, KS 67669<br />
785-425-6585 Toll <strong>Free</strong> 888-573-6585<br />
Fax-785-425-7222<br />
Cell-785-425-8123<br />
www.hamitauction.com<br />
dor@)hamitauction.com<br />
Farm & Ranches<br />
Farm Equi<strong>pm</strong>ent<br />
Antiques - Estates<br />
Residential<br />
Commercial<br />
r-----...<br />
32<br />
Sutor Hereford Farms<br />
Zurich, KS 67663<br />
Registered Herefords<br />
Ranch Phone<br />
(785) 737-5755<br />
Darrell and Joy Sutor, owners<br />
Darrell Sutor<br />
630AARd.<br />
Zurich, KS 67663<br />
(785) 737-5711<br />
Dana Pieper<br />
4<strong>00</strong> DDRd.<br />
Palco, KS67657<br />
(785) 737-2830
Superintendents: Dean Hrabe, Henry Sander<br />
Enter: Tuesday, August 14 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to noon)<br />
Judging: Thursday, August 16 (8:30 a.m. following 4-H<br />
Beef Show)<br />
Release: Thursday, August 16 (8:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
1. Base dates for classifying the dairy cattle shall be based<br />
on March 1 and Sept. 1.<br />
2. Exhibitors must have the original registration certificate<br />
on each animal available for inspection at the show.<br />
3. Recognized breed classes are as follows:<br />
Class A - Holstein<br />
Class B - Jersey<br />
Class C - Guernsey<br />
Class D - Ayrshire<br />
Class E - Milking<br />
Shorthorn<br />
4. One breed will not be judged against another breed. Breed<br />
must be stated on entry form.<br />
5. A copy of health papers must be signed by a licensed<br />
vet and accompany entry.<br />
CLASS (SPECIFY A, B, C, D, OR E)<br />
Lot 1 - Aged cow, 5 years old and over<br />
Lot 2 - Cow, 4 years old and under 5<br />
Lot 3 - Cow, 3 years old and under 4<br />
Lot 4 - Cow, 2 years old and under 3<br />
Lot 5 - Heifer, 18 months and under 2 years<br />
Lot 6 - Heifer, 1 year old and under 18 months<br />
Lot 7 - Heifer, 4 months and under 1 year<br />
GROUPS<br />
Lot 21 -<br />
Best of 3 females (any age, owned by exhibitor<br />
and must have been shown in their respective.<br />
single-entry lots)<br />
Lot 22 - Dam and daughter (daughter can be of any age<br />
but produce of 1 cow; both must be shown in<br />
individual lots)<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place: $5.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Breed Champions:<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
Breed Reserve Champions: $7.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
Keller Tank Service<br />
Since 1959 •Darrell Keller-Owner<br />
80 BBL Vacuum & Pressure Trucks<br />
Water Hauling • Lease Work<br />
Dump Trucks • High Loader •Backhoe<br />
Snow Plowing •Grader • Dozers<br />
Inc.<br />
Serving the Oil Field, Farm & Road Construction<br />
Office ... 785-737 -2805<br />
Toll <strong>Free</strong> ... 877-737-2805<br />
24-Hour Call •Zurich<br />
Member<br />
FDIC<br />
DIVISION 4 -<br />
SHEEP<br />
Superintendents: Leonard Bristow, Toni Bristow<br />
Enter:<br />
Judging:<br />
Release:<br />
Monday, August 13 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to noon)<br />
Tuesday, August 14 (5:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
Wednesday, August 15 (8:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
1. Sheep must be owned by exhibi tor or member of immedi -<br />
ate family 30 days prior to show.<br />
2. Age in all lots will be determined from a base date of<br />
Jan. I.<br />
3. Market lambs with testicles will be disqualified from<br />
competition.<br />
4. Recognized breeds of sheep will be as follows:<br />
Class A - Shropshire Class F - Suffolk<br />
Class B - Southdown Class G - Montadale<br />
Class C - Hampshire ClassesH, I, J - Other Breeds<br />
Class D - Corriedale<br />
Class E - Dorset<br />
5. Specify breed on entry form.<br />
6. Each breed of breeding animals will be shown separately.<br />
7. All sheep (Breeding and Market) must be free of any<br />
signs of "sore mouth," active fungal infection (ringworm),<br />
including club lamb fungus, and other contagious disease.<br />
All sheep must be identified with an official USDA<br />
premise ID tag. Ifan exhibitor's animal is not tagged by<br />
fair time, that animal will not be able to participate in the<br />
4-H Show or Livestock Sale. Sheep must be inspected by<br />
the Official <strong>Fair</strong> Veterinarian prior to unloading. Healthy<br />
lambs hauled with lambs having fungal infection may not<br />
unload.<br />
8. Market lambs must be born after Jan. I.<br />
9. No paint above the hock.<br />
10. A copy of health papers signed by a licensed vet<br />
must accompany all open class sheep.<br />
II. All sheep (Breeding and Market) must be "slick shorn"<br />
with an equal amount of wool above the knee and hock<br />
(head excluded) prior to inspection and unloading. A<br />
maximum of 0.2 inch of wool is permitted.<br />
12. Ewe lambs shown in the 4-H Market Show cannot be<br />
shown in the Open Class Breeding Show.<br />
Lot 4 - Pair of ram lambs<br />
Lot 5 - Pair of yearling rams<br />
Lot 6 - Ewe lamb, spring<br />
Lot 7 - Ewe lamb, fall<br />
Lot 8 - Yearling ewe<br />
Lot 9 - Ewe, 2 years and older<br />
Lot 10 - Pair of ewe lambs<br />
Lot 11 - Pair of yearling ewes<br />
Lot 12 - Pair oflambs (see "Lots Defined")<br />
Lot 13 - Flock (see "Lots Defined")<br />
Lot 14 - Get-of-sire (see "Lots Defined")<br />
Pair of Lambs: Either or both sexes (ewe or ram), owned<br />
by exhibitor, both get-of-same-sire (spring<br />
or fall)<br />
Flock:<br />
Get-of-Sire:<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
Breed Champion:<br />
Breed Reserve Champion:<br />
I ram, under 2 years; 2 yearling ewes; 2 ewe<br />
lambs, all owned and shown by exhibitor<br />
4 lambs, either sex, get-of-t-sire<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$5.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$7.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
1. The top 5 overall Market Lambs in the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> 4-H<br />
and FFA show will be automatically entered. All other<br />
Open Class Market Lambs need to enter on an Open Class<br />
Livestock Entry Form.<br />
2. Weigh on Monday from 8:<strong>00</strong> a.m.-noon; release on<br />
Wednesday at 8:<strong>00</strong> p.m. The show will be after the 4-H<br />
show Tuesday at 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
3. 4-H Market Lambs that aren't in the top 5 may not enter<br />
Open Class.<br />
CLASSM<br />
Lot I - Market lamb, any breed<br />
Grand Champion Market Lamb<br />
Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, or J)<br />
Lot I - Ram lamb, spring<br />
Lot 2 - Ram lamb, fall<br />
Lot 3 - Ram, 1 year and under 2<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
Fourth place:<br />
Fifth place:<br />
$50.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$40.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$30.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$25.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$20.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
DIVISION 3 -<br />
DAIRY<br />
Superintendents: Leonard Bristow, Toni Bristow<br />
Enter:<br />
Judging:<br />
Release:<br />
Monday, August 13 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to noon)<br />
Tuesday, August 14 (5:<strong>00</strong> p.m., following Sheep<br />
Show)<br />
Wednesday, August 15 (8:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
l. The date for computing age will be the day of judging.<br />
2. This show will be open to all exhibitors. Breeds showing<br />
will be as follows:<br />
Class H - Alpine<br />
Class I - Lamancha<br />
Class J - Nubian<br />
Class K - Saanen<br />
Class L - Toggenburg<br />
Class M -Oberhasli<br />
Class N - Other Breeds<br />
All other breeds will be shown as one breed.<br />
3. Specify breed on entry form. Goats from breeds with<br />
fewer than 5 entries will compete together.<br />
4. A copy of health papers signed by a licensed vet must<br />
accompany entry.<br />
5. All goats must be identified with an official USDA Premise<br />
J.D. tag or registration tattoo.<br />
JUNIOR<br />
CLASS(specify H, I, J, K, L, M,orN)<br />
Lot 1 - Birth to 5 months (not in milk or previously freshened)<br />
Lot 2 - 5 months to 8 months (not in milk or previously<br />
freshened)<br />
Lot 3 -<br />
Lot4 ~<br />
8 months to 12 months (not in milk or previously<br />
freshened)<br />
12 months to 24 months (not in milk or previously<br />
freshened)<br />
SENIOR<br />
CLASS (specifyH, I, J, K, L, M, orN)<br />
Lot 11- Up to 24 months (in milk or previously freshened)<br />
Lot 12 - 24 months and older (in milk or previously freshened)<br />
(Does must have been shown in their regular lots)<br />
CLASS (specify H, I, J, K, L, M,orN )<br />
Lot 21 - Get-of-sire (to consist of3 does, I in milk, the get<br />
of 1 sire, the sire must be named)<br />
Lot 22 - Mother and daughter<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
Champion Junior Doe:<br />
Reserve Champion Junior Doe:<br />
Champion Senior Doe:<br />
Reserve Champion Senior Doe:<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$5.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$7.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$7.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
Superintendents:<br />
Enter: Monday, August 13 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m. to noon)<br />
Judging: Tuesday, August 14 (5:<strong>00</strong> p.m., following Sheep<br />
Show)<br />
Release: Wednesday, August 15 (8:<strong>00</strong> p.m.)<br />
CLASS 0<br />
Lot 31 - Meat goat, any breed, Market Wether<br />
NOTES:<br />
3 -MEAT GOATS<br />
Leonard Bristow, Toni Bristow<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
Fourth place:<br />
Fifth place:<br />
Champion Meat Goat:<br />
$15.<strong>00</strong><br />
$12.<strong>00</strong><br />
$10.<strong>00</strong><br />
$7.<strong>00</strong><br />
$5.<strong>00</strong><br />
Sweepstakes Award<br />
and<br />
Stockton<br />
425-6511<br />
Woodston<br />
994-6515<br />
Plainville, KS<br />
Phone: 434-28<strong>00</strong><br />
"Congratulations to our neighbors in<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> for your excellent fair entries!<br />
and congratulate<br />
you<br />
for your efforts!"<br />
P.O. Box 308<br />
Hill City, KS 67642<br />
Phone: (785) 421-57<strong>00</strong><br />
Bob Boyd and Jim Logback<br />
"Best<br />
Deal in the Country"<br />
'T'AYLOR<br />
785-425-6789<br />
T<br />
AYLOR<br />
SUPPLY<br />
785-425-6736<br />
NAPA<br />
Auto Parts<br />
Ag & Automotive<br />
Repairs<br />
DIVISION 5 -<br />
SWINE<br />
Superintendent: Chris Kriley<br />
Enter: Tuesday, August 14 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.rn, to noon)<br />
Judging: Wednesday, August 15 (8:<strong>00</strong> a.m., following<br />
4-H Show)<br />
Release: Thursday, August 16 (noon)<br />
1. Swine must be owned by the exhibitor or member of<br />
immediate family. Registration papers must be exhibited<br />
upon request of Superintendent or judges.<br />
2. The base dates for determining age of hogs are March 1<br />
and Sept. 1.<br />
3. Health requirements: Out-of-state swine must comply<br />
with uniform methods and rules for interstate movement.<br />
Health certificate must accompany entry form. These<br />
health requirements must be met before swine will be<br />
allowed to unload at the fairgrounds.<br />
4. Health papers may be required for other diseases before<br />
entering and unloading oflivestock should the <strong>Fair</strong> Board<br />
feel that it is necessary. Exhibitors that have entries made<br />
by the deadline will be notified of any testing require<br />
ments.<br />
5. All pens and alleys adjoining must be cleaned before<br />
10:<strong>00</strong> a.m. each day and refuse disposed of as the Super<br />
intendent may direct. Pens and alleys must be kept clean<br />
throughout the day.<br />
6. See health requirements in "rules and regulations."<br />
1. The top 5 blue-ribbon hogs in the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> 4-H show<br />
will automatically be entered. All other Open Class hogs<br />
need to enter on an Open Class Livestock Entry Form.<br />
2. 4-H Market Hogs that are not in the top 5 may not enter<br />
Open Class.<br />
3. Enter Tuesday moming-weigh- in from 7:<strong>00</strong> a.m. -10: 30<br />
a.m. The show will beafterthe4-H show; release Thursday<br />
at noon.<br />
4. Both barrows and gilts may be shown in this class.<br />
CLASS<br />
N<br />
, Lot 2 - Market hog, any breed<br />
Grand Champion Market Hog<br />
Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
Fourth place:<br />
Fifth place:<br />
$50.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$40.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$30.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$25.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$20.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
CLASSM<br />
Lot 1 - Market hog<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$5.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
~~~_...,<br />
Automatic &<br />
Self-Service Bays<br />
Spot-<strong>Free</strong> Rinse<br />
G<br />
a t&.<br />
C<br />
sH<br />
F<br />
0 j<br />
I.ls<br />
I<br />
ee<br />
t<br />
I s<br />
e<br />
t<br />
r<br />
jO<br />
s<br />
Prairie Ag & Auto, Inc.<br />
.,r,tG~~:;;~ 605 NW Third· Plainville<br />
{P""" ~a 15<br />
'~~;ot~\~e1I (785) 434-7166<br />
W<br />
x<br />
Auto<br />
Open 24 Hours<br />
Weather Permitting<br />
Vacuum & Carpet<br />
Shampooer<br />
WashLLC<br />
318 S. Cedar<br />
Stockton,KS<br />
Superintendents: Randy Hrabe, Diane Hrabe<br />
1. Singles cannot compete with pens, and specimens entered<br />
in pens cannot compete with singles, nor can old<br />
singles or pens compete with young singles or pens.<br />
2. Each exhibitor must indicate breed of poultry on the entry<br />
tag.<br />
3. No exhibitor may show more than 4 breeds of poultry.<br />
4. An exhibitor is limited to no more than 1 entry per lot.<br />
5. Entries must be in place by 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Monday, entry<br />
day.<br />
6. Release time for entries is 1:<strong>00</strong> p.m. on Saturday.<br />
7. A competent judge will be present to judge the fowls<br />
by the comparison method and according to the rules of<br />
the American Poultry Association. Fowls on display are<br />
not to be handled by anyone, either exhibitor or visitor,<br />
except by officers of the Poultry Department or by their<br />
consent.<br />
8. Any pullet or cockerel in a Pen may not be entered in the<br />
Single classes.<br />
9. Definitions: Fowls must be exhibited as Cock (over 1<br />
year); Cockerel (under 1 year); Hen (over I year); Pullet<br />
(under 1 year); Old Pen (over 1 year); or Young Pen<br />
(under 1 year). A Pen consists of 2 females and 1 male.<br />
10. Recognized breeds of poultry are as follows:<br />
Class A - Plymouth Rocks<br />
Class B - Wyandottes<br />
Class C - Rhode Island<br />
Reds<br />
Class D - Jersey Giants<br />
Class H - Cochins<br />
Class 1- Brahmas<br />
Class L - Cornish<br />
Class M - Orpingtons<br />
Class N - Australorps<br />
Class 0 - Sussex<br />
Class E - New Hampshires<br />
Class F - Dominques<br />
Class G - All Other<br />
American Breeds<br />
Class J - Langshans<br />
Class K - All Other<br />
Asiatics<br />
Class P - Dorkings<br />
Class Q - Redcaps<br />
Class R - All Other<br />
English Breeds<br />
Class S - Leghorns<br />
Class T - Minorcas<br />
Class U - White-Faced<br />
Class V - Blue Andelusian<br />
Class W - Ancona<br />
Class X - All Other<br />
Black Spanish Mediterranean Breeds<br />
Class AA - Hamburgs<br />
Class BB - Polish<br />
Class CC - Houdens<br />
Class DD - Any Other<br />
Continental Variety<br />
Class EE-<br />
Class FF-<br />
Class GG-<br />
Class HH-<br />
Class II<br />
Class JJ -<br />
Class KK -<br />
Class LL -<br />
Class MM -<br />
Class NN -<br />
Class <strong>00</strong> -<br />
Class PP -<br />
Modem Game (all varieties)<br />
Old English Game (all varieties)<br />
Sumatras<br />
Aseels (all colors)<br />
Araucanas<br />
Ameraucanas<br />
Frizzles<br />
Naked Necks<br />
Crossbreds<br />
Inbreds<br />
Any Other Variety<br />
Hen and Chicks, Any Variety<br />
Class QQ - Modem Class RR - Old English<br />
Class SS -<br />
Class TT -<br />
Class UU -<br />
Class VV -<br />
Class WW -<br />
Class XX -<br />
Single Comb Clean Legged<br />
Rose Comb Clean Legged<br />
All Other Combs Clean Legged<br />
Feather Legged<br />
Silkies<br />
All Other Varieties<br />
11. Health Requirements-all poultry, except waterfowl,<br />
must show proof that they are pullorum-typhoid clean<br />
at time of entry by one of the following methods:<br />
A. Originate from a U.S. pullorum-typhoid clean flock<br />
as evidenced by an official VS form 9-3 certifying<br />
that all birds in the flock over 4 months of age have<br />
had a negative test for pullorum-typhoid within the<br />
past year.<br />
B. Present evidence that the entries (a) were purchased<br />
from a U.S. pullorum-typhoid clean source, and<br />
(b) are either the only poultry on the premises of<br />
the owner or have been physically separated (e.g.,<br />
housed in separate houses) from other flocks on the<br />
premises.<br />
C. Present an official form 9-2 signed by an official<br />
blood-testing agent showing that the entries have had<br />
a negative result from an official pullorum-typhoid<br />
test conducted within 90 days prior to the exhibition.<br />
The sealed legband numbers of the bird(s) must ap<br />
pear on the form.<br />
D. Entries not qualifying under A, B, or C must indicate<br />
a negative test for pullorum-typhoid diseases at the<br />
time of entry.<br />
12. Indicate breed on entry form.<br />
DIVISION 6 -<br />
CLASS (specifyA, B, C, D, E etc.)<br />
Lot 1 - Best pen, old<br />
Lot 2 - Best pen, young<br />
Lot 3 - Best cock<br />
Lot 4 - Best hen<br />
Lot 5 - Best cockerel<br />
Lot 6 - Best pullet<br />
Lot 7 - Best capon<br />
(all pairs to be male and female)<br />
Lot 1 - Standard Bronze<br />
Lot 2 - Broad-Breasted Bronze<br />
Lot 3 -Black<br />
Lot 4 - Bourbon Red<br />
Lot 5 - Narragansett<br />
Lot 6- Slate<br />
Lot 7 - White Holland<br />
Lot 8- Wild<br />
Lot 9 - Royal Palm<br />
Lot 10 - Beltsville Small White<br />
Lot 11 - Jersey Buff<br />
Lot 12 - Crimson Dawn<br />
Lot 13 - All other varieties<br />
PAIR DUCKS -<br />
CLASS<br />
Lot 21 -<br />
Lot 22 -<br />
Lot 23 -<br />
Lot 24 -<br />
Lot 25 -<br />
Lot 26 -<br />
AC<br />
Pekin<br />
Aylesbury<br />
Rouen<br />
Cayuga<br />
White Call<br />
Gray Call<br />
Lot 27 -<br />
Lot 28 -<br />
Lot 29 -<br />
Lot 30 -<br />
Lot 31 -<br />
Lot 32 -<br />
Lot 33 -<br />
Lot 34 -<br />
Lot 35 -<br />
Lot 36 -<br />
Lot 37 -<br />
Lot 38 -<br />
Lot 39 -<br />
Lot 40 -<br />
Lot 41 -<br />
Snowy Call<br />
Black Call<br />
East Indian<br />
Wild Mallard<br />
Snowy Mallard<br />
White Muscovy<br />
Blue Muscovy<br />
Chocolate Muscovy<br />
Crested<br />
Swedish<br />
White Runner<br />
Black Runner<br />
Campbell<br />
Buff<br />
All other varieties and breeds<br />
CLASS AD<br />
Lot 51 - African<br />
Lot 52 - Chinese<br />
Lot 53 - Embden<br />
Lot 54 - Toulouse<br />
Lot 55 - Pilgrim<br />
Lot 56 - Pomeranian<br />
Lot 57 - Sebastopol<br />
Lot 58 -Buff<br />
Lot 59 - Canada<br />
Lot 60 - Egyptian<br />
Lot 61 - Buff Pied<br />
Lot 62 - All other varieties<br />
Lot 71 - Partridge<br />
Lot 72 -<br />
Lot 73 -<br />
SINGLE<br />
Lot 81 -<br />
Lot 82 -<br />
Lot 83 -<br />
Lot 84 -<br />
Lot 85 -<br />
Lot 86 -<br />
Lot 87 -<br />
Lot 88 -<br />
Lot 89 -<br />
Lot 90 -<br />
Lot 91 -<br />
Lot 92 -<br />
Pheasant<br />
Guinea<br />
Single female turkey<br />
Single male turkey<br />
Single female duck<br />
Single male duck<br />
Single female goose<br />
Single male goose<br />
Single female partridge<br />
Single male partridge<br />
Single female pheasant<br />
Single male pheasant<br />
Single female guinea<br />
Single male guinea<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
$5.<strong>00</strong> and Blue Ribbon<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Red Ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and White Ribbon<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue Ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red Ribbon<br />
$1.<strong>00</strong> and White Ribbon<br />
Overall Champion Poultry:<br />
Ribbon and Sweepstakes Award<br />
Overall Reserve Champion Poultry:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Overall Exhibit in Poultry Barn:<br />
Savings Bond<br />
Osborne<br />
Commission,<br />
Livestock<br />
Inc.<br />
Sale Every Wednesday<br />
._--------------<br />
Zach Sumpter: (785) 545-6175<br />
Sherlyn Kats: (785) 425-6507<br />
Rod Lund: (785) 885-4495<br />
Osborne, KS<br />
(785) 346-2351<br />
(785) 839-4452<br />
Small bales<br />
are our forte<br />
Producer of<br />
Barn-stored Quality Alfalfa<br />
frederick R. Landis<br />
Velma Landis<br />
3 x 3 x 8 and 14 x 18 Bales<br />
13702 Road<br />
Damar, KS 67632<br />
Superintendents: Randy Hrabe, Diane Hrabe<br />
I.All recognized breeds of pigeons and doves may be<br />
entered. Recognized breeds are as follows:<br />
Class A - African Owls Class 0 - NorwichCroppers<br />
Class B - Birmingham Class P - Nuns<br />
Rollers<br />
Class Q - Pouters<br />
Class C - Blondinettes Class R - Priests<br />
ClassD - Carriers<br />
Class S - Satinettes<br />
Class E - Chinese Owls Class T - Shields<br />
Class F - Does<br />
Class U - Swallows<br />
ClassG - Fantails<br />
Class V - Tipplers<br />
Class H - Helmets<br />
Class W - Trumpeters,<br />
Class I - Crested Helmets Englishand Russian<br />
Class J - Ice Pigeons Class X - Tumblers<br />
ClassK - Jacobins<br />
Class Y - Turbits<br />
Class L - Lahores<br />
Class Z - All Other<br />
ClassM - Magpies<br />
Varieties<br />
ClassN - Modenas<br />
2. Each exhibitor must indicate breed of pigeon or dove on<br />
the entry tag. Exhibitor is limited to no more than 1 entry<br />
per lot.<br />
3. Entries must be in place by 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Monday, entry<br />
day.<br />
4. A competent judge will be present to judge the birds by<br />
the comparison method and according to the rules of the<br />
National Pigeon Association. Birds are not to be handled<br />
by anyone, either exhibitor or visitor, other than the of<br />
ficers of the Poultry Department or by their consent.<br />
5. Classifications: All birds will be exhibited as singles.<br />
CLASS (specifyA, B, C, D, E, etc.)<br />
Lot 1- Young hen, hatched 2012<br />
Lot 2 - Young cock, hatched 2012<br />
Lot 3 - Old hen, hatched prior to 2012<br />
Lot 4 - Old cock, hatched prior to 2012<br />
Lot 5 - Best pen, old<br />
Lot 6 - Best pen, young<br />
All birds not banded with 2012 seamless band will be con -<br />
sidered and exhibited as Old Hen or Cock.<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place:<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place: $1.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Champion Young Hen: Ribbon<br />
Champion Young Cock: Ribbon<br />
Champion Old Hen: Ribbon<br />
Champion Old Cock: Ribbon<br />
Overall Champion Pigeons and Doves: Ribbon and<br />
Sweepstakes<br />
p.o. Box 509 Stockton, KS 67669<br />
1305 E .Main<br />
INC.<br />
Bruce Krob<br />
785/425-6351<br />
785/635-0175<br />
-BORING<br />
UNIT-<br />
I:T<br />
B&<br />
B Redimix,lnc.<br />
since 1972<br />
"Concrete on Time - Anytime"<br />
L<br />
Complete Concrete Service<br />
krobtrenching@yahoo.com<br />
"We don't want your arms<br />
and legs, just your tows"<br />
Alan D. Dinkel, owner<br />
• Poured basement walls<br />
- Concrete removal and<br />
•All types of concrete<br />
flatwork<br />
••replacement<br />
<strong>Free</strong> estimates<br />
4<strong>00</strong> S. Oak' Stockton' 425-6232<br />
After hours call· 425-7353<br />
445 E. Mill St. (785) 434-7583<br />
Plainville, KS 67663 (785) 434-2804<br />
(after hours)<br />
I-h<br />
Railroad Avenue' Phillipsburg· 543-5133<br />
Shop' 543-5133<br />
r<br />
Superintendents: Randy Hrabe, Diane Hrabe<br />
1. No exhibitor may show more than 2 breeds of rabbits.<br />
Exhibitor is limited to no more than I entry per lot.<br />
2. Entries must be in place by 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Monday, entry<br />
day.<br />
3. The Rabbit Show is scheduled for Wednesday at 1:30<br />
p.m. Exhibitor must be present.<br />
4. Any doe or buck in a Pen may not be entered in the Single<br />
lots.<br />
5. The decision of the judges will be final.<br />
6. Each exhibitor must indicate breed of rabbit on the entry<br />
tag.<br />
7. Recognized breeds of rabbits will be as follows:<br />
Class A - Silver Marten<br />
Class B - Florida White<br />
Class C - Standard<br />
Chinchilla<br />
Class D - Californian<br />
Class E - Satin<br />
Class F - New Zealand<br />
ClassG -Rex<br />
ClassH - English and<br />
French Lop<br />
Class I - Dutch<br />
Class J - Mini Lops<br />
Class K- Netherland<br />
Dwarf<br />
Class L - Palomino<br />
Class M - Himalayans<br />
Class N - American<br />
Chinchilla<br />
Class 0 - Champagne<br />
Class P - Holland Lop<br />
Class Q - English Angora<br />
Class R - All Other<br />
Breeds<br />
CLASS (specifyA, B, C, D, E, etc.)<br />
Lot 1 - Does, up to 6 months<br />
Lot 2 - Does, 6 months and over<br />
Lot 3 - Bucks, up to 6 months<br />
Lot 4 - Bucks, 6 months and over<br />
Lot 5 - Meatpen (this is to include 3 rabbits of any 1breed<br />
whose combined weight must not be over 15<br />
lbs.)<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$1.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
First place:<br />
$5.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place:<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Overall Champion Rabbit:<br />
$5.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
Best Opposite Sex Champion Rabbit: $3.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
Stockton Sentinel<br />
Bob Hamilton,<br />
Publisher<br />
Office Supplies Computer Supplies<br />
Hot Lamination Commercial Printing<br />
Wedding Invitations and Accessories<br />
Quality Concrete Construction<br />
• Poured Walls<br />
• Foundations<br />
• Driveways<br />
• Sidewalks<br />
• Patios<br />
• Decorative<br />
Concrete<br />
Office: (785) 425-6354<br />
P.O. Box 521<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
stkpaper@ruraltel.net<br />
©GuW1'l®[[®@J<br />
ODD 'iJ®®®<br />
2825 Plaza Ave.<br />
Hays, KS 67601<br />
425-6936<br />
Darris Lewallen<br />
Checking & Savings Accounts<br />
Certificate Investments<br />
Loans- Online Banking<br />
www.farmerscu.org<br />
Member<br />
NCUA<br />
Superintendents: Patti Stout, Mari Jo Stout, Jenna Miller<br />
I. Read "General Rules and Regulations."<br />
2. The Dog Obedience Competition will be Monday, August<br />
13, immediately following the 4-H Show.<br />
3. Dogs must be cleaned and groomed for show.<br />
4. Lots are to be judged in the order listed below.<br />
5. Abuse of a dog will result in disqualification.<br />
6. No baiting allowed.<br />
7. Dog must be pre-entered on entry form in back ofthis<br />
book; must be pre-entered by noonMonday, August13.<br />
A copy of health papers must be signed by a licensed<br />
vet and accompany entry.<br />
8. Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons will be given<br />
to the two top qualifying scores.<br />
9. Enter only one obedience class with a dog.<br />
10. Maximum entry: 3 per handler, I dog per obedience<br />
class.<br />
11. Dogs must remain on a leash on <strong>Fair</strong>grounds unless<br />
being shown in the arena.<br />
CLASSD<br />
Lot I - Pre-Novice (for all first-year handlers and/or firstyear<br />
dogs and those who have not received a<br />
qualifying score)<br />
Following exercises performed on leash:<br />
1. Heel and figure 8 35<br />
2. Stand for exam. 30<br />
3. Recall 35<br />
4. Long sit (1 min.) .30<br />
5. Long down (3 min.) 30<br />
Total 160<br />
Lot 2 - Novice (for all persons and dogs who qualified in<br />
Pre-Novice)<br />
I. Heel on leash and figure 8 .35<br />
2. Stand for exam (offleash) .35<br />
3. Heel off leash 40<br />
4. Recall. 30<br />
5. Long sit (I min.) 30<br />
6. Long down (3 min.) 30<br />
Total. 1<strong>00</strong><br />
Lot 3 - Advanced Novice (for all persons and dogs who<br />
have completed Novice)<br />
1. Heel on leash 35<br />
2. Stand for exam (offleash) .30<br />
3. Heel free and figure 8 45<br />
4. Drop on recall... 30<br />
5. Long sit, member out of sight (3 min.) 30<br />
6. Long down, member out of sight (5 min.) 30<br />
Total .2<strong>00</strong><br />
Lot 4 - Open A (for all persons and dogs who have completed<br />
Advanced Novice)<br />
1. Heel free and figure 8 40<br />
2. Drop on recall .30<br />
3. Retrieve on flat.. .40<br />
4. Broad jump .40<br />
5. Long sit, member out of sight (3 min.) 25<br />
6. Long down, member out of sight (5 min.) 25<br />
TotaL 2<strong>00</strong><br />
Lot 5 - Open B (for all persons and dogs who have completed<br />
Preliminary Open)<br />
1. Heel free and figure 8 .40<br />
2. Drop on recall... 30<br />
3. Retrieve on flat 25<br />
4. Retrieve over highjump 35<br />
5. Broadjump 20<br />
6. Long sit, member out of sight (3 min.) 15<br />
7. Long down, member out of sight (5 min.) 25<br />
Total 2<strong>00</strong><br />
Lot 6 - Utility A (for all persons with a dog that qualified<br />
in Open)<br />
All exercises offleash<br />
I. Hand signal exercise 40<br />
2. Article I (scent discrimination) 30<br />
3. Article 2 (scent discrimination) .30<br />
4. Retrieve over high jump 30<br />
5. Broadjump 10<br />
6. Long sit (3 min.) 25<br />
7. Long down (5 min.) 25<br />
TotaL 2<strong>00</strong><br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
Champion:<br />
Reserve Champion:<br />
AWARDS<br />
$4.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Ribbon<br />
Ribbon<br />
A Fitting and Showing Contest for dog exhibitors will be held<br />
at the beginning of the judging.<br />
CLASSE<br />
Lot 1 - Pee Wee (6 years and under-handler)<br />
Lot 2 - Puppy Showmanship (handlers with a dog under<br />
1 year of age)<br />
Lot 3 - Junior Division (7-13 years)<br />
Lot 4 - Intermediate Division (14-18 years)<br />
Lot 5 - Senior Division (19 years and older)<br />
First place:<br />
$4.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Champion:<br />
Reserve Champion:<br />
Trophy<br />
Ribbon<br />
Show Date: Saturday, August 4,8:<strong>00</strong> a.m.<br />
1. Agility I, on lead is for first-year dogs and handlers<br />
only or for children under 10 years of age.<br />
CLASS F<br />
Lot 1 - Agility I, on lead, dogs 14 inches and under<br />
Lot 2 - Agility I, on lead, dogs 15 to 20 inches<br />
Lot 3 - Agility I, on lead, dogs over 20 inches<br />
Lot 4 - Agi lity I, offlead, dogs 14 inches and under<br />
Lot 5 - Agility I, off lead, dogs 15 to 20 inches<br />
Lot 6 - Agility I, off lead, dogs over 20 inches<br />
Lot 7 - Agility II, off lead, dogs 14 inches and under<br />
Lot 8 - Agility II, off lead, dogs 15 to 20 inches<br />
Lot 9 - Agility II, off lead, dogs over 20 inches<br />
Lot 10 - Agility III, off lead, dogs 14 inches and under<br />
Lot 11 - Agility III, off lead, dogs 15 to 20 inches<br />
Lot 12 -Agility III, off lead, dogs over 20 inches<br />
First place (all lots):<br />
$4.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place (all lots): $3.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place (all lots): $2.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
High-scoring Dog (off lead), Agility I and II: Ribbon<br />
High-scoring Dog (on lead), Agility 1: Ribbon<br />
Champion High-scoring Dog (offlead only): Ribbon<br />
James, Ann & Jason Ochampaugh<br />
2380 RRd.<br />
Plainville, KS 67663<br />
(785) 434-2672<br />
@.<br />
PIONEER~<br />
A DUPONT<br />
!J>w.ud S upp0JtWt6<br />
01<br />
~ &unbJ '1Joutft<br />
~<br />
~ &unbJ fi'tU fiabt<br />
Custom Farming<br />
• Commercial Spraying<br />
Pioneer Seed Sales & Seed Treating<br />
• The Open Class Building will be closed at 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. on Monday. As soon as exhibits are<br />
organized, the building will reopen.<br />
• Release time of Open Class Building Exhibits is 4:<strong>00</strong> - 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Saturday.<br />
Superintendents: Darrel Hrabe, Brian Pelton, Bernard Carsten<br />
$1,<strong>00</strong>0.<strong>00</strong> Prize money<br />
RULES<br />
1. Official crop data cards may be obtained from the sponsors<br />
of the Champion Market Wheat Show. Official crop<br />
data card must be completed prior to entry.<br />
2. Entry shal1 be accompanied with the completed official<br />
crop data card on reverse side.<br />
3. Entry date - 3:<strong>00</strong> p.m. to 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Sunday, August<br />
12.<br />
4. Al1 wheat exhibits shal1 be produced during the current<br />
year.<br />
5. Al1 exhibits shal1 be of combine runs only. Samples shal1<br />
consist of a minimum of 5 gallons of wheat (no garbage<br />
bags, please). One gallon ofthis wheat wil1 be exhibited;<br />
the remainder will be used for the judging.<br />
6. Any entry which has been hand-picked and/or screened<br />
wil1 be disqualified.<br />
7. Limitation of entries: Each farmer (or farm) is limited<br />
to two (2) entries for each lot, providing that variety is<br />
grown on exhibitor's farm. Landlord may enter if tenant<br />
does not.<br />
8. Decision of the judges wil1 be final; no appeals will be<br />
considered.<br />
9. In case of tie, premiums wil1be added together and divided<br />
by the number of entrants tying.<br />
10. Al1 exhibits of wheat become the property ofthe Champion<br />
Market Wheat Show.<br />
11. Samples will be judged by the following criteria:<br />
Protein 225<br />
Test weight, 2<strong>00</strong><br />
Dockage factor 2<strong>00</strong><br />
Shrunken and broken l <strong>00</strong><br />
Completeness of official crop data card 25<br />
Variety, milling and baking quality 250<br />
Entries that score high (approximately<br />
to the State <strong>Fair</strong>.<br />
25%) will be taken<br />
CLASS A<br />
Lot 1 - Agri-Pro varieties<br />
Lot 2 - KSU varieties<br />
Lot 3 - Blended<br />
Lot 4 - Westbred varieties<br />
Lot 5 - White varieties<br />
Lot 6 - Al1 other private varieties<br />
Lot 7 - All other public varieties<br />
First place:<br />
$1<strong>00</strong>.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place:<br />
$50.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place:<br />
$25.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Grand Champion: $75.<strong>00</strong>, Ribbon, and Sweepstakes Award<br />
Reserve Grand Champion: $50.<strong>00</strong> and Ribbon<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Commissioners' Award: Highest scoring<br />
wheat grown in <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />
1. Al1 exhibits in this class must be grown by exhibitor in<br />
current year.<br />
2. No exhibitor may enter more than 2 exhibits per lot.<br />
3. Each entry shall be identified by name and number of<br />
variety.<br />
4. Oats, Rye, Barley shall have sheaf, datacard, and<br />
sample, same as Wheat.<br />
5. Gallon samples are to be combine run, not hand-picked.<br />
They will be judged using the same guidelines as the<br />
wheat.<br />
CLASSB<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
Lot 1 - Rye, 1 gallon<br />
Lot 2 - Barley, spring, 1 gallon<br />
Lot 3 - Barley, winter, 1 gallon<br />
Lot 4 - Oats, I gallon<br />
Lot 5 - Alfalfa seed, 1 quart<br />
Lot 6 - Mil1et seed, 1 quart<br />
10 - FIELD CROPS and GRASSES<br />
Lot 7 - Clover seed, 1 quart<br />
Lot 8 - Soybean seed, 1 gallon<br />
Lot 9 - Sunflowers, oil-type varieties, 3 heads<br />
Lot 10 - Sunflowers, confectionaries, 3 heads<br />
Lot 11 - Soybeans, 5 plants (leave roots on beans)<br />
Corn<br />
(10 stalks)<br />
CLASS B<br />
Lot 21 - White, open pollinated<br />
Lot 22 - Yellow, open pollinated<br />
Lot 23 - Yellow, hybrid (hybrid must be named and numbered)<br />
Lot 24 - White, hybrid (hybrid must be named and numbered)<br />
Irrigated Corn<br />
(10 ears)<br />
CLASS B<br />
Lot 31 - White, open pollinated<br />
Lot 32 - Yellow, open pollinated<br />
Lot 33 - Yellow, hybrid (hybrid must be named and num -<br />
bered)<br />
Lot 34 - White, hybrid (hybrid must be named and numbered)<br />
Lot 35 - Popcorn, open pollinated<br />
Lot 36 - Popcorn, hybrid (hybrid must be named and numbered)<br />
Lot 37 - Popcom, hull-less<br />
CLASSB<br />
Lot 41 -<br />
Lot 42 -<br />
Lot 43 -<br />
Lot 44 -<br />
Lot 45 -<br />
Lot 46 -<br />
Lot 47 -<br />
Lot 48 -<br />
Dryland Corn<br />
(10 ears)<br />
White, open pollinated<br />
Yellow, open pollinated<br />
Yellow, hybrid (hybrid must be named and numbered)<br />
White, hybrid (hybrid must be named and numbered)<br />
Popcorn, open pollinated<br />
Popcorn, hybrid (hybrid must be named and numbered)<br />
Popcom, hull-less<br />
Biggest ear, size determined by girth and length<br />
Irrigated Milo<br />
(10 heads)<br />
CLASS B<br />
Lot 51 - Hybrid, grain (hybrid must be named and num -<br />
bered)<br />
Lot 52 - Milo, open pollinated<br />
Lot 53 - Other grain sorghum<br />
Dryland Milo<br />
(10 heads)<br />
CLASSB<br />
Lot 61 - Hybrid, grain (hybrid must be named and num -<br />
bered)<br />
Lot 62 - Milo, open pollinated<br />
Lot 63 -<br />
Lot 64 -<br />
Other grain sorghum<br />
Hybrid forage<br />
Forage Sorghums<br />
(10 stalks)<br />
CLASS B<br />
Lot 71 - Cane, Early Sumac<br />
Lot 72 - Cane, Kansas Orange<br />
Lot 73 - Norkan<br />
Lot 74 - Sorgo, Atlas<br />
Lot 75 - Sorgo, Ellis<br />
Lot 76 - Grass, Sudan<br />
Lot 77 - Hybrid forage (hybrid must be named and numbered)<br />
Lot 78 - Sorghum x Sudan cross<br />
Lot 79 - All other forage<br />
CLASS B<br />
Lot 81 - Prairie hay<br />
Lot 82 - Alfalfa hay<br />
Lot 83 - Wheat hay<br />
Lot 84 - Brome Hay<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
Champion Milo:<br />
Reserve Champion Milo:<br />
Champion Com:<br />
Reserve Champion Com:<br />
Baled Hay<br />
(I bale, not less than 40 lbs.)<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$1.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Ribbon and Sweepstakes Award<br />
Ribbon<br />
Ribbon and Sweepstakes Award<br />
Ribbon<br />
$1<strong>00</strong> in Premiums<br />
I. About 48% of the agricultural land resources of <strong>Rooks</strong><br />
<strong>County</strong> are native grassland. The conservation and<br />
improvement of this resource is important to the <strong>Rooks</strong><br />
<strong>County</strong> economy.<br />
To promote appreciation and conservation and to gain<br />
knowledge of the major range grass in this county, this<br />
exhibition is offered.<br />
2. Judging will be Tuesday at 9:<strong>00</strong> a.111.<br />
3. Each sample will be of a single species of those listed<br />
below. The bundles will be tied with suitable cord orother<br />
binding material. The exhibitor will fill out an identifica -<br />
tion card upon submission of entries (card provided by<br />
the sponsor).<br />
4. Each exhibitor will be limited to one sample per species.<br />
Entries will be judged on the quality of the sample and the<br />
accuracy of the information on the identification card.<br />
CLASS C<br />
Lot 1 - Big bluestem<br />
Lot 2 - Little bluestem<br />
Lot 3 - Indian grass<br />
Lot 4 - Switch grass<br />
Lot 5 - Sideoats grama<br />
Lot 6 - Westem wheat grass<br />
Lot 7 - Buffalo grass<br />
Lot 8 - Blue grama<br />
Lot 9 -Brome<br />
Lot 10 - All other grasses<br />
Grand Champion:<br />
Reserve Grand Champion:<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
$25.<strong>00</strong><br />
$15.<strong>00</strong><br />
$3.<strong>00</strong><br />
$2.<strong>00</strong><br />
$1.<strong>00</strong><br />
Co-sponsored by<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Conservation District<br />
617 S. Cedar Stockton, Kansas<br />
and the<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Farm Implement<br />
& Supply Co., Inc.<br />
Sales •Parts • Service<br />
"Serving Westem Kansas Since 1945"<br />
785-434-4826<br />
785-737 -4135<br />
785-434-4842<br />
785-662-3274<br />
Turnbull<br />
Oil, Inc.<br />
Basinger Propane<br />
Motor<br />
Bulk Diesel, Gas<br />
Oil and Propane<br />
Service is our specialty<br />
24-hour<br />
service<br />
704 W. Mill<br />
Plainville, KS 67663<br />
Plainville<br />
785/434-4824<br />
888/589-6029<br />
www.farmirnp.corn<br />
Colby<br />
7851462-2411<br />
866/631-6761<br />
M-F 8-5:30 •Sat. 8-Noon<br />
Q(eller Moton<br />
Sales * Service * Collision Repair<br />
•<strong>Free</strong> Estimates •Glass Installation & Repair<br />
• Loaner Car Available •Computerized 4-Wheel Alignments<br />
•Guaranteed Paint Match •Frame Straightening ~ 11-(&=1<br />
•Lifetime PPG Paint •Paintless Dent Repair ~ TRAINED.<br />
eatt ~ I
Superintendents: Steve Cook, Kenton Miller<br />
1. Fruits and vegetables must be grown by exhibitor. Each<br />
exhibitor is limited to 2 entries in each lot.<br />
2. Exhibits will be judged as follows:<br />
Utility, value, and quality ofproducts 50%<br />
Variety of display. 30%<br />
Attractiveness of arrangement. 20%<br />
CLASS A<br />
Lot 1 - Collective Garden Exhibit: exhibit will consist<br />
of only 5 different fresh vegetables. Canned<br />
vegetables are not acceptable. Only 1 variety of a<br />
specific vegetable may be exhibited. A maximum<br />
of 2 large vegetables can be exhibited. The numbers<br />
of 5 vegetables to be exhibited are as follows:<br />
Large Vegetables, 1 each<br />
Watermelon<br />
Squash<br />
Pumpkin<br />
Eggplant<br />
Cabbage<br />
Medium Vegetables, 5 each<br />
Cucumbers<br />
Peppers<br />
Tomatoes<br />
Parsnips<br />
Carrots<br />
Okra<br />
Beets<br />
Irish Potatoes<br />
Onions<br />
Sweet Potatoes<br />
If some small vegetables, such as green beans, are used<br />
as one of the 5 different vegetables, a dozen is suggested<br />
for a good display. Shelled vegetables should not<br />
be exhibited. Quality and condition of exhibits will be<br />
considered. Choose vegetables for exhibit that will hold<br />
up well during the <strong>Fair</strong>. Avoid over-ripe or over-mature<br />
specimens. Those that are slightly under-ripe or slightly<br />
immature when picked may last longer.<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
Champion Garden:<br />
Reserve Champion Garden:<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$7.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$5.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Sweepstakes Award<br />
Ribbon<br />
CLASS A<br />
Lot 11 - Potatoes, red (6)<br />
Lot 12 - Potatoes, white (6)<br />
Lot 13 - Potatoes, russet (6)<br />
Lot 14 - Sweet potatoes (6)<br />
Lot 15 - Potatoes, miscellaneous (6)<br />
Lot 16 - Onions, ted (3)<br />
Lot 17 - Onions, white (3)<br />
Lot 18 - Onions, yellow (3)<br />
Lot19 - Turnips (3)<br />
Lot 20 - Carrots (3)<br />
Lot 21 - Parsnips (3)<br />
Lot 22 - Broccoli (3)<br />
Lot 23 - Beets (3)<br />
Lot 24 - Tomatoes, red (3)<br />
Lot 25 - Tomatoes, yellow (3)<br />
Lot 26 - Tomatoes, Roma (3)<br />
Lot 27 - Tomatoes, grape (3)<br />
Lot 28 - Tomatoes, cherry (3)<br />
Lot 29 - Tomatoes, pear (3)<br />
Lot 30 - Tomatoes, miscellaneous (3)<br />
Lot 31 - Peppers, bell (3)<br />
Lot 32 - Peppers, banana (3)<br />
Lot 33 - Peppers, jalapeno (3)<br />
Lot 34 - Peppers, cayenne (3)<br />
Lot 35 - Com, sweet (3 ears)<br />
Lot 36 - Com, ornamental or Indian<br />
(3 ears)<br />
Lot 37 - Popcorn (3 ears)<br />
Lot 38 - Cucumbers, slicers (3)<br />
Lot 39 - Cucumbers, pickling (3)<br />
Lot 40 - Cucumbers, other (3)<br />
Lot 41 - Rhubarb (6 stalks)<br />
Lot 42 - Beans, yellow wax (12)<br />
Lot 43 - Beans, green (12)<br />
Lot 44 - Beans, Lima (12)<br />
Lot 45 - Cauliflower (1)<br />
Lot 46 - Okra (6)<br />
Lot 47 - Cabbage (1)<br />
Lot 48 - Kohl Rabi (1)<br />
Lot 49 - Eggplant (1)<br />
Lot 50 - Pumpkin, small sugar (1)<br />
Lot 51 - Pumpkin, large field (1)<br />
Lot 52 - Pumpkin, ornamental (1)<br />
Lot 51 - Pumpkin, decorated (1)<br />
Lot 54 - Squash, table or acorn (1)<br />
Lot 55 - Squash, summer, any variety<br />
(1)<br />
Lot 56 - Squash, winter, any variety<br />
(1)<br />
Lot 57 - Squash, butternut (1)<br />
Lot 58 - Squash, banana (1)<br />
Lot 59 - Squash, zucchini, bakers<br />
(1)<br />
Lot 60 - Squash, zucchini, slicers<br />
(1)<br />
Lot 61 - Watermelon, gray (1)<br />
Lot 62 - Watermelon, green (1)<br />
Lot 63 - Watermelon, striped (1)<br />
Lot 64 - Watermelon, ice-box (1)<br />
Lot 65 - Melon, honeydew (1)<br />
Lot 66 - Cantaloupe (1)<br />
Lot 67 - Muskmelon (1)<br />
Lot 68 - Largest watermelon, by<br />
weight, any variety (1)<br />
Lot 69 - Pumpkin, largest by weight,<br />
any variety (1)<br />
Lot 70 - Squash, largest by weight,<br />
any variety (1)<br />
Lot 71 - Odd or misshaped<br />
vegetables<br />
Lot 72 - Garlic<br />
Lot 73 - Shallots<br />
Lot 74 - Gourd, decorative<br />
Lot 75 - Zucchini, best-dressed<br />
Lot 76 - Miscellaneous<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$l.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
CLASSB<br />
Lot 1 - Apples, red (3)<br />
Lot 2 -Apples, yellow (3)<br />
Lot 3 - Apples, other (5)<br />
Lot 4 - Peaches, yellow variety (3)<br />
Lot 5 - Peaches, white variety (3)<br />
Lot 6 - Plums (3)<br />
,1/1/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~<br />
~ ~<br />
I Midway Co-op<br />
~ ~<br />
•Grains •Ag Chemicals ~ •Feeds •Farm Supplies ~<br />
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•Petroleum •Seed Cleaning<br />
~<br />
•Fertilizer •Crop Insurance ~ ~<br />
~ General Office: Osborne,KS ~<br />
~ (785) 346-5451 ~<br />
~ ~<br />
~///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////It/'<br />
I<br />
(785) 689-4292<br />
Logan<br />
(785) 425-6728<br />
Stockton<br />
• Ransom: 8<strong>00</strong>.235.5359 •Great Bend: 866.379.1426 •<br />
•Hays: 888.228.3611 •Beloit: 888.232.8558·<br />
www.simpsonfarm.com<br />
Call us for all your<br />
Feed<br />
Pioneer Seed<br />
Chemical<br />
Liquid & Dry Fertilizer<br />
&<br />
Custom Applications<br />
Lot 7 - Pears, Bartlett (3)<br />
Lot 8 - Pears, any other variety (3)<br />
Lot 9 - Grapes, any variety (3 bunches)<br />
Lot 10 - Berries (12)<br />
Lot 11 - Black walnuts (12)<br />
Lot 12 - Miscellaneous<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$l.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
711 N.W. Third - P.O. Box 392<br />
Plainville, KS 67663<br />
-r EROLDEBoER,P.E.<br />
Fax: 785-434-4612 Phone: 785-434-2145<br />
Welcome to the <strong>Fair</strong>!<br />
ClKANEK<br />
Terry L. Cikanek<br />
405 Main St.<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
(785) 425-6731<br />
Good Luck to All Area<br />
88 Exhibitors! 88<br />
Heritage Insurance Group, Inc.<br />
For all Your Insurance Needs!<br />
Stockton<br />
Logan<br />
- Palco<br />
- Phillipsburg<br />
www.heritageinsurancegroup.net<br />
Jerry Smetana, Atty.<br />
(785) 434-4645<br />
and the<br />
Smetana Family<br />
Jerry. Diane. Kim, Scott, and Alex<br />
Auto I Home I Life<br />
Calltoday to see how we make insurance simple<br />
and can help you protect what matters most.<br />
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Bird Real Estate & Auction<br />
518 Main<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
425-6043 or 425-6375<br />
D<br />
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Patricia Cook David Baldwin Carson LeMarr<br />
518Main 202W.Mill 202 W.MiIl<br />
Stockton Plainville Plainville<br />
(785) 425-6261 (785) 434-7245 (785) 434-7245<br />
AgentCook.com<br />
I.:<br />
Farm Bureau Financial Services<br />
Insurance<br />
. Investments<br />
secortues & services offered through Equl'Irust Mai1leting Services, LLC • 5"4<strong>00</strong> University Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50266.<br />
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Company"', Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company "NoIest Des Moines, IA •Affiliates 'Company providers of Farm Bureau<br />
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-WEATHER<br />
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Your Regional Information Center<br />
for Southern Nebraska<br />
& Northern Kansas<br />
Box 548<br />
Phillipsburg, KS 67661<br />
(785) 543-2151<br />
(785) 543-6593<br />
www.kkankqrna.com<br />
---<br />
CNN<br />
KAN<br />
1<strong>00</strong>,<strong>00</strong>0 WATTS STEREO<br />
Superintendents: Pattie Chesney, Janet Kollman<br />
1. Plants entered for prizes must have been in possession<br />
of exhibitor at least 60 days prior to the <strong>Fair</strong>.<br />
2. Cut flowers must have been grown by the exhibitor.<br />
3. Exhibitors shall place their exhibit with the right number<br />
of stems in clear, glass container for display- no colored<br />
containers in Class A and in 12 and Under.<br />
4. Exhibitors shall not totally remove leaves from stems or<br />
add extra foliage.<br />
5. Exhibitors shall remove dead flowers and insect damage,<br />
and shall remove dirt from leaves.<br />
6. Each exhibitor is limited to two (2) entries in each<br />
lot.<br />
7. Plants having won previously at the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />
<strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> will not be eligible to compete again.<br />
8. All exhibits must be in place by 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Monday, entry<br />
day.<br />
9. Display is to consist of no less than 3 and no more than<br />
5 stems (cut stems in class A).<br />
- CLASS A<br />
CLASS A<br />
Lot 1- Roses<br />
Lot 2 - Miniature roses<br />
Lot 3 - Large dahlias<br />
Lot 4 - Small dahlias<br />
Lot 5 - Geraniums<br />
Lot 6 -Asters<br />
Lot 7 - Single petunia<br />
Lot 8 - Double petunia<br />
Lot 9 - Verbena<br />
Lot 10 -Cosmos<br />
Lot 11- Phlox<br />
Lot 12 - Gladioli<br />
Lot 13 - Large marigold<br />
Lot 14 - Small marigold<br />
Lot 15 - Large zinnias<br />
Lot 16 - Small zinnias<br />
Lot 17 - Miniature zinnias<br />
Lot 18 - Snapdragon<br />
Lot 19 - Daisies<br />
Lot 20 - Black-Eyed Susan<br />
Lot 21-Mums<br />
Lot 22 - PeriwinklelVinca<br />
Lot 23 - Straw flowers<br />
Lot 24 - Bachelor buttons<br />
Lot 25 - Sweet peas<br />
Lot 26 - Tame sunflower<br />
Lot 27 - Dianthus/Sweet William<br />
Lot 28 - Autumn joy/sedum<br />
Lot 29 - Russian sage<br />
Lot 30 - Yarrow<br />
Lot 31 - Salvia<br />
Lot 32 - Hollyhock<br />
Lot 33 - Cone Flower<br />
Lot 34 - Lilies<br />
Lot 35 - Rose Moss<br />
Lot 36 - Malva<br />
Lot 37 - Coreopsis<br />
Lot 38 - Other annuals or perennials,<br />
not listed<br />
The following entries will be judged on<br />
quality of flowers and also on ability<br />
shown in making arrangements:<br />
CLASSB<br />
Lot 41 - Best bouquet of wild flowers<br />
Lot 42 - Best arranged bouquet of cut<br />
flowers<br />
Lot 43 - Most clever arrangement in<br />
novelty container<br />
Lot 44 - Kansas heritage arrangement<br />
(using sunflowers)<br />
Lot 45 - Special occasion arrangement<br />
Lot 46 - Special arrangement for a<br />
holiday<br />
Lot 47 - Best arrangement of dried<br />
flowers<br />
PLANTS<br />
- CLASS C<br />
CLASSC<br />
Lot 51 - Begonia<br />
Lot 52 - African violets<br />
Lot 53 - Cactus<br />
Lot 54 - True fern<br />
Lot 55 - Asparagus fern<br />
Lot 56 - Philodendron<br />
Lot 57 -Ivy<br />
Lot 58 - Colored foliage<br />
Lot 59 - Herb plant<br />
Lot 60 - Blooming plant<br />
Lot 61 - Hanging basket<br />
Lot 62 - Hen and chicks<br />
Lot 63 - Kalanchoe<br />
Lot 64 - Arrow plant<br />
Lot 65 - Rubber plant<br />
Lot 66 - Yucca<br />
Lot 67 - Jade plant<br />
Lot 68 - Rose moss<br />
52<br />
Lot 69 - Coleus, 3 sorts<br />
Lot 70 - Hibiscus<br />
Lot 71 - Specimen plant (rare or un -<br />
usual)<br />
Lot 72 - Best outdoor planter<br />
Lot 73 - Best potted geranium<br />
Lot 74 - Dish garden<br />
Lot 75 - Periwinkle<br />
Lot 76 - Airplane plant<br />
Lot 77 - Aloe Vera<br />
Lot 78 - Ice plant<br />
Lot 79 - Other plants<br />
CLASS D -12AND<br />
UNDER<br />
CLASSD<br />
Lot 81 - Cut flowers min.-lcut stem<br />
Lot 82 - Potted plants<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$1.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Champion Cut Flowers: Ribbon<br />
Reserve Champion Cut Flowers:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Champion Original Design: Ribbon<br />
Reserve Champion Original Design:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Champion Plant: Ribbon<br />
Reserve Champion Plant: Ribbon<br />
Grand Champion Exhibit: Sweepstakes<br />
Superintendents:<br />
13 - FOODS<br />
Genette Keas, Linda Stamper, Rita Hrabe, Stacey Keas, lody Becker, Nikki Keas, Pat Keas<br />
1. An exhibitor is limited to no more than 1 entry per lot.<br />
2. Mixes may be used only in designated lots.<br />
3. An entry must be baked or canned by the individual in<br />
whose name the entry is listed.<br />
4. All exhibits will be placed on paper plates or covered<br />
cardboard that fits your baked item unless otherwise<br />
designated. All exhibits---exc1uding decorated cakes, food<br />
preservation, cookie jars, and bread basket-should be<br />
placed in plastic bags. Large cake bags can be purchased<br />
for a nominal fee at the Open Class food area on entry<br />
day or at the Extension Office or <strong>Fair</strong> Office prior to the<br />
fair.<br />
5. Bread should be in loaves of about Y2Ib.-l lb. in plastic<br />
bag or cellophane wrap. Quick bread pan size should<br />
be 4" x 7".<br />
6.Place cakes on covered cardboard (cardboard not to be<br />
more than I" larger than product). Put round cakes on<br />
round board and square cakes on square board.<br />
7. Decisions on awards are entirely those ofthe judges and<br />
shall be considered as final.<br />
8. Judges are instructed not to award premiums unless the<br />
exhibits are deemed worthy, not to those incorrectly<br />
entered.<br />
9. All canning entries must have been canned after Sept. I<br />
last year and canned from fresh products.<br />
10. All jars must have lids or caps with bands. No labels on<br />
the jars, please (check Class F, #2). Canning jars entered<br />
as a class should be the same brand.<br />
11. The best overall exhibit in Adult Bread, Cake, and Collection<br />
of Canned Products will receive a Sweepstakes<br />
Award.<br />
12. All exhibits must be in place by 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Monday, entry<br />
day.<br />
13. The food sale will begin after the judging on Tuesday,<br />
with cookies, rolls, bread, candy, and quick breads.<br />
A silent auction will be held on cake and pies until 3 p.m.<br />
Money from the food sale will be retained in the in the<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> treasury.<br />
14. Children's Division - check Class G, Lots 1-64.<br />
Yeast Breads<br />
CLASS A<br />
Lot 1 - Raisin<br />
Lot 2-Rye<br />
Lot 3 - White<br />
Lot 4 - Whole wheat or bran<br />
Lot 5 - French<br />
Lot 6 - Sourdough (include starter<br />
recipe)<br />
Lot 7 - Miscellaneous (herbs,<br />
cracked wheat)<br />
Lot 8 - Cinnamon loaf<br />
Lot 9 - Fancy yeast bread (tea ring,<br />
holiday, etc.)<br />
Lot 10 - Coffee cake<br />
Machine<br />
CLASS A<br />
Lot 15 - White<br />
Lot 16 - Whole Wheat<br />
Lot 17 - Miscellaneous<br />
Breads<br />
Yeast Rolls<br />
(one-half dozen samples)<br />
CLASS A<br />
Lot 21 - Dinner rolls, white<br />
Lot 22 - Dinner rolls, whole wheat<br />
Lot 23 - Rolls, fancy, sweet<br />
Lot 24 - Dinner rolls, other<br />
Lot 25 - Cinnamon rolls<br />
Quick Bread<br />
CLASS A<br />
Lot31-Bran<br />
Lot 32 - Banana<br />
Lot 33 - Zucchini<br />
Lot 34 -Nut<br />
Lot 35 - Pumpkin<br />
Lot 36 - Coffee cake<br />
Lot 37 - Baking powder biscuits (4)<br />
Lot 38 - Muffin (4)<br />
Lot 39 - Other<br />
First place: $4.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place: $3.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place: $2.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Champion Bread Exhibit:<br />
Sweepstakes Award and Ribbon<br />
Reserve Champion Bread Exhibit:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Bread Basket<br />
Basket may be made from any material<br />
and not necessarily homemade. It can<br />
be decorated as exhibitor chooses. The<br />
basket shall not exceed 12" in width or<br />
15" in height. The basket will count 10%<br />
and the selection of breads 90%. Must<br />
contain a variety of dinner rolls of at<br />
least 3 shapes such as cloverleaf, swirls,<br />
Parkerhouse, etc. Must include 2 kinds<br />
53<br />
of dough. Muffins or other quick breads<br />
can be included for a variety but are not<br />
required. At least 12, but no more than<br />
15, rolls are to be in the basket. Each roll<br />
must be wrapped individually in clear<br />
plastic wrap. Bring 1 of each kind in a<br />
small box and identify each roll so that<br />
the judge will not disturb the arrangement<br />
in the basket. The recipe for each<br />
dough must be included.<br />
CLASS A<br />
Lot 51 - Bread basket<br />
First place: $10.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place: $4.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place: $3.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Champion: Ribbon and gift<br />
Decorated Cakes<br />
Only the decorations will be judged.<br />
Decorate dummies (pans, styrofoams,<br />
etc.).<br />
CLASS B<br />
Lot 61 - Wedding cake<br />
Lot 62 - Birthday cake<br />
Lot 63 - Holiday or special event<br />
cake<br />
Lot 64 - Child's birthday cake
13 - FOODS<br />
First place: $10.<strong>00</strong>, Blue ribbon, and Wilton Yearbook of<br />
Cake Decorating<br />
Second place: $7.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place: $5.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Champion: Video on cake decorating by Wilton<br />
Reserve Champion: Set on books on cake decorating, sponsored<br />
by Wilton<br />
Angel Food and Chiffon<br />
Cakes<br />
Place cakes on covered cardboard not to exceed 12" larger<br />
than product.<br />
CLASSB<br />
Lot 71 -<br />
Lot 72 -<br />
Lot 73 -<br />
Angel food (upright and unfrosted)<br />
Chiffon (upright and unfrosted)<br />
Sponge (upright and unfrosted)<br />
Cakes with Shortening (Loaf or Layer)<br />
(no cream cheese frosting)<br />
CLASSB<br />
Lot 81 - Miscellaneous (with fruit, spice, etc.)<br />
Lot 82 - Pound (no cake mixes)<br />
Lot 83 - Bundt (no cake mixes)<br />
Layer Cakes<br />
These cakes to have 2 or 3 layers with frosting (no cream<br />
cheese frosting).<br />
CLASS B<br />
Lot 91 - Chocolate cake, frosted<br />
Lot 92 - White cake, frosted<br />
Lot 93 - Burnt sugar cake, frosted<br />
First place: $4.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place: $3.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place: $2.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Champion Cake Exhibit: Sweepstakes Award and Ribbon<br />
Reserve Champion Cake Exhibit: Ribbon<br />
CLASSC<br />
Lot 101 -<br />
Lot 102 -<br />
Lot 103 -<br />
Lot 104 -<br />
Lot 105 -<br />
Lot 106 -<br />
Lot 107 -<br />
Lot 108 -<br />
Lot 109 -<br />
Lot 110 -<br />
Lot III -<br />
Lot 112 -<br />
Lot 113 -<br />
Lot 114 -<br />
Lot 115 -<br />
(one-half dozen samples)<br />
Fruit (drop, pinwheel, etc.)<br />
Gingersnaps<br />
Refrigerator<br />
Party<br />
Sugar<br />
Peanut butter<br />
Brownies<br />
Oatmeal<br />
Chocolate<br />
Chocolate chip<br />
No bake<br />
Bar<br />
Snickerdoodle<br />
Giant decorated<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
<strong>County</strong><br />
LOTS<br />
$4.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Cookie Jar<br />
Jar of fancy assorted cookies. Jar must be wide-mouthed,<br />
clear glass or clear plastic jar and decorated as attractively<br />
as desired, but the cookies must be visible. Jar to count 25%,<br />
quality of cookies, 75%. The jar must contain not less than 5<br />
or no more than 10 kinds of cookies of a good size for serving.<br />
Each cookie shall be wrapped in transparent wrap. Bring<br />
I sample of each kind of cookie in a small box (1 layer) and<br />
identify so the judge will not need to open the jar. Boxes of<br />
cookies will not be returned.<br />
CLASS C<br />
Lot 121 -<br />
Cookie jar<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
Champion:<br />
JAR<br />
$10.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$7.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$5.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Ribbon and Special Award<br />
PIES - CLASS D<br />
1. No mixes or prepared fillings.<br />
2. Pies may be baked in any 8" or 9" foil pie plate and must<br />
have 2 crusts.<br />
3. Pies will bejudged on appearance, flavor, texture of crust,<br />
texture of filling. No sour cream pies.<br />
CLASS D<br />
Lot 131-Apple<br />
Lot 132 - Cherry<br />
Lot 133 - Apricot<br />
Lot 134 - Peach<br />
Lot 135 - Rhubarb<br />
Lot 136 - Berry<br />
Lot 137 - Raisin<br />
Lot 138 - Any other fruit pie<br />
First place:<br />
$6.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place:<br />
$5.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place:<br />
$4.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Best pie (to be selected from Lots 1-8): $10.<strong>00</strong> and Purple<br />
ribbon<br />
Sweepstakes Award: Turnbull Advertising-Bull and Wilma<br />
Turnbull<br />
CLASSE<br />
Lot 141 -<br />
Lot 142 -<br />
Lot 143 -<br />
Fudge<br />
Divinity<br />
Peanut brittle<br />
(6 samples)<br />
I ~t\eS<br />
GfOV'-'<br />
We welcome you<br />
at <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong>'s<br />
most complete super market<br />
•Farm produce & meat •<br />
•Quick, friendly service •<br />
•Western Union & money orders·<br />
•Home of Shirley May's<br />
Deli & Catering •<br />
319 Main Stockton, KS 67669 425-6751<br />
M idwest<br />
otel<br />
1401 E. Main<br />
~ Direct Dial<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
(785) 425-6706<br />
Linda Williams<br />
Rest & Friendship<br />
Is Our Business<br />
~ Color TV<br />
~K·s<br />
"What you want<br />
to eat tomorrow is at<br />
Mr. K's today"<br />
Plainville, KS<br />
434-4534<br />
Funeral Home<br />
723 North First<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
(785) 425-6761<br />
Ron and Cindy Overlease<br />
Brad and Daphne Plumer<br />
www.mooreoverlease.com 1-8<strong>00</strong>-492-9848<br />
• Caring, Professional Service Since 1901<br />
• Personalized<br />
Services<br />
• Pre-arrangements<br />
• Monuments and Grave Markers<br />
• Dedicated to families<br />
409 South Cochran<br />
Plainville, KS 67663<br />
(785) 434-2141<br />
Take time this Summer<br />
to enjoy life, and celebrate<br />
your love ones.<br />
Funeral Chapel<br />
Lot 144 -<br />
Lot 145 -<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
Assorted (12 pieces, at least 4 different kinds)<br />
First place:<br />
$4.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place:<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Jellies, Jams,<br />
and Preserves<br />
- CLASS F<br />
1. Paraffin seals will not be accepted. Do not label.<br />
2. Jellies, jams, and preserves must be prepared using the<br />
updated method. Use standard jelly jars with matching<br />
lids, and all 3 jars must be of the same brand name. The<br />
judge may choose to open the jars.<br />
CLASSF<br />
Lot 151 - Collection of jellies (3 different varieties; example:<br />
grape, cherry, apple)<br />
Lot 152 - Collection of jams (3 different varieties)<br />
Lot 153 - Collection of preserves (3 different varieties)<br />
Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles,<br />
Relishes, and Meats<br />
1. Canned products to be exhibited in standard pint or quart<br />
jars with matching lids. No labels. All 3 jars must be of<br />
the same brand name.<br />
2. Jars will be judged for quality of product, preservation,<br />
and pack. All space except proper head space should be<br />
filled.<br />
3. Open-kettle method not accepted.<br />
4. All fruits must be finished by the waterbath process using<br />
the updated USDA prescribed time.<br />
5. All pickles and relishes must be processed using the<br />
updated USDA prescribed time. The judge may choose<br />
to open the jars.<br />
6. All vegetables, including tomatoes, must be processed<br />
using the updated USDA prescribed time.<br />
7. USDA information may be obtained at your local Extension<br />
Office.<br />
CLASS F<br />
Lot 161 - Collection of canned fruit (3jars, differentvarieties)<br />
Lot 162 - Collection of canned vegetables (3 jars, different<br />
varieties)<br />
Lot 163 - Collection of pickles (3 jars, different varieties)<br />
Lot 164 - Collection of relishes (3 jars, different varieties)<br />
Lot 165 - Collection of canned meats (3 jars, different<br />
varieties)<br />
Lot 166 - Salsa (1 jar)<br />
Lot 166 - Honey (1 jar)<br />
First place:<br />
$4.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
13 - FOODS<br />
Third place:<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Champion Canning Exhibit: Sweepstakes Award and ribbon<br />
Reserve Champion Canning Exhibit:<br />
Ribbon<br />
FOODS<br />
CLASS G<br />
1. The exhibitors in this department must be 15 years of age<br />
or younger and must state their age as of entry day.<br />
2. They are not to receive any assistance in producing the<br />
exhibit.<br />
3. Adult rules and regulations apply to Children's Department<br />
(see rules at beginning of Division 13).<br />
Cakes<br />
CLASS G<br />
Lot 171 - Chocolate, loaf or layer, frosted<br />
Lot 172 - White, loaf or layer, frosted<br />
Lot 173 - Cupcakes, frosted or filled (6)<br />
Lot 174 - Cake mix, loaf or layer, frosted<br />
Lot 175 - Miscellaneous cake, frosted (may be mix)<br />
Lot 176 - Angel food cake, unfrosted (may be mix)<br />
Lot 177 - Bundt cake, frosted or unfrosted<br />
Lot 178 - Decorated cake (must be a real cake, not a<br />
form)<br />
Cookies<br />
(6 samples)<br />
CLASS G<br />
Lot 181 - Brownies<br />
Lot 182 - Chocolate chip<br />
Lot 183 - Party<br />
Lot 184 - Oatmeal/oatmeal raisin<br />
Lot 185 - Sugar<br />
Lot 186 - Peanut butter<br />
Lot 187 - Unbaked<br />
Lot 188 - Refrigerator<br />
Lot 189 - Bar<br />
Lot 190 - Snickerdoodle<br />
Lot 191 - Miscellaneous<br />
Quick Breads<br />
CLASS G<br />
Lot 201 - Banana<br />
Lot 202 - Pumpkin<br />
Lot 203 - Zucchini<br />
Lot 204- Nut<br />
Lot 205 - Coffee Cake<br />
Lot 206 - Muffins (4)<br />
Lot 207 - Other quick breads<br />
CLASSG<br />
Lot 211-<br />
Fudge<br />
Candy<br />
(6 samples)<br />
OWNERS<br />
J)izza., U..-eakfast Uiscuits., f3as.,<br />
f3..-()ce..-ies., J)()P.,£ Uee..-<br />
- ti()t §tuff Vizza -<br />
peu()nal size ()..-la..-ae pizzas to Q()<br />
biscuits., taQuit()s., ()..-w..-aps<br />
890 17 RD .• P.O. BOX 263<br />
STOCKTON, KS 67669· (785) 425-7211<br />
All f()untain d.-ink.s ;;; p.-ice f.-()rn J-lj p.m.<br />
ooen t3:()() a.m. - Midnillht Ilillhway1S:}- St«:ktun<br />
'-------1 conoco<br />
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />
When you say,<br />
"HEYCUllfSJlN<br />
you get<br />
MAN!:<br />
Chet D. Look<br />
310 Main 425-6631<br />
Stockton, KS 67669 425-7216<br />
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<br />
II! I Lindee Lou's<br />
~\,,-'<br />
J{orafs & (jifts<br />
.' f ~ Weddings, Parties,<br />
~ 'I" or Any Special Event<br />
SI"J--.<br />
~ _~ Stockton, KS67669<br />
322 Main<br />
~~tfJ e-m~~~~~~:;;~:::_net 404 W. Mill<br />
Plainville, KS<br />
=<br />
."" Linda McLaughlin, Owner<br />
57<br />
Your community<br />
newspaper.<br />
• Hallmark cards for all occasions<br />
• Gift shop and wrapping paper<br />
• Professional printing<br />
• J.P. Cooke stamps and supplies<br />
We hope you enjoy thisyear'sfair<br />
o<br />
- come back often!<br />
P.O. Box 40 •4<strong>00</strong> W. l\1i11Street<br />
Plainville, Kansas 67663 • 785-434-4525<br />
pvtimesta ruraltel.net<br />
= =<br />
o<br />
Reed's<br />
Plumbing and Heating, Inc.<br />
o<br />
See Ken or Steve<br />
•Carrier Furnaces<br />
and Air-Conditioning Repairs •<br />
• Electric Pumps •<br />
(785) 434-2819<br />
o<br />
Lot 212 -<br />
Lot 213 -<br />
Lot 214 -<br />
Lot 215 -<br />
Divinity<br />
Peanut brittle<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
Assorted candies (12 pieces, at least 4 different<br />
kinds)<br />
Yeast Breads<br />
CLASS G<br />
Lot 221 - Loaf, white<br />
Lot 222 - Loaf, whole wheat<br />
Lot 223 - Other loaf (French, rye, etc.)<br />
Lot 224 - Coffee cake<br />
Lot 225 - Dinner rolls, white (6)<br />
Lot 226 - Dinner rolls, whole wheat (6)<br />
Lot 227 - Cinnamon rolls (6)<br />
Lot 228 - Sweet rolls (6)<br />
Pies<br />
1. Pies may be baked in any 8" or 9" foil pie plate and must<br />
have 2 crusts.<br />
2. Pies will be judged on appearance, flavor, texture of crust,<br />
texture of filling.<br />
CLASS G<br />
Lot 231 - Cherry<br />
Lot 232 - Apple<br />
Lot 233 - Any other fruit pie<br />
Lot 234 - Pie, made with prepared filling<br />
13 - FOODS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
All Others:<br />
Champion Youth Bread:<br />
Reserve Champion Youth Bread:<br />
Champion Youth Cookie:<br />
Reserve Champion Youth Cookie:<br />
Champion Youth Cake:<br />
Reserve Champion Youth Cake:<br />
Edward<br />
$4.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Participant Ribbons<br />
Plaque<br />
Ribbon<br />
Plaque<br />
Ribbon<br />
Plaque<br />
Ribbon<br />
Attorneys at Law<br />
C. Hageman<br />
420 Main st.<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
Phone: (785) 425-674<br />
Fax: (785) 425-6743<br />
The FIRST<br />
STATE<br />
BANK<br />
Welcome to the<br />
133 nd Annual<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
First State Bank, Plainville,<br />
is a full-service bank serving<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> and the Surrounding Area<br />
Member<br />
FDIC<br />
Great banking in the First Place!<br />
First State Bank, Plainville<br />
EaUAl<br />
With other locations in Norton, Hill City, and Hoxie<br />
Phone: (785)434-2066<br />
FAX: (785)434-4783<br />
120 W. Mill, P.O. Box160<br />
Plainville, KS 67663<br />
LENDER<br />
Superintendents: Linda McLaughlin, Judy Schroeder, Janice Miller<br />
1. Articles having won a premium previously at the <strong>Rooks</strong><br />
<strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> (Open Class, 4-H, FCE, or FHA) will<br />
not be eligible to compete again.<br />
2. All articles entered in this division must have been made<br />
by the person in whose name the entry is made.<br />
3. Every article exhibited must have been completed within<br />
the last 2 years<br />
4. All articles are exhibited at the risk of the exhibitor. In<br />
no case will the <strong>Fair</strong> Management be responsible for loss<br />
or damage.<br />
5. Not more than 2 ENTRIES will be accepted in any lot<br />
from 1 exhibitor.<br />
6. Where there is insufficient competition, articles will be<br />
RUGS<br />
CLASS(specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot I- Rug, latchhooked<br />
Lot 2 - Rug, braided or woven<br />
Lot 3 - Rug, any other<br />
Lot 4 - Rug, locker hocker<br />
Lot 5 - Rug, crocheted<br />
QUILTS<br />
CLASS(specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 9 - Quilt, embroidered or cross-stitched<br />
Lot 10 - Quilt, machine embroidered<br />
Lot II- Quilt, stack and whack<br />
Lot 12- Quilt, appliqueed, hand<br />
Lot 13- Quilt, any design<br />
Lot 14 - Quilt, pieced<br />
Lot 15 - Quilt, hand-pieced<br />
Lot 16- Quilt, child's, any design<br />
Lot 17- Quilt, infant's, any design<br />
Lot 18- Quilt, miniature<br />
Lot 19- Quilt, hand-quilted<br />
Lot 20 - Quilt, machine-quilted<br />
Lot 21 - Quilt, tied<br />
Lot 22 - Quilt, rag<br />
Lot 23 - Quilt, photo, done by more than 1 person<br />
Lot 24 - Quilted wall hanging, any other<br />
Lot 25 - Quilt, machine applique, any other<br />
Lot 26 - Quilt, done by more than 1 person<br />
Lot 27 - Throw, fleece or flannel, any design<br />
Lot 28 - Quilt, Bargello<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 30 - Tablecloth<br />
Lot 31 - Table Runners<br />
Lot 32 - Aprons<br />
Lot 33 - Placemats<br />
Lot 34 - Pillow cases, Embroidered (I Set)<br />
Lot 35 - Pillow cases, shams<br />
Lot 36 - Pillow cases, cut work (I set)<br />
awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or no prize, according to the merit<br />
of the article. Decision of the judge is final.<br />
7. This department of the <strong>Fair</strong> is for exhibition purposes<br />
only. The sale of articles will not be permitted.<br />
8. All pictures will be required to have wire for hanging.<br />
9. All doilies must be mounted on cardboard or posterboard.<br />
10. Exhibitors shall be designated as follows:<br />
Class A - Youth (under 12 years)<br />
Class B - Intermediate (12 through 17)<br />
Class C - Adult (18-69)<br />
Class D - Over 70<br />
Lot 37 - Pillow cases, knitted<br />
Lot 38 - Pillow cases, crocheted<br />
Lot 39 - Pillow cases, tatted<br />
Lot 40 - Pillow cases, any design (1 set)<br />
Lot 41- Tea towel, hand-embroidered (3)<br />
Lot 42 -Tea towel, any other<br />
Lot 43 -Towel, decorated<br />
Lot 44 - Scarf, dresser or table, fabric<br />
Lot 45 - Scarf, with decorated edge<br />
Lot 46 - Scarf, any other<br />
Lot 47 - Doily, cut work<br />
Lot 48 - Shopping bag, any<br />
Lot 49 - Felted, any household linen<br />
Lot 50 - Potholders, practical<br />
Lot 51 - Potholders, decorative<br />
Lot 52 - Hot pads, practical<br />
Lot 50 - Hot pads, decorative<br />
and LATCHHOOK<br />
All pictures, samplers, and wall hangings must be framed<br />
or mounted and have a wire for hanging, or they cannot be<br />
displayed. Size not to exceed 32" x 36."<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 60 - Needlepoint, picture (single)<br />
Lot 61 - Needlepoint, any other<br />
Lot 62 - Bargello, any other, embroidery<br />
Lot 63 - Counted cross stitch, sampler, 18 and finer<br />
Lot 64 - Counted cross stitch, sampler, 14 and heavier<br />
Lot 65 - Counted cross stitch, picture, 18 and finer<br />
Lot 66- Counted cross stitch, picture, 14 and heavier<br />
Lot 67 - Counted cross stitch, hoop, 18 and finer<br />
Lot 68 - Counted cross stitch, hoop, 14 and heavier<br />
Lot 69 - Counted cross stitch, pillow, 18 and finer<br />
Lot 70 - Counted cross stitch, pillow, 14 and heavier<br />
Lot 71 - Counted cross stitch, any other<br />
Lot 72 - Cross stitch, any other, embroidery<br />
Lot 73 - Embroidery, Brazilian, any other<br />
Lot 74 - Embroidery, picture (by hand)<br />
Lot 75 - Embroidery, ribbon, any other<br />
14 - TEXTILES<br />
Lot 76 - Embroidery, hardanger, any other<br />
Lot 77 - Embroidery, machine<br />
Lot 78 - Embroidery, applique, any other<br />
Lot 79 -<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 131 - Christmas tablecloth, crocheted<br />
Lot 132 -<br />
Lot 133 -<br />
Lot 134 -<br />
Lot 135 -<br />
Lot 136 -<br />
Lot 137 -<br />
Crewel, any other<br />
Lot 80 - Candlewicking, any other<br />
Lot 81 -<br />
Wall hanging, any miscellaneous<br />
Lot 82 - Latchhook, any other<br />
Lot 83 -<br />
Lot 84 -<br />
Lot 85 -<br />
Weaving, household<br />
Weaving, any other<br />
Locker Hocker<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 91 - Afghan, crocheted, any<br />
Lot 92 - Afghan, blocks, crocheted<br />
Lot 93 - Afghan, cross stitch, crocheted<br />
Lot 94 - Afghan, any other<br />
Lot 95 - Tablecloth, crocheted<br />
Lot 96 - Bedspread, crocheted<br />
Lot 97 - Sweater, crocheted (women's)<br />
Lot 98 - Sweater, crocheted (children's)<br />
Lot 99 - Shawl or poncho, crocheted<br />
Lot 1<strong>00</strong> -<br />
Lot 101 -<br />
Lot 102 -<br />
Scarf, crocheted<br />
Vest, crocheted<br />
Hat, crocheted<br />
Lot 103 - Collars, crocheted<br />
Lot 104 - Centerpiece, crocheted (14" and over)<br />
Lot 105 - Doily, crocheted (under 14")<br />
Lot 106 -<br />
Lot 107 -<br />
Lot 108 -<br />
Lot 109 -<br />
Crocheted piece, small<br />
Crocheted piece, large<br />
Fancy dress on doll, crocheted<br />
Fancy dress on pillow doll, crocheted<br />
Lot 110 - Crocheted, Romanian, any design<br />
Lot III - Doll clothes, crocheted (3 items)<br />
Lot 112 - Sweatshirt, crocheted<br />
Lot 113 - Miscellaneous, crocheted<br />
Lot 114 - Christmas tablecloth, crocheted<br />
Lot 115 - Stuffed animals, crocheted<br />
Lot 116 - Doll, crocheted<br />
(made in current year)<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 121 - Three-piece set, crocheted<br />
Lot 122 -Infant's<br />
Lot 123 -<br />
Lot 124 -<br />
Lot 125 -<br />
Lot 126 -<br />
Dress, crocheted<br />
Holiday, any other, crocheted<br />
Stuffed animal, crocheted<br />
Doll, crocheted<br />
Pot holder or hot pad, decorative<br />
Pot holder or hot pad, practical<br />
Rug, crocheted<br />
shawl, crocheted<br />
Jacket or sweater, crocheted<br />
Bootees or shoes, crocheted<br />
Infant's afghan, crocheted<br />
OTHER<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 141 -Afghan, knitted, any<br />
Lot 142 -Afghan,<br />
Lot 143 -<br />
blocks, knitted<br />
Afghan, cross stitch, knitted<br />
Lot 144 - Tablecloth, knitted<br />
Lot 145 - Bedspread, knitted<br />
Lot 146 -<br />
Lot 147 -<br />
Lot 148 -<br />
Lot 149 -<br />
Lot 150 -<br />
Lot 151 -<br />
Lot 152 -<br />
Sweater, knitted (men's)<br />
Sweater, knitted (women's)<br />
Sweater, knitted (children's)<br />
Shawl or poncho, knitted<br />
Scarf, knitted<br />
Vest, knitted<br />
Hat, knitted<br />
Lot 153 - Collars, knitted<br />
Lot 154 - Centerpiece, knitted (14" and over)<br />
Lot 155 - Doily, knitted (under 14")<br />
Lot 156 -<br />
Lot 157 -<br />
Lot 158 -<br />
Lot 159 -<br />
Lot 160 -<br />
Knitted piece, small<br />
Knitted piece, large<br />
Fancy dress on doll, knitted<br />
Fancy dress on pillow doll, knitted<br />
Doll clothes, knitted (3 items)<br />
Lot 161 - Sweatshirt, knitted<br />
Lot 162 - Miscellaneous, knitted<br />
Lot 163 - Christmas tablecloth, knitted<br />
Lot 164 - Stuffed amimal, knitted<br />
Lot 165 - Doll, knitted<br />
(made in current year)<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 171 - Three-piece set, knitted<br />
Lot 172 -<br />
Lot 173 -<br />
Lot 174 -<br />
Lot 175 -<br />
Lot 176 -<br />
Infant's shawl, knitted<br />
Dress, knitted<br />
Jacket or sweater, knitted<br />
Bootees or shoes, knitted<br />
Infant's afghan, knitted<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C,or D)<br />
Lot 181 -<br />
Lot 182 -<br />
Lot 183 -<br />
Lot 184 -<br />
Lot 185 -<br />
Christmas tablecloth<br />
Stuffed animal<br />
Doll<br />
Pot holder or hot pad, decorative<br />
Pot holder or hot pad, practical<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 191 - Purse, any<br />
Lot 192- Hat, felted<br />
Lot 193 - Purse, felted<br />
Lot 194- Felted, any<br />
Lot 195- Bib<br />
Lot 196 - Tatted piece, any other<br />
Lot 197- Bobbin lace, any other<br />
Lot 198 - Three-piece set, tatted<br />
Lot 199 - Bootees or shoes, tatted<br />
Lot 2<strong>00</strong> - Dress, tatted<br />
Lot 201 -<br />
Lot 202 -<br />
Lot 203 -<br />
Lot 204 -<br />
Lot 205 -<br />
Lot 206 -<br />
Lot 207 -<br />
Lot 208 -<br />
Lot 209 -<br />
Lot 210 -<br />
Lot 211 -<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
Christmas tablecloth, tatted<br />
Holiday, any other, tatted<br />
Christmas ornament<br />
Christmas stocking<br />
Christmas tablecloth, decorative<br />
Holiday, fabric runner, any other<br />
Pillow, practical<br />
Pillow, decorative<br />
Rag doll<br />
Spinning, any other<br />
T-shirt or sweatshirt, decorated, any<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$1.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
.Qyill<br />
Champion: Sweepstakes Award<br />
Reserve Champion: Ribbon<br />
Best Use of Color in a Design: Crossroad Quilters<br />
Guild<br />
Needlework<br />
Champion:<br />
Reserve Champion:<br />
Crocheting<br />
Champion:<br />
Reserve Champion:<br />
Knitting<br />
Champion:<br />
Reserve Champion:<br />
Sweepstakes Award<br />
Ribbon<br />
Sweepstakes<br />
Ribbon<br />
Sweepstakes<br />
Ribbon<br />
Award<br />
Award<br />
Locally Owned<br />
• Low Rates<br />
Americana<br />
• Close to Downtown<br />
Motel<br />
& Operated<br />
• Wireless Internet<br />
• Kitchenettes Available<br />
Toll-free reservations only: 877-698-1168<br />
521 N. First<br />
Stockton, KS 67669 785-425-6772<br />
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13th & Main jamesmotor.com (785) 625-3481<br />
'----- MOTOR COMPANY, INC-:-.-_-/<br />
High Plains<br />
Farm Credit<br />
Visit us online at www highplainsfarmcredit.com<br />
HAYS<br />
2905 Vine<br />
1-8<strong>00</strong>-369-9625<br />
477 F street<br />
1-8<strong>00</strong>-815-8593<br />
A part of the Farm Credit System<br />
Real Estate » Cattle= Equi<strong>pm</strong>ent» Operating Loans<br />
15 - CLOTHING<br />
Superintendent: Theresa Kriley<br />
1. Articles having won a premium previously at the <strong>Rooks</strong><br />
<strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> (Open Class, 4-H, FCE, or FHA) will<br />
not be eligible to compete again.<br />
2. All articles entered in this division must have been made<br />
by the person in whose name the entry is made.<br />
3. Every article exhibited must have been completed in this<br />
current year.<br />
4. All articles are exhibited at the risk of the exhibitor. In<br />
no case will the <strong>Fair</strong> Management be responsible for loss<br />
or damage.<br />
5. Not more than 2 ENTRIES will be accepted in any lot<br />
from 1 exhibitor.<br />
6. Where there is insufficient competition, articles will be<br />
awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or no prize, according to the merit<br />
of the article. Decision of the judge is final.<br />
7. This department of the <strong>Fair</strong> is for exhibition purposes<br />
only. The sale of articles will not be permitted.<br />
8. All pictures will be required to have wire for hanging.<br />
9. Exhibitors shall be designated as follows:<br />
ClassA- Youth (under 12 years)<br />
Class B - Intermediate (12 through 17)<br />
Class C - Adult<br />
Class D - Over 70<br />
(made in current year)<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 1 - Coat or jacket<br />
Lot 2 - Suit<br />
Lot 3 - Girl's dress<br />
Lot 4 - Girl's jumper<br />
Lot 5 - Girl's pants or shorts<br />
Lot 6 - Girl's blouse<br />
Lot 7 - Girl's skirt<br />
Lot 8 - Sleepwear<br />
Lot 9 - T-shirt, knit<br />
Lot 10 - Boy's shirt<br />
Lot 11 - Boy's slacks or shorts<br />
Lot 12 - Child's vest<br />
Lot 13 - Play clothes<br />
Lot 14 - Sport outfit<br />
Lot 15 - Christening gown<br />
Lot 16 - Any other<br />
(made in current year)<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 21 - Woman's suit<br />
Lot 22 - Woman's coat<br />
Lot 23 - Woman's pant suit or jumpsuit<br />
Lot 24 - Woman's jacket<br />
Lot 25 - Dress, wedding or bridal<br />
Lot 26 - Best dress<br />
Ivan Normandin<br />
INC.<br />
Box 125<br />
Damar, KS 67632 785/839-4444<br />
·';~~hD<br />
~ Designs<br />
For all your Screen<br />
Printing,<br />
vinyl graphic,<br />
canvas needs.<br />
Embroidery,<br />
and<br />
Logan and Courtney Flower, Owners<br />
106 S. Kansas<br />
Plainville, KS 67663<br />
Phone: 785.656.2693<br />
Email-topnd@ruraltel.net<br />
Check us out on Facebook.<br />
62<br />
Midwest Community<br />
BANK<br />
WE<br />
Each<br />
FDIC<br />
depositor insured to atteast $1<strong>00</strong>,<strong>00</strong>0<br />
League Bowling<br />
Stockton, Kansas<br />
785-425-7388<br />
785-425-7329 FAX<br />
Keith Unrein, Pharmacist 785-434-4615<br />
210 W. Mill 1-8<strong>00</strong>-794-3038<br />
Plainville, KS<br />
Owners: Patti & Jerry Sterling<br />
425-6880<br />
if*--»)«(- -»)<br />
Bernard Deb<br />
124020 Road 121020 Road<br />
Stockton, KS<br />
Unrein Pharmacy<br />
GARY'S<br />
ENGINE &<br />
Romans 9:9-9<br />
15 - CLOTHING<br />
Lot 27 -<br />
Lot 28 -<br />
Lot 29 -<br />
Lot 30 -<br />
Lot 31 -<br />
Lot 32 -<br />
Lot 33 -<br />
Lot 34 -<br />
Lot 35 -<br />
Lot 36 -<br />
Lot 37 -<br />
Lot 38 -<br />
Lot 39 -<br />
Lot 40 -<br />
Lot 41 -<br />
Formal<br />
Casual dress<br />
Woman's slacks<br />
Woman's shorts or pants<br />
Sportswear<br />
Costume, any kind<br />
Men's coat<br />
Men's suit<br />
Men's slacks<br />
Men's shorts<br />
Housecoat or lounge wear<br />
Sleepwear<br />
Blouse<br />
Top, single<br />
Lingerie<br />
Lot 42 - Skirt<br />
Lot 43 - Shirt, men's<br />
Lot44- Vest<br />
Lot 45 - Apron, fancy<br />
Lot 46 - Apron, utility<br />
Lot 47 - Jumper<br />
Lot 48 - Sweatshirt, decorated, machine<br />
Lot 49 - T-shirt, decorated, machine<br />
Lot 50 - Any other<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, orD)<br />
Lot 61 - Vest<br />
Lot 62 - Jacket<br />
Lot 63 -<br />
Lot 64 -<br />
Lot 65 -<br />
Blouse<br />
Dress<br />
Jumper<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place: $3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place: $2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place: $l.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
All others: Participant ribbons<br />
Youth Clothing Champion: Plaque<br />
Youth Clothing Reserve Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Adult Clothing Champion:<br />
Sweepstakes Award<br />
Adult Clothing Reserve Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
AND THE<br />
Invite everyone to shop downtown Stockton<br />
for<br />
great <strong>Fair</strong> Week specials!<br />
Congratulations to the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
on 132 years of outstanding entertainment and exhibits<br />
Superintendents: Raina Hrabe, Pat Wendling, Junia Hale<br />
1. Any craft must be completed during the past 3 years and<br />
be the property of the exhibitor.<br />
2. Any exhibit receiving a premium previously will not<br />
be eligible for a future prize.<br />
3. All collections must be boxed or mounted for display.<br />
Jewelry must be in a display box or hanging display<br />
case.<br />
4. Hangings (wall, pictures, plaques, etc.) must be prepared<br />
for display. No stick-on hangers or hangers attached with<br />
tape will be accepted.<br />
5. TWO (2) entries per lot.<br />
6. Prizes will be awarded in each class for the following<br />
categories:<br />
Class A - Youth (under 12 years)<br />
Class B - Intermediate (12 through 17)<br />
Class C - Adult<br />
Class D - Over 70<br />
Youth and intermediate must state age on entry tag,<br />
or item will automatically be entered in class c -<br />
Adult.<br />
7. Best overall exhibit will receive a Sweepstakes Award.<br />
8. All entries limited to no more than 3 feet-no exceptions.<br />
Collections<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot I-Rocks<br />
Lot 2 - Coins<br />
Lot 3 - Miniatures<br />
Lot 4-Dolls<br />
Lot 5 -Pins<br />
Lot 6 - Stamps<br />
Lot 7 - Other<br />
Flower Arrangements<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 11 - Artificial<br />
Lot 12 - Natural, dry material<br />
Lot 13 - Holiday centerpiece<br />
Leathercraft<br />
CLASS (specifyA, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 21 - Belt<br />
Lot 22 - Billfold<br />
Lot 23 - Purse<br />
Lot 24 - Apparel<br />
Lot 25 - Other<br />
Tole Painting<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 31 - Acrylic<br />
Lot 32 -Oil<br />
Lot 33 - Other<br />
Metal Work<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C,or D)<br />
Lot 41 - Small handmade article<br />
Lot 42 - Large handmade article<br />
Lot 43 - Tin punching<br />
Lot 44 - Restored or refinished article<br />
Macrame<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C,or D)<br />
Lot 51 - Small article<br />
Lot 52 - Large Article<br />
Lot 53 - Other<br />
Commercial-Molded<br />
Ceramics<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 61 - Glaze finish<br />
Lot 62 - Drybrush finish<br />
Lot 63 - Stain finish<br />
Sand Art<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C,orD)<br />
Lot 71 - Jar<br />
Lot 72 - Picture<br />
Lot 73 - Other<br />
Weaving<br />
CLASS (specifyA, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 81 - Knit, yam or other fibers<br />
Lot 82 - Original design, yam or other<br />
fibers<br />
Lot 83 - Wheat, traditional design<br />
Lot 84 - Wheat, modem, including<br />
original design<br />
Lot 85 - Basket or other item using<br />
cane, wicker, or reed<br />
JewelrylMetal Work<br />
(must be in appropriate box<br />
or container)<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 91 - Ring<br />
Lot 92 - Necklace<br />
Lot 93 - Bracelet<br />
Lot 94 - Earrings<br />
Lot 95 -<br />
Lot 96 -<br />
Lot 97 -<br />
Hairpiece<br />
Set<br />
Other<br />
Model Kits<br />
(must be in a box)<br />
CLASS (specifyA, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 101 - Plastic<br />
Lot 102 - Wood<br />
Lot 103 - Scratch built<br />
Lot 104 - Other<br />
Stained<br />
Glass<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C,or D)<br />
Lot III - Window<br />
Lot 112 - Ornament<br />
Lot 113 - Other (boxes, jewelry, etc.)<br />
Scrapbooks<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C,or D)<br />
Lot 121 -Album - with pictures<br />
Lot 123 - Album - without pictures<br />
Lot 124 - Other<br />
Dolls<br />
CLASS (specifyA, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 131 - Porcelain or china dolls<br />
with made clothes<br />
Lot 132 - Boudoir or teenager<br />
Lot 133 - Stuffed dolls<br />
Lot 134 - Stuffed animals<br />
Lot 135 - Other<br />
Foam Art<br />
CLASS (specifyA, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 141 - Frames<br />
Lot 142 -Animals<br />
Lot 143 -<br />
Lot 144 -<br />
Lot 145 -<br />
Foam kits<br />
Original design<br />
Other<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C,or D)<br />
Lot 151 - Plastic canvas<br />
Lot 152 - Basket, decorated<br />
Lot 153 - Miscellaneous craft, origi -<br />
nal design (must be made<br />
of medium without a<br />
previous lot number)<br />
Lot 154 - Wreaths, decorated, kit<br />
Lot 155 - Wreaths, decorated, origi -<br />
nal<br />
Lot 156 - Wood ornament, painted,<br />
small (6" and under)<br />
Lot 157 - Wood, painted (not over<br />
18")<br />
Lot 158 - Clothing, painted (under Lot 182 - Dishes<br />
24") Lot 183 - Utensils<br />
Lot 159 - Decoration made from food Lot 184 - Item less than 12"<br />
Lot 160 - Articles in frames<br />
Lot 185 - Item over 12' but less than<br />
Lot 161 - Item made with Lego kits<br />
36"<br />
(must be in a box) Lot 186 - Other<br />
Lot 162 -<br />
Lot 163 -<br />
Original Lego design (must<br />
be in a box)<br />
Item made with paper<br />
Decorations<br />
CLASS (specifyA, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 171 - Christmas<br />
Lot 172 - Other Holiday<br />
Lot 173 - Other<br />
Decoupage<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, or D)<br />
Lot 181 - Decoration, holiday or other<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$1.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Ribbon<br />
Champion Youth Exhibit:<br />
Champion Intermediate Exhibit: Ribbon<br />
Champion Adult Exhibit: Ribbon<br />
Grand Champion: Sweepstakes Award<br />
Reserve Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
McDowell<br />
Electric & Plumbing<br />
•New Construction •Repairs<br />
•Remodeling •All Outside Wiring •<br />
425-6811<br />
Clip here<br />
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Z<br />
~ 1107 E. 13th Hays, KS 67601 ~<br />
Z<br />
Z<br />
~ Bus: (785) 621-4675 ~<br />
~ Cell: (785) 639-2101 ~<br />
Z<br />
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7- ~<br />
~III www.coppercarts.com ff<br />
Superintendent: Roger Hale<br />
1. Any woodworking entry must be completed during the<br />
past 3 years and be the property of the exhibitor.<br />
2. Any exhibit receiving a premium previously will not be<br />
eligible for a future prize.<br />
3. ONE (1) entry per lot.<br />
4. Prizes will be awarded in each class for the following<br />
categories:<br />
Class A - Youth (under 12 years)<br />
Class B - Intermediate (12 through 17)<br />
Class C - Adult<br />
Class D - Over 70<br />
Class E - Professional<br />
Age category must be stated on entry tag, or item will<br />
automatically be entered in Class C - Adult.<br />
5. Best overall exhibit will receive a Sweepstakes Award.<br />
CLASS (specify A, B, C, D, or E)<br />
Lot 1 - Small handmade article, under 12 inches<br />
Lot 2 - Medium handmade article, 12-36 inches<br />
Lot 3 - Large handmade article, over 36 inches<br />
Lot 4 - Article made on a lathe<br />
Lot 5 - Woodburning article<br />
Lot 6 - Refinished furniture<br />
Lot 7 - Carving, figure<br />
Lot 8 - Household furniture, under 36 inches<br />
Lot 9 - Housefold furniture, over 36 inches<br />
Lot 10 - Wood kits<br />
Lot 11 - Other<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
Champion Youth Exhibit:<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$1.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Ribbon<br />
Champion Intermediate Exhibit: Ribbon<br />
Champion Adult Exhibit:<br />
Champion Over 70:<br />
Champion Professional:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Ribbon<br />
Ribbon<br />
Grand Champion:<br />
Reserve Champion:<br />
Sweepstakes Award<br />
Ribbon<br />
Decks Patios· Gazebos<br />
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ToBuild Anything"<br />
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1115 US Hwy 24<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
Everything To Build, Remodel, and Repair<br />
co<br />
C,)<br />
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E<br />
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67<br />
18 - FINE ARTS<br />
Superintendent: Diane Hrabe<br />
The Fine Arts Department seeks to recognize and encourage<br />
honest quality and creative ability. These factors will be the<br />
major concern in judging exhibits. All names and signatures<br />
will be blocked out until after judging. In the fine arts, subject<br />
matter must be original and not copies, except where<br />
indicated.<br />
1. Exhibitor may exhibit only 1 exhibit in each lot.<br />
2. All exhibits competing for premiums must be the work<br />
of the exhibitor.<br />
3. Entries that are not properly prepared for wall hanging<br />
will be refused. Stick-on hangers, hangers attached<br />
with tape, small serrated metal hangers, or string will<br />
NOT be accepted. Pictures in frames must have wire<br />
in place for hanging. Pictures must be matted or framed<br />
with hangers as described above. Bulldog clamps may be<br />
used to hang matted photographs or pictures. All art and<br />
photography will be judged on OVERALL appearance,<br />
including neatness and hangability of frame.<br />
4. Exhibitor should take home all boxes, pillow cases,<br />
and coverings for artwork and photographs.<br />
5. All entries must be in before 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Monday-abso-<br />
1ute~y no exceptions. All entry tags must be filled out<br />
completely.<br />
6. Time of judging will be no later than 9:<strong>00</strong> a.m. of the day<br />
following the day of entry.<br />
7. All work must be work which has never before been<br />
exhibited at the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong>. It must have<br />
been done in the last 5 years.<br />
8. Exhibitors shall be designated as follows:<br />
Class A Youth I (ages 2 to 4)<br />
ClassAA Youth II (ages 5-10)<br />
Class AAA Youth III (ages 11-14)<br />
Class B<br />
Class C<br />
Class CC<br />
Class D<br />
Intermediate (those in high school the<br />
previous school term)<br />
Amateur (ages 19-39)<br />
Amateur (ages 40 and over)<br />
Professional<br />
Professional, Amateur, Intermediate, or Youth must be<br />
stated on the entry tag and will be judged 1st, 2nd, and<br />
3rd place in each lot.<br />
9. All entries will be judged according to excellence. Judges<br />
need not give 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each lot.<br />
10. Best overall exhibit will receive a Sweepstakes Award.<br />
11. The management will use every precaution in its power<br />
for the safe preservation of all exhibits, but it must<br />
be understood that it will not be responsible for loss<br />
or injury. if insurance is desired, it must be arranged<br />
for by the exhibitor.<br />
Oil and Acrylic<br />
Painting<br />
CLAss(specifyA,AA,AAA, B, C,<br />
CC,or D)<br />
Lot 1 - Portrait, figure<br />
Lot 2 - Landscape, seascape, skyscape<br />
Lot 3 - Structure (house, barn, silo,<br />
etc.)<br />
Lot 4 - Vehicles<br />
Lot 5 - Animals, birds, insects<br />
Lot 6 - Still life<br />
Lot 7 - Floral<br />
Lot 8 - Abstract<br />
Lot 9 -Other<br />
Lot 10 - Oil or acrylic done in instruction<br />
class, or copy<br />
of another painting<br />
Watercolor<br />
and Tempera<br />
CLASS (specify A, AA, AAA, B, C,<br />
CC,or D)<br />
Lot 21 - Portrait, figure<br />
Lot 22 - Landscape, seascape, skyscape<br />
Lot 23 - Structure(house,barn, silo,etc.)<br />
Lot 24 - Vehicles<br />
Lot 25 -<br />
Lot 26 -<br />
Lot 27 -<br />
Lot 28 -<br />
Lot 29 -<br />
Lot 30 -<br />
Animals, birds, insects<br />
Still life<br />
Floral<br />
Abstract<br />
Other<br />
Watercolor or tempera done<br />
in instruction class, or<br />
copy of another painting<br />
Drawing<br />
Color<br />
(pastel, colored crayon,<br />
colored pencil, colored ink)<br />
CLASS (specifyA,AA,AAA, B, C,<br />
CC, orO)<br />
Lot 41 - Portrait, figure<br />
Lot 42 - Landscape, seascape, skyscape<br />
Lot 43 - Structure(house,barn, silo,etc.)<br />
Lot 44 - Vehicles<br />
Lot 45 - Animals, birds, insects<br />
Lot 46 - Still life<br />
Lot 47 - Floral<br />
Lot 48 - Caricatures, original<br />
Lot 49 - Abstract<br />
Lot 50 - Other<br />
68<br />
Lot 51 - Colored drawing done in<br />
instruction class, or copy<br />
of another drawing<br />
Black-and- White<br />
(pencil, ink, charcoal, black crayon)<br />
CLASS (specify A, AA, AAA, B, C,<br />
CC, or D)<br />
Lot 61 - Portrait, figure<br />
Lot 62 - Landscape, seascape, skyscape<br />
Lot 63 - Structure (house, barn, silo,<br />
etc.)<br />
Lot 64 - Vehicles<br />
Lot 65 - Animals, birds, insects<br />
Lot 66 - Still life<br />
Lot 67 - Floral<br />
Lot 68 - Caricatures, original<br />
Lot 69 - Abstract<br />
Lot 70 - Ink on glass, original<br />
design<br />
Lot 71 - Other<br />
Lot 72 - Black-and-white drawing<br />
done in instruction<br />
class, or copy of another<br />
Arnhold's,lnc.<br />
fiwutitwte· &vtpet· :iJwpeJtie6<br />
• fiwe :iJ~ Sesoice •<br />
Berkline •CharlesSchneider<br />
• Chromcraft<br />
Justice Mattresses· La-Z-Boy· Peters-Revington<br />
Floor Coverings·<br />
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gioo gfucvt6 oj gine gUJUti,j~<br />
Dr. Tom<br />
310 SW First<br />
Plainville, KS<br />
Hours: 8:30 to 5<br />
8:30 to 12<br />
18----FINE ARTS<br />
Mixed Media<br />
CLASS (specify A, AA, AAA, B, C,<br />
CC,orD)<br />
Lot 81 - Portrait, figure<br />
Lot 82 - Landscape, seascape, skyscape<br />
Lot 83 - Structure(house,barn, silo,etc.)<br />
Lot 84 - Vehicles<br />
Lot 85 - Animals, birds, insects<br />
Lot 86 - Still life<br />
Lot 87 - Floral<br />
Lot 88 - Abstract<br />
Lot 89 - Other<br />
Lot 90 - Mixed media done in<br />
instruction class, or copy<br />
of another painting<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
CLASS (specify A, AA,AAA, B, C,<br />
CC,or D)<br />
Lot 101 - Collage, any medium<br />
Lot 102 - Design, any medium<br />
Lot 103 - Block print, color, wood<br />
print, intaglio (multiple<br />
color)<br />
Lot 104 - Block print, black-andwhite,<br />
wood print, intag~io<br />
(single color)<br />
Lot 105 - Calligraphy<br />
Lot 106 - Paper cast<br />
Lot 107 - Paper weaving<br />
Lot 108 - String art<br />
Lot 109 - Graphic, non-objective<br />
Lot 110 - Computer graphic design,<br />
original<br />
Lot 111 - Other, original<br />
Lot 112 - Done in instruction class or<br />
a copy<br />
Sculpture<br />
CLASS (specify A, AA, AAA, B ,C,<br />
CC,or D)<br />
Lot 121- Wood<br />
Lot 122 - Metal<br />
Lot 123 - Stone<br />
Lot 124 - Scrimshaw<br />
Lot 125 - Paper<br />
Lot 126 - Other permanent material<br />
Creative Ceramics<br />
(must be original design)<br />
CLASS( specify A, AA, AAA, B, C,<br />
CC,orD)<br />
Lot 131 - Stoneware, thrown<br />
Lot 132 - Stoneware, handbuilt,<br />
functional<br />
Lot 133 - Stoneware, handbuilt, nonfunctional<br />
Lot 134 - Earthenware, thrown<br />
Lot 135 - Earthenware, handbuilt,<br />
functional<br />
Lot 136 - Earthenware, handbuilt,<br />
non-functional<br />
Lot 137 - Porcelain, thrown<br />
Lot 138-Porcelain, handbuilt,<br />
functional<br />
Lot 139 - Porcelain, handbuilt, nonfunctional<br />
Lot 140 - Tile, handbuilt<br />
Lot 141 - Other ceramic<br />
Etching<br />
CLASS( specify A, AA, AAA, B, C,<br />
CC,orD)<br />
Lot 151 - On glass, original design<br />
Lot 152 - On stone, original design<br />
Lot 153 - On metal, original design<br />
Lot 154 - On scratchboard, original<br />
design<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
Second place:<br />
Third place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
$1.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Webster<br />
State Park<br />
Youth Art I Champion: Plaque and<br />
Ribbon-trophy<br />
Youth Art I Reserve Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Youth Art II Champion: Ribbontrophy<br />
Youth Art II Reserve Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Youth Art III Champion: Ribbontrophy<br />
Youth Art III Reserve Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Intermediate Art Champion: Ribbon<br />
Intermediate Art Reserve Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Amateur Art Champion: Ribbon<br />
Amateur Art Reserve Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Professional Art Champion: Ribbon<br />
Professional Art Reserve Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Grand Champion Art: Sweepstakes<br />
Award<br />
Reserve Grand Champion Art:<br />
Ribbon<br />
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A Division of<br />
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Pam and Ed Hageman<br />
The only title plant with office<br />
and abstracter located in <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />
420 Main St. Stockton, KS Phone: 425-6741<br />
19 - PHOTOGRAPHY<br />
Superintendent: Terry Harnit, Bernita Niblock, Marlyn Bryant<br />
1. Rules are the same as for Division 18 - Fine Arts. Class AAA - Youth III (ages 11-14)<br />
2. Photographs must be 4" x 6" oriarger, matted or matted Class B - Intermediate (those in high school the<br />
and framed (refer to Division 18, Rule 3 about framing previous school term)<br />
and hanging). Class C Amateur (ages 19-39)<br />
3. No lettering or dates on photo. Entries that are not pro- Class CC Amateur (ages 40-59)<br />
perly prepared for wall hanging will be refused. Stick-on Class CCC - Amateur (age 60 and over)<br />
hangers, hangers attached with tape, small serrated Class D - Professional<br />
!lletal hangers, or string will NOT be ac~epted~ Pictures 6. Exhibitors may exhibit 2 entries per lot.<br />
III frames must have wire III place for hanging. Pictures<br />
must be matted or framed with hangers as described above. 7. All work must be work which has never before been<br />
Bulldog clamps may be used to hang matted photographs exhibited at the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong>. It must have<br />
or pictures. All art and photography will be judged on been done in the last 5 years ..<br />
OVERALL appearance, including neatness and hangability<br />
of frame.<br />
4. No duct tape.<br />
5. Exhibitors shall be designated as follows:<br />
Class A Youth I (ages 2 to 4)<br />
ClassAA - Youth II (ages 5-10)<br />
Color<br />
CLASS (specify A, AA, AAA, B, C, CC, CCC, or D)<br />
Lot 1 - Portrait, figure<br />
Lot 2 - Landscape, seascape, sky scape<br />
Lot 3 - Kansas landscape, skyscape<br />
Lot 4 - Structure (house, barn, silo, etc.)<br />
Lot 5 - Vehicles<br />
Lot 6 - Animals, birds, insects<br />
Lot 7 - Still life<br />
Lot 8 - Floral<br />
Lot 9 - Abstract<br />
Lot 10 - Action<br />
Lot 11 - Computer altered/enhanced (include original<br />
photo)<br />
Lot 12 - Photo collage<br />
Lot 13 - Sepia (include original photo)<br />
Lot 14 - Other<br />
Black-and-White<br />
CLASS(specify A, AA, AAA, B, C, CC, CCC, or D)<br />
Lot 21 - Portrait, figure<br />
Lot 22 - Landscape, seascape, sky scape<br />
Lot 23 - Kansas landscape, skyscape<br />
Lot 24 - Structure (house, barn, silo, etc.)<br />
Lot 25 - Vehicles<br />
Lot 26 - Animals, birds, insects<br />
Lot 27 - Still life<br />
Lot 28 - Floral<br />
Lot 29 - Abstract<br />
Lot 30 - Action<br />
Lot 31 - Computer altered/enhanced (include original<br />
photo)<br />
Lot 32 - Photo collage<br />
Lot 33 - Sepia (include original photo)<br />
Lot 34 - Other<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place:<br />
$3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place:<br />
$2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place:<br />
$1.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Youth Photo Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Youth Photo Reserve Champion: Ribbon<br />
Intermediate Photo Champion: Ribbon<br />
Intermediate Photo Reserve Champion: Ribbon<br />
Amateur Photo Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Amateur Photo Reserve Champion: Ribbon<br />
Professional Photo Champion: Ribbon<br />
Professional Photo Reserve Champion: Ribbon<br />
Grand Champion Photo:<br />
Sweepstakes Award<br />
Reserve Grand Champion Photo: Ribbon<br />
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Dale Winklepleck, Pres.<br />
James Berkley, Chairman<br />
David Steeples, Sr. v.P. Chris Kollman, Sr. V.P.<br />
Virginia Bice, v.P Jonathan Berkley, EVP.<br />
Ginger Kriley,AVP.<br />
Board<br />
John Berkley Rodger Taylor<br />
Brian Berkley Sampan (Thui) Miller<br />
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785-434-2622 fax 785-434-2577<br />
Live Bait and Tackle<br />
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20 - SCOUTS<br />
Superintendent: Robert Henry<br />
1. Only registered Scouts in Kansas in good standing may<br />
compete.<br />
2. Entries must have been made by the Scout within the<br />
past year and never before been exhibited at the <strong>Rooks</strong><br />
<strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong>.<br />
3. Collections are to be mounted and labeled; new items<br />
added to collections must be dated and labeled as new<br />
additions.<br />
4. Exhibitors are limited to 1 entry in each lot.<br />
5. Scout leader must sign entry tags.<br />
6. Each scout needs hislher own Scout entry number. Entry<br />
tag must include exhibitor's age.<br />
7. Entries to be displayed in the Open Class Building.<br />
8. All exhibits must be in place by 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m. Monday,<br />
entry day.<br />
9. Classifications (grades listed or age equivalent):<br />
Class A - Cub Scout Tigers, Wolves, Bears (P; 2 nd, and<br />
3 rd grade boys)<br />
Class B - Cub Scout Webelos (4th and yh grade boys)<br />
Class C - Boy Scouts (6 th _12thgrade boys)<br />
Class D - Daisy (Kindergarten girls)<br />
Class E - Brownies (1s: 2 nd , and 3 rd grade girls)<br />
Class F - Junior Girl Scouts/Cadettes (4 th_5thgrade and<br />
7th_9thgrade girls)<br />
Class G - Senior Girl Scouts (9'h_12thgrade girls)<br />
CUB SCOUTS Lot 33 - Planter<br />
Lot 34 - Paper weight<br />
CLASS A - TIGERS, WOLVES, AND BEARS Lot 35 - Neckerchief slide<br />
Lot I - Bug collection Lot 36 - Knots and lashings<br />
Lot 2 - Nature collection Lot 37 - Rope making<br />
Lot 3-Rock, mineral, and soil Lot 38 - Photography<br />
collection<br />
Lot 39 - Photo album<br />
Lot 4 - Stamp collection<br />
Lot 40 - Scrapbook<br />
Lot 5 - Coin collection<br />
Lot 41 - Citizenship notebook<br />
Lot 6 - General collection<br />
Lot 42 - Miscellaneous, handmade<br />
Lot 7 - Nature/outdoors<br />
Lot 43 - Miscellaneous<br />
Lot 8 - Carving<br />
Lot 9 - Woodworking<br />
Lot 10 - Pinewood derby car<br />
Lot 51 - Bug collection<br />
Lot 11 - Birdhouse<br />
Lot 52 - Nature collection<br />
Lot 12 - Model airplane<br />
Lot 53 - Rock, mineral, and soil<br />
Lot 13 - Model car<br />
collection<br />
Lot 14 - Plastic model<br />
Lot 54 - Stamp collection<br />
Lot 15 - Model<br />
Lot 55 - Coin collection<br />
Lot 16 - Indian costume<br />
Lot 56 - General collection<br />
Lot 17 - Indian lore, accessories<br />
Lot 57 - Nature/outdoors<br />
Lot 18 - Leatherwork<br />
Lot 58 - Carving<br />
Lot 19 - Papier-rnache object<br />
Lot 59 - Woodworking<br />
Lot 20 - Art, drawing<br />
Lot 60 - Pinewood derby car<br />
Lot 21 - Art, painting<br />
Lot 61 - Birdhouse/feeder, wood<br />
Lot 22 - Art, miscellaneous<br />
Lot 62 - Model airplane<br />
Lot 23 - Collage<br />
Lot 63 - Model car<br />
Lot 24 - Plaster casting<br />
Lot 64 - Plastic model<br />
Lot 25 - Ceramics<br />
Lot 65 - Model<br />
Lot 26 - Pottery/clay<br />
Lot 66 - Indian costume<br />
Lot 27 - Wall hanging<br />
Lot 67 - Indian lore, accessories<br />
Lot 28 - Weaving<br />
Lot 68 - Leatherwork<br />
Lot 29 - Party decoration<br />
Lot 69 - Papier-rnache object<br />
Lot 30 - Holiday decoration<br />
Lot 70 - Art, drawing<br />
Lot 31 - Christmas decoration<br />
Lot 71 - Art, painting<br />
Lot 32 - Games<br />
Lot 72 - Art, computer<br />
Lot 73 - Art, miscellaneous<br />
Lot 74 - Collage<br />
Lot 75 - Mobile<br />
Lot 76 - Puppetry<br />
Lot 7-7- Plaster casting<br />
Lot 78 - Ceramics<br />
Lot 79 - Pottery/clay<br />
Lot 80 - Wall hanging<br />
Lot 81 - Weaving<br />
Lot 82 - Party decoration<br />
Lot 83 - Holiday decoration<br />
Lot 84 - Neckerchief slide<br />
Lot 85 - Engineering, electrical<br />
Lot 86 - Engineering, catapult<br />
Lot 87 - Engineering, bridge<br />
Lot 88 - Knots and lashings<br />
Lot 89 - First aid notebook<br />
Lot 90 - Citizenship notebook<br />
Lot 91 - Photography<br />
Lot 92 - Photo album<br />
Lot 93 - Scrapbook<br />
Lot 94 - Miscellaneous, handmade<br />
Lot 95 - Miscellaneous<br />
Lot 101 - Bug collection<br />
Lot 102 - Rock, mineral, and soil<br />
collection<br />
Lot 103 - Shell collection<br />
Lot 104 - Nature collection<br />
Lot 105 - Coin collection<br />
Lot 106 - Stamp collection<br />
Lot 107 - Patch collection<br />
Lot 108 - Neckerchief slide collection<br />
Lot 109 - General collection<br />
Lot 110 - Leaves, seeds<br />
Lot 111- Nature/outdoors<br />
Lot 112 - Model airplane<br />
Lot 113 - Model car<br />
Lot 114 - Plastic model<br />
Lot 115 - Model<br />
Lot 116 - Carving<br />
Lot 117 - Carving, wood<br />
Lot 118 - Woodworking<br />
Lot 119-Neckerchiefslide<br />
Lot 120 - Plaster casting<br />
Lot 121 - Ceramics<br />
Lot 122 - Pottery/clay<br />
Lot 123 -<br />
Lot 124 -<br />
Lot 125 -<br />
Lot 126 -<br />
Lot 127 -<br />
Lot 128 -<br />
Lot 129 -<br />
Lot 130 -<br />
Lot 131 -<br />
Lot 132 -<br />
Lot 133 -<br />
Lot 134 -<br />
Leather, tooled<br />
Leatherwork<br />
Wall hanging<br />
Weaving<br />
Basketry<br />
Indian headdress<br />
Indian costume<br />
Indian lore<br />
Indian accessories<br />
Metalwork<br />
Knots and lashings<br />
First-aid kit<br />
Lot 135 - Electrical project<br />
Lot 136 - Art, drawing<br />
Lot 137 -Art, painting<br />
Lot 138 - Kit art work<br />
Lot 139 - Collage<br />
Lot 140 - Photography<br />
Lot 141 - Photo album<br />
Lot 142 - Scrapbook<br />
Lot 143 - Merit badge scrapbook<br />
Lot 144 - Citizenship scrapbook<br />
Lot 145 - Miscellaneous, handmade<br />
Lot 146 - Miscellaneous<br />
Lot 201 - Art, drawing<br />
Lot 202 - Art, painting<br />
Lot 203 - Art, miscellaneous<br />
Lot 204 - Collage<br />
Lot 205 - Party decoration<br />
Lot 206 - Holiday decoration<br />
Lot 207 - Christmas decoration<br />
Lot 208 - Ceramics<br />
Lot 209 - Pottery/clay<br />
Lot 210 - Wall hanging<br />
Lot 211 - Collections<br />
Lot 212 - Cookies (12 dozen)<br />
Lot 213 - Candy (6 pieces)<br />
Lot 214 - Needlework<br />
Lot 215 - Woodworking<br />
Lot 216 - Scrapbook<br />
Lot 217 - Miscellaneous, handmade<br />
Lot 218 - Miscellaneous<br />
Lot 221 - Art, drawing<br />
Lot 222 -<br />
Lot 223 -<br />
Lot 224 -<br />
Lot 225 -<br />
Lot 226 -<br />
Lot 227 -<br />
Lot 228 -<br />
Lot 229 -<br />
Lot 230 -<br />
Lot 231 -<br />
Lot 232 -<br />
Lot 233 -<br />
Art, painting<br />
Art, tole painting<br />
Art, miscellaneous<br />
Collage<br />
Party decoration<br />
Holiday decoration<br />
Christmas decoration<br />
Papier-rnache<br />
Decoupage<br />
Ceramics<br />
Pottery/clay<br />
Wall hanging<br />
~ ~<br />
w HAHN ~<br />
TIRE, INC.<br />
1135 Highway 183<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
~ (785) 425-6638 ~<br />
~;"'----"-------'~<br />
MAPES & MILLE~R~====~~<br />
503 Main St.<br />
P.O. Box 508<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
(785) 425-6764<br />
• HillCity, KS<br />
• Norton, KS<br />
• Phillipsburg, KS<br />
• Quinter, KS<br />
• WaKeeney, KS<br />
r.Formers and Merchants<br />
120 E. Main, PO. Box 338<br />
Hill City, KS 67642-0338<br />
421-2131<br />
Bonk of Hill City<br />
Box 216<br />
Bogue, Hansas 67625 Member<br />
FDIC<br />
STOP in to see us<br />
for agricultural loans<br />
Box 216<br />
Bogue, KS 67625<br />
421-5403<br />
Lot 234 - Handmade doll<br />
Lot 235 - Collections, rock<br />
Lot 236 - Collections, coin<br />
Lot 237 - Collections, doll<br />
Lot 238 - Collections, stamp<br />
Lot 239 - Collections, other<br />
Lot 240 - Cookies (Y2 dozen)<br />
Lot 241 - Candy (6 pieces)<br />
Lot 242 - Quick bread<br />
Lot 243 - Cake, any kind<br />
Lot 244 - Sewing, pillow<br />
Lot 245 - Sewing, other<br />
Lot 246 - Needlework<br />
Lot 247 - Woodworking<br />
Lot 248 - Weaving<br />
Lot 249 - Scrapbook<br />
Lot 250 - Miscellaneous, handmade<br />
Lot 251 - Miscellaneous<br />
Lot 284 - Nature display<br />
Lot 285 - Cookies (\12 dozen)<br />
Lot 286 - Candy (6 pieces)<br />
Lot 287 - Quick bread<br />
Lot 288 - Yeast bread (loaf)<br />
Lot 289 - Yeast bread (6 rolls)<br />
Lot 290 - Cake, any kind<br />
Lot 291 - Sewing, pillow<br />
Lot 292 - Sewing, other<br />
Lot 293 - Needlework,countedcross<br />
stitch<br />
Lot 294 - Needlework, embroidery<br />
Lot 295 - Needlecraft, other<br />
Lot 296 - Leathercraft<br />
Lot 297 - Woodworking<br />
Lot 298 - Wood carving<br />
Lot 299 - Weaving<br />
Lot 3<strong>00</strong> - Photography, black/white<br />
Lot 301 - Photography, color<br />
CLASS F _JUNIOR GIRLS SCOUTS AND Lot 302 - Photo album<br />
CADETTES Lot 303 - Notebook on badge work<br />
Lot 261 - Art, drawing Lot 304 - Scrapbook<br />
Lot 262 - Art, pastels Lot 305 - Miscellaneous, handmade<br />
Lot 263 - Art, tole painting Lot 306 - Miscellaneous<br />
Lot 264 - Art, other<br />
Lot 265 - Painting, watercolor<br />
Lot 266 - Painting, oil/acrylic<br />
Lot 311 - Art, drawing<br />
Lot 267 - Painting, other<br />
Lot 312 - Art, pastels<br />
Lot 268 - Collage<br />
Lot 313 - Art, tole painting<br />
Lot 269 - Holiday decoration<br />
Lot 314 - Art, other<br />
Lot 270 - Ceramics<br />
Lot 315 - Painting, watercolor<br />
Lot 271 - Pottery/clay<br />
Lot 316 - Painting, oil/acrylic<br />
Lot 272 - Wall hanging<br />
Lot 317 - Painting, other<br />
Lot 273 - Handmade doll<br />
Lot 318 - Collage<br />
Lot 274 - Candles<br />
Lot 319 - Holiday decoration<br />
Lot 275 - String art<br />
Lot 320 - Ceramics<br />
Lot 276 - Puppets<br />
Lot 321 - Pottery/clay<br />
Lot 277 - Macrame<br />
Lot 322 - Wall hanging<br />
Lot 278 - Models<br />
Lot 323 - Handmade doll<br />
Lot 279 - Collections, rock<br />
Lot 324 - Candles<br />
Lot 280 - Collections, coin<br />
Lot 325 - String art<br />
Lot 281 - Collections, doll<br />
Lot 326 - Puppets<br />
Lot 282 - Collections, stamp<br />
Lot 327 - Macrame<br />
Lot 283 - Collections, other<br />
Lot 328 - Models<br />
Lot 329 - Collections, rock<br />
Lot 330 - Collections, coin<br />
Lot 331 - Collections, doll<br />
Lot 332 - Collections, stamp<br />
Lot 333 - Collections, other<br />
Lot 334 - Nature display<br />
Lot 335 - Cookies (Y2 dozen)<br />
Lot 336 - Candy (6 pieces)<br />
Lot 337 - Quick bread<br />
Lot 338 - Yeast bread (loaf)<br />
Lot 339 - Yeast bread (6 rolls)<br />
Lot 340 - Cake, any kind<br />
Lot 341 - Sewing, pillow<br />
Lot 342 - Sewing, other<br />
Lot 343 - Needlework,countedcross<br />
stitch<br />
Lot 344 - Needlework, embroidery<br />
Lot 345 - Needlecraft, other<br />
Lot 346 - Leathercraft<br />
Lot 347 - Woodworking<br />
Lot 348 - Wood carving<br />
Lot 349 - Weaving<br />
Lot 350 - Photography, black/white<br />
Lot 351 - Photography, color<br />
Lot 352 - Photo album<br />
Lot 353 - Notebook on badge work<br />
Lot 354 - Scrapbook<br />
Lot 355 - Miscellaneous, handmade<br />
Lot 356 - Miscellaneous<br />
AWARDS<br />
First place: $3.<strong>00</strong> and Blue ribbon<br />
Second place: $2.<strong>00</strong> and Red ribbon<br />
Third place: $1.<strong>00</strong> and White ribbon<br />
Cub Scout Champion: Ribbon<br />
Cub Scout Reserve Champion: Ribbon<br />
Boy Scout Champion: Ribbon<br />
Boy Scout Reserve Champion: Ribbon<br />
Girl Scout Champion: Ribbon<br />
Girl Scout Reserve Champion: Ribbon<br />
Cadette/Senior Girl Scout Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
Cadette/Senior Girl Scout Reserve<br />
Champion:<br />
Ribbon<br />
A<br />
,p<br />
American AgCredit<br />
Congratulations<br />
to all<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> Exhibitors!<br />
Stockton<br />
Greg Beougher<br />
ENJOY<br />
THE<br />
FREE FAIR!<br />
(785) 425-8075<br />
(8<strong>00</strong>) 466-1146<br />
www.agloan.com<br />
Stephen Bigge, president<br />
Dr. Shannon Mongeau, vice-pres.<br />
Kim Ellenberger<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Farm Bureau<br />
The Voice of Agriculture<br />
www.rooksfb.org<br />
2011-2012 Board Members<br />
Daniel Atkisson, sec./treas.<br />
Shawn McReynolds<br />
Natalie Knipp Jerry Miller<br />
Jason Rathbun<br />
<strong>County</strong> Coordinator: Laura Moffet<br />
785/425-8330<br />
Farm Bureau-Sponsored Activities<br />
• <strong>Fair</strong> Kick-Off BBQ and 4-H Livestock Sale • Youth Seminars - Capital Experience,<br />
Leadership America<br />
• Ag in the Classroom in local schools,<br />
Young Farmers & Ranchers<br />
• Legislative<br />
Coffee<br />
• Marketing, Legislative Voice<br />
• <strong>Free</strong> credit card, $1,<strong>00</strong>0 Reward Program,<br />
Gateway discounts, scholarships,<br />
Nex-Techbenefits<br />
• Legal foundation<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
~I<br />
~I<br />
~I<br />
~I<br />
<br />
~I<br />
01<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
1<br />
Phone:<br />
Cell Phone: ENTRY FORM<br />
NAME<br />
Rr JBOxlSTREET<br />
CITY<br />
Are you a member of NCDA<br />
Are you working on ATCH points<br />
AGILITY: SATURDAY,AUGUST4, 2012, - 8:<strong>00</strong> A.M.<br />
Agility entries due August 1,2011<br />
Obedience entries due on or before noon Monday of <strong>Fair</strong> Week<br />
ENTRY<br />
COME<br />
_<br />
STATE<br />
ZIP<br />
Exhibitor #<br />
FORM<br />
FRIDAY,AUGUST 17,2012<br />
Mail to: <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Box 505<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
Fax: (785) 425-7179<br />
E-mail: rcff@ruraltel.net<br />
CITY _ STATE<br />
ZIP _<br />
PHONE<br />
_<br />
E- MA LL ADDRESS ---;--:-- __ --:---;- _<br />
(please print)<br />
By signing as Chief Cook for the above-listed team, my teammates and r agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />
<strong>Fair</strong> Board Tailgate Contest. I release any and all claims [ may have for damages against <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> Board Contest Committee<br />
Members as a result of competing in this event.<br />
NAME DATE _<br />
Signature of Chief Cook<br />
Information! Ruthie Muir Categories: (4<strong>00</strong> points) Entry Fee: $150.<strong>00</strong><br />
Contest Director: 11 Hillcrest Food (2<strong>00</strong>) (payable 10 <strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Fair</strong> Board)<br />
Stockton, KS 67669 Enthusiasm/Entenainment (l<strong>00</strong>)<br />
vrnuir@ruraltel.net Originality/Creativity (1<strong>00</strong>) Entry deadline: AUGUST14, 2012<br />
Copy of rules may be obtained at www.rookscountyfreefair.com or on the opposite page<br />
Winners will be announced prior to concert<br />
_<br />
_<br />
_<br />
_<br />
_<br />
Entries will be accepted<br />
Sunday<br />
August 12, 2012<br />
3:<strong>00</strong> - 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
www.rookscountyfreefair.com<br />
Phone:<br />
Cell Phone: _ ENTRY FORM<br />
Exhibitor #<br />
_<br />
NAME<br />
_<br />
FARM or RANCH NAME _<br />
RTJBox Crrv _<br />
STATE ZIP _<br />
DATE OF<br />
BrRTH<br />
Horse exhibitors must send a copy of health papers (sleeping<br />
sickness, flu vaccination, tetnus) with entry. Indicate number<br />
of stalls oneeded:<br />
Horse entries due on or before August 6, 2012<br />
Beef entries due on or before August 6, 2012<br />
Mail to:<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Box 505<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
Fax: (785) 425-7179<br />
E-mail: rcff@ruraltel.net<br />
Phone:<br />
Cell Phone:<br />
Exhibitor #<br />
_<br />
NAME<br />
_<br />
FARM or RANCH NAME _<br />
RTJBOX CITy _<br />
STATE ZrP _<br />
DATE OF<br />
BIRTH<br />
Horse exhibitors must send acopy of health papers (sleeping<br />
sickness, flu vaccination, tetnus) with entry. Indicate number<br />
of stalls oneeded:<br />
Horse entries due on or before August 6, 2012<br />
Beef entries due on or before August 6,2012<br />
Mail to:<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Fair</strong><br />
Box 505<br />
Stockton, KS 67669<br />
Fax: (785) 425-7179<br />
E-mail: rcff@ruraltel.net<br />
Entries will be accepted<br />
Sunday<br />
August 12, 2012<br />
3:<strong>00</strong> - 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
www.rookscountyfreefair.com<br />
183 Lanes and Restaurant/Stockton 63<br />
American AgCredit/Stockton 77<br />
Americana Motel/Stockton 61<br />
The Animal HospitallPlainvilie 32<br />
Arnhold's, Inc.!Plainvilie 69<br />
Auto Wash LLC/Stockton .38<br />
B & B Redimix, Inc.!Stockton, Phillipsburg .41<br />
B & D Feed/Damar 35<br />
Baird Oil Company, LLClLogan 28<br />
Baxter's/Stockton .73<br />
Bellerive Construction/Stockton 67<br />
Bigge's Country Kitchen/Stockton 57<br />
Bird Real Estate & Auction/Stockton 51<br />
Cannicheal True-Value Hardware/Plainville 69<br />
Carsten Farm/Stockton 63<br />
Central Veterinary Services, P.A./Stockton 31<br />
Cikanek Law Office/Stockton 50<br />
Copper's Carts/Hays 66<br />
Culligan Water Conditioning/Stockton 57<br />
Doerflers' Harley-DavidsonlHays 70<br />
Eagle CommunicationslHays 71<br />
Farm Bureau Financial Services/Stockton, Plainville 51<br />
Farm Implement & Supply Co., Inc.! Plainville,<br />
Colby 47<br />
Fanners & Merchants BanklHili City 75<br />
Fanners Credit Union/Hays .42<br />
Fanners National Bank/Stockton .35<br />
Fanners State BranchIBogue .75<br />
Fanners Union Mercantile and Shipping Association/<br />
Stockton 37<br />
First State BankIPlainville 58<br />
Gary's Engine & Air Conditioning Service, LLC/<br />
Plainville 63<br />
Edward C. Hageman, Attorney/Stockton 58<br />
Hahn Tire Service/Stockton 75<br />
Don Hamit Land & Auction Co.!Stockton 32<br />
Heartland Building Center/Stockton, Hays, Russell 67<br />
Heritage Insurance Group, Inc.!Stockton, Palco,<br />
Logan, Phillipsburg 50<br />
High Plains Farm CreditlHays, Phillipsburg 61<br />
High Plains Seed CompanylPlainvilie .44<br />
Hill City Body Shop, Inc.!Hill City 69<br />
Hill City Livestock/Hill City 28<br />
Hill City Times/Hill City 37<br />
Hrabe Farms/Stockton 32<br />
J-MartiStockton 57<br />
James Motor Co., Inc./Hays 61<br />
Jones Appliance/Bogue 69<br />
Kansas Livestock Association 32<br />
KAYS/Hays .71<br />
KBSH- TV/Hays 63<br />
Keller Motors/Palco 47<br />
Keller Tank Service Inc.!Zurich 33<br />
Kemp Family Funeral ChapeIlStockton 49<br />
Kensington Lockers, Inc./Kensington 30<br />
KFIX/Hays 71<br />
KHAZ/Hays 71<br />
Kiser Ag Service, LLC/Logan, Stockton 49<br />
KJLS/Hays 71<br />
KKAN Radio/Phillipsburg 51<br />
KKQY /Hays 71<br />
KQMA Radio/Phillipsburg 51<br />
Krob Trenching, Inc.!Stockton .41<br />
KRVN Radio/Lexington, NE 73<br />
Kustom Auto Repair & Towing/Plainville .41<br />
Liberty Ranch/Codell 30<br />
Lindee Lou's Florals & Gifts/Stockton 57<br />
Mapes & Miller/Stockton, Hill City, Norton,<br />
Phillipsburg, Quinter, WaKeeney 75<br />
McDowell Electric & Plumbing/Stockton 66<br />
Midland Marketing/Plainville, Palco, Zurich 47<br />
Midway Co-op/Osborne 49<br />
Midwest Community BanklPlainville, Palco 62<br />
Midwest MoteIlStockton 55<br />
Moore-Overlease Funeral ChapellPlainvilie 55<br />
Mosher-Kemp Family Funeral Home/Plainville .49<br />
Mr. K's Food Town/Plainville 55<br />
Dr. Duane C. Muck, Optometrist/Stockton 69<br />
Normandin Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.!Damar 62<br />
Dr. Tom Nuckols, D.D.S.!Plainville 69<br />
Ochampaugh FannslPlainvilie .44<br />
Osborne Livestock Commission, Inc.!Osborne .40<br />
Penco Engineering, P.A.!Plainville 50<br />
Pizza Hut/Plainville, Stockton 66<br />
Plainville LivestockIPlainville .31<br />
Plainville TimeslPlainville 57<br />
Prairie Ag & Auto, Inc.lPlainville 38<br />
INDEX<br />
INDEX<br />
Prairie Star Family Practice/Plainville<br />
Dr. Jennifer BrulL 73<br />
Prockish Products & Designs/Stockton 63<br />
Reed's Plumbing and Heating, Inc.!Plainville. .57<br />
Rock'n RAngus Ranch/Plainville. 31<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> Farm Bureaul<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> 70<br />
<strong>Rooks</strong> <strong>County</strong> KLA. 32<br />
Roy Construction Company/Stockton 42<br />
Ruder Oil Co.!Plainville .35<br />
S & W Supply Co., Inc.!Plainville 28<br />
Simpson Farm Enterprises, Inc.!Ransom, Great Bend,<br />
Hays, Beloit .49<br />
Jerry Smetana, Attorney/Plainville 51<br />
Smith-Moore-Overlease Funeral Home/Stockton 55<br />
Solomon Valley AlfalfaiDamar. 40<br />
Stockton Area Chamber of Commerce/<br />
City of Stockton 64<br />
Stockton Chiropractic Center/Stockton 71<br />
Stockton Dental Center/Stockton 35<br />
Stockton National Bank/Stockton 73<br />
Stockton Sentinel/Stockton .42<br />
Sutor Hereford Farms/Zurich 32<br />
H.c. Sweet Abstract Co.!Stockton 71<br />
Taylor Fuel Systems, Inc.!Stockton .37<br />
Taylor Supply/Stockton 37<br />
Tom's Machine & Welding Service, Inc.!Plainville 37<br />
Top Notch Designs/Plainville 62<br />
Towns Herefords/Palco 32<br />
Turnbull Oil, Inc.lPlainville .47<br />
Unrein Pharmacy/Plainville 63<br />
Brad Waller Automotive/Stockton 28<br />
Webster's SupermarketiStockton 55<br />
Webster State ParklWebster Lake 71<br />
Entries will be accepted<br />
Sunday, August 12, 2012<br />
3:<strong>00</strong> - 5:<strong>00</strong> p.m.<br />
www.rookscountyfreefair.com<br />
Child'sName:<br />
Age:_<br />
City:__ -----<br />
Phone Number:<br />
----<br />
PLAINVILLE, KS 67663<br />
785.434.2622<br />
107 S. SPRUCE STREET<br />
STOCKTON, KS 67669<br />
785.425.6921<br />
DAN<br />
LYNN<br />
EMILY<br />
P.A.<br />
SANCH EZ, MD<br />
FISHER, MD<br />
DECKER, PA<br />
)EN<br />
BRULL, MD<br />
505 MAIN<br />
PALCO, KS 67657<br />