'irst Steps Taken To Bring 4t,OOO More Acres Under Irrigation

'irst Steps Taken To Bring 4t,OOO More Acres Under Irrigation

'irst Steps Taken To Bring 4t,OOO More Acres Under Irrigation


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Important School<br />

IProblems Discus'sed<br />

I<br />

Mrs. Merrill Home<br />

MIS. II\in Melllll, \\11')<br />

harl undelgune<br />

sUigelY in the St. Flands<br />

hospital in Gl an,1 Islan'.!: \1 as abl,)<br />

to letUlll hOllle Thanksghing Day,<br />

She spent a \leek and a J~f'(,>' Yes sir, winter must be here, 0 d C H AI P" "k<br />

glaine Cook, Jim Slobaszewski, nearly two years on the Valley I ,'. A" "1 Tempel atui es PIOH It, even r reamery as cen aplernl<br />

T\\o Ord men, Ell Guastcr Marilyn Absalon, Jim DouthIt, county D03.rJ of supervisors and I;/~ ii' f though the calendar lns ist s the A I M t e<br />

anti S,)I Shotl,uski, collaborated Malgie Kluna, Kay Hughes, was chairman of the g roup, sub- ; ~ season IS sun autumn until Dec ~nua ee 1"9 (h H d f<br />

in ~hootillga big ll~llb. "MlO11' Vernon Potrze ba, Glace Kokes, nutted his resignation to the board ~ 21 when win t ei offici ally bt'glD3 osen ea 0<br />

goosP" \I hlch came drifting Harold Dubas and Jim Layher, and' Tuesday noon, ,I; : } mg the Iefund checks Will be passton,to<br />

B\lrwell, was f~rmaJly 01- \\hidl the ch.umd s\\ung plcl,- ;n LI"ncoln Hospl"tal Edgar Roe of Ord' was electCQ 36 abo\e zeD Monday aftelnoon ej out and lefle"hments \\\11 be MIS. Aleen PapietDlk, mannger<br />

f,al1 tZed Tuesdar eyemng at St. cd UI) the gilOSi' and shoutell at I tempolalY chairman of the boald IB Sf d and tel11pelatules gt'netally. have se,{'ed Fr;r entertainment, the of the Lee stole in Orc!, became<br />

au. " Shotkosl.i that the,)' \lould Aft H" h C h to sene untll JanualY ,,'hen the e ewar ess been below fleezing, night and comp,wy Will pINent Dicl< KLiSi, the firtt \IOlll,UI plesi.1ent of the<br />

H~~IYtL~nl'he of,Orq wf Box 1013, NOl tll 39 ~tatl s for Eist'nhuII t'f ,111t1 9 Mal sh Radl! Realty of Comstock '1'1~ Sl 01n e1nbJI ate h,tir dos. and' chl!dl en shoul~ be >1\ olded Loose- home 111s, Cllllt D) e, MI s, i Other school plOblems discusseJ<br />

'ILet's quit monkeyin'" around and Loup, Nebr, Ilcently cOlllpkteJ a for SleHlIson, thus hitting it handled the s,\le. ll3.k,;up A beauty Slleeialist is on I Iv I\OHn f3bll;S e.as:ly eatch fHe: Challie Vlsek, Ml s, La\\ I e~1Le 1\1 ele high school tuition fees, sale,<br />

~ ' e t slarted" WIth theolganization eOUlSe of instludion at ,Adminis- "!iJ;:hl 011 the no"e", FafciL\'s --~- ----~-~- -- -- "Rn'~,at the b~se all the time, \\110 I If SUL't1.matellal IS used for any \Valdm3.lIn and 1I11S, \Valt ....An· Itax l~-distliding, ne\~' motor \cf<br />

the distrid. trathe School, Camp Pendleton, allal,)sis \las 38 for the rt'll- Seal Funds Coming In ~ssist3 the girls \\lth. their hair: pl(l.s~am :>r f':>l any p~zty, It can I del"on \,ele olg,\nizing to help hide tax law, ancl state education<br />

, . Calif. He Issho\In here dUling one [kan, 10 fol' Stelell"Oll. ~nd nl1keup The umfolms are be dlppeJ Into a solutIOn of borax MIS. Ruzicka,' laid.<br />

, lI enzy Lan~e 'Qf 1o.I~a Valley of his study peliods a.t the school His prill', a laillable bo:\: of Katheline Helzer, county chair- hlk blue suits with \~hicl} \\hite I and bodc acid, mixed With water, I As It happent'd the lOad pa- l\1any of the larger school ;':1 5 '<br />

~ald that ~\l had yet to fwd a man Upon compldion of in"t!uction I men's all~t "omen's cosmdie man of the sale of 1'13 Chlistmas' "10,lses ali> WOln. The gills stay I Dip the fablic :nto the solution, I hoI flom Old made It thlOugh Items presented the falt that the<br />

~, th~ Mila-Dane tHea opposed t,o ,In t)pi!lg, ba~ic C'ollespondence,' pro,lud-, is on tilt' \la,)' to him Seals, sa)s that the money fol' the I '1 '\ f'O'l,.,I">ly "hich i~ ~ ,1plii!"t- I \\ling by hand, and h3.11'" to dry. I l!1 tl"l~ 3.nd the ambulance I plesent high school payments do<br />

l[l~ahon .and th~t.lhey wele leady ".,,1 Manne administlation, PFC. \ hom it~ CaliCol1li.l lll,lI."l·, he is sale of same is being lecelled in I ":1 hOl1lc-llk~ place and they ale I In all thing~, Fue Ch~ef Rowbal i \\hICh fo11o\Ied blOUght MIS, Inot pay for the cost of educ·atk'.1,<br />

I/ow. to SIgn petlttons. for ~~,; ,for-I Cox \Ias transfelled to Marine, :!ll\ised. hel' offke, The le~ponse for so I "1ade t" feel that they 1'. , -,.-_-.--__.,.... , sentatne,;;. ,<br />

i ,, Local <strong>Irrigation</strong><br />

District Excluded<br />

.From New Set-up<br />

,<br />

, , . '" ~ ; .. . ~ , ..

I<br />

PAGE T\V J<br />

/<br />

Dead Past<br />

Chicago l\liIestone<br />

Chlca go'a first subway opened lis<br />

1943,<br />

)'(lang uelpers<br />

200 childt en broke ground with<br />

toy shovels for a new Methodist<br />

religious educa l ion building in In41·<br />

anapolls. .<br />

'<br />

\,<br />

.' '1<br />

I~<br />

•<br />

Card 01 Thanh<br />

I wish to take this<br />

means.to thank all my<br />

relatives, friends, and<br />

nelghbors, who remernbered<br />

me during my<br />

stay at the St. Francis<br />

hospital, with ,flower~,<br />

cards, hankies, candy,<br />

and other gifts, Thanks<br />

also goes to Dr, Arrowsmith<br />

and the'<br />

nurses. Also wish to<br />

thank Ur, 1

': #<br />


,.,.:, ~<br />

~<br />

1'1 IE ORD QUIZ, ORD, N.EBRi\SK1\<br />

\<br />

,<br />

Blanchard-Lahowetz Leaves for Induction \Hospital Report It's Been Dry<br />

Max Webb left on the morning Nona Petet, Comstock, Dr, Nyel Other Places, <strong>To</strong>o<br />

Velma, daughter of ~fr. and l\11 s. bus .Tue.sd·ay ,for Omaha, f~)I' in-: l\1ss, medic~1. Charlie Han.sen, Mrs. Joseph Sch'\'al'ze'l, the<br />

Elwo:)J Bl ancha t d became the I Juctlon into tne ar mcd services. oIII, Dr, 1'. A. Barta, medical. '<br />

, 'DI :d~ of Joe Lahowetz son of i ------------,- ~----- !IMrs. Jr. Leach, OnI, Dr. M. E. former Flavia Trombley, whose<br />

~1r. ar.d l\11 S Ed Laho\\'~lz of st. IReturned to Philadelphia Markley,. surgical, dismissed, Lin- home is in Meadville, Pa, sent<br />

I PaLiI at a candlelight ceremony ~ , , ,.,., Il},l ~.1aunc~, Ord, Dr. R. J, Lyn0' during~the week end a copy of the<br />

pe iIoim ed at ti~o E. U. 13. church I, Mr. and .,11S, Lloyd 131~sle), \\1.0 surglcal. dismissed. Mrs, Hattie Tl'ibUI1~ Re publi ca n, the daily pa-<br />

Last<br />

Wt'eJ<<br />

$ .CO<br />

,63<br />

.36<br />

,15<br />

,13<br />

,15<br />

,13<br />

.09<br />

2.18<br />

l.14<br />

1.~5<br />

1.18<br />

.88<br />



Spring boars to the Loup City<br />

Commission Co. Sale<br />

December 8<br />

-,<br />

,-<br />

DECE!\ll3ER 4, '1952<br />

Able to Walk<br />

Charles Jones, who' - had been<br />

away hom his shop, the L&L Auto<br />

Electric, because of HI:health, is<br />

much better and was able to return<br />

to his work last week.<br />

,j Satu1 day artcmoon at 2 o'clock. Inad been the,guests of hIS pa:er.ts: i CUI t,is, Sc,Ua: Dr. Neil 13entley, per of Meauville, to the Quiz office. Visited. in ·Om·aha<br />

~ Rev.. Robel t Ho11:H 00;< of Hoskins I MI: and~ ~r~. Hall y BI ,esle~, f~r. I medlc~l, dl~mlssed. Jean Hoe,vet, She has marked one st or y, which<br />

, )f1iclat~,J at the dO'-lble nng ce re- ! several :.a)3, left Mo~da) f~1 the)! I Arcadia, Dr, Nyel Moss, surgicaI, indicates that it has been dry in ' ~l. and HIS. Hany Bresley emd<br />

Imonv. Ihome In Phlladelpr~lla, Enroute: dismissed. Danny Johnson, ore, Pennsylvania too. th:~r son. al[(~ his ,wife, Mr, ~nJ<br />

, Gerald Boilesen and <strong>To</strong>m mv they.p~anned to stop 111 Omaha Icr Nebr. Dr. M. E. Markley, surgical. The story says in part that the M ~'. Lloyd L::esle), who were<br />

,I Blanr ha rd acted as ushers. Mrs., a brier VISIt., . Idismissed. John \Villiam Ruzicka, ban on hunting in 16 counties had Ithen g;lests went to :n a h a last<br />

,I LeRoy Don sch cslci, Pal.ucr, pl aycd : !'II'. Bresl.ey IS. an ff.lcer. on 3. Comstock, Dr. Paul Maitin. med- been lifted by Go')v. John S. ~'ine, [Monday awl ""ele, ~aUbtl. there by<br />

'the weJdi:lg- mach, Miss Belr,ice I ship, follOWIng. hIS I.; airnrg in t he I ical. Kat.hlcen Jeanette Brown, Hunting and fishing had been pro-I the stor m. ,~he.), ~ er e unable to<br />

! Vanci',· Scotia, dressed in a yel- IMerchant ~f~nne s her husband, Pvt. I\\ho, weIghed,. 8 poun,0 S and 11,,~ I climi,,\< n that smoll.ing and the<br />

.bl",other of the bliJe was atlend- I'{,Jbert Kokes, that he is on duty 10L,nCes. He \\11.:> Il~~necl Joh~l .\\ ::: I bu:·n'ni. of Call1pfiI'c:> or blush<br />

apt. . I in Gelmany a:ld that so far ~very' r!lam, .H~. and hIS mother ;1,1 C 'within rC)o feet of WOOdland is plO-<br />

... ' ., . . ' . . ' ,been lll:illll~Scd from the hospItal I , d'<br />

'TiI, er's choice of ex ttl lor bo 3y (vIOI3. J ,"c l,):;l 1 w.;; 1. 1 1. 1 '. esc', mto )1~'I'Catm I tru~'{cd their cattle tLl Omaha i given the name of Suz,1I1n Renee, I folk M I M I' I<br />

, ,. !Hal.l. Slit' (,uJied a \\llIt~ l'c:al1 ,\HI" l\f1~. Lyle Se\lnJ\Ll J.1l,1 ~fts; u,,:d m the ~l\Ige c,ak,,'.t:..~~ b; M,!;,: Thc Y \V S. club met 'fhUIS' SC:Otl,\ H~ \\tlghed 8 yuul.d~, 8, I<br />

Koc')aTJotl)sl~I-Kosn]Lchf lJlaJU' Luol

DECEMBER 4, 1951<br />

Birthdai) Dinner<br />

Mr.s J B 1.'<br />

h; .th . . ~,elg\lson o<br />


~ __<br />

-:<br />

..~~.: "<br />


-------------------------_._-_._------_.-_._-_._-------- -------------_._-.-.._----<br />

;<br />

---- -~----,---- -<br />

\<br />

\\<br />

!<br />

, ;,'<br />

)rd<br />

."<br />

Here a~e, r.esults of 53 feeding tests between<br />

Hy-Lines and other chjckens' - conducted by pQuhry<br />

raisers on their own tarms: Hy·Lines averaged 1.2<br />

pounds leSs feed than Leghorr:ls to produce a dozen eggs<br />

- 1.7 pounds less than heavy breeds - and 1.3 pounds<br />

less than crossbreds.' That's a saving of 5 to 8c per dozen<br />

By-Line eggs - with feed costs a,t $4.50 per 100<br />

pounds. Take advantage of this feed cost saving. Ral~e<br />

extra-profit producing Hy-Lines.<br />

fi'<br />

'.I<br />

Order. Hy-lil!e (hicks No.~ /<br />


.. .. ~ .<br />

Nebr<br />

" ,<br />

Chili Con Carn~<br />

,.,<br />

35c<br />

16-oz.<br />

Can<br />

Arnlour Star; with beans<br />

.~hcp~ed Ham<br />

12-oz,<br />

Can .<br />

'49c<br />

Ar~ollr Star; ;eadl-to-~frve<br />

'1. ~ ~ ,<br />

Vienna S,Hf$age<br />

{-oz. 21<br />

Can.. C •<br />

.;Libby'e; Jdrnty bits of I11tat<br />

Tama(es<br />

29c<br />

15-ol.<br />

Can<br />

tI~'rvw,;'1' i l'atkb I 5. fat ~~ k . S CHOlCB' l;e~t'.....Lb. 79<br />

GII'!IMJJI".\il PA"h ~<br />

I. [( . I ....'" II,:. I SAFEWAY I<br />

. lUI COutON G. I<br />

I I ~ ,\,::t",IIl\O. :<br />

"~ ~ .4.--<br />

. " a~*R u. S. Grad.:-d C<br />

ri n d Be~f Reg.; Safeway 45c<br />

II ~OO .' . G' fill

PAG~<br />

I.<br />

SIX<br />

~......:..-"-.....;--------_.<br />

Co.stock<br />

'Christmas Trees<br />

, ,: .<br />

: Our Chri.~(lIIas tr('(s ~lfJ'i\ ('d this<br />

,h('kAlly SiL(, frullI H inch to<br />

It foot.<br />

;or" Show Pri~es \11', and Mrs. Rieh Hall. Low<br />

SCores were held by Carmen Eller<br />

The com show was heIU in thl .ick and Mrs. Dob Tvruil ": ,.. - -», I aw a nu uaug iter, • d. anu .HIS.<br />

.1 J "" ." . C'·.11U!lSky and Mr ll.ll,l 1\11;; loe J I \\" t<br />

Chalupsky and family of !3ui'well,: .\11': arid .\lls; Vernon, El'1k~'_'I1 and S~cflane1teJ m Gralld Ialand Sun- and son, Danu. accompanIed '-!Y:Dinner Napkins 27c<br />

I ':'. ;~4~','" 2.. ~. an~" ~aO~~,el~~,~t ~\'~~iol~r~~~i~l:g~~ Use a Sfar-<strong>To</strong>p the Tree :F -' '1 T daii1,', Mrs. Wm. Do\\';e, jr. a lB2°1/of ~oo<br />

• t$ $1_49 I{ and family. other son, Charles. who IS on fur- I C en owe 5 C<br />

.<br />

(ol'or Po·.nf ,s'tar's I a~d family were S~1day evening MOn,,~aY of ~ast \\,'e~k, left \~.ed: i aCl,a Issue. 2C<br />

. • ~ VISitors at the home of his broth- nesday m01l1lng for Clem\oode l,t;,: I '. Holl<br />

VisitGam~les· ~ I{ er, Mr. and Mrs, PhIlip Dowse WIS. to attend the \\Cddl.ng of an, IK-t h T I 19<br />

, . . ~ it Mr. and Mrs. Bill DOwse a11'l lough from t~e army. ~,_. _<br />

'1 Furniture Dept. ~ elec-. ~ fal.nily were Sunuay dinnei' guests Thurpday dl'1ner gu~s~s at tpe ' ',r------~~~---.<br />

~ ~ T~~ YOll~' tI ee, ;;ith thi./l .', Ie at the home of oMr. and Mrs. Wal- home of Mrs. Grace Wng-h t \\:ei)<br />

)i , !II tIl;; stal:,. Edoe,S ,! \lastlc ~ lace COl,2>l:>IJll) 'I Dowse an4 family neal' Sargent. mond, \" alker. Arnold ~unll1g qf<br />

fJ '. '/!I . ~ The Westcott church are hold- AreadI~ fdled th~ pulp1ta.t .t,qe<br />

I<br />

'b'1 ~ ing a. "Loru'S Aere" .auction sale M~th::ld)st ehurch Sund.ay morning.<br />

fJ<br />

~ ill' jQ day whCl'e they were joined by dtlughter, Manlyn. " '"<br />

\~ !lI his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George . The W~men's Society of Chris~<br />

. ' ((; ) 'd ~ Ritz and drove on to Loup City han Service met We.dnesday afl-<br />

. ' ~ 2 ~ at the' ehurch T\lesllay afternoon. HIS sermon was' enjoyed vel')' I<br />

''b'1 ~ The ladies are SCl\'ing .a free. much by the small crowu who a~-,<br />

,!li1 1 lunch of. doughnuts and eoffe~. t~nded. .'. " I<br />

~ '·~bi ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Erich Ritz, Carolyn Mrs. Lester ZlmmeJ;.n:an \~'ent ~~o.<br />

'JI .'1.. . , ~ ~ and Maxine drove. to Arcadia Sun~ Omaha Tuesday to VISit WIth. h~r<br />

i "~ . ~ ~ 'J ~ ~ and visitecf at the Fritz Obermiller ernOOn at the home of ~lrs. J,ol1l1<br />

l~-( I' !lI ~ home. . Rockhold. ~rs. E. G. Stone aqd<br />

~.<br />

~<br />

j<br />

:;; , f 'J~ !\II ~ Mrs. George Shepperd, Mrs. Vir- Mrs.. V. KZ;lkac had charge of J<br />

W· ~ II ginia Marsh an~d Mrs, Alvin devotlonals. Mrs..Cha,s lIo\vcry -~--------~--~- -~-<br />

§I !If ~ Maresh were Ord visitors Wedn('s- acted as secretary m the absence TIDE<br />

~ ~ ~ day afternoon, o( Mrs. Wm. Higgins who was iJl<br />

'JI Ad' ...I C'olor to YQur Tre'" 'i! Sturdy, AI/-Steel Type I( Mrs. Max Gawrick and her son- lnd unable to attend. Discussion<br />

'JI '" v ~ Tree' Stands ' in-law, Allen Applegarth were in wa~ held on ~he football banquet<br />

S .' '0": ':: d Sargent Thursuay morning. Mrs. which the ladles are to serve Dec.<br />

i .rnaments ~ ~ Gawrick consulted, D~. McDaniel. t. The foot!>all boys \~iJJ be guests<br />

~. :," $ A Mr. \'lnd Mrs.,l,,,~),,).~.JlA>.}-,),~~)~ Sunday to c,pnsu)t Dr, Amick( served lunch to twelve m~lilDet:s<br />

'JI " ~ ~ __ ~ X-rays were taken and no broken and one guest, Mrs. Walle'r Gib-<br />

M .-~'.'":!lI ~ bones were found. However, he bans, jr. l -.<br />

y ~, ~ is in a lot of pain'from the severe ~ meeting of the board of edu-<br />

~ !lI Ii bruises. ;, catJpn \\;as held at the school>build-<br />

~ , ~ ii Honoring the birthuay ann!- inJ;;' Wc:dnesuay evening with all<br />

I<br />

~,~' versary of John \,Yells, Mrs,' Wells mel,l1berS P,resent with the excep-<br />

~ Ii entertained the [ollowing guests tion of one, ~dw. Krikae.<br />

" !II ~ I at dinner and supper Sunday: Mr. . Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Can of Ke-<br />

!lI ~ I and Mrs. Albert P·arkos, sr., .of nosra, WIS., anivt>J last Tuesday<br />

~ ,'t Ord, Mr. anu Mrs. Rudolph Hosek morning' to be at the bedside of<br />

!II ,i of Sargent, Mr., and Mrs. Joe. JIlI:S. Carr's mother. Mrs. Ben<br />

~ ~ il Kinish and. fa,mily" Mr. ~!fd. Mrs, Petet, who rema.ins very ill.<br />

~ ~ Ie Bob Tvnlik. Karen and'

)<br />

DECEM13ER .J,<br />

•,-<br />

1952<br />

Scotia<br />


Quiz Representative<br />

Phone 29i)<br />

Scotia<br />

'/jOIlI'<br />

l<br />

A photo bug, that is.We have the<br />

most complete line of Photo Equfp..<br />

ment in the valley. '<br />

t"'" ' ...-<br />

Come in and'see our stock. I<br />

sure we can help you pick<br />

Christmas gift he andfhe<br />

family will enjoy.<br />


am •<br />

a nice<br />

whole<br />

Ord, Nebr.<br />

-------------<br />


~ ,<br />

'December 5 and 6<br />

.'..<br />

'<br />

Our Family<br />

Strawberry Pre~erves<br />

23c, 91a ss<br />

------- ,<br />

,Our FaMily Peaches<br />

2112 can, heavy syrup<br />

, ' I<br />

33c each<br />

Gorden Valley Corn<br />

2 euns 25c<br />

Cheer<br />

Soap Powder<br />

27c box<br />

FolCJer's Coffee<br />

83c lb.<br />

Meat Salt<br />

10 lb. sack 99c<br />

SU9a r<br />

10 lb. sack 99c<br />

-'------ ~------------------<br />

Christmas Tres, a 900d variety, also Chrfstmas<br />

1J9 hts. Decorated Show Christmas Tree Stands.<br />

Noti.ce: When buy.in9 ~ tree from us we will discount<br />

a stand or H9hts 10 %<br />

•<br />

~~~ers_: .....•. lb. 35CI\ceIiOcarro~_ p k9' 15c<br />

Gro'~riCi Beef '.••.. Ib. 45c ,Lettuce .. •..•... lb. 12c<br />

La'rd<br />

-------- Radishes bunch 5c<br />

-----------<br />

'.' :'. '.. lb. 10c<br />

Velveeta Cheese<br />

2 Ibs. 25c 2 lb. box .....•...89c<br />

Whttin9<br />

--,-"--"-,<br />


I ' '<br />

') Phone 93<br />

\.<br />

}<br />

{<br />

l 1<br />

.~_. ---_ - .. ----<br />


,nUlt \\ OIlUUl ever hat!<br />

(00 many blouses See<br />

our large collection or<br />

styles ,HILI fabrics.<br />

$1.50<br />

," (0<br />

$3.99<br />


Gin' :\IUIl~iIlgwear brlers - ea~~' .<br />

to care lor - \\ ouderfu! (0 wear, 89c<br />

:\lall~' ot he r st~ le s to choose Iroui,<br />

.' BAtBRIGGANS<br />

\OU~lg' g~ls••especlalty, \\ ill aPlll'(,-<br />

CI'l 1l: llalbl'lggans for sleeping , .<br />

. c,omlor!. :\~alle in :\lunsing\\ear $3 50<br />

l~\IUOUS qualtty, bold and pastel<br />

colors, and 1',0'0-0 ,(.lfIU. Sizes 6 •<br />

(0 12. '<br />

-.1<br />

1<br />

I<br />


The Loup Valley<br />

Es'ablished April, 1882<br />

Region's Big Newspaper<br />

Christmas Gift Making Ne~rs Climax,<br />

From Needlework to Candle Making<br />


, "<br />

•<br />

1<br />

"Read by 3,476 Families Every Week"<br />

evening of Dec. 30. The nominating<br />

committee for the session consists<br />

of Carl Dale, Mrs. Martha<br />

T'ravis and Mrs. Elena Armstrong<br />

Art plates ,featuring a picture<br />

of the new Presbyterian church<br />

are being- ·offered for sale by the<br />

young folks. Dale Strong or Run<br />

Olhs can be seen, should such be<br />

desired for Christmas girts.<br />

Those who have been taken into.<br />

the church recently are Mr. and'<br />

Mrs. Max Meyer, Mr. and Mrs,<br />

Armon Paben and Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Harry Diener. Others received Into<br />

membership are Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Hines, Mr. Zmrhal and Emanuel<br />

Vodehnal.<br />

- , '.: .:~.: ...... ':'~~::"'~' ...<br />

.l<br />

i<br />

j<br />

J~<br />

I<br />


Here's a $20 GIFT for YOU<br />

in time for Christmas!<br />

, ~<br />

"j<br />

.j<br />

j<br />

I<br />

..<br />

Need cash to bolster that Christ-<br />

, mas budget Drop in and tell one<br />

of' our friendly representatives<br />

what you need. Arrangements<br />

nude quickly - and privately.<br />

Gives you plenty of time to finish<br />

yo u r Christmas gift. buying.<br />

Come in!<br />

Nebraska State' ""Bank<br />

We Have GroWn by Helping Others Grow<br />

«.<br />

Column From England<br />

The Leigh \\'.'(1'11.1 of Leigh, Nebr.<br />

announced to its re aders last week<br />

that for a Lime, at least, that paper<br />

was to have an exchange column<br />

with the Leigh (Iuat dian of Leigh<br />

England.<br />

In the first Issue of this in­<br />

'teresting exchange, the. Eng lish<br />

writer told of much rainy weather<br />

saying that the church bell had<br />

even souudinz muff'lcd because of<br />

the'downpou;:: Amateur dramatic<br />

soclettcs have been putting- on their<br />

productlons, ,,0 says the Guaidian<br />

but the' main event was the visit<br />

r,f tl1e Austrausn 'Rugby League<br />

touring .tcam.' This team has been<br />

playing the various clubs. up and<br />

down the country. as well as All·<br />

E11gland and Australian matches.<br />

The whole countryside. says the<br />

editor. are most Interested in the<br />

event, and it./ appears to be the<br />

C. J. Mortensen, Pres. Ord. Nebr. major item or oonversatlon al11~ng<br />

I<br />

the entire city and surroundlng<br />

I~::=~§§~s===~=-:========-'=--~. c::-=-=-=-==-==-:c=:=:=:..::::-===-:-:;====-=-:=:.~' -=-O_!::-.n1l,:l~i~~S~ ~ _<br />

Natural Doll<br />

, ,<br />

,SpeCial<br />

nnkertoy<br />

"<br />

II '<br />

t<br />

t<br />

fI<br />

1 ,<br />

A new concept of automobile design in the low-priced field co-orJinJtes. superb ~t>.ling with<br />

advanced enginecring developments in Pl).1~1011th's line of 1953 ll1.odels. H~rc I.S,t,hc.d~lSh1l1g Bel~e.<br />

dere Hardtop. Interior tailoring and appolOtll1ents blend harmOnlOl!sly With IU two-tone exterior<br />

·colors. E,en the steering wheel is color co-ordinated. Po .... cred by.the b,c1y. and dependable Pl~nlO11t!l<br />

en inewirh its increased rating of 100 horsepow cr and 1.1 to 1 compression rau, the Belvedere IS<br />

on~ of nine boJy styles offered in the 19).~ line. Wire whcc.\s_ showl1_":'~_ op~lOn.ll !t ext~T=':<br />

)<br />

.<br />

I ".<br />

.1 ."Y- "rw- t 'ftie .*s IS,,* t g f<br />

... '. - ~ ~ ... .'1 1 .• "

, "~' > ) •<br />

DECEMBER 4, 1952 TI IE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRAS~(A Pi\CJE '1'1 "U~E<br />

\.. ---,<br />

VWATCH<br />

0;',.'<br />

hone 31<br />

.'<br />

.iTr\<br />

.,:.>IV<br />

'.<br />

:." ", ,<br />

--,<br />

.. ", ..,"<br />

.,,"' ....<br />

'''--J':-'__<br />

" ~.<br />

Presby t('rian<br />

.\Vomen's Association<br />

The mem!J('rs of the Pr,;,sby­<br />

:etian \Vomen's association met in<br />

the church \VednblldY aftelnoon,<br />

fol' election of offi.::ers. There was<br />

lIso Christmas music on the progrdlll.<br />

Tea was se rvcd.<br />

Sunday Eoeniny<br />

Gal heriny ,<br />

Sunday evening guests of :>1l',<br />

and :\-lrs. Joe Fajmon I\-el'e :'Ifr. and<br />

l\frs. Joe Ab~a10n, sr" :-11'. and Mrs.<br />

Albin Absalon and son, Alan Hay,<br />

~ .,.: .~.<br />

I,~~cb ;,M,otor .Company<br />

•<br />

Ord<br />


Sale'of<br />

DANCE<br />

Every Saturday<br />

Oscar's Palladium<br />

Sandhill Westerners<br />

.)lolI('I'll, Slluan's, Cirdes, "'aIL~,<br />

etc" A\lm. olll~' "Oe ver per!>OIl, tax<br />

indo FUll {or the {aHlil~', a prkt'<br />

e\er~ ulle can attol'll.<br />

Saturday. Dec. 6<br />

I<br />

Joe .LlIkt'~h<br />

......-----;~------~~-<br />

------------~-<br />

.,.Satur~~y. Dec. 13<br />

,<br />

Joe. Lukt'sh<br />

Christmas Nite, Dec. ~5<br />

Holkr Sk:ltillg E\CQ- Thur~.<br />

All shuI' sl,ates, alIm. oni;}' 50c.<br />

l'arl~' nIghts .)1011" Tues., \\'t'll.,<br />

Fri., &. Sat. SdlOOls, 11'. a~1,1 Mrs, Leo I~unlS went to<br />

~~lk·s.ny, sr., an,j MI s. HalOl,j Vala- 'sponsor, MIS. Ch~rle~ Zanop,·g.er, and family Sunday. A nill birth-, Mrs, Sorensen's son, A/2 GonIon and Cork)', who is attenJing the Mrs. Herbert Smets, \\'ere ;\11', an,1 I, Beavcr CIty Thllrselay, wlJere they<br />

~, "da v cake was made [Or Mrs. C. Sorcnsen, who hall also spent st t . ·t 1'h b' t 1<br />

were guests at the Presbytcnan 13e~hrle. the past few days with his rel,,- a e UJ1lVerSI y. e oys spen MI's. O. ,H, Skullanberger and chil- I spent Thanksgiving D3Y wif 1 their<br />

cl t th I ' from \Vednesllay night until Sun- ,ll'en of Lakt:l'!ew, Ore, On Tllan1bynanl Sml~h f ' l' ,', ,~ l:ounly Juclgc Larsen rn Sl. Paul<br />

Patche,n a short time last ;vecl,: a~~prhefr f~~l~ijie~ 1 ~ ho~:~ s~~:'1 and ~amiJy of ran,] Island spent elt and 11S mUS1l: makel~. Theil' only attendants ~vere sist~1<br />

were ,1< ran~ !\lanchester of Kl1lghts Thanksgivin' di~ner and supper'j the \\eek end \\'lth her parents, l\tr. G'l"SIS fror'1 SC()ltsbl'i(f and brothel' of t1.1e bnde, JOJ'ce<br />

Lan..llng, C. allf, lIfr. and :'III'S. 1;es-1 All were ~esel exc:e t Bennie an~ Mrs. L. H, Covert. MI'. and c < , < Cox anu ,P[c. Ervlll ~ox..<br />

tel' :'IIanch.::ster and falluly of R1Ch- who is in ~he a,l'I11ed f~rces sta: MIS. !\11ke Axthelm amI fall1l/y Week eJlfj guests of Me. and l\Irs, The bnde was attlred m a two<br />

!:1nd, Calif., and 1\1r. and Mr~. tioned in Ilikosz, whose and a nice lunch was served, Those \.J urpnse art y<br />

chiluren were the enteltainment c '!)<br />

• home is in PhiladeJphb, Pa., have who were present were Mr. awl <strong>To</strong> celebrate the birthulY of \1I's.<br />

spent the past two weeks in Elyria Mrs. Ed Waterman, Mr, an,] 1frs. Ella Beehrlc, which fell on Sumlay<br />

MoOP"<br />

lOOM'<br />

AT<br />


\ATtS<br />

HOTEL ~<br />

ROME<br />

•<br />

a good plac.<br />

to stop<br />

In downtown<br />

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />

Valu's Exclusive<br />

! . TrqUorin g<br />

,---I<br />

I<br />

A Thanksgiving guest in the<br />

home of VI'. and Mrs. RaylllOl1,J<br />

vVa1kel' was a sister of ~,ll's. V:alk- /<br />

el', Miss Ida Claw~on Hunt, of The Junior Matrons will meet<br />

Yankton, S. D. Miss Hunt retum- Friday, Ve-e, 5, wilh Mrs. C. J,<br />

ed to Yanl,ton SllnLlay. MI'. and Mortensen,<br />

Mrs, Leslie Nash ami chil,ll cn, who The Mother Cabrini Study club<br />

had been staying in the Walker anll the Sl. Anne's Study elub will<br />

home while their OAn p1q.ce WdS' have a joint meeting \Vednesday<br />

being repair.e,l, have ret\.lrned to cvening, Dec. 3, at the home of<br />

the country. )'frs, Nash is a Mrs. Frank Fafeita.<br />

daughter of VI'. and Ml'~, \V,\lker. Order of Eastem Stal' Thursday<br />

and Ord, house guests of Mrs. John Miller, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Han· Ia group of friends, unLl~r the lead·<br />

Mikosz' parents,. ~~I'. • and Mrs, son, Mr. and Mrs, FI'ank NaprsteJ{ ers111p of Mrs, John ClOchon a",l<br />

Pete Bartusek, Ill. Elyna, and of and family, Mr. and 1\1rs. James Mrs. pat \Vray, gave a sUlpdse<br />

Mrs, EdIth !ones III Ord. M.l's. Meese, jl'., and daughters, party to her on ~Iomlay aftel'lloon,<br />


(<br />


, I<br />

~rHE ORO QUIZ, ORO. NEBRASKA DECEl\.I13ER 4. 1952<br />

Mrs. Gertrude Michener<br />

Quiz Representative<br />

Ericson<br />

Here's a Gift<br />

, Jus'. in Time<br />

For Chrtstmus!<br />

SAVE!<br />

, .<br />

. 1-<br />

SAVEl<br />

Clearance!<br />

Crosley Shelvad91<br />

Refrigerators<br />

On 1952 Models to ~/kd{e Room<br />

for 19~~ Models Coming<br />

Alll\lust·GO!<br />

You can't, go W~OlJg gi~'inl;S q<br />

spread like this! E.ve~'y.o~le<br />

likes chenille, and they.' c~)lne<br />

ill a \vide range of cof~r~ to<br />

" " ..<br />

please, every home.own_~r-.<br />

Gentle wa'y lines of soft', 'rich<br />

chenille on a firm, long-lasting<br />

backing! Come select,<br />

)'ours now!<br />

..<br />

Full Bed Size<br />

It's Our loss-Your Gail1-Buy New<br />

Cro~(ey Shelvcdcrs at Pl"~dkally<br />

, - Your Own Price! '<br />

.''.. :,: Anderson fVlotor<br />

.'....<br />

,------'------------------------,.-----_._----..<br />

, "<br />


In floral deslQnsl<br />

2.98<br />

You get a 20"x,10" bath<br />

towel. a 16"x26" hand towel,<br />

and a 12"xI2" wash doth,<br />

See them in the new bril-<br />

, Iiant





J<br />

'.<br />

~~ ," i", 'SHOES fOR WOMEN<br />

t· ,<br />

...,. ,"<br />

I. \ ;;;,\,'.:<br />

:, "<br />

'.",<br />

'~OVERSfJOES<br />

~<br />

"<br />

~ . .'<br />

. '<br />

..<br />

: (I<br />

"<br />

I·U. S.II<br />

fOR THE fAMILY<br />

" liTOTES"<br />



NYLONS<br />


. SOCKS fOR MEN<br />

• j\,<br />

.;~~fma$<br />

'let<br />

" ,Us byy" .<br />

-'-. ,OUr Ch r • t " ." ,<br />

,,\ IS mas D'<br />

Qtor .". " Inner w<br />

.PrF(~ezer '- ~ hen YOu b '. .<br />

:.' Qerore D . uyany cI<br />

CrUthe"t;;m'm' • ecem~e~ 25. Yes we'll .' mo ql,lH R~Friser_<br />

lOgs" A' , pro..,·cI . . ,<br />

- 850LU1ELYFREE I ,e Q hiS TurkeYanct<br />

OF ANy EXT<br />

. RA .CHARGEI<br />

more then "automatic"<br />

Tri~Matic ~<br />

,'- '-'- ' defros...:.t.in."9<br />

~~ti J! ~<br />

{;. ,;. u'fJl, in the new<br />

~"/:.:," "~~::;'.::~ INTERNATIONAL<br />

/..<br />

,~ '..'~.' ': (:<br />

;;fl~<br />

··\i.'<br />

HARVEST~R.<br />

Refrigerators<br />

SIMPLE AS A-B-C'<br />

A. Automatic, Fully automatic defrosting. No foocfs"<br />

to remove, rio water to empty. Frozen foods 5fay I<br />

.' brick- hard. ,<br />

B. By MgnualControl, Fast, electric defrosting any'<br />

time you wish. A welcome convenience.<br />

C. Conventional. Defrost slowly if )OU wish. Hondt<br />

when you clean interior of refrigerator, .<br />

I .. • •<br />

·.t~»,<br />

I<br />

IN<br />

A<br />

GIGANTIC WAY W~~RESE~~1"~~~<br />

Stokelys ~:"~iil<br />

CARLOAD .:,~ ,;:~.<br />

SALE<br />

*9tA p~~<br />


'1eat«'Ze ~,<br />

'U'ed/<br />

StoIH'I~"s<br />

DICED<br />

No. 303 sizl',.<br />

stokdJ's Slil'('d or 1I03 Size<br />

AIl I'Ul'pOSC<br />

Roman Beauty Apples.<br />

U.S. No.1<br />

Russel Potatoes •<br />

••<br />

..<br />



'.<br />


, 'L ' '#,####"''''##~'''#~#~J I claim of Mi.sscurl Valley Consl ruc- [home, Mr, and Mrs. Chester Wells 'I ,~(.,.- JI Sermon which will be read in! children, Sam and EJleen, both of<br />

tion Co. amounting to $53,304,04, were evening callers. , ,the Christian ~:~~ldceonc~l~:;~hes : whoru ~re, employed in Omaha.<br />

Proceedings of the City Council ~~r:ee~01i;/~:~\~~~le~~01~bt~~~te;; an~tial~l~l~ ~~;:~ ¥~~r.3~~lS~~~~~; 'I' '1~1~~lf.hout the 94.76 e al1o\\ cd Ed Lassen anel family Neil an\! of. the senus Illness of Mon~ Cum· .<br />

l,'\.,o inch asphaltic concrete sur· ~nd walTant drawn fl .~'}m~ on HenlY Lassen, Mr. and Mrs. mmgs of .Grand Isl.and, formerly Mr. and Mrs. \Viliiam Ramsey,<br />

st t I e t D str \ ·t No 6 of C t f Id H t th St jr., ,and daughtCl'S of Lim:oln were<br />

fa~e course on said streets and the ree lllprovem n . I -:.". George J·orgcnsen, Farwell, Mr. , o. es Ie.. e IS a . e . Thanksgiving day and weekend<br />

love!<br />

.<br />

," . ,<br />

. .<br />

"., ,,\<br />

Give Mom' an<br />

From now until Ch.ristmas we offer-<br />

,..<br />

•<br />

••<br />


A Gift to make her eyes shine<br />


DECE~lUER 4, 1952 ',THE onu QUIZ, onu NEJJ1tASKA . PAGE SEVEN<br />

~ , .<br />

If<br />

, ,<br />

Want ads cost lOcenls per line per insertion and minimum<br />

charge for any ad accepted will be 'SOc. Send remittance<br />

with your copy, figuring 5 words to the line.<br />

Ads also may be' placed with Quiz representaives as<br />

fol1ows:<br />

NORTH LOUP, Mrs. T. 1. Hamer. ARCADIA, Miss Jean<br />

B~ck. ERICSON, ,Mrs. Gertie Michener. COMSTOCK, Mrs.<br />

Io~ce Matheson. SCOTIA, Mrs. Greeley Gebhardt. COTESfIf;LD,<br />

Mrs. Evelyn Dcnscheskl,<br />

• PERSONAL<br />

~1"'TE FAR1I-U':.RS L"H~. CQ. _<br />

Farm properly and town dwell­<br />

Ings, irtsurance at cost. Ray<br />

• Melia, phone' :SU2. / O-:S2tp<br />

BE' SURE! Insure In sure IN­<br />

SVRANCE I ! I The Wozab<br />

Agency, Ord, :ot'ebr. " 9.tfc<br />


Obstetrlca a specialty. Phone<br />

117. , 24.tfc<br />

• LOAN~<br />

LOANS ,2' MoneJ< to loan on real<br />

estate. See The Wou>.o Agency.<br />

~-tfc<br />


ranches and farms at smatl percent<br />

Interest. It will pay you to<br />

eet us. E. 8. Weekes Agency.<br />

.{i-tic<br />

lo'AR,M "LOANS -- At reasonable<br />

in~erest, s,~e' ~.: 1'. Knezacel{,<br />

Ord, Nebr," ,." 17·tfc<br />

';" .• ~~. - \<br />

Ord Lg.~ge rOOF! No. 90'<br />

Meeting every 'l'hursday<br />

, evenlng, 8:00 p. Ill.<br />

. Election OlriCl'I'S ..<br />

Third D('gl'ee Befrc;hOlell!S<br />


FOR SALE-Happiness at Christmas<br />

Time. The giving of an International<br />

Harvester refrigerator<br />

or freezer will make a' perfect<br />

gift and insure a Happy Holiday<br />

Season. See Howard Huff for<br />

Intel national Refrigeration.<br />

36-3;[c<br />

FO~ SALE ~ Rabbits. It'resh<br />

frpzen fr\el'll. Nash Rabbitry,<br />

Pbone 2022 or 297. , 22·t!c<br />

LIGJiTNING ARllESTORS-Recommended<br />

by REA. Installed for<br />

only $5. Ord Electric Service,<br />

Henry Janus. Phone 505. 25-tfc<br />


,<br />

,.<br />

PAGE EIGln~ ,<br />

MRS.<br />


Quiz Representative<br />

10 you and yours!<br />

{1<br />

f',-,~':~A:i:~<br />

______________....;.,.--...:.._-..,.. -._.,........J -:... _<br />

Be a Winner This' Winter<br />

: '<br />

Be a Winner This Win.ter<br />

You can win over car trouble~ this winter if you buy one of<br />

thes~ dependub!e Guaranteed and Winterized Used Cars<br />

during this month's sale-<br />

'<br />

1951 Mercury 2-dr. Radio, Heater, Overdrive,<br />

Seat COHr~, Visor &' Fenuer Sklrb. This car Is the Clarencc<br />

Dads car. lIas only 2:~,<strong>OOO</strong> adual :\[iles.<br />

,<br />

Mrs. Clara KIng were Mr. and: Challengers Open<br />

MI'S. Lawrence Coz-ma n ",f Grand,<br />

Island, Robert McKnight of San I Basketball Season<br />

Franctsco, Calif" ~r. and Mr~·1 North Loup Ch alle uge rs will<br />

Ott~ G~bhart, MarcIa and Dennie i play their first basketball game<br />

'elf Scotia and Sgt. and MI s. otto of the season at Wolbach this<br />

Gebhart and son of Camp Pe~dle- evening. Fourteen boys are out fur<br />

ton, Cahi.., ' the team. They include Gary Cox,<br />

Mrs. Burris, mother of Mrs. '\V. Gale Brown, Kenneth Cook, Ken­<br />

O, Zangger, is in the Burwell hos- neth Ingerson. Kay Sawyer,<br />

pltal with a broken hip, which re- II Gcorge Th')I'ngate, Robert Vogeler,<br />

, 1 ]7'_' '1 sulted from a fall from her chair. Nick Smith, Leonai d Dethlefs,<br />

i Dixie Scott went to her home in by the Y.W.C.A. and the .M CA. I Mrs. Jessie T. Babcock was a Mrs. Burris pad been staying in, Emil Hrebcc, Jim WIlJia:lls,<br />

Hicki.ian Wednesday afternoon: in Lincoln and was made by char- F'riday night and Saturday guest, the Matt Ke~fe horne in Ord for I Charles Lundst--tt. Frank ~!1graand<br />

returned Thursday, coming tered bus. Twelve of the Nebraska of Mrs, Carrie Green. I several weeks and haI expected I ham and Rolar-t Newman.<br />

back with MjSgt. John Robert 1 delegates were f rom Doane college ~r. and Mr·s. Edgar Davis and t~ come home thi~ week end, but I Games scheduled a",;-<br />

Kerr, who caine home f rorn Fort 1 and the others frum Lincoln. One Mrs. Cora Hemphill went to Orcl when r. Markle~ s x~rays showed Dec. 9, Ashton at North Loup:<br />

North Loup Hiley, Kans. ' Ithird of all the' group in the con- Saturday afternoon to see YIr, and a bad y fractured hlp, she was Dec. 12, North Loup at Dannebrog;<br />

\ A 2jc Sam Jensen came home ve ntion were Irorn Nebraska. Alice Mrs. U. F. Davis, both of whom taken to the Burwell ~ospltal. Two Dec. 16 North Loup at Palmer'<br />

,---•.--,---.-..,,'-----.--' I from Shepard ~leld, Tex, FriJay iwas one of four girls who met Mrs. are being cared ror at the Whipple years. ago MrS. Bu.rn~ broke her Dec. 18,'North Loup at LitchfiellJ;<br />

I Nl~1 .hus"ell IS the name gIven', nigh' wlicre he has completed h.s Eleanor' Roosevelt. home there. . It;ft hip bone and this tll1;e It IS the Jan. 16, Noi,th Lo up at Comstock :<br />

rtha, elgnt pound boy b')~:l ~V~:1,ne,s- : ailf~rce}l(lin!ng. He will.report in II Guest" of 111'. and Mrs. Virgil Mr. and .Mrs. Edgar Davis, 11rs.. nght one. When the accident hap- Jan. 20, North Loup at Elba; Jan.<br />

day ~o :\oIl. and :\lr~:, Ga~e. SLIt,!, i Hap;d CIty, S. D" Dec. U. Annyas for Thanksgiving dinner Cora Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs. Den. pe ned Mr. and Mrs. Zangger were 22, North Loup at Bo.)el~ls; Jan,<br />

at,the Ord hC:~l)rtal.\Vl,h[~. M~rk- I Mr. and Mrs. Bud Beebe return-Iwere 1[rs. Myra T. Barber, Mr. nis Hansen and two children and at the. Ned Ra,un ~on~e at Upland 27, Sp,1ulding Academy at North<br />

ley theyh),~ruan In, charge. sun- led Thulsday from North Platte I and Mrs. \Valler Thorngate, Patty, M1'. and Mrs. Lyle Malmstrom' and \\el.e snowed 1~1 ttl! Thursday. Loup; Jan. 30, N::>rth Loup at<br />

day ~11'~. Sintek ~I~d baby came I where they had spent several days' Georg-e and Carol and Dorothy were Thursday guests of Mr. and Relatives and fnends who were Scotia: F'ebr. 3, Taylor at North<br />

home f'rorn the hO~PILll. :with ~11'. and Mrs, <strong>To</strong>ni Grabowski. IThorngate of Lincoln. Mrs. Reuben Malmstrom neal' here fo: the funeral of Frank Loup; F'ebr. 10, Al'cactr'a at North<br />

High school )1onor roll students<br />

for the second six week period<br />

ale-Freshmen, Jefl,nette Williams,<br />

:\-1argie Herbec, Irene Gray, TheOra<br />

Hamer and Gary Cox. SOphol11Ores<br />

are Katherine Sqverance, M1ry<br />

Lou Veleba, Sharon Holmes and<br />

1\lary U;lu Lundstedt. Juniors arE'<br />

Helen King and Janet Markvicka<br />

and seniors are JoAnr, Bul'lo\\,s,<br />

Idona Vodehnal and Jeneane Brennick.<br />

Third :'lnd fourth grades with<br />

perf,. t a'Hen.(lanee are Car,olyn<br />

~~wlllan,' Elvin Haekel, Ronald<br />

Hackel, Delorcs Burson, Deanna •<br />

\Vtl!-;'!.Jghby, Glenn .Sawyer, Mar­<br />

!;aret Lott, Linda Hqwkes, Michael<br />

\Varne'r, Ronnie Goollrich Joan •<br />

Cress, Dt'nnis Cox, Jac'quelii1e<br />

Craft, Mary Ann Markvieka, Lin·<br />

da Saw~'er, Judith Shel ~op and<br />

Sherry Sheldon, Dean Williams<br />

misse,l only one day.<br />

The King's Christmas Carol, a<br />

musical cantata wiII be given at<br />

the c'::>l11munity hall Dec. 15 by the<br />

grade sehoul. Wayne Shcldon wIll<br />

have the part of the King and the<br />

Queen will be played by Patricia<br />

Thorngate. All gJ'3.de school chilo<br />

dren will be in t:1e' play.<br />

Fifth and sixth graders who had<br />

pedec~ attendance for the second •<br />

six \{-eeks of .school Wt'l'e Bm •<br />

Dunklau, Diane Knapp, Agnes<br />

Drawbridge, S:1lin<br />

$1.00<br />

DECEMBER 4, 19~2"<br />

Scott, Kenneth Williams, Vc~na I Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnso~<br />

Mae \VilJiams and DOnnie Cress. I were in Omaha Friday to take Iit~<br />

The Homemaking g~)'ls made i tie Donna Jean back to the Chilsix<br />

two-pound boxes of cookies drens Memorial hospital for a<br />

which they have mailed to service checkup with the therapist. Donna<br />

men who are North Loup grad- Jean is improving slowly.<br />

ua t es.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Derwin White and<br />

Scvt.'n large bags of clothing cl,l,i!pren were Thursday dinner<br />

were recently sent to the "Save guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert<br />

the Children Federation" at St. Babc·JCk. .,<br />

Louis, Mo. The clothing was col- Mr. and Mrs. John Williams<br />

lected by the school children and were Thursday dinner guests of<br />

packed to send by the Horuemak- Mr. and Mrs, Carl Walkup.<br />

rng class, Sheldon Van Horn is working<br />

Mr. and Mr. Marlin Dunklau at the Clare Clement farm in Mira<br />

and children were in Arlingt on Valley this week.<br />

with his parents f~l1l Thursday Mr and Mrs -. Char-les Klinser<br />

till Satvrday. and MI'. and Mrs. Donald Jensea<br />

The Curt Gudmllndsen family were in Grand Island Monday.<br />

of ord were Thursday dinner Mp. L. W. Poi'Us ca!ne down<br />

guests of MI'. and Mrs. Harvey from Ord Wednesday and was a<br />

BaIT and on Sunday the Stanley dlrmcr guest of Mr., and Mrs, O. L.<br />

Barrs were guests.<br />

POI Us to celebrate her birthday.<br />

Mr. and Mrs, 1"red Bartz 'and Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Ingraham,<br />

Mr. and Mr3. George Cox and I Connie and Darla Noyes and Mrs,<br />

family were Thanksgivmg dinner i Ed Green were Thursday dinner<br />

~ue~t i~ the Stanley Baker home I guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus<br />

rn Encson. Peter~on. . . i.....<br />

Sum!ay l~lllJ~~r,guc:;b of Mr. and, They had expected to come home i Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Koelling Scotia. ! Hackel included M1'. and Mrs. Vel Loup ; F'ebr, 1.2, North Loup at --- - - ~--.---'-----------<br />

!ltr:. Bennie :':3111,ek were, 2\11'. and, earlier but safety patrol re ported and family of Laurel and the Glen -You can alw ays do better Jones and son and Mr. and Mrs Farwell; F'ebr. 5, Sargent at North<br />

.M~~. L,» Ie 1'1,» nn and fa.ml1y pf 1;,_a"ls, tIm way ,were bloc~el:. 1\.Ir: IBl'emel' family and Mrs. Nellie at Elsnt'r's Je\\ l'IQ' & Gift ston.' Leo Allen of Kellert':!n, la, Mr. and Loup. '<br />

OIU. .', !Bt.t.ue spent much of the tlllle nlar I Leonard wel'e Thursday gue:o:ts of in Loup City, The gift sclt'dion Mrs. \V. C.' ;Hutchinsn and Mr. January 8 9 and 10 Central<br />

!>II'. and Mrs. 11elllll. Koel!Jng ,~ol'th Platte dud< huntlll!;l' With M1S. Blanche Leonard. Rev. an,l is the largpst in ccntral X('braska. a~ld Mrs. Elv1l1 Hutc~lllson of El- Loup C'onfer~nce <strong>To</strong>urna;nent WIll<br />

and AI';1en were. Thursday dinner, good success. ' 1111'S. Koe;linJ anu family l'tturned 01'EX E\'ER\' E\,EXIXG till ~ln, Nebr" Charles Krng and Fern be held at Palmer and Febluary<br />

gue,;;ts 111 the hOll~e of :\oIl'S. Lucy Mrs. 132echer VanHorn anivecl Ito Lamel TJll11·Slhy evenn"'. Christmas. 86-1td.,ly ll1 the Floyd wetzel c;ar el~ • e,» el l<br />

Sct d 1.. oh~nllowin'{ the death .<br />

a ea<br />

'<br />

to<br />

I "DA\'ID AXD BATII~IIEB.\," of an uncle, Wallace Cox.<br />

I (COIOI'l'll) Gregor,»' Peel, and SUS.ln ~lr. and Mrs. H. L. Gillespie and<br />

110\"\ arcl. S6-ltc ~lr. and Urs. Clifton Clark were<br />

The Vic and Ellery King families ThUJ sday supper g-uests of Mr.<br />

-Ih heW e8.<br />

spent Thanksgiving day with ;'11', and :\oln; 1"loyu Redlon.<br />

:nd Mr:=_Wlll_Kin~ ~~ Scotia. Thanksgiving din~,~I~~ests ~ Jf!<br />

~=~2'~\If1t'J.IJI"'l"I"""'1<br />

\. .<br />

N~W! <strong>More</strong> powerful en'gines! .<br />

7 big engines with high horse- ".<br />

power and high compression -c,:' {<br />

ratios" 3 of thePl brand·new. \~, (,<br />

Greater cooling capacity, in- , '<br />

creased di:,piacement, twin car. .• ':.,<br />

buretioll availablo Qn target t<br />

trucks.<br />

1·i<br />

•• •<br />

With ovr 13°5 service ond these Modern Appliances,<br />

." yovr whole farnily will enjoy Gifts thot lrvly "Keep<br />

ro ' . ,f '<br />

....." O n \,1'Ylng<br />

I I<br />

MQk~ these losting 'Cifts yovr own ••• ri~~,t now •••<br />

with ovr Bvd';)et Termsl,~~<br />

. ~~~<br />

Valle'y Propane<br />

East Side of Square<br />

Distributors of Pbilgas<br />

Gas ·Co.<br />

Ord,<br />

1951 Mercury 2-dr. Radio. Heater, Overdrive,<br />

Seat C'OHrS anu a one 0\\ ncr. Sce this one touay {or !la,l.ngs<br />

and safety.<br />

1949 Mercury 4-dr. Radio, Heater, Beautiful.<br />


Arthur Mohr 4/54<br />

Rt. 0, Burw~ll,Nebr. 165<br />

The<br />

Loup Valley<br />

Established April, 1882<br />

Chamber Offers<br />

$50 in Prizes for<br />

Xmas Decorations<br />

Region's Big Newspaper<br />



220 Mend Annual I<br />

4-tl Achievement<br />

Parly Wed.nesday<br />

Hear Speakers Who<br />

Ga-/e Austrian and<br />

British Slant.<br />

I<br />

•<br />

\1<br />

"Read by 3,476 families Every Week"<br />

ranuers VI iUHf.cl io<br />

3ew~ne Ped~r~."$<br />

)f Citrus fruits<br />


all<br />

'I noulked<br />

1 and<br />

PAGE T\VO ._'1_'1~~__O!~,UlZ, ORD, NEBRASKA A~Z~:~~~:l~lf~~:Jn~~1:~'<br />

. . f" . I. ITOWXSIIII' OFFICl~\LS 1933·,jI, Lain, clerk, Old; B~'n ;"t3.ly, .treelS- urcr, Arc3Jia; Waltt,'l' Andcison,<br />

' · S f' ing outlined with pine sprigs, and IObituary Noble News . I NOBLE --VIal! Babka, clerk urcr, ani; lIerb Goff, justice 0f justice of peace, Arcadia.<br />

D'lsplay W'lndows 'In Ord BUSiness ec Ion eOl>Jl'-d ~lnalllc.nt8 . Noblc school w ill have ItS lard; Emanuel Wadas, trea"uler,lpcace, 01

DECL\llJEH.. 11, 1902 THE ORD QUIZ, ORI), NEBR/\SK/\ P;\(~E TIIIU~E<br />

USl' Quiz Waut Ads for Qukl{ Results<br />

- --<br />

l~fr.II'M(.....-n.",*·,,·wlric i<br />

superintendent of the Methodist<br />

chul'chc's is comiuding svccia'<br />

Illeetings in the l\It'thudist churd)<br />

this we(I" beginning un Sumb:<br />

evening, All are invited to comt<br />

to hear him, r<br />

- ".- ., - ; ". " - , !Jl.;:akfast. ' , Nebrdska w(',lthL'I' ha,,- Rlw:lY;<br />

'. 1949 Mere. 4·door.. radio. heater & n!fw WW tires. Tie a big rib- The young couple left foi' a few bet'n '.ll1pl'l'Llic\ab;e, so somc ()f t:lc'<br />

bon on it & you've got the perfect family present days tt ip after which they will unusual induents it pruJuce3<br />

I':,taln to, Sco~ia behre ,going to sil')uJd hal'dly sllIpl'ise us, On,~<br />

1949 Pont. 4-door, radio, heater.. automatic trans. & seat covers. (~IlJUS Ch11.stl, Tx, wn~le the I lkU(;\ue WOlllan I'epol'teu that a<br />

Why wait for Happy New Years to sturt "Happy New Mo- bLuf'glOOl1l IS statlOl1C,J wll11 the, PUll))" Iris bloo11,e'd in her yard<br />

toring" , navy. Juring the SO-UL'glt'C tell1peratul(;<br />

--------------- of the last, week in Odobel!<br />

1949 Ford 4-door, radio. hEater, overdrive: seat covers &: visor. Amww)(p Alurritlyl' --,----<br />

Has lots more to of!er than many younger cars Anno\..,',~e,:o,ent is bt:ing maue of Gobblers<br />

the l1lartiag-~<br />

of :\liss .\:ary Kay<br />

1949 F,ord 2-door radio. heater &: overdrive. Pain! '6o upholstery Grohosky, daughkr of Dr, HalO:'] Tllrt'c new anu diffetent wild<br />

" , 1 f II l 'I' t V I' f)wl and inhabit the city p:nk in<br />

show ' this car's led an easy lile OJ :'OI1,)S ,y u OllS un••ex" 0 a e<br />

Portis, son of ~Ir.


t t1I<br />


--~--"--------- -------------------------- DECEMBER 1L 1952<br />

\<br />

MRS. RUBY lllGGINS<br />

Quiz Heprosentutive<br />

WcAre -ltcudy!<br />


.... REA[)Y ,FOR YOU!<br />

,<br />

/<br />

MEN!<br />

.:<br />

Selectit<br />

.he~e<br />

for<br />

II EIt<br />

.~<br />

v )<br />

You'll be<br />

I '<br />

•<br />

an Arygel<br />

From<br />

Eve'ry<br />

Angle<br />

• Silk and Cotton Robes ,3.98 to 25.00<br />

• Nylon Hose.••...•. , .•......••. 1.29 to 1.95<br />

• Lingerie-gowns. P. J .• Slips'. ~ 2.98 to 14.95<br />

• Nylon. Orion Blouses...•.•. ; 2.98 to.1 0.95<br />

• Hcpdkerchiefs, Scads..•......•. 39c to 3.98<br />

• Jewelry , ~ 1.0.0 . t~ 10.00<br />

Open Thursday and Friday Evenings<br />

H~(ENORESS<br />

" ';<br />

SHOP<br />

-""<br />

t •<br />

~<br />

I,<br />

i, ,<br />

)<br />

~\<br />

1<br />

II'<br />

~<br />

;<br />

r•<br />

"<br />

, ,!<br />

" .<br />

A;G,reat' Pqgeant of<br />

Gifts From the Markets<br />

of the' World!<br />


,. .\<br />

,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

j<br />

Beraneks<br />


!<br />

Send your Christmas greeting-s' with<br />

flowers! ... Tho mcstwcridorlul wa.y<br />

in tho world to suy, "thunk you" to<br />

your hostess und u, "Me,rry ~hrisJ'<br />

111\l.3" to your'lriehds. SeQ.<br />

our selection of holiday<br />

plants und 'flowers today.<br />

Christmas Program<br />

The Chrlstma s progl am, cutitlcd<br />

"Let 1';ar,ll1 Receive' will be presented<br />

in the Assembly of God<br />

church Sunday evening, Dec. 2t at<br />

8 o'clock, by the members of the<br />

Sunday School.<br />

~<br />

Christ mas Gif t<br />

lasts Forever<br />

l'<br />

\ -<br />

up<br />




60 DEGREES A80VEI<br />



)<br />

! iI<br />

"<br />

f<br />

her<br />

a stunnlug DENOMA Diamond,<br />

• i • t h e gilt which holds<br />

forever the<br />

Christmas Star<br />

'20~~ f.4,r.t<br />

Tu In,l"dt~<br />

brilliance of the<br />

•<br />

gilt!<br />

Truly a miracle coat ... and here's why!<br />

'fake two extremes of temperature .••<br />

a cold 15 0<br />

below, a warm 6Qo above , .•<br />

then consider that one coat, only one<br />

coat ••. will keep lOU comfortable<br />

throughout this temperature range! The<br />

;·Sno-Lite lining is. the secret, Its special interlocking<br />

weave traps lour warmth, reflects it back<br />

/ to lOU (or perfect insulation.' *Suo-Lite actually<br />

breathes with you! Corne in and sec these coats<br />

now: Y.ou'll ~uJ, them ill all the popular new<br />

fabrics lucluulOg Houudstooth Checks, Saxouvs,<br />

Doucual 'l\HcUS, CO,urts and GabarJinc,s!<br />

(<br />

See us now for Poinsettias. Christ.<br />

mas Wreaths. Holly by package or<br />

bulk. Mistletoe. Christmas corsages.<br />

Table Settings and Bouquets.<br />


Florists<br />

CO.<br />

-----'--_.:.-_-:..._---------~--------~._------ .<br />

(.\\"I\l£D FOil<br />

t\UlBlU[snwup.V,<br />

_~=~:....-----r.<br />

Vie Give S & H Green Sfamps<br />

Priva.te Diamond Room for your convience.<br />

For Evening Appointments - Phone 344 or 366<br />

I<br />

East Side o] Square<br />

Just Right FOI' ChristmCls. Giving<br />

. -MIKE YOST<br />

":Wear<br />

We Give Green Stam/s<br />

. .

hi~·~~~\.be~l~~:<br />


I' .----,--------~----~-----" •<br />

Attended Meeting IOut Car~lin'.J" " , I _~w_.,_.._... _. . =_::::::=__:_:._.<br />

Supt. and :-118. C. C. Thompson Me mbers of the Girls Social SCI"<br />

were in Lincoln Thurs,Liy and Fri- vice cLl') started the Cluistmas i<br />

day, '.... here Mr. Thompso.i allen.jed season "'f, when on Mo nIay evea<br />

mceting of dclcgates of the ~,> nil,r, they sane carols before the;<br />

braska High School Activities as,. homes of shut-Ins, and other ~Od,~~i_~,~~\hic~1e is a mcmbcr. I fr~ends. I<br />

Helen Dress Shop<br />


\<br />

COA1' SALE<br />

$19<br />

Values to 29.95<br />

3 Lerqe Gr~~ps ef<br />

100% All WOQJ<br />

Twe.~ds<br />

•<br />

Ch~cks . ,<br />

j ,<br />

$24<br />

I_<br />


12.95<br />

Rayon Crepes<br />

Rayo'n Failles<br />

\.<br />

HELEN<br />

$28<br />

Values to 49.50<br />

$10<br />

Values to 1~.95<br />

-<br />

Values to 39.50<br />

Plaids<br />

Solid Co/or~ !<br />

'$8<br />

Values to 14.95<br />

'- • ... --.__"""' --~ . 37.ltc who patronized them. \\ "stew, amI Lell IL1L1o.1Z of 1\11,-<br />

%"=<br />

-<br />

'!Public ' "Sale<br />

l<br />

. ,.<br />

. .<br />

Holidays are Dre's.s~Up Days: Dress up fQr<br />

the holidays-and save enough for extra ~<br />

shopping! So come early. shop and save!<br />

$6<br />

Values to<br />

... . . ~<br />

Thursday,<br />

"<br />

, '.<br />

,..., -.'<br />

--~-- -._--<br />

~---<br />

Rayon Taffetas<br />

Wools<br />


I W.D. Allis Chalmers tractor, 1949<br />

I Reg. Farmall .'<br />

I farm Hand mOunted for F-20 FarmalL with sweep h~ad,<br />

manure scoop. and f9liage fork<br />

I C~.l1tivalor for W.O. Allis Chalmbers .<br />

I Plow I3-in. for W.D. Allis Chalmbers<br />

I Disk John Deere, lO-ft., 1952 .<br />

I Corn picker, Woods Bros., 1948<br />

I Combine Model 12·A John Deere, model l\ motor<br />

I Conl planter, John Deere, 1950<br />

I Hcimmermill wilh combination hammers 0. knives<br />

I I.H.C. power mower, 1-ft. for' H. 0. M.. ,<br />

Cream s'cpcuator I.H.C:, 194<br />

1 Heat houser cover for W.D. Allis Chal.<br />

I Endless belt 30 ft.<br />

I Cement mixer<br />

1 Coal slove . ,<br />

1 Buick 8 !potor suitable for power unit<br />

in good shape<br />

4 Bags Morman's Hog Wormer<br />

1 Fordge<br />

Stock prairiehay, &<br />

1-2·3 0. <strong>4t</strong>h c,ulting alf~l(u about 45 tons<br />

I PUJebj.~.d· Gcrnsey Wisconsin Heifers<br />

4 Purebr~'d Holste,in Wisconsin Heifers<br />

-- --------------- I<br />

, )<br />

December<br />

Starting at 12:30 Noon<br />


'~IAY<br />

.CATTLE<br />

Wagon, 14x7 ft. box, David Bradley, with 2·in. hard wood<br />

floor on 4·ton gear, with good tires-2 mo. old ' .<br />

I flare top steel wagon on rubber<br />

I Gear wah ext:-a gool1 tires<br />

I tH.C. Man~r.e·,~prea~9t.,on rubber, 1949<br />

I I.H.C. Pre~l'" drill, 16-wheel with seeder attachment<br />

packer wh¢els: 1949.<br />

I Stock c'ltter<br />

I Ro.ko with ira.i,ior hitch.' and dump<br />

I Tractor 9:.-devil ';" I 3-section harrow<br />

Most c!ll of t.h.p 0..boye machinery is almost new & in good shape<br />

I Chev. truck 1919, combination box, all 8:25x20 tires<br />

, :1<br />

,.) ,<br />


--Counly Clerk L. 13. \Voaels --\Vn~. Larsen of Mitche ll. Nebr.<br />

went t.:> Om aha Tuesday to attenJ ' spent the we ek end in the home of<br />

the meeting of county officials. i Mrs, \Vllham Trepto-v a:1d fam­<br />

--~Ir. and Mrs. K F. Babka wei t' ily.<br />

Sunday dinner guests of MI'. and' --~Irs. Geolge Hubbard was a<br />

Mr s. Vlad Babk a and Alan. They, supper guest Suhday evening of<br />

visited in the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. hl. Whiting.<br />

l\Irs. Ernest Risun and Mr~. --~{r. and Mrs. M.:rle VanZan,jt<br />

1"1 ancis Risun in the a~ter noon. and Iam ily spent S'lr,,1ay in Maron<br />

-Mrs. D. 13. McOStllch and two City, Nebr., where they were<br />

children, . Carol a~d Patty, came guests of Mrs. VanZandt's parf'rom<br />

their home 111 Grand Island, ents, Mr. and Mrs, L. J. Kleckner.<br />

Tuesday ev.,ning to sec the high Mrs. Klccknors birthday was ccleschcol<br />

junior class play, ':The Lit- brated.<br />

Have decided to quit farming. Win hold a clea n~up sale on the place known as tho Bert<br />

2 miles south of North Loup on oil clnd'1/4 mile east Of 1 mile north of Scotia jlli1ctiol1.<br />

tie Dog Laughcd." He r nephew, .".' . t, , •.<br />

J' SI 1 '1' 1 d pa t . 1 -1\lrs. Lillian Novo .1Y, ,nIS. Joe<br />

t~;l '1'o.)aszews ~l, ra a ,I' 11 Dworak an-I Mrs. Em or y Thomsen<br />

. 0;' :.iii. N.v x orrrs, Osteopath spent Wednesday afternoon in<br />

• ~2·tf~ 13urY.-ell.. \ AH:"OLl> J. Sl'EHLl:"(i<br />

-Mr. and Mrs: Raynion.! Au- ---~--~-:--------- of<br />

g ustyn, Mrs. Ed Nelson and :\!rs: L' ft f M" 0 S. N. Alnolel J. :Sperling. son<br />

Helei Krebs spent Saturtlay shop- e or ISSOUri MI'. an.l 1\1l~. Geolge Spc rliug of .<br />

ping in' Grand Island. Joe SkoW left for Savannah o.e. has been. sta t ioncd in P.e::!;l):<br />

I Welder, acetylene, 4-tips & dutting'<br />

1 Forney electric welder, 180 amp" with<br />

soldering and brazzing atbchmenL<br />

40-lbs. of welding rod<br />

I IS-gal. oil pump<br />

I Air compresser<br />

I Block & tackle<br />

I Set dis\< hillers, I.H.C.<br />

I Gas tank, 200-ga!.<br />

_ 1\11'. arid Mrs. Paul Ge ncski 2\10 SunIav to visit hi" wife who I Hal bo r. Hawail for the past elgnt I<br />

: .. ~ 'ol ',' [months.<br />

went to Grand Island FriJay eve- IS under treatment there 1ll theI H tr ~1 \ ,ld S ]" o-<br />

ning, where they met their daugh- Dr. Ni.chols Sanatorium. and r~it~~~ ~Ol;, r~'l\:il~~'have~~Ic~~~r Ii<br />

tel', Lillian, wtlO is employed in -- -- --.----- -- - ---- --- 1<br />

ly received word that 1e is some-<br />

Omah.i. 1\1.is.5 Gei1eski spent the f . I<br />

No B r ler where neal' the rout lines 1I1<br />

wcek end at horne. . a r IKorea. He is aboard the U.S.S<br />

-MIS. Charles Ackles and S':>!1, Pallial paralysis, the result of a I Rensh~l\\'.· .<br />

Douglas, of Arcadia, spent Satur- crushed spine received during thl'l His ad.hess is: S. N. Arnol.l J.<br />

I day night with her parents, !III'. battle of Okinawa, has not proved ,Spelling 318-24-17, U.S.S. Re n­<br />

and MIS. Paul Gene'ski. Mr. Ackles a handicap to the success 'of a, SIM\\' D D Jffered, \ anli l\Irs. Fral1k Jobst, spent the I<br />

-,:\11''''. Ella 13rown ,went to st. I there were also candles, ba!,ed wct'l~ end with hi., parents and sis- I[<br />

Paul \\'t~·,lI.1esday n~OI!llng to spend; goods a.,nel candy, and many other tel', Eloise. He is stationed at<br />

t~~ da~~~r~h her srster, Mrs. l\fa g-<br />

I<br />

things. Lunches at IlOn and in 1"01 brs Air Base, <strong>To</strong>pe1,a, Kall·<br />

glt; \V1S~U. the afto noon a·nd evellIng were aI- He plans to get a !e1\ e so he can<br />

--Monday evening callers at the i 50 served. Christmas carols were be able to spe;1d Christmas with<br />

Brll Se]lac,"i< home were :0.11'. amI played by some of the J'oungcr his p0oploJ hele.<br />

Mrs. Antorl Kolar and Jolln;ly. Ip"r50ns of the chLll','h t,.:> add to the --- - ----------------<br />

-:\11'. and ·Mls. Carl Wolfe of festival occasion. Hero for FUlleral<br />

Ne>rt.h Loup Wl're callers Sur,Jay: The Ladies' Aid of the Bethany<br />

e\'enlllg at the home of Mr. and' V.ltheran. church had a balds AmonG those flam a dist:J.nL(<br />

~lrs. Han y \Volfe. ! sale Saturd:!y after noon in the \I'ho \\ (r e caJled to Olcl by th£<br />

-l'he 8 (t to h_l\l' lIIor,' of tll:) !lIethoJi~t<br />

church this week. anc! Dr. LOc'is<br />

Jaques, who was vbitilig Dr,<br />

George Pal kin~. v·<br />

The Hotal y AIUlS will meet with<br />

the club at th~ I'egular m'eding<br />

I-Lite, next Monday evening. A n;ce<br />

plOgr'anl is being planr.ell.· l\!r s.<br />

As.! Ander son of Harmony Ilouc,e<br />

\viII .ser ve a smorpasbonJ to the<br />

mem1xrs and their gu('sts. •<br />

! ~ ~ • -,r Ii I : I' III 1 --- -- -- --- - -- - ---<br />

Seal. Money Coming<br />

. Chr istm.ls Seal ch.iir man. Kathedne<br />

Helzel', announces that the<br />

TERMS-Cash-No property to be removed until settled for. Properly at bidders risk afler being sold.<br />

money for the ~ea!s whkh were<br />

sent out several \\'e~ks ago, is beginning<br />

to eome in. A' count of<br />

Ithe money lece[vellup to the lllorn-I<br />

Allen<br />

' ER<br />

• ' Iing- of MOJlllay, Dec. 8, sho\\'eel a<br />

Em BALES, OWN<br />

I t9tal of $393.30 had been se;1t in. I<br />

1ll~;~ss\IMel~~r'ltt2;~~~~1 t::~~lt~l1l;l~I~;<br />

: en,1 of tile yc.l1', wh0n the se.11 s.,le'<br />

\\ill be oV~i·. In ul',;l\)J; th It the ~e.lls be 1-'.,ld I<br />

I<br />

.' ',fol' ,ultl' u>i':ll,. it (',\11 be renlcllib.:r-<br />

I) I<br />

St t<br />

k f S to CI k' ..~c1 t!l:lt 9{ Lents out of every sea'<br />

Cummins and Cummins. Auctioneers<br />

a e ..an 0 co Id. ,t'f ,dulLu \\ill ot.lY in lhe st.,le of r-\e-:<br />

\<br />

i I I UI'..lS!{J. lof't·ft..)lllll:r.. of (UUI',~;t\ to th0<br />

~ J ~\'11 ~ 1-,()1.l>Ji,tt i'1 (l111' '";tJ,te-,<br />

I . - ~<br />

Give Her Gayrnode<br />

NYLONS<br />

1.15<br />

l'I'lII11'~-'S 0\\ II co !;ll,lg", 13<br />

Ill'l,il' r, so ~hl'l'l'-~ ct IOllg­<br />

II ('ar:II:{, too, for thl'~l' are<br />

"high til ;s," ny luus that r e­<br />

si"t ~lIags. D,u k seums \1ith<br />

out llne lur-l. .\ P( rfed giltl;d<br />

her ,\ box of three for ex­<br />

11'.\ \\ eur.<br />


SLIPS<br />

1.98<br />

l'rdti,.~t ~Jjps ~Oll'\C ~(,Cll in<br />

agl s, beL'.lu;,e thl'~-'re ~o<br />

ue,lt;lifull.y oIlUII J' \Iith ruffles<br />

anJ bCl·S. Four gored<br />

for that prrf('(·t fit. \\ Idle or<br />


PAGE SIX<br />


DECEJ\IDER 11, 1952<br />

"--,-----~,---. ~-~'" .. --~~~~~~=--"'~-~.~--~~~,~~.= -=~-,-'-"'~.----~.------ ... ----~---------- ..- ---.. ----..._-._'-...... '-:;._-;;;-_::-._.__.~_-_--...,-.-........_--_._.__- '--_·-_-... i _-<br />

--~----=.-~~,~~..<br />

......<br />

-----~_.~~-_._-.----_._~~~~_.-<br />

. ,<br />

..,<br />

1<br />

Santa Claus Expected 1 - - - - - - - - . Sister Died Il~...-"~·T'-~<br />

Weather Report<br />

By noon time \Ve\ I nesdry ' t· ne : A mcssaac _ was received last i, .<br />

~trec's 'Of Onl we re becoming filleu I 'lligh L-ow week, telling of the death' from'<br />

II ith children of all age", also 27 cancel' of the liver of Mrs, Anna<br />

m a ny grownup», who were cag erly I Thulsday"",., 42,26 II Hardwick, youngest siste r of J.'<br />

awaiting the com.rig of his ma-: F'ri " "., 41 23 M. Novotny. Funeral services were<br />

Je s ty , Santa Claus. Accord~ng' to, Sat , CiO I held on Sa lur day. 1I11S. Hardwick<br />

plans he is to come by plnnc -and Sun ,,' 52 20 li d' L A lc Calif a '<br />

I 22 ivcc In os nge ~'" .' I " anu<br />

will be met at tile airport by the I Man", .. ,., . , ., 4.3 had been sick all fall. I<br />

f<br />

' < t t d 11 t k Tues.. , , , .. , 40 27<br />

111.' uepa r men an Ie nil' "': Wed '. 20<br />

who will bring him to Ord, with<br />

all horns blowing, A flee show I Preclp. to date, 1!),)1, 27.33<br />

ot cartoons and other sucn nlms I Precip. to date, 1951, 16.31<br />

will be given to the cln ldien in<br />

the o.e theat rt',. 1"0110\\ ing t~i'3! tal', Kathleen WJlliams of Loup<br />

sacks of treats WIll ~e 'handed ou~ I City. MI'. an.l Mrs, Joe Ruta r,<br />

to the children by Santa and his [Marilyn arid Larry, 1'.1r. and Mrs:<br />

helpers. It IS thought that at Charhe Dobiovsky and Carinan<br />

!e~st a thousand ch ildi cn will be in and Jean Hansen. The evening<br />

On] to meet St., N1Ck. was spent by listening to music<br />

Several schools In surrour.ding of the accordion aucl trumpet.<br />

communities were dismissed f or Cake and jello was served later in<br />

the occasi~n.<br />

the evening.<br />

'. :<br />

---~--....-~-- "--- ----<br />

Home on Vacation<br />

l1fr. and ~Irs. Vim. Hellck went<br />

to Grand Island Satur-Jay evening,<br />

where they mel their daughter,<br />

Margaret, a student nurse in the<br />

Presbyterian hospital in De nve r,<br />

Colo. Miss Heuek is On vacation<br />

until Vel.'. 22, when she must 11.'­<br />

POI-t for duty. At present she ~s<br />

on floor duty and is ~lill enjoying<br />

her Walk very much. Her brothel',<br />

Richard, who is a studen.; in Haslings<br />

college, also spent the week,<br />

end at home.<br />

Home From Lincoln<br />

l\~rs. May Struckman, accompanied<br />

by Dorothy Blaha went to<br />

Lincoln and Cl'ete !

\<br />

DECEMBER 11,<br />

.-----,-,----,.---<br />

It ; ;<br />

1952<br />

Mr. an,J ::'Ills. Ed Z;urek of Sal'- TlIe BnJwnio Scouts met Tuesgent,<br />

MI'. an,l :--lI's. Lumire Nellles- day eVt:ning after school with Patkal<br />

anc! }

•<br />

e'<br />

,<br />

. l'<br />


~"~-_..-.~ .. - .'-- , -.-. -. -..---.--. ------.---- '-i -.~-.. ----,--.------------.-~~~--.-.~.-<br />

~. v:~~"";{ ~~v ·,~i.'K~~':.'!\1 W':~:_.~~.. If:-~-:t:.¥ ~':J._-:}.,~ T.'CJLI I:::IE:::I i\'· ~ ..<br />

...... ~"'6&.~ .!l_~~'~ .DJ,..'I. ~~!3d. ~~~<br />


01~,D<br />

TIll~ATltE<br />

•<br />

Ord. N~br.<br />

Thursday-f riday-Saturdt1y~Oecember11-12-13<br />

Stludcly'Monday-December 14-15<br />

O/'(! cl}lIeJlock<br />

HOGS<br />

160 head of wer1d, ola,)'ed vel',)' of the lleath of Mrs, Everett M, and the North Platte river, Along<br />

.___ an excellent shot. ' well by Jim Douthit. • . Williams due to a heart attacl{ at the Missouri and from Lexington<br />

---.----.---- Another family, Ted \'lood, her home in Sebastopol, Calif., on west, waterfowl hun~ers report a<br />

Tuesduy-Viednesday-Deeember. 16-17<br />

I<br />

Callers From Taylor Vernon Potrzeba, competitor In<br />

uscd cars of Mr. Huntington his<br />

the morning of December 8, Mrs.<br />

.Williams lived in Or] Cl\'('I' thirty<br />

fair season. Elsewhere in Nebraska,<br />

with exceppon of a few small<br />

..-____ --'--0=-:1:'< Mr, and 111's. B. 13. Holmes of Wife, Lillian Wooo, a woman 'Who years, and alwa,)'s kept a keen in- and scattered spots like Palmer,<br />

• it" ~ ~;'----;';'jo);;'::;7-:;;-/-;:'-~ ~ Taylor wel'e Ol'd shofpel'o FI'I'c:la'-', wa It' t t' th I O'Neill, Genev~, etc., lamentations<br />

(",~. .' #n,.(.- ,alfl(:: V-'I;-:..., ,~c-"'~ ,~ ~ "' s cu ure conclous, and vel,)' .eres. tn e peop e here, retain- ,.<br />

:; and also dinner gues s Of Mr. and much so, played by" Grace Kokes lI1g ner ownelship in the build- are loud,<br />

• '.. Thrill ago;" to 1ls eve.r-ne,''''' .1.".Y•• , and tho:. 'r \:) Mrs, ~rnest Bohy. Mr, and Mrs, and their daughter, who wa~ ings occupied by the Ringlein DI'ug A wild fowl refuge in central<br />

",<br />

'~_" OYc.0\.;} pror.ks of ...D:_.... · a,y..an..d., L,Is pah! ~: H. D. Cole, also o~ Taylor were Wally's best girl, Joan Wood, foitore and Rowbal PlumlJing. Nebraska, perhaps on the Cedar<br />

1,.' , ,r , afternoon callers 111 the Bohy, plaJ'ell by Kay Hug-hes also hall Anna Keown was born 'on 11arC'h river an... "".~.4~.~,i:i'<br />

..~1'~ ~'T()Clr .', ~ Cream No 63 $ . 663<br />

much to bring about the mirtl) of of that bank on the dcath of Peter bl'idg-e, hunting on the l\1illdle and<br />

_~~~)_~~.~~~1f~1:.;J;i~~~~~~ijiYG~~L ~~~~y"II~~~'::::: ':i~' :n ::!~~~iVJ1::~~~~r' ~~~Id~r\~r

--- - - - -- -- -- - n_ - ---------;:<br />

l<br />


•<br />

1<br />

T~e<br />

Loup Valley<br />

Region's Big Newspaper<br />

"Read by 3,476 Families Every Week"<br />

Established April, 1882<br />


A Ihri , 1900" Nb k N C t d Le An Hour With In view of this lesson on discust<br />

rislmaslime In e ras a ew ars IS e slon Mrs, Stronv then asked if·<br />

, " Registration of new cars and the Sixth Grade they would like t~ use the method"<br />

One Could Buy a Morrl<br />

's Cha'ir for $5,75 trucks in the olIice of the Valley What l'r1ak(s the Christmas star in their lessons next day, By vote:<br />

county clerk include the following: so briyllt' they decided to discuss by topics,<br />

T. W. Hamel', North Loup, 1952 Whffc did it gd its sill'< I' liy7it' the Scandinavian countries, since i<br />

With the Chl'!stms" and seem to i l~g. to nuke them wIlte \\ lth thel!' 'folk~. In' a few ~hOI t years thi:!<br />

le~nt~ UCk. en er, r, v eVlO not know ju'st how, a' letter came been leal ning ho'''' to aud iz ;c-- Ibe, ab30z blllg' the \\ 01 ~{,. They are I ~ 19nt hanJ~ Jl.hs, ~tl ong says t\1J. t I sa,ne glOUp will be taking p;Ii. In<br />

_ __ to the young fol1{s from the John tions dllling the wed" and also a.l~o .Liklng P~;1l\l:1l1shlp ,~l\~ 3 I\s z:ot d~ne any nlol(': _, ,0' tbe athletics, ulamatiu" and other<br />

Klnaki family in Greece, a fam- had sevel,,1 stolY pl'oblems In I \\' an 1 mother an ag,'d gl andpar-I h .. llne s Lea If!';' \\ I I .1I IS l\\,l, !IE;' \,' ~ur, .. - c<br />

,---- - ---'~--'--'~. - ent and tw~ boys, ages '12 and l~C~!~~~~~1\l'I·oyll \(vOalsllILltCl:·l~,l~r'~ll·l'\l'l,~].,II)~::,I=I - -, - -- n<br />

-~"""'""'"""= ...........,,;u,_.,'o_4'_s_=-· .'<br />

Large Poinsetti(1 ;15 years. ': G.)!y D~nl\~alk in r~~:1~l1 to (I;" __........u_....,...<br />

A lal'~e poinsettia is shown this Th~ studen~s have cooper\1ted in rPOPllla~ion, It'ligi'on. pro.lucls, an,]:<br />

weel, il\ tile Anustroz:g insurance' getling a bIg packag'e ready to t educatIOn. <strong>To</strong> celebrate the cnd,<br />

office, which is, the property of seml to Senes, Greece, They h,we 10f tbis unit of stuLly tqe (hi1elren '<br />

Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Muncy, The brought coffee and sugar, rice, were to have a lUllch of" !:5can,.li'11- I<br />

tlee Is seVl'l'al yeals old. a:n.d is cocoa,' an(l (lther dry grocerie3. Iyianproducls, whkh in ieillity W:lS :<br />

quite tall. Theze ar", two IQvely They. have also t,rou~ht us.:::


BOTH ft~<br />


OUI skilled technl

PAGE. ,rOUI{ ,<br />

,. '<br />

,<br />

-==.-;.----~==-.- --<br />

;<br />

DANCE<br />

Every Saturday<br />

Oscar's Palladium<br />

Family"<br />

IApproves!<br />

Yes. you'll find gifts for the whole family,<br />

that the whole family will appfove, at Absalon's<br />

Variety.<br />

Our foyland i$ jam-packed with games,<br />

sets, doUs, toys, and similar items that<br />

delight the small fry.<br />

And, as you browse around you'll find<br />

gift.s for t~e ~hole fmily, too-wearing<br />

nohoM. plcture~, chlnaware. glassware.<br />

fancy wo.r~, tool~ and oddmerits-pr,u~9ne<br />

of theflnes.t, a~sortm~nts of Christmas<br />

Candy we've had in years.<br />

"<br />

,<br />

THE ORD QUIZ; ORD; NE131ZASl(}\:<br />

=-or------- --------'---------------------:---~---~.----'.~~,~- --..,.~- ---'~-~~-,~ .----~' -~~----<br />

fQfdontOtlc Odve, Overdrive, I-REST linted ,~~efy gress, while 1idcwcll tire$ oplionol<br />

at .......... ,- ... fquipmoo'. Q"c$~or;o$ god' trim ~..,biod to d\gn~e .. uh~uf 00';'0.<br />

-~-'------------------~.~--~---<br />

Missionary Society rS~111dav' Su;p'('r' Guests IDinner Guests . IMariners Elect Otiicers :Stanley ParlV<br />

The \VSCS of the Evangelical Mr. and 111115. Andrew Kusek sr. Gco!'!;e an.I Rudolph Urban of At the regular monthly meeting I 1I1l's, John Galka. 151'" entertain-<br />

United Bretlu en church ,met for! and IIII'.', and Mrs. FluYll Kusek: Anadia 1\ cl.c dinner guests .of ;Ill. of the ~lallr~eIs at the Presbyter- I ed 12 fl Ien.ls at a Stanle:( party<br />

the regula r monthly meeting' \Veti-, were Sunday supper guests of !Ill'. an.I :111 s. \" m. Ncrncskal \" cdnes- Jan cbun:1 SuneL1Y, :Ill. and Mrs, 1 at her home Thursday ewnll1g-,<br />

nesday af t crnoon at the home of and Mrs. Stanley Petska and fam· clay, • John Lemmon were elected skip-<br />

'the Lukes slsters.. The Christmas'ily.' PCIs. ~lr. all ,I :111 s. Glen Be erlinc. Dinn 'r Gues ts Loup Valley Promcnaders \vill<br />

meeting was also hel,J at this time, ----- Dinner G(iOSIS PUl'SelS, and :llr, and Mrs. Ray- I 1\1' t, 2\1" I' "' All meet on Thursday evening for the<br />

. I ./. monel Pocock, log keepers. Other ,'1" a~lu .', IS. ,0~S, en were I'cgu]ar square "dance.<br />

'B b 51 Tucsc ay Luncheon xn. and ~11:'. ~d ZUlek and SOll orficers are appoiulcd. d~nnel guests of 1111. and Mrs, Business and Professional Wom-<br />

U y , ]O(\'cr ,1\[115. Raymond Pocock entertain- of Sargent, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Appelge t I; loyd Kusek Sunday. ens club will meet on Tuesday<br />

Pack Alerting Birthday Party Mrs..J. B. Ferguson gave a cd at a luncheon at her home on Ncmeskal and Fred Ncmeskal we re showd the pictures of the trip La k- " evening, Dec. 16, in the gl'ade<br />

'At the COlU1 1 ,his base at Los Vegas, Nev.. to where they atteneled an all da~' crust was made, and later a lemon to leave soon fOl' Tucson, Ariz" " " "', Reg'ular Legion AuxiLiary mee-tscore<br />

was.won by 1\1I's. LOluse I wish his father a happy birthday. Ioutlook meeting of home and fall\l fluff pie. ~very club leader was where she will spencl the win tel', \HI e :I1L aml M! s., 1':d 2U1ek and ing. Monday evening, Dee. 15. Ex-<br />

Petska and second hIgh by M,rs. __._ Imanagement. Speakers were Mrs. present. A sister from Minnesota I\jll makE: son, 1\11. anu Mus. I; lank KI al and ecutive board meetina at 7' 30 pIn<br />

'·Birthday. Dinner<br />

Ruth Ha.res was honored at a<br />

bilthtiay dinner at the home of<br />

her aunt, Vida Collins ThuI'sday<br />

eve:rting. Guests were her pal'cnts,<br />

Mr, and .:vII s. P. A. Hayes and<br />

Emil 2lkmund. Plans wel'e made! D" IClal'a LeOpold anel Richard Ford, ..Iil

I "<br />

,.<br />

,<br />

\<br />

i<br />

CEMBER 11, 1952<br />

r--:--------------------:----------.-------:.-<br />

Whatever tIle nC'cd wIIalenr lhe<br />

occasion-Connsonata is "Amnica's<br />

Finest l~lt'drunic Organ" for<br />

chureb. school or home. Four models<br />

are a\·ail.able, with the popular<br />

single manual priccd only slit:htly<br />

higher than a fine piano! For superior<br />

all-around pCrfurlllanCt'. insist<br />

on C'onnsonala. Sc(' it ... hear<br />

it ..COll1pare it-and ~'ou'll buy it.<br />

o<br />

'. ,<br />

I/:' \ 'l .<br />

,~.<br />

'lut a llatural fas ~pplian(t<br />

~~~the Year ROl4nd Qift<br />

~ .<br />

.: ~:<br />

. .'<br />

..j;.o<br />

~<br />

, ... ,<br />

- .. -<br />

f9r the Whole F~tnn4<br />

*<br />

~.~~-~<br />

*<br />

..'. \<br />

~lhi.s r~ar give a gift that will brighten the joy of Christmas'<br />

DlY an~l many 'UlyS and rears after the trce is down and the<br />

onumcnts put awa),. Choose a work-savin!, time.sav~,ng<br />

Nltural Gas Appliance and let aU the {lmily cnjpy the better<br />

living thH economical Nltural Gas Service cHlbring to your<br />

home. Y9ur favorite applilnce deller o~ ~al~sas.N~kra*~<br />

manager will be pleased to help you ma~e a s~lcctiqn.<br />

.' ,/," ~ _: . .<br />

..Eor. Devendable GA~ Serv.ic~ .<br />

to enjo4<br />

" ' -, . .<br />

."<br />

*<br />

.•' . .<br />

, .<br />

, .<br />

'\.<br />

':<br />

'<br />

, ,<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. Ed LiI1enthal. 'l' • Word was rece1ved l"riday of .. ~.-----;o-:;;;-.-;-;.-~;;o;-----'----<br />

•<br />

-' -.' ---

__<br />

.<br />

PAGE 'SIX<br />

._~~.. '<br />

Scotia<br />


'Quiz Representative<br />

Pho~e 2911 I Scotia<br />

.__'__~ __ ,- ,_._- __-"~_"<br />


, 'j , , l . . '\ ',' I<br />

~_'_C,_<br />

14 mixed-4-7 yr. old<br />

1 roan cow with calf at side. 7 yr. old<br />

1 roan cow with F2 wI<br />

12 W.F. Oeilers.,3 yr. old, to freshen soon<br />

1 W.F. bull coming 3 yr. old<br />

15 Fq:ll calves<br />

4 Buckel calves<br />

,<br />

TIlE ORD QUIZ,<br />

~--<br />

Carr-Shultz<br />

At the farm four miles south and four miles west of Arcadia. N~braska, on west side of rive...<br />

t· ,<br />

, Sale Starts at 12:30 O'~lock<br />

1 Brockel faced cow. 4 yr. old, milking now<br />

2 B.F.W. cows,S yr old, milking now<br />

1 B,F.W. cow. 4 yr. old. milking now<br />

1 Guernsey cow, 3 yr. old, milking now<br />

1 W.F. cow. 3 yr. old, milking now<br />

1 ,B.W.F. cow, 4 yr. old. to freshen soon<br />

1 R.W. spot cow, 4 yr. old, milking now<br />

1 W.f. cow. 4 yr. old, to freshen soon<br />

Libory families attended.<br />

•<br />

The<br />

household g oods of the Wagners<br />

will be sold at public auction this<br />

week, the family leaving for their<br />

Miss Clara Mavis Cal'!', daughnew<br />

home at P 1'\)V 0, U., soon after. tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Oren Ca rr 0f<br />

The ladies of the ladies' aid gave Scotia and Melvin L. Shultz, son<br />

/ a one o'clock ,luncheon last Fri- of Mrs. James Shultz of Brayton<br />

day t o honor Mrs. Wagner. . F'cl- were mar-ried Sa turday morning at<br />

lowing the candlelight service Mrs. Bartlett, Nebr. County Judge J. S.<br />

Miner' performed the double 'l'ing<br />

ing the United States in Oc~ober. ling ilway gift. Mesdames Leo ceremony. ,<br />

Mrs. Carroll, the fonner Esther I Klein, Harold Johnson, Walter Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brown of<br />

Schaefer, is staying with rela-' Klein and Claude Johnson were Grand Island, brother-in-law and<br />

tiv~s of her husband, Mr. and Mrs. I hostess('s.' sister of the bride were the<br />

Robert Sterkel. She expects to Election of officers was held couple's attendants.<br />

spend Christmas with her broth- Friday during a short business The bride wore a grey suit wilh<br />

er, Henry Shaefer and family at meeting of' the Lutheran Ladies' black accessories, completed by a<br />

Ord, Aid. Mrs. Clarence Sixel was gardenia and rose bud corsage.<br />

~=============:~---:,-::----::-,~~~:-:--:-:-:~~~'I Wagncr was presented with a go-<br />

Recent guests at the Oliver Empl·oyees and th~ir wives of elected president with Mrs. Loren She wore matching necklace and<br />

Johnson home were their children, the BreJthauer Dep t store and Steffan as vice president. Mrs. earring s, a gift from the bride­<br />

Lowell Johnson of Yorh, 1\11'. and ~13Y'S Market and Mr. ~nd Mrs.: Marron MeIberry was re-elected groom.<br />

-c. MI'5. Curtis Jensen and family of Phil See~us were entert~lI1ed at a I secretary and Mrs. Elsill Miller, Mrs. Brown was attired in a<br />

\ Dannevirke, Mr. anu Mrs. Carroll turkey dinner Monday nlght at the, treasurer. I smoke blue suit with black acces-<br />

~abcock and fa m ily of North Loup hom~ of Mr. and Mrs. Dale l\by.! Tho card party sponsored by the so rie s. Her corsage was of pink<br />

arid Mr. anJ Mrs. Marvin Johnson. A g ift ~Xc~nange was held later II Know Your School club was large- carna t lons.<br />

Orville Johnson and children and 111 the. ~\Clll. g. . ,', ' ly attended Ftiday night. Twenty The 'bride is a graduate of the<br />

Miss Doris Wegner were also :\. IiI ge CleautifuJ,<br />

most luxurious car that c~\n be built<br />

at a price so dose to tll\~ lowest. The<br />

new 1953 Dual-Streak Pontiac is completely<br />

restyled, inside and out. And<br />

it has Pontiac's traditional dependability<br />

and economy. Come in-for<br />

dralll~\tic proof that dollar for dollar<br />

lOU can't beat a Ponthlc!<br />

-----------_--:.._--------------------'---------------------..-<br />

I,<br />

i<br />

, ../.<br />

(<br />

, ~.<br />

I<br />

~ ,<br />

'I<br />

I<br />

\<br />

')<br />

, f<br />

•<br />

I<br />

,-t<br />

\.<br />

.' ...'-' .. -..\- . -,<br />

-.. ~ ..; -- ... : _ J •. _

.... -I<br />

/<br />

I<br />

The l.oup VQlley Region's Big Newspaper<br />

Established April, 1882<br />

P d·<br />

We Have<br />

the Gift<br />

Items<br />

You Want<br />

I<br />

Pangburn Candies - Hallmark Cards ­<br />

HIS Old-Spice Tawn Shaving Sets ­<br />

Men's Travel Cases - fitted Cases<br />

Remington Contour Electric Shaver.•••.$21.50<br />

Remington Sixty Electric Shaver..•....•$27.50<br />

Remington Sixty Deluxe Shaver...•.•..$29.50<br />

Schick 20 $24.50 Sunbeam $26.50<br />

Norelco Double Head $24.95<br />

Evening Paris Sets.....•.......$1.00 to $18.00<br />

3-Piece Comb, Brush and Mirror Set $4.98<br />

Coty Sets, ...,' ........••.••..$2.00 to $10.00<br />

RINGl~IN<br />

Public<br />


Administrator's Sale of Estate of John Stanek, on the farm 6 miles<br />

south of Burwell, 2 miles north of Polish Catholic Church, on<br />

Mon., Dec. 15<br />

Cummins 6.<br />

"Re~d<br />



ORO, NEBR.<br />

New Idea Manuro Spreader. on rubber,<br />

like new'<br />

2 Box wagons and gear<br />

Six-foot McCormick Deering mower<br />

IHC Rotary Hoe'<br />

2-section harrow<br />

Hayrack and gear<br />

Walking plow .<br />

IHC 10-foot hay rako<br />

2·wheel trailer<br />

Spring tooth harrow<br />

IHC endgate seeder<br />

John Deers 6-foot mower<br />

3-section harrow<br />

Dempster hay stacker<br />

John Deere corn planter<br />

3-section harrovi<br />

Dempster hay stacker<br />

John Deero corn planter<br />

I-row stalk cutter<br />

Walking cultivator<br />

8-foot Tiger grain drill<br />

Loading chuto<br />

140 bushels 1951 oats<br />

Stack cutting first cutting alfal£a<br />

38 square bales. of prairie hay<br />

I<br />

Starting at 1 o'clock<br />

John Deere gang plow<br />

Cream Separator. Melotte<br />

1935 Chevrolet Sedan<br />

13 pair of tap 6. die sets<br />

Brooder stove .<br />

Several panels<br />

Roll of slat c,ribbing<br />

SOO-lb. scale<br />

2 wood hog troughs<br />

Brooder house. Sx8<br />

17 bundles of new shingle3<br />

Garden planter "<br />

2 scoop shovels<br />

Post drill<br />

Leg viso<br />

Anvil<br />

FOlg~<br />

Brooder house. 10;

went<br />

1 "Whisper<br />

w,<br />

Mrs.<br />

,<br />


------------------- ~"" ,------,------ ~<br />

::==~::_=~~;·::.-;:':_::._=::,::_:;_:,:_=:~,:"-=,_;:::;",,=.=w:,::~;-::_::::;-::_::;:-~*::,_=_=:::_===':-=._=;::.:' :':~:-;A:::::-=~"~'~~~l~S~' E~-~~lb:c~

1<br />

.1 1<br />

ECEMBER '11,1952<br />


PAGE ' ~rHRE)j<br />

~;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ i Dinner Guests --f~l~~'ndcd \Vcddinq IL l'l'rl1flU VIS/ tors Radio IJrldye I~t~l1duU Dinner Guests \] uesduf) L\UPPcr Guests<br />

~HE<br />

___----"";:_--=0 - •__::- -----__:'___ - -~-.• --~-----.--:~~------.----:----- •~------- . .- ---::---~--~-----,----.--y:~----__:---. .r::<br />

!<br />

-<br />

Betty Iwanski al\ll Karen Smels' --.. -.l__io- .._ ......_ ... I!lIt'II__.... :tmIital'lllllll0ll!lliJ_.UIIlcsa~R'tM__iii1<br />

".'y- ,-.<br />

L~.:·.'<br />

t Ske'll be glad fo teeche a gift from ..Uode O' Day!<br />

,EAST. SIDE<br />

.<br />

OF S9UARE<br />

5 99<br />

J<br />

i<br />

.J<br />

1\11'. and :'Ih~. Delbert Bridge an,ll lIl1. and :'Ill~. Ucurgc Call111bcll FriJay evenil'g' vio:toi'S of ;1,11. ;1,11. an.l ;1,11". K L. V06eHan~ :Sund"y l!l:lllel' and S~lpjlel' guests i :'Ill. -an.I ;1,11'::', Uob A'\;ll:\~I, and<br />

I Ia ml ly and Mr. and ~11'3. Adolph and daughl.er, 1I11'~. Allen, attcn.l- .ml ;lIl'~. Ijill SO,Jl:h C:, and ;lLl'h· entel'Llll1cd the mciubcis of the of :\Ir, an'] Mrs. Blll ::,ed:1Le!\ ant Denny an-I :'IIr~. Gelle 1'm Ge!'many, ,where they had I<br />

~nt several months, visited 'I' C!']) \<br />

l~nds in Ord Saturua~ afternoon. 0 l(/stmas arty<br />

ley wer~ coffee guests of Mr: anLl Mr. and Mrs. K L. Vogellanz<br />

rs. Ivan Robinson.<br />

plan to go to Omaha Friuay whel'e<br />

I o.n that day and Saturday, Mr.<br />

i t Cl b .. Vogeltanz will attend an income<br />

,aTlaS a U tax school, and Mrs. Vogeltanz will<br />

;.Irs. Harold Christensen enter· visit her part"nts in Wahoo. SUl1lhy<br />

lned the members of her Canasta they will go to Lincoln whel'e they<br />

,l,b ~'riday evening. High seale will atte,pd a Christmas party giv­<br />

~s won by' Mrs. Irma Wilson and, en by the Alpha Chi Omega SOl'or.<br />

~, ~~d high by .Mrs, VirginIa Nor- ity. of which their daughter, Ros.<br />

n ellen, is a member. The 'parents \<br />

l ,'-'---'----- -- of the members will be honored at<br />

febekanK~n·'syn9tb,{,<br />

'The members of the Rebekah<br />

this party.<br />

~nsin~ton had a ~hri,stl1\a~ ~unch· Tri.S Club' Meets<br />

,n FnJay aftelnqqll at ~h:e home<br />

! M.·s. Sam Roe. Mrs. Roe has Fills Xrnas Boxes<br />

l(erlaineJ this group at Chlist· The Tri.S club of the Business<br />

AS time for the past se·,eral Education department had their<br />

~ars. • annual Christmas meeting as a<br />

covered dish dinner at the home<br />

'fans Xmas Party<br />

of their sponsol'. Mrs. ~d Kokes.<br />

The V.F.W., ..\uxiliary met Mon· The membel's combined pleasure<br />

ly night with,26 l1\embels pres­ with pl'oduction for Christmas box·<br />

It. It was J,\erjde --- ,."'" information on what materials<br />

", Y n( ( were needed ami where the ship-<br />

•ecen, "e,!r,~ w ~.' .i!•• I . menls ~re to go. Emilie Laurse.n<br />

'. ,Kathlyn' Jane WIl!lall1S, daugh· WIll aSSIst MalY Jo Clayton. preS.I·<br />

,r of :\11'. and Mrs. TOIH WIlliams den,t of Tri·S, in getting the par,<br />

:lebrated hel' .seventh bil'lhday eels out as' soon as possible,<br />

atunlay, when five of her little It was al'l intel'esting wOlk pro·<br />

:ienLls \HI e h,e~ guests at a party gram, as eacl.1 girl chose in ~d.<br />

I the, aftell1oon. They played Ivance what lund of scrap or dIS·<br />

ames tog~ther, and a lunch W11ich cal'll mil;terial she would use for her<br />

~atured bldhd,ay. cake was, seryed' pl'oductlOn of somethll1g nice to<br />

atul'dilY evening. she and. the l I make for son:e child for Christ­<br />

:hels of her family, were dll1nel' mas, and the hst l'anged from col·<br />

Lle~ts at the home of :\11'. ant>vw .... ,i'fg, 0<br />

~.<br />

P<br />

• 80-cour,! III,.<br />

aper Ilapt\!IiS Silk; white .. Phg. .ij'ljP<br />

Sofewoy'110$ £Hrything yO>J nebel<br />

to llirn out delitiovs hoked tre,;:l$<br />

P,itted D(Jtes DromCJ~l'y ..... ~.:~~::23(<br />

Bak;rlg Chocolate I~W1~:tkg, 37c<br />

Butter • Ord .••..••.•1 lb.}. print 71 c<br />

a<br />

z:oz.<br />

Crown Colony; pure exlract , •.•••.Bottle<br />

~~<br />

oU Kitchen Craft or Pillsbury , , •, .. "Bag<br />

. .<br />

HURRY _•• Only a few more days in \yhi~h' to SAVE 25c on a<br />

25·11.>. bag of l{itchen Craft Flour -:- with the Coupon<br />

~vaiIab~e at vout Safeway store! ACT NOWl<br />

C , 1 'I:. ,oz.<br />

ooredSugar Il':lp­<br />

Red or Green,Jar Ull<br />

Chocolale Bils ReckwooJ .. ea~~ 210<br />

R • " l~-oz,<br />

mSllis 190<br />

KiJlmet; seedless .....FkG'.<br />

M • ,nte. M ea I None Such...... 28·oz. ,Jar"'C~ /!tI C,<br />

CI " Clo"n Colony; (-btl.<br />

oonng 220<br />

ns.ol\eI ....·ot. Cello Bas<br />

A(mo"'d'-'lh~'S Li~dse)', 39"<br />

III II nl .... ~1 ...ht. CeUoBai; \,<br />

..-<br />

~;/"~ "I/ "<br />

II /'/Mi"<br />

Now's the time to .stock up -:for the 11Olidays, ~ I, /1'i!~/b,t1 I<br />

and for duy-to-day good eatmg. Later In the month you'll 1/'1 I,'" IA :' ,1, I ~'..<br />

.want plenty o~ time for Christmas ~cHvitie~- and it will be<br />

:!I')f5~~:.<br />

a bIg help to you If you have a supply of the rIght foods on hand. ,it<br />

Especially when you can have that supply at values like<br />

':q((<br />

': these! Come in today-youlll be glad you got a head start. l •<br />

-, , \<br />

Bottled Bet/crages<br />

Coca Colau 6 Ol. bottles 30e I<br />

Se~n Up 67 Ol. bo\lles 30e "<br />

Fiu·Up .......... 6 J~;~I~·S 29c<br />

Clfcczuol Ch'b ,. ~~;~I~'s 33c<br />

(Plus bottle dOjJos't)<br />

Order Your Turkey' for the<br />

Holiday-at SAFEWAY-Not-v.!<br />

5liced-B<br />

Corn King Brand;<br />

1..lb. Pad1r Red Hill; Ca~ry.....1ldcle \i<br />

T<br />

~ M "'10 80"111 Camp- 3 Nv. 1 ~5"<br />

....Ill~ w... tJdl'e... Card5 ~ \I<br />

1,),11>. 2~}<br />

Sa II ::lno-wldte: table ,Eag "e<br />

Horseradish Cream-style ,~;:; 14c<br />

Jolly Time; 10-oz. ~O<br />

P<br />

...<br />

opcom )e:J~w or whHe ••••.ClUI '" '"<br />

TOlt~T<br />

3<br />

SOAP<br />

Po'g. 230<br />

Cakes<br />

SweetHeart; hard'Tl,illc~ cakes<br />

laBt lunger.<br />

-------<br />


3 ~;~'s 23c<br />

Lu~: for a sn',oothl rich<br />

lather that really c1eanHs;<br />

TOilET SOAP<br />

Wri,lry.. 520<br />

8'cake Bag<br />

Usorte'l (rasra"ts and colors,<br />

In llsnble r!a.stic be,.<br />


31~~~~~ 230<br />

Ivory; pure and gentle.<br />

for that Ivor)' lovk.<br />

'BATH SOAP<br />

Larse<br />

2 35c<br />

Cakes<br />

Pial; l'ou'lIIO\ e Dial'.<br />

f",h. clean tratrance,<br />


12'.-0" 2"''''<br />

I'kg. 11I_<br />

lle:tds of purt'. gentle Iv~<br />


PAGE FOUrt;<br />


Quiz Rerresentative<br />

Arcadia<br />

MISKO<br />

Leather and<br />

Sporting Goods<br />

.:~.~1(lke<br />

it til)<br />

frolit (lit old<br />

traveler. ••<br />

visiting' rela lives and friemls. Mr.<br />

and 1\11's. Lueck are taking him to<br />

Ke a rney the first of the week.<br />

Hayes Creek Ladies club met<br />

Dec. 3 at the home of Mi s. Lynda<br />

Kingston for their 1nnual ChI is-t<br />

mas and all day meeting. Santa<br />

I<br />

,-------------...:I carne with treats and gifts for the<br />

to ~·e:;~l~/l~io~dt~~, L~~~:< t·€~~ I ~~o~I~~~~e~nP;~:~l}:. b~ ~~ri~~~l~~~<br />

meet Mr s, Lueck's g randson, (;ary . Mrs. I. Lueck was enjoyed by all.<br />

Gaylord. He is the son of Mr. I There was a 5c gift exchange, in<br />

and Mrs. Gilbert Gaylcrd, A g a t h- I place of the usual 5012 exchange.<br />

ering was held Tuesday evening in I This money consist ing of $10.30<br />

his honor at the home of MI'. and from members and friends was<br />

:Mrs. otto Lueck. Tiwse present i sent too the Ncbraska Children's<br />

v.ere Mr. and 1\11;5. 01 Ville Luecl< Home of Omaha to be used for<br />

and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arnun gifts for the children. Also $6.00<br />

Lueck and family, Mr. and Mrs. from the club treasury was sent<br />

1\ an Hunkins and family, 1\1r. and for fruit for the horne.<br />

Mrs. Thurman Bridges awl Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ora Masters and<br />

Delores Holmes. Gary pC\ssed his Dick, Mr. and Mrs. HClratio ~lasphY~Ic:al<br />

and expects to enter the tel's were Sunday dinner guests<br />

service soon. He spent a week of Mrs. Maude Masters,<br />

_ = mnn<br />

gfveSamsonite !<br />

:<br />

',e,:; I 's~<br />

a. lld'.s· WI"·O'. Ill.OO<br />

C. lld:Cl' Vlndl 0 H,:I....$I1.l0· .<br />

.\<br />

llulId!Qme piecel for lJim<br />

... ~·ith all the he·man details he could ask for!<br />

ltich m~sculine colors..."grip-flt" handles. Dividers<br />

(or shirts and suits. smart, long-wearing linings.<br />

And... Santa·s lookingout for ~'our budget, too~<br />

. A matched set of TWO Samsonite pieces cosIs<br />

less than you'd el-pect to pay for O~E piece of s~ch .<br />

. quaJily luggage' So count on Samsonit~ to settle'<br />

)'our Cbri.ltmas shopping problems... Come in and<br />

I 'boose from 0\11'comlllete stocks'<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nagle ancl<br />

Gary of Wesl erv ille were 'sunday<br />

dinner guests -of MI'. and Mrs,<br />

Willard Beck,<br />

Rebekah Lodge held their<br />

regular meeting Wednesday evening<br />

in the". hall.' Se\enteen<br />

members were present. At<br />

the close of the business mceting<br />

a delicious lunch was served by<br />

Grace Webb and Mary Bulger.<br />

Mrs. Don Moody returned horne<br />

hom the hospital Saturday aftel'<br />

spending a few days convalescing<br />

from a cold and shock from their<br />

car accident. -<br />

Sgt. Alan Woody who has been<br />

in G~nllany the past 19 months<br />

returned home after his discharg-e<br />

from the army.<br />

Mrs. Jess Marvel visited her<br />

mother, Mrs. Olson, in Loup City<br />

Fr'iday afternoon.<br />

That'» mi8'11)' good<br />

advice from Sallta and lte'te<br />

got streamlined Samsonite<br />

to solve etery gilt problem!<br />

Pi<br />

~ \r<br />

" 10 Glanlorolu piece.<br />

for her ... with all the<br />

touches a woman 10Hs.<br />

Smart costume colors,<br />

and a better-than-leather<br />

Iinlsh that wipes clean<br />

with a damp cloth.<br />

Luxurious linings, pockets<br />

.plenty, and convenient<br />

sizes for all her<br />

...<br />

.~~~,.<br />

~~,.:<br />

,,··til' ..<br />

Strong enough to stand on!<br />

~~f-"<br />

p;.~~<br />

D. Hind W!,~ro' lll.OO<br />

E. HcnlOukk Tripp" $".SO<br />

f. 'ICnlT., Suilcr 125.00·<br />

travel needs.<br />

qualit~· Iuggagr is oul.y oue of the Ulau~' items of Chrislmas gifts ~'ou'lI fiutl at :\~hl,os.<br />

"'c'd like to call ~our attention to a fine coiledion of lallies aml meu's biUfold5. llriefe;lses<br />

a11d no, dt~· luggag.' items, too. ~l.cu's g('nuine lealhl'r gI0\('5. Bells. ~lauy other;;.<br />

. For the small fr~', a new Sdm inn bk~ de is till' hll'a! pr('sent. Aml \\ e"'e aston' chockful<br />

,of other gift it~Jll;; leo.luing IW;i\ il~' to thc hanllicraft ami hoblJ~' aug1l', aud lhe ullll~ual. \\',Un't<br />

~ou conic in aUlI 1001;; thOll onr • • . . .<br />

Re'member th'at Misko's are the HOME OF SCl:IWINN B'icY~les in Ord-vve carry one<br />

, of the most cOlnj:>lete lines of bikes and ac cessor,ies to be seen in this section of the<br />

co.untry.· '. . .' .<br />

MISKO Leath'er & Sporting Goods<br />

....... -<br />

THE ORO QUIZ, ORO, NEBRASKA: -.......<br />

Small <strong>To</strong>wn Romeo'<br />

Given by Juniors<br />

"Small <strong>To</strong>wn Romeo" will be<br />

presented by the Junior class,<br />

Wednesday evening, Dec. 10, in the<br />

high school auditorium.<br />

Tne fol!Jwing characters are fo!- .<br />

lowing: A breezy young playright, I<br />

Laddie Leach; The village constable,<br />

Gene Holeman; The village I<br />

mechanic, Date Cook; The village<br />

miser, Reggie True; The mysterious<br />

guest, Lynn Rasplicka ; The<br />

young owner of the hotel, Donna<br />

Lybarger; The spinster maid of all<br />

work, Shayrell Holcornb; Another<br />

mysterious guest, Louise Sonnenfelei;<br />

The Village banker's daugh­<br />

.er, JoAnn Clay; The village school .<br />

teacher, Marcia Nassel.<br />

Joe Stanford, a breezy play<br />

writer, enter a hotel in Rushmore.<br />

He come to the town to write a<br />

play. In eagerness to help Betty<br />

solve the mystery, he finds the<br />

play is writing itself. .<strong>To</strong>e finds<br />

ghosts, who walk 'and scream in<br />

the night, and jewel. theives.<br />

Sarah, Betty's spinster aunt, adds<br />

comedy by telling about her many<br />

courtships. Bud, the auto mechanic,<br />

never forgets his garage<br />

and always compares some person<br />

to an autouiobile. COll1() and see<br />

this play.<br />

Arcadia Cage<br />

Schedule Revealed<br />

Arcadia Huskies will play their<br />

first basketball game of the season<br />

Friday evening, Dec. 12.<br />

Games scheduled ar'e: *At Arcadia.<br />

.<br />

* Dec. 12 Anselmo<br />

Dec. 12 Sargent<br />

* Jan. 6 St. Paul<br />

Jan. 9 Ravenna<br />

Jan. 13 Mason City<br />

Jan. 16 Scotia<br />

Jan. 20 Burwell<br />

• Jan. 23 Loup City<br />

Jan. 27 Ansley<br />

* Jan. 30 Litchfield<br />

Febr,<br />

2 Comstock<br />

* Febr. 3 Ashton<br />

* FebI'. 6 Taylor<br />

FebI'. 10 North Loup<br />

* F'ebr. 13 West Kearney<br />

Dean Woody AD3 who has been<br />

stationed in Hawaii the past 2<br />

years arrived Sunday for a 30-d"y<br />

leave with his parents, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Harvey Woody and other<br />

relatives and friends.<br />

A large ClOWU attended the annual<br />

Methodist Bazaar. Saturday<br />

evening in the church basement.<br />

A delicious turkey dinner was served.<br />

rile former Happy Hollow Aid<br />

now changed to the name of Country<br />

and <strong>To</strong>wn Aid met with Cora<br />

Schmidt, Dec. 2. The next meeting<br />

will be at the home of the Pres.<br />

Lily Ritz, Dec. 16. This will be<br />

the Christmas party and the gift<br />

exchange.<br />

A'Sscmbl.r of God Church<br />

Rebert Birdwell, pastor<br />

Sunday school 10 a. m.<br />

Morning worship 11 a. m,<br />

Evening Evangelistic 8 p. m,<br />

l\Ielhotllst Church<br />

J-ohn Siner, pastor<br />

Sunday- . " I<br />

Church school lOa. m.. ~~. ';.-'<br />

Morning worship 11 a. m, : ­<br />

Young Adult F'ellowshlp 7:30<br />

p, 111. (First Sunuay ·only), I<br />

Monday- ,<br />

Youth Fellowship recreation at<br />

7 p. m, .<br />

Worship at 8 p. m,<br />

Thursday-<br />

Bible Study 7:30 p' m.<br />

Choir practice 8:30 p. Ill.<br />

Friday-<br />

Genel"al meeting first F'riday of<br />

month, ;<br />

Circle No.2, third Wednesday of<br />

month. ;<br />

. Wesleyan Service Guild, third<br />

Tuesday 'of mont~..'/<br />

Baptist Church<br />

Edwaru Clay, pastor<br />

Sunday school 10 a. m.<br />

Church service 11 a. m•<br />

Evening service 8 p. m,<br />

I<br />

Pre-servvlce praJ'er group, 7 :43<br />

p. m.<br />

Youth meeting, seconu amI<br />

fourth Monday, 8 p. m.<br />

PraJ'er and praitie, 8 p. m. on<br />

Tuesrlay.<br />

-...-'<br />

Congr('gatiQllai Church<br />

Sunday school 10 a. m.<br />

ehul'ch service 11 a. m,<br />

Evangelistic senice 8 p. 111.<br />

Mon1.iay evening J'oung people's<br />

llleetin,g.<br />

C'hrhttan Selence Senices<br />

"God the Preserver of Man" is<br />

, ~he subject of the Lesson-Serll1on<br />

which will ,be read in Christian<br />

Science churches throu~hou't the<br />

world on Sunday, December 14,<br />

1952. .<br />

The golden Text is: "0 my God,<br />

I trllst in thee , •. Let integrity<br />

and upI'i~htness perserve me; for<br />

I wait on thee. Redeeni Israel, 0<br />

God, Ollt of all his tfoubles."<br />

(PsaJ.rl1S 25:2, 21, 22). Olher Bible<br />

citations include, "I will say of the<br />

Lord, He is my refuge and my<br />

fortress: my God; in him will I<br />

trust. He shall cover thee with<br />

his feathers, and under his wings<br />

shalt tholl trust; his trllth shall be<br />

thy shield and buckler," (Psalms<br />

91 :2, 4),<br />

I<br />

HEAL E~';An; T~{'\XS~'~~~<br />

(<strong>Taken</strong> from Coun ty RecO~lls of<br />

December 4, 1952). ' .<br />

Deeds<br />

Leonard E. Froskoc:1 to Lan)'<br />

L. Prosk.)cil and GalY L. ProskociI.<br />

EI/2SEI/\ 19-19-13. Con: $1.00.<br />

Ann Pl'oskocil, dvir to Jost'ph<br />

l..T!'bar;r,ysky anel SteJanlots 1, 2, 3 anu 4. Block<br />

1, OIU. Con: $1500.00, $1.63 Rev.<br />

Joe Pesla, €'lux to Joe Pes(.'.. antl<br />

Lily A. Pesta. Lots 7 and 8,<br />

BI,.)ck 11, \....oodbUly·s Addition.<br />

Con: $1.00.<br />

Roy Williams. etux to Charles<br />

D. MOlTOW and Ida MOII·Jw. Lots<br />

3, 4, 5 and 6, Blocl< 8. Babcoc k'5<br />

Audition. Con: $3500.00, 3.85 Rev.<br />

Martha' Nass, etal to George<br />

N.1SS.. N~~/1 4-17-11.. Con:<br />

$37.680.00, $i .80 Rev. AI·D, Wl!~<br />

3-17-14.<br />

-MIS. :Menitt Wright was a<br />

dinner gllests Sunday of Mrs. Katie<br />

McKay.<br />

-Rev. Ralph Sawyer of North<br />

Loup preached at the Bethel Baptht·<br />

church at the mCllnin~ ant]<br />

c \'et1in~~e I \·i,",<br />

IGA R;pe 'N Rllgged Halved Freestone<br />

PE CHES<br />

Large "shaggy" halves ~<br />

01 Ire'e.ripened Elberfa. ~A<br />

"~"sl~n'" ~.~.l~S p~,t.J .~<br />

• ":3 ~"'_"'" _ .. " ... ~ ~<br />

in a rich, heavy ~yrup.<br />

These peaches ~ave the<br />

distinctive flavor and le,du,e<br />

"heme-canned' peaches,<br />

IGA Rip. 'N RoSgcj .<br />

APRICOTS ........ 2 ~~;;'13c<br />

LGA Ripe 'N 2No.2!.<br />

PIHEAPPLE 69<br />

RUSticu. .. .. ... CaDS C<br />

lOA PUMPKIN ,~~:~~~1 21 e<br />

lOA SWEET POTATOES ~~l~~t 29c<br />

IGASAUEnKRAUT ~~~c3aO; 13c<br />

QUAI{ER OATS ~ ' ~~~: 370<br />

LARGE \VALNUTS Lb. 41'0<br />

PEANUT CLUSTERS ' '.' Lb, 59c<br />

lOA NOODLES "'C ;.~ ••• ·;'t:, 12-oz. 2'50<br />

• I .t<br />

Pork &Beans<br />


C~pl'ess<br />

46:ozo<br />

Can<br />

I<br />

'C<br />

Brand<br />

3<br />

Cans<br />

1-lb.<br />

Can<br />

. AD<br />

,"<br />

FOR DEC, 11th<br />

on s<br />

\,<br />

I<br />

95c<br />


T~MATOES<br />

No.221<br />

. Can C<br />


.TOMATO<br />

JlJ~CE<br />

~~o:.<br />


1/ 2 Gal. Vt1lJilia<br />


lOA evr GIEEN<br />

Beans<br />

•<br />

HITS THE SPOT •••<br />

Spam<br />

'-. '<br />

12-oz. 47<br />

~ ..<br />

Call.<br />

31c<br />

C<br />


GOLDEN<br />

CORt'~ .<br />

N¢a~318C<br />

.IGA<br />

CATSUP<br />

···14·oz. '19<br />

Bot.· C<br />

~~~~~:~H£~F W~Slinshint/. .~.~-~.a"'c-"<br />

Ganlt'll Brand Graue A FanQ'<br />

VAN CAMP'S 1I11111111!11111111I1I11111I11111I11111111I1I11I1I11111I1111111I!1<br />

Illlilllll!IIIII!I!lllllllIllllllllil!:!!I!III!IiI!I!IIIIIII!1I1II<br />

Sweet Peas 2 35 No. 303<br />

Cans<br />

C<br />

KUNPRS<br />

1I1I111111!11I1111!1!1111111!111!11111!1I1111111111111111111 TENDER GARDEN 1IIlIIIIIIIIIlillllll!llllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIII!II!1II<br />

Sno-Kreem Shortening<br />

3·lb.<br />

Can<br />


-·ili D~hu{e· Coffee \\~. 79 c<br />

.~ ~1I1111111111!11l111[l!lll!lli!:lillllllllll!l1tlllll IGA VAC UUM. PAC KED 11I1I1I11I111I11!1I1111111111111l1l1l1l1l1l11l1ll\!IO<br />

Boker's Semi-Sweet<br />


CHIPS<br />

6-oz. 21<br />

Pkq, . C<br />



Ilb 4"1~<br />

Gill: "'~C<br />


.2:g, . 46 Oz. Alamo<br />

19c Cnll<br />


Get your New,<br />

Big Issue ... A<br />

magazine the<br />

whole family<br />

will e~ioy!<br />

each '·5,,­<br />

copy "<br />

Car<br />

, ,.Pkg.<br />

Evaporated Milk 3 ::~~<br />

1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIflfllllllllllllllllllllllllll<br />

<strong>To</strong>mato Soup<br />

42 c<br />

IGA BRAND HOMOG ENIZED 11l1l1l1l11111111l111l111l1!IIlllllllllllll11<br />

11l1Iillll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII)!I!11Il11111111I1111111111111Illllir CAM PBEL L'S JIIlIlllll!illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIII1II~11111I11I1<br />



"lo. ~ '2-oz. I-Lb.<br />

Pkg. I 'Cello Box<br />

18 C 37 C 23 C<br />

.Wilson's Christmas Wrapped<br />

Ready to Eat Picnics<br />

. 39c<br />

PURE ".,GRO~ND<br />

DECEMBER II, 195Z',<br />

, I<br />

I ---------------------,........----~----<br />

., 4Sc<br />


39c<br />

..........~----------<br />

. .<br />


5Se'<br />

BE~F<br />

arket , .<br />

•<br />

\ I<br />

, .

)<br />

PAGE SIX<br />

Winter Coats<br />

$19<br />

Group 1-45 All Wool Coats<br />

, .<br />


GOING! Go!r\lG! LADIES'<br />

Value to 34.95<br />

.. ,<br />

Price-cut<br />

to move at only , ,<br />


--,----------.-- ---------------------.:...'---~------ -- 1. I - -<br />

I,.--'O'--..";,,.;;;.;..;;;.;.:,;;.:..:;...-:..;:;;.-;:.;.;;;;;.;....-~-=·;;:;-=;;.;.-...;;;;.;.....;;========\'. -- ~Ir. anI Mrs. Da viJ Ma\.l! ice -Mrs. I(eith Kovanda and son, -Friday evening guests of Mrs.: -~II'. and ~1I's. Imding P~arson \ .-Otis HUii11es,has beer ~ept to ,:-~1rs. Emil Pel.las and chiland<br />

son, David, jr., were in Grand David, are the guests of her par- Emory Thomsen were Mrs. Joe, and sons went to Omaha Friday, hIS home or latc, suttering f rom dren went to Scotia Monday to<br />

Island, Saturday, where they spent ents, Mr. and MIS. C. A. Audcrson Dworak, Shirley and Sheila Cctak, Iwhere they saw the qlobe Trot- arthritis. I spent the day.<br />

the day shopping. this week, a rriving' f ro m their -Mr. and Mrs. Emil Zikmunu ,ters. They we;'e ove r nig h t guests -Guests of Mrs. Irvin Merrill I --:'lr5, John LaCornu anc'<br />

---Mr. and MIS. \V. D. Neu- home in Holdrege Sunday. They and Jimmie, and Mrs. Lillian No- I of Mr. Pearson s mother, Mrs. Olaf Friday afternoon were Mr. and I daughter, Diane, went to Grand<br />

meyer' and family wei e in Burwell plan to remain here lin til the la~t ! votny spent Saturday evening with I' I-'ear~on, 111 \Vall,,, and returned Mrs. Mal k Wiegardt of Elyna and II Island Monday to. do 50n.18 shop-<br />

Sunday, where they visited Mrs. of the w,eek. 11\1n'. Emory Thomsen. horne on Saturday. Mrs. Matt Parkos. ping and on a bu~ess tnD.<br />

Neumeyer's mother, Mrs, F'rank<br />

Schuyler.<br />

-,---- , ., I' '-' -~1rs. DOra Jorgensen and<br />

-~lr. and Mrs. Ern il Babki we re --Mr. a nd Mrs, Ke nneth Cum- elauc;"'cu', .~."l~l, \. ",c: ~UPt'd<br />

Sunday guest s of Mr. arid Mrs. mlngs and family of Brokcn !J..)\\,. guests Sunday evening of Merra<br />

En1tst Risan. spent the wee I: end WIth her par- Joru criscn.<br />

"':"·Josie Absalon spent Sunday' ents, ~1r. and Mrs., Leonard Lild-I ~Satul'llay evening 'guests of<br />

with Mr. and Mrs. Louie Blahu , ing ton. Mr. an-I Mrs. Gene Pat rick were<br />

-Joe Jirak atte ndcd a sales -,:\11S. \V. \V. Douthit acrom- Norbeck 'Zullw, ..~~1;I..~ .."........y~';>,."""), ..'\;.';o,."'_), .."""')"o't;:'), .. .;;';:. ............"""'),.~.~;;.';1, ...... "1""'....~~~<br />


~. Clearance<br />

Sparkling<br />

Christmas<br />

Sorcery in cloud-soft wool<br />

pulJovcis . .' • I'ayoH'<br />

blousctt~s.<br />

Warm, light wool pullQvers in appcaJinrj<br />

JXlstels and white' embellished with goldenthread,<br />

dramatic bat wing collar. Strikin9<br />

knit blouset!es in soft pustels and white with<br />

bantam-sleeves, brill1ant-accented neckline,<br />

Sizes 34 to 40. A large helpi~9 of style ai a<br />

small price. .<br />

J<br />

...<br />

J<br />

i<br />

I I<br />

l<br />

~ ..<br />

MISS ELAINE designs<br />

Lovely Lingerie<br />

lor your<br />

(I ,<br />

Christmas Angel<br />

~ ...<br />

... i~ .<br />

~ I)<br />

~ ,<br />

Slim line nylon tricot petticoat,<br />

embroidered scallops<br />

and frothy double nylon net<br />

trim. White. S-M-L .... :~.98<br />

Soft-as-a-sigh fabrics<br />

with the feel of pure luxury.<br />

need little care •••<br />

cost little money!<br />

Multifilament ray 0 n<br />

crepe go\\'n, self tinted<br />

!mpoded 1ace trim,<br />

Shirred nylon Qopice.<br />

Pinl{, blue, maize: 32-<br />

"-1 •........... , •• 3.93<br />

H.ayon acetate crepe<br />

pajamii, l1}atching tun­<br />

Ic. Gold-coppel' embroiuery,<br />

COral - white,<br />

turquoise - white.. 32-<br />

10 .. , , ,3.93<br />

Multifilament w 11 1 t 0<br />

crepe slip. Permanently<br />

pleated nylon tricot<br />

bodice and 4" hemlined.<br />

32 to 38 •. , ..... ,3.91<br />

f<br />

I<br />

\ J<br />

"<br />

(Specia,l Gro~lps)<br />

2 Reg. 39.95., Now<br />

2 Reg. 49.95...............•.•. Now<br />

3 Reg. 59.95 ...•...••...•....•. Now<br />

$29<br />

$39<br />

$49<br />


. ,<br />

Every hoat in our stock is reduced for<br />

this clecaunce, so low you simply can't<br />

resist the values! Flowing or fitted long<br />

coats in popular new Fall colors and<br />

wanted quality fabrics. Plenty of fashion<br />

highlights. smart styling, Wonderful buys,<br />

~, i so mako haste and save!<br />

'.<br />

."<br />

Out they go! Entire<br />

s·tock. '!/inter season·<br />

Gleqming .jewelry<br />

'in l1eat gift boxes<br />

98c and 1 9 8 I"',t"<br />

Good looking, value-priced COURTLEIGHS<br />

make his leisure hours a genuin~ joy!<br />

H.ich bi:ocaded rayon<br />

robes, satin trill1, satin<br />

lining. Maroon, navy;<br />

sizes S-M-L-XL ... 8.9;)<br />


MokhiJ1'.l sets. . pins, eorrin9s, neckloces,<br />


.~~ ~~_~<br />

_____.._~_. ................<br />

--.....__<br />

r--';--~_·_.~..._ II:;'-"=--..../~<br />

DECEi\l13ER 11. 1952<br />

---------------"~~~-_._~.~-~~<br />


. _._~<br />

__""_ "'____"'~<br />


Want ads cost 10 cents per line per insertion and minimum<br />

charge for any ad accepted will be SOc. Send remittance<br />

with your c0p.y. figuring S words to the line.<br />

Ads also may be placed with Quiz representaives as<br />

follows:<br />

NORTH LOUP. Mrs. T. J. Hamer. ARCADIA. Miss Jean<br />

Beck. ERICSON. Mrs. Gertie Michener. 'COMSTOCK, Mrs.<br />

10y~e Matheson. SCOTIA, Mrs. Greeley Gebhardt. COTES­<br />

FU:.LQ. Mrs. Evelyn Donscheski,<br />

Ị..1<br />

,<br />

,.<br />

• LOANS<br />

Dr. Barta's Office<br />

Will Be Closed<br />

Dec. 25 to Jan. 25<br />

Ineluslve<br />

Ord lodge IOOF No. 90<br />

l\1cellng every Thursday<br />

evening, 8 :00 p. m,<br />

Thied Dt'gl'ce<br />

lOaF l.odqe Rooms - Ord<br />

-------- ._-------,----,<br />


FOR SALE-Norge electric range.<br />

Phone 17, Bob White, North<br />

Loup. . 36-2tc<br />


IELP WANTED-Girl for general<br />

house work. Phone 337, Wilma<br />

Johnson.<br />

36-2tp<br />

MAKE $50 AND UP-Each week.<br />

Take orders for America's<br />

largest selling, natronally advertised<br />


No investment. Commissions<br />

paid daily. Send only $1 (refunded<br />

on first order) for full sales<br />

kit and sample. "NaChurs", 70 C<br />

MOIlI'oe St., Marion, Ohio. 35-3tc<br />


to help our District Man handle<br />

our increasing business il'\ this<br />

cornmunlty. This work is in line<br />

with the program advocated by<br />

the Department' oJ Agriculaure<br />

Must have car. Permanent work<br />

good pay for man who has hall<br />

some Iarm experience. \Vrite<br />

Box 100 c/o this newspaper.<br />

Profess'ional Directory<br />

FRANK A. BARTA, M.· D.<br />


Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat<br />

Glasses Fitted<br />

Ord<br />

O,PT9.METlUST<br />

Nebr.<br />

ROBERT J. LYNN, M.D.<br />

OJfjces In th\! Masonlc BuUdlnlil<br />

Ottke Phone: 130<br />

X-Ray<br />

O. D.<br />


Only office in the Loup<br />

Valley devoted exclusively<br />

to the care of your eyes.<br />

Office fn the WhUe Buildi::g<br />

Across the street from the<br />

Ord Hospital. Just South of<br />

the Methodist Parsonage.<br />

Phone 85<br />

DR. GLEN AUBlE<br />

, "<br />

ResIdence Phone; 1&8<br />

1Sl'~claf Attention G'!ven <strong>To</strong><br />


J:jeC~CardIOiraph)'<br />


Physicians & Surgeon"<br />

X-Ray CardIography<br />

OtIic¢ Phone :34<br />

Across, Street from H~s.plt,al<br />

p'aul Martin, ~.D.<br />

Residence Phone 186<br />

, Otis}fUler, M.D.<br />

fhone 144<br />


E. B. Weekes<br />

Real Estate - Loans<br />

Insurance<br />

Qffice In Weekes *uilding<br />



/<br />

Phones: Nite or Day 377<br />

ORD,<br />

Arcadia<br />

NEBH.<br />

F. L. BLESSING<br />


Telephone 65<br />

X-Ray Diagnosis<br />

C. J. MILLER, M.D.<br />

Nebr.<br />

Special attention given to<br />


% block south of Ord hospital<br />

and tst door west ot Christian<br />

church.<br />

Phone 3<br />

ore, Nebr.<br />

FOR SALE - Purebred Spotted<br />

Poland China boars. Joe warahoski.,<br />

,Elyria.<br />

37-4.tp<br />

- Quiz Want Ads are full oi<br />

bargains. Be sure and use thew<br />

--There is dead .space in that 1,::::;:==================,<br />

unrented room, floor or garage of<br />

yours. Make it earn money for<br />

you. Rent it quickly and easily<br />

that opens the door to Opportunity.<br />

Phone your best Want<br />

Ad copy to Phon-e 17. lie<br />

DEAD<br />

Animals Removed<br />

, ..<br />

\<br />

I<br />

Prompt Sanitary Service<br />

PHO~E 23 Qrd COLLECT<br />

Harry Muirhead. Mgr.<br />


Dependable Service<br />


St. Paul No. 9<br />


'0:)<br />

Agent for<br />

Grond Island Rendering<br />

ce.. Div. of Nat. By­<br />

Products. Inc.<br />

.:F;~~i .. ~~FEI~A"',,<br />

l ",\ • I' • if ...i" t P. ~:- ••<br />

Church of God<br />

Paul Clark, pastor'<br />

Sunday school 10 a, m. Classes<br />

Preaching service 11 a. m,<br />

for all.<br />

Sunday evening service at 7 :30.<br />

Prayer meeting Thursday evening<br />

at 7:30.<br />

/<br />

Prvsbytcrlan ('hurch<br />

'Allen Strong, minister<br />

The anthem on Sunday morning<br />

was, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul"<br />

by P. Weaver. The special solo<br />

by Glen Trent was, "T'he Birthday<br />

of a King," by Needlinger.<br />

The West minister' F'ellowship<br />

had a co-operative supper on Sunday<br />

evening in the church. On<br />

Monday the regular meeting of the<br />

session was held and on Wednesday<br />

the regular meeting of the<br />

trustees will be held.<br />

On Sunday, Dec. 14, the Gideons<br />

will take part in the morning<br />

service.<br />

An Tuesday evening, Dec. 30th<br />

at 7 p. m. an all-church covered<br />

dish supper will be served, honoring<br />

the new members. Later<br />

will be held the annual congregational<br />

meeting. and election,<br />

:\lethodist Church<br />

Keith A. Shepherd, pastor<br />

Sunday school 9:45 a. m,<br />

Morning worship 11 a. m.<br />

Preaching services every night<br />

this week with the Rev. Walter<br />

Jewett as the guest speaker, The<br />

houris 8 p. m.<br />

The offidal board met .at 6:45<br />

p. m, Sunday evening.<br />

Leo Long, Carl Kroeger and Le­<br />

Roy Noll are on the candy committee<br />

for getting the treats for the<br />

children this year.<br />

Choir rehearsal will be held all<br />

. ' (<br />

WANTED<br />

10,000 Skunk pelts, also<br />

:\linl" ~Iuslif,lt, Beaver, Coon<br />

. and Civet,<br />

Wo are IHl,}lilg skunk thls<br />

year and it will pay,} ou to<br />

trap them.<br />

starting ~at., Xov: 2:t, I "ill<br />

be at the Fanners Elevator<br />

III Ord every Sat. atternoon.<br />


llunnJl, Xcbr.<br />

We furnish all or part of<br />

trucks or scoopers if desired.<br />

Victor Kerchal<br />

Phone 3030<br />

49<br />

__c_<br />

-<br />

34·t!c<br />

Onl<br />

--\-~~-~---------. _ .. --~.=;; \<br />

• Road Gravel<br />

• Oversized Rock<br />

• Concrete Sand<br />

• Plaster Sand<br />

We deliver or load yql\r trucks.<br />

Pit located north of<br />

Ord Cemetery tic<br />

Hill Sand & Gravel:<br />

Company<br />



• You·can just fee~ Falstaff's<br />

smoothness, It goes -,<br />

down soeasily! And<br />

you can taste Falstaff's<br />

pleasing mellowness.'<br />

It's fully<br />

aged for flavor<br />

...So sing<br />

ou t {o~<br />


A:rthlU' Mohr 4/54<br />

Rt. 6, Burw~ll, ~Nebr. 165<br />

r' ./<br />

I<br />

\<br />

-- ,-----_.- ----~----------_.-- ._- ~-------------<br />

Mid.liCjht Mass at<br />

Our Lady Church<br />

Vc.l:ey Countians<br />

Davis Home Wins<br />

to Pay 3f4<br />

MiUion<br />

in Local, State TClxes<br />

1sl' Prize In Xmas<br />

yalley count y residenl::; will pay· ,<br />

a total of $7::'5,183 ~G in per>ionil.l, Decorall"ng Conl~sl<br />

real e~tate .and molol' vehieJ') ta;xc3 ' ',i,<br />

fcr 1£1;,2.. This is higfle l' by: ' '<br />

$18,J3:!J ~ tlian last )'ear. j Glen Auble's Second.<br />

'Of the collections for this year, I Fi' I ' T' h O d' M '<br />

the pel'::;onal and motol' vehicle tax n ey s, Ir, any<br />

colledion amount to $103,585,70 Beautiful Homes<br />

ami real estate to $349,908,26, ' 0<br />

In tlte collections dudng 19;)1, Oru has become a city 0(C1lrist.<br />

the motol' vehicle collections cam!)<br />

mas trees and Sante1. Clauilc" duro<br />

to $57,08190, per::;onal. $332,06.82, ing the past mor,th. as almost<br />

and real estate, $317,073,12. every h'J1)16 show's some evidenCe)<br />

__,_,,__~_~ ~__<br />

of Yuletide c!ccolation, in keeping<br />

with the season.<br />

Severa~ eJ.1trants signed the<br />

coupons asked by the Chamber of<br />

Comerce indicating that their<br />

Regular High !l11sS will be cele-,<br />

homes were a P:ll't of the contest<br />

brated at midnight on Chr istmas sponsored. by the, Chamber fol'<br />

eve, and \~i1I be s,ung by m~mb~rs I which prize.:i were to be given" '<br />

of the, selllor chOlr, Mrs, Don ~d-I With out~'Jf~to\\'n peopl'} actll~tt<br />

wards, organist. Other Masses Will<br />

as jUllges, a tour of the city W.1S<br />

be presented at 6:30,8:00 and 9:30 taken a'nd tile deci~ions n:ade', It<br />

::hristm1s morning, seerilcd rather unfortunatE' how­<br />

, The pPl'gran1 follows. Bef,ore the ever, that il1any homes viewed,'<br />

:\Iass begin:'!, the choir will sing wei'e n~t entered in the contest<br />

..aded carols, also, Slllee they showed much<br />

Introit'~Gregolian, by Rev, thought ilJ;d preparation and wero<br />

Carlo Rossini. also be~ubfu1. '..<br />

l{yrie--Mass of the Good Shep- The Judges ~fler con:

"<br />


._------,.--------~-------------<br />

Work of Children<br />

DECEMBER 25.<br />

t<br />

1952·<br />

Mrs. Blancl1ard Dies ISix 'Pitchers' . ,t,<br />

Mr s. Blanchai d, mother of Mr s. I • Mr S. Ross Allen entertained the<br />

J, G, Kruml, who has often visited Six Pitchers at h~r home Tue.s~ay<br />

here, died at the home of Dr. and I afternoon, M: s. ~rm Petska being<br />

Mrs. Kruml in Council Bluffs, Ia , Ia guest. The prizes were won by<br />

Thul sday. Funer al serv lces were I Mrs., Loren 900d,and ~rs, Rob~rt<br />

held on Sat urday in youncil Bluffs, IHall. , There :\'as a Chnstmas ~)'lft<br />

_______. _ __ I exchange during the afternoon.<br />

Returns to Denier<br />

Christmus Gi.Usts<br />

Mr. and Mrs, 13111 Heuck took Rosie LeMasters of Omaha came<br />

their daughter, Mal garet, to Wednesday to spend Christmas.<br />

Grand Island, Satuiday at t ei noon, Her parenjs, Mr. and MI·s. GUy<br />

where SIll' took the train to Denver, LeMasters, met her in Grand Iswhere<br />

she is a student nurse in the land, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slech­<br />

Pnesbyterian hospital, She had: ta and three children also arrived<br />

spent the past several days with I the same day hom Sioux City, Ia.,<br />

he r parents, When she 1 et ui ns to J and wei e the guests of relatives<br />

her dutIes, she will be put on a i here, All were dinner guests on<br />

more rigid schedule and cannot Christmas Day at the home of Mr.<br />

come home for at least six months, I and Mrs. Ray Melia.<br />

.<br />

-------------- ---<br />

Anderson Honored<br />

Lincoln -Bill Andel son, son of<br />

Mr. find 1\11 s. Geol ge Anderson of<br />

Ord, has been recognized for<br />

scholastic and practical achievement<br />

in the field of mechanical<br />

engineering. He is one of twelve<br />

n ew members of Pi Tau Sigma,<br />

na tional honor at y mechanical en­<br />

~in€:et ing society. He is a senior<br />

.n the Untversity of Nebraska college<br />

of engineering,<br />

Earli) Christmas Gifts<br />

Two little g irls were born in the<br />

0,'IY Anderson and <strong>To</strong>m<br />

Anderson.<br />

After leaving the Chrysler and<br />

Plymouth fartories Monday noon<br />

the drivers ehcountered rain and<br />

fog and became separated. with<br />

the result that. each had to fight<br />

rus way back (0 Ord alone across I<br />

lce-laden roads of eastern Iowa<br />

and the he avily snow coated roads<br />

of western Ili\~'a and Nebra~ka, I<br />

They st ragglr-d into Ord at varrous I<br />

times Tuesday night and Wedries- day and apparently all made the I<br />

Ii<br />

I<br />

May you enjoy<br />

the true peace<br />

of the ,se"son.<br />

trip safely.<br />

It was an experience that none I • '. •<br />

of the drivers will want to repeat i HID Sh "<br />

soon for highway conditions were I e en ress Op<br />

hazardous throughout the 900 mile I ' . ' "•<br />

trip and only slow travel was<br />

possible,<br />

==---==--_-c:=_=---==__<br />

----_._-~...-_.--------_._~-----~~---~ --~-----------------<br />

1 j<br />

.. i<br />

1<br />

....<br />

"<br />

~a~y' kindne~se':> they<br />

have shown and for<br />

tile $ympa tJ1ye'ten~:<br />

eq d,u'rin~ all the, years<br />

of. iH,ness and at the<br />

time of the death of<br />

our. husband and fa ther..<br />

. " "',<br />

{, .<br />

-'·jean Harris and<br />

Ire~~.<br />

- Sunday arter noon callers of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Cash Welnlak and<br />

LOIna were Mr. and Mrs. Anton<br />

Welniak and family and Mr, and<br />

Mrs. Wallace Coats,<br />

,<br />

I" I<br />

I,<br />

, ,<br />

! \"1<br />

.~SeC!s()n/s<br />

, ,<br />

..<br />

/<br />

, I<br />

:~C!II~;<br />

Best Wishes<br />

Ai (his Hoiid.lY Season<br />

W~ f~el prompted to t,ell<br />

you hoW deeply grateful<br />

\\le 'are for the busin~~~'<br />

Y~ll have 'so ~indly<br />

. r' j, ' ,<br />

given us .in 'the past year<br />

and 't9\vish each 9f you<br />

a: ChrJstnjastide of hjI­<br />

piil,ess' ~nd ~ year of<br />

,he.l~~h ~'~d j)[osperity.'<br />

'j I<br />

Rendering Co.<br />

"H~~ry Muirhe~dIM9r.<br />

I==-~-~;"-~ .<br />

Gather<br />

~irrnen<br />

Four Ord boys, who are in the<br />

set vice of Uncie Sam in the Air<br />

Force, are spending the Christmas<br />

rolldays with their home people.<br />

Monday evening they enjoyed a<br />

steak dinner at the Veterans club<br />

and exchanged experiences. They<br />

He: .<br />

A/2e Dan Huff, son of Mr. and<br />

\11 s. Howard Huff, who had been<br />

stationed at Scott Fielu, Belleville,<br />

IlL, and who is being tr ans­<br />

Celled to Chanute F'iekl, in Champaign,<br />

Ill.<br />

Aj3e Verdon Jobst, son .of 1\11',<br />

and Mrs. Frank Jobst, is station,<br />

-d at Forbes Air Base 'in <strong>To</strong>peka,<br />

Kan., and will retui n there the<br />

Jay after Christmas. He came on<br />

Monday.<br />

A/3C Don Hansen, son of Mr.<br />

Ind ~It s, Leonal d Hansen, has<br />

been stationed at fal ks Air Base<br />

in California, and will go to an air<br />

base in South Calolina.<br />

A/Z.e Vemon Wells, son of Mr<br />

.ill,,) MIS. Alvin Well;;, has been ilt<br />

Scott Air Base in Belleville, Ill"<br />

and is being sent to Hunter Ail<br />

Base, near Savannah, Ga .<br />

'O/Halioran Dairy<br />

/<br />

Noll Seed Co.<br />

. ,-<br />

Ord. Nebr.<br />

..<br />

May joy and.<br />

success attend<br />

you the whole<br />

year throuch,<br />

- i i ---------------- -----~------<br />

"<br />

! i<br />

, ,<br />

I<br />

. I

....--~--<br />

. ;<br />

DaVI<br />

DECEMBER 25, 1952<br />

Is Home "'IIns sevei al small ChI istmas tI;e('S anJ<br />

rf I<br />

"[]fl ~.."'i... if'~ .-~-;,..] I<br />

shrubber y on and near h1S horne : •~ L ~J<br />

pOITh, which are nicely Iighkd. I __..:::. ..:;,:;;:::;..._-=~....J<br />

Mr. anJ Mr:;. Frank Kapustk a W·II- PI 1<br />

s rile In mas have two nice trees close to their I I rem ate<br />

1f P<br />

X i I fl"Jnt door which ale lighted with :<br />

'.<br />

'<br />

D~co ra fling Co _....nlest vari-colored Mrs. Esther lights. Manchester has an IPasses ' Monday<br />

__,..'<br />

., .<br />

,i<br />

J<br />

~.'<br />

Ord 'Grill<br />

" .<br />

-::----.--<br />

==.=-_=.c:-:====c:--:::o-<br />

ai rangcruent of lig hts on ,~ frame (I William Plate, 78, a resident of<br />

Glen Au'ble's Second, which 'optline the words, "Meny vancy county since 1912, when he<br />

Xmas." • came to America from Gel many,<br />


=~==:::::-:::::::::=c-::::===;:-:-..-:..._-------<br />

COlftstocl(<br />


Quiz Representative<br />

Finley's Third: Many Othel' beautiful scenes which passed away Monday morning<br />

,., we re not in the contest ale the f rom a heart attack. Funeral s.er- '<br />

Beautiful Homes. beautiful lighteJ trees at the vices art" being held this (Wednes- A family dinrie r was held at the I Diako anI Cha ilc s Howery. Leroy I<br />

I ,. homes of Mr. and !III's. Archie day l af'ternoon f'rorn the Methodist home of MI. and MIS \'VaL-, I Vi sck called later 111 the cvem nx !<br />

(Continued from Page 1) Gcwck e, ~lr. and ~lrs, Wm. Sack, church in NO,'lh Loup, with ItiY" Coaldey Sunday honoring ~1I I .:\11" and MI s, AI,.iur Rlt~ left II<br />

and Mrs, Glenn Auble' who hav e and also at the new home of Mr. J. A. "Millc:r olliciating, '.Ind M1s Hai old BCI,':;, \1110 ha\ c Sa ~ .uduy mer ning to spend ill'} I<br />

three tree;; on th~ir porch, each and MIS. Raymond Cronk, where Survivors include a dauahter Just returncd recently f ro n; Trieste I Christmas holidays WIth her<br />

, in a different color, also an ar- another, Iovely tree is seen in the Mrs. Lee :\~ulligan of North LOup: In l~aly where MI. Belg has bet'n: brothe rs-in-law and sisters, Mr.<br />

rangement of poinsettias, lighted large Plc,tU!'e w~HI0.\:·:. ,... and a son; Rudolph, of \Veliingtvn, stationed with the US. army. He, and MI~. Shelman Mathe so» an.l<br />

on their Iront door. ' A huge candle stICK IS dra.ving Colo" An obituary will be avail- received his discharge f rom the I fEi.!llily at Augu,ta, Kans and 1\1r.<br />

Third place was given to Mr. much COilllnent at the home of Mr. I able next week allllY· Guests at the dinner we r« I and MI:S, Mike Muss and fal:1ily in<br />

and M G F" I 1 h and MIS. Flo J·J Beranek. ) MI'..and Mrs, Keit.h LeLlLI~J{C anti' Siloam Springs, Ark.".<br />

arranged a church scene in their - v , - " dauz liter Shu ley ca e:\l 1 ami y, ., rs, Jennie Lcudlkc, Mr. -~~-.. - - ~- -- i.:<br />

• rs. corge III t"y, W 10 ave Th~I~' are 111.1IlY trees 'out of ML and Mr.s" Rudolph I late and f 1 'I I '<br />

Window,' underneath a light. A ful! doors that ale brave in lights of "t f'·. ' 'n: • :'nL a; ,111d ,III'S" Kul Gog ui awl falllLly New Granddol~nhter<br />

. all colors, and some are in one .llg It, 10m their home III \Vtllll1l;' awl Boyd Bell, all of Ale,lCILl;' ~<br />

view of the room is seen, with a color. mo st ly that of blue. 1'11~1 e ton, Colo., for the Iunera l. . '1 L I "" I<br />

. series 'of lighted candles, elect tic, ' _ _ -, rs. uel a Zirnmerruan of Mason "I', 'I anc I "rs, 'I .' L' ram: I w "I 1<br />

,L> a 13<br />

~ , th f d "" Chrl t are many doorwavs framed in City, Chas, Le u.It kc and son, went to Omaha Saturday t) sec ,!<br />

III e ar en. ~ ,YO 'l'l~<br />

, l' I','. t "d mas coloreJ lights. The' pOl'ch at the The Union RiJge Sunday ~ school FrClnl{, :\11', anJ Mrs. \Val:cr Nd- tl1C new Jaughter who \\ as b011l ,<br />

t nes, "th Ig luCll, are ou SI e on , held their Christmas prOgralll all" D 16 t tl . 1.1<br />

',1 f th lk' home. of Mr. and Mrs" Stanley " son and family, and .:\Ir. anll :\lls on ee. ,0 lelr daughter an, ,<br />

el }n\"'I" , - ""Iele ,,' 011 ,[' L'I'\" ~Irs. Luella Zimmel IIIan of Ma- J ean Bl!<br />

' I.onld' a la,<br />

~v \•..ltS<br />

\V h parenas ome. astha 1,'ht'rt' is an'uther life size Santa Llay he submitteJ to surgely for ;:;on City alTivccl List \\ eek to VI"ol'! - --, - --- - --'-----<br />

0, ,I sever l panes, In e a brain tumor, from Whl'l'h h~ has 0<br />

cOln'r of acl th e<br />

B t'f I S<br />

b • d 'ft at the home Qf 1\fr. anJ Mrs. - over the holida"s at the home of eau I U cene<br />

, . e e 1 el' el'lg a n \'v' II R h t 1 b be~n sUff~II"llg fOI' "·~11Ie tl"111' e. "I', '<br />

,I<br />

of Li ht<br />

t . th 1 )ur e,gels, \\ 0 salleS e- - - -, ..,. her "on Mr anI 'II' T ~ t, 'r<br />

snow. g eu rees are III e t t and MIS" Rooll, who fOlmerly II'ved ~," I.' '~, LA"S cr ",lIll- The frost of Sunday plesentell<br />

ff'ont of the house, anJ on the weell two ret's that are IighteJ" , N tl LIt mel'llldll amI family, a lovely outJoor 1\ orI'J to church ' S<br />

house a Santa \"I'th a I'eal c'ot- The porch hel e is Iig:lteJ, also, as III • or I oup now s loea eJ at Mr an I :\11"' E AlIa ne '11 I<br />

l , Bo Id ," l. S. . '_ ~. S WI goers, since all the trees' anJ ,the<br />

ton bearJ. Spelled nearby the old is the porch at the Plesbyterian u er. George anJ Hober~ wele in Bloken :;JlIubbery wert' cOYereJ with \~hite, I"~<br />

saint are the words, "MellY mano"," Binline and \VIllaI'J lngelson Bpw Tuesday ort business. tJ' th I t<br />

Chl<br />

' I" t I1 1 a s . " ,--~~-----~~_____ eame up flom GranJ IslanJ for the !\lr. anJ Mrs" E. G. Stone W~I e ou omg e man-m,ll e rees that I<br />

~ I d !1aVC been seen of late in many<br />

Six others were giYen honorable Leap Year About Over wee { en. BirJine was a hou~e OnI visitol's \Vcdneslhy. ;lomcs. Seen aoainst the Jull glay'<br />

mention. These are Mr. anq ,Mrs, g ut'st of Mrs. Lois Swenson" FOllo\\ ing the Chll~tlllas pi 0- of the sky the effect wa' vel y I<br />

Ed Swupes, who have a life size By the time this issue of the Mr" anI.! Mrs, Harlan Palser ,~'ere gl"am of the COIil:;t02k gladl' beautIfuL ~<br />

Santa looking into the winJow at Ord Quiz is in the hands of its SunJay guests in t~e Alex Brown ,chool Thun;cIay evel1lng, Mr. and I ---~--- '-~-------~their<br />

large tree. Their front door readel s, L~ap Year, or to be ex- hOllie. Mrs" John Wells alllI MI\ anJ :\11 s T M' R<br />

is made to look like a huge pack- act, 1902, will have but six more ML antI Mrs" Carl Walkup anJ Leroy Wells and Steven called a' lower USIC esumed<br />

age with red ribbon and a bow d,lyS. There is still time, however, Vicki, Mrs. HallY Me)f'ers anJ MIS, the home of Mr and Mrs Hobel t Last )f'ear at this time It will be<br />

'in the center. for any unattacheJ female who de- Chet Beck spent Thursday in TVl'llilc anJ daughters for lunch. 'ememberec1 that music came from<br />

The large' ·tree in the yal J at sires to, to take upon hel self her GranJ IsI'Lld. Mr. amI MI s, E. lL Haync~s will ~he towel' of the ~Ieth-)Jist church,<br />

the 'home of Mr, and Mrs, Howard I p!ivil('ge, and do the pl'opo:iing to Helman Knutzen went to Omaha f enteltain the Evening Pinochle ·.hrough tj'le facihties j:llesente,J by<br />

Huff, is gayly decor,ated. In the I sOll~e unattached man of her on the SuncIay aftell100n bus to ~Illb at their home :\Iollllay eve, \1r. and ~1rs. Orin Kellison and I<br />

froht of the tree is a fat snowman, chOIce, But ten chances ~,o one she cJ.1SUIt a sp&ialist about his knee 'ling, Mr. an,J ~II's. M F. Hemler- 'ion, Steve. Later in the year,<br />

who is sin~iitg from a book let- \\l1l forego the OPJOI tUlllty, for ,if SOllie time ago he bumped the knN son will suusti~ute fVI' :\11'. an(1 ~mething h3ppen~d to the ampli- I<br />

tered, "Noel." she. has :valted}hls ~ong she has on the shu11leboan1 iQ. his cafe '1rs. Glen Nelson, wl10 ,ue out-of. leI'S and the mU~lc \1'a,9 stoppecl.'<br />

1.11'::1, Frances Carfield has a dis- n.o l~tentlOn of p0l-'plng the ques, Iand has haJ trouble with It since town. Rev. l~eith A. Shephcl'J, the pastvI I<br />

play of vatious ~hristmas emblems tIon to any man. Dr, Markley sent him to Omaha t( MIS" l;!::. G. Stone apll :\rr" an(~ )f the churcll, llas been wUIl,[I:g I<br />

111 her fI'ont w~c1ow, from Santa --- -------,-.--------- ~ a specialist. He has bcen or \11~. It:' J" Stone and Peboj'ill' ,n the mecl)ani~pl for some tjme<br />

Claus to angels and stars. These -Friday evening suppt"r guests crutches much of the time the ,\'Cre shopping in Loup CI{y 1'u e.,, wit!J. il.ble assi.,tants, and on Ttl'lrsare<br />

lighted fl'om within her home. lof Mr. and Mrs. Emory Thomsen past week lay" lay for the fir:;t time again, the<br />

Douglas Pierson has all'anged weI e :\11'. al1d MJ'S. Adtian :\leese. Mr. and Mrs. Haney Ball' weI e Ml's" Eo G. Stone enter1 ainecl 3' 'ounJ of Christmas carols came<br />

---~~-~.--~--------------~ Sunday dinner gue~ts in the LloyJ ,linner Ftiday c\Cning honolinr lver the air. <strong>More</strong> I'epairs al'e<br />

Lybal ger home at Al'calli~l. he birthllay of her ,Hint, MI s. J. B ')eing maJe, anLl it is hopeLl that<br />

Mr. anLl MIS. Paul Jones wer< 'Seeley Of Broken Bow" GuestE '>y Christmas cl:ly, the music can<br />

Good health,<br />

good forh.~ne,<br />

/<br />

and a good lir~<br />

••always.<br />

\\<br />

Protective Savings & Loan<br />

Ord, Nebr.<br />

were !\Irs. Seelt"y, Mrs. Adelinf 'le heard eleally in all parts of<br />

WeJnesday evening guests of MI'. 'll'ay and Miss Hem ietta Johnsof\ 01"1.1.<br />

ar,d :\Ir3. Albert Dahlin of 01'\1. of Broken Bow and ~lr. aEd ~Ir.,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. <strong>To</strong>m Rogers all, R. J. Stone and Debol'ah"<br />

two children left WednesJety fo S 1 J' 1<br />

\<br />

.=:-:=c=:c:~-=::-=-=-:::-_-<br />

- -~<br />

_..,<br />

Personals<br />

Anadal ka, Okla" where they wil um "ly lllll..:r an' supper gue,,~' -!Ill', an'1 Mrs" Don Vogeler and<br />

spenJ Christmas witil their peopll lt the. ~ome of 1,11'. and !Ill s, L·'- "amily anLlMI s. Gene Pat! kk \,,'ere<br />

A flce show fol' the chilJrel "oy \'ve:1s amI Stewn Wel"e Mr, ;uests of Mr. and Mrs, :\fetle Tllll-<br />

\\"edne3da v aflelnoon at th, .\n.d MI~. B.ob TV~tll~, Kal,t"n .an: I' nellll3.n anLl family Sumlay eye,<br />

, ~)fnthu, 1\11., and "II~. Jeh.l \"ell lin"'.<br />

Stl'and was the gift of ~Ir. an. lnd Mr, and '~11 5, Jake Clnl~lpsk\' 0 , ".<br />

!lIrs. Ted Babcock, theatre ownel':: .1111'. and 1111'S. Joe Dal tu and I' -~.'l he tables 1I1 ~ne New Cafe<br />

The show was followed by treat. 1)\\ ain lvel e F'nJ",y eveni'll{ d~n. 'Jaye been ne,wly pt~ Ie kgs.-' ur :>(11001. Sil.'·s for llle:l, '!8 to<br />

\\ hite ollly. SiH'~ j-6-8. I:H. llo~ s U-18. Out th,'y go:<br />

\ ."<br />

",*r~.... m.'l,-'!'mv'ltke!ALiClW)L'.1eYl:t OtdM e"k~~~liiiti(:"'£;'njjQ:p"'-,l

--~-~_._-"<br />

PAGJj rOUR<br />


DECEMJ3ER 25,1952<br />

..<br />

K K* * ~ ~ * * * * * * * * *<br />


t .<br />

Quiz Representative<br />

Ericson<br />

-<br />

chuting<br />

suc c e ss in<br />

days c he c.d,<br />

Card of Thank:;<br />

I wish to thank Dr.<br />

Moss of Arcadia and<br />

01'. Martin of Ord for<br />

their kindness and care<br />

and also the I1U1'ses<br />

and staff of the Ord<br />

hospital for their care.<br />

Last, but 110t least, I<br />

want to thank my<br />

friends for the cards<br />

and flowers during my<br />

stay at the hospital.<br />

Their kindness will not<br />

be for-gotten.<br />

J I<br />

,,,,'<br />

From all of us<br />

to all of you:<br />

"Best wishes for<br />

a happy and<br />

successful '<br />

new year'"<br />

"<br />

....",.••,<br />

\,Ord Finance Co.<br />

:-:. '\.~ "<br />

J<br />

; , Emil It<br />

I •<br />

.<br />

Wm.<br />

,<br />

F. .<br />

man<br />

••<br />

Fafeita<br />

Fafeita<br />

-.,'.".,,- 8M'7<br />

\.<br />

S. V. Hansen.<br />

I wish in this way to<br />

expr ess Illy sincere<br />

thanks for all who<br />

were so kind to me<br />

during my stay in the<br />

Ord hospital. I want to<br />

thank Dr. Marttn and<br />

the entire staff of the<br />

hospital, all who visited<br />

me, 01' sent cards,<br />

01' flowers, or assisted<br />

in any way to make<br />

my stay there easler. I<br />

fed that you all have<br />

shown yourselves to be<br />

fI lends, indeed.<br />

. Ord. Nebr.<br />

----:::=====..-===-~<br />

"<br />

.', r..,. "<br />

" ,,'<br />

Jim Cet ak,<br />

I<br />

nine een fifty-three<br />

.'<br />

We're calling<br />

for a New Year. that will<br />

tJ..Jf<br />

.ring in a n;w era of<br />

.( . peace and prosperity.<br />

~iJ)<br />

>.~. . '0<br />

;8;;..~~·~·-:;:.~;:<br />

! .<br />

Card of Thanks<br />

It's mighty nice to be<br />

healthy<br />

But it's '.ough to be<br />

sick and groan,<br />

But we're mighty lucky<br />

people \<br />

That we don't have to<br />

go fa,' from home<br />

<strong>To</strong> get t~e very best of<br />

doctors, and<br />

Nurses I must say, too,<br />

Because there isn't a<br />

place in the<br />

Whole wide world<br />

Where they try to do<br />

more for you,<br />

Their friendly service is<br />

in their hearts<br />

It's the very best, I<br />

believe,<br />

Anti when they get )'OU<br />

on your feet<br />

It makes Lt hard to<br />



I -<br />

----------------------<br />

----=-"""~--------------~_-.._-~--- -::;--------------------------------- --_._---_._~~-~-------~<br />

Scotia<br />

,', ,<br />

Drive In<br />

Frank. lydia and Jim<br />



--<br />

~-- - ~- - --- - ~<br />

N".<br />

s.»; :JJeamtel'<br />

/ ,<br />

26<br />



4'fRU'P1"flIF"<br />

,. III<br />

.j<br />

",<br />

Veterans Club, Inc,<br />

-rey<br />

• ',:' ,I<<br />

very hoppy<br />

and prospercus<br />

1953 to all of you.<br />

.. ~)<br />

Anderson<br />

;<br />

"Plumbing & Heating<br />

- ..<br />

Auble Brothers<br />

I<br />

o-a, Nebr.<br />

Let the JOY<br />

se ason be<br />

I'<br />

and faith<br />

reflected<br />

.<br />

Ord and North Loup<br />

of the ho l iday<br />

eve rvwhcre •.<br />

Fanners Grain & Supply Co.


CIlristmas In Iou,,'tl<br />

Pinochle Party '''Twas t!).e Night Before Christ-<br />

A pinochle party was held at the ma:::."<br />

The other three dens with<br />

FroTn \Vestern home of M1', and :V1rs. Norman the help of Mrs. Osento\\'skl, Mrs.<br />

::Sillivan Sunday, Dee. 21. Those Cook anti ~1rs. Williams, decorateLl<br />

University pI'esent w,;re Mr. al1lj Mrs. Lloycl the tree with home made decora-<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jim ~1cCall started Johnson, Mr. anLl Mrs. Wayne lions.<br />

to GranLl Island Sun,lay when~ l(ing, Mr. and !lIrs. Fr'tnk Maly Several boys were given award~<br />

they plaJ1l1C,1 to 1l1l:ct Mn'. Mc- i and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle of advancement and achievement.<br />

Call's nephew, HarolLl Hubbanl, VanOsdal1 and Nancy, Mr. anLl Lyle Babka was awarded a graduwho<br />

is a seniol' in the uni\ el :::ity !III'S. Elmer Vel gin, Mr. an,1 :MIs. ation certificate. The awards were<br />

Of Oregon, located in Eugene, Ole.' Arthur Jensen and Mr. and Mrs presented by cub master Adolph<br />

.They \\eIe fOIled to tUln back at Rogel' Densun anLl famIly. High I Sevenker. .,<br />

Elba bec,'luse of the ball wads.' pi izes weI e won by Gall Benson Afte\, the regular meetll1g, gIfts<br />

H.u·old later arrived on Monday I and ~1rs. frank :'laly, an,j the low were exchanged by the boys and<br />

6n the bus. A christmas family Iprizes were won by Den Maly and a lunch of popcorn balls, doughgatherJng<br />

Is being planned to be: Rogel' Denson. Al'lhur Jensen won nuts, apples and coffee was serve,l,<br />

neld at the home of Mrs. ~lcCall's: the traveling prize. Lunch was About seventy parents and boys<br />

mother, ~II's. Geol'ge Hubbard. J sel'Ved. , were present.<br />

~~A.---,---l-~_~~~_~_~ ~~ " -~ ~ --~- ------------ -----------<br />

IEceninq Guests ,Icuu Supper<br />

The emplyees and their hus- roue 1 LH1SSel1 !hlllsday,ev erung guests of :Mr, M1'. am! Mrs, B. 0, Hac hI enter- ' :'1rs, Lily Coleman and Donnie<br />

bands or wives of the McDonald Miss Leona M, Crouch of Ord anu Mrs, Emory Thoms~n were, tainc.l at their horne Mcn.lay eve- I\\ etc guests at the home of :'11',<br />

~ store had a sle,aJ' e.ven:n~ '~lle bll~th~ay of Ray Falter, Rebchah Lodge J ICathenne G11l'uy at the organ. Iat a moming cOlIee FriLlay in hon-<br />

Ord. anti pre.:;cnted for the enjoyment I wluch came on Dec. 18, was ceJe- Those who served the lunch at The children were given treats 01' of the. birthday of Mrs. Paul<br />

of the members a film on cutting I brated ,a.t hIS ho~ne by a card the regular 'reeting of the Re. Lutheran Ladies Aid in the SOClal hour Wl1ic11 followecl ll3leach, Guests I\'ere .:III'S. Bill Fa- - Mary Ann Gnaster, who is at·<br />

There is an opening for membership<br />

il1 the organization.<br />

Saturllay Evening FourSo::Jme will<br />

meet with Mrs. W. P. Hollands.'<br />

26th Anni()erSar r<br />

I anLl finishing lumber on the west I party 1< nLlay evemng. que:ts were bekah lodge Tuesday evening were :Mrs. Hose Fuss of Scotia enter· the pl'ogl'am, an,I Christmas coo;,· i feita, :'1rs, Dick Beran, Mrs, lending school in Omaha, canle<br />

':J coast. Guests were Herb Smets, I Mr. anti Mrs. H~y RaJ.ewlch, Mr. Mr. anLl Mrs. John Andersen, Mrs. tamed the members of the St. ies an,j colIee were sen'ed to the: Hemy Sch,lerer, :'1I's. Hel1lY Dcn,la h9me Fr~Llay for the holid:ly vaca-<br />

, Mr. an,1 ~lrs. l'talph Wiberg anJ Jake Kwiatkowski anLl Paul Stod-' and MI,S. JO\111, Clcemanlc, Mr. and Bill Darges an,d Mrs, Neil Peterson. John's Ladies Aid at her new IolLler ones. " anLl Mrs, Hemy ALlams. Ition, Her school reopens Jan. 5.<br />

fall1ily, Mr. and Mrs. Hay Wiberg Llan!. 1 .' Mrs. Eldon Celak, and Mr. anLl home ThUl'sday. There· were 33, ., ... , ..~~__ '-_, _<br />

antI family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mrs. Ge~rge Celal{. . Pitch was B' I d ]) who attended which includeLl sev- _ ••'lii.gt~",·""r""'l!!n:_........~___ _ _<br />

Brownell amI family antI Don PI F '1 P t played, hIgh score~., b.emg won by trt 1 ay art y eral guests. There was a gift ex-<br />

Ghristensen helped 1I1r. an,j ~lrs. an ann y ar rj ~lr. and Mrs. RaJell'lch, and low Sabra McCall entertained six of change anLl a nice lunch was sen'-<br />

Elmer Christensen celebrate their <strong>To</strong>m <strong>To</strong>len, Al l3lessing anLl scores by Mrs. Eldon Cetak and her f~~ends at a palty after school ed.<br />

26th weddinO' anniversary Sund,ly I Dou;;llS Dale, all stuLlents in the John ClcemanJe. Tues'-"('y, in honor of her 8th birthevening.<br />

", state univel'"ity a!lived home Sun· day. Those present wele Judith Ch . .<br />

day. WeLlnesday, <strong>To</strong>m went to Jolliate C ltl b AnLlersen, Sheryl Lenker, Joyce rtstmas DITmer'<br />

BI'oken Dow, to get his gran,lmoth- l\leyer, Sharon Rysavy, Peggy An early Christmas dinner was<br />

er, 1111 s. L. D. Geol'ge, an,j on 1\lrs. EowarLl Huff was hostess Prien and Alice Marie Philbrick. served Sunday at the home of 1\11'.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schmidt anLl Thursday he went to Hastinc>s to to the Jolliate club Monday eve- and Mrs. A. J. ALlamek. Guests<br />

family left for Sidney, la" Wed-: get his brother alld wife, Mt an,1 ning', Mrs. Ellen Beeghly was a were Mr. amI Mrs. Henry Bartu<br />

nesday mOl'l1ing, where they will. :'1l's. Hicllar,j <strong>To</strong>len. All plan to guest. Mrs. AI Canoll won the Pre-CI1ristrnas Dinner an,l Connie, MI'. anLl Mrs. Don<br />

spend Christma3 with relatives.' have a family get·toc>'elher for high score, The members each Mr. anLl Mrs. Bud Hoeppner of Stewart C\.nd family, Mr. anLl Mrs.<br />

Gl!risfmas ~ve, M~. lchmidt Will, a short time on Christ~ps Day at r('{:eived a Christ1l1,\s gift of a North Loup entertained at an earl,,' Dab Adamek ~lld family of Od,<br />

nave a part In the Chnstmas parI,): the ~1;11 k <strong>To</strong>len home. dainty Llemi-tasse coffee cup, which Christmas dinner SunLlayevening. ancl ~Ir. and Mrs. Mickie Simpson<br />

sponsored by tha Blks, for the ' . '-_______ were sent to them by Mrs. Lucille Mr. anLl Mrs. Bmory Thomsen and and family of BUl'well. The Barll; 1<br />

Si{lney children. Birth (HI Di 2 'or Jenison, wlwsa husbanLl is in the family, prc. and Mrs. Dane) Smith home is in Grand IslanJ. Dinner'<br />

• / .____ ' ,: , , ,L L 'J T, T~f; • Unitetl States army antI stationed and daughter, Mrs. Robeit Kokes anLl supper were both served,' and<br />

-j'st Annioersan oi_' . Guests, at a blrth~,{y ~Jnnel:, at I i17 Germany. Mrs. Jenison is with and Robbie, Mrs. LIllian Novotny thele \\ as a Christmas gift ex·<br />

(.,', . y It!1e hom;,9f :'11'. an] ~IIS. A~,hle I him. 'an,d Mr. and Mrs. Joe D,\\'orak. I change.<br />

,Tuesday evem!1g supper guests Gew~ke I hurs.Jay were a cousm of -,--'-- 1- '~~-----'-----' --_.. ~--" c ----,,"- - - ...- ..-~~-- "--'---------<br />

o~ Mr. and Mr$. lIarlan' Green ~ :'-113. Gewcke·s. Florence Sch')e-, D' 'I . If .,.__ml •· -- IIlI'll_~ ~_IB_"I<br />

w,ere Mr~ anu MI s: Chris Kirby imaker, and her fl1enLl, John And-: a.tty 1te( s OT~]e ' ,<br />

anu BIlly, Mrs. Bd Green, :VIOl ris ,el';:;on, both of Grand Island. also' \\ ekolll'~ guests m the home of<br />

Kirby and Walter Conner. The ~ !lIable :\lisko. !l1rs. Geweke's amI I :'11', and Mrs. John Kokes, sr., are<br />

occasion was the 21st w('ddinO' an-! Miss Sc!1oemal,er's birth'Jays fall I their daughters, Helen, who teachniversary<br />

of Mr.anLl Mrs. l{irby. I on the salne da>', and they plan to] es in Omaha, and Mickie, who is<br />

MI'. and ~lrs. Brnest Wigent an ,1 I celeblate,together as often as pos- 'employed in a U,S. Naval hospital<br />

Lois, Mr. anLl Mrs. Bill Flock, ~ sib:e. in Pens~c:ola, Fla. Mi.3s Mickie<br />

HOlmie and Rosie, and :\11'. and I \ flew to Omaha from FloritIa and<br />

Mrs. E~l~1 Dlugos.h ~n~1 Lorry C8;I1.! Early Christmas Dinner anive;'l ".her e SunLlay., 1'h,e girl~ I<br />

Old .Iate! In the ~\C~ll1o to SUI plise Mr: anLl :\lrs. Lester Norton en- ha\e:acatlO,ns.of l\\ 0 \\ eel

DECEMJ3ER 25, 1952<br />

" ,<br />

.. -<br />

Due to illness my office<br />

will be closed until lurther<br />

notice.<br />

Dr. H. N. Norris'<br />

Dr. Bar,ta's office will be<br />

op,en from December 30<br />

on -instead as of previdusl~<br />

announced..<br />

Ora l.odqe lOaF No. 90<br />

every Thursday<br />

enning, 8 :00 p. Ill.<br />

~Ieeting<br />

IOOF l.odqe Rooms - Ord<br />

..<br />


O. D.<br />


.'<br />

: t i.~ . ><br />

. ", Only office in the Loup<br />

:; Valleyuevotcu exclusively<br />

to' the care of your eyes,<br />

" .<br />

Office i~ the" White Buildin:;<br />

Across the street from the<br />

Ord Hospital. Just South of<br />

the Methodist Parsonage.<br />

Phone 90<br />

FOR SALE-All modem 2 bed<br />

room house in northeast Ord.<br />

Owner moved to another town.<br />

ANXIOUS TO SELJ.... :Make<br />

offer. E. S. MURRAY. 37-<strong>4t</strong>c<br />

FOR SALE-720 Acre Ranch, 11<br />

miles northwest of Ericson on<br />

Cedar river, gravel road . 80<br />

rods to school. REA· all buildings<br />

wired - on daily mail route.<br />

Adequate buildings, F'air condition.<br />

• Plenty trees, This 720<br />

acres is 400 pasture 320 hay<br />

land • several ponds. Price<br />

$28,000.00 Brokers welcome.<br />

Everctt Galusha, owner and Ofel'ator,<br />

Burwell, Nebr. 38-2 p<br />

FOR SALl'J - 2 story 6-room<br />

house in south Ord. $3000. E. S.<br />

Murray.<br />

37-tfe<br />

WILL PAY<br />

TOP<br />

Prices for Serum<br />

and Feeder Pigs<br />


PHONE 7030<br />

ANSLEY,<br />

NEBR.<br />

With Liuklok ,AI ,I iu]Jl lllll Irrlgat lo n<br />

Systems<br />

Lifetime Gliar an tee<br />

Firs! ill .\hUlliull1l1 <strong>Irrigation</strong><br />

Ord<br />

Body Shop<br />



GLASS<br />


'. .','<br />

Frank Ccplec~a~ Jr,.<br />

Prop.<br />

North 91 John Deere<br />

Phone 110<br />

37tfc<br />


, /<br />

\<br />


~.~~~~~~INo Size Limit<br />

ORD ·l'HEfArtTI)E ~a::~~~S~: 1953<br />

'.- 1 -t Any Fish Legally<br />

Ord, Nebr.<br />

Thurs.-Fri.-SClt.~Dec. 25-26-27<br />

Double Feature<br />

Sun~ay-Mond(ly-Dcc. 20-29<br />

"<br />


'Wedncsd-:I'{. Dec. ~1<br />

ShowCmmcl~cas at 11:30 P. M.<br />


,<br />

\<br />

. -<br />

'(<br />

I<br />

January, Feb~uary 'and March<br />

Business places<br />

i<br />

in Ord will close at<br />

9:00 P. M. on Saturday nights.<br />

Ord Chdmberof Commerce<br />

/"<br />


Venison Dl'nner<br />

'The employees of the S;lck Lumber<br />

and Coal Co.,..weI e the guests<br />

of MI'. and Mrs. Sack at a venison<br />

steak dinner Thmsday' evening,<br />

serv~d at Halll10ny House. Guests,<br />

b('sides M;l'. and Mrs. Sack, were<br />

Mr, and Mls.·Herb Smets, MI'. and<br />

Mrs. Frank Fafeita, Jr., MI'. an,]<br />

Mrs. Leonard Hansen and Jake<br />

Kwi:ltkowski.<br />

Nolo Club<br />

Members of th~ No)v club reo<br />

tlllned to their childhood at their<br />

Christmas meeting Th'lrsday afternoon,<br />

and came dressed as little<br />

girls. Mrs. Louise Petska was the<br />

hostess and later doubled as Santa<br />

Claus for the gift exchange. A<br />

covered dish luncheon was. served<br />

at one o'clock. In the games<br />

which followed, 1-1I's. Jim Petska<br />

won high scoi'e; and. Mrs. Will<br />

Misko the secont! high. Mrs. Rudolph<br />

Krahulik received the traveling<br />

prize.<br />

'.<br />

••<br />

1<br />

a good place<br />

to stop<br />

In downtown<br />

',There's' SeClli·i,ty<br />

,Ill Savillg!<br />



• A current JiviJenJ'rate of 2 '12 010 per a!lll~IlU-pay aJJJe<br />

semi-annually. . '.<br />

• Sound security {or )'our iUYl'Etlllcnt.<br />

• Efficient, courteous Een ice.<br />

.mmtmD<br />

) •<br />


Olgooized 1889 Home Of/ice: 6moha<br />

See Your Local Agent<br />

'Duane E. Annstrong<br />

'Ord l<br />

Nebr.<br />

'<br />

. an.J there 11Cld their ~hri.:lr~l,'s gift IStudent Council Dance I The' new rccor.l rL1Yo' w:,kil<br />

eXI~hQ.J1gt,\ all'} a socl31 tunc, Pl'E.'S~ . ' .r wa« reccnt ly plll'\,.'ha3t"',j b..v 111(1<br />

ent f rom the Loup City shop .vcre I,<br />

good<br />

wiehGs go out<br />

'J\Jhipple<br />

NU~~itif.j<br />

. I<br />

t-lo.rYie<br />

An alumni dance was pLtnnecl by Icounril was played. Enler t"i:\I'll';l~<br />

h<br />

:\11'5. Pete W11500. ~lIS. Lillinn ~ rue mbe is of the s t u.l en t co unci! of i was iur ni~l.ccl by the LtlUlly..-Lt.l­<br />

Cortner, M: S.<br />

..··R·:<br />

'"0<br />

Blil Haynes and Vall the Ord high schoo!, fur tire eve- I dents anti the ltoy,il J:ul.,'II,;,tn<br />

' ..... ,<br />

Gzehoviak. From the Ord shop, I n:l,l~ O,f Dec. 19 .. 111e ~udlt~~·I',Jm,1JI.ll1.], l'O!llIlOsclI of H:,\) "II ,Sll,:t",<br />

the list of emp:oyces inrlu.Ic.l :'vh~., was devorate.l \\Ith a big. tree dU-,""cl'llLl Slel'1lJ1g, h.1 'Jo SlU.'.l']J,<br />

, '<br />

Alil,",l Hill, Mrs. Paul Rysavy.. nated by w.». :5ack Whll'11. \\',:s tHod);l'Y :-.r~bJn .lJl,J ~',l'Ill,"l \\',clkx1I<br />

5, Bud w.i«.». HE'l~n GZt'llOVi.tK, I 111acl(' mol'; beautIful With 1l1tl;-1t'1'.<br />

" j'<br />

. :" .. ' ,<br />

. -<br />

the proprietor. was the hostess. Icately desIgne,l orn.uncnt s m.iIe I -<br />

by members of the gt'O,,;ellY CLI~:'iI -SO'(' our "Ft'allIl,' Lot k" l1i.lb<br />

U I[ t augh t by ~b\!(le Hol,!nn. llIOIHJS. ~I allo') ·s. 2J-tfl'<br />

The Loup '/(Jlley RegIon's Big Newspaper<br />

"Read by 3,476 FamilieJ Every Yfeek" Country Clu !'ietl)S<br />

Country Club met at the hOln8 (.~: --.------ -.------- -----.- --- -. ----<br />

Mrs, Ray \\\lJ,I!11cll1n DcC'. 17 \\'(:'\ \ ----~~_='c::~_=~c·c--~_.:_.·-~-= :..:..-._..=.-- ---- ___ -.<br />

eleven lllc:nlJd3 p!t'oen:. 1\,)11

DECEM1H]R 25, 19:32<br />

When You and<br />

I Were '(oung<br />

I<br />



._-----------<br />

- ------------~-~--::- =.-=~<br />


DATE<br />

.Ianu.irj 5, 1953, IS the closing<br />

date for any changes, or additional<br />

listings to be made in the new<br />

1953 Telephone Dire,tory. /<br />

Please inform our business oflice<br />

immediately if you desire a change<br />

or correction in your directory listmg.<br />

/<br />

Nebraska Continental<br />

. \<br />

Telephone Cornpany<br />

< •<br />

,<br />

G,eorge/s Meat Market<br />

.............'4IIQ..<br />

- -----<br />

....<br />

~ ------------<br />

N"U<br />

-----._---------------- --- ---<br />

fe' * fe * * * * * } * * * * *<br />


t: on time<br />

with 'special'<br />

.,<br />

'\ wishes for a<br />

_J bright and<br />

.. ,~/<br />

/' happy holiday<br />

season.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Cofesfield News<br />

Mrs. Evelyn Donscheski<br />

Phone 4Fll<br />

- .1<br />

Eleven members of the Y. W. s.1<br />

dub went to Grand Island Thurs- I<br />

day for a party at the Palmer<br />

hotel. Gifts were exchange.l and I<br />

~eClet pals revealed.<br />

Thursday evening guests at the<br />

Hans Boilesen home in honor of<br />

~fn;. Boilescn's birthday were, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. <strong>To</strong>m Jensen, MI'. and<br />

),frs. Louie Rasmussen, Mr. and<br />

Mr::-. Chris Boilesen, Mr. and Mts.<br />

Clay Brumbaugh, Pete and Min­<br />

.ile Rasmussen, Herbert Rasmussen<br />

and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence<br />

Boilesen and sons.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John Co' ,.faJ and<br />

family and Mr. and MIS, Herner<br />

Sim pson arid Jerry' were Sunday<br />

dinner guests at the Henry Wadas<br />

heme neal' St. Paul. Jo Ann Simp­<br />

,ion was a week end guest then',<br />

'~fr, an'd Mrs. Joe Jensen and<br />

son were supper g ue st s of Mrs,<br />

Louie Jensen in St. Pau) Tuesclay,<br />

MI'. and Mrs, Hay Stevens and<br />

f.llllily were Sunday guests at the<br />

Harland Wells home.<br />

----~- -r:-:<br />

"<br />

---.:;--<br />

, John Woita_s~k, Contractor<br />

. .<br />

*<br />

·-D. E. Armstrong<br />

Insurance<br />

D. E.; Troyer<br />

,-=:::=-:::::======-===---==-=-=--===-~~--=-==----~-----,<br />

iii------------<br />

III<br />

I<br />

9ppOttunity<br />

by a fresh,<br />

,<br />

Is a universal<br />

":.-.-::...... ~~."-<br />

, .<br />

,,;pc~::)jf;..f;t;;<br />

Bountiful wis~u .<br />

for peace and<br />

Let ,us all share It<br />

and build solidly<br />

upon it together,<br />

/<br />

Rinqleln<br />

Drug. Stere<br />

L~~=<br />

Itolnans IV!0tol' }1reight<br />

----.~----~-~- ---~--------~-~~ ----~-----------

I , ..li,' l 1... 1' t :;ftt*;JID!"')<<br />

, . ~ ~<br />

, 9 \~:(<br />

5 ,<br />

2 -<br />


----,--_.._---_.- ---_-...-....._--<br />

Quiz Bepresentctlve<br />

North Loup<br />

" .....'ft•••.--.<br />


The Truth About The<br />

new<br />

Should it be called a Holy Bible<br />

Is It the 9reat,esf Bible news in 341 years<br />

Are Its claims of accuracy true<br />

Thezo questk.'1s wi~l,<br />

bo answored<br />

Tuesday. December 30. 1952<br />

North Loup Community Hall<br />

Rev. S. E. Oakes', Speaker<br />

1\11'. and Mrs. II. L. Kling lnsiuith<br />

spent Wednesday af terncon in<br />

Orand Island ami stayed ove r­<br />

night at the GN, rg~ Gans home~t'<br />

Dannebrog. ,..' , ,<br />

Mr. and Mrs, Almond stillman<br />

of Vi~t3, Ca lif., .. an~i\"cd \Vcdnes-<br />

, I day for a two week visit with his<br />

Mrs.!. L. Sheldon left on Wed- parents, Mr. and 1\1rs, Arthur Stillnosday<br />

for Colorado Springs and man who are celebrating their<br />

Denver. Mr: Sheldon and Ben Ncl- golden wedding anniversary on<br />

son Will drIvc out till:' week and New Year's day with open house<br />

all WIll spend the holidays there. at their home. 1\11'5. Leland sun<br />

Mr. and M{s. M, Nelson who ai ~ man came with them nom AIin<br />

Ithica, ,N. Y", wh~re he is .. at- buqerquc, N. :M" and will visit<br />

tending C.Qrnell ymn'rslty, Will MI'. and 1\1r~. Gordon ;,UlIlllan till<br />

spend Christmas 111 Colorado also. the day after Christmas when she<br />

Mr. and Mrs, Ned Larldnand will return and Leland will come<br />

Neddo;!. and Helen King left Mon- to be here f'or the anmversa r'y,<br />

day for Denver to spend Christ- making the family circle complete.<br />

mas. They accompanied a sister 1\11'. and 1\11':;. Leland Stillman<br />

of Mrs. Lukin who lives in am- manage a Motel in Albucuerque<br />

aha.<br />

and cannot both be awa-: at the<br />

Mrs. Cecil 1{J1rtls, low ,and 1\~rs.<br />

accomp.anieq Dr. and Mrs, Christ Ross \\ ll!lams the traveling prize.<br />

'of Arcadia. ' Guests were Mrs. Clifton Clark,<br />

Color'd IiI t ." t . Mrs, Hoy IImlson and Mrs. Bates<br />

. . t g 1 S \\01e pu up 111 CopeL\nJ .<br />

matn street last week by Harlon ,. '<br />

Brennicl~ anJ Cliff Goodrich. A 1< nencl ~ ~ele had announce.ll1ents<br />

large col'ored star tops the PO\H!' of the ar,'l\'al of Cary D,\Vld AIhouse<br />

and many homes in the vil-, frey: born Dec. 14, to Mr.. and ~l.rs,<br />

lage are del'orated and light;d in Davl\,\ .Alfrey of !IL\lvern, Ia. He<br />

keeping with the sea30::. ' we1gheu 8 pounl!S ancl 3 'Junc;;s.<br />

.' lloth 1111'. ancl Mrs. AI~rcy taught<br />

\\ e.lter Blskcborn, WllO is in the in North Loup senl'al years, mov­<br />

U. S. ~avy and Il'as I~e~ently sent ing, to 1\1alvern two ,Years ago.<br />

to the Great !-a!tes tralllln.!>, center, Wh1le hele Mr. Alftl'Y was coach<br />

,~('ame home Sunday mOl'nll1g for a anu 1\[rs. Alfl ey taugllt the seven-<br />

.. ~ . flfte~n day lea \'c. , tIl and eig htIl g I'acIes. ~<br />

--'-- ----,.----. -'- - - C" '-<br />

• • ... , $ 4 ,-<br />

8 o'clock P.M.<br />

North Loup Bible Cla3s<br />

~"~!"'."'IIIIIIII"!'!'~!"'."'~~~ ....~---------._._,..,- __._-,,-_-_"'_"<br />

M1'. and Mrs. Een Sintck spent North Loup F. F. A.<br />

Mr. and Mr:;. Lyle Klinginsmith Picks Corn for Cooks<br />

Saturday in Grand Island.<br />

of Santa Ana, Calif., arrived last<br />

week for a brief. furlough with his Wednea.lay of last week the<br />

parents, ~11', and Mrs. Max Kling- l!'.I

,,'<br />

to.<br />

cI<br />

,,<br />

t<br />

...<br />

DECEMBER 25,<br />

1952<br />

----------<br />

I . ~ ; r<br />

, .. ',' I " ,<br />

\Vc will hold opcu hO,llse at our' hOtHC in North<br />

Loup New Years))aY,,'1953, - to celebrate our<br />

golden wedding anniversary. \Ve will be pleased<br />

to h~ve our friends call from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Stillman<br />

.. '<br />

-_.,-,-------~--,-----------~-- ~--~- -~---------~-~_._--<br />

.'<br />

\ .<br />

. D,ANCE ,'~<br />

"', . ,'( , . " . ,,'<br />

'C,h,pstlTlas N i9I1tIJ)ece,mbe,r~5<br />

. ~~, \~O'l\'~ , ,oh.~·mian '()~chestra ';Playi'"g' ';<br />

,A~o 'Ne~ '~~(llS. Ev~ Da~~e QOd Purt~-W;th"'Nobe<br />

Makers and Fun Makers.' ; , • ,.<br />

North LOup Comri,unlty' Hall<br />

Sponsored by Pop Com Committee.<br />

'1'1112 ORO QUIZ, ORO, NEBRASKA<br />

... i<br />

Obituary arlo Thrasher. 65.<br />

JOIIX S. DAns<br />

Funeral services were held Menjay,<br />

December 16, at 10 o'clock<br />

n the morri.ng from the Moore<br />

Mortuary in Denver, 0::>10" for<br />

John S, Davis, who uieu Dec, 12,<br />

it the home of his niece. Mrs.<br />

'~ichal'u Shcpard in Whea t ridg'e,<br />

':010, of coronary thrombosis. Rev.<br />

Harmon Dickenson, pastor of the<br />

Seventh Day Baptist church in<br />

Denver, officiated, Escorts were<br />

nephews of the deceased arid were<br />

Richard Shepard, George Negley,<br />

')eaI1 Negley, Dale Hastings, Elno<br />

Davis and Will Davis. Mrs, James<br />

C. Moore wa~ pianist, Clarence<br />

Hog-lunJ, org anist, Markh:llll E,<br />

Smith, tenor soloist and Donald<br />

W. Davis baritone soloist, Songs<br />

used were "The Old Rugged Cross"<br />

arid "Beyond the Suriset ." Burial<br />

was in Crown Hill cemetery at<br />

Denver. . . \ .'<br />

John ste,nn'ett Davis, son of Harrison<br />

.a nd Eliza Davis, was born<br />

tt North" Loup, Nebr., April 11,<br />

1891, and uied December 12. 1952,<br />

aged 61 years, eight monlhs and<br />

one day, He was marr-ied to Emma<br />

Sample in July of 1922 at North<br />

Louu, They moved to Denver in<br />

1937 and there he was a carpenter<br />

in the Denver area, He was a<br />

member or the Maple Grove<br />

Grange No. 151.<br />

Dies in Wyoming<br />

\Vonl came Sunday to Mrs.<br />

Bessie Roby from her brothel',<br />

Ervie \'(eed. that 01'10 Thrasher<br />

had passed away Sunday afternoon<br />

from a heart attack at his<br />

home in Gree'n River, Wyo. Mr:<br />

Thrashcr who was born and raised<br />

in Norlh Loup would havp been 65 >'ears of age On Dec. 21. 0;1 I<br />

December 18. MI'. and MIS.<br />

Thrasher had celebrated their wed-<br />

ding anniversary. Beside his Wife, j<br />

the fonner' Goldie Green, he is<br />

survived by three sons, Darrell of<br />

Rollins, Wyo., Alton of Gi'een<br />

River and Charles who lives in<br />

Ca l.Iornia. The Thrashers moved<br />

to Wy'oming a number of years<br />

ago where fOI', a time he worked<br />

for the railroad but in recent years I<br />

he hal~ fo llowcd tl(J carpenter<br />

trade,<br />

.!\II'.' and 1Iis. Max Klinginsmith<br />

and 1fr. and Mrs. Ralph Sperling<br />

spent Monday in Omaha. Re'turn-'<br />

ing they stepped at the Harold<br />

Kl;ngin3mith home in Fremont.<br />

Guests for a pre-Chrlstmas dinner<br />

Sunday in the Gilbert Babcock I<br />

horne wt:re Don Babcock and<br />

Larry of Lincoln. Mr. 'and 1lrs. I<br />

Chester Babcock and family of<br />

A r ca.dia, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Scott, I<br />

Mr'. and Mrs. Ike Babcock and<br />

family, Mr .and Mrs. oarron Babcock"<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bar­<br />

Survivors include his Wife, Emma<br />

and four brothers, H. Eugene<br />

bel' and family and Mrs. Bel ta<br />

of Alfred, N. Y., George E. of<br />

Barber of Kearney.<br />

Brookfield, N. Y" Orsen E. of<br />

Rive.rslde, Calif, and Ross O. of Mr. and Mrs. Guy 1Iulligan were<br />

Battle Creek, Mich.<br />

Sunday' guests of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Frank Mulligan and Richard.<br />

The Methodist Youth Fellowship<br />

went caroling Monday evening and:<br />

were served refreshments at the<br />

Fred Lunstedt home afterwards,<br />

Saturday guests 'of Mr. and 1111'S.<br />

Arthur Stillm,n were their children.<br />

MI'. and Mrs. Almond Stillman,<br />

of Vista, Calif" Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Edgar Stillman and S

·r<br />

" Happiness and good<br />

ri!<br />

...<br />

of the daVe<br />


~Wi'<br />

'W'mRI£<br />

z<br />

'<br />


Quiz Representative<br />

Arcadiex<br />

f<br />

-':<br />

Edwald Clay, pastor<br />

Sunday school 10 a. Ill.<br />

)ECEMBER 25, 1952<br />

':-M1's. Bob Marks, who had :5'pe~t : tel' spending the week end in! 27 W ' Et · (I b' N B ·<br />

e week end with her husband s o-a. I omen s xenslon u s ow usy In<br />

rrents, Mr. and Mrs, Sam ~iarks, i -~ir, and Mrs. E. B. Weekes. . .<br />

turned on Monday morning to l were overnight guests in Hyannis'V II ( .t PI" S' ; I'F t<br />

I' horne in Lincoln, \ \ last week, returning home \vedneS-1 a ey oun y. OPU ar as OCla ea ure<br />

1<br />

. . .<br />


Peace attend<br />

you the season<br />

through,<br />

And may your<br />

fondest dreams<br />

come true.<br />

: PAGE' SEVEN<br />

Irom the old fashioned yeast Jo'lnt Luthercn \1'OW('l' PI,lllt Building ... $125,000 I Assistant Bookkcepcr-Stenographbreads<br />

that our mothers used to .. 2 at a salary of<br />

set overnight and as carefully OirS lil an Cit C~ Oil t a nks and contenl s .. 2,000 $125 per month, to fill vacancy<br />

wruppc.I during the winter time, Tl .. t -1' f t1 st J \ ' : -_._-~-- --_._- created by the resignation of<br />

-Helen Tuma returned on Mon- day afternoon. ,. . .<br />

as was the baby, Many different, L '11~;~':'S:<br />

~.,:~<br />

'<br />

'.' good things<br />

to offer,<br />

Mart Beran's<br />

t<br />

\,\'~<br />

. ~ ~<br />

Service<br />

T~~QC(),<br />

)<br />

-.------.-------~------,._----<br />

; .~<br />

\<br />

..<br />

wa not too pOpula.~, due to the high son says, however, that sitting at<br />

cost of materials, but soine nice work is a skill that is acquired,<br />

hand coverings were ,created from but that it is a useful art to<br />

cotton clotjl, an(,l ornamentcd with master. I<br />

stitching, were a credit to their Then there was another lesson<br />

makers,<br />

on darning and mending, very use-<br />

One of the most popular lessons<br />

was' the 'one entitle,!, "Easier<br />

ful wilen the mending basket is<br />

filleu with stockings and overalls.<br />

Housekeeping," or. "S)\:k Tricks Th~ memers Iearr~ed how to I.et<br />

for' Easier Houseke"ping," in their sewmg machll1e take away<br />

which the members learned how much of the task of hand mendto<br />

do ordinary tasks, as'cIeaninE;' ing, and d":30overeJ that the patch<br />

a floor, oooking a meal, lihe ever was mur'1 more d~rable, was not<br />

necessary laundry, an~ sewing in so apparer;t, anu did not take near<br />

a much casler way. The member~ so llluch t1lue. . '<br />

also learned tha.t a housekeeper Lessons on cooking are always<br />

necu not be a drlfdge, but that the favorite ones, and this ye~r tl:re<br />

efficient methods sav'ed time amI lesson on qUick breads, proved to<br />

energy and made f'or a pleasanter be just that, popular. A far caJl<br />


Wh~re<br />

Grand Island D~nces<br />


, .. ~- ), '\<br />

JOHNNY ,CO>.'<br />

Ladi~s' $1.00 ,

\ \<br />

Supper Guests<br />

1-..1, and xirs, Dave \Vatson anJ<br />

family were supper guests Sunday<br />

evening of :\11'. and Mrs. Ivan Robinson.<br />

Buftcell Guests<br />

Mrs. Maude Liver more of Sargent<br />

and Mr. and Mrs. <strong>To</strong>le Brenneman<br />

and two small sons of Burwell<br />

were Wednesday evening<br />

guests of Mr.'and MI s. R. L. Liverrnore<br />

and Ross. .<br />

f<br />

Harmonlj Extension Club<br />

Tho thank Mr.<br />

Dunklau, the Home 1

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