Press release for Download (PDF) - AmannGirrbach AG

Press release for Download (PDF) - AmannGirrbach AG

Press release for Download (PDF) - AmannGirrbach AG


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Amann Girrbach is one of the leading companies in precision instruments and CAD/CAM solutions <strong>for</strong><br />

dental laboratories throughout the world. In addition to sites in Koblach, Austria and P<strong>for</strong>zheim,<br />

Germany, the company has had a U.S. subsidiary since 2005. Amann Girrbach was <strong>for</strong>med in 2004<br />

as a result of the merger of the two family-owned companies of Amann Dental GmbH, with<br />

headquarters in Koblach, and P<strong>for</strong>zheim’s Girrbach Dental GmbH (D). For further in<strong>for</strong>mation on<br />

Amann Girrbach, visit www.amanngirrbach.com.<br />

About TA Associates<br />

Founded in 1968, TA Associates is one of the largest and most experienced middle market private<br />

equity firms. The firm has invested in over 400 companies and manages more than $16 billion in<br />

capital. With offices in Boston, London, Menlo Park and Mumbai, TA Associates leads buyouts and<br />

minority recapitalizations of profitable growth companies in the technology, financial services, business<br />

services, healthcare and consumer industries. More in<strong>for</strong>mation about TA Associates can be found at<br />

www.ta.com.<br />

About Alpine Equity<br />

Since 1999, Alpine Equity Management <strong>AG</strong> (<strong>for</strong>merly Hypo Equity), with headquarters in Bregenz,<br />

Austria, has been geared towards equity and investment financing of medium-sized enterprises in<br />

Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Investment is focused on high-growth enterprises as well as<br />

buyout transactions and selected turnaround projects. With assets under management of around Euro<br />

100 million and 20 investment management companies, Alpine Equity is one of Austria’s leading<br />

private equity companies. For further in<strong>for</strong>mation on Alpine Equity, visit www.alpineequity.at.

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