Curriculum Vita_Andre Ivanoff - Behavioral Tech, LLC
Curriculum Vita_Andre Ivanoff - Behavioral Tech, LLC
Curriculum Vita_Andre Ivanoff - Behavioral Tech, LLC
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<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vita</strong>e<br />
Columbia University School of Social Work<br />
1255 Amsterdam Avenue<br />
New York, New York 10025<br />
(212) 851-2234<br /><br />
1985 Ph.D. Social Welfare, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.<br />
Dissertation: Inpatient Treatment for Suicide Attempters.<br />
1978 M.S.W. Social Work, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.<br />
1976 B.S. Social Work, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota<br />
1992-present Associate Professor, Columbia University School of Social Work, New<br />
York, New York.<br />
1988-1992 Assistant Professor, Columbia University School of Social Work, New<br />
York, New York.<br />
1985-1988 Assistant Professor, School of Social Welfare, Rockefeller College of<br />
Public Affairs and Policy, State University of New York at Albany,<br />
Albany, New York.<br />
1984 Instructor, School of Social Work, University of Washington, Seattle,<br />
Washington.<br />
1982-1983 Clinical Field Instructor, School of Social Work, University of<br />
Washington, Seattle, Washington.<br />
2000-present Chair, Institutional Review Board (Human Subjects Review), Columbia<br />
University, New York, New York.<br />
1995-present Clinical practice and supervision, New York, New York.<br />
1978-1984 Mental Health Clinician, Department of Psychiatry & <strong>Behavioral</strong>.<br />
Sciences, University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, Washington.<br />
1979-1984 Staff Therapist and Trainer, Sexual Dysfunction Clinic, Department of<br />
Psychiatry & <strong>Behavioral</strong> Sciences, University of Washington Medical<br />
Center, Seattle, Washington.<br />
1976-1977 Social Worker, Seattle Emergency Housing Service, Seattle, Washington.
2<br />
1976 Social Service Worker, School Age Group Treatment Program Grand<br />
Forks County Social Service Center, Grand Forks, North Dakota.<br />
(Graduate) Advanced Clinical Practice in Mental Health & Health; Evaluation of Clinical<br />
Practice I and II; Case Study Methodology; Cognitive-behavioral Integrative Seminar;<br />
Evaluation and Research in Clinical Practice; Theory and Treatment of Suicidal Behavior;<br />
Dialectical Behavior Therapy; Social Work with Women.<br />
BOOK<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Blythe, B.J. & Tripodi, (1994). Involuntary clients in social work practice: A<br />
research-based approach. Hawthorne, N.Y.: Aldine de Gruyter<br />
Schmidt III, H. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (in preparation). Targeting self-injurious behaviors in custodial<br />
settings.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. Blythe, B & Walters, B. (in preparation). Minimizing risk in research with high risk<br />
children and adolescents.<br />
Matthieu, M., Lewis, S., Conroy, K., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (under review). Social work field instruction<br />
in New York City after 9/11/01: Impact and needs resulting from the World Trade Center<br />
disaster. The Clinical Supervisor.<br />
Matthieu, M.M, Blackmore, E.R., Conroy, K., Lewis, S., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (under review). MSW<br />
Fieldwork: Student perspective on the impact of the World Trade Center Disaster.<br />
Journal of Social Work Education.<br />
Matthieu, M. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (in press). Using stress theory in clinical practice: Assessments of<br />
coping perceptions after the World Trade Center Disaster. Brief Treatment and Crisis<br />
Intervention.<br />
Golder, S. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (in press). Evidence-based practice with adults in jails and prisons:<br />
Strategies, practices and future directions. Evidence-based Practice in Mental Health.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Matthieu, M. (in press). Attrition and dropout in PTSD outcome research. Journal<br />
of Interpersonal Violence.<br />
McCann, R.A., Ball, E., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (2001). Creating a life worth living for those who don't<br />
think others deserve it: The CMHIP forensic DBT model. Cognitive and <strong>Behavioral</strong><br />
Practice, 7(4), 447-456.<br />
Jackson, A.P. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1999). Reduction of low response rates in interview surveys of poor<br />
African-American families. Journal of Social Service Research, 25, 41-60.<br />
El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R.F., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Chen, D.R., Bidassie, B., & Hanson, M. (1998).<br />
Stages of change among incarcerated drug- using women. Addictive Behavior, 23(3),<br />
El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R.F., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Chen, D.R. & Hanson, M. (1998). Assessing the<br />
World Health Organization's Alcohol Use Disorder Identification test among<br />
incarcerated women. Jounal of Offender Rehabilitation, 26(3/4), 71-89.<br />
The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, Co-PI). (1998). Reducing HIV sexual risk<br />
behavior. Science, 280, 1889-1894.<br />
The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, Co-PI). (1997). Methodological overview of<br />
the NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial for populations at risk for HIV. AIDS, 11, s1-<br />
s11.<br />
The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, Co-PI). (1997). Screening recruitment and<br />
predicting retention of participants in a multisite HIV prevention trial. AIDS, 11, s13-<br />
s19.<br />
The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, Co-PI). (1997). Demographic and<br />
behavioral predictors of sexual risk in a multisite HIV prevention trial. AIDS, 11, s21-<br />
s27.<br />
The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, Co-PI). (1997). Conceptual basis and<br />
procedures for intervention in a multisite HIV prevention trial. AIDS, 11, s29-s35.<br />
The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, Co-PI). (1997). Endpoints and other<br />
measures in a multisite HIV prevention trial: Rational and psychometric properties.<br />
AIDS, 11, s37-s47.<br />
The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, Co-PI). (1997). Quality control and quality<br />
assurance in HIV prevention research: Model from a multisite HIV prevention trial.<br />
AIDS, 11, s49-s53.<br />
The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, Co-PI). (1997). Definition of adverse<br />
reactions in clinical trials of behavioral intervention. AIDS, 11, s55-s57.<br />
The NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial (<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, Co-PI). (1997). Collecting sexually<br />
transmitted disease clinic chart data in multisite studies. AIDS, 11, s59-s63.<br />
Schilling, R.F., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., El-Bassel, N., & Soffa, F. (1997). HIV-related behavior in<br />
transitional correctional settings. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 24, 256-277.<br />
El-Bassel, N., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Schilling, R.F., Borne, D., & Gilbert, L. (1997). Skills building and<br />
social support enhancement to reduce HIV risk among women in jail. Criminal Justice<br />
and Behavior, 24(2), 205-223.<br />
El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R.F., Gilbert, L., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1996). Correlates of crack abuse<br />
among incarcerated drug-using women: Trauma, social support, and coping behavior.<br />
American Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 22, 41-56.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Joon, S.J. & Smyth, N.J. (1996). Clinical risk factors associated with parasuicide in<br />
prison. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 40,<br />
135-146.<br />
El-Bassel, N., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Schilling, R.F., Gilbert, L., & Chen, D.R. (1995). Correlates of<br />
problem drinking among drug-using incarcerated women. Addictive Behaviors, 20, 359-<br />
369.<br />
El-Bassel, N., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Schilling, R.F., Gilbert, L., Borne, D., & Chen D.R. (1995).<br />
Preventing HIV/AIDS among drug-abusing incarcerated women through skills building<br />
and social support enhancement: Preliminary outcomes. Social Work Research, 19, 131-<br />
141.<br />
4<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Jang, S.J., Smyth, N.J. & Linehan, M.M. (1994). Fewer reasons for living when<br />
you're thinking about killing yourself: The Brief Reasons for Living Inventory.<br />
Psychopathology and <strong>Behavioral</strong> Assessment, 4, 1-13.<br />
Schilling, R.F., El-Bassel, N., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Gilbert, L., Su, K.H. & Safyer, S. (1994). Sexual risk<br />
behavior among incarcerated women drug users. Public Health Reports, 109, 539-547.<br />
Smyth, N.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Jang. S.J. (1994). Changes in psychological maladaption among<br />
inmate parasuicides. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 21, 357-365.<br />
Smyth, N.J. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1994). The environmental preferences and adaptations of<br />
parasuicidal prison inmates. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 20, 131-146.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Smyth, N.J. & Finnegan, D.J. (1993). Social work behind bars: Preparing studentsfor<br />
fieldwork in correctional institutions. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 7, 137-149.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Stern, S.B. (1992). Self-management interventions in health and mental health<br />
settings: Evidence of maintenance and generalization. Social Work Research &<br />
Abstracts, 28, 32-38.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Smyth, N.J., Grochowski, S. & Jang, S.J. (1992). Problem solving and suicidality:<br />
Another look at state versus trait. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60,<br />
970-973.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1992). Background characteristics associated with parasuicide among male prison<br />
inmates. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 19, 426-436.<br />
Finnegan, D.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Smyth, N.J. (1991). The computer applications explosion: What<br />
practitioners and managers need to know. Computers in Human Services, 8, 119.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Jang, S.J. (1991). The role of hopelessness and social desirability in predicting<br />
suicidal behavior: A study of prison inmates. Journal of Consulting and Clinical<br />
Psychology, 59, 394-399.<br />
Finnegan, D.J. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1991). Brief computer training: Does it change attitudes toward<br />
computer use in social work practice The results of an educational experiment. Journal<br />
of Social Work Education, 27, 73-82.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Robinson, A.E.R. & Blythe, B.J. (1989). Empirical clinical practice: Response to<br />
Davis. Social Work, 34, 558-559.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1989). Identifying psychological correlates of suicidal behavior in jails and holding<br />
facilities. Psychiatric Quarterly, 60, 73-84.<br />
Hagen, J.L. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1988). Homeless women: A high risk population. Affilia: Journal of<br />
Women in Social Work, 3, 19-33.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Kirk, S.A. (1988). Gender differences in publication rates. Social Work, 33(1), 69.<br />
Toseland, R.W., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Rose, S.R. (1987). Treatment conferences: Task groups in action.<br />
Social Work with Groups, 10, 79-94.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Robinson, E.A.R. & Blythe, B.J. (1987). Empirical clinical practice from a feminist<br />
perspective. Social Work, 32, 417-423.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Blythe, B.J. & Briar, S.B. (1987). The empirical clinical practice debate. Social<br />
Casework, 68, 290-298.<br />
Schmidt III, H. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (in preparation). <strong>Behavioral</strong> prescriptions for treating selfinjurious<br />
behavior in correctional settings. In M. Piasecki (Ed.), Handbook of forensic<br />
psychiatry. Civic Research Press: Washington, D.C.
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Blythe, B. (in preparation). Research ethics. In R.M. Grinnell & Y.A. Unrau<br />
(Eds.), Social work research and evaluation: Quantitative and qualitative approaches (8 th<br />
ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (in press). Case study. In B. Thomlison and K. Corcoran (Eds.), Evidence-based<br />
internship: A skill-based manual.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Schmidt III, H. (in press). Reducing suicidal behavior in custodial settings:<br />
Meeting administrative challenges. In G. Dear (Ed.), Preventing suicide and other selfharm<br />
in prison. London: Palgrave-MacMillan.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Manuel, J. (in preparation). Dialectical behavior therapy for personality disorders.<br />
In B. Thyer & J. Wodarski (Eds.), Handbook of empirical social work practice (2 nd ed).<br />
New York: John S. Wiley & Sons.<br />
McCann, R., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Schmidt III, H., & Beach, B. (in press). DBT in highly restricted and<br />
long term settings. In L. Dimeff, K. Koerner & C. Sanderson (Eds.), Adaptations of<br />
Dialectical Behavior Therapy. New York: Guilford Press.<br />
Robins, C.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Linehan, M.M. (2001). Dialectical Behavior Therapy. In W.J.<br />
Livesley (Ed.) Handbook of personality disorders. (pp. 437-459). New York: Guilford<br />
Press.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Linehan, M.M. & Brown, M. (2001). Impulsive self-injury: Dialectical Behavior<br />
Therapy. In D. Simeon & E. Hollander (Eds.), Self-injurious behaviors: Assessment and<br />
treatment. (pp. 149-173). Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association Press.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Fisher, P. (2000). Suicide and suicidal behavior. In A. Gitterman (Ed.), Handbook<br />
of social work practice with vulnerable populations 2 nd ed. (pp. 788-819). New York:<br />
Columbia University Press.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Hayes, L. (2001). Prevention of suicide and suicidal behavior in jail and prison. In<br />
J.B. Ashford & B. Sales (Eds.), Treating offenders with mental disorders. (pp. 313-331).<br />
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association Press.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Recknor, K., & Linehan, M.M. (1998). Borderline personality disorder. In J.<br />
Wodarski and B. Thyer (Eds.), Handbook of empirical social work practice (pp. 453-<br />
472). New York: John S. Wiley & Sons.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Smyth, N.J. (1997). Preparing social workers for practice in correctional settings.<br />
In A.R. Roberts (Ed.), Social work in juvenile and criminal justice settings, 2 nd ed..<br />
Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1997). Suicide prevention justifies placing suicidal clients in care. In E. Gambrill &<br />
R. Pruger (Eds.), Controversial issues in social work ethics. New York: Wiley.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Riedel, M. (1995). Suicide. In R.L. Edwards, (Ed.)., Encyclopedia of Social Work,<br />
19 th Edition. Washington, D.C.: NASW.<br />
McNeill, S. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1994). Should ECT be abolished Absolutely Not. In S.A. Kirk & S.<br />
Einbinder (Eds.), Controversial issues in mental health. New York: Wiley.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Smyth, N.J. (1992). Comprehensive treatment for suicidal clients. In K. Corcoran<br />
(Ed.) Structuring change. Chicago: Lyceum.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1991). Suicide and suicidal behavior. In A. Gitterman (ed.), Social work practice<br />
with vulnerable populations. New York: Columbia University Press.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1990). Research utilization: Reflection on the rhetoric. In L. VidekaSherman, and<br />
W.J. Reid (Eds.), Advances in Clinical Social Work Practice. Washington, D.C.: NASW.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A.M. (1987). Suicide. In A. Minehan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Work, 18 th Edition<br />
(pp.737-748). Silver Spring, MD: NASW.<br />
6<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1994). Evaluation of the NYPD Police Suicide Project. Report to the NYC Police<br />
Foundation and the New York City Police Department. [Report & Summary].<br />
Grinnell, R. et al., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., et al., (1994). Social work researchers' quest for respectability<br />
[Points & Viewpoints]. Social Work, 39, 469-470.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1991). C. Borgen Wrap-around. In J. David (Producer), By Their Own Hand. New<br />
York: Tulip Films, Inc.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Tighe, M. (1991). Suicide Awareness: Instructor's Manual for Borough-based<br />
Training. New York: New York City Police Academy.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Blythe, B. (1989). Exploring epistemologies [Letter]. Journal of Social Work<br />
Education, 25, 176-177.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1987). The Suicidal Child, [Book Review]. Children and Youth Services Review, 9,<br />
222-224.<br />
Finnegan, D.J. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1987). Computer utilization in direct practice. [Abstract].<br />
Computer Application in Social Work and Allied Professions, 3, 41.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A.M., Robinson, E.A.R. & Blythe, B.J. (1986). Practitioner and Researcher Voices in<br />
Social Work: A Feminist Perspective. (Working Paper 8602). Ann Arbor: University of<br />
Michigan School of Social Work.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A.M. (1986). Youth Suicide [Book Review]. Children and Youth Services Review, 8,<br />
272-275.<br />
2004 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. Stalking offenders: Development of a skills-based intervention. Submitted to<br />
the Center for the Study of Social Work Practice.<br />
2004 Rosenfeld, B., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., & Galietta, M. (Co-Principal Investigator). Dialectical<br />
Behavior Therapy for Stalking Offenders, RO-1. NIMH. Resubmission July 2005.<br />
2002 Brinkley, A.J. & Fischbach, G. (Principal Investigators). Human Subjects Research<br />
Enhancement. (<strong>Ivanoff</strong> Co-Investigator). National Institute of Health.<br />
2001 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. Evaluation of DBT in Creedmoor Psychiatric Center. NYS OMH.<br />
2000 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. Evaluation of DBT in Creedmoor Psychiatric Center. NYS OMH.<br />
1999 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. Implementing Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Creedmoor Psychiatric Center.<br />
Jannssen Pharmaceutical.<br />
1991 Schilling, R.F. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (Co-Principal Investigator). (1991-96). Preventing HIV<br />
transmission in urban populations. National Institute of Mental Health, Multisite trial for<br />
behavioral strategies to prevent the further spread of HIV infection.<br />
1991 Schilling, R.F. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (Co-Principal Investigator). (1991-96). Reducing AIDS and<br />
relapse among female offenders. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
7<br />
1990 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1990-94). Evaluation of NYPD suicide prevention efforts: NYC Police<br />
Foundation Suicide Prevention Project.<br />
1990 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1990-91). Aftermath of Inmate parasuicide: 1 Year follow-up. Helen Rehr<br />
Junior Faculty Research Award.<br />
1988 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1988-89). Re-funded, 1989-90. Subsequent suicidal behavior in prison.<br />
American Suicide Association, College of Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia<br />
University.<br />
1988 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1988-89). Prison parasuicide: Followup I. NYS Office of Mental Health ,<br />
Bureau of Forensic Services, and NYS Department of Correctional Services.<br />
1988 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Hagen, J.L. (1988-89). Coping enhancement: Brief intervention for newly<br />
homeless women. SUNYA Faculty Research Awards Program.<br />
1987 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1987). Faculty Research Travel Awards Program. NYS/United University<br />
Professions.<br />
1987 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1987-1988). Prison parasuicide: Pilot investigation. NYS Office of Mental<br />
Health, SUNYA Faculty Research Awards Program, NYS Department of Correctional<br />
Services<br />
1985 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. & Hagen, J.L. (1985-86). Service delivery and mental health needs of<br />
homeless women in the Capital District. United University Professions. Small grant.<br />
1979 <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1979-80). Depression for hemodialysis patients. Pilot study. Northwest<br />
Kidney Center, Seattle, Washington.<br />
2005-present Ethics Board, Suicide Center, Department of Neuroscience, Columbia University<br />
Medical Center<br />
2005 Reviewer, Journal of Forensic Clinical Psychology<br />
2002-2004 Reviewer, Criminal Justice and Behavior<br />
2002-present Advisory Board, Center for Bioethics, Columbia University<br />
2001-present Membership Committee, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy<br />
1998-2001 Reviewer, Research on Social Work Practice<br />
1997-1999 Program Committee, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy<br />
Annual Convention<br />
1996-2000 Editor, Guilford Press Series: "Contemporary Social Work: Practice & Policy"<br />
1995-1998 Editorial Board, Social Work Research<br />
1995 Reviewer, Health Psychology<br />
1994 Program Committee, Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy 28 th<br />
Annual Convention<br />
Reviewer, Social Work Research<br />
1993-1994 Reviewer, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology<br />
1992 Invited Participant, NIMH Policy Workshop, "HIV Among Drug-Users",<br />
Rockville, MD<br />
Reviewer, Suicide and Life-threatening Behavior<br />
1991 Reviewer, Social Science Journal<br />
Evaluation and Program Planning<br />
1990-1993 Member, Editorial Board, Research on Social Work Practice
8<br />
1989 Reviewer, Journal of Education in Social Work<br />
1988-1990 Item Writing Trainer, National Social Work Licensing Examination<br />
1987 Faculty, Continuing Education Programs: NYS Public Employees Case Western<br />
Reserve University, University of Washington<br />
2003-present International Research Guidance Committee<br />
2000-present Chair, Columbia University Institutional Review Board<br />
1995-1999 Institutional Review Board (Human Subjects review)<br />
1996-1997 University Affirmative Action Review Committee<br />
2004-2005 Convener, Specialized Advanced Clinical Practice—T7114<br />
2004-2005 Faculty Search Committee<br />
2000-2003 Chair, Faculty Search Committee<br />
1997-1999 Faculty Search Committee<br />
1996-1998 Chair, Field Instruction Policy Committee<br />
1995-2001 Professional Advisory Committee, Center for Social Work Practice<br />
1994-2000 Doctoral Program Committee<br />
1994-2000 Faculty Representative, School of Social Work Advisory Council<br />
1994-1996 Faculty Search Committee<br />
1993-1995 Budget Advisory Committee<br />
1993-1995 Member, Field Instruction Policy Committee<br />
1990-1991 Committee on Students<br />
1989-1997 Dissertation Review Panel<br />
1989-1991 Committee on Instruction<br />
1989-1990 Co-Chair, Health Consortium Educational Subcommittee<br />
1988-1991 Field Instruction Policy Committee<br />
1989-1990 Co-Chair, Educational Subcommittee, Health Consortium<br />
1988-1989 Practice Area Teaching Materials Committee<br />
1988-1992 Faculty Colloquium Committee<br />
2001 Volunteer Crisis Counselor, Psychological Counseling Services for Faculty, Staff,<br />
and Students of Columbia University<br />
1994-1998 Vice-President, Board of Directors, Friends of Rikers Island Academy<br />
1992-present Member, Board of Directors, Friends of Rikers Island Academy<br />
1990-1995 Suicide Prevention Advisory Committee, NY City Police Department<br />
1989-1992 Consultant, The Samaritans of the Capital District, Albany, NY<br />
1985-1989 Member, Board of Directors, The Samaritans, Albany, NY<br />
1985-1988 Clinical Services Committee, Jewish Family Services, Albany, NY<br />
1986-1987 Practicum Instructor, The Samaritans, Albany, NY<br />
1979-1984 Vice-President, Board of Directors, Chair, Program Evaluation Committee,<br />
Seattle Emergency Housing Service, Seattle, WA
9<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Galietta, M. & Rosenfeld, B. (2005, March). Adapting DBT for stalking offenders.<br />
Presentation at 3 rd Annual Dialectical Behavior Therapy Strategic Planning Meeting,<br />
Seattle, Washington.<br />
Rosenfeld, B., Galietta, M., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. et al. (2005, March). Treating stalking offenders. Paper<br />
presented at the American Psychology and Law Society, San Diego, CA.<br />
Walters, B., Blythe, B. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (2005, January). An examination of best practices in crosstraining<br />
for child protection workers. Poster presentation at The Society for Social Work<br />
Research, Miami, Florida.<br />
Matthieu, M. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (2004, March). Using computer assisted self-interview with audio<br />
technology to teach suicide assessment in social work advance practice: Columbia<br />
University Teen Screen. Electronic poster presentation at the Annual Program Meeting of<br />
the Council on Social Work Education, Anaheim, CA.<br />
Matthieu, M., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Lewis, S.J., & Conroy, K. (2004, January). Acute stress reactions after<br />
the World Trade Center disaster: Social work students in New York City. Paper presented<br />
at the annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.<br />
Matthieu, M. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (2003, November). Mental health trainees: Stress reactions to the<br />
World Trade Center Disaster. Poster presented at the 37 th Annual Convention for the<br />
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., & O'Brien, D. (2003, September). Awareness of the IRB. Paper presented at Respect<br />
for All Involved: A National Research Integrity and Human Research Protections<br />
Conference, New York, NY.<br />
Lewis, S.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Matthieu, M., Conroy, K., & Blythe, B. (2003, April). Students and<br />
professionals: Impact of the WTC disaster on mental health providers. Poster presented<br />
at Disaster Psychiatry Outreach's 3 rd International Congress, Arlington, VA.<br />
Conroy, K., Lewis, S.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., & Matthieu, M. (2003, April). Training mental health<br />
professionals: Fieldwork and the World Trade Center disaster. Poster presented at<br />
Disaster Psychiatry Outreach's 3 rd International Congress, Arlington, VA.<br />
Lewis, S.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Matthieu, M., Conroy, K., & Blythe, B. (2003, January). Students and<br />
social work professionals: Impact of the WTC disaster. Paper presented at the annual<br />
conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.<br />
Conroy, K., Lewis, S.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., & Mattheiu, M. (2003, January). MSW fieldwork and the<br />
World Trade Center disaster. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for<br />
Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.<br />
Matthieu, M., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (2002, November). Attrition in PTSD Treatment Outcome Research.<br />
Poster presented at the annual convention of the Association for the Advancement of<br />
Behavior Therapy, Reno, Nevada.<br />
El-Bassel, N., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1994, June). HIV risk prevention among female offenders. Invited<br />
presentation at the Columbia University HIV Center, New York, NY.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1993, November). Para suicide among state prison inmates: Clinical directions<br />
from empirical research. Invited presentation at the International Conference on<br />
Treatment and Diversion of the Mentally Disordered Offender, Phoenix, AZ.
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1993, November). The mental health crisis in prisons and jails. Invited presentation<br />
at the National Association of Social Workers Meeting, Orlando, FL.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., El-Bassel, N., Schilling, R., & Gilbert, L. (1993, January). Skills-building<br />
intervention to reduce relapse and HIV risk among female offenders. Paper presented at<br />
the International Conference on Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, Santa Fe, AZ.<br />
Borne, D., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., & El-Bassel, N. (1992, June). Sexual risk behavior among sentenced<br />
female drug-using inmates in a New York City jail. Paper presented at the 8 th<br />
International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, Netherlands.<br />
Grochowski, S., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Smyth, N.J., & Jang, S.J. (1991, November). Problem-solving skills<br />
and suicidal behavior among prison inmates. Poster session presented at the 25 th Annual<br />
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Conference, New York, NY.<br />
Smyth, N.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., & Dornelles, P. (1991, November). The environmental preferences and<br />
adaptation of para suicidal prison inmates. Poster session presented at the 25 th Annual<br />
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Conference, New York, NY.<br />
Hadden, B., Gilbert, L., Muska, S., Gray, O., Gordon, K., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., El-Bassel, N. & Schilling,<br />
R. (1991, June). A relapse and AIDS prevention intervention for methadone maintenance<br />
program participants. Paper presented at the 7 th International Conference on AIDS,<br />
Florence, Italy.<br />
Smyth, N.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., & Finnegan, D.J. (1991, March). Preparing students for fieldwork in<br />
correctional settings. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education's Annual<br />
Program Meeting, New Orleans, LA.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Smyth, N.J., Klein, K., & Gohlke, K. (1990, December). Characteristics associated<br />
with para suicide in state prison inmates: Pilot study. Poster session presented at the<br />
NYS Office of Mental Health Research Conference, Albany, NY.<br />
Finnegan, D.J., Smyth, N.J., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1990, March). Preparing students for the real world:<br />
Matching needed skills and strengths. Media presentation presented at the Council on<br />
Social Work Education's Annual Program Meeting, Reno, NV.<br />
Smyth, N.J., Finnegan, D.J., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1989, March). The computerized software library as<br />
social work education tool. Media presentation presented at the Council on Social Work<br />
Education's Annual Program Meeting, Chicago, IL.<br />
Blythe, B.J., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1988, February). Building an academic career in social work.<br />
Master teaching session presented at the Council on Social Work Education's Annual<br />
Program Meeting, Atlanta, GA.<br />
Hagen, J.L., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1987, October). Homeless women: A high risk group. Paper<br />
presented at the annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, New<br />
Orleans, LA.<br />
Finnegan, D.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., & Smyth, N.J. (1987, September). A computer applications<br />
explosion: What practitioners and managers need to know. Paper presented at the<br />
National Association of Social Workers symposium, New Orleans, LA.<br />
Finnegan, D.J., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1987, September). Microcomputer utilization in direct practice.<br />
Paper presented at the First International Conference on Information <strong>Tech</strong>nology in<br />
Human Services, Birmingham, England.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1986, November). Inpatient treatment of suicide attempters. Poster session<br />
presented at the 20 th Annual Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy<br />
Convention, Chicago, IL.<br />
11<br />
Smyth, N.J. & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1986, September). Treatment of chronic suicide attempter: Building<br />
empirical model for practice. Paper presented at the NASW Clinical Social Work<br />
Conference, San Francisco, CA.<br />
Blythe, B.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., & Richey, C.A. (1986, March). Mentor relationships among women in<br />
academia and social services. Paper presented at the Annual Program Meeting of the<br />
Council on Social Work Education, Miami, FL.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Richey, C.A., Videka-Sherman, L., & Bronson, D.E. (1986, March). Standardized<br />
measurement in clinical social work. Panel presented at the Annual Program Meeting of<br />
the Council on Social Work Education, Miami, FL.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., & Davidge, A. (1985, June). Evaluation of groups for the depressed, chronically<br />
mental ill, and nursing home residents. Workshop presented at Practitioners as<br />
Evaluators of Direct Practice Conference, Seattle, WA.<br />
Blythe, B.J., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Richey, C.A., & Jayaratne, S. (1985, February). Strategies for teaching<br />
direct practice students to conduct single-case studies. Panel presented at the Annual<br />
Program meeting of the Council on Social Work Education, Washington, DC.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Blythe, B.J., & Briar, S. (1984, March). Analyzing the empirical clinical practice<br />
debate. Paper presented at the Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work<br />
Education, Detroit, MI.<br />
Doran, L., Lindner, K., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Wells, E., Egan, K., & Speiker, S. (1983, March).<br />
Achievement through bonding: A workshop in developing task-oriented peer support<br />
groups. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Association in Psychology,<br />
Seattle, WA.<br />
Linehan, M.M., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Graham, B.L., Chiles, J.A., Sadin, P., & Nielsen, S.L. (1981,<br />
November). Response styles of para suicides. Paper presented at the Annual Association<br />
for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy Meeting, Toronto, Canada.<br />
Linehan, M.M., <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., Graham, B.J., Chiles, J.A., Sadin, P., & Nielsen, S.L. (1981,<br />
November). Interpersonal response styles of para suicides. Paper presented at the Annual<br />
Meeting of the American Association of Suiciodology. Albuqerque, NM.<br />
Linehan, M.M., Sharp, E.G., & <strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A. (1980, November). The adult pleasant events<br />
schedule. Paper presented at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy<br />
Meeting, New York, NY.<br />
<strong>Ivanoff</strong>, A., & DeLange, J.M. (1979, December). Self-management of depression: A combined<br />
approach. Paper presented at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy,<br />
San Francisco, CA.<br />
2005 Bellevue Hospital Forensic Service, Department of Health & Mental<br />
Hygiene, City of New York, New York.<br />
2001-2004 Federal Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice, US Medical Center,<br />
Springfield, Missouri<br />
2000 Central New York State Psychiatric Center, NYS Office of Mental Health, Utica,<br />
New York<br />
1998-1999 Colorado State Mental Health Institute at Pueblo, Forensic Inpatient Service,<br />
Pueblo, Colorado
12<br />
1997-2005 Creedmoor State Psychiatric Hospital, New York State Office of Mental Health,<br />
Queens Village, New York<br />
1998 Correctional Service of Hong Kong, Stanley Prison, Hong Kong<br />
1997 San Francisco General Hospital Forensic Unit / SF County Jail Psychiatric<br />
Services, San Francisco, CA<br />
1997 Texas Department of Criminal Justice Services, John T. Montford Psychiatric<br />
Hospital, Lubbock, TX.<br />
1997 Correctional Service of Canada, Ottawa, ON<br />
1995-1997 New York State Psychiatric Institute, Department of Neuroscience, New York,<br />
New York<br />
1995 Colorado State Mental Health Institute at Pueblo, Forensic Inpatient Service,<br />
Pueblo, CO<br />
Applied Research Ethics National Association<br />
Academy of Certified Social Workers<br />
American Suicide Association<br />
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy<br />
National Association of Social Workers<br />
Society for the Advancement of Social Work Research