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2. Shock formation and weak solutions<br />

The existence and the uniqueness of (locally defined in time) smooth solutions of<br />

strictly hyperbolic systems of conservation laws follow from standard compactness<br />

arguments in Sobolev spaces. Generally speaking, smooth solutions u = u(x, t) of<br />

nonlinear hyperbolic equations eventually loose their regularity at some finite critical<br />

time, at which the derivative ∂ x u tends to infinity. This breakdown of smooth solutions<br />

motivates the introduction of the concept of weak solutions, which allows us to<br />

deal with discontinuous solutions of (1.1) such as shock waves.<br />

First of all, in order to clarify the blow-up mechanism, we study the typical<br />

case of Burgers equation, introduced in Example 1.3, and we discuss three different<br />

approaches demonstrating the non-existence of smooth solutions. Let u = u(x, t) be<br />

a continuously differentiable solution of (1.6) satisfying the initial condition (1.2) for<br />

some smooth function u 0 . Suppose that this solution is defined for small times t, at<br />

least.<br />

Approach based on the implicit function theorem. Following the discussion<br />

in Example 1.3, observe that the implicit function theorem fails to apply to (1.7)<br />

when t is too large. More precisely, it is clear that the condition (1.8) always fails if<br />

t is sufficiently large, except when<br />

u 0 is a non-decreasing function. (2.1)<br />

When (2.1) is satisfied, the transformation v ↦→ v − u 0 (x − vt) remains one-to-one for<br />

all times and (1.7) provides the unique solution of (1.6) and (1.2), globally defined in<br />

time.<br />

Geometric approach. Given y 0 ∈ I R,thecharacteristic curve t ↦→ y(t) issuing<br />

from y 0 is defined (locally in time, at least) by<br />

y ′ (t) =u ( y(t),t ) , t ≥ 0,<br />

y(0) = y 0 .<br />

(2.2)<br />

The point y 0 is referred to as the foot of the characteristic. Setting<br />

v(t) :=u ( y(t),t )<br />

and using (1.6) and (2.2) one obtains<br />

v ′ (t) =0.<br />

So, the solution is actually constant along the characteristic which, therefore, must<br />

be a straight line. It is geometrically clear that two of these characteristic lines<br />

will eventually intersect at some latter time, except if the u 0 satisfies (2.1) and the<br />

characteristics spread away from each other and never cross.<br />

Approach based on the derivative ∂ x u. Finally, we show the connection with<br />

the well-known blow-up phenomena arising in solutions of ordinary differential equations.<br />

Given a smooth solution u, consider its space derivative ∂ x u along a characteristic<br />

t ↦→ y(t), that is, set<br />

w(t) :=(∂ x u) ( y(t),t ) .

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