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Order Form - FENOMEC


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wave, that is, the shock speed coincides with the right-hand characteristic speed:<br />

f(u l ) − f ( ϕ ♮ (u l ) )<br />

u l − ϕ ♮ = f ′( ϕ ♮ (u l ) ) , (2.9)<br />

(u l )<br />

that is, the rarefaction is “attached” to the shock.<br />

It is obvious that, in Theorem 2.2 (as well as in Theorem 2.3 below) the Riemann<br />

solution is monotone and, when it contains two waves, the intermediate state (specifically<br />

here ϕ ♮ (u l )) depends continuously upon the data u l and u r and converges to<br />

u l or to u r when passing from one case to another. These important properties of<br />

classical solutions will no longer hold with nonclassical solutions. (See the weaker<br />

statement after Theorem 4.1, below.)<br />

Proof. Observe that in Case (c) above, after a right-contact wave one can add a<br />

rarefaction fan, precisely because the left-hand of the rarefaction fan travels with<br />

a speed faster than or equal to (in fact, equal to) the shock speed; see (2.9). In<br />

view of (2.7) and (2.8), the function described in the theorem is an admissible weak<br />

solution of the Riemann problem. To establish that this is the unique solution made<br />

of elementary waves, we make the following observations:<br />

• After a shock connecting u − to u + , no other wave can be added except when<br />

u + = ϕ ♮ (u − ). (The shock is then a right-contact and can be followed with a<br />

rarefaction preserving the monotonicity of the solution.)<br />

• After a rarefaction connecting u − to u + , no other wave can be added except<br />

another rarefaction.<br />

We conclude that a Riemann solution is monotone and contains at most two<br />

elementary waves. This establishes the desired uniqueness result.<br />

□<br />

When the flux is a convex-concave function, in the sense that<br />

uf ′′ (u) < 0 (u ≠0), f ′′′ (0) ≠0,<br />

lim f ′ (u) =−∞<br />

|u|→+∞<br />

and all of the entropies are enforced, we obtain<br />

{ (<br />

−∞,ϕ −♮ (u − )] ∪ [u − , +∞ ) , u − ≥ 0,<br />

S(u − )= (<br />

−∞,u− ] ∪ [ϕ −♮ (u − ), +∞ ) , u − ≤ 0,<br />

(2.10)<br />

(2.11)<br />

and<br />

⎧<br />

⎪⎨ [0,u − ], u − > 0,<br />

{ }<br />

R(u − )= 0 , u− =0,<br />

⎪⎩<br />

[u − , 0], u − < 0.<br />

We state without proof:<br />

(2.12)<br />

Theorem 2.3. (Riemann problem – Convex-concave flux.) Suppose that the function<br />

f is convex-concave (see (2.10)) and fix some Riemann data u l and u r . Then,<br />

the Riemann problem (1.1) and (1.2) admits a unique classical entropy solution in<br />

the class P, made of shock waves satisfying all of the entropy inequalities (1.3) and<br />

rarefaction waves which, assuming u l ≥ 0, is given as follows:<br />

(a) If u r ≥ u l , the solution u is a (classical) shock wave connecting u l to u r .

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