Annual Report cb smile - Jet Airways

Annual Report cb smile - Jet Airways

Annual Report cb smile - Jet Airways


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Schedules to the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 st March, 2010 (contd.)<br />

97<br />

As at As at<br />

31 st March, 31 st March,<br />

2010 2009<br />

Rs. in lakhs Rs. in lakhs Rs. in lakhs<br />

SCHEDULE J :<br />


(Unsecured unless otherwise stated and Considered Good )<br />

Advances Recoverable in Cash or in kind or for value to be Received<br />

- Considered Good 96,735 88,972<br />

- Considered Doubtful 558 705<br />

97,293 89,677<br />

Less : Provision for Doubtful Advances 558 705<br />

96,735 88,972<br />

Deposits with Airport Authorities & others<br />

- Considered Good 21,817 17,821<br />

- Considered Doubtful 92 92<br />

21,909 17,913<br />

Less : Provision for Doubtful Advances 92 21,817 92<br />

17,821<br />

Balances with Customs Authorities 15 1<br />

Advance Tax & Tax deducted at Source (Net of Provisions) 32,024 25,631<br />

Total 150,591 132,425<br />

Note: Deposits & Advances include Rs. 3,136 (Previous Year Rs. 3,385 lakhs)<br />

amount placed with private limited companies in which the company’s<br />

director is a director / member.<br />

SCHEDULE K :<br />


Sundry Creditors<br />

Outstanding dues to Micro and Small Enterprises 30 113<br />

Others 218,043 177,247<br />

218,073 177,360<br />

Other Current Liabilities 112,609 127,364<br />

Interest Accrued but not due on loans 3,018 3,954<br />

Forward Sales (net) (Passenger / Cargo) 93,439 74,581<br />

Balance with Banks - overdrawn as per books 6,179 5,896<br />

Unclaimed Dividend * 12 13<br />

Unclaimed Share Application Money * 2 3<br />

*Note: These figures do not include any amounts due and outstanding to<br />

be credited to the Investor Education & Protection Fund<br />

Total 433,332 389,171<br />

SCHEDULE L :<br />


Wealth Tax 14 14<br />

Gratuity 4,856 4,757<br />

Leave Encashment / Compensated Absences 2,524 3,556<br />

Others (Refer Note 14 of Schedule S) 11,267 13,754<br />

Total 18,661 22,081

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