Annual Report cb smile - Jet Airways

Annual Report cb smile - Jet Airways

Annual Report cb smile - Jet Airways


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Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 st March, 2010<br />

88<br />

For the For the<br />

Year Ended Year Ended<br />

31 st March, 31 st March,<br />

2010 2009<br />

Rs. in lakhs Rs. in lakhs<br />

A. Cash Flow from Operating Activities<br />

(Loss) before tax<br />

Adjustments for :<br />

(40,982) (102,699)<br />

Depreciation / Amortisation 96,907 90,209<br />

Excess Depreciation Reversal in respect of Earlier Years - (91,587)<br />

CENVAT Credit (11,214) (34,993)<br />

Marked to Market - Derivatives (7,045) 10,073<br />

Provision for Stock Obsolescence 4,101 3,739<br />

Loss / ( Profit ) on sale of Fixed Assets (Net) 169 (17,002)<br />

Profit on sale of Investments / Dividend on Current Investments (128) (429)<br />

Interest & Finance Charges 104,737 80,225<br />

Interest on Income Tax Refund (4,076) -<br />

Interest on Bank & Other Deposits (5,146) (4,063)<br />

Excess Provision no longer required (4,245) (3,501)<br />

Provision for doubtful debts no longer required written back (4,187) -<br />

Provision for Leave Encashment & Gratuity 522 18<br />

Exchange difference on translation (Net) (5,759) 12,070<br />

Provision for doubtful debts 1,475 4,020<br />

Bad Debts written off 173 169<br />

Inventory scrapped during the year 2,629 1,801<br />

Operating profit before working capital changes 127,931 (51,950)<br />

Changes in Inventories (6,851) (14,731)<br />

Changes in Sundry Debtors (7,237) 55,757<br />

Changes in Loans & Advances 8,516 22,026<br />

Changes in Current Liabilities and Provisions 51,954 (45,770)<br />

Cash generated from operations 174,313 (34,668)<br />

Direct Taxes paid (7,429) (8,297)<br />

Net cash from operating activities 166,884 (42,965)<br />

B. Cash Flow from Investing Activities<br />

Purchase of Fixed Assets and Capital work-in-progress (6,204) (105,160)<br />

Proceeds from sale of Fixed Assets 58 108,704<br />

Purchase of Current Investments (690,595) (772,926)<br />

Sale of Current Investments 690,719 764,197<br />

Deferred Payment towards Investment (13,750) (13,750)<br />

Changes in Fixed Deposits with Banks 36,501 (79,715)<br />

Interest Received on Bank & Other Deposits 5,042 2,529<br />

Dividend on Current Investment 4 193<br />

Net cash used for investing activities 21,775 (95,928)

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