Annual Report cb smile - Jet Airways

Annual Report cb smile - Jet Airways

Annual Report cb smile - Jet Airways


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Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 st March, 2010 (contd.)<br />

C. Cash flows from Financing Activities<br />

Net (Decrease) / Increase in Short Term Loans (9,081) 49,714<br />

Proceeds from Long Term Loans during the year 58,000 260,917<br />

Repayment of Long Term Loans during the year (163,311) (114,421)<br />

Interest & Finance Charges (101,849) (87,783)<br />

Dividend paid (1) -<br />

Net cash from financing activities (216,242) 108,427<br />

Net change in cash (A+B+C) (27,583) (30,466)<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 38,981 69,447<br />

Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year<br />

(Refer Note 1 & 2 below)<br />

11,398 38,981<br />

Note :<br />

1) Cash and Cash equivalents for the year ended March 31, 2010 includes unrealised Gain (Net) of Rs. 879 lakhs [Previous Year unrealised<br />

Gain (Net) of Rs. 1,854 lakhs] on account of translation of foreign currency bank balances.<br />

2) Fixed Deposits with banks with maturity period of more than three months including interest accrued thereon and Fixed Deposits under<br />

lien amounting to Rs. 71,242 lakhs (Previous Year Rs. 107,639 lakhs ) are not included in Cash and Cash equivalents.<br />

89<br />

For the For the<br />

Year Ended Year Ended<br />

31 st March, 31 st March,<br />

2010 2009<br />

Rs. in lakhs Rs. in lakhs<br />

As per our attached report of even date On behalf of the Board of Directors<br />

For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS For CHATURVEDI & SHAH Saroj K. Datta Executive Director<br />

Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Durban<br />

R. D. Kamat C.D. Lala Aman Mehta<br />

Partner Partner I.M. Kadri<br />

Yash Raj Chopra<br />

Victoriano P. Dungca<br />

}<br />

Directors<br />

Monica Chopra Company Secretary &<br />

Sr. General Manager - Legal<br />

Mumbai Mumbai<br />

20 th May, 2010 20 th May, 2010

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