ARE WE A PEOPLE AT HALF TIME? - Leadership Network

ARE WE A PEOPLE AT HALF TIME? - Leadership Network

ARE WE A PEOPLE AT HALF TIME? - Leadership Network


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" W e are about to say art and worship in the same sentence, a jarring<br />

concept to many i<br />

n whip<br />

leadership. On the<br />

other hand, to<br />

many Christian artists struggling to find their vocation embraced in the life<br />

By Kathi Allen<br />

t Church in Peoria, IL and church consultant<br />

When the Protestant church purged ltself of<br />

"arts," lt bl~ndfolded belleven, squelched artists<br />

and s~lenced powevful expressions of wonh~p.<br />

Th~s once-r~ch mu1t1-hued tapestry ~ncludlng<br />

muslc, instrumentation, palntlngs, stalned<br />

glass, poetry, story, Imagery, dance, scents<br />

and symbols was strlpped of ~ts beauty and<br />

reduced to mus~cal 'Styles" dependent on<br />

generat~onal and leadership preferences.<br />

Today, we use worshlp and music<br />

~nterchangeably "S~nce muslc 1s not the sum<br />

and substance ofworshlp, we need to repent<br />

of our redu&on~sm and set about to restore<br />

fullness to the presence of God ~n our mldst"<br />

says theology professor; Robert Webber:<br />

Since muslc 1s a matter of taste, tralnlng,<br />

experfence and ablbty, "worsh~p" has become<br />

a hotly debated battleground. Worshp wars<br />

have spl~t churches lnto "trad~tlonal" and<br />

"contemporary" muslc camps Now we're ~n<br />

danger of further sphtenng lnto ph~losoph~cal<br />

camps of modern vs. postmodern wlth<br />

resultant ~rnpl~catrons for muslc.<br />

In churches across the country, lndlgenous<br />

art-filled worshlp IS emerg~ng. Green Lake<br />

Presbytenan Church In Seattle has worshlp<br />

that 'is organ~c, lt uses up fvom our<br />

community," says Pastor M~chael Kelly. He<br />

loves saylng to new behevers who are amsts,<br />

"You love God now. Express that In the<br />

context of the gospel. Don't try to make ~t<br />

fit what you thlnk the church wants. What<br />

this church wants 1s for you to express lt fvom<br />

your own heart, In th~s church, at thls tlme<br />

and In thls age " "By no means 1s our sense<br />

of beauty and worsh~p only about muslc. It's<br />

about hturgy, the sanctuary and all the arts."<br />

NEXT: Why are we experiencing P<br />

renaissance in the arl<br />

SM= We have moved from a codified langu<br />

(print) to when our main entrance points into<br />

NEXT: Are the c~ts integml to worship<br />

SIIII= The arts in every aspect of the church are<br />

non-negotiable. At the turn of this millennium, it's<br />

almost a no-brainer. Our whole culture, Christian<br />

and non, and every age group is relating to and<br />

even accessing meaning in life through art It's not<br />

through lists bf ab& hanaeh6a about God,<br />

but through visual a&, media and narrative.<br />

NEXT: How can churches embrace<br />

the arts<br />

SM. I think any church, from the smallest to<br />

the largest, can start embracing art in worship by<br />

using the very forms they're using now. To use arts<br />

in worship, first and foremost use arts to build<br />

relationship. It is not art as product first but art<br />

as community. Start with small art affinity groups<br />

or a creative arts think tank at church.<br />

w -<br />

~~btheauthorolWonhip<br />


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