ARE WE A PEOPLE AT HALF TIME? - Leadership Network

ARE WE A PEOPLE AT HALF TIME? - Leadership Network

ARE WE A PEOPLE AT HALF TIME? - Leadership Network


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N E X T<br />

V O L U M E 6 2 N D Q UA R T E R 2 0 0 0<br />

The Mission al Church<br />

B E I N G T H E C H U R C H I N T O D A Y ’ S W O R L D<br />

b y M i c h a e l D . W a r d e n<br />

MA N Y O F T H E E S T A B L I S H E D<br />

P A R A D I G M S B Y W H I C H C H U R C H E S<br />

H A V E O P E R A T E D F O R D E C A D E S<br />

C A N N O L O N G E R S U P P O R T<br />

A P O P U L A C E T H A T I S L O O K I N G<br />

F O R T R U T H O U T S I D E T H E<br />

“ B O X” C R E A T E D B Y<br />

O U R P R E D E C E S S O R S .<br />

In the last half of the 20 th century, the<br />

American religious landscape was transformed.<br />

Commitment to traditional church<br />

structures steadily waned, while at the same<br />

time our hunger for spiritual fulfillment<br />

inched its way into the forefront of the<br />

cultural dialog. For the first time in our<br />

history as a nation,the concept of Truth<br />

began to lose its status as an independent<br />

reality. Instead, Truth became relative,<br />

dependent on an individual’s circumstance<br />

or perspective.<br />

This is a sign of the times…only one among<br />

many. The culture is shifting.And many of<br />

the established paradigms by which churches<br />

have operated for decades can no longer<br />

support a populace that is looking for Truth<br />

outside the “box” created by our predecessors.<br />

By necessity, the 21st-century church is<br />

becoming more flexible and orga n i c, a d a p t i n g<br />

and changing to engage the culture that<br />

surrounds it.<br />

This new environment is giving rise to a<br />

fundamental “r e -d e s i g n” of how the Church<br />

carries out its mission. To be effe c t i v e ,c h u r c h e s<br />

once thought (and many still think) that all<br />

they needed to do was maintain certain<br />

expected church progra m s ,provide a<br />

s a n c t u a ry where members could gather and<br />

w o r s h i p ,p e rhaps send out work teams into<br />

the community, or support missionaries at<br />

various locations around the globe. E f fective<br />

missional churches in today’s culture are<br />

breaking new ground, t rying new approaches,<br />

and going back to the blueprint provided in<br />

Scripture to show them how to become an<br />

authentic “city on a hill that cannot be hidden.”<br />

While their approaches may differ widel y, t h e y<br />

share at least four essential chara c t e r i s t i c s :<br />

Crossing traditional boundaries.<br />

E f fective missional churches pursue<br />

partnerships that cross traditional boundaries—<br />

such as denominations, e t h n i c i ,g t ye o g raphy and<br />

s o c i o-e c o n o m i c These s . churches tend to see<br />

t h e m s elves as a part of the larger expression of<br />

Go d ’s presence in the community,city and worl d.<br />

Gauging success by<br />

transformed lives.<br />

E f fective missional churches regularly evaluate<br />

their own effectiveness based on the tra n s fo r m a-<br />

tion of p e o p l e’s lives and the community. T h e y’r e<br />

constantly asking the questions, “What difference<br />

does it make that we are here” and “How do we<br />

measure our effectiveness in the church body, t h e<br />

community and the worl d ”<br />

Impacting the culture<br />

for the Kingdom.<br />

E f fective missional churches find creative ways to<br />

e m b race the culture in which they exist.They don’t<br />

s ell out to culture,but rather seek to understand it so<br />

they can engage it and impact it for the Kingdom.<br />

I t’s a mindset that says,“My church is more than just<br />

my local congrega t i o n it ; has a broader purpose and<br />

role within the culture.”<br />

Planting new churches and<br />

training church leaders.<br />

E f fective missional churches adopt an intentional<br />

strategy of starting new churches and tra i n i n g<br />

l e a d e r s .Missional churches are involved in planting<br />

new churches and mentoring “l e a r n e r”<br />

churches in creative ways.<br />

So how are they doing it<br />

In ways you might never expect.

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