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In association with the <strong>VMCC</strong> <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> Section<br />
All correspondence, including completed forms must be sent to the Secretary as detailed below<br />
<strong>VMCC</strong> PERMITTED NON COMPETITIVE EVENT ENTRY FORM (minimum information requirements)<br />
EVENT 41st <strong>VMCC</strong> MANX RALLY ORGANISERS <strong>VMCC</strong> Ltd <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> Section<br />
<strong>VMCC</strong> PERMIT NO 2013/27 - 32 DATE OF EVENT 22nd - 29th Aug 2013<br />
Regulations and description <strong>of</strong> events - TO BE READ AND RETAINED BY ALL ENTRANT(S)<br />
* The event shall consist <strong>of</strong> social gatherings and motor-cycle runs for members <strong>of</strong> the Vintage Motor Cycle Club Limited only<br />
* The event shall be run under the <strong>VMCC</strong> 25 year rule<br />
* All entrants MUST hold a current full motorcycle driving licence and Road Traffic Act (RTA) liabilities insurance. Machines MUST<br />
have a current road fund licence displayed and meet all RTA requirements<br />
* Closing dates for names <strong>of</strong> entrants to be included in the programme is June 9th 2013<br />
* Closing date for Rally entry is August 8th 2013. Late entries will be accepted after this date (space permitting) but will be subject to<br />
a late entry fee <strong>of</strong> £10.00 per person<br />
* The <strong>VMCC</strong> Festival <strong>of</strong> Jurby will allow motorcycle combinations and other three-wheeled machines<br />
* For Jurby events you must possess a full motorcycle driving licence or an ACU or equivalent licence. You must bring your driving<br />
licence for pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> identity when you sign on for Jurby events<br />
* All other events are held on open public roads w<strong>here</strong> the normal rules <strong>of</strong> law prevail<br />
* All entrants will be required to show their current <strong>VMCC</strong> membership cards and to SIGN ON for each event. ONE DAY<br />
MEMBERSHIP is acceptable, please ask for details<br />
* The riding number is to be displayed so as to be easily seen from the front <strong>of</strong> the machine during all events. Please pay particular<br />
attention to this requirement if you have changed machines<br />
* The same rider entry number as per the programme will apply to each machine entered by that rider<br />
* Further details will be available at signing-on<br />
* All entry forms, communications and queries shall be addressed to the Secretary <strong>of</strong> the event whose details are below<br />
* Signing on will be available from 9:30 and the first track session will start at 10:15. Entrants are requested to arrive and sign on<br />
early.<br />
* Machine(s) entered for the Jurby track event do not need to be road legal<br />
* Entrants will be required to sign-on, on the day at the <strong>VMCC</strong> desk within the <strong>VMCC</strong> Marquee.<br />
* Clothing - Belstaff type suits or leathers, stout boots and gloves. No pudding basin helmets or trainers will be allowed.<br />
Marshals<br />
Clerk <strong>of</strong> the Course<br />
Treasurer<br />
Rally Committee Members<br />
Secretary <strong>of</strong> the meeting<br />
Contact details<br />
Steve Price & Steve Leonard<br />
Clive Kneale<br />
Rupert Murden<br />
Richard Birch, Paul Bolster, Brian Ward<br />
Tony East<br />
The Old Vicarage, Main Road, Kirk Michael, <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> IM6 2HD<br />
Email: Tel: 01624 878242<br />
Any amendments to this information will be published on the <strong>VMCC</strong> IoM Section website (<br />
Should you be unfortunate and break down whilst on one <strong>of</strong> the events, stay with your machine on route in a conspicuous place. T<strong>here</strong><br />
will be a recovery vehicle circulating the route to give assistance.<br />
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Thursday 22nd August<br />
Friday 23rd August<br />
AM - Social run and lunch provided.<br />
PM - Briefing for Closed Roads Parade at the Grandstand @ 1pm<br />
PM - Social Run to Douglas, avoiding T.T. Course, form up for a Parade into the rear <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Grandstand for Concours. Period dress welcome, Jazz band, Spitfire flyover, meet the stars, party<br />
atmosp<strong>here</strong><br />
Saturday 24th August<br />
PM - Closed Roads Parade to be run under ACU PR5 rules. Race bikes and road machines.<br />
Controlled by the travelling marshals. Max number <strong>of</strong> entrants expected to be 120.<br />
To be run in conjunction with <strong>VMCC</strong> IOM Section and the Dept. Economic Development. 25 year rule<br />
applies<br />
Sunday 25th August<br />
Monday 26th August<br />
Tuesday 27th August<br />
Festival <strong>of</strong> Jurby. Signing on from 9.30am. First track session at 10.15am.<br />
Machines will be segregated into similar years and performance.<br />
Machines need not be road legal but must be fit for purpose.<br />
A full driving licence must be shown when signing on, no learner riders will be accepted. Riding<br />
numbers must be displayed.<br />
IMPORTANT - This is not a race. Anyone failing to enter into the spirit <strong>of</strong> the event WILL be<br />
black flagged.<br />
Caterers will be on site, and the public will be encouraged to mingle with the machines. Be aware at<br />
all times <strong>of</strong> others, and ride safely.<br />
Each Parade will be <strong>of</strong> approx. 10 minutes duration. T<strong>here</strong> will be time for at least two parades per<br />
person.<br />
Free lunch to all <strong>VMCC</strong> Festival <strong>of</strong> Jurby Entrants.<br />
Free to view racing at your leisure<br />
AM - <strong>VMCC</strong> Regularity Run<br />
Starting at Tynwald, three laps <strong>of</strong> the original T.T. Course, electronically timed. 1967 period riding<br />
gear if possible, cocoa tent, food, stalls, etc. Display <strong>of</strong> bikes on Tynwald Green. Band. Lunch for<br />
entrants. 25 year rule applies.<br />
Wednesday 28th August<br />
Thursday 29th August<br />
Free to view racing at your leisure<br />
AM - Social road run with lunch<br />
Evening - Gala Dinner in special corporate marquee at the rear <strong>of</strong> the Grandstand. Prize giving,<br />
guest speaker, etc<br />
For those who have purchased tickets for the Dinner, doors will open at 7.30pm for a prompt 8.00pm<br />
start. Dinner tickets MUST be produced.<br />
Anyone not wishing to pay for the Gala Dinner but still wishing to come to the Prize Presentation<br />
should arrive at 9.30pm. A pay bar will be available.<br />
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In association with the <strong>VMCC</strong> <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> Section<br />
EVENT 41st <strong>VMCC</strong> MANX RALLY ORGANISERS <strong>VMCC</strong> Ltd <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> Section<br />
<strong>VMCC</strong> PERMIT NO 2013/27 - 32 DATE OF EVENT 22nd - 29th Aug 2013<br />
I/we, the undersigned rider/passenger apply to enter the event described above and in consideration t<strong>here</strong><strong>of</strong>:-<br />
* I/we <strong>here</strong>by declare that I/we have had the opportunity to read, and that I/we understand the Regulations and such Supplementary Regulations as<br />
have or may be issued for the event, and agree to be bound by them<br />
* I/we confirm that I/we understand the nature and type <strong>of</strong> event and the risk in<strong>here</strong>nt when entering and agree to accept the same notwithstanding<br />
that such risks may involve negligence on the part <strong>of</strong> the organisers/<strong>of</strong>ficials<br />
* I/we further declare that I am/we are physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and are competent to do so<br />
* I/we further agree that I/we shall not seek to claim against the Vintage Motor Cycle Club Ltd., or the <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> Section t<strong>here</strong><strong>of</strong>, the organisers<br />
nor their <strong>of</strong>ficials, the landowners, the promoter or other bodies or individuals connected with the event in respect <strong>of</strong> any damage to my/our property<br />
howsoever caused, and whether by the negligence or breach <strong>of</strong> statutory duty <strong>of</strong> the said bodies and persons<br />
* I/we further agree that the machine which I/we enter and participate on shall be suitable and proper for its purpose, shall be insured as required<br />
by the Road Traffic Act or equivalent legislation and that it will comply with the regulations in respect t<strong>here</strong><strong>of</strong> (whenever used on public roads), and<br />
is described below<br />
* I/we agree to <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the <strong>VMCC</strong> contacting the person(s) designated as Next <strong>of</strong> Kin below in circumstances that those <strong>of</strong>ficers at their<br />
absolute discretion feel appropriate and to hold them blameless for all and any information so advised<br />
* I understand and agree that if I am the rider I am required to register my arrival by signing-on at the designated area and will be required to<br />
present a current <strong>VMCC</strong> membership card for the rider. If I am not a <strong>VMCC</strong> member I understand that I must pay at time <strong>of</strong> application for <strong>VMCC</strong><br />
event membership.<br />
Basic Rally – Rider and Passenger (each) £30<br />
Presentation Dinner - Rider and Passenger (each) £20<br />
Festival <strong>of</strong> Jurby – per machine to be ridden £25<br />
Closed Roads Parade £100<br />
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(Rider MUST be 18 years <strong>of</strong> age or older at time <strong>of</strong> the event)<br />
Surname<br />
RIDER<br />
First Name(s)<br />
Age at time <strong>of</strong> event<br />
Date <strong>of</strong> Birth<br />
<strong>VMCC</strong> Membership Number<br />
<strong>VMCC</strong> Membership Expiry Date<br />
Is this your 1st <strong>Man</strong>x Rally<br />
Home Address/Contact Details<br />
Street<br />
Email<br />
Town<br />
Home Telephone Number<br />
County/Region<br />
Mobile Telephone Number<br />
Postcode<br />
Country<br />
Address/Contact Details while on the Island if different from above (if known or alternatively at time <strong>of</strong> registration )<br />
Street<br />
Email<br />
Town<br />
Accomodation Telephone Number<br />
<strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong><br />
Mobile Telephone Number<br />
Postcode<br />
Next <strong>of</strong> Kin Details - These should be those that will be applicable when you are on the Island<br />
Surname<br />
First Name(s)<br />
Street<br />
Relationship to Entrant<br />
Town<br />
Email<br />
County/Region<br />
Home Telephone Number<br />
Postcode<br />
Mobile Telephone Number<br />
Country<br />
I declare that I have completed and checked the information above and that to the best <strong>of</strong> my knowledge it is complete and correct. I<br />
understand that by signing this form and participating in the event I agree to be bound by the regulations above and any amendments as<br />
published on the <strong>VMCC</strong> <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> section website ( related to the event. I have enclosed the required fee as detailed at<br />
the bottom <strong>of</strong> this form.<br />
Rider's Signature<br />
Date Signed<br />
Page 4 <strong>of</strong> 7
For each passenger who is under 18 years <strong>of</strong> age this form must be accompanied by a fully completed Parental Agreement form or an annual<br />
Parental Agreement card. If more than 1 passenger reprint this page and add to application.<br />
Surname<br />
First Name(s)<br />
Age<br />
Date <strong>of</strong> Birth<br />
Is this your 1st <strong>Man</strong>x Rally<br />
Home Address/Contact Details<br />
Street<br />
Email<br />
Town<br />
Home Telephone Number<br />
County/Region<br />
Mobile Telephone Number<br />
Postcode<br />
Country<br />
Address/Contact Details while on the Island if different from above (if known or alternatively at time <strong>of</strong> registration )<br />
Street<br />
Email<br />
Town<br />
Accomodation Telephone Number<br />
<strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong><br />
Mobile Telephone Number<br />
Postcode<br />
Next <strong>of</strong> Kin Details - These should be those that will be applicable when you are on the Island<br />
Surname<br />
First Name(s)<br />
Street<br />
Relationship to Entrant<br />
Town<br />
Email<br />
County/Region<br />
Home Telephone Number<br />
Postcode<br />
Mobile Telephone Number<br />
Country<br />
I declare that I have completed and checked the information above and that to the best <strong>of</strong> my knowledge it is complete and correct. I<br />
understand that by signing this form and participating in the event I agree to be bound by the regulations above and any amendments as<br />
published on the <strong>VMCC</strong> <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> section website ( related to the event. I have enclosed the required fee as detailed at<br />
the bottom <strong>of</strong> this form.<br />
Passenger's Signature<br />
Date Signed<br />
Page 5 <strong>of</strong> 7
If more than 3 machines reprint this page and add to application.<br />
Make<br />
Model<br />
Capacity<br />
Type (solo/sidecar/threewheeler)<br />
Year <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>ufacture<br />
Registration Number<br />
Interesting info for programme<br />
To be used for (delete as appropriate)<br />
Rally only Jurby only Rally & Jurby<br />
OHC (Yes/No)<br />
Make<br />
Model<br />
Capacity<br />
Type (solo/sidecar/threewheeler)<br />
Year <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>ufacture<br />
Registration Number<br />
Interesting info for programme<br />
To be used for (delete as appropriate)<br />
Rally only Jurby only Rally & Jurby<br />
OHC (Yes/No)<br />
Make<br />
Model<br />
Capacity<br />
Type (solo/sidecar/threewheeler)<br />
Year <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong>ufacture<br />
Registration Number<br />
Interesting info for programme<br />
To be used for (delete as appropriate)<br />
Rally only Jurby only Rally & Jurby<br />
OHC (Yes/No)<br />
Page 6 <strong>of</strong> 7
TEAMS<br />
You may also enter as part <strong>of</strong> a team at no extra cost. Each team must have 3 members and they must all be riders.<br />
Each team member should complete the details below on their own application form<br />
Team Name<br />
Other Team Member<br />
Other Team Member<br />
All cheques should be made payable to "<strong>VMCC</strong> <strong>Isle</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Man</strong> Section Events"<br />
The entry fees are as detailed below:<br />
Basic Rally – Rider or Passenger (each) £30<br />
Presentation Dinner - Rider or Passenger (each) £20<br />
Festival <strong>of</strong> Jurby – per machine to be ridden £25<br />
Closed Roads Parade - Solo/Sidecar £100/£150<br />
Total Number <strong>of</strong> Entrants (Rider + Passenger(s))<br />
A<br />
Fee for Rally = Number <strong>of</strong> entrants X £30<br />
B<br />
(A x £30)<br />
Fee for Presentation Dinner = Number <strong>of</strong> Entrants X £20<br />
C<br />
(A x £20)<br />
<strong>VMCC</strong> Event Membership for non <strong>VMCC</strong> (rider only)<br />
D<br />
Closed Roads Parade (£100 Solo Rider/£150 Sidecar Driver & Passenger)<br />
E<br />
Sub Total for Rally (B+C+D+E) F<br />
£3*<br />
£100/£150*<br />
Number <strong>of</strong> Machines for Festival <strong>of</strong> Jurby<br />
G<br />
Fee for Festival <strong>of</strong> Jurby = Number <strong>of</strong> Machine X £25<br />
* Delete as appropriate<br />
Sub Total for Jurby (G x £25) H<br />
Total Amount Due (F+H)<br />
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