Hladna fuzíja, Tesla, Skalarni valovi, Torzijsko polje, "Brezplačno energije".. = Vse Psevdo znanost?(Povzetek v slovenščini) / Cold fusion, Tesla, "Free energy" = Pseudo science?
(Povzetek v slovenščini) Nova paradigma za energetske tehnologije z geo - socialno - finančni učinek / The New Paradigm on Energy Technology with Geo-socio-financial Impact
(Povzetek v slovenščini) Nova paradigma za energetske tehnologije z geo - socialno - finančni učinek / The New Paradigm on Energy Technology with Geo-socio-financial Impact
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VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA, Updated May21, 2017<br />
• <strong>Hladna</strong> fuzija (LENR hladne fuzije) je že v virtualnem sprejetju mainstream <strong>znanost</strong>i: Energija,<br />
proizvedena v bistvu prosto "gorivo" in opreme + delovno stroške, konvencionalno vroče<br />
fuzije imel poskusno uspeh za neomejeno energije v letu 2013.<br />
• Od januarja 2016, mainstream <strong>znanost</strong> potrdil tržiti LENR naprava ne obstajajo, vendar<br />
industrijsko 1MW električne energije generator "ECAT" je bila prodana v nekaterih<br />
predpogojih.<br />
• Povzroči lahko tudi polno znanstveni pregled, brezplačne energetske tehnologije izumil<br />
predvsem neakademske posameznike. So omejeni pri uporabi mikro ravni in prezrte ali<br />
posmeha mainstream akademska skupnost in mediji: 1- Pridobivanja osvetljenost okoliških<br />
magnetizem v obliki električne energije, 2- Reverse generacije napetosti in nabiranja moči,<br />
namesto z uporabo dodatne sile za odpravo (reverzno jakost električnega polja), 3- Nihajoče /<br />
geometrija katalizira hitro proizvodnjo HHO plina - lahko tudi poveča proizvodnjo energije<br />
ogljikovodika, hkrati pa drastično zmanjšati svoje emisije, 4- Ustvarjanje plazma, elektro -<br />
magnetna impulze ali vrtinčne državne na voda / plin, 5- Stisnjen zrak, za izmenjavo toplote<br />
in krepitev mehanizma, ki pretvarja moč, 6- Voda iz emulzije goriva daleč nad 20% H2O mix<br />
kemično / mehanske / resonance / električne procesu, 7-Obiranje podvodni zračni vzgon sila<br />
+ sila teže, 8- Hidrodinamična grelec Kavitacija, 9- Betz omejitev zakon krši uspešnosti hidro<br />
/ vetrne turbine, 10- Single Spoj sončne celice delujejo bolje kot mejne učinkovitosti<br />
Shockley- Queisser, itd.<br />
• Zdi se, da deluje na mehaniki in stranskih učinkov nepojasnjenih z veljavno fizike (pogosto pa<br />
je pojasnil in napovedal, s sovjetskim blokom / ruski stil fizike ), nizki stroški infrastruture, in<br />
poleg tega so zamenljivi za druge "atipičnih" tehnologija z vrhunsko učinek, da lahko<br />
nadomešča večino pogon, medicinske, sanacije z jedrskimi odpadki, in nekatere vitalne<br />
rudarstvo - industrijo - kmetijstvo procesi - Če je polna strokovnega pregleda sledite s<br />
pomočjo.<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
• To je še vedno glavni zahodni mediji cenzurirani, ampak povečanje dokumentov in prič<br />
različnih "odprti konec", "psevdo-<strong>znanost</strong>i" za raziskave in razvoj na vladi / vesoljsko/<br />
Vojaški / obveščevalna agencija s skrivnimi zasebnimi izvajalci, zaščiteno z nacionalno<br />
varnostjo, in sicer črni proračuna programa, ki je omenjeno top vodstvo organizacije<br />
same pogosto nimajo dostopa do. To je popolnoma izoliran od "mrtvega koncu <strong>znanost</strong>i<br />
za javno porabo", ki je nadzorovanem & omejen z "Science zakon", na primer, v<br />
napredni državi, celo uradna evidenca kaže 1000 + izume na okolje - energy - pogon,<br />
veliko patentiranih so cenzurirani z zakonom skrivnosti. Kljub temu pa obstaja veliko<br />
subtilne, temveč kolektivno nedvoumna znamenja iz več kot polovica ustanavljanja<br />
postopno uvedbo novega neomejeno "odprt sistem" paradigmo<br />
• Čeprav oba plinskega olja, premoga temelji industrijski postopek & alternativnih virov<br />
energije lahko ostanejo z inovacijami, prosta energija komercializacija je neizogibno in<br />
je še vedno tvega družbene motnje, zato je potreben javni dialog, da bi razpravljali, kaj<br />
hitrost vseh povezanih tech / informacije, ki se uradno sprosti & potrjen.<br />
• Ne obstaja poseben poudarek na Nikola <strong>Tesla</strong> v tej predstavitvi, in comiparison je težko,<br />
vendar njegovi izum kombinaciji s konceptualno razumevanje narave fizikalnih realnosti<br />
in izven so verjetno bolj raznolika kot vsaka druga energija izumitelji preučevali. Širijo<br />
daleč preko energetskih tehnologij in celo gredo na consiousness povezane "mentalne"<br />
tehnologije - ki je skoraj gotovo cenzurirani z vojaško / inteligenca lobby skupine tako<br />
na vzhodu in zahodu.<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
ABSTRACT: LENR-<strong>Cold</strong> Fusion is virtually accepted by mainstream(MS): While MS rejects "E-cat" claims on already<br />
selling 1MW electricity LENR generator, now energy can be produced with basically free “fuel”. Thermodynamic<br />
closed system based over-unity or Persistent Current/motion is officially observed in: quantum nano circuit,<br />
beyond Shockley-Queisser limit solar cell, non-linear optic/laser/spintronics, time crystal, & magnetocaloric effects.<br />
Academic taboo of vacuum photon extraction/electron fluctuation, Maxwell's demon, Quantum ratchet, Casimir<br />
force harvesting micro electronic device, & 2nd law violation are now on MS <strong>science</strong> journals. Low cost magnet<br />
/resonance based major emission reducers with 10%+ extra efficiency, Thermo Electric/Thermo Photo Voltaics<br />
heat-to-energy systems, & high efficiency Waste-To-Fuel/Energy systems with, Catalystic, SuperCritical water,<br />
<strong>Cold</strong> or Steam Plasma are starting to be deployed. Above might foreshadow first FULL <strong>science</strong> review of hyper<br />
energy efficiency installation claims: e.g. 1-Extracting nano oscillation/radiant energy as electricity, 2-Harvesting DC<br />
reverse voltage power(Counter EMF), 3-Resonance catalyzed HHO/Oxy-hydrogen gas, 4-<strong>Cold</strong> plasma standing wave<br />
creation of light/water/inert gas in cavity, 5-Compressed air & COP>1 heat exchanger converted to mechanical<br />
power, 6-Catalyzed emulsion fuel with far beyond 50% H2O, 7-Hydrocarbon increased by photo-catalyzed O2<br />
Nanobubble water & fuel emulsion, when infused with CO2 in room temperature/pressure. 8-Combined air-inwater<br />
floating & gravity force, 9-Propellantless drive, 10-Hydro cavitation heater, 11-Betz limit excess hydro/wind<br />
turbine, etc. They often seem to run on mechanics with common side effects official physics cannot explain & are<br />
low cost, convertible to superior new techs that can foster mind/body based nonlocal human capabilities, & also<br />
can replace majority of propulsion, weather, medical, remediation, time dilation, algorithm, key mining-industrialfarming<br />
processes-If officially full peer reviewed by MS <strong>science</strong>. Recent paradigm shift might allow investigations<br />
on increasing testimonials about such “non-closed system pseudo <strong>science</strong>” R&Ds by groups across Gov’t/Military<br />
/Aerospace /Intel agencies & private contractors, often hidden under secrecy law, to which above organizations’<br />
executives often have no access i.e "unacknowledged" projects(eg 1000+ classified inventions in Enviro-Energy-<br />
Propulsion-Medical exist amongst NATO allies). Yet there are efforts to partially disclose unlimited energy &<br />
related tech as tiny-minority-controlled highly exclusive modality while same final effects can be created by wide<br />
range of unexclusive relatively simple tech or mind/emotion based methods if a fraction of budget is spent to<br />
develop. Such paradigm can totally liberate mass from "dead-end public consumption <strong>science</strong>" & education<br />
restricted by “centrally controlled <strong>science</strong> law”. From current vantage point, there is some possibility of world<br />
dividing into roughly two different camps at both elites & general population: First group is already more focused<br />
on exclusive patent or machine/DNA controlled surveillance or physical effect creation to enable world influence<br />
by a fraction of population. Emerging second group will likely to be more focused on low cost simple unexclusive<br />
tech or holistic mind/emotion/biologically driven effect creation. Overall, MS commercialization by multiples of<br />
unlimited energy production methods is inevitable, yet not only its economic impact but also who is going to be in<br />
control of technological dominance & individual lives would likely become a(covert) central issue in the coming yrs.<br />
Contents: *mark shows most controversial/ques7onable issues<br />
• p06 Science accepted high efficiency generators & free energy harvesters<br />
• p75 Solar, Wind, & Hydro power efficiency beyond official <strong>science</strong> limit<br />
p99 SAll under-uAlized vast Biomass, Waste-to-Energy, & Hydrocarbons<br />
• p148 Ten categories of inventors' seeming “over-unity” claims<br />
• p183 CommercializaAon aPempts<br />
• p194 Law of Thermodynamics interpretaAons, “Dissident” scienAsts<br />
• p197 Scalar energy, Standing wave resonance, Torsion field<br />
p242 BioenergeAc Torsion Field?: Remote View, MarAal Art, Mentalists, Qigong..<br />
• p287 "Copy & Paste" by Torsion/Scalar, Terahertz, & FIR waves, Photo Catalysis,<br />
p304 Highly anomalous ORMUS<br />
• p321 LENR/<strong>Cold</strong> Fusion update, Losers & Gainers by its success<br />
• p336 Reduced suppressions, energy paradigm smooth transiAon models<br />
• p346 Radical impact of accepAng inventor tech: Medical, Industrial, Gravity..<br />
• p387 *Tech disclosure impact on mainstream credibility on other issues<br />
• p407 *ZPE related outrageous claims & controversial tech lobby accusaAons<br />
• p488 <strong>Free</strong> Energy Summary/RecommendaAons sAll thought as far-fetched<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Qualification of information<br />
• This presentation primarily focuses on less known but latest <strong>science</strong> consensus forming<br />
technologies on strict effect basis, while a bulk of highest efficiency low cost techs & a<br />
majority of "outrageous" or controversial claims category contradict predominant view,<br />
especially of Wikipedia & Western media/NGOs. Hence attendants/readers are<br />
recommended to re-assess the data individually.<br />
• Regarding Controversial But Future Critical Technologies Discussed:<br />
■ Term “<strong>Free</strong> energy” or “Over-unity” in this presentation is defined as seeming as if:<br />
-1 Drawing more energy than existing or continuous motion with no energy input.<br />
-2 “Work is done” by other than Thermodynamic <strong>Free</strong> Energy: open system symptom.<br />
-3 Using free material generally not considered as fuel.<br />
■ Inventors-scientists-witnesses: their claims might involve higher likelihood of:<br />
-4 Fabrication, reliability exaggeration, or statistical error chance of observed effect.<br />
-5 Significant quality gap between inventions, yet -<br />
-6 At least collective majority seems to consistently produces claimed effects.<br />
• More detailed reference list will be produced & published separately. The research is<br />
updated based on reviewing academic papers & journals, books, presentations, speeches,<br />
patents, lab/product testimonies/complaints, publications & public records of research<br />
institutes/think tanks/military/space & gov't agencies/industry associations/NGOs/media.<br />
Most effects quoted have accumulative-consistent evidence from unrelated era & source,<br />
but mechanics & categorization are hypothetical. Commercialized company/products are<br />
shown in Boldface Dark Blue. Due to space constraints, referenced individuals names<br />
are given only last name or part of first name unless web search identification becomes<br />
difficult(often non-Western names are given in full or in their native language), company<br />
names are also listed in a way that is findable by internet search.<br />
Quest for “<strong>Free</strong> Energy”: 1<br />
CLAIMS STARTED well before 1800S<br />
• Main academia/media in mid-late 1800s forecasted commercialized free energy<br />
by early 1900s, 1- <strong>Free</strong> Ground Earth Battery regularly demonstrated self<br />
charging or inducing electricity capacity in low moisture, also power generation<br />
efficiently of two-points-voltage gap depends on location(Snow, Lockwood,<br />
Wilkins, Dieckmann, Strong, Bain, Edard, Haworth, Bear, Mellon,Hicks, Cerpaux,<br />
Garratt, Lamont +); invention rush for telegraph use, Along with strong claims of<br />
pre-dated telephony & wireless(Meucci, Stubblefield, <strong>Tesla</strong>+), 2- Low cost<br />
Vaccumized Air/Compressed Air engine/residential-industrial system,<br />
Trompe/Water Pumps also widely used in France etc(Rix, Mekarski, Hardie,<br />
Hoadley, C Hodges+)<br />
• Non earth battery free energy claims mixed: General lack of information to tell<br />
degree of actual physical effects from fabrication, some can be valid, Involved<br />
mainstream scientists till early 1900s, yet no widely known commercialization<br />
• Science legal 1&2 disappeared from schooling/research while other types of free<br />
energy & repeated side effects in combination didn’t fit with “<strong>science</strong> package”<br />
then & now; gradually became irrelevant/pseudo <strong>science</strong> along with other more<br />
natural & less exclusive technologies(non-allopathic or electro medicine, hemp,<br />
hydrogen/electric car etc) which matched major business-financial lobby interest<br />
then.<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Quest for “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 2: Towards Modern Era<br />
• Same mechanics & side effects were repeated by unrelated inventors, but actual linear<br />
progress was often limited to recent Western academia(LENR, Cavitation), Also Russia-<br />
Soviet had development(Cavitation, Torsion, Ion heater, Ultrasonic, EM pulse).<br />
• Boiled down to 10 or so base mechanics(p148-182) with similar tendency:<br />
a➢Often energy is ”triggered in” by rapid change in pressure-voltage-spin, pulse,<br />
plasma-magnetic field, cavitation, transmutation, anomalous electron movement<br />
causing/caused by standing wave resonance, or antioxidant prone "field effect", link to<br />
quantum coherence, b➢Manifest as anomalous cooling/heat, water hammer,<br />
vibration coupling, electrical breakdown, spike, surge, implosion, spontaneous<br />
corona discharge, ball lightning, vortex, harmonics, similar to Electron Avalanche,<br />
Field Emission effect etc, treated as short circuit etc., c➢Seemingly influenced by<br />
cosmo-geophysical factors, but avoided by using extra energy, d➢"Static Electricity"<br />
is more like high voltage, can flow, & useable for industrial electricity, e➢Mainstream<br />
insistence on defending clear flaws in Electromagnetic Induction law<br />
• i.e. not closed system?; device efficiency fluctuates, by time-location, orientation,<br />
altitude etc; similar to ground-earth battery, In rare cases emotion seems to<br />
affect(Dan Davidson, O Carr, J Keely, Ra Ring, Th Ludwig, Vogel, Seelhofer, R Schild,<br />
Adam Trombly+)<br />
• Occasional scientific rift:1- Mainstream Western scientist & Western Media/NGOs vs<br />
2- Inventor, sidelined & Non-Western scientist(Russia, China+), Some mainstream<br />
scholars in West as exception(Austria, Italy, France+)<br />
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” Microcurrent<br />
Harvesting<br />
• FREE ENERGY TYPES; increasingly ac#vely commercialized (indicated by dark<br />
blue color le5ers),<br />
MICRO CURRENT ENERGY HARVESTERS(technically dated turbine based<br />
smart water meter water flow harvester[also gas meter], or across the board<br />
full mainstream use wind & solar type micro current generator is not covered<br />
in this presentaOon(eg indoor use calculator).<br />
• Generally negligible as industrial power. Most of them are commercialized<br />
aSer yr 2000. Used for switches, sensors, meters(structural integrity monitor,<br />
industrial, logisOcs, transportaOon, equipment), IoT(Internet of Things),<br />
remote monitoring segment use etc: Perpetually Powered Systems. OSen<br />
auto Wireless Transmission funcOon is built in as one of key benefits.<br />
• This is currently one of most rapid progress energy generaOon efficiency & use<br />
in commercializaOon along with industrial use solid state electrical generator<br />
from heat, electronics manufacturing, solar power, & energy saving waste<br />
water/desalinaOon process.<br />
8<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 2<br />
Microcurrent Harvesting II<br />
• -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; increasing actively commercialized<br />
exceptions: Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
• Focus in this application is to have sufficient power generation for the<br />
device and not necessarily high efficiency. Devices only produce very small<br />
power but there are relevancies & relations to other much larger macro<br />
scale "energy harvesting" mechanics covered in presentation. Some<br />
mechanics with relatively easy industrial electrical generation potential in<br />
this segment are marked as #<br />
• Often use of metamaterials(engineered structure to increase wavevibration<br />
resonance amplifying for harvesting etc), even<br />
MEMS(MicroElectroMechanical System) now works in very low freq. of<br />
under 30hz with S shaped cantilever etc(Huicong Liu +), or increase wide<br />
band reception compared to resonance devices with only small number of<br />
limited frequencies are harvested.<br />
• Often ROI comes at first time replacement of battery or fizzled wire for<br />
sensors especially in remote or difficult to reach locations. -->>cont:<br />
9<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 3<br />
Low Temp Micro ThermoElectric<br />
• -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; increasing actively commercialized<br />
exceptions, Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
• Often ROI comes at equivalent of when first time replacement of battery or fizzled<br />
wire for sensors is required, especially in remote or difficult to reach locations.<br />
Many devices combine multiple mechanics to maintain required electrical supply<br />
level. <strong>Free</strong> energy harvesting micro devices are generally not frequently reported<br />
in newspapers or energy saving publications due to micro electrical nature, but<br />
products are available for very wide range of sensoring/actuating applications.<br />
Some cases there is no differentiator to long lasting battery system(eg self<br />
charging tire sensor for non-commercial vehicle). Many companies sell "Evaluation<br />
Kit" to test out. Following 1-14 main methods are listed as general representative<br />
energy scavenging methods.<br />
1 # Low temperature dif.(1-20°C) Thermoelectric device(industrial type<br />
generator version at p50-53): easily made as garage project with high<br />
performance Seebeck effect parts(A Makosinski+) & commercialized for consumer<br />
market prior to current industrial use micropower in 1990s and withdrawn(Citizen<br />
Eco-Drive Thermo, Seiko Thermic), more recent consumable types(Fujitsu,<br />
Yamaha had test products, Vodaphone: PowerPocket+), Latest consumer watch<br />
market debut (Matrix Industries+). Can be woven into fabric(KAIST South<br />
Korea+)(Gr Moriarty+), mass produceable by easy printing(AIST Japan+).<br />
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 4<br />
Thermoelectric, Piezoelectric<br />
• -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; increasing actively commercialized<br />
exceptions, Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 1 ThermoElectric:<br />
• Relatively significant penetration for mainstream industrial monitoring use<br />
last several yrs(Micropelt, EnOcean, Laired Technologies, Marlow Industries,<br />
Perpetua Power Source+),fair number of bio sensor focus companies(MC10<br />
inc+), thin micro device for wearables(Thermogen Technologies+), but super<br />
high density harvester by combo with solar in wristwatch format is shelved?<br />
(EnergyBionics Carbon: Ebersold+). Low cost printed super thin material that<br />
is capable of micro current to industrial size electricity conversion from<br />
heat(Otego GmbH+). Overall this sector is filled with many players existing in<br />
West.<br />
2 # Piezoelectricity/Acoustoelectric effect(material directly produces<br />
electricity when deformed, most widely commercialized in microcurrent<br />
generator types), Often use Barium Titanate (BaTiO3) or Zinc Oxide (ZnO),<br />
PZT: Lead zirconate titanate. Following elements are often relevant to<br />
majority of microcurrent generation by ambient scavenging(other than piezo<br />
methods). -->>cont:<br />
11<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 5<br />
Piezoelectric ii Micro & Macro<br />
• -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 2<br />
Piezoelectricity:<br />
• ●Usually takes cantilever of bimorph or unimorph(one electricity producing<br />
piezo layer) generator with magnetic tip to interact with fixed two magnets of<br />
above & below. To maximize resonance tuning of wide range or many<br />
frequencies(to amplify energy harvesting), multimorph/multilayer or cantilever<br />
array located side by side row is arranged.<br />
• ●But for non-linear frequency harvesting(non-repetitive vibration) focus,<br />
resonance might be avoided: Stochastic Bi-stable or Multi stable, cantilever<br />
with magnetic tip to interact with one magnet at fixed position that is same<br />
"height" as extension of cantilever. Also might use buckled beam with with<br />
both ends clamped with middle.<br />
• Parametric resonance(not set to narrow frequency resonance emphasis<br />
but incorporating non-linear movements: non periodic one time only<br />
unique arbitrary motion is ok) type non linear inductance-capacitance of<br />
piezo vibration: eg Velocity Damped Resonant Generator(VDRG) by EM<br />
damping, Coulomb Damped Resonant Generators(CDRGs) by electrostatic<br />
damping. Can be combined with other methods such as electromagnetic<br />
induction.<br />
12<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 6<br />
Piezoelectric III Commercialized e.g.<br />
• -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 2<br />
Piezoelectricity:<br />
• ◆ Generally wide range of vibration is harvested as energy(ReVibe Energy,<br />
Mide Volture, Arveni fr+), ◆Battery combo emphasis(Linear Technology+),<br />
◆Switch focus(Algra Group+), ◆ Automobile distance warning(Ceratec<br />
Engineering Corporation+), ◆Automatic parking space broadcaster<br />
(ParkHere GmbH), ◆High power density(MicroGen Systems MSM,<br />
AdaptivEnergy RLP, 8power+), ◆Footsteps use for surveillance device<br />
(Pavegen+), ◆AAA battery self charging battery or 10sec shaking 3mins<br />
lighting LED flashlight was taken out of market quickly()<br />
• ◆Large industrial power is possible: 200kw+/km production at busy hwy<br />
became possible with multi-stacked structure(Edery-Azulay/Innowattech),<br />
Polyvinylidene Fluoride(PVDF) based flexible Piezoelectric -<br />
FerroElectric(electrically polarized material) polymer woven fabric +<br />
photovoltaic coating(El Siores /FibrLec). ◆Others: Wearables(Flexous BV -<br />
Kinergizer+), Tire sensor for transport or mining trucks (Transense,<br />
SilentSensors+), Spray paint on surface to make it a generator<br />
(www.munekata.jp/eh/),<br />
13<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 7<br />
Piezoelectric IV Varia;ons<br />
• -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
2 Piezoelectricity: Others:<br />
• PVDF based /pyroelectric/thermoelectric & Piezoelectric functioning soft thin<br />
polymer film (Kureha Kagaku), Self charging by human motion Small flashlight(<br />
- +)<br />
Pacemaker sensor from heartbeat(KAIST, smart-MEMPHIS Silex [enhanced<br />
harvesting by MEMS PZT: Lead zirconate titanate]+), People movement surveillance<br />
by step-in mattress tracking( ),<br />
i -ElectroStrictive Polymer(change shape or lengthen under electric field or vice<br />
versa, significant degree of actuation occurs by electricity applied & used for<br />
artificial muscle) for much increased efficiency(Mcknight & Mcginnis+) even if<br />
electric field needs to be generated for power harvesting(eg electret perpetually<br />
emits E field), likely already in military use for much higher macro level power<br />
generation.<br />
• Ii -Simiar to above "i" but very soft super stretchable Dielectric Elastomer is low<br />
cost material and useable for wave/hydro energy(Softgen Univ Auckland+): 1w per<br />
human step range. 0.1mm thick elastic rubber paper like "power generating<br />
rubber" with 2 to 10 times higher efficiency than conventional piezo<br />
material(Ricoh), 14
Science-Accepted 8 Piezoelectric V EM Induc7on<br />
• -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
2 Piezoelectricity: OTHER PIEZO, PIEZO LIKE MECHANICS or combo:<br />
• iii -Radio Frequency harvesting by piezo system with cantilever<br />
system(Mahmoud Al Ahmad+), iv-In a way the same thing but what is fully<br />
categorized Acoustic Metamaterial can maximize piezo electricity production by<br />
impedance matching surface, or coiling up structure of labyrinthine units<br />
(Shuibao Qi+), or membrane types(Junfei Li+), & can range 15-20%+<br />
efficiency(Guancong Ma+), while also can function as effective sound<br />
absorber/insulator simultaneously.<br />
• v-Far more minute level vibration sensitive Nanostructure or<br />
NanoWire/NEMS(NanoElectroMechanical Systems) can be much more efficient<br />
than conventional piezoelectric (KAIST: Keon Jae Lee+),<br />
• vi-Other mechanical combination are explored and deemed to have advantages:<br />
Shape Memory Alloy(SMA, by temperature change)(p73,74), Magnetic Shape<br />
Memory Alloy(MSMA)(AdaptaMat Oy: MSMA without piezo combo),<br />
vii-Coupling of Helmholz cavities in addition to regular cantilever beams to<br />
amplify resonance(frequency matching)(D Ezhilarasi+), Or with duel<br />
cantilever(Ping Li+), Or paired cavities to further augment an order of<br />
magnitude larger energy harvest and 4times higher voltage(Xiao Peng+) than<br />
already increased power by a cavity itself. 15
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 9<br />
EM Induc7on<br />
• -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES;<br />
Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
3 ElectroMagnetic Induction from vibration or motion: magnet oscillates on<br />
cantilever/spring with coil wrapping it around to generate electricity from<br />
ambient sound or vibration (Perpetuum, Adamant jp, Star Micronics,<br />
MicroStrain +), using oscillating move/EM field of outside of device using<br />
rotating or vertical motion(Joule<strong>fusion</strong>+), Focus on low end 5hz frequency<br />
recovery for spotting personnel & harvesting energy in office/factory(Monowireless+):<br />
eg walking sound on carpet. Random directional motion into<br />
rotational energy to drive generator, similar to gyro mechanics(Witt Energy+):<br />
this company aims for industrial size generator. Human motion based battery<br />
charger for phones(AMPY Live Charged),<br />
4 # Ambient & purpose-broadcasted RF wave frequency Harvester & Rectenna:<br />
Harvests electromagntic wave usually Radio Frequency range & convert to DC<br />
electricity(This section deals up to 10Ghz. As for 10-30,000Ghz range<br />
Rectenna[Terahertz & Far InfraRed], see p68 •j for industrial sized electricity<br />
generation). Some can only Harvest from purpose intended directed<br />
broadcaster-receiver set, as well as inadvertent 10m range 3rd party strong<br />
signal(Cymbet EnerChip, ZF Switches & Sensors, Nowi Energy+).<br />
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 10 RF rectenna<br />
• -->>continued: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
4 # Ambient & purpose-broadcasted RF wave frequency Harvester & Rectenna:<br />
• But actually far away ambient radio wave(from WiFi, wireless phone, power<br />
line, lightning or RF range electric motor noise etc) harvester did exist from<br />
yr2000s(RCA Airpower, withdrawn twice after media debunking, probably<br />
consumer directed marketing exaggerated debunker reaction as happens often<br />
for disruptive energy tech), and now available again(Drayson <strong>Free</strong>volt,<br />
PowerCast Corp, Nikola Labs+), Much more robust battery charger for dual<br />
mode low frequency EM field & high frequency WiFi wave(DennisSiegel.de).<br />
• Resonance based amplified industrial level electricity harvesting is approved<br />
by Philippine' gov't(Ismael Aviso) but western media level pseudo<strong>science</strong>.<br />
Multiple invention "free energy" engineers often includes this method(Moray,<br />
<strong>Tesla</strong>+). Note higher freq Thz/FIR level industrial power harvesting is officially<br />
<strong>science</strong> ratified(p68).<br />
• There are wide range of RF scavenging methods available but technology is<br />
really simple especially for non micro sized system(eg see next page Crystal<br />
radio): Generally lab recovery efficiency to electricity as of 2016 is at least 70%+<br />
and some are reaching unity level: "Full absorption" idea or 90+% recovery<br />
already at single Ghz range frequency and continues up to Thz/FIR(Almoneef &<br />
Ramahi, Emr Karakaya, Fur Dincer+),(but media level pseudoscientization of this<br />
claim occurs). -->>cont: 17
Science Valid “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 11 Power Line Syphoning<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY; Micro Energy Harvesters: 4 RF Wave Harvester:<br />
• Crystal radio set up(one popular type is antenna coil and inductive tuning<br />
coil[no antenna is also possible], speaker is usable without outside power)<br />
has wide band harvesting capability & many home made large device can<br />
have much higher than micro device harvesting capability.<br />
• Some focus on increasing power by Ultra-broadband EM induction or Piezo-<br />
Electromagnetic or multiple vibration mode EM induction, etc(EnerBee+)<br />
• HIGH VOLTAGE POWER LINE scavenging: Near field high power line's EM<br />
field flux directly or, Additionally generating vibration with interaction of<br />
device magnet with EM field to harvest extra energy from piezoelectric<br />
effect(Hosseinimehr & Tabesh+) etc, for self powered electric current<br />
transmission monitoring purpose: mostly Wireless Powerline<br />
Sensor(Sentient Energy IBOLT, USi Power Donut+), low power amp<br />
working(Aclara Tollgrade LightHouse), or advanced monitoring(INCON<br />
GridSense Line IQ, Lindsey Transmission Line Monitor+): This application is<br />
full mainstream use in some regions/industry power monitoring segments<br />
while almost none in others -->cont:<br />
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 12<br />
High Voltage Line, Earth Magnetic Field<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 4 RF<br />
Wave Harvester: HIGH VOLTAGE POWER LINE scavenging:<br />
• Underwater submerged power line harves5ng(Dyden Corpora=on+): this<br />
company also makes usually minute current limited ElectroSta2c Induc2on<br />
harvester boos2ng with resonance(frequency matching) use for 6-12V max<br />
6W workable constant harves2ng(from 500kv, 6.5m away AC line). House<br />
level voltage line monitoring(Panoramic Power+). Harves5ng from high<br />
power line is also easiest method as capaci5ve coupling as well as RF crystal<br />
radio recep5on method, some seem to do illegally "steal or burrow power"<br />
from semi far field(10-50m) away with home made device. Same induc5on<br />
can be made from near radio sta5on transmiNer,<br />
• Also this induc5on of fluxing/changing magne5c field enables Power Factor<br />
Correc5on device that can reduce not only Apparent Power billed industrial<br />
electricity, but even Actual Power billed residen2al electricity cost(p150), but<br />
laNer effect is s5ll pseudo<strong>science</strong> in Western mainstream. YET, basically same<br />
mechanics based super high efficiency induc5on power harvester from<br />
Florescent light inverter, to operate surveillance camera & video transmission<br />
both is quietly commercialized in Japan for last 10yrs(Nippon Denki - NEC),<br />
-->>cont:<br />
19<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 13<br />
Earth Mag Field, Large power<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
4 RF Wave Harvester: Geo Magne2c Field:<br />
LOW FREQUENCY RESONANCE(7-50hz) use as base mechanics: can be very<br />
large dimension(1-1000m long) Electrodynamic Tether can generate<br />
significant industrial electricity by fast moving conduc>ve long wire against<br />
earth magne>c field(Tether Unlimited+), But this mainstream explana>on<br />
might not be main reason for its workability: less to do with GMF but<br />
generally more to do with voltage gradient in troposphere, & solar windcosmic<br />
ray is fluctua>ng GMF & existence of highly charged air par>cles with<br />
extreme temperatures at thermosphere(where tether is mostly used)?<br />
• Tire equipped coil generates micropower as car is driven & 5re<br />
rotates(Infineon Technologies AG). One manufacturer commercialized self<br />
charging LED flashlight claiming by GMF interac>on but seemingly over<br />
promising fast chargeability to cause low ra>o customer sa>sfac>on(ADGEX<br />
ELFE): harves>ng method is not explained clearly, and sta>c GMF adver>sing<br />
might be more of a gimmick, and bulk might come from tapping RF waves or<br />
even ambient vibra>on. -->>cont:<br />
20<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 14<br />
Earth Mag Field, Micro Power<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
4 RF Wave Rectenna: Geo Magne2c Field:(GMF):<br />
GMF energy harvester type of products are well within easy commercializa;on by<br />
using mainstream <strong>science</strong> accepted or tacitly non-debunked GMF energy<br />
harves;ng mechanics in mul;plica;on. Some such examples are given in following<br />
a-f:<br />
• a-Medical sensor energy harvester(Ferro Solu;ons Inc: Jiankang Huang, O'Handley<br />
et al), b-Amplifica;on of general ambient electric field ;me variance harves;ng:<br />
Alterna(ng conduc(ve and dielectric layer film coupled by capacitor of resonance<br />
RLC circuit (Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor)(Tao & Owhadi): similar mechanics as<br />
"Orgone energy accumulator" layering(p372)<br />
• c-Even conserva;ve mainstream <strong>science</strong> group admits solely GMF based sta;c<br />
electrical genera;on is possible by use of electro-conduc;ng cylindrical shell of<br />
manganese zinc ferite(Chyba & Hand+), d- Schumann freq level resonance focus<br />
amplifying, using Casimir oscilla;on amplifica;on type capability: Quantum<br />
Oscillator(see next page "f"), e-Actually most of self charging Flashlight type device<br />
energy scavenging can come from non earth resonance: high power line(50-60hz<br />
etc), or radio wave(0.5-30mhz)/wifi(2-4ghz) induc;on etc, or completely different<br />
harves;ng methods can be combined. -->>cont:<br />
21<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 15<br />
Casimir Force & Nano Oscillation<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
4 RF Wave Rectenna: Earth Magne4c Field/Geo Magne4c Field:(GMF):<br />
• f-1 This might be deemed as side informa4on but minute oscilla4ons like<br />
even Casimir force(vacuum fluctua4on, Zeropoint energy rela4on) is<br />
measurerable by microcan4lever(Mohideen+), Successful Casimir force<br />
driven device since 2001 is completely ignored even by scien:fic<br />
media(Fed Capasso: Lucent Technologies/Bell Lab+): basically Casimir<br />
force is consistently harvestable as energy by MEMS/NEMS<br />
(NanoElectroMechanical Systems)(Dum Caruntu+), While Casimir and<br />
van der Waals forces are agreed to be main reason for s:c:on failure of<br />
MEMS can:lever(Mic Serry+),<br />
• Needs proper considera4on for its major role in nano-generator<br />
design(Raf Ardito+): e.g. when membranes work in vacuum without<br />
capillary forces (Jian-Ning Ding+). But Casimir force itself is reversible by<br />
using NEMS(D Lopez[ANL]+) etc(neg refrac4ve index material), & even<br />
can cause nano levita:on(Ulf Leonhardt, Fed Capasso+), actual electrical<br />
genera4on by causing amplified vibra4on based on non linear pairing of<br />
casimiar force oscilla4on(Mead & Nachamkin+) -->>cont:<br />
22<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 16<br />
Casimir Force & Power Harvesting<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
4 RF Wave Harvester: Earth Magne4c Field/Geo Magne4c Field:(GMF):<br />
• f-2 Progressive end of mainstream academics get patent on MEMS or nano<br />
polymer used Casimir force extrac=on KWh level electrical generator with some<br />
mainstream funding(Jovion Corp: Moddel & Haisch). Similarly, Casimir cavity's<br />
energy gap between inside & outside should be able to be used for energy<br />
extrac=on as well as gravity control?(Calloni & Di Fiore et al+)<br />
• f-3 "Nano" Oscilla=on based Brownian Ratchet or Ambient Thermal noise<br />
harves=ng are all workable: Minority conserva=ve end of mainstream academic<br />
stance or media level <strong>science</strong> asserts s=ll such nano level oscilla=on is<br />
impossible to harvest as ratchet rota=on even if oscilla=on exists(R Feynman+),<br />
but it is actually extracted as energy by rec=fica=on(Astumian+). Now<br />
experimental results on various quantum fluctua=on is finally accepted in<br />
academic papers as “true"(p347)<br />
23<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 17<br />
Magnetostrictive/Electrostatic<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
5 # MagnetoStrictive Material(MsM) creates magnetic field when changes its<br />
shape, hence causes time varied magnetic field with vibration, & this is picked up as<br />
electricity by coil around it(Ferro Solutions Inc, Moritex Corporation, Shonanmetaltec+),<br />
Dielectric epoxy covered high impact useable generator(Tohoku Steel+),<br />
Batteryless wireless mouse by thermoelectric harvesting combo(Seiko Instruments+)<br />
• Galfenol based(alloy of iron and gallium) or Terfenol's latest version is order of<br />
magnitude more efficient vibration energy harvester(20-30% range as a result) than<br />
conventional piezoelectric material & material lasts much longer due to no<br />
degradation or becoming brittle due to piezo vibration(Tos Ueno+).<br />
• Similar Ferrofluid based energy harvester is also deemed highly effective: while<br />
effectively absorbing vibration,<br />
6 Electrostatic Induction from vibration: Generally power is produced by<br />
conversion of oscillation to changed positioning or distance between electrodes:<br />
varying capacitance. Some involve electret(dielectric material with semi permanent<br />
electron polarization state). Can be very low cost with no magnets or piezo<br />
material(Omron - THHINK Wireless Technologies - Konishiyasu+), Walking motion<br />
sensor by unique rotating generator by use of electret(Hokuriku Electric Industry)<br />
-->>cont:<br />
24<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 18<br />
Triboelectric TENG - Intro<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
7 # TriboElectric NanoGenerator(TENG): TriboElectricity/Contact<br />
Electrification is utilized as newly announced tech in 2011(Zhong Lin Wang).<br />
Harvest energy effectively in wide bandwidth from both minute contact<br />
electrification & electrostatic induction, Invention increased usable efficiencies<br />
from less than 1% to max 50-60+% in few yrs from both regular & irregular<br />
motions, with near future industrial power application unless blocked by other<br />
groups or research goes classified:<br />
• Unique mechanics: for example, leading devices often have multiple power<br />
generation modes:<br />
• i-two different material based electrodes surface-touching & detaching, iisliding,<br />
iii-direct skin contact, rain drop or air flow etc on device<br />
surface(single electrode mode), iv- "<strong>Free</strong> standing layer": Pair of<br />
symmetric electrodes is located below a dielectric layer, and the size of the<br />
electrodes and the gap distance between them are of same order as size of<br />
the moving layer, & when this layer approaches or distances electricity<br />
flows between electrodes. -->>cont:<br />
25<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 19<br />
Tribo TENG II Commercialization<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY; Micro Current Energy Harvesters: 7 TriboElectric (TENG):<br />
Initially there was a major technical challenge: power could not be used as is for micro<br />
device since power is generated as AC(alternative current) and intermittent, hence<br />
required a battery/capacitor. But due to TENG's high voltage with low amp(i.e. high<br />
impedance), there was problem to connect effectively with capacitor(low impedance,<br />
hence lose most of power without storing).<br />
• This impedance mismatch problem was solved by two capacitor system to run micro<br />
device from non linear motions like intermittent human tapping, also deployed with<br />
other tribo mechanics: Hybridizing with EM induction or piezo polymer etc(<br />
+), 30x30cm walk-on people traffic pad that costs $20, generates up to 10W<br />
by each step(Touchlight Innovations: Swa Pujari), Shifting business focus into tribo<br />
from piezo type product line( +),<br />
• Wide range of tribo mechanics & functions has been successful at least experimentally:<br />
Water inside pencil size TENG for human motion type non-linear stimulation(Dong Sung<br />
Kim et al), Enclosed vibration harvester functionable under water or in snow, Cylindrical<br />
rotating types, Transparent version to generate power from rain drops to complement<br />
solar cell to maintain electricity generation during rain day & night(Li Zheng et al).<br />
Some organizations focus on trying out new applications in commercialized<br />
environment including low maintenance air filter(Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy &<br />
Nanosystems: Zhong Lin Wang - ). -->>cont:<br />
26<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 20<br />
Tribo Teng III Varied Mechanics<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
7 TriboElectric (TENG):<br />
• Triboelectric-Pyroelectric-Piezoelectric hybrid cell nano generator(Yunlong Zi+),<br />
TENG is low cost & also suitable to harvests air-water flow/wave(Yuanjie Su+),<br />
Wind recovery Flutter-Driven Triboelectric Generator(Jihyun Bae[SAIT:Samsung<br />
Advanced Institute of Technology]+). Preventing metal corrosion while<br />
generate energy at water-metal contact area(Xiaoyi Li+)(see p29 on how ionic<br />
movement within still water inside of device generates power instead of<br />
kinetic motion) or as human clothing (Sang-Woo Kim+) etc<br />
• LIGHTNING POWER HARVESTING(though this is macro scale and TENG<br />
unrelated): Not only thunderstorm but snow/sand storm should be also linked<br />
to triboelectricity effect(RJ Latham, EY Tkachenko+): Triple layered structure to<br />
increase recovery of lightning power to 20+% and with battery to work as a<br />
energy system from lab test(Jeong Min Baik: UNIST), Inventor's small lab test<br />
results(Steve Leroy+), Field tested small scale device(Mohd Farriz<br />
Basar[UTeM]+) etc, this is western media debunked. Also there seems to be<br />
some similar element to Orgone effect: p372. -->>cont:<br />
27<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 21<br />
Tribo Teng IV Future Potential<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY; Micro Current Energy: 7 TriboElectric (TENG):<br />
• TriboElectric electricity generation is done in more flexible way in higher efficiency<br />
than most other methods with easy scalability to mega size - even to the extent to<br />
become significant enough world wide electrical source along with conventional<br />
ElectroMagnetic Induction Generator(EMIG), also will be suitable for Self<br />
powered desalination, Self hydrogen production etc(Zhong Lin Wang, Guang<br />
Zhu+)<br />
• 1m2 of Electrical Double Layer(EDL: two parallel layers of electrons formulate<br />
between water and solid matter) mechanics can sustainably produce 0.46kw/ of<br />
power(Jinsung Chun et al), Modulation of EDL to generate power(Jong Kyun Moon,<br />
YoungJun Yang+) or 1m2 of best single layer material can produce up to 1.2kw.<br />
• Unique Western mainstream treatment on TENG is that this tech hasn't been<br />
debunked from day 1 by media despite other similar degree of economically<br />
paradigm shifting performances are usually discredited or ignored(most disruptive<br />
element of TENG industrial power generation is deemphasized) hence poses more<br />
growth potential than other equally high efficiency mechanics such as<br />
Magnetothermal, ElectroMagnetic wave heat harvesting(FIR/THZ), or<br />
ReverseElectroWetting generator in this micro generator segment. Significant<br />
backing of Chinese State and a university in US(Georgia Tech) -->>cont:<br />
28<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 22<br />
Thermal Ionic Movement<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Energy Harvesters:<br />
8 # Small water flow or even Thermal Ionic fluctua3on ONLY in s3ll water<br />
can be harvested as electricity by Graphene/CarbonNanotube etc(or<br />
TriboElectricity-II, cross over with Triboelectric TENG but with mechanics<br />
more focused on Ionic movement(also see p33 ■10 Ambient thermionic<br />
movement). Not commercialized and less cohesive development. This<br />
effect has been discussed amongst academics since 2001. Various<br />
experimental devices with Ionic Liquid or deionized water used generators<br />
both with basically same results. Most common type are 8a and 8b:<br />
• 8a-Pure water movement on graphene etc generates power by charge<br />
separaSon: when water droplet moves on flat surface/micro channels<br />
droplet is posiSvely charged and maTer surface is negaSvely charged causes<br />
electron to flow(Siowling Soh, Soon-Hyung Kwon, VI Petrik+), Single wall<br />
graphene has much higher power than double/triple etc(Sha Ghosh+),<br />
Water-ethanol mix in graphene form(Wenbin Huang et al+). -->cont:<br />
29<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 23<br />
Thermal Ionic Move, Ionic Liquid<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Current Harvesters: 8 Thermal<br />
Ionic fluctua:on ONLY in STILL ROOM TEMP WATER:<br />
• Slightly different but Water evapora*on driven ElectroScavenging<br />
effect generator by charge separa*on & power harves*ng(Rub<br />
Borno+): this also relates to advanced non cloud seeding weather<br />
modifica>on(for more details go to this link [four levels of..]and search<br />
"ElectroScavenging"),<br />
• 8b-Salt/Ionic liquid(conduc>ve, includes water) on graphene etc<br />
mechanics is only slightly different from deionized water; fric>on is<br />
generated between water flow and ions(Nik Koratkar+), ionic liquid is<br />
conduc>ve but graphene conducts electricity faster than<br />
electrolyte(ionic liquid) so electricity s>ll flows through prepared circuit<br />
with asymmetric electrodes etc.(Sta Skafidas, Weijie Kong+), Can also<br />
work as varying capacitance based electrosta>c generator, -->cont:<br />
30<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 24<br />
Thermal Ionic II, Reverse-ElectroWeAng<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY; Micro Harvesters: 8 Thermal Ionic harvest:<br />
• Thermal Ionic movement only(in water etc), no kinetic or vibration power used:<br />
50-80°C "hair electrodes" cause proton hopping(Bri Tulachan+), or Electricity at<br />
room temperature by thermal motion of ions in STILL LIQUID instead of by FLOW<br />
of the solutions by Monolayer Graphene(Graphene Battery):<br />
• Electron is emitted by interaction of graphene & cation, then it flows along<br />
graphene to electrode(Zihan Xu, Guoan Tai+). This particular theme,<br />
participated by state backed Chinese TENG research groups is practically free<br />
energy tech, & was not debunked in West but quietly discontinued on official<br />
level. This room temperature Thermal Ionic movement energy<br />
harvesting/generation is not taken up by inventor type groups.<br />
• *Also Note TriboElectric related effects has mainstream disputes amongst what<br />
causes/how electron transfer occurs.<br />
9 # Reverse Electrowetting power harvester: Reverse ElectroWetting On<br />
Dielectric(REWOD), Related to ElectroWetting process which can transport liquid<br />
with electricity by modifying the surface tension of liquid especially on<br />
hydrophobic surface(film, dielectric etc), This differs from similar looking effect<br />
causeable by ElectroMigration which gives force to move water.<br />
31<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted 25: Reverse Electrowetting II<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY; Micro Harvesters: 9 Reverse ElectroWe6ng(REWOD):<br />
REWOD is listed in micro power segment here like TriboElectricity process, but its<br />
research is more focused for high density power produc:on with large input(e.g.<br />
human kine:c power) for more of flashlight or higher power use level(e.g. 10w<br />
produced with baBery set per shoe for human walking). Far more efficient than<br />
conven:onal piezoelectricity, Most efficient energy harves6ng method at this 6me<br />
for human steps or car traffic type power genera6on(along with tribo effect TENG<br />
device).<br />
• New mechanics are invented with recent mainstream backing: Use of Atomic Layer<br />
Deposi:on(ALD), Capillary Microfluidic device achieves 65% electric genera:on<br />
efficiency(Jak Kedzierski et al), Bubbler type(Instep Nanopower: Krupenkin & Taylor et<br />
al), Coa:ng surface film with Al2O3 to increase capacitance etc.<br />
Hsing Hsu+) by this mechanics. This harvests sub 1hz level super slow oscilla:on as<br />
energy(takes more than 1 second per cycle: earth hum, weather or ocean wave<br />
triggered "perpetual tremor"). Tribo TENG has similar capability. Much lower<br />
density(efficiency) harves:ng is possible with piezo etc. Naturally not officially<br />
pursued given high economical disrup:veness along with industrial electricity<br />
harvester from 1-Casimir force, 2-Room temp thermal ionic movement only, 3-Earth<br />
Magne:c Field - Schumann resonance, or 4-Tall antenna based voltage gradient tether.<br />
But now 5-FIR/THZ frequency thermal radia6on is in process of commercializa6on<br />
by mainstream embracement! (p68)<br />
32<br />
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Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 26<br />
Ambient Thermionic<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES;<br />
Micro Harvesters:<br />
10 # Ambient temperature & magne/c field driven Thermionic device:(GN<br />
Hatsopolous, Xinyong Fu & Zi Tao Fu[“magne/c demon”]+): use of 90° cross<br />
wise laid magne*c field to cause Hull Cut Off type threshold to control<br />
electron movement from one electrode to the other in one direc*on to<br />
generate cooling effect in a vacuum tube to cause thermionic emission,<br />
hence indirect use of ambient temperature with originally magnet triggered<br />
energy supply to generate minute electricity.<br />
• Despite s/ll majority's mainstream academic denial, this maxwell's<br />
demon type effect should be valid based on various <strong>science</strong> valid combo<br />
effects(Cyril Smith+): (NoUngham cooling effect related), Also this is<br />
possible in known system like Aquaporin(Liangsuo Shu, Yingjie Li+),<br />
Linked to ■8 Thermal Ionic movement electricity harves9ng: both seem<br />
to be too disrup*ve complete "free energy" type to get official<br />
research going.<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 27<br />
Spin Current, Conductive Kite - voltage gradient<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES;<br />
Micro Harvesters<br />
11 # Carrying electrical current by Spin Current related methods, or by<br />
fractionally charged quasi-particle in quantum hall effect regime(as opposed<br />
to conventional charge current), seem to strongly imply overunity(Cyril<br />
Smith+): 1-Spin rectification at Larmor precession freq to control spin to<br />
produce DC current(YS Gui+), and Larmor precession is caused by electron<br />
motion in static magnetic field, 2-Spin Battery: EMF (Electromotive force) of<br />
spin origin generated by static magnetic field in magnetic tunnel junction(S<br />
Maekawa+), 3-Spin current related Reverse Seebeck effect is much higher<br />
thermoelectric harvesting from heat than conventional solid state<br />
generators. Also see "Orgone"/"Orgonite" p372. 4-Spin wave tech relation<br />
to Torsion field application(GJ Bugh+), & gravity tech(Frolov+)<br />
• 12 # Properly grounded electricity conductive kite or rod extracts<br />
atmospheric electricity(Beccaria, G Richmann, Dalibard, De Romas+), Use of<br />
"static electricity": actual flowing of unbalanced electric charge. Effect itself<br />
is easily replicated by amateurs, can easily lead to macro power generator,<br />
currently almost entirely ignored by recent mainstream for<br />
commercialization or research(IonPowerGroup.com+),<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 28<br />
Kinetic, Ground - Tree power harvester<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Micro Harvesters:<br />
13 # Kinetic Power Harvester: Mostly by human or car/train traffic.<br />
Human motion(nPower PEG+), Military focus(Bionic Power+): to charge<br />
battery etc., 1hr walking range to charge phone by hydraulics(Walking<br />
Charger - Energy Harvesters LLC+),1minute hand crank generates 11-<br />
23mins of useable LED light(Envirofit Empower Duo+). Automobile slow<br />
down zone power harvested by magnetic induction(Underground Power<br />
SRL+), or by scalable Hydraulic liquid, piston, & pressure accumulator<br />
units fed to electric generator for power production to beyond 100kw+<br />
range(KinergyPower+), Also piezo effects are used but as of 2016 cost is<br />
higher than conventional methods for industrial power.<br />
14 Ground/Tree/plant Electricity harvester(Barbosa, Bryan, Karavas:<br />
Voltree, Helder: Plant-e+), WiFi/Wireless system to transmit plant info to<br />
computer is workable only for short distance currently(Seiko Instruments,<br />
Ritsumeikan Univ Electronic & Computer Engineering dpt+).<br />
Photosynthesis based pot plant smartphone charger & WiFi system(Bioo -<br />
Arkyne Technologies+), Bioo claims to be competitive against solar panels<br />
with house use level power with 1/3> its costing.<br />
35<br />
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Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 29<br />
Non-Harvesting Self Micro Electricity Generators<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES;<br />
i Tourmaline electrode self-driven permanent electrolysis(Kubo<br />
effect), or<br />
■ ii Self micro electricity generating minerals: Acos Terahertz Face<br />
Roller(Kun Sasaki+).<br />
• ■ iii Persistent Current(perpetual current, usually low temp) in Nano<br />
Ring: Mesoscopic quantum phenomena, Quietly mainstream<br />
established but energy generator development research avoided.<br />
Observed in nano ring structure metals in still state is up to 1-2 orders<br />
of magnitude larger(over-unity, in addition to perpetual current<br />
itself!)(KB Efetov+) than any wishful mainstream theory allows to be(Pri<br />
Mohanty+) & it demonstrates unknown time dependent fluctuations,<br />
deemed phase coupling/phase coherence to be critical factor(Mar<br />
Büttiker+). Instantly commercializable Macroscopic Persistent Current<br />
is almost entirely ignored but virtually <strong>science</strong> approved(C van der Wal,<br />
Hir Koizumi+), Violation of 2nd law?(Čápek, Dan Sheehan+) -->>cont:<br />
36<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 30<br />
Self Micro Generators: Conten>on of Zamboni Pile<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES;<br />
DEVICES:<br />
• iV also Zamboni Pile/Duluc Dry Pile(Battery) of certain set up(eg Oxford<br />
Electric Bell) or what is called Orgone also self-generates ElectroMotive<br />
Force or "self-flows" unlimited microcurrent when layers of different<br />
electric potential matters are pressed together wedged by dielectric<br />
material(electrically neutral/blocks electron flow, but allows<br />
electrostatic/polarize to develop dipole moment) in addition to chemical<br />
type reaction(limited), but perpetual current effect of "iv" is often<br />
pseudoscientized even above i - iii effects are mainstream recognized as<br />
"<strong>science</strong> legal", also similar "erroneous" over-unity claims were made by<br />
top physicists back when battery was invented(Volta+),<br />
Solar Chimney: Initial high cost, mainstream selectively quoting high<br />
LCOE(Levelized Cost Of Electricity), less electricity produced at night,<br />
many side benefits: Hyperion Energy, Enviromission+, Claims of more<br />
efficient, far less land use versions from pilot tests, Salinity Gradient<br />
Solar Pond: Ormat+, suitable only with low cost land near salt water, tech<br />
& maintenance unstandardized,<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 31<br />
Emulsion Fuel<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES;<br />
WATER MIXTURE TYPES: a Water-Oil emulsion fuel: Massive gap in fuel saving<br />
ability, also depends on type of boiler/engine used for: 1-25%(beyond this % is<br />
"<strong>science</strong> illegal": see p174-176), Cuts emission(PM 10-80%, NOx/SOx 10-50%),<br />
There is significance as one of few official mainstream instantly large scale<br />
useable "parYal free energy tech" & commercializaYon exist world wide but<br />
remains low key in most naYons: rarely referred even by cleantech media,<br />
minimum public funding for research in West.<br />
Groups of Western Mainstream (WM) business establishment promoted<br />
Emulsion Fuel under "excuse" of emission decrease(with no reference to fuel<br />
saving) in 2001-2003. Some are sYll offered(Lubrizol PuriNOx, Pirelli Gecam,<br />
Total Aquazole +), while others withdrew(Shell, BP, Chevron). At mainstream<br />
exposure discussion, hygroscopic fuel's(diesel, biofuel) water mix problem<br />
soluYon is offered by water dispersant/water emulsifying addiYves(Rolling Big<br />
Power RBP-80001, Hot Shot’s Secret, FPPF, Central Illinois Manufacturing -<br />
HydroBurn, XDP Diesel Power Plus+) that include increased fuel efficiency of 3-<br />
10% range, but they are lobbied against by united mainstream groups(car &<br />
engine manufacturers) as bad for engine etc, while existence of larger<br />
magnitude of full emulsion fuel cost saving remains en3rely avoided topic. --<br />
>>con3nues as fuel saving purpose emulsion next page:<br />
38<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted: 32: Emulsion Fuel II<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES;<br />
Water mixture: a Water-Oil emulsion fuel:<br />
• A few companies serving world wide mainly for diesel but some also gasoline<br />
market: ◆Europe (Eco Energy Holding AS, IncBio, E•Fuel SA, Toeps innova@on+),<br />
◆ North America(Nonox, Fierce Fuel Systems, Next Alterna@ve Inc+), ◆Japan<br />
(AIT Emulsion, NanoFuel co+),<br />
• ◆ Opera>ons in Russia openly serve mainstream(Теплоэнергоремонт-<br />
Москва, Vodmazut Раптех, «Энергосберегающие технологии» «ЭСТ» - estm.ru,<br />
МЕССКА - messka.ru+), ◆ Middle East(4C Technologies+),<br />
◆<br />
India(Creatnet Technology Pvt +), ◆South Korea is unique amongst Western<br />
allies to openly focus at government level(CoxOil kr, Green Hitech kr, Sampower<br />
kr+), ◆Other Asia (Solar Emulsi PT Pertamina, Singapore Emulsion Fuel+),<br />
◆China is mainly served by own state company inhouse & Taiwanese<br />
companies(Comaxima Eco-Green Technology, Shine Bond <br />
+),<br />
• Sector Base: Finally mainstream mari>me industry open debut by European back<br />
up: Quadrise MSAR, in Asia: Monohakobi. Tech Varia>ons: Biofuel<br />
Emulsion(Gruppo Forini+), Works down to -30°C storage(SulNOx Fuel Fusions),<br />
->>cont:<br />
39<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 33<br />
Coal-Water Slurry, History<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES;<br />
emulsion fuel:<br />
Water mixture types: a Water-Oil<br />
• Equipment can be expensive & actual cost saving is o6en from "on par"<br />
to "much less" compared to best performing magne
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 34<br />
Coal-Water Slurry, History: Low Cost & Too Much Of It<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; ■ Water mixture types: ■b Coal-Water<br />
Slurry(CWS):<br />
• With its mainstream approved status, this almost forgo5en low tech can exert<br />
enormous influence on shorter term energy market, climate change carbon<br />
reduc=on targe=ng & geo-econo-poli=cal situa=on: largely dormant massive<br />
coal reserve evenly distributed world wide can be made into diesel equivalent<br />
with 1/2-1/4 of cost to destroy “fossil fuel” supply shortage, liquid fuel market<br />
price, & exis=ng crude oil refining/sor=ng system. Poten=al to replace en=re<br />
diesel/heavy oil supply exists if modified special engine type(no nozzle wearing<br />
etc) is introduced(eg Micronised Refined Carbons(MRC) consuming DICE: Direct<br />
Injec=on Carbon Engine: US gov't backed program(also GE, GM etc<br />
par=cipa=on) between 1970s-2000s, recently Australia [CSIRO & many<br />
Australian coal companies])<br />
US: Unsuccessful gov't par=cipated movement to promote CWS to replace<br />
majority of higher priced imported oil in 1980s. Also clean coal burning<br />
IGCC(Integrated Gasifica=on Combined Cycle) power plants in US are using coal<br />
water slurry for boiler feeding (wet feed gasifica=on to produce extra H2)(CB&I<br />
E-Gas, Texaco-GE) though almost never publicly reported. Regular fuel use US<br />
CWS system installer:(ecoTECH Energy, AuraSource Inc+)<br />
41<br />
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Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 35<br />
Coal-Water Slurry II, China<br />
• -->>cont: FREE ENERGY TYPES; Water mixture types: b Coal-Water Slurry(CWS):<br />
China: is tech leader & CWS is high profile tech na6onwide led by state companies:<br />
( - China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp,<br />
Shangdong Energy Group, Yuankuang Group - <br />
Slurry GasificaAon and Coal Chemical Engineering<br />
Research, - Zjxianchuang, <br />
GCPMC, jf NAIC+), Low grade coal focus: High moisture content lignite<br />
slurry( - : Yulin<br />
Western Coal Technology Research Centre+), Low grade fine ground coal mix for<br />
emission reduc6on focus( cctegce+), Taiwan<br />
(Neofuel tw). Also China leads to Hydrothermal combus6on of coal(SuperCri6cal<br />
water).<br />
Russia & ex-Soviet: Rela6vely ac6ve use(Амальтеа-Сервис vodougol, КОТЭС<br />
Cotes-Group+): Rather surprising US controlled Ukraine gov't has declared CWS as<br />
na6onal energy priority with Chinese financial back up(Ukrheat+).<br />
42<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 36<br />
Coal-Water Slurry III, Bacteria, Atmos Clock etc<br />
• -->>cont: Coal Water Slurry:<br />
Rest of world: CWS is overall even lower profile commercializa:on than<br />
emulsion fuel with very small # of players considering its <strong>science</strong> legal<br />
status(EET CWS, JGC, Kawasaki Heavy, Cynergi Holding SA+), OEen small oneman<br />
show type opera:on or main business is other engineering(Advanced Coal<br />
Water Slurry Technologies, LeMar LLC, KEM-jp.com+).<br />
Its very disrup:ve nature of abundant energy, scien:fically admiIed status can<br />
be one of the reasons why CWS and Emulsion fuel are both not highlighted by<br />
major Western environmental NGOs & mainstream en::es.<br />
Atmos clock+(C Drebbel+), use of self oscilla:ng Torsion pendulum - Electromechanical<br />
transducer, ambience change, can combine with Foucalt pendulum<br />
element, Bacteria generator; Self-Charge Electrochemical Bio-capacitor<br />
(Pankratov+), Microbial Fuel Cell(MFC)(Cambrian InnovaHon, Emefcy EBR +) or<br />
its “overunity” electrolysis (Microbial Electrolysis Cell - MEC), 1-2$ range<br />
material based DIY self producing no running water "moist soil based" MFC for<br />
3rd world villages(Aiden Lab), Magnetotac:c Bacteria based types etc.,<br />
”Levitron”type, or ”Drinking Bird” generator,<br />
43<br />
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Science-Accepted “<strong>Free</strong> Energy” 37<br />
Hydrodynamic Cavitation, Blue Energy, Nano device<br />
Hydrodynamic heater(TEKMASH, CT Systems+), (also see p167: G Ivanenko,<br />
Bespalko+), inconsistent “Self running” ability but happens often, valid mainstream<br />
<strong>science</strong> until it becomes overunity, Temperature based volume changing ultra<br />
sensitive Phase Change Material (PCM) driven Hydraulic Motor: SOLO-TREC(J Jones &<br />
Y Chao),<br />
Atomic/Nanogenerators, 24hr Infrared Solar(Hong Liu, Dale Cotter+): (SSR: sprit ring<br />
resonator like structure), Particulates(Da Yurth+), Atomic Hydrogen<br />
Welding(Langmuir), Negative electrical resistance carbon fibre(De Chung+),<br />
Blue Energy Some “free energy tech” usually costs more than existing system such<br />
as Blue Energy: Reversed electrodialysis, Pressure Retarded Osmosis(PRO)/Osmotic<br />
power, Hydrocratic ocean energy. Exception eg: Combined low pressure high flow<br />
desalination with additionally electricity generated by removing ions from seawater<br />
with Molybdenum Disulfide(MoS2) nanofilter(Nar Aluru+):30-50+% electricity cost<br />
saving.<br />
• But further efficient if osmotic pressure is used(Moh Heiranian+) : can become<br />
efficient free energy generator while making drinking water from ocean(not officially<br />
demonstrated). Also pure power generation-wise, Capacitive (mix) energy extraction<br />
by Double Layer Expansion(CDLE)(Br Logan+), or by Donnan Potential(CDP), and Two<br />
stage PRO(Wei He+) might become super low cost in future<br />
44<br />
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Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 1: Engine<br />
• SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES: i.e. beyond grid parity if commercialized as<br />
electricity generation, often same treatment as inventors' ”free energy”(p148-<br />
182); many stopped researches, stay microscale, suddenly retracted without<br />
explanation, some suspected internal only corporate use,<br />
• Selective, under-exaggerated, outdated data for efficiency & cost performance<br />
in mainstream reporting contradicts manufacturer or academic/field-lab<br />
data(particularly in fast advancing tech like Wind/Ocean energy or<br />
semiconductor related Solar cell & solid state devices as well as MEMS, etc, But<br />
again now emerging commercialized exceptions exist,<br />
Non UV H2 Photolysis from water by Sn3O4(H Abe+), many other “artificial<br />
photosynthesis”s,<br />
50-200%+ increased efficiency engines(Myers, Ogle, Covey, Pogue, Castellini,<br />
Brandt, La Force, Hatton, Caggiano, Belland, Purushottam Pipaliya, Holland, Ch<br />
Brown, Fish+) by cam timing, spark plug, carburetor, vaporized gas etc: all<br />
reported repeatedly on local papers till 1990s). Specific angled screen in<br />
carburetor “accidentally” improved 50% mileage in 1960s(Ford), but model was<br />
soon “recalled to correct it back” to factory spec(Pantone+). -->>cont:<br />
45<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 2: Engine<br />
• —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES(& Grid Parity): 50-200%+<br />
increased efficiency engines:<br />
• Pneumatic engine(“<strong>science</strong> illegal” version, p166-170): Peugeot 208 Hybrid<br />
Air(40km/litre, 94mpg), Tata & MDI-lu(Negre), both being shelved, Some non<br />
electric Japanese cars mostly sold only in Japan(35km+/l), Volkswagen<br />
XL1(100km/l, 250 test units only) & discontinued Lupo(35km/l). In1920s<br />
mainstream predicted 80mpg norm with test cars performing<br />
100mpg+(Byron Wine, Al Wallace, Bru McBurney+). Electric car as of 2016 is<br />
already close to one-third of gas mileage cost of equiv smaller vehicles in<br />
most locations, and likely to decline further relatively rapidly(eg: use of super<br />
low cost solar etc) & at military level large electric transport trucks are only<br />
slightly lower mileage cost but much faster acceleration and low noise. Now<br />
available 95% efficient Shinsei Electrostatic Motor,<br />
Regenerative Shock Absorber normally brings negligible 5% range car<br />
mileage efficiency(eg ClearMotion, hydraulic motor runs to generate power)<br />
but in certain specific electrical energy needs application it could bring<br />
substantial saving.<br />
46<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 3: ED Tether, PCM<br />
• —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES(& Grid Parity):<br />
ElectroDynamic Tether/Asymmetrical Electrostatic: It is free energy, but<br />
mainstream sanctioned idea as only limited use in space environment as lowest<br />
cost tech(long conducting wire[mainly 500m plus for large power but works<br />
from 1m] moves along earth magnetic field etc to generate electricity), Can be<br />
used to replace fuel with free electricity for low orbit satellites and even ultra<br />
high elevation flight if air craft propulsion re-configuration is made(plasma, ion<br />
thrust etc) with high elevation cruising(BE Gilchrist, Jam McCanney+)/(Boeing -<br />
Tether Unlimited). But actually generates full time "free energy" on earth<br />
surface: by likely triggering imbalanced static electricity to flow, Works at onground<br />
still-earth vertical environment with graphene/nanocarbon<br />
use(IonPowerGroup.com+), or Use of Electret's Asymmetrical Electrostatic Force<br />
to generate perpetual small electricity(Katsuo Sakai+)<br />
Super efficient Phase Change Material(PCM) for housing: to release or absorb<br />
heat at preset temperature: BioPCM, DuPont Energain, PCM injected wood:<br />
Enertia Home, Combine PCM with Vacuum Insulation Panels(VIP) to provide<br />
certain packages/boxes perpetual free cooling or heating depends on outside<br />
temperature transition: va-Q-tec AG+, Also see PCM water electrical<br />
generator(p64: e),<br />
47<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 4: NanoCavity<br />
LED, Ammonia from air & water, H2O2 etc<br />
In a way "Increase light" of LED by NanoCavity structure(Lamda LUX -<br />
Metamaterial Technologies Inc+), this is applicable to solar also,<br />
Micro-Nano Porous antibacterial, anticorrosion high adhesion Paint with<br />
significant heat insulating water based paint can induce game changing overall cost<br />
saving (Nansulate - Industrial Nanotech - INI World Wide+): but some of this<br />
company type is apparently holding back from adding further disruptive<br />
thermoelectric paint capability?<br />
Portable ammonia maker from H2O+air by compression cycle etc for engines(J<br />
Fleming), Super high concentration (H2O2)Hydrogen Peroxide: low cost<br />
sustainable clean fuel for commercial planes, can be made/separated/accumulated<br />
by water electrolysis/plasma discharge/photocatalysis etc from natural water and air<br />
(General Kinetics+), but had met massive selective distorted danger info & storage<br />
impossibility exaggeration from mainstream groups<br />
(N2H4)Hydrazine Fuel Cell: small, no precious metal, easy high power<br />
fuel(Daihatsu co), Aluminium Air Battery:1700km+ run range 100kg weight for<br />
electric cars(Phinergy), Graphene Battery: 600km range battery charged in<br />
10mins(Fisker - Nanotech Energy Inc), Flow Battery: 1000km range(NanoFlowcell<br />
AG: La Vecchia): but is there a possibility their use of ionic liquid is a euphemism for<br />
regular Salt water?<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Past Grid Parity Tech 5: Galvanic Water Cell, Thorium +<br />
Galvanic Reac+on Salt Water Cell: (Hydra Light+)Very slow reac0on design,<br />
Currently for small phone charge type power level, about 1/30-50th cost of<br />
regular 2A baGery, with consistent voltage and current,<br />
Thorium Reactor:US in 70s, Uranium took over, nuclear plant use, far less<br />
radia0on, re-star+ng (India, Russia, China, US, Norway, Israel+),<br />
portable(Dratch+),<br />
Biofuel(Ethanol) from cellulose only(inedible plant, grass straw, tree<br />
branches, broken trees etc), Some produce with
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 6: Coal to fuel,<br />
DCFC, Geothermal etc<br />
Coal based Gas/Oil/Direct power: Natural gas like CENfuel(Lloyd &<br />
Turner ) & Low Temp Coal Carboniza=on: LTC, Rexco(Karrick), Improved<br />
Bergius method, Micro acBve at Sasol+, Similar Lurgi process acBve in<br />
China(70+ plants), EM wave/Ultrasonic use(M Kawabata+), Low fume DCFC<br />
(Direct Carbon Fuel Cell, DEHPL+) mechanics avail since 1890s(W Jacques+),<br />
A few of IGCC (Integrated coal GasificaBon Combined Cycle, usually said to<br />
be more expensive than regular coal combusBon, but high efficiency low<br />
cost data can be hidden by high startup cost etc): more on gasificaBon,<br />
Super high density Enzyma=c fuel cell(YH Percival Zhang)<br />
Certain customized Geothermal hea=ng: Heat Pump, Gradient Energy<br />
Harves=ng etc: e.g. Discarded oil well-mine EGS(Sologen), Downhole heat<br />
exchanger use, 300m deep closed loop in high heat area useable even<br />
without heat pump cost etc, Also much lower cost Hydrothermal SpallaBon<br />
drilling, but quickly "went out of business"(Pober Drilling):<br />
50<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Past Grid Parity Tech 7: OTEC, Hydrothermal Vent +<br />
Cooling use OTEC(Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion) near some water<br />
areas(Sea Water Air Condi=oning)(Makai, Bluerise nl+), In some super high<br />
cost power small island OTEC becomes lowest energy cost by improved Kalina<br />
Cycle(Xenesys), PCM used OTEC engine,<br />
Betavoltaics types: Tri=um Light or BaGery(P Brown+), Zinc sulfide or Radium<br />
Paint + Solar Cell, Optoelectric Nuclear BaGery(Kurcharov Inst+), Radioisotope<br />
Generator(NASA+): mininuclear heat converted to electricity by thermoelectric<br />
device. Hydrothermal vent power extrac=on: large scale indicated by test<br />
success, Orimulsion: Water(30%) emulsified bitumen by Venezuelan state<br />
corp: broke "taboo" of not making bitumen emulsion for road<br />
pavement/sealant use<br />
Exo;c configura;ons: Limited to pilot success;<br />
Advanced Compressed air energy storage by addi;onal full recovery of<br />
both Heat compressed & <strong>Cold</strong> air released, Pneuma=c engine(Negre+,<br />
“illegal” version: p166-170), Magne=c Energy Recovery Switch (Shimada+):<br />
“legal back EMF(electromo=ve force)”, Water-carbon rod low powered<br />
electric arc gas: AquaFuel(H Eldridge, W Richardson, Rug San=lli),<br />
51<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 8:<br />
Perpetual Hydrogen<br />
Aluminium based Hydrogen Produc4on methods :Aluminium based metal alloy<br />
& water “Hydrogen fuel cell” lab results as all similar mechanics but mostly<br />
uncommercialized. Physics wise undeniable natural effects- eg:<br />
• i Slow oxidizing low cost focused alloy pellets(B Froats),<br />
ii Rapid shock cooling-heaJng as catalyst to “crack” oxidized film of nano aluminium<br />
parJcles to reacJvate(Dynamix-Muroran univ: Mas Watanabe+)+,<br />
• iii Use of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) as catalyst(not consumed) to prevent/delay<br />
aluminium oxidaJon (Hy-Energy: Erl Andersen)+, iv Undisclosed catalyst accelerates<br />
piVng of aluminum powder surface to prevent/delay passivaJon(AlumiFuel: Jas<br />
Anand+), v Chloride ion use piVng to dissolve oxidized film(Hydergy India: AVK<br />
Reddy+),<br />
• vi Aluminium alloy with gallium/lithium etc which prevents/slows oxidized layer<br />
from fully covering aluminum(HydroAlumina: Ge Woodall, Chemalloy: <strong>Free</strong>dman+),<br />
vii CatalyJcCarbon and aluminum in 80°C hot water + DC pulse(not electrolysis) to<br />
prevent almost all aluminium oxidaJon, this on-board generator makes<br />
110L/minute of H2, low quality-dirty-sea water ok(Phillips Company 4T: Haw<br />
Phillips)<br />
52<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 9:<br />
Perpetual Hydrogen II, Heat Recovery<br />
• —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES : Hydrogen Production:<br />
Non aluminium based Hydrogen: i Cavitation(Cavitation Energy Systems),<br />
ii Electrohydraulic effect(H2 Energy Renaissance):<br />
electrohydraulics/shockwave/cavitation methods are rarely looked by academic<br />
level but effect is undeniable(Sop Burjanadze, Tak Sato & Mas Oizumi+),<br />
iii Nanoparticle coated H2O electrolysis (Dopp+), iv Ultrasonic H2 generation from<br />
water with non-oxidizing nanocrystal: ZnO fibers + BaTiO3 dendrites (Xiaochun Li),<br />
v Various metal catalyst: eg Molecular Molybdenum Persulfide catalyst H2<br />
dissociation from water(JR long+), vi PhotoCatalytic(Dav Milstein+), vii 84%<br />
efficiency pure water Electrolysis by Cathode 35Mpa high pressure Solid Polymer<br />
Electrolyte use, fluctuating power input workable like wind power(Honda R&D),<br />
HEAT RECOVERY: unless otherwise stated generally 100-1000°C temp difference<br />
is used - often which power generation is proportional to. Also leads to emission<br />
reduction: part of mainstream focus in many - particularly Western nations, while<br />
almost ignored in some others:<br />
• ▀▀1. Kinetic Power Generators based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity:<br />
Often as industrial CHP(Combined Heat & Power), or Combined Cycle at power<br />
generator: common installation in at least as new system in Chemical, Pulp &<br />
Paper, Wood, Petroleum Refining, Metal, Gas turbine/Nuclear power generation<br />
industries, use of Regular •a-d : 53
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 10:<br />
Heat Recovery(H.R.) HRSG<br />
• —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER TYPES: HEAT RECOVERY: ▀▀1. Kinetic Power<br />
Generators based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity:<br />
• •a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)(Nooter/Eriksen, Alstom, GE +) most<br />
large mainstream industrial conglomerate types offer as first round of heat recovery<br />
as Combined Cycle with 10-20% range additional electrical recovery(of original<br />
electrical conversion % ratio).<br />
• Once Through Steam Generator(OTSG): obviates drum to increase efficiency &<br />
control(Innovative Steam Technologies+). Also low grade heat primary or<br />
secondary recovery process of HRSG "left over" heat by conventional Organic<br />
Rankine Cycle(ORC- use of low boiling temp stronger turbine power organic<br />
compound medium instead of water) generally used from 80°C+ (INTEK GMK<br />
GmbH, Turboden, Triogen BV+).<br />
• But there are significant differentiation in suitability and performance gap for this<br />
mature tech. With (further) 2-10%+ electrical gain, or 70-95C previously discarded<br />
water or hot spring water can produce power by 20-70kw potential<br />
module(Ishikawajima Harima, Electratherm+): optimization focus(Granite Power<br />
Granex+), on board ocean freight power generator from diesel engine heat(Opcon<br />
Energy System+), -->>cont:<br />
54<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 11:<br />
H.R. II More Than Organic Rankine Cycle %<br />
• —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER TYPES: ▀▀1. Kinetic Power Generators based<br />
Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •a Heat Recovery Steam Generator<br />
(HRSG):<br />
• But some specialists(2G Energy AG+) might improve/replace ORC/steam RC process<br />
with less often used Radial Flow Organic Rankine(Exergy SpA, Cryostar SAS +),<br />
Axial & radial mix turbine(Aqylon+).<br />
• Often, not always, substantial yield improvement is made by following: Kalina<br />
Cycle(ammonia & water mix medium)(Kalina Power - Enhanced Systems<br />
Technologies - Global Geothermal), or more specialized use customizable its 2nd<br />
generation(Kalex Systems), or similar OTEC purpose Uehara Cycle(Xenesys - <br />
),<br />
• Others: ORC with Rotary Heat Engine works from 25 vs 40°C temp difference<br />
(Davinci-mode jp), Trilateral Flash Cycle(TFC)(Ian Smith+), CO2 SuperCritical<br />
Brayton(no phase change)(Net Power LLC, Sandia NL+) or CO2 SuperCritical<br />
Rankine Cycle(phase change at 31°C)(Echogen Power Systems+) etc. Possible to<br />
generate DC electricity when closed CO2 flow is placed near certain dielectric(?)<br />
material from triboelectric effect(Infinity Turbine): similar to already known but not<br />
commercialized ORC + Liquid Metal MHD effect. -->>cont:<br />
55<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 12: Heat<br />
Recovery III Stirling etc<br />
• —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER TYPES: ▀▀1. Kinetic Power<br />
Generators based HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity:<br />
• •b Stirling Engine(Qnergy - Ricor Cryogenic, Microgen Engine+) heat<br />
recovery efficiency significantly differs depends on company from 10-<br />
30%(<strong>Free</strong> Piston type is higher), remote equipment operation(Stirling<br />
Technology Inc RemoteGen+), also efficient cooling(Twinbird jp,<br />
Sunpower Inc+). Can be offered as residential fuel cell type set up by<br />
feeding gas/oil: Micro CHP, •c Deluge Engine(Hageman) runs from<br />
30°C diff, •d Others: thermo-responsive material and Osmotic power<br />
use Osmoblue(E Dahan+)works from 30°C temp difference,<br />
• ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device: & similar Industrial HEAT<br />
RECOVERY as Electricity, lower cost than gas turbine/combustion<br />
engines or steam generators(J Fairbanks+) in certain situations, device<br />
efficiency indicated in following "•a-l" is deemed highest possible<br />
figure unless otherwise stated. In some cases general operating rate<br />
can be much lower: -->>cont:<br />
56<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 13:<br />
H.R. IV Thermo-Electric<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device :based industrial HEAT<br />
RECOVERY as Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity:<br />
• •a Thermoelectric/Seebeck-Pelletier effect: Thermoelectric heat pump using n & p<br />
type semi conductors, it uses temperature gap between one end to the other to<br />
generate power. Used in Soviets since 1940s, in West for military/space after '60s,<br />
western mainstream use of conventional models. Actually 5kw range generator<br />
was claimed with operating efficiency of 10% for commercialization before yr2000<br />
but retracted(Jade Mountain), Often on lower temperature range 50-600°C, some<br />
are max 300°C level use.<br />
• But much higher performance seems to exist by use of carbon nanotube or nano<br />
structure etc though unclear if those super efficient models are openly marketed:<br />
Evident Thermo, [acquired GMZ tech which claimed max 43% efficiency],<br />
Komatsu/KELK’s 40% rating, Japanese peers Likely slightly lower(Yamaha,<br />
Toshiba+), max 20% possible at 300°C range(AEInnova+), suspected similar level(Oflexx+).<br />
Alkali-Metal Thermal-to-Electric Converter (AMTEC)by C-TEC Nano<br />
Conversion at least 20% range, 15% range(Je Snyder+), Reverse Spin Hall - Spin<br />
Seebeck Effect use: wrappable plastic like spin current generator at least 10times<br />
conventional efficiency with much lower production cost(Nippon Denki+), -->>cont:<br />
57<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Past Grid Parity Tech 14: H.R. V Thermo-Electric 2<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harves1ng device based industrial HEAT<br />
RECOVERY as Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •a Thermoelectric<br />
(TE):<br />
• Though other solid state devices are generally 20%+ as std model, including<br />
sterling engine, TE's ease of use and super compactness is o=en advantage.<br />
And even supposedly conven@onal 2-8+% opera@ng efficiency device can<br />
generate at least up to 1KW range in many cases and space saving energy<br />
recovery with success track record.<br />
• O=en specific efficiency is not disclosed, some might have much higher rate.<br />
Large # of companies offer TE devices(Romny Scien1fic, Melcor, TECTEG,<br />
Gentherm, Экоген Ecogen, RGS Development Thermagy+), Some are High<br />
temperature(600°C+) capability focus for generally higher efficiency aim, Run<br />
high power requirement meters & switches(НПП Квант+),<br />
• Steam heat use(Kryotherm+), 1KWh range genera@on from large truck diesel<br />
engine exhaust is possible(Hi-Z Technology+), Flue exhaust or flare heat from<br />
chimney(Alphabet Energy+), Electricity from heated @re(Goodyear BH03).<br />
Yet there are same 2%+ efficiency range thermoelectric paint available for a<br />
long @me that has been ignored by mainstream @ll quite recently(UNIST<br />
Korea, Ashutosh Tiwari+) -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 15:<br />
H.R. VI Thermo-Electric 3: Efficient Coolers<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device based industrial HEAT<br />
RECOVERY as Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •a Thermoelectric (TE):<br />
• 50-150°C workable wrap-around style sheet of carbon nanotube + plastic(Sekisui<br />
Chemical+), Low temp 60-100°C hot spring water flow placed next to 5-15°C cold<br />
spring water wedging thermoelectric sheet to generate power for >0.5kwh use per 3-<br />
4 pairs of water pipe with cold-hot reverse flow(water pipe is 5-10cm diameter, with<br />
latest commercially avail technology): a few dozen of projects exists in Japan. 5 x 20<br />
x15cm size heatpipe used forked device emit 15w with 70-80C difference if device<br />
recovers with 3-5% efficiency(Yos Takefuji: Ai-Cynap).<br />
• Cost effective cooling(Aisin - Toyota, Z-max jp+), 2-3 times more efficient than<br />
conventional Thermoelectric cooler(Phononic), or 10times(Nano<strong>Free</strong>ze Technologies<br />
Lund AB): Some have potential to replace majority of existing type refrigerators by<br />
much lower cost.<br />
• Note Pelletier cooling has also precise temp control, no maintenance & far longer<br />
lasting, soundless operation compared to conventional compression refrigeration.<br />
Engine heat recovery to save air conditioning etc of 5% fuel mileage saving<br />
overall(VolksWagen+) Also space commercialization etc of Radio Isotope<br />
Thermoelectric generation exists but generally has beyond harmful level radioactivity<br />
emitted in near field,<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 16:<br />
H.R. VII Thermo-Electric 4: Stove Top Air Convector<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device based industrial HEAT<br />
RECOVERY as Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as Electricity: •a Thermoelectric (TE):<br />
• Self generating electricity from heat to fan the woodstove chamber to save 30-<br />
50% of regular wood cooking fuel and eliminate most of smoke in 3rd world<br />
use(Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care BV: van der Sluis), or<br />
additionally it charges battery for portable small cooker(BioLite Energy+).<br />
• <strong>Free</strong> standing type woodstove fan is widely available: If 2 or more combined<br />
use of high power low temp activation types in certain room shape or air flow<br />
configuration it can save 15-30% heating cost but most come with low Curie<br />
temperature(loses effect of thermoelectric) at 300°C range(SmartFan ie,<br />
Valiant Accessories+).<br />
• Generally more powerful sterling engine type fan(some also directionally<br />
rotates) saves more though starting temperature is high(Valcan Stove Fan,<br />
Warpfive Stove Fan), Campfire cook stove phone charging(JikoPower+)<br />
60<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 17:<br />
H.R. VIII Thermo-Galvanic etc.<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid State Harvesting device based industrial<br />
• •b ThermoGalvanic Cell/ThermoElectric Cell/ThermoCell(DIFFERENT<br />
FROM Solid State ThermoElectric device): This is not semiconductor but<br />
made of electrodes and liquid electrolyte(redox ion) to function as enclosed<br />
thermoelectric device by temperature dif between electrodes within cell,<br />
also there is time lag in effects to use as battery without no heat input for<br />
short time.<br />
• Basically works permanently as long as there is temp difference. Low key<br />
image & mostly forgotten since 1980s but now some seem to show similar<br />
significant effectiveness as best performing Solid Thermoelectric cell at<br />
50-200°C low temp range(ATC - Australian Research Council[Ted Abraham],<br />
Tsukuba Univ[Kobayashi & Moritomo et al]), New much thinner flat Carbon<br />
Nanotube CNT use(Renchong Hu+), CNT & Aerogel-Based<br />
ThermoElectrochemical Cell(Yong Hyup Kim +) -->>cont:<br />
61<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 18:<br />
H.R. IX Thermo-Magnetic etc.<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY<br />
as Electricity:<br />
• •c "MagnetoThermoElectric", Thermo Magne4c Motor, Curie Engine etc:<br />
At least two of following three combined energy genera6on mechanics are<br />
used:<br />
• @1 Ferromagne4c material(become magnet when gets close to it and<br />
retain magnet state somewhat even a
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 19:<br />
H.R. X Thermo Magnetic, Thermionic,<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as<br />
Electricity: •c "MagnetoThermoElectric", Thermo Magnetic Motor:<br />
• Despite some mainstream media and "<strong>science</strong> blog" debunking, recent<br />
academic documents and other witnesses indicate this is also one of highest<br />
efficiency amongst mainstream confirmed heat recovery tech, also can be<br />
good combo with solar energy for heat recovery(Prime Photonics+). Water<br />
based 20°C temp difference workable system(Swiss Blue Energy AG),<br />
• Opportunity to synergize further for even higher efficiency with Pyroelectric<br />
effect(produce electricity from rapid temperature change oscillation), and<br />
Shape Memory Alloy/Polymer(heat or magnetic): applicable to micro and<br />
industrial size power generation both.<br />
• •d Thermionic device(electron discharged from one electrode to other as<br />
collector across vacuum when there is temp difference between them), super<br />
high temp use, NASA used 12% efficient device in 1976, 25% range at 1500°C<br />
in 1960s in Soviet block(Orlinov & Stafanov et al), then disappeared from<br />
civilian market. -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 20: H.R. XI<br />
Thermionic, ThermoDielectric<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY<br />
as Electricity: •d Thermionic device:<br />
• But now Carnot limit(max heat energy engine conversion limit: about 37%)<br />
far exceeding(lately this is not necessarily auto pseudo-scientization<br />
treatment) MicroPower Global device exists: ex-ENECO inc,<br />
Sevastyanenko, Kucherov,& Hagelstein: LENR researchers) 40% range? at<br />
250-600°C: Beyond Carnot Limit should be explainable by current<br />
<strong>science</strong>(Joh Roßnagel+), Single Layer Graphene use would boost 40%+ at<br />
below 700°C(Shi-Jun Liang+),<br />
• •e ThermoDielelectric(Workman-Reynolds) Effect(da Costa Rebeiro, GW<br />
Gross+) usually mild salt dissolved water or liquid matter's phase change<br />
generates charge separation/capacitor function/electricity generation):<br />
Not even close for commercialization.<br />
64<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 21: H.R. XII<br />
ThermoDielectric, PyroElectric<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as<br />
Electricity: •e ThermoDielelectric(Workman-Reynolds) Effect:<br />
• One of most ignored mainstream accepted electricity harves5ng poten5al<br />
tech(since 1980s) with more society disrup5ve poten5als like: major power<br />
harves5ng from freezing and mel5ng of water & other liquids, or further<br />
backing up charge based weather effect(rather than heat conven5on or CO2)<br />
combined with electroscavenging + triboelectric effects, & debunked but<br />
commercialized air/vapour ioniza5on based stronger low cost weather control.<br />
For details see water tech presenta5on[Four Levels of Water Techno...] & look<br />
up "Rain Related Weather Modifica5on”.<br />
• •f Pyro-electric(oscilla5ng temperature to generate electricity), also<br />
nanogenerator for micro device exists(PENG): PyroElectric generator o2en<br />
requires temperature alterna8ng device to cause rapid temperature<br />
oscilla8on to ac8vate effect. New mechanics are improving effec5veness: Self<br />
heat-cool alterna5ng polymeric PyroElectric Nanogenerator by water vapor,<br />
without any energy using heat alterna5ng device(Fengxian Gao et al),<br />
65<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 22:<br />
H.R. XIII Thermo-Acoustic, Unconventional Heat Pump<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as<br />
Electricity: f Pyro-electric:<br />
• 30% efficient by MEMS use(Sc Hunter/ORNL+), Nanowire use(Wenxi Guo et. al+)<br />
can be hybridized with piezoelectric generator(Ju-Hyuck Lee+), Heatpipe use for<br />
rapid temperature change transfer to increase efficiency(Dan Zebek+),<br />
• •g ThermoAcoustic(heat is recovered to cause air molecule massive excitation<br />
type standing wave effect in confined space, then create temperature difference<br />
& electricity generation), 300°C max. 20%+ efficiency electricity<br />
conversion(Etalim, Aster Thermoacoustic+), Gas combustion use instead of<br />
existing heat recovery but still comes far ahead of conventional system<br />
cost(Nirvana-es.com), High performance cooling from heat(SoundEnergy BV,<br />
Cool Sound Industries+).<br />
• •h High performance unconventional heat pump: 30% extra energy saver for<br />
various heat movement generally not achievable by other systems: Fisonic<br />
Cavitation(Fisenko). CO2 Heat Pump "EcoCute" for hot water generation: part of<br />
industry or residential standard in some nations/regions(eg Japan) somewhat<br />
less to much less installation in other nations for its 10-20+% more saving in<br />
some situations compared to regular heat pump(Denso, Sanden+), -->>cont:<br />
66<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 23:<br />
H.R. XIV Unconv. Heat Pump, Thermo PhotoVoltaic<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT<br />
RECOVERY as Electricity: •h High performance unconvenConal heat<br />
pump:<br />
• Claims of COP >8(Mayekawa+): defacto 800+% efficiency. This is one of<br />
several state backed energy related tech promoted in Japan: Some tech<br />
prospered like this while others suddenly disappeared Hll recently(eg<br />
SuperCriHcal water). Non toxic CO2(R744) can be also used in similar way<br />
for refrigeraHon with less restricHons by environmental laws. Pure<br />
cooling without heaHng combo has been deemed no cost saving over<br />
convenHonal medium system, but some industrial sized systems are<br />
actually emerging as energy saving TransCriHcal CO2 RefrigeraHon Cycle<br />
by unique combinaHon of elements(Carnot RefrigeraCon+),<br />
• •i Micron-gap ThermoPhotoVoltaics: MTPV corp(DiMaUeo+); generally<br />
ignored Near Field TPVs efficiency is upto a magnitude ahead of<br />
mainstream Far Field TPVs, Jx Crystals TPV: Jx Crystals (Fraas) already<br />
measured 35% efficiency in 1989,<br />
67<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 24:<br />
H.R. XV Thz-FIR Rectenna etc<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as<br />
Electricity:<br />
• •j Ambient EHF(Extreme High Frequency), Thz(Terahertz), FIR(Far InfraRed)<br />
Rectenna (0.1-30Thz) by nano material use: Likely most disruptive <strong>science</strong><br />
accepted under-explored heat recovery as EHF-FIR-Thz range EM radiation of<br />
heat harvesting by Frequency Selective Surface(FSS) nanostructures & resonance<br />
amplifying(Redwave Energy, Univ Manchester+): usually focused on industrial<br />
heat >cont:<br />
68<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 25:<br />
H.R. XVI Fuel Cell, Paintable Heat Recovery<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as<br />
Electricity:<br />
• •k Some high heat genera-ng Fuel Cells can build in CHP to boost efficiency past<br />
90%+(heat included) level: ■PAFC(Phosphoric acid): Fuji Electric+,<br />
■MCFC(Molten Carbonate): FuelCell Energy+, ■SOFC(Solid Oxide)Bloom Energy,<br />
Ene Farm/Kyocera - Osaka Gas - Toyota, Sunfire GmbH+, Ene Farm is for house<br />
based unit, its SOFC is at 52% electrical efficiency & produces lower cost power<br />
than retail price and can be sold to grid(Japan only), ■PEMFC(Proton Exchange<br />
Membrane): Ene Farm/Panasonic+,<br />
• •l Paintable heat recovery system can significantly benefit: Thermo Diode<br />
Coa-ng(Ne Chernoff) or Spin Seebeck - Reverse Spin Hall Effect Paint: Surface<br />
plasmon effect use dielectric material's spin current generator, & use of magnon<br />
+ phonon resonance would further improve efficiency(Ei Saito), Ultrasonic spray<br />
coa-ng hetrojunc-on Perovskite solar cell of 11% efficiency(AT Barrows+), Also<br />
ferroelectric Perovskite's mul--energy response ability hasn't been<br />
explored(Solar-PyroElectric-PiezoElectric): eg KBNNO. ->>cont:<br />
69<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 26: H.R.<br />
XVII MHD, Condensing Scrubber<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀2. Mainly Solid Harvester based Industrial HEAT RECOVERY as<br />
Electricity:<br />
• •m MHD & Faraday effect application: Electrical generation increases if high<br />
temp electro-conductive waste heat exhaust or hot molten salt like flow is<br />
passed by MHD device prior to existing system extraction. Self powered<br />
Magnetic Flow Meter by opposing magnets separate charges in conductive<br />
water & picked up by opposed electrodes to cause electron flow(OMEGA<br />
Engineering+), but this industrial level potential energy harvesting tech is<br />
mostly ignored by mainstream.<br />
• ▀▀3. Heat Recovery as HEAT, can save indicated % of entire related heating<br />
system: •a Condensing Scrubber: Direct contact heat of exhaust fume to<br />
water with possible 5-15% range extra saving(while cleaning air) compared<br />
to conventional heat recovery from the same source. Savings can exceed<br />
30%+ compared to no action at all(Babcock & Wilcox, Bionomic Industries<br />
QSense, Valmet+). Use of heat pump amplifies saving(Condens Heat<br />
Recovery Oy, Caligo Industries+), most significant consistent mainstream use<br />
in some Nordic nations. ->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 27: H.R.<br />
XVIII Turbine Inlet Air Cooling, Steam Trap<br />
• —>> cont: ▀▀3. Heat Recovery as HEAT, can save indicated % of entire<br />
related heating system:<br />
• •b Turbine Inlet Air Cooling(TIAC) by very fine Air Fogging etc: Increasing<br />
density of air: torque to drive turbine(Gas generator, HVAC fan etc) by<br />
cooling the inlet air temperature by water and evaporation<br />
chilling(Johnson Controls, Araner Cooling+). In some high temp situation<br />
makes 10%+ energy difference even for large generators. Still this basic<br />
system is not installed in many situations.<br />
• •c Venturi-Orifice steam trap: Loss in steam system is often taken for<br />
granted at boiler or industrial systems. But they can save 5-25% of energy,<br />
while additionally eliminating costs for related maintenance or mechanical<br />
systems with fast payback of 0.5-3yrs(Enetrap jp, Thermal Energy<br />
International, Delta Steam Systems, Ingrid Wernicke Industrieservice+).<br />
Similar less degree of saving is possible with commonly available steam<br />
eductor/ejector or venturi auto feeder/mixer.<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 28:<br />
H.R. XIX CHP, Heat Pipe<br />
• ▀▀3. Heat Recovery as HEAT, can save indicated % of entire related heating system:<br />
• •d CHP: Combined Heat & Power/Cogeneration can more than double efficiency<br />
even with conventional heat recovery tech use, well established in some<br />
nations(Denmark, Finland, Russia, Netherlands+), many ex-soviet & its allies+, while<br />
surprisingly low use in others(Japan, France, Sweden+). Often as centralized District<br />
Heating System, this set up allows all types of new heat recovery like Solar thermal,<br />
biomass to incorporate later on): Also further efficient Combined Cooling, Heat &<br />
Power (CCHP, Trigeneration, use of absorption chiller) when there is also cooling<br />
need,<br />
• •e Heat Pipe application: Low or no maintenance heat pipe(capillary driven liquidvapor<br />
phase change circulation system with inner side and outer side within a sealed<br />
vessel) is often still underutilized super efficient heat conductor for various<br />
industrial/residential heat energy saving applications (5-1000times of copper)(Aavid<br />
Thermacore, , +) that enables<br />
transfer of heat in recoverable shapes(eg Vapor Chamber to make it possible to use<br />
conventional flat thermoelectric device otherwise unrecoverable, or Heat Pipe to<br />
rapidly transfer heat & coolness to maximize thermoelectric power generation. They<br />
are hard to quantify as % recovery improvement)<br />
72<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 29:<br />
H.R. XX Heat Pipe 2, Shape Metal Alloy - Nitinol<br />
• ▀▀3. Heat Recovery as HEAT, can save indicated % of en6re related hea6ng<br />
system: •e Heat Pipe applica-on:<br />
• Heatpipe is also able to do its secondary recovery heat use etc to save energy up to<br />
40% or more in surprising # of cases if fully exploited from conven
Science-Accepted Past Grid Parity Tech 30:<br />
H.R XXI Shape Metal Alloy - Nitinol2<br />
• ▀▀4. Heat Recovery as TORQUE, Shape Memory Alloy(SMA): Nitinol engine:<br />
• Due to cooling needs, Nitinol engine is more suitable for small unit based system.<br />
Active movement to commercialize in 1970s but disappeared after. As happens for<br />
some disruptive energy use, Shape Memory Alloy(SMA) is widely used & encouraged<br />
for other non energy applications such as medical, dental, aerospace, robotics,<br />
structural integration etc. Also there is some energy saving element at various<br />
automatic actuation at set temperature etc.<br />
• Can be made simple system to produce energy with much lower cost than existing heat<br />
recovery tech. Less disruptive format mainstream Nitinol based generator<br />
debut(Exergyn), Some private type trials with solar air heating/desorption chamber for<br />
24hr "perpetual free energy system" demonstrations made(Kimton Gravity Engine,<br />
Kellogg's Research Labs, Actment jp+), General Motors(GM) got US gov't grant in 2009<br />
with Dynalloy & HRL Laboratories along with patent for car exhaust heat recovery but<br />
news disappeared.<br />
• Tech effect for power generation suitability is scientifically mainstream recognized but<br />
occasional main media level pseudoscientization effort exists. Shape Memory Polymer<br />
tried for some micro energy harvesting, eg ElectroActive Polymer by wind or<br />
oscillation(TU Delft, Bayer AG+). Also it is notable Nitinol is activatable in much wider<br />
temperature now with -200 to +150C range: eg Fe-Ni-Co-Ti(Daido Univ- Daido Steel - <br />
+).<br />
• SMA can be also almost no electricity use cooling by heat absorbing state under certain<br />
conditions(Seelecke & Schütze +) 74
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” (Grid Parity)<br />
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” (Grid Parity)<br />
Solar 2 Beyond Shockley-Queisser Equivalent<br />
• Open discussion & active pursuing of how to “violate” Shockley-Queisser<br />
limit(S-Q limit) & quantum efficiency COP>1, by<br />
theoretical/experimental level at mainstream academic with<br />
corporate/NGO/Gov’t sponsored. Although academic & socioeconomical<br />
ramification is much bigger, in comparison this is a sharp<br />
contrasted attitude towards wind[Betz Limit], nuclear<br />
remediation(p367,368) or thermodynamics[2nd law, p194-196],<br />
• And this mainstream handling method of S-Q limit can be<br />
applied/simulated to the way of embracing inventor tech classic level<br />
over-unity electricity/energy extraction, as LENR-<strong>Cold</strong> Fusion gets<br />
officially accepted, but this requires powerful Western interlocked<br />
mainstream sponsor back up which is fractured support at best<br />
currently: excess S-Q is far less disruptive for business structure.<br />
• But Direct Solar Heat(solar thermal) application is universally lower<br />
cost in most of the world up to high latitude Southern Scandinavia or<br />
Middle of Western Canada.<br />
76<br />
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Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”<br />
Solar 3 Beyond S-Q Mainstream Treatment<br />
• Following solar pages list up potential cost reduction ideas, also some<br />
techs are installable as lowest cost energy in some areas (*Note: due to<br />
photovoltaic’s high tech nature, production process, choice of material &<br />
how it is used affect costing much more than most other energy tech but<br />
this report doesn’t cover these elements)<br />
• ■1. Over S-Q limit Single Junction(SJ) Photovoltaic Solar Cell(SC):<br />
Significant number of SJ cell Shockley-Queisser Limit 33% exceeding<br />
efficiency at lab level experimental claims or strong indications/theoretical<br />
ideas discussed at conference without criticism/risking loss of academic<br />
or engineer job, articles pass mainstream journal editorials, and<br />
embraced by influential business/NGO/Gov’t lobbies & funders,<br />
Examples:<br />
• i Light concentrating property Standing Nanowire/NanoPillar/NanoCone<br />
etc (Krogstrup, Fontcuberta i Morral+), ii Solar Thermo-PhotoVoltaic(STPV,<br />
thermal upconversion: absorb heat and re-emit it as extra photon for<br />
capture; Boriskina+)(also see p67 •i) with specific geometric emitterabsorber<br />
combo(Rephaeli+), —>> continue<br />
77<br />
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Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”<br />
Solar 4 Exciton<br />
• —>> continued: ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell: S-Q limit Single Junction:<br />
iii Multiple Exciton Generation(MEG) by Quantum Dot Solar Cell:(Nozik, Oc<br />
Semonin, Ra Ellingson+): Electron avalanche effect triggering(Br Parkinson, W<br />
Tisdale+), Beyond thermodynamic efficiency limit Electron Carrier<br />
Multiplication?: Tuneable Quantum Dot(also does instant photon capture<br />
before disappears) to make photon disappear into vacuum, then<br />
reappear(p347) with Electron/exciton multiplying effect: singlet fission effect, “7<br />
excitons at cost of 1”/ Quantum efficiency COP=7(& indication on over-unity like<br />
actual electricity yield?), linked to Population Inversion - Self Powering Laser(VI<br />
Klimov, RD Schaller+ : US Gov’t at Center for Advanced Solar Photophysics<br />
[CASP]), Similar replication at NREL(H Brody), Outside US(BL Oksengendler+),<br />
• iv Plasmon types: Surface Plasmon Solar Cell(use collective oscillationresonance<br />
of electron) to trap light & increase absorption(Mi Burns+), Plasmonic<br />
Photonic Enhanced Solar Cells(Microcontinuum) Plasmonic enhancement of<br />
Dye Sensitized SC: DSSC)(Co Andrei+), Even combine DSSCs + collection of high<br />
capacity Triboelectric Nanogenerators(TENG) for human random motion<br />
harvesting + supercapacitors(F-SC) in all fibre shaped mode in clothing(Zhong<br />
Lin Wang), Plasmonic nanostructure with upconverter-doped dielectric core(A<br />
Atre+), —>> continue<br />
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”<br />
Solar 5 Exciton 2<br />
• —>> continued: ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell :<br />
v Infrared/Teraherz wave Capture(also see next page Metamaterial based solar<br />
cell): Note this tech is already working in other applications but not much<br />
applied to solar energy use due to disruptiveness? 24hr solar(Solterra Solar :<br />
Squires & Jabbour+), Lead selenide nanocrystals to convert Infrared ray to<br />
visible photons for increased capture(Bardeen+), Trap infrared photon to<br />
directly generate electricity(Fr Meseguer+), Infrared capturing nano solar<br />
rectenna(optical rectenna) arrays made by atomic layer deposition(Br Willis),<br />
Upright nano antenna maximally tuned to specific sun light infrared<br />
frequency(Bar Cola), Similar mechanics(Microcontinuum, CoolCAD Electronics+)<br />
• vi Others: vi-a Down conversion(split 2x too high energy photons for band-gap<br />
into two lower energy photons to recover both), vi-b Hot Carrier Solar Cell(Le<br />
Bris+): keep low heat transfer from electron to phonon, vi-c Intermediate Band<br />
Solar Cell(Yo Okada+) with “photon ratchet” for extra light recovery,<br />
• vi-d Single Junction Tandem Solar cell(Wl Walukiewicz+), Perovskite oxides<br />
photo-ferroelectric material to function like Multi-Junction cell(An Rappe+),<br />
vi-e Piezo-phototronics(3way coupling: piezoelectric-semiconductorphotoexcitation<br />
effects) used for beyond thermodynamics limit?(Zhong Lin<br />
Wang+), —>> continue<br />
79<br />
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Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 6 “Overunity”<br />
• —>> continued: ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell :<br />
• vi-f Metamaterial Based Solar Cell: controlling/engineering light or<br />
electromagnetic wave absorption characteristic(refractive Index) to cause<br />
resonance state/maximize plasmon for high efficiency, also InfraRed wave<br />
can be absorbed as 24hr solar(Lamda Solar - Metamaterial Technologies<br />
Inc, Dubna Nuclear Institute JINR[ОА Займидорога, ВН Самойлов]):<br />
latter's product has Super high dielectric constant/permittivity capacitor<br />
built in & claims star signal can be adjusted to recover small power with<br />
this Heterogeneous Metamaterial("hetroelectrical capacitor").<br />
• vi-g If cost is low, high performance Solid State Device(scattered in p56-<br />
68) can replace photovoltaics to generate electricity up to 50 times more<br />
than photovoltaics per same area(Ka Matsubara+), vi-h 60-70% level<br />
efficiency Solar MHD lab success by superconducting type<br />
magnet(Concentrating Solar Power Utility Inc+),<br />
80<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Solar 7 “Overunity”<br />
• —>> continued: ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell :<br />
• vi-i "Larger than unity” thermodynamic light efficiencies, when cooling<br />
involved (cold electricity link?[supercurrent “plus”]: p151-153):<br />
Part of mainstream in Soviet-Russia/Ukraine since 1930s(SI Vavilov, YP<br />
Chukova, Yu Slyusarenko+); related to “over unity” anti-stokes excitation<br />
from lattice energy(Letokhov+), laser cooling+, Converting lattice<br />
vibrations into infrared photons(Raj Ram+), Solar cell illuminated by<br />
circularly polarized light generates charge/spin currents far more than spin<br />
polarization of carrier density(I Žutić, Ja Fabian+), also link to various<br />
photon related time dilation effect, and torsion field.<br />
• vi-j Quantum efficiency COP >1, Singlet Exciton Fission cell(Congreve, Ma<br />
Böhm+),<br />
• vi-k Infrared & Heat absorbing Iron oxide based Charge Ordering RFeO4<br />
solar cell(Green Ferrite: Na Ikeda) in which electric dipole depends on<br />
electron correlations(not covalency, ie controllable by spin?), 24hr power<br />
generation, and COP>1 indication, seemed commercial ready but shelved?<br />
81<br />
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Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”<br />
Solar 8 Infrared/BEC<br />
• —>> continued: ■1. Excess S-Q SJ Solar cell :<br />
vii Heavier on theory: Fill factor(FF, Available power at the maximum point)<br />
modelling shows higher limit for Organic Solar Cell(VA Trukhanov+),<br />
Nanostructured cell limit doesn’t apply(Yunlu Xu+), Combine Upconversion &<br />
MEG(Shpaisman+), Application of Photonic Bose-Einstein condensates(BEC) to<br />
concentrate, amplify, store light etc. Some algae-bacteria’s photon-to-charge<br />
conversion ratio is close to 100%(FH Alharbi+), Solar cell SuperAbsorption of<br />
light(KDB Higgins+), But S-Q limit seems to come from non-empirical data(& new<br />
data after 1960s excluded) & mostly based on 2nd law of thermo-dynamics'<br />
theoretical discourse without substantial data back up(Bolin Liao+), which has<br />
(ignored) contradictions (p194-196) and considered as more of conditional<br />
reference by many even in mainstream level, at least privately.<br />
• ■2. Under S-Q limit? Photovoltaic Solar Cell: but still significant cost reduction<br />
methods, commercialized or prototype lowest cost products, some redundant:<br />
i 25% field efficiency SJ silicon cell(Solvoltaics+), ii Optical Rectification nonsemiconductor<br />
cell(Ste Rand+), iii Consolidated solar cell(M Baldo),<br />
iv Low cost thin film/organic solar cell by light trapping: classical limit 15x<br />
exceeding nanophotonic type: by resonance for full absorption (Shanhui Fan+), or<br />
by Fullerene C60(Sunpower C60)/Coherent Population Trapping(CPT),<br />
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency(EIT) link, 82
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”<br />
Solar 9 Thin Film/DSSC<br />
• -->> continued- ■2.Under S-Q limit? Solar Cell:<br />
• v Titanium based spray DSSC solar cell is 10% efficiency but cost is ><br />
83<br />
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Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”<br />
Solar 10 TP Voltaic<br />
• —>> continued-■3. Concentrated ThermoPhotoVoltaics:<br />
For efficiency only: Mainstream ignored aerospace targeting Boeing-Spectrolab’s<br />
Multi Junction solar cell CDO-100-C3MJ/C4MJ is average efficiency 38.5/40 % in<br />
2009/10 for terrestrial market, and sells to civilian companies(OEM?), SolAero-<br />
Emcore was 37% in 2007, Hybrid concentrated PV & thermo-acoustic<br />
engine(Northrop Grumman), MicroLink’s specialized dual-junction solar cell works<br />
at 400°C, PhotoElectrowetting/Optofluidics sun tracker by Teledyne, etc. Due to their<br />
space industry sales, there might be classified more robust products. Civilian market<br />
focused companies’ R&D lab efficiency is 45% level in 2016 (Spectrolab linked<br />
Amonix-Arzon Solar, Lattice-Matched solar cell by Solar Junction +), What happens<br />
if Optical Vortex Soliton & Self-Focusing element is applied?<br />
• ■4. Non Std Concentrated Solar Power(CSP), 30%+ field efficiency Dish<br />
Stirling(parabolic), (CSPs drop performance as much as 85-90% at rain or cloudy<br />
weather), lowest cost available solar in sunny area: Rippaso Stirling Hybrid,<br />
Cleanergy, United Sun Systems -all linked to Sweden, Schlaich Bergermann &<br />
Partner -Germany, US Majors participated in 1980s-90s but withdrawn(McDonnell<br />
Douglas, Cummins), No water use, Much less land needs(2.5ha/mw) with Module<br />
based 10-50kw installation,
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”<br />
Solar 11 CSP<br />
• —>> continued ■ SOLAR:<br />
■ 5. Standard CSP: can be currently
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”<br />
Solar 12 Solar Thermal, Portable Camper<br />
• —>> continued ■ SOLAR: ■ 6. Unique niche specific installation solar cell:<br />
• Hand portable set of solar panel with battery pack for large TV,<br />
laptop(SolarWay+), even powerdrill, microwave oven useable(Ecoboxx -<br />
SolSave+): becomes by far the lowest cost power in many parts of low<br />
developing nations. This would be disruptive if openly endorsed for<br />
recreational market in advanced nations. 10-80hr solar based LED light<br />
small device with one day charging (Solarbuddy, Waka Waka Light, SunFire<br />
Solutions+)<br />
• ■ 7. Solar thermal/heat: Disruptively low cost, often forgotten, instantly<br />
applicable with 50%+ efficiency with existing tech use, For residential,<br />
commercial, industrial(Industrial Heat Process, at least 60% of electricity is<br />
used to generate) application as co-heat source:<br />
• i Solar Air Heating-cooling, Very scalable, Can be combined with Solar<br />
Thermal Collector: SolarWall(J Hollick)+, Low tech dessert area heating<br />
and cooling by Trombe Wall(M Dabaieh+), Mainstream participation of air<br />
conditioning-cooling by use of heatpump(Lennox SunSource, Tokyo Gas+),<br />
Commercial scale refrigerator(Coolar+),<br />
86<br />
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Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”<br />
Solar 13 Thermal/CHP<br />
• -->> continued ■ SOLAR: ■ 7. Solar thermal/heat:<br />
• ii Solar water cooling: Ammonia-water absorption based Ice<br />
maker(ISAAC Solar Icemaker+), Solar driven Lithium Bromide<br />
absorption based water refrigerant system ( Yazaki Group+),<br />
• iii Solar thermal by hot water collecting: Enerworks +, Extensive<br />
District Heating system incorporation & heat storage in<br />
Denmark(Marstal), Brædsrup+),<br />
• iv Rare but most efficient(70%+) combined PV & Solar thermal unit type<br />
by hot water recovery while cooled temperature improves PV cell<br />
performance: eg Technique Solar(D Thoroughgood), Solar Angel etc .<br />
Concentrated thermal at 80% efficiency(IBM), Similar concept with<br />
housing construction element added more energy produced than used<br />
home idea can be cost competitive depends on solar panel<br />
costing(Sonnenschiff-PlusEnergy-Heliotrope[R Disch], Övolution, “Sousle-Soleil”,<br />
ArchiBlox+) -->>cont<br />
87<br />
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Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”<br />
Solar 14 Thermal/CHP 2<br />
• —>> continued ■ 7. Solar thermal/heat:<br />
v Solar Heat for Industrial Process(SHIP): suitable for low/mid temp needs,<br />
v-a Cooking: Scheffler reflector etc use, pasteurizing, cooking(Tss-India+),<br />
advanced parabolic or vacuum tube use(SunFire Solutions+), solar tracking<br />
system with heat storage tank movable to chosen location of cooking(SUREST<br />
International),<br />
• v-b Various Industrial: washing desalinating, drying, cooling, bleaching(Megawatt<br />
Solutions, Clique Solar ARUN, Trivelli Energi+), higher efficiency Linear Fresnels<br />
used Chromasun Micro-Concentrator, v-c Utility: Gas-steam turbine augmenting<br />
or reduce start up time, Integrated Solar Combined Cycle(ISCC): Yazd Solar<br />
Energy +, v-d Solar Thermal EOR(Enhanced Oil Recovery): Novatec Solar,<br />
GlassPoint+,<br />
• Solar thermal is applicable in std model device to most industries except Metal-<br />
Smelting(high temp system must be custom made) types, Cost justifiable even<br />
when heat storage is needed, Different temp types: Basic Standard Flat Plate<br />
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost”<br />
Solar 15 Thermal/CHP 3, New Mechanics<br />
• —>> continued: ■ 7. Solar thermal/heat:<br />
Science-Accepted “Super Low Cost” Wind 1<br />
• —>> cont: SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER COST TYPES (Grid parity or less):<br />
■ WIND ENERGY, Wide range of under deployed different mechanics/tech<br />
available, extensively tested by labs & smaller scale models to back up claims, even<br />
mini turbines more efficient than larger conventional, but often way past grid<br />
parity: lower cost than all conventional energy tech, only in specific locality and<br />
not universally, but some are >cont:<br />
90<br />
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Super Low Cost Wind 2 VAWT, Blade Variation etc<br />
• —>> continued: ■ WIND: Alleged beyond <strong>science</strong> law efficiency wind turbine eg:<br />
i-Involved with aerospace industry (eg DAWT- Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine,<br />
Delta Wing, Use of mechanics of Sailing directly against wind or faster than wind<br />
speed+), Indicated in Boldface Dark Blue means actively commercialized in<br />
following 1-17<br />
• •1 Advanced VAWT(vertical axis wind turbine: Darrius & Savonius combo etc,<br />
material integrity improvement continued from past wind farm failures(Yih Ho<br />
Pao+): Turbina VAWT(Mi Tesic), Luethi Wind(M Luethi), Sambrabec Catavent -<br />
ERD qc(Obidniak),<br />
• •2 Large VAWT types: Agile Power(Bahnmüller), Terra Moya(R Taylor), Mass<br />
Megawatts(Jo Ricker: Multi-Axis Turbo system & MMW augmenter), New<br />
Millenium Wind(Drew Thacker, high profile with contracts- suddenly retracted),<br />
Wind Harvest International(B Thomas), •3 Maglev VAWT by Senzhen TYPMAR,<br />
Regenedyne(Choi & Jenkins), Mag-Wind(Rowan, later called fraud, sometimes<br />
happens when inventor type free energy tech is commercialized p183-187),<br />
•4 ”Unconventional rotation” type: Windpods (Attey),<br />
• •5 Turbine engine type: Stormblade Wind(Jovanovic), Hush Wind Turbine(Ar<br />
O’Connor), •6 Different blades or bladeless: Saphon(Aouini), de Archimedes<br />
(Ruijtenbeek), SpiralAirFoil(Parker & Noonan), -->>cont:<br />
91<br />
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Super Low Cost Wind 3 Rotor, Multi Direction etc<br />
• •7 Specific Shaped Fluid dynamic effects: i <strong>Tesla</strong> Turbine: Tesnic(Ho Nica),<br />
spins with same speed as wind, extremely strong with high wind, "close to<br />
100%" efficiency?, ii DAWT: Airsynergy(J Smyth),<br />
• iii Magnus effect Rotor ship(Flettner) by Enercon E-ship1, but Rotor type<br />
oscillation wind generators are only marginally lower cost than conventional,<br />
iv Spiral magnus cylinder blades: Mecaro(Nob Murakami), needs electricity to<br />
initially activate generator, v Venturi rotor: Energy Ball Vindkraft,(van der<br />
Klippe), vi Conical Helicoid: Windstrument(Cl Clark), disruptively scalable,<br />
vii Rectangular building roof edges: Anerdgy WindRail(Sv Koehler), viii Others:<br />
BERWIAN wind concentrator (In Rechenberg), “3D wind turbine”: Nheolis<br />
(Haddjeri, French govn’t backing), Warp ENECO(Weisbrich),<br />
• •8 Airborne wind: majors(eg Google) participating: Altaeros(Glass),<br />
KiteGen(Ippolito), Ampyx(Koning & Ruiterkamp), e-kite(van den Brink),<br />
TwingTec(C Houle), Ocean freight “free wind” propulsion SkySails,: How much<br />
power can be generated if combine this 1km range long device with Electro<br />
Hydroylic Tether or simple electro conductive wire?<br />
• •9 Omni directional: Katru IMPLUS(Sureshan),<br />
•10 Wind-solar hybrid(Skywolf/WindTamer: J Brock), Blue Energy(Melchior:<br />
structured & self cleaning solar surface), -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Super Low Cost Wind 4 Spiral or Coupled Vortex<br />
• •11 Basic spiral convection & vortex effect, mostly by active engineers +<br />
mainstream academics + large corporate/Gov’t backing, Upright vortex or<br />
Along steep mountain contour pipe: Vortex Engine(Michaud), Tornado Wind<br />
Energy TWECS(Ja Yen), Windhamster(Jü Schatz),<br />
• Microwave projection triggered tornado generator(Sl Tepic), Other research<br />
pre 1960s: (Cheng Ting Hsu, Nazare, Ma Haug, Be Dubo, Ma Menard+), After<br />
1990s:(Stiig, Ma Tanner, Bubnov, Ra Menard, Ar Glezer, More common among<br />
Russian & Chinese academics+),<br />
• •12 Downward vortex by water spray(P Carlson+), Sharav Sluices(Zaslavsky,<br />
Guetta, Israel Gov backed), side effect use for desalinating water,<br />
•13 Horizontal, large version of vortex tubes(De Oliver), Vsquare Wind(Ro<br />
Freda, US army link), Sheerwind INVELOX(Allaei),<br />
• •14 Mini size vortex: Western Co Fotovoltaici(Gachechiladze & Cimini),<br />
• Convection Mill model(AR Bennett, A Holmes), can be interpreted as ambient<br />
permanent free energy •15 Boundary Layer, Coupled Vortex<br />
Effect(Paraschivoiu, Daibiri+), Only small improvement but universal wind<br />
turbine performance booster adopter: Leviathan Wind Energizer(D Farb),<br />
93<br />
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Super Low Cost Wind 5 Oscillation/Resonance etc<br />
• •16 Oscillation based, no rotation, easily installed literally anywhere, highly<br />
scalable: Altenera BreezeBee(Mo Kaplan), Even more efficient Standing Wave<br />
causing Resonance freq. crossover type of: Self exciting vortex shedding<br />
Zephyr Energy Windbeam(Dy Thorp+), Aeroelastic flutter:<br />
Windbelt/Windcell/Humdinger(Shawn Frayne), sold only under certain<br />
special conditions, some already copied: Wolt Wind Energy.<br />
• If resonance creation is aimed (avoided by regular turbine for device integrity<br />
reason) it might further improve efficiency as seen in other techs. Use of<br />
Helmholz cavity(eg blowing air at top of bottle to make loud sound) to take<br />
up very little space on building’s wall yet possibly more efficient than<br />
conventional generator per same wind(SP Matova, T Van Buren+). What<br />
happens if pair up the resonators? Also see Piezo-Triboelectricity (p25-28),<br />
• •17 Portable & foldable wind generator: Natural Power Concepts(J Pitre, US<br />
military link), Micro Windmill(Sm Rao), Ventus Folding Wind(Kuckir), 15-<br />
100cm diameter scalable & space fillable interconnected light turbines<br />
generates useable power from 2m/sec: MotorWind(Gambarota)<br />
94<br />
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Super Low Cost Hydro 1 Underwater Tidal, Flow<br />
Dynamics, Adjusting blades, beyond Bez Limit etc<br />
• ■ Hydro/Tidal/Wave: Some are much lower cost only in remote towns or<br />
private power generation, •1 Fundamentally conventional turbine operated<br />
super low cost hydro: eg Hydro-Québec, Manitoba Hydro, Three Gorges<br />
Dam+,<br />
• •2 Underwater tidal flow, Low head hydro(allows to generate power from<br />
unused water flow with minimum disturbance), some regular hydro turbine,<br />
while majority is similar to vertical axis Darrieus wind turbine like:<br />
Benkatina(D Farb), Mako Turbine - SeaUrchin(M Urch), Beck Mickle Hydro<br />
allows full weight of water power capture with 70% range efficiency instead<br />
of regular premature turbine rotation (Gilmartin & Cattley), ORPC(Gorlov<br />
Turbine used), New Energy EnCurrent, Strom-Boje(F Mondl), Hydrovolts (Da<br />
Roth), Izumi si(V Markovic), Hydrocat. Larger scale: Verdant Power(D<br />
Corren),<br />
• More efficient large scale Sundermann Turbine tilts power blades as rotate -<br />
vertical version of above Beck Hydro: Many of above are easy installation- no<br />
damming/digging, Often easy relocation, some show Betz law violation<br />
efficiency. Also large hydro dam equivalent in ocean: Large to mega scale<br />
tidal: Blue Energy Canada(Bar Davis, Mar Burger+). -->>cont:<br />
95<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Super Low Cost Hydro 2 MHD, Wave Surge & Web<br />
• ■ Hydro/Tidal/Wave: •2 Underwater tidal flow:<br />
• One of the most effective in ocean energy segment by<br />
MHD(MagnetoHydroDynamic) generator by wave move(Liquid Metal<br />
type) or tidal move both(Scientific Applications & Research Associates,<br />
- Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese<br />
Academy of Science+): this type can be easily demonstrated its low cost &<br />
high efficiency(Koslover, Rynne, M.F.M.A Majid, Yan Peng, Li Ran+),<br />
Desalination plant left over high salt content effluent flow salt water<br />
MHD(KSB Aktiengesellschaft+)<br />
• •3 Use of both wave surging & webbing for power: Greenwave Energy,<br />
Use of highest & lowest point with in a set of wave scalable system:<br />
MotorWave(Gambarota): also can work as a floating connected<br />
"trompe"s to pump water to high land.<br />
96<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Super Low Cost Hydro 3 Wave Phase Matching, Phase<br />
dumping, MagnetoStriction etc<br />
• ->>cont: ■ Hydro/Tidal/Wave: •3 Use both wave surge/web for power:<br />
• Mainstream group supported unique wave energy RO water desalination<br />
device or waterwheel power generator(Atmocean): works by high floating<br />
capacity water surface buoy connected by vertically moving shaft to<br />
submerged floating anchor(seafloor unfixed) to function as water pressure<br />
pump as 15 or more networked units.<br />
• Inertial vertical axis above-water gyroscopic generator whose rotation<br />
matches with wave oscillation frequency to create 50-100+% more<br />
efficiency than most other wave generators(Aar oldin, H Kanki - Hitachi<br />
Zosen+). 300-500% more efficiency than conventional wave power by<br />
Heart valve like Phase-dumping control spring mechanism to match &<br />
amplify wave motion (CorPower Ocean AB - NTNU): this anomalous claim is<br />
backed by sufficient vol of experimental results; similar to sensor micro<br />
electricity harvester mechanics.<br />
• No-moving parts wave: Reverse MagnetoStriction/Villari Effect use iMEC<br />
Oscilla Power, Kutlo jp+): oscillating shape of ferromagnetic material<br />
generates time variant magnetic field to generate electricity -->>cont:<br />
97<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Super Low Cost Hydro 4 Resonance/Oscillation etc<br />
• ->>cont: ■ Hydro/Tidal/Wave:<br />
• •4 Non Turbine, highly scalable, low speed workable: Vortex shedding oscillation<br />
VIVACE Vortex (Bernistas),<br />
• Electroactive Polymer Artificial Muscle/Dielectric Elastomers electric generation<br />
on any moving water(Kornblush+),<br />
• Nano Fibre Piezomaterial use(Huifang Xu+), Also combo of Piezo &<br />
Triboelectricity recovery for doubled effectiveness: contact electrification of<br />
water with PDMS film with patterned pyramid array(Zhong Lin Wang et al)(p24-<br />
27)(this geometry is also effective at Far Infrared/Microwave absorption: eg<br />
Anechoric Chamber): Tribo methods recover electricity by liquid contacting and<br />
moving on generator surface(water is negativevly charged & device is positively<br />
charged).<br />
• •5 Liquid pipe flow electricity recovery 5-100KWh: Lucid Energy(Schlabach+),<br />
Rentricity, Use of venturi to increase speed/energy harvest: HyPER(NR Prasad),<br />
Hydroventuri(Geo Rochester): overunity like effect,<br />
• •6 Also completely different far more efficient mechanics system exists but<br />
pseudo<strong>science</strong> treatment due to use of "non-existent" effect or over unity<br />
efficiency(p154-163): eg HHO OxyHydrogen gas use MHD power generation.<br />
98<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 1 Intro<br />
• ■ Biomass: Heavily related to human habitat/cultural activities with enormous<br />
energy potential even without major technological paradigm change, and usually<br />
not perceived as such, but often becomes Lowest cost energy when apply<br />
different sets of energy criteria.<br />
• α- Even simply by use of conventional tech,<br />
•i Applying different cost structure as by-product(eg Fuel from cellulosic content<br />
of plant, Sugar Cane Bagasse, Wood chips etc. High energy required waste water<br />
treatment reduces energy needs 30%+, might even net energy, •ii Minimum<br />
human living condition by-product(Energy produced from Waste or Landfill Gas<br />
removal), •iii Regional or Operational based: Sawmill residue burned with cost is<br />
now made into Pellets for income, •iv Reevaluating existing criteria of<br />
energy(Peat, Gas Hydrate+):<br />
• β- Long researched tech with official breakthrough declared types, Some of<br />
well known energy industry disruptive techs entered into mainstream accepted<br />
commercialization during 2013-2015. This would also gradually reinforce idea of<br />
far more energy availability than demand for entire world if combined,<br />
•v Cellulosic ethanol - second generation biofuel,<br />
•vi Sub-SuperCritical Water (SCW) or Hydrothermal Liquefaction(related tech is<br />
marked as "◎", often mainstream approved lowest cost tech for<br />
biomass/organic waste energy production).<br />
• linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Lowest Cost Energy From Biomass 2 Categories<br />
• -->cont ■ Biomass : β- Breakthrough Tech Types After Long Research:<br />
• Feed stocks % used to sustain SCW fuel producing operation can be as low as 2-<br />
4%, while other methods requires at least 20% + of feedstcok consumption<br />
simply to run same fuel making process itself. Also SCW process can be<br />
completed as short as in seconds rather than conventional methods of<br />
hrs(combustion etc), days & weeks(AD), and this operation emits very low<br />
emission and CO2 is easily recoverable,<br />
• Biomass related technologies are categorized 1-4 as follows in this<br />
presentation, but there is a large degree of cross over:<br />
INDUSTRY-AGRI WASTE: to Gas/Methane, Gasoline, Diesel, Ethanol, Crude Oil,<br />
Compressed or as is fuel, Bio Coal, •4 THER BIOMASS: Seaweed/Algae/Peat: As is<br />
or processed<br />
• •1FOREST RELATED: Largest vol use in biomass,<br />
1a Non-industrial private wood burning/firewood use, particularly in non<br />
developed nations is deemed very large but no precise figure agreements, many<br />
nations allow access for logging or growth debris by private individuals freely or<br />
by license, Very low efficiency heat use. >>cont:<br />
100<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy As Vast Biomass -3, Residual &<br />
• -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED:<br />
1b Industrial extra wood fibre recovery: There is extensive recovery of forest<br />
by thinning plantation as well as harvesting entire tree(including branches), and<br />
sometimes stump & root: Finland harvests more than 1 million m3/yr in recent<br />
years, some synergy with peat harvesting, increase minimum 10% of wood vol,<br />
much less extent but still done in Sweden, Baltics, UK. Also general above<br />
ground wood debris recovery from forest is lot higher in North West Europe than<br />
most other regions. Infra set up with first certain duration of "investment<br />
period" is needed.<br />
• 1c Wood Gasification & Power generation: Net energy gain compared to<br />
simple combustion, cost itself had been higher than conventional combustion in<br />
the past due to technical & uptime issue but situation is rapidly changing in last<br />
2-3yrs. Some are CHP(Combined Heat & Power)/Cogeneration.<br />
• ◆1 LARGE SIZE power plant application(~10-150MWh~) by overcoming tar,<br />
corrosion, plugging issue etc, predominantly North West Euro companies, due to<br />
the size primarily Fix Bed Updraft, or Entrainment, Circular or Bubbling Fluidized<br />
Bed(Foster Wheeler - VTT, Vølund, Nexterra, Valmet, Andritz Carbona, Outotec,<br />
Metso+), Cleaner emission by Steam Fluidized Bed◎(Repotec GmbH, Bosio si),<br />
101<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy As Biomass -4, Wood Gas - Large Size<br />
• -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED: 1c Wood Gasification :◆1 LARGE SIZE :<br />
Likely the largest installer in the near future with increasing success (KaidiHI.com<br />
): high profile company in China with nation's<br />
President visitation in 2011 & 13, while its presence & success is little known in<br />
west. *(◎indicates Sub/SuperCritical Water related tech)<br />
• ◆2 MID SIZE(~0.5-20MWh~): some are very compact size.<br />
●Scandinavia(Meva Energy, Weiss A/S, Cortus Energy WoodRoll, Gasek+),<br />
●DACH: German Speaking Countries(Christof Industries GmbH+), heat pipe use for<br />
35% electrical efficiency under 1MW(agnion Entrade), Enhanced hydrogen<br />
production by superheated steam injection◎(Güssing Renewable Energy<br />
GmbH+), ●Other Europe (Xylowatt NOTAR, Greene Waste to Energy, Torftech,<br />
Biomass Technology Group BV+), ●North America(Chiptec, PRM Energy Systems,<br />
KMW Energy, Thermogenics Gasification +), ●Asia(Chongqing Welluck Trading,<br />
Ankur Scientific+),<br />
• Full pyrolysis(starved oxygen gasification) mechanics type that produces biochar<br />
byproduct(Phoenix Energy, Splainex+): Fuel/gas extraction wood Pyrolysis is often<br />
smaller scales or mini DIY types, and usually not competitive with other wood<br />
gasification methods. But it is often competitive for plastic-tire processing to<br />
produce liquid fuels. Also superior method for non-fuel biochar/activated<br />
carbon/carbon black/ as main production. --->>cont:<br />
102<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass -5, Wood Gas - Small<br />
• -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED: 1c Wood Gasification & Power generation:<br />
• ◆3 SMALLER SIZE(~100-500KWh~) & often CHP, many are containerized system<br />
module base for scalability. Some devices start requiring higher feedstock<br />
selectivity to achieve efficiency: only ideal material of
Lowest Cost Energy: Vast Biomass -6, Wood Pellet<br />
• -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED:<br />
1c Wood Gasification & Power generation:<br />
• ◆5 MINI SIZED HEAT only deice: usually unrefined or DIY type system particularly at<br />
developing nations, but increasingly sophisticated devices are offered, and generates<br />
lowest cost heat by large margin in certain micro & macro regions:<br />
● Europe(Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse, GUNTAMATIC, Wallnöfer Walltherm,<br />
ATMOS - Jaroslav Cankař a syn+), some pellet boilers are also efficient by regular<br />
combustion by CHP 25% electricity generating Stirling Engine(ÖkoFEN+), or pellet<br />
gasifying-direct combustion switchable(ETA Heiztechnik GmbH+),<br />
● North America(Skanden Energy, Kuuma Lamppa Manufacturing+),<br />
● Others(Associated Engineering Works Gasifier+),<br />
• 1e Pellet: A form of "free energy" utilization or value adding in forest industry by<br />
use of sawmill & forest residual, Can become cheapest fuel avail in some areas, in<br />
some markets entire low grade logs can be more profitably used to produce pellets<br />
instead of lumber/pulp manufacturing. Major producers(Pinnacle Pellet, JSC<br />
Vyborgskaya cellulose, Enviva, German Pellets, Härjedalens Miljöbränsle+). Top<br />
producing counties(US, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Latvia, Russia+), Large<br />
consumers(UK, Italy, US, Germany, Sweden+), Top importers (UK[heavy for power<br />
generation], Italy, Denmark+), Roughly 50-50type breakdown use for residential heat<br />
vs industrial(ash yielding bark contained etc). Latter volume might fluctuate rapidly<br />
by electrical generation pellet use policy. ->>cont:<br />
104<br />
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New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass -7, Wood Pellet 2<br />
• -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED:<br />
1e Pellet:<br />
• Some producers use Steam Explosion for cell weakening and densification<br />
(also see p90 Torrefaction , p98,99 Hydrothermal carbonization). High<br />
combustion lignin pellet(50-90% range lignin instead of 30% range in regular<br />
wood) as Dilute Acid Hydrolysis alcohol production leftover(Бионет пеллет<br />
лигнин, Lignineko+), sometimes from 30millon+ m3(Russia only, other CIS<br />
excluded) accumulation of “hydrolytic lignin” landfill dump .<br />
• 1f Biomass Briquettes: Usually non-industrial size production unless part<br />
of large pulp/peat/lumber/composite wood operation(often in Russia+): by<br />
shredding and compressing when stock is dry enough(moisture
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast<br />
Biomass -8, Wood Ethanol: Enzyme & Acid Hydrolysis<br />
• -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED:<br />
• 1g Forest Residual: Cellulosic Ethanol, & other Fuels: There are many<br />
combos but main types are: i -Enzymatic Hydrolysis based, some<br />
pretreatments include classic sulfuric acid, alkaline to low cost<br />
Sub/Supercritical water etc:(Chempolis, St1 biofuels, Sekab, Mitsui Zosen - <br />
, dins +),(also see Agri left over p111-113)<br />
• ii-Acid Hydrolysis based,: Fundamentally different business model compared<br />
to all other main biofuel technologies. ii -α Sulfuric Ethanol is around 100yrs+<br />
as major byproduct of Sulfite Pulping(Borregaard+) which is now mostly<br />
phased out by Kraft Pulp.<br />
• ii -β High temperature Dilute Acid Hydrolysis Ethanol production(0.2-5% range<br />
H2SO4), this simple continuation of supposed to be “good only for<br />
pretreatment” process is ignored by most of modern west(Kirov Ethanol+):<br />
wood boiling/distilling with “semi” SubCritical water element. Its operation<br />
mode is rather more like some pulp-paper mill like business model(eg<br />
Rayonier-Tembec Temiscaming+) than low value fuel making. -->cont:<br />
106<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“Lowest Cost” Energy From Biomass 9, Wood Ethanol:<br />
Forgotten Russia's Simple Dilute Acid Hydrolysis<br />
• -->cont: •1FOREST : 1g Residual: Cellulosic Ethanol etc: ii- β Dilute Acid<br />
Hydrolysis:<br />
• Russia/Soviet had simple large scale uniquely structured long term lucrative<br />
operations of 2Gen ethanol business model but mysterious govn’t new policies(eg<br />
suddenly imposed same high tax as alcohol beverage!, or stringent lignin dumping<br />
big fine while other garbage dumping went unprosecuted) to bankrupt most large<br />
plants in 2000s.<br />
• Low Cost Model of breaking down long chain polymer to simple sugars<br />
(monosaccharides, C5/C6), enabled product ratio adjustable wide range of value<br />
byproducts(protein /fodder yeast, furfural, Xylitol, CO2+). and often further value<br />
added alcohol(Medical Alcohol, Spirits/ Brandy: Vodka, Holzbranntwein, Whiskey,<br />
Synthetic plastic or rubber material+) reducing low value ethanol fuel(<br />
Бобруйский гидролизный завод, Бендерский биохимический завод +), or can<br />
completely replace ethanol by making value add product(Петроспирт, Речицкий<br />
опытно-промышленный гидролизный +).<br />
• Feedstock is frequently mix of whole wood, wood residual, non edible portion of<br />
agri crop, industrial food processing left over etc. and seasonably variable.<br />
-->>cont:<br />
107<br />
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Energy From Vast Biomass 10, Wood Ethanol thru Gas<br />
• -->cont: •1FOREST :<br />
1g Residual: Cellulosic Ethanol etc: ii- β Dilute Acid Hydrolysis:<br />
• Also Dilute Acid Hydrolysis produces enormous amount(20-35% of total production) of<br />
unutilized wet impure & somewhat SubCritical water altered lignin, still often<br />
discarded: accumulated 30million+ m3(Russian industrial waste bashing Western media<br />
mostly ignore just this massive lignin dumping & ethanol industry - to hide<br />
economically disruptive CO2 sequestrating Russian lignocellulosic fuel business?)<br />
• iii-Gasification + reforming + Fischer Tropsch can process whole wood fibre including<br />
lignin: (UPM-Kymmene+), Lower cost with steam gasification ◎(Woodland Biofuels+),<br />
Small scale rotary kiln use gasifying(Micro Energy Japan+), Likely world's first modern<br />
10,000ton/yr level biomass feed commercialization in 2013, feedstock is mix of wood,<br />
plant, trash etc(KaidiHI.com - ).<br />
iv-Pyroysis based: produces electrical power & heat while generates liquid fuel(BTG<br />
Bioliquids - Empyro BV, Fotum+),<br />
• Mega "test" facility(Karlsruhe bioliq), Largest operator in in this type with international<br />
locations(Ensyn Technologies). Also see Wet Pyrolysis at p98: 3c Hydrothermal<br />
Carbonization(HTC). v-Sub/SuperCritical water(SCW) element(higher temp than<br />
hydrolysis (ie Near Critical Water[NCW]), Can process whole wood fibre including lignin.<br />
All SCW related tech is marked ◎ in biomass section): ◎(Licella - Ignite Energy<br />
Resources, Steeper Energy, BTG World - BTG Biomass+), Steam Thermolysis<br />
◎(Concord Blue), Well known majors participated but followed by project<br />
cancellation(Catchlight Energy[Chevron - Weyerhaeuser]): too low cost?<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Energy From Vast Biomass 11, Wood Torrefaction<br />
• -->cont: •1FOREST :<br />
• 1h Torrefaction: Torrefied Pellets/BioCoal: Lower temp 200-300°C range<br />
oxygen-less process of dry material with final product with 70% of original mass<br />
with 90% of energy potential retained in compressed form: increase per volume<br />
heat capacity, hydrophobic (nonhygroscopic), overall lower cost than pellets per<br />
energy produced as delivered.<br />
• Also various other benefits(eg easy grinding for co-feeding with coal, less<br />
abrasion of engine if used as coal water slurry fuel than conventional coal etc),<br />
some bio-binder pretreatment & palletizing before heat processing generally has<br />
better quality.<br />
• Not as economically disruptive as 2nd Gen bioethanol due to solid nature.<br />
Longer presence in Western Europe, particularly in Netherlands(Blackwood<br />
Technology, Torrcoal+), Other nations(Arbaflame, Arigna Biofuels, Torrec+),<br />
Euro Major's participation(ANDRITZ, AREVA+), Largest producers are in US with<br />
over 200,000ton/yr capacity(Zilkha Biomass, New Biomass Energy), but<br />
generally North America operations have newer participation with same level<br />
production cap. as Europe(Diacarbon, Airex Energy, Solvay Biomass), Some<br />
claim no indoor storage needs for rain(Arbaflame, HM3 Energy+), non western<br />
producers are rare(BioWindbell Technology+)<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Energy From Vast Biomass 12, Black Liquor(BL)<br />
• -->cont: •1FOREST RELATED :<br />
• 1i Pulp mill Black Liquor(BL) enhanced utilization: BL is by far the largest<br />
energy source(efficient pulp mills are net power generators) and core process<br />
medium in chemical pulp process that repeatedly gets cleaned & burned its lignin<br />
& hemi cellulose(cellulose extraction left over) as pulpmill's energy source during<br />
operation. But as mill efficiency increases, Increasing Lignin vol is more of<br />
undesired leftover: i -High energy Lignin as oil: for fuel & chemical raw<br />
material(Lignol-RenFuel+): lab type environment generation, dedicated large<br />
plant doesn't exist, ii-BL Gasification: Replace Tomlinson boiler by<br />
PulseEnhanced Black Liquor Gasification (ThermoChem Recovery International),<br />
or regular Gasification, & other ways of more energy recovery, option for biofuel<br />
etc(Chemrec se, Babcock & Wilcox+),<br />
• 1j Cooking Woodstove in Developing Nations,: 40-60% range of their wood<br />
use saving compared to conventional 3rd world stove with significant positive<br />
health effect by removing most of smoke & done in less than half duration<br />
(Mbaula Green, RocketWorks, Aprovecho+), Some are geared for larger kitchen<br />
cooking stoves(EnviroFit+), or advanced nation's recreational market focus -<br />
saves 80-90% fuel compared to open fire cooking & removes most of<br />
fumes(StoveTec, Ecozoom, SilverFire Rocket+)<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 110
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 13, Agri Cellulosic Ethanol<br />
• •2 AGRICULTURAL: Cellulosic Ethanol: from non food crop<br />
plant(advanced ethanol, 2nd generation biofuel etc): Sociopolitically<br />
larger ramification than forestry feedstock biofuel. This has been<br />
commercialized many times prior but frequent untimely events from<br />
losing money, to suddenly financial backers withdraw, or projects halt<br />
with no clear reason given etc, all in addition to technical/operational/raw<br />
material difficulties. Soviet/Russia operates for regional supply since<br />
1930s(ignored by west, reduced vol now).<br />
• Majority of techs are actually higher cost than existing fuel, but a few are<br />
lowest cost in some situations, or depended on feed stock cost<br />
calculations.<br />
• Finally after 2014, some consistent operations have been established<br />
outside of CIS/Russia, while many are still on pilot production by using 3rd<br />
party system(without own facilities, not listed here): tech use is redundant<br />
with prior listed "1g Forest Residual".<br />
->> cont<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada 111
Energy From Vast Biomass 14, Agri Cellulosic Ethanol<br />
• -->> cont: •2 AGRICULTURAL: NON CROP PLANT PORTION Cellulosic Ethanol:<br />
• 2a Enzymatic Hydrolysis: Far less fuel recovery % & slow, cannot digest<br />
lignin etc compared to other processes. Challenge includes different<br />
saccharification speed(of digesting polysaccharides: Hemi-Cellulose heavier to<br />
C5 sugar: glucose, Cellulose to C6: xylose). Lignin(Aromatic Polymer) can be<br />
sold as nonfuel value raw material(eg for Vanillin, Glycol) but too much<br />
volume?; Maybe competitive as aromatic compound material?<br />
• i -Introductory type Cellulosic Ethanol: by "bolted on" to existing food stock<br />
ethanol plant: corn kernel fibre processing to increase extra 5-10% of ethanol<br />
production(Cellerate-Syngenta, Edeniq +), only 3rd party line production but<br />
claims < $1/gallon(< $0.265/litre) (GeoSynFuels), ii-Regular stand alone type<br />
Ethanol production, some use catalytic pretreatment: (Clariant, Inbicon,<br />
Iogen ca, Zeachem, American Process, Bioflex - GranBio, Beta Renewables,<br />
Abengoa Bioenergy+), Largest 2nd generation bio ethanol operation as of<br />
2016(Dupont), Largest overall bio ethanol maker participates (POET llc),<br />
Starting outside of Europe/North America(Raizen, Henan Tianguan,<br />
Shandong Longlive+), Rare SuperCritical water(SCW) pretreatment tech<br />
provider◎(Renmatix). ->>cont:<br />
112<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast Biomass 15, Agri<br />
Cellulosic Ethanol: Dilute Acid Hydrolysis etc<br />
• -->> cont: •2 AGRICULTURAL:<br />
• 2b Dilute Acid Hydrolysis: Fundamentally different business model<br />
from other lignocellulosic biofuel operations : Used in Soviet/Russia<br />
since 1930s with production adjustable high% value byproducts and<br />
option of value added alcohol instead of fuel ethanol. Low key local<br />
production(Янгиюльский гидролизный завод +), rare exporting<br />
company(Fargona Kimyo Zavodi +), (also see p106-108 for wood<br />
ethanol),<br />
• 2c Gasification + Steam Reform or/& Fischer-Tropsch: (Ineos+), some<br />
methods produce liquid fuel 3-4times more than above Enzyme method<br />
per given stock, orders of magnitude faster processing by direct<br />
synthesis with metal catalyst(Sekisui Chemical, Mitsui Zosen+), same<br />
efficiency with many Sub/SCW methods. Very minor utilization: eg<br />
Superheated steam◎(Sundrop Fuels+).<br />
113<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 16, Waste to Energy: AD/Biogas<br />
AGRICULTURAL ANIMAL WASTE (this presentation treats animal fat/cooking<br />
oil as part of existing fuel & it is not discussed), also cross over with wood:<br />
• 3a Anaerobic Digestion(AD) - to produce Biogas/Methane: by bacteria<br />
consuming waste. Also note at least some of microorganisms are electrically<br />
active(mainstream <strong>science</strong> accepted idea: Geobacter etc) and produce also<br />
anomalous field with various antioxident & electrical effects(rejected<br />
idea).Completely mainstream tech and widely used as default process in<br />
many nations/sectors to produce "free" energy while infrequently used in<br />
others.<br />
• i -Sophisticated large sized Bio methane production(engine feedable), to<br />
Electrical generation systems with various scales: Largest types(STRABAG<br />
Umweltanlagen, Axpo Kompogas+), Mid to large size installation: (OWS nv,<br />
EnviTec Biogas, BTA international, PlanET-Biogas, IES BIOGAS, BTS Biogas,<br />
Xergi +), Smaller types(WELTEC BIOPOWER, ENSPAR Biogas, Schmack<br />
Biogas, CH Four Biogas+), Focused on upgrading biogas systems(Malmberg<br />
Gruppen+), Specialized for biogas engine(SCHNELL Motoren +) ->cont<br />
114<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 17, Biogas<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3a Anaerobic Digestion(AD):<br />
i Biomethane:<br />
Many installations operate like farming coop, for this type of sophisticated<br />
system Germany has highest installation(10,000units) & most power<br />
generation per capita: followed by rest of Europe(UK, Luxembourg,<br />
Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Czech, Sweden etc), Less extent in North<br />
America, or rest of world, UK strength is also in sewage biogas & Landfill Gas,<br />
• ii -Less sophisticated mini to small sized type has long been actively offered,<br />
particularly in India/Bangladesh area(Biotech India, Beta Pak Biogas,<br />
Puxintech+), ■Also significant family/housing based DIY type system in some<br />
nations around the world(eg Deenbandhu units in India: 4million+, Ban quản lý<br />
Dự án Khí sinh học installed 0.1million+ in Vietnam etc), ■Energy security<br />
conscious China's national policy installed DIY type system in rural community<br />
at least 40million units(though fair portion of them might be in dormant or high<br />
downtime state).<br />
■Professionally made home based system sold(HomeBiogas, Bsustain, Vivesty<br />
+), also septic tank replacement or converter types(BiogasPro Agama+), Not<br />
AD but fancy ethanol production type home unit operates with very limited<br />
feedstock(Micro Fueler), -->>cont<br />
115<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 18, Waste Water by AD<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3a Anaerobic Digestion(AD):<br />
• iii-WasteWater processing by Anaerobic Digestion: Biogas from sludge processing,<br />
usually with various pretreatments including hydrolysis, alkaline etc, Some largest<br />
scale is like 100,000 ton+/yr level(Cambi, Veolia Exelys/Biothelys+), Others(Hager +<br />
Elsaesser, WABAG, ADI systems inc, Terax nz, Jeongbong kr, Hydroitalia - Colsen,<br />
Eliquo BV, Paques nl, Anaergia+).<br />
• Methanogenic & Electrogenic microbe based methane & electricity generating waste<br />
water cleaning system:(Cambrian Innovation: works for fermentation residue type<br />
wastewater), or wider range process capability Electrogenic Bio Reactor(Emefcy):<br />
Microbial fuel cell mechanics. Note highly effective low cost cell wall destruction/cell<br />
lysis(in a way similar degree to SCW) by electroporation/electric pulse is often left out<br />
from mainstream discussion of enhanced biofuel recovery from wet<br />
sludge(Vogelsang, OpenCEL Trojan+). Microbubble/Nanobubble CO2 in<strong>fusion</strong> might<br />
increase gas productivity up to 2wice as conventional method(Perlemax+). Also see<br />
p108 Wet Air Oxidation.<br />
• 3b Plastic to Oil: After recycling, still about 130million tons/yr disposed world total,<br />
a fraction of which(but rapidly increasing) is made into fuel. Even if 90% of all plastic is<br />
converted with 70% efficiency recovery to fuel (PVC[Polyvinyl chloride] &<br />
PET[Polyethylene terephthalate] is 30-40% range recovery even rest of plastic can be<br />
90%), it would make up negligible 1-1.5% of world oil consumption. -->>continued<br />
116<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 19, Plastic to Oil: Pyrolysis<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3b Plastic to Oil:<br />
• But substantial benefit to the plastic to fuel converting operation or community<br />
that owns it, generally unreported in west but active operation world wide, more<br />
in oil shortage China and India etc, than in west.<br />
• Large Western mainstream corporations so far infrequently involved and even<br />
when do, they often avoid direct involvement & work through subsidiaries or as<br />
joint venture.<br />
• i -Pyrolysis: Oxygen deprived heating causes generation of liquid fuel, gas, and<br />
char. Most system can only take selective plastic(usually no PET & PVC), some<br />
can recover fuel with all types of plastic but most of cases oil quality suffers<br />
beyond 3-5% range PET/PVC and emit toxic fume, corrode or clog process line.<br />
Many system can only produce "crude oil", and need further processing to use as<br />
gasoline or diesel replacement. Some system has adjustment to change recovery<br />
ratio of oil vs char: when focused to generate fuel, tires are generally weightwise<br />
30-40% recovery to fuel, plastics are 60-90% level.<br />
• It can be adjusted to have lower fuel produced with higher char/carbon<br />
recovery(agriculture etc use). All infeed material needs to be shredded.<br />
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Energy From Vast Biomass 20, Plastic to Oil 2<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3b Plastic to Oil: i -Pyrolysis:<br />
This leaves currently only handful of devices/operations that can take<br />
a-all plastics, b-final direct gasoline-diesel equivalent/boiler useable oil without<br />
violating emission criteria(Klean Industries, Blest+): usually custom ordered type<br />
system needs to be made with premium price for corrosion-clogging control, &<br />
chlorine separation etc. But Wada method allows all plastic with no<br />
customization(Hokupere yukakangen+), Also Toshiba Created 50% PVC feedable<br />
device in 1990s and shelved it.<br />
Can make gasoline-diesel equivalent fuel If no PET/PVC is in feed stock(Royco<br />
Beijing+), Large number of installations(HuayinEnergy, Beston Plastic,<br />
Shangqiu Ruixin Environmental, Klean Industries, Cynar Plastic, KingTiger<br />
group, TTechnology.com.pl+), Some European market targeted devices come<br />
with CHP(GB Pyrolysis+), High profile portable small device, with large devices<br />
has option of processing PET & PVC(Blest), Can process unsorted plastic and<br />
other waste(Green Light Energy Solutions+), Zero emission claimed system<br />
(Ecomation Oy +), Rare mainstream corporate involvement (Agilyx),<br />
-->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Energy From Vast Biomass 21, Plastic to Oil:<br />
Catalytic Depolymerization etc<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE:<br />
3b Plastic to Oil: i -Pyrolysis:<br />
More focus on less saturated Carbon Black market by specializing in tire<br />
processing (Reklaim+), Reduced toxic fumes, improved moisture handling, &<br />
overall improved liquid fuel production by low temperature operating<br />
Vacuum Pyrolysis(Gecco Holdings+),<br />
• ii -Catalytic Depolymerization: Depends on catalyst often similar strong effect<br />
as Sub-SuperCritical water(SCW) & categorization is sometimes<br />
fuzzy(ReCycled Refuse International, Pyrocrat Systems LLP, Enviro-Power Pte<br />
+), Rare Western mainstream positive exposure + with continuous operation<br />
in US(PK Clean),<br />
• 3c Hydrothermal Carbonization(HTC)/Wet Pyrolysis/Hydropyrolysis(often<br />
for wood): "primitive" version of SubCritical water treatment: can process all<br />
organic matter(carbon involved: biomass, wood/municipal/industrial waste)<br />
with high moisture over 3-10hrs in 200-300°C with generally 5-10times<br />
atmospheric pressure to decompose feedstock to mainly recover<br />
BioCoal(variations like biochar etc is possible with higher temperature)<br />
Industrial focus ◎(CarboREN - SunCoal, Loritus, Antaco, Ingelia SL+). ->>cont:<br />
119<br />
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New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 22, Hydrothermal Carbonization<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE:<br />
3c Hydrothermal Carbonization(HTC):<br />
• Smaller sized installation◎(Grenol GmbH, Oax-eco+), also option of making<br />
hydrocarbon chemical◎(AVA-CO2), Wastewater focus as raw material◎(TerraNova<br />
Energy, Aqua Enviro+), Slightly different Catalytic HydroThermal<br />
Polymerization(lower temp & pressure, less CO2 & decarboxylation reaction) of<br />
biomass which requires no binder for pelletization◎(PCS Biofuels). *(◎indicates<br />
Sub/SuperCritical Water related tech).<br />
• HTC installation level/Production capacity is much smaller than<br />
Torrefaction(competing dry version of this process), particularly out of Europe. There<br />
is a mainstream Dutch govn't backed movement of converting marshland fast<br />
growing weed into fuel but progress being stopped since 2013:<br />
TORWASH(Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland: ECN).<br />
• 3d SubCritical/SuperCritical water treatment(SCW)/Hydrothermal<br />
Liquefaction/SuperHeated Steam: Can adjust parameter to gasify heavily or treat<br />
non-liquefied portion for the second round process. High % liquefaction might<br />
require certain mineral catalysis(usually recoverable).<br />
120<br />
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New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 23, Sub/SuperCritical Water<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3d SubCritical/SuperCritical water<br />
treatment(SCW):<br />
• Some observed history of abrupt withdrawal from this tech by many companies<br />
in similar way as by other "real disruptive tech". Processes all plastic or all organic<br />
waste with high fuel recovery very quickly with low cost, Biomass and Waste to<br />
Energy for this process is often all feedstock mixable, hence no particular focus on<br />
plastic etc only ◎(Genifuel, Asian Giant Engineering, GRT GROUP SA, Greentech<br />
solutions grts jp, Sustainable Waste Power Systems+), Low tech/temp/pressure<br />
steam explosion pretreatment(Coramexport cz[190C, 12bar]+), Partial use of<br />
catalysis required HydroPyrolysis ◎(D4 Energy)<br />
Some SuperHeated steam devices can take large load with less or no infeed stock<br />
shredding with little extra time needs ◎(Messe-hp jp+): But produce large amount<br />
of char along with oil, Can produce biocoal at low cost ◎(Rematec jp+).<br />
Wastewater sludge application by SCW type is mostly focused on decomposing<br />
while efficient energy production might be more of minor focus ◎(Innoveox, 3V<br />
Green Eagle+), currently largest scale municipal wastewater SCW treatment<br />
◎(SuperWater Solutions), ->cont:<br />
121<br />
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Energy From Vast Biomass 24, SCW, Direct Combustion<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE:<br />
water(SCW): Wastewater sludge:<br />
3d SubCritical/SuperCritical<br />
• SCW for wastewater treatment is China's focus. It also focuses coal water slurry<br />
enhancement and ICGG: ◎( Shaanxi Wanfeng<br />
Energy Environmental Protection Technology, <br />
Xinao Group, Blue Energy+), Liquid or solid toxin focus might recover<br />
energy as minor by-product if tried ◎(Hanwha Chemical, Techno-EMI, Aquarden -<br />
Waterox+), Also see Wet Air Oxidation(p131)<br />
• 3e Direct Combustion(DC) of MSW: Here only MSW(Municipal Solid Waste) type<br />
DC is discussed since other feedstock(biomass etc) is already very prevalent as<br />
existing tech<br />
• I -Electrical Power production:(Instead of burying trash into landfill), Well developed<br />
technology to specifically handle Waste mix, many in North West Europe also<br />
produces CHP. Sometimes criticized for high NOx/SOs emission, but in many G7<br />
type level nations it is usually far below regulation requirement,<br />
• Electrical power generation efficiency is often quite low with 15-20%(eg: emission &<br />
ash reduction focus in Japan), still overall not high: 20-30+ %. Most conventional<br />
large scale combustion system(Stoker & reverse grate: Martin GmbH, Keppel<br />
Seghers, Hitachi Zosen INOVA+), Also of general biomass focus,<br />
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New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 25, Trash Gasification<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3e Direct Combustion(DC) of MSW:<br />
• Due to large system existence, some European trash market demand exceeds<br />
supply: Sweden & Germany purchases/imports trash from other EU nations.<br />
ii-SRF/RDF: Compressed cube shaped & packaged combustion boiler feedable<br />
trash(Sita UK, BMH Technology+), SRF(Solid Recovered Fuel) has EU standard<br />
based, while RDF(Refuse Derived Fuel) can be any burnable waste(NOVAGO+)<br />
• 3f Gasification: "Value added" combustion with options of making liquid<br />
fuels/chemicals/storage:<br />
i -Conventional type: ■Fluidized Bed 500-600°C low temp & lowest emission for<br />
large industrial operations with ash vitrification(Ebara, Mitsubishi Hvy), integrated<br />
with zero waste cement plant complex CKK process(Kawasaki Hvy),<br />
• ■Coal added to "fudge" efficiency to 32%(JFE), ■Had good growth till 2000s but lost<br />
to newer tech competitors recently(Thermo Select+), ■Crop waste sector gets<br />
attention(ICM inc, Frontline Bioenergy+) ■Flexible feedstock including coal mix<br />
(Energy & Environmental Research Center, Eisenmann SE+), ■Mid size<br />
catering(Kinsei Sangyo, Energos+), ■Smaller scale or containerized mini community<br />
/mining camp etc WtE gasification-treatment system(Waste to Energy Canada,<br />
Ostrand jp+), ■Ultra High Temperature Gasification/Pyrolysis types are claimed to<br />
be much lower cost but in consistent results so far(Pyromex-PowerHouse Energy)<br />
123<br />
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Energy From Vast Biomass 26, SCW Gasification etc<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE:<br />
3f Gasification: "Value added" combustion:<br />
• ii-Sub-SuperCritical Water gasification(SCW) : done quietly since early 1980s in Japan<br />
◎(Mitsubishi Kakoki, Mitsubishi Nagasaki Machinery)(US operators seem to have<br />
gone underground at that time), or recent participation ◎(Hydromethan, Gensos nl,<br />
Osaka Gas+): SCW can be more easily turned to liquid fuels, directly, or by reforming.<br />
Also a few of ◎ marked companies in biomass section of this presentation seem to<br />
offer some form of Hydrothermal combustion of coal while Chinese state companies'<br />
in-house system seem to be leading by combining Coal Water Slurry element(p40-43).<br />
• On the other hand, across the board water tech advanced Russia is blocking many<br />
innovative academics' much more disruptive hydrodynamic cavitation related<br />
advanced SCW tech, almost no native Russian commercialization offered?<br />
• iii-Complete thermal oxidation: of all organic waste with no emission ie no chimney<br />
needed(Zeros inc/Ste Clark), microplasma link(p127,128).<br />
• 3g Gasification+Reforming/Catalytic conversion to Liquid fuel(GTL: Gas to Liquid),<br />
Methane to gasoline etc: Close relation or often same tech as wood/Coal to liquid<br />
fuel: Succeeding commercialization on & off since 1940s(Germany, Japan+), then<br />
extensively in 1960s-90s South Africa: at one time almost all gasoline was made from<br />
coal via Fischer-Tropsch(F-T) process(Sasol+), More recent entry(Accelergy, Fluor,<br />
Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions+), ->> cont<br />
124<br />
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Energy From Vast Biomass 27, Gasification(not biomass)<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE:<br />
fuel link:<br />
3g Gas to Liquid Coal to liquid<br />
• Also mini scale operation from 1970s in west with same/similar process for<br />
coal liquefaction or methane to gasoline type process(Shell, Exxon Mobile+).<br />
• Other after yr2000 commercialization examples: Sasol active outside of S<br />
Africa, Large Gas To Liquid (GTL) refinery: PetroSA. Underground Coal To<br />
Liquid process: small scale(Linc Energy - Carbon Energy, Emerging Fuels<br />
Technology+). Sub-SCW & F-T◎(REG Synthetic fuels+), Most of Coal to<br />
Liquid tech(CTL) is Indirect synthesis, ie: ICTL.<br />
• China is prioritizing CTL(BRICC -<br />
,. YitaiGroup.com , Jincheng<br />
Anthracite Mining Group +), also<br />
Direct Coal Liquefaction: semi pseudo<strong>science</strong> in western media<br />
level(Shenhua Group , CCRI , Yanzhou<br />
Mining Group +). Western mainstream<br />
media/govn't/NGO generally didn't introduce the tech till around 2012 in<br />
connection with biomass related subject. -->> continue<br />
125<br />
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Energy From Vast Biomass 28, Biomass Gas to Liquid<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3g GTL - Gas to Liquid:<br />
Although various GTL techs differ from each other, produced Waste based liquid<br />
fuel become lowest cost fuel in many regions and mildly disruptive(most<br />
companies persist in emphasizing "small scale") & somewhat game changing since<br />
this reinforces public perception it can apply to: a- all organic mass: forest, plant,<br />
b -lower cost than conventional liquid fuel would be widely available since various<br />
syngas or methane can be processed(natural gas, coal gas, CoalBed Methane+):<br />
(Enerkem, ThermoChem - Fulcrum Energy, Biofuels Power, Velocys, CompactGT<br />
+),<br />
• BioMCN qualifies as largest producer of 2nd gen biofuel as of 2016?- biodiesel left<br />
over glycerine gasification & reforming, i.e. not direct cellulose use. Some<br />
companies additionally use CO2 as fuel source(LanzaTech+), GTL tech has support<br />
from major Western local governments, international corporations/mainstream<br />
group recently to indicate another official wider availability of energy source, Small<br />
trailer portable device(Maverick Synfuels)<br />
• 3h Less Conventional Gasification or Liquefaction:<br />
i -Hot Plasma Gasification/Gas Cleaning: Original use was high energy based<br />
expensive toxin decomposition or metal recovery from waste, but plasma assisted<br />
gasifying becomes cost competitive. This is now "conventional" plasma tech:<br />
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Energy From Vast Biomass 29, Hot & <strong>Cold</strong> Plasma Gasify<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: 3h Less Conventional Gasification or<br />
Liquefaction: i -Hot Plasma Gasification/Gas Cleaning:<br />
• widely known key players (Plasco, Alter NRG -*Westinghouse, Advanced Plasma<br />
Power -*Tetronics +), less known successful installations(*InEnTec, Peat<br />
International, CHO Power -*EuroPlasma, BellWeather Gasification<br />
Techonologies, *Phoenix Solutions Co +), Long lasting induction based<br />
electrodeless RF plasma torch(*Applied Plasma Technologies, High Temperature<br />
Technologies Corp -*Tekna Plasma+). * indicates original tech developers,<br />
• ii-Steam Plasma: less fume than hot plasma, much lower CAPEX & OPEX:<br />
portable size, plasma gas is water/steam: more like low energy use SuperCritical<br />
water(SCW) based gasification: Strong oxidizing effect(ie moisture insensitive, no<br />
NOx or Dioxin). But mostly pilot type commercialization as industrial unit since<br />
current focus is mostly on full decomposition rather than fuel generation<br />
◎(PlasmaAir AG, Foret Plasma Lab, Strebl Energy+), Rare energy/gasification<br />
focus exists◎(Green Science 그린사이언스, Plazarium+)<br />
• iii-MicroPlasma: Related to a string of highly economically disruptive<br />
effects(Torsion field)(see p233-3●i), and Official Western research in dealing with<br />
organic material by this tech is avoided, Effects generated by: ●a Rotating<br />
Magnetic Field( Экология ECOUOM+), linked to Motional Electric Field possibly<br />
with gravity and ambient electricity generator effect(k p375,376),<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 30, Micro Plasma with anomalies<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE:<br />
3h Less Conventional Gasification or Liquefaction: iii-MicroPlasma:<br />
• ●b Rotating Electrode(НАУЧНО - ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННЫЙ ЦЕНТР «ПЛАЗЕР»+),<br />
• ●c PyroMagnetic Furnace: Self running alternating magnetic field oxygen treating<br />
waste-to-energy decomposer(ZeroMozJapan, T.H. ELEMA ENG. CO, Jimdo<br />
+ Gasification is quite effective but that part is not commercialized,<br />
Minor heat utilization from trash "incineration". Some PyroMagnetic Furnace is<br />
completely self running & no exhaust/chimney with no outside power needed, &<br />
pseudoscientized but has useful effects like radiation remediation(p368) or torsion<br />
field(p197-241), decomposes dioxin even process generates only 300-400°C heat: full<br />
of "econo-politically incorrect scientific effects" is avoided by academics. Similar low<br />
temperature "oxygen activation" or excitation effect is used for Ionized Oxygen<br />
Therapy(Sauerstoff Ionen Therapie) )(artech energy box ion 45, Bork O2, Ionomed+)<br />
• Currently commercialized focus is for mostly fertilizer generation, complete organic<br />
trash decomposition down to magnetized ash with almost no exhaust fume(indoor<br />
use ok). Ash has uncommon bioenhancing effects. This PyroMagnetic microplasma<br />
effect for non-organic matter(metal) is more widely used(Bmax+) but overall still<br />
ignored tech.<br />
128<br />
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New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From Vast<br />
Biomass 31, <strong>Cold</strong> Plasma Reforming/Magne Gas<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY WASTE:<br />
Gasification/Liquefaction:<br />
3h Less Conventional<br />
• iv-<strong>Cold</strong> Plasma(CP)/NonThermal Plasma(NTP)/NonEquilibrium Plasma gas<br />
reforming-cleaning-gasification(Electric/plasma arc discharge/Dielectric Barrier<br />
Discharge etc in water): Usually for wastewater, Unlike hot plasma, CP has<br />
ionization in electron only and not in molecules(little or no thermal<br />
motion/pressure: non-equilibrium): and can accompany nonlinear oscillations &<br />
other anomalous Torsion field/resonance /Electrohydraulic type effects.<br />
• Very low power use, less fume than hot plasma, usually lower cost process than<br />
any mainstream equivalent methods(except occasionally SCW methods, see<br />
below): Usually container/trailer portable gasification system ◎(MagneGas,<br />
TopLine Energy, AdaptiveArc, FabGroups - HydroQuebec+), Both solid & liquid<br />
waste ◎(Enersol Technologies, Xfuels+), GlidArc use:(PowerCan 200, Mill Hand<br />
Thailand+), *note CP effects are in process of being accepted into Western<br />
<strong>science</strong>, *MagneGas seem to demonstrate HHO Gas(p126-132) like quality<br />
while being made from wastewater, also their lab data shows "over-unity<br />
energy release" effects. -->cont<br />
129<br />
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Energy From Vast Biomass 32, SWC Depolymerization<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY WASTE: 3h Less Conventional Gasification/Liquefaction:<br />
• v-Sub-SuperCritical Water(SCW)/Thermal liquefaction-depolymerization(above<br />
either 374°C or Pressure 221bar-22.1Mpa- 3250psi[221times sea level],<br />
technically anything over 100°C with ambient pressure or higher is for "sub", but<br />
usually lot closer to SCW level: Highly potent and can gasify/liquify/decompose<br />
any organic matter at low cost ◎(Biomass Technology Group BV, GreatPoint<br />
Energy, AltacaEnerji, Earth Wind & Fire Technologies+), Or can make biochar or<br />
value added 5-HMF (HydroxyMethylFurfural) ◎(AVA-CO2+), *(◎indicates<br />
Sub/SuperCritical Water related tech)<br />
• SCW and cold plasma tech is fully <strong>science</strong> ratified, and has disruptive efficiency in<br />
many applications, Often use of catalysis(KOH, K2CO3, Ni etc). Need accurate<br />
temperature & time control to maximize liquid fuel recovery instead of<br />
decomposition into water & CO2 etc. Energy generation application is treated<br />
extremely low key & has been long avoided at mainstream level. Only<br />
mainstream SCW for energy use is as turbine rotation medium.<br />
• One high profile company rather mysteriously lost large $, or entire industry<br />
suddenly drops whole business en mass with no clear explanation(Changing<br />
World Technologies, Dozen mainstream companies in Japan in early yr2000)(For<br />
details see water tech report [click here] and search "ORGANO"),<br />
130<br />
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New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 33, SCW, Wet Air Oxidation<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY WASTE: 3h UnConventional Liquefaction:<br />
v-Sub-SuperCritical W.<br />
• SCW is re-surging quietly in mainstream Japan: eg sewage water sludge superheated<br />
steam gasification(Meta Water, Chugoku Denryoku+), Also used for AD pretreatment<br />
of solid or liquid waste(Gekkeikan+). Oil industry can benefit by SCW cracking:<br />
previously impractical tars, low grade bitumen - oil sand - extra heavy crude oil<br />
upgrading with possibly most effective EOR, or Refinery Residue<br />
Upgrading/cracking/visbreaking with little to no coke remaining(Inhibit asphaltene<br />
polymerization): ◎(JOGMEC+), Also drastically cut cost of Synthetic Crude Oil(SCO)<br />
production(no diluent use) to enable low cost pipeline transportation of oilsand<br />
(Syncrde+)<br />
• Wet Air Oxidation is used for WasteWater treatment: regular municipal, industrial,<br />
oil industry caustic water etc. Slightly different from & more "primitive" mechanics<br />
than SubCritical water process by use of bubbling reactor to inject oxygen/air with<br />
lower pressure than SubCritical water method, also generates slightly higher amount<br />
of emission than SCW(still minimum), ◎(Veolia Water Athos, Bertrams ch, Wetox nz,<br />
Merichem - Kenox+), Used as pretreatment ◎(Granit Technologies SA+), but note<br />
many SCW oxidation(SCWO) process also injects oxygen.<br />
131<br />
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New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 34, Catalytic Depolymerization etc<br />
• -->> cont; •3 WASTE:<br />
3h UnConventional Liquefaction: :v-Sub-SuperCW.<br />
• ■ Also lab success exists, of cellulose liquefaction with Phenol, Glycerol,<br />
Butane etc as SuperCritical medium.<br />
• vi-Catalytic Depolymerization(or might rely partially on hydrothermal<br />
process)(Greenbase Sepadu, Green Power Inc, Alphakat, Nexxoil, BFCC -<br />
Biodiesel Technologies s.r.o, Mercurius Biofuels+), seemingly low cost &<br />
effective, possibly even simpler than SCW. Almost completely ignored by<br />
mainstream West.<br />
• vii-Super low cost Solar Thermal use Gasification: (Al Weimer+), viii-Molten<br />
metal gasification method: Steam is also injected to work like supercritical<br />
water reaction as low cost disruptive tech(HydroMax Diversified Energy+),<br />
• pilot plant(Ze-Gen), Hydrogen production only with water & organic material<br />
◎(Western Hydrogen+), ix-Some unique type of Pyrolysis can be price<br />
competitive if byproduct is profitable(Pyrolyzer Spirajoule+), 1MW scale<br />
system(Джулинда Технолоджи+): From small residential furnace to<br />
commercial sizes Pyrolysis share in heat generation is higher in CIS nations<br />
than most of west<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 35, Landfill Gas<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY WASTE:<br />
• 3i Landfill Gas(LFG): 50%+ of LFG is recoverable methane, generated by<br />
oxygenless anaerobic decomposition of buried organic waste. Although energy<br />
production is negligible as a whole macro scale(eg UK deemed 6TWh/yr level,<br />
0.2% of entire power needs), if consider toxic gas removal process as cost, then<br />
LFG becomes significant "free" energy in local landfill area. Also at some<br />
locations it becomes lowest cost energy as is. Methane carbon footprint<br />
reduction has various incentives & benefits.<br />
• UK, US, Canada leads in energy recovery from Landfill Gas:(Cambrian Energy,<br />
Viridor, DTE Biomass, CLP Envirogas, Infinis, Republic Services, LFG<br />
Technologies, Biffa, Progressive Waste, Ener-G+). At those most advanced<br />
nations, it is deemed overall 15-50% of methane gas is recovered for power<br />
generation: eg UK is does recovery at 80% of landfill sites as flared or power/heat<br />
production, with 50-70% of that is actually used for power generation<br />
combustion, Continental Europe & Australia is active(Green Gas International<br />
BV, Landfill Gas Industries+) -->> cont:<br />
133<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 36, Landfill Gas 2<br />
• -->> cont; •3 MAINLY WASTE:<br />
3i Landfill Gas(LFG):<br />
• Fair portion of gas is let off as flaring(burning) even there is LFG management<br />
system in place(Hofstetter BV, GC Environmental, Comcor Environmental +),<br />
Some small old landfill sites can also recover energy (Deponigas ApS+), Much<br />
higher utilization % at large landfills, Power generation needs proper gas<br />
filtering of siloxane, H2S etc(Unison Solutions, Xebec, PpTek, SulfaCHAR,<br />
Prodeval +), recovery around 30-35% range with large majority Reciprocating<br />
Engine special flexible power generator(Siloxa AG, GE Jenbacher - Clarke-<br />
Energy+),<br />
• 1MW+ capacity(can produce more than 1MW per hr) type system can use Gas<br />
Turbine, a few add CHP for higher recovery, or profitable Landfill gas to liquid<br />
fuel is a pilot+ level commercialization(Renovare Fuels, Velocys+)<br />
• Note: Current waste disposal on land fill is close to none in Germany,<br />
Netherlands, Sweden etc, more 3-5 nations with 5% range: those nations are<br />
not focused on LFG recovery as future energy source.<br />
134<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Energy From Vast Biomass 37, Algae<br />
• •4 OTHER BIOMASS: 4a Oil Bearing Algae: Mainstream groups emphasizes price<br />
parity is far away, but some of pilot type commercialization/full commercialization<br />
product seems to be lowest cost in some selected cases while cost is coming down<br />
rapidly: α-LOW COST ELEMENTS: its high caloric content, order(s) of magnitude higher<br />
oil yield per growth area than many biofuel crops, or artificial indoor<br />
farming(Solazyme+) with efficient-fast-economical & easy harvestability-processing,<br />
outdoor system types utilize unproductive sun exposed warm land, might prefer<br />
human-undesired quality water(waste, toxic, sea/brackish)<br />
• β-PROCESSING EASE: Most of utilized algae have no lignin & very little cellulose<br />
content, processing is mainly to do with algae lysing(sometimes disruptively effective<br />
electroporation is used) which is far simpler & lower cost than other biofuels even<br />
with conventional treatment methods. Extraction process after initial biocrude stage<br />
can be fit to conventional petroleum type processing system which reduces cost,<br />
also gives refineries control of pricing in case biocrude becomes much lower cost: non<br />
distruptability during energy cost reduction steps : eg Sapphire Energy vs Tesoro,<br />
Phillips 66, Algae.tec + Algenol vs Reliance Industries, Cellana vs Neste, Solazyme<br />
Industrials with own refinery.<br />
• γ-COST DERIVATIVES DEPEND ON VALUE ADDING FACTOR: Becomes lowest cost fuel if<br />
processing is done at locations with high cost energy availability, or fuel portion within<br />
algae oil grade separation can be cost-adjusted with higher priced separated grades<br />
from the same run: eg fuel grade vs higher value Omega3 etc -->> cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Energy From Vast Biomass 38, Algae Energy-Wastewater<br />
• •4 OTHER BIOMASS: 4a Oil Bearing Algae:<br />
Some companies are making vaguely or clearly defined commercialized offering<br />
(Abca BioSolutions Pvt, UniVerve, Qeshm Microalgae Biorefinery BAYA fuel,<br />
TereGroup, Bio Fuel Systems SA+), Notable recent cautional public remarks<br />
amongst producers since 2014 about commercialization, especially in US.<br />
• Some works in conjunction with waste water cleaning & CO2 sequestration as<br />
algae growth "fertilizer", when this cost is considered(carbon credit), it becomes<br />
lowest cost fuel in most places(also in some cases it would net some energy<br />
availability after water processing)(MBD Energy, Algae Enterprises, Ennesys+),<br />
Possibly ignored in mainstream due to super low cost High Rate Algae Pond tech<br />
(NIWA - Solray Energy nz - Muradel Oil), Easy low cost fast process by recovering<br />
oil/pellet/briquettes for steady production(Algae-Industries.com), also enhanced<br />
algae growth by CO2 feeding in microbubble/nanobubble(Perlemax+)<br />
• Additionally one can say cost is naturally low since they utilize well known lowest<br />
cost processing actions(amongst experts) but such processes(below 1 & 2) are still<br />
under-utilized in other fuel making or agriculture processes: 1-naturally all plant<br />
enhancing CO2 feeding, 2- Sub-Supercritical water type treatment(some use it in<br />
addition to or exclusively algae cell wall degrading oil extraction by<br />
enzymatic/chemical/ultrasonic/supercritical CO2 or alcohol/electroporationelectric<br />
pulse etc methods).<br />
136<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
New Perspective -“Lowest Cost” Energy From<br />
Vast Biomass 39, Peat - largest biomass of all<br />
• -->> cont: •4 OTHER BIOMASS:<br />
4b Peat: Overall severely underharvested except claimed by mainstream to be<br />
locally overharvested Ireland & Baltic sea region: consumption against growth is<br />
negligible. As a renewal resource level, it is recoverable worldwide at very least<br />
120-150million tons/yr (2010-13ave world production 40million). Despite<br />
wester mainstream claims, even by carbon tests showing of annual peat growth<br />
of 0.7-2.8mm with "massive overproduction"at Baltics, Near city area North<br />
America & Europe in last 70-150yrs+, either peat growth is higher than<br />
mainstream figure or so is recoverable volume in these region, or both.<br />
• Also at some large peat resource nations it is almost completely unused or not<br />
even officially listed(Congo, Brazil, Papua New Guinea+), Bog-Wetland &<br />
Extreme North conservation movement is helping to stop peat from entering<br />
into world fuel market(also they might successfully prevent land Gas Hydrate<br />
extraction) .<br />
• But if Peat is considered non-renewable as ruling Western mainstream group<br />
claims(mainly American led group is overriding mainly European lobby like IPCC<br />
that calls peat green fuel) actual world Peat volume availability is similar to Coal<br />
reserve but much cleaner fuel, which would cause severe overflooding of<br />
energy supply to trigger disruptions in energy pricing & infrastructure if fully<br />
exploited. -->> continue 137
Energy From Vast Biomass 40, Peat, various use<br />
• -->> cont: •4 OTHER BIOMASS: 4b Peat:<br />
Hence seemingly for various political & economical lobby reasons it is currently not<br />
harvested to even close to the capacity, or used for other purposes even if peat is<br />
usually lowest cost fuel available eg two by far the largest world resource holder<br />
Canada, Russia at 1/20 level harvesting against growth<br />
• Higher margin gained when sold as Growing Media for exports(Latvia[Laflora lv+],<br />
Estonia[Sangla Peat AS+], Lithuania[Rekyva+]+), Almost all production goes to<br />
Horticultural or other industrial related markets (Canada[Lambert Peat Moss, Sun Gro<br />
Horticulture, Earth Care Products SPHAG SORB+], Germany[Klasmann-Deilmann+],<br />
UK[Northern Peat & Moss Company+]+), Often 2nd largest world Peat producer nation<br />
Sweden is mainly(but not mostly) for local energy use(Söderenergi, Svenska Cellulosa<br />
Aktiebolaget+), also Finnish backed group involvement there(Neova bioenergi),<br />
• Although revenue is lower than growth media use, fair portion produced for<br />
fuel(Ireland[Bord na Móna]+), Share with garden market use & specifically as stove<br />
briquettes(Ukraine[Volyntorf+], Belarus[Торфобрикетный завод Лидский+],<br />
Russia[ЗАО "ВяткаТорф"+]+), Sometimes subsidized(higher margin to sell to garden<br />
substrate market) to secure large volume electricity generation(Russia, Finland[6% of<br />
total power is peat, 35% world peat production share][Vapo Oy, Turveruukki Oy -<br />
Oulun Energia, Kuopion energia, Vaskiluoto Voima+], 50%+ in some regional power<br />
generation, can reduce SO2 emission of coal when mixed), Some small production<br />
nations are using peat exclusively for fuel/electricity generation on local basis(less<br />
than million ton/yr)(Indonesia, Rwanda[HQpower Rwanda], Brundi+) 138
Occasionally “Lowest Cost” Energy:<br />
Clean Under-Utilized Methane: 1 Gas Hydrate<br />
• ■ Under-Utilized Methane<br />
Unconventional extraction method of regular Natural Gas: Unclear<br />
differentiation from existing Natural Gas. Magnitude of supply volume<br />
seems to far exceed existing reserve of conventional hydrocarbon hence<br />
highlighted here as occasionally lower cost energy<br />
• ●1 Methane Hydrate-Clathrate/Gas Hydrate: Confirmed to be located<br />
mostly either offshore near continental shelf area ocean bottom, or<br />
Permafrost land underground in polar regions(Messoyakha gas field:<br />
Gazprom Neft: only publicly known full time large volume operation), or in<br />
high altitude permafrost region(Qiangtang Basin China+). Also about<br />
160times as dense natural gas storage with -20C(INPEX+),<br />
• Crystalized Methane combined with water in specific geometric form, as<br />
mantle derived methane surfacing into ocean/near surface is trapped in<br />
water under high pressure and low temperature. This ice like formation can<br />
remain so under pressure at substantially above 0°C<br />
temperature(mainstream established idea). Recoverable accumulation is so<br />
far found to be 100m to several kilometres thick. -->> continue<br />
139<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy: Clean Under-Utilized<br />
Methane 2: Clathrate location & extraction<br />
• ■ Under-Utilized Methane ●1 Methane Hydrate-Clathrate/Gas Hydrate:<br />
• General mainstream consensus available volume at least exceeds entire<br />
conventional hydrocarbon resources(some "economically incorrect <strong>science</strong>" using<br />
nations such as China/Russia projects order[s] of magnitude higher). Highly<br />
disruptive information as this can undermine profitable "peak oil" appeal & cause<br />
overflooding of energy market if extracted in mass. Although current test overall<br />
production cost is higher than Natural Gas from deep ocean, land base extraction<br />
can be already on par or lower due to shallowness, & this will likely easily go lowest<br />
cost in high fuel cost regions as full operation occurs.<br />
• Most of gas hydrate or a portion of ocean bottom hydrate can use conventional<br />
drilling & extraction related methods, No need for economically & environmentally<br />
expensive fracking, Shallower depth than many natural gas wells: depth is 100m+<br />
range in Arctic, 500m+ in other regions etc, land or water.<br />
• But so far indication is drilling might need to be moved to nearby area quicker<br />
than regular gas wells if based on existing technology - if same tech is used higher<br />
cost? Studying the past track record shows, if exploiting this resource is important<br />
to mainstream group they would usually come up with "revolutionary" new<br />
technology in few years (eg fracking for Shale oil or deep well developing methods<br />
etc.).<br />
140<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy: Clean Under-Utilized Methane<br />
3: Methane Hydrate extraction, CBM/CSG<br />
• ■ Under-Utilized Methane ●1 Methane Hydrate-Clathrate/Gas Hydrate:<br />
• Currently officially applied or tested main methods are Thermal injection(hot<br />
water/steam), Depressurization, & CO2 replacement methods etc.<br />
• Temporal wells: Ignik Sikumi(US), Mallik(Canada), Atsumi Peninsula 400m off<br />
Coast (Japan), Permanent types;(Mount Elbert)(US), all negligible production<br />
volume (0.01million m3/day range): Some of known participators:<br />
ConocoPhillips, BP, Vnnigaz Gazprom «Газпром ВНИИГАЗ», Oil and Natural<br />
Gas Corporation of India, GNS Science, German gas hydrate initiative, <br />
JMH, JAPEX , , ,<br />
가스하이드레이트 사업단 Gas Hydrate R&D Organization. Also smaller private<br />
operators participation: Hydrate Resources Corporation+<br />
• ●2 Coalbed Methane(CBM)/Coal Seam Gas(CSG): Started as coal mine degasification<br />
program for safety in 1980s in US. Natural gas contained in highly<br />
porous coal molecule structure & seams in relation to bacterial<br />
action/generation(speed of CH4 production seem to widely vary by conditions),<br />
also fair volume of Methane would be additionally produced by injecting CO2<br />
into the coal bed which bacteria reduces (removing oxygen) to Methane for<br />
future yield(Golding-Rudolph-Esterle+): (see Abiotic oil p381-386)<br />
141<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Lowest Cost Energy: Clean Under-Utilized Methane<br />
4: CBM/CSG - background<br />
• -->> cont: ■ Under-Utilized Methane: ●2 Coalbed Methane(CBM)/Coal Seam<br />
Gas(CSG):<br />
• As of 2014 close to 2% volume of Natural gas production world wide with US is<br />
more than its 80% share, helped by government back up. Mainstream western<br />
media's CBM availability idea is often about 1/20-100 of Natural gas volume<br />
reserve, but full scientific consensus projects rather on par volume with<br />
conventional Natural Gas: Western media often quotes fringe segment of<br />
mainstream(somehow main media never calls them pseudo<strong>science</strong>) that ignores<br />
massive oil & other hydrocarbon availability world wide at publicly known & less<br />
known sites in order to still advocate peak oil idea.<br />
• Natural gas would be likely gradually shift to CBM in the future as main gas source.<br />
CBM promoters emphasize on it is able to stop methane escaping for carbon foot<br />
print reduction, or gas is actually overall even less emission(sweet gas) containing<br />
than conventionally extracted natural gas, while preventor groups focus on repeat<br />
of fracking water issue etc.<br />
• Some new production areas would be lower cost than existing energy source<br />
despite extra water handling issue: Much shallower depth etc. Different types of<br />
technology (eg altered type hydraulic fracturing is already used in Australia) might<br />
be needed to fully tap its potential. ->> cont<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Lowest Cost Energy: Clean Under-Utilized Methane<br />
5: CBM/CSG Operators, CMM<br />
• -->> cont: ■ Under-Utilized Methane: ●2 Coalbed Methane/Coal Seam Gas:<br />
• Main coal reserve nations have large potential: i.e. US(ConocoPhillips, Consol<br />
Energy, Bill Barrett Corporation+), Canada(Ember Resources, BP Canada+),<br />
Australia(QGC Pty - Shell, Arrow Energy+), Russia is likely to develop only small<br />
volume given current large production of Natural gas(Газпром промгаз Gazprom<br />
Promgaz+), Germany: their definition of CBM & CMM(Coal Mine Methane) is mixed<br />
as a large portion of it comes from closed coal mines(STEAG New Energies+),<br />
India(Essar+), China is likely to have most incentive to develop in mid term with<br />
strong state involvement(PetroChina, China United Coalbed Methane Corporation -<br />
+), while some privates attempt to expand(Green Dragon<br />
Gas, AAG Energy+)<br />
• ●3 Coal Mine Methane(CMM): When coal is mined, methane is emitted & vented as<br />
hazard, but not recovered when yield was inconsistent or mix of other air(20-60%<br />
CH4) etc, but now this "free energy" is starting to get recovered more - this also<br />
makes the gas lowest cost in some situations(Energy Developments, GreenGas<br />
International BV, Shanxi Jincheng Anthracite Coal Mining Group Co Ltd / <br />
+). Often CMM doesn't include high consistently yield<br />
methane streams because it becomes its own well.<br />
143<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Mainstream “<strong>Pseudo</strong>scientific <strong>Free</strong> Energy” claims<br />
• Some were submitted to mainstream Western academic protocol peer review<br />
by Senior Western scientists:<br />
• 1-LENR-<strong>Cold</strong> <strong>fusion</strong>: Low Energy Nuclear Reaction -1989, Heat generates as H2<br />
(hydrogen) in water interacts with catalyst(Ni-nickel, Pd-palladium etc) at<br />
electrolysis when stimulus applied(heat, current, resonance+)(Pons,<br />
Fleischmann), Unexplainable side effects: of helium produced(partly similar to<br />
nuclear <strong>fusion</strong>) but very minute neutron/tritium/x-ray, and no gamma ray<br />
2-Cavitation: Micro bubble <strong>fusion</strong> / Sonoluminescence / Acoustic-ultrasonic<br />
cavitation— 2002, Extract energy from imploding & light emitting bubble in<br />
liquid by acoustic wave excitation, “Semi <strong>science</strong> legal” mechanics(Taleyarkan<br />
et al+)<br />
• ■ Both linked via “solid state <strong>fusion</strong>” phenomena elements<br />
■ Many repeated previous mainstream claims(LENR since 1925, Cavitation<br />
1978, but above were observed by “top mainstream scientists” triggered first<br />
serious review, ■ Mainstream thermonuculear <strong>fusion</strong>: some systems cost<br />
hundreds of million$+/yr(also p177-179), •ICF: Inertial Confinement(US<br />
National Ignition Facility+), •MCF: Magnetic Confinement(ITER- Tokamak, 30+<br />
others) -->>cont:<br />
144<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Mainstream “<strong>Pseudo</strong>scientific <strong>Free</strong> Energy” claims /<br />
Academia's LENR-Cavitation. -vs- tech<br />
• ■ LENR & Cavitation quickly “proven false”, “No results” <strong>fusion</strong>$ criticized,<br />
yet “COP>1” Hydrodynamic + Sonic Cavitation was already commercialized in<br />
Ex-soviet nations(p136) and scientists win national invention award(VN<br />
Kuchin - ВН Кучин «Темир мен Мыс»[Kazakhstan]+)<br />
• ■ Similar physics law breaking mechanics & “anomalies” both at LENR-<br />
Cavitation & Inventor techs, but latter more openly admit<br />
• ■ Past main academics explain similar mechanics(Webb, Kelvin, TJJ See,<br />
Dirac, Kaluza, Faraday, Whittaker, W Crookes, Poynting, Loschmidt, Maxwell,<br />
Myshkin+),<br />
• ■ Presence of Corporate & Gov't project whistle blower inventor types<br />
including gravity field propulsion/gravity control(Bushman, Carol Rosin, Rob<br />
Wood, W Pawalek, J Black, McCandlish, D Morris+).<br />
• 1&2 LENR-Cavitation both seem to have similarity to Inventor tech. As of<br />
2017, only a few of their scientists still ignore inventor type tech believing<br />
there is no validity in non academic peer reviewed data while bulk of them<br />
are suspecting or investigating its link. -->>cont:<br />
145<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR-Cavitation-vs- & Eniology Link 2<br />
• -->>cont: LENR(mainstream "free energy") vs Inventor free energy tech link:<br />
• ■ But almost all of following pages’ inventor type techs were investigated in<br />
depth or developed & a few commercialized(eg Potapov, RI Mustafayev+) by<br />
Russian/ex-Soviet university/institute academic: significant diversity &<br />
academic freedom allowed unlike West(many worry about compromizing<br />
future promotion, not getting grant, or sometimes even losing job when openly<br />
discuss outside of set narrative in scientific "indisputable facts" or even<br />
geopolitical info).<br />
• While data access from West was often restricted, and occasionally quite<br />
suppressive for new technology for political reasons(ЕК Наумов, Kozyrev[likely<br />
due to early stage of psychotronic tech]+), <strong>science</strong> even in Soviet was lot less<br />
compartmentalized & in a way freerer than West.<br />
• Soviet openly affirmed ideas such as Eniology(Эниология) /Bio-Energo-<br />
Informatics(Биоэнергоинформатика): biological nonlocal information<br />
exchange(VP Kaznacheev, Huping Hu+): part of this is now commonly<br />
demonstrated by mentalists/Illusionists in mixture with conventional tricks in<br />
West. This includes idea of physically manifesting effects by mind(psychic<br />
/telekinesis), conventional Kinetic, or electronic means(torsion field) locally &<br />
non locally both as fundamental physics base. >>cont:<br />
146<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
LENR-Cavitation-vs- & Eniology Link 3<br />
• -->>cont: Soviet - Russia & CIS <strong>science</strong>:<br />
Eniology as fundamental physics base was more or less official stance of USSR<br />
Academy of Science in 1980s(ЮА Овчинников, ВН Волченко, NN Bogolyubov, ЕС<br />
Фрадкин, AM Prokhorov+), and currently s]ll a strong Russia's minority<br />
mainstream group a_er western <strong>science</strong>-corporate connected group increased<br />
influence par]cularly a_er 1998(IMF/WB democra]za]on's academic version).<br />
This idea was less developed in China but similar qigong or "paranormal" <strong>science</strong><br />
was spearheaded by top poli]cally connected academics( - Qian Xuesen+)<br />
• At least ]ll around 1993 Russia had official large budgeted technology<br />
development and applica]on for primarily military/intel by use of psychic<br />
technology as integral part of the opera]on(ГГ Рогозин[GG Rogozin], БК<br />
Ра́тников), and as reduced capacity ]ll 2003-6(it is portrayed as pseudo<strong>science</strong> &<br />
waste of money by some groups in Russia[Commission for Comba,ng<br />
<strong>Pseudo</strong><strong>science</strong> & Falsifica,on of Scien,fic Research(p425-429)/ Комиссия по<br />
борьбе с лженаукой и фальсификацией научных исследований, S]ll Claims<br />
<strong>Cold</strong> Fusion LENR as Fraud] in corpora]on with west+).<br />
• But Soviets banned gene,cs, cyberne,cs(rela]on to above Bio-Energo-<br />
Informa]cs, also hypnosis in public in 70s), & non-marxist philosophy/economics<br />
by reasoning “bourgeois pseudo<strong>science</strong>”. Sociological data was also<br />
falsified/classified for counter intel purpose against West.<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
, Ambient Electricity & Counter EMF<br />
• Micro sized private/commercialized use, often multiple mechanics devised<br />
by single inventor: most of following category has 100+ inventors<br />
claims. Also “<strong>science</strong> accepted” section’s tech with “too high energy<br />
extraction to study” versions such as aerial/ground electricity harvester<br />
or self oscillators/self accumulating capacitors are often claimed by same<br />
inventors.<br />
-Non-moving coil - Radiant energy/Ambient Electricity<br />
Inducer(Chernetski, Hendershot, <strong>Tesla</strong>, Baumann,Craig,<br />
Hyde,Thrapp,Adams,Gritskevitch, Moray, J Murray, Hartmann, Flynn, SE<br />
Jones & Kraut, DL Smith, Perez-Torres, PJ Kelly+), Often transformer like<br />
setting of pair(s) of coils with Magnet/Ferromagnetic core or Bifilar coil in<br />
specific position against EM field(opposing, orthogonal+), or Configured to<br />
trigger resonance, or geometry/pairing etc setup to amplify initially<br />
ignorable very weak oscillation to substantial level. Some are simple RLC<br />
circuit type, with separate source & load batteries in circuit.<br />
148<br />
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“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
, Ambient Electricity & Back EMF 2: Academic Status<br />
• -->> -Non-moving coil - Ambient energy,:<br />
• Might involve high voltage + no electricity (p197-217, Relation to Scalar<br />
“wave”, Radionics, Antigravity-:Godin, “Gene altering”: Lu Bürgin+),<br />
• Less disruptive micro electricity generation "out of nothing" has been<br />
discussed by academics particularly in non-Western nations. This claim<br />
is selectively ignored & ridiculed by western scholar and <strong>science</strong><br />
media(p21-23, p36): eg Generation of electricity from limitless thermal<br />
motion of ions across a two dimensional silicon surface at room<br />
temperature(Guoan Tai+) - can make "solarless cell”<br />
• After repeated & on-going demo mainstream debunking in 2016<br />
Commercialization started: Steorn Orbo, but this multi-yr operation<br />
company officially closed down after.<br />
149<br />
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“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
, Ambient Electricity & Back EMF 3: PFC function<br />
-“Magnetic Motor”- often Counter ElectroMotive Force in DC Motor (Back<br />
EMF/CEMF) Harnessed (TechnoKontrol TK Omega RF5000: Ant Romero),<br />
Others(Watson, Schappelle, Kawai, Reed, Heins, Ide, Parendev, Roshcin,<br />
Kenyon,Tracy, Tewari, Reed, Christie & Brit, Steinmetz, Ward, Sumaruck+), This<br />
is more disruptive version of mere CEMF Reduction(Chr Wanlas+) tech.<br />
Antigravity effect might be involved(Cyr Davson & Kar Schappeller+), Used as a<br />
part of circuit as high performance all around Power Factor Correction<br />
device(works for current lag, waveform distortion, harmonic issues, works for<br />
AC power)(Roto Verter: H Torrez+), but actually many devices in this category<br />
functions as "battery power factor corrector" by "optimizing" battery<br />
performance<br />
• Incidentally, Out of Apparent power[total electricity power supplier owns to<br />
sell], Industrial use Reactive Power is often billed as penalty[loss to the power<br />
supplier but not consumed by industrial user ], so this type of Power Factor<br />
Correction $ saving is mainstream approved but "Active Power only<br />
billed"[lost reactive power is uncharged to residential user] residential saving<br />
remains pseudo<strong>science</strong> as this would imply overunity) -->>cont:<br />
150<br />
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“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
, Ambient Electricity & Back EMF 4: <strong>Cold</strong> Electricity<br />
• -->> -“Magne'c Motor”- o/en Counter ElectroMo've Force:<br />
• O"en spinning of magnet imbedded rotor(can be DC pulse 8med - and this type<br />
closely resembles Torsion Field generator[Игорь Громыко+]; p197-241), similar to<br />
monopole magnet(Fauble),which in itself rather simple to make(S Seike - <br />
+) but s8ll pseudo<strong>science</strong>d, while gradually academic level report is allowed to<br />
publish(Tatara & Takeuchi+), <strong>Cold</strong> electricity(supercurrent) harvest by causing<br />
Townsend discharge/Electron avalanche breakdown in open air(MagraZen),<br />
• Can cause weather change(David Wells+), EMF by electron spin at sta8c magne8c<br />
field by 8me-varying magne8za8on in magne8c tunnel junc8on(zinc-blendestructured<br />
MnAs nanomagnet: Pham Nam Hai +)<br />
• ➢Common in & : O"en separate source power, charge, & baZery/capacitor<br />
used, a few need no external power. Bypassing regular “self-cancel dipole power<br />
circuit” in order to keep asymmetry & electron flow, Energy output exceeds input<br />
when reach threshold level,<br />
• ➢O"en claimed anomaly in : mix of Regular & <strong>Cold</strong> electricity:(Obolensky+),<br />
• ●“Electron Vortex” idea: a-Ball lightning as its manifesta8on, b-Electrons can be in<br />
vortex form by default(Tewari+), c-<strong>Tesla</strong> Coil as electron vortex generator,<br />
151<br />
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“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy , Ambient<br />
Electricity & Back EMF 5: Zenneck Wave, Single Wire +<br />
• -->> -Non-moving coil - Ambient energy,: -“Magnetic Motor”:<br />
• ●Positive & Reverse energy: Bulb lights up in water, Whiter light, Rapid battery<br />
charge, Fix some dead batteries, Can be single wire(Zenneck wave relation?, also<br />
see p212,213) & wireless connection, Voltage with 0 current(easy excuse to call it<br />
invalid/mistake since only resistance is measured but no current is measured:<br />
potential only and no vector), Invisible force radiates. Finally commercialization<br />
of long distance wireless power transmission by conventionally undetectable<br />
Zenneck surface wave(non-Hertzian) use(Texzon Technologies+)<br />
• ●Device transforms/extracts ambient-thermal energy as electricity in<br />
endothermic form from environment: Absorbs heat(instead of regular<br />
electricity's dissipating heat), Device can go below 0°C, Scalar "wave" link(p197-<br />
217), Cone-toroid-pyramid shape circuit seems to help(at least pyramid cavity is<br />
known to absorb ambient Far InfraRed-Microwave oscillation very effectively and<br />
resonate inside), Often capacitor based high DC voltage pulse trigger, Spark gap,<br />
Intentional spike/ferroresonance (choking effect, also can happens when reg<br />
current is switched off) starts rapid inflow: sort of like dielectric breakdown when<br />
intensity threshold is past. -->>cont:<br />
152<br />
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“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy , Ambient<br />
Electricity & Back EMF 6: What is This Extra Coming In?<br />
• -->> -Non-moving coil - Ambient energy,: -“Magnetic Motor”:<br />
• Seems to coincide with Electrical Resonance but more than just<br />
impedances cancel each other out: something extra "comes in".<br />
Industrial size ambient electricity production seems to link to<br />
phenomena that is currently under-researched by regular electricity use<br />
mainstream power electronics: resonance/harmonics/spike etc.(though<br />
these mainstream power factor correction is mainly about AC current,<br />
and power generation here is generally DC)<br />
• ●Transverse wave(normal EM wave) vs Longitudinal wave(mainstream<br />
denied) “negative entropy”(negative resistor: Ga Kron+), Macro<br />
equivalent of 100%+ quantum efficiency by multiple-exciton/electron<br />
effect<br />
153<br />
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“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas: Mileage Boosters<br />
-“Overunity” H2-HHO-Brown’s gas production(Klein, Zigorous, Lawton, F<br />
Wells, A Blue, Rhodes, Ste Ryan, Raju, Pantone, Pacheco, S Chambers,<br />
Kanarev, Y Brown, Gre Vezina, Eaton+), Commercialization fully exists mainly<br />
as on-board Hydrogen/HHO generator for combustion enhancing to match<br />
maximum limit in Faraday's laws of electrolysis level: mostly scaled down 10-<br />
25% gas saver(eg HHO HFS Pty, WaterToGas, Hydrotechnix, HodPros,<br />
CVHHO: 200+ companies), Water emulsion fuel combo(Cynergi Holding SA+).<br />
North American mainstream market targeters are finally starting from<br />
Canada with 15-20% range saving while a few still stick to vague tech<br />
explanation(Blutip Power, Empire Hydrogen, dynaCERT, Innovative<br />
Hydrogen+).<br />
• Generally HHO devices produce slightly more overall saving than no<br />
maintenance needed often super low cost/low Capex-Opex Magnetic fuel<br />
treatment(Multimag pl, Fuelmax lv, MAGNETIZAGUA SYLOCIMOL +), Rare<br />
German TÜV passed 15% fuel saving(even if official narrative is<br />
pseudo<strong>science</strong>)(Maratech ag TiziCALOR), Quietly selling to Fortune1000 type<br />
major corps' large scale industrial application(Maxsys Fuel System+) with 5%<br />
saving. -->>cont with on board Hydrogen device comparable "add on"<br />
energy saving devices:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 2: Booster Comparison<br />
• -->>cont: example of on-board HHO energy saving device competitors:<br />
• Same level low cost FarInfraRed(FIR) wave emitting nano ceramic in oil<br />
additive(Ceramic Power Liquid+), or FIR solid state device placed in gas<br />
tank(Moletech biz+), micro EM field/FIR wave of certain "form" by layers of<br />
different electrical potential minerals to augment combustion (Nanotech-beam<br />
SatoCompany+), Vortex intake air flow based fuel saver with 5million+ units<br />
sold claims(Hiclone qld): above non HHO devices seem to be minor 5-15%<br />
range cost reduction at best, but some evidence of further saving when<br />
combined. More minor 3-5% level saving Plasma induced improved<br />
aerodynamics (Plasma Stream),.<br />
• Yet even 10%+ saving fuel additive is still wholly pseudoscientized or ignored by<br />
"trusted" Western Mainstream media/NGO/Gov't for consumer market(many<br />
non-west Govn't approved) while increasingly used by industrial operations<br />
(Mazoil Maz Nitro+), and previously listed "add on" devices in last 2pages are<br />
quietly installed for building/HVAC/lighting and industrial operational<br />
applications by some mainstream ESCO(Energy Service Company) and Energy<br />
Performance engineering companies that guarantee energy saving under<br />
Energy Performance Contract. -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 3:More Disruptive Booster<br />
• Until quite recently, openly explained HHO effects at mainstream level<br />
used to get debunked & companies went out of business in N. America<br />
(CHEC hydrogen+), while they have been getting mainstream support in<br />
Europe(h2gogo, Creoproject+). Now ELSEVIER accepts academic report<br />
that claims HHO gas is saving 50% gas at HCCL (Homogeneous charge<br />
compression ignition) engine - e.g."A new technology to overcome the<br />
limits of HCCI engine through fuel modification"(BW Bahng+).<br />
• Huge price gap with same quality: Non-western major corp.<br />
involved(Norinco+), Rare 30-60%+ saving claims, some standing wave<br />
use(Shinko-Trans, Giriraj Electronics, Watergas.nu+): last company also<br />
claims resonance use low cost Hydrocabon production(also see p381-386),<br />
Even 1% saving is “impossible” in Mainstream West: “cannot save fuel by<br />
making ‘fuel’ from running engine”, due to “unbreakable universal<br />
law”(p194-196), Saltwater Hydrodynamic cavitation based HHO gas<br />
production self sustaining engine combustion process(Ric Aho+)<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 4:Some of Mechanics<br />
• -->>cont: onboard hydrogen generator:<br />
• ■ Typical automobile “HHO fuel cell": 12V powered 6-7 flat stainless<br />
steel plates per “stack”, +- unseparated electrolyzer, assisted by<br />
EFIE(electronic fuel injection enhancer), PWM(pulse width modulator),<br />
MAP(manifold absolute pressure sensor), Distilled water + KOH<br />
electrolyte, Gas “bubbler” etc,<br />
• ■ So far “water only run car”(ie overt Faraday law violation) type<br />
services never continue operation: some claim to have repeated visits<br />
or phone calls & “told not to”(Boyce, Rasmussen, B Williams, S Meyer,<br />
Pantone+). But there appears to be some exceptions recently: one<br />
company's water generator claim matches with numerous historical<br />
characteristic expression of actual tech and might not be fraud(GDS<br />
technologies Canada), and finally core western mainstream linked group<br />
is quietly launching potentially overunity type similar resonance<br />
chamber based hydrogen production(Joi Scientific: T Kennedy & R<br />
Koeneman)<br />
157<br />
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HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 5: 100% Water Run Cars<br />
• ■ 100% water run cars aren’t really by electrolysis?- eg: ●Sympathetic<br />
frequency matching to cause resonance of entire set with standing<br />
wave(similar effect with molecular hydrogen in a LENR patent[Airbus]),<br />
●Dielectric breakdown of water/Rapid dissociation of water by kinetic<br />
electromagnetic resonance occurs under certain conditions. Effect of<br />
resonance/resonant ionic motion to amplify water dissociation or it is<br />
endothermic effect(heat absorbing) by intermolecule EM field fluxing: this is<br />
mainstream <strong>science</strong> accepted effect but largely ignored as academic<br />
topic(Hjelte, Car Stia+), Often claimed to be around 43Khz,<br />
• ●<strong>Cold</strong> electricity by high voltage capacitor spark trigger(p148-153), ●Resonating<br />
cylinder cavity(p171,172), ●Plate gap >cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 6: Related Phenomena<br />
• ■ HHO related water anomalies: High voltage pulsed water can<br />
explode: overunity like & strange phenomena generating Electron<br />
Charge Cluster(A Ilyanok+), similar Shock Electrodialysis(M Bazant, RM<br />
Crooks+), Plasma discharge in SuperCritical Water(Kaz Terashima+),<br />
Electrohydraulic Effect: Water arc plasma, Electrically induced<br />
explosions of water(insufficiently explained by mainstream: Graneau,<br />
Verdoold+): Desalination effect, Generates EM field, double cavitation<br />
shockwaves, ultrasound, ultraviolet, x-ray, Significantly increase rocksoil-peat<br />
nutrient(Cifanskis+) & water permeability to plants, Instantly<br />
alter metal structure, Bonding dissimilar materials, Chemical catalyst+<br />
(Yutkin, Bekaev+),<br />
• It’s used for precision high end manufacturing(eg Bmax, Fujico CPC<br />
process, Trakonta - Траконта +), or from industrial rock to kidney<br />
stone crushing etc. For other possibly torsion field related similar<br />
effect to above, see ●iv Rotating Magnetic Field at p233-237.<br />
-->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 7: Difference from H2<br />
• Other HHO related anomalies: Radioactivity remediation(V<br />
Roth+), More energy than available gas(And Michrowski+),<br />
“Vitalized” water+.<br />
• ■ Range of unconventional effects: Not really hydrogen; Water with<br />
extra H2 bond or electrons?; Burns in vacuum or underwater(no air<br />
intake/exit), Burns sprayed liquid water in open air(linked to Electric<br />
arc having more power in mist/water than in air[Frungel+]),<br />
• Adheres to matter, Pressured back to water, Heavier than<br />
air(hydrogen is much lighter) - can be poured(G Wiseman+),<br />
• Flame is electrical plasma rather than burning, High powered<br />
laser like effect with far lower input: makes metal rust<br />
resistant/glazes concrete(eg Best Korea Brown+), <strong>Cold</strong> flame 130-<br />
280°C (no bond breaks unlike when H2 burns at 2000°C+), Direct<br />
flame doesn’t boil water(B & T Lang+),<br />
• -->>cont:<br />
160<br />
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“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy HHO,<br />
OxyHydrogen Gas 8: Ignored Tungsten Vaporizing<br />
• Range of unconventional effects: Not really hydrogen:<br />
• ■ But Incinerates at 1600°C, Vaporizes Tungsten(3400°C): burns at subatomic<br />
level? Nuclei Superdeformation link?- Ormus connection?(p305-315),<br />
• Disrupts molecule bond(electron breaks off water molecule at matter<br />
reaction causing heat(Eckman+), Implodes in pure form(Suartt,<br />
Knudston+), Mix is Explosive: HHO+H2: can call hydroxy/oxy-hydrogen,<br />
Much higher quality & almost fumeless faster metal cut + alien matter<br />
welding, surface cleaning, ampoule filling etc(Epoch Energy+), “Improved<br />
version” of Injection/Water Shield/Steam Plasma cutting,<br />
• This is similar to Pulsed arc Water Plasma(Мультиплаз-Multiplaz)<br />
effects. Far more gas produced than H2 by same energy, hence much<br />
lower cost.<br />
• ■ Mix well with most conventional liquid & gas fuels in industrial boilerfurnace(eg<br />
Aquygen+)+: Cut emission(50-85%+, less effective on NOx), Engine<br />
& exhaust system cleaner(eg E&E HHO+), more power, -->>cont:<br />
161<br />
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's<br />
HHO, OxyHydrogen Gas 9: Ohmasa Gas<br />
• ■ Rare but consistent similar detailed claims exists & debunking methods on<br />
water only run cars when both debunkers and claimants are fully investigated(S<br />
Meyer, Dingle, Cornish,Yogev, Garret, Leaich, Estevel, Waqar Ahmed, Valentin,<br />
Mohd Ali, Abd Shukor, M Suematsu, Khan, P Lowrie, Rusetel, Bordeianu, Ghu<br />
Sarwar, TP Edirisinghe, Purushottam Pipaliya, Ricardo Azevedo +),<br />
• Specific mechanics itself differs with mostly same phenomena or side effects<br />
even though inventors don’t necessarily have direct communication each other.<br />
Also there are numerous “non credible” witnesses as well as credible<br />
ones(government officer, doctor etc), some can run with dirty water, most insist<br />
on resonance as key element.<br />
• Sub form HHO: Ohmasa Gas:<br />
Acoustic vibration produced instead of electrolysis: "clustered HHO”, Flame<br />
700°C(H2: 2700°C) but burns Tungsten(boiling point 5555°C,) Becomes Liquid at<br />
-180°C(O2:-183°C H2:-240°C, Can replace H2 in Hydrogen Fuelcell with 5-7%<br />
additional energy, combines with CO2 to burn and mostly "consume" CO2 after<br />
combustion):quietly backed up by AIST/NEDO, Tokyo Univ(most conservative<br />
elite school in Japan, also influencer to JAEC[Ohmasa gas debunker due to its<br />
claim of radiation remediation effect]), Tokyo Institute of Technology etc(i.e.<br />
mainstream accepted in Japan while HHO is still fraud in many western ally<br />
countries). >>cont:<br />
162<br />
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“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy HHO,<br />
OxyHydrogen Gas 10: Ohmasa Gas in Propane Tank<br />
• >>cont: Sub form HHO: Ohmasa Gas:<br />
• At least 2 times energy equivalent gas output from original use of energy to<br />
produce(closed system overunity). Also can be mixed with H2 to decrease its<br />
volatility & fast leakage tendency. Much reduced risk of explosion compared to<br />
hydrogen, Can run combustion engine in vacuum/space, Easy low cost<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
<strong>Cold</strong> Plasma Pulse 1: Relation to Other Techs<br />
-Plasma or “Virtual power” Inducer-Exploder-Imploder with inert/noble<br />
gas/water inside(Papp, Britt, Rohner, Ke Rauen, Ray, Correa, Clem,<br />
Pantone, Schaeffer, Neil, Valkinburg+):<br />
• Vacuum-Ambient energy, EM pulse, or some resonating thrust power<br />
extracted in a container/engine/cavity, to exert power with or without<br />
moving parts, Vortex energy?, Joe Cell link(Booker, P Stevens+), Einstein<br />
had initial Reich’s Orgone energy confirmation(anomalous effect<br />
accompanied micro current & electric field self generation by specific<br />
combination of conductor & dielectric material) but further exploration<br />
stopped(Mallove+),<br />
• Often MHD(MagnetoHydroDynamics)/LMMHD(Liquid Metal) resembled<br />
mechanics: some kind of ionization/excitation/plasmafication/scalar<br />
wave energy of inert gas is involved. Exact mix ratio of<br />
Water/Air/Steam/Oil/ or various Noble gases is used as “energy substrate”<br />
in closed container, Also “activated Nitrogen” can be used?(RJ Strutt+),<br />
-->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
<strong>Cold</strong> Plasma Pulse 2: How It Works<br />
• -a Often works as rapid compress-expand cycle pulse(also ionized<br />
noble/inert gas emits bio enhancing light/scalar type & EM waves<br />
simultaneously:J Jirard, Or Fitz+) in sealed or pressured fuel less<br />
engine setup: ion oscillated, triggered plasma energy from Zeropoint<br />
field? Electron Charge Cluster(oxymoron?)?, But electrons attracting<br />
each other at superconductivity state is <strong>science</strong> legal(Cooper pair+),<br />
LENR-Cavitation-HHO link(K Shoulders, Jin, Fox+),<br />
• -b Use of extra “non linearity” type power just like happens with<br />
water hammer-cavitation in steam/water system?, Usually this<br />
phenomena causes design to be adjusted or use extra energy to<br />
eliminate the effect, instead of extracting this explosive free energy.<br />
• -c Some have mutli-layered resonant cylinder: collect “power” & send<br />
to engine<br />
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“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
Compressed Air/Vortex Air & Water: 1 How It Works<br />
-Some Air Vacuum/Compressed Air or Steam Engine, Temperature<br />
Gap Amplified (Heat)Energy Exchanger/Vortex Tube/Hydrodynamic<br />
Cavitation Heater, Hydraulic pumps claim occasional “perpetual<br />
motion” depended on run(Ler Rogers, Frenette, Minto, Davey, Yeter,<br />
Pope, Eskeli, Cahill, R Meyers, Truitt, Willimczik, <strong>Tesla</strong>, Hill, Karimov,<br />
Troyan, Von Platen, Azarov, Alexeiv, Obadan, many other Russian/Soviet<br />
leading civilian and military scientists+), a few are consistently overunity,<br />
• Similar to without plasma, Often involves abrupt change in cavity:<br />
pressure vs vacuum, air flow, oscillation, temperature. Also released air<br />
evaporation, or cold air. System is low maintenance with less moving<br />
parts, Ambient heat converted to mechanical motion(Ke Rauen+),<br />
Anomalous “gap” in energy used vs harvested to break LOTD (Low Of<br />
Thermo Dynamics)? Also if calculated airflow kinetic energy recovery of<br />
some devices, it breaks Benz Law: SheerWind-INVELOX (Allaei). Can<br />
involve steam or venturi, -->cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
's<strong>Free</strong> Energy Compressed Air/Vortex Air<br />
& Water 2: HydroDynamic Cavitation, Ion Heater etc<br />
• —>>continued-<br />
-Compress air-Hydrodynamic Cavitation:<br />
• ■ Active full commercialization: Disguised but practically free either<br />
power generation or hot water(eg FlowGroup), COP>1 heaters: Ion<br />
Heater(Stafor+), Similar results with Vortex Induction Boiler(Юрле-К<br />
Yurle), Vacuum Radiator(Отопление-ГВС.РФ).<br />
• ■ Cavitation/Hydrosonic devices: eg Fisonic(pump resonated by<br />
geometric two flow mix, similar to Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube),<br />
Warmbotruff, Graviton-M, ДЭВА Dewa Pulse etc (spinning<br />
rotor/water to pulse) feature overunity pressure or heat, Western<br />
based companies also claim(Cavitation Energy Systems+), but most of<br />
them no longer publicize it(Hydro Dynamics, ECOP Wärmepumpe+),<br />
Space type use “superconductive” heat pipe: eg Qu Tube (NASA),<br />
-->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
's<strong>Free</strong> Energy Compressed Air/Vortex Air<br />
& Water 3: COP Interpretation Controversy<br />
• —>>continued- -Compress air-Hydrodynamic Cavitation:<br />
• ■ COP ISSUE(Coefficient of Performance, 1:1 is unity = “100% efficiency”):<br />
But when efficiency is measured based on affected area(eg COP on Flash<br />
Evaporation Cooling), commonly sold air conditioning-fridge-heat pump<br />
efficiency goes COP>3(300%) as “official common sense”, some 6 to 8:<br />
This area seems highly fudged under a disguise of "ambient energy" and<br />
energy generation link seems to be avoided by mainstream, while<br />
electric power based mainstream group produced MAGNETOCALORIC<br />
refrigerator(Cooltech Applications+) might have same level of overunity<br />
efficiency,<br />
• Also note there has been a same tech refrigerator commercial ready<br />
announcement by mainstream Japanese companies since 2006 but will<br />
they be finally allowed to put it on market?- Toshiba, Chubu Electric[COP<br />
4+]+). All of these effects seem to be fudged to justify Thermodynamic<br />
2nd law(or its interpretation)with selectively applied incoherent logic:<br />
this category techs seem to include conversion of this overunity into<br />
continuous mechanical motion.<br />
168<br />
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's<strong>Free</strong> Energy Compressed Air/Vortex Air<br />
& Water 4: Bending 2 nd Law of ThermoDynamics?<br />
• ->>cont.- -Air Vacuum/Compressed Air Engine, Heat Exchanger etc on<br />
overunity element:<br />
• ■ Technically, if COP>5 heat device is combined-looped with already<br />
existing >20% efficiency Solid state heat-to-electricity recovery device,<br />
then it would end up creating "energy out of nothing": ThermoElectric,<br />
ThermoAcoustic, ThermoPhotoVoltaic etc(p56-68)<br />
• ■ Same way as in heat pumps, another overunity Population Inversion(Thz<br />
Ultrafast EM Pulse link, E Paspalakis+) is also openly "allowed" by LOTD; in<br />
Laser(Optical Cavity Resonance: OCR) it is even precondition and OCR<br />
standing wave based <strong>Free</strong> Electron Laser can accompany Superradiance<br />
("collectiveness over unity"), but again power generation by such element<br />
use is mostly mainstream avoided. What if we call earlier section’s<br />
“magnetic motor” as "Magneto Thermodynamic Population Inversion"?<br />
• ■ ”Advanced No-leak” Hydraulic Ram(TG Allen[Hydrautomat],<br />
Kutienkov+/no incoming water pressure) water lifter, used in mainstream<br />
till 1930s -->>cont:<br />
169<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
's<strong>Free</strong> Energy Compressed Air/Vortex Air<br />
& Water 5: Closed System 2 nd Law Insistence<br />
• ->>cont.- -Air Vacuum/Compressed Air Engine, Heat Exchanger etc on<br />
overunity element:<br />
• Deemed by some as part of core mechanics in category-<br />
A-“Temperature gap of outside device vs thermodynamic pressure vortex cycle<br />
inside”, “1st & 2nd LOTD contradiction”, “Perpetual motion of second kind”<br />
effects, эффект Крапивина (Krapivina effect), Part of mainstream in Russian<br />
physics(Smenkovsky, Kosinov, Filippov, Tsyolkovskiy, Oparin, Yakovlev, Lazarev,<br />
Buynov, AV Shubnikov+), others(Kondepudi+).<br />
• If it is Thomson Effect, why compressed heated air released is cooler than preinserted<br />
temperature?, COP>1 by “Compressed air + heat created”. Kinetic<br />
energy by ambient heat & pressure(S Robertson, J Scott, Lindemann+), At right<br />
pressure & geometry, overunity steam heat/pressure is norm(Sychikov+)<br />
• B-”Unseen energy” tends to “show up” or flow from low or negative pressure,<br />
voltage etc to high, or at vortex outer to centre(Schauberger, H Iijima+): these<br />
long debunked claims are finally starting to be mainstream acknowledged as<br />
Rotational Superradiance in water vortex. Vortex flow or rapid ambience gap<br />
sneaks in vacuum energy by “leaking through“ space?<br />
170<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
Reactionless Drive 1: Multiple Spacer Users<br />
-Some of Reactionless, Propellantless Drive tech claims overunity effect<br />
(Shawyer[EM Drive - China Academy of Space Technology: CAST], He Serrano,<br />
Menshikov, Tajmar, Gui Fetta[Cannae drive: Cannae Inc-NASA]), also NASA<br />
claims part of laser in resonance chamber seems to travel superluminally -<br />
producing "warp bubble"? - Linked to Time Dilation, Ath Nassikas<br />
(Superconducting Thruster, works only at >cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
Reactionless Drive 2: How It Works<br />
• Matter can move with no external input when asymmetric momentum of<br />
virtual photon enables vacuum to generate a net directional force(Al<br />
Feigel+), while mainstream accepted Magneto Optic Effect shows<br />
different energy level depends on circular polarized light's spin<br />
direction(asymmetrical/non-reciprocal effect): Faraday Rotation.<br />
Mechanics using “vacuum fluctuations of virtual plasma”? = Zeropoint<br />
Energy(ZPE), Electrokinetic force?,<br />
• ■ Additionally “pseudoscientific” by breaking conservation of momentum<br />
“law”: Propulsion by asymmetry(unbalanced forces) of geometry cavity or<br />
magnetic field flow.<br />
• ■ Also directly links to other inventor type free energy mechanics or<br />
vacuum energy extraction theoretical modelling(Da Cole, R Forward+), like<br />
Cavity Quantum ElectroDynamics(drives quantum computer), Stochastic<br />
ElectroDynamics (allows quantum effect on classical environmentgenerates<br />
"geo-economically incorrect scientific effects": room temp<br />
superconductivity, or Scalar wave relation[p197-217] etc). Due to top<br />
Western institutions like NASA publisized results on it, there appears to be<br />
"damage control" effort by mainstream media/blog for debunking<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
Gravity Based<br />
-Gravity or Centrifugal Force/Inertia + Magnet(motor)(Dal Simpson, Ren<br />
Ribeiro, Ewert, Cha Campbell, J Bedini, Rutowski, V Milkovic, AlKhooss,<br />
Ucros, PK Raghuprasad+), Practical some large size various models<br />
exist(eg 20x7x10m piston type) but no open commercialization.<br />
• Requires precision: timing, weight balance, some by “gravity shielding”,<br />
Also SMOT - Simple Magnetic Overunity Toy model(G Watson, Finsrud+)<br />
type “perpetual motion” in closed loop displayed but low cost energy<br />
generator is currently impractical,<br />
• Also rather rare Gravitational Induction in Form of Electricity-(H William<br />
Wallace, ME Boyd+) similar to ambient energy extraction(p148-153)<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
H2O( > 50%)Emulsion Fuel 1: Various Types<br />
-Some Hydrocarbon-Water Emulsion Fuel Techs claim 50 to almost 100%<br />
of H2O as fuel, i.e. water burns, not mere disperser/atomizer: C+H2O --><br />
CO+H2, or HHO Cavitation/HHO tech link(Pillai, Dellschau, R Gunnerman,<br />
VS Afanasyev, Capra, Franch, Enricht, Al Globus, Cottell, Chambrin, Kurata,<br />
Hommoh, Baranov+), Diesel is easier, Often produced on site, not premade,<br />
Some can be also used as catalyst, Rare high level academic claimed<br />
photocatalytic & nanobubble in<strong>fusion</strong> based emulsion itself causes<br />
CO(reduced CO2) & H2 mix to be "copied" to hydrocarbon(Tad Imanaka,<br />
p383,384).<br />
• Active full commercialization is limited to low end level 50-75% water mix<br />
(eg Fukai Soken, Eneco-hd+), while HHO energy experimenter community<br />
endorsed 90%+ water claim by acoustic emulsion is unclear for its exact<br />
availability(H2 Global: Wal Jenkins), Some superior tech companies<br />
attempt mainstream penetration with 50% range water mix product &<br />
abruptly change course(Next Alternative inc+), brought anger from<br />
establishment?, 30%+ emission cut - less effective than HHO(p154-163),<br />
-->>cont:<br />
174<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
-“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
H2O( > 50%)Emulsion Fuel 2: Participation by Majors<br />
• ->>cont.- - Hydrocarbon - Water Emulsion Fuel:<br />
■ Emulsion is well funded academic research for almost all relevant<br />
applications(except almost non-existent for emulsion fuel in most of<br />
west). Discrete large corporate/diesel backing/own development:<br />
Kawasaki Hvy, NYK etc. Less discrete: Caterpillar has been most openly<br />
active in sponsoring emulsion fuel including paradigm changing<br />
"pseudoscientific range 50%+ water" types which was retracted from<br />
market quickly: A-55(R Gunnerman). Rare event for major Fortune 500<br />
corporate to officially involve.<br />
• Actually this inventor also produced 70-80% water version, with<br />
requirement for engine modification- but this engine design issue comes<br />
back to numerous engineer inventions with 50-200%+ more efficient<br />
engines that are shelved: see p45 - major mainstream taboo to research.<br />
And from Gunnerman invention lineage, only Gas+Oil mix 10% fuel saving<br />
new composite fuel was allowed to commercialize fully(Advanced Refining<br />
Concepts). -->>cont:<br />
175<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
H2O( > 50%)Emulsion Fuel 3: Emulsify Method<br />
• ->>cont.- - Hydrocarbon - Water Emulsion Fuel:<br />
Various combo mechanics for fuel making, Sometimes differ from <strong>science</strong> legal<br />
emulsion:<br />
• ➢ Mechanical: ●High pressure, ● Nanobubble, ● Sonic & Hydrodynamic<br />
Cavitation (venturi, including high pressure homogenizer) & spraying, ● Simply<br />
repeating emulsion process with each time 50% water addition with same<br />
combustion power per unit, ● Sub-SuperCritical water treatment based<br />
“instant” emulsion(water becomes superlow dielectric constant to easily mix<br />
with non-polar solvent), ● Acoustic, ● Often seems to be one step double<br />
emulsion Water-in-oil-in-water(w/o/w), (o/w/o), or Gas in water in oil(g/w/o),<br />
(g/o/w) - even multiple types,<br />
• ➢ EM wave: ● Magnetization, ● Electrolysis, ● Resonance, ● Lenard Effect, ●<br />
Torsion “information wave”, ● Rotating Magnetic Field, ● FIR irradiation or<br />
emitting ceramic, ● Photo excitation/photocatalysis<br />
• ➢ Others: ● Minerals, ● Plant polymer or some kind of nano-micelle(Tannic<br />
acid, Saponin mix+), ●Bioceramic process, ●Water-fuel bonder,<br />
• Some claim direct water-fuel co-feeding, or ”transmuting” water to fuel,<br />
176<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
Aneutronic & Conventional Fusion 2: Involved Groups<br />
-Super Compact Fusion: Dense Plasma Focus/Lawrenceville Plasma<br />
Physics(Lerner), Infra cost 0.1% of mainstream <strong>fusion</strong>, no radiation(same as<br />
ambient), use Boron, no H2 isotope, Inventor tech link, US Navy backing,<br />
Almost mainstream accepted, Experimental success results since ’09, yet<br />
difficulty getting funds, Other aneutronic <strong>fusion</strong>: Bussard- EMC2 success<br />
shelved?, Russia involved private US company big name funded Tri Alpha:<br />
really only 0.5milli second sustained <strong>fusion</strong>?,<br />
• Long sustained <strong>fusion</strong> including conventional thermonuclear with suspected<br />
possibility for Net Energy Gain(Max Planck Institute: Wendelstein 7-X[uses<br />
combined mobius strip like Stellarator], Lockheed Martin- Farnsworth link, B<br />
Maglich: Migma cell, Chinese Institute of Physical Science: Experimental<br />
Advanced Superconducting Tokamak+),<br />
• Official Energy Positive: National Ignition Facility(NIF US) in 2014 is often<br />
quoted as first time ever, but JAERI/JAEA(Japan)/Hitachi/Toshiba had<br />
repeatable & sustainable practically Q=1.25 success at ITER JT-60 since 1998<br />
but often interpreted as invalid due to actual tritium was not used. Improved<br />
JT-60SA(inductive coil, longer pulse) is officially under construction since 2013<br />
till 2019(as of Feb 2016 still 10% incomplete) -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
Aneutronic & Conventional Fusion 2: Q>1<br />
• -->>cont: -Super Compact Fusion: JAERI/JAEA:<br />
Note new JAERI/JAEA system is being built to test how long it can gain<br />
energy continuously with how much more than Q>1.25, not to test<br />
whether if it can produce more energy than input. European JET had<br />
unofficial success in 2004? but then shutdown for major upgrades...<br />
• Considering Western mainstream debunking/selective ignoring of<br />
overwhelming accumulating evidence of economically disruptive non<br />
mainstream LENR or Fusion like mechanics since 1925, even Huemul<br />
Project(R Richter) in 1950s Argentina could have also achieved Q>1 <strong>fusion</strong>?<br />
• Other types with large funding are not reported to have net energy gain:<br />
Various magetized types etc. Even home made sustained <strong>fusion</strong> itself can<br />
be made, particularly low powered super compact Fusors(Farnsworth<br />
invention),(Jam Edwards, Ta Wilson+). Other types: eg Dusty Nano<br />
Fusion(Gyö Egely)+<br />
-->cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
<strong>Free</strong> Energy Aneutronic & Conventional Fusion<br />
3: Disruptive Side-Research Possibility?<br />
• -->>cont: -Super Compact Fusion: JAERI/JAEA:<br />
• Also given various anomalous pseudoscientific effects often claimed, &<br />
continuing very expensive funding of largely non-performing projects at<br />
facilities, it might be reasonable to speculate <strong>fusion</strong> research is partially or<br />
mainly involving, unofficial Pure Fusion explosion/plasma blooming<br />
type(weapon) or hyper-dimensional physics experimentation by testing<br />
various high powered rotating plasma/non-neural plasma type<br />
effects(exaggerated effect of rotating lights[p438 δ] or microplasma,<br />
rotating magnetic field[p233-239]) : "manipulation of spacetime fabric".<br />
• Miniature version of CERN LHC capability(informally confirms extradimension<br />
portal but refers to be only by collision[Mik Lamont+], not by<br />
rotation)(Aref'eva & Volovich, also other non Western nations'<br />
mainstream scientists admit, while Western peers deny)?<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
Floating Air + Gravity<br />
-Underwater Air Buoyancy Power Generator, “Pneumohydraulic” Engine:(J<br />
Kwok, GM Singh, Ribero, Dobrokhotov, Grigoriev, Schrade, Elistratov, W Travis,<br />
Spiteri-Sargent+)Often large sized 5-30m Water tank(s) in height, Repeat cycles<br />
of air container floating- sinking(Air input at the bottom in a container, which<br />
floats up & release air at the top, then weight causes container to sink by<br />
gravity: with successive chain linked containers),<br />
• Other types include air floatation mechanism use water pump to generate water<br />
fall - under which water turbine is placed for power generation etc. Energy<br />
output-input ratio 3 to 20:1, Air heating/cooling or compression-expansion<br />
elements might be involved, or ambient energy sneaks in like compressed air<br />
engines?<br />
• Non western mainstream endorsed; Science legal except its over-unity, even<br />
ultra mainstream Energy Globe Award winning!(Gozo-Spiteri below), this news<br />
is naturally completely ignored along with similar prior examples by main<br />
media/academia/enviro NGOs, presumably due to economy/business<br />
consideration background, but even left out by many “free energy” research<br />
groups. This mechanics’ claims are far less attempted compared to other<br />
“utterly <strong>science</strong> illegal” techs, Active commercialization & pilot projects(eg Rosch<br />
Innovations, Spiteri-Wasserpumpe+)<br />
-->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
Others/Ambient Air-Energy Types<br />
- Other mechanics don’t fit to to category; Less replicated, some<br />
<strong>science</strong> legal(also p8-35): Ambient energy types:<br />
a-Crystal/geometry/pyramid electro inducer (Trawoeger, Grandics+),<br />
b-Graphene & Carbon nanotube(CNT) generator,<br />
c-Alpha Voltaics: α-particle emitter isotope cell(M Meyer, Mace+),<br />
d-Negative Static Resistance Self Oscillator(Sweet+), Electrical Soliton<br />
Oscillator (D Ricketts+), Gyrator or Negative Impedance Converter can<br />
generate power(T Kuipere, Gra Gunderson+),<br />
• e-EM wave to power converter & charge battery, often Barium Titanate<br />
use(DeGeus, M Reid+), f- Aerial static-ground current flow<br />
extractor/Ambient Electrostatic Motor(Lea, Britten, Matchett, Plauson+),<br />
“illegal” high power version of tree/earth only battery or atmospheric<br />
electricity extraction, g-Self heating resonating or electricity amplifying solid<br />
or layered ceramic(Win Lambertson+), h-Given # of “free energy” claims by<br />
plasma, vortex, cavity resonance, pulse, flow dynamics, too few MHD<br />
claims(Gritskevitch+): classified for weather mod/space weapon/air-liquid<br />
flow & shockwave control(JP Petit+)? -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
“ <strong>Pseudo</strong> Science” <strong>Free</strong> Energy<br />
Others/Water Types<br />
• —>Cont: - Other mechanics:<br />
Water types: *some of below are mainstream academic virtually accepted*<br />
a-Instant H2(also p52,53): Sealed inert gas chamber with Amalgam-Alluminium<br />
based alloy(ER Anderson), Ceramic membrane(Bakhir), Monopole magnet<br />
(Ehrenhaft), Nano Geometric shape Aluminium (S Khanna* +) +, b-Urine<br />
(NH2)2CO or Saltwater Na++Cl-+ H2O “overunity" gas(Gamgee+),<br />
• c-Sun light using 24hr working battery: ci-Galvanic-corrosion-overunity water<br />
cell(Cater+), “self charge-separation” water effect, unlike most Water Powered<br />
Clocks, cii-Bat Gen: Melanine based photo-electrochemical self-renewable<br />
cell(Solis-Herera),<br />
• d-Magnesium-saltwater battery charger(Greenivative Super G-Mag),<br />
e-Hydrodynamic cavitation electrical generator(Grander+), f-10,000volt Lenard<br />
Effect(Kelvin*+)- linked to ElectroHydroDynamic Electrospray aerosol charge &<br />
ElectroScavenge - Electro<strong>Free</strong>zing effect based weather modification,<br />
g-Resonance water pump(Bentley, Bellocq, Dickinson+) gauges more water<br />
lifting than energy applied, h-Magnetic-vacuum water freezer/boiler at room<br />
temp.(I Siegel+)<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
World Trend; When Starts Establishing<br />
New Tech.. 1: Mainstream Response<br />
• ■ "<strong>Free</strong> energy" demo usually witnessed, some thoroughly tested by<br />
mainstream scientists on personal or military/aerospace/intel capacity,<br />
not academic capacity, using high-bandwidth digital oscilloscope+.<br />
• Pulse triggered device or cold electricity is difficult to measure its<br />
performance, Most of volt & amp meter only claims quickly found to be<br />
errors(PG Bailey+), but a few turn out “unexplainable”, Then testing<br />
scientists avoid public comment or say “It appears the effect is true”.<br />
Local media or sometimes even national media covers positively: “This<br />
will change the world, Surely Nobel prize if real !”- but often never<br />
reported by media again.<br />
• ■ After first positive reporting, Inventor tech blanket debunker & lab<br />
duplication failure is often exclusively quoted(success ignored) even in<br />
many alternative energy groups, ■ These events are almost ALWAYS<br />
ignored by high ranking "reputable" tenured mainstream academics that<br />
allows peer review; ”perpetual motion or energy is against physics law”,<br />
“if it’s real we would’ve known it within last 200yrs+, hence such effect<br />
cannot exist”. Yet recently increasingly reviewed under unofficial<br />
capacities or media ignored capacities.<br />
183<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
World Trend; When Starts Establishing<br />
New Tech.. 2: Debunking Methods<br />
• <strong>Free</strong> energy researchers(Vesperman, Bearden, C Walter, Frazier, Loder, Aftergood,<br />
Tutt, Joe Garbon, RA Nelson, D Kenyon, J Manning, L Pea, Bird, Germano, PJ Kelly, Don<br />
Kelly, Decker, O’Leary, Elswick, Jo Eisen, S Hasslberger, Br Ostrowski, Jam Robey +)<br />
finds typical scenario when inventors attract investor funds for mass production:<br />
• ■ Suddenly investigated as tax/Securities and Wire Fraud(US) due to “complaints”, or<br />
Impostors using inventor name with false claims(Two common phenomena occurs at<br />
attempted commercialization), Assets seized, Fines, Active follow up by debunkers<br />
often specialized in discrediting any claims divert from non-mainstream narrative.<br />
Also in timely way, it's not uncommon(statistically significantly higher)<br />
inventors/researchers gets charged for under aged molesting, embezzlement, or<br />
various other types of fraud & media highlights this by emphasing the connection of<br />
fraud and invention.<br />
• ■ Mainstream authority & “grass roots” coordinated frequent criminal charges,<br />
“confirmed” mental disease labelling, or scandals against “pseudo<strong>science</strong>”<br />
energy/medical is statistically unusually common when succeed(K Trudeau, Web<br />
Kehr, P Binzel, W Travis+). Same event occurs when high public/corporate rank or<br />
media person etc “does not go along with overall plan”: some of this is a part of<br />
classified standard Intel used practise?(Austin Fitts, Je Ventura, Joe Nacchio, Sus<br />
Lindauer, Jo Rappoport+)<br />
•<br />
184<br />
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World Trend; When Starts Establishing<br />
New Tech.. 3: Media Response<br />
• ■ Valid legal process if define “pseudo <strong>science</strong>” as hoax-scam, or fake<br />
charges as “real” which seems to be a std process of mainstream<br />
group in certain cases if not necessarily tech related(Kirakou+),<br />
• For more prominent ones; National media calls it as<br />
“pseudo<strong>science</strong>”, & investors/local media stops interviewing, or<br />
media starting to quote "superstore of debunking"<br />
organizations/websites(they specialize in debunking practically<br />
everything not aligned with western mainstream narrative from<br />
geopolitics to <strong>science</strong>: eg Rational wiki, CSICOP+): even not<br />
considering who might be funding those, would organized<br />
pathological skepticism at work?(LD Leiter+), Inventor helpers start<br />
fighting, funds/equipments/documents start missing, Inventor tech<br />
backers also warned as financial-industrial security threat by<br />
(un)identified groups<br />
185<br />
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Trend; When Starts Establishing New Tech.. 4<br />
• ->> cont; free energy commercialization prosecuted:<br />
Suddenly classified as national security risk; Tech confiscation(generally<br />
appear to be by Govn’t division, Intelligence agency, Private security company,<br />
Unidentified armed group, or SWAT team) with or without warrant, told to go to<br />
jail etc if discuss this event/technology, Police & media usually ignore<br />
intervention request(in some way justifiable, but process criteria, decision<br />
maker, responsibility, exact involved party unclear), this occurs world wide, not<br />
just in West, but happening less and less recently: reduced debunking or<br />
suppression of disruptive technology is observed in most industries.<br />
• Even most heavily information selected Western mainstream medical now is<br />
showing signs of slightly releasing its grip: Conventional medical journal is<br />
allowing previously rejected alternative medical journal's peer reviewed aboveconventional<br />
cure result articles, while previously only debunking articles were<br />
allowed, and Google Scholar search engine is now including academic<br />
documents of peer reviewed “pseudoscientific or pseudomedical journals’” far<br />
beyond mainstream tech experimental results, ranging from “free energy tech”<br />
to nonlocal psychic healing even as Western publishers(Mary Ann Liebert Inc, +),<br />
while even those non western ones descrdibed by mainstream west as "corrupt"<br />
or predatory publisher(OMNICS+). Also US intel is increasingly making<br />
previously onsite only available documents voluntarily available on line quite<br />
recently. -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
World Trend; When Starts Establishing<br />
New Tech.. 5: Research Funds, Patents, New Trend<br />
• ->> cont; free energy commercialization prosecuted: For more prominent<br />
ones;<br />
With/without patent, large energy users, not producers(eg Oil), tend<br />
to buy inventions, Their own free type tech invention disappears (eg<br />
Hamburg at Ford, G Low at NASA +), Some inventors continue,<br />
without commercialization, micro private based use,<br />
Litigation, Research funds run out, Order/supply cancels, patent<br />
bought, hired by military-intel or certain corporation(under non<br />
disclosure secrecy agreement), etc+, But now changing: Although<br />
mainstream ridiculed or ignored, recently non electromagnetic(non<br />
scalable type or only partial free energy device) are increasingly allowed<br />
to fully commercialize with no prosecution or strange<br />
accidents/scandal.<br />
• Some researches of both mainstream/fringe type firmly conclude<br />
"suppression" comes only/mostly from oil companies but this doesn't<br />
often seem to apply:<br />
187<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
World Trend; When Starts Establishing<br />
New Tech.. 6: Oil Company Response<br />
• ->> cont; free energy commercialization prosecuted: For more prominent ones;<br />
• ● In Western situation often energy using companies or energy unrelated<br />
NGOs behave to stunt research/commercialization, or purchase & shelve it,<br />
while even opposite; ie promotion of free energy- is observed for<br />
smaller/private Western oil companies(Ton Craddock[Craddock engineering<br />
inc]+), some claim they are promoting but at the same time subverting after all<br />
with slight disinfo or other subtle means("Steven J Smith"+)<br />
• ● Large Western oil companies actually tend to fund/develop low cost energy<br />
tech and disruptive inventions seem to be patented and shelved, while mildly<br />
effective types are commercialized. Western military & contractor companies<br />
behaves similarly.<br />
• ● Non-Western state owned large oil companies seem to nurture wide range<br />
of low cost energy techs including "pseudo<strong>science</strong>" & fund their research(eg:<br />
Indonesia, Malaysia, Venezuela, Iran, UAE, even Western ally Saudi Arabia etc).<br />
● Discouragement of super low cost energy tech(while promoting conventional<br />
alternative energy) seems to be rather coming form Western based network of<br />
some large corporate groups working together with various levels of Govn't,<br />
Intelligence Agencies, Private Security companies, Western Oil companies,<br />
NGOs, Media etc. 188
World Trend; When Starts Establishing<br />
New Tech.. 7: Witnesses? Frauds?<br />
• Rare cases of prominent politicians, scientists, personnel, magicians vow to<br />
testify for validity of invention(<strong>Tesla</strong>, Moray, Adam Trombly[UN delegates],<br />
Newman, Gray, Br DePalma, T G Allen, H Coler, Rand Mills, Tewari+)<br />
• Actual fraudulent "free energy" case seems more likely with no tech details<br />
given/independent auditing, no inventor face photo/name/address/video<br />
interview publicized:<br />
• a- Fake web sales, b-Valid inventor stretching claims /<br />
$mismanagement, c-“Grass roots” or fake invention(sometimes<br />
incomplete invention claiming to be fully operational) that might<br />
discredit/divert entire free energy movement(ignored by usual tech<br />
invention replicators), d-High profile group in “free energy” community<br />
collect$ to purchase/develop new tech yet keep postponing/shelving<br />
it.<br />
• Yet small # of emerging high profile groups seem to function coherently<br />
not only for “tech disclosure” but for whole geo-econo-social open system<br />
movement with little influence by Western mainstream(eg Thrive<br />
movement+)<br />
189<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
<strong>Free</strong> Energy Challenge: Quest to Meet Academic<br />
Protocol 1: Example of Gravity Tech Witness & History<br />
• Similarly, scientists assure en masse non-existence of gravity field tech(also<br />
see p374-379), ignoring several 100s of official military/engineer testimony<br />
of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena(UAP) evidence without investigation,<br />
citing indication never exists(Ri Haines, Weygandt, Keyhoe, N Pope, De<br />
Brouwer, Jo Callahan, Lovekin, Guerra, La Warren, WB Smith, Hillenkoetter,<br />
Nat Twining, D Phillips, Ch Halt, Ro Salas, Er Walker, Symington, Pa Jafari, R<br />
Dedrickson+), Some of favorite Western mainstream's debunking lines are<br />
"not repeatable", "it should fly over or land on Whitehouse", while some<br />
repetitive appearance events including flying over US Whitehouse did<br />
happen & ignored retroactively(1952 Washington incident - Robertson<br />
Panel).<br />
• Callers for investigation labeled “fringe theorist” or “pseudo scientist”,<br />
losing or compromising academic career(Ja McDonald, O’Leary, Friedman,<br />
Hynek, Ro Baker, Mi Salla+), while existing allegations of “trusted” senior<br />
academic is on contract with “certain group” to debunk non-std <strong>science</strong><br />
(Sagan, D Menzel, Ed Condon & Ro Low+). But even gravity field tech area<br />
of debunking seem to be rapidly ceasing with mainstream orchestrated<br />
quasi official introduction of gravity field tech/vehicles as of 2017.<br />
190<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
<strong>Free</strong> Energy Challenge: Quest to Meet Academic<br />
Protocol 2: Disadvantage of Researching<br />
• ■ Yet still continuing system is that “Reputed” labs/schools/publications have<br />
strong tie with “reputed = large” scientist group-NGO-corporate, often disallow<br />
to test/publish “certain kind of” new <strong>science</strong> or experiment data as “it would<br />
break the law”(Ge Pollack+), ”Blacklisted” academic can be banned from<br />
student interaction at schools, mainstream <strong>science</strong> journals & conventions etc(B<br />
Josephson, Sarfatti+)<br />
• ■ Most large corporate research/Govn’t div has strains whose member is fully<br />
aware of/engaged in physics law breaking performance energy(& other) techs<br />
but by secrecy contract(allegedly linked to National Security status) mainstream<br />
academic/media is never officially informed(Rug Santilli, Da Yurth, Myr Evans+):<br />
scientific corruption<br />
• ■ Alleged tenured dismissal, facility inaccessibility, faculty/university warned of<br />
funding cut if member studies “non-std-<strong>science</strong>”(B Martin, Jo Mack, Delborne,<br />
MW Ho, Hal Arp+), Often at western mainstream level one is paid to study only<br />
acceptable topics & not others, or for geopolitics study most critical issue to be<br />
avoided(Chomsky vs James Tracy): former prof as opposed to latter one is a<br />
more of controlled opposition & gate keeper?(Anthony Hall+), <strong>science</strong> is "policy<br />
driven" sponsored by corporate groups(Dav Lewis+)<br />
191<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
<strong>Free</strong> Energy Challenge: Quest to Meet Academic<br />
Protocol 3: Peer Review System<br />
• ■ Reduced chance for grant/promotion if contradicts above root<br />
assumptions even though unrelated to research theme, it is particularly<br />
important to endorse man made exclusive catastrophic CO2 global<br />
warming no matter what the research is(this automatically cuts out funding<br />
from good portion of torsion field/electric weather influence, cosmic ray -<br />
troposphere relation, general global climate research area), Differs in nonwestern<br />
nations(Russia, Brazil+, eg China’s Montagnier funding), or military<br />
or space agency in West(seems usually classified)<br />
• • Self-endorsed circular logic; underfunded experimental research success &<br />
theory, even validated by many "fringe groups" & non mainstream journal<br />
peer reviews, is blocked from mainstream peer review without Western<br />
corporate-NGO/media/gov’ back up, but mainstream rejects it, reasoning “it<br />
lacks peer review”,<br />
• • This combines with occasional selective failure only peer reviews when<br />
claims are “proven false” & claimers lose funding/job, by only based on<br />
replication failures & ignored all successes(Mi Schiff+). This stops most<br />
researches, but even failure process itself is dubious; eg. Firmly alleged data<br />
change to block LENR funding(Mallove+)<br />
192<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
<strong>Free</strong> Energy Challenge: Quest to Meet Academic<br />
Protocol 4: Scientific Integrity Depends on Ignoring<br />
• ➢ Successful free energy inventor has never been investigated OFFICIALLY by<br />
modern Western full scientific protocol. In turn declared to media: “In our<br />
entire history, free energy validity has never been found“, "if we were ever<br />
wrong, why all other trusted mainstream people are in such consensus?", ”It’s a<br />
proven scientific fact”.<br />
• ➢ Influencers can use system to create scientific reality by exclusively selected<br />
convenient evidence(T Gold, Huyghe, McClenon, Broad & Wade+), Decisions<br />
made by use of non-scientific/empirical paradigm(Schwinger, Kuhn+), Are<br />
majority of scientists mentally cannot cope with discomfort of paradigm<br />
change?(Lightman & Gingerich+), While unprecedented pseudo<strong>science</strong> is<br />
suddenly valid at geo-political events even if all experimental evidence<br />
disproves(Ri Gage, Cr Roberts, Da Ganser, BK Partin, Nie Harrit, SE Jones, Kev<br />
Ryan, Jud Wood, DR Griffin, ADM Moorer, Dav Gapp, Chr Bollyn, Chris Emery+)<br />
• ➢ This is commonly observed, not exception, across <strong>science</strong>: Water, Monetary,<br />
Gene, Consciousness, Human origin, Peak oil(Bakken formation+), Biotic only<br />
hydrocarbon (p381-386), Big bang, Climate(though indecisive, p391-399) Ancient<br />
edifice/civilization, Archeology, Giants & Dwarfs, Medical (p351-366), Advanced<br />
structures on Moon/Mars(Brandenburg, Carolotto, Van Flandern, M Bara, J<br />
Escamilla, Ir Shapiro, Vasin, Chatelain+), History of tech-medicine-geopolitics +<br />
LAWs of THERMO-DYNAMICS: vs Inventors<br />
& “Dissident” Scientists: 1: Closed System?<br />
• ■ 1ST LAW: Energy cannot be created or destroyed- only change forms<br />
■ 2ND LAW: Energy always evens out to create a neutral entropy state<br />
■ 1+2: Mainstream interpretation: Must not appear to generate more<br />
energy than it's used; Even some of LENR/Cavitation scientists subscribe to<br />
■ Above’s conventional interpretation is based on closed system which<br />
rarely exist in strict sense, yet Taboo of questioning even interpretation<br />
itself of the law in main academia & in turn media till very recently, in rare<br />
cases scientists group up to appeal for law reformulation, sometimes they<br />
are described as “delusional, crackpots”<br />
• Inventors & small # of mainstream scientists point out flaw/contradiction in<br />
(LOTD)law of Thermodynamics),(Da Sheehan[scientist, not same as a<br />
lawyer on p36], Heyrovská, Sachs, PD Keefe, PT Pappas, G Pellegrini, X Fu,<br />
Nikulov, Graeff, Čápek, L Gordon, Denur, Coffey, Molnar, D’Abramo,<br />
Garamella, Tim H Boyer, Allahverdyan, Semura, Crosignani, Ale<br />
Kaivarainen, M Devereux, Nieuwenhuizen, Dubonos, Bok, Špička, Mar<br />
Comings +): 1st law is ok, but 2nd law only covers Closed System; the law<br />
is more of a rule of thumb from statistics; —>>cont:<br />
194<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists on<br />
2: There's Really No Such Thing As Overunity!<br />
• ■ 1st & 2nd LAW:<br />
There is no “overunity”- energy is everywhere; Any matter over 0 Kelvin emits EM<br />
wave - thermal radiation anyways; QuantumElectroDynamics etc. Even biological<br />
muscle energy generation seems to clearly exceeds what Adinosine<br />
Triphosphate(ATP: "bio battery") can produce(AV Hill, M Dydyńska+), no purely<br />
closed system – impossible not to have “free energy”. Yet mainstream advocates<br />
1 st law violation, or calls it "exception" with "big bang"<br />
• ■ Mainstream Closed System: “0 outside” energy, no “perpetual” motion, VS<br />
"Dissident" Open System: unlimited ambient & vacuum energy, earth is<br />
permanent mega capacitor, constant sea-air move, earth-moon-star orbit,<br />
lightning;<br />
• ■ Law selectively applied: Mainstream's experiments by Michelson-Morley,<br />
Brillet, Hils+ VS more extensive or less conveniently selective Dissidents' Miller,<br />
Silvertooth, D Marett, M Grusenick+. Their results are opposite(DeMeo, Allais+),<br />
• ■ Mainstream tends to conveniently select an interpretation of Sagnac effect etc,<br />
why laser-deployed much more accurate interferometer still continues to show<br />
“aether”?: Dynamic Casimir effect has been officially accepted since 2011(CM<br />
Wilson+), Points to existence of “dynamic” aether, radiant energy, self organizing<br />
0pt vacuum, or higgs field with force etc,<br />
195<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists on<br />
3: Laws Altered to Change Education<br />
• ->>continuing closed System:<br />
■ Prevailing idea seems to be based on unproven(disproven) assumption only<br />
current physical reality is valid, or totally isolated from other realities/vacuum:<br />
either case it self-contradicts own closed system idea. Far fetched mainstream<br />
interpretation on: Molecule spin, Spin-spin interaction(torsion field), Fluxing<br />
vacuum, Larmor precession at magnetic field, Inverted Population, Brownian<br />
motion, Particle angular momentum, Stars curving-torsion, all perpetual.<br />
• OR, need “Reverse LOTD”, to make overall sense of the law: Original Maxwell<br />
Equations made sense, but altered(initial 20 equations were discarded to 4) by<br />
Heaviside, Hertz etc: New version kept transverse wave & dropped<br />
“unmeasurable” longitudinal electrical wave & 0 vector vacuum EM<br />
potentials+(eg scalar[power magnitude] without vector[direction])(Reed, Myr<br />
Evans,Trupp, Ter W Barrett, Grimes, Crowell, Cohen, Bok, Morris, Hen F Harmuth,<br />
Jeffers, Jefimenko, Flower, Labounsky, Meszaros, Vigier, Ciubotarju, Lehnert, S<br />
Marinov+),<br />
• EM wave could be created from this potentials, hense it could be the base of<br />
physical reality(Olariu, Sakharov+), & universally involves “twist” or toroid in the<br />
process(Betrami, F Peat+). Indications of financial-industrial group might have<br />
staged Heaviside to do so along with rewriting of electrical engineering text<br />
books?(Wil Donovan, Da Pond+), -->>cont:<br />
196<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists -<br />
“Far-Out” Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 1<br />
• ->>cont: closed System:<br />
This ignored wave (non Hertzian wave) seems to link zeropoint(ZPE)/free<br />
energy extraction: TORSION(Microlepton)-Field/SCALAR potential(only<br />
magnitude & no direction, eg phase conjugated state[destructive interference<br />
/superposition, waves meet perfectly out of phase, four way mixing: "real time<br />
holography", can be standing wave state - resonating with matter's own<br />
unique frequency], also can be zero electric/magnetic field zone(Bloch wall):<br />
reversal propagation direction while amplitudes and phases are kept, often at<br />
situation where mainstream claims no magnitude exists): unlimited<br />
“information & energy info” carrier that manifests physical effects, or<br />
Information & Energy exchange occurs to generate physical effects: Bio-<br />
Energo-Informatics (Биоэнергоинформатика)/ Eniology(Эниология): still a<br />
part of mainstream Russian <strong>science</strong>.<br />
• Originally 3D physical reality(space-time) was often regarded as only a subset<br />
of larger hyperdimensional reality(ie Torsion-Scalar fields/Hyperspace/4 or<br />
5th dimension/other universes) that feeds 3d reality at mainstream physics<br />
but gradually it became pseudo<strong>science</strong> treatment along with cancellation of<br />
vital scalar energy component at Maxwell's Equations(around 1880-1900s).<br />
Torsion & Scalar fields are then sort of larger or hidden part of Magnetic &<br />
Electric fields, too.<br />
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists -<br />
“Far-Out” Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 2: Theory<br />
• ->>cont: closed System:<br />
• Torsion theory appeared in 1910s(Cartan), formal experiments & application<br />
started in 1960s Soviet(Kozyrev+), in modern era ECE theory covers(Myr Evans),<br />
Yet 1900s notably in France similar non-locality, biofield/spinfield(ie “angular<br />
momentum field”: “free energy field”), & mind effect creation was<br />
observed(Luys, Baraduc, <strong>Tesla</strong>, Radiguet, Ch Ross, Blondlot+), At that time, these<br />
effects were explained as related mechanics as dowsing(Bovis, Simoneton,<br />
Kervran, Franklin & Maby+),<br />
• There have been various mental effect from mesmerism times before 1800s, but<br />
in Soviet block <strong>science</strong>, heterodyning of certain multiple electromagnetic waves<br />
was officially found to cause some mood & body function change since in 1930s<br />
(БГ Михайловский+). In 1950s UK/US remote non-local radionics was<br />
mainstream accepted in same way. Then appears to be retroactively<br />
pseudoscientized along with gravity technology etc later in the decade.<br />
Historically most Torsion-Scalar inventions were made via “try & success” result,<br />
not pursued based on theory(only after 1980s in Soviet/Russia-Ukraine): can be<br />
called Torsion physics/Hyperdimensional Physics. But from 1980s significant<br />
funds were allocated as mainstream Soviet research, experiment, & development<br />
for military, intelligence, medical, industrial process etc including theoretical<br />
areas with own specialists(В.И Лунев+) 198
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists -<br />
Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 3: Vague Difference<br />
• TORSION field -SCALAR "wave" distinction criteria is arbitrary to this presentation:<br />
due to their "pseudoscientific status" there is no universal official definition, naming<br />
or differentiation amongst experimenters Table and 1 researchers<br />
COPY/<br />
eg<br />
TION<br />
FIELD<br />
OFTEN<br />
PRODUC<br />
ED BY<br />
1-Electric solenoid coil, 2-Radionics use of photo<br />
or body parts/cell/fluid.<br />
1-Electro conductive matter wedged by dielectric<br />
material, 2-Spiral & pointed copper, 3-Electro<br />
active microorganism, 4-Certain minerals<br />
1-EM wave form phase conjugated,<br />
2-Longitudinal wave intersecting, 3-Wave mixing<br />
1-Rotating magnetic field, 2-Rotating electrode,<br />
3-Prolonged laser pulse, 4-High power short EM pulse,<br />
5-Electrohydraulic effect<br />
1-Field interaction, 2-Spin-spin interaction etc.<br />
3-All matter emit field. 4-Ultra fast rotation of matter/<br />
liquid. 5-Certain peening & photocatalysis<br />
1-Specific geometry has strong effects: pyramid,<br />
hexagon tube etc. 2-Nano structures: C60, Nano filter<br />
effect on water<br />
OFTEN<br />
BY-<br />
PRODUC<br />
T/PART<br />
OF<br />
1-Standing wave, 2-Harmonics & Resonance<br />
with own frequemcy, 3-Hologram, 4-Time<br />
reversal & retrocausality, 5-Time dilation<br />
1-Non local frequency reading/ projecting<br />
1-Electron bombardment, 2-Prolonged EM wave<br />
laser(phase coherent waves) & some micro-nano matter<br />
peening, 3-Certain plasma exposure, 4-Electric poling<br />
1-FIR, Terahertz range EM wave?<br />
• Here they are differentiated by tendency of : 1-Copy/Imprint mechanics of chemical<br />
or mineral quality to other matters, 2-What is deemed as field projection method, and<br />
3-Frequently noticeable side effect phenomena. But there are many cross over<br />
effects and difference might not be meaningful or strictly relevant.<br />
Thoughts of & “Dissident” Scientists -<br />
Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 4: Common Traits<br />
• TORSION - SCALAR: Presumed possible common characteristic examples:<br />
• 1-Co-exist with, but quality differs from EM field,<br />
2-Non-local/linear, Timeless, or faster than light(Kozyrev experiment:<br />
know what happens at Sun by cutting off EM wave by another signal<br />
before EM wave shows it, replicated by MM Lavrentiev+),<br />
3-Interstellar communication (Shkatov & Zamsha+, Zubow-Zubow-<br />
Zubow[АВ Зубов/ВА Зубов/КВ Зубова: zubow.de]+[neutrino], TT<br />
Brown+[electrogravitic communication]),<br />
• 4-Cause template effect:(D Roth+); eg1 “water memory”(Peschka+), eg2<br />
“Organ transfer memory”(Pau Pearsall, Gar Schwartz+), Heart as<br />
brain?(R McCraty+), or it is consciousness based?(La Dossey+)- Data<br />
match is far beyond statistical correlation in some % of case but very<br />
little research is done due to unavailability of organ information in most<br />
nations,<br />
• 5-Bio enhancement (Bergstresser+), medical effect on tumors by<br />
rotating magnetic field(Wal Rawls Jr+),<br />
6-Mind effect (Shipov+), 7-Very fast ceramic processing, 200
Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 5: Electronic/Acoustic<br />
• ->>continuing TORSION-SCALAR BOTH possible examples:<br />
8-Can halt electronic device function without damage(Rus Roy+), 1000s of such<br />
anecdotal stories when approached by antigravity craft(T Good, Hakdogan, V<br />
Chernobrov+), usually sporadic engine or motor mulfunction but some occurred at<br />
entire district level. Despite regular mainstream psy-op like ridicule for above claims,<br />
even mainstream affirmed transverse EM wave device can halt engines with specific<br />
frequency directed likely UV to microwave range laser irradiation(Lockheed Martin,<br />
HSV Technologies+), also able to turn off/on target area’s electric equipments,<br />
disable wired & wireless telephone line, or even internet connection selectively.<br />
• 9-Some type of unusual electron flow, gathering, "conjuring" effects seemingly<br />
triggered by negative electron movement causing various physical phenomena(JK<br />
Hutchison+)<br />
• 10a-Improve Hi-Fi sound quality & standing wave musical instruments(J Suehiro+):<br />
b-Also note mainstream idea of longitudinal acoustic standing wave objects<br />
levitation by trapping between its nodes - here anomalous gravity cancellation effect<br />
by Torsion-Scalar does the same by longitudinal EM standing wave nodes trapping in<br />
addition to other mechanics?,<br />
c-Similarly, certain coupling of man made ULF(Ultra Low Frequency) - infrasound<br />
standing wave(as opposed to travelling wave) can cause matters’ lattice structure to<br />
absorb it/trap its energy & resonate in such a way it might either disintegrate or<br />
levitate depending on relationship with matters’ characteristic phonon frequency?<br />
201<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 6: Standing Wave<br />
• ->>cont: TORSION-SCALAR possible examples: 10-standing wave related:<br />
• d-"Pulsed Acoustic Fire" Drying: Standing wave sound generating Tuned<br />
Pulsed Firing(around 200-300Hz) seems (resonance is requirement for<br />
effectiveness, also fire can be controlled by Standing wave range sound<br />
itself) to cause/accompany self-sustaining firing without any power required<br />
for boiler(Fulton Boiler+), unlike conventional firing boiler, requiring 1/100 of<br />
energy for firing related power use.<br />
• Pulsed Combustion Spray dryer sometimes requires 20-50% of energy to<br />
perform drying water off powder with 1/10-1/100 of time compared to<br />
conventional spray dryer, while keeping dried medium temperature low so<br />
that some protein or enzyme can be dried even under 500-1000°C heat<br />
system(PulseDry+): what happens if MagnetoHydroDynamics is added?.<br />
• This “sound charged air” by acoustic standing wave dries flat medium(ink on<br />
paper, pulp & paper etc) with notable improved efficiency compared to<br />
regular air(Heat Technologies Inc HTI+)<br />
• 11-CD disc with “quantum energy sticker” or touching by the sticker causes<br />
altered sound quality when played by stereo,<br />
202<br />
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& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out”<br />
Torsion Field / Scalar Wave 7: Electrical Efficiency<br />
• ->>continuing TORSION-SCALAR BOTH possible examples:<br />
• 12-Higher power efficiency & “repair effect” of electrical device ●i-via special<br />
Power Factor Correction device filtered electricity supply(works for lagging<br />
current & harmonic related distorted waveform issues both i.e. pseudo<strong>science</strong><br />
in west, but this also works by Far InfraRed wave projection, electron emitter, or<br />
well timed rotating motor device etc without using capacitor nor harmonic filter,<br />
p182) or ●ii-simply by filtering power causes nearby combustion engine's<br />
efficiency to improve(F Neubauer+), or ●iii-via activating device being near<br />
air/fluid intake/oil/fuel of combustion engine(Ohatrin: АФ Охатрин+),<br />
13-Or car engine/braking/balance improves as device placed at driver seat area(M<br />
Wakabayashi+),<br />
• 14-Thermodynamic overunity electrical power generation(ВИ Докучаев, АВ<br />
Чернецкий +), and device can also generate “longitudinal EM wave”. COP>1 type<br />
EM wave unaffected unorthodox qualities caused by Circularly Polarized Wave &<br />
Light: coil(Shang Chi Jiang, Marletta, W Kaminsky, J Reisert+), also high light<br />
rotation generates time dilation.<br />
• 15-Sort of Magnetoacoustic Electrostatic wave equiv. in nonplasma region,<br />
Neutrino link, - cont ->><br />
203<br />
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& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out” Torsion<br />
Field / Scalar Wave 8: Propagation Quality<br />
• ->>continuing TORSION-SCALAR BOTH possible examples:<br />
• 16-Propagate thru matter without affecting, Information flow field(АВ<br />
Шаповалов +), or transfer information only & not energy(Ale Kaivarainen+): Bio-<br />
Energo-Informatics(Биоэнергоинформатика)/Eniology(Эниология)(НИЦ ЭНИО).<br />
Radio communication without interference including through water etc(ВИ<br />
Коробейников, НА Кисель[EH Antenna] +), or at least taking up significantly less<br />
space/length for transmission antenna while effectiveness improved(Ted Hart[EH-<br />
Antenna Systems]+): works by spin motion(in cylinder) of electric charges instead<br />
of traveling motion(along antenna)of electric charges(those two charges are<br />
completely different, but Western mainstream admits only latter exists). This tech<br />
is meeting heavy debunking as entering into mainstream.<br />
• 17-Simliar to Split-ring Resonator function for all matters: linked to Phase<br />
conjugating/time reverse elements, magnetic field could trigger oscillations “out<br />
of thin air”, - like Larmor Precession.<br />
• 18-Vacuum as its carrying medium?, Objects in physicality should also “exist” in<br />
vacuum as Torsion-field/Scalar-potential?; Gravitational-Nutrino wave<br />
link(Perebeynos, Fujii+), - cont->><br />
204<br />
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& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out” Torsion<br />
Field / Scalar Wave 9: Non Local Effects<br />
• ->>con&nuing TORSION-SCALAR BOTH possible examples:<br />
• 19-Used with Quantum Mechanics for nonlocal unconven7onal effects(Ire<br />
Caesar[Wave Genome], V Sims+), or locally as bioenhancement-medical effect,<br />
use of resonance-standing wave-Larmor frequency(Rol Binder, Wolf-D Kessler:<br />
ONDAMED),(S Hal7wanger+), If unique oscilla7on frequency is iden7fied or<br />
photo(photon)scanned, possible to disassemble or ”conjure” chemical, nutrients,<br />
plemorphic bacteria etc as its quality & physical effects(not actual maTer) &<br />
electricity: molecular level control(T Paladino[SelfHealGo], +)(also p214-217),<br />
• 20-Measured by: Magne7c sensor inside Faraday cage, Barkhausen Effect,<br />
Radionic equipment, Torsion field generator(Kravchenko, M Krinker+): device’s<br />
close rela7on to Aharonov-Bohm effect(Ser Kernback+), Geiger-Müller<br />
detector(Wil Reich), Kirlian photo(ВА Соколов+)(Cer7fied medical equipment in<br />
Russia etc[pseudo<strong>science</strong>-fraud in West]: captures bio “electrophotonic glow”),<br />
Indirectly via water test methods (Krasnobryzhev+)(eg mainstream spectroscopy,<br />
or Drop Picture Method+ etc), MRA(Weinstock+), Biofield meter(Bu Payne+),<br />
White cucumber’s biophoton emission(Hideyuki Kokubo+), Psychics/Dowsers,<br />
205<br />
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& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out” Torsion<br />
Field / Scalar Wave 10: Biological Effect, FIR link?<br />
• ->>continuing TORSION-SCALAR BOTH possible examples:<br />
21-Torsion/Scalar devices seem to be able to alter(ie hamper or facilitate<br />
depends on configuration): coherence or order in electron flow, microelectrical<br />
bio-signalling, or coherence of bioorganism oscillation(Far InfraRed frequency).<br />
Various examples of below alleged claims are give in following pages.<br />
• Some devices work as protector: seemingly "block" scrambling<br />
incoherent(or bio-incoherenct) EM field(near strong electronic device or<br />
broadcasting tower, geopathic zones etc),<br />
• A few devices apparently convert artificial EM field into "bio-digestable<br />
energy pattern" by using the energy itself: Function as biobooster instead<br />
of protector, But effect of each device seems to vary significantly,<br />
• Also some bioorganisms/individuals seem to demonstrate "scrambling electron<br />
digesting mode" to thrive from "hazardous" EM field patterns while others are<br />
unable to do so and lose body balance & have negative symptoms or perish.<br />
Some extreme but parallel example(mainstream debunked as usual) would be<br />
those who prefer to eat & seem to digest some metal, ceramic or plastic as diet<br />
source(Lotito, Бранко Црногорац +) or not needing to eat anything for yrs while<br />
average person would not prefer or thrive under such conditions. Also see<br />
Hormesis effects(p389,390)<br />
206<br />
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Dissident Scientists: Torsion Field / Scalar<br />
Wave 11: Similar to FIR & Terahertz Wave Effects<br />
• TORSION/SCALAR or Far InfraRed/Teraherz wave emi9ng self-oscilla@on tech<br />
devices are o&en marketed with “New Age” image: "Magic s9ck, Cosmic pendant”/ or<br />
biofield - biophoton - cellular - Qi signal s9mula9ng device or non local informa9onal -<br />
zero or super weak EM field mechanism(p207,303, indicate some of base mechanics)<br />
etc.<br />
• But discreet industrial-commercial success worldwide, Openly endorsed/studied by<br />
main corporate/gov’t/academic in Russia/India/China/Thailand etc, Ignored or called<br />
fraud in West, yet “Substan9al fringe” use in DACH: German speaking(majors<br />
backing?: Stu]gart Univ?, Scho] AG?, Austrian med assoc?+), fair amount of private<br />
medical use in US, Canada, UK+, Isolated fringe market but unique strong effect<br />
product inventors in Japan etc. Usually web or MLM sales. Most Ac9vely<br />
Commercialized from Russia/DACH/US. Valid tech use in product is indis9nguishable<br />
on surface from many less or no effect device,<br />
• SCALAR “Wave” & its effect possibly generated by electromagne9c(EM) field that is<br />
“simultaneously created & cancelled in the same circuit”(Standing Electro Magne9c<br />
Wave): Occurs in 1-8 condi@ons:<br />
1.Phase conjugate wave pairs(also linked to 3d reality as “visible EM wave: light”<br />
hologram as fundamental percep9on at neuro<strong>science</strong>[P Marcer, Ed Mitchell, K<br />
Pribram+]), 2.Iden9cal EM waves “out of phase symmetry” to each other or polarized:<br />
“Self Cancelling” wave, destruc9ve interference, -->> cont:<br />
& “Dissident” Scientists’ Far-Out Scalar 1<br />
• -->> cont: SCALAR “Wave” & its effect generating conditions:<br />
• 3.Mutually opposed direction equal waves, 4.Certain shape, geometry,<br />
matter, or its pair, 5.Directed polarized multimode EM radiation via<br />
cavity(Cornwall+),<br />
• 6. Orgone: i-Layers of varied electrical potential metals compressed & wedged<br />
by dielectric/insulator material(neutral to electricity but reacts to electric<br />
field), ii-cluster of 3m range long directional cylinder copper pipes. With<br />
apparent micro EMF (electromotive force), microcurrent & micro EM field<br />
generated (often seems to be in FIR range) - similar to Tourmaline. Often<br />
used for "energy pendant" type products (Tonomura, Kolztov+), or possibly<br />
some type of Workman-Reynolds/Electroscavenging effect related weather<br />
influence by using air as dielectric medium. This "dielectric field" idea seems<br />
to have been mysteriously de-emphasized/disappeared from mainstream<br />
<strong>science</strong>(Dollard, GH Steinmez+),<br />
• 7.Twisting two copper wires in a ring-toroid form(Sli Sperling, Bri Besco+):<br />
"Tensor field generator”, -->> cont:<br />
208<br />
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Scalar "Wave" 2: Void of ElectroMagnetic Field<br />
• -->> cont: SCALAR “Wave” & its effect generating conditions:<br />
• 8.”Zero EM field” in-between buffer zone(some link to Meissner effect &<br />
Superconductivity - eg; Two resonantly tuned EM coil pairs close together<br />
creating a repelling interference pattern and EM field, or Between opposed<br />
magnets or current(VA Milyaev+), gravity anomaly(eg Oregon Vortex?+),or Coiled<br />
toroid without electricity. Mainstream calls this "zero energy" since only scalar<br />
potential exists (magnitude, “voltage”) & zero vector(direction,“current”, power),<br />
• But energy does exist(or violates 1st law, Aharonov–Bohm effect[AB-Effect], see<br />
next page), and remains - PROPAGATES as potential wave(Myr Evans, Ehrenberg,<br />
Vlaenderen, Eckardt, Bischof, Leus, Monstein, Siday, <strong>Tesla</strong>+): Non-Hertzian Wave.<br />
Also macroscopically measured(Caprez, Varma+), Vector potential itself was<br />
measured as biologically active(Trukhan, T Kawaguchi, Rampl, Ia Lyons+)<br />
• Mainstream approved AB-Effect shows that potential only, without vector force,<br />
can do the work(other than Helmholtz/Gibbs <strong>Free</strong> energy: ie appears to be<br />
“closed system over-unity”), hence potential is not meaningless mathematical<br />
figure: something that doesn’t seem to exist/unmeasurable conventionally can<br />
suddenly affect physicality. This EM wave “locked-in” phase sometimes seems<br />
to trigger releasing of naturally locked-in Zeropoint energy from vacuum in<br />
relation to harmonics/standing wave/resonance etc.<br />
209<br />
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Scalar "Wave" 3: Standing Wave, Normal Mode etc<br />
• —>>cont. SCALAR wave generating conditions: 8.”Zero EM field”:<br />
These Pairs of EM waves occur at matter/medium/cavity, & create<br />
spontaneous oscillations at multiple specific “scalar” frequencies(i.e. medium’s<br />
Characteristic Vibration/Normal Mode/Phonon/Natural Resonance<br />
Frequencies/Harmonic Frequencies: usually same for Mechanical Resonance(ie<br />
Longitudinal wave: Acoustic, Orbital+)<br />
• or occurs at EM Resonance(ie Transversal wave: Optical, NMR, Schumann+),<br />
...and they seem to relate directly to “free energy”(possibly by extraction of<br />
vacuum energy?) & occur in integer multiples. This oscillation/vibration wave<br />
bounces back & forth within medium to form non moving looking Standing Wave<br />
(Quasiparticle, Phonon). Linked to sonication effects.<br />
This standing wave vibration is Scalar Resonance; a clear example when Scalar<br />
field/wave is operating/created, eg: pulsing Cavity resonator/Bifilar-flat<br />
coil/Mobius-Caduceus strip+, Doesn’t “travel in line but creates field”, Time<br />
reversible, 5th field, also same pattern as DNA. Similar effects are commonly<br />
observed, experimented, and discussed for nano device, semiconductors, & solar<br />
cell photonic excitation, Secondary Harmonic Generation(SHG) etc at<br />
mainstream. Because of zero vector state of scalar wave, energy doesn't go<br />
anywhere but that energy stays within the entity & is used to "open a gate from<br />
vacuum"? -->>cont:<br />
Scalar "Wave" 4: <strong>Cold</strong> Electricity - NonThermoDynamic?<br />
• —>>cont. SCALAR wave 8.”Zero EM field”, Standing Wave: Re: Scalar wave- Note<br />
there is no wave propagation in "Scalar" definition, but term "scalar" is used to<br />
express spread of energy /"energy info" possibly even at Zero EM field type condition:<br />
• Examples of allegedly this wave coupling linked anomaly: also related to<br />
“overunity”, vacuum etc. in following: 1-5, and 6(A-E):<br />
• 1. <strong>Cold</strong> Electricity link(R Stiffler+)(p148-153),<br />
• 2. Can send or extract electricity wirelessly, sometimes oscilloscope undetected when<br />
done with resonance coupling(<strong>Tesla</strong>, S Jackson, Ha Muller+),<br />
Similar Resonance based Single Wire Power Transmission by unclosed circuit(Russian<br />
Institute for Electrification of Agriculture/Всероссийский институт<br />
электрификации сельского хозяйства - виэсх, University Dubna/ Университет<br />
«Дубна» и «ЛайвНет» +), Same mechanics can be used for wireless power transfer<br />
or single wire of including generally non conductive medium: laser/wood/water<br />
etc(DS Strebkov, AI Nekrasov, VS Abramenko/ ДС Стребков, АИ Некрасов, ВС<br />
Авраменко+),<br />
• Its open circuit remains cold and at least an order of magnitude larger power transfer<br />
per wire is possible in semi superconducting manner, system building & maintenance<br />
cost is much lower than conventional method, particularly if low cost nanocarbon<br />
fibre is used for power transmission(possibly provided by likes of: VI Petrik, Rosnano,<br />
CurTran+). -->>cont<br />
Scalar "Wave" 5: Long Distance Wireless Power<br />
• —>>cont. SCALAR wave 8.”Zero EM field”, Standing Wave/Scalar wave-<br />
Alleged wave coupling linked anomaly: 2. Wireless or one wire electricity<br />
conduction:<br />
• Also very disruptive Zenneck wave based complete globe wide wireless<br />
electricity transfer is on verge of mainstream acceptance(Ja Corum+): see<br />
p152.<br />
• Last page's resonance based single wire power transmission is completely<br />
different from Single Wire Earth Return(SWER) which is closed circuit by<br />
grounded earth working as return path, but even this "orthodox<br />
unconventional" method saves installation & maintenance cost for distant<br />
farming type use while fluctuating voltage poses some<br />
challenges(Mauncell AECOM, Ergon Energy+)<br />
• 3. (At level of phase conjugated wave): Self organization is induced(out of<br />
phase waves are eliminated or fit into phase), & Time reversal element<br />
both as mainstream recognized effect(but generally for acoustic frequency<br />
& often debunked for disruptive Terahertz level effect[many matters'<br />
resonance frequency range]), while Self generating effect without energy<br />
input in certain cavity(Zinov'ev-Kuzthelev-Antipov+) is ignored,<br />
Scalar "Wave" 6: Non Local Communication, Radionics<br />
• —>>cont. SCALAR wave 8.”Zero EM field”, Standing Wave: Re: Scalar wave- Alleged<br />
wave coupling linked anomaly: related to “overunity”:<br />
• 4. Ultra distance, non-linear & time traverse communication(Zubow-Zubow-Zubow<br />
[АВ Зубов/ВА Зубов/КВ Зубова], <strong>Tesla</strong>+), 5. or is it different mechanics version of<br />
on-site-locality only based binary digital signalling "System on a Chip"(SoC) to<br />
directly control not just electronic machinery but also biofunction and organic<br />
matter decomposition(deemed not torsion/scalar mechanics): АттоСофт(Хесин<br />
Алексей Ильич)?, Similar nanochip based cell DNA reprogramming by weak electric<br />
current: Tissue Nanotransfection(Chandan Sen+)<br />
• 6. Radionics mechanics;(Bio-Energo-Informatics) i.e. following ●A-E<br />
● A- Mechanically enhanced “voodoo”, dowsing, instant pre-diagnosis,<br />
● B-I-”Non local” version of Time Domain Electromagnetic Method (TDEM) or<br />
Further advanced level of already <strong>science</strong> illegal commercialized tech by use of<br />
Soviet tech based microlepton/psychotronic(torsion)field(eg Leaf and Stone<br />
Resonance, Microlepton GeoVison, Georesonance+)(AF Ohatrin[Охатрин]+), useable<br />
for underground super deep mineral or structure detection. This can be explained in<br />
conventional terms as use of each mineral's resonance frequency: Magnetic<br />
Resonance Coupling. Is HAARP use underground imaging by US Air Force Lab same<br />
mechanics?(Jim Lee+) Another slightly similar smaller area covering unconventional<br />
ground radar tech(Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave: Geophysical<br />
Assessment and Investigation Association) : -->>cont<br />
Scalar "Wave" 7: Radionics: How It Works<br />
• ->>cont. wave coupling: 6. Radionics mechanics: B-I:<br />
Can deploy from ANY distance via wire/wireless (Holography/Quantum<br />
entanglement); Every object or point/cell reflects “whole universe”, yet it<br />
has own unique scalar wave frequencies(& EM field freq.), also each<br />
specie/type has group frequencies, & they are included in every part of<br />
entity(not just hair, saliva etc, but also photo).<br />
• So possible to have intentional effect non-locally by sampling this holograph<br />
wave, & manipulate it by wave matrix(EM field) & re-transmit to the target:<br />
“Forward phase” mode to enhance target function or copy sample’s effect on<br />
target, or “phase reversal”/"reverse spin" mode to hamper/destroy target. (P<br />
Tomkins, Pe Kelly, H Lovel, WJ Hale, BA Rockwell, J Gallimore+)<br />
• ●B-II-Once identify correct Frequency & electromagnetically record it in wave<br />
form, physical effect is replicatable by a- re-emitting this copied computer<br />
software oscillation(eg- Mind-bio integrity & coherence boosting, J<br />
Fridenstine+), or Sensing biological state or mining exploration of target by<br />
b- scanning them(de la Warr, Don Paris+), c- Incidentally, “thought” nonlocal<br />
transmission has been claimed as “information transfer(ББ Кажинский+),<br />
-->> cont:<br />
214<br />
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Scalar "Wave" 8: Radionics Commercialization<br />
• ->>cont. wave coupling: 6. Radionics mechanics:<br />
●B-III-(eg- d- Broadcast specific nutrients-minerals needed for plant crop as info wave<br />
to increase agriculture yield; von Reichenbach, Y Kronn+)<br />
(VitalforceTechnology.com+), (eg e- farm removes pests by: placing pesticides on<br />
area photo, then modulate into "scalar wave form" & transmit; high % of<br />
experimental success records in mainstream Soviet groups by use of torsion field<br />
generators(АА Деев, ВА Соколов +), mainstream Western use in 1940s by US State<br />
Gov Farm Bureau PA, AZ, CA+, Dow Chemical, UKACO+; Knuth+), Significant trial<br />
success in 1970s Eastern Canada with largest prv land owner was “classified”(And<br />
Michrowski+), some prominent Canadian politicians promoted it as “best way to<br />
replace all chemicals”(Chesley William Carter, Margaret Norrie+) but results data<br />
debunked/ignored, If metal plates are tagged to subject, it can be used as nonlocal<br />
vaccine(Виктор Краснобжижев)<br />
• Modern era very low key services: Crop Services International(Phi Wheeler),<br />
Quantec(von Buengner), Kybertron, Kelly Research Technologies,<br />
QuantumAgriculture(Hu Lovel+), Slightly differently with torsion field generator<br />
based mechanics: done but state backed small use in Russia/Soviet+(Lomonosov, АВ<br />
Бобров+), Русноинком wl-tech(Podchufarov), Human medical homeopathic use<br />
psychotronic field frequency emitter should also be possible to be placed on farm<br />
photo to cause effects on the farm?(Радамир+)(VD Stepanenko), China seems to be<br />
quietly researching, Some farmers do own radionic farming by using some popular<br />
device(SE-5+), Mostly human focus(SelfHealGo+) 215
Scalar "Wave" 9: Radionics Application<br />
• ->>cont. wave coupling: non-local 6..Radionics<br />
• ●B-Iv-Radionics or cell phone or TV are basically using same mechanics as they are all<br />
broadcasting by modulating info or voice into wave & send it on a set frequency<br />
carrier then it is resonated by receiving cell-TV dial/person, insect etc that are on<br />
same freq. to obtain info wirelessly: It’s no magic<br />
●C- Tests with significant results but stays as test & no data disclosed officially: Enhance<br />
forest(Pet Moscow+), Decompose toxin, Disinfect Area, Save fertilizer/ pesticide<br />
/chemical(only virtual use), “Virtual lipo suction”, Locate missing matter-people,<br />
Remove or plant forensic evidence, Military use- no site visits needed etc(ВТ Шкатов+)<br />
• ●D- Works depended on operator: Electric radionic machine works even<br />
unplugged(Bev Rubik+), ●E- Radionic scalar diagram on paper only: mind<br />
based?(Hieronymus, J Campbell+),<br />
●F- What happens if perfectly run location frequency on matter & resonate it<br />
(teleport?, ME Boyd), human freq over machine(symbio?), a specie embryo freq over<br />
others seems to produce results(PL Ighina, KG Dzang+),<br />
• OTHER SCALAR ENERGY QUALITIES: Vortex connects EM & Scalar wave(Mayl,<br />
Tomilin+), Elementary particles interact with both Scalar/EM waves(J Dea, Pulver, Mi<br />
Wolff, Imlauer+), commonalities with DNA -Helix, ->>cont:<br />
216<br />
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Dissident Scientists’- “Far-Out”<br />
• Other commercialized alleged SCALAR type tech(eg: Aquapol, 90.10., Q-Link,<br />
GeoWave, EESystem, Plate Koltsov КФС, Dessert Greening, α-Genius, Neurophone,<br />
MEDEA 7, Pulsedtech, BioCharger, Terafight, Water Energizers, Sev-Sports, FIOS-<br />
Greenbox, ISEE Energywatch, <strong>Tesla</strong>r Tech+)<br />
• TORSION field theory(space-8me is curved but also twisted & creates torsion)(eg<br />
electron perpetually orbits/spins/curls or... disappears and reappears): Weissenberg<br />
Effect hint, Naturally seen oscilla@on-spin-spiral in; Low-filled hose water & Boundary<br />
layer flow(D Rapoport+),Karman Vortex Street, Honey coil effect, spiral Eddy current,<br />
Electrorota@on, Quantum spin wave(as opposed to spin wave), magnet perpetually<br />
generates electron orbital mo@on-spin(also Larmor precession), Gyromagne@c-<br />
Electrogyra@on effect, Faraday’s rota@on, All interrelate from atom’s angular<br />
momentum, to star/planet rota@on - Coriolis/Rossby Effect- vortex- implosion- carved<br />
space@me - rapidly spinning black hole.<br />
• Where does all endless energy come from? Premen@oned spin of cosmological to<br />
quantum scale should be at least primarily fed by "zeropoint energy"(Kozyrev,<br />
Shipov+). Also Torsion field effects are actually confirmed in variety of ways by<br />
mainstream <strong>science</strong> in fragmented compartmentalized manner(eg Electric Poling,<br />
Electric Field Induced So`ening, Dielectric Breakdown, Persistent Current effect, Field<br />
emission under weak electric field(low level produceable by electret), Nanofluidics etc,<br />
while effects like Laser Structuring is officially limited to surface effect but defacto<br />
approving maber depth altera@on: eg Second Harmonic Genera@on of glass by Laser<br />
pulse(Jiyeon Choi+) 217
: Spin, Electrical Effects etc<br />
• TORSION Field effect seems to be generated by following 1-16 examples<br />
• 1-Spin Positioning/Polarization(Tam-Happer Effect) of particle-electron: any<br />
matter generates,: material’s elementary particle is characterized by its own spin<br />
or angular momentum, and its mass and charge corresponds to EM field. Rotation<br />
based torsion field has different effect depended on left or right spin, both<br />
compared to control samples(ГС Царапкин+)<br />
• 2-Photograph(p214-217),<br />
3-Antioxidant producing microbe mix in sealed container(anaerobic bacteria mix)<br />
generates anomalous field: extra biogrowth, repel pest-mold-rust, improve<br />
combustion-electrical efficiency, acoustic effect, radiation remediation, cement<br />
strength increase & its chloride & water absorption decrease+(EMJ jp+),(Teruo<br />
Higa+), EMJ product contains electrically active metal reducing<br />
Shewanella(electron conductive bacterial nanowire), but sometimes also<br />
Geobacter species?,<br />
• This field also has electrical "overunity" Power Factor Correction(PFC) tendency<br />
and share commonality with other mechanics with low cost or Actual Power<br />
charged residential electrical bill saving(not just for Reactive Power penalty based<br />
industrial PFC) effect—>> cont<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out Idea”<br />
: Electrical Effects<br />
• -->>cont: TORSION Field effect generated by: 3-Antioxidant producing microbe’s field<br />
effect: Power Factor Correction Effect by:<br />
• i-Far InfraRed wave(Not Torsion) based(Keseco+), ii-Energy harvesting by Magnetic<br />
Induction from mainly(what else? ambient static? any change of EM field?)reactive<br />
power caused magnetic field(PowerShaver USES+), iii-Phase conjugating EM wave<br />
Scalar/Torsion element(Focstac Maximus+), iv-Electron emitting device(Maruko<br />
Denshi+),<br />
• v-Permanent magnet rotor(Roto Verter+): They often work for both A-Induction<br />
related lagged current, B-Non-linear electric device caused wave form distortion &<br />
harmonic effect without using capacitors or harmonic filters: auto voltage &<br />
waveform balancing. But lack of data as to if this can be synergized with conventional<br />
PFC saving<br />
• Residential meter usually doesn't reflect on lag/harmonics correcting effect but last<br />
page's pseudoscientized devices actually seem to reduce net electricity use of many<br />
devices. All effects in this "4" occurs with even Buried porous solid biochar(not glued<br />
sawdust)(OrgaHexa, NaraTanka , Iyashiro +),<br />
• Same effect further by super high pressure 3000°C 90day processed "carbon<br />
balls"(Ohki-Techno Carbon Wave+), Prolonged specific frequency laser treated lattice<br />
structure metals re-emits Torsion field to have same effects( Synm+),<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
: Electron, E-Field, Particle Bombardment<br />
• -->> cont: TORSION Field effect by: 3-Antioxidant microbe mix: PFC:<br />
• Also can be produced by plasma or electron-discharge directly to organism or<br />
indirectly in a closed room(Eij Maruko+)(Greentechno , Фирма<br />
«ПЛАЗМАС», Yusing TBA-HT4+). This subtle electron effect completely differs from<br />
High Power Electron Beam impact ionization(see next page-6)<br />
• Strong seed charging effect for prolonged growth without light & water(BTL<br />
Research: Levengood & Talbott): some kind of bioenergy - Similar mechanics? to<br />
alter DNA or revert back from GMO by weak electric field(FIOS-Greenbox),<br />
currently most widely accepted yet remaining low key agricultural and food industry<br />
application service by electron emitting method(JemSys jp+): similar effects seen:<br />
p371, eg A&B, there is also some link to Orgone(p372, A),<br />
• 4-Angular momentum of rotating matter, vortex(V Kotelnikov+),<br />
• 5- Fine Particle Bombardment, FPB(Super low temp Hardfacing like Supersonic Very<br />
Fine Particle Shot Peening that “fuses” with surface) of UV photocatalyst TiO2 on<br />
metal-ceramic enables improved combustion or bio enhancement field effect<br />
directly or via water passes through it(decomposes water to Hydroxyl, yet overall<br />
antioxidant). This effect is similar to semi-<strong>science</strong> legal accelerated High Current<br />
Electron Beam impact ionization that alters some matter (eg surface solid matter<br />
altering to air molecule fusing etc) or like super low energy use version of Ion<br />
Implantation effect. -->> cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
: Pyromagnetic Effect, Agnihotra<br />
• -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by:<br />
• 6-Self running pyromagnetic organic waste decomposer(mostly 3x3x5m type<br />
size) by "charging/micro-plasmafication of flowing air(at least oxygen) by its<br />
alternating magnetic field treatment. Seems to emit only low heat(300-500°C)<br />
yet with almost no fumes(indoor useable) produced at heat generating efficiency<br />
close to unity and feedstock is almost completely decomposed despite low<br />
temperature process. Ash has magnetic & bio-activation properties. It<br />
decomposes PCB, medical waste at below conventional <strong>science</strong> law allowed<br />
temperature and yet even almost no dioxin produced. See p106 for details.<br />
• 7-Vedic sacrificial ceremonies(हवन: Havan / होम: Homa) appear solely<br />
superstitious act, but usually generate torsion field like effect under scientific<br />
protocol or at commercial applications. Semi mainstream in India: amongst<br />
many variations, Agnihotra has highest ROI effect based on time and<br />
cost(burning of dried cow dung, ghee[unsalted butter from cow's milk], raw<br />
whole grain brown rice together inside copper made reverse pyramid while<br />
Sanskrit mantra is chanted during sun down and sun rise[HSR Patil, Arv<br />
Mondkar+])(Fivefold Path Inc, Homa-Hof Heiligenberg, Sri Sri Institute of<br />
Agricultural Sciences & Technology Trust+) -->>cont:<br />
221<br />
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& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out Idea”<br />
: Agnihotra: How It Works<br />
• -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by: 7-Agnihotra:<br />
• Effect examples: 30%+ surrounding small area's SOx and SPM(Suspended<br />
Particulate Matter) reduction effect(Sohail Ayub+), 10%+ range crop &<br />
animal growth enhancement(N Selvaraj+): Homa Therapy, 30%+ bacteria<br />
reduction in water(J Matlander+), cleaning regional river stream<br />
(Shailendra Sharma+). Each component is vital for maximized effect<br />
including mantra(HR Nagendra+), but on each step based impact<br />
measurement ash/burning inside inverted copper pyramid has strongest<br />
effect(DS Rathore+), and its fire has unique acoustic/resonance<br />
quality(Shree Vasant Paranjpe+).<br />
• Fire effect is amplified with Far InfraRed wave of sun by resonance<br />
(Abhang & Pathade+), then additionally with mantra(Ulr Berk+). The<br />
ceremony and residual ash both cause bioenhancement on humans and<br />
human benefiting animals, germs etc, while it is often conveniently &<br />
selectively harmful to human hated germs, plants, insects. Inhaling its<br />
smoke has healing effect even for person with respiratory disease(Vin<br />
Kumar+).<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
: Agnihotra Resemblance, Biological<br />
• -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by: 7-Agnihotra:<br />
Less credible unrepeated claims of Bopal gas effect alleviation, and reduction of<br />
radioactivity. Agnihotra variations are also practised by many other names, and mostly<br />
less practical: too time consuming(up to 15days consecutive) or complicated, might<br />
involve actual living animal sacrifice, less often validated by scientific experiment:<br />
Agnicayana/Athirathram(AK Saxena+), Agnistoma, Somayaga etc.<br />
• Agnihotra Effects might be due to resonance based amplification of geospheric/micro<br />
electric power, and often resemble to those of Orgone(including its weather<br />
modification ability without direct electricity/EM wave use, which in itself is still<br />
officially pseudo<strong>science</strong>), EM(Effective Microorganism) contained water bottle field,<br />
Far InfraRed/Terahertz waves, especially on convenient selectivity for human<br />
preference, and to less extent similar to ORMUS<br />
• 8-Biological: Living cells has bioElectroMagnetic field, but there is additionally<br />
something similar but different kind of field(АГ Гурвич+): cellular signal emitting<br />
infrasnoic & ultrasonic acoustic wave, as well as photonic, & mmw range(Extremely<br />
High Frequency: EHF, next to microwave): could they be byproducts or components<br />
of certain type of unidentified wave? Also thought process or brain generates subtle<br />
field, but at least some thoughts take place at the field outside of brain, can be<br />
something to do with vacuum(НИ Кобозев, ВН Бинги, ЛБ Лесков+)<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out Idea”<br />
: Various Parts of EM Wave etc<br />
• -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by:<br />
9-Spin ordering oscillation state(Y Medvedev+), 10-Semantically written<br />
words(Speransky+), & its biophotonic effect(T Stanciulescu+),<br />
11-Shaking, vibrating, hitting etc(Homeopathic potentization),<br />
12-Geophysical objects: earth etc(SA Vasiliev+): Foucault's pendulum<br />
anomaly during at solar eclipse even it is located underground(Allais+),<br />
even some mainstream labs admit effects.<br />
• 13-Part of non ElectroMagnetic component of Laser(optical quantum<br />
generator) appears to show torsion field like characteristics(ВВ<br />
Квартальнов+), or semiconductor diodes(АВ Бобров+). Hence laser or<br />
light therapy’s effect could contain some type of bioenhancing effect in<br />
light itself.<br />
• 14-Certain EM field(reverse Barnett Effect)(eg; Radio equipments, Electric<br />
noise via coil/Benveniste, Wittmann+), Spiral/circular EM process structure<br />
itself (<strong>Tesla</strong>, Haitao Zhang+), Alternating magnetic field(K Komatsu, Y<br />
Tkachenko+): i.e. Spinning magnets/pyramid have particularly strong<br />
effect(Yurovitzky+), -->>cont:<br />
224<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
& “Dissident” Scientists: “Far-Out Idea”<br />
: Nano Geometry Effects<br />
• -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by:<br />
• 15-Mainstream supported geometry phenomena(micro-nano effects) is related to<br />
torsion effect?: extension of “Diamond vs Char differing only by geometric<br />
structure” - mostly nano scale(Chirality, Atom mutual positioning, Spin-spin<br />
interaction. Isomers[same chemical with different structure]: Molecular geometry,<br />
Electronic structure & geometric relation of StereoElectric Effect),<br />
• Seems related to or cross over with Steric and Electronic nano effects:<br />
eg1 Casimir force (ZPE, quantum energy flux) inducement is affected by Anisotropic-<br />
Geometric factors(A McCauley, AW Rodriguez, K Milton+), Quantum vacuum flux<br />
accelerated by certain geometry(J Maclay, Hacyan+), eg2 Same with singlet fission,<br />
• eg3 monochromatic light can generate DC electrical currents with carbon<br />
nanotube(cylinder with hexagon wall)(Mo Shapiro+), Graphene (hexagon) also has<br />
thermoelectric response to light, Anomalous characters of helical nanocoils: Self<br />
winding screw by microwave(Sei Motojima), eg4 Ultrasonic Consolidation (welding)<br />
frequency affected by geometry(J Gilbert+), Metamaterials tunable by<br />
geometry/positioning,<br />
• Many water related examples: eg5 H2 generating non-sacrificial “nano aluminium<br />
alloy” from H2O(AW Castleman+), -->>cont:<br />
225<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
: Nano Geometry In Water Effects<br />
• -->> cont: TORSION Field effect generated by: 15-Mainstream accepted<br />
geometry phenomena related to torsion effect?:<br />
• eg6 Hydrophobic graphene/ carbon nanotube turns hydrophilic at Single<br />
layer vs thicker, by UV-FIR wave irradiation, Extended Capillary action: Selfpumps/sucks<br />
up water(& electricity generation) or molten metal with<br />
130° extra angle entry(S Hendy+), also Speed of water flow is 1000times+<br />
violation of Hagen-Poiseuille equation /Fluid Dynamics<br />
“law”(Majumder+),<br />
• Similar effects when water is between two graphene sheets(And Geim+),<br />
Graphene confined water can phase change as ice form by electric field<br />
strength(Guanghong Wei+): Casimir effect link?, Also affects water<br />
molecule structure, or “sucks up ions”,<br />
• eg7 Water saturated soccer ball shape Fullerene-C60 makes surrounding<br />
water molecules to be structured & function as “convenient” & strong<br />
antioxidant(neutralize radicals & decompose toxins but when excessive to<br />
organism) even after boiling(GV Andrievsky, VN Khvorostinka+), also C60<br />
can fully contain molecular excitons, etc. -->>cont:<br />
226<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
: Technology Variation, Research<br />
• TORSION Field wave quality(available info in was West often limited to<br />
Akimov/Shipov's, but including their or other large # of academic researchers' (AF<br />
Ohatrin[Охатрин], Yuri Mashoshin [Машошин]+) previously classified psychotronic<br />
& biological effects became available in 1990-1995 in Russia(eg negative or positive<br />
depends on frequency/geometry/spin direction), then starting to get classified<br />
again afterwards,<br />
• But claims made by a part of gov't, mainstream academics/universities/media on<br />
psy tech in Russia is more about development and application(eg microwave<br />
frequency based device at least causes nonlocal sleepiness(ИС Качалин), while<br />
other part of Russian mainstream group is focused on severe debunking &<br />
criticizing of government, industry, hospital & military etc of spending money for<br />
anything not endorsed by western <strong>science</strong> & such useless technology for yrs(ВМ<br />
Звоников+). This contrasts with non CIS nations new mainstream level of debating<br />
if the tech can be valid, which is moving up from previous exclusive debunking till a<br />
few yrs ago:<br />
• There are papers(10,000+) in Russia(DD Ivanenko+), at least 700 academic<br />
researchers even after 1987(ФР Ханцеверов+), Ukraine+, & recent in China.<br />
Following are examples of Torsion field wave quality; 1-6:<br />
227<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
: Geometric Quality, Gravity Element<br />
• TORSION Field wave quality eg; 1-6:<br />
1-Geometric element: ●i- Axial symmetry, ●ii-Best effect on porous matter; wood,<br />
brick etc(Nasonov+),<br />
• 2-Gravity element: ●i-Link to High Frequency Gravitational<br />
Wave(HFGW)?(Murad+): Generated by pair of masses acted upon by equal &<br />
opposite force changes or sudden move, double helix, & Detection involves<br />
“synchro resonance”, phase conjugation etc.<br />
• Many identical effect applications for gravitational wave as Torsion field proposed;<br />
from spin-spin interaction, communication, geo-engineering, time dilation effect,<br />
energy, anti-gravity, to weapons(RML Baker, RC Woods, Dehenen, Ning Li+)(p374-<br />
379, p479-485 +). In China & Russia mainstream idea including GW<br />
detection/generation since 1970s(Rudenko, Menski, Gusev, Braginsky, Grishchuk,<br />
Fangyu Li, Mengxi Tang+), use of charged capacitor(Howowanec+), Completely<br />
ignored by mainstream West(not even debunked) which claims “first ever GW<br />
detection” is only in 2016 by LIGO -MIT), but effects are applicable to surveillance<br />
etc & likely partially classified under NATO national security like gravity control<br />
technology(p374-379) etc.<br />
• ●ii-Even links to general Low Frequency mainstream Gravitational wave? A-“Non<br />
physical matter” can also generate, B-Unimpedable longitudinal wave, C-<br />
Oscillation of space-time etc, ●iii-High efficiency vertical propulsion with no<br />
inertia(MA Lobova+), Khrunichev Space involved?, -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
& “Dissident” Scientists:<br />
: Spin & Rotation, MicroPlasma, Affects Metals<br />
• ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality: 2-Gravity element:<br />
• ●iv-Kozyrev Mirror for moving objects(fast spinning[10,000rpm+] objects fall<br />
slower or faster depended on spin direction[gravity partially cancelled? Absorbing<br />
extra energy?: Ю Богданов+] eg1 counter clock spin gyroscope in North<br />
hemisphere/ Hayasaka, Polyakov, Br DePalma+, eg2 adding built-in secondary<br />
rotation amplifies effects/Tsiriggakis & Provatidis+, eg3 repulsing-phase<br />
conjugating magnetic field/Bushman, Alek+), ●v-Clearest effect at polar regions<br />
vs equator(D Savage+),<br />
• 3-Spin/Rotation element: Indirect “Spintronics" of all solids & fluids i.e. affect spin<br />
states, from subtle molecules spin interaction to intensive rotating magnetic field.<br />
But torsion field's apparent or claimed impact on matter is too high based on such<br />
subtle weak spin field generated: i.e. "closed system overunity", or information<br />
itself is "doing the work" at least partially?<br />
• ●i- Change crystallization:<br />
■-1 Increase matter density(Kurikom, Furseya+),<br />
■-2 Link to Spin Wave, Continuous Symmetry, Magnonics(ie properties decided by<br />
geometry structure, rather than composition/band matrix) etc,<br />
229<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
& “Dissident” Scientists:<br />
: Affects Crystallization, Magnetizability, Barnett Effect<br />
• ->>cont. Torsion wave quality: 3-Spin/Rotation : ●i- Change crystallization:<br />
• ■-3 Generates micro-plasma, "deoxidize yet decompose" & clean wastewater<br />
with overunity like efficiency(MV Mishenko+), use of Rotating<br />
Electrode(Globecore ru+), or by metal FPB(Fine Particle Bombardment)/WPC<br />
Treatment: Fuji Kihan Titan (Y Miyasaka+), What happens if high power<br />
rotating plasma(eg mainstream magnetic confined <strong>fusion</strong> etc) is used?,<br />
■-4 Alter quartz crystal frequency(ИИ Ползунова+),<br />
• ■-5 Enhance emulsion:(НАУЧНО ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННЫЙ ЦЕНТР «ПЛАЗЕР»,<br />
Hammel su+), ■-6 Quickly decomposing matter to fertilizer:(«Жигулёвские<br />
удобрения», Экология ECOUOM+),<br />
• ■-7 Change magnetizability, or thermal & electro-conductivity (ВА Соколов+),<br />
■-8 Barnett effect(ferromagnetic material becomes magnet during fast<br />
rotation without magnetic field), Or newly mainstream accepted Circular<br />
polarized light causing Optical Magnetization Reversal via Inverse Faraday<br />
Effect(Stanciu & Hansteen+).<br />
• ●ii- Detected by: Metatron(Nesterov), Thermometer mercury, Quartz<br />
piezoelectric oscillation,<br />
230<br />
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& “Dissident” Scientists: :<br />
Affects Information? - Equivalent to ThermoDynamics?<br />
• ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality: 3-Spin/Rotation element: :<br />
• ●iii- Super low energy use metamaterial making; 10-50milli watt:<br />
“information does "most of the work" instead of energy?(Trefilova, VY<br />
Tarasenko, S Chernov+): information = energy?. Engine can be driven by<br />
purely quantum information(Sang Wook Kim et al). In relation, some further<br />
postulate "meaning", more than information, is closely linked to "matter" as<br />
a part of reality composition(B Josephson, Ile Yardley, Kar Barad+): explains<br />
Subjectivity (idea exists only as counter idea-contrast, Quantum paradox(they<br />
don't pre-exist interactions but emerge as part of entangled relation) etc.<br />
• ●iv- Rotational stirring & (Time Variant) Rotating Magnetic Field: might be<br />
hidden under process names of "magnetic stirring" or "spincoating under<br />
magnetic field" etc. Infrequently discussed but becoming a significant part of<br />
electronics & metal industrial process at base level tech. Some use pulsating<br />
charge carriers moving on a circular path, or matter’s resonant frequency for<br />
further increased effect: this particular type might have a drastically unique<br />
effect on living organism(Игорь Громыко+). Also used for “free energy motor”<br />
p148-153, other examples in "●i" of last page, Or gravity effect[p375 k]:<br />
Motional Electric Field link. -->>cont:<br />
231<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
: Magnetic Field Spin = Anomalous Plasma<br />
• ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality: 3-Spin element: ●iv- Rotational stirring &<br />
(Time Variant) Rotating Magnetic Field: effects/application ■α :<br />
• ■α Semiconductor, Nanometal/Nanowire, & Metal production(Strengthen &<br />
alter steel surface/structure[Shpilman+]), Same effect in ElectroDeposition<br />
by "Micro-MHD"(R Aogaki+), Increase copper corrosion resistance &<br />
ductility(Maksimova+), same for iron(Sud Roy+), grain alloy effect, Semi-solid<br />
metal casting, particularly Thixo-Rheocasting(Ch Vives+), Major metal<br />
production cost reduction and quality improvement (VP Mayboroda+),<br />
Anomalous effect at specific rotation RPM?(Weixing Chen+), Basically same<br />
effect was generated with Pulsed Plating /Pulsed Electroplating/Pulsed<br />
ElectroDeposition since WWII times by mainstream west(US Rubber<br />
Company, General Motors, Western Electric+): far improved metal process<br />
energy efficiency & metal quality (Plating Electronic, MacDermid Enthone,<br />
Dynatronix+), Reversed Pulse to further enhance ability(Dutch Reverse Pulse<br />
Plating+): waveform & frequency dependency increases. Low cost<br />
nanowire, controlled crystallization nanometals method,<br />
• 3●iv ■β Magnetic refrigeration(with magnetocaloric effect), magnetic field<br />
based molecule spin control links to Torsion field element. Mainstream<br />
ignored but actually can run with "closed system overunity" effect(PD<br />
Keefe+). -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
: Rotating Magnet on Crystallization<br />
• ->>cont. Torsion field quality: 3-Spin element: ●iv-:Rotating magnet types: ■β :<br />
• Compared to conventional fridge, much lower cost to make & maintenance,<br />
less energy use, less noise & vibration, No refrigerant - safer.<br />
• ■γ Alters bacteria cell quality & bio activity(Kar Fijałkowski+) by both electronic<br />
torsion field & biological field: effects are conventionally not fully explainable,<br />
■δ Significant change of crystal quality especially surface quality & hardness<br />
depended on different magnet rotating frequency(B Fragoso+) (EB eclab jp,<br />
PulseTechinc.com+), likely linked to matter's own resonance frequency. Same<br />
effect with alternating magnetic field based on AC current(PVA TePla AG+), to<br />
cause crystal structure to change, or some atoms to dislocate, or transmutes &<br />
this is often completely mainstream process at Semiconductor or High Strength<br />
Metal Process Industry, while in certain subsectors or nations this super low<br />
cost process is almost unknown.<br />
• Data match of surface change of metals amongst various types of torsion field<br />
(Kuznetsov+). Shaping metallic glass by EM pulse(Geo Kaltenboeck+), Even<br />
static EM field can effect matter in some situations: eg Unconventional elastic<br />
softening of matter by EM field(Nakanishi & Yoshizawa+), same as Electrothermo<br />
poling(p241, 6-●vii), But also similar effect with ultrasonic: eg 700 -<br />
800°C range cast treated with certain acoustic frequency 5mins to reinforce<br />
aluminium strength(Tec-eye jp Techno eye+),<br />
& “Dissident” Scientists: :<br />
Magnetic Pulse, EM Hammer, ElectroSpark Deposition+<br />
• ->>cont. Torsion field quality: 3-Spin element: ●iv-:Rotating magnet types:<br />
• ■λ Disruptively low cost & high quality this Torsion field related effect<br />
explained at last page's "δ" has many other confusing naming with varied<br />
effect difference depended on company: Magnetic Pulse Welding/Magnetic<br />
Pulse Forming(eg Magneform, Dana+) link- not just shockwave effect,<br />
something to do with magnetic coil pulse is often causing counter rotating<br />
current in target object - popular example: Electric Pulse based Coin<br />
Shrinking? Other naming also exists: Impulse Forming/Electromagnetic<br />
Metal Forming/Electromagnetic Hammer/Electromagnetic Impact etc(Smbgroup.ru,<br />
PST Products+), Some more conventional wording can refer to this<br />
effect: <strong>Cold</strong> Working/Work Hardening/Strain Hardening(Nomasico+).<br />
• In microscale this principle is applied at ElectroSpark Deposition-Hardening-<br />
Alloying/Pulsed Electrode Surfacing for miniscale same effects or reaugmenting<br />
fatigued metal or surface coating etc(Huys Industries+). Similar<br />
to High Vacuum <strong>Cold</strong> Welding(Kompaflex AG, Atlas Technologies<br />
aluminium+).<br />
234<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
: Rotating Pulse, Pulsed Laser Peening,<br />
Affects Beyond Physical Subspace?, Information?<br />
• ->>cont. Torsion field quality: 3-Spin element: ●iv-:Rotating magnet<br />
types: ■λ Rotating magnetic field type naming:<br />
• "Double Torsion field" effect by combining high voltage Solenoid EM<br />
Pulse + Metal Spin Forming(PMF Industries+), Same effect is induced<br />
by pulsed laser also: Laser Peen Forming(Curtiss-Wright+), or<br />
Vaporizing Foil(Ohio State Univ). This crystal structure change<br />
happens even by Acoustic/Ultrasonic Impact Treatment(Empowering<br />
Technologies+)<br />
• ●v-Parameter of molecule spin structure is extended to physical<br />
superspace?(Wheeler, MA Markov+), ●vi-Create or influence: from<br />
spin-spin interaction upto possibly gravity field(Terletskiy, H Wallace,<br />
Torr & Li, Ryu Uchiyama+), ●vii- Effective in nanotechnology/polymer<br />
manufacturing(J Xingliu+), ●viii- Counter Rotation can cause local<br />
gravity effect; i.e. time space warp effect (Kozyrev+)- due to General<br />
Relativity law.<br />
235<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
& “Dissident” Scientists:<br />
: Promotes "Activation" Biologically and Materially<br />
• ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality:<br />
4-Non Local element: ●i-Morphogenic Field?(Gurwitsch, RG Harrison,<br />
Sheldrake + ), ●ii-Travels to “past & future”, Fifth force(Myshkin+),<br />
●iii-Most powerful non-classified Torsion generator?(L Sprink, Ravatin), or<br />
CERN type collider can be used to create counter rotation with astrophysical<br />
size torsion field effect?,<br />
• 5-Bio Activation element: ●i-Biofield-spinfield equivalent (F Brown, Hruby+),<br />
hence treating this biofield of diseased living being can bring back the cure(МЛ<br />
Перепелицын +) ●ii-Like EM wave, each matter/living thing has its “favourite<br />
& unfavorite” torsion wave frequencies, and former has bio enhancement,<br />
latter detrimental effects(B Stahovskiy+), also spin direction and other<br />
geophysical elements affect. ●iii-Suspicion on DNA activation effect?,<br />
●iv- Some torsion generators need user specific calibration like radionic device,<br />
●v- Bioenhancing effect(K Shellcross+)<br />
• 6-Matter Activation element: ●i -Reduce viscosity of hydrocarbon(Golod+),<br />
●ii-Radioactive matter remediation(Kinderevich+), ●iii- Spontaneous capacitor<br />
charging (Golod+), ●iv- Solid matters’ weight can be changed & do so<br />
nonlinearly when torsion vibe offered(Lavrentiev+), ●v-“Overunity” heat<br />
production by reacting to static magnetic field,<br />
& “Dissident” Scientists:<br />
: Can<br />
Affect Ceramic/Glass/Insulator's Electric Property etc<br />
• ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality: 6-Matter Activation element:<br />
• ●vi- Plasma & ball lightning link,<br />
• ●vii- Self heat generating ceramic production(Da Yurth+): Determines degree<br />
of "EM wave phase matching" of ceramic/other matter with Electric<br />
poling/Electro-thermal poling, or equivalent effect certain laser pulse or regular<br />
EM pulse form, with possibly mechanical pressing/stretching combined.<br />
Basically same process is now mainstream approved: EM field use to migrate<br />
charge in ceramic/glass (Feng Chen, Jen Thomas, ChaBum Lee+).<br />
• Relation to dielectric breakdown of ceramic, or Electric Field-Induced<br />
Softening(electric field lowers heat use to form glass). Also dielectric material<br />
or nonwoven fabric is mass produced into electret (Kasuga Denki, <br />
+) i.e. Accepted as valid <strong>science</strong> as long as not used for free energy<br />
etc.<br />
• Other Commercialized TORSION tech eg: ➢ Water related: EOS-2000 System,<br />
BioIT Water, Lohnert Snowplus, Aqvadisk +. ➢ Others: Device IGA-1,<br />
MAXiiMUS, CieAura chips, Эм пластик/EM Plastic, Shoo!Tag, Lifewave<br />
Patch, Generator series Ehmi, Bhado/Bihadou, Chrysalis Energies, TorsionPia,<br />
Progress Industrial Systems, МИЛТА-Ф, TimeWaver, Гамма 7 +,<br />
237<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
effect by Pyramid Geometry & others:<br />
• Pyramid influence & generation of Torsion field like effects:<br />
1a-Blade cuts better(Drbal[styrene plastic pyramid was commercialized in Eastern<br />
Europe during Soviet era: Max Toth], M Kawakami+)(Pyramid-magic ru+) : Weak<br />
ambient microwave/Far Infrared wave is effectively absorbed by pyramid<br />
geometry(eg group pyramids are used for microwave absorbing Anechoic Chamber:<br />
but appears geometry itself, not necessarily because of the valley structure between<br />
pyramids does absorbing) then resonating inside to cause water to dry out from blade<br />
edge(Electromagnetic Dehydration)(Drbal+), but additionally there seems to be some<br />
kind of resonating field effect with more flux in East-West line at least partly related<br />
to(or reacting to) earth magnetic field. But even ungrouped lone pyramid skeleton<br />
structure has similar effects(Parr+),<br />
• 1b-Blade under pyramid not just dries faster but it does really seem to change<br />
microstructure at blade ie “self sharpening effect”(Krasnoholovets+),<br />
• 2-Mental clarity & mediation enhancement when stay indoor of low angle(same as<br />
Giza) pyramid. Some have capacity up to 5000 people as meditation centre(Pyramid<br />
Valley International, Maheshwara Maha Pyramid): sometimes considered as hyper<br />
dimensional geometry with "other than 3d physical reality existence" & energy flow.<br />
Over 1000 small pyramid structures with 10-100 people capacity were build in India as<br />
meditation venue as mainstream status in its Central East states(Pyramid Everywhere<br />
[Brahmarshi Patriji], PyramidElements+). Enhanced meditation itself even brings cures<br />
to some serious chronic disease & has epigenetic alteration(Herbert Benson+)->> cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
effect by Pyramid Geometry & others 2<br />
• 3-Medical effects, 10+ facilities(Пирамиды Голода - НПО «Гидрометприбор»+),<br />
pyramid building's commercialized medical use in Russia(«Визави» в Тольятти[АМ<br />
Гребенников]+), & mostly not officially published)mainstream scientists research in<br />
Russia(G Lozino-Lozinskiy+): with generally equivalent to highly successful version of<br />
pharmaceutical effect in wide range of aspects when patient is being in pyramid or<br />
ingesting water/nutrients that was in pyramid:<br />
• ■●РАН(Russian Academy of Science: RAS)(ВИ Костиков): 200% electrical resistance<br />
change of carbon, ●Change of radioactivity, crystallization & its optical quality changes<br />
■●РАМН(Russian Academy of Medical Science: RAMS) - Ивановский филиал<br />
(Клименко & Носик): x3 immune increase with natural drug, ●(АГ Антонов): water<br />
can have same effect as glucose, ●(ВА Макаров): Hematology effects, ●(НБ Егорова):<br />
drastically decreased mortality rate 3% vs 30% etc.<br />
• ■Other Russia/Ukraine/Ex Soviet block: Evaporation is faster(МС Радюк+), Mainstream<br />
hospitals used indoor pyramid device("НИКО-ПОЛ"+), Basically same device is officially<br />
accepted by Cuban gov't for medical effectiveness as leading main driver for some of<br />
chronic disease cure & injury after repeated strict tests(Ulises Sosa<br />
Salinas+)(Piramicasa+)<br />
• 4-Drying or water evaporation effect: Experiments of fruit drying are fairly consistent<br />
mummification result without rotting or heavy discoloration of control samples. Metal<br />
blade's micro water beads dry faster(Krasnoholovets+). -->> cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
effect by Pyramid Geometry & others 3<br />
• 5a-Disinfection, antibacterial & plant growth promotion effect on<br />
matter/plant /bacteria located in the structure yet human preferred<br />
fermentation is conveniently enhanced: ■Other nations' academic:<br />
●: significant preservation effect on milk(Itagi Ravi Kuimar+), on Halal(MAA<br />
Abdelsamie +), or growth speed on seeds, Pyramid with fibreglass is more<br />
effective than wood based, but no difference in seed mortality rate (HR<br />
Nagendra+), promote structured water(Russly Abdul Rahman+),<br />
• ■ Many noncommercialized claims exist, but a BioDynamic certified farm<br />
claims to improve wine taste faster(Summerhill Pyramid Winery).<br />
■ Sometimes plants inside pyramid moves around in cycle(control doesn’t)<br />
every few hrs(not matching sun's orbit at all) like some sort of force to react<br />
to is shifting(Schul & Pettit+), & actually measurable by conventional means<br />
and probably some relation to cosmological energy collected at resonating<br />
field in pyramid(AA Adamenko & GD Berdyshev +).<br />
• 5b-Disinfection, antibacterial & plant growth promotion effect by water<br />
stayed in the structure for prolonged time(V Uvarov+), The building has<br />
supercooled water production capability: existence of some type of distinct<br />
"bioenhancing like energetic field". -->> cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
effect by Pyramid Geometry & others 4<br />
• 6-Different angles of pyramids: Some claim pyramid’s high performance is<br />
result of synergy with relevant geomancy factor and without best location<br />
selection, effect might diminish. Effect amplification differs directionally,& it<br />
often diminishes or annuls if not parallel to North-South(Vit Groisman+), Effect<br />
of pyramid differs depends on vertical height location inside of it(Novikov &<br />
Kiseivel+),<br />
• Large scale pyramid in West are mainly in North America & mainstream groups<br />
don't claim anomalous effects(Luxor Hotel, Memphis Pyramid+), while fringe<br />
groups do(Jim Onan[Gold Pyramid House]+). Also US military might have one<br />
facility. Infrared thermography shows anomalous temp. distribution within<br />
structure and on pointed top.<br />
• Occasionally some radar or electro-photonic equipments pick up some plasma<br />
like vortex projection from top of large pyramids world wide(John DeSalvo+)<br />
• 7-Some other geometric shapes seem to "collect" similar type of energy: Flat<br />
triangle(S Iwasaki+, at right angle, delta wing vortex like subtle power<br />
generated), Hexagon/cylinder tube, or hollow open structure(Grebennikov, S<br />
Nomura+), Cone(Frings), Ring(Kar Wagner+), Golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence<br />
(Shakhparonov+), Water placed on Flat Holofractal graphic or Flower of life<br />
printed sheet(bioenhancing effect). -->>cont:<br />
241<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Biological & Thought Generated<br />
1: Spin<br />
Direction Controllable Air Convection: Egely Wheel<br />
• TORSION field effect seems to be also possible to generate primarily by Mind,<br />
Emotion, Body Organ, or Other Biologically Originated Cause. Emotion boosted<br />
clear thoughts, or even at any emotional state: i.e. “subjective in nature, with<br />
objective physical basis”(АВ Чернецкий, Thorns+), Usually extremely weak field<br />
effects. Currently strong bioenergetic field effect is one of most debunked and<br />
even openly suppressed world wide including non West, equal to the extent of<br />
non allopathic medical suppression in US: in the name of "preventing fraud",<br />
while genuine fraud exists, others operate with consistent long term results.<br />
• Appear to link to weak electric field effect with disproportionally strong physical<br />
"overunity" influence in various ways: some type of energy-informational factor?<br />
• Usually this energy can only run specifically made small “bioenergy” generator<br />
type without contact or wind(R Pavlita, Zde Rejdák, Egely[Egely wheel], Ro Hruby,<br />
Bu Payne +), based on the subtle bioenergy of human body & organs that would<br />
cause a slight temperature rise(less than 1C°) inside of focused cone/cylindrical<br />
geometric made of certain metal?: some type of air convection spin effect seems<br />
involved but something else also exists.(similar to orgone accumulator concept?)<br />
• Terms like Psychic field, Bioelectromagnetic field, Psychotronic field, Chi/Qi,<br />
Bioenergy, Information field etc sometimes seem to refer to this "biofield"<br />
originated by bioorganism/mind or its physical effects. -->>cont: 242
Biological & Thought Generated 2:<br />
Inseparable Connection With Conventional Effects<br />
• ->>cont: Field generated by emotion boosted thoughts & body field:<br />
• This category of Torsion field like effect seemingly causing human mental<br />
& physical activities are usually presented in Western society as<br />
compartmentalized /separated into many categories of unrelated<br />
phenomena of “placebo”, mistake or non existent hallucinatory type<br />
academically invalid perception:<br />
• But those disparately categorized events or causes are usually strongly<br />
interconnected and inseparable(ВМ Кандыба+), including when strong<br />
physical effect are produced or utilized, and many mind based effects can<br />
basically replace many mechanical devices with lower costs while some<br />
can deliver effects currently unduplicatable by machines(Николай<br />
Алексеевич Колтовой+) : eg Trivedi Effect(mainstream India accepted),<br />
Bronnikov Method(NP Bekhtereva: extensive mainstream academic<br />
testing in Russia/Ukraine), BengstonResearch(on going successful<br />
controlled experiments & application with taboo serious disease medical<br />
cure),<br />
->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Bio<br />
3: Inter-Connection Of Many Effects<br />
• ->>cont: Field generated by emotion boosted thoughts & body field:<br />
• In this biofield section, strong Torsion field like mind effect/body field effect<br />
affecting physicality or strong sense mechanism that is conventionally<br />
unobtainable is discussed. Following usually differently categorized people<br />
/discipline often appear to use very similar or exact same technique:<br />
• ➢ "Spiritual discipline"(Qigong/Kikou etc), & Shamans, ➢ Religious event<br />
effects -notably evangelical, ➢ Breathing arts, ➢ Part of some magician<br />
/mentalist performance, ➢ Hypnosis, ➢ Energy medicine, ➢ Healer practice,<br />
➢ Psychic's ability, ➢ Seance medium, ➢ "Physical freaks" or "Superhuman",<br />
➢Various sects of specialized martial arts, ➢ Specialized military combat<br />
methods, ➢ Military/Intel surveillance<br />
• ➢ Also usually undisclosed area of high level professional bodyguard protocol<br />
(eg in Russia: Академия Национальной ассоциации телохранителей ):<br />
• International top elite level body guards might usually consider nonlocal<br />
psi-attack by biological and electromagnetic (torsion/psychotronic)means,<br />
surveying relevant people's mind, as well as probability prediction not just<br />
based on "remote viewing" but combining with astrological statistics of key<br />
elements(ДН Фонарев, ГГ Рогозин+). Other stronger bio field projection<br />
examples are also quoted in coming pages.<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Bio<br />
4: Field Reading by Blindfolded Vision<br />
• ->>cont: Field generated by emotion boosted thoughts & body field:<br />
• ■α "Field" reading only effect: Local(direct face to face, up to 100m range<br />
away, or non-local long distance but via video screen face to face) "mind<br />
reading", blind vision. and Non Local(p249-252)<br />
• α i - Sense perception of near-field vision when blindfolded(Genius Mind<br />
Academy David Ting, Инфовидение+),<br />
• Sensing by using unconventional part of brain(eg mid brain, "third eye" etc),<br />
body as a whole, "imaginary sense", or biofield itself as field receptor. This type<br />
of method occasionally seems to induce regeneration of: surgically removed<br />
organ, lost 2 nd teeth, or substantial healing(GP Grabovoi, Аркадий Наумович<br />
Петров, Андрей Игоревич Полетаев, VM Bronnikov+),<br />
• α ii-Same as above "i" type near-field vision reading blindfolded but by use of<br />
palm or skin sensitivity: or partial "remote viewing" skill(Kleshova[Godin], Yvo<br />
Duplesis+): above category "i" is often unable to see object when original<br />
photon projection point is blocked(object is covered up at its source instead<br />
of blind folding receiver's eye), hence this is basically different mechanics<br />
though some seers can use both methods. -->>cont:<br />
245<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
5: Field Reading by Specific Body Parts<br />
• ->>cont: Field generated by emotion boosted thoughts & body field: ■α<br />
BioEnergetic Field reading only: ii-"non eye reading" :<br />
• Less frequent "seeing ability" by other specific body parts use like ears, arm pits,<br />
nose, sole of foot to "read"( -[- Chen Shouliang], Сергей<br />
Семиволос+). Also sometimes there are elements of reaching into own<br />
subconscious, or even other people's conscious awareness who knows what is<br />
hidden for knowledge /information to "see"(ВБ Поляков+): highly skilled<br />
psychics /mentalists often do this by use of whatever sense they can use most<br />
easily at given time(including "cheating" by conventional tricks) without getting<br />
trapped by one particular method(each time is different) hence those skills are<br />
often inseparable.<br />
• α iii-X-ray vision: Partially view under the surface like X-ray or Terahertz wave<br />
scanner sees(N Demkina, Va Kuzmenko, Ser Lysechko, Юля Воробьева+, people<br />
capable in this category have higher chance of other psychic abilities(healing,<br />
telekinesis, OBE, Martial art etc),<br />
• α iv-"Mind reading" from biofield: seems to be used as advanced "reading"<br />
another person's thought by sensing field effect by unconventional part of brain,<br />
body as a whole, or biofield itself as field receptor. Also works via long distance<br />
live video camera. Commonly practiced by mentalists at mainstream level, in<br />
conjunction with closely inter-related biological based "mind influence". >>cont<br />
Bio<br />
6: Field Reading plus: Mind Reading<br />
• ->>cont: Bio field: ■α Field reading only:iv-"Mind reading" :<br />
Mind Reading research seems to be constantly being tested in try & error manner<br />
by combined use of electronic/acoustic /chemical /scalar/corporeal program "insitu"<br />
or at confined situation by institutional back up unofficially. Probably very<br />
important element at certain thinktanks, large corporate groups, military, intel, &<br />
its contractors: : eg Silent Subliminal Presentation System(SSPS)<br />
• Within this context: PR firm & media's role sometimes appears to be a debunker &<br />
secret disclosurer both at same time(similar to "UFO" or non-terrestrial civilization<br />
validation as fictional setting), like sometimes high performing mentalists<br />
appearing to be openly showing teleportation or telekinesis effects as "mere trick".<br />
• Although difficult or irrelevant to distinguish, even sophisticated<br />
mentalist/hypnotist etc's biological based "mind reading" appears to be primarily<br />
using conventional sense mechanism of interactive dialogue, body gesture,<br />
voice(not biofield reading), which is so intertwined with non conventional sense<br />
mechanism.<br />
• Yet body gesture etc reading goes into to extent of pseudoscientized refined form<br />
of "somatic metaphor": mind/emotional state shows up as sign/symbol in various<br />
conduct, posture, expression, or body symptom: This "reading" is actually<br />
common skill amongst main media accepted mentalists & relates to severely<br />
debunked high performance version Homeopathy/Naturalpath, German New<br />
Medicine, Bruno Gröning method , ThetaHealing(Vianna Stibal) etc. ->>cont:<br />
Bio<br />
7: Mentalist Tricks Mixture: Common<br />
Sense, "Somatic Metaphor", & Psychic Effects<br />
• ->>cont: ■α BioField: iv-"Mind reading" : Somatic Metaphor: Gröning,Theta Healing<br />
etc: Well documented far beyond mainstream effect claim in serious chronic disease<br />
(also moderate claim Self BioFeedback[Elm Green+]): But many of such cures are<br />
entirely Placebo based: this word can be misnomer. Another eg: placebo water<br />
seems to carry the "vibration resonance of drinker's belief"? - because effect<br />
disappears from the water when effect blocking chemical(eg naloxone) is<br />
added(Fabrizio Benedetti+).<br />
• Hence mentalists use muscle kinetic response(Applied Kinesiology: AK [Incidentally<br />
strictly speaking, AK effects or others to read mind is labeled pseudo<strong>science</strong>, yet<br />
mainstream conveniently stretches interpretation of this as valid effect temporarily to<br />
debunk mind reading effect. This phenomena is similar to reasonless-skyscraper-rapidcollapse-valid<br />
temporary <strong>science</strong> at geopolitical event), & Ideomotor skill, Eye<br />
movement signal reading & feedback Additionally weak torsion/scalar field related<br />
biofield/aura sensing seems to be practiced by bulk of high performance mentalists as<br />
a minor element yet intricately mixed(Marc Salem, Wane Hoffman, David Blaine+),<br />
while some seem to use higher % of further more unconventional skill(Keith Barry+).<br />
• Others are suspected to mix conventional magic trick & actual high level<br />
unconventional field reading or psychokinesis type effects but difficult to identify<br />
which is which([], Lior Suchard, Сергей Листопад, Cyril Takayama, Steven<br />
Frayne["skinny" super soldier types?], Dan White+): ->>cont:<br />
Bio<br />
8: Mind Reading, Remote Viewing<br />
• ->>cont: Bio Informational Energy field as Torsion Field: ■α Field reading only: iv-<br />
"Mind reading" : conventional trick vs psychic effects: Mentalists skill:<br />
• Conventional Trick or Science unapproved effects?: often mentalists appear to be<br />
using both at same time(eg Using sleight of hand with teleportation /thoughtgraphy,<br />
Dramatizing pyrokinesis by mixing flash powder, etc): How far would this type of<br />
Western "disclosure" of psychic/telekinetic ability go? Would healer cure someone &<br />
call it "trick" on prime time TV in West & leave it as placebo?(Often shown on main TV<br />
in non West, but not appearing to affect much conventional medical market share)<br />
• αv-"Nonlocal reading as Remote Viewing(RV), Clairvoyance": generally much more<br />
difficult compared to near field interactive live mind reading or items reading by<br />
blindfold, or even use of Psychometry(reading "field" of token matter belonging to<br />
someone etc), yet RV is possibly able to extract more comprehensive data.<br />
• Different types: •1 Many different proprietary based strict viewer /helper protocol<br />
based sequential set up (versions of RV)etc, •2 Loose protocol type, •3 No protocol<br />
intuitive random "psychic" approach: eg: In rare cases have flash image suddenly<br />
comes as listen/watch/read news(Sharon Neil[blind], Debbie Malone, Karen Prisant +),<br />
• Often referred as Anomalous Mental Phenomena/Anomalous Cognition/Extra<br />
Sensory Perception(ESP): “Psychics” might do it naturally(Noreen Renier, A Dellafiora,<br />
Annette Martin, Marry Ann Morgan+), or tool users(Jean-Louis Crozie[pendulum:Yevs<br />
Rocard]+), with similar level+ of accuracy as top RV, but might be less consistent &<br />
working mechanics seem to be often different. ->>cont:<br />
Bio<br />
9: RV is Dumbed Down Version?<br />
• ->>cont: Biofield: ■α Field reading only: v-"Remote Viewing"(RV), Clairvoyance:<br />
• More commonly found ability for savants(Di Powell+), Rare case of police force<br />
member with disclosed significant psychic ability use(Pat Price, Keith Charles+),<br />
• Assistants involved Military RV(there are several versions in this US protocol<br />
method) seems to develop high consistency/accuracy performers(Daz Smith, Co<br />
Brown, Major-General Thompson, J Utts, Moorhouse+), Most people need training,<br />
but extremely rare previously untrained super-viewer("natural psychic") can scan<br />
exact numbers directly(Pat Price[US intel confirmation, Ed May]+) of remotely filed<br />
location in highly classified area(much more difficult to scan than reading mind<br />
face to face). Most common people can learn to RV effectively(Puthoff+): but<br />
attitude makes major skill development difference(Schmeidler+).<br />
• Resonance entrained methods is deemed to improve effectiveness(Karen Newell, R<br />
Monroe+), i.e. only dumbed down version is declassified?(D Allgire, G Wheaton,<br />
McMoneagle, Wol Messing[МГ Ярошевский]+).<br />
• Some anomalous high sense appears to have developed after electrocution(Jo<br />
Whitton, Greta Alexander+), or seeing many killed(Bill Ward+). Only a fraction of<br />
Western police would "violate code of silence" to admit psychic use(Nancy Myer,<br />
Sally Headding, Phil Jordan, R Cracknell, Rosemary Kerr+), also needs specific mind<br />
set to cope with "empathy experience of the victim"(Nancy Weber, Dorothy<br />
Allison+), also Forensic specialists rely on them(Sally Headding+), famous mediums<br />
are generally weak in this area with a few exceptions(Allison Dubois+) -->>cont: 250
Bio<br />
10: How Much RV is Really Usable?<br />
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading : v-"Remote Viewing":<br />
• A few have official records of international police cooperation including Interpol<br />
with good results or on live tv programs while targeted by intensely focused<br />
selective debunking by "credible media"(G Croiset[Wil Tenhaeff], Hurkos+), or<br />
regularly showed up on Japanese tv for accurate viewing for lost persons<br />
etc(McMoeagle+),<br />
• Generally effective to have limited information(front load) to lessen prejudices.<br />
Use for long distance communication(Ю Каменский & К Николаев+).<br />
• In Russia, numerous official ex-military psychics(военный экстрасенс)(ВЛ<br />
Рехлов +), or intel(Тофик Дадашев, ФР Ханцеверов+), specifically state the<br />
"extrasense" program is not only continuing but critical part of operations, and<br />
some would frequently show up on national prime time media for commenting<br />
after retirement(МВ Виноградов+) and their companies openly talk about<br />
specific case cooperation with police which issues numerous official<br />
acknowledgement stating their high ratio of effectiveness(Центр Михаила<br />
Виноградова +). Yet services also exist in West by similar system(practically 0<br />
media exposure)with a few dozen+ psychics stand-by with claimed found<br />
missing person rate close to 50% range(from missing pool of police couldn't<br />
find)(FIND ME group[but this service is basically free: Kelly Snyder]+) ->>cont:<br />
251<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
11: Dowsing & Commercialization<br />
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading: v-"Remote Viewing":<br />
• US's CIA RV Program officially terminated because they feared ridicule as<br />
mainstream claimed, or just a way to taking it to "underground"?(LR Bremseth+),<br />
RV is also explainable by subtle type of Non-aquatic version of<br />
Electrocommunication Effect as charge is always involved at molecule level<br />
• After '95 RV/ESP official research cancellation, other US gov't organizations, & prv<br />
contractors are still officially engaged/transferred to(SAIC+),(DoD, Navy - ONR [Bre<br />
Olde, Pet Squire+] etc) under various obscure names.<br />
• αvi-"Nonlocal reading as Dowsing": also biolocation/radiasthesia & mind factor<br />
heavy radionics. Stick use to discover water was described in practically all world<br />
wide ancient civilizations. Can be categorized as same as Remote Viewing.<br />
Unofficially fairly widely used for commercial exploration(Bill Cox, Hen Gross, Олег<br />
Ивановский, Mar Mondavi, Emmy Kittemann[H-Dieter Betz] +). Generally any<br />
targeted item search ranging from mineral resources, archaeological<br />
discovery(Geller[Moshe Dayan+], John Baker Deviner, Peter Golding<br />
Archaeological, Клуб Радиоэстезист +), water, military(weapon/security<br />
search)(Геннадий Михайлович Шаповалов +), to any specific hidden objects,<br />
"psychic detective" etc: but many dowsers have high success rate only for their<br />
expertise target items, and most dowsers /remote viewers are effective only when<br />
they deployed accustomed methods. ->>cont:<br />
252<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
12: "Viewing" NonTime + NonLocal?<br />
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading: vi-"Nonlocal-local Doswing":<br />
• Some non-Western nations actively/tacitly endorse effectiveness(Les Matela+),<br />
Existence of Western ignored various academic studies(биолокации)(ЛГ Пучко, НН<br />
Сочованов, БА Григорьевич, СН Бндарчук +).<br />
• Some water drilling companies in "pseudoscientific nations" have own full time dowsers<br />
as official part of water supply service(«Вода основа» Днепропетровски,<br />
Предприятие "Крот" Днепропетровск, Зелёный колодец Ленинградской +),<br />
(there are many that don't advertise, but often intentionally have pages talking about<br />
effectiveness of dowsing in brochure/web page). Some dowsers work closely with<br />
drilling companies(ООО Геомант: Биолокация +), Also "pseudoscientific" UNESCO is<br />
partially endorsing dowsing(Solco Tromp, Герасим Васильевич Богомолов+ ).<br />
• In Western ally nation French Academy of Science in '70s more or less declared several<br />
biofield type effects(telekinesis, dowsing, scalar wave cancer cure 90%plus etc) valid,<br />
Also more such "violation of scientific ethics" by many UK high profile companies and<br />
media by admitting use or endorsing. Austria is often pseudoscientific prone with<br />
exploration companies use dowsing combined with conventional tech(Stuck Exploration<br />
GmbH+). In North America last official Governmental use appears to be pre<br />
WWII(Evelyn Penrose+): even radionics were officially used after. As western<br />
mainstream std process, prominent scientists positive comments on dowsing effects or<br />
anything unapproved are conveniently ignored(A Einstein+).->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Bio<br />
13: Dowsing Tests With No Effects<br />
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading: vi-"Nonlocal-local Doswing":<br />
• One of most extensive major large sample mainstream control test Munich/Scheunen<br />
Experiments(without apparent distortion factor skewed to debunkers) usually<br />
interpreted as conclusive null collective results(only one of 40 or so dowsers did far<br />
beyond statistical performance[Hans Schroter], & only one of several tests produced<br />
significant collective results). But test content is not same as actual field condition at<br />
all and dower's notable ineffectiveness when conditions change is well known(walking<br />
on second floor to detect unburied air exposed metal pipe on first floor house, not<br />
water flowing underground by walking on ground sensing all ambience - air sound<br />
etc). Another similar scale Deutsche Gesellschaft fur. Technische Zusammenarbeit<br />
(GTZ) field experiment(condition is unchanged from way they conduct business)<br />
produced satisfactory results(similar level as generally claimed by top rate dowsers).<br />
• Although there is no such evidence for failed test, it is known amongst specialists this<br />
failure as well as magnetic water/magnetic fuel treatment effectiveness failure can be<br />
induced by specific geomagnetic area activity or artificially generating specific<br />
entrainment acoustic or electromagnetic frequency that are undetectable.<br />
• In West, large majority of commercialization is unadvertised word-of-mouth types,<br />
without web sites, and often depends on association based referral(Sourciers et<br />
Géobiologues d'Europe, American Society of Dowsers, British Society of Dowsers+),<br />
->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Bio<br />
14: Dowsing User Major Corporations<br />
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading: vi-"Nonlocal-local Doswing":<br />
Few openly advertise their service in West(Kuebelbeck Underground Water Locating,<br />
Biolocation.com, sourcier-idf.fr, Mervyn Milner - Dowsing +), Some uses<br />
pendulum(Sourcier Toillier +). Some work on high cost mining exploration(Geller[Val<br />
Duncan:Rio Tinto, Jose Lopez Portillo: Mexican Pres/Pemex], Stanislav Hruda, Paul<br />
Clement Brown, prospectinggold.co.uk[Peter Taylor]+), DACH nations are more<br />
focused on water & residential geopathic/EMF toxin effect location(Geobiologist Hans<br />
Janisch, Richard Helfer Wünschelrutengänger, Reiner Padligur +), some go far as<br />
construction site based building material diagnosis in addition to water(Baubiologe<br />
Baldermann UG, Gottfried Kurtz - Baubiologie+)<br />
• Western military used to officially deployed mine or any risk locating even after<br />
debunking started in 1950s(Gen Patton, Maj-Gen James Scott-Elliot +), reports on<br />
extensive use at least till Vietnam War, then to Remote Viewing program closing time<br />
in 1995(including dowsing on map, not on site). Major corporations in Europe still<br />
admitting(Hoffmann-La Roche[P Treadwell], United Utilities, Severn Trent, Thames<br />
Water+). Yet there is a rare major public suppression of high profile use dowsing:<br />
• Military Dowsing Rod based bomb detector makers in West(it is true dowsing is<br />
basically never 100% workable for all people) were forcefully shut down(ADE651,<br />
Alpha6, GT200+) after large 3rd world sales (Typical sign of effectiveness. Unless<br />
coerced, Police/military never buys & uses pseudoscientific device without<br />
additional extensive field test, strong reference, extra caution to confirm<br />
effectivness), and customers' satisfactory continuous use is criticized ->>cont:255
Bio<br />
15: Military Dowsing Suppression<br />
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading: vi-"Nonlocal-local<br />
Doswing": High profile Military/Police dowsing device:<br />
• Others are intensively debunked & extensively harassed /sued in West<br />
(SNIFFEX PLUS +), This type of massive coordinated suppression campaign<br />
under the name of "justice" is still possible to deploy for official <strong>Cold</strong> Fusion<br />
or other free energy commercialization when it is launched at high profile<br />
level, by involving dramatic coordination of majority of even "alternative<br />
media" or non western private media to call the new tech outright fraud.<br />
Same "morality" based intense suppression is almost guaranteed to happen if<br />
Radionics mainstreamization on medical and agricultural application is<br />
attempted against current narrative.<br />
• General dowsing working mechanics: Hand twitches unconsciously to a mind<br />
focused specific "signal"(like equivalent of searching for a specific sound or visual<br />
item) as a body response to: Quasi magnetic like field on specific target item(ZV<br />
Harvalik, Gor MaClean+), "Information field"(НН Сочеванов, ВС Стеценко+), or<br />
At least underground water flow generates weak magnetic field(mainstream<br />
accepted) & this might get amplified by some geological force?(Yves Rocard+).<br />
Another way of explanation can be: subtle Scalar frequency broadcasted by target<br />
object is picked up by "human body antenna" & hand twitches(Bovis, G<br />
Lakhovsky+), based on mind focus to tune into the frequency. ->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Bio<br />
16: Use of NonTime+NonLocal View?<br />
• ->>cont: Bio Energetic field as Torsion Field: ■α BioEnergetic Field reading:<br />
αvii-"NonTime, NonLocal Scan": Prediction/precognition purpose<br />
"Dowsing/Remote Viewing". Idea of future probability prediction makes it<br />
unreliable compared to regular dowsing or remote viewing(Cha Tart+), yet<br />
commercialized/military/intel future remote viewing or strategizing often<br />
combines cosmic/astronomical level cyclic or geomagnetic oscillation based<br />
statistical factor(i.e. astrology) to increase accuracy of such statistical<br />
probability forecast for major events:.<br />
• CIS Intel/military commonly claim NonLocal Scan + Astrology is a std process<br />
not just in Russia(Ю Скоков, НИ Рыжков, АС Бузинов, АЛ Чижевский +), but<br />
top Western intel/military/gov't etc is utilizing this method while debunking<br />
publicly: (Geller, Jean Dixon+)<br />
• At least some Western elites openly take it seriously(Ed Dwey[Study of<br />
Cycles]+). Also major corporate/NGO use it at least in Russia(АВ Зараев+),<br />
• Short term probability prediction for successful stock market high investment<br />
returns(Targ, Pau Smith+), Is there some evidence of psi factor for business<br />
success?(Douglas Dean+). While official million$ lottery “lab prediction trials”<br />
all fail, thousand$ range lottery continuously won using experimental<br />
protocol(Mil Ryzl[P Stepanek etc: stronger effect came from hypnosis use]+):<br />
->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Bio<br />
17: Field Influence -> Mind Influence<br />
• ->>cont: Bio Energy field: : ■α Field reading: vii-"NonTime, NonLocal Scan":<br />
• Number & market direction prediction is usually done by remote viewing of "up"<br />
or "down" or number as specific pictures/images pre-associated to them.<br />
• Some speculate about differences between future prediction vs future<br />
influence(Hel Schmidt+). Tested far above even-ratio future prediction(time<br />
probability reading) readers' brain wave show accuracy might involve brain's<br />
magnetic anomaly(Che Alexander, Ric Broughton, Persinger[Harribance effect],<br />
Venkatasubramanian+).<br />
• β "Field" manipulation effect: Type of psychokinesis. Yet Field Affecting vs<br />
Reading might be very close effect and sometimes indistinguishable.<br />
βi- Mind Influence to other humans & animals/plants: a- High performance<br />
mentalists/hypnotists' basic skill of significant thought influence/or idea/belief<br />
implant to people is widely demonstrated on mainstream TV even in west.<br />
• Top practitioners can commonly program new beliefs & personalities to a certain<br />
type of person by language during subconscious hypnotic state, so when come<br />
out of hypnosis, still can cause that person to alter regular personality<br />
/cognition/discernment on key trigger command words, to take actions they<br />
wouldn't at regular conscious state: including giving up precious possessions to<br />
strangers(eg Gendam hypnosis), conduct ALL types of acts, then later has no<br />
memory at all: Words generate informational field via receptor's brain? ->>cont:<br />
Bio<br />
18: BioField Touch or Physical Touch<br />
• ->>cont: Bio Informational Field as Torsion Field : ■ β BioField manipulation:<br />
βi- Mind Influence to other humans & animals: a: High performance mentalist+<br />
• This people-control aspect of hypnosis has been documented, witnessed commonly<br />
even by mainstream military/intel type people: eg Long term spy for several months<br />
continuously(Estabrooks+) Project ARTICHOKE(Helms+).<br />
• Hypnosis triggered instant personality change could involve sudden illness or cure(B<br />
Lipton+). Or change in Physical ability & allergic response(Be Braun+)(Zdenko<br />
Domancic Method+), Eye color(Fr Putnam+) - accompanying sudden brain<br />
electroencephalograms (EEGs) gap as if brain is connected to another person: Same<br />
gap occurs at during vs after mediumship at seance(Cha Hapgood+),<br />
• Yet some high level performers are known to be able to do the same thing to<br />
people they never met before(not programmed prior) - at least for a short<br />
term(Tom Silver, Dodie Magis+ ). Rare official mental energy healer license granted<br />
in West Hallandale Beach FL USA(Dean Kraft)<br />
• Also imitation of human operated hypnosis is partially done by computer /TV<br />
screen: generate pre-mentioned field(by associated wave if exact frequency is<br />
emanated) that causes hand(palm) based nonconact hypnotic state in human by<br />
only EM field generated from monitor screen(H Loos, E Rauscher+), and additionally<br />
some sort of cosmic or astronomical phenomena seems to influence this<br />
bioenergetic type field(ЛП Гримак+).<br />
259<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
19: "Opening Up" Biofield Then..<br />
• ->>cont: Field generated by thoughts & body: ■ β BioField manipulation:<br />
βi- Mind Influence to other humans & animals: a: mentalist etc's psychokinesis<br />
• Hence sometimes separating even biologically induced or mechanically induced<br />
control(also at controversial segment: p452,453[4a-d], p467,468[2a]+) of biofield<br />
becomes difficult/irrelevant.<br />
• Insistence of mainstream <strong>science</strong>/NGO/gov't, or media's scientific comment on<br />
ineffectiveness of hypnosis as deception/mind control contradicts same media's<br />
endorsement of identical effect for entertainment use to the degree rarely seen in<br />
normally uniform reality creating mainstream west.<br />
• Post 1980s MKUltra officialization(mind control project: by use of chemical, bodily<br />
conditional response & electronic effects(see controversial segment p467): media<br />
level <strong>science</strong> mainstream North America/Germany is lobbying very hard, that no<br />
person can be controlled to feel differently, or planted beliefs(even temporarily)<br />
unwillingly or take any actions they don't like by a trigger command and forget<br />
afterwards - without exception. And evidence obtained by hypnosis is invalid(but<br />
actually used by mainstream military, police, intel in many western nations).<br />
• UK media is differing by their major media affirming assassin examples(D Brown).<br />
Note this external mind influence effect locally as well as non locally by electronic<br />
& mind both has been a part of full mainstream <strong>science</strong> & media in Soviet-Russia-<br />
CIS. -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Bio<br />
20: Human Plant Communication<br />
• ->>cont: Bio Informational Field as Torsion Field: ■ β BioField manipulation:<br />
βi- Mind Influence to other humans & animals/plants:<br />
• b- Implantation of complicated new action instruction from human to dog(ВМ<br />
Бехтерев, ВЛ Дуров +), Animal brain reaction measured when its offsprings are<br />
killed non locally(ВП Перов, ИМ Коган+), or when the animals’ siblings are<br />
shocked electrically(AA Berezin+).<br />
• c-Plant interaction-communication with human thoughts, what appears to be<br />
plant field reading capability is "confirmed" mainly by use of galvanic skin<br />
response(lie detector) instant biofeedback or Kirlian Photo(Backster, “LG<br />
Lawrence”, Maslobrod, Vogel, PP Sauvin, A Mikami, Ot Rahn, Eldon Byrd,<br />
Puthoff, B Swanson, Ken & Washu Hashimoto - - <br />
[alphacoil.com]+). This is part of mainstream Russia/Soviet idea(ВН Пушкин<br />
[Психологический институт им. ЛГ Щукиной], ГИ Ангушев["hypnosis of plant"<br />
improves communication?], Korotkov+).<br />
Sometimes works well like fast remote viewing by "tapping into plant wisdom",<br />
but only for certain limited % of people consistently. Not about inter-human<br />
communication, but at least plants have some sort of "feelings" & can<br />
perceive/process/store information(J Chandra Bose, Гунара & Карманова+).<br />
• d-Plant memory of human(V Adamenko, Ra Fontes, Soloukhin+), -->>cont:<br />
261<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
21: Mesmer & Magnetic Transference<br />
• ->>cont: Field generated by thoughts & body: ■ β BioField manipulation:<br />
• βii-Trained high performers can cause strong enough field effect or non local<br />
contact to affect people physically(move, fall, feel as if touched etc)whom they met<br />
for the first time with non-contact method & subject's eyes closed:<br />
• a- Cause subject to clearly sense someone is touching, or pushed or pulled like on<br />
puppet strings by advanced hypnotist(Marco Paret, Tom Silver+), or when someone<br />
is touched, then different "hypnotized" paired up person(s) to feel the same<br />
sensation of touched or have voluntarily synchronized movement of body<br />
unknowingly(FA Mesmer+): "Magnetic Transference". This effect is western<br />
mainstream <strong>science</strong> debunked as impossible, while at Western media accepted<br />
mainstream magicians/illusionist practice as basic skill: rare situation of <strong>science</strong> is<br />
denying the effect but usually debunking-obsessed Western main media fully<br />
accepts it without criticism.<br />
• b- Same technique is used as part of elite military application(eg Бесконтактный<br />
Бой/”contactless fight"/touchless knockout)(В Старов [VadimStranov.ru], ОВ<br />
Мальцев[OlegMaltsev.com]+), same effect of moving people or falling them on<br />
ground contactlessly by using some pointed tool(МВ Рябко[Systema Ryabko]+),<br />
Some even teaches mainly for civilian market(Школа Серафим +), Others teach<br />
only as extra curricular due to its difficulty(ДВ Скогорев [Сибирский Вьюн]+), --<br />
>>cont:<br />
262<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
22: Contactless Body Manipulation<br />
• ->>cont: Field by thoughts+body: ■β: ii: Affecting people without touch:<br />
• "Contactless combat": is more accurate to say PsychoPhysics – Психофизика(АЛ<br />
Лавров, Олег Горват+) because there is always contact but on different levels<br />
including non-physical: aligning bioenergy, nervous system, breathing, emotions,<br />
shared ambience & ground etc<br />
• Martial artists & healers also deploy this skill(eg Karate & Kyusho ryu)(J Hogan, G<br />
Dillman+), common amongst qi going/chi kung/Ki Kou masters(Kaku Ryou - [<br />
] + ), others (Nyoman Serengen[Yellow Bamboo], J Lampila+):<br />
Significant portion of martial art/qigong masters & healers who can demonstrate this<br />
skill seems to stay away from public video demonstration to "show off" due to the<br />
teachings' philosophical reasons.<br />
• But basically none of above noncontact technique has universal hand combat effect<br />
on all people 100% of time,(some kind of connection and agreement at least on<br />
subconscious level needs to take place between "affecter and affectee": "connection<br />
with matter" is also claimed to be important to move objects without touching by<br />
telekinesis capable various masters) and usually 1-40% range of people first exposed<br />
to top performer of non-contact technique would not be affected(and this failure<br />
demonstration is public major TV broadcasted repeatedly in some nations: debunkers<br />
/nonbelievers are usually more often able to withstand unaffected). Top users usually<br />
know if noncontact technique works on a specific person beforehand. -->>cont:<br />
263<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
23: Contactless Body Immobilization<br />
• ->>cont: ■β: Field affecting: ii: Contactless fight applicability in real combat:<br />
• Frequently even top “contactless fight” skill is effective only to cause opponent to<br />
disorient/lose balance, or lose thought concentration/motivation temporarily, or<br />
deflect of opponent’s bunch/charge direction aim involving users own body<br />
movement(element of Aikido), or combining auditory effects.<br />
• Usually contactless passing out/immobilizing of enemy is possible only when<br />
prolonged static target exists that can make some type of "connection"(hence it<br />
doesn't work like standing still and instantly throwing 100s of people left and<br />
right successively without contact against somebody they never met before.<br />
• Also to have maximum effectiveness this often includes actual light touch<br />
(continued touch up to 0.5sec+) to reduce opponent muscle power or speed,<br />
sense orientation.<br />
• βiii-Make people/animal fully immobilized/passing out- goes into altered state, or<br />
partially paralyze by specific muscle immobilization without touching or speaking<br />
by focusing biofield on specific meridian point, still a major part of contactless<br />
fight skill inseparable from "ii"(Анатолий Белоусов, АЛ Лавров+). Even most of<br />
top hypnotists/mentalists who can cause this effect needs words or actual<br />
touching: combining with suggestive hypnotic/triggering phrases(Ron Welzel,<br />
Peter Blythe+), but there are non-contact capable exceptions(Kashpirovsky,<br />
Dodie Magis+): Gendam Hypnosis etc. -->>cont: 264
Bio Info<br />
24: Contactless Animal Sedating<br />
• ->>cont: Bio field: ■β: Manipulation: iii-Make people pass out contactlessly:<br />
Also some can induce conventional appearance hypnotic trance but subjects are<br />
actually cognizant of the gap between its ego desire and hypnotized state of own<br />
action taking simultaneously against ego's will(Альберт Венедиктович<br />
Игнатенко+): these skills appear to be using other than regular hypnotic skills.<br />
• Similarly, although most masters who is capable, can do only with contact, a few<br />
qigong and martial artist masters can sedate/pass out even larger animals<br />
contactless- Example: Public demonstration on pray animals(20-30) herd during day<br />
time, tiger, rhino, small grizzly bear, hippo, adult elephant, 100+ bisons/buffalos, etc,<br />
also can select one specific target to sedate out of 100s in a herd, but failed on giraff<br />
& fighting bull: conduct qi sending from 10-100m range distance, through glass<br />
barrier ok, takes at 3-5mins to cause effect, needs 30mins for 100+ of<br />
animals[Tadashi Kanzawa - : kiryoujyuku],etc.<br />
• Many practicers & some scientists claim "connection" as key to cause effect: use of<br />
eyes, touching, exchange conversation, breathing synchronizing, or other "imagined"<br />
way, and this connection can be described as quasi nonlocal quantum event working<br />
like a carrier wave, before visually noticeable "hand waving" effect takes place(effect<br />
wave):<br />
• Prevention of other's qi influence: When other people's non-local "qi based body<br />
manipulation" is successfully negated, there seems to be much less "connection"<br />
between sender and target. -->>cont:<br />
265<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
25: Why Some Human is Not Affected?<br />
• ->>cont: thoughts+body field: ■β: Field affecting: iii-Contactless immobilizing:<br />
Also martial artists group demonstration of contactless manipulation effect would<br />
fail when receivers are feeling defensive or emotionally tense(also sometimes<br />
"acting" element exists to make up "failing"). When connection fails, brainwave or<br />
thermal pattern of body synchronization between sender and receiver is low or non<br />
existent(Ohta Mitsunobu - , K Nishino[]+), yet generally<br />
human brain affected area by hypnosis(concentrated area) VS qigong(whole brain) is<br />
significantly different in brainwave pattern.<br />
• Soft touch/light hitting of meridian point based critical biofield/field source<br />
manipulation: Although this requires touching/fondling and often not well deployed<br />
by contactless fight mercenaries or bodyguards, certain martial artists deploy effective<br />
combat or covert skill in use of sabotaging/destroying precise acupuncture nerve<br />
points/system(where biofield "electricity" flows like vessels flow blood)( <br />
Dim Mak/Dan Xue), to induce various biological difficulties upto immediate to a few<br />
month delayed injury, disability, or death(paralyse limbs/breathing mechanism,<br />
damage arteries, organ injuries, or simply cause prolonged blocking of “life energy”)<br />
(Xie Qi Ping, Cai Yujian+). There also seems to be idea of "contactless Dim Mak".<br />
• βiv-Partial or Complete removal of pain ie: medical surgery without anesthetics<br />
(Hypnosurgery): (J Elliotson, J Esdaile+), dental application(Mike Gow, Michael<br />
Woodruff+) this is still being debunked by mainstream west more than 100yrs but<br />
usually allowed to practise even in west(not raided or medical licence cancelled).<br />
->>cont: 266
Bio<br />
26: Anesthetics By BioField Manipulation<br />
• ->>cont: Informational thought & body Field: ■ βiv- Pain removal & anesthetics:<br />
Qigong anesthesia is less known but success with various major surgeries including<br />
cancer without any other painkiller(Lin Housheng - +). Various nerve system<br />
or brainwave altering occurs without touching. A small range % of people might be<br />
induced into uncontrolable laughing and become unsuitable for anesthetic<br />
operation(Shan Hui Xu+)<br />
• βv- Local(face to face) non contact Healing:(often contact types are co-used)<br />
In official West, data is steadily building up on consistent healing results on marginal<br />
symptoms for local non-contact healing(Byeong Oh, Anderson & Taylor, AL<br />
Baldwin+): for pain, anxiety etc. Paralleling with accumulating such data(qigoing and<br />
other methods like Reiki[centerforreikiresearch.org : also includes contact type:],<br />
Healing Touch/ "Laying on of Hands Healing"/Therapeutic Touch[some are non<br />
contact effect](Quantum Touch+) etc), Their effect is now occasionally admitted as<br />
marginal healing supportive care of conventional medical by western mainstream<br />
progressive medical groups(see 2 pages later more on this subject).<br />
• Yet Hand Action portion of Energy Medicine/Energy Healing/Bio Energy Healing<br />
(also p360, 361): BioEnergetic Field Healing leads to repair of bodily/emotional<br />
problem & focusing on meridian points can frequently have stronger effect than<br />
conventional intervention method in serious disease even compared as stand alone<br />
therapy (Barbara Brennan, Donna Eden+), even without considering no side effect. --<br />
>>cont:<br />
267<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio 27: Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy +<br />
• ->>cont: Field generated by thoughts & body: ■ βv- Local BioField manipulation:<br />
At least hand use part of Energy Medicine has a link to Electromedicine with shared<br />
idea to enhance bioresonance field(eg Heart emits 3-4m range diameter EM Field<br />
from body) by removing blocked body resonance especially from body energy points<br />
like chakra, meridian etc: it lowers electrical impedance points which increases speed<br />
of electricity flow for faster recovery(AC Ahn+).<br />
• At least low electricity or no electricity use therapy might be operating on<br />
information field(eg psychic healers operate on bare hand only but specific frequency<br />
electricity measured[Valery Hunt, Hiroshi Motoyama+], Can be called Telekinetic or<br />
Psychic healing(Ric Gordon+).<br />
• Mainstream debunked high performance Hypnotherapy(Rick Collingwood,<br />
Nongard+) VS approved weak effect hypnotherapy difference is simple different<br />
belief insertion of "curing cancer easily" vs "caner is incurable but chemotherapy<br />
pain might be reduced"?: "entirely placebo" should not cure? With less restrictions,<br />
nonlicensed hypnotherapist tend to have stronger medical industry disruptive<br />
capability on serious disease(Gil Boyne+), & High performance types to remain more<br />
unadvertized or scientific protocol research is avoided with a few exceptions(Dav<br />
Spiegel+). Disruptive effect focused main drive hypnotherapy sometimes has even<br />
almost immediate drastic behavioural & medical effect on selected % of patients<br />
when conducted by top Hypnotists(Tom Silver, Ste Parkhill, GF Kein+), this therapy<br />
existed since early times but increasingly blocked by medical groups(MIl Erickson, Da<br />
Elman+),<br />
Bio<br />
28: BioEnergetic Field Medical Status<br />
• βvi- Long distance non-local, or local(face to face) non contact Healing(Often Dual<br />
Capable): including some contact and own body movement.<br />
Progressive western mainstream organizations that accept Qigong/Psychic healing<br />
effect as marginal usually ignore or fully debunk possibility of being main drive for<br />
cure of serious diseases(eg Charlie Goldsmith "partial psychic healing disclosure"<br />
case) with reasons of lacking western std protocol data, and practically treat it as<br />
taboo subject(also note Qigong therapy has self-implement types vs third party<br />
psychic healing types). As of 2017, significant %(50%+ range) of western patients use<br />
various types of non mainstream medical including non contact healing as a<br />
supplemental minor means(even this is media under-reported), but very small %<br />
takes it seriously as, or small % of non mainstream medical practitioners consider or<br />
are allowed to offer as main driver of medical cure in west.<br />
• Above progressive mainstream groups often appear to be functioning as if some<br />
kind of secondary stop-gap measure or "controlled opposition" of mainstream<br />
medical in west(similar to "most disruptive tech debunking" specialist within "free<br />
energy" research community) & also effectively preventing nonlocal healing's social<br />
acceptance into conventional medical monopolized profitable disease healing effect:<br />
• Yet there are controlled protocol researches showing strong results(compared to<br />
conventional medical, but usually not as direct control sample comparison) of specific<br />
high performer(not blanket therapist average performance) in "fringe" peer<br />
reviewed journals or non western publications(see 2 pages later). -->>cont:<br />
269<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
29: Measuring BioEnergetic Field Effect<br />
• ->>cont: BioEnergetic field: ■β: Field affecting: vi-Non contact Healing:<br />
• Because of alleged significant performance gap by practitioner(this factor is<br />
conveniently ignored by mainstream & sometimes used to debunk entire healers<br />
claims), large control sample research of high performer for serious chronic<br />
disease is very difficult with current funding/profit structure(some exception in<br />
China), while mainstream will call such test "Immoral"(they declare nonlocality<br />
cannot have any physical effect etc), & can easily obfuscate experiments by<br />
pressuring to set conditions that are design to have weaker effect(speculating from<br />
other medical tampering & numerous consistent examples of disruptive energy tech<br />
experiment tampering by mainstream or its supporting & parasitic groups).<br />
• This issue can be equated to exaggerated example of marathon running in which<br />
not all runners(e.g. equating as healer) necessarily runs marathon under 2h20mins<br />
(e.g. equivalent of meaning as strong healing effect), and some run at 3hrs(eg barely<br />
marginal effect), and large majority runs marathon at 3.5hrs and more (eg zero<br />
effect or worse). So if randomly select 10 marathon runners(eg healers) to test "in<br />
order to get fair controlled results" as average, there might be no effect at all, or<br />
one or two strong effect would become "statistical error" - hence still no effect at all.<br />
Furthermore, gathering of high performance healers itself would become "selective<br />
data" and becomes void as qualified research by "trusted scientific protocol".<br />
-->>cont:<br />
270<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
30: Robust NonLocal Field Effects<br />
• ->>cont: BioEnergetic field: ■β: Field manipulation causing physical effect<br />
without contact: vi-Non local/local contactless Healing:<br />
• Successful experiments: Non local healing effect validations were<br />
broadcasted nation wide at mainstream Western ally nation’s several leading<br />
TV including public broadcasting service as separate demonstrations with<br />
mainstream academic present([. ], <br />
- []+), and quasi government acknowledgement for<br />
validity is made with academic/medical experimental protocol([<br />
], , , - Y Machi+). This is completely ignored by<br />
rest of western allies(picked up by "pseudoscientific" & "corrupt" non-<br />
Western nations' main media), not debunked in west likely to avoid attracting<br />
attention<br />
• But also amongst other western nations scientific protocol researchers that<br />
are focused on disruptive effects, above 90% rate success brain wave reaction<br />
by capable nonlocal signal senders as well as their general healing effect on<br />
all disease non locally/local non contact is more or less common sense(LJ<br />
Standish, DJ Benor+), and this includes effects on animals(Bengston+),<br />
plants(Oskar Estebany+), fungus etc. -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Bio<br />
31: BioEnergy Field Effects in China<br />
• ->>cont: Biofield: ■β: Field affecting: vi-Non local/contactless Healing: Fast healer:<br />
• Rarely discussed seriously in West but some healers have stronger medical effect with<br />
literally 10-15seconds treatment of “field”/”chi(usually combine contact healing) that<br />
focuses on meridian points with additional energies" from other organs than<br />
“conventional chi”([ - Yuanji Gong]+):<br />
• Such fast healer's significant "lagging cure effect"(probably linked to hand detached<br />
continued spoon bending effect of Geller?[Kit Green, Golda Meir, Itzhak Bentov, EA<br />
Price+] [it is public info released by BBC etc many of Geller's work is classified by<br />
multiple nations, & has bounding agreements with multiple Fortune ranked large<br />
corporations]) is one of most dramatic healing types this research found so far -<br />
Almost like opposite of Dim Mak. There are few such very fast non qigong robust<br />
healer examples(Виктор Громов, Eric Pearl[Reconnective healing: this method is<br />
instructable]+): still takes 1-4mins.<br />
• There are other high level qigong/chi kung related variation methods that might<br />
demonstrate strong medical effectiveness or various telekinetic effects but seemingly<br />
debunked & partially/fully suppressed both by pro western medical segment as well as<br />
conservative Chinese establishment after gaining significant popularity(other examples:<br />
1-Yan Xin Qigonng [yanxinqigong.cn], 2- - Shen Chang[:eg 60% breast<br />
cancer cure & 30% better for 79 sample in 3yrs] etc), this is despite those groups did<br />
not exhibit state defiance action unlike Falun Gong. -->>cont:<br />
272<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
32: Falun Gong Medical Effects?<br />
• ->>cont: BioEnergetic field: ■β: Field affecting: vi-Non local/local contactless Healing:<br />
• Medical effect on Falun Gong is mostly ignored in West, but Chinese state<br />
suppressed Falun Gong may have above average of cure performance amongst<br />
various qigong: lack of official Chinese academic cure data(but government<br />
acknowledged its strong medical effect before suppression in early 90s, also one of<br />
key reasons for its popularity was healing effect) & various geopolitical lobby<br />
existence(in China & West) makes it more difficult to compare on equal footing with<br />
other Qigong medical effect.<br />
• Notable: normally low cost competing therapy debunking western medical<br />
sponsored research(Novertis) submitted that Falun Gong has life extension effect on<br />
150 terminal cancer patients test(5months extended to 50months range: Yuhong<br />
Dong et al).<br />
• Without rapid suppression of Falun Gong to stop Qigong(this name itself was<br />
propagated by the state in 1950s when one of many local traditional self positioning<br />
/light exercize/breathing healing "xxx gong" teachings [Nei Yang Gong] was<br />
ratified as effective main-drive-medical -method in China[: Liu Guizhen+]: first<br />
Qigong only hospital operated & attracted senior officials[: Tangshan Clinic])<br />
expansion momentum in 90s, which involved significant crack down of all high<br />
medical performance Qigong, it might be plausible to speculate qigong would have<br />
been significantly more penetrated into Chinese medical market as exclusive cure<br />
methods of serious disease. >>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Bio<br />
33: BioField Effects Only Hospital<br />
• ->>cont: BioField: ■β: Field manipulation: vi-Non local/contactless Healing:<br />
State backed association ‘s research includes disruptive<br />
medical effect also, and qigong effectiveness at least as significant complementary<br />
therapy(more than supportive role as in west, co-main driver of cure) is fully<br />
acknowledged there.<br />
• Based on Chinese gov’t and academic documents as well as witness claims, ”No<br />
medicine” large hospitals officially existed till around 2001 seemed to be fairly<br />
effective(eg - Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center[Pang<br />
Ming- ]: eg: 4500 sample cancer patients after 1-4 months treatment had only<br />
3% cure, but 95% improved the condition, similar one at <br />
), This type of institutions have western visitors' claims on "a few minutes tumor<br />
disappearance" (Greg Braden+).<br />
• But all large 100% Chinese medicine hospitals closed at least officially or converted to<br />
mix of conventional and non medicine hospitals after justified reason of “a patient<br />
died” due to failure of treatment: ([wanqigong.com], <br />
[gamhospital.ac.cn]+).<br />
• While there are some stand alone cancer therapy qigong seems to have above<br />
conventional medical effectiveness : 1- - Guo Lin Qigong, 2-<br />
Yan Xin Qigong, 3- - (He Binhui[qigong001.com])(eg tumor<br />
inhibition 70%: , , []- seemingly more effective<br />
latter two are met with ruling group of mainstream Chinese state debunking >>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Bio<br />
34: BioEnergy Field Effects of Ayuveda<br />
• ->>cont: BioField: ■β: Field manipulation: vi-Non local/contactless Heal'g:<br />
• Other similar BioEnergetic Field treatments: Ayuvedic Medicine(state<br />
certified in Nepal, India, Sri Lanka+), Traditional Mongolian/Tibet Medicine<br />
(China, Mongolia, India, Bhutan+) etc appear to be more effective than<br />
western medical but generally it's only provable on individual practitioner<br />
basis(eg Balendu Prakash+) or much higher collective heath rate of<br />
population using the remedy compared to Western medical(Wenhua Wang+)<br />
rather than specific symptom based evidence by data lack.<br />
• Specific type Yoga on marginal supplementary medical effect is now<br />
accepted by scientific journals. But when it comes to Yoga use as a main<br />
driver for cure, healing effect articles acceptance is limited to Asthma or<br />
Knee joint type only and not far more profitable cancer cure even enough<br />
consistent evidence is provided(HR Nagendra HR, R Nagarathana +), while<br />
Indian government officially state its effect and criticized by pro west private<br />
media(Shripad Yesso Naik+).<br />
• This might be rather due to weak geopolitical lobbying rather than lack of<br />
experimental protocol chronic disease cure effect(eg Qigon effect has been<br />
more strongly lobbied by China state, but Indian state doens't seem to be as<br />
united in pushing Ayuvedic/Yoga medical effect into mainstream West) --<br />
>>cont:<br />
Bio<br />
35: BioEnergy Field Effects in Russia/CIS<br />
• ->>cont: BioField: ■β: Field manipulation: vi-Non local/contactless Heal'g:<br />
• Russia/CIS : There are substantial amount of accumulated consistent<br />
dramatic claims of psychic healing from specific high performer by<br />
mainstream individuals /scientists/doctors/Intel/military: some are<br />
highlighted by media and work with govn't/celebrity personnel(Джуна<br />
Давиташвили[given Colonel-General military ranking, along with multiple<br />
high state awards], Виктор Громов+), or others choose to stay low key to<br />
work only locally besides showing significant military /govn't lab<br />
results(Алексей Еремеевич Криворотов[SD Kirlian], Федора Даниловна<br />
Конюхова[АГ Спиркин]+). Some foreign robust healers are brought in to<br />
establish medical practice in Russia(Бабак Джафарипур, Чжома<br />
Дунчжи+),<br />
• In Russia, psychic healer test based licensing system is offered by 1-<br />
Ministry of Health(non compulsory), 2-Politically established Nonwestern-medical<br />
association (Российской профессиональной<br />
медицинской ассоциации специалистов традиционной и народной<br />
медицины, РАНМ, RANM/ Russian Professional Medical Association for<br />
Traditional & Folk Medicine Specialists: has extensive local offices thru<br />
out Russia), >>cont:<br />
Bio<br />
36: Russian Healers, Evangelical Healers<br />
• ->>cont: BioEnergetic field: ■β: Field manipulation: vi-Non local/contactless Healing:<br />
Russian certification system:<br />
3- Much smaller, less established compared to РАНМ but specifically centered around<br />
psychic healer/Eniology training, its research and certification organization<br />
(Всероссийский научно-исследовательский центр традиционной народной<br />
медицины «ЭНИОМ» Я.Г. Гальперина/ All-Russian research center for traditional folk<br />
medicine ENIOM[Eniology]).<br />
• General healer information wise, existence of published semi directory like top 100<br />
Russian/CIS healer type lists, Regular healer competition/conference are available as<br />
higher social status than in west, yet unknown psychic healer info is lacking and fraud<br />
is still problem(eg "you are possessed & must have only my healing immediately") and<br />
national level politicians & mainstream media is promoting discussion on what kind<br />
of system can distinguish effective psychic healer from fraud at beginner patient<br />
level. This contrasts with low level treatment of robust healers in West(Alex<br />
Hermosillo+)<br />
• Religious healers: Amplified use of subjects' & healers' belief system in a "connected<br />
way" for effective healing is found amongst religious(Ben Hinn, Oral Roberts+), and<br />
shamanic healers: this religious(belief system) type with intense participation of<br />
subject has large # of claimed cure cases, even after deducting likely some % of<br />
fraudulent, exaggeration or misunderstanding(M Bergunder+). Test shows certain<br />
types of Christian group's prayer(regular people, not psychic) sometimes has<br />
significant healing effect(Randolph Byrd+). -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Bio<br />
37: Field Manipulation by Shamans<br />
• ->>cont: ■β: Field affecting: vi-Non local/contactless Healing: Religious type:<br />
Christian religious groups still hold significant geopolitical power to get away with<br />
non mainstream medical claims on public media without raid /confiscation /arrest in<br />
west, although healer can be banned from entering certain western nation(Tod<br />
Bentley+).<br />
• Shamans: Top performing nonlocal & local effect voodoo type shamans amongst 3 rd<br />
world natives can have significant effect in relatively high % but shamanic healing<br />
might have more complication around "bioenergy manipulation" or belief system set<br />
up, and difficult to train, hence unskilled practitioner might cause not only no effects,<br />
but also sometimes even cause clearly noticeable adverse effect on subject(Alberto<br />
Villoldo+).<br />
• Highest level Shamanic healing amongst indigenous groups frequently involves<br />
significant degree of patients' anomalous experiences ranging from Theatrical game<br />
playing/Imagination, Hypnosis /Placebo, NDE(near death experience) /OBE(out of<br />
body experience), Sleep paralysis /Hallucination /Anomalous dreams/Altered state of<br />
consciousness, Psychokinesis/Poltergeist, Waking ESP, Apparitions/Contacting the<br />
dead: it involves belief system alteration or amplification(James McClenon, J<br />
Achterberg+): "experiential healing".<br />
• Some potent shamanic/"spirit possession" healers in west are engaged in more<br />
modern form of much faster healing specialized in light symptoms that won't<br />
significantly alienate mainstream medical(Jeanette Wilson, Zarathustra+) >>cont:<br />
278<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
38: Field Manipulation & Belief's Role<br />
• ->>cont: BioEnerge.c field: ■β: Field affec.ng: vi-Non local/local contactless Healing:<br />
This high performance modern western fast shamanic healers link to serious disease<br />
healing extensively debunked(& unallowed to operate in West) psychic<br />
surgery(appears to have high % of fraudulent short term healer exists, but long term<br />
top performer seems to be highly effecAve)(see "outrageous claims" p460:6a)<br />
• Religious or faith healers’ comment referring to some % of failure as “lack of faith on<br />
the part of those to be healed”(RW Shambach+) is considered as presumptuous or<br />
insane by western mainstream, but from Bio-Energo-InformaAcs/Torsion physics type<br />
experimental perspecAve this is likely one of major causes for healing failure.<br />
• In strict sense, premen.oned β i-vi effects usually contain sugges.on induced hypno.c<br />
or subliminal effect: this can come other than from explicit words such as objects &<br />
color of wall or surroundings, sound, smell that are based on society’s root<br />
assump.ons. But aJempt to aJribute effect causa.on into one sole cause in<br />
segregated manner oKen becomes impossible or irrelevant: combina.on or constantly<br />
shiKing sole(few) cause(s) of mul.ple elements seem to be at work directed by<br />
spontaneous feeling & biofeedback(Bruno Gröning).<br />
• ■γ Telekinesis: As opposed to ■ β(psychokinesis excluding telekinesis), here primarily<br />
refers to moving/changing primarily inanimate objects without touching or other<br />
convenAonal means, possibly by affecAng maWer's or surrounding maWer/air's field.<br />
γi -Most common one is touch involved spoon bending By Average People: MulAply<br />
witnessed entry level spoon bending parAes show almost all people use some force<br />
when bend, 279
Bio<br />
39: Field Manipulation->Telekinesis<br />
• ->>cont: Thoughts & body field: ■γ Telekinesis: i-Spoon Bending:<br />
• But in rare cases metal visibly continues to bend or spiral on flat surface after it<br />
leaves hand or use of light force bends 20mm+ dimeter iron bars)(Ja Houck,<br />
Geller[JB Alexander, Victor Weisskopf]+):<br />
• This type of event was actually participated by numerous mainstream Western<br />
academics on unofficial basis, also held at INSCOM(USA) to the degree Russia/China<br />
does: but western main media is structured to deliver uniform debunking all of<br />
psychic tech(Stubblebine+) compared to diversified media reporting content at non<br />
west. Also collective emotion seems to help to amplify ability as synergy effect,<br />
• Average mass of people also demonstrate by affecting random number<br />
generators?(Roger Nelson+). Existence of psychokinetic Chicken(D Radin+).<br />
• For high performer effects: Psychokinetically moving inanimate objects<br />
(Vinogradova[V Adamenko], Ronny Marcus+), Scatter laser beam<br />
(Kulagina[Khokholov+], Yan Xin[ - Li Shengping]+), Deflect ultrasonic beam(JP<br />
Girard+), have an object stay up in the air for a few seconds-minutes before<br />
dropping(Ermolaev, ЭД Шевчик[ВА Загрядский]+), Measurable electric field<br />
generated by still body(Dean Kraft[HS Dakin]+) or Detected electrically charge<br />
around moved object, Change composition of liquids(includes “charged water”<br />
idea), Works in Faraday Cage i.e. at least some telekinesis is not based on Electro<br />
Magnetic nature(ГН Дульнев, ВВ Тонков+). Psychokinesis ability training & effect<br />
certification is offered (Института биосенсорной психологии+). -->>cont: 280
Bio<br />
40: Electrical Effects, Red Sand Palm+<br />
• ->>cont: Thoughts & body field: ■γ Telekinesis: i :<br />
Cause some prac,sers to get ,red easily or heart beat rapid increase(Kulagina+) or<br />
become sensi,ve to electrical effects while others don’t(ВВ Авдеев+). Light up bulb<br />
by mind only with no plug-in (J Gallenberger+), Some hand brick breaking appears<br />
to work anomalously with "Qi" effect (eg hand breaks mul@ple bricks successively<br />
with soHer blow(not "conven@onal mar@al art" very hard & fast blow): hand remains<br />
soH & bruise free. Or break only boNom two bricks of 3 by choice): Cinnabar Palm,<br />
Cosmos Palm, Red Sand Palm/ etc,<br />
• Teleporta,on(possibly materializa,on)(- Zhang Baosheng[ - Song<br />
Kongzhi, - Lin Shuhuang+], Saibaba[Haraldsson], Geller[J Hasted+]: but<br />
controlled success rate is very low- highest is about 50% range, various super slow<br />
video shots indicate some kind of soliton effect causes object to penetrate through<br />
barrier maNer): some kind of "hole" is made temporarily to pass thru. Compared to<br />
experimental claims, some top mentalists' tricks of apparent telekine@c/teleport<br />
effect is oHen iden@cal(S Frayne[Dynamo], C Takayama+), Materializa,on/<br />
“Conjuring”: of Paramagne@c maNer(Ste Braude+), Edibles(Da Thompson[Zammit],<br />
W Schneider[Schrenck-Notzing]+), ”People”, Animals under daylight seance(Car<br />
Mirabell[Brazilian President & senior poli@cians, military, police and socially high<br />
ranking group of 100+]), (M Béraud - E Carriere[Charles Richet+]+), but ectoplasm<br />
based materializa@on seems all temporary, also unclear whether/both “dead<br />
consciousness"or "pretend en@ty" projec@ng OR medium’s imagina@on, or even 3rd<br />
party viewer's expecta@on or all combined, are crea@ng the appari@on(eg some@mes<br />
cartoon like or “monster-lizard” looking thing shows up),(Mi Tymn, Haraldsson+),<br />
Bio<br />
41: Telekinesis as Emotional Effect<br />
• ->>cont: Thoughts & body field manipulation: γ -Telekinesis: i :<br />
• Control growth enhancement/retardation/mutation of bacteria(CB Nash, Bev<br />
Rubik, Dennis Adams[Ambrose Worrall, Rauscher]+), Some strong effects are<br />
not willfully controlled or repeatable(eg poltergeist effect[see p447,460,461],<br />
some apparent relation to emotions), Same phenomena is generated by<br />
heterodyne mixing of electromagnetic or scalar waves(Hutchison effect: p431).<br />
• Failed Telekinesis has what mainstream would call “fraudulent excuse” like<br />
complaining about feeling ambience or noise of the room, "photo of a person<br />
framed on the wall is blocking the effect”(Kulagina), or "negative" person’s<br />
presence is reducing the success ratio(K Batcheldor, W Roll+),<br />
• Even many repeatable effect demonstrators need some prior emotional<br />
preparation and concentration to create robust effect(АП Дубров & ВН<br />
Пушкин +).<br />
• Also majority of commonly claimed Telekinesis effect is limited to spinning of<br />
light foil in closed in glass container type(Андрей Гендинович Ли +) but similar<br />
motion making psychotronic devices would react to human subtle energy for<br />
almost all people(Egely Wheel). It is usually not claimed but specific acoustic<br />
entrainment frequency or psychotronic device should easily compromise or<br />
enhance performance without subjects' knowing. -->> cont:<br />
282<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
42: Effect on Plans, Germs, Chemistry<br />
• ->>cont: Thoughts & body field: ■γ - Telekinesis :<br />
γii-Reduce pests, Seed rapid growth/reversing ripening in 5-10mins, Revitalize<br />
dead/dying roasted seeds, or Prolong seed's faster growth effects etc: Dme<br />
progress and reversal both?(- Yan Xin[- Lu Zuyin], M Manning[ARG<br />
Owen, MR Barrington+], Geller[SR Sirag], Trivedi+).<br />
• Some can generate strong electrical or intense heaDng sensaDon with lasDng skin<br />
mark or “medical healing” effect (Джуна Давиташвили[L Brezhnev+], Георгий<br />
Гурджиев[Stalin], “John Chang”[Jim McMillan, Gregory V Simpson+], M<br />
Manning[Karol Sikora, Brian Roet, David Frost+]+), and some bioelectrical<br />
generaDon is potent enough to boil water with own body produced electricity by<br />
holding two metal bars going into water(Славиша Пајкић - Биба Струја+). Killing<br />
cancer cells by qigong master was frequently measured, but some healers also<br />
show effecDveness(Dean Krao[RS Hawke - Lawrence Livermore, and many other<br />
minor lab successes ]+), Pyrokinesis by marDal art masters & others(Zhou Ting Jue,<br />
Jiang Feng, Chulin Sun, ЮА Лонго, Mi Raduga, Kulagina +) but untrained people<br />
with similar ability(Nguyễn Mạnh Hùng: cô gái hỏa hoạn, AW Underwood[LC<br />
Woodman]+)<br />
• γiii Apparent chemical transmutaDon & molecular change, Alter DNA etc(-<br />
Chulin Sun[ - Shen Jichuan], Dean Crao, Yan Xin, Geller[Wilbur Franklin,<br />
Eldon Byrd]+). But regular people's mind state also seems to alter their DNA(Pjo<br />
Garjajev, Dea Ornish, LE Carlson+) -->> cont:<br />
Bio<br />
43: Telekinesis Measurement Methods<br />
• ->>cont: Thoughts & body field: ■γ -Telekinesis:<br />
γiv Turning off/mulfunction/breaking electronic equipment(Pauli Effect), Change<br />
pH of water by 1 to 2 nonlocally with focused thought(pH by 1: W Tiller[psycho<br />
energetic <strong>science</strong>], by 2: ЕЕ Годик[Kulagina]+): this can easily kill someone if<br />
targeted blood's pH.<br />
• ■δ Effects measurement : a- - Kirlian photo(can instantly indicate biohealing<br />
effectiveness)(Chr Drossinakis[Korotkov, Ant Antonov+]+). b- Biophotons(Van<br />
Wijk+), c- Sense data: a few Telekinetic person as well as high performance martial<br />
artist can consistently demonstrate electroshock effect, thermal burn effect on<br />
people(also on electric meter), d-Molecular & atomic structural change, water<br />
structure(Li Sheng Ping+) and applicable in commercial biotech, chemical reactions,<br />
industrial process, malignant cell change( - Feng Lida+), Metal bars non<br />
contact bending(J Hasted+), or bar placed inside of test tube & bent<br />
psychokinetically has anomalous molecule/electrical reaction(JP Girard[Charles<br />
Crussard: Sheet metal authority in France, J J Trillat: President of French Academy of<br />
Science in 1970s+]+), e-Alter DNA(Gar Yount+),<br />
• f-Subject’s brain wave measurement to confirm non local signal sending-receiving<br />
effect(different location)(Liu Guolong+), g- Induction of magnetic fields over<br />
meridian/chakra points, Thermal energy measurement for remote qi energy<br />
projection(infrared temperature distribution), Biological magnetic field control<br />
capability has been tested(I Swann, M Manning[B Josephson+], Geller, Ronnie<br />
Marcus+), 284<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Bio<br />
44: Technology Mainstream Status/Use<br />
• ->>cont: Field generated by thoughts & human body: ■ε:<br />
■ε BioEnergetic Field technology mainstream status. Most of Western Europe,<br />
US/Canada, Australia/NZ, its status is officially pseudo<strong>science</strong> yet significant<br />
activities & research continue even at part of mainstream academics.<br />
• Soviet/Russia officially recruited & trained psychically talented people since<br />
1920s(Interior Ministry(НКВД/ОГПУ[АВ Барченко, ЛЛ Васильев, ГИ Бокий+]),<br />
Even now Senior officials including Internal Affairs, military, and intel, claim all<br />
key nations(and some large corporate, NGO etc) are covertly operating “psychic”<br />
program run by mainstream type high level academic in charge(БТ Литуненко,<br />
ВИ Сафонов, АГ Спиридонов, АС Бузинов, АГ Спиркин, АВ Коржаков[ИД<br />
Фомин], Юрий Малинин +): this includes effects similar to some dramatic<br />
ones(far beyond confirmed by official lab or experimental reports) demonstrated<br />
by mentalists or martial artists, and program is sometimes synergized with<br />
electronic based torsion field/psychotronic technology for effect amplification.<br />
• In Soviet/Russia before yr 2000 it reached the point daily prime time nation wide<br />
major TV network’s remote healing 15mins session(including claims of charging<br />
water/cream etc[from both healer and audience] when placed them in front of TV)<br />
provided in 1990s with millions claiming positive results and request for<br />
continuation but the Commission for Combating <strong>Pseudo</strong><strong>science</strong> in RAS(p425-429)<br />
& some of media(backed up by west) criticized government for allowing it and<br />
subsequently banned. -->> cont:<br />
Bio<br />
45: Tech Use in Russia, China etc<br />
• ->>cont: Biofield: ■ε Biofield technology mainstream status: Russia/Soviet/CIS:<br />
Previously classified technology including biofield reading/affec7ng became<br />
available on market during Yeltsin era, and a
Used "Copy & Paste" 1: How It Works<br />
• Torsion Field: Use of Copying & Imprinting:<br />
It appears Specific Matter's Own Unique Frequency(ies) can be Copied & Pasted on<br />
to other matter like Magnetization possibly under ideas such as Torsion Field(Info<br />
Carrier of chemistry-physics in its absence), Huygens synchronization(when close<br />
enough it matches to another frequency), or Hologram concept: via "subtle electrics"<br />
• One method is to place solenoid coil around original matter/liquid to digitally<br />
record its frequency, then give coherent EM field exposure of the original<br />
frequency by re-emitting it to target matter/liquid in order to imprint/re-record<br />
onto target matter). Or instead of Electric(EM) Field, prolonged fixed frequency<br />
laser can be irradiated for re-recording for certain material.<br />
• Actual effect of above can be imprinting onto medium’s molecule spin<br />
oscillation/molecule bonding angle etc to start resonating with medium’s<br />
frequency?<br />
• ”Residual or ghost” effect(change quality of mass by “information carriers &<br />
information”). One example of this "spin torsion memory" can be Aspden<br />
effect(Stopped spinning matter after continuously spun, can be re-sped up to<br />
original speed in either direction with far less than conventional physics low<br />
requires(about 1/10 th of initially required energy): indication of lag in inertia/virtual<br />
inertia exists)(this effect is not pseudoscientized, still simply ignored and practically<br />
banned from publishing in mainstream journals) -->>cont<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Used "Copy & Paste" 2: Imprinting to Water<br />
• -->>cont: Torsion Field Use of Copying & Imprinting: Examples:<br />
• ●i-Water Imprinting:<br />
A-”Alcohol” to get drank with no side effects(Kleinert, АА Деев, ВА Соколов +),<br />
B-Tan lotion as a Drink: eg Osmosis Skincare(B Johnson),<br />
C-“Water based DNA Polymerase” Chain Reaction- PCR(A Tedeschi+),<br />
• D-“Medicine“: Фитококтейли Маркова, Infoceuticals, Малавит: (ВМ<br />
Дворников+), but also useable as undetectable Sports Doping(Palyushev+). Major<br />
effect used as mainstream in some nations as Homeopathy(India, Switzerland,<br />
France+) but homeopathic potentization(stronger chemical/mineral/essence effect<br />
when there is none of it in water) is still mostly officially treated as placebo;<br />
• It is rarely known & usually ignored some of homeopathy's peer reviewed journals<br />
report(only light symptom effect is allowed in mainstream medical journal and that<br />
is even rare[eg EPI3: Grimaldi-Bensouda+], and usually even 90% satisfaction rate<br />
light symptom product report is not allowed to publish unless it's about debunking<br />
[eg Oscillococcinum]) far beyond conventional med effectiveness in serious disease<br />
including types of advanced pancreatic cancer(Aradeep Chatterjee, Pra Banerji, D<br />
Christner+[Enercel: Acupuncture Point Injection],+), but performance can radically<br />
differs by each practitioner(Raj Sankaran, Abh Patil+),<br />
• Incidentally, Homeopathy is saddled with "quadruple insurmountable<br />
pseudoscientific mechanism" according to mainstream <strong>science</strong> and in short term<br />
there is no hope for full western acceptance. -->>cont:<br />
"Copy & Paste" 3: Water only Medicine<br />
• -->>cont: Torsion Field Use of Copying/Imprinting: ●i D-Water only medicine:<br />
Homeopathy's multiple <strong>Pseudo</strong>scientific Mechanism:<br />
• These issues are likely too great to overcome short term even ignoring other<br />
geopolitically negative factors(from mainstream perspective) like its peer<br />
reviewed top performers' disruptive effectiveness in serious chronic disease and<br />
low cost, & low tech unexclusivity(unpatentable), fast production & great results<br />
without side effect(no new disease) on vaccine use(another very profitable and<br />
mainstream admitted military intel linked element):<br />
• 1-Diagnosis of symptom requires not just current disease, but "unrelated things"<br />
like how patient feels about relationships, job, family, diet, past trauma, and<br />
current emotional state & life challenges, then decide what remedy combo to<br />
use, 2-Remedy is basically only herbs/mineral/animal extraction to works as<br />
cure for disease, 3-Patients take the herb, by a manner of its chemical /nutrient<br />
/medicine transferred to water, but it's done so without any of original herb<br />
matter/essence in it. 4-In order to produce this pseudo-scientific "magic water"<br />
with nothing else in it, all you need to do is to first shake water with herb<br />
content, then continue shaking & diluting with more water till there is no<br />
original herb content in it, in order to have best effects.. These make extremely<br />
easy for mainstream to "prove null effect" of homeopathy by mal application<br />
/interpretation while justifying soundness of debunking research. -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Copy & Paste 4: Imprinting to Matters etc<br />
• ->>cont. Torsion field quality: 7 Copy & imprint element; ●i-Water imprinting: E-:<br />
• E- Tertiary replication of frequency from water treatment device to “less<br />
structured” water to have it become more structured water: Oscillation memory<br />
etched(imprinted) water treatment device(2ndary copy) reemits signal to affect<br />
water(3ertiary copy). This type of lattice structure metal or aluminum Water<br />
treatment device's sinalling capacity is often produced by prolonged laser pulse<br />
exposure(Kar Wagner, U Holst+)(Merus ring+),<br />
• ●ii-Matter; a-Copy medicinal effect to plain powder tablets(Dulnevym+), Imprint<br />
subtle bio signal to toothpaste, cream etc so that they re-emit biofield stimulating<br />
signal(AfalinaS+) b-Duplicate surrounding’s spin oscillation of organism thru<br />
fluid(Aliyev+), c-Enclosed water in solid container to trigger whole uniform<br />
resonance: Compensatory Magnetic Oscillator(Fillip-Robin+)+, d-Copy or alter<br />
crystallization of fluid solutes, e-Mineral/ceramic/steel carries “fertilizer info” &<br />
water to “multiply” it: Penergetic(Plocher+)+, f-Combustion /electrical efficiency<br />
wave emitting ability to another matter,<br />
• ●iii-Others;<br />
α-“Haunted site” or Psychometry imprint, β-Imprint effect can be pre-conditioned<br />
/amplified by *Schumann resonance in background(+-7.8hz as base freq., ELF-<br />
Extremely Low Frequency EM wave:),(Montagnier, G Vitiello+), Also it triggers<br />
“free energy extraction”(B Bass, N Wootan+), -->> continue<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Copy & Paste 5: Schumann Used Imprinting<br />
• ->>cont: Torsion field wave quality: 7 Copy & paste/imprint element; ●iii-Others;<br />
β-Imprint effect & Schumann resonance:<br />
• * Schumann frequency is quasi Standing Wave resonance in a Massive<br />
Cavity/waveguide covering entire Earth surface upto Ionosphere 80km+ above:<br />
Considering what small cavity does to rocket(p171,172) etc, It should have large<br />
influence on earth & habitats, & It is to be influenced by planets in solar system:<br />
• This is Russian mainstream level idea, also western military/<strong>science</strong> discussed<br />
but media usually ridicules: optional or covert capability of below i &<br />
particularly ii (Geo-engineering application is described at p431,432[1A]):<br />
• i-Schumann Resonance Control as huge geo-engineering switch (Eastlund, Bill<br />
Hayes+), by EM ELF wave amplified from ionosphere working as “long wire<br />
antenna” by projecting ELF modulated UHF-EHF pulse wave to it from ground<br />
(Streltsov, V Sorokin+) etc, at SURA, EISCAT, SPEAR, CRIRP, SuperDARN, GWEN,<br />
HIPAS, NERC MST, NEXRAD, JORN, SBX-1, upgraded HAARP etc, or unknown<br />
compact facilities/radar stations/ships/radio transmitters/unused 15km+ long<br />
power lines: usually need freq. etc adjustments from regular use. Augmentable<br />
by electro-conductive aerosol spray, or satellite reflector. Other methods: High<br />
altitude nuclear EMP, Wave coupling, EM acoustic wave [Scalar], Laser +),<br />
291<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy & Paste 6: Schumann For Other Torsion Use<br />
• ->>cont. Torsion field wave quality: Copy & paste/imprint element; -<br />
Others; -Imprint effect & Schumann resonance:<br />
• ii -Directly enhance/alter brain & bio-functioning of animals/human, Strong<br />
phase coherence with cerebral activities at 3-30hz range(Koenig, Sidrov,<br />
Persinger, Robescu, GJF MacDonald, R McCraty+/ also NASA+), hence “peopleinfluencing”<br />
type option exists. And this option seems to have been exercized<br />
by Soviet against West in 1970s/80s(Puharich+)(p475: phase array antenna)<br />
• Also not Torsion field but similar brain insert operated various functions are<br />
claimed, Some are partially mainstream accepted: ■Brain wave based mind<br />
reading or via computer only communication/computer brain interface(Tos<br />
Yamazaki, Kai Miller, Al Cowen+), Personal identification to replace finger<br />
print by "brain print"?(Sar Laszlo+). Simple wearable intention(brain wave)<br />
reading biofeedback device/toy for wide range of applications for<br />
future(NeuroSky[Mattel Mind Flex, Uncle Milton Force Trainer, Square Enix],<br />
Emotiv+). Something this obvious is still debunked by core mainstream as<br />
illusion.<br />
• ■Transcranial direct current stimulation(tDCS) use for knowledge uploading to<br />
brain(Mat Phillips+), ■Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Limbs are now widely<br />
available(Nat Crone+)<br />
292<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy & Paste 1:<br />
Although it is EM wave(transversal), Terahertz(Thz, T-ray)'s effects<br />
resemble Torsion wave(longitudinal, non-Hertzian wave)'s in many<br />
aspects, and sometimes actual distinction might be blurred,<br />
interchangeable, or irrelevant.<br />
• Thz(0.1 or 0.3 - 3, 10, or 30Thz) has also been called Millimeter<br />
wave(mmw)/Extremely High Frequency (EHF):(0.03 or 0.1 - 0.3Thz) prior<br />
as established name. Some speculate name fudging-change was used by<br />
Western medical group & backers to appeal to the mass "Thz hasn’t been<br />
used for medical cure(see next page) & irrelevant for such purpose but<br />
only good for scanning use for medical & industrial purpose”: Usually Thz<br />
naming is segregated from Millimeter/EHF,<br />
• While Torsion wave(spin wave) is western <strong>science</strong> denied, conventionally<br />
non-measurable vector-less wave created by various methods: One way to<br />
make is fast rotate matter while it has electromagnetic pulse(Torsion<br />
field), or phase conjugated pair of waves(Scalar wave) -->>cont:<br />
293<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
2: Bio Activation<br />
Copy & Paste<br />
• -->>cont: ■ TERAHERTZ WAVES:<br />
• Enhanced Electrical/Combustion/Bio Activity etc: as Western mainstream<br />
ignored mmw effect(also happens at FIR[Far InfraRed] waves): fringe<br />
Japanese research(even with multinational takeover[under "Japan xxx<br />
Trust"], Japan’s tradition continues for their mainstream conglomerates to<br />
have some relationships with them as technical sub-contractor to develop<br />
“pseudo-scientific” products & it is fair scale commercialized but usually<br />
only domestically, exception: eg Phiten+). This effect is mainstream<br />
approved in Russia/China/South Korea+,<br />
• Torsion vs Thz SIMILARITY 1<br />
A- Wide range of Medical & Bio benefits(as Millimeter wave/EHF therapy,<br />
"Subtle energy" in torsion etc: deemed some type of non-Herzian wave is<br />
also in effect), Tissue regeneration, DNA & matter altering, Mind related<br />
effect, anomalous Industrial process at specific mmw frequency(Epov,<br />
Devyatkov, Kirichuk, Strelnikova, XW Du, L Jin, Kulipanov,Q Wu, T Sugi, Jul<br />
Brooks+) eg Emerson Effect. Western mainstream researches some of it(T<br />
Globus, Gelmont+) but publicly declares minimal bio benefit. -->>cont:<br />
294<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy & Paste<br />
3: Electrical, Combustion Enhancement<br />
• -->> cont: Torsion vs Thz SIMILARITY 1 : Enhanced<br />
Electrical/Combustion/Bio Activity etc:<br />
B- Low subtle energy which is emitted by all matters, & its high activated<br />
state is associated with increased negative ion presence: ●i- To activate<br />
electron movement or/& ●ii- To neutralize excess positive ion or<br />
oxidation state of matter/water, ●iii- Certain magnetic field generates<br />
FIR/THZ wave.<br />
• C-Non-linear resonance, D-Bio molecule resonance is located in Thz<br />
region, i.e. effective bio coherence creator & indicator(Gurel+),<br />
E-Astronomical distance H2O, N, C etc detection,<br />
• F-Instantly affect H bonds & solutes molecule in H2O(Havenith+),<br />
G-Dielectric Relaxation occurs in water with no electric field,<br />
H-Similarly, causes Kerr & Franz-Keldysh effects(Novelli+) -“virtual” e-<br />
field?,<br />
• I-Useful for metamaterial making,<br />
J-Quantum hall effect relation(Sarfatti, Shimano+),<br />
295<br />
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4: Oscillation & Resonance<br />
Copy & Paste<br />
• Torsion vs Thz SIMILARITY 2: Idea itself(not processing method) of<br />
“imprinting Thz wave” to water or silica type matter for wave re-emission:<br />
Similar copy basics might be: A- Surveying or scanning takes large energy,<br />
but just like catalysis, self oscillation(weak FIR type minute self vibration)<br />
takes no external energy, B- Needs to adjust imprint carrier frequency to<br />
matter’s absorbable resonating level C- Spin polarity change,<br />
• D- Alter lattice structure when resonated by prolonged pulse or<br />
incoherent/different wave exposure, E- Oscillation template effect: cause<br />
new resonance to other matter(Vollmers, M Tanaka, Shin’ou, Shima+),<br />
sort of like <strong>science</strong> illegal simpler way of Negative Index Metamaterial<br />
making, F- Some of wave re-emission effect causes self micro<br />
energy/electricity generation,<br />
• Torsion vs Thz DIFFERENCE: "Effect" transferring/imprinting methods, or<br />
some effect characteristics- eg: A- Thz doesn't seem to have “solenoid<br />
coil around imprint media”, or prolonged resonating laser pulse exposure<br />
on lattice structure method like Torsion, -->>cont:<br />
296<br />
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Copy & Paste<br />
5: Torsion & Terahertz Difference<br />
• -->>cont: Torsion vs Thz DIFFERENCE:<br />
• B- Some T-ray effect quickly fades, or easily loses by x-ray/microwave<br />
irradiation, D- FIR/Thz wave treated silica melts snow faster than untreated<br />
one - effects lasts for for 2-5yrs. Some products demonstrate this every<br />
time: Can it be more aptly explained than by Quantum Melting macroscopic<br />
effect/"Lindemann ratio gap"?, ie macroscopic example of quantum<br />
fluctuation/ZPE,(also p22 ■4-f-1)<br />
• C- Thz wave is blocked by metal: limited imprinting ability, but Torsion wave<br />
penetrates all matter including faraday cage, E- Some bio effect of FIR/Thz<br />
imprinted device seems much stronger than Torsion imprinted matter,<br />
F- Thz can increase insulation factor & reduce water condensation on<br />
glass(Muneta+)<br />
• G- Characteristic Thz imprinting processes:<br />
●i-Use water as medium(K Hatanaka, K Masumoto+) to copy high FIR/Thz<br />
emitting mineral/herb to solid matter by: mixing mineral/herb & would-bewave-emitting-device-material<br />
in same pressurized container with water in<br />
it as "recording medium”: -->>cont:<br />
297<br />
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Copy & Paste 6: Difference 2<br />
• -->> cont Torsion vs Thz DIFFERENCE: G- Characteristic Thz imprinting<br />
processes: ●i-Use water as medium:<br />
• Example of imprinting by placing original essence matter & new medium to<br />
be imprinted in a confined space: 1-Sub/SuperCritical water type pressured<br />
and high temperature treatment, 2-Simultaneously or immediately followed<br />
by exposure to Constant Electric field-EM wave(mostly in UV, Microwave, FIR,<br />
Thz, ELF/ULF range or light frequency- or also their short pulse exposure),<br />
3-Distillation & condensation, Accentuated sudden change of conditions,<br />
4-Repetition of above process over and over. But Torsion/Scalar imprinting is<br />
more like prolonged exposure of essence matter's electric field or resonating<br />
frequency in EM pulse to new medium.<br />
• ●ii-But sometimes mere soaking/coating matter with "oscillating water"<br />
under ambient pressure & temperature also seems to do the temporary job,<br />
• ●iii-Can get same effect by simply coating nano particles of certain Thz/FIR<br />
emitting minerals like titanium without above imprinting process, done by<br />
semi-nano size shot peening to fuse with substrate matter(Y Hirata+),<br />
●iv-Thz methods seem to make matters bioactive more effectively than<br />
Torsion method when imprinting into new medium made of Plastic, Fabric,<br />
Rubber, Paint, Feather, Micro crystals, For details see report[Four level of Low<br />
Cost..] and look up "Phase Catalyst Water" -->> cont: 298
Copy-Paste 1<br />
• ■ TERAHERTZ(vague definition: 0.1 or 0.3 - 3,10, or 30Thz) vs FAR<br />
• Thz vs FIR SIMILARITY : A-Crossed over frequency, B-Partially Mainstream<br />
Science illegal medical & bioactivation effects(substantial enough to replace<br />
part of mainstream medical with low cost if publicly endorsed), C-Self micro<br />
electric current generation effects(media level pseudo<strong>science</strong>),<br />
• Thz vs FIR DIFFERENCE:Imprinting method: FIR(Far InfraRed) wave or its biomineral<br />
info imprinted Ceramic, Fibre, or Plastic sometimes differ from Thz<br />
copying method(EMbalance.com, gaiapower jp, KWD.jp, Akatsuka FFC,<br />
WorldKlass, Biopower gear+),<br />
A-In Thz, Super/SubCritical water treatment is used more often, while in FIR,<br />
Mixing & Baking method seemed to be more predominant: Original bacteria<br />
or mineral to be imprinted is baked with ceramic at 1000-1300°C, so living<br />
organism is supposedly dead, yet its “information”, or FIR oscillation is<br />
imprinted into new medium, & new FIR frequency generated ion is emitted<br />
from copied medium/device for 1-5yrs, or max 20yrs+,<br />
B-Thz uses mineral nanoparticle fuse method more frequently than<br />
FIR(material is “fused” with substrate, not surface layered coating).<br />
299<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Copy-Paste 2: Difference<br />
• -->> Thz vs FIR DIFFERENCE:Imprinting method:<br />
• These overall pseudoscienctized copying methods can be interpreted as<br />
semi-permanent partial shifting of normal mode vibrational frequency of one<br />
item to another: Original essence matter & newly imprinted medium become<br />
partially "vibrationally same specie" by copying & imprinting process? - Does<br />
imprint process involve alteration of molecule bond length or angle that<br />
changes frequency absorption? i.e. equivalent of Coupled Vibrations<br />
effects/Fermi Resonance/Electronic effects, and Supercritical water method<br />
causes Hydrogen bonding change?<br />
• Minerals used in imprinting or its "frequency copy": Guerite, Silica, Maifan,<br />
Tourmaline, Shungite, Saugin, Tenko-seki, Limonite, Zeolite, Magny+, Also<br />
wide range of herbs are used.<br />
Thz/FIR bioactive/bioenhancing effect itself is actually mainstream <strong>science</strong><br />
accepted and only occasional western media labeled pseudo<strong>science</strong>(& PR firm<br />
hired to emphasize?) :(2.5-30μm FIR range EM wave is linked to most nonmetal<br />
physical matter resonance frequency & has various unorthodox bio<br />
effects upon prolonged irradiation, this is easily testable by using mainstream<br />
IR spectroscopy to check wave absorption peak of living organism): ->> cont<br />
300<br />
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1: Applications<br />
involve microplasma effect: accompanying UV/EM field/Radical<br />
species/charged particles), Similar bioenhancing effect is measured and<br />
commercialized by activation mechanics(not imprinting) of being exposed to<br />
ultrahigh pressured compressed carbon powder: Ohki Techno Carbon<br />
Wave(Tak Ohki)+, or Burying specially processed solid hardwood biochar<br />
underground or mixed in concrete/building material:(OrgaHexa+), or "negative<br />
ion" effect, Microplasma/Electrostatic projection:(Maruko Denshi ,<br />
JemSys jp +),<br />
• When limit the effects to conventional cold plasma mechanics(unlike above<br />
listed types, not usually involving FIR/Thz) based disinfection & healing<br />
wounds, there is a surprising effort to approve and even promote this low<br />
cost effective technology by western mainstream(IonMed BioWeld, Adtec<br />
SteriPlas+). Different appearance & effect but pseudoscientized Orgonite has<br />
same base mechanics?(p372).<br />
• Also note: ●Japan has “major fringe” level of new age type products by using<br />
Thz/FIR, ●Bioceramic FIR oscillation range is linked to medical use “Rife<br />
devices” frequencies(Sh Vissman+), ● FIR devices can be resonating with bioorganism<br />
in standing wave form(Tos Komuro[Platinum Photon]+). ->> cont<br />
2: Identification<br />
• ■ MISIDENTIFICATION: This presenta6on might misiden6fy Thz vs FIR vs<br />
Torsion etc product mechanics due to their similar effects, & sellers' evasive<br />
mechanics explana8on:<br />
A) Some devices contain all three capacity processed materials,<br />
B) Frequency crossover happens between Thz & FIR wave,<br />
• C) Last page's high electron absorbing carbon material combined with<br />
electrically ac6ve minerals(eg Tourmaline), and electron repelling metals or<br />
electron projec6ng devices has same bioac8ve effects(MetalMega jp+) by<br />
causing "perpetual electron movement": This mechanics also links to<br />
"orgonite" for weather effects(p372)<br />
• D) Photocatalysis also has similar “anomalous versions” (mainstream use<br />
but largely confined to Japan): mainly Tungsten Trioxide(WO3) or Titanium<br />
Dioxide(TiO2) with FPB(p184) treated, doped-modified etc. -->>cont:<br />
302<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
3: Commercialization Examples<br />
• >>cont. Thz vs FIR: ■ MISIDENTIFICATION:<br />
There are No-UV-required(<strong>science</strong> legal) or even No-light-required (part illegal, more<br />
of metal ion like reaction) "photocatalytic" devices. This anomalous photocatalytic<br />
matter's function area/capability sometimes exceeds individual Thz, FIR, Torsion effect<br />
when combined (eg Ecoprize jp, Seiwa inc Kogyo, Platinum Photon, Fujico HardFacing<br />
MaSSC, Photo+),<br />
• E) This is not about identification issue but ceramic paint with FIR/Thz natural<br />
resonance frequency(hollow/vacuum ceramic microsphere based etc) appears to<br />
match or slightly exceed 150mm thick conventional insulation material equivalent<br />
performance(AZ Technology, Insuladd, Hy-Tech Thermal Solutions, Superior Products<br />
International Super Therm, Miracool jp+), or by 500nm ceramic use(Admatechs -<br />
Toyota - Adgreencoat +), or ceramic paint that might far<br />
exceed conventional insulation available (Enbio SolarBlack, Magnovent Isolating<br />
Paint, ATFI Cerablak, GAINA insulating paint, +).<br />
• Often they can display surface static control & self cleaning effect. Effective insulating<br />
paints are used as std process in electronics, space, & some industrial purpose while a<br />
part of same large corporate user groups seem to fund pseudoscientization campaign<br />
in Anglo America(not much in Europe & mainstream approved in Japan) for<br />
residential application(common practise of disruptive tech treatment by "trusted"<br />
mainstream NGO/media/government etc)<br />
303<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
4: Applications, Magic Cards Make up<br />
• Commercial Thz Tech eg: Freshy/SolarSand, Santa Mineral, Spinor Stella,<br />
Minimal Catalyst MICA, Yav-1/Явь-1, Ecomile Thz, Q-<br />
seal +<br />
• A few political leaders, pro athletes etc known for above medical tech use<br />
• Example of Potent “Magic Cards”/"Energy cards"/"Healing pendant" mechanics<br />
can be: Muti-layered ferro/paramagnetic symmetry sheets with bioceramic,<br />
herbal, cotton, aluminium, silica, some plants(eg Rudraksha) etc or its<br />
oscillation, processed by phase conjugated wave for prolonged duration(or EM<br />
Thz wave?), to alter atom spin structure to create a monopole magnet like<br />
"vacuum gate", or scalar wave emitter?(Dav Wagner?, Tonomura, Koltsov+).<br />
• More conventional wording to explain can be: layers of different electrical<br />
potential electroconductive & dielectric materials/insulator, would generate<br />
micro current/micro EM field/micro FIR wave irradiation for bioenhancement<br />
effect(Sat Moteki+), but in some cases this non-Hertzian wave based "subtle<br />
energy" effect can be allegedly disproportionally large physical<br />
scale("overunity": indication of information based energy): This idea links to<br />
"Orgonite" idea with weather effects(p372) -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Even More Far-Out -<br />
Highly Anomalous Unknown Matter<br />
• ORME: acronym of white powder that is claimed to be "Orbitally<br />
Rearranged MonoAtomic Element"(Patent: Dav Hudson)<br />
/ORMUS/WhiteGold Powder/M-State Matter of metal/Monoatomic<br />
Gold/Primary Matter/Powder form of gold etc:<br />
• Has a string of inconsistent yet very unusual claims. Various indications it<br />
was identified prier to 1980s in Soviet Russia, or ancient India, also likely<br />
each product seems to be actually significantly different with shared basic<br />
qualities of unusual electrical properties. Fairly large number of esoteric<br />
type producers in West in connection to pharmaceutical element.<br />
• It might reveal a part of fundamental nature of officially unknown super<br />
low cost physics mechanics:<br />
1-Sustained room temp SuperConductivity, 2-Compact low temp/low<br />
energy fission, 3- Compact low temp/low energy Transmutation,<br />
4- Physical conjuring/materialization effect? 5- New state of matter at<br />
room temp, 6- Occasionally induce extraordinary heightened biofunction<br />
& mental clarity, 7- Potential link to Scalar/Torsion field type effects:<br />
305<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Even More Far-Out - 2<br />
“Re”-Discovery & Iden;fica;on<br />
• ■1: ORME/ORMUS invention(Dav Hudson): Some std scientific protocol based<br />
experiments seem to exists but practically no officially published paper in<br />
direct relation(Puthoff?, J Milewski+), claimed to be unidentifiable inert<br />
matter by leading universities'/labs' Elemental Analysis by conventional<br />
Arc/Spark Optical Emission Spectrometers (burning lasts 15-20sec), or other<br />
varied results show mix of silica + calcium, bentonite(this in itself has some<br />
bioenhancing claims) type or often other elements like precious metals.<br />
• But measured by unconventional Soviet method of customized 300sec types<br />
& after 70seconds it shows to contain Palladium(Pd), Platinum(Pt),<br />
Rhodium(Rh), Ruthenium(Ru), Iridium(Ir), Osmium(Os). Conventionally only<br />
identifiable as "errors": inert mater with mass/weight/chemical element<br />
seems to change by time/magnetic field etc at same temperature/pressure.<br />
• Due to fundamentally different quality it is not even usual well coordinated<br />
mainstream debunking target. No clear trace of classified research found<br />
about this material.<br />
• Many ORMUS related claims have few replications even by inventors, but at<br />
least unconventional & pseudoscientific low cost methods of producing nonmetal<br />
like powder from conventional metal is replicated frequently, some by<br />
commercial producers though methods are not disclosed.<br />
- 3 Levitating White Powder?<br />
• ■2: ORMUS Material characteristic claims:<br />
i -Rapid "matter evaporation" effect under its unsublimable condition, or<br />
"becomes EM(light frequency) wave or particle" under direct sun light and<br />
certain EM wave irradiation(some call it weight/density changing, or even claim<br />
“dematerializing”),<br />
• Also conventional matter in contact with ORMUS might have levitation effect<br />
under certain conditions. There are fundamentally different types of<br />
anomalous EM properties found by lab tests(Pat Bailey+), Higher concentration<br />
found in fresh volcanic ash, salt water, some soil+<br />
• ii-Evaporation might start with what appears to be levitation effect(ie<br />
superconducting?)(D Nance+), or can be "explosive banishment with flash of<br />
light" when dry. Some rapid effects accompany gamma ray emission(Dav<br />
Hudson+), low temp fission?<br />
• iii-White powder, oily form and might be different state of metal(including<br />
heavy metal - yet bioenhancing)(Ma Pitkanen+) Product might be mineral mixed<br />
in with conventional material(powder of silica, calcium carbonate+)(Barry<br />
Carter+), -->>cont:<br />
307<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
Even More Far-Out - 4<br />
Unusual Mental Clarity<br />
• -->>cont: ■2: ORMUS Characteristic claims:<br />
• iv-Bioactivation effect on plants/animals when ingested(And Noack+), frequently<br />
much more than majority of other pseudoscientized effects of 10-20%<br />
improvement level(magnetic water, Far Infrared wave irradiation etc): causes<br />
excitation of water molecules in bioorganism to increase its rubustness(<br />
+), close to likes of Sonic Bloom types(p261). Quantum coherence type effect<br />
biologically & electrically: Quasiparticle, Superconductive<br />
• v-Unusually high mental clarity & enhanced brain wave function accompanied<br />
with general bioenhancement(Dav Kane+), Significantly increased rate of lucid<br />
dreams, including for those who didn't even remember most dreams prior(Barry<br />
Carter+), Rare case of ORMUS producers passed clinical tests & professional<br />
witnesses (Alphalearning Institute+)(Etherium Gold - Aulterra / Harmonic<br />
InnerPrizes)+, also EM scrambling wave neutralizing effects, or affecting DNA<br />
favourably(G Rein+), More like a part of spiritual practise to be qualified for<br />
ingestion to get positive physical effects(Chr Emmons+), Anomalous bio effects<br />
including significant medical cure type tests attribute to ORMUS' unusual EM<br />
wave properties(Dra Iliescu+), -->>cont:<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada<br />
Even More Far-Out<br />
- 5 Philosopher’s Stone?<br />
• ->>cont: ■2: ORMUS Characteristic claims:<br />
• vi-"5th state of matter", "atomically collapsed state"(J Milewski): regular periodic<br />
table elements seems to become largely non reactive(chemically neutral), but<br />
reacts to some magnetic field & might transmute into a different matter(K<br />
Rohla+).<br />
• vii-Significant resemblance to ancient document/culture’s Alchem/Chrysopoeia<br />
or Philosopher’s Stone idea: Had long been part of "mainstream <strong>science</strong>" but<br />
clear historical record of occult(R Ingalese+) & secret society involvement(Fra<br />
Albertus+), substantial occult connection(Hel Blavatsky+), sometimes officially<br />
banned by some gov'ts until 18th century but top physicists/chemists(Isaac<br />
Newton, Rob Boyle, Hen Brand+) of the era were significantly engaged(Lau<br />
Gardner, D William Hauck+) with unusual claims:<br />
• Prolonged natural disease free condition/biological longevity might be<br />
induced, Extraordinary mental ability, Signifcant medical cure(RA Bartlett+),<br />
Development of unconventional sense mechanism - "voice of God" - or<br />
hallucination?, Anomalous type of low temperature transmutation not even<br />
claimed by fringe modern academics(whole low temp transmutation is<br />
currently mainstream invalidated: p379,380): gold white powder etc(EJ<br />
Holmyard+).<br />
309<br />
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Far-Out<br />
-6 Non-Biological Industrial Use?<br />
• ->>cont: ■2: ORMUS Characteristic claims:<br />
• viii-Rare attempt for industrial application by disaggregation of metallic<br />
structure into nanoclusters & remove valance electrons/close electron shell<br />
structure: "orbital re-arrangement"(same condition is created by mainstream<br />
idea of nuclei superdeformation) & induce electron paring: gravity field,<br />
"thermodynamic overunity" energy production by frequency resonance at lab<br />
level success(coupling of clusters with "zeropoint field")(Gravity Control<br />
Technologies: Vikor Rozsnyay+): they claim to be additionally attempting<br />
"deliberate matter materialization", and "instant long distance<br />
communication". Also similar claim of zeropoint/vacuum field based instant<br />
seamless/rivetless 3d materialization method of manufacturing exists(S<br />
Greer+), One of Hutchison effects shows resemblance(p431), Also slightly<br />
resembles repeated success claims of electric field based abiogenesis(p465-10)<br />
• ix-ORMUS ingestion might show exaggerated version of: already mainstream<br />
claimed Electron Tunnelling effect's at biological system contribution to<br />
bioenhancement(Del Guidice,+), hence biological superconductivity(EH Halpern,<br />
MW Ho+). Also powder itself is claimed to have tunnelling effect when<br />
repelling effect is observed under certain magnetic field exposure(Barry<br />
Carter+),<br />
310<br />
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Even More Far-Out - 7<br />
Mainstream Science Link?<br />
• ■3: Mainstream <strong>science</strong> phenomena with seeming link to ORMUS claims:<br />
i -Simple observation effects & similarity: ◆a-Superconductivity expels<br />
magnetic field(Meissner Effect): Also ORMUS is well known to be expelled by<br />
magnetic field, many ORMUS producers/experts claim to have seen tunneling<br />
effects(Barry Carter+), ◆b-Widely accepted that colloidal gold or nanocluster<br />
gold has strong photothermal effect(high electron excitation by photon<br />
absorption): ORMUS might banish with lights, ◆c-Nanoparticle/nanocluster<br />
gold being anomalously magnetic might be related to "perpetual current"(Rom<br />
Gréget+): perpetual electricity, superconductive? Nanosize metals show<br />
various unusual properties but nano gold tends to have more of it & with<br />
unknown inconsistencies by conventional measurements(Vla Tuboltsev+),<br />
Same trend in bio-medial effect. ORMUS gold powder shares this character.<br />
• ii -SuperAtoms & Nano/MicroClusters:<br />
a-SuperAtom: multi atoms of one or more element(s)(microcluster,<br />
nanocluster) with “mono-atomic” characteristic that behaves like completely<br />
different element: Catalytic ability, melting point, or particle structure change<br />
etc(Kim Yamamoto & Tak Imaoka+), -->>cont:<br />
311<br />
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Even More Far-Out - 8<br />
Science Link- Superatoms?<br />
• ->cont:■3: Conven-onal <strong>science</strong> phenomena linked to ORMUS? ii :<br />
SuperAtoms sebemblance to ORMUS: ✔ a:<br />
• O"en depends on specific resonance, nanogeometry, or # of atoms(eg<br />
Na, Al[Al13 is most common: Shi Kanna & AW Castleman], Pt[T<br />
Herrmannsdörfer, R König+], Au:Gold[H Häkkinen+] +). ie: Regular bulk<br />
metal characteris1cs of crystalline alters significantly at nanocluster.<br />
➢At nanocluster made up of same # of atoms, its parQcle structure<br />
demonstrates mul1ple solid-to-solid phase changes as temperature<br />
gradient shi"s etc(RC Benirschke+), one of most stable structures is<br />
icosahedrons(at least for gold nanoparQcles: Hyunsik Kim+), this also<br />
applies to water structure(Mar Chaplin+),<br />
• ✔ b-SuperAtom in other words: ➢Strong bonds with closed electronic<br />
shells(ie inert) by small # of mulQple atoms(usually less than 200) as if<br />
they are in a single atom’s electron cloud(nano parQcles -> nanocluster):<br />
"Monoatomic" behavior, ➢“Magic clusters”, ➢Homogeneous character<br />
of atom clusters, ➢Nanosize parQcles of metallic elements, -->>cont:<br />
312<br />
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Even More Far-Out - 9<br />
Science Link - Superdeformed Nuclei?<br />
• ->cont:■3: Conventional <strong>science</strong> linked to ORMUS? ii: SuperAtoms:<br />
• c-In some cases SuperAtoms indicate cooper pair formation(electrons won’t<br />
get knocked away from the path: superconductivity) at still mostly less than<br />
150K(-123C), but some cases possibility to be able to raise it to room<br />
temp(Kresin & Ovchinnikov+) in future,<br />
• d-Metallic nanoclusters phase-change into non-metal quality:<br />
➢Surface plasmon resonance disappear(no longer metal?),<br />
➢Subnanocluster demonstrates “overunity” like catalyst/alloying effect<br />
(increased % is clearly more than surface area expansion(Yas Shimizu, Hid<br />
Yasuda+), ➢Gold becomes catalyst(van Bokhoven+),<br />
• iii-Super/Hyperdeformation of Nuclei: Some superdeformed nuclei(particle<br />
accelerator generated off-centre collision of two nucleus, doesn’t last long) of<br />
more than 2:1 ratio off sphere diameter of atom might demonstrate<br />
superconductivity, and become higher energy high spin state, can even<br />
fission(A Sandulescu, RK Gupta+), or demonstrate quantum tunneling(S Leoni,<br />
Lopez-Martens+): Would superdeformation itself promote electron<br />
paring(cooper pair)?, Also occurs at diatomic molecules(Den Bonatos,<br />
Daskaloyannis+). -->>cont:<br />
313<br />
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Even More Far-Out - 10<br />
Science Link - Disappearing Polymorph<br />
• -->>cont:■3: Conventional <strong>science</strong> phenomena linked to ORMUS? iii :<br />
Transmutation: This method can be used mainstream-<strong>science</strong>-legally (via<br />
nuclear reactor or particle accelerator) to make Gold from Bismuth,<br />
Mercury etc, many other elements are transmuted by this way(lead to<br />
gold is still rejected by outdated academics), but production cost is much<br />
higher than mining<br />
• ORMUS achieves same particle excitation by unconventional super low<br />
cost methods?(Sewell Ward+)<br />
• iv-"Disappearing Polymorphs": mainstream accepted conventional idea of<br />
"exact same" method of manufacturing specific crystalline structure from<br />
same material yields different, inconsistent crystallization results, in<br />
some cases it changes structures after once crystallized(Dunitz &<br />
Bernstein+): finally becoming <strong>science</strong> approved idea. Also confined<br />
water can form three kinds of ice phases(phase transition into<br />
amorphous, hexagonal, rhombic bilayer ice) at room pressure,<br />
depending on the E-field strength: differently from high pressure based<br />
crystal(Zhenyu Qian+). -->>cont:<br />
314<br />
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Even More Far-Out - 11<br />
Science Link - Superconductivity<br />
• -->>cont:■3: Science linked to ORMUS? iv : "Disappearing Polymorph"<br />
• ORMUS can be clearly affected by some household level electric appliances if<br />
less than 0.1m vicinity, Its researchers often claim geophysical, cosmological or<br />
weak EM wave/field related factor or even producing person's personality,<br />
mind, can significantly affect final product outcome(D Nance+): sign of "subtle<br />
biofield"? - Just like Disappearing Polymorph, inconsistent phase changes seem<br />
to occur in ORMUS even when treated by supposedly exact same conditions.<br />
• v -Cavity resonance of visible light freq EM wave based Room Temperature<br />
Bose Einstein Condensate(BEC) produced by trapping polariton(standing wave<br />
photon): quasiparticle(single unit behaving group of particles/Bosons)(Aya Das<br />
et al), or by Coupling between electron-hole pairs & photon field(JD Plumhof,<br />
Thi Stöferle +). At 2016 Even room temperature Supercurrent(macroscopic<br />
quantum condensate) is measured in BEC quasiparticle/Magnon/Quantized<br />
spin-wave by heat induced phase gradient wavefunction shift with laser<br />
pulse(DA Bozhko et al, semi disputed on interpretation): is it really only heat<br />
causing it as mainstream insists or also certain wave form pair of specific EM<br />
pulse frequency can affect?<br />
315<br />
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- 12 Science Link - Superconductivity 2<br />
• ->cont:■3: Conventional <strong>science</strong> phenomena linked to ORMUS?: v:<br />
• Many other ways to create low temp photon BEC(Mar Weitz+): Quantum coherence.<br />
Also similar mechanics seen in Time Dilation Effect generation methods(p433-444)<br />
• vi-Super minute second Room Temperature SuperConductivity is already<br />
mainstream acknowledged: infrared laser pulse modifies/shifts lattice structure to<br />
remove electrical resistance to enable high-temp superconductor(And Cavalleri+), or<br />
via "metastable" Metallic Hydrogen which is finally semi mainstream<br />
approved(Silvera & Dias)<br />
vii-Two dimensional superconductivity maintained even at ultra-strong magnetic<br />
fields; due to quantum mechanical wave of electrons not cancelled by three<br />
dimensional dilution: wave reinforcement is done by restricting electron standing<br />
wave layer to one electron thick(And Lebed+),<br />
viii-DNA superconductivity(Ali Kasumov, Pjo Garjajev+): Still debunked in West due<br />
to Russian connection? But DNA nanowire mix superconductor is officially<br />
recognized(Ale Bezryadin+), ix-Anti-Matter?<br />
• Some of accumulation/production methods of ORMUS/like material or GOLD from<br />
it(also p379): ■A- Magnetic repulsion & vortex form water to trap ORMUS from<br />
spring or ocean water(Miracule Water, CherokeeGold+), much less/no yield from<br />
processed salt/pure water, ■B- Chemical process of Metal by H2O2/HCl, or of Sea<br />
water by raising pH upto 10.75 with NaOH etc. -->>cont:<br />
316<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
- 13 Production Methods<br />
• -->>cont: Produc'on Methods :<br />
• ■C- Con$nuous hea$ng of certain soil or organic/non organic ma4er,<br />
■D- Condensing from air/flue gas and subsequently Gold(Анастасия Викторовна<br />
Дашкова(AV Dashkova) /Амурский научный центр Дальневосточного отделения<br />
Российской академии наук/Russian Academy of Science Far Eastern Branch+)<br />
• ■E- ORMUS related Silica/Glass + Microwave based disruphve orders of magnitude<br />
lower cost “pseudoscienhfic” Gold produchon method(Mar Burger, J Milewski+),<br />
some a4empted commercializahon(Blue Eagle Alchemy+) then quickly<br />
retracted(Other “pseudo alchemy”: p379,380),<br />
■F- Similar claims to ORMUS i -Electrolysis use:<br />
! F1-Metal slurry & white powder accompanied with ball lightning by Plasma torch<br />
of dis$lled water with resonance or mobius-figure8 strip(Vachaev, Egorov,<br />
Pavlova), Water might become visibly viscous aver prolonged mobius strip<br />
circulahon with extraordinary bioachvahon effect(S Seike - +),<br />
• ! F2-By DC Electrolyzer: HydroPlasma: Revitalized Biogenic(ВМ Инюшин – VM<br />
Inyushin), ! F3-GANS: GAs in Nano Solid State - most similar to ORMUS in this "F"<br />
category, also they emphasize mental "aÇtude" during produchon(M Keshe: this<br />
specific tech effect seems valid but with several contradictory, inconsistent claims, or<br />
dras>cally unconven>onal tech mechanics explana>on without experimenta>on or<br />
sufficient backup data from the inventor, though some of his world wide assistants<br />
/experimenters provide more coherent explana>ons), -->>cont:<br />
317<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
- 14 Other Likely Related Material<br />
• -->> cont: Some of accumulation/production methods of ORMUS/like material or<br />
GOLD from it:■F- Similar Claims to ORMUS:<br />
• ! F4-HHO fuel cell white deposits partially not conventionally identifiable?, or<br />
Accidental but frequent production of "mysterious white powder" by AC<br />
Electrolyzer (Kangen.co.jp: Hid Hayakawa),<br />
• ii -Nano gold: Fairly common mainstream academic/industrial production of<br />
colloidal gold or gold nanoparticles seem to demonstrate similar effect as<br />
ORMUS/"Monoatomic Gold" on biofunctioning, DNA, & electrical effects,<br />
• At current undeveloped stage ORMUS is sometimes recommended to self<br />
produce for own consumption since there is no std method to confirm if final<br />
product is genuine: Generally not possible to strictly differentiate from other<br />
matters/minerals/metals in powder form, Observation of production is<br />
critical identification method as production process itself is significantly to<br />
affect or change its quality, Unknown mental state and intent of producer<br />
when ORMUS collected becomes a product quality risk factor(some prominent<br />
researchers-producers seriously think mind affects product effectiveness by<br />
experience).<br />
• Creation of more comprehensive producers' association/coop/research group is<br />
desired by those involved.<br />
318<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
<strong>Free</strong> Energy Inventors & “Dissident” Scientists: Other<br />
Evidence<br />
vacuum energy extraction type thoughts by inventors & dissident<br />
scientists:<br />
● How do new stars get energy for explosion?<br />
● Planck’s resonance hypothesis is overly discounted,<br />
● Still denied Unruh Effect, ● Repeatedly recorded but ignored nuclear<br />
explosion test’s thermodynamic closed system based overunity<br />
effects(caused by rapid conversion of matter to energy before "spacetime<br />
can adjust itself"?: hence it can also accompany<br />
time/dimensional/gravity warp at right condition?).<br />
• ● Aharonov-Bohm Effect ignored in electrical engineering,<br />
● 100volt/meter charge dif. at ground, Hand made electrostatic reaches<br />
10,000v,<br />
• ● Sonoluminescence Cavitation-by Casimir force (ZPE)?(Schwinger+),<br />
● “Energy induction”?: Shubnikov-de Haas-van Alphen, Hall Effect(Qoscillation)<br />
● Atom’s Electron orbitals are standing waves?(Mi Wolff+)<br />
ZPE field entrance?+,<br />
319<br />
linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada
<strong>Free</strong> Energy Inventors & Scien2sts: Other Evidence:2<br />
• ->>cont: vacuum energy extraction type thoughts by inventors & dissident<br />
scientists:<br />
• ● Quantum noise can be amplified(PW Milonni+), Use of Torsion pendulum is<br />
effective, Also Geometry of conducting surface of Casimir plate significantly<br />
increases extraction(SK Lamoreaux+): Some of <strong>science</strong> legal micro generators<br />
goes beyond micro vibrations(p16-18, p25-28), macroscopic Persistent Current<br />
generating metals etc, a few of which are even commercialized,<br />
● Why isn't there more research on boosting power of <strong>science</strong> legal microelectric<br />
generator from Casimir force?<br />
• ●Officially recognized photon extraction from ZPE field(p347),<br />
● Weren't there often more crystal radio/foxhole radio received broadcasting<br />
during pre WW2 than with power transmitted?<br />
Mainstream skeptics exclusively skeptical only about non-mainstreamers;<br />
● Why believe in groups who only question those who question authority?(Miles<br />
Mathis+), ●“<strong>Pseudo</strong><strong>science</strong> is like jailbroken iphone”: shouldn’t be admitted to<br />
exist & to be discussed by credible people, ● Scientists promoted by proving<br />
existing idea, not by questioning it, important to avoid “controversy” which is<br />
easily created by large media/PR firms & backers:<br />
1-Compartmentalized ignorance, 2-Priority on fast profit, grants, career+<br />
320<br />
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